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FimFetch Drama and Alternatives

By summaryanon
Created: 2024-04-03 12:15:39
Updated: 2024-11-16 00:01:30
Expiry: Never

  1. A paste for discussing the current drama happening in regards to FimFetch.
  4. -FimFetch, a site for archiving MLP fanfics, starts cracking down on foalcon and rape. It is lead by DataBytes.
  5. -On April 1st, a report known as the "Foalcon Advisory" (or simply "The List" colloquially) is leaked on 4chan, which details all their findings. To quote:
  6. >All of the users listed in this document are either involved in some way with the consumption, creation, promotion, and/or distribution of material that sexualizes children, or have shown in some capacity to not be safe to have in a server with minors.
  7. -The methodology used in the report is deeply flawed, essentially equating to a witch hunt.
  8. -Posts started being made on 4chan about it. Discussion also happens on KiwiFarms and FimFiction, and later on Ponybooru too.
  9. -A thread is made on 4chan just for discussing the drama.
  10. -The existence of a server for moderators of popular MLP-related Discord servers, known as the Pony Community Leaders, or PCL for short, is leaked. It is stated that DataBytes got his info from the reports on it, and the users who did the most reports were revealed (see at the LISTS section).
  11. -More leaks prop up, showing DataBytes's hypocrisy and more of how the PCL operates.
  12. -The entire chat log of the PCL is leaked.
  13. -PhoenixFire, the current owner of the PCL, comes to the thread to defend himself. It does not go well.
  14. -It is proposed by Nebbie that the actual mastermind behind all this is DaringShephard, one of the members of the PCL, and that DataBytes was merely a scapegoat.
  15. -DataBytes is doxxed.
  16. -4chan mods start censoring the drama by getting the initial drama thread archived and another one outright deleted.
  17. -Discussion moves over to /mlpol/, though a 4chan thread still remains.
  18. -Derpibooru admins and posters from FimFiction denounce The List.
  19. -PhoenixFire is doxxed.
  20. -In order to archive the archive, a new site gets created by Floorb,
  21. -Pizza gets sent to DataBytes via the dox.
  22. -/mlpol/ begins receiving complaints and abuse reports, causing doxxing to be somewhat ceased there, though talks of taking that aspect to another site do happen. Though initially valid, it doesn't take long for the reports to become misleading, overexaggerated, or outright false.
  23. -An anon on the 4chan thread claims that the "list" created by the PCL is different than the one of DataBytes, using chat logs as evidence; in reality, there is no proper PCL list in the first place, only a report and report discussion channel.
  24. -The PCL's report methods get misinterpreted, causing people to briefly believe that they also had a list (they did not).
  25. -It is reported that the server of the PCL is no more.
  26. -A list gets made by the anons of 4chan on the ones most complicit in the drama from the PCL's side and those who abide by DataBytes's list. (see at the LISTS section)
  27. -4chan thread reaches bump limit, new one created.
  28. -Said thread gets archived, so does the original 4chan FimFiction one.
  29. -After a brief stagnation, someone (Compiler_Anon) finally compiles a proper list of all the members of the PCL (see at the LISTS section).
  30. -The List gets privated.
  31. -Nebbie recounts his experience on a Brony Minecraft server run by DataBytes, and shows its relevance to the current discussion.
  32. -DataBytes's patreon gets temporarily suspended.
  34. ========================
  37. >CONTEXT
  38. -A secretive discord server for moderators to discuss, share, and log their reports, known as Pony Community Leaders (PCL for short), is founded. It is claimed that it's founder was Allyster Black.
  39. -At an unknown date, leadership falls from the founder to another member, presumably PhoenixFire.
  40. -One of its channels was dedicated to discussing reports, another for publishing them.
  41. -In early 2015, DataBytes founds FimFetch, an archive of MLP fanfiction. On April 14th 2019, he also unveils a brony Minecraft server for all ages, known as BronyTales, or BT for short.
  43. -[Late 2019] The FreeCreature's Guild incident happens: KiriStar, underage (12) at the time, and, as such, is found to violate the TOS of both the FreeCreature's Guild and BT, and hence gets kicked from both of them until she turned 13.
  44. -[March/May of 2020] Nebbie becomes active on BT, and soon revealed to a member that he had drawn a comic wherein Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had "fun times" offscreen and Rainbow was punished for it.
  45. (Note on date: original statement from Nebbie said May, edited says March)
  46. -BT staff (especially one moderator) soon after start acting incredibly strict to him, with his involvement with foalcon being the reported reason. It's said that they even wanted to ban him, but DataBytes considered the evidence for foalcon involvement to be insufficient.
  47. -Nebbie posts an image of SilverStream and Ocellus kissing (Derpibooru ID 2101701), which got removed for "intertwined tails during the kiss". It is claimed that, commonly, Kiri would throw a fit, which would end with Nebbie getting actioned, but then she became less active starting from around April.
  48. -[July of 2020] The one super strict moderator was ousted from BT because of an unknown internal conflict.
  49. -[Last half of 2020], Kiri comes back to BT, and Nebbie and she begin talking a lot. Enforcement became suddenly lax against him.
  50. -In one of the conversations, Kiri stated that pegasi intertwining tails in G3 seemed "saucy" to her (hence explaining the SilverStream/Ocellus situation; Kiri might've seen it as sex that their tails were touching and was able to orchestrate action against Nebbie).
  51. -[Late 2020/Early 2021] Daring Shepard, who previously left being an admin on BT, returns to it. Accompanying him is a promise of an updated rules list that would be made with input from Nebbie due to his issues with the old rules list, and a desire for less strictness on specifically violence. He was notably initially quite receptive of the proposed ideas.
  52. (Note on date: original statement from Nebbie said early 2020, edited says late 2020)
  53. -[~Halloween 2020] Databyte removes a trapdoor placed by Nebbie as the anus of an AJ pumpkin statue of his; he does not inform anyone, hence making a serious breech of policy.
  54. -Around this time, a BT moderator, Schlorgadorb, showed up and also seemed receptive to Nebbie's ideas on things.
  55. -[January 2021] Daring removes brown wool placed as scatological humour (one spot under the tail, then a more substantial below on the ground) near his AJ pumpkin statue, and even removed AJ's intergluteal cleft. As in the previous instance, no communication on this decision was made.
  56. -[Early May 2021] Kiri had been away a bit, and came back again to suddenly no longer wanted to discuss the things they usually discuss with Nebbie. Immediately, Schlorgadorb and Daring also started being extremely hostile. The exact mechanics that were going on behind the scenes at the time are not known, but it was all suspicious to Nebbie.
  57. -[February 2021] During a conversation about BT staff changes, Daring quickly mutes Nebbie for questioning why it seems like BT staff are required to be homeschooled (he interpreted it as insulting the homeschooled, when he was just arguing that there's a lack of diversity as all BT staff above Helper were homeschooled).
  58. -[Late March 2021] Nebbie's roleplay role as the official Applejack on the server is removed by Daring, despite not meeting the criteria for removal.
  59. -[Early May 2021] After being away for a bit, Kiri comes back again to suddenly no longer want to discuss the things they usually discuss with Nebbie. Immediately, Schlorgadorb and Daring also start being extremely hostile. The exact mechanics that were going on behind the scenes at the time are not known, but it is all suspicious to Nebbie.
  60. -From talking with other BT staff, Nebbie concludes that BT's Builders were behind decisions against Nebbie, including rejecting his Junior Builder application (it's reported that he was told that his builds, which were self-reportedly unusually complex, were insufficient, yet others were being told the quality bar was very low).
  61. -[August 2021] After Nebbie got a temp mute for posting a picture of a pony giving bedroom eyes, a friend of his helped get in touch with Databyte and TimelyAlchemist to talk it over. The two suggest that what was going on was improper (Builders and Helpers don't decide enforcement), but Nebbie was unmuted nonetheless. Though there's no confirmation, the impression he gets is that Daring did indeed co-opt the Builders to be a sort of secret side staff organization that would go after targets that weren't on the table by normal policy.
  62. -[During Trotcon 2021, from Dec. 17 to Dec. 19] DataBytes claims that, at this date, he meets some foalcon fans and becomes very much against the concept.
  64. -[Early 2022] Two members of BT started to lash out against Nebbie for talking about dark comedy and saucy comedy on BT. Around the same time, he was told by a friend that YellowBrave [Flutterpony], his neighbor on BT, was disliked by Daring due to being a MAP. It is also well-established that the rest of the BT staff was also aware of this.
  65. -[March 2022] Nebbie posts an image/edit of his of Hitch (a pony from G5) recoloured in the colours of the Ukrainian flag and a Tryzub-like symbol for his cutiemark (Derpibooru image ID 2820669) on the BT Discord's art discussion channel and a Rarity-marshmallow-cannibalism joke (that Databyte found funny). A particular member went on a rant against him (about various images posted by Nebbie over the last two months, raging from Shining Armor teaching Flurry Heart how to use the potty to a pic of a weirdly-proportioned Luna, Derpi IDs 2784393 and 2790509), and so, Nebbie is temp-banned within an hour of a friend of his trying to defend him against it the following morning.
  66. -Within a few weeks, said friend was banned too, told literally to seek therapy for anger issues because he gets upset by US politics.
  67. - [Late December 2022] Nebbie checks on BronyTales, to find that his builds were gone. YellowBrave, who had become owner of his land due to being a neighbor, confirms that Daring had gone deleting them without telling her (as is the minimum required by process). While Nebbie was there, he finds YellowBrave's chicken thing that defecatating records is still intact (YellowBrave claimed Databyte loved it, it won a build competition), therefore concluding that Daring was just going after him using any excuse he had.
  69. -[September 2023] TimelordTemp/TimelyAlchemist (as StarSwirl) went from Admin to Helper. Possible start of a staff purge and maybe even The List.
  70. -[October 2023] Schlorgadorb (as Twilight) leaves staff.
  71. -[November 2023] TimelordTemp leaves staff and gives up his roleplay role. (NB: according to Nebbie, he quit for personal reasons, though Daring still may have influenced him)
  72. -[28th of December, 2023] Flutterpony is banned from BT for being in a foalcon Discord. Daring personally told them of their ban, and responded to an appeal for the sake of their child being able to play there with extreme vitriol.
  73. -[Possibly the same day?] mistercokehold8 is booted from BT staff, by Daring personally, for being in a foalcon Discord, despite having a good excuse to be there; by this point, The List likely already existed in one form or another, and was applied in practise.
  74. >PRE-DRAMA: 2024, THE LIST
  75. -[Uncertain date: anywhere from late 2021 up to early 2024] Databytes begins compiling a report, "Foalcon Advisory", about the prevelance of foalcon in the fandom. He likely had help from other members of the PCL, with the most commonly associated ones being DaringShephard and PhoenixFire. This list also likely incorporates aspects of the report and report discussion channels, along with personal reaserch.
  76. -The data of the is found to be often pulling at straws and, in a substantial amount of cases, outright false. This will later lead to the report being considered an absolute joke, and getting on it would give praise. Minors and dead people were among the names mentioned in the list.
  77. -[Between December 24 of 2023 and January 7 of 2024] Crackdowns on foalcon and rape stories begin on FimFetch, and only escalate further as time goes on.
  78. -[01/08/24(Mon)03:10:34 UTC] Currently oldest known mention of FimFetch's recent content purge, published on Derpibooru.
  79. -[01/22/24(Mon)00:14 UTC] A blogpost is made on FimFiction by DeusFoalt about a possible content purge of foalcon on FimFetch. The same blogpost also hypothesised that FimFiction has been covertly working with FimFetch to enforce the "new secret rules", though this has now been shown to be false.
  80. -[04/29/24(Fri)14:11:53 UTC] WestRail642fan reports on a G5 shitposting thread about getting banned from the G5 discord.
  81. -[March 31] Compu is banned from BT for involvement with foalcon (clearly due to the list, and again personally by Daring), and tells Nebbie that there is a squad going around reporting people to Discord servers for them being into foalcon.
  82. -The report of all the data, dubbed as "The List" by onlookers, gets published on FimFetch on the 28th of March. This link is initially posted only to the PCL, meant for private use, but, somehow...
  83. -[04/01/24(Mon)06:19:41 UTC] First post about the happening is made on the Fimfiction Thread
  84. -There is initially doubt whether this is an April fools joke of some kind, but, very quickly, the anons of the thread come to the conclusion that it is indeed genuine.
  85. -The line has finally been crossed. People had enough.
  87. -[04/01/24(Mon)07:58:35 UTC] Another post gets made on the Fan Site Alternative thread
  88. -Work on archiving FimFetch begins near-immediately, start of FoalFetch by Floorb
  89. -Some debate on the happening
  90. -[04/01/24(Mon)12:30:22 UTC] New thread gets made for the drama
  91. -Said thread becomes the main discussion place for the drama.
  92. -[04/01/24(Mon)13:15 UTC] Thread gets posted on FimFiction's clopfic group about the happening. An interesting discussion about unpublished stories being in the list follows:
  93. -[04/01/24(Mon)02:35 PM, whatever timezone KiwiFarms uses] KiwiFarms start talking about the happening. [Note to self: find out KF's timezone]
  95. -[04/02/24(Tue)02:40:34 UTC] Someone claiming to be from the server leaks the usernames of the most actively reporting members of the PCL.
  96. -More leaks start to pop up, including exports of discord chat logs and some captures from it.
  97. -The captures mainly show Astro, PhoenixFire, and some other members as well. However, both 4chan and the PCL can agree to blame DataBytes the most.
  98. -[04/02/24(Tue)06:59:56 UTC, possibly earlier] PhoenixFire shows up to defend himself for a bit, doesn't work out well.
  99. -[04/02/24(Tue)07:44:03 UTC] A Theory of DaringShepherd being the main one to blame for all of this is raised by Nebbie, though no definitive proof exists yet.
  100. -[Soon after; 04/02/24(Tue)07:52:52 UTC] Bump limit reached; new thread created.
  102. -[04/02/24(Tue)08:07:23 UTC] New thread turns out to be formed incredibly hastily, doesn't even link The List, gets deleted very soon.
  103. -[04/02/24(Tue)08:08:54 UTC] Another new thread formed slightly less hastily, new anons coming in without understanding what it is about
  104. -Discussion of getting other sites and boards involved
  105. -[04/02/24(Tue)08:25:52 UTC] Someone offers to draw Aryanne art if the drama escalates further
  106. -Someone doxxes DataBytes's real name, address, phone number, and a bunch of links as well. At that point, there was uncertainty on the validity of these leaks. (NB: the original link to the dox and possibly some of the discussion surrounding it has been purged from desuarchive)
  107. -[04/02/24(Tue)08:54:02 UTC] Either because of the dox or for violating rule 3 of the board, the thread gets removed.
  109. -Discussion about the previous thread, planning for the next
  110. -More instances of hypocrisy shown, but otherwise nothing major.
  111. -[04/02/24(Tue)11:57:03 UTC] Thread on /mlpol/'s /sp/ board about the drama created.
  112. -[04/02/24(Tue)12:56:55 UTC] New thread gets created.
  113. -[04/02/24(Tue)13:27:41 UTC to 04/02/24(Tue)15:00:31 UTC] Posts on it start getting mass-deleted. A total of at least 11 posts were deleted, including a list of "gems" from The List and an early version of this summary.
  114. -[04/02/24(Tue)15:13:45 UTC] In response, a back-up thread gets created on /mlpg/, though it's never linked in the 4chan threads.
  115. -[04/02/24(Tue)15:14:02 UTC] Additionally, a link gets shared to the /mlpol/ thread, causing mass-migration to there.
  116. -[04/02/24(Tue)15:17:17 UTC and 04/02/24(Tue)15:24:33 UTC] New posts start appearing with no content in the titles or description. It is suspected these were made to get the initial drama thread archived as soon as possible. Many other threads were also bumped at the time.
  117. -Initial drama thread gets archived.
  118. >ON /mlpol/
  119. -No longer bound by the regulations of 4chan, doxxing resumes, this time extending not only to DataBytes, but other members of the PCL as well, but mainly PhoenixFire.
  120. -[04/02/24(Tue)19:01:30 UTC and 04/02/24(Tue)19:03:33 UTC] Leaks from Derpibooru's discord published on the thread, showing how Derpibooru's owner is also in The List, and suggesting that they do not support it or DataBytes.
  121. -[04/02/24(Tue)21:35:12 UTC] Nebbie comes to the thread, confirming that Derpibooru does not support The List.
  122. -[04/02/24(Tue)22:20:41 UTC] Derpibooru thread about the happening created.
  123. -[04/02/24(Tue)23:40:12 UTC] FoalFetch goes public!
  124. -[04/03/24(Wed)00:20 UTC] Fimfiction story gets published about the events:
  125. -[04/03/24(Wed)00:24:55 UTC] PhoenixFire changes his steam account's description to "Fuck Off".
  126. -[04/03/24(Wed)00:57:17 UTC] An anon orders cheese pizza (possibly with chicken and some things written on the box) to DataBytes with his leaked information.
  127. -[As late as 04/03/24(Wed)01:55:38 UTC] DaringShephard starts deleting/privating things related to him.
  128. -[04/03/24(Wed)05:15:11 UTC] It's reported that a complaint has been filled to /mlpol/'s server host about the constant doxxing, along with a demand to censor it out and prevent further cases. This has the unintended side-effect of implying that the doxxed info is legitimate.
  129. -[From 04/03/24(Wed)06:03:13 UTC to 04/03/24(Wed)07:44:25 UTC, loosely speaking] Discussion with Nebbie on /mlpol/ about their and their site's hypocrisy.
  130. -[From 04/03/24(Wed)09:42:36 UTC to 04/03/24(Wed)13:11:19 UTC, loosely speaking] Talks about changing server host of /mlpol/ or posting the dox elsewhere, like KiwiFarms.
  131. -[04/03/24(Wed)12:56:55 UTC] It's reported that DataBytes files another report to /mlpol/. He also reported that he and "another affected individual" got the pizza (several pizzas, in fact), definitively confirming the validity of the dox.
  132. >BACK TO 4CHAN
  133. -[From 04/03/24(Wed)13:41:03 UTC to around 04/03/24(Wed)14:57:04 UTC] An anon shows up to the 4chan thread, arguing the PCL has a list which is different from the one held by DataBytes, and that we are confusing the two, using the chatlogs as his source. It was also claimed that the server's main purpose was never to gather info about people partaking in foalcon, but rather to deal with scammers, trolls, ect.
  134. -For a brief timeframe, some people believed him, splitting into three camps:
  135. 1. Their list had no info on foalcon;
  136. 2. Their list had little info on foalcon, but said info was used in DataBytes's report;
  137. 3. The list of the PCL and the list of DataBytes are one and the same.
  138. -[Found out about on 04/03/24(Wed)14:44:57 UTC] Someone posts PhoenixFire's dox on his Youtube channel.
  139. -[04/03/24(Wed)15:25:08 UTC] It is reported that the PCL's discord server has collapsed and has been shut down.
  140. -[04/03/24(Wed)15:44:19 UTC and on] Earliest new design proposal for FoalFetch's logo published, continuously updated even to today, but still not seen on implemented on FoalFetch (will hopefully be soon, though).
  141. -[From 04/03/24(Wed)17:09:06 UTC to 04/03/24(Wed)17:37:41 UTC] Back on /mlpol/, someone claiming to be from the PCL explains how the PCL had no list, only the report and report discussion channels.
  142. -[04/03/24(Wed)17:34:50 UTC] Another anon actually reads the chatlogs, and confirms this.
  143. -[From 04/03/24(Wed)19:55:18 UTC to 04/03/24(Wed)21:33:22 UTC] People start going through the chat logs, especially the part where the Foalcon Advisory is linked.
  144. -Three ideas prevail on the PCL:
  145. 1. They are completely innocent;
  146. 2. They are all complicit in this drama, and should all be punished;
  147. 3. They should be handled case-by-case, and a list of our own should be formed against them.
  148. -[04/03/24(Wed)21:33:22 UTC] Idea 3 goes through, a list gets made (see at the paste's end).
  149. -Thread reaches bump limit, new thread created soon after.
  150. -[04/04/24(Thu)05:21:53 UTC] /mlpol/ receives a complaint for the dox on Youtube, as someone posted a screenshot of it there. However, the stated reason is not that, but rather "child pornography", something which never happened on the thread.
  151. -[04/04/24(Thu)14:25:21 UTC] /mlpol/ receives yet another complaint, this time for a page/post that doesn't even exist. Reason stated was "harassment". Assuming it was a typographical error, the post was just someone saying "Neat" in response to the admin's message informing users of the previous complaint.
  152. -[04/04/24(Thu)14:27:33 UTC] It is found our that DataBytes has unfollowed Shino on DeviantArt.
  153. -More stories (specifically, greentexts) start being made about DataBytes. [Note to self: specify what times exactly]
  154. -[Found out about on 04/06/24(Sat)17:13:05 UTC] Links claiming to be CP get posted/spammed on Ponepaste, but get deleted by the moderators soon after. It is initially suspected that this was done by supporters of DataBytes and/or the PCL. Later, an anon will clarify that this may be an unrelated bot who posts such things on not only /mlpol/, but other random altchans as well.
  155. -[04/06/24(Sat)22:56:12 UTC] Thread on Ponybooru's General Discussion created about The List.
  156. -4chan thread gets archived, no new one created.
  158. -[04/07/24(Sun)19:49:24 UTC] A parody of The List gets uploaded to FoalFetch.
  159. -Kiwifarm brony thread moves on to other controversies, such as the one about Fulffle Puff.
  160. -Similar moving-away phenomena also happen in other threads and sites as well.
  162. -[From 04/12/24(Fri)17:07:02 to 04/16/24(Tue)03:56:17 UTC] An anon on the Derpibooru and Ponybooru threads talks about compiling a list of PCL members and posting it to said threads. He eventually does indeed post an early draft of this list on PonePaste on 04/15/24(Mon)03:34:37 UTC, and a proper one (under the username of Compiler_Anon) on 04/15/24(Mon)20:59:24. The day after publishing, he shares these lists with the threads (firstly with Derpibooru on 04/16/24(Tue)03:02:30, then with Ponybooru on 04/16/24(Tue)03:56:17 UTC). Later, these spread to other parts of the discussion (FimFiction, /mlpol/) as well. Since the Derpibooru thread was little-known of at the time, posts from that time mention it is having been first posted on Ponybooru, not Derpibooru. It is still occasionally updated.
  163. -[Sometime after 04/14/24(Sun)8:07 UTC] DataBytes's account gets banned on FimFiction. [Note to self: find out if a more concrete time can be established]
  164. -[04/14/24(Sun)9:52 PM, unknown timezone] DataBytes gets banned on the FimFiction discord.
  165. -[From 04/16/24(Tue)23:53:31 UTC to 04/21/24(Sun)16:49:30 UTC] /mlpol/ discusses whether or not The List may have some actual validity in regards to people like Pathos or Flutterpony, even thinking of inviting them to the thread to discuss the accusations. There's lots of disagreement, and a proposal is made to move this part of the drama (if it can even be counted as such, and not held as a different one) to another thread.
  166. -Discussion about DataBytes, the PCL, and The List gets rekindled throughout all the threads (except KiwiFarms).
  167. -[04/21/24(Sun)23:25:57 UTC] A new thread gets posted on /mlpol/ about discussing the validity of some of the paedophilia accusations (just as has been proposed earlier), but it quickly devolves into a "debate" about the current Israel–Hamas war, with the OP declared a Jew by the majority of anons of said thread, with some others considering him Jew-ified, but not an outright Jew.
  168. -The paedophilia thread continues to devolve, with mods attaching "Literally one post on the entire site by this user" to one of the posts claiming /mlpol/ to be a honeypot, infested with pedophiles, a psyops, among other things, and calling for the execution of anons that disagree with him.
  169. -[As late as 04/23/24(Tue)22:09:54 UTC] The List becomes locked behind a password, with some text (quite a lot of it, actually) explaining DataBytes's point of view of the whole situation.
  170. -People quickly start to discuss DataBytes's statements, pointing out their flaws, mistakes, contradictions, ect.
  171. -Archival work of the original List quickly comes to use.
  172. -Anons from the paedophilia thread try to "spread the word" on /jdb/, their posts get removed from 4chan shortly after. [Note to self: too lazy to look up the precise time now, will do so later]
  173. -[Noticed on 04/24/24(Wed)18:53:27 UTC] CP (or at least what looks like it, with some links attached) gets posted on /mlpol/, but is quickly removed by the mods.
  174. -[04/24/24(Wed)17:41:45 UTC] Over on Ponybooru, Compiler_Anon publishes a summary of his own, mainly intended to argue for why the PCL (or, at least their Reports channel) can be called a ban list. While he makes good points, I myself still believe that we shouldn't judge the PCL as a whole, but rather judge each of their members separately. You can read it here:
  175. -[04/25/24(Thu)2:17 UTC] Nebbie publishes a recount of the events and drama on BT when he was around and some things after that on the FimFiction thread. Said recounting has been incorporated into this summary's chronology as the PRE-DRAMA section, or at least most of it.
  176. -[04/27/24(Sat)13:13:33 UTC] /mlpol/ receives its 5th complaint (5th of abuse, 4th of copyright abuse). Just as the previous ones, it has no actual basis.
  177. >MAY
  178. -[First proposal at 05/01/24(Wed)17:25 UTC] mistercokehold8 offers to do a QnA on FimFiction, Derpibooru, and Ponybooru. (ongoing)
  179. -[05/06/24(Mon)18:30 UTC] Another story gets published on FimFiction:
  180. -[As late as 05/10/24(Fri)19:04:29 UTC] The FimFetch patreon becomes under review, possibly after mass-reporting.
  181. -The paedophilia thread somewhat normalises and features actual in-depth conversation on foalcon, certain listers, and so on... except, it only seems like that. The collapse started out with some things on the Russo-Ukrainian war (or, well, Russia in general), but that didn't last for long. But what did, though? Some random anon, on 05/11/24(Sat)14:48:24 UTC, posted about how this whole thing made him, for a lack of a better word, "depaedophilify". Now, that thread has gone full off-topic and is now a fight between the "christkikes" and the "however-the-fuck-the-other-side-gets-called-by-their-opponents". It's an... interesting read, that's for sure. (ongoing)
  182. -[05/12/24(Sun)12:17 UTC] The writer Bad Dragon describes being denied contest participation for having written a foalcon story in the past. He notes how he wasn't in the original list, and therefore concludes that there's another one out there. In my personal opinion, the organiser either has access to the current version of The List (remember: it is only locked behind a password, not deleted, and is probably still updated) or they did a background check of their own and it didn't take them long to find out about the foalcon story.
  183. -[As late as 05/23/24(Thu)17:31:34 UTC] The FimFetch patreon is reinstated, although it makes less money than before now.
  184. -[06/11/24(Tue)21:29:11 UTC] A new thread gets posted on /mlpol/ about a certain incident on /mlp/ involving a deceased minor, which is outside the scope of this summary. The /mlpol/ thread has the same writing style and tone as the paedophilia thread, which, alongside the subject matter, shows a highly probable connection between the two. Though it didn't devolve into utter chaos, it still failed to produce any particularly important results on either side of the conflict, and ultimately went nowhere, despite a (relatively) decent-enough start. The last post on it was made on 06/14/24(Fri)14:57:21 UTC, making it last for just three days.
  185. -[07/02/24(Tue)21:32:12 UTC] After a long time of non-existing, despite various notable occurrences happening (e.g. NHNB going down, new Derpibooru policy, the Ponybooru fiasco...), the Fan Site Alternative Thread goes back up. Updates on Foalfetch development are easily accessable once more!
  186. -[07/30/24(Tue)23:04:26 UTC] A new paste is published here by yours truly on rebutting the claims made in the Foalcon Advisory's current text, i.e. the "Public Notice". (we are here)
  188. ========================
  190. >LINKS
  193. Current drama thread on 4chan: [none currently]
  194. Fan Site Alternative Thread: (for development of FoalFetch)
  195. KiwiFarms thread for bronies (recent drama starts at page 298):
  196. Backup thread on /mlpg/:
  197. Thread on /mlpol/ about taking The List seriously:
  198. Thread on /mlpol/ made by the same person(s?) as above about a certain happening on /mlp/:
  202. >ARCHIVES
  203. /mlpol/ before the complaints and censorship:
  204. Even shorter-lasted side-adventure:
  205. 4chan FimFiction thread, in which the link to the report was first leaked:
  206. Fan Site Alternative Thread #92: (active during the very beginning of the drama)
  207. Fan Site Alternative Thread #93:
  208. Fan Site Alternative Thread #94:
  209. For archives of The List, see the LISTS section.
  212. First greentext on 4chan, from /fimfic/:
  213. Second one, from the slave pony thread:
  216. (Report Discussion, wherein Foalcon Advisory was first published)
  217. (Scam Reports, "This channel is for reporting on scam users/compromised accounts.")
  218. (Event Questions, essentially meant to help organise events, rarely used)
  219. (Joins, serves as a list of everyone who joined the server post-6/6/2022, but it doesn't record any data about leaving the server, and anyone who joined before given date won't be found there)
  220. (Rules, speaks for itself)
  221. (Announcements, mainly used to inform members of rule and other changes)
  222. (Introductions, place for newly joined members to post about themselves a bit once, which servers they moderate, ect.)
  223. (Server Portal, place for members to post their servers)
  224. (Adult Servers, same as Server Portal, just for 18+ servers)
  225. (Reporting Guidelines, details how reports should look)
  226. (Server meta, "For server questions and suggestions", quite a lot of messages)
  227. (Ask for Advice, also quite a lot of messages)
  228. (Proposal, rarely used)
  229. (Off-topic, more messages in this channel than anywhere else)
  230. (Events, "Promote you server events here. SFW content only!")
  233. FoalFetch, the alternative to FimFetch:
  234. FoalFetch's take on the Foalcon Advisory:
  237. DataBytes's statement about the situation:
  238. List of PCL members by Compiler_Anon: (for more info, see the LISTS section)
  239. BronyTales staff hierarchy:
  240. On the so-called "Public Notice":
  241. Rome Silvanus's archive: (features a lot of things, but by far the most important one is an archive of every image posted on the PCL's discord, ever. Due to the Discord image deletion when posted off site policy, this is now the only way to see them all)
  243. ========================
  245. >LISTS
  248. (updated version)
  249. The one which started it all. Dubbed as "the list" by onlookers. Occasionally capitalised as "The List" (like in this summary), and called "The List™" in HK-FortySeven's summaries on FimFiction. Members of it are called "list chads" (also spelled "listchads") or "listers".
  251. >The ones who contributed most to the list (according to the first post of the initial leaker) and the servers they moderate
  252. databytebrony - BronyTales
  253. frostflare - Ponyville Plaza
  254. latent_logic - Everfree Northwest
  255. emperor_sombra - Ponies React!/Confetti's Bat Cave
  256. astrolazuli - Ponyville Plaza
  257. stormshadow_cote - Ponies React!
  258. daringshepard - BronyTales
  259. gabrizzy - RandomPlace
  260. phoenixfire42 - Equestria Daily
  261. comradesparkle - Equestria Daily
  263. >List of PCL members by Compiler_Anon:
  264. Dubbed as "Das List®" in HK-FortySeven's summaries on FimFiction. Note that it does not account for members leaving (so, if someone joined the PCL at any point, they'll be there even if they left soon after). Besides that, I'm also very doubtful of the claims being made about Littleshy using it as a blacklist of some kind, and the claims about Galacon aren't that well substantiated either. As such, I'd advise against using it as a blacklist or something similar of our own, and I'd advise to use the "OUR list" instead for that purpose. Also, to quote from the threads:
  265. >And, you know, don’t dox these people and shit. Derpi staff doesn’t like that and would remove my post. But you may wanna discreetly talk to these Discord server owners, admins and mods about why they’re banning innocent people like that. (said by Compiler_Anon)
  266. >Now, I don't think this needs to be said here, but I'll say it anyways: you should not go out of your way to harass people who are on Das List®. (said by HK-FortySeven)
  268. >OUR LIST of the ones who a. follow Foalcon Advisory and use it to moderate their servers, b. Contributed to the list in a significant way, or c. Failed to respond to the situation adequately
  269. DataBytes
  270. DaringShephard
  271. PhoenixFire
  272. genryu
  273. romulus4444
  274. stormshadow_cote
  275. mehanought
  276. onyxdash
  277. Zatillias
  278. MarshMarlowe
  280. ========================
  284. >NOTABLE PEOPLE AGAINST THE PCL (or at least their activities or some of their members) AND THE LIST
  285. >Summaryanon
  286. AKA me. I maintain this summary and write the ones on the /mlpol/ thread, which is where you can most easily find me.
  287. >HK-FortySeven
  288. Writes the summaries for FimFiction, mainly active there.
  289. >Nebbie
  290. Member of the Derpibooru staff, he's the one who first proposed DaringShephard to be the true mastermind behind The List. Also used to be active on BT. Occasionally seen in the threads on 4chan and /mlpol/, but probably easiest reached on the FimFiction one.
  291. >Compiler_Anon
  292. Maintains the list of the members of the PCL. Mostly active on the Ponybooru thread.
  293. >Floorb
  294. Maintains FoalFetch and Ponepaste. Can be found on 4chan's Fan Site Alternative Thread.
  295. >WestRail642fan
  296. Active on most discussion places for the drama (except Kiwifarms). Leaked important info all throughout, described their experiences of being banned from servers abiding by the list.
  299. >Databytes (DataByte. DataByteBrony; "Derpy" in BT contexts)
  300. Runs FimFetch and BronyTales.
  301. >DaringShephard (Daring)
  302. Admin on BT.
  305. >DataBytes and DaringShepard
  306. See above.
  307. >KiriStar (xXFluffyCipherXx)
  308. Helper and Builder. Important statement from Nebbie:
  309. >By the way, for anyone reading this, don't go after Kiri over it. She was 13 and I think not really in charge of anything; just everyone treated her as the most precious little child, to the point where BT staff told me her posting Le Lenny Face to make something sexual was not sexual (many of them couldn't fathom a young teen actually meaning sexualness), while deleting anything she found too "uncomfy". She's gotta be at least 17 now, and 13 vs. 17 is a big difference, so even if back in the day she was up to something rather than just a pawn, she's probably put that behind her.
  310. >Sedge, "BigHun"
  311. Runs/ran a MLP Discord community server called "The Freecreature's Guild" (TFG) wherein the The Freecreature's Guild Incident with KiriStar happened.
  312. >mistercokehold8 (Scorch)
  313. Ex-staff, kicked off by Daring for being in a foalcon server.
  314. >Schlorgadorb and TimelyAlchemist
  315. Ex-staff that were purged by Daring.
  316. >YellowBrave (Flutterpony)
  317. Self-indentified MAP, runs a foalcon server. When he was banned, his child was too; he sent a request for them to be unbanned, to which Daring responded with nothing but hatred and condemnation (despite the fact the child had nothing to do with this).
  320. >Allyster Black
  321. Claimed founder; ex-EQD staff. Rumoured to currently be serving a sentence for statutory rape. By the time all of this transpired, he was almost certainly already no longer a part of the server.
  322. >PhoenixFire
  323. Another member of the EQD staff; leadership transferred to him after Allyster went bye-bye.
  326. >4chan
  327. Famous/infamous anonymous imageboard. Origin of bronydom and horsefuckery, with the /mlp/ board delegated just for them. Notable threads mentioned in the summary:
  328. >/fimfic/
  329. For discussing MLP fanfiction.
  330. >Fan Site Alternative Thread
  331. For development/issue reporting of altboorus and related services.
  332. >/jdb/
  333. Essentially a loli thread, though nothing explicit is posted.
  334. >
  335. >/mlpol/
  336. Originating from an April Fools joke on 4chan, it's used as a safe-haven for discussion of the fandom, ponies, and political topics, generally with a right-wing perspective.
  337. >/sp/
  338. /mlpol/'s equivalent to 4chan's /b/.
  339. >Ponerpics
  340. Altbooru maintained by the staff of /mlpol/.
  341. >
  342. >Dvach, 2ch
  343. Russian 4chan equivalent.
  344. >8chan
  345. Essentially 4chan with far more lax moderation, and the ability for communities to create boards of their own.
  346. >Derpibooru
  347. Bronydom's biggest and one of its oldest boorus.
  348. >FimFiction
  349. Site for posting and discussing MLP fanfiction.
  350. >FimFetch
  351. Site for archiving MLP fanfiction from across the fandom, be it from FimFiction or someplace else.
  352. >Twibooru, Ponepaste, FoalFetch
  353. All run by the same guy: first is an altbooru focused on archival, second is a similar service for text-based formats and greentexts, and the third is for archiving FimFetch.
  354. >Ponybooru
  355. Another altbooru.
  356. >Kiwifarms
  357. Infamous for its doxxing shenanigans. Aren't known for being friendly to bronies/horsefuckers.
  358. >BronyTales (BT)
  359. Minecraft server "for all ages", maintained by DataBytes and some other staff.
  362. (Note: currently, I'm considering to make this section a separate paste, with both a far larger scope and improved quality. Oh, and "Glossary" might've been the better term to use, now that I think about it)
  363. >Brony
  364. Fan of MLP outside the target audience.
  365. >Horsefucker
  366. Same as above, but used when talking about those from 4chan or chan-like sites.
  367. >Booru
  368. A form of imageboard where images are categorized with tags.
  369. >Altbooru
  370. Any alternative to Derpibooru that popped up after a certain incident that happened during the height of the BLM movement. Also retroactively used for alternatives to Derpibooru in general.
  371. >Altchan
  372. Any alternative to 4chan, including /mlpol/, 8chan, ect.
  373. >Foalcon
  374. Drawn explicit image of underaged horses (foals, fillies, colts, ect.).
  375. >Loli
  376. Drawn explicit image of an underaged person, usually a girl. Shota is the male equivalent.
  377. >Aryanne
  378. Ponyfication of Nazism and the Aryan race. What the fuck does this have to do with anything? I don't know either, but it's still included in The List's own dictionary. (on a unrelated note, there are definitely more explicit artworks depicting Luftkrieg than 81. Do not underestimate GaryD12's commission money).
  380. ========================
  383. >Huh? What is this all about?
  384. TL;DR: some semi-horse-famous archivist begins cracking down on foalcon. He's also in a secretive Discord server, the PCL (Pony Community Leaders), comprised of staff of both well-known and medium-sized Discord servers. While on his "heroic crusade", he compiles a massive list of anyone who he deems as guilty of supporting sexualising children. This list is, of course, has multiple problems, such as featuring dead people and minors, including people purely for their political opinions, and just outright false information. Point is, this whole list gets leaked on 4chan, causing a chain of events which includes plenty of doxxing, the reveal of the PCL to the public (and its subsequent deletion), and overall unending drama.
  385. Oh, and all of this might stem from some multi-year drama on a brony Minecraft server.
  386. Besides that, there's also been a "sub-drama" of people trying to take The List (or at least a part of it) seriously.
  388. >What is the Daring theory? Is it real?
  389. It's the idea. proposed by Nebbie, that DataBytes might've been influenced or outright forced into doing the crackdowns and hosting The List by DaringShephard, an admin on BronyTales who has more control of it then the owner (who also happens to be DataBytes) himself. As proof, there's multiple testimonials about his behaviour (including a rather exhaustive one from Nebbie himself) and some screenshots and general events in general (e.g. his unhinged email to Flutterpony). On the other side, DataBytes has never mentioned Daring during the entire course of the drama in any of his public statements, and Daring himself has stayed quiet while all this transpires.
  390. I personally believe the theory, but that doesn't mean that DataBytes should go unpunished. It's still he who hosts The List, did all the crackdowns, sends fake reports to /mlpol/, ect.
  392. >Is the legendary hypocrite.png image real?
  393. Nebbie claims that the part about his "weakness for Scootaloo" sounds off and may have been edited, but is otherwise real. However, there's plenty of supporting evidence that he does, in fact, really have a weakness for Scootaloo. As such, I believe that it's real.
  395. >I have some info regarding the happening or otherwise want to contribute to the conversation. Where do I do so.
  396. See the PLACES OF DISCUSSION subsection of the LINKS section. To explain more in-depth:
  397. >/mlpol/ thread
  398. Overall one of the most active places of discussion. Whatever you want to share or talk about will probably be fit for that thread.
  399. >Current drama thread on 4chan (if it exists)
  400. Is at constant risk of janitor and mod interference; plus, generally speaking, you'd only really inform 4chan users if you find something. Besides that, not a bad option to go to.
  401. >Fan Site Alternative Thread (if it exists)
  402. If you have questions, bug reports, or suggestions for FoalFetch, this is the place to go.
  403. >FimFiction thread
  404. Similar in many ways to the /mlpol/ thread. If you want to get something across to the wider community, this is your best option.
  405. >KiwiFarms thread for bronies
  406. They don't care about this whole thing that much, if at all. Its only benefit I can see is that it's probably the only site from which a dox wouldn't be removed.
  407. >Backup thread on /mlpg/
  408. Inactive since its creation. No point in using it.
  409. >Ponybooru thread
  410. Gets info across to some people who you may not be active on the other sites. Regulation is freer than on Derpi.
  411. >Derpibooru thread
  412. Despite being rather long, the discussion on Derpi has failed to generate anything of note. Just as on Ponybooru, this may get info across to people who may otherwise not be active elsewhere.
  413. >Thread on /mlpol/ about taking The List seriously
  414. Has been so derailed to the point of worthlessness. No point in using it.
  416. >How often is this paste updated?
  417. Whenever I feel like it and have the time.
  419. ========================
  424. >posting spongebob copypasta is enough to get you on the list
  425. >hypocrite.png (he likes Scootaloo)
  426. >try to not defend mandopeado challenge (impossible for DataBytes, apparently)
  427. >calls Shino a lolicon artist, puts him in the list, STILL FOLLOWS HIM ON DEVIANTART (update: not anymore, but it took him way too long to unfollow him)
  430. It has been reported that the G5 discord abides by The List. The discord server Manechat (and, by extension, Manebooru) and the one of EQD have also banned the same person, but with the claim of "involvement in doxxing".
  431. Derpibooru, /mlpol/ (and, by extension, Ponybooru), Twibooru/PonePaste/FoalFetch (all run by the same guy), yayponies, and FimFiction have all condemned The List.
  432. The anons of 4chan have condemned The List, but 4chan as a site itself (obviously) has not.
  433. Kiwifarms posters have mocked The List. The site itself has (once again, obviously) not done so.
  434. Some members of the PCL have condemned The List.

FimFetch Drama and Alternatives

by summaryanon

On the so-called "Public Notice"

by summaryanon

Born to Silly: a thread summary

by summaryanon