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Vinyl Messes with Anon

By Noonpone
Created: 2024-10-19 03:45:02
Expiry: Never

  1. >be Vinyl Scratch
  2. >that human celestia sent to ponyville is suppose to live with you this week.
  3. >he shows up, you chat with him.
  4. >he's pretty shy, but super into music.
  5. >bring him with to one of your performances.
  6. >mostly because you don't trust him alone in your house with all the records you have.
  7. >while you're performing you bump your cutie mark against him.
  8. >see him get red as a cherry and try to slip away from you a bit.
  9. >you're gonna have so much fun messing with him.
  11. >take the human back to your place.
  12. >you have a spare bed he could use
  13. >but he doesn't know that.
  14. >tell him you only have one bed, and fill your couch with heavy boxes while he's not looking.
  15. >finally get him into your bed after a few 'sleep with me' remarks to mess with him some more.
  16. >beds pretty big, you could fit a whole band of ponies on this thing.
  17. >get in bed next to him anyway.
  18. >you can almost taste how embarrassed this is making him.
  19. >middle of the night feel the human trying to fidget away from you.
  20. >rest your head onto his chest.
  21. >his heart is racing a mile a minute.
  22. >he tries to move your head off him, he holds your horn while doing so.
  23. >let out a small moan
  24. >he immediately lets go
  25. >stays completely still the rest of the night
  26. >almost too easy.
  28. >week goes by pretty quickly
  29. >human gets picked up by the next pony he's spending a week with, Lyra or something like that.
  30. >actually gonna miss the little twerp. It was fun to see him get flustered so easily.
  31. >almost got his face to match pinkie pie's mane that one time you were licking ice cream in front of him.
  32. >couple of weeks go by, pretty uneventful.
  33. >then one day get a letter from celestia.
  34. >she wants you to perform at princess cadance's wedding!
  35. >apparently you were highly recommended by that human anon.
  36. >although the letter says anon will not be joining you behind the turntable.
  37. >this gig is gonna be huge for you!
  38. >and you'll find a way to repay that human.
  39. >Just because he found a way to keep you from messing with him during the wedding doesn't mean he's safe.
  41. >be anon
  42. >sitting on some steps inside the castle
  43. >part to calm down from all the excitement of the wedding.
  44. >mostly because you don't do well with crowds and there's a bunch of ponies outside.
  45. >you hear a familiar sound of the speakers booming letting you know vinyl finally made it.
  46. >you really liked her music and she seemed really nice but you were glad she was out there and you were in here.
  47. >she always found a way to make you really uncomfortable.
  48. >and everytime she was around your heart would beat really fast and you'd get weird feelings.
  49. >decide to close your eyes, just for a little bit. Defiantly, not going to... fall aslee.......
  50. >"Oh Anon you're so big."
  51. >that voice, is that?
  52. >you feel a hoof booping you on the nose.
  53. >"Hey anon, I just came. Don't tell me your asleep already."
  55. >yup it's vinyl.
  56. "Oh hey Vinyl. Glad you could make it."
  57. >"like I was gonna miss the opportunity to see my favorite human again."
  58. >she ruffles through your hair with her hoof. She knows how much you hate that.
  59. "Stop it. And l know I'm the only human you've met."
  60. >"doesn't stop you from being my favorite."
  61. >wait a minute the music was still playing outside.
  62. "What are you doing in the castle anyway? Shouldn't you be out there on the turntable?"
  63. >she finally stops messing up your hair sits down next to you.
  64. >"pinkie pie wanted to take over for a bit, and I'm in the castle looking for you."
  65. >you look at her puzzled, and with a little bit of fear.
  66. >"I wanted to give you an extra special thank you for getting me this gig."
  67. >that weird feeling in your stomach was starting again.
  68. >"close your eyes."
  69. >reluctantly you close them.
  70. >you feel vinyl shift from the stairs next to you and stand closer to you. Her face only a short nudge in front of yours. Her warm breath hitting your face and leaving you more and more anxious with each passing moment.
  71. >your heart is beating like a drum, your stomach is all knotted up.
  72. >you feel her hooves reach up to the sides of your face.
  73. >and then she backs away.
  74. >"okay you can open your eyes now."
  75. >you look around to see uncovered eyes and her smile.
  76. >you reach up and grab the present she left you.
  77. >her pair of glasses
  78. >you look down at them and turn back to her.
  79. "Thanks vinyl. I know how much you like these."
  80. >"nah don't worry about it. I have a closet full of them."
  81. >you smile and want to say something but she breaks the silence first.
  82. >"I should really get back to the party before pinkie starts playing some of the music she brought."
  83. >nobody wants that.
  84. >you nod and turn to head up the stairs to your room.
  85. >"Oh anon, one last thing."
  86. >you turn around and as soon as you do she kisses you
  87. >right on the lips
  88. >shejustkissedyourightonthelipsohgosh
  89. >your face turns red as a tomato
  90. >she trots away with a smile on her face.

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