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Anonfilly's Tired Morning [5]

By FajitasAnon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-24 07:04:42
Expiry: Never

  1. >Morningtime of being filly in Equestria
  2. >You're running out of ways to start your mental thought processes
  3. >The fact that last night's sleepover did not include sleep is not helping
  4. >You're just glad that you took over the tea-making duties before they did
  5. >Repeat incidents of the ashen juice are far from acceptable
  6. >Though the sleepover wasn't a total bust
  7. >Half way through what was supposed to be torture you started planning the long game
  8. >They're all so friendly here, those three would be perfect scapegoats for more extreme pranks
  9. >But enough evil plans that have a chance to backfire, back to current time
  10. >The fillies are gone and you are exhausted
  11. >Curse this small body and its limits
  12. >When you were the one and only Anon, and human, you could go four days without rest!
  13. >You glance your tired eyes to Anon as he sits upon the living room couch, reading a trashy magazine
  14. >Scratch that, he's napping
  15. >...damn, that looks comfortable
  16. >Maybe he wouldn't mind if...?
  17. >Wait, of course he wouldn't mind, you're adorable and you wouldn't mind
  18. >You sneakily creep up on Anon with the stealth of a thousand cats
  19. >Or one clumsy unicorn
  20. >Slowly, you lift yourself onto the couch next to him, and very very slowly place one hoof on his lap
  21. >You keep constant vigilance on your human counterpart to make sure that you have plausible deniability if he wakes
  22. >When his breathing hitches a little, you freeze
  23. >It slowly returns and you release the breath you didn't notice you were holding
  24. >Slowly working yourself onto the golden land of lap takes but minutes but it feels like hours
  25. >Those anime lap-pillows were onto something, this shit is one of the comfiest places you've been in
  26. >Once fully settled, you slowly drift off to sleep
  27. >Bliss achieved
  29. >Be Morningtime Anon, Equestria's grumpiest biped
  30. >You're going to have to be more careful of when you instigate these sleepovers
  31. >Or at least have more cider
  32. >You did not sleep a wink
  33. >Who knew that those three fillies would be so loud all night?
  34. >Clearly not you
  35. >Rarity did not help your state when she absolutely insisted on a spa trip later to "clear up those bags under your eyes, darling!" when she picked up Sweetie Belle
  36. >At least AJ and Dash had the courtesy of taking their fillies with some semblance of speed
  37. >You are alone with Nonny, and by god does that couch look comfy
  38. >And that tabloid that you were reading just last week is sitting within reaching distance of your spot
  39. >Gotta have some way to deter her from getting you back quickly
  40. >Sitting down and snatching it up, you promptly fall asleep
  41. >Or at least you would if Nonny wasn't trying to do something
  42. >You'd do something after that fiasco, wouldn't you?
  43. >You keep your eyes closed in a blissful near sleep state, waiting for the other proverbial shoe to drop
  44. >It doesn't take long, you feel her slowly tap your leg with her hoof
  45. >Surprising, you thought she'd go for the magic route after all those lessons with purple
  46. >But not as surprising as when she crawls onto your lap very slowly
  47. >Like she's not trying to wake you...?
  48. >Oh fuck that's adorable
  49. >You wait for her breathing to stabilize before you open an eye
  50. >This is the cutest thing you've ever seen
  51. >The filly is sleeping on your lap like a cat
  52. >You wish you had a camera ready
  53. >But seeing it is enough for now
  54. >You reach a hand up, and start gently stroking her mane and coat
  55. >You're glad you don't have anything you have to get done today
  56. >Even if you did, you weren't gonna do it
  57. >The ponies would probably understand
  58. >You slowly drift off yourself, content with the feel of Nonny's soft fur and mane
  59. >Bliss achieved

Lunchtime With Anonfilly [1]

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Anonfilly Makes Food Herself [2]

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