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By InkSlinger
Created: 2024-10-14 07:41:12
Updated: 2024-10-28 07:30:00
Expiry: Never

  1. Part I:
  2. >It's another beautiful rainy day in Manehattan.
  3. >The city streets, once alive with the hustle and bustle of busy ponies, lie mostly empty as the falling rainwater drenches everything it touches.
  4. >No sane pony would be out and about in this deplorable weather. (Un)fortunately, you are not a sane pony.
  5. >You are Tack, a short-tempered earth pony stallion that somehow managed to land a job as a cobbler's apprentice.
  6. >Celestia only knows where he gets his limitless supply of patience to put up with your shenangians.
  7. >The boss even let you leave early because of the weather!
  8. >Life ain't exactly easy in this neck of the woods, but you manage to keep your head above water.
  9. >*SPLASH*
  10. >Metaphorically speaking that is. Last time you checked, pneumonia isn't your special talent.
  11. >You quickly look up and down the street for some form of shelter.
  12. >Everything is closed and there are no awnings, umbrellas, or carriage stops to hide beneath.
  14. >Your ear catches the sound of a door opening somewhere over yonder.
  15. >The rain continues its relentless assault as your hooves gallop towards the opening door as fast as they can.
  16. >Soon a strange little shop rapidly comes into view, the only one that shows signs of life on this block.
  17. >In the distance you can vaguely make out the shape of a mare emerging from the shop. She quickly trots over to the curb and drops a bag of garbage.
  18. >The pony stops dead in her tracks upon spotting you in the darkness.
  19. "Hello there! Nice weather we're having huh?"
  20. >You can practically FEEL the metaphorical spaghetti gushing from your nonexistent pockets.
  21. >Socializing was never your strong suit, otherwise you'd have a VERY different cutie mark.
  22. >The mare physically cringes at your corny interaction and turns to make a beeline for the safety of her shop.
  23. "W-Wait miss! Please! I have nowhere else to go!"
  24. >She turns to stare at your miserable form standing in the rain. You whimper with a trembling lip and beg her with desperate eyes.
  25. >Okay so you might be stretching the truth about having nowhere to go, but your home is five blocks over, where the flood waters are rising to alarming levels.
  26. >After a bit of internal thought, the mare stands to the side and motions towards the open doorway.
  27. >"Fine, but you'd better-"
  28. >You speed past her and head for the fireplace, its glowing warmth drawing you in like a moth to an ember.
  29. >"-hurry..."
  30. >You stretch out and lay in front of the fire like a dog after a long day of chasing its tail.
  31. >"You're welcome." The mare chuckles from behind and throws a blanket on top of you.
  32. "Oh yeah, thanks Miss-?"
  33. >"Patches. Nice to meet you stranger." The curious mare quickly closes the front door and locks up for the night.
  34. >You watch her trot into the kitchen and put a kettle on the stove.
  35. "I'm no stranger; I'm Tack." You quickly correct her.
  36. >"Tack hmmm? That's a nice name."
  37. >In the blink of an eye she's back in the living room to serve the tea.
  38. >You instinctively perform a quick double take to make sure your eyes are still working properly.
  39. >That mare can move fast!
  41. Part II:
  42. >Patches settles into a red recliner and calmly sips her tea in front of the fireplace.
  43. >You turn to the mare and prepare to say something, but the sight of her has you spitting your tea out.
  44. >Jelly jar glasses. Beautiful green eyes. Blonde mane tied back into a ponytail. Peach-colored coat. Cute dimpled smile. This mare is a total bucking bombshell!
  45. >"I take it your some kind of cobbler?" Patches asks without looking up from her tea.
  46. >You tear your eyes away from her before she notices you staring. The last thing you need is for her to brand you a creep and call the ponice.
  47. "Uh yeah, but I'm just an apprentice."
  48. >"I see..."
  49. >She uses her magic to grab a book from the nearby bookshelf and begins to read.
  50. "Wait, how did you know I was a cobbler('s apprentice)?" You look at her in confusion.
  51. >Patches looks up from her book and points to your flank.
  52. >"There aren't many professions that utilize shoes and craft hammers."
  53. >Gee willikers! This mare is as perceptive as she is beautiful.
  54. "Fair enough. What line of work do YOU fall under?"
  55. >Patches sets her book down on the nearby coffee table and looks at you.
  56. >"I make...dollhouses..." She blushes and looks down at her book as the last word passes her lips.
  57. >You catch a glimpse of the mare's flank in the dim light. Her cutie mark looks like a patch of cloth with a sewing needle.
  58. "Huh? Your cutie mark doesn't look like a dollhouse." You protest.
  59. >"D-Dollhouses aren't the only things I make!" Patches frowns and covers her flank with the book.
  60. "Well yeah but, it's not what your cutie mark-"
  61. >"Ugh, you're just like the rest..." She sighs in disappointment. "Always jumping to conclusions!"
  62. >Her words have your ears perking up faster than [insert lame pun here].
  63. >"My cutie mark may tell a different story, but I do enjoy making dollhouses and accessories."
  64. >She points to the various miniature dollhouses neatly organized on the shelves surrounding the fireplace.
  65. >To be fair, they do look well-crafted. Each dollhouse is entirely unique in both design and color.
  66. "Gosh Patches, these dollhouses are beautiful! Are they all hoof carved?"
  67. >"Yes indeed!" She trots next to you and smiles proudly. "Every single one of them was crafted with care by my own two hooves (and a smidge of magic)!"
  68. >Your eyes slowly drift from house to house, looking over every single immaculate detail and accessory.
  69. "No kidding! It's rare to see ponies put so much effort into their hobbies like this."
  70. >"Thank you for those kind words." Her ears droop as she looks over her own handiwork. "Not many ponies show such enthusiasm for my craft."
  71. >Her craftsmanship clearly eclipses your own, but strangely enough, it doesn't make you feel jealous or inadequate.
  72. "If I had a daughter, she'd want to collect them all!" You jokingly state.
  73. >Patches' smile wanes and she turns to face you with a look of concern.
  74. >"If?" Her gorgeous green eyes stare right into yours. "Do you not have a...f-family?"
  75. >You shake your head and try to break her line of sight before she sees the blush in your cheeks.
  76. >*DING* *DING* *DING*
  77. >You hear a clock chime somewhere in the darkened hallway next to the fireplace.
  79. Part III:
  80. >"It's getting rather late..." Patches looks towards the fireplace and extinguishes its flames with her magic.
  81. >"Wouldn't you agree?"
  82. >She trots over to the bookshelf and returns her book with a small yawn.
  83. "Yep. I should probably head home now." You quickly rise to your hooves and stretch. "Thank you for your hospitality, Patches."
  84. >You head for the front door, ready to catch some Zs in the comfort of your own bed. Hopefully it isn't too soggy after all this rain.
  85. >"What?!" Patches teleports in front of the shop entrance and blocks your path. "Y-You can't leave yet! It's still raining cats and dogs outside!"
  86. >"Y-You're more than welcome to spend the night!" The frazzled unicorn illuminates the hallway. "I have a guest room upstairs for just such an occasion!"
  87. >Her panicked expression raises yet another red flag in your head.
  88. >Why does she suddenly want you to stick around? It's not like the two of you are best buddies or anything.
  89. "What's...going on?" You raise an eyebrow. "Are you trying to foalnap me or something?"
  90. >"Huh?! N-No, that's not it at all!" Patches takes a deep breath to calm herself. "It's just that, n-nopony else really appreciates my work like you do."
  91. >The flustered mare trots upstairs and motions for you to follow her. "And it's not often I get company."
  92. >Your mind is SCREAMING at you to get the buck out of here.
  93. "You've been a wonderful host, but I don't want to take advantage of your hospitality." You push her to the side and quickly grab the door handle.
  94. >A peach colored hoof reaches out and tightly wraps around your foreleg like a serpent.
  95. >You stare at her in silent shock as her eyes begin turning pitch black while fangs begin sprouting from the corners of her mouth.
  96. >What kind of twisted magic is this?!
  97. >"Please, a-at least take a look at my latest project before you go!" The mare begs you.
  98. >Her grip tightens around your trembling foreleg, sending a sharp stab of pain through your body.
  99. >Patches' actions defy her gentle words in a way that sends a shiver down your spine.
  100. >There must've been a sale down at the red flag store, because your mind is drowning in them now.
  101. >This mare is trouble.
  102. >BIG TROUBLE.
  103. "Fine." You sigh and let go of the door handle. "But make it quick alright? I have work in the morning."
  104. >It's best to just play along for now, at least until she's distracted long enough to make a beeline for the exit.
  105. >She squees with delight and instantly teleports the two of you to her darkened den.
  106. >"What do you think?" She happily points a hoof into the pitch black room.
  107. >You squint your eyes in confusion.
  108. "I think it's pretty dark in here."
  109. >"Oh gracious, how silly of me!" She giggles nervously and illuminates the room with a light from her horn. "How about now?"
  110. >You see many unfinished plush dolls and dollhouses strewn about.
  111. >This chick needs a few lessons on keeping her work area clean.
  112. >"Welcome to my workshop!" She teleports to the entrance of an unusually large dollhouse sitting in the center of the room.
  113. >You rub your eyes and blink again. How did you not notice that giant dollhouse before?!
  114. "Wow, you've certainly been busy." You nervously chuckle. "I bet these'll look great when they're all finished."
  115. >Just keep calm and be polite. The last thing you need right now is to push her off the deep end of her sanity.
  116. >She smiles and blushes before turning to paint the doorframe of her life-sized dollhouse. "T-Thank you..."
  117. >Patches finishes painting the doorframe and hastily throws the brush into an empty paint can.
  119. Part IV:
  120. >Your mane stands on end as the door suddenly opens by itself, seemingly without magic involved.
  121. "D-Did you o-open that, P-Patches?" Your teeth are chattering up a storm.
  122. >The mare teleports to your side and shakes her head. "No."
  123. >"How strange that the door opened on its own." Her lip curls into a devious grin. "It's almost as if-"
  124. >She stops midsentence and looks deep into your eyes.
  125. >You take a few steps back to give yourself some personal space, but the mare quickly closes the distance.
  126. >"Would you like to see the interior?" She motions towards the dollhouse's open door.
  127. >"I-It's not quite finished yet, but I think an upstanding gentlecolt such as yourself deserves a sneak peak!"
  128. >Is this some kind of prank?
  129. "W-What's going on Patches? Why are you acting so...STRANGE?!"
  130. >There's no hiding it now, you're in full panic mode. M-Maybe she won't notice?!
  131. >Your eyes dart all over the place, desperately trying to find some sort of distraction to help you escape this lunatic.
  132. >"Please Tack, I InSiST!"
  133. >She blasts you through the door with a beam of pink magic, sending you hurtling into the black hole that is the giant dollhouse.
  134. >Naturally, you freak the buck out and start flailing around like a spaz as you fall deeper and deeper into this heart of darkness.
  136. >You see a light rapidly approaching on the horizon and fall through it, landing on the ground with a loud *POMF!*
  137. >The ground feels a lot...SOFTER than usual.
  138. >With a grunt you stand up and survey the area, hoping to get your bearings before something else happens.
  139. >Something is VERY wrong. The entire landscape looks like it's made out of...plush fabric?
  140. >You have the strangest feeling you're not in Manehattan anymore.
  141. >The woods. The ground. The sky. Everything is made of fabric and stuffing!
  142. >That explains the unusually soft landing despite falling into in what appeared to be a pile of rocks.
  143. >Hopefully Patches is on the way to meet your here, otherwise getting out of here will be a daunting prospect.
  144. >You trot down the dirt path and head towards a small village sitting on the plushie horizon.
  145. >Hooves crossed that the villagers are friendly towards outsiders.
  147. >Your hoof digs into a small creature lying in the middle of the road, causing you to recoil in a panic.
  148. "HOLY BITS!"
  149. >You fall flat on your arse as the thing slowly stands up and stretches.
  150. >Strangely enough it has its back turned, seemingly unaware of your presence.
  151. >You rub your eyes and stare in disbelief. It looks like a little foal!
  152. "Sorry about that..." You quickly apologize. "I didn't mean to step on you, little buddy."
  153. >Your eyes practically pop out of their sockets as the creature twists its head like an owl until it's looking right at you.
  154. >The foal just stands there in an unnerving silence. Its stitched body twitches now and again, but it makes no further movements.
  155. >Okay, what the buck is this thing?! Ponies can't twist their necks around like that!
  156. >You quickly turn tail and begin galloping towards the village before this little monster has a chance to act.

It's a Ponk Life [COMPLETE]

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Momlight Sparkle [COMPLETE]

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Magic Trix

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Just One More

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