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On the so-called "Public Notice"

By summaryanon
Created: 2024-07-30 23:04:26
Updated: 2024-08-06 16:44:40
Expiry: Never

  2. A compilation of rebuttals against the current text of the Foalcon Advisory that is first seen by anyone who checks it.
  3. Used sources: FimFiction comments (primarily HK-FortySeven's initial overview of the text), various posts on /mlpol/ (primarily 24452, 24460, 24461, 24468, and my own 24482) and Derpibooru.
  4. Compiled and edited together by summaryanon.
  7. On April 1st, a document ("Foalcon Advisory", dubbed "The List" by onlookers) was leaked. It was an excessively long list of people (mostly Discord users, but other websites like FimFiction or Derpibooru also had their users and even content listed, though to a lesser extent) who, as the document itself states, "are either involved in some way with the consumption, creation, promotion, and/or distribution of material that sexualizes children, or have shown in some capacity to not be safe to have in a server with minors". The deeply flawed methodology of The List, such as including users based on what can only be described as personal grudges, or outright including the deceased or underaged, alongside generally poor handling of the situation by the ones responsible, led to the document, alongside its authors, to be condemned across the entire fandom, from 4chan and /mlpol/ to FimFiction and Derpibooru.
  9. On April 23rd, The List was locked behind an "Access Token" to the general public; in it's place, a "Public Notice" was put instead, with the intended goal of "informing those curious as to what this document was and to clarify some of the misinformation floating about". Alas, on further inspection, it was made clear that it fails on both of its goals, and various rebuttals of it were posted across MLP-related sites. The most comprehensive of these is the one by HK-FortySeven on FimFiction; however, those on Derpibooru and /mlpol/ are of value and importance as well, and some things covered in those are not covered by HK-FortySeven, and vice versa. Additionally, there are some aspects covered by none of them, which this paste will address for possibly the first time.
  12. So, let's begin. Line by line, paragraph by paragraph, section by section.
  14. >Due to the abuse of this document by malicious actors, both against supporters of the report and against implicated users,
  15. This is a weird point. For one, how exactly can the document be "abused" against its supporters? It had no personal information of its makers or supporters (in fact, it's not even precisely known who contributed to the document), so it couldn't've been used for doxing or blackmail or anything of that sort. Figuring out who supports (-ed) or contributes (-ed) to it was done by other ways, such as reading the leaked chatlogs of the PCL (this is what CompilerAnon did), or just outright directly asking people (this is what happened with the G5 Discord sever), so it couldn't've been (directly) used for witch-hunts against people supporting/contributing to it either. In other words, if someone were to be harassed because they supported/contributed to The List, they'd be "found out" not because of The List itself, but rather because of other evidence outside of it. As such, making The List private for such a reason would do nothing to stop the possible harassment and/or witch-hunting. And if merely pointing out the flaws of The List counts as "abuse", then, by that logic, any criticism of any action is also "abuse."
  17. Second, the closest The List has been to being used against the implicated, at the time, (as far as the general public knows) is a brief attempt to do something about certain members of Pathos's Discord server, including the owner himself. It started on April 17th and was made into a separate thread on April 22th. Given the timing and the improbability of something happening to the supporters of The List being the catalyst for making the document unavailable to the general public (as discussed above), it stands to reason that it was precisely this event which was the true cause behind the obscurement of The List, or so it would seem. However, there are some considerations to be taken into account: 1. The attempt, since its very start, had noticeable backlash against it, with quite a few people labelling it as a false-flag operation by the PCL, and 2. The List, in all of its iterations at the time (as far as is known), was well archived, so making it private wouldn't achieve anything besides possibly good press (which it didn't). With these in mind, an alternative explanation for this specific claim arises: perhaps some moderators of certain Discord servers were beginning to abuse their power to such an extent that decisive measures had to be taken? Of course, saying this outright certainly does not paint a good picture of the PCL and DataBytes, so we have this line instead.
  19. Whatever the case, the intro of the Public Notice goes on.
  20. >the decision has been made to make the contents of this page private for the time being. Updates will be made available to select trusted individuals.
  21. As an anonymous poster on Derpibooru points out, the phrasing "for the time being" implies that it will be made public once more one day. They also add that "Until then, only “trusted individuals” get to see it, aka, all the mods and server owners who then indiscriminately ban users from their Discord servers". This ties back into the section above. As such, I have an alternative preposition, one that is perhaps overoptimistic and gives too much benefit of the doubt to DataBytes: perhaps, this indiscrimination already existed beforehand to a severe degree, and these "trusted individuals" aren't just any mods, but rather the ones who DataBytes trusts won't be so amateurish and inconsiderate? While the regular mods will still have access to the archived versions of The List, they'll be cut off from all and any developments made to it from that point on.
  23. Then again, all of that is conjecture, and remains as such until further confirmation or disproval is given by either DataBytes or the (de)associated moderators. Whatever the case, this confirms that The List is still actively developed, or, at the least, still exists in a possibly-modified form. I point this out as there's a misconception that it has been "deleted", which is by no means the case.
  25. The next paragraph starts:
  26. >As some of you may be aware, this document was leaked publicly sometime early April 1st, 2024.
  27. It is of note that this line does not specify a more concrete time, despite it being well known (06:19:41 UTC, on /mlp/'s /fimfic/ thread). A line later on in the document (in the History section) further claims that The List was not first leaked on 4chan, but rather was "quickly shared with everyone active in the foalcon community", and only then (after 12 hours, as it claims) posted on 4chan. This whole claimed initial period of the leak spreading was at the time, unknown to the general public, and, up to now, was entirely overlooked either way. It should also be pointed out that DataBytes does not provide any evidence or examples of this happening (the same can be said about a substantial amount of other claims in the Public Notice as well).
  29. Besides that, the wording of "leaked" was noted by HK-FortySeven, who cites the following line from The List: "... and has been filtered down and redacted for **general release** from the thousands of messages and files that comprise the source documentation. ...". He argues that the wording "general release" implies that it was, in fact, intended for the public to be seen. However, it could be argued that either "general release" doesn't necessarily imply an intention to make it public in the future (alas, this argument does not account for The List seemingly being reinstated as public in the future, as the previous paragraph of the Public Notice would imply), or that "leaked" doesn't imply that it was supposed to be always private (after all, if, for example, a movie gets uploaded to a piracy site a week before its supposed date of publishing, then one may also say that it was "leaked", even if it was going to come out a week after anyway).
  31. >In the interest of informing those curious as to what this document was and to clarify some of the misinformation floating about, I will provide some additional information here:
  32. Interesting how the wording "this document **was**" is used, perhaps to further fuel to misconception that The List has been "deleted"? Regardless, let's see what DataBytes has to say for himself (spoiler: it's nothing good). To quote HK-FortySeven: "Ooh, disinformation? I'm getting scared now, boys. I don't know if my body can handle the hot Facts and Logic™ comin' my way! Wish me luck!"
  35. >This document was the result of multiple investigations of reports we received about users in a Discord community that I moderate and was prepared and formatted for sharing with trusted owners and moderators of other MLP Discord servers.
  36. Firstly, note how the community he moderates is not named. This caused a bit of confusion in HK-FortySeven's response, who argued that this proves the PCL's existence. In reality, this community is the Minecraft MLP-themed server BronyTales, with plenty of controversies of its own. Second, "trusted owners"? As is well established, the requirements for joining the PCL were incredibly lax: to quote one of its members, "if you join as many public mlp discord servers as you can, i'd bet 99% of the mods in them were in PCL". How is that "trusted"? Third, this implies (by omission) that it was *just* the users on BronyTales, and fails to address all the claims of the the #reports channel of the PCL being used as a source, alongside the undeniable usage of sites like FimFiction and Derpibooru in aiding the making of The List.
  38. >Put plainly, this document was a summary of Discord users who we were either actively watching or had banned from our server for activity that could expose minors to material of a sexual nature or who themselves engaged with content that sexualized underage characters.
  39. To quote uis from Derpibooru: "Does he try to downplay it to “average Discord drama, nothing here”?". Point three from above also still applies. And back with that "was", despite The List still existing and being updated. As an /mlpol/ post put it: "Put plainly, we still attempt to moderate all of Discord and to build up a secret cabal that bans everyone into foalcon from all Discord servers, because we are paranoid freaks who think molesting a picture of SCOOTALOO means to molest a real child."
  41. >The original purpose of this document was to provide additional information for moderators of MLP Discord communities who may be also investigating or watching for users that may have an elevated chance to post content that may threaten server safety.
  42. Again, the same point brought up about downplaying everything still stands. HK-FortySeven puts it bluntly: "Right, which is why you also included 716 Fimfic authors, 18 AO3 authors, 1,503 Derpi accounts, 2,191 Derpi artists, and 1,040 OC tags. You know, because it's **exclusively** about those heckin' evil 751 Discord users".
  44. >Discord has strict policies forbidding using their platform for sharing lolicon and foalcon as well as any other forms of material that attempt to normalize sexualizing children, even fictional, and will action both users that post said content and against servers that permit that content.
  45. Notice the wording: "forms of material that attempt to normalize sexualizing children". One can make the claim that loli/foalcon/ect. sexualises children, alright, OK, sure, but that it attempts to NORMALIZE it is a very deliberate choice of words, the intend of which is to give the unassuming reader the impression that all those who disagree with The List are but dirty pedo-sympathisers. Discord's policies are strict, yes, but they aren't very well enforced, are they? Oh, and they use a far more sensible and simpler wording "sexualise children", without the outrageous "normalize". Also, can't forget the image of DataBytes admitting how he "has a weakness against Scootaloo" and asking for more lewd pics of her, ON DISCORD. If it was faked, you'd think the first thing DataBytes would do is decry it, no? Alas, it's not even alluded to here...
  48. >This document was never intended to be used as a "hit list". As mentioned above, this was an internal document intended to be used as a resource for other Discord server moderation teams.
  49. This specific claim (and those following it attempting to prove it, a rarity for the Public Notice) was the one given most attention to by commentators fandom-wide. From HK-FortySeven (as a start), we simply have a laughing clip from Mass Effect 3. From /mlpol/, we have "So it's still a hit list, but only "trusted individuals" are allowed to hit by banning people who like foalcon from their servers, got'cha man". From Derpibooru, we have "he wants to act like it wasn’t a hit list", albeit in reference to uis's comment provided earlier on the downplaying of the situation.
  51. >There was no personally identifying information (PII) listed for any of the users in the report, and as such does not meet the definition of “doxxing".
  52. HK-FortySeven writes: "Honey, don't act like this wouldn't have provided enough of a breadcrumb trail for some vindictive Xitterite to dredge it all up and put it on display. Don't act like such a possibility was something you weren't desiring on an implicit level. And **definitely** don't act like you didn't knowingly put up Zizzy's ASN numbers with the explicit intention of getting them blacklisted either, you weaselly cunt". Dopaminion adds: "If the published handles and attached information lead to a private phone number it's 100% personally identifying. (It's the social security number in the modern era.)", and proceeds to go more in depth on the legal aspects of it. Nebbie argues that even if there's no PII, it's still morally inexcusable behaviour.
  54. >Additionally, this was never intended to implicate users of other platforms, which is why the information presented from other platforms was sparse.
  55. He calmly said, overlooking the 716 Fimfic authors, 18 AO3 authors, 1,503 Derpi accounts, 2,191 Derpi artists, and 1,040 OC tags. HK-FortySeven remarks: "I'm sorry, in what universe do you consider a full by-user listing of each individual story you poorly and algorithmically determined was foalcon to be "sparse"?". I myself would say that perhaps the word DataBytes was looking for wasn't "sparse", but rather "low-quality". Would make more sense that way, no?
  57. >Nor was it intended to serve as an exhaustive exposé on each individual in the report, but rather a part of a discussion on a case-by-case basis.
  58. Again, HK-FortySeven objects: "Riiiiight. Well, we already saw in this thread how poorly that "case-by-case" determination went, so anything else you'd like to share on that subject, champ?". We all know the gems: post Spongebob copypasta? That's, like, the most vile content imaginable. Lister. Be racist, sexist, homophobic or any other kind of -ist/-phobic? Well, c'mon, bigots, pedos, same thing! Lister. Liked an image of Scoota- sorry, just some aged up image of an unnamed character? Pfft, we're all children at heart, age isn't gonna change anything. Lister. Be underage? You'll grow up into an absolutely disgusting human being, so we must save you! Lister. Be fucking DEAD? We can't do anything about you besides tarnishing your reputation without you having any way to defend yourself, so... of course you're a Lister.
  60. >Nor did I intend on using this document to attempt to convince the operators of Fimfiction or Derpibooru to change their policies,
  61. From HK-FortySeven: "If this guy were Pinocchio, his nose would be the length of the Empire State building by now". From /mlpol/: "Oh, of cou-"
  63. >especially seeing as both platforms have made policies and financial decisions to protect this content and have staff who actively engage with foalcon and/or lolicon.
  64. HK-FortySeven expands his thoughts from before: "Right, so you went with the next best thing: intimidate the users who create this completely harmless fictional content and attempt to shame them into self-censorship. That's **way** less scummy!". The /mlpol/ post from beforehand continues: "Ah, there it is, the implication that everyone should go and harass the shit out of FiMfiction and Derpibooru, complete with specifically calling out the staff, in the sentence that technically says to not do that. Gotta love how even this guy's individual sentences are two-faced". Another anon on /mlpol/ also has a similar conclusion: "Man, this is really him saying "I can't make the staff on Fimfiction and Derpibooru remove foalcon from their sites because they don't listen to me, but you can, my fellows, send them messages, harass them, pressure them until they break and give in to our demands." ".
  66. I myself would like to bring into attention an overlooked part of this statement: "...who actively engage with foalcon and/or lolicon". Take note of how DataBytes accuses the staff of FimFiction and Derpibooru not only of supporting Foalcon (it's true that the sites host it, so this claim is probably true), but also Lolicon. However, this is very easily disproved: both of the sites have policies against Lolicon. If you come across it, count for how much longer it'll stay there. Maybe even upload it yourself, but don't get surprised once you are inevitably banned (note: I do not condone breaking the rules of FimFiction and/or Derpibooru). To quote FimFiction's policy: "[Don't Post] Sexual content involving human/anthro characters under the age of 18.", and Derpibooru's: "Do not upload artwork of characters in sexual depictions or scenarios who look underage and look human or human-like." (under Rule #5).
  69. >I have been in the pony fandom since its early days, and if you’re in this fandom for long enough, you will eventually learn about or find foalcon.
  70. WOAH, a sentence against which nothing can be said! WOW! Sure, we can be pedantic, ask when exactly he joined, or ask how much that "long enough" actually is, but that's just that: being pedantic.
  72. >When I first found out about it, I thought it was a joke. Cartoon CSAM? Clearly that’s satire, no-one would actually be into that, right?
  73. As an anon on /mlpol/ points out, "Cartoon CSAM" is an oxymoron.
  75. >So I went along with interacting with the fandom and tolerating its existence without ever truly digging into it, even as far as making jokes about it and also adopting into the FimFetch archive a version of the ‘filter culture’ used by some webservices for dealing with controversial content.
  76. Now, we have to wonder: has anyone made The List for merely making a joke? Such a fuck-up on DataBytes's part sure would make a great fool out of him, no? Well, I don't know, but if anyone can find such an example, please, inform us! Also, it's interesting how he does not go more in-depth about what "filter culture" is. In fact, he may have even coined the term!
  78. Just as in sections before and after, "Filter Culture" is a very specific choice of words: it's intended to get all those people who criticised Derpibooru for being "far right" psyched: after all, the big bad Nazis of the radical Brony fandom told us all to "just use filters!", and now this other, probably also big and bad group of people is telling this poor, innocent man, a long time fan and dedicate of the show, to do the exact same! We won't stand for this, we must support our brothers!
  80. ...Is what they would've said, if it wasn't for 1. Including fucking WOOTMASTER on it and 2. never actually getting to the story out to Twitter or any such place.
  82. Anyway, he keeps going:
  83. >My opinion on the matter changed after encountering a group of people while attending Trotcon 2021 who emphatically and enthusiastically talked about how much they enjoyed foalcon.
  84. HK-FortySeven summarises the whole paragraph as "Oop, this just in: Pinocchio's nose is as long as the Shanghai Tower now, showing no signs of stopping!" (well, this line he actually excludes, but still). This line implies he's been working on The List for three whole years. For three whole years, we were waiting in anticipation, or as the youth would say: "let bro cook". Well, something tells me he overcooked.
  86. >Soon after, I dug deeper into the foalcon subculture
  87. HK-FortySeven makes a joke here: "Where you found the love of your life, Scootaloo! But really dude, you didn't even wait 'till she was older? I mean, even **Blackgryph0n** did that!"
  89. >and found that not only were there a few actual pedophiles driving content creation,
  90. Some concrete examples would be real nice, y'know... At least then, we'd be able to see whether you're bullshitting or actually found something of note for once...
  92. >but that the number of people actively creating and engaging with this content was far greater than I had imagined.
  93. And what number did he think were related with this content? It's anecdotal evidence: I wouldn't be surprised if there are anons who think that everyone who supports your nonsense is either paid, an FBI agent, you and your clique pretending to be multiple different people, or even all three at once.
  95. >Granted, they only represent around 1-2% of the active user accounts on MLP fandom services but even 1% of the active online fandom is still over a thousand people, and this 1% of the fandom represents over 20% of the fandom’s overall online interactions.
  96. NUMBERS, NUMBERS, NUMBES GALORE! So, there are ~100 000 active MLP fans across the various websites. And, of them, 1000-2000 are into foalcon, and they're massively overrepresented in the online interactions. Well, only one thing can be said: SOURCE? WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING SOURCE?? A SOURCE FOR **ANY** OF THESE NUMBERS???
  97. (also, there should probably be a comma before but)
  99. >Soon after I finished migrating FimFetch to a new webhost, a project I had been working to complete for several years, I finally got around to scanning for and removing all foalcon from the archive.
  100. It's known that, during the beginning, this detection was of... questionable quality.
  102. >While it is technically not classified as CSAM under US law, after seeing how the foalcon community treats the material and the contents of some of the stories I could no longer see any legitimate reason for this material to be hosted from my archive
  103. Hey, here's a reason: YOU RUN AN ARCHIVE. PEOPLE WANT YOU TO ARCHIVE SHIT, SO ARCHIVE IT. Again, no concrete examples, and it's not just US law that is like this, but plenty of others as well. For more info, just see
  105. >While I was working on this, I also removed other types of pornographic sexual content including sexual assault and incest in order to stay compliant with Patreon requirements.
  106. From /mlpol/: "It even reveals that Patreon was the final nudge to him suddenly caring like this is some kind of moral catastrophe that foalcon exists (some on FiMfiction speculated this before the list was out, that it was just a matter of needing to keep revenue)." and "Databyte's never been a very good liar, he often shows his hand by saying too much of very specific things (like the bit about Patreon banning such content being in the context of a supposed moral crusade, revealing he really just is trying to cover his ass for bowing to Patreon instead of switching SubscribeStar like FiMfiction did)".
  108. >The first draft of this report was formatted for and released to several trusted staff of other MLP Discord servers on March 28th, 2024.
  109. Again, "trusted" is a big overstatement. HK-FortySeven comments on this line, and segues to the other one: "Again, confirmation of the PCL. This lines up nicely with the leaked logs, too. Speaking of!"
  111. >The document was leaked to someone on the list after only three days and it was quickly shared with everyone active in the foalcon community.
  112. Again, no prove of this happening is provided. As far as anyone knows, the first leak was on 4chan. If it was not, show prove in support of that. WestRail642fan merely said that "oh yeah they gave those G5 mods some list", with the document itself not provided, so this can't be what is being referred to. From HK-FortySeven: "We love our whistleblowers."
  114. >Less than twelve hours later it was posted on 4chan by someone on the list looking to cause trouble.
  115. The claim that it was posted to "cause trouble" is doubtful; the text that went alongside the first time it was leaked states: "lmao, I wonder if this is april fools joke or not". For all we know, it was merely brought forward as just something to laugh at, maybe even because of genuine concern. HK-FortySeven adds: "Well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."
  117. FALLOUT (unrelated in any way, shape, or form to the Fallout™ franchise of Bethesda™, or the well known fanfiction Fallout: Equestria™ by Kkat or any of its spinoffs, or to the movie The Fallout™)
  118. >The 4chan MLP community almost immediately went into a vindictive frenzy to do their best to attack the perceived threat to their interests, especially as it seems that a good number of them were on the list for some reason or another.
  119. Again, omission: it wasn't just 4chan; all around the fandom, be it /mlpol/, FimFiction, and even Derpibooru. The only places not touched by the flame of outrage were the ones which were either in the PCL's grip, or those with a ban on discussing certain content (e.g. a site that's purely SFW). The reason for singling out 4chan is much the same for using the term "Filter Culture" before, i.e. to (re)incite hatred between two traditionally opposed groups.
  121. HK-FortySeven takes on this line in a different way: "Yeah, and for those of us who **weren't** on that list, DataByte? Me and plenty of other anons have been around the block **more** than enough times to see where organized blacklists like this inevitably go. Like many others did, I correctly identified it as a plague on the entire MLP fandom, and did my part to raise awareness about it's existence. Because secretive shit like this is **always** done with transparently bad intentions; otherwise, it wouldn't be secretive, would it?". I can't help but agree: you won't find me in The List either (mainly because I don't have an account kek), but that doesn't stop me from criticising actions which are clearly, well... wrong.
  123. >Several attempted to discredit the information in the report,
  124. Attempted? ATTEMPTED? REALLY?
  125. (credits to HK-FortySeven for being the first to call this out, by the way)
  127. >others laughed it off as a silly moral crusade,
  128. Silly? SILLY? REALLY? People laughed it off because of how badly thought-out it was, and how spectacularly it failed, not because it was "silly".
  130. >and at least three Discord accounts are known to have been renamed to cast ridicule upon myself and others who supported this document either for an in-server joke or for screenshots.
  131. HK-FortySeven puts it best: "Okay, that a **really** weird addition to round out our rule of three, but that's funny as shit all the same. If somebody has screencaps of those renames, **please** post them somewhere."
  133. >However, the most dangerous response was when some people decided to directly attack myself and others who supported or tolerated this document in any way.
  134. The only ones with which it actually went through was you and PhoenixFire.
  135. >My personal information was posted publicly
  136. HK-FortySeven has this as the grand conclusion of his rebuttal. The full text of it is as follows:
  137. "No, dipshit, you posted it publicly.
  138. Here's a little infosec word to the wise, from one tech autist to another: when you're going to make a giant organized list that directly names and shames over 2,000 Internet users, you should probably try to do it from a handle that you didn't knowingly go out of your way to attach your real name to across 10 different websites, let alone your state and city of residence. I mean, you fucked up your infosec so badly in multiple different categories, but that's easily the most blindingly fucking stupid decision you could possibly have made. Especially when you knew it would come up against anons who knew how to perform a basic google search of said online handle.
  139. Now sure, none of that excuses the hundreds of dollars of pizza deliveries, as funny as it may be from a distance. But that serves as a neat segue into that point I mentioned previously.
  140. All it takes to get somebody's complete dox is their full, legal name; just ask Xitter, Kiwi Farms, the Sharty, and Doxbin, among many other examples out there. This is one of the main reasons we always used to tell people to never, ever post their personal information on the Internet. However, there's plenty of people out there who either haven't learned or were never taught this lesson. Now tell me, among the 2,000-odd people you opted to name and shame, DataByte, how many of them do you want to bet have their real names attached to their handles, or their immutable Discord UUID's?
  141. Imagine for a second, in a different timeline, if this holy crusade of yours went exactly how you wanted it to go, DataByte. Imagine if all those people you wrongly painted as outright pedophiles had a mob of angry and motivated Internet users pulling their accounts up and properly doxing them all. You think pizza deliveries to your house were bad, DataByte? Those were sent to you because you were a colossal dipshit, because people wanted to laugh at your expense. Do you have any idea what would have happened to those users? Those you incorrectly labelled as child molesters? They wouldn't have been sent pizza. They would have been sent police summons. Their families would have been blindsided by an accusation of paedophilia, one of the most awful and unforgivable crimes and accusations out there, eclipsing even rape in terms of the disgust it elicits from people. Those aren't fun and playful accusations, DataByte. Those are the kinds of crimes where the mere implication of involvement can permanently tear somebody's family apart, ruin somebody's life, and even drive them to outright suicide.
  142. Your list would have actively led to fucking life ruination. And you want to call up the fucking whaaaaambulance because people called you out for it? You want to throw a little pity party because you got a little taste of your own medicine?
  143. Get fucked."
  145. >and packages were sent to my front door.
  146. Interesting how he does not specify what they were. As far as we know, it was boxes of cheese pizza, possibly with chicken on top and something written on the very boxes themselves. Also, you just definitively proved the dox valid. Oops.
  148. >My photos and pictures of my family were posted in online threads
  149. The scale is overexaggerated: this really only happened to a major degree on /mlpol/, and to a far lesser one on /mlp/, wherein the focus was more about personal details than photos.
  151. >where people fantasized about me committing suicide
  152. He is (most probably) referring to a greentext some anon wrote. Read it here:
  154. >or being gassed to death.
  155. This is just one off-hand comment from /mlpol/. It was not a "fantasy" as is claimed, but just a mean thing someone said. When HK-FortySeven told you to "Get fucked", he wasn't literally imagining you having sexual intercourse; it's just a common, pejorative thing to say.
  157. >Several threatening messages were sent to me personally.
  158. I don't doubt this, but posting them would be appreciated. If it contains something personal (including the sender's (senders') name(s)), just censor it out with a bar or blur or something.
  160. >At least one attempt is known to have been made to get police to raid someone’s home
  161. This "someone" is most likely PhoenixFire. This is the first time this info got out, by the way.
  163. >A Derpibooru moderator shared information to get more people harassed.
  164. From /mlpol/: "The fuck? Did some Derpibooru moderator actually reveal anything useful in the cheese pizzaing, or is this literally about Nebbie and TSP talking about what the fuck is going on? If it's the latter, then ah, of course, how DARE moderators do the unconscienable, daring to reveal what they know about what's going on, while you justly grab screenies anyone who even joked about foalcon to slap together into your massive pile of information shared around for harassment that targets them.
  165. We all know that it's the job of moderators who aren't you to say nothing while you control the narrative and continue on gatekeeping, gaslighting, and girlbossing."
  166. Also from /mlpol/: "Generalizing is a big thing with PhoenixFire and seemingly others involved with PCL and the list too, WestRail642fan's ban in several servers is because of revealing that he was banned for his list entry from G5: Chatter of Ponies. The bit about a Derpibooru moderator sharing information in the new list entry text seems to be the same reasoning, that to make 4chan aware of shitty behavior is tantamount to begging 4chan to dox someone; they literally think 4chan is everyone's personal army and that to even talk to said army is a command of war.
  167. Makes sense from idiots who are used to heavily-moderated forums like their own Discord servers, where anyone even talking about drama is branded a "troublemaker" and stopped, and to have someone openly being malicious without near-instant removal is unthinkable.".
  169. >The thread on 4chan got so bad that moderators stepped in and deleted the thread,
  170. From the /mlpol/ post just above, "[...] That too has got to be why Databyte seems to think that 4chan deleting a thread is solely about at being "so bad"." (the three dots are exactly what is written in the paragraph above, after "unthinkable"). Indeed, 4chan's /mlp/ has the following rule: "Topics must be show-related. When discussing people, they must be associated with the show and not the fandom". While it's not known why precisely the thread was deleted, and the doxing certainly could've contributed to such, it's doubtful that it was the catalyst.
  172. >and their fallback site had to have the site administrator step in multiple times.
  173. Not gonna mention the false reports, are we?
  175. >As this document was never intended to be made public,
  176. See near the beginning of the paste, with HK-FortySeven's whole "for general release" point.
  178. >and as several uninvolved people are being targeted and harassed for its existence,
  179. Concrete examples besides you and PhoenixFire, who are certainly involved (well, PhoenixFire didn't contribute to it, but what came to him was because of his poor handling of the situation, not The List itelf)?
  181. >I have made the decision to make this document and any updates to it private and only shared with trusted individuals.
  182. The FimFiction author Bad Dragon has the following to say about this: "It's as if Hitler apologized and made a list of 100 excuses for gassing Jews. And all the while, he would be gassing more Jews and planning additional gas chambers." HK-FortySeven jokingly remarks: "And **of course**, in the end, our little dipshit has learned **nothing** from this entire event. If this were an MLP episode, Josh Haber would **definitely** have been credited as a writer for it."
  186. To summarise? Well, here's what some commentators have to say:
  187. "So in conclusion, no. I don't feel sorry for you and your poor widdul hall monitors in your sekrit Treehouses of GayOps, DataByte. I feel sorry for the hundreds of users you wrongfully put on blast; the users whose asses you opened up to vindictive, parasocial busybodies to attack for something they haven't done.
  188. You permanently destroyed your reputation in this fandom, and destroyed the reputation of those around you, all because of a little baby tantrum you threw over fictional content that, by your own admission, is not even illegal in your country of residence. And nobody is going to forget it. Pepperidge Farms is finalizing the forms as we speak. Hope it was worth it, champ.", by HK-FortySeven.
  189. "And the saga continues.", by Bad Dragon.
  190. "You're still a freak, a hypocrite who secretly faps to Scootaloo and denies it, a psychopath, a harasser and an abuser and the same goes for all your PCL comrades who probably already gather on a new server now and continue their conspiratory moral micro management of the fandom there. Hope you enjoy more pizza, but maybe it's more than pizza when you hear someone ringing at your door the next time.", by an anonymous poster on /mlpol/.
  191. "Remember, something that came up was that Databyte is a fucking bootlicker to authority (totally down with Biden telling prospective staffers it's okay they smoked weed only to kick them out over it later once the administration was stable), he must've taken Patreon coming at him with an email as a personal wakeup call that it was time to purge anything "problematic". DaringShepard coercion or not, Databyte almost certainly saw an opportunity to dress up "I need to stop hosting foalcon stories or else I can't keep my Minecraft server gathering up the kiddies for me on" as him only just now being aware of the depravity he's been hearing about for years.", from another anonymous poster on /mlpol/.
  193. In my opinion? The so-called "Public Notice" is shit, not gonna lie.
  196. TODO: properly format certain parts (in particular: HK-FortySeven's response to "My personal information was posted publicly"), add glossary, turn "Used sources" into an independent, standalone section, maybe rewrite the beginning section to include something about the PCL or otherwise be clearer.

FimFetch Drama and Alternatives

by summaryanon

On the so-called "Public Notice"

by summaryanon

Born to Silly: a thread summary

by summaryanon