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Momlight Sparkle [COMPLETE]

By InkSlinger
Created: 2024-06-05 06:30:58
Updated: 2024-11-17 19:06:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Part 0:
  2. >It's another beautiful day in the Everfree Forest.
  3. >Momlight's castle glistens in the morning sun as you trot out into the courtyard orchard.
  4. >You feel a soft breeze tickle your green coat from all directions. There's just something about the brisk fall weather that makes you happy to be alive.
  5. >The four citadel towers stand tall, casting colorful rays of light all around you through their stained glass windows.
  6. >Birds happily chirp from above in the wooden rafters.
  7. >The collection baskets are in place, the fruits are looking ripe, and you're ready to buck.
  8. >Bucking trees was no small task for a young foal, but a tough little colt like you is more than up for the challenge.
  9. >You happily skip from fruit tree to fruit tree, knocking their juicy cargo free with a few well-placed bucks.
  10. >One tree drops delicious red apples.
  11. >Another tree drops honeydew melons the size of your head.
  12. >And the tree you're currently harvesting grows the sweetest bananas you've ever tasted.
  13. >*BUCK*
  14. >One particular bundle of bananas somehow misses your fruit basket and bonks against something.
  15. >"Oof! Careful sweetie!"
  16. >Or somepony.
  17. >You spin around to find a purple alicorn mare standing behind you, tenderly rubbing her head where the bananas landed.
  18. >Panic sets in and you frantically gallop over to make sure she's okay.
  19. "Oops! Sorry Mommy. I didn't mean to-"
  20. >Momlight quickly cuts off your apology with one of her famous mama bear hugs.
  21. >She felt so warm and soft that you didn't want to let go.
  22. >"It's okay, Anon. Accidents happen." She gently strokes your head, giving that messy black mane of yours a much-needed brushing.
  23. >She picks up the bananas with her magic and places them into your basket, which is now overflowing.
  24. >"Gosh this is quite a lot Anon!"
  25. >Momlight can't help but smile while looking through the "fruits" of your labor. *ba-dum tsh!*
  26. >"Did you really buck all of this by yourself?"
  27. >You nod your head.
  28. "Yep yep yep! Just for you Mommy!"
  29. >It wasn't until Momlight started giggling that you realize your body is excitedly hopping up and down on its own.
  30. "Can we have breakfast now?" You ask with a smile.
  31. >"Of course dear." She answers back with an even bigger smile.
  32. >You SQUEE with delight and pick up the fruit basket, or at least TRY to pick it up. The basket is a lot heavier than you remember.
  33. >Suddenly your tiny body is lifted into the air by a glowing purple aura.
  34. >"Need a hoof honey?" Twilight asks teasingly.
  35. >The two of you share a warm chuckle as Momlight carries you and the basket into the kitchen.
  36. >You love your purple mommy.
  38. Part I:
  39. >Momlight gently plops you into a chair and begins to prep the delicious assortment of fruit you collected.
  40. >You turn around in the chair and begin to salivate after Momlight dons her favorite pink apron.
  41. >She uses her magic to pull out a knife from a nearby drawer and sharpens it carefully.
  42. >Momlight always cooked the best food! Especially breakfast!
  43. >She begins humming a VERY familiar theme song as the knife slices and chops through various fruits.
  44. >You're practically chewing the back of your chair in anticipation.
  45. >What will she make today? Fruit salad? Apple grain bars? Banana bread pudding with oats?
  46. >She pulls out a large mixing bowl and carefully dumps the sliced fruits into it.
  47. >You're erratically rocking back and forth like a crack addict in a halfway house.
  48. >Momlight sighs and stabs the knife into the cutting board with a loud *THUNK!*
  49. >"Anon, it's very hard to concentrate when you're being so silly."
  50. >She turns towards you and pouts in the cutest way imaginable.
  51. >"Why don't you go wait in your room for now?"
  52. >*GROWLLLL*
  53. "But Mommy I'm hungry nooooow!" You groan in protest as your stomach rumbles.
  54. >The purple alicorn ponders for a moment until an idea pops into her head.
  55. >"Would you like some milk to hold you over?" Momlight asks sweetly.
  56. >She didn't have to ask you twice.
  57. >You immediately jump down from the chair and dive under her in what feels like a split second.
  58. >She shudders when you latch onto her nipples and begin to suckle.
  59. >Warm milk flows effortlessly into your mouth, filling your soul (and belly) with pure happiness.
  60. >So creamy. So delicious. YOU NEED MORE.
  61. >You tug on her teats with reckless abandon, desperate to swallow every last drop of the sweet nectar.
  62. >"S-Sweetie! Please be *UNF* more gentle! They're very *HAAH* tender toda~y!" She cries out.
  63. >Momlight trembles above you with a series of soft moans and peculiar squelching sounds.
  64. >Uh oh. Time to finish up before she squirts more of that weird crotch juice again.
  65. >With a full belly and a clear mind, you cease your assault on her crotchtits and happily trot back up to hug Momlight.
  66. >You smile and try to lick the excess milk off your face, but alas your tongue is too small.
  67. >Momlight leans down to lick off the remaining milk and softly kisses you on the forehead.
  68. "Thank you Mommy!" You exclaim while wagging your tail.
  70. Part II:
  71. >"You're welcome sweetie." She nuzzles you affectionately in return.
  72. >"Now be a good colt and go play while Mommy finishes making breakfast, okay?"
  73. "Okie!"
  74. >Not wanting to interrupt Momlight any longer, you gallop off to your room to find something that will pass the time.
  75. >You decide to grab some plushies from the toy box. The stuffed animals were great at taking your mind off things.
  76. >Soon the rich smells of breakfast begin emanating from the kitchen corridor.
  77. >One good whiff has you hungrily licking your lips for a taste of the mystery meal!
  78. >Wait wait wait, focus! Momlight asked you to stay put until breakfast was actually ready.
  79. >"Anon~!"
  80. >Momlight's voice faintly calls out to you from the kitchen corridor.
  81. >Unfortunately, you're too absorbed in playing with your stuffed animals to properly hear her.
  82. >"Anon!"
  83. >Her voice sounded more serious this time, but again you ignore her call in favor of more plushie playtime.
  84. >The stone walls of your room begin to crack and chip with each successive shout.
  85. >"ANON."
  86. >Your ears perk up, surprised to hear such a harsh tone coming from your own mommy.
  87. >Something's VERY wrong. Momlight wasn't sounding like her usual chipper self anymore.
  88. >"Get in here NOW!"
  89. >The pure maliciousness in her voice makes you freeze in place.
  90. >The floor you're sitting on begins to crumble beneath your flank.
  91. >Your instincts are sounding off like a series of alarms in your head, all of them pleading with you to stay put.
  92. >These increasingly frustrated shouts send shivers down your...everything.
  93. >Did you do something wrong? Did you harvest some bad fruit? Did you forget to put the toilet seat down again!?
  94. >Momlight begins growling in frustration like an angry timberwolf, further destroying the bedroom around you.
  95. >You drop your stuffed animals and gasp as they disintegrate into nothingness upon touching the floor.
  96. >The four stone walls of your room are collapsing into a black void of nothingness.
  97. >Your comfy bed explodes and sends wooden splinters flying in every direction.
  98. >The large painted portrait of you and Momlight drops down from the farthest wall and shatters on impact, its remains set ablaze with a demonic purple flame.
  99. "WHAT THE BUCK IS HAPPENING?!" You cry out in terror.
  100. >Before you can even comprehend the situation, your body plunges into the depths of oblivion with the last remaining cobblestones.
  102. Part III:
  103. >"ANON! Get in here and clean up this mess!"
  104. >Meanlight's harsh words once again tear you out of a peaceful sleep, much to your dismay.
  105. >There goes the wonderful dream you were having about Momlight treating you kindly for a change.
  106. >You can't help but utter a small sigh of disappointment as you rise to your hooves.
  107. >"ANOOOOOON!"
  108. >Her roar shakes the room around you, torture 'toys' clattering on their hooks.
  109. >Their metallic clanking serves as a grim reminder of the price to pay for disobedience.
  110. >Painful memories of being trapped in a pointed metal cage for "research" come flooding back into your mind.
  111. >You scurry from your bed, tiny hooves pounding a frantic rhythm down the shadowy hall to Meanlight's laboratory.
  112. >"Don't make me COME IN THERE!" She snarls.
  113. >Your heart pounds even faster.
  114. >The heavy oak door swings open and you cautiously enter Momlight's domain.
  115. >Damnit, you meant MEANlight's domain.
  116. >"It's about time you got here, lazy colt!"
  117. >The angry mare is too engrossed in her current experiments to even look at you.
  118. >You gulp nervously and approach her workbench with curiosity and fear in equal measure.
  119. "Y-Yes Mommy?"
  120. >Meanlight's ears perk up as you quickly stuff your forehooves against your mouth, fully aware of the foolish mistake you just made.
  121. >She slowly turns around to confront you and your poor choice of words.
  122. >"What did you call MEEEEEEEEEE!?"
  123. >Dumbass! You KNOW better than to call her 'Mommy', and feel compelled to do exactly that...
  124. >Your eyes widen in shock as a startling revelation creeps into your head.
  125. >Her spell turned you into a foal PHYSICALLY, but now it feels like you're becoming one MENTALLY.
  126. >Oh Celestia, how long do you have until fully succumbing to this foalish facade!? Will you even remember being human at this rate?!
  127. >Unfortunately, there's no time to think about any of those unsettling possibilities.
  128. >She glares at you with the intensity of an unhinged cockatrice.
  129. >You open your mouth to apologize but are immediately silenced by a purple wing to the face.
  130. >*SMACK!*
  131. >The force of impact sends your small green body flying across the room like a ragdoll.
  132. >*CRASH!*
  133. >You collide with a bookcase full of test tubes, heavy books, and other dangerous things that begin raining down on you.
  134. >*BOOM!*
  135. >It's hard to believe that just a few months ago, you were a human man that somehow stumbled into the wonderful world of Equestria.
  136. >*BANG!*
  137. >Now, you were nothing more than a young foal for Meanlight Sparkle to use and abuse.
  138. >Celestia have mercy on your soul.
  140. Part IV:
  141. >Meanlight facehoofs and sighs with annoyance at your display of buffoonery.
  142. >"Oh Great. Now you have TWO messes to clean up."
  143. >She angrily points a hoof at the mess near her workspace, then at the mess that's currently burying you alive.
  144. >"Get to work or you go to bed hungry. AGAIN."
  145. >She snorts and returns to work, eagerly tinkering with some kind of magic crystal floating above her workbench.
  146. >Oh no. NonONoOoOOoO! You can't lose the chance to eat again.
  147. >It's been DAYS since your last meal, and Meanlight was all to keen to remind you of that fact.
  148. >Normally you'd make yourself a sandwich and be done with it, but there was one small problem with that idea.
  149. >The purple bitch had slowly been starving you out of conventional food options.
  150. >You remember the excitement of discovering a small group of fruit trees in the ruined courtyard.
  151. >So too do you remember the horror of watching Meanlight burn them to ashes right in front of you.
  152. >Then there were the delicious blurpleberry bushes you found growing around the outer castle walls.
  153. >Meanlight poisoned them with a magic enchantment.
  154. >Your last chance for an independent meal was a small grain farm located in the cellar.
  155. >Alas, Meanlight put an end to that plan by sending the entire cellar to another dimension.
  156. >Leaving the castle outright was NOT an option, as the surrounding Everfree Forest was far too dangerous for a young foal.
  157. >Meanlight had successfully backed you into a corner and there was nothing you could do about it.
  158. >Despite all of that, Meanlight did make sure to feed you from time to time, although it was barely enough to keep you alive.
  159. >For some deranged reason or another, she saw fit to feed you like an actual foal.
  160. >That is to say, she breastfeeds you.
  161. >You're not sure if it's a ploy to break your spirit or if she actually believes you're a baby horse.
  162. >Either way, it didn't change the fact that her milk tasted like wood chips.
  163. >You weren't exactly a fan of milk as a human, but it's the only 'food' she allowed you to have.
  164. >For the sake of your health, you quickly acquired a taste for the nasty wood-tasting teatjuice.
  166. Part V:
  167. >*THWACK*
  168. >"SNAP OUT OF IT ANON!"
  169. >Meanlight smacks you over the head to bring you back to reality.
  170. >Oh shit. Did you just zone out like a complete dork?
  171. "Y-Yes Mom-MEANlight..."
  172. >You avoid her gaze and quickly get back to cleaning up.
  173. >"I don't know why I put up with your shenanigans, you filthy green cur."
  174. >You hold back your tears and fetch a trash cart, broom, and safety goggles to attack the menacing messes.
  175. >'Why indeed' you think to yourself as you carefully throw away the broken test tubes and torn books.
  176. >She could've killed you at any moment since you first fell out of that strange portal in the Everfree Forest.
  177. >Meanlight is always experimenting on you, abusing you, calling you names, and many other despicable acts.
  178. >The urge to run away wells up inside you once again, but something always stops you from doing so.
  179. >You naively believe that somewhere, deep inside that hollow shell of a magical talking horse, shines a sliver of love and compassion.
  180. >Come to think of it, there WERE brief moments where Meanlight would show genuine affection towards you when it was least expected.
  181. >You still can't believe the time she let you sleep in her bed during that loud thunderstorm a week back. She even snuggled you!
  182. >Then there was the time she gave you an extra helping of milk for cleaning out the fireplace before a nasty cold snap moved in.
  183. >Were these kind moments a subtle cry for help? Or were they merely a ploy to keep her little green slave happy enough to guarantee further servitude?
  184. >With the bookshelf cleaned up, you slowly trot over to Meanlight's workbench with the trash cart in tow.
  185. >Meanlight gives you a nasty side eye while continuing to work on her nefarious project.
  186. >You yelp and quickly look away before she becomes angry enough to hit you again.
  187. "Umm, Meanlight?"
  188. >Her ear twitches at the sound of your squeaky voice.
  189. >"What now, Anon? Can't you see I'm extraordinarily busy right now?"
  190. >She blasts the floating crystal with some of her dark purple magic, turning it a deep shade of red.
  191. "D-Did you find a spell that will turn me back into a human?"
  192. >You don't even look up from your work in fear of arousing her wrath once more.
  193. >The sounds of her scientific tools hitting the workbench send a shiver down your spine.
  194. >Was she getting up to hurt you some more? You close your eyes and brace for the impact of another hoof smack.
  196. Part VI:
  197. >"Hmmmm..."
  198. >She stops working and ponders for a moment with a hoof placed on her chin.
  199. >"No."
  200. >Your heart sinks.
  201. >"And it's not happening any faster with you pestering me every other day about it. You focus on your work and I'll focus on mine."
  202. >You were surprised by her straightforward answer, mainly because she usually cusses you out or bonks you on the head whenever asking ANYTHING of her.
  203. >It appears that your little foal mind may in fact be right about Meanlight.
  204. >Perhaps she DID have a softer side locked away within that cruel heart of hers.
  205. >You pick up the last of the mess and toss it in the cart with your teeth.
  206. "All done!" You exclaim.
  207. >If it was one thing you were good at as a little colt, it was cleaning shit up.
  208. >You look up at Meanlight and smile sheepishly, proud of another job well done.
  209. >Meanlight completely ignores you and continues to tinker with the floating crystal.
  210. >"Just a little more magic and-"
  212. >Meanlight practically jumps out of her skin at the sound of your rumbling belly, causing her to drop the crystal.
  213. >"NOOOOOOOO!"
  214. >She frantically flails her arms around in an attempt to grab it, but the crystal slips right through her hooves and shatters on the workbench.
  215. >The two of you sit there in a long shared silence, unsure of what to do in the moment.
  216. >You gasp and scramble to hide behind the trash cart knowing full well that you were in SERIOUS trouble now.
  217. >Mom- erm, Meanlight HATED it when you startled her like that, regardless of the intent.
  218. >The agitated mare slowly climbs down from her seat and turns her head in your direction.
  219. >"Anon..."
  220. >You poke your head out from behind your (admittedly bad) hiding spot.
  221. >Meanlight picks up the trash cart with her magic and throws it against the wall, leaving you completely exposed.
  222. >She grinds her teeth through a forced grin, complete with twitching eye.
  223. >"Do you have any idea WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE?!?!"
  224. >Before you can even respond, Meanlight picks YOU up with her magic and begins throwing your little green hide around the lab.
  225. >"I. WAS. SO. CLOSE!"
  226. >Your tiny body slams into walls, floors, ceilings, and other hard surfaces as though it were some kind of fuzzy pinball.
  227. >Unfortunately for you however, a foal's body was much more fragile than the average pinball.
  229. Part VII:
  230. >*THUMP*
  231. >Your ribs crack from colliding with one of Meanlight's storage tanks.
  232. >"YOU USELESS-"
  233. >*CRUNCH*
  234. >Your left hind leg snaps and twists after slamming against the examination table.
  236. >*WHAP*
  237. >You crash into a large rock on display near the center of the room, fracturing your skull in the process.
  238. >"BUCKHEAD!"
  239. >With one last spiteful throw, Meanlight tosses your broken body into the remains of the trash cart.
  240. >*BASH*
  241. >Every single cell in your body cries out in agony from the overwhelming wave of pain washing over you.
  242. >Your heart beats so wildly that it feels like it will burst out of your chest.
  243. >Meanlight trots up to you and scowls at your bloodied form.
  244. >You look up at her through tear-stained eyes, begging her to stop this madness.
  245. "P-Pwease fohgib me *COUGH* Meanwight..."
  246. >It's difficult to talk through a mouthful of blood and broken teeth.
  247. >Meanlight snorts as if to dismiss your painful predicament.
  248. >"Bad little colts like you aren't worthy of forgiveness." She coldly replies.
  249. >You lay back against the junkpile and stare at the ceiling in utter shock.
  250. >This evil bitch just killed you in more ways than one, and she couldn't care less.
  251. >You're beginning to wonder if this realm is a twisted circle of hell that disguised itself as Equestria.
  252. >The world around you gradually fades to black as you succumb to your wounds.
  253. >Thankfully you can no longer hear the harsh words she's still bellowing at you.
  254. >Meanlight and her lab slowly fade into the abyss, replaced by an eerie silence that echoes into the void.
  255. >Sometime later, you open your eyes and gasp as a new world comes into focus.
  256. >Nothing remains except infinite darkness in all directions.
  258. Part VIII:
  259. >Something isn't quite right about any of this absurdity.
  260. >Pain, fatigue, hunger, and even fear fail to manifest in your body. It doesn't take long for you to figure out why.
  261. "So this it what it feels like to be dead."
  262. >You climb to your hooves and quickly look yourself over.
  263. "Wait, why am I still a colt?"
  264. >Even in death, Meanlight's cruel magic continues to torment you.
  265. >You really didn't want to spend eternity as a damn foal, but at least your wounds are gone.
  266. >The calm and quiet nature of this dark domain is oddly soothing.
  267. >For the first time in your life, you feel truly at peace.
  268. >You stretch out like a housecat and begin to explore this strange new realm.
  269. >Being alone in an infinite void kinda sucked, but at least you were far away from HER.
  270. >Never again would you have to clean up messes, "help" with experiments, or take her abuse on a daily basis.
  271. >You hum a happy tune and gallop through the darkness, eager to see what limbo has to offer.
  272. >Three paths slowly unwind before you from the belly of the void.
  273. >The first path snakes further down into an even darker area of limbo.
  274. >The second path twists around as if to lead back to the way you came.
  275. >The final path leads upwards into the clouds with a spiral of golden stairs.
  276. >You squeal with excitement and quickly gallop towards the staircase.
  277. >There's nothing quite like the sweet embrace of death to hurry oneself along.
  278. >Godlike rays of luminosity dance around your body as you ascend the gilded steps.
  279. "Freeeeeeeeeeedooooooooooom!" you shout as the light rapidly approaches.
  280. >At long last, your suffering is coming to an end! Salvation is finally within hoof's reach, and NOTHING will stop you now!
  281. >Suddenly, a familiar purple aura engulfs you just as you're about to touch the beautiful glowing portal.
  282. >"Don't you DARE die on me you little skidmark!" The evil mare's voice makes your mane stand on end.
  283. >Her magic enchantment stops you dead in your tracks and begins to drag your body away.
  284. >You frantically thrash and scream, desperate to escape this horrible nightmare once and for all.
  285. "NoNoNoNoNOOOO! I don't want to go back!" You squeal in terror. "SOMEPONY HEEEEEEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
  286. >Despite your best efforts to wrench free, the magic holds strong and continues to pull you further away.
  287. >The light quickly recedes into the depths of oblivion, and with it, go your hopes of escape.
  289. Part IX:
  290. >Your eyes slowly open, and once again you find yourself in the laboratory.
  291. >Meanlight towers over you wearing a death stare that would make Medusa cower in fear.
  292. >She impatiently taps a hoof on the cobblestone flooring.
  293. >"Get up Anon."
  294. >Meanlight's demanding tone has you instinctively rising to your hooves.
  295. >The pain that overwhelmed you earlier is completely gone, much to your surprise.
  296. >Either that limbo shit was a terrible dream, or Meanlight just healed your wounds and brought you back from the brink of death.
  297. "Oh no..."
  298. >Apparently it was the latter. This wasn't supposed to happen. You were dead. DEAD.
  299. >That was your chance to pass on to the great beyond and finally be free of this malicious mare!
  300. >You bury your face into your forehooves and fidget like a child who just lost his favorite toy.
  301. "Will this nightmare never end?!" You sniffle while wiping the drops of salt water from your eyes.
  302. >Meanlight raises an eyebrow at your ridiculous question.
  303. >"It ends when I SAY it ends."
  304. >She pushes you aside and heads back to her workbench.
  305. >"Now clean up this mess and head to bed. You have a LONG day of work ahead of you."
  306. >You gulp nervously and clean up the new mess as fast as you can.
  308. >Oh fuck. Not again.
  309. "Shut up! SHUT UP!" You quietly shout.
  310. >You start hitting your noisy belly in an attempt to silence its gurgles of hunger.
  311. >"ANON!"
  312. >Meanlight turns around from her workbench and leers at you.
  313. >"I will NOT have you interrupting my crystal experiment again."
  314. >She grabs you with her magic and plops you down on the workbench.
  315. >*hungry stomach noises*
  316. >Meanlight looks like she's ready to bite your head off, and you mean that quite literally.
  317. >Oh no, what kind of horrifying "punishment" does she have in store for you this time?!
  318. >You shiver and close your eyes in anticipation of whatever torment she has planned.
  319. >In a stunning turn of events, Meanlight lowers her face to meet yours and...SMILES?
  320. >"Awww is da wittle foal hungwy?"
  321. >Your eyes widen. Your breathing hastens. Your mind is being pulled in a dozen directions at once.
  322. >What kind of demented scheme is this psycho bitch plotting now?
  323. >You have no choice but to nod your head, lest your stomach start growling again.
  324. >"Good!" she coos back.
  325. >The sweetness in her voice raises a big red flag in your mind, but this primal hunger is too intense to ignore.
  327. Part X:
  328. >Her horn glows for a split second and then returns to normal.
  329. >You open your eyes and cock your head in bewilderment.
  330. "Nothing...happened?" You ask.
  331. >Meanlight rolls her eyes and turns around, smacking your face with her tail.
  332. >"Is THIS what you want?"
  333. >Your brain struggles to comprehend what the fuck is going on.
  334. >There stood Meanlight, presenting her bare rump to you in all its purple glory.
  335. >If she had been foolish enough to transform you into a full-grown stallion instead of a young foal, you'd be hatefucking her into the ground right now.
  336. >Alas, something a bit further down catches your eye.
  337. >Meanlight's teats dangle freely between her legs, but they look rather swollen.
  338. >You notice something white is leaking from both nipples.
  339. "Milk!" You squeak with delight.
  340. >You can't help but jump up and down excitedly, licking your lips at the mere THOUGHT of sucking them dry.
  341. >"That's riiiiiiight~!" she teases.
  342. >Meanlight playfully bounces her teats, causing milk to drip all over the floor as they flail around.
  343. >You're tripping over yourself as you jump off the workbench, eager to get a taste of your first meal in almost a week.
  344. >The bitchmare's personality is rotten to the core, but her milk may as well be liquid candy by comparison.
  345. >You gallop towards her with your tongue hanging out, belly rumbling, and eyes on the prize.
  346. >Nothing short of death could distract you from gorging on those milk jugs.
  347. >"Thaaaaaaaaat's it Anon!" She happily whispers. "You're aaaaaaaaallllllmost there~!"
  348. >You giggle like a kid in a candy store and make a dive right for her milky mammaries.
  349. >*BWOOP*
  350. >You stumble backwards after coming into contact with some kind of...invisible barrier?
  351. >Your face twists with confusion at the unexpected roadblock to Milky City.
  352. >Meanlight turns her head to smirk at you, satisfied with your distressed reaction.
  353. >"Oh dear! You didn't break the barrier!" The fake sense of surprise in her voice is maddening.
  354. >She continues to bounce her teats right at you while summoning a small clock out of thin air.
  355. >"You'd better hurry if you want milkies before bedtime~!"
  357. Part XI:
  358. >Her smirk quickly changes into a sadistic grin as you charge into the barrier again.
  359. >*BWOMP!*
  360. >The barrier faintly quivered like a giant blob of jello, but it did not budge an inch.
  361. >Your belly growls again, perhaps as further encouragement to tear down this damn gelatinous wall.
  362. >How could she do this to a foal for Celestia's sake? A FOAL?!?
  363. >Granted you're a human man that was transformed into a foal, but you're a foal nonetheless.
  364. >*TICK*
  365. >Your breathing hastens.
  366. >*TOCK*
  367. >Your charging becomes more erratic.
  368. >*TICK*
  369. >Tears begin to leak from your eyes.
  370. >*TOCK*
  371. >You're bashing your head against the barrier as hard as you can.
  372. >The barrier rewards your efforts with more quivers and ripples, but does not give way.
  373. >Your squeals of frustration earn a few hearty chuckles from Meanlight.
  374. >The adrenaline and determination gradually leave your body with every failed attempt.
  375. >Five minutes later and you're slumped over the barrier with exhaustion.
  376. >*DING DING DING*
  377. >Meanlight glances at her clock and then poofs it out of existence.
  378. >"Time's up~!"
  379. >She turns back around to face you once again. Her smug grin of satisfaction is on full display, much to your disgust.
  380. >"Awww too bad. Looks like you're in for another sleepless night, my sweet little foal."
  381. >The sarcasm in her words felt like an icy knife plunging into your heart.
  382. >You were already in tears at this point, but apparently that wasn't pleasing enough to Meanlight.
  383. >NOTHING you ever did was good enough for this miserable cunt.
  384. >She flies up to her balcony on the second floor and sends a mock air kiss towards you.
  385. >"Goodnight Anon! See you bright and early tomorrow!"
  386. >Meanlight begins cackling like a cringey supervillain as she retires to her room for the night.
  387. >Horrible peals of laughter ring throughout the lab, and you just sit there staring at the wall.
  388. >You feel your left eye twitching from the stress and anger building up inside.
  389. >What did you ever do to deserve this?
  390. >Did you kick a puppy in the human world?
  391. >Did you steal from the homeless?
  392. >Did you "forget" to tip at an expensive restaurant that one time?
  394. >This growing hunger is beginning to eat away at your sanity.
  395. >Meanlight was the shittiest mother a foal could ask for, and it's only going to get worse from here on out.
  396. >The lack of both mommy and milk are taking a devastating toll on your psyche.
  397. >You were unlovable in the human world, and now it seems as though you're unlovable in this world as well.
  398. >Unlovable.
  399. >UN.LOVE.ABLE.
  401. >The soul-crushing word multiples and consumes your mind like a swarm of locusts.
  402. >Something deep inside your mind snaps, leaving you feeling numb and jaded to everything.
  403. >You stumble to your hooves with a grunt and head for the sanctuary of your room.
  405. Part XII:
  406. >*WHAM!*
  407. >You kick the door to your room wide open and trot inside.
  408. >Meanlight won't be happy if the noise wakes her, but you're beyond caring at this point.
  409. >Dead or alive, you're getting the fuck out of this chamber of miserable memories.
  410. >You chuck a small brown saddlebag onto the bed and look around the room for things to pack.
  411. >It wouldn't hold much, but it was all you had to work with.
  412. >You push right past the chains, knives, cages and dried syringes hanging all over the room.
  413. >You sure as hell aren't taking any of these 'toys' with you.
  414. >Frustrated groans escape you after realizing that a small quantity of old stale snacks and your winter scarf are all that can squeeze into the tiny pouches.
  415. >You turn back towards the bed and look at the stuffed winterchilla sitting on your pillow.
  416. >More tears flow down your cheeks as you carefully pick the toy up.
  417. >This stuffed animal was the first and only material possession Meanlight afforded you.
  418. >Truth be told, the cuddly blue rodent got you through some tough times.
  419. >You remember the time Mr. Fluffernutter helped you try to escape through the bedroom window.
  420. >It ALMOST worked, but the silly winterchilla fell back through the bars right when you were about to reach them.
  421. >Who knew the button eyes on a stuffed animal were not strong enough to support a foal's weight?
  422. >The poor thing lost its left eye that day, and you never managed to find it again in the tall grass outside.
  423. "C'mon Mr. Fluffernutter. We're getting the buck out of here."
  424. >You hug the toy and place it into your bag. It squeaks in agreement as it settles into the pouch.
  425. >A chilling wind blows through the bars of your bedroom window.
  426. >You pause for a moment and wrap the scarf around your neck.
  427. >The wind blows the scarf into your face with a sharp gust, forcing you to once again stare at its ugly pale blue stripes and dark pale blue stripes. Gross.
  428. >You look around your "room" one last time before heading towards the castle entrance.
  429. >Hoofsteps softly echo off of the walls as you make your way towards the main entrance.
  430. >This was really happening. You were finally leaving this toxic purple bitch behind.
  431. >You pass an old mirror in the great hall and freeze in your tracks.
  432. >The foal looking back at you appeared tired and rather scruffy per the norm, but one other detail catches you by complete surprise.
  433. >Your coat FADED? It somehow changed from a bright green hue to a pale puke green.
  434. >Unfortunately your mane and tail fared no better, as they are now a dim blackish gray.
  435. >You looked like a zombie, and honestly you felt like one too.
  436. >This little hair crisis would have to wait however, at least until you escaped the clutches of Meanlight Sparkle.
  437. >The front door opens with a loud squeak, as if to alert Meanlight of her soon-to-be escaped prisoner.
  438. >You scurry past the slab of heavy oak as fast as you can and don't look back even once.
  439. >The evening autumn air feels frigid against your coat, but turning back was NOT an option at this point.
  440. >Freezing to death would be a blessing in disguise if it meant never having to see Meanlight ever again.
  441. >You remember her telling you about all sorts of dangerous creatures lurking in the Everfree Forest after dark.
  442. >Monsters were the least of your worries when the alternative would be having Meanlight as your 'mother'.
  443. >Somewhere out in this vast magical world is a new mommy that will actually love and care for you (and hopefully break this foal spell).
  445. Part XIII:
  446. >The Everfree Forest stretched out in every direction as far as the eye could see.
  447. >The nearby trees are abuzz with hooting owls and squeaking rodents.
  448. >Under normal circumstances you would be more appreciative of nature's wonders.
  449. >However, all you can think about right now is the abuse you suffered by Meanlight's hoof.
  450. >You trot through a small swamp and pass a pair of big yellow eyes poking out from the mud.
  451. >Did the compulsive desire for a mommy force you to overlook Meanlight's abhorrent behavior?
  452. >You duck under a fallen tree right as the swamp creature springs up for the kill.
  453. >*THUNK*
  454. >The monster cries out in pain from behind the log, but you're too despondent to give a shit.
  456. >You wander into a large cave with no regard for the dangers that may lurk inside.
  457. >ShE ObViOuSLy CaReD FoR YoU To SoME dEgREE RiGhT?
  458. >You trample over a large soft boulder in the middle of the cave.
  459. >That's why she didn't KILL you when you first met! RIGHT?!?!
  460. >The pile of fur stirs beneath your hooves and utters a growl of annoyance.
  461. >You deliberately stomp your hooves in anger as you climb up the mountain of blue fur.
  462. >Didn't you always do what she asked of you?
  463. >You jump down and continue your journey towards the other end of the cave.
  464. >Did Meanlight blame you for the tree of harmony trying to kill her?
  465. >The "boulder" shuffles along from behind as you trot deeper into the cave.
  466. >You see white stars twinkling along the cave walls that seemed to move in tandem with your hoofsteps.
  467. >The moving lights were very pretty, but ultimately they did nothing to cheer you up.
  469. "Shut up belly. There's no milk here." You poke your stomach with annoyance.
  470. >The entire cave violently trembles from the noise and begins to collapse around you.
  471. "There's no milk anywhere..." You sigh with anguish.
  472. >Honestly, you'd be GRATEFUL if the falling stalactites ended your misery.
  473. >You feel something sharp graze your head and back, but continue towards the cave exit regardless.
  474. >Rocks are clanking and thumping all over the insides of the cave.
  475. >More roars erupt from inside the cave, but are quickly drowned out as the exit fills up with rocks and broken stalactites.
  476. >You feel some kind of liquid trickling down the side of your head. It smelled metallic and felt warm against your skin.
  477. >Painful throbs erupt all over your skull as you continue walking deeper into the forest.
  478. >You were going to find a loving mommy or die trying.
  480. Part XIV:
  481. "Mommy..."
  482. >You feel your mind unraveling like some kind of cheap rope.
  483. "Where are you mommy?"
  484. >How much longer until madness takes you?
  485. >Snowflakes begin falling onto your body while trudging deeper and deeper into the forest.
  486. >You have a feeling that the young foals of this world will not last long without a mother to care for them.
  487. "WHERE?"
  488. >WhY CaN't YoU FiNd a LoViNG MoMmY oF yOuR OwN?
  489. >The forest wind is gradually becoming colder around you.
  490. >The pace of your trotting becomes slower. Your fatigued legs struggle to support your weight.
  492. >Your ears perk up at the sounds of eerie neighs floating along on the wind.
  493. >The sky directly above your head becomes darker against an already darkened treeline.
  494. >Meanlight could've been your mommy, but she chose to be an evil witch instead.
  495. >You feel the ever-growing weight of snow building up on your back.
  496. >WHY? WhY DiDn'T ShE LoVE YoU?!
  497. >Your scarf is slowly losing its effectiveness in this strange weather.
  498. >If Meanlight was going to hate you, then it's only fair that you HATE her back.
  499. >You can't help but hate yourself as well, just for putting up with Meanlight's horseshit for so long.
  500. >Strong blasts of icy wind pierce your hide with little resistance.
  501. >You shiver and look up to see a strange ghost horse swirling around a small cloud.
  502. >Oh goodie, now you're seeing things. This must be a sign that you're not long for this world.
  503. >You continue onwards, but the stupid ghost horse thing starts following after you.
  504. >StUpiD gHoSt. LeAvE Me ALonE!
  505. >You trip over a rock and begin rolling downhill like some kind of fuzzy ball.
  506. >After narrowly missing sharp rocks, small creatures, and a series of large holes in the ground, you find yourself laying in the middle of a big clearing.
  507. >You stumble to your hooves and look around in awe.
  508. >There in the middle of the clearing you see a cozy little cottage sitting atop a great hill.
  509. >Birdhouses of all shapes, sizes and colors dot the landscape.
  510. >The backyard is home to a large rustic-looking chicken coop, complete with chickenwire fencing.
  511. >Dozens of animal dens line the hillside as far as the eye can see.
  512. >Beyond that, you see the sun beginning to rise over a small town on the distant horizon.
  513. >Are your tired eyes deceiving you? Is this truly the end of this accursed forest?!
  515. Part XV:
  516. >"LaLaLaLa La, LaLaLaLa Laaa~!"
  517. >The ambient silence is shattered by an unknown voice and you quickly look around in a panicked frenzy.
  518. >I-Is that Meanlight? Did she follow you here?!
  519. >The cottage door swings open and out trots a cheerful yellow pegasus, her pink mane flowing in the morning breeze.
  520. >She glides over to one of the flower boxes lining her windows with a watering can in hoof.
  521. >Your instincts tell you to run away and hide, but it's too late. Your strength was long gone.
  522. >All you can do is stand there and twitch like some kind of unhinged lunatic having an episode.
  523. >She spots you in the window's reflection and turns around with a gasp, dropping the water can in her shock.
  524. >"Oh my goodness! What's a little foal doing all the way out here?!"
  525. >She immediately flies towards you on powerful wings with a look of concern upon her face.
  526. >The world quickly shifts sideways as you collapse to the ground.
  527. >Exhaustion, pain, hunger, and a broken heart work in tandem to completely break you down.
  528. >"You poor thing! D-Did you come from the Everfree Forest?!"
  529. >There's not enough air in your lungs to properly answer the panicked pegasus.
  530. >The yellow horse gently picks you up and flutters towards her cottage door.
  531. >You're shaking from head to hoof in her embrace, further fueling the poor pony's distress.
  532. >She does her best to wipe most of the snow and ice from your trembling body.
  533. >"T-There's so much blood..." The mare gently wipes your back. "A-Are these CLAWMARKS?!"
  534. >She's surprisingly soft to the touch, and the warmth of her body feels rather comforting.
  535. >This mare is acting so...MoTHerLY towards you...
  536. >She clutches your small frame to her chest and nuzzles you tenderly.
  537. >"It's okay little one..." Her words are like a fine silk wrapping around what's left of your mind.
  538. >The sudden influx of affection forces you to look upwards in pure stupefaction.
  539. >You find yourself staring into two big beautiful cyan eyes and watch in shock as tears stream down her cheeks.
  540. >"I won't let you suffer any longer!" The mare declares with a shaky voice.
  541. >There's no way this mare is any different from Meanlight. She must be trying to trick you with this sweet motherly facade...right?
  542. >The last thing you see is a living room full of wild animals that were patiently waiting for something.
  543. >Of course it was too good to be true. It seems this pegasus just wanted some fresh meat for her critters.
  544. >'Hopefully I taste better than I look...' you think to yourself as your breaths become more labored.
  545. >Your vision gradually breaks down until only abstract blurs remain.
  546. >She's frantically speaking more words to you but they bleed together into a muffled symphony of white noise.
  547. >Dying in the arms of a motherly mare while surrounded by vicious bloodthirsty wildlife was not the exit from life you were expecting.
  548. >It seems that Death is quite the sadistic force of nature at times...
  549. >At least you can PRETEND that a mare loved you, if not for a brief time.
  550. >....
  551. >Once again you find yourself floating in a dark void, but this time there are no divergent paths.
  552. >Strangely enough, you feel no peace of mind nor can you freely move around.
  553. >What's worst of all however, are the chills and hunger that continue to gnaw at you with adamant determination.
  554. >When will this hellish cycle finally end?!
  555. >You would be screaming into the void right now if there was an ounce of strength left in your lungs.
  557. Part XVI:
  558. >"..Pl....wak.....up..."
  559. >The sounds of a muffled voice slowly worm their way into your subconscious.
  560. >You groan and try to open your eyes, only for them to stubbornly close back up again.
  561. >"P-Please wake up little foal!" The voice pleads again.
  562. >The feeling of a hoof gently nudging your side further serves to rouse you from your slumber.
  563. >You finally manage to awaken after a long struggle with the annoying inner voice that demanded more rest.
  564. >The blurry world gradually comes into focus as you rub your eyes and let out a small yawn.
  565. >Many woodland creatures surround the couch you're resting on, seemingly happy that you're still alive.
  566. >You place a hoof on your head as a sharp stab of pain shoots through it.
  567. "Ow my head...what happened...?"
  568. >"Oh thank Celestia you're okay!"
  569. >Two yellow hooves wrap themselves around your twitching body and pull it into a familiar softness.
  570. >You immediately melt into the mare's embrace with a small mewl and cling to her for dear life.
  571. >She smells of vanilla and daffodils, further reinforcing your feelings of safety in her arms. After all, only evil mares smell bad!
  572. >"There there, you're safe now." She coos while petting your head.
  573. >Her gentle words were so soothing to the ear and heart that they moved you to tears.
  574. >"I'll be here for you as long as you need me."
  575. >You bury your face into her chest and break down crying.
  576. >All of that suppressed stress, anger, despondence and anxiety come bubbling up until they explode into a cacophony of sobs and sniffles.
  577. >Yellowmare continues to gently hug you with the loving patience that's expected of a mother.
  578. >After what felt like hours of nonstop bawling, you finally calm down.
  579. >However, a worrying thought creeps into your mind that has your weary muscles tensing up all over again.
  580. >What if this is another cruel dream?! What if you're about to wake up from it?!
  581. >You cling to the yellow horse even harder, afraid of losing her to the void as you did Momlight.
  582. >"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere until I know you're alright." Yellowmom's kind words swiftly calm your frazzled nerves.
  583. >She giggles and lifts your chin with her right hoof until your eyes meet.
  584. >You look into her cyan pupils and see a bandaged foal staring back.
  585. >The kind pegasus really went out of her way to treat your wounds.
  586. >Was it truly possible for somepony to act this kindly to a total stranger?
  587. >"Are you feeling better now?" The loving mare's question snaps you out of Thoughtville.
  588. >You nod and wipe the gushing snot from your snout. The animals gasp with disgust at the gross display.
  589. >"I'm so glad to hear that!" She exclaims while hugging you tighter.
  590. >Mothermare smiles with a radiance that could give the sun a run for its money.
  591. >"What's your name little colt?" She asks sweetly. "T-That is, if you don't mind me asking."
  592. >Everyone in the room looks at you expectantly. The animals in particular look rather eager to learn more about you.
  594. Part XVII:
  595. "Anon." You nervously reply. "I-I'm Anon..."
  596. >"Nice to meet you Anon! My name is-"
  597. "Mommy?" You blurt out.
  598. >Wait, what the hell are you saying? You hardly know this mare!
  599. >Your oversized puppy dog eyes send the petite pegasus stumbling backwards with a cute-sounding gasp, dropping you to the floor with a soft *THUD*.
  600. >The animals cocked their heads in confusion, no doubt wondering how their master hid her offspring from them.
  601. >"What?! D-Did you just call me-"
  602. "Mommy!" You yelp again as your tail starts wagging all over the place.
  603. >You slowly walk towards her with an unblinking stare, desperate for more of the yellow mare's sweet affections.
  604. >Get a grip you fool! It doesn't matter how kind...and loving this pony is...You can't just-
  605. >"Oh no little foal, I-I couldn't possibly be your-"
  606. "MOMMYYYYY!" You squeal at the top of your lungs.
  607. >She slowly shakes off the shock and forces a smile as you gallop over and lovingly nuzzle into her.
  608. >"O-Oh my..." She squeaks in embarrassment.
  609. >At last, you finally found a nice mommy to love and care for you!
  610. >No more misery! No more pain! No more sleepless nights! No more evil purple alicorns!
  611. >Your stomach once again flares up with a series of moans and growls, startling the both of you.
  612. >Instinctively you pull away from her and cower on the floor as you've done many times before.
  613. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you M-Mommy! Please don't hurt me!" You're literally shaking right now.
  614. >You KNOW Mommy doesn't like it when you startle her, regardless of the circumstances.
  615. >It's all over but the hitting, mauling, and whatever other consequences she sees fit to bestow upon you.
  616. >"Hurt you? I could NEVER do such a thing, Anon." She calmly reassures you.
  617. >Before you can even blink, Yellowmare scoops you up in her hooves and flies into the kitchen.
  618. >"Poor little colt, you must be starving!"
  619. >She gently seats you at the dining room table and begins rummaging through the many food crates scattered around the countertops.
  620. >"Angel~!" She calls into the living room. "Please be a dear and help me fix a meal for our guest!"
  621. >You watch in amazement as a small white rabbit hops into the kitchen and scrambles up onto the countertop.
  622. >The rabbit takes one look at you and starts flailing its arms like a spaz while stomping its foot in frustration.
  623. >"*GASP* Angel! Don't be rude. I'll bake you a carrot cake AFTER Anon is taken care of." She scolds him.
  624. >The pair get to work making something for you to eat, but it's difficult to think about solid food at the moment.
  625. >Flyingmum is unintentionally giving you a REAL good look at her crotchtits.
  626. >They look so swollen that you can practically HEAR the delicious milk sloshing around inside them.
  627. >*SLOSH*
  628. >They're easily twice as big as Meanlight's mammaries that's for sure.
  629. >*BOI-YOING*
  630. >She moves to the left side of the counter and fetches a cutting board from a nearby drawer.
  631. >*BOUNCE*
  632. >She moves to the right side and grabs a loaf of bread.
  633. >*milk noises*
  634. >You can't take it anymore. YoU JuST CaN'T FUCKING TaKe It AnYMoRE.
  635. >You knock over the chair and charge towards her yellow hide with your tongue flopping out, quickly latching onto one of her engorged nipples.
  636. >"EEEP!" She cries out from the sudden stimulation.
  637. >Something falls onto the counter and shatters with a loud *CRASH*. Angel looks over the countertop and glares at you.
  638. >There will be time to apologize later, but right now you REALLY need this.
  640. Part XVIII:
  641. >Warm streams of milk flood into your mouth until your cheeks puff out.
  642. >It tastes like sweet wholesome vanilla, a welcome change from the nasty wooden flavor of a certain other mare's milk.
  643. >This is your first proper meal in at least a week so...SUCK YOU FOOL! SUCK FOR YOUR LIFE!
  644. >Mothermare trembles against the counter as guttural moans escape from her lips.
  645. >You grab both nipples in your mouth and wildly tug on the massive milk jugs to guzzle her sweet nectar dry.
  646. >"A-Anon! Please *GASP* stoooop!" she desperately pleads with you. "I can't *AANHH* t-take much more of *MMMMH* thiiiis~!"
  647. >Seven days of starvation have completely fried your brain, turning you into nothing more than a mindless milk-chugging machine.
  648. >The rabbit jumps onto your head and starts thumping his feet like a maniac, but you pay him no mind.
  649. >NOTHING will distract you from the mission.
  650. >"A-Anon, *HAAH* I'm gonna-" The poor mare can't even finish her sentence.
  651. >JuST a LiTTLe MoRE MiLK. Please hang in there Mommy!
  652. >"UUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHNNNNN~!" Her erotic neigh sends chills down your little spine.
  653. >*SQUIRT*
  654. >Some kind of clearish liquid splatters all over your face from above, forcing you to let go of the mare's teats.
  655. >You stagger backwards in surprise and slip in the newly-formed puddle at your hooves.
  656. >Momhorse slumps down until she's lying on the floor right next to you.
  657. >You're ashamed to admit that her lewd panting is starting to wake you up downstairs.
  658. >NO! You're not supposed to have dirty thoughts about your new mommy!
  659. >Shut up stupid horny brain! Go back to thinking about...sunshine and candy or something.
  660. >"A-A...*HUFF*..ANON!" She mewls with a shaky voice. "You n-naughty *GASP* NAUGHTY colt~!"
  661. >You stare at the shivering mare sprawled out before you covered in sweat, milk and love juice.
  662. >Ah shit. Maybe you DID overdo it a little. Nice going, idiot.
  663. >The guilt is beginning to grow, and you find yourself lifting her left wing to snuggle up to her underneath it.
  664. "I'm so sorry Mommy. It's just, I was so hungry and-"
  665. >You see the shock in her eyes and almost immediately choke up. What have you done?
  666. >The two of you share a painfully long silence in the aftermath of your milk-fueled rampage.
  667. >This is it. She's going to throw you out. No more cuddles. No more milk. No more motherly love to keep you alive and sane.
  668. >She suddenly looks up towards the rabbit that's currently trying to bash your skull in.
  669. >"Angel dear, w-would you kindly bring me a d-dish towel?" She motions towards the sink with a quivering hoof.
  670. >The annoying rabbit hops back onto the counter and scurries towards the towel rack.
  671. >Wait a minute, YOU should be the one trying to clean up this mess.
  672. >With a bit of effort you rise to your hooves and head towards the sink, only to be immediately pulled back into Mommymare's embrace.
  673. >*POOMF*
  674. >"You're not going anywhere, m-mister!"
  675. >The flustered pegasus wraps her wings tightly around you, further strengthening her grasp on your tiny frame.
  676. >You contemplate struggling out of her surprise snuggle, but it feels WRONG somehow.
  677. >Who in their right mind would want to escape from such a soft loving mommy?!
  678. >Not that you COULD struggle since her grip on you was tighter than bark on a tree.
  679. >Oh Celestia, you would KILL for a woman this sweet and affectionate back in the human world.
  680. >Imagine coming home to a cute wife as kind and loving as this pegasus after a long miserable day at work.
  681. >The two of you could share a nice home-cooked meal, cuddle in bed and- damnit, here come the sniffles again.
  682. >"Shhhh! It's okay, Anon." She gently whispers while giving you more headpats.
  683. >"I'm not mad at you dear. You're a growing foal after all, but next time please ask first okay?"
  684. >You do your best to nod without breaking down into sobs and cuddle closer to her.
  686. Part XIX:
  687. >The annoying rabbit returns with a towel and casually throws it right in your face.
  688. >"Angel! That's the second time you've been rude to our guest!" She chastises him.
  689. >Angel flips the fuck out and starts squeaking angrily on the countertop.
  690. >You watch the yellow horse raise her head and glare at the stupid bunny.
  691. >Her bewitching stare forces Angel to calm down almost instantly. That right there is a spooky moment if you ever witnessed one.
  692. >"Now please behave, or you won't get a carrot cake at all." Her serious tone hit the small rodent like a freight train.
  693. >You too immediately settle down after hearing her words despite the fact that she wasn't actually speaking to you.
  694. >Note to self: do not misbehave in front of your new mommy.
  695. >She takes the towel and carefully wipes your face as though you were some kind of delicate flower.
  696. >"There we go! All nice and clean." The motherly mare smiles and gives you a quick headpat.
  697. >You grab the towel and try to clean her off in return, although your short hooves have trouble reaching her back and mane.
  698. >She chuckles at the adorable display and nuzzles you with gratitude.
  699. >"Awww, thank you Anon." Motherhorse rewards your efforts with a soft kiss on the cheek.
  700. >The damn rabbit jumps down to snatch the towel and finishes cleaning her coat.
  701. >"And thank you too, Angel!" She says approvingly.
  702. >The furry little shit sticks his tongue out at you afterwards, right where Mommymare can't see him of course.
  703. >She stumbles upright and begins to stretch her legs across the floor.
  704. >Suddenly your ears perk up at the sounds of frantic clucking coming from outside the cottage.
  705. "What's going on Mommy?" You look up to the pegasus with concern.
  706. >"I'm not sure." She tries to sound brave, but her eyes are alight with fear and worry. "S-Stay close to me, just in case!"
  707. >You hide underneath her as she trots towards the dutch backdoor and opens its top half to investigate.
  708. >"*GASP!*" The frightened mare sounds REALLY worried now.
  709. >You briefly leave her underbelly and jump onto your hind legs in order to see what's going on out there.
  711. >It was Meanlight, skulking around the backyard like a hooligan in a convenience store.
  712. >You watch the alicorn angrily tear apart the chicken coop with no concern for the feathered occupants roosting inside.
  713. >"Oh little one~!" She taunts while chickens scatter all over in the unfolding chaos. "Come out come out wherever YOU ARE!"
  714. >You freak the fuck out and dive back under your mother in a panicked frenzy.
  715. >"A-Anon dear!" Mommy sounds just as distraught as you. "What's wrong?! Y-You're hyperventilating!"
  716. >You feel your heart and lungs thumping faster than they ever have before. Beads of sweat begin dripping down the sides of your face.
  717. >How the fuck did Meanlight track you here?!? W-Was she following you last night?! Did she put some kind of tracker on you in her last experiment?!?
  718. >At this point you're clinging to the yellow mare's right foreleg for dear life, trembling like a small leaf trapped in the wind.
  719. >Mothermare sticks her head out and attempts to communicate with your mortal enemy.
  720. >"Oh hello Twilight!" She calls out to the evil witch. "What brings you here today?"
  721. >The thundering sounds of chaos (and clucks) suddenly cease. You hear distant hoofsteps slowly approach the door.
  722. >"Hi there, uhmm...Flusterhigh!" Meanlight's voice struggles to adopt a friendly tone.
  723. >"I-It's Fluttershy..." She softly corrected her. "Are you feeling alright, Twilight?"
  724. >Fluttershy? That's your mother's real name? It's so beautiful, just like her...
  725. >"What do you mean, Flu~ttersh~y?" Meanlight chuckles with a psychotic undertone. "I'm just PEACHY!"
  726. >You hear her hooves impatiently stomping the ground outside.
  727. >How much longer until she tears apart the whole damn cottage looking for you?!
  729. Part XX:
  730. >"B-But Twilight, you look terrible!" Fluttershy is likely referring to Meanlight's messy mane and noticeable eye bags.
  731. >Meanlight snorts with annoyance, clearly offended by Fluttershy's honest observation.
  732. >"Yeah well, YOU wouldn't look so good either if you were up all night!" She snarls.
  733. >"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you!" Fluttermom quickly apologizes. "Were you doing another all-night study session?"
  734. >"Yeeeeah, you could say that." Meanlight responded.
  735. >"My 'studies' were interrupted when something went missing last night, or rather somePONY."
  736. >You did NOT like the way she emphasized the last word in that sentence.
  737. >"You lost...somepony?" The yellow pegasus couldn't quite understand what she meant by that.
  738. >"A little foal as a matter of fact." Meanlight sounds a bit TOO enthusiastic.
  739. >"A....f-foal?" Fluttershy gulps nervously.
  740. >"Yep, he's about yay high."
  741. >She thumps the door right where your head is.
  742. >"Green coat."
  743. >Fluttershy remains silent as Meanlight continues to press her.
  744. >"Black mane and tail."
  745. >You hear Mommyshy whimper with guilt.
  746. >"Has a question mark for a cutie mark."
  747. >You can feel her quivering almost as much as you now.
  748. >"Answers to the name 'Anon'."
  749. >There's no way Fluttershy can mistake you for anypony else now. Curse Meanlight and her photographic memory.
  750. >"Oh my. Are you foalsitting for somepony?" MotherFlutter asks. "O-Or is he your-"
  751. >"Let's just say he's my...assistant..." Meanlight quickly interjects.
  752. "No! Please NO!" You quietly scream while shaking your head into Mommyshy's leg. "D-Don't let her take me!"
  753. >Meanlight is an angry cunt at the BEST of times.
  754. >Imagine the horrifying punishments in store for you after RUNNING AWAY from her.
  755. >Yellowmom takes a deep breath and prepares herself to answer Meanlight's relentless inquiry.
  756. >"I'm sorry Twilight, but I haven't seen him." Fluttermommy calmly replies.
  757. >"Foals know better than to wander so close to the Everfree Forest. It's dangerous!"
  758. >Meanlight growls in a swirling mix of confusion and frustration.
  759. >"Are you SUUUUURE?" The purple mare is sounding more unhinged by the second.
  760. >"Mmhmm." Fluttermum somehow holds her composure.
  761. >"Well if you DO see him, I better be the first to know." Meanlight snorts. "That colt is in VERY. BIG. TROUBLE."
  762. >"O-Of course Twilight!" Fluttershy eagerly responds. "If my animal friends come across a green foal I'll be sure to let you know right away!"
  763. >"Please do!" Meanlight grins as she turns around to leave.
  764. >Only upon hearing her wingflaps fade into the distance do you dare to emerge from your hiding spot.
  765. >Did that really just happen? Did Fluttermom just save your ass?!
  766. "Mommy, w-why did you lie to her?" You cock your head to the side and stare at her as though she grew a second head.
  767. >"It just didn't seem right to give you back." Matriarch-shy shakes her head and hugs you closer to her chest.
  768. >"You were so scared of her, I couldn't help but protect you!"
  769. "But you had every right to turn me in after all the trouble I've caused."
  770. >You snuggle in closer to her and shiver as the last of your fears melt away.
  771. >"Don't be too hard on yourself, Anon." She reassures you while delivering more sweet headpats. "Everypony makes mistakes."
  772. >She really is the best mommy a colt could ask for. You can't hold back your tears of gratitude any longer.
  773. >This wonderful mare took you in when nopony else would and started raising you like her own foal.
  774. >On top of that she actually DEFENDED you from Meanlight, consequences be damned! Maybe there IS hope for you in this world...
  775. >From this day forward, you promise to be good, help her with chores, and-
  778. Part XXI:
  779. >Suddenly your body is enveloped in a white glow, leaving you with nothing but warm and fuzzy feelings inside.
  780. >"A-Anon?! What's going on?! Are you okay?!" Fluttermum cries out in surprise while shielding her eyes from the blinding light.
  781. >The warmth and good vibes were so intense that it felt like you were going to explode!
  782. >Thankfully the magic soon dissipates and Fluttermare slowly opens her eyes as the bright light fades away.
  783. "I'm better than okay." You happily reply.
  784. >"OH ANON! *GASP* Your colors!" She picks you up and takes you to a conveniently-placed mirror in the living room.
  785. >The animals sound off with gasps of their own, and you soon join them after looking into the mirror.
  786. >Your colors! They're back to normal!
  788. >You excitedly start dancing all over the room, accidentally bumping into small critters and furniture alike.
  789. >"I'm so happy for you, Anon!" MomFlutter softly claps her hooves together.
  790. >She sits down on the couch and pats the cushion beside her with a stern look on her face.
  791. >"But we need to have a serious talk about your connection with Twilight."
  792. >You climb onto the couch and happily thump your hind leg as she continues to pat your head.
  793. >"When did you first meet Twilight?" Fluttermom scrunches her face in deep thought.
  794. "About three months ago, I think..."
  795. >It's becoming very difficult to concentrate amidst the never-ending barrage of snuggles, nuzzles and headpats.
  796. >"Are you her s-son? Or her nephew perhaps?" The concern in her voice dampens your happy mood just a smidge.
  797. "Wait what?! No, I'm not hers."
  798. >You instinctively shake your head and blush at the absurdity of her question.
  799. >Being biologically related to that MONSTER would make this existential nightmare even worse.
  800. "It's like she said; I'm her "assistant". My duties include helping with her experiments, keeping the castle clean, and not bothering her whenever possible."
  801. >Wait a minute, who the hell is Twilight and why did Momshy confuse her with Meanlight?
  802. >"I see." Mareshy sounds oddly relieved. "Was she working on something super important last night?"
  803. >You think for a moment and then shrug when no concrete answers come to mind.
  804. "It was some kind of floating crystal thingie. It sure looked important, but she never told me what it was for."
  805. >"Hmmm. Twilight does like working with magical artifacts..." Mumshy replies. "She'll probably tell us all about it as soon as it's ready."
  806. >Oh Celestia, her cuddles and headpats are INTOXICATING. If she keeps this up, you're going to become hopelessly addicted.
  807. >"How long have you been staying with Twilight?" The mare asks. "When will your parents return to pick you up?"
  808. "I've been with her for as long as I can remember..."
  809. >Your eyes widen as you struggle to come up with an answer for her second question.
  810. >Sure, you have parents back "home", but it's not like they can just drop by whenever and take you back.
  811. >Motherflutter notices your nervousness and tries to gently coax an answer out of you.
  812. >"What about your parents? They're coming to take you home soon, right?"
  813. "Well, you see...uh, the thing is...I..." You hang your head in shame and turn away from her.
  814. >How could you tell her the truth? She wouldn't believe you're actually a human from another world that was magically turned into a foal.
  815. >Hell, you hardly believe it yourself sometimes.
  816. >"Oh my goodness! Are you an...o-orphan?" She covers her mouth with her hooves to stifle a gasp.
  817. >You turn back towards the sniffling mare to answer, but stop when her tear-filled eyes gaze right into your own.
  818. >Being an orphan sounded way more believable than being some kind of green ape from another dimension, so you decide to just go with it.
  819. >"I'm so sorry to hear that, Anon!" She holds you closer. "Maybe I should arrange something with Twilight to...l-look after you..."
  820. >Shymom squeezes you tightly and nuzzles into your face.
  821. >"In the meantime, would you like to help us rebuild the chicken coop?" Momshy quickly changes the subject.
  822. >You nod without even thinking. What sane creature of this world could possibly say 'no' to her?
  824. Part XXII:
  825. >*KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK*
  826. >"Hm? I wonder who that could be." Motherflutter doesn't seem to be expecting company.
  827. >"You can start without us everyone! Don't worry, we'll be there as soon as we can!"
  828. >The animals shrug after exchanging glances and head into the backyard to start the chicken coop repairs.
  829. >Fluttermomshy trots over to the front door and slowly opens it.
  830. >You can't help but follow after her to see who can it be now.
  831. >"Hi Fluttershy!" The visitor's voice sounds DISTURBINGLY familiar.
  832. >Your eyes widen with fear as they gaze upon a purple alicorn standing on the porch.
  833. >"Oh hello again, Twilight! I didn't expect you back so soon." Momhorse confesses.
  834. >"Huh?" Meanlight cocks her head in bafflement.
  835. >"What do you mean, Fluttershy? This is the first time I've stopped by today."
  837. >You didn't mean to scream bloody murder out of nowhere, but Meanlight's mere presence was enough to crush your soul.
  838. >"Oh no! Not again!" She squeaks.
  839. >Fluttermom picks you up in her wings and cuddles your trembling body.
  840. >"There there, Anon. It's okay. Nopony's going to hurt you."
  841. >Her comforting words have you sinking in her embrace until you're affectionately snuggling her back. How DOES she do that?!
  842. >"Since when did you have a foal, Fluttershy?" Meanlight sounded more surprised than angry.
  843. >Why was she suddenly so friendly and inquisitive? Did she bump her head on the way back here or what?
  844. >"Oh no, he's not...m-mine..." Fluttermum replies with a shaky voice.
  845. >You poke your head out through Momshy's feathers to see what the fuck is going on.
  846. >Why was Meanlight so socially adept all of a sudden? Why wasn't she trying to take you away? WHY WASN'T SHE ANGRY THAT YOU WERE HIDING FROM HER?!
  847. >You can't help but stare at her with a puzzled look as dozens of questions race through your mind.
  848. "W-Why aren't you trying to take me home?" You angrily demand.
  849. >"Home? What do you mean? I couldn't just take somepony else's foal home. That wouldn't be right!" She tries her best to "reassure" you, but you're too angry to drop the subject that easily.
  850. >Anger and confusion fight for dominance as you tremble inside your mother's winged sanctuary.
  851. "Somepony else's f-foal? What are you playing at, M-MEANLIGHT?!"
  852. >Your bitter questions earn a gasp of surprise from the purple mare.
  853. >"Meanlight? Oh no little colt, my name is Twilight Sparkle!" She proudly declares.
  854. >You squint your eyes at her, unsure of whether or not she was being sincere.
  855. >On the one hoof, this alicorn genuinely sounds nicer than Meanlight, and it looks like she actually brushes her mane from time to time.
  856. >On the other hoof, this could be a twisted act she came up with in order to lower your guard.
  857. >Unable to decide, you look to Fluttermum for guidance.
  858. >"It's okay, Twilight is a good friend of mine. She wouldn't hurt a fly!" Mommyshy reassures you with a warm smile.
  859. >"But parasprites on the other hoof...heh heh heh..." Twilight takes a moment to giggle at her own corny joke.
  860. >You can't help but roll your eyes at her cheesiness.
  861. >Motherpony seemed to know Purplecorn well enough to consider her a friend, so if she says it's fine then it absolutely has to be fine.
  862. >You emerge from your feathery cocoon only to end up jumping down and hiding behind Mothershy's pink mane.
  863. >If this isn't Meanlight, then who is she? Her twin sister? An experimental clone? A naturally-occurring doppelganger?!
  864. >"Awww he's so cute!" Twilight coos at your silly shenanigans.
  865. >This can't possibly be Meanlight. She would NEVER call you cute, let alone talk nice to you for any conceivable reason.
  866. >"Oh yes, he's an adorable little thing! Would you like to come in for some tea while you're here?" MutterFlutter asks.
  867. >"I'd love to!" Twilight exclaims. "Aaaand maybe you can explain what the hay is going on while we're at it?"
  868. >"I-I'll try." Motherflutter nervously replies.
  869. >The three of you trot into the kitchen to start setting up some kind of tea party.
  871. Part XXIII:
  872. >Fluttermom puts a pot of tea on the stove as Angel starts to set the table. Figures his lazy ass wouldn't be helping with the chicken coop.
  873. >You offer to help the dumb bunny with his task, but he smacks your hooves away from the cutlery.
  874. "Fine, do it yourself you little fleabag." You mutter to yourself after taking a seat at the table.
  875. >Twilight sits across from you and patiently taps her hooves on the table. She starts humming a little song to make a beat out of her hooftaps.
  876. >"So, Anon!" She nervously tries to start a conversation with you.
  877. >"H-How are you doing today? Did you learn anything fun in school?" Her awkward tone is like nails on the chalkboard of your mind.
  878. "I don't go to school." You coldly reply while playing with the utensils on your plate.
  879. >Twilight frowns as though you just kicked her pet dog or something.
  880. >You guess the mare must REALLY like academics to be this angry over your answer.
  881. >"Don't worry Twilight!" Fluttermom begins to distribute teacups and pour the tea. "I plan on enrolling him as soon as he's settled in."
  882. >School? Your ears perk up. There are SCHOOLS here?!? Your left eye starts to twitch.
  883. >NOOOOOOOOO! NOT SCHOOL! You ALREADY GRADUATED from the social hellhole that is human high school! You don't NEED anymore damn schooling!
  884. >"That is, i-if you don't mind him staying with me for a while."
  885. >"Great idea Fluttershy! But as I told you before, Anon isn't mine." Twilight lifts her teacup with magic and takes a sip.
  886. >Quick! You have to think of something, ANYTHING to make them forget about forcing you back into school!
  887. "Mommy, can I have some milk pleeeeeeeeease?" You turn towards your mother with the biggest puppy eyes ever seen in Equestria.
  888. >Really? THAT'S your master plan to break up this awkward situation? You truly are nothing more than a dumb little foal now.
  889. >"Of course, Anon." She smiles and stands up to give you access to her milk supply. "Thank you for asking this time!"
  890. >You jump down, immediately latch on to a teat, and begin drinking your fill. You'll never tire of her sweet creamy goodness warming you up from the inside.
  891. >"OOF! A-Anon dear, please *NNNGH* be gentle~!" The poor mare is already feeling the effects of your enthusiastic suckling.
  892. >Not wanting a repeat of this morning, you decide to slow down and suck a bit more tenderly.
  893. >"Phew, t-that's much better! Thank you Anon!" She sighs with content.
  894. >Twilight spits out her tea and gasps. "Wait, Fluttershy! If Anon isn't your foal, then why are you lactating?!"
  895. >"I uh, w-well you see..." Fluttermom struggles to get her words out.
  896. >Twilight has a point. Why IS she lactating? You don't remember seeing any other foals around here.
  897. >"I make milk to help feed the orphaned b-baby animals!" Fluttermare tries to steady her trembling hooves before they drop her teacup.
  898. >"Ohhhhhh." Twilight breathes a sigh of relief and happily drinks more of her tea. "I was beginning to think it was some kind of spell."
  899. >"Oh no Twilight, I could never use magic for something this important." Fluttermommy takes a sip of her tea and sighs with disappointment.
  900. >"You wouldn't believe how many orphaned fawns, cubs, pups, and even baby rabbits show up at the animal sanctuary!"
  901. >With one last mouthful of milk, you detach from her nipple and trot out from underneath Shymom to sit back at the table.
  902. >You watch the stupid white rabbit hop up onto the centerpiece and place a delicious-looking cake near the teapot.
  903. >"The poor things are too young to eat their normal diet, so I figured I would...f-feed the baby animals my milk to help them grow big and strong." She blushes and looks down at her teacup.
  904. >"Awww! That's so sweet of you, Fluttershy!" Purplemare playfully cups her face with her hooves.
  905. >"I-It's not much really, but I do what I-"
  906. >*BUUUUUURP*
  907. >The kitchen falls silent for a hot minute, and you quickly realize that Mothershy and Twilight are staring at you.
  908. >"Anon! What do we say?" Yellowmare asks sternly.
  909. >You're taken aback by the same stare that made Angel shut the fuck up and behave earlier.
  910. "Oh right. *Ahem* Excuse me!"
  911. >She nods with approval as your cheeks turn bright red from embarassment.
  912. >This mare is making you feel more and more like a young child again, for better and for worse.
  913. >"Alright Anon, now that the pleasantries are out of the way..." Twilight sets her teacup down and poofs up a notepad out of thin air. "It's time to ask the important questions!"
  914. >"Where did you come from? Why does Fluttershy think you're my foal? Why were you afraid of me when we first met?" She stares at you intently with a quill at the ready.
  916. Part XXIV:
  917. >"Where are your parents? What does your cutie mark represent? Why don't you like school?!"
  918. >Twilight is not only asking way too many damn questions, but she's also getting too close for comfort.
  919. >The inquisitive mare is now standing right next to you, her hooves eagerly thumping on the floor as she waits for your answers.
  920. >You can't quite comprehend why a pony would be this eager to learn so much about a complete stranger. She must be autistic.
  921. >Humans barely manage to say 'hello' to one another, let alone learn each other's life stories. These ponies truly are something else.
  922. >She notices your uneasiness and quickly tries to clear the air.
  923. >"Anon, you're not in trouble or anything. I just want to know what's going on so we can HELP you!" She nervously chuckles while smiling at you.
  924. >You look to Shymom and silently beg her to help you out of this uncomfortable interrogation, but Twilight blocks your line of sight.
  925. >"It's okay if you're nervous, Anon. Would you feel better if I take a look inside your mind instead? It would be a lot faster than answering a bunch of silly questions!"
  926. >You raise a hoof to protest, but Twilight is already aglow with magic. She poofs her notepad out of existance and steps even closer towards you.
  927. >"Don't worry, Anon! This spell will be quick, painless, and it'll give me all the answers I need!" She gently pokes your forehead with her horn and everything goes hazy.
  928. >"T-Twilight!?!" Mothershy's words fade away into the horizon.
  929. >For the third fucking time this week, you find yourself floating in a cold dark chasm.
  930. >Visions of the past begin to manifest all around you like movie screens at the theater.
  931. >Oh no. Why the fuck are these terrible memories re-surfacing NOW?! You thought you buried them all deep enough to never see the light of day again.
  932. >"Ah, there you are Anon!" Twilight instantly appears behind you with a smile, seemingly proud of her magical handiwork.
  933. >Her astral projection glows a brilliant shade of white against the blackened depths of your mind.
  934. >You turn towards Twilight with hair standing on end and a look of shock spread across your face.
  935. "Twilight, p-please don't do this. You won't like what you see, and n-neither will I."
  936. >"Nonsense, Anon! What kind of deep dark secrets could a foal possibly be hiding?"
  937. >Your pleas fall on deaf ears as Twilight eagerly begins sorting through your memories with her magic.
  938. >"Hmmm, now where to begin..." She shuffles through your private memories and begins to pull out the ones that intrigue her.
  939. >Twilight seems oblivious to your growing uneasiness. You've got to do something before it's too late.
  940. >The first memory isn't too bad, merely showing the time Meanlight slammed a door in your face.
  941. >"Well that's just rude." The purple mare comments. "Wait a minute, is that ME?"
  942. >You try to tackle Twilight to the "ground", but your body passes right through her.
  943. >The next memory is far less pleasant, revealing the time Meanlight left you hanging by your tail from a tall tree outside of the castle for an entire night.
  944. >"What's going on? I don't remember this at all." She rubs a hoof on her chin and continues to the next screen.
  945. >You see a memory of Meanlight dissecting you alive to gather blood and tissue samples for a deranged magic experiment.
  946. "PLEASE!" Tears well up in your eyes.
  947. >"Oh my Celestia..." Twilight can't believe what she's seeing.
  948. >She unearths the memory of Meanlight throwing you around the lab until your bones broke.
  949. "S-STOP!" You grit your teeth.
  950. >"Who would do such terrible things, and to a FOAL nonetheless?!" She's beginning to panic.
  951. >The weary mare discovers the memory of Meanlight locking you up in the cellar with spiked chains just for waking her up too early one day.
  952. >Multiple memories of Meanlight verbally abusing you flash by in quick succession, leaving the both of you stunned.
  953. >Every curse word, nasty comment, and backhanded remark she ever said to you were on full display to a pony you hardly knew.
  954. >"T-This doesn't make sense. I've never seen you before in my life, and yet...this pony...looks just like..." Twilight can't finish her sentence.
  955. >She slowly turns towards you. The mare's mouth is hanging open, her pupils shrink to the size of peas, and her ears droop until they're almost touching her cheeks.
  956. >"A-Anon...I....I..." She chokes up mid-sentence.
  958. >From your throat erupts a scream so loud that it shatters all of your exposed memories into a pile of broken static.
  959. >You muster up every fiber of your anger into a massive tidal wave and throw it all at Twilight, forcing her projection from your mind altogether.
  961. Part XXV:
  962. >You *GASP* as the kitchen rapidly comes back into view, along with a worried yellow mare frantically trying to wake you up.
  963. >"Anon! ANON! Are you okay?! Please, s-speak to me!"
  964. >You twitch towards Fluttermare with unblinking eyes and reach out to her with quivering hooves.
  965. >The desire for some motherly comfort to alleviate Twilight's horrifying mindfuck is overwhelming.
  966. "M-Mommy..."
  967. >Please make the pain go away Mommyshy. PLEASE. HEEEEEEEEEELP!
  968. >"Anooooon!" Fluttermom immediately wraps her arms around your trembling body once more, but this time it's just not enough.
  969. >Twilight violated the inner sanctum of your mind, reopened numerous old wounds, and left your soul in ruins.
  970. >One cuddle will not make that kind of emotional damage magically poof away.
  971. >Mothershy squeezes harder in an attempt to pacify you, but the immense influx of old trauma is overpowering her affections.
  972. >You cling to her as hard as a foal possibly can, but your body continues to shake and rattle in her embrace.
  973. >Every single terrible thing Meanlight ever did to you parades around your mind in a never-ending onslaught of grief and despair.
  974. >"I don't understand. Why aren't you calming down?! I-I'm here for you Anon, please pull yourself together!" Her cries of agony serve as yet another knife plunging deep into your heart.
  975. >"This calls for drastice measures!" Mothershy adjusts her hooves to cradle your head, wraps her tail around your torso, and then envelops your entire body in her wings.
  976. >This cuddle somehow feels...DIFFERENT...from her usual hugs. They never felt this intense before.
  977. >The triple layer snuggle is working wonders for your muscle spasms. You steadily loosen up until you're slouching comfortably in her warm embrace.
  978. >"Theeere we go, you're all nice and snuggly wuggly now!" She gently pats your head while her wings slowly massage your back.
  979. >You look up at motherpony and let loose an adorable *PEEP!* that has her cooing at you in return.
  980. >Fluttermom waits patiently until you're fully settled in and then looks at Twilight.
  981. >"What did you DO to him?!?" Fluttermum's sharp tone snaps the purple alicorn out of her own stupor.
  982. >You're still not used to hearing Flutterpony sound so angry, and you doubt you ever will be.
  983. >"I...I saw...everything..." Twilight's voice is so shaken up that you would think SHE was the one that got mindfucked.
  984. >"What do you mean? What happened?!" Fluttermom wants the truth, but you know damn well she won't be able to handle it.
  985. >"I'll explain in a minute, but first I need to see Anon for a second." Twilight shuffles closer until you can hear her breathing right outside of your snuggly yellow cocoon. "Please..."
  986. >Fluttermum reluctantly parts her wings, giving Twilight a full view of your sniffling face.
  987. >You watch in horror as Twilight conjures up some glowing magic in her horn and gently pokes your forehead AGAIN.
  989. >You're flailing like a spaz in yellowmother's embrace, but are unable to break free in time to avoid Twilight's advances.
  990. >"Please hold still Anon." She struggles to align her horn with your flailing head. "This isn't a mind spell. I promise!"
  991. >Twilight looks to Fluttershy, who seems to understand her intentions and calmly holds your head in place.
  992. >A bright green light flashes all around you and quickly dissipates. You open your eyes one by one, afraid to see what horrible things her magic set into motion.
  993. >The bandages covering your wounds swiftly uncoil themselves and fall to the floor.
  994. >You suddenly experience a burst of energy out of fucking nowhere. The pain in your back and head are gone as well.
  995. >"D-Does that feel better Anon?" The purple alicorn's concern is a complete 180 from the indifference she exhibited inside your mind.
  996. >You rub your head and backside to try finding any traces of your wounds, but they were completely gone.
  997. >This feels nothing like the many times Meanlight healed your wounds. The maliciousness in those incidents is shockingly absent here.
  998. >A rather startling realization begins to sink in and you decide to make a final judgement on Twilight.
  999. "T-Thank you, Aunt Twiggles..." You look away from her and return to hugging Mothermare.
  1000. >"Aunt Twiggles" is a peculiar kind of mare: she means well, but doesn't always end up doing well.
  1001. >"You're welcome An-pardon me? 'Aunt Twiggles'?!"
  1002. >You can't help but giggle as Twilight's cheeks flush red from embarrassment.
  1003. >"Awww that's adorable! Anon gave you a nickname!" Fluttershy joins the gigglefest and slowly loosens her grip on you.
  1004. >"Ugh, that's worse than what my brother calls me!" She rolls her eyes and facehoofs with a soft groan of annoyance.
  1006. Part XXVI:
  1007. "Aunt Twiggles! Aunt Twiggles!" You cheekily shout while clapping your hooves.
  1008. >"Alright, enough horsing around!" Aunt Twiggles shakes her head erratically and stands up straight.
  1009. >Motherflutter looks down and shushes you with a hoof over her lips.
  1010. >"According to Anon's memories, there appears to be an evil doppelganger of me wreaking havoc somewhere in Equestria." She grabs her notepad out of thin air and begins taking notes.
  1011. >You and motherhorse watch her pace back and forth like a detective reviewing the facts of a murder case.
  1012. >"This imposter mare looks, sounds, and wields powerful magic just like me." She scribbles down a few more notes while "smoking" a bubble pipe.
  1013. >Fluttermom begins stroking your head as she listens intently to Auntie's ramblings.
  1014. >"However, there is one significant difference that sets us apart..." Auntie pauses in thought.
  1015. >"What difference would that be, Twilight?" Fluttermum is eager to learn more without once faltering in her delivery of headpats.
  1016. >Aunt Twiggles looks at you through pained eyes and tries to fight back her tears.
  1017. >"This imposter is pure EVIL. She's done so many UNSPEAKABLE things to this poor *sniffle* little foal!"
  1018. >She trots over and softly nuzzles you as tears begin to stream down her cheeks.
  1019. >"W-What kind of things?" Fluttermom is barely holding it together.
  1020. >"I...can't tell you Fluttershy. The details of this case are far too disturbing." Auntie seems adamant about sparing Mothershy the mortifying events of your past.
  1021. >You hug your mother tightly and mewl in distress, desperately trying to block out all of the unpleasant memories.
  1022. >If Fluttermom ever saw the horrible things done to you, she'd either faint or suffer a mental breakdown.
  1023. >Mommyhorse raises a hoof to interject, but quickly decides against it. It seems she trusts you and Aunt Twiggles.
  1024. >"I'm so sorry for unearthing all of those terrible experiences Anon, but I promise I WILL help you defeat her."
  1025. >You see the fiery determination in her eyes and feel compelled to nod. This mare means business.
  1026. >If she can find a way to kill Meanlight (or at least lock her up forever), then life as you know it will become far more pleasant in every conceivable way.
  1027. >"Thank you. Now then, do you know where we can find this evil clone of mine?" Aunt Twiggle's serious tone catches you by surprise.
  1028. "Uhhh yeah, she lives in the Ever-"
  1029. >Suddenly the room's energy shifts as a large portal forms above the table.
  1030. >Mumhorse's dumb white rabbit friend jumps a foot in the air and flees from the kitchen.
  1031. >You stare in amazement at the various assortment of objects that pour out from it.
  1032. >Cotton candy clouds, chocolate fish, tie dye spaghetti monsters, and some kind of clownbirdmoose thing begin dancing around the room.
  1033. >Then a strange chimera-looking creature casually slithers out and floats above the dining room table.
  1034. >"Hellooooooo Fluttershy!" The juxtaposed abomination calls out to your mother with more gusto than a politician. "Just thought I'd drop by and visit my favorite talking horse!"
  1035. >"Oh hello Discord! It's nice to see you again." Momshy smiles and waves to the alien thing as though it were normal for a monster to just show up out of nowhere.
  1036. >You flinch from the playful bite of a small pineapple creature that now sits atop your head.
  1037. >"Whoops! Pardon my mess." The creature snaps its fingers and all of the strange stuff vanishes from existence.
  1038. >"Hi...DISCORD..." Aunt Twiggles grits her teeth through a forced smile, unhappy with the sudden interruption of her investigation.
  1039. >"Greetings your majesty!" The creature stops to bow in front of your aunt with a smile. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your royal visit today?"
  1040. >You detect a slight hint of mockery in his words. Wait a minute, Aunt Twiggles is a PRINCESS?!
  1041. >"Not that it's any of YOUR business, but I'm here to help this poor unfortunate foal." She points a hoof at you and sighs.
  1042. >The creature flies over and briefly looks you over, but ultimately loses interest in favor what he sees lying on the kitchen table.
  1043. >"Yes yes very nice-Oh my, is it Tuesday already?" The horse-like thing asks while observing the teacups and cake placed with care at each seat. "I'll have to poof home and grab some of my special tea!"
  1044. "What the buck are you supposed to be?" You ask after shaking off the initial awkwardness.
  1045. >The chimera immediately ceases his chaotic showboating and turns to stare at you with a newfound intrigue.
  1046. >"Anon! Please mind your language!" Mommyshy scolds you.
  1047. >"You have quite a lot of gall to be mouthing off in my presence..." The monster bares its fangs and growls. "Do you have ANY idea who I am?"
  1048. >You see your life flashing across the surface of his angry yellow eyes. This thing is going to eat you alive and pick its teeth with your bones.
  1050. Part XXVII:
  1051. >"Ahahahahaha! I like you, colt." The creature laughs and playfully pats your head. "You've got spunk!"
  1052. >Your mouth hangs open in disbelief at the complete change in his demeanor. This fucker might be crazier than MEANLIGHT!
  1053. >"Ahem! Anon, this is Discord." Fluttermum points to the deranged monster floating beside her. "Discord, this is Anon."
  1054. >"Charmed I'm sure!" The creature reaches out with his lion paw and eagerly shakes your hoof until it pops off.
  1055. "WHAT THE BUCK!?"
  1056. >The eyes in your skull literally pop out as Discord continues shaking your dismembered hoof like nothing was wrong.
  1057. >"Anon, I know meeting the spirit of chaos is a bit overwhelming, but you simply must pull yourself together!"
  1058. >The bastard waves your own hoof in front of your face and guffaws at his own stupid joke.
  1059. >Your eyes drop to the floor with a soft *SQUASH* and begin rolling around erratically.
  1060. "Mommy help! I can't seeeeeeeeeeee!"
  1061. >You flail your remaining forehoof to and fro as the world disappears into a blanket of darkness.
  1062. >Oh for Celestia's sake, how many more empty dark voids must you suffer through?!
  1063. >"Anon!" You hear Aunt Twiggles calling your name with a pained gasp somewhere behind you.
  1064. >Fluttermom dives to the floor with a shriek and begins thumping around the chairs, or least that's what it sounded like.
  1065. >It's kinda hard to tell what anypony is doing without YOUR FUCKING EYEBALLS.
  1066. >Discord sounds like he's cracking up laughing in the background. You're really starting to NOT like this guy.
  1067. >"Here you go dear!" She gently places your eyes back into their sockets, restoring your vision back to normal.
  1068. >"That wasn't very nice Discord." She angrily stares at the chimera with unblinking eyes.
  1069. >"Oh come now Fluttershy, it was just a silly gag of mine." Discord flies over and reattaches your missing forehoof. "You know how much I like to have fun!"
  1070. >Aunt Twiggles teleports right in front of Discord and sneers. "Do you ALWAYS pick on the foals so cruelly?"
  1071. >Mommyshy pouts and pulls you closer to her, clearly unamused with the bastard's annoying antics. You aren't exactly a fan of his tomfoolery either desu.
  1072. >"Cruelly? Why, I would NEVER do such a horrid thing!" Discord changes into a raging wojak. "Foal abusers ought to be locked up in Tartarus forever!"
  1073. >You squint your eyes and take a good long look at this strange creature as he transforms back to 'normal'.
  1074. >This demented hooligan has the head of a pony, the claw of a lion, the talon of a griffon, the leg of a dragon, the leg of a goat, the body of a snake, a goat's horn, a deer's antler, the tail of a drake, and the eyes of a gorgon.
  1075. >It was like the god of this world took a bunch of mythical creatures, threw them into a blender, and then unleashed it with reckless abandon.
  1076. >"Is something wrong Anon?" The creature turns to you and smiles in a very disturbing manner.
  1077. "Absolutely nothing, aside from the fact that an abomination from Tartarus showed up in Mommy's kitchen." You snidely reply.
  1078. >"Ow my feelings! How could you say such terrible things?"
  1079. >Discord throws himself onto the table and lays back with the griffon arm draped over his eyes. "The youth of this world can be so crrrrrrrruel!"
  1080. >*CHIME* *CHIME* *CHIME*
  1081. >Fluttermom looks up at the grandfather clock behind the table and gasps.
  1082. >"Oh my goodness! Is THAT the time?!" She quickly flies you through the kitchen, up a flight of stairs, and into one of her guest bedrooms.
  1083. >She gently places you on the bed and digs a comfy-looking blanket out of the closet.
  1084. >"Young foals shouldn't be up this late. It's not good for you!"
  1085. >She dashes back downstairs and returns with your saddlebag, which she places on the end of the bed.
  1086. >"I'll be back to tuck you in, but first I need to say goodbye to Aunt Twiggles." She nuzzles you and leaves the room once again.
  1087. >You look out the window and see a beautiful sunset slowly being eclipsed by the rising moon.
  1088. >Holy shit how time flies when you're being tormented by a creature from hell!
  1089. >Speak of the devil, Discord comes slithering into your room through the floorboards like some kind of evil slime.
  1091. Part XXVIII:
  1092. >"Here, let me help you unpack." The overgrown throw rug snaps his fingers. "It's the least I can do for a fellow friend of Fluttershy!"
  1093. >You watch in shock as Mr. Fluffernutter magically emerges from your saddlebag and flies through the air until it lands in Discord's clutches.
  1094. >"Oh, and who's this?" The monster asks with a devious grin.
  1096. >You gallop over and jump as high as you can to try and free your stuffed comrade.
  1097. >The deranged chimera chuckles maliciously and flies higher towards the ceiling, shaking the toy in his claw to taunt you further.
  1098. >"Awww, does the little foal miss his furry friend already?" Discord laughs. "But we were just getting to know each other!"
  1099. >The pretentious prick conjures up some comics, board games, and assorted pony snacks to "share" with Mr. Fluffernutter.
  1100. >How dare this bastard lay his filthy mitts on your best friend in the whole wide world!
  1101. >Discord looks right into your eyes and noisily eats a bologna sandwich as he stuffs another sandwich into Mr. Fluffernutter's face.
  1102. >You wanted to stomp him into a bloody pulp, but what chance does a fucking FOAL have against the literal god of chaos?
  1103. >There's gotta be SOMETHING you can do to put an end to this shithead's antagony.
  1104. >Your cheeks puff out. You start growling under your breath. Tears slowly leak out from your eyes. You take a deep breath, open your mouth, and then...
  1106. >Dickcord the Jackass quickly plugs his ears and physically cringes from the magnitude of your shouting.
  1107. >The entire room trembles from your vicious wailing, causing Fluttershy and Auntie to hastily enter the room in a panic.
  1108. >"W-What's going on in here?!" Motherflutter cries out.
  1109. >"Did Discord open a portal to the puppet dimension again?!" Twilight begins spazzing the fuck out in the doorway.
  1110. >Your body trembles from the aftershocks of the adrenaline-fueled screaming, but your eyes remain locked onto the walking zoo that started this mayhem.
  1111. >"What's gotten into you Anon?!" She quickly flies over and begins cradling you in her hooves.
  1112. "Mmmmmph..." You sigh contentedly in her embrace.
  1113. >Dear sweet Celestia! Her warm snuggles are already melting your mind. It's going to be VERY difficult to stay angry when Mothershy is around.
  1114. >"Are you feeling better now?" She asks sweetly.
  1115. >You look up at her and slowly nod, causing the motherly mare to breath a sigh of relief.
  1116. >"I'm glad to hear that!" She gently nuzzles you. "Now please tell me what happened. You sounded so upset just now!"
  1117. >Your purple aunt stands silently in the doorway, desperately trying to piece together the events unfolding in front of her.
  1118. >You frown and angrily point a hoof at your tormenter, who happens to still be hovering in the air above you.
  1119. "Discord took Mr. Fluffernutter and won't give him back!"
  1120. >Mommyshy spots your plushie in Discord's hands and glares at the antagonistic abomination.
  1121. >"Discord, give Anon his toy back." She mercilessly unleashes 'The Stare' upon him.
  1122. >"NOW!" She stomps the floor with one of her forehooves while still holding you in the other.
  1123. >The chimera immediately shuts the fuck up and starts to shrink down before quickly returning Mr. Fluffernutter to you.
  1124. >You can't help but yelp with joy and immediately start cuddling your best friend.
  1125. >"I-I'm sorry Fluttershy. It was just some harmless fun, really!" Discord stammers.
  1126. >The annoying shitweasel flies over to you and playfully pats you on the head.
  1127. >"Anon knows his Uncle Discord would never INTENTIONALLY upset him...isn't that right kiddo?"
  1128. >You hug Mr. Fluffernutter even harder and snarl right the draconequus' stupid face, forcing him to back off.
  1129. >Fluttermom and Aunt Twiggles look even less impressed with his chaotic shenanigans.
  1130. >"Tch! Tough crowd..." he mutters after summoning a hammock made of cheese to lay in.
  1132. Part XXIX:
  1133. >"It's past your bedtime too mister!" Fluttermom flicks her eyes from Discord to the open window.
  1134. >"Hmph! I suppose the ol' chaos batteries could do with a recharge." Discord yawns with a cringey exaggeration and rubs his eyes. "Goodnight Fluttershy."
  1135. >The chimera waves to your mother and disappears through an open portal leading back to wherever the hell this thing lives. Good riddance.
  1136. >Fluttershy lets out an exhausted sigh and begins to tuck you in for the night.
  1137. >"Anon, I know Discord can be a bit overbearing, b-but he can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him!"
  1138. >You can't help but remain skeptical this time. Discord's words and mannerisms did NOT align with her perspective like, AT ALL.
  1139. >"Don't worry, I'll be here for you when he gets a little TOO playful."
  1140. >She pats your head and flies over to the window to close it for the evening.
  1141. >"Goodnight Anon!" She flutters back to kiss you on the forehead, much to your bashful delight. "I'll see you in the morning."
  1142. "Goodnight Mommy..."
  1143. >"Goodnight Anon. I'll be back in a few days to check up on you, okay?" Twilight smiles and waves goodbye.
  1144. "Okie dokie. Goodnight Aunt Twiggles!"
  1145. >You yawn and snuggle into bed, ready to tackle the dream realm for the first time in over a week.
  1146. >Twilight trots out of the room as Mothershy turns off the lights and quietly closes your door.
  1147. >This mare truly is the best mother you've ever had, dare you say she's even better than your real mother back home.
  1148. >Your eyes feel heavier with every passing minute, and soon you drift off into a peaceful sleep.
  1150. >What was that?! Your eyes spring open as you bolt upright out of a dead sleep to survey the area.
  1151. >This room is a lot darker than you remember it. M-Maybe you were still dreaming?
  1153. >Something slowly scrapes along the window pane from outside, sending shivers down your little spine.
  1154. >Fear begins to grab hold of you. What was making that horrible noise? A monster? A tree branch? MEANLIGHT?!?
  1155. >You're in full shiver mode at this point. Even Mr. Fluffernutter can't comfort you in this scary situation.
  1156. >The wind howls outside with a ferociousness that could easily match that of a timberwolf.
  1157. >You have two options: look out the window and put this silly farce to rest, or hide under the covers until morning, however far away it may be.
  1158. >After a bit of mental back and forth you ultimately decide to investigate the window, but not without your plushie companion firmly in hoof.
  1159. >You creep towards the window in silence so the monster outside won't hear you coming.
  1160. >The window sill provides a sturdy support for your shaking hooves as you climb up to reach the glass.
  1161. >Suddenly a bolt of lightning illuminates the window, and you find yourself staring into a shriveled rotting face with an outstretched hand.
  1162. "AIEEEEEEEEE!"
  1164. Part XXX:
  1165. >You fall off the window sill and frantically clamber to open your bedroom door before galloping out into the darkened hallway.
  1166. >Another bolt of lightning lights up the silent hall for a split second, and you're mortified to discover shadowy monsters dancing all over the place.
  1167. >Why the fuck did everything become so scary after dark?! Get a grip Anon!
  1168. >You gallop as fast as you can towards Mothershy's room, but your shivering hooves can't get a proper grip to turn the doorknob.
  1169. >The wind loudly moans outside as you begin pounding your little hooves on Mothershy's door. Nopony answers. Oh no, DID THE MONSTERS GET HER?!
  1170. >*BOOOM*
  1171. >Another loud noise explodes outside, rattling the entire house like it was an earthquake.
  1172. >You quickly spin around and see a shadowy figure coming upstairs on the other side of the hallway, its long gangling arms reaching out towards you.
  1173. >NOOOOOO! Stay away, evil thing from another world! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO DIE!
  1175. >You break the door down with a loud *CRASH* and quickly scramble to the top of Mothershy's bed.
  1176. >"ZZzzzZzzzz...nnnhuh? Izzat you Anonnn...?" The mare lets out a cute yawn as you dive under the covers with a frightened yelp.
  1177. >Fluttermum feels your trembling body and immediately shakes herself awake.
  1178. >"A-Anon what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" She pulls you in for a big warm hug.
  1179. "M-Monsters! At the w-window! In the h-hallway! EVERYWHERE!!!"
  1180. >You can barely think straight with a metaphorical ocean of fear flooding your mind.
  1181. >"Monsters?" Mothershy lifts her head and looks around the room. "I don't see any mon-Oh no my door!"
  1182. "Oops." You turn to look at the chunk of mangled wood laying on the floor.
  1183. >It might've been less destructive to simply KNOCK on the door rather than tear the damn thing from its hinges but hey, you were scared shitless at the time.
  1184. "I'm sorry Mommy. There was a loud boom outside and it made me jump out of my skin!"
  1185. >Fluttermom sighs with disappointment and snuggles closer to you. "You really are a hoofful sometimes, Anon."
  1186. >*BOOM*
  1187. >"EEEEEK!" She almost jumps out of bed at the startling noise echoing throughout the cottage.
  1188. >You yelp with surprise immediately afterwards and cling to her even harder.
  1189. >"I-It's alright Anon! It's just the t-thunder outside!" The poor mare's teeth are chattering so hard that the bed starts shaking.
  1190. >She takes a moment to calm herself as the thunder slowly fades into the howling winds.
  1191. >"Perhaps it's best if you sleep with *YAWN* me tonight." She gently pulls you in for a nighttime snuggle.
  1192. >The motherly pegasus pulls the blanket up with her teeth and settles into the mattress. "The weatherponies said this storm will last well into the morning."
  1193. >You couldn't agree more. Sleeping through a thunderstorm of this magnitude is impossible without a soft mommy to cuddle.
  1194. >"If any mean old monsters show up and try to get you, they'll have to go through ME first. *CUTE YAWNING NOISES* Goodnight Anon...ZzzzZZZzzzzz..." She squeezes you one last time and drifts off to sleep.
  1195. "I love you m-mommy..."
  1196. >The warmth of Mothershy's body combines with her gentle rhythmic breathing to send you off into dreamland almost as quickly.
  1198. Part XXXI:
  1199. >How long has it been since Fluttershy took you in? Days? Weeks? Months?
  1200. >Time seems to have lost its effect on you, which honestly isn't a bad thing in this case.
  1201. >Every moment spent with your new yellow mommy is nothing short of pure bliss.
  1202. >She taught you about the many animals that lived with her and how to care for them.
  1203. >She taught you how to make the most delicious veggie sandwiches with ingredients from her own personal garden.
  1204. >She even taught you how to not break things! Turns out being an earth pony meant having super strength or some shit, so unintentionally destroying things became a lot easier to do.
  1205. >Most importantly though, she taught you how to be HAPPY again.
  1206. >One thing that wasn't so blissful however, was the fact that Fluttermommy did indeed make you start school.
  1207. >Introducing yourself as a new student in front of the class brought back a LOT of painful memories, but the schoolfoals ended up being much kinder than human children.
  1208. >You even made a friend! The young colt is almost half your size, but he has a big heart. Also he really likes pirates for some reason.
  1209. >"Uncle" Discord still stopped by regularly to annoy the piss out of you, but he knows to behave when your mother is around.
  1210. >Aunt Twiggles on the other hoof, rarely comes to visit nowadays. She said something about "formulating an anti-Meanlight plan" after you told her where the evil doppelganger lives.
  1211. >...
  1212. >It's a sunny winter morning in Ponyville. Freshly fallen snow blankets the beautiful countryside as far as the eye can see.
  1213. >You're in the kitchen pouring some hot cocoa after helping Motherflutter clear out the snow from her backyard.
  1214. >Today is shaping up to be another wonderful day. Nothing can possibly ruin it!
  1215. >"Hello again Anon!" Except for the ugly chimera hovering behind you. This asshole always knows when to show up uninvited.
  1216. >The cheeky bastard pats your head until you thought it would fall off. "How's my favorite nephew?"
  1217. "Hi 'Uncle' Discord..." You roll your eyes and grunt with annoyance.
  1218. >The jerkwad reaches over and snatches the mug right out of your hooves. "What's this, a nice hot drink? For moi? Why thank you Anon!"
  1219. >Discord pours the drink into his ear, burps out of his eyes, and then throws the glass behind him. It lands on the floor and explodes into confetti.
  1220. "I don't have time for your shenanigans today."
  1221. >You pour another mug of hot cocoa and quickly guzzle it down before he can steal it.
  1222. "Mommy and I have a lot of work to do."
  1223. >You trot past him and head towards the supply closet to retrieve something for Fluttermom.
  1224. >"And why do you think she's so busy as of late, hmmm?" The antagonistic tone in his words immediately rubs you the wrong way.
  1225. "What the buck are you talking about?" You glare at him.
  1226. >"Think about it Anon." Discord picks you up with his tail and brings you to the kitchen window. "Under normal circumstances, Fluttershy has quite a lot of responsibilities."
  1227. >You look through the frosted glass and see Fluttershy struggling to feed a large group of animals surrounding her in the sanctuary.
  1228. >Discord summons an empty wooden crate on the floor and starts stuffing it with colorful toylike manifestations of Fluttershy's duties.
  1229. >"Taking care of the animals, spending time with her friends, our weekly tea time, solving friendship problems, indulging in her hobbies, and let's not forget she has to help save Equestria from time to time!"
  1230. >You can't take your eyes off of the struggling mare. She's really giving it her all for the sake of these woodland critters.
  1231. >"Now let's throw a needy foal onto the pile." Discord casually throws you on top of the now overstuffed crate.
  1232. >You shudder as it begins to crack and splinter along the seams. The extra height granted by Discord's annoying visual aid briefly allows you to see Fluttershy through the distant window.
  1233. >You watch the flustered pegasus take a deep breath and calmly continue to prepare their food with a smile. She truly is a saint among ponies.
  1234. >"Do you understand now?" Discord snorts as the crate reaches its limits and blows apart.
  1235. >You yelp with surprise as your body goes tumbling to the floor with a loud *THUMP*.
  1236. >The crate's contents spill all over the kitchen floor, allowing them to freely run amok like a pack of mischievous gremlins.
  1237. >"There is simply no room for a foal in Fluttershy's life."
  1238. >You feel your stomach churn as the chimera's cold words take root in your mind.
  1239. "T-That's not true! Mommy said she'll ALWAYS have time for me..."
  1240. >You instinctively climb onto one of the dining room chairs and try to collect your scattered thoughts.
  1241. "She said I'll always be welcome here!"
  1243. Part XXXII:
  1244. >"I suppose she might have said those things in the past," Discord confesses, "but every moment spent with you robs her of time spent elsewhere."
  1245. >"Uh-hyuck, he's right you know!" said the silly living clock man that now sits beside you.
  1246. >Discord jots some notes down on his notepad while nodding like some kind of passive aggressive therapist.
  1247. >"The cold fact of the matter is that you are a burden to poor Fluttershy, and an unnecessary one at that." The bastard looks you dead in the eye as icicles form all over his body.
  1248. >"Foals are like leeches in a sense, constantly draining their host/mother of sanity, time, and energy..."
  1249. >You can't believe what you're hearing from this absolute sociopath.
  1250. >But...the more you think about it...the more his harsh words appear to hold some truth.
  1251. >You remember the time Fluttershy had to decline attending her friend Rainbow Dash's induction into the Wonderbolt Hall of Fame just to stay home and take care of a sick little you.
  1252. >Then there were the many times she almost couldn't feed her baby animals because you drank more than your fair share of milk.
  1253. >How many doors, chairs and windows did poor Fluttermom have to constantly keep fixing because your clumsy ass kept breaking them?
  1254. >Who could forget the multi-cart pileup you caused in downtown Ponyville by absentmindedly chasing a ball through the streets?
  1255. >Fluttershy is STILL paying off that bill!
  1256. >Your eyes are already leaking. Holy fuckballs, you really ARE nothing but a burden on this poor mare.
  1257. >Discord slithers over to the table and begins whispering more cruel words into your quivering ear.
  1258. >"If you truly care for Fluttershy, if you appreciate ANYTHING she's done for you thus far, then you know what you must do."
  1259. >The abomination snaps his fingers, packing all of your stuff into your saddlebag and poofing it onto the table right in front of you.
  1260. >"I know it's a hard choice to make Anon, but it's time to start thinking about what's best for FLUTTERSHY."
  1261. >You sit there in a pile of disbelief and despair. The fucker was right. HE WAS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.
  1262. >Time and time again, Fluttershy did everything she could to care for you and make you happy.
  1263. >And not ONCE did you think of the physical, emotional, and mental toll you took on her EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
  1264. >Discord places two small buckets under your eyes to catch the torrent of tears running down your cheeks.
  1265. >What could you possibly say for yourself now? How could you make amends with Fluttershy for all of the trouble you've caused her?
  1266. >You grab your saddlebags with a sniffle and head for the back door.
  1267. >"And just where do you think you're going?" Discord teleports in front of you dressed like a traffic cop holding a giant u-turn sign.
  1268. "I was going to say goodbye to Mommy..." You meekly respond.
  1269. >Discord shakes his head and utters that ever annoying "Tsk tsk tsk!" bullshit while guiding you AWAY from Mothershy.
  1270. >"Anon, you and I both know she's too sentimental for goodbyes." The assholish antagonist picks you up and hurries you towards the front door. "Don't worry. I'll break the news to her gently, in time."
  1271. >*SQUEAK SQUEAK*
  1272. >Something rustles around in your saddlebags. You stop to investigate despite Discord's insistence to make a swift exit.
  1273. >You reach in and pull out...Mr. Fluffernutter? The stuffed animal pulsed and quivered as though it were alive!
  1274. "DISCORD! What is the meaning of this?!"
  1275. >You angrily hold your possessed toy out towards him, to which he simply shrugs while smiling in a guilty manner.
  1276. >"Oh that? It's just a small parting gift for my dear nephew of course!" The chimera raises his right hand to perform a scout salute.
  1277. "Oh really?" You raise an eyebrow. "You sure it's not another one of your evil pranks?"
  1278. >You take a deep breath, ready to unleash another hellish whinny to alert Fluttermom to more of Discord's bullshittery.
  1279. >"T-THAT won't be necessary Anon." Discord quickly places his lion paw over your mouth. "This isn't any kind of gag, prank or practical joke, I assure you."
  1280. >Discord looks into your eyes with a seriousness and sincerity you have never seen before.
  1281. "Then what is it?"
  1282. >You're very curious about what this "parting gift" actually is, or what it does for that matter.
  1283. >"Just give Mr. Fluffernutter to your new 'mother' and he'll take care of the rest." Discord replies with a vexatious grin.
  1285. Part XXXIII:
  1286. >You shrug and tuck the plush toy back into your saddlebag. Hopefully it doesn't explode into cotton candy or something.
  1287. >The door swings open and you instinctively walk through it, (un)ready to face the outside world once more.
  1288. >Discord shoots off an array of mini fireworks that explode into the shapes of waving hands and the words "Goodybye Anon!" as you begin your perilous journey back into the Everfree Forest.
  1289. >"Farewell Anon! Happy trails! Don't forget to write!" The douchebag laughs and heads back inside, quickly slamming the door behind him.
  1290. >You take one last look at your former mommy's house and quietly trot back into the woods.
  1291. >'Just give Mr. Fluffernutter to your new mother'? What on Equestria was that psychopath talking about?
  1292. >There's only one place left to go now, and you REALLY don't want to go back to it.
  1293. >Part of you wants to turn around and try to make amends with Fluttermum, but another part of you says this is for the best.
  1294. >After some deep thinking, you decide to return to your old "home". The last thing you want is to keep being a burden to a sweet motherly mare like Fluttershy.
  1295. >What kind of terrifying punishments will Meanlight have in store for you after hiding away from her for so long? You shudder to think of it.
  1296. >Your eyes glaze over as you travel deeper and deeper into the forest. Relentless symphonies of growls and chirps ring out all over the place.
  1297. >Normally you'd be scared shitless about being alone in the Everfree Forest, but at this point you just kinda stopped caring about the imminent dangers.
  1298. >Without a loving motherfigure like Fluttershy in your life, what was the point of living? What is your purpose now?
  1299. >*SLAM*
  1300. >Something lands with enough force to send you hurtling into a nearby tree with a disgusting *THWACK*. Your body slides down the thick bark until you're laying on your back against its trunk.
  1301. >"THERE you are." A familiar angry voice echoes around the treeline.
  1302. >With a muffled groan you lift your head off the ground and come face to face with Meanlight Sparkle. The bitch finally found you.
  1303. >"Do you have ANY idea how much trouble you're in right now?" Her face twists into a demented grin that makes your mane stand on end.
  1304. "Do you have any idea how much I don't give a flying buck right now?" You coldly counter.
  1305. >Meanlight is briefly stunned by your sharp tongue, but quickly regains her composure and scoops you up in her hooves.
  1306. >"Well, it sounds like SOMEPONY grew a spine." Meanlight launches herself back into the air with a single flap of her wings. "Too bad you just doubled your punishment with that snotty little remark."
  1307. >You hang your head with indifference and stare lazily at the trees rushing past you.
  1308. >The aerial view is admittedly nice, although it kinda makes you wish you were a pegasus instead of an earth pony.
  1309. >Imagine having wings that could carry you far away from this misery. You'd be free to explore the farthest corners of Equestria with Mothershy!
  1310. >It doesn't take long for the two of you to reach the castle ruins. If there was one thing Meanlight excelled at (aside from treating you like shit), it was the art of flight.
  1311. >The laboratory door is magically ripped from its hinges as Meanlight enters the room and tosses you onto the examination table.
  1312. >She removes the saddlebags from your hide and throws them on the opposite end of the table.
  1313. >The gurney straps are engulfed in purple magic and quickly pin you to the cold hard slab of metal.
  1314. >You lay back to look up at the ceiling and utter a sigh of disappointment.
  1315. >The fear that normally consumes you in such circumstances must've called in sick today, for you feel nothing but sadness and self-hatred.
  1316. >Meanlight breaks the lingering silence with a series of clanks and clunks.
  1317. >You turn your head and see some kind of phonograph freshly perched on her adjacent workbench.
  1318. >The malicious mare begins sharpening an array of tools and instruments to prepare for your inevitable slaughter.
  1319. >"I thought we could try something a little different for this session." She grins while slowly winding up the phonograph.
  1320. >Who knew Meanlight was a music enthusiast? One truly does learn something new everyday.
  1322. Part XXXIV:
  1323. >The room is soon filled with old-timey instrumentals that would sound right at home in a 1930s bar lounge.
  1324. >"I'd like to dedicate this song to my favorite little colt. Enjoy..." She takes a breath and begins to sing in tandem with the background music.
  1325. >"Boo! I'm the Boogie Mare"
  1326. >"The terrible, horrible Boogie Mare"
  1327. >"I come in the middle of the night and frighten, bad little foals like you"
  1328. >Meanlight takes a scalpel and begins cutting into your chest with surgical precision. Your body squirms from the sudden intrusion of cold steel into warm flesh.
  1329. >"Beware! Better have a care"
  1330. >"I'm going to follow you everywhere"
  1331. >"I crawl through the ceiling and walls and fall on, bad little foals like you"
  1332. >She places the bloodied scalpel into a nearby tray, picks up a hoofful of forceps, and starts pinning your open flaps of skin directly to the table.
  1333. >"I'll torture you and hunt you"
  1334. >"I've got you where I want you"
  1335. >"A victim of my dark and dirty plot"
  1336. >The maniacal mare picks up a pair of electrified clamps and connects them directly to your exposed ribcage. The strong surge of electricity floods your body with a fiery stinging sensation.
  1337. >"And at the slightest whim"
  1338. >"I'll tear you limb from limb"
  1339. >"In other words I'll put you on the spot"
  1340. >Small bone saws float over your legs and slowly cut into each one in rhythm with the song.
  1341. >You're desperately trying to scream out in agony, but Meanlight quickly places a padded muzzle over your snout.
  1342. >"Boo! I'm the Boogie Mare"
  1343. >"The terrible, horrible Boogie Mare"
  1344. >"I come in the middle of the night and frighten, bad little foals like you!"
  1345. >The evil bitch is now dancing around the table as your blood continues to splatter all over the place.
  1346. >She licks up some of the blood that lands on her face and smiles at you with the grace of a deranged serial killer.
  1347. >The music eventually comes to an end, but it's difficult to focus on that when a mountain of pain is currently crushing your broken mind.
  1348. >Foam leaks from the corner of your mouth. Your eyes roll back into your head. Your heart and lungs feel like they're melting inside your chest cavity.
  1349. >Meanlight returns to your side and removes the muzzle. "How are you feeling so far Anon?"
  1350. >You immediately assault her ears with a series of screams that shatter the nearby laboratory windows. She quickly replaces the muzzle and shakes her head with disappointment.
  1351. >"It's far too early to be screaming like that my dear colt." She leans down to whisper into your ear. "Your punishment has only just begun."
  1352. >Your eyes bulge out and twitch wildly at the mare's words. Oh sweet Celestia, you should've stayed with Mothershy.
  1353. >"Tell me Anon, have you ever been strangled with your own intestines?" Meanlight uses her magic to pull out a portion of your large intestine and wraps it tightly around your neck.
  1354. >You feel your windpipe slowly being crushed from the pressure of your own flesh coiling around it.
  1355. >The muzzle stops you from properly choking out your last breaths, but that's the least of your worries at the moment.
  1356. >For once, you're GLAD to be pulled back into the dark void of nonbeing. You have come to treasure these bleak sanctuaries as an escape from Meanlight's cruelties.
  1357. >*TWINKLE* *SHIMMER*
  1358. >Oh for fuck's sake! You didn't even get to fully relax in the black chasm of silence!
  1359. >"Oh no you don't!" Meanlight's voice pierces your ears. "The sweet embrace of death won't save you this time."
  1360. >The familiar tingling sensation of Meanlight's healing magic washes over you once again.
  1362. >You scream into the muzzle as Meanlight's laboratory comes back into focus.
  1363. >"Falling unconscious during the most critical moment of your punishment is EXPLICITLY forbidden!" Meanlight's harsh words pierce your ears with the intensity of an ice pick.
  1364. >The rest of the day is nothing but a mishmashed blur of pain, misery, and blood. Lots and lots of blood. How the fuck can one little colt produce so much blood?!?
  1365. >Now the moon begins rising over the laboratory, casting evil-looking shadows around the examination chamber.
  1366. >Meanlight finishes cleaning up the examination table and carefully puts away her instruments of torture.
  1367. >Your brain struggles to comprehend how the avalanche of pain you felt earlier simply vanished in an instant.
  1368. >While magic can indeed make the physical wounds disappear, it simply cannot make the emotional scars disappear with them.
  1370. Part XXXV:
  1371. >"All done Anon! Thank you for waiting." She rips the muzzle from your snout and places it in a nearby drawer.
  1372. >You lie there in silence, twitching erratically from the trauma of her "punishments".
  1373. >"Better get some sleep kiddo." She quickly undoes the straps that bind you to the table and points a hoof towards your room. "You have months of chores to catch up on."
  1374. >You lay there in silence, refusing to budge even an inch. This nightmare, this confounded nightmare! What did you ever do to deserve this misery?!
  1375. >It's eating away at your resolve faster than starvation or any of Uncle Discord's chaotic shenanigans ever did.
  1376. >There's got to be something you can-WAIT! DISCORD! THAT'S IT!
  1377. >"Anon? Are you going to bed or are you volunteering for another round of experiments?" Meanlight is beginning to lose her patience.
  1378. >It's now or never! You reach for your saddlebag with a shaking hoof and quickly retrieve Mr. Fluffernutter.
  1379. >"What are you doing Anon?" Meanlight asks with an irritated tone. "Are you TRYING to piss me off?!"
  1380. >You hold your toy close and cuddle it for a brief moment. If this doesn't work, then you're fucked six ways from Sunday.
  1381. "Go! Mr. Fluffernutter!"
  1382. >You carefully take aim and throw the toy at her with all your might. You swear it said "WEEEE!" as it flew through the air.
  1383. >"OOF! What the hay?!" The plushie squeaks as it collides with her snout, releasing some kind of magic pink cloud right in front of her.
  1384. >She pauses to pick up the toy with her magic, unknowingly breathing in some of the pink magic as it looms overhead.
  1385. >You sit up and eagerly wait for the magic to do its stuff. Seconds quickly turn into minutes, and yet nothing notable happens. Did Discord lie to you?!
  1386. >"You ungrateful little brute. I let you have a toy and THIS is how you thank me?!"
  1387. >Meanlight viciously tears Mr. Fluffernutter apart and throws its remains back into your face.
  1388. >"Go the buck to bed before I REALLY get angry." She flies up to her balcony and slams the bedroom door shut, leaving you all alone on the exam table.
  1389. "Mr. Fluffernutter.." You clutch at the stuffing that used to be your best friend and utter a soft sniffle.
  1390. >Did you do something wrong? Why didn't Discord's spell work?! Did Mr. Fluffernutter just die for NOTHING?!
  1391. >You delicately gather up the winterchilla's shredded remains in your saddlebag and jump down from the table.
  1392. >To say you were disappointed in Discord is a massive understatement. Was this just another one of his cruel tricks? Why did he enjoy tormenting you so damn much?
  1393. >Sleeping will be much more difficult without a plushie companion (or a Mommy) to snuggle up with.
  1394. >You throw open your bedroom door and collapse onto the bed. Tears erupt from your face as you pull up the covers and try to figure out what to do now.
  1395. >There was no Plan B to fall back on should Uncle Discord's spell fail to work. You're screwed. Completely and utterly SCREWED.
  1396. >There's got to be another way. THERE JUST HAS TO BE! One disheartened yawn later and you're dead to the world.
  1397. >The next day you're awoken by a delicious smell floating through the air.
  1398. >You bolt upright and rub your eyes while wondering what the hell was going on. The castle NEVER smelled this good before. Were you still dreaming perhaps?
  1399. >"ANON! Get in here!" Meanlight calls out to you from the kitchen corridor sounding as mean as ever.
  1400. >Nope, you weren't dreaming. With a depressed sigh, you slowly climb out of bed and trot down the corridor until reaching the kitchen.
  1401. >"Well color me surprised!" Meanlight is tossing something in a skillet on the stove. "You're on time for a change."
  1402. "Uh, Meanlight? What's going on?"
  1403. >You raise an eyebrow as Meanlight turns around holding a plate of pancakes with her magic.
  1404. >"Did you forget I sent you to bed without supper last night?" She tosses the plate at you, causing the topmost pancake to flop off of the plate.
  1405. "Well yeah but, why do you suddenly care about feeding me? This isn't like you at all."
  1406. >You notice a faint pink glow emanating from her eyes...
  1407. >Meanlight blushes with annoyance and quickly turns back around to cook up another batch of pancakes. "Just shut up and eat before I change my mind."
  1408. >You stare at the plate in front of you. What the fuck is happening? Why is Meanlight cooking you breakfast out of nowhere?!
  1409. >Surprisingly the pancakes smell as good as they look, but what if this is another one of her cruel tricks?
  1411. >Your stomach decides to take control of this curious situation and recklessly demands to be fed.
  1412. >Ugh, what have you got to lose? If they're poisoned or booby-trapped or whatever, then chances are Meanlight will be ready to heal you in the aftermath.
  1414. Part XXXVI:
  1415. >You pick up the top pancake and reluctantly take a small bite. It's as soft and chewy as it is light and buttery. Inconceivable! It's....IT'S...
  1416. "Holy bits, this is actually.......GOOD!"
  1417. >Meanlight cracks the faintest of smiles while watching you devour the pancakes in record time.
  1418. "URP!"
  1419. >Oof, shouldn't have eaten them so fast. Your throat feels really dry now, and there's no apple juice in sight to quench this newfound thirst.
  1420. >You turn to Meanlight and utter a small whimper while pointing at your dry mouth.
  1421. >"Let me guess...the little foal wants a DRINK?" Meanlight rolls her eyes and slowly turns around to present her teats to you.
  1422. >Her tail once again smacks you in the face, but this time the impact is softer than usual. No time to question it though, YOU NEED SOME MILKIES!
  1423. >You feverishly nod your head at the sight of her engorged purple mammaries. It's been a hot minute since your last dose of dairy.
  1424. >"Make it quick and get back to work. GOT IT?" She sneers after filling her crotchtits with a fresh batch of milk.
  1425. "Yes Mom-er, MEANlight..."
  1426. >You hop down from the chair and carefully latch onto one of her waiting nipples.
  1427. >Soft jets of fresh milk begin to fill your mouth with a pulpy wooden flavor that's equally comforting and bland.
  1428. >Wait a second, are you feeling NOSTALGIC for this nasty-tasting mareslop?! What the hell is wrong with you?
  1429. >Meanlight tries to stifle her sighs of content as you continue to suckle between her shivering legs.
  1430. >Welp, might as well load up on milk while you can. Who knows if and when she'll ever be this generous again!
  1431. >"A-Aren't you *MMMMF~* finished YET?!" She angrily thumps her forehooves on the floor.
  1432. >The alicorn tries her best to sound angry, but the sighs and moans escaping her mouth foil that attempt spectacularly.
  1433. >With one last suckle, you detach from her teats and lick your lips. Boy that hit the spot!
  1434. >"F-Finally...." The mare composes herself and begins to clean up the kitchen. "Now get started on your chores or I'll skin you alive. AGAIN."
  1435. >You swallow nervously and gallop out of there as fast as your little legs will carry you.
  1436. >This doesn't make any sense. Why would Meanlight allow you to not only have solid food again, but also some milk with no strings attached?
  1437. >You quickly begin dusting off everything your hooves can reach in the laboratory. Books, test tubes, benches, tables, windows, you name it.
  1438. >Is she in estrus? Did she hit her head? Are her suppressed maternal instincts finally breaking free?
  1439. >The dark crystal hums softly as it spins above Meanlight's workbench. Looks like she finally fixed the damn thing.
  1440. >You watch in awe while the crystal emits small magical sparks from its shiny surface. So pretty...
  1441. >Then it hits you. Uncle Discord's spell! It IS working, but at a snail's pace it seems.
  1442. >You put away the duster and move on to the next chore on your list: mopping the floors.
  1443. >Yep, the mop and bucket are right where you left them. It's no surprise that Meanlight would be too lazy to do the damn chores herself.
  1444. >How long would it take for the spell to fully activate? Hopefully some time before Meanlight decides to slaughter you on a whim again.
  1445. >The mop splishes and splashes all over the floor, cutting through the cobblestone grime with ease. Good to know you can still clean shit properly.
  1446. >Strangely enough, things are pretty uneventful throughout the rest of the day save for the occasional sass from Meanlight every now and again.
  1447. >The sun sets right as you finish the last chore on your backlog: polishing the glass icosahedrons. You breathe a sigh of relief and toss the cleaning rags into a nearby bucket.
  1448. "DONE AND DONER!" You proudly shout.
  1449. >Meanlight, never trusting anything you do, thoroughly inspects the castlegrounds for any signs of sloppy or incomplete work. As usual, she finds nothing of the sort.
  1450. >Geez, why doesn't the dumb bitch just hire a maid if that's how she really feels?
  1451. >"Adequate work Anon. Now get some sleep. I want you up bright and early tomorrow for a new experiment." She flies up to the balcony and disappears into the darkness.
  1453. Part XXXVII:
  1454. >You wake up the next morning with a serious case of the shivers.
  1455. >Today's the day Meanlight wants to try that "experiment", and knowing her as well as you do, that can only mean trouble.
  1456. >The laboratory is much busier than usual with all manner of machines, lights, and magic artifacts on full display everywhere you look.
  1457. >Meanlight is at the center of the chaos, tinkering with something you can't quite make out. Curse these short legs!
  1458. >You slowly trot over to the distracted mare and peek over her shoulder. She's working on some kind of...honestly, you have no idea what it could be.
  1459. >"Well good morning to you too, Anon." She turns her head and gives you an annoyed look. "I hope you're ready."
  1460. "J-Just hurry up and get it over with..." You swallow nervously and nod while averting her gaze.
  1461. >Her lip curls as she grabs you with her magic and plops you down on the workbench. Various beakers and test tubes bubble over with bright colored liquids on the other side of the bench.
  1462. >"Today's experiment is a theoretical exercise in understanding the complex inner workings of the pony cerebral cortex and its relationship with primal foal behavior."
  1463. "Huh?" You stare at her like a dumbass.
  1464. >Meanlight poofs a small wheelchair onto the bench and secures you to it with heavy leather straps. She retrieves an ice pick from the other side of her bench and lines it up with your snout.
  1465. >"I'm going to tear your brain apart and try to figure out why you choose to misbehave all the time." The evil bitch closes one eye and takes aim.
  1466. "WHAT? MEANLIGHT PLEASE NO!" Your pleas fall on deaf ears once again.
  1467. >*STAB*
  1469. >You scream and convulse in the chair as Meanlight's cold instrument of destruction smashes through your nose bone and pierces your brain.
  1470. >"I told you to stop calling me that." She sighs and withdraws the ice pick, leaving a trail of blood dripping from your violated snout. "Perhaps I should sew your mouth shut for the time being."
  1471. >Tears stream down your cheeks. Your teeth violently chatter. Your body twitches and spasms. There's just no getting used to this kind of torture, even when it's happening on a regular basis.
  1472. >"Now I shall proceed to remove your brain..." She holds up a hooked wire and shoves it into your nasal passage. " piece at a time."
  1473. "MOMLIGHT STOP! I PROMISE I'LL BE A GOOD FOAL! I'LL BE A GOOD FOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" Your eyes roll into the back of your skull from the overwhelming pain.
  1474. >She shakes her head and begins ripping small pieces of your brain through the exposed nasal cavity. "It's too late for that now Anon."
  1475. >"I need to know how and why you tricked me into making pancakes out of the blue." She liberates even more precious greymatter from your skull.
  1476. >"I also need to find out why you drank my milk before doing your chores. You KNOW better!" She snarls while neatly stacking your brain fragments on a small silver platter.
  1477. >
  1478. >...
  1479. >......
  1480. >"Oh Anoooooon~!" Meanlight's voice stings your ears almost as much as the hoofslap she delivers across your face. "WAKE UP!"
  1481. >Your eyes bolt open and erratically dart all around the room. What happened? It's...dark outside now? The workbench is clean? Meanlight sounds more irritated than usual?!
  1482. "Wha...happun...?"
  1483. >You struggle to form words while your brain desperately tries to unscramble itself.
  1484. >"What happened is that you FAILED my experiment." Meanlight rips you from the wheelchair and tosses you to the floor.
  1485. >"I went through your brain chunks with a fine-toothed comb and could not find the one piece that continues to defy me." She angrily chucks the wheelchair into the supply closet and slams the door shut.
  1486. "Y-You lobotomized me?!" You shriek.
  1487. >"More or less." She grins and picks you up off the table. "Disobedient foals are disobedient for a reason, and for YOUR sake, I must find out why."
  1488. "How can you be so c-cruel?! NOPONY should be treating f-foals like this!"
  1489. >You angrily stomp your hooves on the cobblestone flooring, but a shaky voice betrays your courageous façade.
  1490. >The malicious mare takes a deep breath and turns towards you, her face shockingly stoic given the situation.
  1491. >"Can't you SEE Anon?! I'm just trying to do what's best for you!" Meanlight's surprising outburst is accompanied by a pink glow radiating from her eyes. "Foals are supposed to behave for their mothers!"
  1492. >Ooookay, so one of the spell's side effects appears to be bipolar disorder. Wonderful. It's not like she was unhinged enough already or anything.
  1493. >"What's wrong with me? Why am I saying such mushy things?" Meanlight sits down at the workbench and tries to collect herself.
  1494. >'There's plenty wrong with you, Meanlight.' You wanted say it so badly, but quickly realize she would probably start another torture session afterwards.
  1495. >"G-Go to bed! RIGHT NOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!" Her booming voice sends you scurrying towards your room at a speed that would make any Olympian runner green with envy.
  1497. Part XXXVIII:
  1498. >You lie awake in your bed, wondering how long it would take for the stupid spell to fully activate.
  1499. >At this rate you wouldn't live to see the loving mommy your uncle promised. CUUUUUUUUUURSE YOU DISCORD!
  1500. >You thrash around in your bed for a while, angrily trying to comprehend the absurdity of this entire situation.
  1501. >While it does seem like Meanlight is gradually succumbing to the magic, there's no telling whether or not it will fully take root.
  1502. >Perhaps the spell is having trouble overcoming the mean mare's willpower?
  1503. >She's not exactly the easiest mare in Equestria to persuade away from her base desires, and you have the emotional scars to prove it.
  1504. >*SLAM!*
  1505. >Your door practically flies off of its hinges as Meanlight stumbles into the room, clutching at her head like she was in some kind of pain.
  1506. >"Assassin! What have you done to me?!" The angry alicorn can barely stand on her shaking hooves, let alone strike you.
  1507. "What's wrong Mommy?" You ask her with a sickeningly innocent demeanor.
  1508. >To hell with Meanlight's stupid feelings. If you're going to die, then you're going to die a mama's colt!
  1509. >"I feel so...strange...Anon, I...I-!" Meanlight groans as the pink magic smoke swirls around erratically before it's absorbed into her body.
  1510. >You brace up and close your eyes, ready to feel the physical retaliation for defiantly calling her 'Mommy'. You just can't help yourself sometimes.
  1511. >"I forgot to read you a bedtime story!" The poor pony almost breaks down crying right then and there.
  1512. >She flies over to the bookshelf, quickly picks out a book, and sits down on the bed beside you.
  1513. >Meanlight's eyes emit the pink glow for a split second before returning to normal. Looks like Discord's spell has finally taken control of her.
  1514. >"How can my sweet little foal go to sleep without one?!" She looks into your eyes and sniffles. "I'm so sorry Anon!"
  1515. >You can't believe your ears. Meanlight, the evilest cuntwaffle in Equestria wants to read YOU a bedtime story?!
  1516. >"T-This story is called "The Princess in the Pumpkin Patch!" She opens the book and eagerly begins reading without hesistation. "Once upon a time..."
  1517. >Your jaw drops in complete disbelief. Spell or no spell, Meanlight has finally lost her damn mind.
  1518. >The way she tenderly reads each word from page to page is nothing short of mesmerizing. It's almost as if she's truly trying to lull you to sleep with this storybook.
  1519. >Ugh, you're sick and tired of crying at this point, but you simply can't help it. This is all you really wanted, a loving mommy to take care of you in this strange world.
  1520. >"Is something wrong Anon?" Her concerned voice pulls you back into reality. "I can find another book if this story is too silly."
  1521. "Everything's *sniffle* just fine..." You quickly wipe the tears from your eyes and sit up straight.
  1522. >She smiles warmly at you and continues to read, but it's hard to focus on the story itself when your greatest wish has just come true.
  1523. >Discord you glorious son of a bitch! It worked! The chimera's kooky magic actually WORKED!
  1524. >You'll have to thank him someday, and it wouldn't hurt to apologize for being such a cold bitter asshole towards him in the past.
  1525. >Things are FINALLY looking up for you, and you can't wait to see what the future holds now.
  1526. >At least, that's how you WOULD be feeling about this situation if it weren't for the possibility of it all being yet another cruel dream.
  1527. >"...and she lived happily ever after. The End!" Meanlight closes the book and places it back on the shelf.
  1528. >*MWAH!*
  1529. >"Goodnight Anon. Sleep well, my sweet little colt!" Meanlight gently kisses you on the forehead and tucks you in.
  1530. "Goodnight Mom-er, Meanlight!" You quickly correct yourself.
  1531. >Celestia help you for ruining this tender moment. Calling Meanlight the one thing she absolutely despised never boded well for you.
  1532. >She turns out the lights, but stops short of leaving your room. Oh no, she's going to punish you again!
  1533. >"Please Anon, call me MOMlight." She calmly replies without turning to face you. "I also accept "Mom", "Mother", "Mum", and "Mommy" if you'd prefer."
  1534. "Oh, okay. G-Goodnight, Mommy..."
  1535. >It feels so good to finally be able to call her that unironically. It's true cathartic bliss, or maybe it's just stockholm syndrome.
  1536. >"Good choice. Thank you, Anon." She yawns and closes the door behind her.
  1537. >You watch as the corridor lights fade into darkness through the bottom of your door and lay back to get comfortable.
  1538. >If this was all a dream, you can only hope to NEVER wake up from it.
  1540. Part XXXIX:
  1541. >The rising sun once again bathes you in a warm comforting light as it peeks out from the window.
  1542. >You yawn and pull back the covers, ready to start another miserable day in this hellish dungeon.
  1543. "Huh?!"
  1544. >You do a quick double take and rub the remaining sleep from your eyes. There's something about the room that isn't quite right.
  1545. >The hooks. The knives. The dried bloody syringes. The metal cages. They're all GONE!
  1546. >Was this some kind of early spring cleaning, or did your 'mommy' have plans to put something even worse in their place?
  1547. >While it is true that Momlight seems to have reformed, you can't shake the feeling that she might still harbor some cruel tendencies deep inside.
  1548. >"Oh Anoooon~! Breakfast is ready!" Momlight calls out from the kitchen.
  1549. >Your ears perk up at the sweet demeanor in her voice, and you find yourself galloping towards the kitchen without a second though.
  1550. >The rich smells of food filling the air serve to exacerbate your hunger as you quickly grab a seat at the table.
  1551. >You impatiently stare at Momlight, eagerly waiting to demolish whatever it is she's making. Something suddenly catches your eye, but it's not the food.
  1552. >The cheerful mare is wearing a pink apron, and her mane has been carefully tied into one neat braid that lays over her shoulder.
  1553. >*GURGLE*
  1554. >Momlight chuckles at the sound of your rumbling belly and turns off the stove. "Sounds like somepony's hungry this morning."
  1555. >She places one plate in front of you and another in front of herself. You instinctively drool at the sight of such tasty-looking food.
  1556. "Momlight, is this what I think it is?" Your eyes widen with surprise.
  1557. >"Yes indeed! Apple grain bars with fresh fruit salad." She blows a chef's kiss with her hoof and quickly ties a napkin around your neck. "Bon appetit!"
  1558. >There's no time to waste. You faceplant into the plate and eagerly devour everything your mouth can reach. Dear Celestia above, this mare can really cook!
  1559. >"My goodness Anon! You act like you haven't eaten in weeks!"
  1560. >You finish gobbling down your breakfast in what feels like seconds and sit back with a sigh of satisfaction. Your tail wags erratically as you let out a sickening burp.
  1561. >Momlight's smile melts away in an instant. Oh no, she's going to hit you again isn't she?
  1562. >"Anon. What do we say?" Her words are cold and stern, almost as though she slipped back into her usual evil self again.
  1563. >You look into her eyes and swallow your last mouthful of food nervously. Is the spell wearing off already?!
  1564. >Hurry up and say something you stupid fool, before she pulls out the ice pick again!
  1565. "E-Excuse me, Mommy..." You squeak and look away from her in a mix of fear and shame.
  1566. >"Thank you sweetie. Good manners are crucial, even for cute little foals like you!"
  1567. >She grabs your napkin with magic and gently wipes the food scraps from your face. "And cleanliness is just as important."
  1568. >You can't help but giggle at the feeling of Momlight's hoof softly gliding across your face.
  1569. >"Oho! Is somepony ticklish?" She teases while moving her hoof to your stomach. Oh no. She's discovered your secret weakness.
  1570. >This could get ugly. Time to make a quick exit before it's too late.
  1572. >She gently tickles your belly, coaxing all manner of giggles, wheezes and laughs from you.
  1574. >You squirm in your chair, unable to escape Momlight's torturous tickles thanks to her magic pinning you to it.
  1575. >You flail your hooves around in a desperate attempt to stop her before things get ugly.
  1577. >She immediately ceases the tickle attack and pulls her hooves away, much to your surprise.
  1578. "Huh? What's wrong Mommy?"
  1579. >You turn to look at Momlight, who is now staring off into space with a grim look upon her face. Was it something you said?
  1580. >She isn't moving a muscle, and you're starting to worry. You gallop over to Momlight and frantically try to shake the stiff horse out of her trance.
  1581. "Mommy you're scaring me! P-Please snap out of it!"
  1583. Part XL:
  1584. >Momlight's eyes slowly drift downwards until they're staring right at you. Her breathing gradually hastens until she's hyperventilating.
  1585. >The two of you look at one another in a long awkward silence.
  1586. >"OH ANOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!" The mare's shrieks are loud enough to rattle the entire kitchen.
  1587. >She immediately scoops you up in her hooves and delivers a hug strong enough to break bones.
  1588. >"I'M *sniffle* SO SOOOOOOOORRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!" She buries her face into your mane and comepletely breaks down.
  1589. >"I've treated you *sob* so badly!" She hugs you even tighter. "What kind of *hic* mother does such terrible things *sniff* to her own foal?!"
  1590. >You sit there in stunned silence as the distressed alicorn frantically plants kisses all over your face in between sobs.
  1591. >"The torture! *sniffle* The badmouthing! *sob* The complete lack of love and empathy! *crying noises* Y-You didn't deserve *hic* ANY of thaaaaaaaaaat!"
  1592. >The upset alicorn wraps her wings around you and continues to dump tears and snot all over your head.
  1593. >Introspection is one helluva drug, and it sounds like this is Momlight's first hit.
  1594. >"I'm sorry Anon." She nuzzles and kisses you over and over again. "I'msorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'M SOOOOOOOOOORRYYYYYYY!"
  1595. >You wanted to speak, to tell her it was okay, but her grip is knocking the wind out of your lungs.
  1596. >There's only one thing left to do now. You carefully place your hooves around her and squeeze.
  1597. >"A-Anon?!" She pulls away and looks into your eyes. "What are you doing? Why are you hugging me?!"
  1598. >You say nothing and continue snuggling into Momlight as gently as a foal's arms will allow. She needs this. YOU need this.
  1599. >"Does this mean-"
  1600. >You simply nod into your mother's chest and snuggle her even more.
  1601. >...
  1602. >The moon rises over the moore just as Momlight begins to calm down. You're a soaken mess and her voice is hoarse from the constant crying.
  1603. >Momlight carefully releases you from her mama bear grip and tries to compose herself. She quickly wipes away the snot flowing from her snout.
  1604. >The rattled mare takes a deep breath and wipes the remaining tears from her eyes. "Thank you...Anon..."
  1605. >You give her a cute colt smile and wag your tail. Why ruin this tender moment with more of your autistic anon babble?
  1606. >"From this day forth, I promise to give you all of the love and attention you deserve."
  1607. >She trots towards the kitchen window and looks up at the moon shining in the nighttime sky.
  1608. >"No more curse words. No more mutilation experiments. No more spite or hatred."
  1609. >This is all you ever wanted to hear from her. You KNEW there was a softer side to Mean-erm, MOMlight.
  1610. >*clock chiming noises*
  1611. >Both of you turn to glance at the clock going apeshit on the kitchen wall.
  1612. >"Oh dear, it's getting pretty late." She scoops you up in her hooves and begins to fly towards the laboratory. "Ready for bedtime sweetie?"
  1613. "Yes but, c-can I sleep with you tonight, M-Mommy?" You blurt out.
  1614. >"What? But I cleaned up your room. It should be a lot less scary to sleep there now!" Your purple mother protests.
  1615. >You look up at her with your trademark puppydog eyes and let loose a sad whimper. Being alone is the LAST thing you want right now, even if it is just for the night.
  1616. >"Noooo, not the puppy eyes~!" She looks away with a small chuckle. "Alright, you win."
  1617. "Yay!"
  1618. >Momlight chuckles again and flies you up to her balcony. She takes you into the bathroom for teeth brushing and a potty break.
  1619. >Soon you're snuggling up to her under the covers, ready for another wonderful trip to sleepytown.
  1620. >There isn't a single place in Equestria that's more comfortable than at your mother's side.
  1621. >"Goodnight my sweet foal." She kisses you on the forehead and pulls up the blankets. "Pleasant dreams!"
  1622. "Night Mommy..."
  1623. >A nice soft bed, a nice soft mommy, and lots of yummy food to eat. This is all you wanted right from the start.
  1624. >Life is finally good in the Momlight household, and the best part is that it's not a dream this time! You let out a small yawn and settle in for the night.
  1626. Part XLI:
  1627. >It's oddly cold in the castle this morning thanks to the surprise cold snap moving in from Cloudsdale.
  1628. >Why the pegasi chose the middle of spring for a surprise snow day is anypony's guess.
  1630. >You shiver and rattle in this ice box of a kitchen, eagerly awaiting Momlight's hot eats to thaw out your frozen hide.
  1631. >"Good morning Anon!" She happily trots towards the table with two plates piled up with pancakes.
  1632. >"I know it's colder than usual for this time of year, but my pancakes should have you warmed up in no time!"
  1633. >Her radiant smile in itself is enough to warm your heart, but it doesn't hurt to have some warm food to go with it.
  1635. >You watch in horror as the kitchen wall blows apart, throwing Momlight and her tasty breakfast against the opposite wall with a loud *THUD* and *SPLAT* respectively.
  1636. >Time suddenly slows down out of nowhere, forcing this terrifying moment to drag on for much too long.
  1637. "MOMMMY!" You cry out in a panic with outstretched hooves.
  1638. >"A-A....non....?" Momlight lies against the wall, gasping for air while her body convulses erratically from the pure brutality of the impact.
  1639. >You frantically gallop over to comfort her but are quickly snatched up by a purple magic aura. Wait a second, this isn't Momlight's magic!
  1640. >"There you are Anon!" Your ears perk up at the voice of...AUNT TWIGGLES?
  1641. >Your jaw drops at the sight of Fluttershy flying into the kitchen and landing beside your Aunt.
  1642. >"Oh THERE you are Anon! Thank Celestia you're alright!" The yellow mare sighs with relief.
  1643. "A-Aunt Twiggles?! Aunt Flutters? What are you two doing here?!" You struggle to process the startling situation unfolding before you.
  1644. >"We're here to rescue you!" Flutter Aunt smiles warmly.
  1645. >"And to bring Meanlight to justice!" Aunt Twiggles declares while pointing a hoof towards the opposite wall.
  1646. >The kitchen is filled with a green glow and you soon hear hoofsteps approaching from behind.
  1647. "Mommy! You're alive!" You screech through tear-filled eyes.
  1648. >"Ugh..." Momlight rubs her head and trots over to confront the intruders. "I-I'm fine Anon, are you oka-TWILIGHT?!"
  1649. >Momlight's mouth hangs open in shock. Aunt Twiggles snorts and stomps her hoof on the floor, fully expecting some kind of violent confrontation.
  1650. >"That's right Meanlight, and we're here to lock you up in Tartarus to protect Anon (and Equestria) from your malice!"
  1651. >Oh shit. They don't know that Momlight is reformed! You have to say something before things get ugly.
  1652. "Wait Aunt Twiggles! Mommy isn't evil anymore! Honest!"
  1653. >You flail around inside Auntie's magic bubble, but are unable to escape.
  1654. >Aunt Twiggles stares at you in stunned silence before turning back towards Momlight.
  1655. >"Inconceivable...You brainwashed your own foal to interpret torture as affection? Are you out of your MIND Meanlight?!" She sneers.
  1656. >"That's not what happened. THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED AT ALL!" Momlight valiantly tries to defend herself from your Aunt's accusations.
  1657. >"I've learned the error of my ways Twilight, I had to, for the sake of my sweet foal."
  1658. >She pops your bubble prison and gently cradles you in her hooves. "Isn't that right, Anon?"
  1659. "It's true!" You quickly nod and snuggle into her for dear life. "Please believe us Auntie!"
  1660. >You see the hesitation in Aunt Twiggles's eyes. It looks like she wants to believe you, but something deep down is holding her back.
  1661. >"Your brainwashing magic may have worked on Anon, but it will NOT work on us!" Auntie startles the two of you with her righteous yelling.
  1662. >Suddenly she blasts Momlight with a burst of magic, knocking her through the wall into the laboratoy.
  1663. >Aunt Twiggles grabs you once again with her magic and quickly hands you over to her pegasus companion. "Fluttershy, take Anon far away from here."
  1664. >"O-Of course!" She gently squeezes you close and flies out of the kitchen.
  1665. >"NOOOOO! Don't take my foal away! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!" Momlight's cries of pain erupt from the broken kitchen wall, their echoes chase after you into the woods.
  1667. Part XLII:
  1668. >The sounds of Aunt Flutter's wing flaps are all you can hear now.
  1669. >You watch the castle rapidly disappear into the distance as the yellow pegasus flies you towards her cottage.
  1670. "Aunt Flutters wait! We have to go back and save Mommy!"
  1671. >Your screams are not quite loud enough to pierce the wind rushing by, so you start struggling in her embrace.
  1672. >"A-Anon, this is no time to be fussy!" Fluttershy softly chastises you. "I have you get you to safety!"
  1673. >She's too innocent for her own good. Sorry Aunt Flutters, but it's time to save Momlight!
  1674. >You twist to and fro until you manage to wrench free from her gentle grip, falling deep into the treeline below.
  1675. >"A-ANON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She shrieks.
  1676. >Hopefully you survive the drop, otherwise you won't be able to apologize to the poor mare.
  1677. >*THUD*
  1678. >You land on a tree branch which promptly gives way and drops you to the ground.
  1679. >It's hard to ignore the pain welling up in your legs, but there's no time to worry about that.
  1680. >You break into a strong gallop and head towards the castle, praying to dear Celestia that you're not too late.
  1681. >"Anon, where are you?! P-Please come back!" Fluttermom's panicked voice calls out from the treeline above.
  1682. >It pains you to upset Mothershy like this, but Momlight needs you!
  1683. >Her cries of concern vanish into the distance as you race towards the castle with all your might.
  1684. >You're sure Aunt Twiggles has good intentions with the whole "locking up Meanlight" thing, but she needs to understand the truth.
  1685. >Hopefully they haven't killed each other yet, otherwise this heroic little plan of yours will go completely busto.
  1686. >The journey back home feels like it's taking forever, but you eventually reach the castle's grand entrance.
  1687. >Unfortunately you're all out of breath, so that sentimental speech you had prepared to win the two mares over will have to be postponed.
  1688. >*CRUNCH*
  1689. >The castle doors rip apart from a magical force, knocking you into the nearby shrubbery along with pieces of the heavy wood.
  1690. >"Twilight PLEASE, listen to me!" One voice cries out from the chaos. "We don't have to fight, we can talk about th-"
  1691. >*SHING*
  1692. >The voice is silenced by a colorful beam of purple energy. You quickly stumble out of the bushes and gallop over to the thick of the fight.
  1693. >"We can talk about WHAT Meanlight?" Aunt Twiggle's voice is shaking with frustration. "How you took great pleasure in torturing Anon?"
  1694. >*BLAST*
  1695. >"How you tore him limb from limb? How you broke his mind and spirit with your insanity-fueled HATRED?
  1696. >Momlight squeals in pain as her body is flung over the edge of a cliff. Her body bounces along the rocky terrain and lands against some kind of crystalized formation in the stone-ridden terrain.
  1697. >Aunt Twiggles flies over and charges another beam of energy in her horn. She grits her teeth and braces herself for the inevitable impact of her spell.
  1698. >Your auntie is covered in bruises and blood, but that doesn't seem to bother her at all.
  1699. >Momlight doesn't look much better wearing her unique assortment of cuts, blood and a singed mane.
  1700. >She angrily snorts at the suffering pony laying on the ground before her. "We are THROUGH talking Meanlight! Now you're going to Tartarus before Anon gets hurt again!"
  1702. >You come barreling out into the clearing and stand in front of your injured mother to try and shield her with a wall of quivering hooves.
  1703. >"A-Anon?!" They both shout out in surprise. "What are you doing here?!"
  1704. "I'm sorry Aunt Twiggles, but I have to protect Mommy." You sniffle and scrape at the ground with your hoof.
  1705. >"Anon this is no time for silly heroics!" Aunt Twiggles chastises you. "We're dealing with a cold-hearted witch, not a Saturday morning theater villain!"
  1706. >Momlight rises up from behind you with a renewed vigor and holds you to her chest. "You're WRONG Twilight."
  1707. >"I WAS an evil witch, tartarusbent on treating Anon like a cheap toy to use and abuse on a whim." She gently pats you on the head, earning a contented mewl in return.
  1708. >"But things change Twilight. I'VE changed." She conjures up a bubble around the two of you and prepares for the spell's inevitable collision.
  1709. >"I don't want to fight you dear s-sister, but I WILL defend Anon with my dying breath!"
  1710. >You watch in awe as Momlight turns the bubble into a massive magical shockwave. Twilight is caught completely off-guard by the blast and is sent hurtling into a nearby rocky ditch.
  1711. >*WHOMP!*
  1712. >The impact leaves a massive crater in the ground, with a heavily-injured purple alicorn lying in the center.
  1714. >"Shshshshsh! It's alright Anon. I specifically designed that spell to be non-lethal." She snuggles you into her chest. "I promise you, Auntie will be fine."
  1715. >You look into Momlight's eyes and see a glowing purple flame dancing in her pupils. She's truly become a motherly mare, one who will stop at nothing to protect her loved ones.
  1717. Part XLIII:
  1718. >Aunt Twiggles teleports out of the crater and falls flat on her belly in the snow.
  1719. >"W-What kind of *HUFF* magic was *GASP* that?" She groans and attempts to stand up, but her legs have all but quit on her. "I've never seen anything like that!"
  1720. >"Anon! Twilight!" You look up and see an exhausted Fluttershy haphazardly descending from the sky. "There you are!"
  1721. >The yellow mare freezes up after seeing Twilight's injuries, almost keeling over in a dead faint.
  1722. >Twilight gasps and tries to comfort her shivering friend. "I'm alright Fluttershy! Please snap out of it!"
  1723. >She casts a quick healing spell to mend her wounds. "See?"
  1724. >"I'm thankful you're okay Twilight!" Fluttershy hugs Auntie and sighs with relief.
  1725. >Twilight delivers a quick hug in return and gently pushes the pegasus away to finish her confrontation with Momlight.
  1726. >"And as for you MEANLIGHT, free Anon from his brainwashing this instant." Twilight prepares another burst of magic. "Then prepare for your long stay in Tartarus."
  1727. >You look up to see your mother preparing for something alright, but it's not for surrendering.
  1729. >You ears perk up at the sound of splintering...wood? Glass? Glood?! WASS?!
  1730. "What the buck is that?"
  1731. >You scream and point at a crystalized tree branch that's reaching out from the rocky cliff. It quickly snatches Momlight right off the ground and pulls her torward the gnarled tree trunk.
  1732. >"What the hay?!" Momlight quickly drops you to the ground and struggles to free herself from this strange new threat, but it's far too powerful for the frantic mare to overcome.
  1733. "Wait! Come back with my Mommy!" You screech at the crystalized menace.
  1734. >She sighs, takes a deep breath, and smiles warmly at you. What is she doing?! Why isn't she fighting the tree anymore?!
  1735. >Twilight seizes this chance and quickly teleports you into her embrace. Fluttershy nuzzles you in an attempt to soothe your heart and mind, but it's not enough.
  1736. >"Oh Anon, I truly enjoyed the time we spent together, but Mommy has to go away now." She lovingly waves to you, trying very hard not to cry.
  1737. >You frantically flail around in Twilight's embrace with outstretched hooves to try and save your beloved Momlight.
  1738. >"Anon, PLEASE! Don't go near her! It's not safe!" Aunt Twiggles cries out from behind while tightening her grip.
  1739. "AUNT TWIGGLES PLEASE SAVE MOMMYYYYYYYY!" You scream at the top of your lungs.
  1740. >"I'll try." Aunt Twiggles shoots an array of colorful laser beams at the Tree of Harmony, but they're all instantly absorbed into it.
  1741. >"Twilight! W-Why aren't your spells working?!" Aunt Flutters shouts from behind.
  1742. >Aunt Twiggles sighs with a quivering lip and ceases her magical attacks. "Fluttershy, our magic comes directly from the Tree of Harmony! We can't use the tree's own power against it!"
  1743. "Try something else! TRY SOMETHING ELSE!"
  1744. >Purplemom takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself before it's too late.
  1745. >"B-Behave for Aunt Twiggles okay?" Momlight's words re-grab your attention.
  1746. >Her gentle smile melts away as she locks eyes with Auntie.
  1747. >"Twilight, please take care of Anon." She can't hold back the tears any longer. "He's a good colt."
  1748. >You watch in silent horror as Momlight begins melting like a wax figure through the tree's branches.
  1749. >"Remembuh Anun...Mummy....wubsh.....yo...uuuuu....."
  1750. >Her body completely breaks down into a blob of purple goo and disintegrates into the wind.
  1751. >A small chunk of purple wood lands on the ground and lies motionless among the snow and rocks.
  1752. >The tree shuffles around a bit before returning to its normal pose in the cliffside.
  1753. >Your jaw drops. Your eyes widen. Your breathing hastens. What the fuck just happened? WHAT THE FUCK. JUST. HAPPENED?!?!?
  1754. >Everything was going so well. You finally had a loving Mommy, and an aunt too! You were HAPPY.
  1755. >Then a fucking tree just comes out of nowhere and TaKeS It All AwAy In LeSs THaN TwO MiNuTeS.
  1757. >The last thing you remember is screaming bloody murder into the empty canyon until passing out in Aunt Twiggle's arms.
  1759. Part XLIV:
  1760. >"I-I know you can hear me Anon!" A mare calls out to you in the darkness. "Anon?! Please, speak to me...!"
  1761. >You open your eyes and see Aunt Twiggles snuggled next to you under the blankets, her eyes filled with tears as she tries to comfort you.
  1762. >"I can *sniffle* only tell you that I'm *hic* sorry so many tiiiiiiiiiiiiiimes!" She frantically nuzzles into your face and and sobs uncontrollably.
  1763. >Celestia bless her soul, she's truly trying to be a good mother to you. Under any other circumstances you'd appreciate her efforts more affectionately.
  1764. >Once Momlight was killed by that Tartarusforsaken tree, you stopped feeling much of anything beyond despair and resentment.
  1765. >Yes, Aunt Twiggles is trying to honor your late mother's last request, but she's also the reason why Momlight was killed in the first place.
  1766. >You stare a thousand yards into infinity beyond the purple mare's head and lay there like a dead fish, contemplating all of the horrible things that have happened to you since arriving in this enchanted hellhole.
  1767. >It almost makes you wish you were back in the human world dealing with its bullshit instead. At least your mother is alive there.
  1768. >Auntie sighs and shuffles out of bed, once again leaving you to your own devices. "Oh Anon, I truly wish there was something I could do for you."
  1769. >She hangs her head in shame and slowly trots out of the room. Silence falls upon the room, and everything lies still.
  1770. >Aunt Twiggles looks like Momlight. She sounds like Momlight. She even smells like Momlight. Those things alone should provide SOME amount of comfort to you.
  1771. >Alas, she simply isn't Momlight where it counts: her heart. Tears flow onto the pillow and snot begins to pour from your snout.
  1772. >Solitude is what you wanted, and now you have more of it than you know what to do with.
  1773. >Yet, it somehow feels WORSE than having Auntie's warmth to keep you sane. Hell, you're even starting to miss Discord's shenanigans.
  1774. >The room is suddenly engulfed in a cold aura that sends shivers down your spine. Screw this.
  1775. >You decide to get up and go to the washroom. Perhaps the change of scenery can calm your frazzled nerves.
  1776. >The light clicks on and you trot up to the bathroom mirror. Pale white coat. Messy gray mane. Hollow black eyes. You look like a damn ghost.
  1777. >"A-n-o-n..." A gentle voice calls out to you from somewhere in the bathroom.
  1778. >Did you really just hear something? You didn't have long to ponder, because Momlight faintly appears next to you in the mirror.
  1779. >"A-n-o-n!" She calls out again.
  1780. >The lack of mommy love must be making you hallucinate, or at least that's what you'd like to believe.
  1781. >You thouroughly rub your eyes in disbelief and look into the mirror again. She's gone.
  1782. >The horrific scene of Momlight's death runs through your mind on an infinite repeat, with each and every single playthrough dealing another blow to your broken heart.
  1783. >You can still see the soft smile defiantely forming through her melting face, right as she dissolves into nothingness.
  1784. >This is too fucking much. TOO. FUCKING. MUCH. You desperately gallop out of the bathroom and dive back under the covers.
  1785. >You don't want to be alone anymore! You CAN'T be alone anymore!
  1787. >You don't care if Aunt Twiggles isn't Momlight! You need her by your side, lest madness take you once and for all! Please come back Auntie! PLEASE!
  1789. >Your cries of distress rattle the entire room, and yet only emptiness answers back. Does Aunt Twiggles...HATE you?
  1790. >NO! That can't be! She wouldn't have taken you in if that were true!
  1791. "NEEEEEeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEiiiiiiIIIIIIIgggGGGGGGhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh...!"
  1792. >There's no turning back now. You will keep wailing until either Aunt Twiggles comes back or death strips the air from your lungs.
  1793. >*POOF!*
  1794. >Auntie teleports into the room wearing a panicked expression upon her face. "Anon?! What in the name of Celestia is going on in here?!"
  1795. >You turn to her with a whimper and stretch your hooves out, silently pleading for more of the mare's awkward snuggles.
  1796. >"This isn't like you, Anon." She flies over to the bed and gently pulls the sheets away from your shivering body. "You never wanted snuggles before!"
  1797. >You whimper again and continue holding your hooves out to her. She winces at the sight of your teary puppydog eyes and ultimately relents.
  1798. >"Alright, i-if that's what you really want..." She lands on the bed with a soft *pomf!* and slowly wraps her hooves around you.
  1799. "Mmmmmmmmph...."
  1800. >You snuggle into her soft form and contentedly mewl. Auntie pulls up the covers with her magic and tries her best to sing a lullaby to you.
  1801. >"I hope I don't mess this up." She takes a deep breath slowly strokes your mane.
  1802. >"Hush little foal and rest your head"
  1803. >"The sun has set and it's time for bed"
  1804. >"Snuggle in tight and close your eyes"
  1805. >"Dream happy uh, dreams until erm....sunrise?"
  1806. >You can't help but giggle at Auntie's quick improv, but her lullaby works as intended. Your eyelids grow ever so heavy, and soon you drift off to sleep.
  1808. Part XLV:
  1809. >The next morning you awaken to an empty bed. Auntie was gone! AGAIN! The painful feeling of loneliness is already gnawing away at your soul.
  1810. >You take a deep breath and prepare to utter another series of pained wails to bring her back.
  1811. >"Thank you for coming over, Fluttershy. I hope it wasn't too much trouble, considering your busy schedule."
  1812. >Was that...Aunt Twiggles? You jump down from the bed and clumsily trot out into the grand hallway.
  1813. >This castle is too damn big. There's doors and hallways everywhere! How will you find Auntie in this crystal maze of hallways and doors?!
  1814. >"Oh it was no trouble at all Twilight, thanks to Dr. Fauna! She agreed to look after the animal sanctuary while I'm away."
  1815. >Aunt Flutters is here too? What the hay is going on? You ears perk up to the sound of a door creaking near the stairwell.
  1816. >Curse these stiff legs. Why won't they work right?! You do your best to gallop over to the door but end up stumbling most of the way. Thankfully the door isn't fully shut.
  1817. >You carefully peek though the door to see both of your aunts seated at a table with cups of tea and some kind of plated snack.
  1818. >"How's Anon doing?" Aunt Flutters asks in between sips of her tea. "The poor thing must've been so upset after what happened."
  1819. >"That's putting it lightly Fluttershy." Twilight sighs after taking a bite of her breakfast croissant. "The truth is..."
  1820. >Tears well up in her eyes as she struggles to find the right words. Fluttershy leans in and patiently waits for her trembling friend to continue.
  1821. >"THIS IS A TOTAL DISASTER!" Aunt Twiggles throws her hooves up and shouts louts enough to send her teacup flying off the table.
  1822. >Fluttershy is taken aback by the alicorn's unusual outburst, yet you continue to watch and listen in silence.
  1823. >"Anon hasn't spoken a word since I brought him home!" She slams her head on the table and cries against its hard surface. "He won't eat, he hardly sleeps, and he looks like a walking corpse!"
  1824. >Fluttershy clasps her face in surprise. "Oh my, poor Anon! H-How long has it been know..."
  1825. >"It's been *sniffle* over a fortnight!" Aunt Twiggles confesses through her sobs.
  1826. >The yellow pegasus sits there in silence as she tries to process her friend's grim report. You can't help but wonder...has it really been that long already? Time kind of lost its meaning after your mother's death, and you couldn't care less to be honest.
  1827. >What does it matter if it's been a fortnight or an entire bucking DECADE? No amount of time will ever heal these emotional wounds.
  1828. >Twilight continues to bawl her eyes out while Fluttershy desperately tries to find the right words to comfort her.
  1829. >"Oh my. It HAS been a long time..." She trots over and places a hoof on the distressed mare's shoulder.
  1830. >Auntie shudders and sits upright, but the tears and snot continune to flow.
  1831. >"Have you tried playing with him?" Fluttermom asks in a gentle voice.
  1832. >"Yes, but he doesn't respond!" Twilight wipes the tears from her eyes. "I've tried toys, books, board games...even a pillow fort! Anon won't engage with any of it!"
  1833. >"What about positive reinforcement? Did you tell Anon that Momlight's dea-erm, passing, was an accident? Did you tell the poor colt that you love him?"
  1834. >"Yes! I've apologized more times than I can count, but his only reply is a hollow stare!" Auntie poofs a tissue box out of thin air and quickly blows her nose.
  1835. >"Did you try...b-breastfeeding him? Anon is still a young colt after all!" Fluttershy's face is aglow with a red blush at the implications of her own question. "Warm milk is a wonderful way to help foals relax."
  1836. >"I tried that too, but he barely suckles thrice before returning to his catatonic state!" Twilight tries to cover her face. "I-It wasn't easy to find and learn a lactation spell in the first place!"
  1837. >She springs up and grabs Fluttershy by the shoulders. "No foal in Equestria can survive on such paltry amounts of nourishment! Anon is wasting away, Fluttershy! I'm afraid if we don't do something soon, h-he'll-"
  1838. >The unhinged alicorn buries her face into Fluttershy's mane and cries even harder than before. "I don't *hic* know what to do Flu*sob*Fluttershy! I'm *sniff* such a failure of a mother!"
  1839. >Fluttershy gasps for air in Auntie's tight embrace, but gently places a hoof on her head and returns the hug.
  1840. >"For Celestia's sake *sniff* I'm the Princess of Friendship, not *hic* MOTHERHOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" Her purple body shakes uncontrollably.
  1841. >Poor Aunt Twiggles. She's taking this almost as hard as you. The poor mare really did mean well, but like everypony else in this world, she doesn't always end up doing well.
  1842. >Fluttershy ponders for a moment and then carefully breaks free from Auntie's grip. "H-Have you tried snuggling him?"
  1843. >"Yes, but it wasn't until yesterday that he began reciprocating those kinds of affections." Twiggles shakily replies. "I still don't understand why a silly snuggle of all things would elicit such strong emotions!"
  1844. >"Oh no Twilight, you should never underestimate the power of a good snuggle." Fluttershy's words are polite but firm.
  1846. Part XLVI:
  1847. >"Y-Yes, perhaps more snuggles could in theory cure Anon of his-OH WHO AM I KIDDING?!" Auntie begins another self-defeating tirade.
  1848. >"Twilight please-" Fluttershy raises a hoof to interject.
  1849. >"Fluttershy, you and I both know I can NEVER be the mother Anon needs!" She curls up into a fetal postion on the floor and continues her campaign of crying. "My books on foalrearing just aren't enough!"
  1850. >You watch the color slowly drain from Aunt Twiggles' body. Oh no, she's starting to give up on life, just like you did. Quick Anon! DO SOMETHING YOU FOOL!
  1851. >*SLAM*
  1852. >You throw open the door and stumble into the room. Both of your aunts stare at you with widened eyes.
  1853. >"A-Anon?!" They shout in unison.
  1854. >Fluttershy takes one look at your ghostly form and falls to the floor in a dead faint.
  1855. >You hobble over to Aunt Twiggles. The poor alicorn is still rolled up like a ball on the ground. She lifts her head and stares at you in amazement.
  1856. >"I thought you were asleep, Anon. Why did you come here?" Aunt Twiggles asks in a shaky voice.
  1857. >You say nothing and take another step towards your aunt. She tries to back away but hits the table base, effectively holding her in place for a brief moment. That moment is all you need.
  1858. >The alicorn stares deeply into the black pits of misery that were once your eyeballs and whimpers. Does she expect you to hit her? Yell at her perhaps?
  1859. >*MWAH*
  1860. >You plant a kiss on the startled mare's cheek and cuddle into her. She instinctively wraps her hooves around your small body and mewls in confusion.
  1861. "T-Thank you Aunt Twiggles, for taking care of me..."
  1862. >"You're...TALKING?!" Auntie gasps and hugs you tighter. "It's about time, Anon. Your rehabilitation is finally making progress!"
  1863. >She gently coos into your ear and pats you on the head. Wow, she's a lot better at this motherly lovey dovey stuff than you thought. It almost feels as good as Aunt Flutter's motherly love. Almost.
  1864. >"Who's a good colt?" She affectionately nuzzles into you. "Who's a good colt?!"
  1865. "I-I am...?" You timidly respond.
  1866. >She kisses your forehead and snuggles you some more. "That's right!"
  1867. >"Huh? What...happened?"
  1868. >You watch Flutteraunt groan and clutch at her head. She looks around the room and freezes after setting her eyes on you.
  1869. >Aunt Flutters gasps and flies over to you in a panic. "Anon! What's happened to you?! W-Why do you look"
  1870. "Dead?" You bluntly finish her sentence.
  1871. >"Your situation isn't quite that dire, Anon." Aunt Twiggles quickly interjects. "Look!"
  1872. >She points a hoof at your tail. No way, its color is returning! It appears that Auntie's love is slowly taking root in your broken soul.
  1873. >"Fluttershy quick! Come snuggle Anon with me!" She beckons to the concerned pegasus with a hoof on the floor. "Maybe we can heal him faster together!"
  1874. >"Um, okay..." Fluttermum flies over to the opposite side and settles in for a snuggle of her own.
  1875. >You whimper from the overwhelming stimulation on all sides. Perhaps this is too much motherly love. Wait a minute...Have you lost your celestiadamn mind?! There's no such thing as 'too much motherly love'!
  1876. >Fluttershy feels you squirming around in her embrace and turns to Aunt Twiggles with a worried expression. "Are you sure Anon can handle a...d-double snuggle?"
  1877. >"Don't worry Fluttershy, I'm eighty-five percent sure he can!" The purple mare cuddles in closer and covers you with her wings.
  1878. >"O-Okay then." Aunt Flutters follows suit with her own wings and gently nuzzles you from behind.
  1879. >Their warmth. Their softness. Their kisses and cuddles. It's just too much. You feel your brain and body melting from the avalanche of love they're pouring into you.
  1880. "Mmmmm...Ugh...Mmmmph!"
  1881. >Your soft moans seem to please the two mares, who in turn begin to ramp up their double snuggle efforts.
  1882. >"It's working Twilight! Anon sounds so happy now! Yay!" The yellow pegasus softly cheers.
  1883. >"Indeed! And look at that, more of his colors are returning!" She points to your flank, which is slowly returning to its usual greenish hue.
  1884. >Small beads of sweat begin to trickle down the sides of your face. It feels like you're boiling alive in an oven powered by pure love.
  1885. >On the one hoof, they're going to smother you to death if this keeps up, but on the other hoof, this wouldn't exactly be the worst way to die.
  1886. >Shockingly, you seem to be enjoying this a lot more than you thought you would. Sure, the excessive amounts of body heat probably aren't good for you in the long run.
  1887. >However, being sandwiched between two beautiful mares is something any self-respecting stallion would DIE for, so you should stop overthinking things and just enjoy it.
  1888. >"Please accept our love Anon!" Fluttershy breaks your train of thought. "I-It's good for you!"
  1889. >She gently runs a hoof across your back, sending shivers down the length of your spine.
  1890. >You try to stifle another moan with your own hoof, but that only seems to encourage the affectionate mares even more.
  1891. >"That's it Anon! You're doing great!" Aunt Twiggles chimes in with more emotional support. "Please hang on a little longer!"
  1892. >Your body glows with a blinding light once more. The two ponies coo in awe as more color returns to your faded hide.
  1893. >They waste no time gently planting kisses all over your head and face. Their snouts softly nuzzle you from all conceivable angles. You feel your heart and soul ignite with newfound hope.
  1894. >"You don't have to be alone anymore Anon!" Twilight cries out amongst the cuddle chaos.
  1895. >"We'll always be here for you!" Aunt Flutters shouts with a trembling voice.
  1897. >You squeal and convulse between your aunts right as the magic burns out and dissipates, restoring you to your colorful old self.
  1899. Part XLVII:
  1900. >With your colors restored and your spirit lifted, FlutterAunt and Aunt Twiggles break their snugglehold on you and stand up to stretch.
  1901. >"Twilight you were right!" FlutterAunt exclaims after looking you over. "He looks just like the adorable green foal we used to know!"
  1902. "Ngh...*pant*...sho mush *gasp* wuuuuuuub...."
  1903. >You climb to your shaking hooves, still disoriented from the heated snugglefest. You can barely stand upright, let alone think straight.
  1904. >Small streams of heat are pouring out from all over your body. Your vision is blurry and your mind is racing.
  1905. >Despite all of that however, you feel a renewed burst of hope and happiness for the first time since...
  1906. >"Uh oh, maybe we overdid it a little?" Aunt Twiggles confesses with a blush as she pats you on the head.
  1907. >Aunt Flutters squeaks nervously and hides behind her mane. "I'm sorry Anon, I didn't mean to get carried away like that..."
  1908. >"Are you feeling better now, Anon?" Purple Aunt asks while wrapping a blanket around you.
  1909. "Mmhmm..." You nod and pull the blanket up to your chin.
  1910. >"I'm glad to hear that." She playfully ruffles your mane and trots over to Fluttershy.
  1911. >"It's such a relief seeing Anon is back to normal." Fluttershy sighs and smiles.
  1912. >"You were right Fluttershy!" Aunt Twiggles grins while excitedly hopping up and down. "About the snuggles I mean. They were EXACTLY what Anon needed!"
  1913. >Suddenly a bird flies through the open window and whispers something into your pegasus aunt's ear.
  1914. >"Oh dear, I have to return to the sanctuary at once! Clementine tied her neck in a knot again!"
  1915. >"Goodbye Twilight!" She quickly hugs Aunt Twiggles. "Goodbye Anon!" She kisses you on the forehead and departs through the open window.
  1916. "Bye Aunt Flutters!" You wave your hoof and smile.
  1917. >Aunt Twiggles flies over to the table and happily begins cleaning up the mess. She's awfully giddy about...something.
  1918. >"This is incredible! Snuggles appear to contain strong magical properties that rival those of pure friendship! Equestria could really benefit from more research on this phoenom-"
  1919. >Her snout catches a whiff of something and she looks down at her chest in confusion.
  1920. >"Hmm? What's this sticky white goop on my coat?" She asks while scraping it from her body.
  1921. >You blush and quickly gallop out of the room. Welp, that pretty much confirms you developed a mommy kink. Wonderful.
  1922. >...
  1923. >The next several weeks are as quick as they are strange. Aunt Twiggles comes and goes with the wind in her hunt for some magical thing or another.
  1924. >You asked Auntie what she was up to, but the secretive alicorn wouldn't say anything more than "snuggle research". She was acting very strange, even by 'Aunt Twiggles' standards.
  1925. >She rarely has a moment to spend with you, but at least cousin Spike was down to hang out most of the time. That dragon has the biggest comic book collection you've ever seen!
  1926. >You did try pressing him for more info on Aunt Twiggles' science shenanigans, but he claimed to know no more than you.
  1927. >Spike was a great buddy in his own right, but you can't ignore your primal desire for Aunt Twiggle's love and snuggles. Are you going through withdrawal, or are you just imprinting on her as your new motherfigure?
  1928. >The very next day, Aunt Twiggles summons you to her laboratory with a magic scroll. You're immediately poofed right outside of the entrance after reading through it.
  1929. >You slowly slink into the lab, not quite knowing what to expect. Did she want you to assist in her experiments? Did she need your help with cleaning up the equipment?
  1930. >She would never torture you the way Meanlight did in the past, but those old wounds manage to inject the slightest drop of skepticism into your mind.
  1931. >There are all kinds of contraptions, books and other oddities neatly stationed around the area. Momlight would've been impressed!
  1932. >"Good afternoon dear nephew." Aunt Twiggles greets you with her usual formalities. "I suppose you're wondering why I've asked you here..."
  1933. >You nod and sit down on the rug in front of her, eager to learn more about this secret experiment of hers.
  1934. >"Foalhood trauma is a terrible burden to bear." The purple alicorn paces in front of the curtain while pondering her words. "It can cause irreversible damage to your psyche among other things, and I will not allow that to happen!"
  1935. >It's a bit too late for that Auntie...
  1936. >"While it's true that my snuggles seem to be adequate for your rehabilitation thus far, I feel it's worth exploring alternate treatments." She points to the curtain behind her.
  1937. >Aunt Twiggles pulls back the curtain to reveal a...purple log? You cock your head and express your bewilderment with a soft "Huh?"
  1939. Part XLVIII:
  1940. >Auntie is surprised by your reaction and takes another look at the experiment. Her eyes spot the wooden log sitting on the chair and she starts yelling in frustration.
  1941. >"I-I don't understand...why didn't my spell work?!" She starts frantically digging through her various parchments and test tubes. "Did I add too much magic? Are there too many ingredients? *GASP* Are there not enough ingredients?!"
  1942. >You take another look at the wooden log sitting in front of you. Its purple color looks oddly familiar.
  1943. "M-MOMMY?!" Your eyes widen with terror at the sudden realization.
  1944. >You whimper and stumble backwards until bumping into Aunt Twiggles. She jumps at the sudden impact and turns around to face you.
  1945. >"Oh Anon, I'm so sorry..." She picks you up and pulls you close for a shaky snuggle. "This spell was supposed to bring her back, so you could have a proper mother again..."
  1946. "Why Aunt Twiggles?" You sniffle and stare right into her eyes. "Why would you do this?"
  1947. >Auntie opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out. She gently places you on the ground and returns to her workspace. "I'm sorry Anon. I didn't mean to upset you like this."
  1948. >"I still stand by what I said a few weeks back." Scrolls and books scatter all over the table as your aunt frantically tries to correct her mistake. "I can never be the mother you deserve."
  1949. >You slowly trot over to the chair and inspect the log again. There's no mistaking it now. This chunk of purple wood is definitely your mother, or what's left of her at least.
  1950. >Tears erupt from your eyes as you gently pick up the log and hug it.
  1951. >"This makes no sense. My textbooks are never wrong about this sort of thing! What am I missing here?!"
  1952. >It sounds like Aunt Twiggles is still trying to figure out what the buck went wrong.
  1953. "I miss you Mommy, so *sniffle* so much..." You snuggle into the log and cry your heart out. "P-Please come back! PLEASE!"
  1954. >Suddenly a hoof gently pats your head. You look up to see Aunt Twiggles standing over you. "It's okay Anon, I won't give up until Momlight is restored."
  1955. >You appreciate your aunt's efforts to get Mommylight back, but who knows how long that will take?
  1956. >Squeezing the log as hard as you can, you desperately hope that Momlight would emerge from the log and everything could truly go back to normal.
  1957. >*BOOOOOOM*
  1958. >You and your aunt are sent flying back by a blinding flash of purple light and crash into Twilight's work desk, sending parchments, beakers and chunks of wood in every direction.
  1959. >"OOF!" She yelps and instinctively summons a magic barrier to protect you from the debris hurtling around the room. "Anon! What the hay is happening?!"
  1960. >You shrug and snuggle into your aunt for comfort. If you're going to die today, you're going down snuggling.
  1961. >The dust settles and you cautiously open your eyes. The place is a bucking MESS, but at least you and Aunt Twiggles are still alive.
  1962. >All that's left to do now is investigate. You try to squirm out of Auntie's embrace, but she tightens her grip. "Stay close Anon. We are no longer alone in here."
  1963. >You squint your eyes and make out the vague shape of a ponylike being amid the dust clouds. Aunt Twiggles is right, somepony else IS here!
  1964. >"Ugh, my head..." A familiar voice creeps out from the dust. "Where am I?"
  1965. >Your ears perk up. Your heart pounds. Sweat pours from your little green brow.
  1966. "Mommy?" You call out to the shadowy figure. "Oh please dear Celestia don't let this be another dream."
  1967. >"Huh?" The pony trots towards you, inching closer and closer until her slowly head pokes out from the clouds of debris.
  1968. >The debris finally settles, revealing a tall purple...ALICORN?!
  1969. >"A-Anon?!" She cries out in surprise after carefully looking you over.
  1970. "MOMMY!"
  1971. >You practically fly into her arms and continue bawling your eyes out. This is a miracle...IT'S A CELESTIADAMN MIRACLE! You can't stop nuzzling her in a mix of crying and laughter.
  1972. >This better not be another dream or so help you-
  1973. >"Oh Anon! Thank Celestia you're safe!" She cuddles you tenderly and practically drowns you in soft kisses. "What have you been up to lately?"
  1974. "I've been staying with Aunt Twiggles just like you asked before" You sniffle into her coat and sigh happily. "I'm *sniff* so glad to see you again Mommy..."
  1975. >Momlight affectionately nuzzles you in return. "And Mommy is glad to see your sweet smiling face again, Anon."
  1976. >"That's IT! That's what the spell was missing!" Aunt Twiggles teleports in front of your mother and stands triumphantly.
  1977. >"Hello again dear sister." Momlight greets your aunt with a warm smile. "What was missing pray tell?"
  1978. >"Snuggles!" Auntie playfully facehoofs and giggles. "How could I have forgotten the snuggles? They're the reason why I undertook this research in the first place!"
  1979. >Momlight trots over to your flustered aunt and places a hoof on her shoulder, all the while still snuggling you close. "It's okay Twilight. Everypony makes mistakes."
  1980. >Your mother's words seem to cheer up Auntie as she's now smiling along with the rest of you. Momlight takes a deep breath and continues to speak.
  1981. >"Thank you Twilight, for talking care of Anon in my absence." She quickly pulls Auntie in for a group hug. "It means a lot to me, seeing him healthy and happy like this."
  1983. Part XLIX:
  1984. >"You're welcome, Momlight. I did my absolute best to honor your last request," Auntie humbly admits, "but raising foals is quite the daunting task, even for a princess!"
  1985. >The two alicorns share a hearty laugh and slowly break up the hug. You cross your hooves and pout at the abrupt end to your double snuggle mare sandwich.
  1986. >"Don't worry sweetie, I'll always be here to give you as many cuddles as you wish." Momlight tenderly reassures you while preparing for a solo snuggle session.
  1987. >You instinctively nestle into her soft form and happily sigh. She coos in response and gently nuzzles into your mane.
  1988. >Auntie hops from side to side, eagerly studying every side of your resurrected mother as though she were some kind of lab specimen. She stops to study something that catches her attention.
  1989. >"M-Momlight! Your cutie mark, it''s-" Auntie can barely scrape a sentence together as she points to your mother's flank.
  1990. >Okay, now you're starting to worry. You wiggle out of Momlight's grip and quickly trot towards her hide to see what all the commotion is about.
  1991. >Her cutie mark has the usual white sparkles arranged in a circle pattern, but what's this? The center of her cutie mark is now a heart rather than a giant sparkle shape.
  1992. "Auntie is right. Your cutie mark is different now, Mommy!" You exclaim with an adorable squeak.
  1993. >She turns around to see for herself and gasps at the change. You can only imagine what's running through Momlight's mind right now, but you do feel happy for her.
  1994. >"This is incredible! I feel like a new mare!" She starts doing a little happy dance but then quickly stops. "Wait, how is this possible? I was specifically designed to be a perfect clone of you, Twilight."
  1995. >Your aunt places a hoof on her chin and ponders for a moment.
  1996. >"Well, since I had no reference points for the original spell that brought you to life, I had to improvise nearly everything that went into mine."
  1997. >Aunt Twiggles quickly delves into the painfully elaborate details of her magical experiments. Her words quickly melt into an endless stream of overly complex formulas and equations.
  1998. >Oh great, more science babble that your simple mind cannot comprehend. Time to play, at least until Momlight is ready to go home.
  1999. >You head towards the bookshelf that's crammed with more toys and games than actual scientific paraphernalia.
  2000. >*THUMP*
  2001. >You trip over something and fall to the floor. Momlight and Aunt Twiggles quickly fly over to make sure you're okay.
  2002. >"Are you alright Anon?" Momlight gently hoists you into the air with her magic and examines your body. "Hmm, I don't see any bruises or blood."
  2003. "I'm okay Mommy." You quickly answer. "I just tripped over this..."
  2004. >Huh? What's this doing here? You pick up the log lying on the floor. Momlight and Auntie approach from behind to see the log up close as well.
  2005. >"Huh? Why is that log still there? It should've been absorbed into your new body." Aunt Twiggles scratches her head and quickly becomes lost in thought. "Did I not prepare the catalyst properly?
  2006. >You approach your frazzled aunt and lightly tap her on the flank. She spins around in surprise and gawks at you, not quite knowing how to respond in the moment.
  2007. "Auntie, I think this means Mommy is a REAL pony now." Your naive words cut through the agitated mare's concentration like a knife.
  2008. >How did Momlight become a real pony? Did Aunt Twiggles underestimate the power of her spell?
  2009. >Aunt Twiggles remains skeptical of your claim. "That may very well be the case, but perhaps we should take another trip to the Tree of Harmony and test-"
  2011. >You tackle Momlight to the floor like some kind of maniac, much to her (and your aunt's) surprise. If pinning Momhorse to the ground will stop the tree from killing her again, then you're prepared to lay here for the rest of your life.
  2012. "PLEASE MOMMY! *hic* D-Don't go near that evil tree again!" Your eyes are practically gushing like two mini waterfalls. "I can't *sniffle* lose you again..."
  2013. >You frantically nuzzle into her and sob uncontrollably. Momlight CAN'T go near that tree again, no matter what. You'll tie her to the nearby chair if you have to.
  2014. >Soon enough you feel Momlight's hooves wrap around your back. She gives you a gentle squeeze as her motherly warmth begins soothing you in a way nothing else ever could.
  2015. >"Don't worry Anon." Momhorse reassures you in a delicate voice. "It'll take more than a magic tree to take me from you again."
  2016. "I love you Mommy." You chirp and nuzzle her like your life depends on it.
  2017. >"And Mommy loves you too sweetie." Momlight cradles you in her right hoof with a quick kiss and slowly climbs to her hooves.
  2018. >Momlight glances at the clock perched above the nearby window. You intently watch the sun set over the hills as the clock chimes seven times.
  2019. >"It's getting late." Momlight spreads her wings and prepares to take off. "We should be heading home now. Thank you Twilight, for everything."
  2021. Part L:
  2022. >You watch Auntie's cheerful demeanor wash away after hearing your mother's parting words.
  2023. >"Wait! You don't have to leave!" Auntie quickly teleports in front of the window to block your exit.
  2024. >"I know! You two can live here in the castle!" Aunt Twiggles happily exclaims. "We have more than enough rooms to spare!"
  2025. >Momlight sighs and turns away from the panicked princess. "I appreciate your generosity Twilight, but are you sure you want this? Even after all the trouble we've caused you?"
  2026. >Her somber words pierce your heart and mind. In hindsight, the two of you did make a mess of things after meeting Aunt Flutters and Aunt Twiggles for the first time.
  2027. >Is Auntie truly willing to forgive Meanlight for everything she's done to you and her friend Fluttershy? Are ponies not capable of holding grudges?
  2028. >"Twilight, can you even begin to comprehend the unspeakable atrocities I've committed against Anon and your friends?" Momlight gently puts you down and walks over to the open window.
  2029. >You and Aunt Twiggles quickly trot over to comfort Momlight but are stopped by a magic barrier.
  2030. >*BWOOOOP*
  2031. "Mommy?!" You begin pawing at the forcefield, desperate to go hug your distraught mother. "What are you doing?!"
  2032. >Momlight continues to stare out the window at the rising moon. Why is she acting like this? Does she not love you anymore??!
  2033. >Auntie picks you up and cuddles you close. It's like she somehow sensed you were about to start crying again.
  2034. >"Momlight please, you can't shut us out!" Auntie tries to pierce Momhorse's barrier with her own magic, but it holds firm. "We can talk about this!"
  2035. >You watch Momlight slowly turn her head to face Auntie. The pained expression on her face says it all: she still doesn't believe there's hope for redemption.
  2036. >"I was created with the sole purpose of hurting you and your friends." Tears stream down her cheeks as she speaks. "With the six of you in chaotic disarray, we would be free to steal the elements of harmony."
  2037. >Auntie begins to protest, but Momlight raises a hoof to silence her. She takes a deep breath and continues her heartfelt speech.
  2038. >"Yes Twilight, I am aware that my dark side is more or less gone, that I've changed to be a better mare and mother." Momlight wipes her eyes. "However, what's to stop me from succumbing to those evil tendencies again?"
  2039. >Momlight lays her head on the window sill and lets the gentle breeze blow through her frazzled mane. "If I changed once, that means I can change again...right?"
  2040. >You and Auntie exchange nervous glances. At this point, neither of you know what Momlight is capable of, even in her current motherly state of mind.
  2041. "Mommy, please don't go..."
  2042. >You paw at the barrier, but it holds firm. You're suddenly reminded of the many similar barriers she created in order to stop you from drinking her milk in the past.
  2043. >"I have no intention of leaving, Anon." Your mother turns to face you with a grim expression on her face. "I just need you and Aunt Twiggles to promise me something."
  2044. >Auntie looks just as confused as you. Promise Momlight something? What could that possibly mean?
  2045. >"If I ever turn back into Meanlight, you two will have to destroy me." She sighs "Or at the very least, lock me up in Tartarus forever. Do you understand?"
  2046. >Her serious expression causes you to gulp nervously. Losing Momlight again...NO! You won't allow it. Uncle Discord can always change her back with magic if it comes to that.
  2047. >Auntie tries to diffuse the tension with another optimistic spiel. "How in Equestria could you possibly turn evil again? I can't imagine-"
  2048. >"PROMISE ME!" Momlight bites her quivering lip without taking her eyes away from the both of you.
  2049. >Your ears droop at the sound of her sudden shouting. Momlight isn't playing around anymore.
  2050. "O-Okay." You wipe your eyes. "If that's what you really want Mommy, then I guess I have no...*sniff*"
  2051. >"I promise too." Aunt Twiggles starts performing some kind of silly gesture you saw at school a few times.
  2052. >"Cross my heart and hope to fly." Auntie criss-crosses a hoof over her chest and flaps her wings.
  2053. >"Stick a cupcake in my eye." She sticks a hoof in her eye. "Ouch!"
  2054. >Momlight laughs and quickly removes the barrier. You immediately gallop over to her and clutch at her legs for dear life.
  2055. "Why Mommy? Why did you keep us away from you like that?!" Your tears quickly stain her coat.
  2056. >"I'm sorry Anon, Aunt Twiggles, but if I didn't keep you at hoof's length for that promise, then I wouldn't have been able keep my composure." Momlight confesses with a sigh.
  2057. >She delivers a barrage of kisses and headpats to your shaking head. You look up at her and smile, wagging your tail all the while.
  2058. >"You mean the world to me Anon." She chokes up for a brief moment. "If I ever revert to my evil self again, I don't know what I'll do!"
  2059. >"Don't be too hard on yourself, Momlight. You wouldn't believe how many mistakes I'VE made over the years." Aunt Twiggles flutters over and extends a hoof to Momlight. "My offer still stands."
  2060. >Auntie slowly waves her hoof around the room as if to say 'my home is your home'.
  2061. >You can hear the faintest sniffle coming from your mother as she nods and happily accepts the offer.
  2062. >"Thank you sister." She wipes her eyes and gives Auntie a big hug. "I promise to help you with magic, experiments, or anything else you might need."
  2063. >"Squeeeeee!" Auntie happily claps her hooves together and flies around the room. "Thank you Momlight, truly! This is going to be a great opportunity for both of us!"
  2065. Part LI:
  2066. >Many moons have passed since Aunt Twiggles took you and your mother in as permanent residents. At first you expected life in the castle to be a bit boring.
  2067. >You quickly found out that was far from the case. In fact, it seems like something amazing happens every other day!
  2068. >One minute your Aunt is teaming up with her friends to save Equestria from another baddie, then the next minute you're helping Spike find books on diplomatic relations to improve ties with another kingdom.
  2069. >Your mother is currently working through her past sins with Auntie in a series of constructive therapy sessions. Like you said, there's always something going on, for better and for worse.
  2070. >Traumatic past aside, you couldn't be happier with how things are now, and you'll be DAMNED if another tree tries to take it all away from you!
  2071. >Things are a bit chilly at the moment, no doubt thanks to the snow covering all of Ponyville. Aunt Twiggles did a wonderful job hyping you up for the pony celebration held during winter!
  2072. >You believe she called it "Hearthswarming". If it's as good as she described, then you can't WAIT for Hearthswarming morning.
  2073. >The four of you head into town to help with the decorations and food preparations. The entire town smells like a mix of hot soup, fresh cinnamon sweet rolls, and woodland pine.
  2074. >It was amazing how the town square in particular is hustling and bustling with activity. Pegasi and unicorns work together to hang up holiday wreaths and lights.
  2075. >Various food and gift vendors offer all kinds of winter goodies in their cute little booths. There are various earth ponies hard at work building an outdoor banquet hall.
  2076. >You see a group of carolers singing to passersby outside of city hall. It sounds something like and honestly it's setting the holiday mood quite well.
  2077. >The mayor gallops to and fro, no doubt making sure everything is perfect for the start of the holiday. Aunt Twiggles assists her with the usual planning and organizational needs.
  2078. >In addition to the massive banquet table, you spot a smaller table closer towards the town hall building. It's rather small with only ten or so chairs planted around it.
  2079. >Soon the caterers of the holiday feast arrive and begin to set up for Hearthswarming Eve dinner. You see some of Auntie's friends arriving and quickly take their seats at the table, including Aunt Flutters. Where are the others though?
  2080. >You trot over to Auntie and try to find out where her missing friends went.
  2081. "Hi Auntie! I'm glad your friends came to celebrate Hearthswarming with us. Wait, where's Applejack? Where's Pinkie Pie?"
  2082. >Aunt Twiggles looks up from her notepad. "Oh hello Anon! Applejack is helping her family brew some fresh apple cider for our feast."
  2083. >She points towards the line of wagons on the west side of the square. You squint your eyes and faintly see Applejack among the crowd of earth ponies busily squeezing apples and filling up dozens of kegs.
  2084. >"And Pinkie Pie is putting the finishing touches on our festive decor!"
  2085. >She points a hoof overhead where you see an energetic pink earth pony shooting strings of bright lights all over the town hall with some kind of...ladder cannon?
  2086. >You giggle at her silly shenanigans. That Pinkie Pie was one wild mare. Just when you think you've seen it all, she shows up at just the right time to prove you wrong.
  2087. >The loud sounds of a clock chime send everypony scurrying to their seats, including Aunt Twiggle's friends.
  2088. >You happily trot towards the table to join the family for your very first Hearthswarming meal! From the looks of things, there's no doubt it will be one to remember.
  2089. >Momlight and Aunt Twiggles go over their holiday checklist one last time before heading to the table. Those two are too organized for their own good.
  2090. >You stop right in front of the table as a particular thought creeps into your mind. It almost feels like you're forgetting something...
  2091. >Something important...something about...home?
  2092. >You shake your head. No you silly, it's not time to go home to the castle yet. The Hearthswarming Eve party has just started!
  2093. >Momlight pats an empty seat right between her and Aunt Twiggles, which you quickly fill with a well-timed jump.
  2094. >The Apple family passes out mugs full of fresh cider while the caterers begin serving bowls of hot soup and sweet rolls. It all looks so tasty, you can't wait to dig in!
  2095. >Somepony activates a phonograph in the center of the banquet, which immediately starts playing bubbly festive music.
  2096. >Aunt Twiggles gives a sappy speech about being together for the holidays and treasuring loved ones in the limited time we're on this earth.
  2097. >It's really mushy stuff, but you fully understand the meaning of her words. You need to spend as much time with Momlight as you can, before something happens to one of you.
  2098. >Your family cheerfully clanks their cider mugs together at the end of Auntie's speech and everypony shares a hearty laugh to welcome the holiday proper.
  2099. >"Happy Hearthswarming Anon." Momlight looks at you and smiles.
  2100. "Happy Hearthswarming Mommy." You smile and wag your tail in return.
  2101. >With a sip of cider you begin chowing down on the wonderful meal in front of you.
  2103. ========
  2104. || THE END ||
  2105. ========

It's a Ponk Life [COMPLETE]

by InkSlinger

Momlight Sparkle [COMPLETE]

by InkSlinger

Magic Trix

by InkSlinger


by InkSlinger

Just One More

by InkSlinger