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The Promotion

By InkSlinger
Created: 2024-12-11 10:26:57
Updated: 2024-12-11 10:27:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Part I:
  2. >"Private Anon! Report to my quarters at once!"
  3. >Your ears perk up at the sound of Shining Armor's voice thundering over the loudspeaker.
  4. >Oh great, what did you do THIS TIME?
  5. >"Oooooo somepony's in trouble!"
  6. >Your fellow guard playfully punches you in the shoulder and laughs.
  7. >"She's probably going to give you 40 lashes for falling asleep on duty last night!" Another guard chimes in.
  8. >You roll your eyes and sigh.
  9. >This is the third bucking time this week that you've been summoned to the Captain's quarters.
  10. >Memories of the previous summons come flooding back into your mind.
  11. >You physically cringe as you remember the first summon.
  12. >Shining Armor bitterly chastised you for flirting with a guardsmare while on duty.
  13. >For crying out loud it's not like you let Discord sneak into the Princess' private vault or something!
  14. >The second summon was for rejecting her invitation to the guard's special training session a few moons ago.
  15. >It wasn't mandatory so why bother going?
  16. >Why is this particular mare so 'by the books' with the guard duty stuff?
  17. >It's just a job for paying bills...right?
  18. >"Anon! Need I remind you of the punishment for ignoring a direct order from the Captain?!"
  19. >Her booming voice sends you frantically galloping to her quarters on the opposite end of the courtyard.
  20. >Celestia help you.
  21. >*SLAM*
  22. >You practically tear Shining Armor's door from its hinges and scramble inside.
  23. "S-Sorry I'm late Captain, but I-"
  24. >Your jaw drops to the floor.
  25. >There stood the Captain, panting like a beast in heat while presenting her bare rump to you.
  26. >Thick love juices gushed from her winking pussy as she beckoned you to come closer.
  27. >Holy bits.
  28. >"Private Anon, g-get over here immediately!
  29. >She shakes her rump and moans.
  30. >"Y-your captain needs you right this instant!"
  32. Part II:
  33. >Quick! Think of something, ANYTHING to dissuade her from-
  34. >*THROB*
  35. >Your erection stands tall and proud, much to the horny mare's delight.
  36. >You look down at the fucking traitor with a mix of disdain and surprise.
  37. >Shining Armor isn't exactly ugly by any means, but her abrasive personality is more than a turnoff.
  38. >"A-Anoooooon~!" She shrieks with frustration. "Are you disobeying *MMMF* a direct order?!"
  39. >She tries to display an angry face, but her estrus quickly twists it into one of silent desperation.
  40. >Welp, you're faced with two choices.
  41. >Give the poor guardsmare what she needs, or rot in solitary confinement for a dozen moons.
  42. >"An*OOOHN*~! Pwease don't make me beg~!"
  43. >Shining Armor erratically stomps her hooves on the floorboards, setting off a cacophony thumps and creaks that threaten to tear down the entire room.
  44. >She seems incredibly strong for a unicorn...
  45. >You silently trot over to her jiggling hindquarters and sigh.
  46. >"Yes Ye~s YEEEEEEEEEEES! Good colt!"
  47. >Are those....are those HEARTS in Shining Armor's eyes?
  48. >What is this, some kind of cartoon?!
  49. >You line up your tip with her dripping wet folds and lightly poke them.
  50. >Dayum, she's wetter than the muddy obstacle course you're forced to complete every day!
  51. >Shining Armor whinnies in agony and begins bucking her ass cheeks against your crotch, eager to devour your stallionhood.
  52. >"Hurry Private!" The mare moans angrily. "I can't stand this damned estrus another minute!"
  53. >A wicked thought creeps into your mind, forming a sadistic smile across your face.
  54. "Oh Captain, it simply PAINS me to see you in such a sorry state!"
  55. >Her face flushes a deep shade of red.
  56. >"How DARE you try to *MMMF* put the moves on me, P-Private!"
  57. >Surprisingly, her voice sounds more excited than irritated.
  58. >Your eyes widen when the pieces come together. It all makes sense now!
  59. >Her bitter jealousy of other guardsmares.
  60. >Her disappointment in your rejection of her private training lessons.
  61. >Her tendency to focus on you more than the other guards (for better and for worse).
  62. >This menacing mare had a CRUSH on you!
  63. "Okay, I get it Captain..." You somberly reply.
  64. >You squeeze your tip just past her pussy lips and stop.
  65. "But before we go any further, you need to tell me the truth."
  66. >You stare right into her bright blue eyes and wait for her response.
  67. >"W-What do you mean Private?!" She bites her lip and averts your gaze. "I've never lied to you!"
  68. >You shake your head and slowly begin to remove your tip from her gooey snatch, earning a sharp yelp of disapproval from your frustrated Captain.
  69. >"Nooooo~! P-Please don't pull out!!!" She shrieks.
  70. >Her lower lips desperately cling to your dick and try to suck it back into her warm walls of flesh.
  71. "Then tell me the truth!" You growl with impatience. "Why are you such a hardass towards me?!"
  72. >You continue to withdraw from her squishy prison.
  73. >"MMMF!" Shining Armor moans in response.
  74. "TELL ME!" You scream over her stubborn silence.
  76. Part III:
  77. >Shining Armor sighs in defeat turns to face you.
  78. >"Private Anon, you have no idea what potential you have as a royal guard..."
  79. >She gently backs up so you can hear her better.
  80. >"...and as a *MMMF* c-coltfriend~!"
  81. "Coltfriend?" You raise an eyebrow. "Who are you and what have you done with the Captain?"
  82. >You trot backwards to increase the distance between your goods and hers.
  83. >"You blasted idiot!" She breathes in and tries to hold her composure.
  84. >"Are you truly oblivious to just how kind....and funny....and h-handsome you are?!"
  85. >Her sudden swooning is making you feel confoused.
  86. >"Don't even get me started on your stallion musk..."
  87. >She continues backing up while swaying her juicy ass, desperately trying to get you back inside of her.
  88. >"It's enough to make a mare sick~!" She smiles sheepishly. "Lovesick that is..."
  89. >Your jaw reaquaints itself with the floor as you try to process her (admittedly cute) confession.
  90. >"I can't imagine how many guardsmares have tried to court you since joining our ranks."
  91. >Are you being pranked? Is this a changeling in disguise? Perhaps some kind of wet dream?
  92. "C-Captain please...stop saying such mushy things!"
  93. >You try to hide your own blush, but Shining Armor proceeds to press the issue (and your dick).
  94. >"Oh Anon, the truth of the matter is-" She pauses abruptly.
  95. >*WHUMP*
  96. >What the hay?! Where did this wall come from?!
  97. >*SQUISH*
  98. >The manic mare firmly presses you against the wall with her ass.
  99. >"I've got you right where I want you~!" She grins.
  100. "Oh bits..."
  101. >You gasp as she pulls your cock inside her inch by inch.
  102. >"Oooooh yesssssssh~!" She throws her head back and rejoices with a series of mewls and whinnies.
  103. >*SCHLUP*
  104. >The last of your meatstick disappears into the Captain's moist depths, leaving your balls pressed against her dripping pussy.
  105. "Oh Caaaaaaptaaaaaaaainnnnn..."
  106. >Your eyes are already rolling back into your skull. Her walls are wrapping so tightly around you.
  107. >"Shhshhhshhh!" She puts a hoof to her lips. "Good guards remain quiet while their Captain is speaking."
  108. >*PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP*
  109. >Shining Armor feverishly bounces on your dick with a steady rhythm that has you moaning almost instantly.
  110. "C-Captain please *NNNGH* be more gentle!"
  111. >Your pleas are more or less denied as the Captain continues her merciless assault on your boner.
  112. >"Ah ah ah private!" She shakes her head and giggles. "You're not in charge of this mission."
  113. >"I AM!"
  115. Part IV:
  116. >The room is soon filled with a mix of your moans and the Captain's whinnies as she picks up the pace with her bouncing.
  117. >Damnit, you can't budge even an inch away from her in ANY direction.
  118. >*CRACK*
  119. >Your ear perks up.
  120. >*CREEEEEEAK*
  121. > that the wall?!
  122. >*PLAP* *CRACK* *PLAP* *CRACK*
  123. >Your resistance to her sexual assault continues to crumble, along with the wall behind you.
  124. >"Who's your mommy, Anon?!"
  125. >The Captain has lost her Celestiadamn mind.
  126. >"WHO'S. YOUR. MOMMY~!" She demands again.
  127. >At this rate she's going to cause a cave-in.
  128. >It's time to end this before the two of you end up fucking in the afterlife.
  129. >You're on the edge of cumming and she seems to be well aware of it.
  130. "Y-You are..." You mutter under your breath.
  131. >Shining Armor suddenly stops her gyrating and gives you a serious side eye.
  132. >"What was that, Private?"
  133. "Please don't make me say it again, Captain." You quickly look away from her.
  134. >You can't believe she's blueballing you over a stupid thing like this.
  135. >"Speak up, Private..." She begins pulling away from your trembling body. "...or I won't allow you to cuuuum~!"
  136. >She teases your cockhead right as it's about to exit her dripping folds.
  137. >NOOOOO! Not when you're so close to blowing your load!
  138. "Y-You're my mommy!" You shout while tears begin to drip from your eyes.
  139. >"That's right my little colt."
  140. >She grins mischievously and re-hilts herself on your aching boner.
  141. >"AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!" She pulls away one last time and slams her ass deep into your crotch.
  144. >You explode inside of her with the force of a thousand earth ponies, instantly filling up her womb with your sticky spunk.
  146. >Her erotic cries coax a few more spurts of baby batter from deep within your tired balls.
  147. >She collapses to the floor in a puddle of your love gravy, and your weakened legs send you falling after her.
  148. >*POMF*
  149. >The two of you try to catch your breath in the afterglow.
  150. >Did that really just happen? Does Shining Armor really see you as her coltfriend?
  151. >"Tank you sho mush Anooooonh..."
  152. "Don't thank me *huff* until you explain why you *pant* c-chose me over all of the other guard stallions!"
  154. Part V:
  155. >You watch her head roll from one side to the other in orgasmic bliss.
  156. >"Oh Anon, you still don't get it do you?" Her sparkling eyes look right into yours.
  157. "No Captain, I don't." You pout and cuddle into her from behind.
  158. >"It's like I said before Private..."
  159. >She reaches back and steals a kiss from your unsuspecting lips, causing you to blush even harder.
  160. >Damnit, she always seems to know when your guard is down!
  161. >"You're everything a mare could want: kind, funny, strong, h-a-n-d-s-o-m-e..."
  162. >Shining Armor uses her magic to poof you in front of her and wraps her hooves around your belly.
  163. >"...and you really know how to "bite back" so to speak, when somepony is giving you a rough time."
  164. "Coming from you Captain, that means a lot..."
  165. >Now it's your turn to steal a kiss from her.
  166. >*MWAH*
  167. >"A-AnonMMPH?!"
  168. >She gasps and shudders at your sneak attack, but closes her eyes and quickly reciprocates with a smooch of her own.
  169. >"Y-You....YOU!"
  170. >Uh oh, it sounds like she's already reverting back to her regular hardass self.
  171. >"You charmer you~!"
  172. >Shining Armor rests her head on yours and sighs happily.
  173. "Does this mean what I think it means, Captain?"
  174. >"Mmhmm." She nods against your cheek. "We are now officially an item my dear Private."
  175. >"Oh how silly of me." Shining Armor giggles. "I meant LIEUTENANT."
  176. >Your eyes practically pop out of their sockets as you roll over to face her properly.
  177. "Lieutenant?!"
  178. >"That's right." She nods again with a warm smile. "After a grand performance like that, how could I NOT promote you?"
  179. >Damn. You not only get to fuck your bitch of a Captain on the regular, but to receive a promotion on top of that? This day just keeps getting crazier.
  180. >Shining Armor snaps you out of your thoughts with a gentle rub against your crotch.
  181. >"Of course, that means you'll have train even harder now."
  182. >She licks her lips at the sight of your cock springing back into action.
  183. >"T-To set a good example for our guards I mean!"
  184. >The Captain blushes and quickly removes her hoof from your nethers.
  185. "Very well, Shiny."
  186. >You can't help but grin as Shining Armor blushes at the sound of her new nickname.
  188. Part VI:
  189. >The sound of a ringing bell sends Shining Armor scrambling to her hooves.
  190. >"Oh blast it!" She frantically cleans herself up and repairs the wall with a quick spell.
  191. "What's the hurry, S-h-i-n-y?"
  192. >You lay out on the floor and stretch.
  193. >"We're late for the afternoon assembly you buffoon!"
  194. >The Captain hastily grabs you in her magic and quickly cleans the sweat, semen and marejuice from your body.
  195. >"I'll not have my Lieutenant addressing his suboordinates looking like some tattered ruffian!"
  196. >The frazzled mare trots over to you and begins nuzzling into your neck, face, and other places.
  197. "Uh Captain, what are you doing?" You stare at her in bewilderment.
  198. >"Marking you with my scent of course!" She snaps back.
  199. >Her strong scent quickly sticks to your coat like glue, and honestly the smell is not unpleasant.
  200. >"There!" She gives you one final look and sighs with satisfaction. "Now the guardsmares will know you're officially OFF the market!"
  201. >Wow, the Captain really is playing for keeps.
  202. >Her over-the-top affections are almost scary. How long has this poor mare gone without intimacy?
  203. >Seeing Shining Armor get all flustered at the mere THOUGHT of other mares stealing you away from her is pretty cute though.
  204. >Soon you hear the sounds of guard ponies gathering in the courtyard outside, eagerly chatting among themselves as they wait for their Captain to make her entrance.
  205. >The Captain dons her armor and helmet while redressing you at the same time.
  206. >She sure knows how to multitask, but that shouldn't be much of a surprise for a pony of her rank.
  207. >*SMOOCH*
  208. >You snap out of your thoughts as she plants a gently kiss on your lips.
  209. >Damnit, that's the third time she's caught you off-guard today!
  210. >"Look alive my dear Lieutenant." She trots towards the entrance and magically opens the door. "Your public awaits."
  211. >You gulp nervously. Being a member of the royal guard was one thing, but being a leader? Well that's a nightmare of a different color.
  212. >"Don't worry Anon, I'll be right beside you." She turns and gives you a reassuring smile.
  213. >There's no turning back now.
  214. >Breaking the dear Captain's heart by abandonment would likely result in your neck sharing a similar fate.
  215. >You trot after Shining Armor but she suddenly stops in the doorway.
  216. "C-Captain?!" Your voice shakes in the uncertainty of the moment.
  217. >"One more thing, dear..." She nuzzles into you one last time before straightening up. "Start thinking of foal names~!"
  218. >Your right eye twitches at the implications of her words.
  219. >Are you really on the road to fatherhood after just one round of sex? Is that even possible?!
  220. >Shining Armor senses your uneasiness and places a hoof on your face.
  221. >"Oh please Anon. With how much spunk you pumped into me, it's impossible for me to NOT be pregnant."
  222. >You can only hope the Royal Guard offers good paternity leave.

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