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Anonfilly Makes Food Herself [2]

By FajitasAnon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-24 07:04:13
Expiry: Never

  1. >Another day being the very small clone of your "dad"
  2. >You've long since gotten over the fact that you were fillyfied because purple wanted to try something
  3. >That, and learning unicorn magic does help speed that process
  4. >Especially now, when the human Anon is gone shopping and left the freezer unattended
  5. >It's been two whole months since you've been changed and you are getting those damn chicken tenders
  6. >Fucker's been hogging them
  7. >Ponies CAN eat meat, you saw Dash eat a fish yesterday
  8. >With enough magic digging, you find your prize
  9. >'s just raw chicken.
  10. >Fuck, gonna have to do this the hard way.
  11. >Eggs, check, breadcrumbs, check, salt and pepper, check
  12. >They won't be perfect, but they'll do
  13. >You scoot a chair to the perfectly normal human sized counter and clamber up so you can see what you're doing
  14. >It hits you that Anon's gonna be pissed that you ate the chicken
  15. >And you fail to care because fuck that faggot, he should've just let you enjoy lunch yesterday
  16. >First things first, the knife
  17. >He hid the knife block, fucker
  18. >You hop off the counter, need the knife
  19. >After some searching, you find it in a block wedged behind the fridge
  20. >Nobody can hide anything from the mighty filly!
  21. >Flexing your magic muscles, you grab a bowl and crack a couple eggs in it
  22. >Some shell builds character. That, and you don't want to "feel" egg on your horn. You're still not quite sure why that works.
  23. >Put in the salt and pepper, and mix that shit
  24. >Time to fillet the chicken
  25. >You proceed to brutalize the chicken, it's family could never recognize the body
  26. >It'll have to do
  27. >Egg up and bread up the pieces that range from chicken strip to McDonalds nugget chode
  28. >You feel like you might be forgetting something
  29. >Oh well, if you're forgetting it it's not worth thinking about, much unlike how good these glorious tendies will be
  30. >You pop the breaded chicken on a baking sheet and turn on the oven
  31. >No preheating? It's fucking magic, man. I don't gotta explain shit.
  32. >And now we wait
  34. >Another day being Anon
  35. >Greatest greenest human in all of Equestria
  36. >Even if you're the only one, now
  37. >Fillyanon has been pretty good today, only called you a faggot seven times. Even if it's you, it's still jarring to hear a filly say that.
  38. >And you have a surprise for her - trout
  39. >Dash told you that pegasi could eat fish, so unicorns probably can too
  40. >It only took you two hours to find some
  41. >You can't wait to see the adorable look on her face
  42. >And you also stop that thought on the complexity of finding yourself, even if she's a filly now, cute
  43. >Open the front door, something something dinosaur
  44. "Anon! I'm home! And I got something for you!"
  45. >She doesn't come
  46. >Something's wrong, you love surprises
  47. >And then you smell it
  48. >Cooked meat
  49. >Then you hear it
  50. >"BLARRRGH"
  51. "Goddamn it, I kept telling you! Maybe you'll learn this time!"
  52. >"Fucking worth it! BLARRRRRGH"
  53. >She can clean that mess up herself.

Lunchtime With Anonfilly [1]

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Anonfilly Makes Food Herself [2]

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Anonfilly's Revenge [3]

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Mommy's Magic Necklace [Anonfilly]

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