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Celestia The Mommy

By Noonpone
Created: 2024-10-19 16:34:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Author's Note: I originally wrote this for a random Celestia thread that popped up, but the thread died before I could finish the story. So here's what I had in the thread. I'll finish it if a fitting thread ever pops up again. Next section was going to be Cadance or Twilight depending on what the thread wanted.
  3. >be Celestia
  4. >taking a midnight walk through the royal gardens. Enjoying the cold weather, and your sister's perfect night.
  5. >suddenly a bright flash of light, and a small creature falls on the grass in front of you.
  6. >it doesn't have hooves, it's no bigger than a young colt, and it's holding a teddy bear.
  7. >you trot closer to it, and in a panic it backs away from you.
  8. >It's clearly afraid and doesn't know what's going on. You can see it's trying to hide its crying.
  9. >it starts shaking from the cold.
  10. >you smile, and that seems to calm it down a little. You step closer, slowly this time, and it grips its teddy bear tighter.
  11. >once you're next to it, you wrap your wings around it.
  12. >the softness of your feathers calm its breathing down. You stop worrying it might pass out in front of you.
  13. >you use your wings to pull it close to you, and rest its head on your chest. You feel its quiet tears fall against you.
  14. >the calming beat of your heart pounding stops its sobbing, and your body heat warmed it up enough to stop shivering.
  15. >you sit there for an hour, softly humming to keep it calm as it listens to your heart beat.
  16. "What is your name little one?"
  17. >it's quiet for a moment. Perhaps it did not understand you? Or maybe did not expect you to speak?
  18. >"a-anon."
  19. "Anon. That is a very lovely name."
  20. >the wind picks up a little and even in your embrace you can tell Anon is getting cold again.
  21. "Would you like to come inside the castle with me Anon?"
  22. >anon doesn't say anything but you feel him nod against your chest.
  23. >you pull away your wings and magically lift him onto your back before trotting into the castle.
  24. >anon flings his arms around you in a panic, and holds you tighter than he was holding his teddy bear.
  25. >it makes you giggle for a moment.
  26. >you take him up to your bedroom, and sing the little anon a lullaby as you tuck him into bed.
  27. >as you turn to leave, the half asleep anon says something in an almost whisper
  28. >"please don't go"
  29. >you smile and lay down next to the creature. Your wing stretching over him as both of you drift off to sleep.
  32. >you know how, excitable, your little ponies can be
  33. >better to keep contact with Anon strictly to just you for today.
  34. >you have food and other necessities brought in throughout the day.
  35. >you spend most of the day talking to your little guest in your bedroom.
  36. >you learn Anon is a hue mane, and that he does not know how or why he is here.
  37. >you learn about his favorite foods and colors.
  38. >You learn about his favorite games and toys.
  39. >He tells you about his life back home, and you ask about his parents, but find that is something too hard for him to talk about.
  40. >as Anon talks he would get very sad, or start to cry.
  41. >anytime he did you pull him close, and hum softly as he listened to your heart.
  42. >it calms him down every time, and feeling him embrace your chest made you smile.
  43. >you learn that riding on your back always makes Anon smile, and trotting around the room makes him laugh.
  44. >you learn he loves to play with your mane, and that playing with his mane made him go silent and calm.
  45. >you learn Anon wears a lot of clothes, and it takes him awhile to take them off to take a bath.
  46. >you learn he gets very embarrassed when you offer to help.
  47. >you also learn that he turns beat red and tries to hide if he doesn't have any clothes on.
  48. >you make a mental note to hire some tailors.
  49. >that night you learn that he's not comfortable enough with his new surroundings to sleep on his own yet.
  50. >and that his face snuggling into your chest in the middle of the night is the most wonderful feeling in the world.
  53. >it has been a few weeks and today you want to show Anon around the castle.
  54. >It's not healthy for a young colt to stay in their room all day, pony or not.
  55. >...and you can only hold Luna off for so long before she'll just force herself into your or your little anons dreams with or without your consent.
  56. >better to introduce him to her while you can comfort him.
  57. >after letting Anon dress himself (he is still too embarrassed to let you help), you place him on your back and head out of the bedroom.
  58. >you introduce Anon to all the ponies you pass along the way.
  59. >most of the ponies look at him in awe or with a smile.
  60. >a few just stare, mouth agape.
  61. >Anon responds to them both the same; He squeaks out a hi or lightly waves his hand, but will then quickly bury his head in the back of your neck and holds you tighter.
  62. >the royal guards mostly hide their interest in him behind stern looks.
  63. >but one of them wore a smile and talked excitedly with him.
  64. >She even gave Anon her helmet, and waved goodbye when you walked away.
  65. >after the gift Anon was much more relaxed about meeting others.
  66. >you remind yourself to come back and get that guard's name.
  67. >when you arrive to Luna's room Anon held you tighter than he had all day. As if he was afraid you might leave him here.
  68. >but a lunch and conversation later and Anon was waving to your sister as you left. Excited to come see her again.
  69. >you stop at your study, send some letters, and bring Anon outside to the royal gardens to take a break from meeting ponies.
  70. >once he was alone with you Anon finally relaxed.
  71. >although you would be lying if you said you did not enjoy him holding onto you all day. Like you were his teddy bear, and he wanted you to protect him.
  72. >after a little game of tag through some flowers you're sure you weren't suppose to trample, you head back up to your bedroom.
  73. >you get Anon ready for bed and after his bath gave him the clothes you had made for him.
  74. >they were all too big, and the shirts had 4 holes for his 2 arms, but he wore them anyway.
  75. >you sat him on the bed and asked him a question you've been worried about all day.
  76. "Anon, do you think you can sleep alone tonight?"
  77. >the smile slowly faded from his face, he looked away and nodded.
  78. >stay strong Celly. You know he'll have to do it eventually.
  79. >but it's only been a few weeks and today has been so stressful for him and he was so brave and
  80. "Would you like me to stay with you again tonight?"
  81. >"yes please!"
  82. >you ruffle his mane and step onto the bed.
  83. >you lay down next to Anon and extend your wing, using it to cover him like a blanket.
  84. >you feel him move closer to you to rest his head on your chest.
  85. >the sound of your heart slowly sending him into a dream filled sleep.
  86. >"goodnight...mommy..."
  87. >you feel a warm tingle spread through your body at the words and close your eyes to drift off to sleep.
  88. "Goodnight, my son."
  91. >you are Luna
  92. >You have been walking through the dreams of your subjects.
  93. >It is a quiet and blissful night for all your little ponies with not a nightmare in sight
  94. >except for...
  95. >one colt is having a terribly frightful night
  96. >they're feeling lost and afraid and alone and overwhelmed
  97. >these emotions you know too well...
  98. >They had tea with you earlier today, and are currently in the warm embraced of your sister, but they toss and turn lost in their own nightmare.
  99. >they've been lost in that nightmare every night...
  100. >Your sister asked you to stay away from his dreams. Worried he was already overwhelmed with just her.
  101. >but seeing anyone in this much distress is too much, and the land of dreams is your domain to rule how you see fit.
  102. >you step into their dream.
  103. >They're running through a dark maze made of flowers being chased down by a shadow monster that towers over them.
  104. >a giant four legged beast with a blade on its head.
  105. >Anon, is this how we look to you?
  106. >you watch from afar as he runs until you see him trip, drop his teddy bear, and then rush further into the maze in a panic.
  107. >you take a moment to change your form into his teddy bear, and rush to find him in the maze.
  108. >It takes you a few minutes, but eventually you find Anon crying in the corner of a dead end with the shadow monster standing over him ready to pounce.
  109. >you rush to his side and use your magic to shield Anon.
  110. >You walk up to him and hug him, and he picks you up holding you tight to protect him.
  111. >you turn back to the shadow and dispel it leaving only a calm star filled night.
  112. >Anon doesn't let go of you as you let him cry and calm down.
  113. "it's okay to be afraid."
  114. >you glow and transform from his teddy bear into your normal pony form, although still teddy bear sized.
  115. >Anon lets go of you and backs away just a bit. He's not so much afraid as confused right now.
  116. "I know everything is frightening and strange right now, but I prom-"
  117. >he cuts you off as he picks you up and hugs you tight against his chest.
  118. >"thank you"
  119. >you spend the rest of the night with Anon in his dream. He doesn't say much, but he finds it very calming to brush your mane and look up at the stars.
  120. >Once it's time for Anon to wake up, you use your powers to shape his dream from a garden maze into the royal castle.
  121. >you let him walk around and explore with you safely carried in his hands, only stopping him to point towards your sisters bedroom.
  122. >you could have changed back to your normal size and lead him through faster.
  123. >but he was having fun looking around without worrying about ponies watching him.
  124. >and it was fun to be carried around...
  125. >once anon is back in bed you left his dreams.
  126. >you open your eyes, and wake up back in your room.
  127. >you step outside to your balcony to admire the night sky for a few more moments before your sister begins the day.
  128. >you take a deep breath and enjoy the feeling of another beautiful quiet night for all your little ponies.
  131. "Come on anon, time to get up."
  132. >"nooooo, five more minutes..."
  133. "You said the same thing 10 minutes ago now come on, you'll be late."
  134. >you pull the covers off Anon and when that fails to wake him you open the curtains and introduce your son to your sun.
  135. >reluctantly, he gets up after you throw a pillow or two at him.
  136. >or ten, you might have started a pillow fight, it was just unavoidable.
  137. >a pillow fight you definitely didn't lose, it was a draw and nopony can say otherwise
  138. >once your little anon was done gloating you pulled him with your magic near you.
  139. >he sits there quietly with a smile on his face catching his breath as picked stray feathers from his mane.
  140. >anon has been with you for a few months now, and it still warms your heart every time you see him smile.
  141. "Now, hurry up and get dressed or you'll be late."
  142. >"late for what? Luna's tea party isn't until noon."
  143. "There are some special ponies I want you to meet today."
  146. >you step outside your bedroom and a familiar earth pony mare stands to attention to salute you
  147. "Cherry Charm, please make sure Anon makes it down to breakfast."
  148. >"Yes princess!"
  149. "and Cherry, no detours this time. He has a very busy schedule today."
  150. >"of course princess!"
  151. >you trot downstairs to the royal kitchens planning to prepare breakfast, only to see Luna's batter covered mane let you know somepony else beat you to the punch.
  152. >you could just have the chefs make something for him
  153. >but you wanted to be the one to do it.
  154. >another bit of batter flies out of the mixer and hits Luna on the snout. You let out a small laugh.
  155. "Redecorating, dear sister?"
  156. >"We do not appreciate your comments! This machine is harder to use than it looks!"
  157. >you clear some batter off the chefs hat next to you, and trot into the room to help.
  158. >it takes longer than you want to admit, but after making an even bigger mess you do manage to make breakfast.
  159. >chocolate chip pancakes
  160. >with some freshly squeezed OJ courtesy of Luna.
  161. >you hear the sound of something expensive breaking upstairs followed by some very fast trotting downstairs.
  162. >Sounds like Anon should be down shortly, and you'll have to have another talk with a little guardsmare about how being your son's personal guard is not a free pass to do wherever she wants.
  163. >You thought you would have more time to prepare something for your guests as well, but they will just have to settle for whatever the royal chefs can do with the mess you left them.
  164. >you bring breakfast out to the dining room, and in trots the rose colored mare with your little Anon riding on her back.
  165. >Anon takes one look at both of you and bursts out into laughter.
  166. >you take a look at yourself in a nearby mirror and see just how ridiculous you look.
  167. >you let out an exhausted sigh, smile, and start removing bits of batter from your mane
  168. >your son hops of Cherry's back, hops into his chair between you and Luna, and digs into the breakfast you prepared.
  169. >"this is delicious you should cook more often!"
  170. "I would but I don't think the cleaning staff could handle it."
  171. >he laughs and a smile escapes your exhausted body
  172. >you loved his laugh.
  175. >During breakfast,

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