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Fluttershy Gets Banned!

By Tankris
Created: 2024-06-21 14:24:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Fluttershy set down the last tray of animal food and wiped the sweat off her forehead. “There. All set for tonight and tomorrow morning. Now I can take some time for myself, tonight.” Fluttershy took off her gloves and set them near the door leading away from her animal sanctuary.
  3. A particular little rabbit hopped over to the door and crossed his arms. His face was contorted into a scowl as Fluttershy looked down at him. “Oh, Angel Bunny, its just for tonight. If I don't put all my attention towards this sponsorship tonight, I wont have any money for the sanctuary next month. Pleaaaaase, can I count on you to be a good little bunny tonight?”
  5. Fluttershy scooped up the spoiled brat and gave him a kiss. Slowly, he softened his scowl until it was a tiny smile. He hopped out of her hands and back to his food dish. “Thank you, Angel. If I finish early, I'll come back and get you AND I'll make your favorite breakfast tomorrow morning.”
  7. Speaking of time, Fluttershy looked at the clock. “Oh goodness! I need to hurry up if I want to make it to my own stream on time. Hopefully I can get a shower in before then...” Fluttershy left the animal sanctuary and ran for her rural cottage.
  9. It only took a few moments to get to the front door. A package was waiting for her on the steps. “Oh good, the gamer gear is here. Maybe they wont be too upset if I do an unboxing of everything first.” Fluttershy grabbed the box and headed inside.
  11. The box was placed next to her computer. An envelope was taped to the top of the box. “Dear Miss Fluttershy...Inside are the following materials....a hoodie? Oh gosh, I didn't know I had to wear something.” She rushed into the bathroom and turned on the shower.
  13. “Oohhh...I hope they aren't expecting me to get dressed up too much for this stream. Maybe it'll be fine...” Fluttershy let herself get lost in thought as the warm water washed over her. Slowly, the tension of the day began to drain out of her.
  15. “Mmm...exactly what I needed. Maybe...I have enough time for this, too...” Fluttershy blushed as she raised her hands to her chest and began squeezing her ample breast. A steady stream of milk began to flow out of her nipples, easing even more tension from the overworked mare. “Oh yesssssss. I've been sloshing about for hours...Finally!”
  17. CHIRP
  18. CHIRP
  19. CHIRP
  21. The clock in the living room announced the time. “Oh no! I'm late for my own stream!” Fluttershy shouted. She turned off the water and grabbed a towel before leaping out of the shower. She frantically dried herself off before running to her computer and turning it on.
  23. “Oh yeah! The hoodie....there it is!” Fluttershy grabbed the warm looking jacket and pulled it on. She let out a little groan as she tugged and pulled it down as best she could. “Gosh...I'm still really backed up. I told them to send me the largest one they had and it still doesn't quite fit...”
  25. RIIIIP
  27. “Oh dear...I hope it didn't tear too badly.” Fluttershy sighed as she sat down. She made sure everything on her computer was working properly before starting up her webcam and launching her streaming software. She logged into her stream to see her usual viewers ready and waiting for the stream to start.
  29. Fluttershy began to frantically type in the chat. “Good evening, my bunny buns! I'm running a little late today but the sponsored stream is going to start soon. Get comfy while I get things going.”
  31. Soon, the stream was live. Fluttershy waved at her webcam and gave a big smile. “Hello, everypony! Welcome to the stream. Before we get to tonight's game, I wanna give a shout out to Ponitech gamer gear for sponsoring tonight's stream and providing all the tools any gamer needs to succeed!”
  33. Fluttershy was too busy going through the box of hardware to see her chat whizzing by. The hoodie was far too small, showing off an ocean of soft, wobbly yellow cleavage to the audience. A convenient tear in the middle allowed a lewd peek of Fluttershy's under boob and the overtaxed neck line was barely keeping her rosy areolas hidden.
  35. “O-Okay! Here we go. Ponitech has been nice enough to let me have this P-500 gaming mouse, their newest keyboard with RGB lights with...uh...macro controls and a....a volume knob on it and these headphones. Note, put the hood up while you wear these....Huh.”
  37. Fluttershy did as the advertisement asked and put the hood upon her head. Her eyes lit up as she noticed a pair of fake animal ears pop up on the hood. “Oh my gosh, this is adorable! This is the best hoodie ever! Everypony, support Ponitech!” Fluttershy flashed the stream with a thumbs up before putting on the headphones and opening up her game library.
  39. “Oh, its a good thing these headphones are wireless because I have a new feature I'd like to show off.” Fluttershy stood up, revealing to the stream that all she was wearing was the hoodie. All of her body was on display. Her fat, heaving tits, her chubby tummy, thick thighs, pussy and fat, wobbly ass were bare for all to see. The chat became a blur as Fluttershy pulled out a small whiteboard behind her chair.
  41. “For every donation over twenty bits, I'll write your name on the board! Remember, every donation goes straight to the Ponyville animal shelter! A good cause, if I say so myself.”
  43. Fluttershy returned to her seat only to be surprised with several donations already waiting for her. “Oh goodness! Thank you everypony for donating already. Lets see...oh, we already have a twenty bit donation!”
  45. She instantly jumped out of her seat, making her whole body wobble from her tits to her thighs, and began writing on the board. The viewers were entranced as Fluttershy bounced on the spot as she wrote down the first name, the ultra sensitive gamer mic picking up on the soft plaps of her fat cheeks clapping together.
  47. “Okay, game time. Ponitech said it would be best to test their gear on a game called Buckerstrike 2. I don't really play these kinds of games so I hope everypony doesn't mind me getting familiar with the controls.”
  49. There was no mincing words. Fluttershy was TERRIBLE. A mare used to playing games like Animal Crossing and zoo simulators had zero coordination for such a fast paced game. The chat was groaning as Fluttershy could barely walk forward and move her mouse at the same time. Round after round, Fluttershy was placed at the bottom with zero kills and deaths in the double digits.
  51. The stream, however, was going great. Fluttershy was too busy streaming to realize she was naked from the waist down and chat was oh so generous tonight. Every tip over twenty bits filled the webcam with more of Fluttershy's perfect ass swaying side to side as she scribbled down another name on her whiteboard.
  53. “Whoops...looks like I died again. I hate disappointing my teammates in the middle of the round but you guys are being so nice tonight! The animal sanctuary really appreciates it!” Fluttershy smiled as she sat down for another round.
  55. “Dankgunner420 with another twenty bits. Sit in the corner of the chicken coop with the girlfriend gun? Wait, which one is that? None of them are called that!” Fluttershy giggled. “Ah, I see. This one with the scope? Okay, I'll try it.”
  57. Fluttershy sat in the corner and waited. Even when she was the only player left alive, she sat in the chicken coop and stared at the screen. “OH! THERE!” She shouted as an enemy player finally entered her sights.
  59. She clicked the mouse as fast as she could. The kill feed popped up, showing a head shot icon. “YES! I DID IT! I FINALLY GOT A KILL!”
  61. Fluttershy jumped out of her seat and began to dance. It didn't matter to her that somepony else killed her right afterwards. She finally got that first kill in game. Her tits were straining the promotional hoodie, widening the tear in the front and allowing her fat breasts to ooze out of the opening. The chat exploded as the front of the hoodie began to darken as sweat and milk began to soak into the fabric.
  63. “Oops, sorry guys. I didn't mean to get carried away.” Fluttershy's eyes widened as she saw the massive influx of donations. “Whoa! Hold on there, guys! I dunno if I have enough room on the whiteboard for all these...”
  65. Fluttershy scribbled as many names as she could until the whole thing was covered top to bottom in user names. “Well, we filled out the whiteboard. Maybe its time to erase the names? Oh, maybe I should take a picture next to it first so we don't forget who donated!”
  67. “Goodness! Pinkie Pie was right. Everypony loves having their name on the board.” Fluttershy thought to herself. She looked over the army of names on the whiteboard again. “Oh no....”
  69. A big smudge had appeared in the middle of the board. In her haste to write down as many names as she could, her soaked hoodie had pressed against the ink and smudged it all over the board. “Oh no! All the names are ruined. Dang it. I'm so sorry, everypony. I guess I have to erase them all and start over anyway.”
  71. She turned around to her computer and noticed a black box where the stream output usually was. Fluttershy sat down and looked at the new pop up. “Stream is unavailable due to breaking Terms of Service. What?? I was banned? Why?”
  73. Fluttershy noticed an email appear in her inbox. “ToS ban and appeal” was the subject. “Dear Fluttershy, it has come to our attention that you have broken terms of service of our website for nudity. Nudity! But I'm wearing the Ponitech hoodie!”
  75. It was then that Fluttershy looked down and noticed her distinct lack of clothing past her waist. Her whole face lit up like the sun as she instinctively covered her body, even though she wasn't streaming.
  77. “Oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! How could I forget to put on a pair of panties?! Ohh, forget panties...why didn't I put on ANYTHING?? My animal shelter is ruined! I bet I won't even see any of those bits now because I got banned. Ohhhhhhhhh Fluttershy, you stupid, stupid mare. Everypony saw everything.....”
  79. Rapid fire blips from Ponyyaks pulled Fluttershy from her doom spiral. Pinkie Pie was sending her messages like lightning. “Hey! Hey! Is it true! Did you get banned from game streaming because you were showing your pussy? And not just your pet cats, I mean your vay jay jay and butthole! Did ya? Huh? Huh?”
  81. Fluttershy sighed and began to reply. “Y-Yes. It was an accident! I was running late for the stream...”
  83. Pinkie's reply was instant. “Uh-huh. Yeah. Sure. You weren't just accidentally dipping your hooves into exhibitionism and all that. Maybe use it to promote your Ponyfans, right?”
  87. “Why noooooot? You got the goods. Trust me on that.” Pinkie teased back.
  89. “This was an accident and I don't plan on exposing myself like that again! I just hope I get get the ban lifted soon. I really needed that money for the animal shelter and it was a sponsored stream, too.”
  91. “Ohhhh so that's why you were wearing that hoodie. If you needed money for the shelter, you should have asked, silly filly. Hold on, I've got an idea.” Pinkie Pie said.
  93. Before Fluttershy could finish reading the message, there was a knock at the door. “Fluttershyyyyyyy! Open up! I know you're in there!” Pinkie Pie's voice sang out from the other side.
  95. “P-Pinkie! How in Equestria did you get here so fast? Hold on, I'll go put some clothes on and let you in.”
  97. “No can do, gal pal. I need to come inside right now, teehee.” Pinkie Pie banged on the door again and again.
  99. “Ugh....f-fine...” Fluttershy blushed as she walked over to the door and opened it.
  101. “Hey there, everypony! Pinkie Pie here with another wild and crazy livestream for all of MY Ponyfans and tonight, we have a special guest star. Say hello to my friend, Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie scooted next to Fluttershy and grabbed her by the shoulder.
  103. Fluttershy blushed hard as she watched the chat fly by with lewd comments, crude ASCII art and tons of donations. “P-PINKIE! I told you I wanted to get dressed first! Why didn't you tell me you were streaming?”
  105. Pinkie Pie giggled. “Because if I told you, I'd never get the chance to show the chat your goodies.” Pinkie turned her attention to her phone and smiled. “I'll be right back, you hornballs. Gotta set up something professional in a jiffy so keep it in your pants for a second!”
  107. “Pinkie, no. We aren't doing this. I'm not gonna show off my body like that. It's EMBARRASSING!
  109. “Oh, and by the way, the usual starting fee plus half of tonight's donation total will be going towards the Ponyville Animal Sanctuary that Fluttershy is in charge of. A two girl show is twice the price so get out those credit cards. Be sure to take care of your kitties while I take care of my friend's sexy, yellow kitty tonight on stream!”
  111. Pinkie Pie pressed a few buttons on her phone. “There, the stream is in standby until the donation total is hit. Lets get this place ready for a show.”
  113. “No, Pinkie. Lets not. I'm going to get dressed for bed and go to sleep.” Fluttershy groaned.
  115. “But Fluttershy, think about the sanctuary. I promise to send you a fair cut of the money we get tonight as well as the stream incentives! Look at this.”
  117. Pinkie Pie shoved her phone back into Fluttershy's face. A big banner had replaced the stream window and it showed a rapidly growing number. Two thousand bits was the price set for the stream to start and the overall total was already at nine hundred and climbing fast.
  119. “W-Wait...You charge a thousand bits just to start a stream?”
  121. “Yeah-huh! I'm one of the top gals on Ponyfans and I can charge a pretty penny to get things going. My shows are the craziest parties on the site and the ponies visiting my page are desperate for it all.”
  123. Fluttershy bit her bottom lip. “A-And you'd just...give me these bits? Two THOUSAND is a lot, Pinkie...but it would fund the sanctuary for a whole month...”
  125. Pinkie Pie smiled. “See? I can help you earn an entire month's funding plus more with this ONE silly, little, tiny stream. All you need to do is relax and let me take the lead, okay?” Pinkie Pie reached out and grabbed Fluttershy's hands. “I promise, it'll all work out fine.”
  127. Fluttershy began to blush. The idea of showing off even more of herself was such a crazy idea...but to earn so much in just one night for her precious animal friends. “O-Okay, Pinkie. We can do this ONE STREAM and then no more.”
  129. “Yay! You'll have so much fun with this, I promise.” Pinkie Pie began to run all over the cottage and began pointing cameras towards the couch.
  131. “P-Pinkie, where did you get all those cameras?” Fluttershy asked.
  133. “Oh, I keep a ton of cameras with me in case the mood hits. Sometimes you see a cute stallion and you just gotta find out if he's packing heat, ya know?” Pinkie Pie giggled as she set up the last camera. “Okay! How are we on donations, Fluttershy?”
  135. “Umm....two thousands and ten bits, Pinkie. you really have sex with strangers like that?” Fluttershy asked.
  137. “Not allllll the time but sometimes you just need to have some fun. Now like I said, follow my lead and you'll never have to worry about making money ever again.” Pinkie Pie gave Fluttershy a reassuring smile before turning on all the cameras.
  139. “Hey there, everypony! I see you've hit the streaming goal so here we go! Tonight's guess is my very good friend, Fluttershy. True to her name, she's not quite used to baring it all on stream so make sure you guys are on your extra best behavior tonight or ELSE.”
  141. Everywhere Fluttershy looked, a camera was pointed right at her. Her entire face began to glow bright red as she remembered how exposed she was. All the poor mare wanted to do was hide herself and run but the little nagging thought of the animal shelter kept her in place. She offered a little wave towards one of the cameras and let out a little whisper. “H-Hello....E-E-Everypony...”
  143. “Th-Thank you all for donating.'m not very used to these kinds of streams but...I hope I can be entertaining enough for you all.” Fluttershy said to the cameras.
  145. “Oh, I can think of one thing for starters.” Pinkie Pie smirked. She reached out and grabbed the hoodie still uselessly hanging onto Fluttershy's chest and began to tear at the milk soaked fabric. “This stream ISN'T sponsored by Ponitech so we better remove this branded hoodie!”
  149. With one big tug, the hoodie was reduced to shreds. Fluttershy's massive tits bounced free. The chat exploded with excitement as the mics captured the sloshing of such wonderful udders. “Pi-Pinkie! I could have just taken that off!”
  151. “Yeah, but the fans like it dramatic and intense.” Pinkie Pie teased. “We're gonna make it intense with a sexy battle tonight, guys. Breasts versus booty! I don't think there's a single pony in Ponyville that can beat Fluttershy's sexy rack...
  153. ...but there's no better bubble butt than mine! We're gonna see just what chat prefers in a donation war! Offer up your bits for team tits or team ass and we'll see what chat likes the best.” Pinkie tore off her clothes with a dramatic spin to reveal her own plump assets.
  155. While it was true that Fluttershy had the bust, Pinkie had ass to spare. Her thighs and hips were thick and blubbery, perfect for supporting such a gigantic ass. Her round, plump cheeks folded and sagged over her thighs as a testament to how much fat and flesh Pinkie Pie was carrying in her trunk. Every little movement of her naked body allowed her wobble wagon to jiggle and bounce for a few moments before stopping.
  157. “Now, before we begin, it's time for my favorite little party trick. Lets give Fluttershy a round of applause for agreeing to this stream. She's being a wonderful sport about it.” Pinkie Pie turned her rear to the camera and began to bounce in place. Her fat, gelatinous cheeks began to bounce and clap together, filling the cottage with lewd, meaty plaps. Pinkie Pie bent her knees and began gyrating her hips as best she could, making sure that everypony could get a glimpse of the wet, sexy prizes hiding behind that vast valley of ass cleavage.
  159. “Oh...goodness, Pinkie. I don't have any tricks like that. How in the world am I going to drum up support chest....” Fluttershy asked.
  161. “I can think of a few ways...” Pinkie Pie grinned. She hopped onto the couch and slowly pushed her hands into Fluttershy's chest. “Sit back and relax. I'll do all the work, I promise.”
  163. Fluttershy gasped as Pinkie's fingers began to knead and massage her tits. Fluttershy's breasts were nothing short of udders. Big, fat mounds of jiggly, wobbly cow meat that begged for a hard milking. Pinkie's hands disappeared under such softness, only reappearing as she moved her hands up and tightened her grip.
  165. “Oooooohhhhhhhhh!” Fluttershy let out a low moan. Fluttershy was no stranger to grabbing her own massive chest but to have somepony else was completely different. She bit her lip as Pinkie Pie grabbed and groped at her breasts, stopping at her fat nipples to roll them around a little.
  167. “C'mon, cowgirl. I want some milk.” Pinkie Pie teased. She eased a breast to her mouth and began to suck on it. Her mouth was forced open wide to accept such a lewd, plump nipple but Pinkie was instantly rewarded with a massive flow of milk.
  169. “HHHHhhhhaaaahhhh....m..m..mooooooooooooo!” Fluttershy was broken from the first little suckle. The dam had been broken and what Pinkie Pie couldn't swallow was dripping all over the couch. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered besides the electric feeling building in Fluttershy's chest. It was slowly spreading all over her body and was turning her brain to mush.
  171. “Oh my gosh, chat. Are you hearing this? Fluttershy sounds like she's about to cum just from getting her tits sucked. I dunno about you, but I think huge tits is winning this round, don't you agree?” Pinkie emphasized her point by squeezing Fluttershy's nipples as hard as she could. A huge spray of breast milk spattered all over the floor.
  173. “Puh...Pin...Pinkiiiieeee....haaaaah.” Fluttershy was red in the face. She was being milked like the cow she was. Fluttershy was so close. So incredibly close. A little light in the back of her mind tried to remind her of the cameras. Be ashamed! You're being too lewd and everypony can see!
  175. The thought was forced out of her mind as Pinkie leaned in close and kissed Fluttershy in a passionate embrace. One of Pinkie's hands continued to roll and tease the fat udder in her hand while the other reached down and teased at Fluttershy's pussy.
  177. It was too much. The shy mare tensed up all over as a massive climax hit her hard. Fluttershy loudly moaned into the kiss, trying her best to keep up through the intense tingle running through her body. She rode the high for as long as possible before slumping back into the couch. Fluttershy was panting hard, struggling to catch her breath after such a lovely moment.
  179. “Wow. Now that was intense. We better let Fluttershy cool off while I prepare the next part of the show.” Pinkie Pie teased. She rushed out of sight of the cameras to let them all ogle Fluttershy for a moment.
  181. Fluttershy sighed in bliss. She blinked a few times and her living room finally came back into view. “Goodness...that was...something.” Fluttershy looked around. “P-Pinkie? Where did you go?”
  183. “Hold on! I'm just getting a little surprise ready. Talk to the chat, I'm sure they wanna know all about you.” Pinkie Pie let out a giggle snort from the kitchen.
  185. “Oh, um....the chat...the stream. R-Right.” Fluttershy turned towards the nearest camera and waved once more. “H-Hello...I'm Fluttershy. Oh, but you already knew that. in a little town not too far away from Canterlot and like my friend Pinkie says, I run an animal sanctuary. I do appreciate everything you guys had donated this far, I really do. I...hope the show has been f-fun to watch...”
  187. Just as stage fright began to creep in, Pinkie Pie jumped in front of the cameras. “Okay, you horny ponies! I think you all know what it's time for.” Pinkie Pie turned towards Fluttershy. “It's time for the vibrating monster!”
  189. Attached to Pinkie Pie's crotch was a massive strap on. Anypony taking a moments glance might have assumed Pinkie Pie had obtained a third leg. Fluttershy's jaw dropped as Pinkie Pie pumped her hips once or twice.
  191. “P-P-Pinkie Pie! Wh-What in Equestria are you doing with that thing? That's so obscene!” Fluttershy sputtered out.
  193. “I saw your brain turn to mush on that couch and I thought we could both use such a wonderful experience. I swear, you use this thing once and a regular stallion isn't enough anymore.” Pinkie pressed a little switch and the entire length began to vibrate. “ extends inward too, so I'm already getting the full effect...Fluttershy, you gotta try this.” Pinkie moaned.
  195. Fluttershy gulped. “It's for the animal sanctuary...It's for the animal sanctuary.” She told herself over and over. “ are we doing this?” Fluttershy asked.
  197. “I thought we could just take it nice and slow liiiiikkkee this.” Pinkie Pie effortlessly picked up Fluttershy and placed her ass up on the couch. Before Fluttershy could protest about her ass directly facing the cameras, Pinkie Pie eased the vibrator against Fluttershy's pussy.
  199. “Relax. I know how to take lead.” Pinkie Pie did her best to ease Fluttershy's woes. The vibrator was certainly a good distraction in its own right, refilling Fluttershy's mind with a pleasant fog as the tingling began to build up once more.
  201. Slowly, Pinkie began to rub and grind the vibrator back and forth. The room was filled with wispy little moans as Fluttershy let herself become lost in the pleasure. She was already gripping the couch cushions tightly and the monster sized strap on wasn't even inside yet. Even Pinkie was beginning to pant and moan as the vibrator shifted inside her.
  203. “Okay, I've had as much of this slow buildup as I can stand. I'm going in, captain!” Pinkie Pie shouted. She pulled back the vibrator and pushed it in slowly into Fluttershy's pussy. Both mares moaned as Pinkie slammed in the strap on down to the base. A meaty plap echoed through the cottage as the base made firm contact with Fluttershy's rear.
  205. “Oh yeah, that's the stuff.” Pinkie Pie said as a little shudder rippled through her. She wasted no time in pumping her hips, starting off slow as she could. “Isn't this the best thing ever, Fluttershy?”
  207. A low, pleased moan was all Fluttershy could respond with. Every part of her body felt tingly and lighter than air. There was no Fluttershy on that couch. Only a being of pure pleasure that wanted to cum so badly.
  211. Pinkie sped up her thrusts. “Fluttershy might have won the first round but now it's my time to shine. No one knows how to thrust, gyrate and jiggle that booty better than I do!” Pinkie Pie smirked as she increased her speed and started to clap her fat ass cheeks in time with her lewd thrusting.
  213. Chat was going wild. Donations were flowing like water. Everypony was hypnotized by Pinkie's gyrations and Fluttershy's cute butt. The two mares were slowly losing it to the ecstasy of it all. Pinkie Pie was shining in the light as a layer of sweat began to build on her body. Fluttershy was drooling all over her couch, ruining it further with more bodily fluids.
  215. “Time to finish this.” Pinkie Pie moaned. She gripped Fluttershy's hips and began pounding as fast as she could.
  219. Pinkie Pie gave it her all. Fluttershy was close if her deep, needy moans were any indication. She had to make sure everything was perfect for the finale. She ignored her own burning desire to cum, pumping her hips and sending sweat flying as she fucked her friend as hard as she could.
  221. Fluttershy screamed in a drunken lust. Everything had been building up to this moment and the gigantic dildo stretching out her insides so hard was the tipping point. “PINKIEEEEEEE!” She screamed as her whole body tensed up. Fluttershy's eyes began to roll to the back of her head as the intense orgasm crashed her brain. The last thing Fluttershy processed was Pinkie Pie shouting her name before passing out.
  229. BZZT BZZT
  231. Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes. It took her a moment for her brain to reconnect with her body. She awoke to find herself gently tucked into bed with a large bottle of water sitting on her bedside table.
  233. “What time is it?” Fluttershy grabbed her phone. “Ohhhh it's ten in the morning. I'm already so behind on everything...and I promised Angel a treat, too. He's never gonna let me hear the end of it.
  235. BZZT BZZT
  237. Another message pulled Fluttershy back to her phone. “A message from Pinkie Pie...and NeighPal?” Fluttershy opened up the message from Pinkie Pie first.
  239. “Heya Fluttershy. Good morning! Hope I wasn't too rough with you last night. You passed out pretty hard and I had to end the stream there. Don't worry about a thing, everypony loved you! I'm sending your cut of the bits right now, so no more worries about your animal shelter, okay? OKAY BYYYYYEEEEEEE!”
  241. Fluttershy tapped the second message and instantly sat up in bed. “N-No way....we made THIS MUCH in one night? Oh my gosh...this will cover the costs of the sanctuary for six MONTHS at least. Ohhh Angel can't stay mad if I spoil him for breakfast every day for a month! Wow!”
  243. BZZT BZZT
  245. A third message popped up on Fluttershy's phone. “Who could this be? I don't recognize the number...” Fluttershy tapped the message and began reading.
  247. “Hello Miss. We've been informed to reach out to you thanks to one of our most popular creators, Pinkie Pie. We were hoping to talk to you sometime this week about a lucrative contract to stream adult material to your very own Ponyfans account! Somepony with your “talents” could go a long way in this industry and with our support, you could go even farther!”
  249. Everything from the previous night returned to Fluttershy's mind. “Oh no...everypony saw me being so indecent...and now Ponyfans thinks I'm ready to sign up with them? I can't be mad at Pinkie Pie but this is exactly what I wanted to avoid!”
  251. Before Fluttershy could delete the message, the last paragraph caught her eye. “Members that earn at the top ten percent of the company are automatically enrolled in our charity share program. We calculate ten percent of your monthly earning and donate it ourselves to the charity of your choice. The best part is that this comes at no cost to you OR affects your monthly earnings. Do good for a charity you love AND earn money for yourself!”
  253. “Hmm...I could earn money for the sanctuary and get a little bonus for it as well...” Fluttershy thought to herself. Instead of deleting the message, she saved it for later. The day was speeding by and she still had a lot of things to catch up on and a lot of apologizing to Angel Bunny to do.
  255. “Maybe if I can't get my gaming channel back...” Fluttershy mused to herself. “Plus I bet Pinkie Pie could clue me in on how to build audience.” She blushed as she caught sight of her nude self in the mirror, fat tits bouncing and swaying with every step. “Maybe...Maybe I don't need those suggestions. The chat was going wild for me...” Fluttershy blushed harder as she remembered how wonderful last night had been.
  257. “No...I'll do it. If showing off a little means the sanctuary gets funded every month, then I simply must give the audience what they want!” Fluttershy said. Fluttershy knew she'd have to give everything to keep her dream alive and if it really meant “everything”, she would happily bare it all for all the perverts on the internet.

The Deep Chest

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