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SCP-509: Equestria Buys a Dog

By woggs123
Created: 2024-02-03 19:59:19
Updated: 2024-08-28 23:43:43
Expiry: Never

  1. Haven't seen a KinderSCP in a while, might as well take a crack at it:
  3. >SCP 509 "Impossibly Large Dog"
  4. >Containment Class: [s]Euclid Keter[/s] Object declared Thaumiel following Incident Foxtrot, revised procedures in effect.
  5. >Meaniepants Potential: Negative
  6. >Ouchie Potential: Low, assuming containment procedures are followed correctly.
  8. >Special Containment Procedures:
  9. Instances of SCP 509 are to be treated as non-anomalous, special-needs dogs and integrated into civilian pet populations. MTF Kindness-Nine "Red Rovers" are assigned to this task; their mission is to observe the civilian population, identify potential adoption candidates, and encourage said pony to adopt an SCP-509 instance. Integration into pet population is considered top priority, therefore MTF K9 has been given permission(1) to carry out any propaganda campaigns they deem necessary, and to falsify their identities outside of a sanctioned stageplay or pretend session. While MTF K9 is to be considered deep undercover, resupply missions can be carried out via Foundation secret knocking protocols.(2)
  11. The original A-F Instances are, likewise, considered Common Housepups, and have been formally adopted as Foundation employees. The SCP designation continues in this document as a matter of protocol, their proper names are available on their collar tags and should be used during any and all interactions henceforth. Due to the critical need for new SCP-509 instances, and in recognition of the Ew I Kissed My Sister phenomenon, descendants of 509 progenitors are to be permitted to court native canids at their discretion.
  13. Due to their shared point of origin and mutual affinity, SCP 509 instances are approved for inter-object containment, testing and incentive programs with instances of SCP-064; SCP-064-related-objects may be combined with SCP 509 only at both the site director and 509 owner's mutual approval.
  15. >(1): MTF K9 was formed by Royal dispensation following Incident Foxtrot, and is outranked only by the princesses themselves and their throne room guards.
  16. >(2): 1-2-3 pattern may be compromised, field agents should memorize "Shave and a Mane-Cut" pattern.
  18. >DEPRECATED PROCEDURES, Included for archival and posterity [spoiler]and because Princess Twiggles loves paperwork [/spoiler] that's not funny - TS:
  19. SCP 509-A through -F are to be kept in three standard Fuzzy Wuzzy Joint Containment Playsets. Due to the presumed presence of paired paramours, in accordance with the Cadance Protocol, said couples are to have unrestricted access to their partner. Aside from this concession, the 509 group is not to have contact between members outside of testing purposes. However, as Canines are known friend-seeking beings, conditional contact with non-anomalous dogs has been recommended by the Ethics Board. Testing is unilaterally prohibited without Site Director approval or direct Bearer/Royal orders, due to the extreme danger present.
  20. ADDENDUM: Following Incident OH HAYBURGERS, all enrichment visitations are to be comprised of male visitors; any female non-anomalous dogs already brought into contact with male 509 instances are to be classified as SCP 509 instances. No research, medical or feeding team is to be formed without at least one confirmed married pony and/or veterinary expert.
  25. >Description:
  26. SCP 509-A through F is a group of six healthy, male, adult domesticated dogs of unusual size(3). SCP 509-A and B are the smallest of the group, at approximately One Full Earth Pony in volume and Like 200 Hayburgers in weight, with short white fur and black spots. SCP 509-E is the largest, being approximately 0.8 Celestias in volume and 5 Classes of College Textbooks in weight(4), with shaggy, yak-like gray fur. SCP 509-C,D and F represent intermediate sizes and shagginesses.
  28. SCP 509's behaviors are well within expectations; previously encountered aggression has been proven to be non-ontological and caused by high stress and [REDACTED] coupled with test friends being careless with their lunches. As with native canids, 509 has a natural herd-forming instinct and can be trained in a variety of work and play tasks by a sufficiently patient and attentive owner. All six progenitor instances display a higher-than-baseline protective instinct towards foals, livestock and their owner, with near-perfect resistance ratings to Creepy Dolls, Scary Old Nags and even Being Outside At Night During A Cloud Cover. Their bravery, massive size, good temperament and extreme fluff factor, combined with high natural magic resistance, make SCP 509 a critical component of Foundation containment efforts, civil emergency forces and civilian endeavors of all stripes.
  30. SCP 509 A-F proved capable of siring pups with Equestrian dogs, producing fertile offspring in average litters with average male/female ratios. The only truly anomalous effect of their biology is their unusually dominant genes; each progenitor is effectively the father of a "tribe" of dogs, with his behavioral tendencies and build coming through in much the same way as a unicorn born of only one unicorn parent. The prevailing theory as to why is [REDACTED BY ROYAL ORDER.]
  32. Despite their inconceivable dog-per-dog ratio, SCP 509 is medically indistinguishable from the common Equestrian Housepup, and nearly magically indistinguishable; auguries return "Dog," Overseer K-F undergoes a Squee phase, and their vocal range conforms to most(6) known models of See 'N' Say. The only anomalous difference appears when designated the target of a Pondering Orb, which will return the standard array of ponderings with one notable exception: [REDACTED BY ROYAL ORDER]. CONTAINMENT FRIENDS OF RANK "BIG CHEESE" OR ABOVE MAY ACCESS THE RELEVANT TESTING LOGS WITH PROOF OF NEED-TO-KNOW. -L.
  34. >(3): It was previously believed only intrinsically-magical canines such as Cerberus could be this large
  35. >(4): Keep in mind, our primary royal handler is HRM Twilight Sparkle, and all units of measurement first receive Her approval.
  36. >(5): 78% of approved See n Say models say 509s sound like Dogs. The standard measurement is of the Cat, with a mere 40% match rate for any given instance.
  41. >Agents Involved: Researchers Snips and Snails, Friend Agent Zipporwhill
  43. >On Septober 18th, Year 10 ALR, it was reported that multiple visitation dogs and 509 instances were engaged in extreme wrasslin' well beyond safe parameters.
  44. >In addition, multiple female visitation dogs are reported to have dangerous weight gains within the last several months, coupled with lethargy and in extreme cases, refusal to exit the visitation chamber. This phenomenon is not reported in the male visitors.
  45. >Agent Z. volunteers for rescue action, is accepted due to relevant cutie mark, flight ability and meritorious conduct during initial containment
  48. "Test Friend Z, testing the can. You guys hear me ok?"
  49. >"Loud and clear, Z. Time is booboos and we can't send the vets in blind."
  50. "Ten-four. Entering 509's Doghouse Block. I'm not hearing any sounds of ouchies."
  51. >"That's... either really good, or we're-gonna-need-amnestics-aren't-we bad."
  52. "Agreed. First doghouse is clear, 509-A tired himself out playing with Winona. Proceeding to 509-B."
  53. >"You mean herself."
  54. "No?"
  55. >"Zipporwhill, SCP-509 is all fillies. Or... that dog-girl word I'm not allowed to say?"
  56. "You left a bunch of boy and girl dogs together? Alone?
  57. >"NO, we left a couple of girl dogs each in a cute little duplex doghouse setup, and let ponies bring their girl dogs to play."
  58. >(There is no dialogue exchanged for approximately 1 minute, 30 seconds. The cans pick up Z's wings buzzing, the working of door latches, and [REDACTED] muttered under Z's breath multiple times.)
  59. "Snips I don't know what your mother taught you but all the skips are male dogs..."
  60. >"Well... so? They keep saying there's so many fillies it doesn't hurt if they get married, but a bunch of boys can't get like a bro-marriage?"
  61. "Snails it has nothing to do with ponies getting married. Wait, all the girl dogs are getting fat, right after you left them alone with a bunch of weird magic BOY dogs?"
  62. >At this point, Researcher Snails speaks for the first time:
  63. >"Test Friend Z, please use correct terminology, SCP 509 is all female."
  65. >After this point, no more audio was recorded from Agent Z. The official reason given by Researcher Snails is "equipment damage by excessive and dangerous input." An internal investigation was ordered on suspicion of intentional string-cutting.
  66. >BOTH: "Aw, hayburgers."
  69. SCP-509-W (previously Winona) had just finished premarital foaling with SCP 509-A when Agent Z's rescue action began. In total, 28 beloved pets were reclassified as SCP-509 carriers, resulting in 5 newborn 509 instances that day, and an unknown number of pending newborn instances. Researchers Snips and Snails were given class-M amnestics in accordance with When You're Older Protocol, and moved into protective custody following frankly inequine threats from a bereaved owner. Due to critical veterinary expertise, Agent Z has been exempted from amnestics for any related subject.
  70. Reclassification to Keter was immediate due to the possibility of carriers transferred offsite.
  73. >"Anomalous or not, they're just dogs doing what dogs do. Um, can't we review their case? If that's ok?" -F.
  74. >"Woah guys, how does Winona not have a party cannon back there after all that? Her [redacted] must look like the [redacted] of [spoiler]redactedsville[/spoiler]"- WARNING: AUTOMATED TRANSCRIPT CUTOFF DUE TO SUSPECTED NO-NO-WORDS. (And for making a mockery of our secrecy measures. THIS is what the Royal Guard are sniggering about when they think of our paperwork, folks! -T.)
  79. >Agents Involved: Big Cheese Zipporwhill, Pet Pal Ripley, Pet Pals Alfonso and Evangeline (formerly SCP-509-A-10 and SCP-509-E-31)
  80. >Non-Foundation Friends involved: Numerous civilians
  81. >Stinkyheads involved: SCP-001
  84. >Interviewer: T. Sparkle
  85. >Interviewee: BC. Zipp.
  87. >"Alright, for the record, please state your name and rank; other than that, no protocol is necessary. We're just two friends talking about a thing that happened, ok?"
  88. "Zipporwhill, Field Friend, agent-in-command during Incident Foxtrot."
  89. >A pause. Agent Z. takes a long drag on a candy cigarette. Unfiltered.
  90. "So, I'm on leave in the Crystal Empire. Dogcatchers gets a tip- loud barking, constant, sounds more like a party cannon than a dog; A 509 causing trouble in this little how-do-you-do named Sunstone- serious old-school town, like they still have churches and still have stained glass windows of that blue minotaur lady old-school. Anyway, as if the noise weren't enough the locals had a foal go missing, then a big, fluffy, white-with-brown-spots 509 yoinked a barrel of hot cider right off the altar and shot off into the snow."
  91. >"Oh dear, making lots of puppies was one thing but stealing?"
  92. "Save your judgment for the end boss. Course I start asking around quicker, cause this just became two rescue missions. Find out the foal had been leaving blankets out for these two, letting them in when the snow was wild and hard. I'm investigating, I'm looking at this colt's house (it was a colt yeah). And I think I can see, yeah, some tracks... Barely, and only cause I was looking for them, but they're there. It's late, it's gonna get dark soon, but what else can I do? And, the moon's just... barely over the horizon, right at the end of these tracks, that big dog-"
  93. >"Zip, please, we use the numbers-"
  94. "Not anymore. You won't either, after I tell you that big dog saved that colt. Draped over him. Pouring that hot cider into him. He's gonna get sick, but he makes it long enough for me to come back with a sled team, and it happened because one of those dogs kept him warm, and the other made sure I knew where he was.
  95. >"Well, I can certainly bring this up, if you're willing to formally request reclass-"
  96. "Not yet. We're not done. The other big one, the one actually scaring the locals? The barking's almost deafening here. I can barely concentrate on loading the sled, I gotta step back for a bit, let the locals handle it. I look where the big boofer's looking, and..."
  97. >"Agent Zipporwhill? What did you see?"
  98. "Something.... like ram's horns, but all wrong. And seeing them made me feel colder on the inside than the snow was making my outside.... But every time, every stinking time, that monster tried to cross the ridge... Evangeline sent it running back."
  99. >"You named the-"
  100. "This girl sent Grogar running. Sent him running, hour after hour, for at least half a day."
  101. >"How do you kn-"
  102. "Shot off as soon as the colt was safe."
  103. "Dragged that monster into a cage, as easy as fetching a stick."
  104. "Then cuddled up, like we'd done nothing more than fetch a stick together."
  105. "You. bet. your. plot. I named her."
  111. Following Incident Foxtrot, an emergency council was held regarding the status of 509. The Bearers tied, with Luna casting the deciding vote. Council comments follow:
  112. >I don't rightly know how to feel now. I thought they took my dog, but now you're saying they gave her chillins stronger genes than we thought possible? As much as I want it to be true, that's why I can't trust myself. Neigh. -A.
  113. >I'm pretty sure I tried to bring this up last time- they're just a breed of dog we haven't seen before. I guess I should have said it louder, i'll just press my Yay button and be quiet. -F.
  114. >More dog per dog? Can it get any more awesomer??? AND they rescue foals and steal drinks and put the fear of Bonnie into darnable beings of antediluvian evil? YAY YAY YAY YAY. -P.
  115. >I dunno. That one "dog" sounded almost more awesome than me. Seems too good to be true. I got nothing against the lil guys but I don't think we're ready to let em out. Neigh. -RD.
  116. >Egads, we're all talking about a "rescue" seen only by the unfashionable sorts who think sniffing pews is haute coture; Meanwhile, we're ignoring pictographic evidence- did you see what they did to that beautiful glass mosaic? It was surely the only bit of real culture in that unfortunate redoubt! NEIGH. -Ra.
  117. >I wouldn't be the Princess of Friendship if I didn't know how to measure ponies. Whatever happened out there, I saw Truth in Zipporwhill's eyes. We could demote her for possession of classified information, for flagrant fraternization with and equinization of potentially harmful entities... Or we could put that mare where we need her, right now. Where Equestria needs THEM. Yay. That leaves us in a tie. Luna, I trust you'll make the right decision. If not, I can push it anyway, but I'd rather not start abusing my power so soon. -T.
  118. >Yay. Council finds in favor. No, I shall not comment further; perhaps if you took the time to *read* EVERYTHING, you would know my reasoning. -L.
  119. >Reclassified to Thaumiel, effective immediately. Somepony get ready to black-bag Zipporwhill, I want a full background check and resistance examination, the works. She's getting a fat promotion whether she likes it or not. -T.
  125. SUPPLEMENTARY LOGS: Pondering Orb Ponders SCP 509.
  126. >Be Zipporwhill, Newest and Biggest Cheese on the Block
  127. >You had to leave Ripley at base, 'his wet dog essence will interfere with the process' they said.
  128. >You walk into the tallest tower in Canterlot, its minaret housing your next orientation.
  129. >The plainsaddle guards pointedly do not notice your cool officer hat, and do not 'permit' you to walk in; you simply enter the place that you so clearly belong.
  130. >Munching on a sack of oats, you reread the missive- personally penned and presented by pretty Princess personage- while you wait for whoever runs this joint
  131. "The Pondering Orb: A massive, magic 8-ball, housed in a perfect crystal sphere, powered by a sacred flame which accepts only cartloads of paper fortune tellers. Its perspective on matters is as omniscient as it is useless without a trained operator; for the machine can only spit out simple descriptors, but it never answers a question incorrectly and only once has it ever admitted ignorance.(1) Nevertheless, a skilled operator can take disparate images and gossip, and turn them into actionable intelligence with the right series of leading questions, suppositions and insinuations about the orb's marehood.
  132. Zipporwhill, as a rite of passage for your promotion, I want you to witness two simple tests, wherein the operator will simply exhaust the orb's responses to a single repeating concept. It is my belief, my hope, that the pageantry of these affairs will both reinforce the confidence you showed in your defense of The Breed, and instill an appropriate sense of awe and resolve regarding your new duties. You need not report to me this time; the test has already been run, shortly after initial containment. I simply want you to witness the process, firsthoof, rather than read it off a dusty file.
  133. Remember, the moment I tapped my parasol to your withers, you were recognized by Equestria as a knight, a commander, and a beacon of justice. But *I* recognized you as such, the moment you stood up to the mare who dared to speak ill of our new friends. -T.
  134. P.S. Pinkie hopes you enjoy the complementary black silk feedbag."
  136. (1) Ohhhh yes, that's REDACTED even for you. -L.
  137. >>40379471
  140. >You're roused from your reverie, more than a bit unsettled that you somehow *heard* that typo.
  141. "Indeed! Even cold, the mere PRESENCE of the Orb grants sight unseen!
  142. >Zipporwhill barely opens her mouth- oh Meg you're going third person!
  144. "MINIONS, DO.... THE THING!"
  145. >Trixie proceeds to repeatedly shout "Dog" into a brass horn, as beautiful, painstakingly origami'd Fillies' Augurs are shoveled into the furnaces below.
  146. >Even one of those would've made you a guest of honor in any Canterlot party, and Trixie's burning them like you burned them oats
  147. >To find out what a dog is.
  148. >The lightly enchanted, horrendously expensive Pommel Number 5 glitter-gel inks stain the air.
  149. >Every single call burns dozens of pony-hours in hoof-crafted labor
  150. >Every thunderous response contributes to a fog that looks like what every annoying little sister's room smells like.
  151. "DOG!"
  153. >"FRIEND-SHAPED."
  154. "DOG!"
  155. >FLOWERS!
  156. >"FURRY."
  157. >By the end of it, the chamber's cloying sweetness has degenerated to Eau de Sleepover Sweat.
  158. >Your thoughts will be in pastel calligraphy for a fortnight
  159. >The Thought-Folding Complexus somehow shrugs, and you are somehow not unmade by this.
  160. >A list of the most basic, fundamental aspects of Dog, as knowable to any right-minded and Harmonious being, exists in your mind.
  161. >As does the certainty that it will require either more direction or a new concept to get new answers.
  162. >Time to do it all over again but this time she'll shout "SCP-509."
  163. >You realize now why your feedbag had a mesh with potpourri at the bottom.
  164. >You regret now, eating that potpourri.
  165. >And for what?
  166. >Another list of Reverse 20 Questions: Dog
  167. >As you choke on the acrid smoke of a diary's secrets, Orbille Headenbucker spits out something new
  169. >Well that's ominous. Your resentment towards the neighsayers simmers down, just a bit
  170. >Oh, did you just barf up your cutie mark? Cool.
  171. "Alright, we've got a couple scoops of future husbands with millions of bits and a [REDACTED] underneath left in the budget, wanna try parsing something outta this manure?"
  172. >You could do the easy thing, just play along until she lets you leave, but you're supposed to be in charge of Stuff now.
  173. >You want to ask a *good* question, hit the ground running on your first day out of the trenches.
  174. >But what?
  178. >>40379547
  179. >Oho!
  180. >Be picrel
  181. >Be in the state of having just thought of the perfect question.
  182. >You saunter up to the shoutyphone
  183. >Trixie tries to choose between a shit-eating smirk and a soft, wizened smile
  184. >Trixie fails, fortunately for her you fail to see this
  185. >THE ORB SEES ALL, though
  186. >You clear your throat
  187. >Pause for effect (and to let the attendants stoke the furnace)
  188. >Ignore the new smoky flavor
  189. >Please, be able to ignore it
  190. >The taste of a beet wellington
  191. >The scent of the sickroom, after you caught mono from that beet wellington
  192. >ASK ALREADY, before you can taste the sickroom
  193. "Why are SCP-509 instances so much larger than their native cousins?"
  194. >The scent of the taste of the sound of your ex-boyfriend's mouth that time he tried smoking a beer
  195. >You've never had a boyfriend
  196. >"STARDUST."
  197. >You have it on the run! Quick, before it can remember it's supposed to be stupid!"
  198. "How was SCP 509-E-31 (Evangeline) able to withstand that monster's magic?"
  199. >The room turns sidereal
  200. >The strain of the computations causes you to see an alternate self, just that-a-way in time
  201. >She does have a boyfriend, but he's poor AND ugly. Poor guy.
  202. >At long last, a new answer roils from a direction no hoof can point.
  205. >[spoiler]"BIG DOG. BIG NUTS."[/spoiler]

SCP-509: Equestria Buys a Dog

by woggs123

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