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Just One More
Part I:
>The pain surging through your wings is almost unbearable.
>"Just one more!"
>Fluttershy continues to cheer you on while nestled on your back.
"F-Fluttershy!" You gasp. "It's *WHEEZE* just too much!"
>Your wings are trembling to support the weight of two ponies.
>"You can do it, Anon!"
>'doitforherdoitforherdoitforherdoitforherdoitforherdoitforher' you frantically think to yourself.
>This mare believes in you, so you should too!
>You take a deep breath and try to lift yourself once more.
>The tall training platform beneath you shudders as though it's going to collapse, but you can't stop now.
>This is it. All of your hard work comes down to this one last pushup.
>Suddenly your front legs slip over the edge of the platform.
>You fall from the platform and crash to the floor, sending the petite yellow pegasus flying across the training room.
>"Oof?!" Fluttershy cries out in pain as she violently collides with a large training weight.
"Fluttershy!" You stumble over and try to help the pegasus to her hooves. "Are you okay?!"
>The frazzled mare looks into your eyes tries to nod, but is quickly cut off by a sharp groan of pain.
>Her left wing hangs limp against the ground, and after a close inspection, you understand why.
>It's broken.
>Tears begin to flow while you embrace the trembling mare.
>This wasn't supposed to happen.
>You look up to see your fellow cadets gathering around and murmuring amongst themselves.
>"Poor Coach Fluttershy!" A blue pegasus stallion exclaims.
>"I always knew Anon was a klutz." A pink pegasus mare snidely remarks.
>"Who invited this clown to Wonderbolt Camp again?" Another cadet chimes in.
Part II:
>The sound of a whistle shatters the tension, taking the angry cadets' attention off of you.
>"What the hay is going on over here?!"
>Your ears perk up to the sound of a familar voice.
>"Cadet Anon!" Rainbow Dash lands next to you and angrily stomps her hoof.
>"Are you slacking off again?! Don't make me bring out the wing weights!"
>Her sour demeanor quickly dissipates after seeing Fluttershy's crippled wing.
"Coach Dash, I..."
>She puts a hoof to your mouth and shakes her head.
>"You'll have plenty of time to explain yourself later, but right now we need to get Fluttershy to the hospital."
>You silently nod in agreement and grab a stretcher from the supply closet.
>"Alright, listen up everypony!" She turns to address the crowd of concerned cadets. "Wonderbolt training is hereby postponed until further notice!"
>The group of pegasi are understandably upset, but pony health and safety always comes first.
>It's Rule #1 at this training academy, and everypony knows it.
>In what feels like the blink of an eye, Coach Rainbow Dash flies outside and returns with two pegasus paramedics.
>They gently place Fluttershy onto a stretcher and fly off to the Couldsdale Hospital.
>"Way yo go, Buckhead." A red stallion slaps you upside your head and angrily flies home.
>The rest of your fellow cadets stare you down while making their exit from the academy.
>Now it's just you and Coach Rainbow Dash.
>"My office. NOW."
>You gulp nervously and follow the rainbow pegasus into her office.
>"Alright Cadet, it's time to spill the beans."
>She angrily slams the door and seats herself at the nearby desk.
>You fight back tears and turn to stare at the wall, the trash can, the office window, ANYTHING dodge Coach Rainbow Dash's angry eyes.
>"WELL?!" She slams a forehoof on the desk.
>There's no running from the truth, not this time.
>You take a deep breath and try to compose yourself.
>The last thing you want it to break down crying in front of the Coach.
Part III:
"You see, Coach Fluttershy was helping me with some w-wing pushups..."
>"And?" Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow.
"W-Well, my hooves slipped and we both fell off of the t-training platform!" You sniffle and look down at the floor.
>"That explains the loud crash, but it doesn't explain why Coach Fluttershy got hurt and YOU didn't"!
>She accusingly points a hoof at you.
"Coach Fluttershy was sitting on my back to act as a counterweight."
>Rainbow Dash's eyes widen.
>"What?!" She jumps out of her chair and hovers right in front of your face. "WHY IN EQUESTRIA WOULD YOU FORCE HER TO DO THAT?!"
"I didn't force-"
>"You KNOW better than to put your fellow ponies at risk with such dangerous stunts!"
>You raise a hoof to interject but she's in full lecture mode now.
>"What were you trying to accomplish with such a boneheaded move?"
"I was trying to break the academy wing pushup record, Coach."
>The multicolor mare freezes in shock.
"I'm sorry Coach, it was a stupid idea. I see that now." You wipe tears from your eyes.
>Rainbow Dash gradually calms down and returns to her desk.
>"It's not ME you should be apologizing to, Cadet."
>Damnit, she's right. What were you thinking, hurting such a sweet and innocent pony like Fluttershy?!
>"Look Anon, I'll be frank with you." Rainbow Dash pulls a paper from her drawer and begins writing something.
>"You have potential as a Wonderbolt, even if you are too reckless, too impulsive, and too dependent on others to succeed!"
>She slides the paper across the desk.
>"It's for your own sake that I've put up with your nonsense all these moons."
>You look down at the document and quickly skim it.
>"But putting a pony in the ER is the last bucking straw, Anon."
>Your ears droop.
>"As the Head Coach of the Wonderbolt Training Academy, I hereby discharge you from the Wonderbolts."
>Your hooves shake.
>"Effective RIGHT NOW!"
>Your heart sinks.
>"Now go clean out your locker."
>Your vision is quickly overtaken by saltwater as you fly out of Coach Rainbow Dash's office.
>This is it. Your life is officially OVER.
Part IV:
>You begin the agonizing flight home with duffel bag in tow.
>Today is the worst day of your miserable existence, and it's ALL. YOUR. FAULT.
>Joining the Wonderbolts was your lifelong dream.
>You remember your foalhood, often begging your parents to attend every single Wonderbolt show they organized.
>Who knew that years later the legendary RAINBOW DASH of all ponies would see you practicing one afternoon and recommend you join the training academy!
>It's how you learned to believe in yourself and work hard.
>How you met Fluttershy.
>How you found the inner courage to ask her out on a date.
>All of that means nothing now.
>You practically divebomb the front door to your house and quickly fly to bed.
>Fluttershy's friends are going to hate you forever once they find out YOU put her in the hospital.
>You didn't even mean for all of this to happen, but would they really see it that way?
>For all you know, Rainbow Dash could twist the story to make it sound like you WANTED to hurt the sweet yellow pegasus.
>You shouldn't have talked Fluttershy into being your coach.
>You shouldn't have tried to break the wing pushup academy record.
>You shouldn't have signed up for Wonderbolt training at all.
>All you can think about now is Fluttershy, and how badly you hurt her.
>One thing's for sure: whatever kind of relationship you may have had with her is dead and buried now.
>Nevertheless, you can't help but feel the need to visit her at the hospital, just to make sure she's okay.
>After all, (You)'re the reason she ended up in there in the first place.
>The sun slowly sets on the horizon, casting a shadow of darkness over your room.
>The many Wonderbolt posters adorning your walls disappear into the darkness, no doubt a metaphor mocking your dishonorable discharge.
>'Please dear Celestia,' You silently pray. 'Please let this all be a bad dream!"
>With eyelids grow heavier, you soon drift off to sleep.
Part V:
>Your eyes shoot open at the sound of somepony, or someTHING, trying to beak your front door down.
>With a grunt of effort, you roll out of bed and head downstairs.
>It's probably a mob of Fluttershy's friends ready to tear you limb from limb.
>You open the door to find...Rainbow Dash?
>"Hey Anon."
>You raise an eyebrow.
>"Look, I know we aren't exactly on the best terms right now, but the truth is-" She pauses as her confidence suddenly falters.
>The flustered mare stares at the ground and takes a deep breath.
"The truth is what, Rainbow Dash?" Anger begins bubbling up within you. "That you're GLAD I'm out of the Wonderbolts?!"
>"T-that's not what I-"
"That I'm the laughing stock of Cloudsdale?!"
>"Anon, wait-"
>She raises a hoof interject but you're not having it.
"That Fluttershy will never want to speak to me again?!"
>"SHUT THE BUCK UP AND I'LL TELL YOU!" She screams loud enough to wake up the entire neighborhood!
>You end your rant for the time being, but continue to glare at the rainbow horse with eyes full of rage.
>"Ahem, as I was saying..." She straightens up and looks you right in the eye. "The truth is, you need to come with me."
>She motions for you to follow her, but you stand firmly in your doorway.
"Why on earth would I follow you?" You reply bitterly. "There's nothing left that you can take away from me."
>Rainbow Dash growls with annoyance and facehoofs.
>"That's not what I meant you dweeb." Rainbow Dash's face is turning beet red.
>"The truth is, Fluttershy wants to see you down at the hospital."
>Your mouth hangs open. Your wings stretch out. Your eyes widen.
>You can barely form a response. Is she being serious?!
>Why would Fluttershy want to see you, especially after you...HURT HER?!
>"I'm serious, Anon! She said she wants to see you."
>She looks just as puzzled as you are.
>"WHY she wants to see you is anypony's guess..." She mutters under her breath.
Part VI:
>You're ready to kick this bitch over the rainbow, no pun intended.
>Then again, Fluttershy wouldn't like you hurting her friends, even if it might actually be justified.
>Rainbow Dash has a big mouth, and one day it'll get her into big trouble.
>But enough about this whorse. It's time to start thinking about Fluttershy.
"Alright, let's go." You sigh and lock the front door.
>"Ugh, FINALLY!" She rolls her eyes and takes off into the sky, leaving you standing on your porch like a dimwit.
"I don't know why, but I'm starting to hate that mare." You grumble to yourself.
>With one strong wing flap you're soaring through the air, eager to catch up with Rainbow Dash.
>"C'mon slowpoke!" She teases you while doing a double twist flip. "Don't tell me you've lost your competitive edge already~!"
>Rgh, this annoying mare really knows how to push your buttons.
>Your wing flaps become stronger with every passing second, and soon you're neck and neck with Rainbow Dash.
>Fluttershy consumes your thoughts as you absentmindedly soar through the clouds.
>Why could she possibly want to see you?
>M-Maybe she wants to break up face to face? Perhaps it's a trap so her friends can all chew you out at once?
>You wipe a tear from your eye and try to focus on the sky, but fear continues to cloud your heart and mind.
>What you said before was wrong, so VERY wrong. There IS still something left to lose...
>The hospital quickly comes into view on the horizon.
>You gulp nervously and begin to descend, much to Rainbow Dash's annoyance.
>"Giving up already?" She sneered as she lands next to you. "You're no fun."
>You ignore her and enter the administration wing. Thankfully it's not overly crowded.
>The kind receptionist directs you to room 222 on the second floor.
>You don't hesitate to leave Rainbow Bitch in the dust and frantically gallop towards Fluttershy's room.
>Wow, it feels like you made it in 10 seconds flat.
>You raise a hoof to knock, but stop short when you hear multiple voices conversing inside.
>This can't be good.
Part VII:
>There's no turning back now.
>Either you make up with Fluttershy, or hang yourself at home.
>The door bolts open, revealing a bedridden Fluttershy surrounded by her friends.
>You nervously trot into the room but stop short after realizing everypony (except Fluttershy) is glaring at you.
>"So, y'all must be that A-N-O-N feller Fluttershy told us about." An orange earth pony mare breaks the silence. "Ya roughed her up real good Anon, ya dang bonehead!"
>"What? THIS scruffy-looking scoundrel is Fluttershy's stallion in shining armor?" A white unicorn mare asks condescendingly.
>"So YOU'RE the sour snickerdoodle who served up some hot-baked pain on poor little Fluttershy!"
>A pink earth pony mare pops up in front of you from nowhere, ready to blast you with some kind of...cannon?
>"Girls please!" A purple alicorn mare tries to defuse the room of rabble-rousers. "At least let Anon explain himself!"
>Suddenly you fly forward and land on top of the pink pony.
>"Thanks for leaving me behind, bonehead." A raspy voice calls out from behind.
>It's about time Rainbow Dash got here. What was she doing, playing 'hippity hop at the barber shop'?!
>"Uh Nonny, I like your eagerness and all, but I'm not THAT kind of mare!" The pink pony cries out from underneath you.
>You blush and quickly flutter to the side.
>Admittedly, Pinkie is cute in her own way but she's far too energetic for your tastes.
>You prefer the more soft-spoken, gentle type of mare...
>"Anon! I'm so glad you came!"
>A soft voice beckons to you from the other side of the room.
>Your ears perk up.
>Your heart races.
>Your breathing intensifies.
>With a nervous gulp, you trot towards the hospital bed.
>A familiar face emerges from the covers and smiles warmly at you.
"Oh hey, Flutters. You're a sight for sore eyes!"
>That cheesy quip has you smiling like a complete dork-a-doofus, earning a chuckle from the pretty pegasus.
>Her friends were less enthusiastic with a series of groans and eye rolling.
>"Enough horsing around!" Twilight interjects.
>Fluttershy's friends quickly surround you and glare angrily.
>"It's time to come clean Anon." The purple alicorn narrows her eyes. "Why-"
>"Why did you hurt Fluttershy?! Huh? HUH?"
>Rainbow Dash cuts her off and hovers right in front of your face.
>"What did she ever do to you?!"
>The rainbow bitch is snorting angrily mere inches away from your face.
Part VIII:
"Listen here feathers-for-brains!" You angrily reply. "I already told YOU it was an accident!"
>You're ready to knock this whorse's block off when a fourth voice enters the fray.
>"A-Anon?! Why are you being so rude to the head coach?!" She whimpers.
>You remove yourself from the multi-mare argument and fly towards Fluttershy, landing next to her bed with a soft *POMF*.
"She's not my coach anymore, Flutters." You sniffle. "And neither are you."
>"Huh?!" Her eyes widen in a mix of shock and confusion. "W-What do you mean Anon?!"
>You turn towards Rainbow Dash.
"Do you want to tell her or should I?"
>Your cold tone sends the Rainbow rabble-rouser scrambling towards Fluttershy.
>"W-Well you see, I uh...."
>She scratches the back of her head and tries to avoid eye contact with Fluttershy.
>"I kinda went ahead and discharged Anon from the Wonderbotls." She tries to save face with an awkward smile.
>The entire room gasps in disbelief.
>Welp, the cat's out of the bag now.
>"Rainbow Dash, why would you do such a thing?" Fluttershy begins tearing up.
>"Woah woah WOAH, hold your horses Fluttershy!" The multi-colored mare frantically flails her hooves. "It wasn't personal or anything!"
>She looks around at her friends and tries to clear her throat. "I did it to protect Fluttershy-"
>"And...?" Twilight raises an eyebrow.
>"A-And the cadets of course!" RBD quickly adds. "We can't have reckless showhorses like Anon endangering the Wonderbolt trainees and faculty!"
>"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Rainbow Dash is right!" Rarity chimes in.
>The elegant white unicorn steps forward and points a hoof at Fluttershy's crippled wing.
>"That ruffian's actions, intentional or not, led to one of our closest friends being injured severely enough to land in the hospital!"
>You hear small murmurs of agreement among the rest of the mares, much to your dismay.
"Ladies please!" You try to assuage their concerns. "It was an accident!"
"I would never hurt you Fluttershy." You gently nuzzle her without even realizing it.
>"Awwww!" Pinkie Pie squees.
>"Ahem!" Rainbow Dash glares at the cooing pink pony.
>Pinkie quickly apologizes and reverts to angrily glaring at you like the rest of her friends.
Part IX:
>You ignore the peanut gallery and focus on Fluttershy.
>Well, she isn't punching you in the face after that nuzzle...
>"Anon, I-" She takes a deep breath before continuing.
>"Never want to see you again?" Twilight quickly jumps in and grabs you with her magic. "Sure thing Fluttershy! Haha! What are friends for?!"
>The unhinged mare carries you to the door and prepares to toss you out like a sack of garbage.
>Twilight's eye begins twitching as a deranged grin forms across her lips.
>It's strange, Twilight is usually the voice of reason in delicate matters such as this.
>You seem to have grossly underestimated the gravity of this situation.
>Fluttershy isn't just an average ordinary mare.
>She's one of the MANE FREAKIN' SIX, not to mention she's helped save Ponyvil- neigh, ALL OF EQUESTRIA on a regular basis!
>The true weight of your fuckup begins to dawn on you.
>Maybe you really ARE too reckless. Maybe you really ARE too dependent on others.
>There will be time to dwell on this self-defeating attitude later.
>Alicorn magic is far more powerful than that of a regular unicorn's, so struggling your way out isn't an option.
>Nothing to do now except close your eyes and prepare for a turbulent landing.
>"Wait! Please don't throw him out, Twilight!"
>Fluttershy reaches out a hoof in protest to your rude removal.
>Her friends stare at her in awkward silence, unsure of how to respond to their friend's outburst.
>"What's going on Fluttershy?" Twilight speaks up. "Why on earth do you want this stallion here after what he did to you?!"
>Fluttershy frowns and sits up in her bed. "Because he's not the one causing trouble!"
>The mood of the entire room suddenly shifts from pure tension to an awkward silence.
>Her friends stand there awkwardly and shuffle their hooves on the ground.
>"Poor Anon here has been trying to talk to me about the accident but all of you keep picking on him!"
>The 5 mares exchange glances and then lock eyes on you.
>"I'm sorry everypony, but if you insist on being such silly fillies then I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave!"
>She pouts in the cutest way imaginable and points towards the door.
Part X:
>Nopony dares to speak in the moment.
>Wow, this is the most assertive Fluttershy you've ever seen! Note to self, never piss her off...
>"You're right Fluttershy, we've been acting like a mob this entire time." Twilight sighs and releases you from her magic. "I'm sorry."
>"Well shucks, when ya put it that way Ah guess we were gangin' up on poor Anon." Applejack confesses. "A'hm sorry too."
>"Oooo! Is this the part where we become sad now?" Pinkie Pie exclaims while putting on her best sad face.
>"I suppose I did lose control in the heat of the moment." Rarity admits. "I'm sorry as well, Fluttershy."
>Rainbow Dash grits her teeth and tries to ignore her friends' sentimental apologies.
>"Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy crosses her hooves and frowns.
>She sighs in defeat. "I-I'm...s...o...r...r...y too Fluttershy."
>"Thank you." The yellow mare smiles with approval.
>Rainbow Dash makes a "I'm watching you" gesture with her hoof before closing the door behind her.
>It's just you and Fluttershy now, but tension still lingers in the air.
>You approach the suffering mare and place your hooves on the bed's guardrail.
"Fluttershy I-"
>You take one look into those beautiful cyan eyes of hers and choke up immediately.
>Confound these frazzled nerves!
>Fluttershy places a hoof over yours and smiles.
>"Yes, Anon?"
>Oh Celestia give you strength.
>Come on you stupid foal. USE. YOUR. WORDS.
>Her smile ignites your heart with the grace of pouring gasoline on a dumpster fire.
>You quickly slap yourself with your free hoof.
>Your shouting forces the startled mare to recoil in surprise.
>Tears stream down your cheeks as you wrap your hooves around Fluttershy and hold her tight.
"I thought it would impress you..." You nuzzle into her soft mane and sob like a foal.
Part XI:
"Rainbow Dash was right." You sniffle. "I'm too reckless and stupid for my own good."
>Suddenly Fluttershy pushes you away and frowns with the force of a thousand Nightmare Moons.
>She tries to slap a hoof across your face, but it ends up feeling like a soft tap instead.
>Nevertheless, you're in shock that Fluttershy would attempt to do such a thing.
>"Please don't say such terrible things about yourself!"
>She cups your face with her hooves and leans in.
>Your wings stretch and stiffen as her delicate lips caress your own.
>Is this really happening?! Oh Celestia she tastes so delicious!
>Looks like your wings aren't the only thing stiffening. Hopefully Fluttershy doesn't notice.
>Her lips soon part from your own, leaving you almost entirely speechless.
>You swear there's a small stream of smoke emanating from your mouth.
"H-Holy bits."
>The mare giggles and places a hoof on your bewildered face.
>"Feeling better now, Anon?" She asks in a silky voice.
>You frantically nod your head.
>"I'm glad to hear that." She sighs with content and nuzzles into you. "I'm also glad you came to see me."
>Your face must be as red as a tomato at this point.
>The gentle mare's affections have awoken something inside of you.
>A primal desire to love and protect this pegasus at all costs.
>"I love you Anon." She coos.
>You nuzzle her in return and sigh happily.
"I love you too, Flutters..."
Part XII:
>"You don't have to break a silly record to impress me."
>Would've been nice to know a couple days ago.
>"Just be yourself!"
>You look right into her big beautiful eyes and smile.
>"Daaaaaawwwwwwwwww! They're so adorbs together!"
>Your eyes shoot open as you turn towards the door, which is now ajar with 5 pony heads peeking out from it.
>Pinkie Pie is making one of those "that's so cute" kind of faces, which is a sharp contrast to the scowls of disapproval from the rest of her friends.
>"Pinkie!" Her friends shout in unison.
>"What?" The pink mare crosses her forelegs and pouts. "They ARE adorbs!"
>Fluttershy gasps and withdraws from your tender embrace.
>"G-Girls?!" She squeaks as she buries her head under the blanket. "You were supposed to wait outside!"
>"Well we did..." Twilight poofs into the room and trots towards you and Fluttershy. "Until we heard some strange noises."
>Rainbow Dash immediately kicks the door open and lands next to Twilight. "Would you happen to know anything about that, ANON?"
>You frown and remain silent in defiance of her implied accusations.
>What happens between you and Fluttershy in private is none of their business.
>You look to your newfound lover for support.
>How the buck do you explain this...this...THING you have with Fluttershy?
>"Anon is my c-coltfriend now." The gentle mare blurts out beneath the blanket.
>The room falls silent.
>Even Pinkie Pie, who seemingly approved of your lovely-dovey shenanigans, stares in shock with her jaw firmly planted on the floor.
>On the one hoof, you were hoping to announce this budding romance in a more subtle manner.
>On the other hoof, it's very rare for shy mares to get straight to the point like that.
>Are Fluttershy's feelings for you somehow changing her?
>Only time will tell.
Part XIII:
>The girls try to speak, but only silence emanates from their group.
>You can only imagine the thoughts running through their minds right now.
>Of course Rainbow Whorse is the first to break the silence with more of her bull-headed ranting.
>She pulls the blanket away and angrily points a hoof in your direction.
>"Ooooo a clown? I wouldn't mind dating a clown." Pinkie licks her lips and ogles you like a lovestruck schoolfilly. "Especially one as cute as Nonny here..."
>"P-Pinkie!" Twilight scolds the amorous pink mare. "You're not helping!"
>Twilight grabs Pinkie and poofs her out of the room.
>You gulp nervously and quickly turn back to Fluttershy.
>The LAST thing either of you need is a stupid love triangle ruining this relationship before it even gets off the ground.
>Wait, was that a pegasus joke you just slid into that thought?
>"But Darling!" Rarity steps forward to give her unwanted opinion. "Are you sure you want such a reckless brute as your special somepony?!"
>Rarity trots over and begins tugging at your messy mane. "Especially one with such a scruffy sense of style?"
>"Mmhmm..." Fluttershy sits up in her bed and quickly nods. "Anon is a wonderful stallion once you get to know him!"
"H-Hey! Easy on the mane Rarity!" You smack her hoof away and blush. "I didn't exactly have time to clean up this morning."
>"Hmph!" Rarity turns her nose up with disgust and saunters over to Twilight's side of the room.
>That just leaves Twilight and Applejack.
>Oh horsefeathers. What toxic ingredients will THEY add to this awkward sundae?
>Rainbow Dash continues to glare at you in silence while her country bumpkin friend steps forward.
>"Anon, Ah'm gonna be honest with ya." She tilts her hat back. "We were mighty angry with ya after finding out about Fluttershy's broken wing."
>You prepare to apologize once again, but Applejack silences you with a raised hoof.
>"Personally, Ah don't think yer some kinda ruffian who goes around hurtin' ponies for the fun of it."
>You shake your head in agreement.
>"Fluttershy sees sumthin' in ya that we can't quite figure out." She motions to her angry friends.
>Rarity and Twilight turn to stare at you with puzzled expressions while Rainbow Dash stares out the window.
>"We don't like the idea of our friend dating the feller who put her in the hospital ta begin with."
>Dear Celestia above, will these mares ever stop harping on you for that?!
>"But this is her decision, and no matter what happens..." Applejack takes off her hat and holds it to her heart. "...we'll respect it."
Part XIV:
>"Thank you, Applejack." Fluttershy fidgets with her blankets and smiles.
>Twilight suddenly snaps out of her stupor performs a silly double-take between you and Fluttershy.
>"But I-" It seems like she wants to add her two cents to this mess.
>She shakes her head and sighs in defeat. "No, Applejack's right."
>You can only imagine what was really on her mind.
>"Fluttershy is our friend, and we should trust her judgement."
>"I apologize for giving you such a hard time, Anon." She trots over to you and extends a hoof. "We just want what's best for Fluttershy."
"So do I."
>You reluctantly shake her hoof and return to Fluttershy's side.
>Just a few minutes ago these mares wanted to draw and quarter you.
>Now they seem more at peace with the idea of you dating Fluttershy.
>You really should thank Applejack for playing the mediator.
>Without her, you're sure the rest of her friends would've torn you apart.
>Quite possibly in the literal sense.
"Thanks for having my back, Applejack." You smile at her. "You're a true friend."
>"Now don't get all sappy about it, Anon." She blushes and hides her face behind her hat.
>"Just take good care of Fluttershy and that'll be thanks enough fer me."
>Suddenly a clock chimes somewhere outside, sending the 5 mares into a panic.
>Twilight poofs a small clock out of thin air and gasps at the time. "Oh no! We're going to be late!"
>Rainbow Dash sighs with relief but makes sure to give you one last 'I'm watching you' gesture before leaving. "Last one to the balloon is a rotten egg!"
>You'll be sure to "catch up" with Rainbow Dash later. She doesn't get to hide from her feelings THAT easily!
>"Y'all take care now." Applejack waves to Fluttershy, tilts her cowboy hat and trots after Rainbow Whorse.
>"Get well soon, darling!" Rarity carefully hugs Fluttershy. "And if Anon gives you any more trouble..."
>Rarity turns to face you, stands on her hind legs and assumes a...kung fu stance?
>"I shall correct him!"
>"T-There's no need for that, Rarity!" Fluttershy squeaks in protest. "Anon won't cause anymore trouble. Right, h-honey?"
>You quickly nod in agreement, much to her delight.
>Rarity raises an eyebrow, but knows there's no time to continue harassing you.
>"Remember Anon, when it comes to relationships, patience is key." Twilight adds while loading up her saddlebag and going over a small checklist.
>"Taking unecessary risks is a foal's errand!"
>You salute Twilight and begin trotting back and forth in front of Fluttershy's bed as though you were some kind of guard.
>Fluttershy can't help but giggle at your tomfoolery.
>"We'll be just fine Twilight." She reassures Twilight.
>Twilight smiles and flies out of the room.
>Rarity grabs the remaining saddlebags from a nearby table hastily departs with Twilight.
>The door is set ablaze with purple magic and closes behind them.
by InkSlinger
by InkSlinger
by InkSlinger
by InkSlinger
by InkSlinger