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Twilight's Addiction

Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-07 08:08:28
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, and currently you’re holding a struggling Twilight making headway towards your bed.
  2. >”Please Anon let me go.” She whined in the most heartbreaking sound you’ve ever head her make.
  3. “No Twilight, you don’t need that stuff anymore.” You say in the calmest voice you could muster in this situation.
  4. >Saying this though only doubles Twilight’s efforts to escape your grasp.
  5. >Her wings flap harder trying to get any wind under them, but only succeed in constantly beat against your ribs.
  6. >Her horn flashes sparks haphazardly because of her unstable state of mind
  7. >Her lower body writhe against yours, trying to slip out of your arms, or hope her kicks to your stomach will cause enough pain so you’ll drop her.
  8. >Unfortunately for her the Dust made her weak pretty much in every department.
  9. >It’s still an unpleasant feeling getting kicked in the stomach though.
  10. >”Please Anon, one last inhale, and I promise I’ll give it up”
  11. >You wish you could believe her, but her words rang hollow.
  12. >It’s taken you, the guards, and her friends days to clean up her secret Dust hiding spots, and you’re sure theres more around the castle.
  13. “No Twilight, trust me it’s better this way.”
  14. >You don’t want that last inhale to be the last thing she ever gets to do.
  15. >Finally reaching the side of the unkempt bed, you quickly put Twilight down on to it, secure both of her front hooves with one hand, and reach for the sheets with the other.
  16. >Twilight groans in agony while you do all this, you only hope you didn’t add to her pain.
  17. >With the sheets formerly in hand you begin trying Twilights hooves together.
  18. >Not an easy task with her wiggling around like an earth worm on concrete, but you endeavored and finish.
  19. >Taking a step back to examine your wife.
  20. >Hear coat was messy and spotted with light purple dirt, probably from digging around the walls of the castle.
  21. >Her mane and tail is riddle with split ends and knots.
  23. >Her wings obviously haven’t been preened in a while, as you can see feathers out of place, and some are even broken to the quill.
  24. >Her face was matted with her tears.
  25. >Twilight never really stopped struggling, just kind of awkwardly half wiggling and half scooting around
  26. >In one last act of desperation to get you to release her, she looks at you with open eyes.
  27. >Now that you think about, you’ve not seen Twilight’s eyes yet.
  28. >Mainly because her back was turned when you found her.
  29. >And you really wish she hadn’t shown them, because right now it’s almost impossible to tell if the entirety of her eyes is supposed to be blood red from a side effect, or from her crying.
  30. >”Please Anon, it hurts so much, it feels like I’m about to die.” “Just one more time please.”
  31. >A savage attempt to break through your guard, but you remain steadfast, and your resolve was reinforced with Zecora’s wrongs.
  32. >You slowly shake your head, denying her request to find her salvation.
  33. >Upon seeing your answer, all of the fight Twilight once had ends, and she just lays there.
  34. >Broken, defeated.
  35. >You hated seeing her like this, you hated what the Dust made her become, and from this moment on you vow you would never see her like this again.
  36. >Before you leaving to begin your crusade, you bend over to place a kiss on her cheek.
  37. “Stay strong my beautiful nerd, you’ve beating a demon from hell, I’m positive you can beat this too”.
  38. >Twilight doesn’t responded with words, but raises her head to give you her own kiss on your cheek, before closing her eyes and laying her head back down on the bed.
  39. >Straightening yourself out, you make your way towards the door, and out into the hallway.
  40. >While you were walking down the hallway, your thoughts linger around Twilight.
  41. >You’ll need to ask a servant to watch and take care of her.
  42. >Twilight’s road to recovery will be long and hard.
  43. >But today was the first of many and you’ll be with her every step of the way.

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