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Magic Trix

By InkSlinger
Created: 2024-06-17 02:52:07
Updated: 2024-06-17 04:06:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Part I:
  2. >"Come one, come all! Be amazed! Be enchanted! Be-witched!"
  3. >Trixie proudly shouts into a megahorn from the middle of the crowded school cafeteria.
  4. >"It's the Great and Powerful Trixie's Tenacious Tour of Magicks!"
  5. >Many students blow her off and return to their lunches, but you decided to stick around to see what all this hubbub was about.
  6. >You are Anonymous, a senior student at Canterlot High School, and you nary have a moment of peace whenever this obnoxious blue bitch was around.
  7. >No matter what class you were in, what projects you were working on, what bathroom you were taking a shit in, Trixie was never far behind with her magician-fueled shenanigans.
  8. >"Ah Anon of Mous!" She waves you down and smiles confidently. "Trixie knew you of all people wouldn't want to miss one of her spectacular magic shows!"
  9. >She runs over to you and poses like a mystifying magician. Her trademark purple witch hat and magic cape flow freely in the accompanying breeze.
  10. >Her abrasive personality definitely rubbed you the wrong way, but you had to admit her magic shows were actually quite fun to watch.
  11. >It also helped that she looked simply RAVISHING in that skimpy magician costume of hers.
  12. >How Principle Celestia allowed such a slutty dress code to go unpunished in a high school full of horny teenagers is ANYONE's guess.
  13. >Trixie leans in until her tits are squishing against your chest and whispers into your ear.
  14. >"Stick around after the show for an exclusive backstage act with yours truly~!"
  15. >Her sensual tone alone makes you cream your pants on the spot, much to her delight.
  16. >"Alright you goons, let's get this show on the road. The Great and Powerful Trixie's audience is waiting!"
  17. >She throws down a smoke pellet and makes a quick exit. You just stand there stupified with a soaked crotch.
  18. >The smoke clears, exposing Snips and Snails in its wake. They stand there awkwardly holding a studio light and floor fan.
  19. >"Hey dipsticks!" Trixie angerly shout whispers at them from the cafeteria exit. "You're supposed to leave WITH me when the smoke is up!"
  20. >The two fools exchange bewildered glances, panic, and quickly run over to meet with Trixie.
  21. >"WoahwoahwoahHEY! W-Wait for us Trixie!" Snails shouts at the top of his lungs.
  22. >"Yeah! We didn't know you meant THAT smoke!" Snips yells just as loudly as he clumsily turns the corner after Trixie.
  23. >A group of students behind you snickered at the amusing display.
  24. >"The dynamic duds strike out again." Strawberry Sunrise smiles smugly at their incompetence.
  25. >"Trixie sure has weird taste in guys!" Daisy chimes in.
  26. >"Man, I want some of whatever Snails is smokin' on the side." Captain Planet sighs with envy.
  27. >"Did you see Trixie's 'great and powerful' melons in that corset? FUCK! I'd motorboat those puppies until my face peeled off!" Brawly Beats cups his hands in the air and starts making motorboat noises.
  28. >"YEAAAAAAAAAAH!" Bulk Biceps flexes his muscles.
  29. >Now's your chance to escape before anyone spots your soaked slacks.
  31. Part II:
  32. >You grab a lunch tray to cover your crotch and awkwardly weave through the crowds until you reach the bathroom.
  33. >Luckily you always carry a spare pair of slick slacks for just such an occasion.
  34. >One quick change later and you're back on track to attend Trixie's magic show.
  35. >In a stunning turn of events, you see a large crowd gathering around Trixie's magic stage, eagerly waiting for the show to start.
  36. "Since when did everyone start giving a shit about magic shows? Especially Trixie's."
  37. >"Since Snips and Snails started giving out free muffins~!"
  38. >Derpy appears out of bumblefuck nowhere holding a blue cupcake with purple frosting.
  39. >Her googly yellow eyes stare at the baked confection with delight.
  40. "Oh hey Derpy." Her stealth abilities never failed to impress you.
  41. >"Hi Anon," she sheepishly replies back. "Wanna share my muffin?"
  42. >She cuddles the cupcake into her cheek as though it were a small animal.
  43. "No thanks," you calmly reply, "but Derpy?"
  44. >"Y-Yes Anon?" She blushes as you wipe the frosting from her cheek.
  45. "That's a cupcake."
  46. >Her eyes widen with surprise as she lowers the cupcake from her face.
  47. >"Oh..."
  48. >Derpy stands there, staring at the cupcake as though her entire world was just turned upside down.
  49. >Sometimes you can't tell if Derpy is autistic or just plain crazy, but she was cute regardless.
  50. >You gently place a hand on her shoulder and smile.
  51. >She looks up from her cupcake. Her eyes meet yours. No words are said as the two of you communicate solely through your eyeballs.
  52. "C'mon. The show's about to start."
  53. >You lead Derpy by the hand to the school bleachers and sit down in the last 2 open seats.
  54. >Mystifying music begins blaring from the stage speakers.
  55. >Blue smoke pours from the apron. Wooden props spin to and fro along the theater wings.
  56. >"Ladieeeeeeeeeeeees and gentlemeeeeeeeeeeeen! Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by human eyes!"
  57. >Trixie appears centerstage in a puff of smoke while twirling a magic wand in her hand.
  58. >The crowd 'Oooooo's and 'Aaaaaaaw's at her stage presence, or maybe they were 'Ooo'ing and 'Aaaaw'ing at her revealing magician outfit. It's hard to tell.
  59. >The sassy sorceress quickly notices you sitting with Derpy and tries to hide her blush of jealously.
  60. >Trixie quickly composes herself and saunters over to the edge of the stage until she's right in front of you.
  61. >"Ready for some magic, handsome?"
  62. >Derpy keeps one angry eye on her cupcake and the other angry eye on Trixie.
  63. >The aderpable gray gal doesn't seem too fond of Trixie openly flirting with you. Can't imagine why.
  65. Part III:
  66. >"For my first trick, I shall..."
  67. >She looks at Derpy and smiles with the enthusiasm of a serial killer.
  68. >Derpy's jaw hangs open in complete and utter shock, as does yours.
  69. >Trixie is notorious for being a massive fucking cunt, but to try and publicly humiliate DERPY of all people?
  70. >You hold Derpy close and stare right into Trixie's shimmering purple eyes as if to say "don't even try it you fucking bitch".
  71. >Derpy cuddles in close while holding the cupcake to her heart and tries to muffle her whimpers of fear.
  72. "Don't worry Derpy. I won't let this attention whore anywhere near you."
  73. >Your words appear to bring some comfort to the shivering schoolgirl.
  74. >You gotta admit, the way she clings to you is pretty damn cute.
  75. >Is this blue bitch seriously trying to pick a fight with Derpy in front of half the school?
  76. >"...make this cupcake disappear!"
  77. >The entire audience immediately questions her intent with a loud collective "HUH?"
  78. >"Abra Kadabra Alakazam!"
  79. >Trixie waves her magic wand and points at the conspicuous confection clutched to Derpy's sweaterpuppies.
  80. >Your eyes widen as the cupcake somehow loosens itself from Derpy's grip and begins to float through the air.
  81. >Derpy frantically reaches out to grab it, but Trixie pulls the cupcake just out of reach and levitates it above the palm of her hand.
  82. >Trixie taps the cupcake with her wand, causing it to glow red and shake violently in midair.
  83. >"Ignis Inspiratione!"
  84. >She taps the cupcake one more time and points towards the sky as if to direct it.
  85. >The cupcake quickly flies upwards and explodes in a cloud of sugar and fireworks above the stage.
  86. >Frosting rains down on the audience as well as Trixie's magic stage, but she's too distracted by her mean-spirited prank to notice.
  87. >Derpy covers her face in an attempt to hide her tear-stained eyes from you.
  88. >You can feel your own face boiling over with rage at Trixie's malicious magic trick.
  89. >(Un)fortunately for Trixie, your angry tirade of every swear word known to mankind is quickly drowned out by the crowd's cheers of approval.
  90. >It took every fiber of your being to not jump onstage and beat the shit out of the cocky magician bitch.
  91. >Instead, you pick up Derpy and bridal carry her to Ms. Cheerilee's classrom where she can mourn the loss of her baked goods in peace.
  92. >Once she's calmed down by constant hugs and headpats, you make your way back outside to tear Trixie a new asshole.
  93. >You weren't sure if you meant metaphorically or literally, but you didn't really care at that point.
  94. >As long as Trixie gets what's coming to her, that's all that mattered.
  96. Part IV:
  97. >You find yourself staring at an empty field where Trixie's stage once stood.
  98. >The crowds were long gone, save for some scraps of garbage tucked into the bleachers.
  99. >How long were you away?!
  100. >Just then, something catches your eye.
  101. >A lone piece of paper flutters around in the grass.
  102. >You pick up the paper and read it aloud because hey, no one was around to hear you stumble over your words like an illiterate clown.
  103. "OP is a...faggot?"
  104. >A pair of snickering voices emanate from somewhere behind the bleachers.
  105. >Snips and Snails no doubt. What kind of hair-brained scheme were those two dumbfucks up to this time?
  106. >You study the note as though it were written in a completely different language when a dark portal tears the ground asunder right before your very eyes.
  107. >The portal's interdimensional gravity beckoned you ever closer to its quivering dark center.
  108. >It grabs your tie first.
  109. >Then your arms.
  110. >Then your head.
  111. >And just like that, you disappeared from this plane of existence altogether.
  113. >You flail your limbs around like a maniac, desperately trying and grab onto something before you hit the ground.
  114. >A familiar-looking gypsy wagon rapidly comes into view as the ground quickly rises up to meet you.
  115. >You pray to God that the mystical fog littering the hellish landscape below will somehow break your fall.
  116. >*magic noises*
  117. >You hastily shield your face with your arms and brace for the inevitable impact, oblivious to the magical force that stopped you from splattering all over the ground like a dropped egg.
  118. >"Ah there you are Anon of Mous!"
  119. >Her magical pink aura envelops your figure like a warm blanket and pulls you into her gypsy wagon before you can even say "what the actual fuck is going on here?!"
  120. >You tumble onto the creaky wooden flooring with a loud "POOMP!"
  121. >The door swiftly closes behind you and locks itself shut.
  122. >Small floating candles ignite one by one, forming a crude path that leads deeper into the bowels of Trixie's darkened wagon.
  123. >The magic force surrounding your body dissipates and you fall to the ground with a loud THUD!
  124. >No time to mourn for your aching ass. It's time to teach Trixie a lesson she won't forget.
  125. >You stumble to your feet and promptly follow the candle path into a darkened corridor.
  126. >The dim lighting made it difficult to see who or what lies ahead, but you weren't about to turn back now.
  127. >You run down the corridor with clenched fists and gritted teeth to face whatever it is that Trixie is trying to throw at you.
  128. >What was this bitch planning?
  129. "Alright you obnoxious blue cunt. I'm going to fuck y-"
  131. Part V:
  132. >Your train of thought is immediately derailed by a dozen or so candles igniting around the edges of a darkened platform.
  133. >They quickly form into a floating heart shape and illuminate the room with a radiant glow.
  134. >Your eyes practically pop out of your sockets as they adjust to the flickering candlelight.
  135. >There lay Trixie, sprawled out on her gypsy bed wearing nothing but some skimpy purple lingerie, her trademark wizard's hat, and a lecherous grin.
  136. >"You sure know how to keep a lady waiting Anon."
  137. "Uh...T-Trixie?" Your horny mind can barely cobble together words. "What is all this?"
  138. >The blue seductress, clearly not pleased with your spaghetti-riddled response, shuffles over to the edge of the bed and sits upright with her legs crossed.
  139. >"Hmph! It appears that brains aren't your strong suit Anon, so allow Trixie to spell it out for you."
  140. >Trixie points at you with annoyance and chants a short spell.
  141. >Once again your body is surrounded by a warm pink veil of magic.
  142. >She curls her finger with the anger and finesse of a dominatrix ready to pounce.
  143. >The magical force reacts and launches you face first into Trixie's moist nethers, much to her twisted delight.
  144. >"Understand now?"
  145. >The magical aura forces you to nod into her crotch, or at least that's what you'd like to believe.
  146. >"Good boy."
  147. >She pats you on the head as though she were rewarding an obedient dog.
  148. >You quickly pull her panties aside and begin to slobber all over her steaming pussy without a second thought.
  149. >What magic is this? How could a dumb incompetent bitch like Trixie bend your mind so easily?
  150. >Trixie's (admittedly) cute moans reverberate throughout the wagon, further fueling your own animal lust in the process.
  151. >"MMF! T-Trixie must admit this feels nice, but we're rather short on time. P-Pick up the pace Anon....please....!"
  152. >She harshly snaps her fingers.
  153. >The pink aura around you quickly changes to a dark red hue and clings to your trembling frame.
  154. >Your tongue shifts into overdrive and quickly begins an alphabet any% speedrun on Trixie's 'magic bean'.

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