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The Deep Chest

By Tankris
Created: 2021-02-05 18:51:54
Expiry: Never

  1. You never were one for dating. Canterlot had its share of nightlife if you knew where to look but drinks and loud music were never your scene. Blind dates seemed even more taboo and awkward. How Rarity had convinced you into this was beyond you. Her recommendation still rang in your mind. “I have a friend in mind that will fit your tastes no matter what and a place you'll never want to leave.”
  3. The only problem was getting there. It was easy enough to slip through the polished stone and purity of Canterlot. Navigating it was a whole different story. You had lost count how many dark alleyways you had darted through and the town you thought you knew was long gone. Hidden in the royal town was a maze of sleazy bars, back alley gambling halls and suspicious “hotels” clamoring with various mares of questionable reputation.
  5. “Rarity, how do you even KNOW about this place? I suppose rubbing elbows with choice ponies can dig up even the most obscure things.” You turned the corner and sighed as you finally found the place. A bright, pink, neon sign cast its light upon you, advertising the sort of night life you've always avoided. “The Deep Chest, huh? I guess like...pirate chest full of rum and gold?”
  7. You stepped in front of the door and realized it was missing a handle. Pushing it open wasn't working. Nothing left to do but knock. A few short taps of your knuckles on the door caused a peep hole to slide open. A pair of stern eyes cut through you. “You got an invite, kid?”
  9. “Oh, um..yea?” The thing Rarity gave you! You pulled it out of your pocket and pushed it towards the peep hole. “Its this, right?”
  11. The bouncer stared at the slip of paper in your hands. “Invited by Rarity, huh? VIP treatment for your first time, too? She must have REALLY made the boss happy.” The peep hole was slammed shut before the bouncer pulled open the heavy door. A tall, beefcake minotaur man beckoned you inside.
  13. A plain, boring, white hallway was all that stood between you and the bar. That, and a big, hulking, all muscle, no nonsense minotaur that was staring at you like you were two seconds from getting tossed in the trash can. You tried your best to avoid his iron stare as he cleared his throat.
  15. “Okay new meat, rules time. This place is invite only, so keep that trap of yours shut.” He yanked the invitation from your hand and held up a small device. “Hmm...you ain't a pony. Don't suppose you have a cutie mark, do ya?”
  17. “No...but I do have something I like to identify myself with.” You held up your phone and showed off a small, cow shaped key chain. “Cows are kinda my thing so can I use this?”
  19. The bouncer broke his stoic expression into a small grin. “You know, kid? I think you might fit in just fine. Give me a moment.” He scanned the key chain and pressed a few buttons. “Okay, that's your ID for this place. Don't go losing it, now. It gets you in and is tied to your tab. Any questions?” He asked as he stepped through the plain hallway and approached the door at the end of the hallway.
  21. “Welcome to The Deep Chest. VIP area is up the stairs on the left. Show them your cow and you'll have all access for tonight, only. Enjoy yourself, kid.” The minotaur opened the door and a flood of color, music and excitement filled the room.
  23. Your eyes began to bulge from your eyes as you drank it all in. Ponies and creatures of varying shapes and sizes filled the bar. Impossible proportions were the norm here as far as the eye could see. Pegasai with tits far too big to stay airborne, Griffons with asses so big, they needed two stools, Hourglass shaped unicorns rocking perfect curves, Earth pony mares impossibly soft all over with bellies so round and tight, you couldn't tell if it was flab or if they were heavily pregnant with triplets. You had to bite your lip and struggle to not drool at the curvy, bouncy delights everywhere.
  25. “Hey, buddy. Buy a drink or leave. No one gets to stare for free even with an invite!” A buff unicorn stallion shouted from behind the bar. A few patrons turned to look at you, making you blush hard as you walked over to the stairs. You held up your key chain as instructed to the minotaur guarding the VIP area and he quickly scanned it.
  27. “Got you logged in for room F36 plus one. Tab for the night is covered by a very generous patron. Go nuts, buddy. The only thing better than a drink at this place is a free one.”
  29. You rushed up the stairs and found your private room. A cushy couch, some chairs, a table, massive television and even a bed awaited you inside. “Whoa...this is a private room? This is amazing! If bars were more like this, I'd probably go out more.” You thought to yourself.
  31. The couch was soft and inviting. All the stress in your shoulders melted away as you sat back and turned on the television. A news pony was rambling on about some sorts of budget deal in Ponyville. Boring. You grabbed the remote and noticed it even had a button to order drinks on it.
  33. A quick press swapped the channel to a menu on the television. All sorts of weird drinks you had never heard of lined the menus, all ready to be delivered from various access points around the room. “That's cool and all, but I'm not much of a drinker...” Exiting out of the drink menu, you decided to see if there was anything good to watch.
  35. A soft knock pulled you away from your lazy channel surfing. Reality came back, pulling you from the glow of television back to the VIP room. “C-Come in!” You shouted.
  37. Seconds ticked by as the door refused to move. What was the hold up? Slowly, the door knob turned and the door inched forward. “Is...um....Anonymous...here?” A soft voice asked.
  39. “Yea, that's me.” You replied.
  41. “Oh...um....I'm your blind date.” She flatly stated. “I'm coming in, now.”
  43. Something...a feeling, a gut reaction, your nerves...something grabbed at your heart and chilled it like ice. The suspense was killing you. Your date took her time to open the door. At least she seemed as nervous as you about the whole thing. Finally, the door was opened enough for you to properly see your date.
  45. Her coat was a soft yellow, like a bright sun to lighten your day. Double pigtails adorned her mane, parting her long, pink hair and allowing you to see into her emerald green eyes. Her tail was braided at the dock, forcing it to stand up a few inches before draping down behind her. A bright, red blush adorned her face as her eyes tried to look everywhere but towards your gaze. She was cute. REALLY cute.
  47. The cute nature of your blind date ended at her face as the sex appeal was cranked to eleven. Your date was topless, save for a skimpy red bikini top that failed to hide any part of her massive, wobbling tits. Not even her rosy, perky areolas could hide behind the skimpy top at all. You could see her nipples bleeding through the cloth just begging for attention. Her top struggled to contain such full, heavy breasts as they threatened to pop out with every breath she took. The spaghetti straps of her top stretched over her chest and hung precariously from a collar around her neck. You blushed as you saw the cow bell dangling from the collar, cementing this mare's place as a proper cow with the biggest udders you had ever seen.
  49. A sparse, barely functional skirt was wrapped around her waist. It couldn't have been longer than the tip of your pinkie finger to the first knuckle. Her skirt sank into the soft padding of her hips, so dangerously close to ripping apart. Sweat began to pour from the back of your neck as you realized her panties were on full display. They were so tiny! They sank even deeper into her soft thighs and hips, barely even trying to keep her decent. You had to grip the armrest of the couch when you realized that they were so incredibly skimpy and tight that her pubic mound was peeking out of the top. One wrong move and her clitoris could be exposed at any moment...maybe even the entirety of her plump, soft looking pussy.
  51. Her ass stuck out several inches behind her. It looked so soft and inviting but lacked any sort of sag or droop. Toned and perky yet so squishy and fat looking. The thought of your fingers and maybe even your hands disappearing into so much booty had you drooling. She had a wobbler, a wagon, a certified dump truck ass on full display thanks to her absolutely pathetic panties. Soft, plump, tree trunk thighs were crammed into too tight legging. Her skin pooled at the hem of her leggings, creating the sexiest muffin top just begging to offer the sweetest, tightest thigh job in Canterlot. Gosh...maybe she could even crush your head with those beautiful legs...
  53. “Hello...My...My name is...is Flutter....shy.” Fluttershy barely whispered into the room. She quickly stepped inside and shut the door behind her. Her every move made her obscene body jiggle and bounce around as her insignificant clothing offered no support or restraint. “It's nice...to meet you...Mister Anonymous.”
  55. The date! That's right! You quickly picked your jaw from the floor and wiped the saliva off your mouth. “HI!” You shouted. Fluttershy moved back a bit as your sudden enthusiasm hit her like a hurricane. “Oh..s-sorry. It's nice to meet you...Flutter...Fluttershy? Please, just call me Anon.”
  57. “Ah...I see.” She fiddled with her fingers as she took a seat next to the table. “Hello, Anon. Thanks for m-meeting me here.”
  59. You took a deep breath and let out a small sigh. “Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you or be rude. I don't really go to places like this...or go on a lot of dates to be honest. I'm really nervous.” You admitted as you got up from the couch and took a seat across from Fluttershy.
  61. “Oh...your first time here? What do you think of the place? Fancy, right?” Fluttershy offered a warm smile. “I don't get a lot of chances to come here since I live in Ponyville but Rarity was nice enough to take care of a few things for me. Had the free time and since she offered, I couldn't pass up the chance.”
  63. That blush returned to your face. “Kind of a bold thing to say about a blind date. Is there something special about this place?”
  65. “You...could say that.” Fluttershy said. Her lips curled into a small smile as she stretched back in her chair. Her tits bounced dangerously close to your face while she let out a cute little groan. “Sorry...my little critters give me such a workout at home and the train ride was a bit bumpy.”
  67. “Critters? Like pets or something?” You asked.
  69. “Sort of. I run a nature preserve in Ponyville! There's so many little forest creatures running around and they are all so adorable!” Fluttershy smiled wide. “Angel bunny, Mister bear, Jerry the Giraffe, Terry the tarantula, Benny the bat...” She rambled on and on, losing you in a whirlpool of names and animals.
  71. Your concentration was soon lost into her inviting, jiggling breasts. Her every movement made them bounce and jiggle like crazy. How her top allowed her any sort of decency with how much they were moving was a mystery. The soft flesh wobbling about grabbed your eyes like a magnet. You watched and watched as her body hypnotized you.
  73. “...and that's when Rarity saw how frantic I was and insisted I take a break, hit the spa and head here. I'm still a bit sore after having to bend down and grab all those heavy feed bags without my dolly.” Fluttershy groaned as she rubbed a spot on her lower back.
  75. “I bet...” You accidentally blurted out. Your eyes widened as you realized how loud you had said that. “Be...be...because of how heavy the bags are! How big did you say they were? Like, fifty pounds?”
  77. Fluttershy simply smiled back at you. “Some of them are, yea.” She closed her eyes and giggled at you. “Although your thoughts are more true to the real cause more often than not.” Fluttershy reached down and cupped her massive hooters. “These fat, jiggling, obscene tits DO make it difficult around the sanctuary. Wanna feel how heavy they are for yourself?”
  79. “I...uhhhhh....” Your whole face was red. Where had her shyness gone? From your initial impressions from talking to her, she was just a quiet mare that lived with animals. There was nothing more you wanted than to heft and squeeze those udders since she walked in but to be offered like that? “I..I guess?”
  81. Fluttershy opened her eyes and smiled as wide as she could. “Oh come on now, Anon. Do you think I haven't noticed you staring? All you've done since I walked in was ogle at my thick, lewd curves. I'm going to ask you again and this time, give me an honest answer, you delightful pervert. Do you wanna feel up this fat udders or not?”
  83. “Ye...Yes! Yes I do!” You blurted out.
  85. “Good.” Fluttershy flashed you a warm smile before getting up from her chair. She strut over to your side of the table as sultry as she could before plapping her fat tits right on your face. “See how heavy and soft they are? Gosh, any other mare would need a spine of steel and several bras just to keep this much titty under control.”
  87. Fluttershy grabbed your hands and forced them onto her chest. “Go ahead. Squish and grope all you want. Enjoy every heavy pound.”
  89. You wasted no time. Fluttershy let out a surprised gasp as you grabbed her tits as hard as you could, squishing and bullying them to your heart's content. You slipped your head into her cleavage and disappeared from the world. Your fingers sank deep into her skin as you gripped and tugged at her breasts. “Moo for me, cow.” You demanded.
  91. “Muh-Mooooooo! Haaaaaaa....” Fluttershy moaned. She sat down on your lap and wiggled her fat ass as your erection poked through her ass cleavage. “I'm just a fat slab of meat to you, aren't I? Some fat, lewd whore to tease and use, right?”
  93. Your answer was a hard slap to one of those glorious, fat cheeks crushing your legs. Every inch of her body was a paradise and you weren't going to refuse such a gift of the gods. Your hands explored her body, teasing at her soft, supple skin and ripe curves. Your mouth blessed every inch of her cleavage you could claw at with wet, slobbery kisses. A tribute to her allure and beauty.
  95. “That....mouth...is going to waste.” Fluttershy pulled your head free from her cleavage before letting her breasts fall free from their trivial prison. “Here” She demanded as Fluttershy offered you a fat, thick nipple. “You like cows so much? Prove it.”
  97. It took you all of half a second to wrap your lips and teeth around Fluttershy's supple teat. You let your lips pull and tug on her udder while your teeth gently nibbled into her skin. Fluttershy began to moan and squirm, each breath growing wearier and ragged as you sucked. A sticky wetness began to pool on your lap and in your chair. It drove you to suck harder and tease as best you could. Even with this large goddess dominating over you, control was yours. Your hands grabbed at her free breast and ass cheeks as best you could as you reduced this mare into a puddle.
  99. “MmmmMMMMMPPPPHHHH!” Fluttershy pulled you away. Sweat was dripping down her flushed face. “Anon....You love my body, right?
  101. You nodded furiously. It was all you could think about.
  103. “Want it bigger? Heavier? Tits so big I can't walk upright and an ass that needs two chairs just to properly sit down. I'll be your perfect cow, I swear. Just say the word and we can make it as big as you want.”
  105. “H...How?” You begged for the answer.
  107. “Hah....Rarity was right about you. I'm glad.” Fluttershy pulled herself from your embrace and walked over to the television. “Get on the bed and get comfy. I'll order a little something for you and then you can tell me what I should get.”
  109. You eased onto the bed and sat back. The bedding was warm and cozy. Each pillow felt like it held the softest feathers in Equestria. “Heh, not like that, silly. Like this.” Fluttershy smirked as she took off her collar and skirt. It really didn't matter what she took off, Fluttershy was still so exposed and nude. Catching her hint, you slowly stripped down till your were just in your underwear.
  111. “Good boy. Now, what about me do you want changed? The drinks can be spiked with a variety of potions to make sure you have a good time. I'm sure if you were staring at me, you were gawking at everypony downstairs as well.” Fluttershy teased.
  113. “So? How about it? I know I'm already a perfect knockout but what would make me MORE perfect?” Fluttershy licked her lips as she grabbed her tits. “The possibility is endless, Anonymous. Make it happen.”
  115. “Endless? Like size or...”
  117. “Anything. Here, how about this as a small demonstration.” Fluttershy clicked a few buttons and a drink popped up. “Submarines are my favorites. Vanilla vodka and pineapple juice if you ever wanna try one. Now, if I go to extras, we can see the presets.”
  119. Bigger bust, bigger ass, hourglass shape, plump lips, heightened libido. The default options were simple enough to understand. “So are there potions that are good for cows? My perfect cow should have big, fat milk factory tits, always be ready to breed and have cute horns on her head.”
  121. “Oh goodness.” Fluttershy smiled. “Increased libido for sure...Body modifications...there we go. I can't wait.” Fluttershy giggled as she placed the order. She barely had time to lay next to you before a drink appeared on the night stand next to your side of the bed. “I hope you don't mind, but I ordered you a rum and coke.”
  123. “Not at all. I'm not much of a drinker so I don't know what I would have ordered anyway.” You grabbed the glass and held it up. “Cheers. To meeting new people and having a good time.”
  125. “Something I'll always drink towards. Cheers, Anon.” Fluttershy smiled as she grabbed a straw and began to sip from her drink. You followed suit, sipping straight from the glass. The ice felt nice on your lips as the rum and coke disappeared down your throat. Sweet rum and fizzy coke left a slight tingle that spread through your tummy and made your skin feel warm.
  127. “Ohh...that's strong.” You blinked as you set the glass down. Fluttershy was busy gulping down her drink in a hurry. “Whoa, slow down! Don't want to get too drunk too fast...”
  129. “Nnmmmm.” Fluttershy moaned as she slurped up the last drop. “Spiked drinks work best if you drink it all at once. Besides, I don't want to get beat by a lightweight.” She teased.
  131. “Pff, I'll show you lightweight.” You teased back. The last of the cocktail was downed in second, spreading that warm tingle around even faster. No sooner had you put the glass down did you realize the tingles were gathering in one spot. You looked down and blushed as your cock was at full mast and throbbing hard.
  133. “Huh? I...Uhh....mmmmmffff.” Your thoughts dissolved as each pulse of your cock sent electricity through your body. All you could do was watch and moan as your dick began to grow under the tent of your underwear. “Wha...What's happening?” You managed to groan as the tingle traveled to your balls as well.
  135. “The potion is taking effect, silly. Did you think this was a one way street?” Fluttershy groaned as she cupped her tits. They were growing even bigger and every jiggle of her swelling bust was accompanied with a lewd slosh. Fluttershy's breasts were already bigger than her head when she first walked in but now they were so obscenely huge that they were wider than your torso. “You order a drink for me to turn me into a cow, I order a drink for you that turns you into a total breeding stud. It's only fair.” Fluttershy shuddered as a light squeeze of her chest caused milk to dribble from her nipples.
  137. “Hah...br...breeding...stud?” It was all you could sputter out before your penis shredded through your underwear. The change was happening so fast that you could barely register how GOOD you felt. Before you knew it, your penis was at least a foot long and your balls were as big as a fist. The tingle faded away, replaced with a deep burning sensation in your brain.
  139. “Hmmm...you're feeling it too, aren't you? Can't really think straight? One thing on your mind?” Fluttershy asked as she moved to your side of the bed. She smiled before grabbing your hands and pushing them against her head. Sticking out of her hair were two small horns. “Well, here I am. One absolutely perfect cow that needs to be bred so bad. Come and get me, stud.”
  141. Fluttershy peeled away her tiny panties and slammed herself on top of you. Your cock glided between her thighs and rubbed against her soaked pussy. “Mmmmm. That's some big meat you've got there, farm hand. How about some beef to go with it?” Fluttershy teased as she pushed a nipple into your mouth and squeezed. Both of you moaned as a healthy stream of milk poured into your mouth.
  143. You reached back and grabbed two giant handfuls of jiggly, yellow ass. There was so much soft meat to grope and squeeze that you were lost in pleasure. Each time you forced her hips down, you failed to penetrate your massive, milky cow. Still, the grinding caused Fluttershy to moo and grunt in approval as you claimed her as yours.
  145. “Haaaahhhh!” Fluttershy shuddered as a lucky thrust finally got you inside of her. She pulled herself away and let herself sit on you for a moment with her eyes closed. “Perfect fit for a perfect cow.” She smiled before gyrating her hips. It was enough to make you groan in delight while your hands continued to knead and grope her huge rear.
  147. Slowly, Fluttershy lifted herself up and slammed herself back down. Her whole body shook and wobbled from the weighty impact. It make you hungry for more. A quick thrust of your own got her moving again. Up and down, her lewd body jiggled with every move. Every thrust of your hips sent her sputtering. You wanted nothing more but to cum inside her. It was the only thought left in your drug addled mind.
  149. You began to thrust harder and faster. The soft cow jiggled and wobbled with every thrust, sending her cheeks clapping and splattering milk all over you. “Yeeesssss. Breed your cow. Fuck her hard. I want to see how much you love this impossibly thick, curvy body. I need your cum, now! Hurry!” Fluttershy begged. She reached down and grabbed your hands, intertwining your fingers together as you fucked her hard.
  151. It didn't take much longer. The burning in your mind and heart moved to your crotch as your balls began to swell. There was already so much pent up tension and the added weight and slosh of your balls was too much. You pushed your hips as hard and as fast as you could, desperate to relieve yourself of this horny burden. Fluttershy pushed herself down as hard as she could and screamed in bliss as she felt hot cum filling her up.
  153. Her belly began to distend and bloat from the pressure, pushing her breasts apart as you continued to cum hard. Bigger and rounder with each spurt, Fluttershy moaned in delight as you made every part of her feel heavy and full. She refused to move, accepting every drop until your balls were totally empty.
  155. “Hooooohhhh....haaaaah.” Fluttershy moaned as she finally pulled herself off you. Her pussy leaked out the gallons of cum you had forced inside her, making the bed a sticky mess. “What a ride. I haven't had that much fun in years.” Fluttershy sighed as she pulled the hair ties from her messy pig tails and let her hair flow over her body. “Lets keep this fun going. Rarity did say she was paying for it.” Fluttershy stuck out her tongue as she ordered another round. “Come on, stud. Show this cow what it means to breed!”
  166. A pounding headache roused you from the deepest sleep you've ever had. You tried to open your eyes but the room was still spinning and the light burned so bad. It took everything you had not to die right there on the floor. The pounding got worse as you realized it was also coming from the door.
  168. “Hey! Fifteen minutes left before we throw you into the alley. Better be decent or else you're running home naked!” A gruff voice called out from behind the door.
  170. Shit. What time was it? What DAY was it? You forced your eyes open an inch and regretted it. Still, you had to get up and get dressed. You were able to find your clothes easy enough. It took a second to remember what happened to your underwear and even longer to wrangle your pants around your legs. The pounding had subsided for now, allowing you to stand and put on your shirt.
  172. With both eyes open, you could see the damage to the room. The bed was soaked with a total mystery of liquids and fluids. Several glasses littered the nightstand and one had been shattered against the wall. The television was askew as the image on the screen informed you that your wild night in the VIP room was about to end in ten minutes. “What the hell happened here?”
  174. No time for that. You slipped on your shoes and walked outside. One of the minotaurs from last night stared you down as you left. “ID. Now.”
  176. You yanked your phone out of your pocket and offered the key chain. A quick scan got his expression to soften just a little. “Okay, sir. Hope you had a pleasant time. Please head to the exit immediately or you will be forced out.” He made his point by cracking his knuckles as loud as possible.
  178. Not wanting to leave in a body bag, you rushed to the front door. The calm, empty entrance hallways was a godsend. Finally away from the neon lights and the bouncers, you had a chance to calm down and collect yourself.
  180. “Have a good time, new kid?” The bouncer from last night asked. “I saw one of Rarity's friends walk in right after you did and she left maybe an hour ago. Had a nice smile on her face the whole way out.”
  182. “Y-Yea.” You nodded. “Wait, the drinks!” You suddenly remembered. Nothing felt different downstairs yet the pleasure...the delight...most of the memories of the night came back, for better or worse.
  184. “No worries, kid. It takes a LOT to make that stuff permanent. As long as you don't become a heavy repeat customer, it doesn't stick around.” The minotaur grinned as he pointed to the mirror by the door. “Speaking of, make sure you're cleaned up, pal.”
  186. You looked into the mirror and saw a nice, ruby red lipstick mark on your cheek. A napkin was in your hand thanks to the bouncer. “Thanks.” You waved before heading out the front door.
  188. The sun scorched your eyes as you hobbled out into the alley. Slowly, you moved from whatever cover you could find until you were back onto the street. What time was it? You grabbed your phone from your pocket, only to find something else brush against your hand. It was a small piece of paper. You pulled it from your pocket unfolded it to find very neat handwriting waiting for you.
  190. “Had a wonderful time last night, Anonymous. You certainly know your way to handle a cow. My legs are weak just thinking about last night. How about next time, you head to Ponyville and I can show you how you do it like animals? XOXO, Fluttershy.”
  192. A huge blush washed over your face as you re-read the note. You folded it back up in your pocket and grabbed your phone. There were two things you needed to do. Call Rarity and thank her for such a wonderful time and to find out when the next trains for Ponyville were leaving the station.

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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