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Pinkie Pie's Ponyfans Yoga Session

By Tankris
Created: 2025-01-29 19:47:49
Expiry: Never

  3. The job advertisement in your hand couldn't contrast more than what you were seeing. You had mused that this was going to be some sort of live action reporting job at a high class office or something but this? This was nonsense. You were standing right outside 271 Cupcake Avenue and the building that awaited you...was a giant cupcake.
  5. Okay sure, a cupcake on Cupcake Avenue was true but next to the surrounding straw topped houses with rustic doors and windows, it stuck out like a sore thumb. It looked more like a bakery than a house...yet the town bakery was across the street. Maybe it was a competitor? Perhaps they needed someone for a daring commercial to compete with the massive building behind you.
  7. Whatever. A job is a job and you sorely needed one. You raised your hand to the door but before you could knock, it swung open faster than you could blink. A great big smile greeted you before a pink hand reached out and grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you inside the cupcake house.
  9. “Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie and you must be the camerapony I put an ad out for! Oh, I'm so glad somepony finally responded. I've been so desperate for some help and you look to be just the right kinda stallion for the job. Come with me, we gotta set up soon soon soon! We're gonna be late!”
  11. Your brain was struggling to keep up. This ultra hyper, ultra pink mare was talking a mile a minute and was practically dragging you through her crazy home. Party balloons, streamers, various desserts and confetti seemed to line every that a crocodile?? There was no time to think as she yanked you up the stairs, skipping past every other step and practically throwing you into a bedroom at the top floor.
  13. It certainly wasn't the interior of an impressive office building but you instantly noticed a hint of professionalism. Ring lights and microphones were focused on a small, padded mat in the middle of the room. It was all hooked up to a nearby computer setup sporting three monitors. Whoever this Pinkie Pie mare was, she was certainly prepared for a show.
  15. “Okay, so, tell me a little bit about your background. How much of a daring, action stallion are you?” She asked as a small camera was thrust into my hands.
  17. “Oh, uh, well I've got my degree in...”
  19. “Pfff, you don't need any formal training for this. I just need to know if you can turn the camera on and are willing to improvise if the situation calls for it.” Pinkie Pie said, cutting me off. My bewilderment was met with a silly little giggle.
  21. You looked down at the camera she had pushed into your hands. It was a small, handheld model that looked serviceable enough. You turn it on and flipped open the digital screen. “I suppose so.”
  23. “Even if it means getting a little dirty?” Pinkie Pie asked.
  25. “ muddy? I guess I don't mind as long as the pay is good...”
  27. “Oh don't you worry. You play your part right and you'll have more bits than you know what to do with. I'm going to go change and when I get back, we can go live!”
  29. You look up from the camera and Pinkie Pie had vanished. That mare was fast! Whatever, hopefully whatever she needs can get done in a few hours and you can go home. You fiddle with the camera some more, messing with the zoom and color filters for a moment.
  31. The monitor catches your eye as you mess with the camera. “Oh, its already hooked up? Then...are we doing a live feed? A stream, here? No idea how messy we're gonna get in an empty room like this...”
  33. “You'd be surprised the kind of messes I get into.” Pinkie Pie called out. She returned to the room in her new outfit. Your eyes widen as you gaze, slack jawed, at what she had changed into.
  35. It was some sort of workout gear. That was obvious from the headband. What was also obvious was the absolute lack of a sports bra. Pinkie's huge breasts were swinging free, barely contained by the tiny green shirt she had managed to cram her udders into. Her bottom half was even more exposed as a thong no wider than my thumb failed to cover anything between her tree trunk thighs.
  37. Her fat, pink pussy was completely exposed, just like her massive, wobbling ass cheeks. Her thighs were muffin topping over a skimpy pair of leg warmers that looked like they were going to rip apart any second. This mare shamelessly flaunted every inch of her body, walking around near nude like it was nothing.
  39. “I'm gonna get all the A/V equipment rolling and start the stream. You just do what feels natural and you'll be walking out of here with the best paycheck of your life, buddy.” Pinkie Pie said. She bent over the desk and started typing away at her computer. You could see her breasts aching to slip free of her top while her thong was simply devoured by her ass crack. You couldn't see anything but the fat, wobbly cheeks of her rear. Staring at Pinkie Pie like this made it fell like she was more exposed than if she had walked in naked.
  41. You could feel the heat in your face as you continued to stare. “'re gonna stream live? In that? In what world is that outfit acceptable for streaming?”
  43. “It is when you make erotic content for erotic sites. Something I guess I should have mentioned first.” Pinkie Pie said with mischief in her voice.
  45. Now it all made sense. The perfect positioning of the ring lights, the computers, the cameras that were moving into place. You stared around the room and felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you. You slowly recognized a few of the props and sets sitting out of view from the cameras.
  47. “You have two choices. You can leave and I can do my stream alone or you stay and I split my revenue for the stream with you for a little camera work.” Pinkie Pie explained.
  49. One of the monitors pulled up a tab as she continued to click away at the keyboard. It was the donations tab for her streams...and the numbers were in the tens of thousands of bits! Half of that equals your entire rent paid for a whole year.
  51. “...Fine. Just tell me what you need to do and I'll do it.” You caved to the possibility in seconds.
  53. “Yay! I promise you wont regret it! Just act natural, have fun and keep recording like you mean it.” Pinkie Pie said. She finished her business at the keyboard and returned to the center of the room. “It's showtime...”
  55. Several cameras swiveled into place and one by one, the recording lights on each camera lit up. The stream had finally started.
  57. “Hey there, everypony! It's me, the one and only Porny Party Pony, Pinkie Pie! Today is our very special yoga stream and as a reward for hitting the omega tier reward goal, I've got a special treat for you!” Pinkie Pie talked to the cameras with excitement in her voice.
  59. “I managed to get a camera pony for this stream! Say hello to the mysterious camera stud. I wonder what naughty angles he's gonna find for all of you today.” Pinkie Pie grabbed your arm and shoved you front and center so every single camera could capture you and your face on stream.
  61. “H-Hey! I didn't sign up to be IN the stream!” You whine through gritted teeth.
  63. “Aw come on. Just think of the paycheck and how much fun this is gonna be.” Pinkie Pie said. “Now everypony, you know how it works. Just type an exclamation point and number of the camera you want to watch in the chat and you'll instantly snap to that point of view. The camera pony point of view is camera ten, by the way...”
  65. “Now, we can't start without a bit of light stretching. Come on everypony, its time to work out!” Pinkie Pie eased her arms over her head and stuck out her chest. Her underboob was visible for all to see, the soft mounds jiggling and wobbling with her every breath.
  67. With a massive blush on your face, you move to what you think the best angle is for a shot and take a stance. Slowly, you pan over Pinkie Pie's body, going from her energetic smile to her heaving, wobbling breasts. The ring of donations begins to chime from the nearby computer, a signal for your success so far.
  69. “It's important to breathe as you stretch. Don't close your airways or you wont have proper blood flow for the exercises ahead.” Pinkie turned around and bent to touch her toes. Her hips and ass were front and center, her massive pink buns wobbling and clapping together as she struggled to reach her toes. You panned the angle down and zoomed in, unable to stop yourself from biting your bottom lip as you notice the little ripples of her fat ass quaking with each clap.
  71. “Gotta stay limber, ya know? A little stretch now saves the ache later and helps keep off the fudge pudge.” Pinkie Pie said. She giggled as she hopped on one hoof and grabbed the back of her other leg and pulled it up in a quad stretch. You could see the pudge of her doughy ass sinking and squishing against her leg as she pulled it as high as she could.
  73. “Who knows? You might even be as flexible as I am, someday.” Pinkie Pie released her leg and then kicked it high into the air. She grabbed her meaty thighs and pulled, locking herself into a standing frontal split.
  75. “Impressive, right? Camera Pony, make sure to find my best angle.” You let out a dry gulp and nodded before rotating around Pinkie Pie. Part of you wondered just how such a thicc mare was so flexible. The other part remembered the one or two streams you had watched and knew what kind of crazy feats this mare could do.
  77. You stopped moving as you focused the camera at her ass. “Good choice. I think that's my best side, don't you guys think?” Pinkie Pie tensed up her booty and relaxed, making her doughy rear clap even while doing the splits. The wobbles traveled through her fat ass and through her thick thighs. You licked your lips as you saw the thong flossing through her pussy as it too, wobbled along with the hypnotic claps of Pinkie's ass.
  79. “Okay, I think I'm all warmed up. I hope you are, too. Lets get to this yoga stuff!” Pinkie Pie said. She released her leg and bent down. Her hands were against the ground as she wiggled her butt in the air. “This is called the downward facing dog. I'm sure you know exactly what this pose is good for, everypony.”
  81. Pinkie Pie gave her ass a wiggle, just barely teasing a shot of her asshole. The crowd was going wild, throwing bits at the screen like mad. You did your best to provide a fantastic experience, panning over Pinkie and her sexy body.
  83. “Now from here, we go into the warrior. Another bold pose meant to help shape and tone the glutes. It's not just snacking that helps keep my wobble wagon in shape, you know.” Pinkie stood up, then stretched one leg forward and clapped her hands above her head. You quickly rotated around Pinkie Pie, making sure to catch a bit of the sweat starting to drip down her cleavage and down her chubby tummy.
  85. “With your arms up like this, I find it super easy to transition to the chair pose. All you do is pretend you're sitting down on your favorite seat. I wonder who wants to be MY seat after all this sweaty working out?” Another giggle from Pinkie Pie as she snapped into position. Another rotation of the camera position to capture her ass as she started to wiggle it again.
  87. “This one is a little difficult but I've had PLENTY of practice in this pose. If you can do this, you're probably a yoga master...or a slut.” Pinkie Pie teased as she laid down on her back, then thrust her hips into the air. Your camera was trained right on her thighs as they slowly spread apart. Her plump pussy was so inviting, demanding you zoom in enough to drive the crowd wild.
  89. “Oh, like that one, mister camera pony? Well how about this one? It takes a lot of balance to try the garland pose but I'm a total master of super slutty poses. Check this out.” Pinkie Pie squatted down with her legs completely spread apart with her elbows locked on the insides of her knees. She shoved her hands into her shirt, cupping her huge tits and winked at you.
  91. “He may not be showing it for the camera but our camera STUD is certainly packing more than his camera, everypony.” You blushed, realizing that you really couldn't hide the tent in your pants from Pinkie.
  93. “H-Hey! It's not my fault...” You tried to protest.
  95. “Aw, don't worry. I think I know exactly what you need. Come here, big boy.” Another wink as Pinkie puckered her lips and made a lewd, stroking gesture with one of her hands.
  97. “WH-WHAT? Th-That certainly wasn't part of the deal!” You back away a few steps from the set.
  99. “Oh, but I'm sure my audience would love to see it. They might even start donating even more if the action gets hot and heavy, if you know what I mean.” Pinkie Pie suggested.
  101. As if on cue, the sound of donations echoed from the PC speakers. It felt like you couldn't back down from her offer...her sexy, inviting offer. Pinkie Pie licked her lips as she beckoned you over.
  103. With a massive blush on your face, you stepped forward. It was awkward fumbling with your pants with one hand but you managed to free your throbbing member for all on stream to see. “Dang, he really is a stud. I lucked out, guys!” Pinkie Pie cooed in delight.
  105. Pinkie Pie started by pressing her muzzle against the base of your crotch and your balls. A little kiss sent a tingle up your spine. You gasped as Pinkie's tongue brushed the side of your cock as she pulled away. “Hey, camera on the action, buddy.” Pinkie Pie reminded you.
  107. You angled the camera down. As soon as Pinkie Pie was satisfied that you were doing a good job, she shoved the tip of your cock in her mouth. Your grip on the camera tightened as you did your best to focus on the stream.
  109. Slowly, Pinkie Pie began to move back and forth. Every time she went forward, more and more of your cock was disappearing into her mouth. You watched in awe as she got closer and closer to your medial ring before pushing past it and pressing her muzzle against your crotch.
  111. Every inch of your cock was inside her throat. Her tongue was unrelenting, lapping at whatever she could reach. You angled the camera around her head and gasped as you could see the thick bulge of your dick crammed in her throat. Pinkie Pie retreated inch by inch, popping your member out of her mouth with a lewd popping noise.
  113. “See? Grade A master cock sucker. Hold on, it might get a little intense.” Pinkie Pie leaned over and gave the base of your cock another kiss. In a flash, she abandoned the yoga pose, got on her knees and began sucking your cock like her life depended on it.
  115. Deep, fast and hard. Pinkie Pie grabbed your thighs for leverage and pumped herself back and forth with lightning speed. You nearly dropped the camera in surprise as your whole body was flooded with tingles. Her tits had finally sprung free from her minuscule shirt, bouncing hard with every movement she made.
  117. Slowly, you reached your free hand out and grabbed the back of Pinkie Pie's head. She moaned in approval as you took the lead, forcing her to slow down from time to time before letting her speed up once more.
  119. It didn't take long for the climax to build. The little moans you failed to stifle only spurred Pinkie Pie on to make you cum. You tightened your grip on her hair and pushed her against your crotch once more as the dam broke. Pinkie Pie made sure to gulp as loudly and lewdly as possible for both you and the camera.
  121. Pinkie Pie pulled herself away after a few moments and gasped for breath. Drool and cum began to drip from her mouth and onto her shirt and heaving chest. “Wowie. What a load. Where have YOU been all my life, stud?” Pinkie Pie said with a wink.
  123. “Ngh...” All you could do was moan back.
  125. “Hope you're ready for more. You and I have a lot of missed party time fun to catch up with.” Pinkie Pie said. She leaned over and grabbed a string connected to the yoga mat. In half a second, the yoga mat had inflated into a full side bed. “Besides, now it's my turn for some satisfaction.”
  127. Pinkie Pie leaned over the bed and reached behind her. Slowly, she spread apart one of her soft, doughy butt cheeks to expose her butt hole to you and the stream. The thong she was wearing seemed even smaller surrounded by so much fat, supple, pink meat.
  129. “Come on...dive in.” Pinkie Pie begged. She wiggled her ass a little in temptation. It was all you needed to get hard once more. You stepped forward and placed your cock on top of her overflowing cheeks, ready and eager to give this needy mare everything she wanted.
  131. You yanked aside her thong and slowly pushed your member into her crack. A surprising amount of Pinkie Pie muscle power rushed to squeeze your dick and pin it between her plump rear. “Guuhhh...Puh-Pink...”
  133. “Hehe, I'm so naughty, I know. Isn't my ass heavenly?” She gave her ass a slap, letting it wobble and bounce for what felt like an eternity. Pinkie Pie relaxed and let you push yourself deeper and deeper into her butt until you were pressing against her hole. “Yessss go go go. Make my ass clap hard, you stud.” Pinkie Pie teased as she pushed herself into you and eased your tip into her asshole.
  135. Even with you in control, Pinkie Pie was demanding the pace. You went the rest of the way in smooth and slow. You savored how her body accepted yours every inch at a time. The way her ass fat squished against you made you shudder. Everything felt so right as you bottomed out and pushed your full length inside her.
  137. “Remember, get a good angle of everything. It's what I'm actually paying you for, cutie.” Pinkie Pie teased. You responded by angling the camera downward and giving her ass the biggest spanking you could manage. She moaned in delight, wiggling her hips for more.
  139. You leaned over, letting your hand sink into her thigh and love handle chub before pulling out and thrusting as fast as you could back into her ass. The air was filled with the wonderful sound of slick, sweaty ass clapping from the impact. The wobbles were hypnotic, driving you to thrust again.
  141. “That's it. Fall under the spell of my super sexy wobble wagon. No stallion can resist once it starts shaking.” Pinkie Pie teased. Another spank quieted her sass as you continued your thrusting. You began to pick up the pace, quickening your thrusts and relishing in watching that fat, pink ass clap for each one.
  143. Pinkie Pie began wiggling her hips more and more, desperate to win over more control. You released her hips with your free hand and placed it right in the middle of one of her cheeks. You pushed and massaged the doughy mass, making Pinkie Pie moan as you stretched and kneaded her supple body.
  145. “Huuhh...huff...m-more.” Pinkie Pie begged.
  147. Finally in control, you gave her what she wanted. You leaned forward and put as much weight on Pinkie as you felt you could get away with and started pumping your hips like a jackhammer. The room was filled with the sound of lewd plaps and Pinkie Pie screaming in delight.
  149. “Yesss! Pin me down! Breed my fat ass! Gimme gimme gimme that fat cock, stud. I need it!” Pinkie Pie screamed. There was no need to hold back. You both needed this. Pinkie let out a long moan as her climax hit first. Her body tensed around yours, forcing you to swap to deeper, slower thrusts. You pushed your hips as far forward as you could and climaxed just as hard.
  152. The room was spinning. Everything was going white. Slowly, you pulled yourself out from Pinkie's rear and slumped on the bed next to her. The only thing you were aware of anymore was the pounding of blood in your ears and the nonstop chimes of donations still flooding in.
  154. “Wowwwwwie. Now that....I haven't had a lay that good in forever.” Pinkie Pie's smiling face came into view. She blushed before leaning down and giving you a peck on the cheek. “I..uh...don't suppose you're up for another round? I've still got another fifteen minutes for this stream.”
  156. You lay upon the bed, still woozy from the second round. Another round? More? This is no mare but a lust demon from the bottom of Tartarus. “There' way. I'd need more time.” You pleaded.
  158. “Aw, pleaaaaaaaaaase? It was so fun and exciting and sexy! Come oooooooon.” She begged like a child asking for candy at the store.
  160. Before you could protest further, Pinkie Pie leaned over and kissed the base of your cock once more. You could feel yourself rousing to attention once more, your body somehow finding the energy to become aroused for the third time today.
  162. “Ohhh lookie here, chat. Somepony might actually want a third round. That's it, I really do need to keep you around. Maybe I should hire you on a full time basis!”
  164. “No way...This is a one time gig. And a one time offer...” You groaned as you forced yourself to sit up on the inflated yoga mat. The camera was placed on the bed as you pushed yourself on top of Pinkie Pie.
  166. Your eyes met. You could see the stars of anticipation in her eyes as you fumbled around in your exhausted state. Pinkie Pie reached down and eased your cock in line with her pussy. “There we go. Whenever you're ready, stud.”
  168. Slowly, you pushed your hips forward. You were still a little woozy but Pinkie Pie let you go at your own pace, finally. She reached out and grabbed your hands, interlocking your fingers with hers before pulling you down for a kiss.
  170. The sudden, passionate kiss was surprising. So surprising that you didn't notice Pinkie Pie locking her legs behind your butt until it was too late. “All mine. Now you gotta finish, silly.” Pinkie Pie teased
  172. No matter. As long as you could take this at your own pace. You kept up a rhythm of slow, deep thrusts. Pinkie Pie let you know her approval with sultry moans between kisses. As much as your body ached for rest, you had to admit this sensual embrace was too good to stop.
  174. Pinkie Pie helped you along, rocking her hips and pulling you in deep with her legs. Bit by bit, your weariness faded as you turned your brain off and submitted to the desire.
  176. You could smell something sugary in the air. It took a moment to realize it was Pinkie Pie. She had been pulling you along at hyper speed all day and it was only now, going nice and slow, were you able to pick up on such things. The playful glint in her blue eyes, the softness of her curly hair, the aura of excitement that was so infectious.
  178. Pinkie Pie tightened her grip on your fingers. Her breath was getting as ragged and heavy as yours. “H-Hey, stud. I'm...close.”
  180. “S-Same...gotta finish strong for the show, right?” You asked.
  182. Pinkie Pie nodded, moving her hips a bit faster than before. Your body somehow matched the pace, bringing you close to the edge. You could feel Pinkie lock her legs tight around you, forcing you to plunge as deep as you could inside her.
  184. You said to finish strong but you barely made it. One or two weak thrusts and you were spent. The tingles of climax were slow to build this time, letting you down gently like a pegasus on a cloud.
  186. Pinkie Pie leaned up and gave you one last kiss before releasing you from her leg lock and allowing you to slump back onto the bed. She pulled herself upright and leaned over you to grab the camera sitting on the bed.
  188. “Well then, everypony, it looks like the show is over. Hope you guys had a swell time! I know I did.”
  190. Pinkie's voice grew faint as you began to pass out. You were more exhausted than you realized. You didn't even bother to tidy yourself up at all, opting to take a well deserved nap on the yoga mat.
  196. You awoke several hours later to find yourself tucked into a rather comfortable bed, wearing the most ridiculous pink pajamas. Your clothes were waiting for you, freshly cleaned and folded on a nearby chair. The room was overflowing with streamers, party balloons and tons of pink. This room absolutely had to be Pinkie's bedroom.
  198. Grabbing your clothes from the chair freed an envelope between your shirt and pants. Inside was a letter and a check. “Dear camera pony stud, hope you got the rest you needed after such a killer performance. I'm out with my friends at the moment so feel free to take a shower and bail whenever you want. Hope the little bonus I tacked on for the grand finale is a good enough apology for dragging you into my stream.”
  200. A check? For how much? You took a peek inside and couldn't believe it. Rent for a year? This single check could probably pay for an entire house! There's no way you could take this much money without saying anything and leaving.
  202. Besides...if the money is THIS good...and if Pinkie Pie was being honest about liking you...perhaps it wouldn't be a terrible idea to make a new friend and business partner. All things you could decide on after a shower and dinner...

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