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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

By Tankris
Created: 2021-10-12 16:17:31
Expiry: Never

  1. Nightmare Night. The one night a year it isn't a faux pas to eat your weight in candy. A night of mystical spells, creepy tales and innocent fun. Ponyville was a town that loved a celebration and spared no expense to entertain those brave enough to wander during this “cursed” night. The town square was littered with ponies of all ages looking for a bit of fun and a lot of sweets.
  3. There was one pony, however, that refused the celebration. It was much too scary for her. So intense and noisy for her liking. This shy, yellow mare was more content to stay home, far, far away from the terrors outside. No, tonight would not be one of fright, candy and spooky costumes. Tonight would be a night spent shielded away from such terror.
  7. “Ahhhh!” Fluttershy yelped. She jumped behind her sofa and stared at the door. “N-N-Nopony is home! Please go away, now!” The terrified mare shrunk down behind her furniture and curled up as small as she could.
  9. “Fluttershy? It's just us. Please let us in.” A kind, calming voice begged from the other side of the door.
  11. “Your knight in shining armor and her princess wish to see you, Darling.” A posh, fancy voice called out to the quivering mare.
  13. “T-Twilight? Oh dear, you scared me.” Fluttershy rushed over to the door and welcomed her friend. “Hello, Twilight. Hi Rarity. W-What brings you out here on a s-s-scary night like this?”
  15. Her friends smiled. “We were gonna ask if you were still considering entering the pumpkin contest this year. You've been baking up quite a storm this year and it might be nice to get out of the house and have a nice time.” Twilight said with enthusiasm.
  17. “Oh...no thanks....I don't even have anything to show off?” Fluttershy replied.
  19. “Nothing to show off? Then what's that pie doing on the counter, dear?” Rarity smirked as she pointed to a delicious looking pumpkin pie.
  21. “W-W-Well...that...that was from earlier...” Fluttershy explained. “Baking helps calm my nerves.”
  23. The two unicorns nodded to each other. “Why not come with us and present it for the Nightmare Night baking contest? Who knows, you might even be some completion for Mrs. Cake this year. She's never been beat but it might be fun just to see how good of a baker you are.” Twilight mentioned.
  25. “Something tells me she's quite the baker...” Rarity blurted out. Her eyes flashed down to a soft, jiggly pot belly doing its best to hide between Fluttershy's legs.
  27. Fluttershy's face turned bright red. “I just like the taste is all....I can't help if stress eating ALSO helps me calm down during this spooky holiday...”
  29. Rarity grabbed her friend in a hug. “You can be a soft as you like, Darling. It just might make finding a costume at such short notice to be a struggle.”
  31. “We can think of something, easy. What would go well with a princess and and knight?” Twilight smiled wide. Her princess dress had been lovingly sewn by Rarity weeks beforehand. The seamstress herself was decked out in bright, shiny armor pieces and had a wooden sword strapped to her side.
  33. “Oh...um.....” Fluttershy looked around nervously. “W-W-What about this?” Fluttershy grabbed the top of a pumpkin she had hollowed out and placed it on her head. “I...I can be the royal pumpkin?” She held her breath, hoping that this poor excuse of a costume would allow her to stay home.
  35. “Well...it's unorthodox...but it suits you. Lightweight, doesn't impede your moment and its bound to nature. If that's what you wanna be, then its a nice costume.” Twilight offered Fluttershy a big smile.
  37. Rarity rolled her eyes. “Perhaps we can find you something once we get into town. However, the more time we spend here, the less fun we get to have!” Rarity grabbed the delicious pumpkin pie with her magic and placed it on Fluttershy's back. “Come now, royal pumpkin! The baking contest awaits!”
  39. “I....but....umm.....o-okay...” Fluttershy hung her head as she followed her friends outside. “I can do this....one step at a time....with my friends.
  41. Fluttershy had barely walked out of her home as the wind slammed her door shut. “EEP!” She shrieked as the door made contact with her rump. Fluttershy stumbled forward, nearly crashing down into the dirt and dropping her pie. “Oh....”
  43. “N-Nothing to worry about!” Twilight tried to reassure her friend. She helped Fluttershy to her feet and cleaned off a bit of the dirt. “Nothing is going to get you out here. Promise. Just stay close to us and before you know it, you'll be in town with more of your friends.”
  45. “R-Right.” Fluttershy nodded. She allowed Twilight to take the lead with Rarity behind her. Surrounded by her friends, the tension of the spooky evening slowly ebbed away. “Thanks, girls.”
  47. The trio walked down the winding road from Fluttershy's cottage to town. There was nothing to accompany them save from the howling of the wind and the gentle cries of nature hiding in the trees. “So...did I mention I was studying the potential of enchanting items to produce weak shield spells?” Twilight began to ramble. Anything to keep the silence to a minimum.
  49. “N-No, I don't think so.” Fluttershy responded. Her eyes were darting left and right, trying to catch sight of some spooky predator or ghoul that might pop out from the shadows.
  51. “Oh, well then! Lemme tell you how tricky it even is to enchant items with spells meant to repulse magic. It's a doozy!”
  53. As Twilight began to ramble on, a dense fog descended over the woods. The intellectual mare was too lost in her long winded explanation to notice a thing. “T-Twilight? I can't see!” Fluttershy called out. Something strange caught her nose, however. Something tasty. Something enticing. Without the visual guide to aid her, Fluttershy's nose led her off the path as her tummy began to rumble.
  55. Fluttershy followed the rogue scent, licking her lips as it only grew stronger. “Wait, I know that smell. It's pumpkin! Pumpkin spice! Pumpkin bread! Ohhh it all smells so good!” She followed the scent, not caring if Twilight's voice was fading fast.
  57. The fog dissipated as Fluttershy walked into a clearing between the trees. Pumpkins are far as the eye could see. A perfect patch of the bumpy, orange fruits. Fluttershy's eyes went wide as she looked upon the massive field. “Woooow....how pretty...but where is that smell coming from?”
  59. “From my, dearie.” Fluttershy spun around and screamed. She wasn't alone in the woods after all. A pony sized being with an orange body and green, vine like legs approached her from the fog. “Does the deliciousness of my garden tempt you, my shy friend?”
  61. “Y-Y-Y-Your garden? No! Not at all! I was just leaving! Bye bye!” Fluttershy waved with her wings as she ran as fast as she could through the pumpkins.
  63. “Aw, please don't go. I don't have anypony to share all these delicious pumpkin treats with.” The creature held up its green arms and presented a large pumpkin pie. Steam wafted off the surface of the pie, sending the fresh scent of pumpkin spice right into Fluttershy's nose.
  65. “Pumpkin....pie? W-W-Who are you and why do you have pie?”
  67. “I'm the spirit of this pumpkin patch, my dear. I watch over the fields with glee as ponies just like yourself enjoy the bounty of fall.” She giggled as she pointed to the pumpkin top still sitting atop Fluttershy's head. “You must be one of the most devoted ponies I've seen to my beautiful fruits in years.”
  69. “Wha? Oh...This silly thing...” Fluttershy slowly began to calm down as she inched closer to the tasty looking pie. “it was a poor excuse to try and avoid the Nightmare Night party in town...it...it scares me.”
  71. “Aww my child. Please, come and rest in my pumpkin patch and have yourself a nice pie. Ease those nerves. Have as much as you like.” The pumpkin spirit shoved the whole pie towards Fluttershy.
  73. “I...could use a slice.” Fluttershy muttered. She grabbed a small piece for herself and bit into the soft pastry. “Mmmmmm! How delicious! This is the best pie I've ever tasted!”
  75. “There's plenty more where that came from. Pie, muffins, cookies, cinnamon pumpkin pastries...it's all yours.” The spirit waved her arms and a cornucopia of snacks, desserts and apple cider sat in a massive hollowed out pumpkin.
  77. Fluttershy was drooling all over again. “Well...if...if you're offering. I don't suppose I could say no.” The hungry mare quickly rushed over to the bounty and began to snack. Each sweet slice of pie eased her nerves. Her fears and troubled washed away as more and more delicious pumpkin flavored pastries filled her tummy.
  79. “Mmm...how do you make it all so good?” Fluttershy asked as she gobbled up as much as she could. Her belly was bloating bigger with each bite, no longer small enough to hide between her legs. It drooped down to her knees and was only getting softer and heavier.
  81. “It's all made with lots of love and care, dearie. I've been waiting so long for a pony to share with and I'm glad you've got quite the appetite. Without you, all of this would have spoiled.” The pumpkin spirit smiled as she pushed a cinnamon pumpkin pastry into Fluttershy's mouth. “No need to be shy....keep eating.”
  83. Fluttershy continued her stress eating, losing herself in the pleasure of food. The stack of treats disappeared quickly into Fluttershy's stomach, making the shy mare bloated and soft. Her belly swelled and jiggling with flab, dangerously close to scraping against the ground. Her hips and flanks softened and grew wide, wiggling and jiggling as the plump piggy pony continued her feast. Fluttershy's buns began to grow and sag, squishing against her now thick, pudgy thighs.
  85. “Mmm...nom...ulp.....crunch....” It was heaven. Fluttershy leaned into the pumpkin and hopped up against the hollow gourd. Her stomach squished hard against the fruit as she leaned in and munched down. The spirit watched with a grand smile. Her vines helped Fluttershy into the pumpkin, making it easy to continue munching down on the sweets.
  87. “Goodness, dearie. You've nearly finished it all. Keep going. Don't let anything worry you.” The pumpkin spirit offered more and more to the hungry mare. Fluttershy ate with a smile, sitting in the massive pumpkin as her belly began to squish against the edges. There was no end to the sweets, pastries and loving care, keeping Fluttershy and her stomach busy.
  89. Yellow belly began to rise over the edge of the hollow pumpkin and squished against the top. A soft, jiggly muffin top of flabby mare began to sag and ooze over the size of the pumpkin and yet she continued to eat without a care in the world. Soft, silky pie filling, crunchy pumpkin cookies, delicious, mouth watering cider, gooey filled pumpkin pastries. It all sloshed and glorped in her growing tummy, making it bigger and bigger than the largest pumpkin in the patch.
  92. A rustle in the woods pulled away the attention of the pumpkin spirit. The crunch of hooves in the grass was growing louder as a pair of voices called through the trees. “Fluuuuutershyyyyyy!”
  94. “Dearie, it seems our time has been cut short. Just remember, if you ever need a reason to smile, come back to the patch and have a nice snack.” The pumpkin spirit wandered into the mist of the woods, leaving a dazed, bloated Fluttershy in the middle of the pumpkin patch.
  98. Fluttershy blushed as her loud belch attracted whoever was out in the woods. Two familiar faces stared at her with a look of shock. “Fl-Fluttershy?! What happened??” Twilight called out.
  100. “Um...I...I dunno! One second I was following you and then....and then....the pumpkin spirit! She gave me a few....treats.” Fluttershy's face grew bright red as she looked down and saw her gigantic belly spilling over the top of the pumpkin she was sitting in. “Oh my....how...how much have I eaten?”
  102. “Pumpkin spirit? Darling, there's no such thing...” Rarity rolled her eyes. “I have no idea HOW you got this blubbery but its time to go...get you home before some other “spirit” comes and turns your flanks into a barn.”
  104. Fluttershy was so embarrassed. She wiggled and squirmed as best she could until her wide, soft hips popped out of the top of the pumpkin. The gentle hold of Twilight's magic helped her back to the ground. “Oh...girls...I'm...uh...too...big...” Fluttershy hid her face behind her mane as she struggled to walk. Her belly was so big that she could barely touch the ground with one pair of legs.
  106. “Oh dear....Rarity stay here while I go get a wagon or something...keep your eyes out for this “pumpkin spirit” that Fluttershy saw.” Twilight ran off to town, leaving a bored Rarity and a red faced Fluttershy in the pumpkin patch.
  108. On the other side of the patch, the pumpkin spirit smiled. Her vine like arms reached up and grabbed at her skin, peeling it right off. Mrs. Cake pulled off the silly costume and tossed it into the woods. “Sorry, dearie...I'm the ten year champion of the Nightmare Night baking contest and there's no way you're going to ruin that for me.”
  110. Mrs. Cake grabbed one final pie tin and sighed. The empty tin was all that remained of Fluttershy's pie. “It wasn't too bad for a beginner. Maybe next year, dearie...” The mischievous mare ran back to town, leaving Rarity and Twilight to help out a much bigger, much softer Fluttershy.

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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