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By Bugfriend
Created: 2025-01-24 14:44:32
Updated: 2025-02-14 14:48:54
Expiry: Never

  2. Princess Luna could hear her sister even before she opened the door. The clattering of silverware and smacking of lips was unmistakable. She yanked the handle open and strode into the parlor.
  4. "There you are," she said, coming to a stop, hands at her hips.
  6. Princess Celestia looked up from the table, taking time to chew and swallow before replying. "What is it, Luna? Be quick, I'm busy."
  8. Luna rolled her eyes. The two alicorns were anything but busy now that Princess Twilight Sparkle was governing Equestria. Even though they still lived in Canterlot Castle, passing on their magics to Twilight left them with precious little to do each day. At least she was keeping herself busy with magical studies, guard training, and lectures at the School of Friendship. Her sister was apparently content to lay about the castle and 'enjoy herself' after ruling Equestria for so long.
  10. And for Celestia, that meant lots and lots of eating.
  12. The solar alicorn sat at a dining table littered with empty dishes, remnants from a 'lunch' that had lasted over an hour. Nothing but crumbs remained of the stacks of sandwiches the castle kitchens had brought up. A mostly demolished slice of chocolate cake sat on a platter before her. Behind her was another table piled high with cakes, cookies, sweetbreads and other baked goods, all partially devoured. The princess insisted that this 'dessert table' be restocked daily so as not to 'run out.'
  14. Princess Luna sighed at her slothful sibling. "Sister. Grogar and his minions have returned. After five hundred years of slumber, he-"
  16. Celestia shushed her with a wave of her spoon. "Yes, I was informed yesterday. Twilight and her friends should be taking care of it."
  18. "They've been captured!" Luna exclaimed, finally breaking the news that had sent her running across the castle. "Sister, they need our help!"
  20. Celestia barely acknowledged her, busy as she was devouring the last bite of cake. "Issh not a poblem," she mumbled through a mouthful of dessert. "Princess Twilight can handle this herself."
  22. The alicorn regarded her now-empty plate, frowned, then pushed back her chair. Princess Luna grimaced as her sister lurched upright, huffing slightly. Celestia's gluttonous new diet had not been kind on her figure. Her upper arms wobbled with newfound thickness, and a double chin rounded out her chocolate-spattered muzzle. Her body was crammed into a tan corset so tight it looked painted on. Softened tits sagged against the top straps, while divots of pudge bulged against the skintight side lacing. The barely restrained outline of a belly pressed against her middle. But the real damage was further down - Celestia's thighs had absolutely ballooned with flab, giving her a decidedly pear-shaped appearance.
  24. "They need us," Princess Luna said irritably, pressing a hand to her temples. "We have to go and rescue them!"
  26. Celestia turned, her hefty rear jiggling beneath her flowing tail as she trotted over to the dessert table. "We can see about that later. Perhaps after dinner..." the princess said absentmindedly as she cut herself another tall slice of cake.
  28. "Not after dinner, NOW!" Luna practically shouted at her.
  30. "We'll help later. I said I'm busy!" Celestia retorted, already shoveling cake into her waiting mouth.
  32. The lunar alicorn huffed. "I don't think stuffing yourself with cake and making your ass fatter counts as 'busy'!"
  34. Princess Celestia spun on her hooves, the sudden movement making her corset creak. "How dare you call me FAT?!!" she shouted, flailing an accusatory spoon at Luna. The creaking grew louder as she took a step forwards, preparing a tongue lashing for her impudent little sister for-
  36. *CRACK!*
  38. Celestia's corset suddenly burst apart, the overtaxed stitching shearing itself in half. The alicorn's cake-fattened belly surged forward with an audible *BLORP*, swelling out several extra inches and sagging against her waist. The princess gasped as her gut was released. Her face reddened as she glanced down at her middle, then back up at her sister, still pointing the spoon in her direction.
  40. For a moment the two alicorns regarded each other. Finally Celestia's eyes narrowed. "I'll change into something more...appropriate," she said through gritted teeth. "Then we'll be on our way to help rescue Twilight and her friends. Also..."
  42. "Yes, sister," Luna replied, a wry smile creeping onto her lips.
  44. "Also, you'd better keep your lips sealed about this, if you want to keep living on this planet," Celestia said, mustering as much menace into her voice as she could.
  46. This time it was Luna's turn to wave dismissively. "Okay, sister," she replied to the portly princess, turning and retreating to a safe distance so she could burst out laughing.

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