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Momlight Sparkle

By InkSlinger
Created: 2024-06-05 06:30:58
Updated: 2024-06-24 08:37:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Part 0:
  2. >It's another beautiful day in the Everfree Forest.
  3. >Momlight's castle glistens in the morning sun as you trot out into the courtyard orchard.
  4. >The four citadel towers stand tall, casting colorful rays of light all around you through their stained glass windows.
  5. >Birds happily chirp above you in the wooden rafters.
  6. >The collection baskets are in place, the fruits are looking ripe, and you're ready to buck.
  7. >You happily skip from fruit tree to fruit tree, knocking their juicy cargo free with a few well-placed bucks.
  8. >One tree drops delicious red apples.
  9. >Another tree drops honeydew melons the size of your head.
  10. >And the tree you're currently harvesting grows the sweetest bananas you've ever tasted.
  11. >*BUCK*
  12. >A particular bundle of bananas somehow misses your fruit basket and bonks against something.
  13. >"Oof! Careful sweetie!"
  14. >Or somepony.
  15. >You spin around to find a purple alicorn mare standing behind you, rubbing her head where the bananas landed.
  16. >Panic sets in and you're galloping over to make sure she's okay.
  17. "Oops! Sorry Mommy. I didn't mean to-"
  18. >Momlight quickly cuts off your apology with one of her mama bear hugs.
  19. >She felt so warm and soft that you didn't want to let go.
  20. >"It's okay, Anon. Accidents happen."
  21. >She picks up the bananas with her magic and places them into your basket, which is now overflowing.
  22. >"Gosh this is quite a lot Anon!"
  23. >Momlight can't help but smile while looking through the "fruits" of your labor. *ba-dum tsh!*
  24. >"Did you really buck all of this by yourself?"
  25. >You nod your head.
  26. "Yep yep yep! Just for you Mommy!"
  27. >It wasn't until Momlight started giggling that you realized your body was excitedly hopping up and down on its own.
  28. "Can we have breakfast now?" You ask with a smile.
  29. >"Of course dear." She answers back with an even bigger smile.
  30. >You SQUEE with delight and pick up the fruit basket, or at least TRY to pick it up. The basket is a lot heavier than you remember.
  31. >Suddenly your tiny body is surrounded by a familar purple aura.
  32. >"Need a hoof honey?" Twilight asks teasingly.
  33. >The two of you can't help but laugh as Momlight carries you with the basket into the kitchen.
  34. >You love your purple mommy.
  36. Part I:
  37. >Momlight gently plops you onto a chair and begins to prep the delicious assortment of fruit you collected.
  38. >You turn around in the chair and begin to salivate after Momlight dons her favorite pink apron.
  39. >She uses her magic to pull out a knife from a nearby drawer and sharpens it carefully.
  40. >Momlight always cooked the best food! Especially breakfast!
  41. >She begins humming a VERY familiar theme song as the knife slices through various fruits.
  42. >You're practically chewing the back of your chair in anticipation.
  43. >What will she make today? Fruit salad? Apple grain bars? Banana bread pudding with oats?
  44. >You're erratically rocking back and forth like a crack addict in a halfway house.
  45. >Momlight sighs and stabs the knife into the cutting board.
  46. >"It's very hard to concentrate when you're being so silly Anon."
  47. >She turns towards you and pouts in the cutest way imaginable.
  48. >"Why don't you go wait in your room for now?"
  49. >*GROWLLLL*
  50. "But Mommy I'm hungry now!" You groan in protest.
  51. >The purple alicorn ponders for a moment and then smiles at you.
  52. >"Would you like some milk to hold you over?" she asks sweetly.
  53. >She didn't have to ask you twice.
  54. >You jumped down from the chair and dove under her in what felt like a split second.
  55. >She shudders when you latch onto her nipples and begin to suckle.
  56. >Warm milk flows effortlessly into your mouth, filling your soul (and belly) with pure happiness.
  57. >So good. So sweet. YOU NEED MORE.
  58. >You tug on her teats with reckless abandon, desperate to swallow every last drop of the sweet nectar.
  59. >"S-Sweetie! Please be *UNF* more gentle! They're very *HAAH* tender toda~y!" She cries out.
  60. >Momlight trembles above you with a series of soft moans. Time to finish up before she squirts more of that weird crotch juice again.
  61. >With a full belly and a clear mind, you cease your assault on her crotchtits and happily trot back up to hug Momlight.
  62. >You smile and try to lick the excess milk off your lips, but alas your tongue is too small.
  63. >Momlight leans down to lick off the remaining milk and softly kisses you on the forehead.
  64. "Thank you Mommy!" You exclaim while wagging your tail.
  66. Part II:
  67. >She nuzzles you affectionately in return.
  68. >"You're welcome sweetie. Now be a good colt and go play while Mommy finishes making breakfast okay?"
  69. "Okie!"
  70. >You gallop off to your room, not wanting to interrupt Momlight any longer.
  71. >Soon the rich smells of breakfast begin emanating from the kitchen corridor.
  72. >"Anon~!"
  73. >Momlight's faint voice calls out to you from the kitchen.
  74. >You're too busy playing with your stuffed animals to hear her.
  75. >"Anon!"
  76. >Her voice sounded more serious this time, but again you ignore her call in favor of plushie playtime.
  77. >The stone walls of your room begin to crack and chip.
  78. >"ANON."
  79. >Your ears perk up, surprised to hear such a harsh tone coming from your own mommy.
  80. >Momlight wasn't sounding like her usual chipper self anymore.
  81. >"Get in here NOW!"
  82. >The pure maliciousness in her voice makes you freeze in place.
  83. >The floor you're sitting on begins to crumble beneath your flank.
  84. >These increasingly frustrated calls send shivers down your...everything.
  85. >Did you do something wrong? Did you harvest some bad fruit? Did you forget to put the toilet seat down!?
  86. >Momlight begins growling in frustration like an angry timberwolf, further destroying the room around you.
  87. >You drop your stuffed animals and gasp as they disintegrate into nothingless upon touching the floor.
  88. >The four castle walls are collapsing into a black void of nothingness.
  89. >Your comfy bed explodes and sends wooden splinters flying in every direction.
  90. >The large portrait of you and Momlight drops from the farthest wall and shatters, its remains set ablaze with a demonic purple flame.
  91. "WHAT THE BUCK IS HAPPENING?!" You cry out in terror.
  92. >Before you can even comprehend the situation, you plunge into the depths of oblivion with the last remaining cobblestone.
  94. Part III:
  95. >"ANON! Get in here and clean up this mess!"
  96. >Meanlight's harsh words once again tear you out of a peaceful sleep, much to your dismay.
  97. >There goes the wonderful dream you were having about Momlight treating you kindly for a change.
  98. >You can't help but utter a small sigh of disappointment as you rise to your hooves.
  99. >"ANOOOOOON!"
  100. >Her roar shakes the room, torture 'toys' clattering on their hooks.
  101. >Their metallic clanking serves as a grim reminder of the price to pay for disobedience.
  102. >Painful memories of being trapped in a pointed metal cage for "research" come flooding back into your mind.
  103. >You scurry from your bed, tiny hooves pounding a frantic rhythm down the shadowy hall to Meanlight's laboratory.
  104. >"Don't make me COME IN THERE!"
  105. >Your heart pounds even faster.
  106. >The heavy oak door swings open and you cautiously enter Momlight's domain.
  107. >Damnit, you meant MEANlight's domain.
  108. >"It's about time you got here, lazy colt!"
  109. >Meanlight is too engrossed in her current experiments to look at you.
  110. >You swallow nervously and approach her workbench with curiosity and fear in equal measure.
  111. "Y-Yes Mommy?"
  112. >Meanlight's ears perk up as you quickly stuff your forehooves against your mouth, aware of the foolish mistake you just made.
  113. >"What did you call MEEEEEEEEEE!?"
  114. >Meanlight slowly turns around to confront you and your poor choice of words.
  115. >Dumbass! You KNOW better than to call her 'Mommy' and feel compelled to do exactly that...
  116. >Your eyes widen in shock. Did her spell twist your mind too?
  117. >She glares at you with the intensity of an unhinged cockatrice.
  118. >There was no time to ponder.
  119. >You open your mouth to apologize but are immediately silenced by a purple wing to the face.
  120. >*SMACK!*
  121. >The force of impact sends your small green body flying across the room like a ragdoll.
  122. >*CRASH!*
  123. >You crash into a bookcase full of test tubes, books, and other dangerous things that begin raining down on you.
  124. >*BOOM!*
  125. >It's hard to believe that just a few months ago you were a human man that stumbled into the wonderful world of Equestria.
  126. >*BANG!*
  127. >Now, you were nothing more than a young foal for Meanlight Sparkle to use and abuse.
  128. >Celestia have mercy on your soul.
  130. Part IV:
  131. >Meanlight facehoofs and sighs with annoyance at your display of buffoonery.
  132. >"Oh Great. Now you have TWO messes to clean up."
  133. >She angrily points a hoof at the mess near her workspace and at the mess you're currently buried in.
  134. >"Get to work or you go to bed hungry. AGAIN."
  135. >She returns to her task with a snort, eagerly tinkering with some kind of magic crystal floating above her workbench.
  136. >Oh no. NonONoOoOOoO! You can't lose the chance to eat again.
  137. >It's been DAYS since your last meal, and Meanlight was all to keen to remind you of that fact.
  138. >Normally you'd make yourself a sandwich and be done with it, but there was one small problem with that idea.
  139. >The purple bitch had slowly been starving you out of conventional food options.
  140. >You remember the excitement of discovering a small group of fruit trees in the ruined courtyard.
  141. >So too do you remember the horror of watching Meanlight burn them to ash right in front of you.
  142. >Then there were the blurpleberry bushes you found growing around the outer castle walls.
  143. >Meanlight poisoned them with a magic enchantment.
  144. >Your last chance for an independent meal was a small grain farm located in the cellar.
  145. >Alas, Meanlight put an end to that plan by sending the entire cellar to another dimension.
  146. >Leaving the castle outright was NOT an option, as the surrounding Everfree Forest was far too dangerous for a young foal.
  147. >Meanlight had successfully backed you into a corner and there was nothing you could do about it.
  148. >Despite all of that, Meanlight did make sure to feed you from time to time, although was barely enough to keep you alive.
  149. >For some deranged reason or another, she saw fit to feed you like an actual foal.
  150. >That is to say, she breastfeeds you.
  151. >You're not sure if it's a ploy to break your spirit or if she actually believes you're a baby horse.
  152. >Either way, it didn't change the fact that her milk tasted like wood chips.
  153. >You weren't exactly a fan of milk as a human, but it's the only 'food' she allowed you to have.
  155. Part V:
  156. >*THWACK*
  157. >"ANON SNAP OUT OF IT!"
  158. >Meanlight smacks you over the head to bring you back to reality.
  159. >Oh shit. Did you just zone out like a complete dork?
  160. "Y-Yes Mom-MEANlight..."
  161. >You avoid her gaze and quickly get back to work.
  162. >"I don't know why I put up with your shenanigans, you filthy green cur."
  163. >You hold back your tears and fetch a trash cart, broom, and safety goggles to attack the menacing messes.
  164. >'Why indeed' you think to yourself as you carefully throw away the broken test tubes and torn books.
  165. >She could've killed you at any moment since you first fell out of the portal onto her in the Everfree Forest.
  166. >Meanlight is always experimenting on you, abusing you, calling you names, and many other despicable acts.
  167. >The urge to run away wells up inside you once again, but something always stops you from doing so.
  168. >You naively believe that somewhere deep inside that hollow shell of a Twilight clone shines a sliver of love and compassion.
  169. >There were brief moments where Meanlight would show genuine affection towards you when it was least expected.
  170. >You still can't believe the time she let you sleep in her bed during that loud thunderstorm a week back. She even snuggled you!
  171. >Then there was the time she gave you an extra helping of milk for cleaning out the fireplace before the cold snap moved in.
  172. >Were these kind moments a subtle cry for help? Or were they merely a ploy to keep her little green slave happy enough to guarantee further servitude?
  173. >With the bookshelf cleaned up, you slowly trot over to Meanlight's workbench with the trash cart in tow.
  174. >Meanlight gives you a side eye while continuing to work on her nefarious project.
  175. >You yelp and quickly look away before she becomes angry enough to hit you again.
  176. "Umm, Meanlight?"
  177. >Her ear twitches at the sound of your squeaky voice.
  178. >"What Anon? Can't you see I'm extraordinarily busy right now?"
  179. >She blasts the floating crystal with some of her dark purple magic, turning it a deep shade of red.
  180. "D-Did you find a spell that will turn me back into a human?"
  181. >You don't even look up from your work in fear of arousing her wrath once more.
  182. >The sounds of her scientific tools hitting the workbench send a shiver down your spine.
  183. >Was she getting up to hurt you some more? You close your eyes and brace for the impact of another hoof smack.
  185. Part VI:
  186. >"Hmmmm..."
  187. >She stops working and ponders for a moment with a hoof placed on her chin.
  188. >"No."
  189. >Your heart sinks.
  190. >"And it's not happening any faster with you pestering me every other day about it. You focus on your work and I'll focus on mine."
  191. >You were surprised by her straightforward answer, mainly because she usually cusses you out or bonks you on the head whenever asking ANYTHING of her.
  192. >It appears that your little foal mind may in fact be right about Meanlight.
  193. >Perhaps she DID have a softer side locked away within that cruel heart of hers.
  194. >You pick up the last of the mess and toss it in the cart with your teeth.
  195. "All done!" You exclaim.
  196. >If it was one thing you were good at as a little colt, it was cleaning shit up.
  197. >You look up at Meanlight and smile sheepishly, proud of another job well done.
  198. >Meanlight completely ignores you and continues to tinker with the floating crystal.
  199. >"Just a little more magic and-"
  201. >Meanlight practically jumps out of her skin at the sound of your rumbling belly, causing her to drop the crystal.
  202. >"NOOOOOOOO!"
  203. >She frantically flails her forearms around in an attempt to grab it, but the crystal slips right through her hooves and shatters on the workbench.
  204. >The two of you sit there in a long shared silence, unsure of what to do in the moment.
  205. >You gasp and scramble to hide behind the trash cart knowing full well that you were in SERIOUS trouble now.
  206. >Mom- erm, Meanlight HATED it when you startled her like that, regardless of the intent.
  207. >The agitated mare slowly climbs down from her seat and turns her head in your direction.
  208. >"Anon..."
  209. >You poke your head out from behind your admittedly bad hiding spot.
  210. >Meanlight picks up the trash cart with her magic and throws it against the wall, leaving you completely exposed.
  211. >She grinds her teeth through a forced grin, complete with twitching eye.
  212. >"Do you have any idea WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE?!?!"
  213. >Before you can even respond, Meanlight picks YOU up with her magic and begins throwing your little green hide around the lab.
  214. >"I. WAS. SO. CLOSE!"
  215. >Your tiny body slams into walls, floors, ceilings, and other hard surfaces as though it were some kind of fuzzy pinball.
  216. >Unfortunately for you however, a foal's body was much more fragile than the average pinball.
  218. Part VII:
  219. >*THUMP*
  220. >Your ribs crack from colliding with one of Meanlight's storage tanks.
  221. >"YOU USELESS-"
  222. >*CRUNCH*
  223. >Your left hind leg snaps and twists after slamming against the examination table.
  225. >*WHAP*
  226. >You crash into a large rock on display near the center of the room, fracturing your skull in the process.
  227. >"BUCKHEAD!"
  228. >With one last spiteful throw, Meanlight tosses your broken body into the trash cart.
  229. >*BASH*
  230. >Every single one of your nerve endings cries out in agony from the overwhelming wave of pain.
  231. >Your heart beats so wildly that you're afraid it will burst out of your chest.
  232. >Meanlight trots up to you and scowls at your bloodied form.
  233. >You look up at her through tear-stained eyes, begging her to stop this madness.
  234. "P-Pwease fohgib me *COUGH* Meanwight..."
  235. >It's difficult to talk through a mouthful of blood and broken teeth.
  236. >Meanlight snorts as if to dismiss your painful predicament.
  237. >You're beginning to wonder if this realm is a twisted circle of hell that disguised itself as Equestria.
  238. >The world around you gradually fades to black as you succumb to your wounds.
  239. >Meanlight and her lab slowly fade into the abyss, replaced by an eerie silence that echoes into the void.
  240. >You open your eyes and gasp as a new world comes into focus.
  241. >Nothing remains except infinite darkness in all directions.
  243. Part VIII:
  244. "Yep, I'm deader than disco."
  245. >You climb to your hooves and look yourself over.
  246. "Wait, why am I still a colt?"
  247. >Even in death, Meanlight's cruel magic continues to torment you.
  248. >You really didn't want to spend eternity as a damn foal, but at least your wounds are gone.
  249. >The calm and quiet nature of this dark domain is oddly soothing.
  250. >For the first time in your life, you feel truly at peace.
  251. >You stretch out like a housecat and begin to explore this new realm.
  252. >Pain, fatigue, hunger, and even fear fail to manifest in your new body.
  253. "So this it what it feels like to be dead."
  254. >Being alone in an infinite void kinda sucked, but at least you were far away from HER.
  255. >Never again would you have to clean up messes, "help" with experiments, or take her abuse on a daily basis.
  256. >You hum a happy tune and gallop through the darkness, eager to see what limbo has to offer.
  257. >Three paths slowly unwind before you from the belly of the void.
  258. >The first path snakes further down into an even darker area of limbo.
  259. >The second path twists back around as if to lead back to the way you came.
  260. >The final path leads upwards into the clouds with a spiral of golden stairs.
  261. >You squeal with excitement and quickly gallop towards the staircase.
  262. >There's nothing like the sweet embrace of death to hurry one along.
  263. >Godlike rays of luminosity dance around your body as you ascend the gilded steps.
  264. "Freedom!" you shout as the light rapidly approaches.
  265. >Suddenly you feel a familiar purple aura engulf your body just as you're about to touch the beautiful glowing radiance.
  266. >"Don't you DARE die on me you little skidmark!"
  267. >The aura stops you dead in your tracks and begins to drag you away.
  268. >You frantically thrash and scream, desperate to escape this nightmare once and for all.
  269. "NoNoNoNoNOOOO! I don't want to go back!" You squeal in terror.
  270. >Despite your best efforts to wrench free, the magic aura holds strong and continues to pull you futher away.
  271. >The light quickly recedes into the depths of oblivion, and with it, go your hopes of escape.
  273. Part IX:
  274. >Your eyes slowly open, and once again you find yourself in the laboratory.
  275. >Meanlight towers over you wearing an irritated scowl.
  276. >She impatiently taps a hoof on the cobblestone flooring.
  277. >"Get up Anon."
  278. >Meanlight's demanding tone has you instinctively rising to your hooves.
  279. >The pain that overwhelmed you earlier is completely gone, much to your surprise.
  280. >It doesn't take long for you to realize what the fuck just happened.
  281. >Twilight must have healed your wounds and brought you back from the brink of death.
  282. "Oh no..."
  283. >This wasn't supposed to happen. You were dead. DEAD.
  284. >That was your chance to pass on to the great beyond and finally be free of this malicious mare!
  285. >You bury your face into your forehooves and fight back the tears of disappointment.
  286. "Will this nightmare never end?!"
  287. >Meanlight raises an eyebrow at your ridiculous question.
  288. >"It ends when I SAY it ends."
  289. >She pushes you aside and heads back to her workbench.
  290. >"Now clean up this mess and head to bed. You have a LONG day of work ahead of you."
  291. >You gulp nervously and clean up the new mess as fast as you can.
  293. >Oh fuck. Not again.
  294. "Shut up! SHUT UP!" You quietly shout.
  295. >You start hitting your noisy belly in an attempt to silence its gurgles of hunger.
  296. >"ANON!"
  297. >Meanlight turns around from her workbench and leers at you.
  298. >"I will NOT have you interrupting my crystal experiment again."
  299. >She grabs you with her magic and plops you down on the workbench.
  300. >*hungry stomach noises*
  301. >Meanlight looks like she's ready to bite your head off, and you mean that quite literally.
  302. >Oh no, what kind of horrifying torture does she have in store for you this time?
  303. >You shiver and close your eyes in anticipation of whatever punishment she has planned.
  304. >To your shock, Meanlight lowers her face to meet yours and...SMILES?
  305. >"Awww is da wittle foal hungwy?"
  306. >Your eyes widen. Your breathing hastens. Your mind is being pulled in a dozen directions at once.
  307. >What kind of scheme is this psycho bitch trying to pull now?
  308. >You have no choice but to nod your head, lest your stomach start growling again.
  309. >"Good!" she coos back.
  310. >The sweetness in her voice raises a big red flag in your mind, but the hunger is too intense to ignore.
  312. Part X:
  313. >Her horn glows for a split second and then returns to normal.
  314. >You open your eyes and cock your head in confusion.
  315. "Nothing...happened?" You ask.
  316. >Meanlight rolls her eyes and turns around, smacking you with her tail in the process.
  317. >"Is THIS what you want?"
  318. >Your brain struggles to process what the fuck is going on.
  319. >There stood Meanlight, presenting her bare rump to you in all its purple glory.
  320. >If she had been foolish enough to transform you into a full-grown stallion instead of a young foal, you'd be hatefucking her into the ground right now.
  321. >Alas, something a bit further down catches your eye.
  322. >Meanlight's teats dangle freely between her legs, but they look rather swollen.
  323. >You notice something white is leaking from both nipples.
  324. "Milk!" You squeak with delight.
  325. >You can't help but jump up and down excitedly, licking your lips at the mere THOUGHT of sucking them dry.
  326. >"That's riiiiiiight~!" she teases.
  327. >Meanlight playfully bounces her teats, causing milk to drip all over the floor while they flail around.
  328. >You're tripping over yourself as you jump off the workbench, eager to get a taste of your first meal in almost a week.
  329. >The bitchmare's personality is rotten to the core, but her milk may as well be liquid candy by comparison.
  330. >You gallop toward her with your tongue hanging out, belly rumbling, and eyes on the prize.
  331. >Nothing short of death could distract you from gorging on those milk jugs.
  332. >"Thaaaaaaaaat's it Anon!" she whispers happily "You're aaaaaaaaallllllmost there~!"
  333. >You giggle like a kid in a candy store and dive right for her milky mammaries.
  334. >*BWOOP*
  335. >Wait what?
  336. >You stumble backwards after coming into contact with some kind of...invisible barrier?
  337. >Your face twists with confusion at the unexpected roadblock to Milky City.
  338. >Meanlight turns her head to smirk at you, satisfied with your reaction.
  339. >"Oh dear! You didn't break the barrier!" She teases.
  340. >She continues to bounce her teats right at you while summoning a small clock out of thin air.
  341. >"You'd better hurry if you want milkies before bedtime~!"
  343. Part XI:
  344. >Her smirk quickly changes into a sadistic grin as you charge into the barrier again.
  345. >*BWOMP!*
  346. >The barrier faintly quivered like a giant blob of jello, but it did not budge an inch.
  347. >Your belly growls again, perhaps as further encouragement to tear down this damn gelatinous wall.
  348. >How could she do this to a foal for Celestia's sake? A FOAL?!?
  349. >Granted you're a human man that was transformed into a foal, but you're a foal nonetheless.
  350. >*TICK*
  351. >Your breathing hastens.
  352. >*TOCK*
  353. >Your charging becomes more erratic.
  354. >*TICK*
  355. >Tears begin to leak from your eyes.
  356. >*TOCK*
  357. >You're bashing your head against the barrier as hard as you can.
  358. >The barrier rewards your efforts with more quivers and ripples.
  359. >Your squeals of frustration earn a few hearty cackles from Meanlight.
  360. >The adrenaline and determination gradually leave your body with every failed attempt.
  361. >Five minutes later and you're slumped over the barrier with exhaustion.
  362. >*DING DING DING*
  363. >Meanlight glances at her clock and poofs it out of existence.
  364. >"Time's up~!"
  365. >She turns back around to face you once again. Her smug grin of satisfaction hurts you deeply.
  366. >"Awww too bad. Looks like you're in for another sleepless night my sweet little foal."
  367. >The sarcastic sting in her words felt like an icy knife plunging into your heart.
  368. >You were already in tears at this point, but apparently that wasn't pleasing enough to Meanlight.
  369. >NOTHING you ever did was good enough for this miserable cunt.
  370. >She flies up to her balcony on the second floor and sends a mock air kiss towards you.
  371. >"Goodnight Anon! See you bright and early tomorrow!"
  372. >Meanlight begins cackling like a cringey supervillain as she retires to her room.
  373. >Horrible peals of laughter ring throughout the lab, and you just sit there staring at the distant wall.
  374. >You feel your left eye twitching from the stress and anger building up inside.
  375. >What did you ever do to deserve this suffering?
  376. >Did you kick a puppy in the human world?
  377. >Did you steal from the homeless?
  378. >Did you "forget" to tip at an expensive restaurant that one time?
  380. >This growing hunger is beginning to eat away at your sanity.
  381. >Meanlight was the shittiest mother a foal could ask for, and it's only going to get worse from here on out.
  382. >The lack of mommy and milk are taking a devastating toll on your psyche.
  383. >You were unlovable in the human world, and now it seems as though like you're unlovable in this world as well.
  384. >Unlovable.
  385. >UN.LOVE.ABLE.
  387. >The soul-crushing word multiples and consumes your mind like a swarm of locusts.
  388. >You stumble to your hooves with a grunt and head for the sanctuary of your room.
  389. >Something deep inside you snaps, leaving you feeling numb and jaded to the world.
  391. Part XII:
  392. >*WHAM!*
  393. >You kick the door to your room wide open and trot inside.
  394. >Meanlight won't be happy if the noise wakes her, but you're beyond caring at this point.
  395. >Dead or alive, you're getting the fuck out of this chamber of miserable memories.
  396. >You chuck a small brown saddlebag onto your bed and look for things to pack.
  397. >It wouldn't hold much, but it was all you had to work with.
  398. >You push right past the chains, knives, cages and dried syringes hanging all over the room.
  399. >You sure as hell aren't taking any of these 'toys' with you.
  400. >Frustrated groans escape you as a small quantity of old snacks and your winter scarf are all that can squeeze into the tiny pouches.
  401. >You turn back towards the bed and look at your stuffed winterchilla sitting on the pillow.
  402. >Tears form in your eyes as you carefully pick the toy up.
  403. >This stuffed animal was the first and only material possession Meanlight afforded you.
  404. >Truth be told, the cuddly blue rodent got you through some tough times.
  405. >You remember the time Mr. Fluffernutter helped you try to escape through the window.
  406. >It ALMOST worked, but the silly winterchilla fell back through the bars right when you were about to reach them.
  407. >It turns out button eyes on a stuffed animal are not strong enough to support a foal's weight.
  408. >The poor thing lost its left eye that day, and you never managed to find it in the tall grass outside.
  409. "C'mon Mr. Fluffernutter. We're getting the buck out of here."
  410. >You hug the toy and place it into your bag. It squeaks in agreement as it settles into the pouch.
  411. >You feel a chilling wind blow through the bars of your bedroom window and instinctively put the scarf on.
  412. >You pause to look down at the scarf wrapped around your neck.
  413. >Pale blue stripes on dark pale blue stripes. Gross.
  414. >At least it matched your plushie companion.
  415. >You look around your "room" one last time before heading for the castle entrance.
  416. >Hoofsteps softly echo off of the walls as you make your way towards the main entrance.
  417. >This was really happening. You were finally leaving this toxic purple bitch behind.
  418. >You pass an old mirror in the great hall and freeze in your tracks.
  419. >The foal looking back at you appeared tired and rather scruffy, but one other detail catches you by complete surprise.
  420. >Your coat FADED? It somehow changed from a bright green hue to a pale puke green.
  421. >Unfortunately your mane and tail fared no better, as they are now a dim blackish gray.
  422. >You looked like a zombie, and honestly you felt like one too.
  423. >This little hair crisis would have to wait until you escaped the clutches of Meanlight Sparkle.
  424. >The front door opens with a loud squeak, as if to alert Meanlight of her soon-to-be escaped prisoner.
  425. >You scurry past the slab of heavy oak as fast as you can and don't look back even once.
  426. >The autumn air feels frigid against your coat, but turning back was NOT an option.
  427. >You remember Meanlight telling you about all sorts of dangerous monsters lurking in the Everfree Forest.
  428. >Monsters were the least of your worries when the alternative would be having Meanlight as your 'mother'.
  429. >Somewhere out in this vast magical world is a new mommy that will actually love you (and hopefully break this foal spell).
  431. Part XIII:
  432. >The Everfree Forest stretched out in every direction as far as the eye could see.
  433. >The nearby trees are abuzz with chirping birds and small rodents.
  434. >Under normal circumstances you would be more appreciative of nature's wonders.
  435. >However, all you can think about right now is the abuse you suffered by Meanlight's hoof.
  436. >You trot through a small swamp and pass a pair of big yellow eyes poking out from the mud.
  437. >Did the compulsive desire for a mommy force you to overlook Meanlight's abhorrent behavior?
  438. >You duck under a fallen tree right as the swamp creature springs up for the kill.
  439. >*THUNK*
  440. >The monster cries out in pain behind you, but you're too despondent to give a shit.
  442. >You wander into a large cave with no regard for the dangers that may lurk inside.
  443. >ShE ObViOsLy CaReD FoR YoU To SoME dEgREE RiGhT?
  444. >You trample over a large soft boulder in the middle of the cave.
  445. >That's why she didn't KILL you when you first met! RIGHT?!?!
  446. >The pile of fur stirs beneath your hooves and utters a growl of annoyance.
  447. >You deliberately stomp your hooves in anger as you climb up the mountain of blue fur.
  448. >Didn't you always do what she asked of you?
  449. >You jump down and continue your journey towards the other end of the cave.
  450. >Did Meanlight blame you for the tree of harmony trying to kill her?
  451. >The "boulder" shuffles along behind you as you trot deeper into the cave.
  452. >You see white stars twinkling along the cave walls that seemed to move in tandem with your hoofsteps.
  453. >They were pretty, but ultimately did nothing to cheer you up.
  455. "Shut up belly. There's no milk here." You poke your stomach with annoyance.
  456. >The cave violently trembles from the noise and begins to collapse around you.
  457. "There's no milk anywhere..." You sigh with anguish.
  458. >Honestly, you'd be GRATEFUL if the falling stalactites ended your misery.
  459. >You feel something sharp graze your head and back, but you continue towards the cave exit.
  460. >Rocks are clanking and thumping all over the insides of the cave.
  461. >More roars erupt from inside the cave, but are quickly drowned out as the exit fills up with rocks and broken stalactites.
  462. >You feel some kind of liquid trickling down the side of your head.
  463. >Painful throbs erupt all over your skull as you continue walking deeper into the forest.
  464. >You were going to find a loving mommy or die trying.
  466. Part XIV:
  467. "Mommy..."
  468. >You feel your mind unraveling like some kind of cheap rope.
  469. "Where are you mommy?"
  470. >How much longer do you have until you're unable to form a coherent though?
  471. >Snowflakes begin falling onto your body while you trudge deeper and deeper into the forest.
  472. >You have a feeling that the young foals of this world will not last long without a mother to care for them.
  473. "WHERE?"
  474. >WhY CaN't YoU FiNd a LoViNG MoMmY oF yOuR OwN?
  475. >The forest wind is gradually becoming colder around you.
  476. >The pace of your trotting becomes slower as your fatigued legs struggle to support your weight.
  478. >Your ears perk up at the sounds of eerie neighs floating along on the bone-chilling breezes.
  479. >The sky directly above your head becomes darker against an already darkened treeline.
  480. >Meanlight could've been your mommy, but she chose to be an evil witch instead.
  481. >You feel the ever-growing weight of snow building up on your back.
  482. >WHY? WhY DiDn'T ShE LoVE YoU?!
  483. >Your scarf is slowly losing its effectiveness in this strange weather.
  484. >If Meanlight was going to hate you, then it's only fair that you HATE her back.
  485. >You can't help but hate yourself as well, just for putting up with Meanlight's horseshit for so long.
  486. >Strong blasts of icy wind pierce your hide with little effort.
  487. >You shiver and look up to see a strange ghost horse swirling around a small cloud.
  488. >Oh goodie, now you're seeing things. This must be a sign that you're not long for this world.
  489. >Wonderful. Now the stupid ghost horse thing is following you.
  490. >MoMMy MaKE tHE DuMB gHoST Go AwAY!
  491. >You trip over a rock and begin rolling downhill like some kind of fuzzy ball.
  492. >After narrowly missing sharp rocks, small creatures, and large holes in the ground, you find yourself in the middle of a big clearing.
  493. >You stumble to your hooves and look around in awe.
  494. >There in the middle of the clearing stood a cozy little cottage sitting atop a great hill.
  495. >Birdhouses of all shapes, sizes and colors dot the landscape.
  496. >The backyard is home to a large rustic-looking chicken coop, complete with chickenwire fencing.
  497. >Dozens of animal dens line the hillside as far as the eye can see.
  498. >Beyond that, you can see the sun beginning to rise over a small town on the distant horizon.
  499. >Are your tired eyes deceiving you? Have you truly reached the end of this accursed forest?!
  501. Part XV:
  502. >"LaLaLaLa La, LaLaLaLa La~!"
  503. >The ambient silence is suddenly shattered by an unknown voice and you quickly look around in a panicked frenzy.
  504. >The cottage door swings open and out trots a cheerful yellow pegasus, her pink mane flowing in the breeze.
  505. >She glides over to one of the flower boxes lining her windows with a watering can in her hooves.
  506. >Your instincts tell you to run away and hide, but it's too late.
  507. >She spots you in the window's reflection and turns around with a gasp, dropping the water can in her shock.
  508. >"Oh my goodness! What's a foal doing way out here?!"
  509. >She immediately flies towards you with powerful wings and a look of concern wrapped around her face.
  510. >The world quickly shifts sideways as you collapse to the ground.
  511. >Exhaustion, pain, hunger, and a broken heart work in tandem to completely break you down.
  512. >"You poor thing! What were you doing in the Everfree Forest?!"
  513. >There's not enough air in your lungs to properly answer the panicked pegasus.
  514. >You feel the pony gently pick you up and flutter towards her cottage door.
  515. >She's so soft to the touch, and the warmth of her body feels unusually comforting.
  516. >This mare is acting so...MoTHerLY towards you...
  517. >She clutches your trembling frame to her chest and nuzzles you tenderly.
  518. >"It's okay little one."
  519. >The sudden influx of affection forces you to look upwards in disbelief.
  520. >You find yourself staring into two big beautiful cyan eyes and watch in shock as tears stream down her cheeks.
  521. >"I won't let you suffer any longer!" The mare declares with a shaky voice.
  522. >The face of death never looked so beautiful, yet so sorrowful.
  523. >Was she truly weeping for YOU?
  524. >The last thing you see is a living room full of wild animals.
  525. >Of course it was too good to be true. It seems this pegasus just wanted some fresh meat for her critters.
  526. >Your breaths become more labored. Hopefully you taste better than you look.
  527. >Your vision breaks down until only abstract blurs remain.
  528. >She's frantically speaking more words to you but they bleed together into a muffled symphony of white noise.
  529. >Dying in the arms of a motherly mare while surrounded by vicious bloodthirsty wildlife ready to consume your flesh was not the exit from life you were expecting.
  530. >Death is quite the sadistic force of nature it would seem.
  531. >Once again you find yourself floating in a dark void, but this time there are no divergent paths.
  532. >Strangely enough, you feel no peace of mind nor can you freely move around.
  533. >And worst of all, chills and hunger continue to gnaw at you with adamant determination.
  534. >When will this hellish cycle finally end?!
  535. >You would be screaming into the void right now if there was an ounce of strength left in your lungs.
  537. Part XVI:
  538. >"..Pl....wak.....up..."
  539. >The sounds of a muffled voice slowly worm their way into your subconscience.
  540. >You groan and try to open your eyes, only for them to stubbornly close back up again.
  541. >"P-Please wake up little foal!" The voice pleads.
  542. >You feel a hoof gently nudging your side, further rousing you from your slumber.
  543. >You finally manage to wake up after struggling with the annoying inner voice that demanded more rest.
  544. >The blurry world gradually comes into focus as you rub your eyes and let out a small yawn.
  545. >Many woodland creatures surround the couch you're resting on, seemingly happy that you're still alive.
  546. >"Oh thank Celestia you're okay!"
  547. >Two yellow hooves wrap themselves around your trembling body and pull you into a familar softness.
  548. >You immediately melt into the mare's embrace with a small mewl and cling to her for dear life.
  549. >"There there, you're safe now." She coos while petting your head.
  550. >Her gentle words were so soothing to the ear and heart that they moved you to tears.
  551. >"I'll be here for you as long as you need me."
  552. >You bury your face into her chest and break down crying.
  553. >All of that stress, anger, despondence and anxiety come bubbling up until they explode into a cacophony of sobs and sniffles.
  554. >Yellowmare continues to gently hug and pet you with the loving patience of a true mommy.
  555. >After what seemed like hours, you finally manage to calm down.
  556. >A worrying thought creeps into your mind that has you tensing up all over again.
  557. >What if this is another cruel dream?!
  558. You cling to yellow mare even harder, afraid of losing her to the void of dreams as you did Momlight.
  559. >"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay." Yellowmom reassures you.
  560. >She giggles and lifts your head with her right hoof until your eyes meet.
  561. >You look into her cyan pupils and see a bandaged foal staring back.
  562. >Yellowmommymare really went out of her way to treat your wounds?
  563. >Was it truly possible for just anypony to care that much for a total stranger?
  564. >"Are you feeling better now?" Her question snaps you out of Thoughtville.
  565. >You nod and wipe the gushing snot from your snout. The animals gasp with disgust.
  566. >"I'm so glad to hear that!" She exclaims while hugging you tighter.
  567. >Yellowmother smiles with a radiance that could give the sun a run for its money.
  568. >"What's your name little colt?" She asks sweetly. "T-That is, if you don't mind me asking."
  569. >Everyone in the room looks at you expectantly. The animals in particular look rather eager to learn more about you.
  571. Part XVII:
  572. "Anon." You nervously reply. "I-I'm Anon..."
  573. >"Nice to meet you Anon! My name is-"
  574. "Mommy?" You blurt out.
  575. >Your oversized puppy dog eyes send the petite pegasus stumbling backwards in surprise.
  576. >The animals cocked their heads in confusion, no doubt wondering how their master hid her offspring from them.
  577. >"What? Me? A....m-mommy?" She stammers.
  578. "Mommy!" You yelp again.
  579. >You stumble towards her with unblinking eyes, desperate for more of the yellow mare's sweet affections.
  580. >She's so kind, so loving, so soft, so warm, SO MOMMYLIKE.
  581. "MOMMYYYYY!" You squeal at the top of your lungs.
  582. >She quickly shakes off the shock and forces a smile as you nuzzle up to her.
  583. >"O-Oh my.." She squeaks with embarassment.
  584. >At long last, you finally found a loving mommy to feed and take care of you.
  585. >Your stomach once again flares up with a series of moans and growls, startling the both of you.
  586. >Instinctively you pull away from her and cower on the floor as you did many times before.
  587. "I didn't mean to startle you Mommy! Please don't hurt me!" You're literally shaking right now.
  588. >You KNOW Mommy doesn't like it when you startle her regardless of the circumstances.
  589. >It's all over but the hitting, mauling, and whatever other consequences she sees fit to bestow upon you.
  590. >"Hurt you? I could NEVER do such a thing, Anon." She calmly reassures you.
  591. >Before you can even blink, Yellowmare scoops you up in her hooves and flies into the kitchen.
  592. >"Poor little foal, you must be starving!"
  593. >She gently sets you down in a seat at the dining room table and begins rummaging through the many food boxes scattered around.
  594. >"Angel~!" She calls into the living room. "Be a dear and help me fix a meal for our guest."
  595. >You watch in bewilderment as a small white rabbit hops into the kitchen and scrambles up onto the countertop.
  596. >The rabbit starts flailing its arms like a spaz and stomps its foot in frustration.
  597. >*GASP* "Angel! Don't be rude. I'll bake you a carrot cake AFTER Anon is taken care of." She scolds him.
  598. >The pair get to work making something for you to eat, but it's difficult to think about solid food at the moment.
  599. >*BOUNCE*
  600. >Mommy's teats look so swollen that you can practically HEAR the delicious milk sloshing around inside them.
  601. >*BOING*
  602. >They're easily twice as big as Meanlight's mammaries that's for sure.
  603. >*BOUNCE*
  604. >She moves to the left side of the counter and fetches a cutting board from the cupboard.
  605. >*SLOSH*
  606. >She moves to the right side and grabs a loaf of bread.
  607. >*milk noises*
  608. >You can't take it anymore. YoU JuST CaN'T FUCKING TaKe It AnYMoRE.
  609. >You charge towards her yellow hide with your tongue flopping out and latch onto one of her engorged nipples.
  610. >"EEEP!" She cries out at the sudden stimulation.
  611. >Something falls onto the counter and shatters with a loud *CRASH*. Angel looks over the countertop and glares at you.
  612. >You'll have time to apologize later, but right now you REALLY need this.
  614. Part XVIII:
  615. >Warm streams of milk flood into your mouth until your cheeks puff out.
  616. >It tastes like sweet wholesome vanilla, a welcome change from the nasty wooden flavor of a certain other mare's milk.
  618. >Mommymare trembles against the counter as lewd moans escape from her lips.
  619. >"A-Anon! Please *MMMF* stop!" she desperately pleads with you. "I can't *UHN* t-take much more of *OHHHH* t-this~!"
  620. >You grab both nipples with your mouth and wildly tug on her milk jugs to guzzle her sweet nectar dry.
  621. >Seven days of starvation have fried your brain, turning you into nothing more than a mindless milk-chugging machine.
  622. >The rabbit jumps onto your head and starts thumping his feet like a maniac, but you pay him no mind.
  623. >NOTHING will distract you from carrying out Operation: Milk.
  624. >"A-Anon I'm gonna-" The poor mare can't even finish her sentence.
  625. >JuST a LiTTLe MoRE. Please hang in there Mommy!
  626. >"UUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHNNNNN~!" Her erotic neigh sends chills down your little spine.
  627. >*SQUIRT*
  628. >Some kind of clearish liquid splatters all over your face from above, forcing you to let go of the mare's teats.
  629. >You stagger backwards in shock and slip in the newly-formed puddle at your hooves.
  630. >Motherhorse slumps down until she's lying on the floor next to you.
  631. >You're ashamed to admit that her lewd panting is starting to wake you up downstairs.
  632. >NO! You're not supposed to have dirty thoughts about your new mommy!
  633. >Shut up stupid horny brain! Go back to thinking about...literally anything other than that.
  634. >"A-A...*HUFF*..ANON!" She mewls with a shaky voice. "You n-naughty *GASP* NAUGHTY foa~l!"
  635. >You stare at the shivering mare sprawled out before you covered in sweat, milk and love juice.
  636. >Aw shit, maybe you DID overdo it a little.
  637. >The guilt is beginning to grow, and you find yourself lifting her left wing and snuggling up to her underneath it.
  638. "I'm so sorry Mommy. It's just, I was so hungry and-"
  639. >You see the shock in her eyes and almost immediately choke up. What have you done?
  640. >Her eyes fall on the rabbit that's currently trying to bash your head in.
  641. >"Angel dear, w-would you kindly bring me a d-dish towel?" She motions towards the sink with a quivering hoof.
  642. >The annoying rabbit hops back onto the counter and scurries towards the towel rack.
  643. >YOU should be the one trying to clean up this mess. You had a hoof in making it after all.
  644. >With a bit of effort you rise to your hooves and head towards the sink, only to be pulled back into Mommy's embrace.
  645. >*POOMF*
  646. >"You're not going anywhere mister!"
  647. >Mothermare wraps her wings tightly around you, further strengthening her grasp on your tiny frame.
  648. >You contemplate struggling out of her surprise snuggle, but it feels WRONG somehow.
  649. >Who in their right mind would want to escape from such a soft loving mommy?!
  650. >Not that you COULD struggle since her grip on you was tighter than bark on a tree.
  651. >You would KILL for a woman this sweet and affectionate back in the human world. Oh great, here come the sniffles again.
  652. >"Shhhh! It's okay, Anon." She gently whispers while giving you more headpats. "But next time please ask first, okay?"
  653. >You do your best to nod without breaking down into sobs and cuddle closer to her.
  655. Part XIX:
  656. >The annoying rabbit returns with a towel and casually throws it right in your face.
  657. >"Angel! That's the second time you've been rude to our guest!" She scolds him.
  658. >Angel flips the fuck out and starts squeaking angrily on the countertop.
  659. >You watch the yellow horse raise her head and glare at the stupid bunny.
  660. >Her bewitching stare forces Angel to calm the fuck down almost instantly.
  661. >"Behave. NOW." Her serious tone hit the small rodent like a freight train. "Or you won't get a carrot cake at all."
  662. >You too immediately settle down after hearing her words despite the fact that she wasn't actually speaking to you.
  663. >Note to self: do not disobey your new mommy.
  664. >She takes the towel and carfully wipes your face as though you were some kind of delicate flower.
  665. >"There we go! All nice and clean." She sighs with content.
  666. >You grab the towel and try to clean her off in return, although your short hooves have trouble reaching her back and mane.
  667. >She chuckles at the adorable display and nuzzles you with gratitude.
  668. >"Awww, thank you Anon." Motherhorse rewards your efforts with a soft kiss on the cheek.
  669. >She slowly rises to her hooves and begins to stretch, ready to tackle the day proper.
  670. >Your ears perk up at the sounds of frantic clucking from outside the cottage.
  671. "What's going on Mommy?" You look up to the pegasus with concern.
  672. >"I'm not sure." She tries to sound brave, but her eyes are alight with fear and worry. "S-Stay close to me, just in case!"
  673. >You hide underneath her as she trots towards the backdoor and opens the top half to investigate.
  674. >*GASP* The frightend mare sounds REALLY worried now.
  675. >You briefly leave your hiding spot and jump onto your hind legs in order to see what's going on out there.
  677. >It was Meanlight. You watch the alicorn angrily tear apart the chicken coop with no concern for the feathered occupants.
  678. >"Oh little one~!" She taunts while chickens scatter all over in the unfolding chaos. "Come out come out wherever YOU ARE!"
  679. >You freak the fuck out and dive back under your mother in a panicked frenzy.
  680. >"A-Anon, dear!" Mommy sounds just as distraught as you. "What's wrong?! Y-You're hyperventilating!"
  681. >You feel your heart and lungs thumping faster than they ever have before. How the fuck did Meanlight track you here?!? D-Did she send a spy?!
  682. >At this point you're clinging to the yellow mare's right foreleg for dear life, trembling like a small leaf trapped in the wind.
  683. >Mothermare sticks her head out and attempts to communicate with your mortal enemy.
  684. >"Oh hello Twilight!" She calls out to the evil witch. "What brings you here today?"
  685. >The thundering sounds of chaos (and clucks) suddenly cease. You hear distant hoofsteps slowly approach the two of you.
  686. >"Uhhh hi there, Flusterhigh!" Meanlight's voice struggles to adopt a friendly tone.
  687. >"I-It's Fluttershy, remember?" She softly corrected her. "Are you feeling alright Twilight?"
  688. >Fluttershy? That's your mother's real name? It's beautiful, just like her.
  689. >"What do you mean Fluttershy?" Meanlight chuckles with a psychotic undertone. "I'm just PEACHY!"
  690. >You hear her hooves impatiently stomp the ground outside. How much longer can you stay hidden?
  692. Part XX:
  693. >"Twilight you look terrible!" Fluttershy is likely referring to Meanlight's messy mane and noticeable eye bags.
  694. >Meanlight snorts with annoyance, clearly offended by Fluttershy's honest observation.
  695. >"Well YOU wouldn't look so good either if you were up all night!" She snarls.
  696. >"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you!" Fluttermom quickly apologizes. "Were you doing another all-night study session?"
  697. >"Yeeeeah, you could say that." Meanlight responded.
  698. >"My 'studies' were interrupted when something went missing last night, or rather somePONY."
  699. >You did NOT like the way she emphasized the last word in that sentence.
  700. >"You lost...somepony?" The yellow pegasus couldn't quite understand what she meant by that.
  701. >"A little foal as a matter of fact." Meanlight sounds a little TOO enthusiastic.
  702. >"A....f-foal?" Fluttershy gulps nervously.
  703. >"Yep, he's about yay high."
  704. >She thumps the door right where your head is.
  705. >"Green coat."
  706. >Fluttershy remains silent as Meanlight continues to press her.
  707. >"Black mane and tail."
  708. >You hear Mommyshy whimper with guilt.
  709. >"Has a question mark for a cutie mark."
  710. >You can feel her quivering almost as much as you now.
  711. >"Goes by the name 'Anon'."
  712. >There's no way Fluttershy can mistake you for anypony else now. Curse Meanlight and her photographic memory.
  713. >"Oh my. Are you foalsitting for somepony?" MotherFlutter asks. "O-Or is he your s-"
  714. >"Let's just say he's my...assistant..." Meanlight quickly interjects.
  715. >"No! Please NO!"
  716. >You quietly scream while shaking your head into Mommyshy's leg.
  717. >"D-Don't let her take me!"
  718. >Yellowmom takes a deep breath and prepares herself to answer Meanlight's relentless inquiry.
  719. >"I'm sorry Twilight, but I haven't seen him." Fluttermommy calmly replies.
  720. >"Foals know better than to wander so close to the Everfree Forest."
  721. >Meanlight growls in a swirling mix of confusion and frustration.
  722. >"Are you SUUUUURE?" Meanlight was sounding more unhinged by the second.
  723. >"Mmhmm." Fluttermum holds her composure.
  724. >"Well if you DO see him, I better be the first to know." Meanlight snorts. "That colt is in VERY. BIG. TROUBLE."
  725. >"O-Of course Twilight!" Fluttershy eagerly responds. "If my animal friends come across a green foal I'll be sure to let you know."
  726. >"Please do!" Meanlight grins as she turns around to leave.
  727. >Only when you hear her wingflaps disappear into the distance do you dare to leave your hiding spot.
  728. >Did that really just happen? Did motherhorse just save your ass?!
  729. "Mommy, why did you lie to her?" You look up at her in confusion.
  730. >"It didn't seem right to give you back." Matriarch-shy shakes her head and holds you closer to her chest.
  731. >"You were so scared of her, I couldn't help but protect you!"
  732. "Even so, you had every right to turn me in after all the trouble I've caused."
  733. >You snuggle in closer to her and shiver as the last of your fears melt away.
  734. >"Don't be too hard on yourself, Anon." She reassures you while giving more sweet headpats. "Everypony makes mistakes."
  735. >She really is the best mommy a foal could ask for. You can't hold back your tears of gratitude any longer.
  736. >This wonderful mare took you in when nopony else would and is raising you like her own.
  737. >On top of that she actually DEFENDED you from Meanlight, consequences be damned! Maybe there IS hope for you in this world...
  739. >Suddenly your body is enveloped in a white glow, leaving you with nothing but warm and fuzzy feelings inside.
  740. >"A-Anon?! What's going on?! Are you okay?!" Fluttermum cries out in surprise while covering her eyes from the blinding light.
  741. >The magic soon dissipates and Fluttermare slowly opens her eyes.
  742. "I'm better than okay." You happily reply.
  743. >"OH ANON! *GASP* Your colors!" She picks you up and takes you to a conveniently-placed mirror in the living room.
  744. >The animals sound off with gasps of their own, and you soon join them after looking into the mirror.

It's a Ponk Life

by InkSlinger

Momlight Sparkle

by InkSlinger

Magic Trix

by InkSlinger