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Born to Silly: a thread summary
By summaryanonCreated: 2024-11-20 22:02:32
Updated: 2025-03-08 20:15:10
Expiry: Never
A paste for discussing the current orphanage happening. Some artists raise over 1000$ for abortions, so in response, various other artists get together to make an art pack to support orphanages in need.
Official site: https://borntosilly.com/
DONATE NOW: https://donate.borntosilly.com/
Table of contents:
Briefed version - a very summarised retelling of the events that have happened and decisions that have been made.
QnA - questions and artists (if your question is not answered here, ask in the thread)
Chronology - a detailed list of all notable events that have happened so far with dates provided in UTC (unless specified otherwise).
Deleted posts - an overview of the various posts that have been, for one reason or another, deleted during any of the threads.
Links - a collection of useful links, including places for discussion, archives, and the website of the art pack.
Art & Screenshots - all (or most) of the unique material made for the pack that has been publicly posted, ranging from incomplete sketches and memes to finished art and just random screenshots of the thread.
People, organisations, websites - a brief description of the more notable people (and etc.) that are related to the project and are likely to be mentioned in passing conversation in the thread or help organise it.
To do - personal notes on how to expand or improve this paste.
- A charity stream called "Ponies for Planned Parenthood" is organised and held on Twitch, raising ~1400$ for abortions.
- A thread is posted about the happening on 4chan and /mlpol/, urging anons to make a charity art pack in response that'll support orphanages.
- After intense debate on multiple threads, the following is more-or-less decided:
— The new charity art pack shall be called "Born to Silly" (BtS);
— The mascot of the art pack is Silly Stuffing, from a recent Make-an-OC thread;
— The payment processor is Gumroad;
— Money is handled by John Elway;
— The newly-created website is managed by the Website Anon, initially allowing a way to privately and anonymously upload images to be included in the pack, along with an archive of the (publicly available) art. (Upd.: after the deadline and grace period, the website got redesigned and repurposed, see for yourself)
— The summary is written by summaryanon, i.e. me.
— Though the two initial threads didn't really come to a definitive deadline, the 3rd one declared in its OP that it is "February 13th, with a one week grace period", and no one has objected; (Upd.: it's over)
— Art is posted on the thread(s), all organisation happens there;
— Anchor Ridge has received near-unanimous support as the charity to be donated to, though some backups have been proposed as well;
— The themes of family, life, and foalcare are guaranteed;
— OCs that could be considered "problematic" by some (e.g. Aryanne, Luftkrieg, Anonfilly) are allowed;
— AI is strictly not allowed;
— NSFW is very strongly discouraged, overwhelming preference is for the pack to be SFW; however, should there be a follow-up pack/extras, NSFW should be allowed on it.
— The art pack will cost ~10$
- At around the same time as the first thread, NaziHorseMolester creates a Discord server ("Ponies for Life") with the help of Patachu to help organise the project. Given the 4chan public's thoughts on Discord, this is (unsurprisingly) not met very well. Eventually, the Discord gets disbanded and NHM voluntarily stops trying to claim leadership over the project.
- Twitter users find out about the Discord and the thread as a whole, and some attempt to go on raids, even up to today. They will only succeed if you let them to, so always be on guard.
-The project meets its deadline; the one week grace period also ends.
-The website gets reworked, and you can now buy the art pack on Gumroad. Do so here: https://donate.borntosilly.com/ (we are here)
>QnA (Questions and answers)
>Who is in charge of the project?
All decisions are taken on the thread. The various aspects of the project (website, money, art, etc.) are decentralised. Some specific individuals have been said to have been in charge as well, but those were either widely unrecognised claims (e.g. NHM) or just rumours (Wolvan).
>Is there any way I can contribute, even though the art pack is already published?
Yes. The main concern now is spreading the knowledge about this art pack, be it through paid advertisement, collaboration with other websites, or just simply word of mouth. Every dollar helps.
>I am an artist and I want to contribute art. Where do I do so?
Current situation: the art pack is already published, not much that can be done now.
Legacy text:
Current 4chan thread, as linked in the "LINKS" section of the paste. If that's not an option for one reason or another (e.g. the thread is down), there is still the /mlpol/ thread, also linked in the same section. If you do not want to publicly post the art, send it over to https://borntosilly.com/upload
>Who makes all the decisions regarding the project, e.g. who decides that we donate to this and that charity, or that it'll cost this and that money?
For now, whatever decision gets the most support from the anons on the thread passes. Anyone is free to propose and discuss them.
>Is the project still going?
Yes. The pack may have been completed and is now being sold, but things such as advertisement still need to be properly taken care of.
Legacy text:
Yes. Anyone who claims otherwise is, to put it bluntly, lying. It's tempting to call all of them offboarding Xitterites, but as one Greek philosopher said, don't attribute to malice what can attributed to stupidity (or something like that).
>Is this an offboarder project?
No. "Certain" individuals tried to take it offboard, they failed.
>Who is this Silly Stuffing and why is most art in the pack centered around her?
Shortly before the first thread about the project, there was a make-an-OC thread which produced, among many others, a doll-like filly named Silly Stuffing (there was some debate regarding the name). A thread was made about her, where an anon wrote her backstory as such: "She is the enchanted plushie of a poor unicorn as a gift to her daughter for Hearthswarming. Now she helps all the little fillies and colts who need a friend". When the first Born to Silly thread was posted, she was the first character that was suggested to be included in the pack, and given her backstory, this was met with broad approval. One of the first few posts even declared:"Our mascot will be Silly", and no one had objected.
>Who contributed to the pack?
A large part of the contributors are anonymous. Regardless, some are known, and are listed on the Born to Silly website: NHM, Welderanon, Kassaz, Sl0th, Yoditax, Violavaquita, hoersbandit, darkdoomer, simo, snobtavia, Tenkai, algoatall, mare_enjoyer, Jittermouse, Quizaro, and, of course, (You). A total of ~40+ artists are estimated to have contributed.
>Where does the money go?
It is donated to Anchor Ridge, an organisation providing support for the impoverished families in the Appalachian Mountains of the USA.
>How much money has the pack collected so far?
You can find the latest information by going to the website. Click the "Donations" button, and, in a bit of time, you'll see the total amount of money collected.
All times are UTC unless stated otherwise.
-[12th Nov 2024 18:57] A tweet is made this date by the artist Kettle Master, declaring the following:
>THIS SUNDAY!! At 6pm UK time I'll be taking part in a charity stream organised by the people over at @DraftHorsesYT! Tiny horses will be drawn, naughty words will probably be said, "Eeyup"s may be heard! Come on, come all!
Attached to this is an informational image giving more info: the charity stream would be called "Ponies for Planned Parenthood" (from here on out, PfPP), it would last ~8 hours, feature 20+ community artists (with a guest appearance of the voice actor of Big Mac, Peter New), and would mostly involve playing the game "Gartic Phone".
-[from the above date until the beginning of the event] Various other participants share or repost similar statements, with the same image being used.
-[13th Nov 2024 14:58] Timsplosion, an animator who the image credits as the one on whose Twitch channel the stream will be run, confirms this and writes:
>You like ponies? You like access to reproductive health? You need some levity in these messy times while also doing good? [...] Let's raise some goddamn money.
-[17th Nov 2024 16:07] Yet another post is made on Twitter, this time by the organisers (Draft Horses), reiterating much of what has already been said about the event.
-[starting 17th Nov 2024 ~18:00 (~1PM EST), lasting for 07:59:08 hours/minutes/seconds] The charity stream happens as planned on the timsplosion channel.
-[Nov 18th 2024 03:24] Timsplosion posts a short thread on Twitter, detailing how the stream received a hate raid at one point and stating that, as a consequence, no other event like this will be promoted on Twitter. Besides that, he also mentions intentions to private the Twitter accounts (an earlier tweet from 13th Nov stated that it will be done after a new episode of DH is uploaded, but he states here that it may happen sooner). The full text is given below:
>Tonight's stream was a success - we raised $1355 for charity - but I think this is the last such event I promote on Twitter.
>We had to deal with a hate raid, & I've blocked a dozen or so ppl on the DH Twitter account, knowing that they can still see everything.
>Our mods dealt with it fantastically - you had to be transfixed on the chat to even know anything was happening - but it still leaves a bitter taste that we had to deal with that.
>And only dealt with it as well as we did because someone tipped us off.
>I'm probably going to private my account and the DH account sooner than I planned. If you're lucky you'll get a days notice. If I decide I'm done, it'll just happen.
>You'll be able to find me. By now, you know where to look.
-[18th Nov 2024 19:48:48] a thread is posted on 4chan labeled "PROJECT: HORSES FOR ORPHANAGE", urging anons to create a charity of their own to counter the PfPP's goals by raising money for orphanages via creating an artpack, citing Marenheit 451 as a direct inspiration.
-[18th Nov 2024 19:58:15] One anon on the thread proposes using Snuggly Filly/Silly Stuffing, an OC from a recent make-an-OC thread, as the mascot for this new charity. (41657259)
-[18th Nov 2024 20:12:43] An anon proposes that the new charity should "buy some horse plushies for kids". (41657296)
-[18th Nov 2024 20:16:24] Another anon proposes the name "Ponies for Life" (from here on out, PfL). (41657303)
-Anons start discussing what the art pack's themes should be. Some of the suggestions given (41657350, 41657403 and some others as well):
>Pregnant mares
>Foals being loved by their parents
>Family photos (e.g. Twilight and her family on a vacation)
>extended family and friends lending their support to parents, with the just recently pregnant dam thanking them profusely while in the trashcan an abortion certificate is visible
>orphans getting adopted
>mare-iage ceremonies strictly between mares and stallions
>Nurse Redheart destroying the changeling pretending to be her [referring to the Nurse Redheart featured in the PfPP's promotional image] to kill ponies' foals
>Princess Luna getting rid of foal abusers using her knowledge of foals's dreams
>Cozy Christmas themed wholesome family
-A particularly contested part of the art pack's themes is whether or not to have porn/clop, with no consensus reached (besides that foalcon should probably be avoided).
-[18th Nov 2024 21:02:11] An anon proposes to delay the charity for Summer or longer, citing the state of the economy as the reason, whilst arguing that doing this will make for more money donated and an overall bigger event. (41657438)
-[18th Nov 2024 21:21:50] A backup thread is made on /mlpol/.
-[Nov 18th 2024 21:40] NaziHorseMolester (NHM) creates a discord server with the help of DarkDoomer (DD) to organise the art part of the art pack. As it's announced on Twitter, it initially doesn't get much traction.
-[18th Nov 2024 22:19:31] An anon offers to write stories in relation to the PfL; first instance of writing being proposed. (41657606)
-[18th Nov 2024 22:33:07] The first "suggestion" regarding what charity to donate to is posted, "arguing" for the Tennessee Children's Home Society. Alas, this is a troll post, as it was shut down ~74 years ago, and had been infamous for child trafficking, kidnapping, illegal adoption, ect. (41657644)
-Anons discuss how much time there should be for the project, coming to a figure of ~1-1.5 months, as other art packs before have done (Marenheit included)
-The question of what the themes of the art pack should be continues to be intensely debated, leading certain anons to state that there shouldn't even be pregnant mares in the art pack. This essentially splits the thread into two camps about this issue: the "puritans", who want a 100% SFW wholesome art pack, and the "perverts", who argue for the opposite. This is better understood as a spectrum of sorts, with many anons lying in the middle.
-[19th Nov 2024 06:29:30] An anon (from here on out, OrganiserAnon) finally lays down the core things that this charity needs and other anons have been debating: a name, a date, quantity and type of content, and a price. (41658873)
-Name proposals include given by anons include: Born to Silly (received the most support, proposed by OrganiserAnon himself), the aforementioned Ponies for Life (initially beaten, but started to grow in popularity after OrganiserAnon already declared Born to Silly as the name), SS (Silly Stuffing) Life Squad featuring Aryanne, Aryanne Hoofler's little SS unit (same meaning for SS, was proposed later), and Pony Parenthood Pack.
-There are three main date proposals: New Years, first of June (on International Children's Day), or March 21st (International Mother's Day). International Women's Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas are also proposed. After very intense back-and-forth, no consensus is reached, and instead OrganiserAnon considers splitting the art pack into two, one SFW and one NSFW, with the former coming out sooner, and also labeling March as the latest month possible, thus also proposing a solution to end the puritan-pervert debate (note that having too different art packs had been proposed earlier, but having them release at different times was not).
-[19th Nov 2024 18:04] On the PfL Discord, NHM announces he'll be posting an invite to the Discord on 4chan in about an hour, and urges DD to get his friends on board as well.
-[19th Nov 2024 18:57:59] NaziHorseMolester (who claimed to be the OP of the thread, which later turned out to be true) posts an invite to the PfL Discord server, and urges artist anons to join it. Though Born to Silly has achieved a majority support as the name for the charity, the server was made before said name was proposed, and is thus called Ponies for Life. This is met with great backlash by essentially everyone present, with several anons of the thread labeling NHM as an off-boarder. (41659822)
-[19th Nov 2024 19:27] Amy New of the PfPP makes a Twitter post about this server.
-The debates regarding the nature of the charity continue, this time on who to donate to. The Tim Tebow Foundation and Anchor Ridge are the two main contenders.
-With Twitter now aware of the BtS and PfL projects, a few of theirs try infiltrating the thread and Discord. They fail.
-[19th Nov 2024 22:00:55] The first art piece related to the BtS project gets posted on the thread (41660266)
-[19th Nov 2024 ~22:09] The PfL Discord's general chat devolves into arguing about Christian topics. The idea channel fairs a little better.
-Given how NHF doesn't (or at least didn't use to) have a trip, a slew of posts impersonating him get posted in a row (or, maybe it's just schizophrenia?)
-[19th Nov 2024 22:29:46] An anon argues these as the decisions for undecided topics: Anchor Ridge would be the charity, with the themes of "Families, life, foalcare", predominately SFW (though NSFW wouldn't be disallowed), and for all the images to be posted directly to the coming threads. (41660354)
-Of course, anons still continue to debate the question of (N)SFW and that of a deadline (which neither this anon nor OrganiserAnon properly answered).
-[20th Nov 2024 07:28:49] An anon (possibly OrganiserAnon himself?) asks what every anon plans to contribute (41661495). Some of anons' responses:
>I plan on animating a sfw silly stuffing animation.
>I'm going to draw motherly ponies playing with their foals.
>Sfw art of Silly Stuffing
>One or two sfw silly stuffing drawings
>I'll contribute with a story about a pregnant mare or few.
>I want to draw Pear Butter with the apple family.
>I'll contribute whatever drawfaggotry I can muster.
>Imma going to do SFW only, at least one drawing Silly Stuffing doing something wth Derpy and Dinky. And a second drawing but I'm not sure of what.
>A good one would be Scootaloo adopted by Rainbow Dash and having sex with her. [yo, databytes, remember me? why didn't you mention me in your pseudo-"response" >:( ]
>Luna babysitting foals and fillies.
>I was thinking of something cute with Derpy and Dinky since we never see any type of "father" around with them Dinky could be an adoptee to Derpy or something along those lines with Derpy saying "You may not be mine but I am yours" something sappy I'll hammer it out as I wip up stuff and get an idea board going
>Trying to draw a little appul and a big momma pear
-The question of having a website starts being discussed.
-[20th Nov 2024 20:14:45] An anon proposes to run said website. (41662511)
-[21st Nov 2024 15:32:45] Another anon proposes to have the art pack include AI art; essentially no one agrees with this. (41664967)
-[21st Nov 2024 20:37:50] Yet another anon says he can get hold of Wolvan (respected and trusted namefag who has helped organised many /mlp/ projects) to join the project if a leader is still needed (which is indeed the case). (41665388)
-[21st Nov 2024 19:39:02] A new thread is created by NHM, as the previous had reached the bump limit.
-For the first two hours of the new thread, (and, in a way, somewhat up to now) what happens is essentially endless debate regarding everything about the project, from the leadership (as practically no one on the 4chan thread wants to have NHM as the head) to the very question of whether the project has already failed (>inb4 offboarder sent by Amy New).
-[21st Nov 2024 21:31:19] An anon finally, at least for a brief time, manages to partially restore order, laying down the his prepositions for all the debated aspects of the project, and urging artists to not post anything until a proper project lead takes the helm. (41665981)
-[21st Nov 2024 22:18:03] A kindly anon does as promised before and creates a website for the project. (41666115)
-Some artists, despite the still somewhat-chaotic situation of the thread, start uploading their finished art and sketches to the thread.
-[21st Nov 2024 23:48:37] An anon asks the question of whether futa will be included - the unanimous agreement is no. (41666362)
-[22nd Nov 2024 17:46:25] The website anon starts hosting an archive of all art posted on the thread(s) so far until a better replacement is found (e.g. a MEGA folder). (41668292)
-[22nd Nov 2024 17:58:57] On the /mlpol/ thread, an anon offers some other charities that can be potentially donated to: Angela’s house, Ronald McDonald house, and also Shriners Hospital (note: this may have been a troll post). Another anon also proposes St. Judes. (25147 and 25148)
-[22nd Nov 2024 23:37:09] An anon organises a poll on whether or not NHM should be part of the organisation team. Despite an initial landslide 8 against - 1 motherless - 0 for vote, after a while, the poll "mysteriously" suddenly shifts to 21 against - 8 motherless - 35 for, and currently sits at 26 against - 8 motherless - 47 for (HMMMM, no rigging here!). (41669340)
-[23rd Nov 2024 09:51:00] The website anon updates the art archive with all (AFAIK) missing pics as of that time. (41670977)
-The rest of the 4chan thread is essentially spent debating leadership to no avail.
-[24th Nov 2024 03:43:23] New thread is created after the previous one reaches the bump limit. Its OP declares opposition to the Discord and provides a summary of the decisions taken in the thread, though some of them are more akin to the OP's personal preferences (e.g. the deadline remained undecided by that time).
-[24th Nov 2024 15:40:28] The website gets updated with a way for artists to anonymously and privately upload their art to be added to the archive. (41674316)
-[Starting 24th Nov 2024 14:14:29] An anon starts aggregating anons' opinions regarding questions seemingly left unanswered: the pricing, whether NSFW content should be allowed, the question of "problematic" OCs (Aryanne and the like), AI, and which charity to donate to charity (41674166). The following has so far been seemingly decided:
--The charity is near-unanimously voted and reaffirmed to be Anchor Ridge, and little is spoken of backups, which remain as they were before;
--AI is reaffirmed to be not allowed;
--"Problemetic" OCs get a pass by essentially everyone who voted;
--NSFW receives less support than in the first thread: many anons vote against it (though not with as much confidence as, say, the vote on AI), those who don't still argue for SFW to be prioritised or for specific NSFW themes to be restricted (generally, the more fetishistic it is, the more an anon would be against it, and vice versa for wholesome ones).
-[24th Nov 2024 18:02:11] An anon points out how, in order to figure out the pricing of the art pack, the thread must first pick a payment processor. (41674677)
-[24th Nov 2024 19:19:11] An anon says he can take hold of Wolvan; it seems like he does, but that turns out to have been false. (41674897)
-[24th Nov 2024 20:40] NHM announces on the Discord server that he will delete it and drop his claim to leadership which had caused so much trouble before.
-[25th Nov 2024 08:17:54] John Elway, a mod of /mlpol/, publicly announces that he was recruited by NHM (before he let go of his claim of leadership, of course) via DD to manage the money of the project, and seeks to have the support of the anons. (25186)
-[6th Dec 2024 01:27:10] New thread is created after the previous one reaches the bump limit.
-In terms of organisation, nothing significant really happens. However, plenty of artkino is posted.
-[4th Jan 2025 13:36:31] New thread is created as previous dies (note that the bump limit wasn't reached, even when counting deleted posts).
-[9th Jan 2025 21:10:18] John Elway announces that a Gumroad account has been set up to "sell the pack and collect money". He also asks anyone more experienced with Gumroad to provide some additional insights into it, e.g. if there's an approval process afterwards. (41819638)
-[15th Jan 2025 19:54:03] Website anon informs everyone that the website's server has been down for an uncertain amount of time, and urges anons to reupload. He also updates the art archive with all of the pics he had collected, increasing the overall archive size to 53 images. (41842625, 41842682, 41851925)
-[27th Jan 2025 11:36:31] New thread is created as previous dies (note that the bump limit wasn't reached, even when counting deleted posts).
-[8th Feb 2025 10:45:18] Website anon removes non-thread art from the art archive. I can confirm this by cross-comparing a version I have from January and the current one as of writing (Feb. 13th, UTC)
-[13th Feb 2025 00:00:00] The deadline is reached, the one week grace period begins.
-[19th Feb 2025 23:59:54] The question of advertising the project is first raised.
-[20th Feb 2025 00:00:00] The one week grace period ends.
-[20th Feb 2025 11:10:09] Discussion on the cover image for the art pack begins (41961375), eventually ending on using an at-the-time recent pic by DD.
-[21st Feb 2025 11:10:00] DD writes up a description for the art pack, including a short (41963944) and extended (1963949) versions. These then get edited by the Rarityflag writer.
-[21st Feb 2025 23:36:21] DD posts a mock-up for an updated version of the BtS website, which gets approved by the anons of the thread.
-[22nd Feb 2025 17:53:26] An anon lists off some of the known artists that made art for the pack. Various anons who didn't get mentioned also chime in.
-[25th Feb 2025 19:45:00] It gets definitively proved that Wolvan is not, in fact, in charge. (41976162)
-[26th Feb 2025 18:44:01] It is reported that Bilbo is trying to actively hurt the art pack in various ways, ranging from simple slander to threats of a lawsuit and attempts at doxing.
-[28th Feb 2025 09:06:37] The website and Gumroad (41983442) go live.
-[28th Feb 2025 12:53:52] The idea of running an ad on 4chan is proposed (41983727).
-[28th Feb 2025 15:55:41] The pack gets spread on Facebook, Instagram, and unspecified large servers (presumably of Discord) (41983985).
-[28th Feb 2025 ~20:00] The pack gets mentioned on Marecon; DD's drawing panel also features an advertisement for it.
-[28th Feb 2025 23:00:26] Ponybooru and ponylove.cc are said to have agreed to help with advertisement (41985273).
-[6th Mar 2025 17:48:49] As the sixth thread reaches its bump limit (finally!), a new thread is created.
-[8th Mar 2025 19:31:37] An anon donates $1355 for the art pack, the largest donation yet, raising the total to $2,604. This is a very specific sum - it is the amount of money that had been collected during the entire Ponies for Planned Parenthood stream.
All times are UTC unless stated otherwise.
- The very first post post to be deleted on the thread was 41658239, published on 02:02:20 Nov 19th, and deleted 02:03:57 of the same day, having existed for less than 2 minutes. However, it should be noted that this post was likely deleted by its very author - around 2 minutes after the post's deletion, a new one was made sharing the same image and text, except that it now also includes a response to something another anon said. As such, it's reasonable to assume that the anon simply misclicked the "Post" button before he had finished fully writing his post, quickly realised his mistake, deleted it, and made a new one.
- As for its actual contents, the post contains an image and reference to Bundle Joy (an OC from an old breeding thread, described as a "surrogate mother"), and the "updated" one posted right after it was made as part of an early debate on when the deadline of the project should be.
- The second unlucky post was 41658152, published earlier than the first one (01:34:48 of same day), but deleted on 02:36:15. This one, however, was more than likely removed by the moderation team. It reads: "Life doesn't begin at conception, so your christcuck virtue signalling about the "moral aspects" are totally meaningless drivel". Surprisingly, the posts responding to it were spared.
- A large wave of deletion occurred 10:12:32 to 10:14:34, primarily targetting someone with the username "shimmer4evaeva" and anyone who responded to him. Brief summary: this namefag comes along, defends Planned Parenthood ("are you niggers so stupid you think planned parenthood only does abortions"), accuses the thread participants of supporting a "child brothal [sic]" and strongly implies a connection to Jews. Some respond to those claims, he responds to the responses, etc.; around an hour after his initial post, the entire conversation gets deleted. As for who he actually is: the first post under the username was made in late 2019, rambling about "the anti-fascist views of the show", is apparently a Youtuber and Fanfiction writer, tried starting shit during Flutterwonder's feud with Youtube and during the Maggie Joy happening, is apparently a watcher of Turkey Tom and may have contacts at Youtube.
- Some random post asking about what anti-abortion is also got deleted in the midst of this. Whether it was genuine or not is uncertain, but not like it matters.
- The next three posts to be deleted were one asking for a summary (you're welcome, 41659211), one supporting abortion because they harm blacks (41659282), and one mocking the aforementioned post (41659314). The last two were deleted at the two time, but there's a between the first one mentioned and the latter two.
- The second big wave took place on ~16:17 to ~16:30 (format is hours:minutes here). Casualties include a conversation about some "Alberta separatist" found on Xitter, a criticism of the project's direction (and the conversation about it that ensued), and a debate on abortion.
- After a period of peace, the jannies step in once more once the Discord gets announced. In particular, this marks the beginning of proper Xitter/Bsky raids, unlike the previous one-off cases of anons either being edgy attention-whores or just having a different opinion. This purge took place ~23:33 up to ~00:08, though a large part of the targeted posts were made earlier (the earliest to kick the boot is 41659783, made on 18:36:08). Given the large timeframe of over half an hour, quite a lot of things were deleted, including:
— A debate on Christianity (especially on the Catholic Church);
— The first post which we can fairly confidently ascribe to the Xitter/Bsky raids, reading: "I don't see why a brony would be conservative. They hate your guts for liking a little girls show and revel in watching you suffer. You're "beta males" by their standards and deserve to be harassed." (41659862). We can infer its nature from how it uses "your" instead of something like "our" or "the board's", thus clearly showing that this statement was made by an outsider (i.e. an offboarder);
— The long debate that followed this regarding masculinity and such (note: posts that also responded to something else were spared);
— More of the posts that belong in the above category, though coming after a series of posts that managed to evade deletion (mainly because they were debating the leadership of the project and not Amy New's trollposts, kek). Also note that, by now, posts replying to Amy New were deleted no matter what, no mercy in sight;
— Something about a Sharty raid? Link no longer works, so unclear. 41660297;
— A bunch of anons using NHM's username to say whatever comes to mind;
Finally, Amy New leaves; some other posts get deleted as well, but they are some one-off cases.
- By this point, we are in the next day, i.e. Nov 20. More specifically, it consist of a purge on 07:41:13 and 07:42:34. The targets remain the sames: anyone who engages with Amy New and her crew. One of her posts even got her banned (great success). Anyone engaging in general debates about abortion also got their posts deleted.
- After some one-off cases, 00:20:41 (plus a bit before that) and 00:22:04 of Nov 21 see another purge. Yup, you guessed it, it happened because of more of that seemingly endless baiting (this time not even having a concrete topic, maybe aside from some mentions of religion or accusing one another of being an offboarder, but mostly just pointless posts that took the hook).
- The last purges (which weren't all that big) took place on 18:36:34 and 23:40:30, everything's the same as before. Some one-offs also occur.
All together, 165 posts were deleted.
- Surprisingly, despite the conflict over leadership that was already in full swing by this point, no posts were deleted until the 123rd one (excluding the OP's text). This post is 41666107, lasted a bit over an hour, and featured a collage of some Xitter posts that's intented to paint NHM in a negative light to the post (you can find this image in this paste under the Screenshots section listed as "Some shit related to NHM").
- Shortly after, the first purge on this thread occurs on 23:39:08. The two targets are those who interacted with the above mentioned post (except Patachu, as his post had a wider scope than just replying to the post) and those essentially calling for the thread to be raided and such.
- A post containing an explicit pic gets deleted, and a post responding to it meets the same fate during the third purge.
- The second purge started on 01:32:22. The main target was some raider who thought "hmm, yes, Silly Stuffing is copyrightable" (41666363). They later added: "MLP stands for values like friendship, tolerance [...] On the behalf of the community I ask you all to think again at what you're doing. [...] VAs and staff will tear this shit down" (41666397). Oh, and can't forget about "Do you expect nothing will happen? That we're going to just let you do it after that: No." (41666437). OH, and there's also "They don't care about the orphans. They care only about sending a message" and the ever threatening "We already have the dox of most people on the discord and followers" (41666568). Want more? "This thread is horrible and the people there are horrible too". Safe to say, practically everyone who responded to this also got their posts deleted, mainly on 01:33:43, 01:34:24, and 01:36:26, along with a few other posts as well.
- The third purge happened not so long after, on 01:35:04. The most important target here is a post by one of the raiders with such threats and attempts at demoralising as "Do keep posting Aryanne I'm taking screencaps along with the 'her body my choice' idea behind this", "You. Are. Alone. You won't do anything", and "Also no right wing person will donate one cent to a MLP art pack" (41666354). Posts responding to this get deleted as well. Other targets include two posts responding to a call to not interact with raiders, one complaining about "Aryanniggers", etc.
- On to 01:37:07, the fourth purge is mostly a continuation of the second, alongside targeting some posts about proposing abortion and trying to create a "counter-thread".
- 01:38:29 and 01:39:08 saw the end of Adolf Hitler(real) telling to gas Xitterites, more demoralising, responses to the demoralising, and maybe even genuine attempts at a conversation.
- 06:30:38 saw a complaint about jannies and those who responded to it get deleted. Literally 1987. Besides that, posts pertaining to the splinter threads also met their end. Oh, and endless arguing about /mlpol/, /pol/, Aryanne, Marenheit, Mare Fair... and demoralisation and name-calling too, can't leave it stand.
- Soon after came the purges on 06:31:18 and 06:32:39, it's more of the same. Oh, and one post on 06:33:20.
- Finally, the three purges on 18:52:41, 18:54:02, and 18:53:21, mainly targeting posts debating loli/paedophilia, though the usual demoralisation also gets hit.
All together, 194 posts were deleted.
As is well known, this thread marked a change in the leadership of the project, going from "NHM is the OP and organiser of the Discord" (chaos ensues) to "Ignore Discord, ignore NHM, there is only the thread". As is turns out, he who writes the OP dictates how the thread will go. There was a significantly smaller amount of posts deleted, and they shall be listed here.
- Some random raider with the username "rick and morty69" tells us we're racists and tells us to leave the internet for the "g8ter [sic]" good. Deep.
- Various posts arguing against including AI and "problematic sonas" (their words, not mine). Mainly happened from 12 to 13 (in UTC hours).
- The legendary "I will be pleased to make sure HorseNews and many to know about this project" threat
- More political arguing, demoralisation, the usual. Oh, and bumps now too.
All together, 48 posts were deleted.
One post was deleted. It reads as follows: "Dead pack, pack it up". Response to the OP. Lasted for less than 5 minutes.
The post that got deleted was praising abortions, though with a tint of irony. The other 9 deleted posts were all bumps.
33 deleted posts. Most are bumps. The ones that aren't are an off-hand mention of a Golly-Maud fic, three posts that probably got deleted by their own authors and got subsequently reposted with slightly different wording (the "this is Amy New's art" one, also 41879528 and 42001254), DD trying to stream on Cytube (AFAIK, it didn't work), a joke, art that is hopefully a joke, and a late attempt at demoralisation.
Website: https://borntosilly.com/
DONATE NOW: https://donate.borntosilly.com/
No longer working links:
Archive of art: https://borntosilly.com/archive.zip
Place to privately send art to: https://borntosilly.com/upload
Current 4chan thread (main place for organising the project and posting art): https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/42002249
/mlpol/ backup thread: https://mlpol.net/sp/25095
The Xitter front:
Initial PfPP announcement: https://nitter.poast.org/Kettle_Master/status/1856411083382169843#m
Timsplosion's conformation: https://nitter.poast.org/timsplosion/status/1856713239603597739#m
The post that got screenshotted: https://nitter.poast.org/DraftHorsesYT/status/1858180134706041253#m
Sixth 4chan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/41879528#p41879528 (archive: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41879528 )
Fifth 4chan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/41802024 (archive: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41802024 )
Fourth 4chan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/41706300 (archive: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41706300 )
Third 4chan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/41673242 (archive: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41673242 )
Second 4chan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/41665553 (archive: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41665553 )
Initial 4chan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/41657236 (archive: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41657236 )
Poll regarding whether NHM should be part of the organisation team: https://poll.horse/zQswGHz6/r
For the sake of centralising all the activity relating to the project in the 4chan thread(s), the invite to the PfL D*scord was not hosted here. Now that the Discord has been disolved, here are all the chat logs:
(Or, if you prefer MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/cLQ3HYKI#bZCbUq1Tj0-TG0s6HDutiA password is Chrysalisisbestpony) (this one doesn't work now)
(Small note: there also used to be a roles channel, it wasn't archived, but it just allowed artist to self-ascribe a "drawfag" role, there was nothing more to it)
NB: by no means comprehensive, especially in the WIP and AIslop sections.
Born to Silly (first to be finished): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/05/1732053655622.png
I love Silly (Silly Stuffing) (also serves as the second thread's OP image): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/15/1732150286212.png
Pear and Appul (finished version): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/21/1732219017923.png
Born to Silly (by DD): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/22/1732228719312.png
Footget loves her fillies (by HoersBandit?): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/25/1732258923241.jpg
Teddy bear (also used as third thread's OP image, possibly by Amy New?): https://mlpol.net/images/src/35FCF58D37ED2FEB36C3664B61BB5666-1569564.png
THERE'S SO MUCH OF HER TOP KINO: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/31/1732317255950.png
Born to Silly (by Snobtavia): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/47/1732476740303.png
"Titleless" (Sans titre, by DD, used as 4th thread's OP image): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/65/1732651925955.png
Silly Nonny (by DD): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/69/1732697298000.png
"Consequences of abortion": https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/18/1733180659402.jpg
PURE ART (anon with Scootaloo): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/36/1733369521416.png (https://files.catbox.moe/h5n58b.png )
MORE ART (anon with Dash and Scootaloo): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/45/1733457853807.png (https://files.catbox.moe/9tc0ai.png )
Preggo Fluttershy: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/49/1733494447860.png
Silly with SS and SB, by DD: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/75/1733753701164.png
Close-up of above pic: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1738/95/1738955273557.png
Another serious pic: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1735/00/1735009013461.jpg
Filly hugging heart, attached to it via a navel string (6th thread OP image): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1735/09/1735099135703.png
Trixie with a filly, by DD: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1735/65/1735652546594.png
MS Paint kino (Teaching): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1736/80/1736807563723.png
Animation (poorfag preview): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1736/97/1736970768634.mp4
Appul, but we fancy now (edit by DD?): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1738/53/1738537746336.jpg
DT holding up Silly with Spoiled Milk watching, by DD: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1738/75/1738754546235.png
Dinky, Silly, Derpy together: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1738/91/1738910493237.png
Life should go on: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1739/33/1739333115966.jpg
Maud with Golly, by DD: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1739/62/1739621397231.png
Amazing post-last-minute contribution (Rest in peace and pollen, Beefilly.): https://www.mediafire.com/file/8tiz4pmtyjw3byn/silly.png/file
Time-lapse of above: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1741/11/1741111807292.webm
>Graphic design and banners
Logo (first logo proposed, tongueless): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/70/1732700327644.png
Logo (variant of above with tongue): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/87/1732874563449.png
Simplified logo (variant with face): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/14/1733149219781.png
First banner proposal: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1739/92/1739920817074.png
Second banner proposal: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1740/15/1740158589331.png
Third banner proposal: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1740/33/1740330596638.png
Lighter third banner proposal: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1740/74/1740747232670.png
Proper Born to Silly website mock-up: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1740/18/1740180981851.png
>WIPs, past WIPs, or otherwise sketches
Born to Silly (by Snobtavia, early sketch): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/20/1732203003567.png
Born to Silly (by Snobtavia, without the proper eyes): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/47/1732473465551.png
Something's brewing: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/23/1732230035082.png
SS with teddy bear, colourless sketch: https://mlpol.net/images/src/D932FD1F5F8201EDE0656E8C9F7D5BF3-353344.jpg
Born to Silly (by DD, colourless sketch): https://pomf2.lain.la/f/ytle8wnh.png
Born to Silly (by DD, no subtitle, slightly darker): https://pomf2.lain.la/f/gubk62j0.webp
"Titleless" (Sans titre, by DD, no tongue): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/64/1732644458560.png
When u walking, more complete version: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/42/1732423832781.png
Preggo Fluttershy (early version, can't see one wing, less bold lines, etc.): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/43/1733436610838.png
Preggo Fluttershy (without anti-aliasing): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/48/1733482031160.png
Happi Filly (early sketch of Silly with SB and SS, by DD): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/50/1733503736109.png
Silly with SB and SS, by DD, only the fillies themselves complete: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/52/1733527114281.png
Silly with SB and SS, by DD, with background but no shading: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/74/1733746886385.png
DONUT STEEL!!! (sketch-scene from animation): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1734/02/1734020314120.png
Undecided title (Ponk with DT): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1736/81/1736811558450.png
Filly Glimmer (background blends with overall image): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1736/86/1736864215146.png
Filly with chewing gum: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1736/96/1736968453353.png
DT holding Silly with Spoiled Milk watching, by DD (not held up, no effects): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1738/20/1738202043276.png
DT holding up Silly with Spoiled Milk watching, by DD (no effects): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1738/71/1738711437214.png
Maud with Golly (early sketch, by DD): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1739/23/1739238285772.png
Maud with Golly (more colours, by DD): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1739/58/1739580974908.png
Appul, but we fancy now (no freckles, edit by DD?): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1738/53/1738535652624.jpg
>Memes, joke-posts, edits, miscellaneous, etc.
Brick booty (derived from "There's so much of her!"): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/46/1732461711712.png
Amy new sends in the bsky "army": https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/37/1732370275761.png
Mini Stuffing from above image: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/44/1732440359427.jpg
"I'll report you to Horse News": https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/47/1732473743675.png
Silly Stuffing says - "Now that's based!": https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/97/1732975997903.jpg
Silly Stuffing says - something spicy! (see for yourself): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/99/1732997612962.jpg
Original - simplified logo side-by-side: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/10/1733103927456.png
/b/anon puts this on his... home glory hole??: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/13/1733134191725.jpg
"Titleless" (Sans Titre, by DD) with a BtS logo watermark: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/44/1733448430767.png
Noope! (Ponk with Silly, when someone asked for a futa edit): https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1734/56/1734566308974.jpg
They're not impressed with you, anon: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1738/70/1738709958771.png
>AIslop (too slop to be given distinct titles)
>Uncertain belonging (I'm not that good at searching for images in the archive(s), this/these may have been posted beforehand)
Anonfilly with Silly: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/23/1732234216133.jpg
Abortion is just Spawncamping: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1738/77/1738779501835.png
Post of the Draft Horses collective regarding their livestream: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1731/95/1731959328859.png (OP image of first thread)
Xitterites find out about the project: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/05/1732051305502.png
They don't even hide their demoralisation operations: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/05/1732052794656.png
Some shit related to NHM: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/22/1732227266161.png
"I have something very funny planned lol": https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/28/1732286017071.jpg
Some shit related to DD:
Proof of NHM being the OP of the initial 4chan thread: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/32/1732326166510.png
Don't join the Dicksword: https://mlpol.net/images/src/7D298F43241B184977E4729C16434B5F-477047.png
DT-DD back-and-forth:
NHM announces the server's closure: https://mlpol.net/images/src/A9E15D315BE68BE82902BCCEADEC31A9-121279.png
Anon tells us to ignore Xitter and Dicksword: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/06/1732064186598.png
NHM suggests the Tennessee Children's Home: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1733/01/1733015259566.jpg
>Summary Paste
I fuck up by linking the Dicksword: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/21/1732219410711.png
Problematic to the point of vomiting: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1732/73/1732732536912.png
>Payment Processors
Important info regarding Gumroad: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1735/38/1735382716276.png
Gumroad takes care of taxes: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1735/56/1735565295065.png
Proof that one of DD's images wasn't shaded with AI: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1738/75/1738758547503.png
Organiser and host of the Ponies for Planned Parenthood charity stream.
>Amy New
A Twitter artist that has gotten into conflict with /mlp/ for various reasons, the biggest one being her unsuccessful attempt to "cancel" Mare Fair. In relation to this project, she took part in the PfPP and reacted most aggressively to our own project, posting about it on X causing raids to occur.
>Peter New
Voice actor who voiced Big Mac in the official My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Generation 4) TV show that aired 2010-2019, firstly on the Hub. Was a special guest at the PfPP
>NaziHorseMolester (NHM)
The OP of the first and second BtS threads; also created the PfL Discord server and linked it in the 4chan thread, which caused mass discontent on the 4chan threads, especially the second one. Tried to claim the position of the leader of the project for some time, which only lead to endless arguing and derailing, and thus he finally willingly renounced it on November 24th.
>DarkDoomer/Patachu/Silver (DD or Pata)
Artist, also part of the PfL Discord server. Got into a conflict with DT (see below). Helped NHM get into contact with various artists and John Elway. Drew an image that served as the OP pic for the second thread.
>Diamond Tiara (DT)
Writer, part of the PfL Discord server, got into some drama before and during the project. The most relevant one to what is discussed here is a conflict between him and Patachu during that occurred on the PfL Discord's last days. Helped NHM get into contact with various artists.
Trusted namefag who helped organise various /mlp/ projects, Marenheit and the Winter Wrap Pack (last proper /mlp/ art pack to be organised) among them, thus becoming the prime-candidate for the leadership of the project and eventually said to agree to lead it on November 24. However, later on, this proved to be false.
>John Elway
Mod of /mlpol/ who was recruited by NHM via DD to manage the money of the project.
The one who runs this summary, i.e. me.
>Website Anon
Self explanatory: used to refer to the anon who runs borntosilly.com.
Used in this paste to refer to the anon who first got the thread to discuss things in a more-or-less organised manner. Came up with the name "Born to Silly", also tried to get anons to decide the deadline of the project.
>Draft Horses
An art show led by Timsplosion whose members (or at least some of them) took part in the PfPP.
>Ponies for Planned Parenthood (PfPP)
A charity stream that raised ~1400$ for Planned Parenthood.
>Planned Parenthood
"The largest single provider of reproductive health services and the largest single provider of abortions in the United States". Has a Wikipedia page, from which this quote is taken, see it for more details.
Codename for the project that was given in the initial thread's OP post.
>Ponies for Life (PfL)
First name proposal for the project. Also the name of the once-active Discord that was ran by NHM, but ultimately got deleted.
>Born to Silly (BtS)
Current name of the project.
>Anchor Ridge
The charity that was picked to be donated money to by the BtS. For more info, see their website: https://anchorridge.org/
>Twitter (X, Xitter)
The site where the PfPP was first announced on, and where most of the pre-4chan drama took place in.
>Bluesky (bsky)
Alternative to Twitter where most of the participants of the PfPP moved.
Streaming platform where the PfPP was held on.
The website for this project, run by an anon simply known as "Website Anon". Contains an art archive and an anonymous and private way to upload images to the art pack.
>4chan, /mlpol/
Anonymous imageboards on where the project is organised.
>Discord (known by a number of pejoratives, e.g. Dicksword)
An instant messaging social problem that has a particularly bad reputation among the users of 4chan and similar sites.
The payment processor that was chosen for the project. To quote Wikipedia: "Gumroad is an e-commerce platform that allows creators to sell products directly to their audience."
To do:
Maybe update the Chronology a bit?
Perhaps talk more about the activities of the PfL D*scord (not like it makes much difference now that it's ded)
Do the archiveful and have the relevant tweets of the PfPP gang (in case they try making shit private) be properly archived.
Art is being posted, yet quite a lot of it is not linked here. Link to more of it (assuming it's public, of course), credit artists when possible. Also, possibly switch from Desuarchive to another host for the images, e.g. pomf or catbox.
Two short-lived splinter threads between 2nd and 3rd one, mention something.
by summaryanon
by summaryanon
by summaryanon