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Pinkie Pie Visits Anon Ch 1: A Birthday Cake

By Noonpone
Created: 2024-10-22 02:38:50
Updated: 2024-10-22 02:40:01
Expiry: Never

  1. >life is a game, and you lost.
  2. >you had so much potential. You were so gifted once
  3. >everyone kept telling you how smart you were, and how good of a person you were
  4. >you could have done anything
  5. >but then you started to mess up
  6. >little things at first, things you weren't good at anyway
  7. >but then you started to mess up the things you were good at. The things that made you gifted, and made you a good person.
  8. >and then you started disappointing people.
  9. >and you kept falling behind and disappointing people and falling more behind and disappointing more people
  10. >and now you're here. So much less than you were suppose to be. That gifted good person you once were.
  11. >how did you let things get this bad?
  12. >oh well, no sense dwelling on the past
  13. >the next step is also a game, and you can win that one!
  14. >you can make plans and build facades
  15. >make enough appearances. Be just outgoing enough. Smile and laugh at all the right times
  16. >nobody worries about the person who's always in a good mood, and always willing to help other people.
  17. >you bought everything you needed in time for your birthday, and it might have taken everything you had to get here, but its finally time.
  19. >Typical Sunday night for you
  20. >alone in your apartment
  21. >no family calling to wish you a happy birthday
  22. >no girlfriend to go out with.
  23. >no friends that want to hang out.
  24. >no sense putting it off any longer
  25. >you get up from your chair and then start climbing up to stand on it.
  26. >as you steady yourself you look up and suddenly your vision is filled with a giant pink face
  27. >"Heya Nony whatcha up to?"
  28. "What the fuck Pinkie Pie?! How are-"
  29. >your arms flail wildly as you lose your balance and cut yourself off.
  30. >you slam your eyes shut, hit the ground hard, and hear a crunch loud enough to freak you out
  31. >in a panic you open your eyes and look around.
  32. >your on ass, Pinkie Pie is standing in your apartment, and your shitty chair broke in to pie-
  34. "P-Pinkie? How are you here? What are you doing here? How did you even get here? and what's that in your bags?"
  35. >the pink pony pauses for a pensive period before taking a big breath
  36. >"yup I'm me! Through the window, visiting my favorite human, I walked, and this!"
  37. >she pauses to catch her breath and open the satchel she brought with her.
  38. >"is a cake!"
  39. "But, but you can't be here! You're not real!"
  40. >she jumps on top of you knocking back down to the ground and pinning you there with a look of anger.
  41. >"That's not very nice Nony. Telling me I'm not real. How would you like it if I said you didn't exist mister mean meany pants?"
  42. >was this really happening?
  43. >is your brain making you hallucinate to try to save itself?
  44. >but then if you were imagining this how was she holding you down?
  45. "I, I guess I wouldn't like it very much..."
  47. >you try once more to stand only to have her weight let you know that yes, she was really here
  48. >and surprisingly heavy.
  49. "I'm sorry pinkie. Could you please get off me now?"
  50. >"Mmm okay! But on one super big condition."
  51. "What?"
  52. >"you have to eat this whole cake with me!"
  53. "Yeah, sure pinkie, we'll eat the cake."
  54. >She puts her front hoof down on your chest hard and leans into your face.
  55. >her bubbly happy demeanor disappears for a moment
  56. >"I'm serious Nony. You have to promise me that if I get off you we'll eat the cake together before you do anything else"
  57. >you're honestly a little afraid of how much strength this tiny pink pony seems to have. It feels like she can keep you pinned to the ground with just one hoof.
  58. "I promise Pinkie. We'll eat the cake right now."
  59. >with a hop she's off your chest and helping you to your feet.
  60. >her smile is back and she's bouncing away over to your table.
  61. >you stand up and try brush some of the dust off yourself
  62. >god you really need to clean this place up.
  63. >once you give up you head over to your kitchen and pull out two plates.
  64. >meanwhile Pinkie is unwrapping the cake she brought with her.
  65. >you pull out a chair and sit down. Pinkie walks over to your only other chair and pushed it from the other side of the table over next to where you were sitting.
  66. >With a cute little jump she got up onto the chair and turned to face you with an adorable little smile on her face.
  68. >you take a look at the cake, it's a beautiful pink frosted cake with purple cursive writing on top
  69. >Happy B day Ano
  70. >you smile at how obvious a rush job it is, and start cutting into the cake
  71. "Pinkie, what are you doing here?"
  72. >"I told you already Nony I came to hang out with you! Oh and also give you this!"
  73. >she turns away to dig into her satchel, and turns back around with a small pink box with pink ribbon in her mouth.
  74. >she places it gingerly on the table next to the cake.
  75. "Right, you said that, but it's a little weird that you show up out of nowhere and want to hang out."
  76. >"Oh silly Nony, I didn't show up out on nowhere. I came in through your window thing remember?"
  77. >Oh yeah sure, she just came in through the window. That makes sense.
  78. "No I mean, how did you get here from Ponyville?"
  79. >"I walked."
  80. "No that's not, that's impossible."
  81. >"Well nopony told me that."
  82. >you were getting a headache
  83. >from arguing with a small pink talking horse that you were probably imagining.
  84. >this is not what you needed today. Especially not right before-
  85. >"you okay Nony?"
  86. >she looked at you with concerned eyes. Her ears flopped down, her pink mane slightly deflated.
  87. "I'm fine Pinkie, just a lot on my mind... Let me start over. Pinkie, how did you get here?"
  88. >"I walked, through your glowing window thing."
  89. "Glowing window thing?"
  90. >she points her hoof to your TV set.
  91. >Oh. That glowing window thing.
  92. "Okay. Fine. I can understand that, I guess, but how do you know me? How did you know it was my birthday?"
  93. >"the same way you know about me silly! I watch you through the glowing window."
  94. "you can watch me?!"
  95. >Your face turns bright red and you freeze in place as a million things pop into your mind all at once.
  96. "Like all the time or only when I'm watching you and just, just through that glowing window right? or like also on my computer or or"
  97. >Pinkie pie starts giggling as you panic and pats you on the back
  98. >"jeez nony calm down. I didn't freak out when you started watching me."
  99. >you take a deep breath and try to process this
  100. >Pinkie Pie apparently watches you the same way you watch her and right now she's standing in your room trying to give you a present on your birthday.
  101. >this raises so many questions that you're afraid to ask, but before you go get black out drunk to try and forget all of them, there's one that you need to ask.
  102. "What did you bring me?"
  103. >she smiles and nuzzles her present a little closer to you.
  104. >you carefully open the box and reveal folded up picture of the mane 6.
  105. >Looks like Pinkie Pie signed it at the bottom, and there's half of Twilight's signature on there as well.
  106. >"I'm sorry I couldn't get everypony to sign it and that It's not very big but that's all that would fit through the window with me and I promise I can get everypony to sign it if-"
  107. "I love it Pinkie."
  108. >she bounces up with joy and confetti pops up out of nowhere.
  109. >really want to ask how she does that.
  111. >you place a slice of cake on each of the plates you put out.
  112. >you made Pinkie's slice twice as big.
  113. >she immediately chomps down and gets a whole mess of cake on her face.
  114. "so, what's it like being part of a TV show?"
  115. >"I dunno Nony, you tell me."
  116. "Cute"
  117. >Pinkie finishes her slice, and you cut her another fourth of the cake. You're only a few bites into your slice choosing to spend most of your time watching Pinkie Pie enjoy the cake she brought.
  118. "Hey, does anyone else watch me or?"
  119. >"nopony I know. I don't think they can see the glowing windows like I can."
  120. >you stand to get some cups and milk
  121. >You finish your slice of cake, and cut yourself another piece just in time to see Pinkie's whole snout was covered in frosting and hungry for more.
  122. >you smile and slide the remaining fourth of the cake over to her.
  123. "So when you say you watch me, do you mean like all the time? Or can you only see me when I watch the show or..."
  124. >"I can watch you anytime I want to Nony."
  125. "Anytime?"
  126. >"yup! Whenever I feel like it."
  127. >wait does that mean...
  128. "So when you say anytime you don't mean like, ANY time right? I mean like you can't watch me when I turn off my TV or if I'm not in the room and-"
  129. >she looks up from the cake at you with seductive eyes.
  130. >"Oh don't worry Nony I won't tell Rainbow Dash or Twilight what you look at on your computer."
  131. >Oh god she knows.
  132. >your face starts turning red.
  133. >pinkie leans in and nuzzles your cheek covering you in frosting.
  134. >"you're soooooooo cute when your embarrassed!"
  135. >you get some paper towels to clean off the frosting and return to pinkie now finished eating the rest of the cake and smiling at you.
  136. "Thanks for the cake pinkie, it was a very nice gift."
  137. >"anything for my bestest best buddy!"
  138. >there's a moment of awkward silence. You're not really sure what to say.
  139. >well, you know what you want to say, but, it's hard to say it out loud.
  140. "I gotta ask, why this birthday? Why me?"
  141. >"Oh because're really special! And I wanted to meet you on a special day!"
  142. >she starts drawing circles with her hoof on the table. She looks over to your TV set and away from you.
  143. >after a brief silence she jumps on you again. This time with her arms around you hugging you tight.
  144. >"I gotta go Nony, but can you promise me something?"
  145. >She pulls away from the hug and looks you right in your eyes. That same serious face she had when she was pinning you down.
  146. >"can you promise me you'll be here tomorrow? I wanna talk with you more and I'm not busy and I can make us another cake and"
  147. "Okay, okay! I'll call in sick to work or something."
  148. >"promise? Because I'll be really really sad if I come looking for you tomorrow and you're not here."
  149. "I promise pinkie. I'll be here."
  151. >she gives you one last squeeze and then heads through your TV.
  152. >you look over at the cups, milk, and plates and then over to your now empty apartment.
  153. >you'll clean up tomorrow. Right now you just want to head to bed and think about everything that just happened.
  154. >you look over at destroyed chair in your living room.
  155. >that was your only good chair. All the other ones are made of plastic and would fold the second you tried to stand on them.
  156. >plus pinkie would be very mad at you if you weren't here tomorrow. Especially after you promised her you would.
  157. >you decide to head bed and prepare for her tomorrow.
  158. >need to sweep at least. Take a shower. Clean this plates for the next cake.
  159. >Maybe you'll cook something for Pinkie too.
  160. >you wonder if she likes spicy food.

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