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H&H day Twilight

Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-07 08:08:14
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Hey uhh... Anon? Can I ask you a question?"
  2. “Are you able to?”
  3. >"Ughh. I mean, MAY I ask you a question?"
  4. “Sure Twiggles, whats on your mind?”
  5. >"Well... I was wondering something... Uhh. I don't know how to ask this... Oh shoot, I don't know how to even start. I mean what if you think I'm a weirdo or something and-"
  6. “Twilight, nothing you can say will make me think you're a weirdo.”
  7. >"Nothing? Are you so sure Anon?"
  8. “Ok. So maybe a few things, but the chances of you saying them are pretty low. So ask away.”
  9. >Twilight starts to hesitate again, but takes a deep breath and begins to ask her question.
  10. >"Is there something wrong with me?"
  11. “What are you talking about?”
  12. >"I mean like... How I look?"
  13. “No you seem normal to me, what do you mean?”
  14. >"Well... I don't know if you've noticed but... around this time every year, everyone's running around finding dates for Hearts and Hooves day. "
  15. “Oh”
  16. >"Yea.... well, I-I was just wondering... Why nobody ever asks me?"
  17. >Twilight refuses to look at you, her eyes are glued to the floor as she nervously fiddles with her hooves.
  18. >”A-am I. Ugly?"
  19. >You begin to hear her voice falter. It’s obvious she's getting more emotional than she anticipated.
  20. “No, of course not!” “There has to be another explanation.” “Maybe it’s because you're a princess?” "Maybe that’s intimidating to some people." "Hell... I don't know.”
  21. >You scratch your head, not knowing what to say to her.
  22. >" you think I'm ugly?"
  23. >You bend down and gently rub her mane. She looks up at you for your answer.
  24. “No, Twilight, of course not.” “I think you're a cute little pony.”
  25. >"Cute? m-me?"
  26. “Yea, whoever gets you will be one lucky stallion.”
  27. >She tries to hide her blush, but she's doing a terrible job of it.
  28. >"Do you think...If nobody asks me..."
  29. >She takes another deep breath, trying to draw in courage.
  30. >"Do-you-kinda-wanna-maybe-go-out-with-me-for-hearts-and-hooves-day-or-something!?"
  32. “Sure Twilight, I got nothing planned on Heart and Hooves day.”
  33. >Hearing you accept her offer made her mood turn a 180, as her brain dumped large amounts of dopamine into her system.
  34. >”Ohh thank you Anon!”
  35. >She practically shout for everyone to hear, while she pulls you into a hug.
  36. >Ah shit you weren’t expecting a hug.
  37. >You also weren’t expecting her to be so loud.
  38. >Your eyes dart around to find ponies of all ages staring at their princess shout and hug you for seemingly no reason.
  39. >Shit man you’re on!
  40. >Reaching around to return Twilight’s hug, your brain thinking of words to force into your voice box.
  41. >But before that could happen, Twilight’s dopamine high wore off, as she quickly pulls herself away from you.
  42. >”Oh geez I’m- I didn’t- I mean- I” she stutters, with brightest blush you’ve ever seen made.
  43. >She also can’t seem to contain her body movement, as she fidgets uncontrollably and her wing kept flexing and un-flexing.
  44. >Yep embarrassment is hitting her.
  45. >”I-I- um see you tomorrow!” she manages to blurt out before warping somewhere else.
  46. >Well that’s one problem down.
  47. >Looking up you still a large amount of ponies staring at you.
  48. “Got a date for Hearts and Hooves day” you awkwardly address the crowd
  49. >Some burst into cheers and heartfelt “awws”
  50. >Some (mostly the young stallions) snorted and shook their heads, probably disgusted that their princess choose you instead of them.
  51. >Others stopped giving a fuck and continued on their business.
  52. >With that dealt with you release a sigh you didn’t know you were holding.
  53. >Well at least tomorrow will be interesting.
  55. >Next day.
  56. >Alright faggot there is nothing to this.
  57. >You’re just taking a talking, multicolor, miniature horse to the Ponyville Hearts and Hooves day festival.
  58. >As friends, nothing else is gunna happen tonight.
  59. >You stare at yourself in the mirror.
  60. >You’ve been having this mirror prep talk for almost a day and a half since yesterday.
  61. >Your nerves are still fucking shot, like you’ve been sentence to death by firing squad.
  62. >Okay so not really, and maybe you’re over reacting, but this is still a position you would rather not be in.
  63. >You only said yes to be polite, but then you should have realized that being polite means so much more here than it does back on Earth.
  64. >You’ve been here a year and you still have some echo of home sickness.
  65. >Not that living here in Equestria is bad.
  66. >It’s just you have yet to get use to the local populace.
  67. >Well at least in a dick rising way anyhow.
  68. >It might be because you throw ponies into two groups.
  69. >One is cuddly and adorable, the other is shut the fuck up you’re annoying the piss outta me.
  70. >Unfortunately Twilight is in the former, and you refuse to have lewd thoughts about her.
  71. >So one more time faggot there is nothing to this.
  73. >Once the sun went down and you started to hear the festivities begin to pick up, you decided it was time to freshen up for your da-friendly activity.
  74. >After a brief shower you put on your sharpest tux crispest tie.
  75. >Making a detour to your mirror one last time, you give yourself a once over.
  76. >Damn you look good, but you hope you aren’t overdressed.
  77. >Well that enough time spent in front of a mirror for more than one life time.
  78. >Pulling away from your mirror, you make way toward the front door.
  79. >As you pass your sofa you pick up a box of chocolate and a bundle of roses.
  80. >You don’t know when you had time to get them before hand, as prep talk occupied most of your thoughts, but hey at least you have them.
  81. >Hopefully this is seen as a friendly gesture and nothing more, but realistically doing this will lead to something more.
  82. >Fuck it, it’s too late to back out now, you and Twilight are gunna have a blast tonight.
  83. >Opening your door, you are greeted by a loud blast of music setting the stage and mood for tonight, as various groups of ponies walk the street.
  84. >Closing your door, you start walking to the castle to pick up your friend.
  86. >Walking through the crowded streets gave you some time to come up with a game plan.
  87. >First you tell her that the two of you is just friends and this isn’t a date.
  88. >Second run like hell as the town militia chase you with pitch forks and torches out of town because you made Twilight cry on Hearts and Hooves day.
  89. >No doubt that’s a crime punishable by death.
  90. >No, let’s not just drop a nuke all over Twilight’s heart.
  91. >Fuck you hope she wearing something silly like a dinosaur costume, make this whole we’re friend thing easier.
  92. >Reaching the castle you find yourself somewhat gawking at how out of place it is.
  93. >I mean it’s a castle made up of crystals in the shape of a tree, who the hell thought of that?
  94. >You were told Twilight once lived in a tree that double as the town’s library.
  95. >Until some bull centaur thing from hell Kamehameha it into the ground.
  96. >And you’re stalling.
  97. >Come on man it just a small horse that asked you to accompany her for one night, stop being such a pussy.
  98. >Kicking yourself in gear you walk to the double doors, as you were getting ready to knock, the door suddenly opened.
  99. >Not Alfred the pony butler answer the door.
  100. >”Sir Anonymous?”
  101. “Yes that’s me”
  102. >With a short nod he moves aside and gestures to come in with left hoof.
  103. >Taking his invitation you walk through the open door, and stare at your surroundings, while not Alfred closes the door.
  104. >Yep just like every fantasy novel, big foyer, bigger stairs that branch in two directions leading to god knows where.
  105. >”If you please wait here a moment while I retrieve Princess Twilight Sparkle.”
  106. >Not Alfred bows like a sir, before going upstairs, leaving you with your thumb up your ass.
  108. >You figure it will take a while seeing how Twilight lives in a castle, there probably hundreds of rooms-
  109. >”DON’T YOU DO IT SPIKE!”
  111. >"YOU KNOW WHAT!”
  112. >"MMM I DON’T THINK I DO!"
  113. >Well that train of thought was soundly shattered.
  114. >Not to long after the shouts, you see a small purple lizard come running from the right stairway giggling like a madman.
  115. >Deciding the stairs are for plebs he jumps on the hand rails, and slides the rest of the way down.
  116. >Using his forward momentum to carry him, he stopped squarely at your feet.
  117. >You were told Twilight had a pet dragon, but you were expecting a giant fire breathing death machine, not Liz from the Magic School Bus.
  118. >Stifling his laughs as best could he turns his head upwards to look you in the eyes.
  119. >”Have you Sir Anonymous, the most gallant knight in all the land, come to talk our fair maiden Twilight Sparkle on a round of courtship on this special occasion?”
  120. >The fuck is going on right now?
  122. >Hearing this manage to get another giggle out of the little dragon.
  123. “Um yes.”
  124. >Wait what courtship!
  125. >But before you could say anything Spike turn 180 degrees.
  126. >”OHH fair maiden, Sir Knight Anonymous has come to whisk you away on this night filled with love!”
  127. >”Must you make him wait before he can lay his eyes upon thine beauty?”
  128. >You hear Twilight groan after Spike put her the spot like that
  129. >Yep tonight is gunna be interesting.
  131. >There was a long silence before you could faintly hear the soft clicks of metal on tile.
  132. >Then silence once more.
  133. >Spike impatiently taps his foot.
  134. >”Oh come on Twilight, I’m going to be a hundred years old, and Anonymous is going to be a skeleton at this rate.”
  135. >”I’m coming alright!”
  136. >Well at least she sounds closer than before.
  137. >Not long after that, you hear Twilight’s steps again.
  138. >And the first thing you see is a horse shoe, and not just any normal horse shoe either.
  139. >It was a dark blue color that fades to silver midway through, and the sides it was studded with sapphires.
  140. > The next thing to appear was Twilight head.
  141. >You can see her part of mane was braided into a hoop, with the rest of it ended with a small pony tail.
  142. >A Silver tiara rest neatly atop her head, with one big sapphire in the middle.
  143. >As Twilight kept walking you finally got to see her dress.
  144. >It is the same color as her horse shoes, but as an added effect, there was silver glitter on the dark blue part and dark blue glitter on the silver part.
  145. >The dress is short in the front show the lower part of her forelegs, and got longer in the back, the hem just mere inches of the ground.
  146. >It was tied around her neck, which allow the back to be opened all the way down to her flank.
  147. >Goddamn it why couldn’t she have just worn the dinosaur costume.
  148. >While Twilight was getting closer to you, you couldn’t keep your eyes off her.
  149. >You couldn’t see it but Spike has the largest shit eating grin right now.
  150. >When Twilight made it within a respectable distance from you she stopped
  151. >Her eyes looking at everything but you, her body a bit shaken, she keep pick up her right hoof until it’s almost off the ground, just so she could put it back down again.
  152. >When Twilight finally looks at you, her mouth quivering, before meekly asking
  153. >”How do I look?”
  155. >Radiant, Beautiful, Stunning, Alluring, Gorgeous, DAAAAYUM.
  156. >No brain we can’t use those words, we’re just friends remember.
  157. >Fuck that give credit where due man.
  158. “Wonderful” you manage to cop-out without taking time.
  159. >Twilight’s ears rise after hearing your complement
  160. >A blush also spreads across her face, and she fluffs her wings.
  161. >”T-thanks Anonymous” she says shyly with a smile
  162. >”But I think Rarity went a little overboard.”
  163. >”Nonsense!” Spike decide to interject.
  164. >Twilight turns her head to address Spike.
  165. >”But everyone will look at.”, her eyes quickly flick from him to you and back again, “A-at us.”
  166. >”And?” Spike couldn’t have said that anymore deadpan even if he tried.
  167. >”Besides you’re Princess Twilight Sparkle, everyone was going to look anyways no matter what you wore, and ponies are gunna want to know who your suitor is.”
  168. >Shit the paparazzi is going to eat you two alive.
  169. >Apparently Twilight had the same thought, because her eyes flatten and she shuddered.
  170. >”Oops shouldn’t have said that last part, oh well live and learn.”
  171. >As Spike is speaking he digs his claws into your pants leg, and spins you comically around until you stop, facing towards the door.
  172. >Huh when did not Alfred get here?
  173. >”Come on you two, you’ve burned enough nightlife hours standing around doing nothing!”
  174. >You see Spike Pushing Twilight, forcing her to walk.
  175. >Following after them, not Alfred opens the door, and you both step outside.
  176. >”Oh and Anonymous.”
  177. >You and Twilight turn around to look at Spike standing in the door way.
  178. >You swear that grin never leaves his face.
  179. >”I don’t want Twilight to come home tonight!”
  180. >That easily got a blush out of both you, and before anything could be said.
  181. >”OkayIloveyoubuhbye!” Spike franticly waves his hand, before slamming the door and locking it.
  183. “So what have you been teaching him these last few years?”
  184. >”What I didn’t teaching any of that!” Twilight’s blush intensify.
  185. >Alright you got to admit, it’s fun messing with Twilight.
  186. “I’m just messing with you Twilight, I’m sure you’re an excellent teacher to the young.”
  187. >Twilight only response to your complement is to tense up, says nothing, and replace the purple coat around her face with red.
  188. >Stop being adorable!
  189. >I’m just trying to be friendly!
  190. “Alright Twilight loosen up those joints.”
  191. ”There’s going to be a lot of walking, dancing, and carnival games by the end of the night.”
  192. “And we’re wasting time standing in front of your door, so let’s get started right.”
  193. “Here you go” you give Twilight the roses and chocolate.
  194. >She takes your gifts with a gasp
  195. >”Thank you Anonymous, but you didn’t need to get me these”
  196. “Yes I did, it’s part of the rules, oh and call me Anon much faster that way.”
  197. >She looks at you for a moment, before panic swept her off her hooves.
  198. >”Rules?” “What rules?!” “When did they make rules?!” “Why didn’t anyone tell me about these rules?!” “Where can I read about these rules?!”
  199. “Whoa, whoa calm down Twi, the rules are mostly a guy thing so don’t worry about em.
  200. >This seems to pull her out of her panic attack.
  201. >”Are you sure, aren’t there any rules for mare?”
  202. “Yeah there is one rule for mares.”
  203. >Before she could explode a million and one questions.
  204. >You drop to one knee, and reach out with you left hand.
  205. >Your hand makes contact with her neck, and you begin to gently scratch.
  206. >You’ve read that horses liked getting their neck scratched, it should work on ponies too.
  207. >Lo and behold it does.
  208. >Twilight melts in your hand
  209. >Quivering from your touch, she unexpectedly lets out a small moan.
  210. >Wow she’s really getting into it.
  211. >To Twilight’s dismay, you remove your hand, as you stand up.
  212. “The only rules a cutie like you has to worry about is having fun and enjoying the night. You tell her with a smile.
  213. “Come on Twi let’s get outta here.”
  214. >You turn towards Ponyville, as you both start walking to the night started in earnest.
  216. >You’re glad Twilight has 24/7 access to her own train for her personal use.
  217. >You both board, and grab a seat waiting on the train to get a move on.
  218. >You sit down with you left arm hanging over the back of the seat, while Twilight sits a respectable distance from you.
  219. >There is a silence between the two of you.
  220. >Which is odd see how earlier you both had no problem speaking to each other.
  221. >Maybe she thinking about something?
  222. >While you were in thought, the train started to move, and begins its journey towards Ponyville.
  223. >Sadly the train cart remains devoid of any conversation.
  224. >Shit you wish you know what to talk to her about.
  225. >Really you only know through word of mouth and looks alone.
  226. >Which is why you’re trying the whole “let’s be friends” angle.
  227. >But it’s kind of obvious that Twilight wants more than that.
  228. > And you’ve been playing off that to get through the night.
  229. >Which makes you a shitty person.
  230. >Well that ends ri-
  231. >Before you could finish that thought.
  232. >Twilight invades your personal space, and leans her body against yours, and rest head on your chest.
  233. >Turning your head downward, your eyes meet hers.
  234. >For a moment you’re breathless and thoughtless.
  235. >The longer you stare into her violet irises, your heart beats faster.
  236. >So she was thinking on how far she should go.
  237. >Pushing it to the limit with the boldest move she could make without kissing you.
  238. >Well it looks like cupid wins.
  239. >It would be easier to stop resisting and just fall in love with purple alicorn.
  240. >Although you’re not going to let have all the fun.
  241. >Taking your hand off the seat, you wrap it around Twilight’s waist, and pull her closer to you.
  242. “Comfortable?’
  243. >Twilight releases the breath she was hold in, and adjusts herself letting more of her body rest against yours, while never breaking eye contact with you.
  244. >”Yes” she says with a smile.
  245. >Looks like you’re going down the Twilight route, but you still know little to nothing about her.
  246. “Hey Twi what is your favorite thing to do for fun?
  248. >For the remainder of the train ride you got to know who Twilight Sparkle is from her own mouth, instead from the mouths of other.
  249. >You learned that Twi favorite time sink was time spent with her friends, no matter how silly, chaotic, or life threating.
  250. >If she can’t hook up with any of her friends, then she hunkers down either in her room, or the castle’s library with several book, all over different subjects.
  251. >Even though Twilight tries her damnedest to keep her enthusiasm about literature to a minimum.
  252. >She still nerd out on a few authors and novals, then she would shut her mouth with a blush.
  253. >Too bad for her, you like when she does that.
  254. >She just gets so into it, and every inch of her being is just vibrate ecstatic when trying to explain the author ideology.
  255. >It was fucking adorable.
  256. >Twilight also asked her far share of questions.
  257. >Even though you don’t have the same admiration for literature as Twilight does, you still name off a few authors that you liked back on Earth.
  258. >When you had any time to yourself, you spent it keeping in shape.
  259. >Now you aren’t McBuff McLarge, but you aren’t a slouch either.
  260. >Just in the middle was good enough for you.
  261. >And when you’re not doing that, you are on the computer (which somehow got here, with working Wi-Fi, but hey you’re not complaining.)
  262. >Of course Twilight asked what a computer was, how does it work, what does it look like, etc.
  263. >But you promised her after tonight, you’ll show her everything she wants to know in full detail.
  264. >While you two were talking, you felt the train start to slow down.
  265. >Look out the window you see that the Ponyville train station was steadily approaching.
  266. >Damn that was fast.
  267. >It only takes a few moments for the train to reach the station, and come to a complete stop.
  269. >The conductor emerges from the pilot into your car.
  270. >”We have arrived at Ponyville station, all passengers depart safely, and have a happy H&H day!”
  271. >As he was talking, he opened the side door to your car, and stepped back.
  272. >You and Twilight get up from your seats, and head out to find.
  273. >An empty train station.
  274. >The fuck?
  275. >Where are the paparazzi?
  276. >The cameras going wild with flashes trying to get the princess and her date in an awkward pose?
  277. >There isn’t even an out of place cardboard bush anywhere in sight
  278. >”Anon?”
  279. >Twilight’s voice brought you back to the real world.
  280. “Oh sorry, just thinking on what to do first.”
  281. >Twilight ponder for a moment before responding.
  282. >”Well I’m a little hungry, so dinner might be a good place to start.”
  283. “Awesome, didn’t think you got reservation for tonight.”
  284. >”I don’t, but I know a place that doesn’t need a reservation, come on lets go”
  285. >With that Twilight makes her off the platform, with a very obvious spring in her step
  286. >You follow behind, thankful that Twilight had some place in mind for dinner.
  287. >Because the only place you eat at on a daily basis is a sandwich shop.
  288. >Not the most romantic spot now is it?
  290. >Twilight takes you to a place called “Leeks Get Eat”.
  291. >It was built similarly like a log cabin only bigger.
  292. >But there is a problem here.
  293. >There are no lines.
  294. >It’s H&H day, there should at least a line in front of every restaurant.
  295. >”I really do love this place.” Twilight says, as she walk starts walking.
  296. >You follow behind her as she speaks
  297. >”No lines, no reservations, and most importantly it’s amazingly quite here, makes it the perfect place to eat lunch and read a good book.”
  298. >”Ponyvilles precious diamond in my opinion”
  299. >As you both approach the doors, you try to get a head of her to open the door like a gentleman.
  300. >But Twilight just open the doors with her magic.
  301. >Well okay then, see if I pull your chair out for you.
  302. >… Ah who the hell are you kidding, you’ll still do it.
  303. >Once you are both inside, you can see why Twilight loves this place.
  304. >Holy shit this place is comfy.
  305. >A fireplace filled the room in a warm, and bright.
  306. >Serene music played in the background, a stark contrast to the blaring fanfare outside.
  307. >The furnishing was like every big game hunter wet dream.
  308. >Well minus the trophies.
  309. >And much more tables and booths.
  310. >Looking around, you mostly see the older population of ponies here.
  311. >Would explain the why everything is trying to be as tranquil as possible

Trials and Errors (MP Story)

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Tilelover Anon

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Newlywed Nightmare

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Twilight's Addiction

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A Reward From the Queen

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