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By InkSlinger
Created: 2024-10-14 07:41:12
Updated: 2024-10-14 21:00:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's another beautiful rainy day in Manehattan.
  2. >The city streets, once alive with the hustle and bustle of busy ponies, lie mostly empty as the falling rainwater drenches everything it touches.
  3. >No sane pony would be out and about in this deplorable weather. (Un)fortunately, you are not a sane pony.
  4. >You are Tack, a short-tempered earth pony stallion that somehow managed to land a job as a cobbler's apprentice.
  5. >Celestia only knows where he gets his limitless supply of patience to put up with your shenangians.
  6. >Life ain't exactly easy in this neck of the woods, but you manage to keep your head above water.
  7. >*SPLASH*
  8. >Metaphorically speaking that is. Last time you checked, pneumonia isn't your special talent.
  9. >You quickly look up and down the street for some form of shelter.
  10. >Everything is closed and there are no awnings, umbrellas, or carriage stops to hide beneath.
  12. >Your ear catches the sound of a door opening somewhere over yonder.
  13. >The rain continues its relentless assault as your hooves gallop towards the opening door as fast as they can.
  14. >Soon a strange little shop rapidly comes into view, the only one that shows signs of life on this block.
  15. >In the distance you can vaguely make out the shape of a mare emerging from the shop. She quickly trots over to the curb and drops a bag of garbage.
  16. >The pony stops dead in her tracks upon spotting you in the darkness.
  17. "Hello there! Nice weather we're having huh?"
  18. >You can practically FEEL the metaphorical spaghetti gushing from your nonexistent pockets.
  19. >Socializing was never your strong suit, otherwise you'd have a VERY different cutie mark.
  20. >The mare physically cringes at your corny interaction and turns to make a beeline for the safety of her shop.
  21. "W-Wait miss! Please! I have nowhere else to go!"
  22. >She turns to stare at your miserable form standing in the rain. You whimper with a trembling lip and beg her with desperate eyes.
  23. >Okay so you might be stretching the truth about having nowhere to go, but your home was five blocks over where the flood waters were rising to alarming levels.
  24. >After a bit of internal thought, the mare stands to the side and motions towards the open doorway.
  25. >"Fine, but you'd better-"
  26. >You speed past her and head for the fireplace, its glowing warmth drawing you in like a moth to an ember.
  27. >"-hurry..."
  28. >You stretch out and lay in front of the fire like a dog after a long day of chasing its tail.
  29. >"You're welcome." The mare chuckles from behind and throws a blanket on top of you.
  30. "Oh yeah, thanks Miss-?"
  31. >"Patches. Nice to meet you stranger." The curious mare quickly closes the front door and locks up for the night.
  32. >You watch her trot into the kitchen and put a kettle on the stove.
  33. "I'm no stranger; I'm Tack." You quickly correct her.
  34. >"Tack hmmm? That's a nice name."
  35. >In the blink of an eye she's back in the living room to serve the tea.
  36. >You instinctively perform a quick double take to make sure your eyes are still working properly.
  37. >That mare can move fast!

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