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Kinder SCPsekai

By woggs123
Created: 2024-12-29 23:01:21
Updated: 2024-12-29 23:54:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >Field Journal of Zippoorwhill, BC
  2. >Rainbow Dash did a Sonic Rainboom at the exact moment Trixie punched a bear
  3. >The aura of cool generated a rainbow bridge, which of course grabbed me and Ripley and spit us out in a dusty old well
  4. >Suppose I should be thankful it got filled in with dirt, cuz there ain't anypony here to fish me out
  5. >Where is here, exactly?
  6. >Looks like a ruined farm- nopony's lived here in years
  7. >Barn looks stable, Stable looks barmy- no that's not a typo that's a trottingham word har har
  8. >Great, been here like half an hour and I'm going nuts
  10. >The area isn't familiar at all- definitely got isa-
  11. >eeseh-
  12. >That thing that always happens in Fluttershy's dumb comics
  13. >Should pick a direction and start moving, the battery in my mini fridge will run out soon and I'll be stuck drinking warm soda
  14. >Steady girl, this is why the Foundation pays you the big bits
  15. >Sweet Celestia are you gonna be earning your pay today
  16. >And tomorrow
  17. >Possibly a rather long time
  18. >Crud
  20. >There's an old house, it makes me feel weird so I put off checking it out
  21. >It's probably the safest place here if I need to rest- I don't know how I know that and that's scaring me.
  22. >Not a structural assessment- the barn is standing just fine, and it'd be the most defensible, and the easiest to escape from
  23. >So why do I want to-
  24. >Buck it, I've got a paintball gun, I need to get in there
  25. >I NEED to- this place feels important
  26. >Just a gut feeling- like that old castle in the Everfree
  27. >Nothing here is important anymore, but
  28. >I can't shake the feeling it WAS
  30. >Worked myself into a frenzy
  31. >Shot the walls in that house
  32. >It's fine- just jumping at shadows
  33. >Feels like it's getting darker, somehow
  34. >Piles of crud that might have been books, whoever owned this place had a LOT of clothes too-
  35. >Photos on the wall, near unreadable
  36. >Except for a few- feels like I've seen that silhouette somewhere
  37. >And that embroidery on a moldy coverall? Might have been a heart?
  38. >I need to get out of here.
  40. >Mission time: T+... calling it day one.
  41. >Went outside and fainted from a panic attack
  42. >The sky was all red and the sun was hanging low-
  43. >No, the Foundation guys who are (hopefully oh please don't let this be pointless) reading this
  44. >You need to know
  45. >I did not stutter and trip up my recorder
  46. >The sun was hanging lower
  47. >Low enough that it was touching the mountains
  48. >Now it's dark, night, so many stars I've never seen so many stars
  49. >...
  50. >So dark-
  51. >Wait
  52. >Where is the moon?
  54. >>41687310
  55. >Just realized, journaling is suboptimal
  56. >Er
  57. >Journal entries
  58. >You know what I mean
  59. >I should be *recording* stuff, not just recording my mumblings after the fact
  60. >Ripley's got one of the decommissioned skips on his vest
  61. >Name translates to something like FORWARD PROFESSIONAL?
  62. >Stupid name for an ultralight camera, but it's a dang good camera
  63. >Full color, too
  64. >No wonder they thought it was spooky magic when they found em
  65. >Alright
  66. >That should do it-
  69. >Be Zippoorwhill
  70. >An off-white young mare, approximately 43 years young, with-
  71. >I know what I look like- you know what I look like, if you find this on my shriveled-up carcass you can look up my badge number
  72. >Currently I'm in the loft of that old barn
  73. >It doesn't block out all the evil sky but if I hide in the corner I can tell myself it's hiding the part of the sky where the moon SHOULD be and then it's not so scary
  74. >Ha ha
  75. >Crud
  76. >(There is a long pause. Zipp Zapp is shaking like a leaf.)
  77. >Can I check my- no, already did that 4 times
  78. >I ran out of stuff to distract myself from the rise of...
  79. >What would evil Celestia even be? Bad Trip Sun?
  80. >Maybe the sleepover-grade cola was a bad idea
  81. >How long has it been?
  82. >7 hours????
  83. >Wait- is it getting brighter?
  84. >It is!
  85. >The sun is coming up, really slowly
  86. >That's-
  87. >How is that possible?
  88. >Well, we got sunlight at least
  90. >Ok
  91. >Take stock
  92. >That rainbow didn't come back
  93. >I have no idea where I am or how to get home, but I have no reason to assume Rainbow Dash and Trixie will cooperate long enough to do that thing again
  94. >Hopefully there's a way home from here and this isn't being analyzed by the ponies who have to figure out what to tell my dad
  95. >If it is- I leave everything to-
  96. >Dang
  97. >No coltfriend to bequeath stuff to
  98. >My dog is here with me so-
  99. >Crud
  100. >Back on track!
  101. >This is definitely not Equestria.
  102. >This place has significant value in history, anomalies, and vibes. I can continue to serve the Foundation along the way, which will hopefully provide a mental anchor to avoid despair
  103. >It's not impossible that other ponies ended up here by any number of methods. In which case, my primary duty is to tend to their emotional and physical wellbeing.
  104. >Ideally, I can find a way home
  105. >Less ideally, you found this on my shriveled carcass. Don't tell my dad I cried.
  107. >Current goal: head into whatever remains of a nearby town
  108. >There's what look to be roads around here.
  109. >Busted all to crud, but there's enough left to still call it a road.
  110. >Solid, smooth, black stone. Whoever built this had serious tools and know-how.
  111. >Ripley's too big for me to carry all the way, but-
  112. >This big, weird scooter?
  113. >I don't know why it only has two wheels- how would you even drive this thing if you're not a pegasus?
  114. >Well it has those little stabilizers, bringing it up to four, but still
  115. >This is clearly designed for pegasi- even a princess would have trouble reaching those ornamental pedals
  116. >I can stick Ripley in the basket and push this thing like Scootaloo
  117. >Off we go!
  120. >>41692411
  121. >Be Flip Flap
  122. >And you're still scooting
  123. >Scoot
  124. >Scoot
  125. >A rather large amount of scooting
  126. >And more scooting
  127. >And-
  128. "GAH! Where is everything!? Why is everything so far away from everything else!?"
  129. >Your sudden outburst makes Ripley cock his head and do an awoo
  130. >There is the dread possibility that there's just nothing else here but rolling savannah and ruined roads
  131. >No, that can't be right- there's signs you keep passing
  132. >All written in some alien language with complicated script you'd probably need a unicorn to write
  133. >But signs indicate someone cared enough to try and direct travelers
  134. >Travelers must have come from somewhere
  135. >Ipso Ergo there Must Be Stuff
  136. >That logic training is coming in handy
  137. >Maybe that's how Twilight became a princess
  138. >She just knows how to logic fear away
  139. >Hey- finally, something over there
  140. >A smattering of really dark, forboding and generally crap houses and house-adjacent structures
  141. >Closest to you, not really part of that little town but attached to it-
  142. >Looks like a little hut? Maybe a lean-to?
  143. >It's far enough away that it takes a solid minute or two of very fast high speed flapping to reach
  144. >But yes! It's a little lean-to! With a little sleeping bench and just enough space to park your stolen-
  146. >Lopdy-Scootsy
  147. >You're sure that's not the intended name for this contraption, but it's simply too silly to not call a lopdy-scootsy.
  148. >Anyway
  149. >You set to securing your campsite, taking the tarp and the 'no bullies allowed' sign out of Ripley's bottomless pack
  150. >The walls are covered in glossy paper, it's rotted but it used to be pretty colorful
  151. >A sadness hits you like a Snips full of tater tots at full gallop
  152. >What happened here? Why is all this stuff so sturdy? What could have driven off a civilization capable of paving miles of road just for funsies?
  153. >That tarp won't be enough- anything that could tear those roads up might be smart enough to know you can just tear a tarp down (that's just some of your classified knowledge! Like Twilight said, 'the illusory safety of a tarp wall is the cornerstone of our operations. Take this secret to your grave, then bury it before you get to the eternal playground because not even Faust is allowed to know."
  154. >Huh
  155. >Sounds overly grandiose in hindsight
  156. >Is it royalty, or alicornity, that makes a pony want to punch gods-
  157. >Ripley's head snaps to the direction of the deeper ruins with a low growl, ending your reverie
  158. >If you listen very closely- some kind of grinding sound? Metal straining?
  159. >You don't know- curse Past You for thinking Adventure Architecture was stupid colt stuff!
  160. >It's unsettling, whatever it is- that tarp definitely won't be enough, but you and your fancy Specialiest Operations training means
  161. >Da da-da da
  162. >You are one of the few agents trusted with confectionery weapons
  163. >So much so that you're just GIVEN a pie as part of your standard kit. No playing phone tag or reading flash cards to get one, it's just Your Weapon of Mass Dessert
  165. >>41697878
  166. >Open patented spacetime-violating pack (refer to technical manual: "Pinkie and Her Mane: A Complete Deconstruction Of What We Once Knew")
  167. >Carefully set aside your spare color and gas canisters (marker is already check, loaded with purple for stealth ops)
  168. >Your neon-octarine laser pointer- there's no pegapie squadrons to direct, but you can find other fun uses for the unmistakable color of magic
  169. >Keep Ripley away from the frozen pea rations! Get your nose out of that, boy! DROP IT!
  170. >Primitive non-magical paper journal
  171. >Rope knife, freshly sharpened, for cutting various lengths of rope (Rope not included)
  172. >Wait
  173. >Why did you bring that Prench king's sword!? And your miniature Jar O' Sun? Those are worthless souvenirs!
  174. >Stupid sentimental filly! You could have fit a stuffed animal in that space! Well, okay, the jar of sun makes a nice nightlight with a battery life of uhhhhhhhhhh how long ago did your great great grandpa live?
  175. >There, at the bottom- the pie sits with a soulkilling lack of whimsy, secured in its foalproof prescription pie bottle
  176. >Huh
  177. >Is it still a bottle if it's short and fat, to contain a pie? Or does it become a pie dish automatically, regardless of it starting from a pill bottle? Questions for the scientists, not the field agents.
  178. >All you gotta do is remove your frilly pink mare-cut harness you use to protect your stuff from Snips
  179. >No idea why colts get all weird about it, it's just a harness with different-cut straps, but they act like you're showing them your tax returns
  180. >Wait-
  181. >No, that's a squeaking sound-
  182. >Wagon wheels?
  183. >Ripley's staring at a shadow on the tarp wall
  184. >Something is outside-
  185. >Hide the pie! Paintball gun in your front hooves, dog-missile ready to aggressively exfiltrate-
  186. >3
  187. >2
  188. >1
  189. >Ripley shoots out from under the tarp as you squeeze through the side, spraying suppressive fire on a tall, lanky target
  190. >The headbutt hit its legs and knocked it off balance, your purple shots mixing in with the garish red and yellow uniform(?)
  191. >All in the span of a second, it's used the momentum to spin around, regain balance, and charge at you...
  192. >Stopped by Ripley reacquiring target and headbutting it in the no-no region at mach 5
  193. >Now it's on the ground, just yelling gibberish
  194. >What is that thing?
  195. >Kind of built like that green guy, except this one is dressed like a clown
  196. >And you can actually remember its face when you look away
  197. >Your stupid, feelings-based translator spell can only read enough to say he really cares about The Golden Arches, whatever those are
  198. >FINALLY your gun's special ammo procs and you see it-him forget what he's doing, slowly wandering back to town
  199. >Still out of breath, you start to- hey what's that rustling?
  200. >Oh, there's a pony with a wagon
  201. >And he's trying to steal your tarp
  202. >The look on his face right now is priceless, thank crud you have that video camera
  203. >"Ah- hello, fellow independent operator! I see you've met the locals, or at least one of the two fiefs native to this region."
  204. "Uh huh."
  206. >>41699363
  207. >Unicorn. Puke green coat. Violently orange mane. Mottled spots like Pipsqueak covered in grease. Appaloosan drawl.
  208. >His easy stance and casual demeanor suggest he's either been here a while, or otherwise works for a group of interest
  209. >He did identify himself as an independent, but that's the first thing everyone teaches everyone-
  210. >Trying to steal your tarp right behind you is a Normal Pony level of stupid, though
  211. >BUT, the tarp didn't trick him- that's Big Pony spatial reasoning
  212. >Getting a read on this guy is gonna be-
  213. >"Yeah- local color! Ha ha.... ha."
  214. >Horseapples. He's noticed the uncomfortable pause; psychoanalyzing will have to wait. You need to do something!
  215. >Recall your flow chart: Don't reveal more than you need to. Start by playing along with the subject's misinformation, reveal your status as a government operative if necessary, do not reveal the Foundation.
  216. >"Ma'am? Um. I'm Puce Pears. Not Puke Pears, just gettin' ahead of the allegations there."
  217. >The cold stare is working.
  218. >He's unarmed and unaccompanied. You have the advantage here. Press it.
  219. >Ripley, ever the genius, picks up on your lowdown and moves into prime punching bag position, making sure the suspect knows he's there
  220. >"WOAH! Woah there, boy! Good dog! Uh, I can see you're on edge so maybe I'll-"
  221. "Why were you trying to steal my tarp?"
  222. >"Wh-what tarp? I was trying to hide from that guy but this wall wasn't here before! Hang on- where did you even come from?"
  223. >An appropriate response.
  224. >Too appropriate. Requires testing.
  225. >The tarp will be too obvious now, if he's a highwaymare he'll go for something he thinks you're not paying attention to.
  226. >After checking Ripley's camera is still running, you sit him down with a good view of Pears's face
  227. "Don't look away, don't make any sudden moves."
  228. >With that, you peel back the tarp enough to back into the shelter
  229. >"What the hockeystick is your problem, la-whaaaaaa?"
  230. >Almost believable, but you don't even need to check the feed to know he's acting.
  231. >Right when he must've thought you couldn't see him, the air felt greener
  232. >You exit the tent and look around, seeing a suspiciously blank face and an agitated dog
  233. >"Wow- how did you DO that, Ms- uh..."
  234. >That spot on Ripley's vest is green... trail of green leading to Puce's ratty saddlebags...
  235. >Your pegasus senses know, the air here was violated by paracausal interactions AKA unicorn magic
  236. "That's Captain Zippoorwhill, of Their Majesties' Special Service. And I know you just stole a device off my dog."
  237. >The idiot tries to run, and catches a purple stain on the rump for it.
  238. >Doesn't stop him fast enough, but there's a reason you clean your gun with bacon-scented oil
  239. >He's heading right for that town- easy hunting grounds for the two of you
  240. >...The town. Full of clowns. And he's going to suffer short term memory loss from the purplocity.
  241. >Criminal or not, you still have a duty to protect him as best as you're able.
  242. >Looks like resting for the night will have to wait.
  244. >>41700528
  245. >TwoHoursLater.ogg
  246. >Finding this guy is harder than you thought it'd be.
  247. >Your bacon paintball trick has finally backfired after all these years.
  248. >Ripley keeps picking up the scent only to find another weird clown you have to shoot.
  249. >Or a field of clowns and... blue-dressed, pigtailed critters? All conked out and covered in ketchup.
  250. >Not even good ketchup, the crummy kind you buy in bulk from a sad warehouse store.
  251. >You have no idea what possessed you to taste it, honestly.
  252. >Or who would make ketchup that tastes like it had coins in it.
  253. >Huh. That's not-
  254. >[spoiler]don't worry about it.[/spoiler]
  256. >Anyway! Back to tracking! Scent has already failed, so:
  257. >The ground is more blackstone, or slabs of grey- hardly any hoof prints to track, but great for sound.
  258. >Not a lot of purple here, so that *would* help you spot him... if you hadn't had to shoot half the town by now.
  259. >Of course, the one pony you meet would be a nasty dark green color among a dark and mottled ruin of a town.
  260. >Your contemplations are interrupted by the need to shoot a dress lady-
  261. >Gibberish
  262. >ppft
  263. >thud
  264. >Your earpiece's tinny speaker returns "[COLD HEATHEN!]" from whatever crud she was saying. Useless.
  265. "Y'know boy, we never tried talking to that first guy. Not that it would've worked but I feel bad about it."
  266. >"Borf!"
  267. "Guess all we can do now is-"
  268. >"[LOVE IT!]"
  269. "GAH!"
  270. >pfft
  271. >thud
  272. "Okay- this might actually be dangerous. Come on, tactical withdrawl time!"
  273. >Grabbing Ripley, you buzz up to the top of a small but sturdy building.
  274. >No ladders, no roof access, but tall enough that they can't climb up without getting help- perfect.
  275. >Your heart sinks as your survey passes over the pile of purple-stained enemy units. What made these things so stupid and mean?
  276. "Okay, street level is getting dangerous. We dunno if this is normal routine- moon's coming up, maybe the patrols are changing?"
  277. >"Awoo?"
  278. "Doubt it. I've been using purple, and it's been working- too well, actually. Notice how fast? And that half of them forget how to walk?"
  279. >"Bark!"
  280. "Yes, they are attacking us on sight- I just don't agree that they're actively hunting us-"
  282. "Okay. They may be organizing a hunt for us."
  283. >Ripley says nothing, but facepaws
  286. >>41703767
  287. >Be Silver Spoon, PHD(1)
  288. >Be having the worst day in recent memory
  289. >One minute you were at Site 02's outer bailey, time card in mouth
  290. >The next, some test or containment breach went even wronger than normal and now you're in the grossest excuse for a shantytown you've ever-
  291. >Hang on, the letters on that giant green sign are definitely English-
  292. >You couldn't read more than P-A before something sprinted out of the brush and tackled you
  293. >A significant amount of futile struggling and cursing ended with you tied to a pole, over the shoulders of two out of five insane... humans!?
  294. >Five women, judging by the presence of SCP-8008
  295. >All wearing blue dresses and offensively bright red pigtailed manes
  296. "Put me down! Do you have any idea who I am or who I work for!?"
  297. >"Shut mouth- cows no talk!"
  298. "I AM NOT A COW! I'M A PONY!"
  299. >"You small, round, have hoofs. Cow enough for baconator ritual." The entire party hums a tune at 'baconator.'
  300. "Ritual!? What kind of weird cult are you running? Wait, did you call me FAT? PUT ME DOWN!"
  301. >This is bad. Really bad. Looks like Diamond Tiara's Bitch Mom was right about you being a fat, eatable little pig vagrant.
  302. >At least she'll never find out, right?
  304. >1: PhD in Human Doodads
  307. >Time passes
  308. >And passes
  309. >They're sturdier than they look, but they're real slow huh?
  310. >More time passes
  311. >And some more
  312. >Your head really hurts now
  313. >Wow, getting ponynapped and eaten is really boring. What would DT do?
  314. >Oh, right, that's obvious-
  315. "Your fashion sense is atrocious! Blue gingham? Hello, 987 ANM called- they want their cheap fabric back!"
  316. >"SHUT MOUTH!"
  317. "And like, what's with the hair? You're all the worst Hinny of the Hills cosplayers since the actress that actually PLAYED Hinny of the Hills!"
  318. >"Shut mouth! You make face meat tough!"
  319. "My grandma could pull that look off! She'd teach you, but she doesn't teach CLOWNS! Ha!"
  320. >Sigh
  321. >Grandma
  322. >14 years ago, now.
  323. >Wait- oh no, now you've done it. They all stopped. The smallest one's doing that eyelid-cheek twitch thing.
  325. >Silence, for the longest second in your life
  326. >The twitchy girl realizes she just done did it, starts to run, the two unladen women fall on her like-
  327. >Those spears are real
  328. >That's blood
  329. >Ohcrudohcrudthey'reactuallykillingher
  330. >thisisbad
  331. >nonononononononono
  333. >>41706622
  334. >Cold, hard on your back
  335. >Still hogtied-
  336. >Vision blurry
  337. >You must've passed out after seeing-
  338. >It wasn't your first time. Stay strong, Silver Spoon, you're a Foundation scientist!
  339. >Focus! Blink the crud and blur out of your eyes!
  340. >Refracting white in your left eye! Oh no you must have a brain tumor or adult onset eyeballitis or-
  341. >Or your glasses, despite miraculously staying on your head, have gotten badly cracked in the left lens
  342. >Yes. Right.
  343. >Flickering white light, black sky visible through cracks in the windows-
  344. >Windows? Night!? You passed out the whole rest of the way here!
  345. >What else is here? Trashed booth seating, filthy wallpaper that might once have suggested branding, a surprisingly clean kitchen?
  346. >Yep, your tomb: a fast food restaurant that might have, possibly, once upon a time, been a retro sort of cute.
  347. >Now it's a ruin with grease (you hope that's grease) stains everywhere and boarded up windows.
  348. >It smells as bad as it looks, and to top it off there's an annoying buzzing sound from those tv screens above the counter-
  349. >Tv screens? Wait, you recognize that symbol! You've seen it on your grandma's music player!
  350. >That's just your luck, huh? So many new discoveries could be here, but you're on the menu!
  351. >Can you chew your ropes? They're not watching you- it's now or ne-
  353. >In lieu of finishing that sentence, you just puke. It's ok, even DTBM wouldn't harangue you over that.
  354. >Just one final indignity in this conga line of metaphorical pies in your literal face.
  355. >Their leader- you assume, at least, by her hair dye being the brightest red and the ridiculous number of braided pigtails- is in the kitchen, her head just barely visible from your perspective.
  356. >She's moving, bobbing in a rhythm punctuated with sharpening knives, the clatter of baskets and pans, the crisp clicks of electric switches
  357. >Oh wait, no, she's coming over here with a knife. You did just loudly announce you tried to escape before puking all over yourself, after all.
  358. >Bad move, that.
  359. >This might be it
  360. >She's sniffing you and of COURSE her breath smells like fish- where did they even get fish!?
  361. >You can practically hear the violin sting as the filthy knife reflects the restaurant by virtue of them both being just as filthy seriously did they forget how to use a washcloth-
  362. >They totally did forget about cleaning- she just shrugs and holds you down-
  363. >nonononono
  364. >notlikethis
  365. >atleastthekitchenisclean
  366. >Wait- is that a nametag?
  368. >Trembling, you've braced for the impact that
  369. >...never comes?
  370. >"How you know Wendy name, little beef horse?"
  372. >>41706630
  373. "I-i-i-t's on your nametag! I c-c-can r-read it!"
  374. >One of her tribe members scoffs. "She fibbing! Everyone know Wendy Tribe always call chief Wendy!"
  375. >The filthy rabble starts to murmur, until Wendy raises a hand.
  376. >"This true- everyone know that. Bigwheel traders, orange cat tribe, hated Ronalds, all know Wendy. Even far kingdom of Mouse, seek Wendy tribe to cook royal buffet in long-ago. But, NOT everyone truly know letters."
  377. >As she speaks, she strides over and flops into a throne made out of an old booth, covered in... clown skin!?
  378. >"Wendolyn say you reading signs when she catch you. Wendella say you know name of tribe vestments. Wendana say you made traitor reveal self. Now, we hear you speak. You speak long and smooth, like man in sacred glass."
  379. >Sacred glass? You know a few things that could be- come on, keep her talking!
  380. >"We get tricked before. Cheater impress us, seem to know much. Knows nothing but ritual- leaves tribe worse than before, lose favor with Mouse King. We not be fooled again- Tribe forgets much, but Wendy learn letters from mother Wendy. Know signs, old words."
  381. >She spreads her arms and points to everywhere. "Tell Wendy what this road named. Or stone forest all around. Price of sacred Baconator before Man-With-Wide-Hat fried great desert. Anything do really, Wendy not care what."
  382. "I didn't see any signs cuz I was upside down and tied to a pole! I fainted after they- after... after-"
  383. >"Wendella and Wendolyn kill heretic Wendivere. Fresh! Never Frozen!"
  384. >Your ears ring as the entire tribe roars the slogan back at Wendy. How many of them are in here!? Focus! Can't afford to fail!
  385. "Okay- price of a bay-kun-ay-tor, sure. Numbers are easy- uh, I need a menu or something if you want me to read it."
  386. >They shrug, almost sheepishly. Wendy points at the glitchy tvs. Two meaty paws on your sides squeeze out a squeak, and you find yourself hoisted onto the counter and held upright.
  387. >The stress of being grabbed with clawlike hands is distraction enough, even worse with you having to shut your left eye, and the flickering artifacting display, and the tiny text on the parts that do stay still-
  388. >Another yelp, more vertigo, thank Meg your insides are already empty- Wendella has your gangle of legs and stomach balanced on her head; it hurts and it's hard to breathe but you're as close as you can get without the huge chief getting out of her chair.
  389. "Uh, let's see- McDonald's Value Menu- wait, that can't be right- Wendy, aren't you named after your tribe after this whole building?"
  390. >Twitchy faces.
  391. >Ulp
  392. >They haven't reached for their weapons yet- but for how long?
  393. "Heh-heh-uh, I don't think that clown guy matches the decor, do you have the wrong menu? I don't even see a 'baconator' on here- just a 'bacon somethingsomething biscuit'? That part's all wobbled up."
  394. >The entire tribe gasps- it seems you just committed blasphemy. Or heresy. You're not sure which. Oh well, they were gonna eat you anyway.
  396. >>41706981
  397. >As with all tragedies, you blame Diamond Tiara's Bitch Mother and pray she doesn't get a single one of your dollies in the estate auction.
  398. >Assuming Diamond Tiara didn't immediately blow your bugout stash on luxury mustard- again- she'll have more than enough to get them all.
  399. >You did your best, but it's time you were headed to that place where it's always sunny and the slides are never hot.
  400. >Maybe grandma will be there and she can laugh at you for getting turned into burgers. She was such a bitch and you loved her for that.
  401. >Nothing left but to have a shred of dignity, so screw your eyes shut and wait.
  402. >And wait, and wait, and-
  403. >Huh.
  404. >You're still thinking and hurty and gross and generally stuck in this crusty little mortal body.
  405. >Kinda figured you'd be a stack of gross, crusty filets 'o' filly by now. Or at least on the way to it.
  406. >You risk opening an eye..
  407. >Wendella set you down somewhere- you were too busy shaking like a leaf and praying they at least used extra virgin olive oil to notice.
  408. >They're all in a huddle, murmuring, except for Wendy-
  409. >She's coming at you with the knife! Oh no! Don't look don'tlookdontlookdontlook-
  410. >A hand on your cheek. Gentler than the giant has any right to be.
  411. >"That wrong menu. Wrong menu for generations. Many 'wise' cheaters visit. Tell us what they think we want to hear. Praise baconator, praise Wendy, all lies."
  412. >Feeling returns in your extremities. You're free. You're free!?
  413. >She steps away for a few minutes, which you use to try and massage blood back into your legs.
  414. >"Please, beef-horse, bless the baconator with milk-cheese."
  415. "I'm sorry- what?"
  416. >"Is symbolic, we know you not with baby. We need cow to play cheesemaker, but no cows here in tens of winters. You small, round, hoofs- close enough."
  417. "You mean you weren't gonna carve me into steakums if I screwed up that reading?"
  418. >They all break into roaring laughter at your ignorance
  419. >Well, yeah, in hindsight-
  420. >The honored guest transport is totally different from the roadkill roundup stick!
  421. >They didn't want your face tender, they wanted you to save your voice... or something. Ha. ha...
  422. >Trendy health ponies do say a cold, hard floor is supposed to be good for you. Somehow.
  423. >Yeah. Obviously you were overreacting to a totally NoRMaL foaLNAPPing. It all adds up! Except-
  424. "Wait, what about you waving that knife around!?"
  425. >"Kept trying to free you, you kept shaking like twig in sharknado. Didn't want to cut your legs."
  426. "Ha ha ha! Of course, that makes- wait what's a sharknado?"
  428. >>41707021
  429. >>41703767
  430. >Be Zippoorwhill
  431. >You've been roof-hopping for hours; now, you're on the rear side of some big billboard. The fancy kind, with walled catwalks and what used to be a ladder.
  432. >No idea what it's selling. To you, it's just another faded image of whatever these clowns are descended from, grinning ear to ear at some implausible contraption.
  433. >At once-in-a-lifetime prices no doubt. It's no concern to you, or really to these savages anymore, either.
  434. >You don't intend to stay, and they don't seem to have any ambitions beyond fighting each other.
  435. >Huh. Now that you're thinking about it-
  436. >Seeing a lot more sleeping dress ladies than clowns.
  437. >Like a LOT more. The one you shot might have been the only one walking around... And was she even attacking you, or was she only after the clown you shot?
  438. >A soft headbutt knocks you out of your mental wandering. Right. Back on task.
  440. >Something that *is* of immediate concern: you're losing the cover of night. That impossibly slow sun is peeking over the horizon.
  441. >The streets below are still shadowed by the buildings, so the clowns get to hide in the dark for a while longer. Great. Thanks for that.
  442. >You had been resting and keeping an eye out for that Puce guy, bugging out whenever enough clowns found you that they started making serious attempts to reach you.
  443. >The cover of darkness on this moonless world meant you could distract them, fly off, hop a few roofs and have an hour before one finds you, gets his friends and comes back.
  444. "UGH! We've been all over this stupid town and haven't found the unicorn, or why my glasses tick these guys off so much, or a way home, or-"
  445. >Grinding in the air, like at nightfall, but this time it resolves into a distant humming. And with that-
  446. >Ozone. Urge to close your nictitating membranes. Reflexively secure the dog. Hackles raised. Attention drawn to the sudden instability of lightning in a storage medium. West-northwest. Threat is west-northwest movemovemovemoveMOVE.
  447. >That'd be your cloudsense, insisting there's a thunderhead about to become a wild thunderstorm over there.
  448. >Except there can't be a thunderhead that low, not here. But what else could it be?
  449. >Some of the skips do trigger that sense, but not like this. The camera barely registers for more than a second after you turn it on!
  450. >This? This is like all your miserable ancestors are smacking the fear of Tirac back in your bones, and the smooze is wa-
  451. >GAH
  452. >A bunch of lights just came on! Including lights all around this stupid billboard! No stealth for anyone! Blindness for you, come on, blink it out!
  453. >Guh. Ok.
  454. >Oh yeah that's a lotta yellow n red... Not noticing the screaming filly? They seem preoccupied with-
  455. >Of course you finally find the puke-green potatohead, he's managed to get the ENTIRE circus on his tail!
  457. >>41719052
  458. >You can't fight that many clowns! You already used a whole gas cartridge tonight, not to mention you don't have enough purple!
  459. >The pie? No, it's no mere antiponysonnel pie, it's got enough cream filling to clear out a city block. Fun as it would be to take Pukey out with them, there's multiple rules explicitly preventing you from doing exactly that.
  460. >You still can't believe you almost rigged a tripwire to it- though if that grinding was an attempt to bring the lights back on, that might've been what set you on edge?
  461. >Where's our thief? Ah, he ducked into a big wagon- you recall the one in Foundation custody being basically Snips-proof, so it'll hold out against a few hundred clowns for a while.
  462. >You also recall them being not quite airtight, so the pie is unfortunately not back on the menu. Gonna need to do this with old-fashioned grunt work.
  463. >Which you don't have the ammo for.
  464. >Okay, don't panic. Just means it's time for on-site procurement.
  465. >On-site procurement: It's not looting when you do it!
  466. >You're already high up, just look around. Towns like this usually have one big store for cheap, miscellaneous crud-
  467. >Right behind you. The billboard you were on was probably advertising sales for this exact store.
  468. >You can't really read any of it, but with the rising daylight it does look like the logos are the same.
  469. >Hopefully a store that sells.... What is that? A blender that can mount four cups at once? Controlled with an arcade cabinet? That's stupid.
  470. >Heh. You can imagine it now- you bring one in, the researchers assume it really is a stupid blender despite no cups being shown, then it turns out to be a toy flying machine somehow.
  471. >Whatever it is, you can't imagine it'll help, but if this store specialized in gadgets they might have sold gardening equipment on the side. Paints. Wood. Batteries.
  472. >Things gadgets are made OF.
  473. >Right! Objective located, proceed to AO.
  474. >Buzz down, proceed foward.
  475. >Stay low enough to avoid being spotted, high enough to avoid anyone hiding in the rows of parked carts.
  476. >It's.... harder than it should be. You keep jumping at shadows, almost dropping Ripley once.
  477. >By the time you reach the big glass doors, you're wobbling in the air, after moving less than a hoofball field's length.
  478. >Oh
  479. >Right
  480. >You've been awake for like 40 hours
  481. >Running on cola and p-nut botr crkrz(1)
  482. >And your brain is fried from some big thing replacing all the compass directions with PAIN.
  483. >Smack yourself, get to it! You've been through worse! Barely, but still!
  484. >Alighting onto an old rubber mat, the building's doors open on their own.
  485. >Enter- The TOMB of VALUE.
  487. >1. Can't sue us for false advertising because we didn't call them peanut butter crackers. Nyah nyah.
  489. >>41721486
  490. >The doors close behind you with a pitiful attempt at what may have, way back in Once Upon a Time times, passed for a cheerful beep.
  491. >The lights are really crummy in the few places they still work
  492. >Flickering overhead lamps over a few sections make long-feathered shadows
  493. >Really makes the place feel darker than if it just had no light to begin with, doesn't it?
  494. >Okay. Harness secure. Front legs in the leg holes. Hover over the ground and keep your gun at the ready.
  495. >Flip
  496. >Flap
  497. >Flop
  498. >Right. That's... less than ideal, with your condition.
  499. >Moving like that for more than an hour hurts; it's been... 12?
  500. >Nothing much to do but carry the gun by mouth. You take a minute to practice getting your hooves in it from this position, and set off once you remember how to not punch the gun away from you.
  501. >Clip
  502. >Clop
  503. >Clip
  504. >Clop
  505. >This store's a lot bigger than it looks
  506. >But also smaller than you'd think?
  507. >Yep. Definitely whatever passes for a Barnyard Bargains here
  508. >Clip
  509. >Clop
  510. >Clip
  511. >Clop
  512. >Nothing in here but the two of you
  513. >Makes sense- the outside was relatively intact
  514. >Assuming the doors were powered by THE PAIN TOTEM, this whole store has remained unsullied for... You don't know how long.
  515. >Weird.
  516. >Clip
  517. >Clop
  518. >Clip
  519. >Clop
  520. >Well, not nothing
  521. >Plenty of rats, bugs, etc
  522. >But nothing that registers on your Finely Honed Soldier Instincts (TM)
  523. >Okay, but seriously.
  524. >Glass walls. Intact for how long?
  525. >Whatever, it's a question for the eggheads back home.
  526. >Clip
  527. >Clop
  528. >Clip
  529. >Clop
  530. >Meg it's dark in here.
  531. >Reminds you of your room back home.
  532. >And your bed- NO DON'T START THIS CLICHE NOW!
  533. >No time to sleep!
  534. >Out of soda, but this is a big box store- they gotta have SOMETHING
  535. >Clip
  536. >Clop
  537. >Clip
  538. >Clop
  539. >[spoiler]You really need to sleep, dear.[/spoiler]
  540. >Can't sleep here, might not wake up!
  541. >And who's talking!?
  542. >And-
  543. >Wow. Convenient timing to walk past a mirror.
  544. >You look worse than Twilight with no friendship problems.
  545. >...
  546. >The secret voice is right. You at least need a nap.
  547. >Can't save anyone if you keel over out in the open and wake up pushing flowers.
  548. >[spoiler]You'll be fine. You have a good friend with you.[/spoiler]
  549. >Manager's office.
  550. >Back of the store. Proper door with a lock, not a cubicle or stall door.
  551. >Clip
  552. >Clop
  553. >Clip
  554. >Clop
  555. >Yep, it's pretty secure.
  556. >Hope that puke guy can hold out.
  557. >Hey- what's that sound?
  558. >Oh. How polite- someone left a big pile of chew toys in that chair.
  559. >Almost reminds you of one of those clowns-
  560. >[spoiler]Go to bed.[/spoiler]
  562. >>41732165 (You)
  563. >Be Ripley Ripleysparentsson
  564. >Dog of Dog Clan, Whose Charge Was Given By The First Friend
  565. >Retainer of Your Liege, Best Filly, Whose Bestness Is Proven By Being Your Filly
  567. >Your Liege's allegiances do not concern you.
  568. >You are her dog. You are trusted with the food. The Friendglass Eye. The mindkiller.
  569. >SLAVE
  570. >Your master is in command, thus all is right in the world.
  571. >ZEALOT
  572. >All except for one:
  573. >Best Filly seems tired.
  574. >Actually, Best Filly has been steadily going mad for the last two days.
  575. >RABID
  576. >You've been fighting and running more in this place than you did in all the time since the last snow fell.
  577. >Fighting at all is bad for the Friends. Even Best Filly can only take so much, for all her Esteem among the Friends.
  579. >Come to think of it.
  580. >It's getting hard for you, too
  581. >Best Filly is sleeping, now?
  582. >MEAT
  583. >How long has she slept without you noticing?
  585. >FOOL
  587. >It would be so easy, why shouldn't you-
  588. >No. You will not.
  589. >YES
  590. >This place is evil, wild and merciless.
  591. >It wants to drag you back down into unknowing.
  593. >How long have you been under this sky? In this tiny cave of flattened tree?
  595. >No. That cannot be correct.
  596. >If Best Filly is still here, then you have not been here long enough.
  597. >Your watch shall continue.
  599. >You can't see Best Filly anymore
  600. >You look and only see shapes. Flesh. Foo-
  601. >Do not finish that.
  603. >Something is profoundly wrong in this place.
  604. >You need to fight it while you still can.
  605. >As in all things, reflect upon your Liege's leadership for inspiration.
  606. >Hm
  607. >The Friends are fond of invoking old things. Faust, Megan, Celestia, Mother.
  609. >Very well. Prepare thyself for a contemplation of the Holy Scrimshaw.
  611. >>41736003
  612. >It's been a while but you remember the important bit
  613. >50,000 winters before now, Dog was alone after a bad hunt
  614. >In his half-starved wandering, he happened upon a fire
  615. >Normally, all beasts avoided those who made fire
  616. >But if he did not act, it would be too late to ever act again
  617. >He approached
  618. >He was not chased away
  619. >He made a friend
  621. >Friend
  622. >Yes, that thought warms you
  623. >Fifty thousand winters ago, your ancestor knew the magic of Friendship before such words existed
  624. >An unbroken lineage, an unbroken covenant, leads this very old friendship directly to you
  625. >You and Best Filly
  626. >To think you considered such horrific betrayal?
  627. >You are more than that fear and hunger
  628. >You are a Friend
  629. >One who has the eternal right to Be On The Sofa
  630. >To eat of the People Food
  631. >To ponder with her, the divine mysteries of the Plastic Disc
  632. >How does it stay aloft, when it has no feathered wing? Its shape, so perfectly matched to the canine mouth, how can such perfection be?
  634. >Your eyes flit open (when did they close?)
  635. >That nagging voice is gone.
  636. >There is no meat, only your Liege.
  637. >The demon is silent, yet the fear of it remains.
  638. >No matter. You will guard.
  639. >The Sacred Oath of Face Lickies cannot be broken.
  640. >No matter how much it hurts, or for how long.
  641. >She would watch over you.
  642. >She has watched over you.
  643. >Shaky as you are, it matters not.
  644. >Doubt is simply the difference between certainty and faith.
  645. >In the face of this yawning void, you are armed with two truths:
  646. >Friendship is magic
  647. >And yours is a very, very old friendship.
  649. >>41748509
  650. >Be Zip
  651. >Just had the best sleep of your life
  652. >Somehow
  653. >That distant buzzing is still in the back of your head, but at least you can see straight again
  654. >How long has it- EIGHT HOURS?
  655. >Right, that's the normal amount of sleep
  656. >Pukeboy is probably gone by now, thoughwaaaaait a second
  657. >That buzzing feeling is coming from two directions
  658. >The camera! Either pukeboy is nearby, or whatever ate him is
  659. >Clip
  660. >Clop
  661. >Clip
  662. >Clop
  663. >Pony approaching your cave?
  664. >No, too rapid
  665. >TWO ponies approaching
  666. >A voice cries out in frustration as the doorknob jiggles
  667. >A filly's voice?
  668. >Silver Spoon's voice!
  669. >Right as you work the lock, Ripley is knocked backwards by the door flying open
  670. >In turn, you find yourself covered in grey filly hug
  671. >"omigoshzippoorwhillwherehaveyoubeen- WHAT ARE YOU DOI-OOF"
  672. >What you were doing was shooting Pukeboy before he could run off again and plopping him on Silver Spoon's back
  673. "Guy stole my camera. Knocking him out is a safety measure; last time I lost track of him he had half the town cornering him in a big wagon."
  674. >"Oh. Uh..."
  675. "And since we're in the wilderness and you're not MTF ponysonnel, I'm in charge, and I'm ordering you to...."
  676. >Crap. You just committed the worst sin an MTF agent can do: Let an egghead think they've got authority here.
  677. >"Right, you don't know how to get home either. First things first, found some primo ravioli out there. It's still good, somehow, I think? Just don't think about it."
  678. >She hoofs you a bright red can with a pull top, the image of a smiling mustachioed chef holding a bowl of ravioli on one side
  679. "How do you know this stuff's still good? Have you-"
  680. >And another- ooh, she can't open them. Pull top cans and all.
  681. "You haven't tried them? How do you know they're still good!?"
  682. >"I recognize a few of the ingredients- one of them was also in these banana cakes my granny had, and she said they'd keep forever. Makes sense that it'd be a preservative and it'd be inside a can of food, right?"
  683. "Or it could be the word for-"
  684. >"Whatever you're going to say, no. I can read the language, and I already know it has sugar and tomatoes in it. The weird sciencey-sounding words are the ones to look for, and I found a few of them!"
  685. >Silver Spoon can- y'know what? Whatever. You can ask later. Worst case scenario, she's wrong and this stuff stinks.
  686. >Time to do some honest grunt work
  687. >You slip a wingtip underneath the can and finagle your hooves to get a good grip on it
  688. >The others are in the corner with their ears plugged as you count down
  689. >3
  690. >2
  691. >1
  692. >MARK
  693. >A light pop signals your success. Silver Spoon squeaks in enstartlemation, but the worst is yet to come
  694. >Now, the slow removal of the razor sharp lid.
  695. >One error means you could cut yourself or someone else. Even Ripley slinks back as you take it to a hazardous waste bin
  696. >The whole time, the egghead is watching you with that mixture of fear and awe that makes this crummy job worth it
  697. >And doing it twice? You're earning your pay, soldier
  698. >It was harrowing, but nowhere near as bad as some of the cookie dough cans you've had to open
  699. >Sniff
  700. >Smells like tomaters
  701. >Tastes like really bland tomaters
  702. >Food: Approved!
  703. >Try not to think about what kind of dark sorcery was needed to make this happen. How these cans have been sitting here, for possibly a century or more, unravaged by the machinations of time and rot.
  706. >2 Hours Later
  707. >You're full of the most disgustingly adequate and mediocre ravioli you've ever had
  708. >The first bites weren't so bad, but as you ate more it caused your Bitalian blood to boil
  709. >It was as if a thousand generations of nonnas were staring disapprovingly at you, rolling pins in their mouths
  710. >This might be the biggest dishonor in your career, and that's counting that time you had to falsify a report card on behalf of a not-to-be-named-even-in-private asset
  711. >No going back now. Not to the days when you'd only known good pasta, and certainly not to Bitaly.
  712. >Never again can you gaze upon the Leaning Tower of Pizza, even on a vacation.
  713. >Scum like you DESERVES canned pasta-
  714. >"HEY! ZIPP!"
  715. >You fall over backwards and scoot away, barely managing to not fire in Silver Spoon's direction.
  716. "GAH! WHAT!? DON'T DO THAT!"
  717. >"You were zoned out- wasn't sure if this place was getting to you again."
  718. >Right. You're comrades, no need to-
  719. "Again? How did you know?"
  720. >"You TOLD me? It's been like 2 hours! We went all over this store grabbing gear!"
  721. >That kind of sounds right, but you might've taken too long in saying so because-
  722. >"Oh no, you're even worse than we thought!"
  723. >Oh. Right. Yeah she might be right.
  724. >Don't stay silent- she's worried enough as is.
  725. "Fighting a lot always gets to you- what's making it 10 times worse is my electro-sense getting overloaded. Staying up for 2 or 3 days straight didn't help, either."
  726. >The bespectacled filly gives you a questioning look
  727. "You didn't hear the thunder last night? Right before some of the street lights came on?"
  728. >
  729. >
  730. >
  731. "Silver Spoon?"
  732. >The quizzical countenance changes to a level 4 scrunch
  733. "Silver Spoon, what did you do?"
  734. >"I thought it would send me home! The buttons kept referring to a sun!"

SCP-509: Equestria Buys a Dog

by woggs123

SCP-9000: Roomba

by woggs123

Misc SCPs

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SCP-1225-OOF: Chimneys Are Pretty Dangerous

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SCP-101: Mud Coffee

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