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Trials and Errors (MP Story)

Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2025-01-30 23:57:55
Expiry: Never

  1. >You sit beside your fireplace.
  2. >Wine glass in hand.
  3. >Swirling around what little liquid that remains.
  4. >The combined warmth of the fire and wine is almost enough to lull you to sleep.
  5. >But you are expecting someone tonight.
  6. >You glance down at your wrist.
  7. >Your watch reads 12:29.
  8. >A minute too early for her to show up.
  9. >You take the last sip of your wine.
  10. >Rising out of your seat, you start to move towards the kitchen.
  11. >Until your movements are halted by two soft knocks at your door.
  12. >You pivot on your heel, as you change your course.
  13. >Your head reaches the door knob.
  14. >With a quick twist, you pull open the door.
  15. >There she stands, Twilight Sparkle.
  16. >And as always, she looks conflicted to be here, with her eyes casted down towards the ground.
  17. >Nonetheless, you stand aside, and allow her passage into your home.
  18. >She hesitates, almost as if she prefers to stand in the dark outside of your home.
  19. >But eventually she submits, and she walks through your door.
  20. >Her pregnant belly sways as she walks.
  21. >She is to be expected soon.
  22. >Once Twilight is completely inside of your home, you close the door behind her.
  23. “Good Evening, Twilight.”
  24. “You've come at a most convenient time, I was about to get me something to drink.”
  25. “Would you like anything?”
  27. >” N-no, I’m fine.” She manages to choke out.
  28. >” I won’t be staying long tonight.”
  29. >Hmm this song and dance again.
  30. >Well the guilt has been shredding away at her since the beginning.
  31. >You contain a sigh before speaking.
  32. “Really Twilight? But it’s so late.”
  33. >” Anon, look we-.”
  34. “And there is a nice, toasty fire just waiting to warm a pair of bodies up.”
  35. >She scowls at you for cutting her off.
  36. “Come now, why don’t you take a seat next to it.”
  37. “I'm sure you're tired from your journey.”
  38. “The train ride from Ponyville to Canterlot is a long one after all.”
  39. >She stares at you for a moment, before she sighs in defeat.
  40. >She leads the way towards your loft, and you trail behind her.
  41. >You both know what you’re doing.
  42. >Stalling from the situation at hand.
  43. >To keep words that will no doubt bring pain made worse by their mere existence.
  44. >Moving in front of your seat, you take a second to look at Twilight.
  45. >She struggles a little, the weight of her stomach making the mundane task a daunting ordeal.
  46. >You were about to move to help her.
  47. >” Don’t, I have it.”
  48. >And people say mules are stubborn.
  50. >She heaves herself up with all the strength of her muscles and wings.
  51. >Sitting her back against the chair, panting lightly.
  52. >” I keep telling you to get shorter chairs.”
  53. “Yes, I know, but I’ve never gotten around to finding one.”
  54. >You say as you take your own seat.
  55. >” Oh, I’m sorry, it must be hard to find time between work.”
  56. >” I mean, you only go to work five times a month, just to make sure your banks don’t run into the ground.”
  57. >” But don’t worry, I understand.”
  58. “Alright miss sassy, I’ll get you a smaller chair.”
  59. “And I’ll have you know, I’m always monitoring my banks to make sure they’re running smoothly.”
  60. >Your little banter incites a small giggle out of the lavender pony.
  61. >And for a moment, you both share a small amount of normalcy.
  62. >A feeling that doesn’t last long, as Twilight casts her gaze towards your fireplace, and goes silent.
  63. >You wish it never came to this.
  64. >The words always hurt coming out of your mouth.
  65. >And you still ask anyway.
  66. >Cupping your hands together, you take a breath.
  67. “Did Flash come home today?”
  69. >There is the reaction you were expecting.
  70. >The laid-back ears.
  71. >The sudden cringe that forces her body to shrivel.
  72. >Her eyes squeezing shut, as if they tried to deny the reality that they are witnessing.
  73. >You hate seeing her like this.
  74. >But nothing you can do can make this right.
  75. >In fact you seem to be making it worse.
  76. >You hang your head down.
  77. “He doesn’t deserve you.”
  78. >” Ha, who deserves me? You?”
  79. >Bitterness laces her voice.
  80. >Her sudden outburst keeps your mouth shut.
  81. >She’s right.
  82. >You don’t deserve her any more than Flash.
  83. >There is a tense silence between the two of you.
  84. >Slightly disturbed by the faint crackling of the fire.
  85. >And then the sound of crying pierces your ears.
  86. >Raising your head up.
  87. >Twilight is bawling into her hooves.
  88. >Muttering inconsistent words that are soon drowned out by her cries.
  89. >You sit there paralyzed by the scene that plays before you.
  90. >Twiddling your thumbs and biting your bottom lip.
  91. >You vow when all this started that you’d never see her cry again.
  92. >That you would help her get through this.
  93. >You never imagine that you would make things worse than before.
  95. >Back on earth, your problems were simple.
  96. >Go to work, beat the competition, and hope for that promotion to bank manager.
  97. >Nothing but a tedious climb to the top, which always seems too far away.
  98. >But life is life.
  99. >Until one day that all changes.
  100. >Every day you would drive past this antic Chinese pawn shop.
  101. >And every day your curiosity grows.
  102. >Your curiosity finally won out, and on your way back home, you parked in front of the store, and went inside.
  103. >Not surprising that you would find a bunch of junk.
  104. >Statues, paintings, vases, and some weird looking masks.
  105. >Some were obviously fake, others could fool anyone who didn’t know what they were buying.
  106. >Just as you turn around to leave, your eyes land on an interesting item.
  107. >A monkey’s paw.
  108. >Now everyone knows the tale about them.
  109. >But the thing that you noticed was that it was missing two fingers.
  110. >Meaning one of two things.
  111. >One they just broke off, or two they granted someone’s wish.
  112. >Really option one was the most likely reason, but with a thirty-dollar price tag, why not, you’ve got money to burn.
  113. >You pick up the paw and take it to the counter.
  114. >A quick greeting, and exchange of currency.
  115. >You walk out the door, with a newly acquired monkey hand.
  117. >You return home.
  118. >Grabbing your bag, as you exit your car.
  119. >Locking it up as you walk to your house.
  120. >Once you’re inside your condo.
  121. >You make a beeline for your reclining chair.
  122. >Taking a seat, you fish out the monkey’s paw.
  123. >You take the time to look over it.
  124. >Rotating your hand to look at every inch.
  125. >Yep, it’s just a dried-up paw.
  126. >Just like the one in Jacobs’s story.
  127. >Well now that you reconfirmed that it is indeed a monkey’s paw.
  128. >You lean back into your recliner, and stare at the ceiling.
  129. >Okay so now that you have it, what to do with it?
  130. >There isn’t much that you could wish for.
  131. >You have a comfortable, if somewhat dull life.
  132. >Money stops being an issue once you get out of school and nabbed your current job.
  133. >There is really one thing you could even wish for.
  134. >And with patience you could get that too.
  135. >You sit up in your chair.
  136. >Since you bought the thing, you might as well use it.
  137. >Grasping both hands around the monkey’s wrist and raising it slightly above your head.
  138. “I wish I was a bank manager.”
  140. >And nothing happened!
  141. >Well at least for right now nothing happened.
  142. >You go back to holding the paw in one hand.
  143. >You stare at the last remaining finger.
  144. >You might need to let some time pass for it to have some effect.
  145. >As you are thinking.
  146. >The finger starts to shake, until it snaps off.
  147. >The dried-up digit lands on your thigh, pulling you from your thoughts.
  148. >Picking up the finger makes you realize the amateurish mistake you have made.
  149. >If the paw does grant your wish.
  150. >You weren’t very specific with it.
  151. >Well crap.
  152. >Now your wish can be granted in any number of ways.
  153. >And it’s going to take you by surprise when it happens.
  154. >Sighing, you put the finger and the paw back into the bag.
  155. >Going to your room, you drop the bag next to your dresser.
  156. >You get out of your work clothes and put on something more casual.
  157. >There’s no point in worrying about what might happen now.
  158. >You’ll just have to see what crazy event will allow you to get the position.
  159. >You spend the rest of the day doing mundane tasks.
  160. >And when 10:30 rolls around, you’re ready to turn yourself in.
  161. >You turn off the remaining light in your room and hop into bed.
  162. >As sleep grasps your conscious thoughts, you can't help but think of what might happen with your wish.
  164. >You awake to the sun's early morning rays.
  165. >Forcing your eyes to part, you are blinded by how bright they are.
  166. >Wait a second.
  167. >The sunlight isn’t supposed to be that bright at 5:15.
  168. >Your mind kicks into overdrive.
  169. “I’m late!”
  170. >You nearly throw yourself from your bed.
  171. >Which in turn causes you to slip as your right foot slides on the tile floor.
  172. >As you fall backwards, your overclocked mind forms a question.
  173. >Since when did you have tile floors in your room?
  174. >Your arms reach behind you to grab hold of the bed.
  175. >Among the chaos, you hear a ‘what the hay’, as your lower body continues on its way to greet the floor.
  176. >Silver lining though, thanks to your quick thinking, the fall doesn’t hurt nearly as much.
  177. >”What the hay thing, you almost gave me a heart attack!”
  178. >Alright next question.
  179. >Who said that?
  180. >Turning your head over to where you heard the voice from.
  181. >You see two ponies?
  182. >Wearing gold armor?
  183. >And one of them has a look of shock while one of its hooves is pressed against its chest.
  184. >It seems there will be no end to the amount of questions you’ll have today.
  186. >The pony on the right just shakes his head.
  187. >”Right since it’s awake now, you watch it, while I’ll get the Princesses.” He says, as he turns around.
  188. >” Hey why do I have to watch it?”
  189. >They really need to stop calling you “it”
  190. >”Because of rank.” The pony says, as he leaves the room.
  191. >Once the door closes, the remaining pony blows a raspberry.
  192. >The pony turns his head towards you.
  193. >”So, what are you anyways?”
  194. >Well there are certainly better ways to start a conversation.
  195. “Um, well, I’m a human.”
  196. >The pony tilts his head at your answer.
  197. >”A human? What’s that?”
  198. >All of a sudden, the door to the room bursts open.
  199. >Startling the pony once again.
  200. >*Gasp* “Oh my gosh, you are up!”
  201. >Standing in the doorway, you see a...
  202. >Unicorn?
  203. >But when did they have wings?
  204. >Before you open your mouth, there is a blur, and it stands in front of you.
  205. >”Ohh there are so many questions I want to ask you!”
  206. >From a bag that hangs on its torso, it pulls out a scroll and quill.
  207. >It unrolls the scroll and starts to write something at the top.
  208. >While it’s doing that, the scroll continues to unroll, until it hits the wall out in the hallway.
  209. >”Okay first question, what is your name?”
  211. >”Twilight.” A voice calls out from the doorway
  212. >The supposed Twilight's ears fold back against its head.
  213. >Turning your eyes from the small unicorn with wings.
  214. >You see entering the room, a bigger unicorn with wings.
  215. >You notice a crown sitting on this one’s head.
  216. >This one might be one of the Princesses that was mentioned earlier.
  217. >But then where are the others?
  218. >”Sorry Princess Celestia.” The pony turns to the bigger one
  219. >”I just wanted to get as many questions answered before I leave.”
  220. >”I mean it’s not every day you see... whatever you’re supposed to be, sleeping in your garden.”
  221. >Wait, sleeping in a garden?
  222. “I wasn’t sleeping in a garden, I was sleeping in my bed back home.”
  223. >All heads quickly turn towards you.
  224. >”Excuse me? Sleeping in your bed back home?” The little unicorn with wings asked
  225. “Yes, that's what I said.”
  226. >It scratches its hoof against its chin, before a violet glow emits from its horn.
  227. >The same glow wraps around the bag, manipulating it to open.
  228. >This time a small journal is pulled from the bag
  229. >The journal opens up, pages quickly being flipped.
  230. >Until they stop after a second.
  231. >”At 9:30 in the morning, an unidentified creature was found sleeping right next to the Princesses royal flowerbed.”
  233. >”At 9:40, a group of guards surrounded the creature.
  234. >”At 9:45, Princess Celestia, and I arrived on the scene.”
  235. >If the little pony ever looks up from its journal, it might have seen the confusion on your face.
  236. >And then it comes back to you.
  237. >The unspecific wish that you made.
  238. >Really?
  239. >The monkey’s paw whisks you away to another world.
  240. >Just so you can be a bank manager.
  241. >Does this place even have a bank?
  242. >Accidently, you openly sigh.
  243. >”I’m sorry, am I rambling?”
  244. “Huh, oh no, you’re not rambling.”
  245. “I wouldn’t have a job if I couldn’t pay attention to someone speaking aloud for hours on end.”
  246. “No, I just remembered how I got here in the first place.”
  247. >The violet unicorn with wings suddenly perks up.
  248. >”Really, alright then we can start from there!”
  249. >It quickly puts its journal away, and picks up the scroll and quill.
  250. >”By the way, I still haven’t gotten your name.”
  252. >You hear a soft giggle coming from the larger pony.
  253. >”Well Twilight the least you can do is allow it to get off of the ground.”
  254. >You see a yellowish glow that surrounds the horn.
  255. >And you feel yourself lifted off of the ground.
  256. >You are floated over to the bed, and gently placed on top of it.
  257. >”And we might as well make ourselves comfortable.”
  258. >She turns to the two guards.
  259. >”Would you two be so kind and grab us a couple of chairs please.”
  260. >”Oh and some breakfast would you please.”
  261. >”I imagine we’ll be here for a while.”
  262. >The mention of food causes your stomach to growl.
  263. >An action that gets a stare from everything in the room.
  264. >”Oh right, my apology, I forgot about you.”
  265. >”What would you like for breakfast… being?”
  266. >Okay you draw the line at being.
  267. “My name is Anonymous-.”
  268. >”Finally!”
  269. >The little purple one cuts you off.
  270. >Scribbling on her scroll, excited that you answered at least one of her questions.
  271. >Okay then.
  272. “Anyways, do you have cereal? Maybe something with wheat?”
  273. >A smile appears on the large one's face.
  274. >”Oh yes, of course we do.”
  275. >”Anonymous eats wheat cereal.”
  276. >The purple one scribbles into its scroll.
  277. >”Do you eat anything else?”
  279. >You spend the rest of the morning answering.
  280. >What are you? Where did you come from? What does your species eat?
  281. >Those sorts of questions.
  282. >But no matter how mundane you thought the questions were.
  283. >The Princesses eat your answers up.
  284. >Especially Twilight.
  285. >You’ve learned the hard way that she has a very inquisitive mind.
  286. >But that also meant that she was most enthusiastic to answer your own questions.
  287. >Where are you? What lives here? What makes you two so different from the others?
  288. >The two of them answered your questions just as easily as you did theirs.
  289. >You found out you’re in Equestria
  290. >With various creatures from folklore living here.
  291. >And the princesses are Alicorns.
  292. >Which is a unique pony that is a combination of the three pony races.
  293. >The three of you sat there and talked through breakfast, and even had lunch.
  294. >They are a delightful company.
  295. >Twilight explodes with energy when it comes to learning new things.
  296. >You found out that she has an extensive love for mathematics.
  297. >A trait that is not easy to find.
  298. >Celestia on the other hand, had this wondrous air surrounding her.
  299. >It puts you at ease while you talk to her.
  300. >She was also more reserved than Twilight.
  301. >Sometimes even putting a damper on her parade.
  302. >But as much as you like to talk to the two of them.
  303. >You were starting to feel a little tired.
  304. >And somehow, even with all the questions thrown at you answered.
  305. >Twilight still had half of a scroll left.
  306. >”Just one more question, okay.”
  307. >This isn’t the first time she said that either.
  308. >”Twilight dear.”
  309. >”Hmm, yes Princess?”
  310. >”I don’t mean to be a bother, but don’t you have somewhere to be today?”
  311. >”Umm yes, what time is it?”
  312. >A guard clears his throat.
  313. >”It is 5:35, Princess.”
  314. >”What, why didn’t anyone tell me it was so late?!”
  315. >She hurriedly stuffs her scroll and quills into her bag.
  316. >”Bye Princess, bye Anon, We’ll pick this up on another day.”
  317. >She then disappears in a flash of magenta.
  319. >Well that sure was abrupt.
  320. >”You’ll have to forgive her.”
  321. >”She simply cannot resist the urge to learn something new.”
  322. >You give Celestia a weary smile.
  323. “Hey it’s no problem.”
  324. “But 5:30?”
  325. “Didn’t think we were here for so long.”
  326. >Celestia just giggles.
  327. >”Yes, well, when you learn of a whole new world, time sure does fly.”
  328. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
  329. “So what is it she’s late for exactly?”
  330. >”Oh she might be late for her date with her fiancé.”
  331. “Her fiancé, wow lucky guy.”
  332. >”Yeah lucky.”
  333. >That came out a little sad.
  334. >You know how mothers say something, but they’re not really into what they’re saying.
  335. >And it kinda said with a sigh.
  336. >Yeah that’s how it came out.
  337. “So he’s not a lucky guy?”
  338. >Celestia’s mood quickly does a 180.
  339. >”Oh no, Flash Sentry is a very lucky stallion.”
  340. “But?”
  341. >There is a moment of silence between the two of you.
  342. >Celestia taking her time to answer your question.
  343. >Suddenly she deflates.
  344. >Her holy aura of radiance dims, as it seems like the being that was above everyone, is so much closer to the ground.
  345. >”I just think they’re going too fast.”
  346. >”I mean, they have been dating for six months before Flash proposed to Twilight.”
  348. “Wow, six months.”
  349. “I guess he wanted to put a ring on it.”
  350. >Celestia just stares at you, as she is completely vexed by what you said.
  351. “Oh, right um, it means he wanted to marry her.”
  352. >“Oh, such an odd saying though.”
  353. “Well it was made popular through pop culture.”
  354. >”Really now? “
  355. >”Human customs are such strange things.”
  356. “They can be, but that doesn’t explain why it is such a bad idea for them to marry each other.”
  357. >She sighs.
  358. >”I wouldn’t be so against an early marriage if both of them were ready for it.”
  359. >”But Twilight has been pushing the issue as… softly as she could.”
  360. >”Never directly telling Flash to marry her, but she never hid her intentions either.”
  361. “Oh.”
  362. >”Yeah, I just can’t help but think that Flash proposes to Twilight just to make her happy.”
  363. “That does have some grounds to be concerned.”
  364. “Is there any reason why Twilight would be so pushy for marriage?”
  365. >She sighs once again.
  366. >”Does Earth have a similar story?”
  367. >”Where the Princess falls in love with the knight in shining armor, they get married, and they live happily ever after?”
  368. “Yes, it’s very popular among…”
  369. >Your voice starts to fall off, as you realize where Celestia is leading you.
  370. >”Among the younger females.” She completes your sentence.
  371. >”Even though those titles won’t be the first out of Twilight’s mouth.”
  372. >”She absolutely loves those stories.”
  373. >”And now that she has everything she needs to make that fantasy a reality.”
  375. >Well it can’t be all bad.
  376. “Has Twilight ever dated someone before?”
  377. >The silence you received answered that question.
  378. >That’s not good.
  379. “Well… maybe they can beat the odds.”
  380. “Prove that your fears are wrong.”
  381. >She looks away from you.
  382. >”You have no idea how much that would make me happy.”
  383. >And with that Celestia rises from her chair.
  384. >”I have sucked up enough of your time Anon, and I’m sure you would like some time to yourself.”
  385. >Celestia’s horn glows, surrounding the table and extra chairs in a faded yellow.
  386. >In an instance, they both vanish.
  387. >”One last thing.”
  388. >”I would like to speak to you in the morning, so don’t waste the night staring at my sister’s moon.”
  389. >”And if you need anything, just ask the guards.”
  390. >”I hope you have a pleasant evening.” She says with a bow.
  391. >She turns to leave your room.
  392. >The two guards salute as she passes.
  393. >As she exits the room, she gives you one last smile.
  394. >Then closes the door gently behind her.
  396. >You spend the rest of your time awake practically doing nothing.
  397. >Sitting around, staring at the walls, making small chit chat with the guards.
  398. >Then you got bored and asked if it would be a problem if you walked around the castle grounds.
  399. >They said it was okay and led you around the castle.
  400. >They took you on a grand tour.
  401. >Taking you to the garden where they found you.
  402. >The obscenely large hedge maze filled with statues of all shapes and sizes.
  403. >The kitchen that held a large staff of cooks.
  404. >They allow you to roam some parts of the library, but not allow you in others.
  405. >Probably has something to do with a forbidden archive, or something.
  406. >As you tour through the castle.
  407. >You notice there are less of Celestia’s royal guards, and more bat looking ponies.
  408. “Do you guys have a night shift?”
  409. >”Yes, as the sun goes, we retire, and let Luna’s royal guards take watch.”
  410. >Interesting.
  411. >Seeing how this is the second time you’ve heard of this Luna.
  412. >You wonder if you’ll see her around.
  413. >When the guards finished their tour, the three of you were on your way back to your room.
  414. >You come across a different Alicorn.
  415. >This one was shorter than Celestia, with a midnight blue coat, and a crescent moon for a cutie mark.
  416. >”Well now, look at what we have here.”
  419. >The two guards in front halt, and salute.
  420. >”Good evening Princess Luna.” They both say in unison.
  421. >Ah so this is Luna.
  422. >The Princess sizes you up before speaking.
  423. >”Mmm, it seems everything Celestia has told me about you is true.”
  424. >”Tall.”
  425. >”Green.”
  426. >”And bald.”
  427. >Excuse me?
  428. “I’ll have you know that I have a shaved head.”
  429. ”And it is a very popular hairstyle back on Earth.”
  430. >She giggles at your statement.
  431. >“Oh, really?”
  432. “Yes, really.”
  433. >”That’s funny, I seem to remember stallions using that same excuse when their manes fall out.”
  434. >”In fact, I remember stallions a thousand years ago used that same excuse.”
  435. “Ah, but you see, I wear this “excuse” much better than they do.”
  436. >Luna smiles.
  437. >“She forgot to mention the sense of humor.”
  438. >”But as much as I would love to stay and chat, I have night court.”
  439. >With an elegant curtsy, she walks past you and your guards.
  441. >”I wish I had three out of four Princesses gushing all over me for the whole day.” One of the guards says.
  442. >This earned him a quick smack to the back of the head from his friend.
  443. >The three of you made it back to your room.
  444. >And the sense of fatigue finally sets in.
  445. >”Would you like anything else sir?”
  446. “No, I’m fine.”
  447. “Going to pass out now.”
  448. >They both nod, and before long, you are alone.
  449. “An entire day spent on a different planet.”
  450. “And an entire day spent wearing PJs.”
  451. >You could no longer hold back a yawn.
  452. >You make your way over to the bed, and flop on top of it.
  453. >Perhaps you can ask for a change of clothes in the morning.
  454. >With that as your last thought, you close your eyes and fall asleep.
  455. >You slept soundly through the night.
  456. >Until morning, when the sun shines into your room.
  457. >Settling back into your morning routine.
  458. >You roll to the right side of the bed.
  459. >You lift up your body from the mattress, yawning all the way up.
  460. >Not long after, there is a knock at your door.
  461. >Raising to your feet, you start walking towards the door.
  462. >Opening it, you see one of the guards from yesterday.
  463. >”Honored guest.” He says with a salute.
  464. >”I’m here to escort you to breakfast with Princess Celestia.”
  466. >You follow the guard through the halls of the castle.
  467. >Except this time it’s filled with more ponies.
  468. >You draw curious looks from those that pass by.
  469. >It’s probably the PJs that you’re wearing.
  470. >The guard leads you to a balcony.
  471. >Where Celestia sits at a table.
  472. >She is staring into the city below.
  473. >The sun shines around her.
  474. >Somehow illuminating the sun’s rays with her presence.
  475. >”Princess, I have brought the honored guest.”
  476. >Hearing the guard’s voice breaks whatever trance she was in.
  477. >She turns around and greets you with a radiant smile.
  478. >”Good morning Anon, you’ve arrived.”
  479. >”The breakfast has yet to arrive.”
  480. >”But nonetheless, please take a seat.”
  481. >She extends her left wing to an empty chair.
  482. >You follow her gesture, and take a seat.
  483. “So what is that you want to talk about?”
  484. >”Straight to the point huh, no problem.”
  485. >”What I wanted to talk about is how your world handles its banks.”
  487. “Oh what about them?”
  488. >”Well you see, here in Equestria, we only have the treasury.”
  489. >”Which serves all of our monetary needs.”
  490. >”But you said most places on Earth have multiple banks as well as a central one.”
  491. >”And that got me thinking.”
  492. >“Why not try it your way.”
  493. >She has your attention.
  494. “Interesting, what caused you to make such a decision?”
  495. >”I started to think of all the pros that can happen.”
  496. >”Taxes wouldn’t have to travel all across Equestria just to be collected.”
  497. >”Distribution, circulation, and removal of currency would be much faster.”
  498. >”It would give ponies an incentive to leave the cities for smaller populated towns, as houses could be built before they arrived, with the only thing they would have to do is pay for it over time.”
  499. >”And it would create a slew of new jobs for ponies to strive for.”
  500. “Those are some positives of having multiple banks.”
  501. “But why tell me all of this, instead of just doing it?”
  502. >her lips broaden into a smile.
  503. >”That should be obvious Anon.”
  504. >”I would like you to be the manager for some of the new banks.”
  505. >The monkey’s paws work in strange and mysterious ways.
  506. >But it works!
  507. >You couldn’t keep the smile from exploding across your face even if you tried.
  508. “Awesome!”
  509. “When do we start?!”
  511. >You spend the rest of the morning with Celestia planning the locations for the new banks.
  512. >The first location will be in Manehattan to get ponies used to the idea of a bank being so close to them.
  513. >The construction will take a few months before it’s complete.
  514. >But who cares, there are other things to do in the meantime.
  515. >Such as figuring out rate and interest.
  516. >Hiring new employees.
  517. >Training said employees.
  518. >Coming up with work hours and wages.
  519. >Coming up with reasonable policies and payment plans.
  520. >And a bunch of other boring manager stuff.
  521. >Two months went by in a flash.
  522. >In the middle of all that, Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry finally got married.
  523. >And of course you were invited.
  524. >It was a grand affair.
  525. >All of the Princesses, and Princes, were there.
  526. >A large sea of both noble and regular ponies were also there to see their newly crowned Princess married.
  527. >Even though this is your first wedding in Equestria.
  528. >It is structured in a similar fashion.
  529. >Twilight had her girls on her side, Flash had his boys on his.
  530. >There was a ring bearer, and a flower girl.
  531. >And a priest standing with Flash on the stage.
  532. >Finally Twilight starts to walk down the aisle.
  534. >Her dress was a simple white dress, instead of something extravagant, but she made it work.
  535. >The room was silent as she walked.
  536. >Once she reaches the stage, the priest starts to recant the words that will forever bind them together.
  537. >When the famous “I do.” Was said, and when they sealed the deal with a kiss.
  538. >The crowd went wild.
  539. >Streamers and cheers erupt from all over the room.
  540. >Even you add your own whoops and hollers.
  541. >When Twilight and Flash finished their kiss.
  542. >They turned around to wave at everyone.
  543. >The night activities continued in stride.
  544. >Twilight flings her bouquet of flowers over her shoulder.
  545. >Which was caught or torn from the hooves of unsuspecting mares.
  546. >The newlyweds were the first to cut the cake.
  547. >the night ended with a bout of dancing.
  548. >With everything finishing up with a slow dance between Flash and Twilight.
  549. >Both of them cling tightly to each other, and periodically they kiss each other.
  550. >Looks like Celestia’s fears were misplaced.
  552. >The golden age doesn’t stop there.
  553. >One month after Twilight’s wedding, your bank officially opens to the public.
  554. >Admittedly business was slow.
  555. >With ponies poking their heads into the place before leaving.
  556. >But that all changed when a small-time business pony came in.
  557. >You personally talked to him.
  558. >And you casually drop the words investments and stocks.
  559. >”You mean to tell me that with a five bit investment, I could make thousands, or even millions off of a single investment?”
  560. “Yes sir, all you need to do is pick a stock you’re willing to put money in, and we’ll do the rest.”
  561. >”Well what are you waiting for?”
  562. >”Sign me up!”
  563. >News of stocks and investments exploded across Equestria.
  564. >Both small and big-time businesses come in droves to deposit into your bank.
  565. >This prompted even regular ponies to check out what all of the fuss was about.
  566. >The rising interest in the banking service prompted more convenient locations such as Applewood, Ponyville, The Crystal Empire, and Appleloosa.
  567. >Everything was going wonderfully, and it seemed like nothing could go wrong.
  569. >You hear Twilight start to calm herself down.
  570. >Her sniffles are the only other sound in the room besides the crackling in the fireplace.
  571. >”I-I’m sorry.”
  572. >Her words cause you to raise your head.
  573. >You see her trying to clean her face with her hooves.
  574. >Then she stops, and just magically cleans herself.
  575. >She sits there quietly for almost a minute.
  576. >”It's just… This is nothing like I thought it would be.”
  577. >”And yet here I am, blaming others who are just trying to help me through my own failures.”
  578. >She stares down to her stomach.
  579. >”I’m pathetic.”
  580. >You really can’t stand to see Twilight beating herself up right now.
  581. >So you stand from your seat and walk over to her.
  582. >You get on your knees, before you slowly wrap your arms around her body, and pull her into a hug.
  583. >It takes a few seconds, but she does return the hug.
  584. “You know you’re not pathetic.”
  585. >You pull yourself from her, but you keep your hands lingering on her body.
  586. “No one can see the future Twilight, and sometimes life doesn’t follow even the best laid out plans.”
  587. >A small smile spreads across Twilight’s face.
  588. >”Kind words for a mare who doesn’t deserve them.”
  590. >”If I wasn’t pathetic, I would be in bed with the stallion I married Three years ago.”
  591. >She manages to cut you off as fresh tears start to form in her eyes.
  592. >”If I wasn’t pathetic, I would be snuggled up in his forelegs with… with his.”
  593. >She couldn’t finish her sentence, as the dam broke, and she started to cry all over again.
  594. >You pull her against her chest.
  595. >Her cries are muffled by your shirt, as she wets it with her tears.
  596. >Time rolls on by, while you try to calm Twilight down once again.
  597. >A trial not made easy, mind you.
  598. >But eventually she regains herself.
  599. >She pulls her head from your chest.
  600. >”There I go again, mucking up something else of yours.”
  601. >She sniffles, as you gently caress her face.
  602. “It's just a Twilight shirt, and besides I do laundry in the morning, so don’t worry about it.”
  603. “But enough about that, it’s late, and the Little Princess needs her beauty sleep.”
  604. >She doesn’t argue, and slowly slides off of your chair with your assistance.
  605. >You both leave the living room, and journey through the halls to your bedroom.
  606. >Once you’ve arrived, you help Twilight up onto your bed.
  607. >You start to strip down to your boxers, while Twilight makes herself comfortable.
  608. >You join her under your covers.
  609. >You lay your head just above hers, avoiding her horn.
  610. >You put your right hand gently on her stomach.
  611. >Twilight sighs, her breath warming your chest.
  612. >”There are so many other mares that deserve you more than I.”
  613. >You pull her into an embrace.
  614. “Good night Twilight.”
  615. “Tomorrow can be a brighter day.”
  616. >Another sigh.
  617. >"Maybe."
  618. >Your final attempt at being optimistic for the night, as you close your eyes.
  619. >But someone had to be in this strange relationship.
  620. >At least for both of their sake.
  622. >As you lay still.
  623. >Your mind travels back to simpler times.
  624. >Back when the only problems you had to deal with were nobles being nobles, and what kind of furniture you were going to buy.
  625. >Back when the Princesses came to visit you whenever they could, and you all had a grand time together.
  626. >Back when Twilight used to proclaim her love for Flash every chance she got.
  627. >Your thoughts are slightly broken when Twilight shuffles a bit in your arms.
  628. >You gently scratch behind her ear, which causes her to give a soft coo.
  629. >She used to not enjoy sleeping in your arms.
  630. >Well enjoy is a strong word.
  631. >It’s more like putting her at ease.
  632. >Maybe you calmed her dream.
  633. >Maybe you made them worse.
  634. >You wonder if, as you always do, if the two of you didn’t get so close.
  635. >Then maybe everything would be fine.
  636. >Perhaps Twilight and Flash would’ve worked out their differences.
  637. >Or Twilight could be sleeping alone in her castle again tonight.
  638. >Your eyes grow heavy, as your mind starts to shut down.
  639. >Leaving thoughts of guilt for the morning.
  640. >And yet despite how you feel about everything so far.
  641. >Your hand still lingers on Twilight’s pregnant stomach.
  643. >A year has passed since you’ve landed in Equestria.
  644. >Winter had just ended, and spring was starting to roll in.
  645. >You were relaxing in your loft, when there was a knock at your door.
  646. >Rising from your seat.
  647. >You make your way to the door.
  648. >You open it, and see Twilight on the other side
  649. “Hey Twilight, how’s it going?”
  650. >You step aside to let her in.
  651. >”Good, I just got done with court duties with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”
  652. >She takes your invitation, and enters your home.
  653. >You close once she is fully inside.
  654. “So a long day dealing with the nobles.”
  655. >She huffs.
  656. >”And Buffalos, and Yaks.”
  657. “Aw, the Little Princess had a tense and boring day.”
  658. “Luckily I know a way to save her day.”
  659. >She quickly turns around and points a hoof at you.
  660. >”No, Mister Green.”
  661. >You could help but smile.
  662. “But Twilight, you like my assortment of wine.”
  663. >She’s trying to hide her smile by shaking her head.
  664. >”No way, not after the last time.”
  665. >Well she was the one to bring it up.
  666. “You’re just embarrassed that I convinced you to table dance for me.”
  667. >You only said that as a joke, as you didn’t think she would do it.
  668. >But she got up on the table and started to swing her hips.
  669. >Needless to say, you’ll hold that over her until the end of time.
  671. >”And that’s why the answer is no.”
  672. “Fine then.”
  673. “I guess I’ll go down to my wine cellar.”
  674. “All alone.”
  675. >You start to walk down the hall.
  676. >Acting as dramatic as you could.
  677. >Despite Twilight having “no interest” in drinking with you.
  678. >She still follows behind you.
  679. >You reach your wine cellar and stop in front of the door.
  680. “I guess I’ll just pick out a bottle.”
  681. >You open the door, while putting the back of your hand on your forehead.
  682. “All alone.”
  683. >This breaks the dam, as Twilight starts to laugh.
  684. >”Okay Anon, I’ll share a drink with you.”
  685. >You clasp your hands in delight.
  686. “You will?!”
  687. “Oh thank you Twilight, I was afraid I was going to drink alone.”
  688. >”Oh stop being a drama queen, you weren’t afraid at all.”
  689. >”And you shouldn’t be too happy, because I’m only drinking one glass.
  690. “Alright Twilight, we wouldn’t want a repeat of last time would we.”
  691. >She proudly puffs up her chest.
  692. >”As if I would allow myself to get that intoxicated again.”
  693. >Five glasses later.
  695. >As the alcohol enters both of your systems.
  696. >You both start talking about the various events that happened throughout the day.
  697. >Hidden opinions on how the two of you felt about coworkers.
  698. >And laughing at things that normally wouldn’t be funny.
  699. >Well they’re normally funny to you.
  700. >”That’s not funny Anon.”
  701. >You’re trying to hold in your laugh before speaking to her.
  702. >Tried and failed.
  703. “Oh come on Twilight, a Yak sucker punched a Buffalo because he didn’t like how he pronounced tomato.”
  704. “If that happened back on earth, the media would be all over it, and jokes would be created the second people saw it.”
  705. >Try as she might, she couldn’t help but smile.
  706. >”No it wasn’t, we had to postpone everything until they calmed down.”
  707. >There is a slight pause before Twilight continues.
  708. >”It was kinda silly though.”
  709. >Twilight picks up the wine bottle from the small round table you have placed between the chairs.
  710. >You thought about making a joke about how much she’s had by now.
  711. >But you decide to remain quiet as she pours her glass.
  712. >Soon the sounds of banter are silenced, and the two of you just sit and enjoy the sounds coming from the fireplace.
  713. >For a while you stare at the fireplace.
  714. >Then your eyes move towards Twilight.
  715. >The smile she once had was gone.
  716. >Her ears are folded back against her head.
  717. >And you just noticed the bags under Twilight’s eyes.
  718. >Woah.
  719. >How long has she looked like this?
  720. >You know Princess duties are tiring.
  721. >But she’s never looked this tired before.
  722. “Hey, Twilight, are you alright?”
  723. “You look absolutely exhausted.”
  725. >Twilight is shocked into alertness.
  726. >She tore her eyes from oblivion, and stared at you.
  727. >”Huh, yeah I’m fine.”
  728. >”Why do you ask?”
  729. >Really?
  730. “Well for starters you have really bad bags under your eyes.
  731. >She waves her hoof at your statement.
  732. >”Really?” “No I don’t, you’re just seeing things.”
  733. >She quickly drinks all of her wine in one gulp.
  734. >When she lowers her glass.
  735. >The bags that were once under her eyes are gone.
  736. >Did she just use magic to cover them up?
  737. >Twilight grabs the wine bottle, pours herself another glass.
  738. >”See, you can’t even say you see them anymore.”
  739. >She swallows this one just as quickly.
  740. >You weren’t going to bring this up.
  741. “So what’s the excuse for drinking so much?”
  742. >”What are you talking about?”
  743. >”We’ve both had a lot to drink.”
  744. “Yes, but when I last got a glass full, there was still some left in the bottle.”
  745. >In an attempt to prove you wrong.
  746. >Twilight picks up the bottle with her magic and shakes it around.
  747. >Very little noise is made.
  749. >”Oh um, oops.”
  750. >Yes, oops indeed.
  751. “Twilight,what’s wrong?”
  752. “You know you could tell me.”
  753. >Her façade drops.
  754. >”How could I possibly tell you when I’ve told no one else.”
  755. “Woah, Twilight what’s going on?”
  756. >Her ears fold back against her head, and she sighs deeply.
  757. >”At first it wasn’t that bad, when Flash started to do night patrols around Ponyville.”
  758. >”Now I’m not the type of wife that has to cling to her husband day and night.”
  759. >”So even if we didn’t go to bed at the same time anymore.”
  760. >”I could at least feel him crawl into bed with me every now and then.”
  761. >”But…”
  762. >Twilight pauses, her eyes start to water up.
  763. >”But he started to come home later and later.”
  764. >”It wasn’t long before I started to wake up in an empty bed.”
  765. >”And it only gets worse from there.”
  766. >”He’s barely home anymore.”
  767. >”If we do see each other, it’s a quick peck on the lips and a hug, before he runs off to the barracks.”
  768. >”The only time we are actually together is when the public catches us together, so we fake nearly everything to keep them happy.”
  769. “Geez Twilight, how long has this been going on?”
  770. >”Almost four months now.”
  772. “Four months?!”
  773. >Twilight flinches from your sudden outburst.
  774. “Sorry Twilight, it’s just.”
  775. “Why?”
  776. >Your questions cause the tears she was holding back, to openly fall.
  777. >”I don’t know!!”
  778. >”Everything was going so well before!”
  779. >At this point, Twilight couldn’t hold back her tears.
  780. >Covering her face with her hooves.
  781. >Oh boy.
  782. >Well you can’t just sit and let her cry like that.
  783. >You tried to think through your alcohol muddled brain.
  784. >Hugs!
  785. >Ponies like hugs to cheer them up.
  786. >With your mind made up, you quickly rise from your seat.
  787. >Unfortunately motor skills are the first thing to go when you start drinking.
  788. >Your sudden movements upset your delicate balance.
  789. >Causing you to stumble.
  790. >On the plus side, you manage to catch yourself before you hit the floor.
  791. >You look up, ready to say you’re okay.
  792. >But Twilight didn’t seem to notice your little tumble.
  793. >And she doesn’t need to know either.
  795. >Getting your senses under control.
  796. >You pick yourself up, and head over to her.
  797. >Once you’re in front of her
  798. >You kneel down and wrap your arms around her.
  799. >there is a sudden gasp from Twilight’s mouth.
  800. >But she soon resumes to cry.
  801. >It is a while before her loud sobs turn into quiet sniffles.
  802. >You rub your hand against Twilight’s back.
  803. >Hoping that would aid in the effort.
  804. >”Thank you, Anon.”
  805. >Twilight gently pushes away from you.
  806. >Not far enough to break your hug, but enough that her face isn’t buried in your chest.
  807. “Anytime Little Princess.”
  808. >She smiles at the nickname that has been given to her.
  809. >”I should just shrink you down, and start calling you Little Green.”
  810. “Now why on Earth would you do that?”
  811. >She giggles, before going silent once more.
  812. >”I’m sorry about the outburst.”
  813. >You gently squeeze her.
  814. “Don’t worry about it.”
  815. “Tears clean really easily, you know.”
  817. “What's more important, are you alright?”
  818. >For a few moments there is no response.
  819. >”Y-yeah, I’m fine.”
  820. >She looks up at you with a little smile.
  821. >It is a shame that you couldn’t settle for that.
  822. “You know that’s not what I mean.”
  823. >And now she has a frown.
  824. >Good job Anon.
  825. >”I will be.”
  826. >And that’s not the answer you were looking for.
  827. “Why did you bottle that up for so long?”
  828. >Once again silence.
  829. >”Hey Anon, what time is it?”
  830. >Changing the subject huh.
  831. >Alright then Twilight, I’ll play along.
  832. >You pull your right arm away from Twilight’s body, and stare at your watch.
  833. “It’s 1:40.”
  834. >”Huh?”
  835. >”How could you let me stay here this late!”
  837. >Twilight starts to struggle against you.
  838. “Whoa Twilight.”
  839. >”Don’t whoa me, mister.”
  840. >She manages to pull away from your arms.
  841. >”Do you even know the mountain of things that have to be done later today?”
  842. “No, but I do know you’re in no condition to get home at this time of night.”
  843. >”And why is that?”
  844. “Well you drank more than me for starters.”
  845. “And it’s late at night, so most likely you’ll just end up passing out in an alley somewhere.”
  846. “You could also get lost, seeing how you haven’t lived in Canterlot in years.”
  847. “A lot has changed, you know.”
  848. >Twilight is just sitting there, scowling at you.
  849. “Don’t get mad because I’m right.”
  850. “Just sleep here and leave in the morning.”
  851. “Ponyville can live without its Princess for a few hours.”
  852. >She sighed in defeat.
  853. “Good now let me show you the way to my bedroom.”
  854. >The two of you walk down the hallway.
  855. >Pass your wine cellar and turn right at the corner.
  856. “There’s the bathroom if you need it.”
  857. >You casually point to your left, as you pass it.
  858. “And here is my room.”
  860. > A king sized bed, a dresser with a mirror, two nightstands next to your bed, and a lamp on top of one of them.
  861. > It was nothing grandiose, but it does its job well.
  862. >”Eh, I’ve seen better.”
  863. >Well listen here you little.
  864. “Sorry we all can’t live in castles for the entirety of our lives, Little Princess.”
  865. >”I never said it was a bad thing.” She says walk into the room.
  866. >”It's nice to see something simple every now and then.”
  867. >She scans around your room for a bit before turning her body around to face you.
  868. >”So where are you going to sleep?”
  869. “In the living room.”
  870. >”Why would you?”
  871. >Huh?
  872. >”Your bed is big enough for the both of us to fit in.”
  873. >”And besides, I would feel guilty if I took your bed away from you.”
  874. “Well when you put it like that.”
  875. “I just thought that you would be fine sleeping with a bed to yourself.”
  876. >”No… I’m fine with sharing”
  878. >No, there was no ignoring Twilight’s pause.
  879. >But to bring up that issue isn’t the smartest thing to do right now.
  880. “Alright then, if you say so.”
  881. >You start walking to your dresser and grab a T-shirt and a fresh pair of boxers.
  882. “I’m just going to take a shower real quick.”
  883. “You can do whatever tipsy Princesses do.”
  884. >”I’m not tipsy!” She announces as she falls backwards on top of your bed.
  885. >Sure you aren’t Buzzlight Sparkle, you think as you close the door.
  886. >The shower isn’t clearing your thoughts.
  887. >No, all of the water hitting your head just reminds you of the question that you keep asking.
  888. >Why?
  889. >You inhale deeply.
  890. >Steam fills your lungs and warms your core.
  891. >Before being forced out with a sigh.
  892. >Four months of loneliness.
  893. >And Twilight keeps all of it hidden from everyone.
  894. >It’s going to break her down eventually
  895. >And the worst case happens in public.
  896. >Feeling that you’ve been in the shower too long.
  897. >You turn the knobs, and feel the water recede.
  898. >As you walk through the halls, you start to feel the fatigue from today set in.
  899. >Luckily you have spare pillows in your bedroom closet, just in case one of them is in the washer.
  900. >So that solves that problem but not the other.
  901. >Putting your hand on the door knob, you open the door.
  903. >”By royal decree, this bed is now property of the Kingdom of Equestria.”
  904. >Twilight says to you when you enter the bedroom.
  905. >Like hell it is!
  906. “Sorry Little Princess, but this is a very expensive bed, made with the finest silk money could buy.”
  907. “And I don’t think you could reimburse me in a timely fashion.”
  908. >Twilight gives you that ‘Do you know who I am’ look that could rival a sassy black woman back on earth.
  909. >”Fine, keep your bed human.”
  910. “Twilight we both know you could buy this whole house if you wanted to.”
  911. >You move to your closest as you speak to her.
  912. >”Yes, but then I would have to file a report that I’m using x amount of funds for your house.”
  913. >”And then explain to Celestia why I’m buying your house.”
  914. >”And since you work with money, it would take a ridiculous amount of time just to get what you feel is appropriate.”
  915. >”I’m just not going to do all that.”
  916. >You heard her entire rant while you searched through your closet.
  917. >Finding what you’re looking for, you grab a spare pillow.
  918. >”Oh come on, I’m not that heartless.”
  919. >You exit the closet, shutting the door behind you.
  920. “I would give you a good deal.”
  921. >She looks at the pillow before responding.
  922. >”Sure you would.”
  923. >Moving towards the bed, you hand Twilight the pillow.
  924. >You watch as she takes it from your hands and moves to the left side of your bed.
  925. >She puts it just above the blanket, before phasing herself through it.
  926. >No wanting to prolong the night by making jokes.
  927. >You click your lamp off and get into the bed yourself.
  928. “Goodnight Twilight.”
  929. >”Goodnight Anon.”
  931. >You really don’t know when it happens.
  932. >But you’re roused from your sleep by a sound.
  933. >Your mind is trying to piece together what that sound is.
  934. >Until you figure it out.
  935. >Twilight is crying.
  936. >Soft whimpers echo through the room.
  937. >Upon this realization, your whole body freezes up, and your heart rate increases.
  938. >You know hugs can calm her down.
  939. >But for some reason, you think giving her one now would be…
  940. >Inappropriate?
  941. >Your mind is slowly starting to wake as more thought is put into the matter at hand.
  942. >Why would it feel inappropriate to hug her?
  943. >You both shared one plenty of times without it feeling this way.
  944. >And earlier that night, you gave her one to calm her down.
  945. >A somewhat loud sniffle breaks the silence of the room.
  946. >For a moment you thought Twilight would move around to see if she had awoken you.
  947. >But whatever thoughts, or nightmare she was having, kept her body facing towards your wall.
  948. >Okay, despite your feelings right now, she needs a hug.
  949. >You stretch your arms towards Twilight
  950. >When your fingers brush against her, you feel Twilight immediately tense up.
  952. >You freeze.
  953. >Waiting to see what Twilight would do.
  954. >If she wanted to, she could easily move your fingers away from her.
  955. >You lay in wait for such a moment to happen.
  956. >But it never comes.
  957. >You feel your heart beating against your chest.
  958. >Playing the part of the fool.
  959. >You want to see how much you could get away with.
  960. >You continue to move your fingers across Twilight’s body.
  961. >Passing her wings until both of your hands are holding on to her waist.
  962. >Any minute now she’ll pull away.
  963. >But until then.
  964. >You start to gently pull her towards you.
  965. >There is a small gasp, but other than that, she does nothing to stop you.
  966. >Closer and closer you pull her towards you.
  967. >And it seems almost like an age passes by before her back is against your stomach.
  968. >There is no gasp this time, although Twilight does tense up.
  969. >You both just lie there.
  970. >No one is doing anything.
  971. >It’s as if you both are trying to preserve the awkward silence that the situation has created.
  972. >Silver lining Twilight stopped crying, so there is that.
  974. >But now there is a new problem.
  975. >It’s getting really hot under this blanket.
  976. >And it gets worse wherever Twilight’s body touches yours.
  977. >You start to feel sweat forming on your brow, and no doubt Twilight can feel your heartbeat by now.
  978. >But you can’t help it.
  979. >Hugging her right now makes you feel selfishly good.
  980. >In fact, how long has it been since you held another in your arms?
  981. >Moving your hands from her waist, you drag your hands upwards.
  982. >Each finger tip burns from a pleasurable heat, as you drag them across her soft coat and flesh.
  983. >You stop around Twilight’s stomach, pressing your fingers into her.
  984. >She had ample time to get away.
  985. >You pull her tightly against you,
  986. >Making the small pockets of heat spread across your body.
  987. >Every pleasure sensor screams feedback to your brain, as you soak in this feeling.
  988. >Twilight shudders against your grasp.
  989. >And probably beside herself.
  990. >A throaty moan passes through her lips.
  991. >Signaling that you’re not the only one feeling the heat.
  992. >This is too good, but all good things must come to an end.
  993. >Trying to shake the last good vibes off you, your body lets loose its own shudder.
  994. >Once more you both lie in silence.
  995. >And sooner rather than later.
  996. >The sleepiness that was ignored comes back in full force.
  997. >And you let the intimate warmth carry you to sleep.
  999. >”An-.”
  1000. >Huh?
  1001. >”Anon-.”
  1002. “Hmm.”
  1003. >”Anon could you please let go of me, I need to go.”
  1004. >Let go of?
  1005. >Oh right.
  1006. >You slowly remove your arms, allowing Twilight to wiggle free.
  1007. >”Thank you.”
  1008. >The sudden movement of the bed peaks your interest.
  1009. >Tentatively you open your eyes.
  1010. >You see Twilight stretching her back, with her wings completely unfurled.
  1011. >Once she’s done, she hops off the bed without a word.
  1012. >Crap.
  1013. >Propping yourself up, you see Twilight’s horn working its magic around the doorknob.
  1014. >Come on man, say something to her.
  1015. “H-hey Twilight.”
  1016. >You managed to stop her, but not before she opened the door.
  1017. ”I-if you ever feel like you want some company, you know my door is always open for you.”
  1018. >Excellent, now let us wait for her to blow a creator sized hole through you.
  1019. >For a while Twilight just stands there.
  1020. >With the most unreadable face you’ve ever seen her make.
  1021. >”Good day,Anon.”
  1022. >And just like that, she leaves you alone.
  1023. >Closing the door behind her.
  1025. >The train bumps along the tracks as it runs towards Ponyville
  1026. >But it does nothing to the multitude of emotions going through you right now.
  1027. >How could you let him get that far?
  1028. >A better question, why did you let him get that far?
  1029. >An even better question, why did it feel so good?
  1030. >It was just a hug!
  1031. >You’ve hugged Anon countless times before.
  1032. >But none of them felt like that one.
  1033. >Your body shakes, as the train moves.
  1034. >You can still feel him.
  1035. >The heat from his fingers as they moved across your skin.
  1036. >The heat that could melt through your wings as they pressed against his chest.
  1037. >You swallow hard, and you feel the heat in your cheeks.
  1038. >His erection on your flank.
  1039. >Such a flimsy thing human underwear is.
  1040. >But you’re thankful for them last night.
  1041. >You don’t know what you would have done if you felt it directly.
  1042. >And that wasn’t even the worst thing.
  1043. >His scent was driving you wild.
  1044. >It was so much different from Flash’s natural smell.
  1045. >Anon had a faint smell of cinnamon with something else that tickled your nose.
  1046. >It was all over his bed and was delightful.
  1047. >Didn’t help that he came to bed with that same scent but stronger.
  1048. >Then he hugged you, and all you could smell was him.
  1049. >It made you lightheaded.
  1051. >You violently shake your head.
  1052. >You have a husband for Celestia’s sake!
  1053. >You can’t be thinking about another male like that!
  1054. >Once the heat drains from your face.
  1055. >You are left alone in your private booth.
  1056. >Like when you’re left alone at home.
  1057. >Without a husband to chase away the loneliness
  1058. >Like when you have an entire king sized bed.
  1059. >Without a husband to help warm it at night.
  1060. >Like when you’re left alone with your nightmares.
  1061. >Without a husband to soothe you with hugs and kisses when they’re over.
  1062. >You lay your head against the wooden wall of the booth.
  1063. >Your eyes peered out of the glass window, as the morning sun shines through it.
  1064. >You miss the warmth.
  1065. >A warmth that Celestia’s sun can never give you.
  1066. >The warmth that Anon gave you last night.
  1067. >You sigh, your breath causes a streak of fog to appear on the window.
  1068. >He did say you could visit him at any time.
  1069. >You see the tip of your castle peaking over the horizon, as your destination draws closer.
  1070. >Maybe you’ll take him up on that offer.
  1072. >It wasn’t surprising that Twilight didn’t visit for a few weeks.
  1073. >Seeing how you did take advantage of her in a moment of weakness.
  1074. >What did surprise you, is when you bumped into her while on your way home from work.
  1075. >And you continued to be surprised when she greeted you with a smile and apologized about her lack of visits blaming them on work.
  1076. >She left you in the street with a promise that she would come over to your place tomorrow.
  1077. >And she kept her word by showing up at your door.
  1078. >And all seemed forgotten, as you both talked about your daily lives.
  1079. >Except for how her marriage is doing.
  1080. >And the night you held her wasn’t up for discussion either.
  1081. >These issues shouldn’t be ignored.
  1082. >But you missed the times you and Twilight just talked to each other.
  1083. >So you keep quiet for two months.
  1084. >Understandably she never stays too late or allows herself to have more than one glass of wine.
  1085. >So there isn’t a repeat of that one night.
  1086. >That didn’t stop a small part of you from wishing for it though.
  1087. >Well that was the case until.
  1088. >”Anon, can I ask for a favor?”
  1089. “Yeah Twilight, what is it?”
  1090. >She looks at you for a moment, then she sips from her wine glass.
  1091. >”I, um, have a meeting with the Princess tomorrow, and I was wondering if it was okay for me to spend the night, so I can get there faster.”
  1092. >You never expected her to just ask that, and you don’t answer immediately, which causes Twilight to frown.
  1093. >”Um, well it’s okay if you don’t-.”
  1094. >Hold that door mare!
  1095. “Of course you can spend the night, there’s no problem with me.”
  1097. >A smile appears on her face.
  1098. >”Oh thank goodness.”
  1099. >”Now I don’t have to rush to get ready in the morning.”
  1100. “Rush?”
  1101. “The Little Princess of punctuality rush?”
  1102. >She blushes, and nervously scratches her head.
  1103. >”I, uh, usually study real late into the night, and sometimes pass out, being woken up by an angry Spike yelling at me to get up.”
  1104. >Adorable
  1105. “Well hopefully we won’t have that problem.”
  1106. >”Well we might.”
  1107. >She pulls her saddle bag up from beside her chair.
  1108. >You didn’t notice it before, but it looks stuffed.
  1109. >Did she expect you to say yes?
  1110. >”I’ll most likely just review the items that we’re going over.”
  1111. >”It’s not that much.”
  1112. >She says as she pulls a scroll, that it unrolls until it hits your chair.
  1113. “Not much huh.”
  1114. >”Hey, one scroll is the minimum that I make for these meetings.”
  1115. >Well alright then.
  1116. “Do you want to move to some place with more room?”
  1117. >She shakes her head.
  1118. >”No, since I’m not going to be writing anything, right here is fine.”
  1119. >”Plus I really like this chair.”
  1121. >While Twilight looks over her things for the meeting, you thought the best use of your time would be to set up the bed.
  1122. >Leaving Twilight to her own devices, you head towards the bedroom.
  1123. >Once inside, you close the door, and let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
  1124. >Calm down Anon.
  1125. >Yet the feeling of nervousness kept creeping through your veins.
  1126. >There’s that rational part of mind that wants to try and forget that night.
  1127. >And to remember that Twilight is married.
  1128. >The irrational part of mind is instead hoping for a repeat if not more.
  1129. >It also argues that Twilight and Flash haven't been on the best of terms lately.
  1130. >As a final argument, the rational side brings up the fact that if you were Twilight’s friend, you should be helping make her situation better.
  1131. >Not using her broken relationship to sate your lust, when so many other mares could’ve done the same thing.
  1132. >Why does Twilight spark such desires in you anyways?
  1133. >She was already taken.
  1134. >And it’s not like there is a shortage of single mares around.
  1135. >Sighing, you move towards the closet.
  1136. >No one back on Earth could ever figure out human sexuality, so why should you.
  1137. >You grab the spare pillow and place it right where Twilight slept last time.
  1138. >When everything is set up and done, you head back to your den.
  1140. >When you return, you see that Twilight made some serious work on that scroll.
  1141. >She’s already read half of it and shows no signs of slowing down.
  1142. >Another thing you realize is how peaceful she looks.
  1143. >With soft highlights coming from the fireplace.
  1144. >She dominates the scene.
  1145. >Well, if you’re going to be a creeper, you might as well sit down, so you can at least pretend you’re not looking at her.
  1146. >Before sitting down, you pour yourself a glass of wine.
  1147. >Watching Twilight read was its own form of entertainment.
  1148. >She would slightly mutter to herself.
  1149. >As if she was pretending to have a conversation with the other Princesses.
  1150. >She would even follow up with other topics that were relevant to what she was discussing.
  1151. >She would also make mental notes for each topic, such as fact checking, and looking for other sources.
  1152. >Despite the extras that she does, she still gets through the list at an amazing pace.
  1153. >It might be that she doesn’t have the necessary information here, so she is making due.
  1154. >If that’s the case, you can see why she would pass out so easily if she has more than one scroll.
  1155. >Time moves on unknown to both of you, as Twilight reaches the end of her scroll.
  1156. >With the last few mutters, and notes to self.
  1157. >Twilight places the scroll on her lap, with her eyes closed.
  1158. >”Alright Twilight, you can do this!”
  1159. >She randomly shouts, pumping her hoof into the air.
  1160. >If you didn’t have any alcohol in your system.
  1161. >You might have contained your laughter.
  1163. >Your laugh alerts Twilight to your presence.
  1164. >And the only time that you saw her blush like that, is when you told her that she table danced for you.
  1165. >Now you have something else to mess with her.
  1166. >”H-how long?”
  1167. “As you can see, long enough.”
  1168. “Why did you do that anyways?”
  1169. >”It’s a thing… I did it in Magic Kindergarten.”
  1170. >”Please don’t tell anyone.”
  1171. “Oh, I won’t tell a soul.”
  1172. >Twilight breathes a sigh of relief.
  1173. “I’m just never going to let you live it down.”
  1174. >And now she looks annoyed.
  1175. >”Fine, but it stays between us.”
  1176. >She lifts up her saddle bag and puts her scroll inside.
  1177. “So do you have everything you need in there?”
  1178. >”Sort of.”
  1179. “So you were planning this from the beginning?”
  1180. >Twilight just looks down at her saddle bag.
  1181. >And maybe it’s just your imagination, but you think you can see a blush on her cheeks.
  1182. >Without saying a word.
  1183. >Twilight hops out of her chair.
  1184. >”I’m getting in the shower first.”
  1185. >And with that said, she rushes to the bathroom.
  1186. >Opening and closing the door in the blink of an eye.
  1188. >Alright, so that’s one way to not answer a question.
  1189. >Too bad bailing only creates more questions.
  1190. >You don’t think Twilight would be willing to spend the night just because.
  1191. >The meeting could be a convenient cover up for her staying over.
  1192. >But she didn’t take too long reviewing, and she could’ve done it better at home.
  1193. >So why stay the night again?
  1194. >Well the risk of rape is basically not there.
  1195. >She can split you into atoms without a care in the world.
  1196. >Plus you wouldn’t do that anyways.
  1197. >Then did she enjoy it?
  1198. >Her moans suggest one thing.
  1199. >But she didn’t look too pleased with how you fondled her in the morning.
  1200. >Maybe she’s lonelier than you thought.
  1201. >But why not go to one of her friends’ place?
  1202. >Wouldn’t that be the normal thing to do?
  1203. >And now you just remembered that human men could never understand a human woman's thought process.
  1204. >You most certainly aren’t going to figure out a magical mare’s thought process.
  1205. >Picking yourself up, you start to clean up the den.
  1206. >Putting up the wine and washing off the dishes in the sink.
  1207. >Once you’re finished, you go back to the den to turn off all the lights.
  1208. >As you walk down the hallway, you can hear the water running from the shower.
  1209. >You enter your room and start to pick out what you’re going to wear for the night, and patiently wait for Twilight to finish.
  1211. >You wait for some time before you hear the bathroom door open.
  1212. >You guess Twilight doesn’t take long showers.
  1213. >… There’s going to be horse hair in the shower now.
  1214. >Twilight appears in the frame of the bedroom.
  1215. >She is not dripping water at least.
  1216. >But she is still drying herself off.
  1217. >Specifically her mane.
  1218. >Which clings wetly to her face, covering one of her eyes.
  1219. >Hello wank fuel.
  1220. >”What are you staring at?”
  1221. “Nothing”
  1222. >You rise quickly.
  1223. >Bringing your nightwear with you.
  1224. “Have a pleasant shower, Little Princess?”
  1225. >”Yes, but like all human designed things, there is too much room.”
  1226. >She finishes drying her mane, and with an extravagant flick of her head.
  1227. >Her locks whips around, and with precise time, Twilight catches it with her magic.
  1228. >As if she has done this a thousand times before.
  1229. >She moves and smooths it out until her mane is how it usually is.
  1230. >”Captivated human?”
  1232. >Her voice comes out a bit sultry, and there is a small smirk on her face.
  1233. >”Magic has so many uses.”
  1234. >She walks somewhat slowly.
  1235. >Her hips swaying, drawing your eyes to her flank.
  1236. >She hops onto your bed.
  1237. >”Go on Anon, your shower awaits.”
  1238. >”Oh and you might want to take care of that.”
  1239. >You don't need to look, as your erection presses against your boxers.
  1240. >Taking your cue, you quickly exit the room.
  1241. >Once in the privacy of your bathroom.
  1242. >You fail to comprehend what just happened.
  1243. >Twilight never turned you on like that before.
  1244. >And she never teased you either.
  1245. >So what is going on in her head?
  1246. >Damn the fact that you can’t read minds.
  1247. >It would at least give you an idea of whether or not she’s trying to bait you into doing something.
  1248. >Something that can change the very nature of not only the relationship between the two of you.
  1249. >But also between her and her husband.
  1250. >And you don’t think she’s willing to go that far.
  1253. >You manage to calm down with the aid of a cold shower.
  1254. >But it does nothing for how you feel.
  1255. >You still have this nervous, excited feeling about this whole thing.
  1256. >And yet you can’t fully commit to one piece of mind.
  1257. >Base lust says do it.
  1258. >Emotions argue to only be a comfort.
  1259. >Rational warns not to do it son, you’re going to mess it all up.
  1260. >Putting on the last of your nightwear.
  1261. >You stand in the middle of the humid room.
  1262. >Feeling your heartbeat pass through your core, and across your body.
  1263. >Well if stuff happens, it happens.
  1264. >Opening your door, you turn off the bathroom light, as you close the door.
  1265. >But instead of walking to your bedroom.
  1266. >You walk around the house.
  1267. >Turning off any remaining lights, of which there weren't many.
  1268. >And to make sure the door was locked, which it already was.
  1269. >Seeing as you had nothing else to do around the house.
  1270. >You finally walk to your room.
  1272. >You open the door, to find the room in complete darkness.
  1273. >You see Twilight’s slumbering form after some time.
  1274. >The blanket rises and falls with her breathing.
  1275. >Making sure to make as little noise as possible.
  1276. >You close the door behind you, and you creep up to your bed.
  1277. >Once you’re beside it, you slowly pull the blanket.
  1278. >Moving ever so slowly, you get in your bed.
  1279. >Getting fully situated underneath the blanket, you lay awake for a few moments.
  1280. >Twilight barely moved, so she might be fully asleep.
  1281. >You lay there for what feels like hours.
  1282. >Hearing your heartbeat through your ears.
  1283. >Eventually, either through boredom, or tiredness.
  1284. >Your eyelids start to feel heavy.
  1285. >Not long after, you finally succumb to sleep.
  1286. >Your alarm rings in the morning.
  1287. >Pulling you out of your sleep and forcing you to turn it off.
  1288. >You raise yourself into a sitting position, rubbing your eyes with your hand.
  1289. >Turning to your left, you notice that Twilight is missing.
  1290. >Sitting on the pillow next to you was a note.
  1291. >Reaching out, you pick it up, and start to read it.
  1292. >In it Twilight thanks you for letting her stay over, and that she hadn't slept that well in a long time.
  1293. >Ending it off, she thanks you once again, and wishes you a good day.
  1295. >After that day.
  1296. >If there is a meeting in Canterlot, Twilight would spend the night.
  1297. >And true to her words, the first night she stayed was the minimal amount of scrolls she had.
  1298. >There would be times where she would bring five or six scrolls over.
  1299. >Somehow she manages to fill each scroll.
  1300. >You also found that she wasn’t lying about staying up too late while reviewing.
  1301. >More often than either of you like to admit.
  1302. >You have to tear her away from her studies.
  1303. >Twilight would halfheartedly kick her limbs trying to escape.
  1304. >Saying that she would read just one more topic, and then go to sleep.
  1305. >You fell for that once.
  1306. >You found her passed out in her chair the next morning.
  1307. >Never again.
  1308. >Twilight’s been a pleasant guest to have around except for one thing.
  1309. >She never stopped teasing you.
  1310. >In fact it got worse the more she stayed over.
  1311. >From suggestive words and gestures.
  1312. >To graze around your groin with her flank, or tail.
  1313. >Of course they are always an “accident”.
  1314. >But when it’s time to sleep, nothing ever happens.
  1315. >Apparently, Twilight found a book on blue balls 101.
  1317. >This night was no different.
  1318. >Twilight had just finished reviewing.
  1319. >And the two of you started to walk down the hallway to your bedroom.
  1320. >Suddenly Twilight “dropped” something while you were walking behind her.
  1321. >As she bent over to pick it up.
  1322. >She pressed her flank firmly into your crotch.
  1323. >If your lust had a proper check on it, you could’ve simply moved away.
  1324. >But it wasn’t, so you just stood there.
  1325. >You could feel the warmth of her marehood even through your pants.
  1326. >Seeing how you weren’t moving, Twilight figures that whatever she drops must be under her.
  1327. >She straightens herself up, while pushing her backside against you.
  1328. >In response to keep from falling over.
  1329. >You put your hands on her waist and thrust forward.
  1330. >Twilight looks over her shoulder.
  1331. >Eyes half laden, and with a sultry smile.
  1332. >”Oh what a naughty human we have here.”
  1333. >”All I’m trying to do is find something I dropped, and here you are, putting your hands on my waist, and thrusting into me.”
  1334. >Flabbergasted, you pull your hands away, and back up.
  1335. “I-I’m getting in the shower.”
  1336. >You took off before she could answer.
  1337. >Grabbing all the necessary things and locking yourself in the bathroom.
  1339. >Now you’re lying in your bed.
  1340. >Staring at the ceiling with an erection that just refuses to go down.
  1341. >Even the coldest of water splashed on your penis did nothing but be a mild annoyance.
  1342. >Even if you could, jacking off would take a minimum of thirty minutes.
  1343. >And since Twilight doesn’t do long showers, you wouldn’t have the time to finish anyway.
  1344. >You breathe an irritated sigh.
  1345. >Suddenly the bedroom door opened.
  1346. >Not moving your eyes from the ceiling.
  1347. >You hear the door close, and some light movement.
  1348. >”Anon are you awake?”
  1349. “Yeah, what’s up?”
  1350. >What happens next takes you by surprise.
  1351. >As you feel an added weight on your waist.
  1352. >You pull your eyes away from the ceiling, to stare at Twilight, who is straddling you.
  1353. >”Now that I got your attention.”
  1354. >”I would like to apologize for the way I’ve been acting as of late.”
  1355. >”I… It’s been a long time since I’ve been intimate with a male.”
  1356. >”And then I see the way you look at me sometimes, and then the way you held me.”
  1357. >Twilight looks to be on the verge of tears.
  1358. >”Even though I shouldn’t, I just can’t stop thinking about you.”
  1360. >”And I thought that maybe if we hugged one more time, I could get over it.”
  1361. >”So I tried to seduce you into doing it again.”
  1362. >”But I always chicken out when I get into bed.”
  1363. >”You also never took matters into your own hands, no matter how bad I got.”
  1364. >”For that, I’m thankful.”
  1365. >She is silent for a moment before continuing.
  1366. >”I shouldn’t have been so selfish.”
  1367. >”I was so consumed with my own desires, that I was willing to ruin both my friendship with you and my marriage with Flash.”
  1368. >”I pushed you too hard tonight, and you ran away.”
  1369. >”I felt bad after that, terrible even, and I’m sorry for how I acted.”
  1370. >”Tonight will be the last time, and if you don’t want me here anymore, I understand.”
  1371. >And with that she goes quiet.
  1372. >You could end it all here.
  1373. >Attempt to go back to how things were.
  1374. >But there is a little bit of you that speaks the loudest.
  1375. >Twilight has changed you, awakening a desire for her that you didn’t have before.
  1376. >You never took action because you didn’t want to lose her.
  1377. >And had you known, you’ve held her every night since then.
  1378. >No, it's too late to go back.
  1379. >Your movements are quick.
  1380. >Rising from the bed, you wrap your hands around her body.
  1381. >Twilight emits a gasp, before you silence her with a kiss.
  1383. >You can tell that Twilight wasn’t ready for that.
  1384. >Tempered steel bends more easily than her tense muscles right now.
  1385. >At first you don’t know what she’ll do.
  1386. >But she relaxes quicker than you thought and starts to return the kiss.
  1387. >A deep burning sensation courses through you each time your lips make contact.
  1388. >And soon, only the sound of kissing could be heard in the darkness.
  1389. >But all good things must come to an end.
  1390. >Eventually you both pull apart.
  1391. >Inhaling deep and exaggerated breaths.
  1392. >Once you have felt yourself come down, you begin to speak.
  1393. “Sorry, but I wanted to be the selfish one this time.”
  1394. >Twilight just sits there in your lap.
  1395. “Look Twilight, I know you regret doing what you did.”
  1396. “But you’ve opened a Pandora’s Box, and that can’t be undone.”
  1397. >You move your hands to cup her cheeks.
  1398. “And I know what I’m about to ask.”
  1399. “But I can’t sit by and watch you go through life with an empty marriage.”
  1400. “I’ll never be able to replace Flash completely.”
  1401. “But I’ll be there when he’s not.”
  1402. “I’ll hold you in his absence.”
  1403. “I’ll be the warmth in your bed when he sleeps elsewhere.”
  1404. “And I promise to not make things worse for you in the future.”
  1405. >Twilight sits there speechless.
  1406. >”This… This would forever change us.”
  1408. “I know it will.”
  1409. “And I am willing to take that change.”
  1410. “But only if you’re willing to take it too.”
  1411. >Once again Twilight is silent.
  1412. >The moment seemed to drag on for an eternity.
  1413. >Until Twilight moved forward, wrapping her forelegs around your neck.
  1414. >She leans in, and once again your lips touch.
  1415. >You pull Twilight’s body closer to yours, while adjusting your current position.
  1416. >Which inadvertently thrusts your hips and grinds your penis against your boxers.
  1417. >Oh right, an erection that could break diamonds, you almost forgot about it.
  1418. >You try to forget about it by focusing on the kiss.
  1419. >But Twilight pulls away rather quickly this time.
  1420. >She then presses her hips down, causing the already tight confines of your boxer to be even worse.
  1421. >In return, you experience a burst of pleasure that brings out a shudder from you.
  1422. >Twilight giggles at your predicament.
  1423. >”You are a naughty human.”
  1424. >Her voice is laced with a sultry glee.
  1425. “Am I now?”
  1426. “I seem to recall you being the cause of my arousal, Little Princesses.”
  1427. >That seems to end her mini celebration.
  1428. >”You’re right, I’m sorry.”
  1429. >Great, now you feel bad.
  1430. >”I… could help you get rid of it.”
  1432. “Really?”
  1433. >”Yes really.”
  1434. >”Just no penetration.”
  1435. >You nod.
  1436. >This will take some time getting used to.
  1437. >And obviously, you two don’t need to move things too fast.
  1438. >With a few wing beats, Twilight lifts herself off of you.
  1439. >You move the blanket aside, feeling the breeze that is being generated by Twilight’s wings.
  1440. >She slowly descends over you.
  1441. >Deforming the mattress around you when she lands.
  1442. >She takes her time adjusting herself.
  1443. >When she is satisfied, she lowers her down onto your waist.
  1444. >Without the blanket, you can now feel her warm coat on your legs.
  1445. >And with the thin material of your boxers, you can feel the outline of her vagina, as it nestles on your member.
  1446. >You couldn’t stop it from throbbing upwards even if you wanted it to.
  1447. >Twilight giggles again, before leaning forward.
  1448. >Laying her hooves on your stomach.
  1449. >You also lean forward, meeting her half way.
  1450. >Your lips collide with passion.
  1451. >Although the kiss is a momentary distraction.
  1452. >You can still feel Twilight lightly grind herself against you.
  1454. >She starts slowly.
  1455. >Dragging her flower against you.
  1456. >Even at this speed, it’s enough to get a pleasant tingle out of you.
  1457. >Deciding not to play a passive part in all this.
  1458. >Your hands start to roam around her body.
  1459. >Your fingers caressing her back, and just around the pit of her wings.
  1460. >You move your hands down.
  1461. >Dragging your thumbs across her stomach, and fingertips down her spine.
  1462. >Your last destination is in fact you being naughty.
  1463. >Dragging your hands even further down.
  1464. >Resting them on her flank.
  1465. >In a sense of payback, you give her derriere a squeeze.
  1466. >Twilight doesn’t have the biggest rump you’ve ever felt.
  1467. >But it fills your hands nicely, and there is enough of it to make it jiggle when it moves.
  1468. >Twilight breaks the kiss, but before she goes too far, she gives you a light zap on your lips.
  1469. >It doesn’t hurt, but it does startle you.
  1470. “What was that for?”
  1471. >She smirks, before wrapping her hooves around your neck.
  1472. >”You know why.”
  1473. >She leans all the way down and lays her chest against yours.
  1474. “What, am I not allowed to touch the royal flank?”
  1475. >”No, Naughty Humans are not allowed to touch the Little Princess’s flank without permission.”
  1477. >Apparently your nickname is Naughty Human for now on.
  1478. >You’re okay with this.
  1479. “Okay then, May this Naughty Human touch the Little Princess’s royal flank?”
  1480. >She moves forward, placing her face on your neck.
  1481. >”You may.”
  1482. “Why thank you, your Highness.”
  1483. >You gently start to knead Twilight’s butt.
  1484. >Rolling her flesh around in your palms.
  1485. >While your hands are doing one thing, your mind is doing something else.
  1486. >You’ve gotten used to the pace that Twilight has set.
  1487. >When she grinds up, you surprise her by grinding your hips in the other direction.
  1488. >Pulling your boxers down while she moves herself up.
  1489. >She gasps suddenly and tightens her grip around your neck.
  1490. >The two of you kept this pace for a time.
  1491. >Until Twilight decided that she wanted to go faster.
  1492. >Pressing her marehood harder against you, she started to change the rhythm.
  1493. >You don’t take long to adjust.
  1494. >And soon you both are panting and can feel an increase in heat against each other.
  1495. >Unsurprisingly, you can feel your boxers getting a little damp.
  1496. >No doubt that in time damp is a word that will no longer be relevant.
  1498. >The bed starts to creak as your grinding stops being gentle and subtle.
  1499. >It’s a minor sound in the background.
  1500. >And you would have to focus on it in the first place.
  1501. >But between the pleasure, and thrusting, it’s something that you can ignore.
  1502. >Twilight suddenly lets out a loud moan.
  1503. >Which is followed by a shudder.
  1504. >And a splash of her juices all over your boxers.
  1505. >Your penis tries desperately to rip through its prison and enter the folds of the mare above it.
  1506. >It was having no success.
  1507. >The only thing it did was increase the pleasure you are feeling.
  1508. >You’re getting closer to the end.
  1509. >You try to stave off the inevitable for just a while longer.
  1510. >Until you feel something different wrap around your penis.
  1511. >A tingling sensation tickles around the organ.
  1512. >You stop momentarily, the sudden halt almost makes you climax.
  1513. >”Don’t hold it.”
  1514. >”Just ruin your boxers even more.”
  1516. >Twilight’s voice erodes the rest of your willpower.
  1517. >Your muscles clinch, causing your finger to grab Twilight’s flank harshly, and pushing it down closer to your groin.
  1518. >Your member throbs several times, right before the end.
  1519. >You announce your orgasm with a deep groan.
  1520. >Your penis flexes one more time, before unloading your seed.
  1521. >A copious amount of cum shoots into the material of your boxers.
  1522. >Making an even larger mess of them.
  1523. >The tingling sensation stays throughout your orgasm.
  1524. >The bizarre feeling somehow makes it feel even better than it’s supposed to.
  1525. >Making your climax last longer.
  1526. >It’s several moments before you stop.
  1527. >Slowly coming down from your high.
  1528. >You feel a warm suck on your neck.
  1529. >Then Twilight’s face comes into view.
  1530. >Smiling from ear to ear, with a blush on her face.
  1531. >”Well, I think that problem is taken care of.”
  1532. >Still reeling from your orgasm, you simply nod your head.
  1533. >Twilight leans in for a quick kiss, before getting off of you.
  1534. >”Right, let’s get you cleaned up.”
  1535. >Her horn glows, and the sticky wetness that was your lower legs, now feels dry and clean.
  1537. “Th…Thanks Twilight.”
  1538. >”My pleasure.”
  1539. >The bed shifts as she moves.
  1540. >She is doing something, but you pay little mind to it.
  1541. >Until your upper body is grabbed by the same tingling sensation.
  1542. >It forces you down onto the bed, laying your head on the pillow.
  1543. >Soon after, you feel the blanket wrap around you.
  1544. >”There, now we can fall asleep.”
  1545. >From the sound of her voice.
  1546. >It seems Twilight is lying closer to you than she did before.
  1547. >There is a yawn, and at first you didn’t realize it was coming from you.
  1548. >”Goodnight Anon.”
  1549. >Your eyes start to close, as you adjust yourself into a more comfortable position.
  1550. “Goodnight Twilight.”
  1551. >Sleep comes easy to you that night.
  1552. >You awake in the morning to find an empty bed.
  1553. >Right, Twilight had a meeting today.
  1554. >That’s why she came over.
  1555. >Totally had no intention of starting an affair.
  1556. >Well no matter Twilight's main intention for staying over.
  1557. >You still feel liberated now that you laid your feelings bare, and that Twilight accepted them.
  1558. >There will be problems as the two of you move forward.
  1559. >But you hope everything will be better for the both of you in the end.
  1561. >The train is especially bumpy today.
  1562. >Which makes your situation all the more worse, as you press your hind legs tighter together.
  1563. >Why are you so horny?
  1564. >It’s not even your season for crying out loud!
  1565. >And yet here you are, trying everything you can to stop yourself from moaning like a mare in heat.
  1566. >A rather startling bump causes you to shudder.
  1567. >Bringing to mind the lingering heat that you still feel from Anon’s fingers.
  1568. >You release something of a mixture of a moan and a whine.
  1569. >Court was a nightmare to get through.
  1570. >Spells to mask the pheromones you’re no doubt sending out into the air.
  1571. >Trying to act composed and professional in front of a crowd, when you can barely stand without dripping a mess everywhere.
  1572. >You’re sure you manage to fool the unobservant.
  1573. >The Princesses on the other hoof.
  1574. >Who made subtle innuendo throughout the meeting.
  1575. >Sly comments about how lucky Flash is, and what you might do to him when you return home.
  1576. >This was a double edge sword to you.
  1577. >They didn’t help your arousal one bit, as now you started to think about Flash in an intimate way.
  1578. >But it racked your guilt because he is not the reason for why you’re a horned-up mess.
  1579. >Another bump, and this time you can't stop yourself from moaning.
  1580. >Your cheeks are burning, and you can feel the wetness that pools around your flank.
  1581. >You swallow a hard lump in your throat.
  1582. >This is a private train after all.
  1584. >You slowly inch a hoof down to your flower.
  1585. >Parting your legs slightly as it gets closer.
  1586. >When the tip of your hoof pokes your clit.
  1587. >A surge of pleasure shoots through your body.
  1588. >You’ve been pent up since last night.
  1589. >Might as well take care of it before you get home.
  1590. >You set your head back against the seat, and let your mind wander, as your hoof is slowly moving around your marehood.
  1591. >You couldn’t stop thinking about the males of your desires.
  1592. >Flash always likes to be in control.
  1593. >Doing as he pleased with you devoutly following along.
  1594. >Anon was the first time you had any major input.
  1595. >You were joking about the permission, but he asked anyway.
  1596. >And that made even the simple act of grinding against his boxers so much more enjoyable.
  1597. >There’s also how they grope your body.
  1598. >Flash moved his hooves quickly everywhere, rarely staying in one spot too long.
  1599. >Anon moved his hands slowly, dragging his digits across your skin, and then leaving them there.
  1600. >There is no doubt in your mind which feels better.
  1601. >And you can’t wait to get Anon’s hands on you again.
  1602. >The only unknown to you is how they compare in bed.
  1603. >Flash was only slow when you lost your virginity to him.
  1604. >After that, he figured you could take it without any problems.
  1606. >Not to say Flash was a bad lover.
  1607. >But then there is how differently Anon treated you.
  1608. >He lets you set the pace.
  1609. >Giving you this little power trip you didn’t even know you hungered for.
  1610. >He also had no problems keeping up when you wanted to go faster.
  1611. >So he might like to take his time with his females.
  1612. >Maybe he likes to use his hands that way.
  1613. >Slowly caressing you while you whimper in his hands.
  1614. >The feeling of his fingers as they play around your vagina.
  1615. >How would they feel inside of you?
  1616. >Would you be able to feel the same heat they emit when they touch your body?
  1617. >And what about his penis?
  1618. >You’ve only felt the outline three times.
  1619. >But you wonder if it could fill you completely.
  1620. >How would he act once he has it hilted deeply within you?
  1621. >Would he start slow, so you can get accustomed to the alien feeling, just to slowly ramp it up, leaving you both as nothing more than sweaty bodies rotting together.
  1622. >Or would you dictate the pace?
  1623. >Have him lay on his back while you ride on top of him.
  1624. >The train bumps again.
  1625. >Pulling you out of your fantasies.
  1626. >And careening into a powerful orgasm.
  1628. >Your eyes shoot open, and you gasp suddenly.
  1629. >Your entire body clenches.
  1630. >Forcing your hind legs to lift from the seat.
  1631. >Moans that vibrate through the core of your body.
  1632. >And you think the puddle you’re sitting in is a lot bigger than before.
  1633. >When eternity ends, you feel your body relaxing.
  1634. >Slowly you bring your legs back down, but you move very little once that is done.
  1635. >Your afterglow lasts for an unusually long time.
  1636. >But as you finally lose your high.
  1637. >The feeling is replaced with guilt.
  1638. >Those last fantasies were about Anon.
  1639. >Have you really changed that much?
  1640. >No, that’s not it.
  1641. >You sit yourself up.
  1642. >Using a spell to clean away the dirty deed.
  1643. >Anon is just fresh in your mind, that's all.
  1644. >You still love your husband.
  1645. >And fantasies don’t mean everything.
  1646. >You sigh, as you lay your head back, and close your eyes.
  1647. >Lingering images of last night play before your mind’s eye.
  1648. >Then why take it so far, if fantasies mean nothing.
  1649. >And they’re what drove you in the first place.
  1651. >As the seasons change from fall to winter.
  1652. >You and Twilight’s public relationship hardly changed.
  1653. >In fact your private relationship didn’t change that much.
  1654. >Outside of groping, teasing, and kissing.
  1655. >You both acted like the best buds you two were before this whole thing started.
  1656. >Although one major change was that Twilight dropped the excuse to stay over on court day, and started staying practically every night.
  1657. >You at first thought this was a bad idea.
  1658. >But Twilight already had a solution to that problem.
  1659. >She would take the last train to Canterlot, which left at 11:30, so that her private one wouldn’t always be gone.
  1660. >She would then put on a disguise spell while buying the ticket and riding the train.
  1661. >And would casually come over to your place as if it was any other time.
  1662. >She usually arrived around midnight.
  1663. >And to let you know it was her, she would knock on your door twice.
  1664. >With a system in place, it made keeping the affair under wraps a little easier.
  1665. >Speaking of under wraps.
  1666. >The sex life between you and Twilight took off.
  1667. >Oral, and Grinding was what you two did mostly.
  1668. >Even showed her what fingers can do that hooves can’t
  1669. >She loved every minute of it.
  1670. >The only thing you two didn’t do was intercourse.
  1671. >You don’t need a PhD to figure out why either.
  1672. >You know she still has strong feelings for Flash.
  1673. >And you don’t want to force her into something she isn’t ready for anyways.
  1674. >So you won’t rush things and let her decide when the time is right.
  1676. >In the middle of winter.
  1677. >A mailed invention to the Ponyville winter ball arrived at your house.
  1678. >Reading through the invention.
  1679. >You find out that Twilight and Flash are hosting it at their castle.
  1680. >For a moment, you feel a ping of jealousy.
  1681. >You shake the feeling off quickly.
  1682. >Why wouldn’t Twilight hold a party with her husband?
  1683. >There is no reason to be petty.
  1684. >The ball starts at 8.
  1685. >That would give you plenty of time to freshen up.
  1686. >You roll up the invite and move through your house to get ready.
  1687. >If everything goes well, you’ll be in Ponyville before 8.
  1688. >The train got held up because of iced tracks.
  1689. >Postponing the ride for who knows how long.
  1690. >Because for some reason, there wasn’t a clock in your booth.
  1691. >Eventually, the train moves again, and you make it to Ponyville.
  1692. >Filing out with the rest of the passengers.
  1693. >You break away from the crowd, and head towards Twilight’s castle.
  1694. >Your heavy black coat keeps the winter cold out as you make the journey.
  1695. >It wasn’t too long before you’re in front of her castle.
  1696. >And even less time getting in, as you show the guard your invitation.
  1698. >You’re led to the coat racks, and just from how many you can see filled, you’re quite late to the party.
  1699. >You find a free one and put your coat among the others.
  1700. >You fix your white tuxedo, and red tie, before following a guard to the ball room.
  1701. >The guard leads you to a large double door and opens it.
  1702. >The ball is in full swing.
  1703. >With various ponies either dancing to the music.
  1704. >Or resting by one of the many tables, while munching on a snack, or drinking some form of liquid.
  1705. >Not wanting to stand out like a sore thumb.
  1706. >You head over to a table that hopefully has a bowl full of wine.
  1707. >You pick up a glass, and the ladle, and pour yourself a cup.
  1708. >Using your ears to eavesdrop, you hear murmurs of gossip.
  1709. >Although none of them are related to the ponies you care about.
  1710. >So you take a swig of your drink.
  1711. >And its punch.
  1712. >You’ve never tasted disappointment before now.
  1713. >Downing your drink quickly, you start looking around the room.
  1714. >You finally see Twilight surrounded by her friends and admirers.
  1715. >At first you don’t see Flash.
  1716. >Until he breaks through from the crowd behind Twilight.
  1717. >He gives her a surprise hug, which causes her to giggle aloud.
  1718. >He follows it up with a rapid succession of light kisses up her nape.
  1719. >Twilight giggles even more and pushes her back against him.
  1720. >You know another cup of punch doesn’t seem so bad now
  1722. >You spend the rest of the party mingling with the other ponies.
  1723. >Some of them notice who you are and inquire about your banks.
  1724. >Even if you’re not fully prepared, you still answer their questions as best you can.
  1725. >You even get some promising buyers.
  1726. >Hey you like more money, heck who doesn’t.
  1727. >In all honesty, you’re trying to keep yourself from puppy dogging over to Twilight.
  1728. >You know that you can always just go over to her and say hi.
  1729. >But you want to do more than just say hello.
  1730. >So instead of ruining everyones’ night because of your lack of self-control.
  1731. >You hug the outskirts of the ballroom.
  1732. >Occasionally you look towards the center of the room and see the majority of the ponies having fun.
  1733. >Sometimes you see Twilight and Flash living it up too.
  1734. >You feel a strange sense of jealousy whenever you see them together.
  1735. >Wishing you were in Flash’s place, but at the same time, you couldn’t hate him for where he is now.
  1736. >You see the wide goofy grin on Twilight’s face.
  1737. >You started this affair just to see her smile.
  1738. >Even though you’re not the one doing it, you still count it as a win for you.
  1739. >Eventually, you do desire a break from the music and ponies.
  1740. >So you exit yourself from the ball just for a bit.
  1742. >There isn’t total silence in the hall, but now you can at least hear yourself think.
  1743. >Nodding to the guards, you start to wander aimlessly through the hall.
  1744. >Stopping every now and then to look at the decorations that surround you.
  1745. >You stop to look out a window that leads to a balcony.
  1746. >The snow blankets the veranda, masking any color it once had with white.
  1747. >Snowflakes blow in the winter, and sometimes the wind blows them into the window.
  1748. >”There you are.”
  1749. >Your trance is broken by the sudden voice.
  1750. >Turning to where it can from, you see Twilight walking towards you.
  1751. >The moment you see her, your heart skips a beat.
  1752. >You didn’t get to see if she was wearing any elegant dress earlier.
  1753. >But now she isn’t obscured by the bodies of other ponies.
  1754. >You see she is wearing a ring choker, which connects to a silver colored dress.
  1755. >The top of it is pretty thin and hugs her body tightly.
  1756. >It ends with a set of frills that have violet tips.
  1757. >It hides her flank but has an opening for her tail.
  1758. >Her golden horseshoes glitter in what little light comes through the windows.
  1759. >You’re not one hundred percent sure, but you think she’s wearing some traces of makeup to highlight her face.
  1760. >”Good to know that my modest appearance still captivates you.”
  1761. >She stops in front of you, grinning like a cat that knows she stole your tongue.
  1762. “You’re beautiful.”
  1763. >Her smile widens.
  1764. >”Why thank you. “
  1766. >”And every good compliment deserves a reward.”
  1767. >She raises herself up on her hind legs and puts her fore legs out.
  1768. >”Come get a hug Anon.”
  1769. >You smile at her offer and kneel on one knee.
  1770. >You wrap your arms around her body and pull her close.
  1771. >Twilight wraps her legs around your neck, but as you pull her closer.
  1772. >She surprised you by turning it into a kiss.
  1773. >Before you can do anything about it, she pulls away.
  1774. >”Might want to get comfortable, we’re going to be here for a while.”
  1775. >Taking her advice, you pick up her.
  1776. >Move your back to the wall and slide down against it.
  1777. >Once your butt touches the marble floor, you give Twilight a little squeeze.
  1778. >”That’s better.”
  1779. >”So Anon, how are you enjoying the ball so far?”
  1780. “I’m liking it.”
  1781. “Good music, nice ponies.”
  1782. “No wine.”
  1783. >She nuzzles her nose against yours.
  1784. >”I wanted it to be a family night, Anon.”
  1785. “Well you can have your family night, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to count it as a con.”
  1787. >She giggles
  1788. >”Okay so other than the lack of wine, anything else?”
  1789. “No, not really.”
  1790. >”Are you sure?”
  1791. “Yep, all good.”
  1792. >”Hmm.”
  1793. “Okay Twilight what’s up?”
  1794. >”Oh nothing.”
  1795. >Oh now she’s being coy.
  1796. >”It’s just I caught a few glances of you looking at me and Flash.”
  1797. “Oh is that all?”
  1798. “You know it’s kinda hard not to look at the hosts of the ball.”
  1799. >”You’re right, but.”
  1800. >She lets that but trail for a bit, before giving you a quick kiss.
  1801. >”Were you jealous?”
  1802. “No, why would I be?”
  1803. >Another giggle, but this one sounded a little cruel.
  1804. >”Liar.”
  1805. >She tightens her grip around your neck and pulls you into another kiss.
  1806. >This time it lasts much longer.
  1808. >As you kiss her, you rub your hands around her waist.
  1809. >Your digits kneading the fur and flesh under her dress.
  1810. >The pace of your kissing is both passionate and calming.
  1811. >Despite where you two are kissing, and the dangers of being found by a wandering pony.
  1812. >At least the music murmuring through the hall keeps the sound of smacking lips quiet.
  1813. >Twilight seems satisfied, and she pulls away.
  1814. >”There you go.”
  1815. “Was it that obvious?”
  1816. >”No, but I haven’t kissed you tonight.”
  1817. >”And if I saw my Naughty Human giving light kisses, and whispering sweet nothings to some other mare, I would be a little jealous.”
  1818. >One more short kiss, before Twilight looks deeply into your eyes.
  1819. >”You don’t have to be jealous though.”
  1820. “And why shouldn’t I?”
  1821. >”Because there is room in my heart for both of you.”
  1822. >”Flash is my husband who I can show my affection for publicly.”
  1823. >”You are my precious lover who keeps me warm with all sorts of wonderful feelings.”
  1824. >”You both are all mine, and I have no favorites.”
  1825. >Her gaze intensifies.
  1826. >”I love you Anon, and never let jealousy make you doubt that.”
  1828. >You get a good feeling after she says that.
  1829. >She loves you.
  1830. >How long have you wondered?
  1831. >That maybe you were just filling a void.
  1832. >And maybe you still are, and she’s just saying things to make you feel better.
  1833. >But right now who cares.
  1834. >You suddenly pull Twilight against you and kiss her.
  1835. >She’s not one bit surprised.
  1836. >With you setting the pace, you let this kiss last.
  1837. >And when it ends, it is you who stops it.
  1838. >”Oh, I can see that you enjoyed hearing me say that.”
  1839. “Perhaps I did.”
  1840. >”Then I’ll say it again.”
  1841. >”I love you.”
  1842. “And I love you.”
  1843. >Twilight smiles, as you feel her magic loosen your grip.
  1844. >”As much as I hate to, our time is up.”
  1845. >She rises from your lap.
  1846. >”We should return.”
  1847. >”I’ll go in first of course, you shortly after.”
  1848. >You stand, fixing your tux, and brushing away any dust that might be on it.
  1849. >”Oh and there are two more things I have to say to you.”
  1850. >”One, the tracks to Canterlot are frozen over, and all guests who arrived tonight will be staying at the castle until they are clear.”
  1851. >”And second, I expect to dance with you tonight.”
  1852. >With that, she courtesy, before she walks away.
  1854. >You returned to the ball without anyone giving you any noticeable glances.
  1855. >And you see why.
  1856. >Twilight and Flash were cutting a cake and were engrossed in a rather passionate kiss.
  1857. >All eyes are on them, as the ponies giggled and hooted.
  1858. >You may have gotten back a little too late to offer any proper cheer.
  1859. >But you can smile and clap after they’re done.
  1860. >After that, the night proceeded without anything major happening.
  1861. >As the night went on, you talked to an uncountable number of ponies.
  1862. >You gave Twilight that dance she wanted.
  1863. >And the punch wasn’t all that bad.
  1864. >A clanging sound rings over the party.
  1865. >Drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
  1866. >Flash has tapped the side of a glass with a spoon.
  1867. >And you guess Twilight amplified the sound with her magic.
  1868. >”Thank you all for your attention.”
  1869. >Flash has a broad smile on his face.
  1870. >”And thank you all for coming here tonight.”
  1871. >”Because of you all, tonight was amazing.”
  1872. >”But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.”
  1873. >”We both wish you a safe trip home on this chilly night.” Twilight speaks this time.
  1874. >”And for those who need to take a train to Canterlot, we will happily keep you in the castle until we can clear the ice from the tracks in the morning.”
  1875. >After their announcement, ponies started to go up to their Prince and Princess.
  1876. >They wish them a safe night as well, before calmly leaving the castle.
  1878. >Soon there is only you and a handful of ponies left.
  1879. >You see Flash yawn, and after he’s done, he whispers into Twilight’s ear.
  1880. >She whispers back and kisses him before he leaves.
  1881. >Twilight proceeds to trot up to the group.
  1882. >”Princess, you don’t have to show us to our rooms, I’m sure one of the guards would be more than happy to tend to that.” A stocky stallion says.
  1883. >”Indeed, and I’m sure you would be much happier spending time with your husband.”
  1884. >This time a mare speaks up.
  1885. >She also couldn’t keep herself from giggling when she said spending time.
  1886. >”Oh no, as a royal house guest, it is our duty to show you to your rooms.”
  1887. >”But since Flash is tired, and has to get up to help clear the tracks in the morning.”
  1888. >”I’ll be having that honor.”
  1889. >”That unfortunately means I won’t be spending that kind of time with him.”
  1890. >Twilight turns and tells us to follow her.
  1891. >And with no further objections, all of us followed behind her.
  1892. >It didn’t take long for the group to enter the guest wing.
  1893. >And one by one, Twilight shows them to their own rooms.
  1894. >Each time wishing them a good night and pleasant dreams.
  1895. >Until it was just you and Twilight left.
  1896. >”This way Anon.”
  1897. >She takes you pretty far from the last room.
  1898. >Almost making you question if you were still in the guest wing, before she stops at a door.
  1899. >”And this one will be yours for tonight.”
  1901. “It’s a bit far from everyone else, don't you think.”
  1902. >She giggles since she knows you’re not asking a question.
  1903. >”It’s for privacy Anon.”
  1904. >You smirk, and kneel down.
  1905. “Privacy huh.”
  1906. >You reach out your left hand, and scratch behind her ear.
  1907. >She coos immediately and rubs her face against your hand.
  1908. >Hand and fingers, a pony’s favorite thing to love.
  1909. >After a while, Twilight reluctantly moved away from your hand.
  1910. >”Not for tonight, Anon.”
  1911. >”It’s been too long since I last slept in the same bed with Flash, and I’m not throwing this moment away.”
  1912. >”That’s understandable right?”
  1913. “Of course it is Twilight.”
  1914. >She suddenly wraps her forelegs around your neck and gives up a quick peck on the lips.
  1915. >”Best lover ever.”
  1916. >You return the hug.
  1917. “I try.”
  1918. >You two hold each other a little while longer, before pulling away.
  1919. >”Well then, good night Anon, I’ll see before you leave.”
  1920. >You bring yourself to stand and open the door to your room.
  1921. “Good night, Twilight.”
  1922. >Your last glimpse was of her smiling face, before you closed the door.
  1924. >Your eyes flutter open, as the morning sun bleeds through your window.
  1925. >You rise from your bed, stretching any limb you could.
  1926. >You look to your right, and for once don’t feel sad to see it empty.
  1927. >It felt so good to sleep next to Flash again.
  1928. >Letting him pet and kiss you until you both fall asleep in each other's hooves.
  1929. >Once again smelling his scent and feeling his heat against your body.
  1930. >You smile while getting out of your bed.
  1931. >Stretching one more time, you canter towards the bathroom.
  1932. >You turn on the shower, and let it get to a reasonable temperature, before stepping in.
  1933. >The falling water hits your skin, causing you to shudder.
  1934. >Each drop causes some memory of the night before to come to the front of your mind.
  1935. >Last night was arguably the best night of your life.
  1936. >Having both your husband and lover lavish their love over you was simply divine.
  1937. >It’s a shame it can’t happen more frequently.
  1938. >Especially since polygamy is an unwritten taboo.
  1939. >You start to wash your body.
  1940. >Maybe you should marry Anon, and just watch the press explode with what they perceive as a scandal.
  1941. >You shake your head, causing water to fling around in the shower.
  1942. >Don’t be silly Twilight, besides you could never get them to agree to share you equally anyways.
  1943. >You devoid your mind for the rest of the shower.
  1944. >Once done, you jump out, and quickly dry yourself off with magic.
  1946. >Stepping out of the bathroom, you take a quick detour to your bed.
  1947. >Looking at your clock, you see that you have a good two hours before court starts today.
  1948. >You decide to just lay around for a bit.
  1949. >You get back into your bed.
  1950. >You stare at the ceiling for a few minutes, while twiddling your hooves.
  1951. >Your heartbeat gets more strained in your chest.
  1952. >You’re trying not to see him.
  1953. >At least not this early anyways.
  1954. >’But there is the possibility that you won’t get to see him’.
  1955. >Yes that is true, but you know you won’t be able to restrain yourself.
  1956. >’And why is that a bad thing now’?
  1957. >You hastily jump out of the bed.
  1958. >Your thoughts are starting to betray you.
  1959. >’You’re betraying yourself, Twilight’.
  1960. >’Just go see him and have fun like you always do’.
  1961. >You shake your head.
  1962. >No, not here.
  1963. >’Why not here’?
  1964. >Because this is yours and Flash’s home.
  1965. >’So it’s different at his home’?
  1966. >Your blood runs cold
  1967. >’No matter where you two have your fun, the world will still see it for what it is’.
  1968. >You press your ears down against your head.
  1969. >’Why do you resist now?’
  1970. >’Just go to him, let his fingers explore your body in a way that only he can’.
  1971. >’Let him lavish you with the love that you deserve’.
  1972. >’And leave with a satisfied smile on your face’.
  1973. >You turn towards your bed.
  1974. >Hesitating for longer than you can tell.
  1975. >You feel your heart sink, as you tear your eyes away from it, and head to the door.
  1976. >You’ll go see him, but only if he is up.
  1978. >How long would it take for you to make a rut in the crystal floor?
  1979. >You’re walking around your bed in a half circle.
  1980. >Needless to say, you’re bored.
  1981. >Work keeps you on an early bird schedule, and you curse it now.
  1982. >It’s not like you expected to be stuck in a different city, or else you would’ve brought something to do.
  1983. >Earlier, you got dressed in your white undershirt and tuxedo pants and went to see if breakfast was served yet.
  1984. >It was being made, but since you and grass mixed with flower petals, or hay don’t mix, you have to wait longer for food.
  1985. >Other Canterlot nobles are still in their room, and you’ve learned that one of them snores loud enough to be heard through the door.
  1986. >So chances of speaking to any of them are slim.
  1987. >Tired of walking, you slump on your bed with a sigh.
  1988. >You’re not sitting long however, as a familiar set of knocks grace your door.
  1989. >You didn’t think Twilight would come around so soon, but who cares, she’s someone to kill time with.
  1990. >You get up and walk with a purpose towards the door.
  1991. >Opening it, you see a surprised Twilight.
  1992. >”Oh, you are up.”
  1993. >You take offense to that.
  1995. “What are you talking about, I’m an early riser.”
  1996. >She stares at you with a raised eyebrow.
  1997. >”No, you’re not.”
  1998. “Says you.”
  1999. >”And with that, the Naughty Human admits defeat.”
  2000. >You gesture for her to come in.
  2001. >She takes it in stride, and you close the door behind her.
  2002. “Just because you wake up two hours earlier than is necessary, doesn’t mean others aren’t early birds.”
  2003. >She turns to you with a smile on her face.
  2004. >”Okay, but what about the other times when I stay over, and I don’t have court.”
  2005. >”You still don’t wake up until noon.”
  2006. >”You only go to work five times a month Anon, so when are you an early riser?”
  2007. >It’s time for you to counter.
  2008. “Today actually, since I’ve made new prospects at the ball last night, and I’ve started hiring new employees for the new bank that will be built in the Crystal Empire.”
  2009. “But since Mother Nature says otherwise, I can’t be at work right now.”
  2010. >Twilight was unprepared for your answer and looked at you in silence.
  2011. “And with that, the Little Princess admits defeat.”
  2012. >No longer stunned, Twilight starts to giggle.
  2013. >”Fine you got me, happy now?”
  2014. “Extremely.”
  2016. >You walk over to Twilight, and gently pick her up.
  2017. >You move to the bed and sit down, with Twilight sitting in your lap.
  2018. >You do notice that she is a little tense throughout the whole process, and you can’t help but wonder why.
  2019. “You know, I never asked this before, but how different are Canterlot and Ponyville’s court?”
  2020. >”Well for starters, Ponyville is mostly made up of middle class citizens, so there isn’t much in the way of noble grievances.”
  2021. >”And the ponies here are a lot more honest than they are at Canterlot.”
  2022. “Come now, us Canterlot nobles aren’t all bad.”
  2023. >She sits quietly in your lap.
  2024. >”You’re not like them.”
  2025. “Oh, how am I not like them?
  2026. >A blush appears on her cheeks.
  2027. >”You never hide what you want from me.”
  2028. >You smile.
  2029. “You’re right, I don’t hide anything from you.”
  2030. “But why would I, when I have the most beautiful mare sitting in my lap right now.”
  2031. >Her blush intensifies.
  2032. >But why stop there if you don’t hide anything from her.
  2033. >You catch her off guard with a surprise kiss.
  2034. >One that doesn’t last
  2035. >Pulling away rather quickly, Twilight whines as you do.
  2036. >You don’t leave her whining for long.
  2037. >You pull her closer to your chest and move your lips to kiss her neck.
  2039. >She shudders in your arms, as you suckle on her nape.
  2040. >You move your hands down towards her flank.
  2041. >Gently kneading the supple flesh between your fingers.
  2042. >”Anon… I have court.”
  2043. >”We can’t.”
  2044. >She’s not very convincing when she’s struggling to speak without moaning.
  2045. >You end your suckling with an exaggerated pop.
  2046. ”You do, but surely there is enough time for us to play around.”
  2047. >You kiss a different part of her neck.
  2048. >Followed by you squeezing her flank.
  2049. “Besides, you were tense earlier.”
  2050. >You move your hands below her buns.
  2051. >Spreading them slightly, so that two of your fingers can lightly touch the outer lips of her vagina.
  2052. “And I think.”
  2053. >You push those two fingers in.
  2054. >Feeling Twilight coat them in her juices.
  2055. “A deep finger massage will help fix that.”
  2056. >You start to push and pull them out.
  2057. >Twilight’s marehood gripping and relaxing as they move.
  2058. >She moans into your chest.
  2059. >Suddenly, you’re on your back, staring at the ceiling.
  2061. >Well you aren’t staring at it for long, because purple soon obscures your vision.
  2062. >”Bad Naughty Human.”
  2063. >”Taking advantage of your Princess like that.”
  2064. >She positions herself, so that her vagina is over your mouth.
  2065. >”Well, get to it, this is your punishment after all.”
  2066. >Funny way to say reward Twilight.
  2067. >Not wanting to disappoint you, you angle your head up, and kiss her flower.
  2068. >You return your hand to Twilight’s flank, before you start to lick.
  2069. >Making sure that you pay attention to her winking clit.
  2070. >Twilight moans loudly and starts to grind on your face.
  2071. >Not forgetting that this was supposed to be a finger message.
  2072. >You push your fingers back into her vagina.
  2073. >The duo sensation causes her to double over on your chest.
  2074. >Making it much easier to finger her and suck on her clit.
  2075. >But instead of moaning her lungs out.
  2076. >Twilight warps your pants off of your legs and stuffs her mouth full with your erection.
  2077. >Really funny way to say reward.
  2078. >Soon the both of you get into a trance.
  2079. >All focus is spent on pleasing the other's sexual organ.
  2080. >Which is why you’re confused when Twilight lifts herself off of your face on shaky legs.
  2082. >Twilight walks backwards over your body until her face is aligned with yours.
  2083. >”I want to try something.”
  2084. >She quickly kisses you, before moving out of sight.
  2085. >You sit up and turn yourself around.
  2086. >Twilight is laying down on your pillow.
  2087. >Her hind legs spread eagle, showing you her puffy vagina.
  2088. >”Actually it’s something I wanted to try for a while.”
  2089. >”I want to feel your penis inside me.”
  2090. >”I want to feel you thrusting until you can’t anymore.”
  2091. >”And I want you to spill your seed deep inside of my womb.”
  2092. >Twilight’s vagina clinches every time she stops speaking.
  2093. >She must be really anxious for this to happen.
  2094. >And you’re not one to disappoint
  2095. >You move over to her and kiss her.
  2096. >Taking your penis in hand, you tease the outer lip of her vagina.
  2097. >You’re not sure if Twilight whines or moans into your mouth.
  2098. >And before she could break the kiss.
  2099. >You thrust yourself inside.
  2100. >This time is a pure moan of arousal, as you hilt.
  2101. >Twilight wraps her legs around you, making sure that you don’t have much room to move.
  2102. >But that isn’t a problem.
  2104. >Pulling out as far as her legs would let you.
  2105. >You slam back home hard.
  2106. >Not give her any chance to recover.
  2107. >You repeat your previous action.
  2108. >Until you have a rhythm of steady and thrusting.
  2109. >Twilight moans each time you pound into her.
  2110. >Her vagina walls tighten after each thrust.
  2111. >And your balls slap loudly against her flank.
  2112. >Twilight unceremoniously breaks the kiss.
  2113. >You guess that she was trying to get some air, but she gasps it all away.
  2114. >You take hold of her hips, and with the right timing, pull her into your thrust.
  2115. >Another breathless gasp struggles out of her lungs.
  2116. >You feel her body start to shudder around you.
  2117. >Her hind legs are trying to force you to make shorter thrusts.
  2118. >”F…Faster.”
  2119. >You’re surprised she can even speak with how much she’s moaning.
  2120. >You lean down to kiss her neck.
  2121. “That’s right, you’re trained to take it hard and fast, aren't you?”
  2122. >You give the Princess what she wants.
  2123. >And on your next thrust, you pull out maybe a few inches, before thrusting back in.
  2124. >You settle quickly to your new speed.
  2125. >Twilight on the other hand just lays there and takes it.
  2126. >And you’re sure she wouldn’t have it any other way
  2128. >Moving your face from her neck.
  2129. >You stare down at the mare.
  2130. >Her face is flushed red.
  2131. >Her mane is a frumpled mess on the pillow.
  2132. >And there seems to be some drool leaking out from the sides of her mouth.
  2133. >But her eyes are the odd ones that stand out from this disheveled picture.
  2134. >Focused.
  2135. >Staring at you with such intensity that it’s almost surreal considering how she’s acting right now.
  2136. >You wonder how strong her focus game is.
  2137. >You lean back down, and quiet her moans with a slow and tender kiss.
  2138. >A stark contrast to your thrusts
  2139. >She stares at you through the whole thing.
  2140. >Her eyes lock with yours while you kiss.
  2141. >It is really mesmerizing.
  2142. >Twilight wraps her fore legs around your neck and tries to pull the two of you closer together.
  2143. >At first, your shirt gets in the way, but just like your pants, she whisks them away.
  2144. >With nothing standing between you two now.
  2145. >You feel her soft coat tickle your skin as you rub against her body, and the heat that radiates from it.
  2146. >You wish this would last forever.
  2147. >You wish you could do this forever.
  2148. >But reality rears its ugly head with the coming of your orgasm.
  2150. >You can feel your cum rushing to escape your penis.
  2151. >It’s too late to consider slowing down.
  2152. >And you know you can’t hold it back either.
  2153. >So you keep thrusting.
  2154. >Enjoying your penis pulsate within Twilight’s quivering marehood.
  2155. >Although, you didn’t expect Twilight to cum first.
  2156. >Using all of the strength in her limbs to pull you in a deadlock
  2157. >She moans loudly into your mouth as she orgasms.
  2158. >Her walls play catch and release with your member.
  2159. >Gripping and tugging at it with the hope that her reward would come soon.
  2160. >You feel your groin become slick and wet with her juices as it squirts out of her vagina.
  2161. >Seeing how Twilight has no intention of you moving while she climaxes.
  2162. >You just let the contractions do the last little bit of work.
  2163. >With one final pulse, you cum.
  2164. >Your first rope is fired in her vagina and is quickly devoured by the organ.
  2165. >This seems to trigger another mini orgasm, as Twilight convulses a second time.
  2166. >Now that your penis is shooting out your sperm, Twilight’s vagina tries to coax out more of it, and helps guide the swimmers already in her to her womb.
  2167. >Both of your climaxes last for some time before tempering off.
  2168. >You break the kiss, and Twilight’s head falls on the pillow.
  2169. >Finally able to get her lungs full of air.
  2171. >You also take the time to rest.
  2172. >Letting the air in the room cool your sweating body.
  2173. >When you feel your penis give that final twitch.
  2174. >You slowly pull yourself out.
  2175. >Twilight groans as she feels you remove yourself but doesn’t do anything more.
  2176. >Your semi erect member flops between your thighs once it’s free.
  2177. >There is nothing said between the two of you while you both recover.
  2178. >As you rest, you can't stop your eyes from roaming.
  2179. >Twilight’s eyes are closed.
  2180. >Her breathing is starting to settle down.
  2181. >Her fur matted with either sweat, or sexual fluid.
  2182. >And her body slightly shakes from lingering spasms.
  2183. >Seeing her like this excites you just enough to want another round.
  2184. >You scoot close to Twilight’s spread legs.
  2185. >Putting a hand on her stomach and starting to rub it.
  2186. “Hey Twilight.”
  2187. >Her ears perk up in response.
  2188. “How long did you say until you have court?”
  2189. >”Hmm.”
  2190. >At first her eyes slowly opened, but then they quickly opened to the fullest.
  2191. >”You’re joking right?”
  2192. >You shake your head.
  2193. >”But so soon?”
  2194. “Human stamina, Little Princess.”
  2195. >You move your hand down between her legs.
  2196. “We can keep going when a stallion gives out.”
  2197. >You plunge your finger into her vagina.
  2198. “Give me a moment, and I’ll dump another load in your womb.
  2200. >You sit in your bathtub, finally getting the rest you deserve as you feel the bubble bath soothes your aching everything.
  2201. >Never again are you letting Anon have sex with you that many times that quickly.
  2202. >Seriously, you lost count of how many times you orgasmed to his three.
  2203. >You wish you could understand how human females could survive going through that.
  2204. >And that’s not the worst of it.
  2205. >Since Anon wanted more fun.
  2206. >You not only had no time to rest.
  2207. >But you also couldn’t clean yourself up for court.
  2208. >So you had to use spells to cover up the mess that you would’ve looked like without it.
  2209. >Hoping no pony would notice anything wrong with you.
  2210. >At least until you got a break when you can properly clean yourself up.
  2211. >You lay your head against the tile wall.
  2212. >Now that there is little occupying your mind.
  2213. >Your thoughts drift to this morning.
  2214. >No doubt if the relationship between you and Anon got out.
  2215. >You would be labeled an adulterous wife.
  2216. >But before, you never really felt that way.
  2217. >Yes there was times you felt guilty over kissing and having oral sex with Anon instead of Flash.
  2218. >And yet, so long as you didn’t cross over the two lines that you put up in your mind, you wouldn’t say you were cheating.
  2219. >You crossed both of those lines in a day.
  2221. >You are breathing the warm air, before expelling it from your lungs.
  2222. >You don’t get it.
  2223. >You’re supposed to feel bad about telling another male that you love him.
  2224. >You’re supposed to feel worse over the fact that you meant it.
  2225. >Yet you feel nothing other than happiness when you told Anon that you love him.
  2226. >You’re supposed to feel terrible that you’ve been in a sexual relationship with another male.
  2227. >Worse is that you did it in your marital home.
  2228. >Yet you loved every second when he ravaged you today.
  2229. >But when you think back to Flash, and you only feel empty inside.
  2230. >Why?
  2231. >He was your first kiss.
  2232. >Your first date.
  2233. >He took your innocence in the most loving and pleasurable way possible.
  2234. >But you just can’t bring forth the feelings you once had for him.
  2235. >You breathe in more warm air.
  2236. >Which warms more than your lungs.
  2237. >Why not!
  2238. >He's been your husband for two years now!
  2239. >You’ve said your vows in front of a crowd of thousands!
  2240. >You said that your love for him would be eternal!
  2241. >But when you said you loved him last night, your words felt hollow.
  2242. >Tired of not understanding your emotions right now, you hastily get out of the tub.
  2244. >A quick magic spell cleaned the bathroom, of all but the stream.
  2245. >Opening the door with telekinesis, you let the warm air rush into your cooler bedroom.
  2246. >Following the wind, you enter the room.
  2247. >Dark and empty.
  2248. >Just like it has been for the past year.
  2249. >The change in temperature sinks your anger, and your heart.
  2250. >Despite the fact that the militia and the weather team had the tracks cleared at midday.
  2251. >Flash still isn’t here.
  2252. >Why?
  2253. >Where is he?
  2254. >And what is he doing that keeps him away from you all day long?
  2255. >You felt like crying.
  2256. >Constantly asking questions that you’ll never have the answers to unless Flash himself answers them.
  2257. >But you’re too tired for tears.
  2258. >You moved to your bed and crawled in bed.
  2259. >As you pull the blanket over you, you can’t help but remember how warm you felt last night.
  2260. >You sign into your pillow.
  2261. >Although, you can’t be all upset over this.
  2262. >You haven’t been here much as of late either.
  2263. >Spending more time at Anon’s than you would like to admit.
  2264. >You close your eyes.
  2265. >You’ll take a break from Anon for a little while.
  2266. >And shower Flash with your love whenever you can.
  2267. >Like the good wife you’re supposed to be.
  2269. >You return home sometime after midday.
  2270. >Exhausted and happy to be home.
  2271. >There are a lot of things you don’t expect Twilight to let you get away with.
  2272. >Sexing her up that much was one of them.
  2273. >You know whenever she gets the chance to.
  2274. >She’ll chew you out for a good while.
  2275. >But those thoughts are for another time.
  2276. >You pull out a bottle of wine and sit by your fireplace.
  2277. >There will be paperwork to do.
  2278. >And you need to contact Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor about when you can visit the Crystal Empire.
  2279. >You take a sip of your wine and lay back in your chair.
  2280. >Things will surely be interesting for a while.
  2281. >And things got even more interesting when Twilight came to visit.
  2282. >Yes, she indeed chewed you out for what you did.
  2283. >But she also came with some upsetting news.
  2284. >She told you that she wanted to take a small break.
  2285. >Throughout the whole talk she made sure to let you know that it wouldn’t be permanent, and that she still loves you.
  2286. >But she feels that she hasn’t been much of a wife to Flash.
  2287. >Not like he’s been much of a husband to her, but of course you don’t say that.
  2288. >Still you didn’t expect this to happen.
  2290. >At first it wasn’t so bad.
  2291. >You had work to keep you occupied.
  2292. >And you still got visits from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.
  2293. >But those can only distract you for so long.
  2294. >You couldn’t stop thinking about Twilight.
  2295. >What is she doing?
  2296. >How is she doing?
  2297. >You wonder what stories she might tell you.
  2298. >You wish your thoughts were filled with the mundane parts of her life.
  2299. >But if Flash was at the castle.
  2300. >You hated how you felt when you thought about them being together.
  2301. >Them kissing, hugging, and even them having sex.
  2302. >You know you shouldn’t feel any jealousy.
  2303. >She’s not married to you.
  2304. >You’re just…
  2305. >Sharing her.
  2306. >Sounds better than borrowing.
  2307. >No it doesn’t.
  2308. >Instead of moping around your house.
  2309. >You start taking strolls around Canterlot.
  2311. >It helped clear your head at first.
  2312. >Getting out and seeing the sights.
  2313. >One of those sights was the Museum of Canterlot.
  2314. >Twilight said she loved to go there as a foal.
  2315. >As you pass, you see a flyer.
  2316. >Informing you that it’ll reopen in the spring.
  2317. >Well there’s something to hope for.
  2318. >You also walk through the park.
  2319. >Beautiful place.
  2320. >Every tree is neatly trimmed.
  2321. >Pristine marble statues of various ponies are tastefully placed around the park.
  2322. >And there is no garbage around in sight.
  2323. >But like all band aid fixes, it likes to tear itself off when you don’t want to.
  2324. >This is especially true when you see couples on your stroll.
  2325. >Doing whatever they please without a care in the world.
  2326. >You try to ignore them.
  2327. >But you can’t stop replacing them with you and Twilight.
  2328. >It hurts when your jealousy causes you to think of Twilight and Flash together.
  2329. >It hurts so much more when you know that the relationship between you and her is forbidden, and it will never see the light of day.
  2331. >Winter ends in a blur for you.
  2332. >With the only noteworthy thing happening was you setting up an appointment with the Crystal Empire’s rulers.
  2333. >And after that’s sorted out, you’ll have to spend time over there to oversee construction of the new bank.
  2334. >Which means even more time away from Twilight.
  2335. >Maybe you should pick up a hobby, or something.
  2336. >You were planning your trip to the CE, when you heard a familiar set of knocks at your door.
  2337. >Not even bothering to check what time it is.
  2338. >You “calmly” power walk to the door.
  2339. >Once you reach the door, you take a moment to compose yourself.
  2340. >When you feel ready, you open the door.
  2341. >“Evening, Anon.”
  2342. >And there she stands with a smile on her face.
  2343. >As if she didn’t leave you alone for almost two months.
  2344. “Evening, Twilight.”
  2345. >You move aside, and let her in.
  2346. >As she enters your home, you feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of your shoulders.
  2347. >You close the door, and there is a small period of silence.
  2348. >Twilight twirls around to face you.
  2349. >”Miss me?”
  2350. >You probably shouldn’t act like a loved starved puppy.
  2352. “Perhaps.”
  2353. >You walk over to her.
  2354. >You kneel in front of her, planning on giving her a platonic hug.
  2355. >But she turns it around on you.
  2356. >Wrapping her hooves around your neck and pulling you into a kiss.
  2357. >So much for not acting like a loved starved puppy.
  2358. >You wrap your arms around her and return the kiss in earnest.
  2359. >Your kiss lasts for some time.
  2360. >Filled with passion that only separated lovers could achieve.
  2361. >When you both have enough, you both break the kiss.
  2362. >”Miss me now?”
  2363. >There’s no point in trying to hide it now.
  2364. “Yes.”
  2365. >You quickly kiss her.
  2366. “I desperately missed you.”
  2367. >She giggles, giving you a quick kiss of her own.
  2368. >”Good, because I desperately missed you too.”
  2369. >You smile at her words.
  2370. >”So what has been going on with you lately?”
  2371. “Just been granted an audience with your siblings about the bank I want to set up there.”
  2372. >”Really, Tell Cadence and Shining I say hello.”
  2373. >”And for them to come down here more often, I want to see my niece more.”
  2374. >You smile, as you hug her tighter.
  2375. “Will do Little Princess.”
  2377. >”When will you be leaving?”
  2378. “Um, sometime in the coming weeks, I haven’t packed anything up yet.”
  2379. >There is a brief look of sadness on her face.
  2380. >”Aww, you’re going to miss my birthday.”
  2381. >Crap.
  2382. >Luckily there is something you can give her beforehand.
  2383. “Hey, the Canterlot museum is opening its doors soon.”
  2384. “I could take you there as an early birthday present.”
  2385. >Her eyes sparkle.
  2386. >”Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!”
  2387. >She excitedly pulls away from the hug.
  2388. >”Oh I wish I had known about that sooner.”
  2389. >”I would’ve already had a plan for all of the exhibits that you need to see.”
  2390. >She paces back and forth, filling her mind with fantasies of the coming event.
  2391. >”When are you free?”
  2392. >You scratch the back of your neck.
  2393. “Earliest I can do is Frida-
  2394. >”Done, Friday it is!”
  2395. >She leaps back into your arms and gives you a loving kiss.
  2396. >”We’re going to have so much fun!”
  2398. >The rest of the night was spent talking about small things that happened to the both of you.
  2399. >Probably one of the main things you miss the most about Twilight being gone.
  2400. >Before the two of you knew it, it was the early morning.
  2401. >You thought that was the end for tonight.
  2402. >But Twilight decided to sleep over.
  2403. >The night ended on a more pleasurable note than you thought it would.
  2404. >Seems Twilight wanted to make up for her absence.
  2405. >You awoke early in the morning, still snuggling a sleeping Twilight.
  2406. >You don't know if she has court in Ponyville or not.
  2407. >But even if she didn’t, it would be better for her to eat something before she left.
  2408. >You quietly slip out of bed and make your way to the kitchen.
  2409. >While you were cooking up breakfast.
  2410. >You wondered if Flash and Twilight patched anything up.
  2411. >She never mentioned anything about it last night.
  2412. >Then again, you never asked.
  2413. >And you like being in the unknown.
  2414. >You finish making the pancakes, when Twilight pokes her head into the kitchen.
  2415. >You were going to be a bleeding romantic and serve Twilight breakfast in bed.
  2416. >But you guess the smell woke her up.
  2418. >You both enjoy breakfast in your kitchen instead.
  2419. >It is then, you find out that Twilight is a bottomless void with legs.
  2420. >She ate pretty much most of the pancakes by herself.
  2421. >If you wanted to die, you would ask where she puts it all away.
  2422. >Putting that aside, you enjoy the time spent with her.
  2423. >And she’s helpful when it’s time to clean up.
  2424. >When everything is said and done, Twilight starts to head for the door, and you kiss her before she leaves.
  2425. >Once again you’re left alone with your thoughts.
  2426. >First thing on your mind was how much those tickets are going to cost.
  2427. >You anxiously wait for Friday to come.
  2428. >Yet it didn’t consume your thoughts entirely.
  2429. >You still had to pack and get papers together for your trip.
  2430. >But when you have free time, you spend it fantasizing about the upcoming day.
  2431. >You even had another distraction in the form of Twilight.
  2432. >Who comes over a few times during the week.
  2433. >And before you knew it, the promised day had arrived.
  2435. >You were up early when Twilight came over.
  2436. >And boy did she come prepared for today.
  2437. >She came through your door with a saddle bag full of stuff.
  2438. >Only one side was filled with food.
  2439. >”What?”
  2440. >”The museum doesn’t have everything in it, and I want you to know all you can before the day is done.”
  2441. “Alright Twilight.”
  2442. >You had expected to get there before a line formed.
  2443. “Didn’t think there were so many ponies that like the museum.”
  2444. >You stand at the tail end of a surprisingly long line.
  2445. >”Well the schools like to come here for field trips, I loved those days.”
  2446. >”Moreover it has a bunch of old world relics that a lot of ponies want to see.”
  2447. >”Sometimes the Princesses come here, so there’s a chance to meet them up close.”
  2448. >”And then there are a few nobles that like to rub in how important their family name is.”
  2449. >”Are humans not as interested in museums?”
  2450. “There’s some interest, but nothing like this.”
  2451. >”Hmm, what a shame.”
  2452. >After a bit of a wait, you both manage to get your tickets.
  2453. “Okay Little Princess, where are we going exploring first?”
  2454. >She excitedly pulls a scroll from her saddle bag.
  2455. >She unfurls it, and the thing drops to the ground, and it keeps on rolling.
  2456. >It’s so long that it spooks ponies who are caught off guard by how long it is.
  2457. >”Well that’s up to you Anon.”
  2458. >”Personally I love the “Founding of Equestria”, but we start anywhere on this list.”
  2460. >Since she suggested it, you both head over to the “Founding of Equestria” exhibit.
  2461. >It’s a very impressive exhibit.
  2462. >With detailed maps of the journey the tribes of ponies took before they made it to Equestria.
  2463. >Expertly preserved artifacts from their time period.
  2464. >And they even manage to recover and translate old tribal writings.
  2465. >Whenever Twilight felt that there was something to add.
  2466. >She would add little addendums.
  2467. >Mentioning various different ponies that weren't publicly known, and what they did to help the tribes through their journey.
  2468. >Perks for having access to an archive of ancient lore from a young age.
  2469. >The next exhibit you both went to was the “Rulers of Equestria”
  2470. >Warlords, Chieftains, Princes and Princesses, and even a small number of Kings and Queens were there.
  2471. >And Twilight had something to say for all of them.
  2472. >Except Sombra, not surprising really.
  2473. >What also isn’t surprising is the length she went to talk about Celestia and Luna.
  2474. >Having read their personal diary from when they were younger, and spending time with them gave her greater insight into who they are.
  2475. >You both agreed to sit and have a snack when you finished the exhibit.
  2476. >You couldn’t expect much privacy, when you’re publicly walking around with a Princess.
  2477. >Ponies lined up to meet her, for photos, autographs, and hoof shakes.
  2478. >You were ignored simply because to them you are just a friend to the Princess.
  2479. >And at this moment, despite how much it hurts to admit.
  2480. >You are just her friend.
  2482. >Twilight managed to shoo away the last remaining fan, before you both continued to finish the rest of your snack.
  2483. >Though, you’re a tad less happy than before.
  2484. >And maybe Twilight sussed out what is bothering you.
  2485. >But she probably didn’t say anything because of the time and place.
  2486. >With your snack completed, you both take some time to plan where to go next.
  2487. >It was agreed that the “Revolutionary Ideas of Equestria” would be good.
  2488. >With that squared away, the two of you head over there.
  2489. >The exhibit was filled with gadgets and gizmos, both primitive and new, that help the Earth ponies.
  2490. >Spells, and spell theories that changed Unicorn society.
  2491. >And cultural trends that changed over the decades.
  2492. >You would think Twilight would have said much more than she did going through it.
  2493. >But she didn’t.
  2494. >In fact, the further along you went, the quieter she got.
  2495. >She also started to rub her body against your leg when you were walking or rest herself against it when you were standing.
  2496. >You thought it was a little strange.
  2497. >Seeing how she loved to give you exposition before.
  2498. >Then you felt a familiar tingle around your member.
  2499. >They don’t last very long at first.
  2500. >But it slowly worked its way up.
  2501. >Until Twilight is practically jerking you off inside of your pants with her magic.
  2503. >Eventually, you start to feel good from the magical handjob you’re receiving.
  2504. >And wanting to keep from making a mess in your pants and making a scene.
  2505. >You start to look for a quiet place.
  2506. >You see a shaded sitting area that’s out of the way, and you drag Twilight with you.
  2507. >You sit on the bench, and before you know it.
  2508. >Twilight gets up on the bench and lays the upper part of her body over your left leg.
  2509. >She puts her face on your crotch, and gently rubs it with her face.
  2510. “Woah, calm down Twilight.”
  2511. “What’s gotten into you?”
  2512. >She rolls over until she can see your face.
  2513. >She stares at you for a bit, before giggling like a schoolgirl.
  2514. >”I didn’t pay attention to what today is.”
  2515. “Come again?”
  2516. >She giggles one more time.
  2517. >”Today is the start of my estrous cycle.”
  2518. >”And my heat is starting to flare up right now.”
  2519. “Oh, that could be a problem.”
  2520. >”You think so?”
  2521. >Twilight picks herself up and sits in your lap.
  2522. >You start to feel your pants getting damp as she starts to leak her juices on to them.
  2523. >She places her hooves on your shoulder, before she kisses you.
  2524. >She quickly pulls away, grinning like a playful succubus that has her toy right where she wants it.
  2525. >”I don’t think so.”
  2527. >Twilight wraps her hooves around your neck and leans toward your ear.
  2528. >”Maybe I should show them how much you truly mean to me.”
  2529. >Twilight starts to grind herself against you.
  2530. >Her inflamed vagina smears its wetness all over your pants.
  2531. >”Just take you to the middle of the museum.”
  2532. >”Bend over.”
  2533. >”And let you rut me into the ground while I beg for your cum.”
  2534. >She lightly nips on your ear, before she pulls away.
  2535. >Luckily for the both of you, your mind isn’t riddled with lust hormones.
  2536. >No matter how good it feels when Twilight rubs herself on you.
  2537. “Come on Twilight, you know we can’t do that.”
  2538. “Do you really think having sex in public is worth ruining both of our lives?”
  2539. >She momentarily halts her grinding.
  2540. >”No to the audience?”
  2541. >”That’s fine, I was joking about that part anyways.”
  2542. >She leans forward and kisses your neck.
  2543. >”But that was the only part I was joking about.”
  2544. >She moves back and stares you in the eyes.
  2545. >”I would love to finish this date through the museum if I could make it.”
  2546. >”I can feel that I can’t.”
  2547. >”So let’s say that this was half of your present to me.”
  2548. >”We go back to your place, and you can give the rest of it from your ball sack to my aching womb.”
  2549. >”Does that sound better, my Naughty Human?”
  2551. >Now that was an offer you can’t refuse.
  2552. “Yes-“
  2553. >Was all you managed to say.
  2554. >When you feel space time suddenly warping around you.
  2555. >Your senses are throttled roughly, as you change position from the museum bench to the bed in your home.
  2556. >Twilight really needs to give you a warning if she’s going to teleport you.
  2557. >”Good answer!”
  2558. >Twilight isn’t fazed by the change in scenery.
  2559. >And neither is her lust.
  2560. >She moves her fore hooves to your chest and pushes you down until you’re laying on your back.
  2561. >She takes no time at all to remove everything from your waist down.
  2562. >Twilight repositions herself, so she is sitting on your calves.
  2563. >She eyes your member with a hunger you’ve never seen before.
  2564. >She licks her lips, before she bends over, and takes the entirety of your penis in her mouth.
  2565. >You moan loudly, as you feel the warmth and wetness from Twilight’s mouth surround your rod.
  2566. >Not giving you any reprieve.
  2567. >Twilight starts to bob her head.
  2568. >Sucking and dragging her tongue as she moves.
  2569. >Since you’re caught off guard from everything that has happened so far.
  2570. >Your orgasm builds quickly.
  2572. “Hey Twilight.”
  2573. >It’s obvious she doesn’t hear you.
  2574. >You moan again, this time it’s followed up with a thrust from your hip.
  2575. >Your penis throbs happily inside her mouth.
  2576. >But if this goes on, you will cum.
  2577. >And that’ll leave you with a cranky Alicorn because you didn’t last long enough.
  2578. >Seeing how she isn’t going to hear you anyways.
  2579. >You pick up your hands and bring them to Twilight’s head.
  2580. >They are barely there for a second.
  2581. >When they are wrenched from her head.
  2582. >Twilight halts her blowjob for a moment to glare at you.
  2583. >She uses her magic to secure your hands above your head and resumes the blowjob.
  2584. >Fine then, it’s her fault if you orgasm.
  2585. >You relax your body, and just enjoy the ride.
  2586. >Twilight’s mouth brings you ever closer to climax.
  2587. >When she suddenly removes her mouth from your penis.
  2588. >Your member throbs in the now cool air.
  2589. >Twilight swiftly moves herself above your penis.
  2590. >Using one of her hooves to line the two sex organs up.
  2591. >Then she slams herself down.
  2593. >Once she is fully hilted.
  2594. >Twilight’s body arcs, and she lets out a long drawn out moan.
  2595. >Her body convulses wildly.
  2596. >Causing her inner walls to pull at your member.
  2597. >Did she just cum just from putting your penis inside her?
  2598. >She doesn’t wait for her orgasm to finish, as she starts to ride you.
  2599. >Loud wet slaps can be heard each time she brings her flank down on your thighs.
  2600. >The blowjob leaves you close to the edge, and you feel the coming of the end.
  2601. >With a luckily timed thrust.
  2602. >You cum inside Twilight fully hilted.
  2603. >The two of you moan as loudly as you could.
  2604. >Your member throbbing, and shooting rope after rope of cum.
  2605. >And Twilight’s vagina hungrily swallows everything it can and brings it to her womb.
  2606. >Both orgasms go on for some time, before settling down.
  2607. >You relish the break and use it too.
  2608. >”Anon, I want another load in my womb.”
  2609. >You feel your penis tingling a bit, before it starts to grow hard again.
  2610. “You’re joking, right?”
  2611. >”Oh, so is human stamina a myth then?”
  2612. >She leans over your body and puts her hooves on your chest.
  2613. >”I’m not satisfied yet Anon, and I won’t stop until you’re empty.”
  2614. >You both groan, as Twilight starts to ride you once again.
  2616. >You slowly open your eyes.
  2617. >Judging from the changed position of the light coming from your window.
  2618. >You must have passed out.
  2619. >You feel a weight on your chest.
  2620. >Looking down, you see Twilight slumbering away.
  2621. >Now that you think about it.
  2622. >You flex your penis.
  2623. >Yep it’s still there.
  2624. >Sensitive like no one penis ever should be, but still there nonetheless.
  2625. >You take your mind from your genitalia and go back to looking at Twilight.
  2626. >She sleeps away with a smile longer than the Amazon river.
  2627. >Which is a very stark contrast from the faces she was making earlier.
  2628. >You weren’t expecting her to be that wild during her heat.
  2629. >But was it worth it?
  2630. >There aren't enough ways to say yes.
  2631. >Twilight stirs slightly against your chest.
  2632. >She yawns while slowly opening her eyes.
  2633. “You sleep well for a torturer.”
  2634. >”Oh please, I did the same thing you did to me our first time.”
  2635. >”Except you got to sleep it off afterwards.”
  2636. “Touché.”
  2638. >”What time is it?”
  2639. >You look to your left, and stare at your alarm clock.
  2640. “6:40pm.”
  2641. >Twilight sighs across your chest and nuzzles closer.
  2642. >”I don’t want to go home.”
  2643. >You wrap your arms around her.
  2644. “Then don’t.”
  2645. >”Don’t do that.”
  2646. >You can see the realization of what is going on finally hitting Twilight’s guilty conscience.
  2647. “Hey now, where’s that smile from before?”
  2648. >”I’m off my high Anon.”
  2649. >”And now I’m thinking.”
  2650. >”I don’t want to go home because the chance of being alone for the rest of the day is too high.”
  2651. >”But I need to go home, because that is what a wife is supposed to do.”
  2652. >”Wait at home for her husband.”
  2653. >”Not lay in another male's bed.”
  2654. “What about Flash?”
  2655. >”What about him?”
  2656. “Why is it okay for him to never be at home, while you wither away in the dark?”
  2658. >”He’s busy Anon.”
  2659. “Yes, so busy that he can leave his wife alone for most of the year, without so much as a goodbye.”
  2660. >Twilight quickly rises from your chest.
  2661. >”He’s training recruits that will help protect the realm.”
  2662. “So is Shining, but he has time to come home to Cadence doesn’t he.”
  2663. >”Maybe he puts his recruits through more rigorous training.”
  2664. >You pull yourself up into a sitting position.
  2665. “You’re making excuses for him, Twilight.”
  2666. “How do you even know that’s what he's doing?”
  2667. “How do you know he isn’t with some random fling an-.”
  2668. >”SHUT UP!”
  2669. >A very angry Twilight is glaring daggers into you and is seething with rage that her body can barely control.
  2670. >”Never speak ill of my husband ever again.”
  2671. >With that said, Twilight kicks the blanket off of her, and gets out of the bed.
  2672. >She wordlessly exits the room, and slams the door shut.
  2673. >You flop back on your bed.
  2674. >Your own anger bubbling up in your chest.
  2675. >You don’t know why she is willingly putting herself through this.
  2676. >Or why she even thinks her marriage is even worth holding on to at this point.
  2678. >How dare he!
  2679. >How could he even insinuate that Flash was cheating on you?!
  2680. >You’re the unfaithful one!
  2681. >All Flash is trying to do is keep you and the ponies he loves safe from harm.
  2682. >And you repay that love by sleeping with Anon behind his back.
  2683. >You stomp through Ponyville’s marketplace.
  2684. >Ignoring any and all questions and greetings directed towards you.
  2685. >It’s a good thing you still had half a mind to clean yourself up before you stormed out of his house.
  2686. >You arrive at your castle, when a whistle brings you out of your thoughts.
  2687. >It’s almost like the universe has a sense of humor, as you see Flash training some recruits.
  2688. >You stare at him, as he drills them over something.
  2689. >You’re sure it’s important.
  2690. >But you start to feel that itch in your marehood again.
  2691. >And you don’t care how important it’s supposed to be.
  2692. >Your tryst with Anon was a pleasurable thing.
  2693. >But your ovaries now demand seed that can impregnate you.
  2694. >You hungrily lick your lips.
  2695. >Maybe Anon was right about one thing.
  2696. >You’re going to give your husband a reason to come home tonight.
  2697. >And you’re going to make sure he enjoys every minute of it.
  2699. >Still upset by what happened between you and Twilight.
  2700. >You contact Princess Cadence and Prince Shining and inform them you’ll be arriving in the Crystal Empire shortly.
  2701. >And after a long train ride.
  2702. >You arrive at the CE’s train station on Sunday morning.
  2703. >With your things in hand, you were going to look for a hotel to stay in.
  2704. >That is until you’re flagged down by Sunburst.
  2705. >”They sent me to look for you.”
  2706. >You both walk through the streets as you talk.
  2707. >”They also think it would be best for you to stay in the castle, so the business deals can be dealt with when everyone is present.”
  2708. “That makes sense.”
  2709. >You both walk through the castle’s crystal doors.
  2710. >You are greeted by Princess Cadence and Prince Shining once you enter.
  2711. >They give you a quick tour, making highlights of where business will be conducted, and where you will stay for the time being.
  2712. >You thank them for their hospitality, and they assure you that it wasn’t a problem.
  2714. >You get your stuff in your room and start messing with the various folders you brought with you.
  2715. >You might not be seeing anyone today, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared.
  2716. >Plus you need the distraction.
  2717. >You sort out the folders until late evening.
  2718. >And the only reason you stopped was because you were invited to dinner.
  2719. >With the day thoroughly exhausted, you check over everything once more, before turning in for the night.
  2720. >The first thing needed to be done was to find a place for the new bank.
  2721. >It was agreed upon that the market place would be expanded and the bank would be placed next to a major shopping center.
  2722. >You meet with several civil engineers, and after many hours, the blueprints were set, and could begin as soon as possible.
  2723. >You also met with shareholders.
  2724. >Primarily with those in the CE, but others that bought some shares came as well.
  2725. >You looked through various construction contracts, and after a time, you signed the one you thought was best.
  2726. >You wish you could say you worked all day and night.
  2727. >But Cadence and Shining wasn’t having that.
  2728. >Any time you weren’t busy with something, they whisked you away to do something fun.
  2729. >Cadence’s reasoning was that she doesn’t like grumps in her court.
  2730. >You’re not that grumpy
  2731. >And Shining’s reasoning was that all work slowly kills, so why not take some time to have fun.
  2732. >Wise advice coming from the stallion whose daughter can teleport carts into the bathroom while he’s in it.
  2733. >Despite your bad mood, it eventually gives way under their constant assault.
  2734. >In just two months all preparations for the new bank will be completed, and the real labor can begin.
  2736. >’Twilight Sparkle confirmed pregnant.’
  2737. >No, you’re not reading that headline wrong.
  2738. >No, this isn’t some horrific nightmare.
  2739. >Yes, there is a canyon sized split down the middle of your heart.
  2740. >You tried to read the article.
  2741. >But your mind wouldn’t accept what your eyes were reading.
  2742. >The only thing that it did accept was the fact she is two months into her pregnancy.
  2743. >You honestly don’t know what to feel.
  2744. >Jealousy? Over the fact that Flash got her pregnant when you could not.
  2745. >Hatred? She probably just used you to fill the void, and everything she said thus far was a lie.
  2746. >Sadness? There is no way the relationship between you two can continue after the foal is born.
  2747. >You wander around the castle in a stupor.
  2748. >Until you realize that you weren’t being pestered about your emotional distress.
  2749. >When you asked one of the guards, they informed you that the Prince and Princess went to congratulate Twilight.
  2750. >Well you can’t be mad at them for doing that.
  2751. >To everyone else, this news is a time for celebration.
  2752. >You don’t remember what you did for most of the day.
  2753. >But your mind is dragged from the either, and back to reality when you hear a knock on your door.
  2754. >You find yourself sitting at your desk for some reason, but you don’t take long to dwell on it, and straighten yourself up.
  2755. “Come in.”
  2757. >The door opens, and Cadence pokes her head through the door.
  2758. >”Evening Anon, I brought you some tea.”
  2759. >She walks through the door, levitating a cup of tea, and closes the door.
  2760. “Evening.”
  2761. >She puts the cup in front of you.
  2762. >You hear her make herself comfortable on your bed.
  2763. >But you pay no heed to that, and just stare at your cup of tea.
  2764. >You hear Cadence sigh.
  2765. >”And I was going to be all coy with you.”
  2766. >”But there is no point in that when you’ve already heard the news.”
  2767. >”So let’s just cut to the chase and talk about my sister in law.”
  2768. >Even as you are now, you’re only slightly surprised she would know about your affair.
  2769. >You pick up your cup and swirl it around for a bit.
  2770. “What about her?”
  2771. >”Do you think you two will continue this affair?”
  2772. “Probably not.”
  2773. >”Probably?”
  2774. >”Such an indecisive answer, especially what might be the biggest wedge between the two of you will be born in the future.”
  2775. >You sigh, as you put the cup down.
  2776. “I don’t want to talk about this.”
  2777. >”Of course you don’t, but you need to.”
  2779. “And what do you want me to say?”
  2780. >”Speak your heart Anon.”
  2781. >”There is no reason to hide anything from me.”
  2782. >You’re silent for a moment.
  2783. “I… Can’t, it hurts too much.”
  2784. >There is silence in the room.
  2785. >”You know, when I went to see Twilight to congratulate her, I didn’t know she was having an affair with you.”
  2786. >”I name dropped you, and that’s when I saw it.”
  2787. >”That little pink light that flashes when one heart flutters when they think of someone they love.”
  2788. >”So I asked her a bunch of indirect questions, just to see how much she loved you.”
  2789. >”It didn’t take her long to realize what I was doing, and she clammed up, but at that point it was too late.”
  2790. >You turn towards Cadence.
  2791. “So what are you trying to say?”
  2792. “Twilight still loves me despite being pregnant with Flash’s foal, and that I should be happy because of that.”
  2793. >She blinks at you.
  2794. >”Wow, way to jump to conclusions.”
  2795. >”No, you shouldn’t be happy because of that, but just as you just demonstrated, it hurts you.”
  2796. >”And yet you want to bottle up that hurt.”
  2797. >”That silence is going to kill you both faster than the foal, and it will leave you both bitter and alone.”
  2798. “She has Flash.”
  2799. >”You and I both know that’s a lie.”
  2801. >”I drilled overtly on her marriage before even speaking about you.”
  2802. >”And not once did that light shine as bright as it did for you.”
  2803. >”Doesn’t help that she tried to divert my questions about where he is with some training garbage.”
  2804. >”Like I don’t know what it’s like to be married to a Captain of the guard.”
  2805. “So everything is screwed up.”
  2806. >”Yep.”
  2807. >”Even more so now since she’s pregnant.”
  2808. >”Her hormones are going to wreak havoc on her emotions.”
  2809. >”She loves you, feels guilty about being in love with you, I’m guessing you two had an argument at some point, and she’s annoyed at you.”
  2810. >”She loves Flash, feels guilty that she’s cheating on him, there’s probably some resentment, I don’t know, I didn’t dig that far.”
  2811. >”And she probably self-loathes herself because of all this.”
  2812. >”She’s going to be a mess, if you two decide to move forward.”
  2813. >You sigh again and slouch yourself against the chair.
  2814. “Then what should I do?”
  2815. >”First, I’m going to tell you what you shouldn’t do.”
  2816. >”Don’t just accept her back with open arms just because you still love each other.”
  2817. >”Sit down and talk with her, and if you think you can’t deal with this, then end it.”
  2818. >She hops off of the bed.
  2819. >”So many want to find that perfect love.”
  2820. >”And so many don’t understand how much you might have to mess up before you find it.”
  2821. >Cadence exits your room, leaving you with your thoughts and silence.
  2823. >You sit uneasily in silence.
  2824. >You just don’t know what to do.
  2825. >Even if Twilight doesn’t rub it in your face.
  2826. >You couldn’t hug her without touching her stomach.
  2827. >You couldn’t kiss her knowing that she’s going home and kiss Flash.
  2828. >You couldn’t have sex with her anymore without thinking about what Flash could’ve done to her.
  2829. >And when the foal is born, things get much worse.
  2830. >There will be less time between the two of you, because she’ll have to take care of it.
  2831. >Or, perhaps she’ll bring it over.
  2832. >And if there is one thing that kills any type of mood.
  2833. >It’s the sound of a baby’s, or in this case foal’s cries.
  2834. >You’re honestly finding more reasons to not continue the affair.
  2835. >If not just for your sake, but for the foal’s.
  2836. >But.
  2837. >You pick up your cup and take a sip of your tea.
  2838. >It’s good.
  2839. >But there isn’t enough good tea in the world to fix your mood.
  2840. >Your heart beats painfully against your chest.
  2841. >You should just want to end it.
  2842. >You know the risks that come with falling in love with a married mare.
  2843. >But you don’t want to give her up so easily.
  2844. >You pick up the cup again, and chug what is left of your tea.
  2845. >You didn’t want to, but reality laid down a set of complications that you must deal with if you want to keep her in your heart.
  2846. >You put the cup down, and stare at it.
  2847. >Empty, but with that lingering drop that never seems to get out.
  2848. >You sigh as you lean back in your chair.
  2850. >You spend a few extra days moping around the castle.
  2851. >Well you keep telling yourself it was a few extra days.
  2852. >In truth, those extra days became a month.
  2853. >Most of that time was spent in your room.
  2854. >Mulling over papers that for right now did nothing.
  2855. >Or fighting with your emotions.
  2856. >You know the longer you wait the worse it gets.
  2857. >But depression can make a procrastinator out of anyone.
  2858. >Thankfully neither Cadence, or Shining bugged you during your stay.
  2859. >You did see them around from time to time.
  2860. >Cadence would give you a soft smile, and Shining would just give you a casual nod.
  2861. >You can't help but wonder if she ever told him about your affair with his sister.
  2862. >But those are thoughts that’ll probably never get answers.
  2863. >Eventually the feeling of being a freeloader started to outweigh your broken heart.
  2864. >You really have overstayed your welcome at this point.
  2865. >You resolved that you would get out of Cadence and Shining’s hair, and deal with your problems when you get home tomorrow.
  2866. >As you are finishing packing your things, you hear a knock at your door.
  2867. >You open the door to find a maid.
  2868. >”I was told to come directly to you, and give you this.”
  2869. >She holds up a scroll.
  2870. >You take it from her, and with her business done, she bows, and leaves you.
  2871. >Closing the door, you give the scroll a one over.
  2872. >Your eyes stop on a very recognizable wax seal.
  2874. >Your hands shake, and your heart pounds into your chest.
  2875. >You’ve been around Twilight far too long to not notice her royal seal.
  2876. >Is this it?
  2877. >Is she going to end everything with a scroll?
  2878. >She better not.
  2879. >It would be less humiliating if she did it to your face than behind an ink and quill.
  2880. >You stood there holding the scroll unsure of what to do with it.
  2881. >A part of you wanted to just tear it to pieces.
  2882. >A part of you wants to read it, just so you’ll know everything is over.
  2883. >You decide That whatever you do, you’re going to sit down while you do it.
  2884. >You sit on your bed, and you stare at your shaking hand.
  2885. >Seconds turned into minutes.
  2886. >Minutes turned into half an hour.
  2887. >Oh stop being such a wuss and read the damn thing already.
  2888. >You peel off the wax seal and unroll the scroll.
  2890. >Dear Anonymous.
  2891. >I… We need to talk.
  2892. >I know you’ve heard the news by now.
  2893. >I know there is a chance that you’ll just destroy this scroll out of anger.
  2894. >But on the off chance that you didn’t destroy this scroll, but read it instead.
  2895. >Please come back down south and inform me at your earliest convenience.
  2896. >Please Anon, please come back and talk to me.
  2897. >Even if you never want to see me again afterwards.
  2898. >Please.
  2900. >You.
  2901. >You don’t know how you feel.
  2902. >There is some slight form of happiness that your expectations were dashed.
  2903. >But it’s overshadowed by…
  2904. >Irritation? Even more anger than before?
  2905. >Does she think that through talking that the affair between you two can continue?
  2906. >You would think that with a foal on the way, Flash’s and Twilight’s marriage would stabilize somewhat.
  2907. >Unless Flash is still missing.
  2908. >Still, she has a foal to think of.
  2909. >That should take priority over your dysfunctional affair.
  2910. >You skim over the scroll again.
  2911. >Other than Twilight not writing an ending there isn’t anything else strange about it.
  2912. >With a heavy sigh, you roll it back up.
  2913. >You tap the scroll against your thigh a few times, before standing up.
  2914. >You stare at the scroll in your enclosed fist.
  2915. >You make up your mind and start to walk towards your things.
  2916. >You put the scroll with the rest of your important documents.
  2917. >You’ll…
  2918. >You’ll tell her eventually.
  2919. >But you need to get yourself back on track, and make sure all of your personal business is finished first.
  2920. >You walk back to the bed and plop your butt onto it.
  2921. >You fail to wrap up your swirling emotions.
  2922. >You sigh once more and lay down on the bed.
  2923. >You knew this could get complicated.
  2924. >But you would be lying to yourself if you thought you would be prepared.
  2926. >Your hooves clop against the crystal wood floor of your castle.
  2927. >Once again court was tiresome.
  2928. >Everyone says it’s because of your ongoing pregnancy making you more tired as time goes on.
  2929. >But none of them could explain the bags under your eyes from lack of sleep.
  2930. >Nor do any of them know about how low your heart hangs in your chest.
  2931. >You come up to your room and open the door.
  2932. >It’s empty.
  2933. >But the pain of seeing such a sight has dulled.
  2934. >It’s kind of a reprieve as of late.
  2935. >You enter the room and close the door behind you.
  2936. >You thought about bathing.
  2937. >But you’ll do it in the morning.
  2938. >You walk towards your bed and lift yourself on it.
  2939. >Something that is getting increasingly more difficult as time goes on.
  2940. >Once you’re properly sitting on the bed, you steal a glance at your desk.
  2941. >You remember the scroll you sent north to the Crystal Empire.
  2942. >You also remember forty other scrolls you disposed of before sending that one.
  2943. >You hoped on that day Anon would read it.
  2944. >You still hope for that.
  2945. >The thought of him just throwing it away makes you sick.
  2946. >You tear your eyes away from the desk and move yourself until you’re laying on your back underneath the blanket.
  2947. >You staring at the ceiling, feeling the weight of your stomach pressing down on you is starting to become a recurring thing.
  2948. >You move your forelegs to rub your belly.
  2949. >Caressing a foal that is oblivious to its mother’s action.
  2950. >Staring into the darkness, you feel your eyes start to mist.
  2951. >Why must fate be so cruel?
  2952. >Hot tears trickle down your face.
  2953. >Why give you something so special just to poison you with your sins.
  2955. >The train ride home was forgettable.
  2956. >So was the walk.
  2957. >In fact, you don’t even remember when you got in your room and unpacked.
  2958. >Your mind is bouncing around too many things for you to remember any small details.
  2959. >Somehow in your absent mindedness, you place your business folder on your desk.
  2960. >And Twilight’s scroll.
  2961. >Ignoring that for now.
  2962. >You spent the rest of your day writing letters to your banks.
  2963. >Requesting all documents that have accumulated in your absence.
  2964. >Unsurprisingly there are a lot.
  2965. >Spending the next several weeks, you catch up on all of the work you’ve missed.
  2966. >Sometimes pulling long nights just so you can work on something else sooner.
  2967. >Soon enough, your workload dwindles to nothing.
  2968. >Leaving you with the only business to finish is an uninformed Twilight.
  2969. >And that scroll makes you hesitate.
  2970. >Everything can get so much more complicated, or end with a simple letter.
  2971. >Even with knowing you need to get it over with, you push it off for a few days.
  2972. >And for putting it off, you are punished by the sight of young couples hugging and kissing while the mares are showing off their pregnant bellies.
  2973. >Fine then world, fate, or karma.
  2974. >You write up a simple letter.
  2975. >In it, you tell Twilight that you’ve returned home, and that you two need to talk.
  2976. >You send it off right away before your emotions get the better of you.
  2978. >Now you wait.
  2979. >You hope she doesn’t make you wait too long.
  2980. >Because waiting has its own problems.
  2981. >But things are out of your hands now, and there is no point dwelling on them.
  2982. >Days go by, and you manage to stabilize to some degree.
  2983. >You no longer get triggered by the sights of pregnant mares, and you even greet them warmly, and wish them a safe delivery.
  2984. >Even went back to sitting in your chair, drinking a glass of wine waiting for Twilight to come over at midnight.
  2985. >You weren’t sitting idle all this time, however.
  2986. >You’ve come to terms with your situation.
  2987. >You can’t deny your love for Twilight, even with her carrying Flash’s foal.
  2988. >If the affair ends sometime soon, you still want to be her friend until the end.
  2989. >You started this affair with Twilight with the hope of never seeing her crying because she was lonely.
  2990. >A foal will give her something to fill that void.
  2991. >Even if you aren't fully intimate in her life anymore.
  2992. >That’s still a win in your book.
  2993. >Your patience comes to an end with Twilight’s familiar knock on your door in the middle of the day.
  2994. >Your heart freezes for a moment, then speeds up.
  2995. >Your palms start to sweat as you move to open the door.
  2996. >You place your hand on the door knob, and sign.
  2997. >You muster up all of your courage and open the door.
  2999. >When you open the door, you expected to see a more cheerful Twilight.
  3000. >But the dullness of her coat, and the bags under her eyes brings doubts to your mind.
  3001. >But you don’t want to start on the wrong foot.
  3002. “Hey there Little Princess, how’ve you been?”
  3003. >You give her a wide smile.
  3004. >She smirks slightly.
  3005. >”I’ve been well, mmyy…”
  3006. >”Anon.”
  3007. >Right.
  3008. >Going to need a new nickname now.
  3009. >Trying to minimize the awkwardness, you move out of the doorway, and gesture to her to come inside.
  3010. >She wordlessly walks into your house.
  3011. >Her stomach swings gently with each step.
  3012. >Closing the door, turn to face her.
  3013. “Do you want anything to drink, Twilight?”
  3014. >”I’m going to drink your house dry if you keep asking every time I come over here.”
  3015. “Ha ha, I don’t ask you that question every time.”
  3016. >She turns around.
  3017. >And this time she smiles, and her eyes seem to sparkle.
  3018. >God you miss looking at this mare.
  3019. >It looked like she might have had a retort, but she sees you staring, and her smile vanishes.
  3020. >”W-water will be fine.”
  3021. >She quickly turns away from you and goes to the usual spot.
  3022. >You frown.
  3023. >This is going to be a lot harder than you thought.
  3025. >Knocked down, but not out yet.
  3026. >You recover yourself and start moving to the kitchen.
  3027. >As you pass your loft, you peer into it.
  3028. >You see Twilight put a lot more effort into getting in her chair.
  3029. >You thought nothing of it when you walked up behind her.
  3030. >As Twilight was starting to slide herself up on the chair, you gently put your hands on her waist in preparation to give her a boost.
  3031. >Twilight loses her footing, and if she wasn’t a quick thinker, she would’ve landed on the cushion with her stomach.
  3032. >Her magic caught her mid fall, and only after her stumble did you realize what you did.
  3033. >You move your hands as quickly as you can.
  3034. >Twilight levitates herself the rest of the way and rests her back against the chair.
  3035. >She pays you no mind, as her eyes fall to her stomach.
  3036. >She wraps her forelegs around her belly and starts to rub it.
  3037. >You start to feel uncomfortable, and you make a quick exit.
  3038. >You grab a pitcher of water and pour it into a glass.
  3039. >As you put the glass down, you dread the unavoidable.
  3040. >You’re going to lose her.
  3041. >Not just as a lover.
  3042. >But also as a friend.
  3043. >Too much has changed between the two of you over these last two years.
  3044. >There’s no way for the two of you to go back.
  3045. >You breathe a heavy sigh, and your heart pounds harshly against your ribs.
  3046. >You can’t do this.
  3047. >And you won’t force her to do this either.
  3049. >You pick up the glass, and head back to the loft.
  3050. >Twilight looks up as you approach.
  3051. “I’m sorry about earlier.”
  3052. “I just wanted to help.”
  3053. >You hand her the glass.
  3054. .>”Don’t worry about it.”
  3055. >”You just surprised me, that's all.”
  3056. >She takes the glass with a small smile.
  3057. >You go over to your chair and sit.
  3058. >Twilight takes a drink from the glass, then holds it in her hooves.
  3059. >You look at the mare that is causing you all this agony.
  3060. >You wish she was yours, but she isn’t.
  3061. >And it’s time for you to accept that reality.
  3062. “Twilight.”
  3063. >Her ears perk up.
  3064. “I love you.”
  3065. “I love you far too much considering that you’re already married.”
  3066. “But it’s because of my love for you, that I think we should stop seeing each other.”
  3067. >She stares at you for a while, before her ears twitch, and fold themselves against her head.
  3068. >She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out.
  3069. >So you continue.
  3070. “I know I could never replace Flash.”
  3071. “No matter how much I stole you from him.”
  3072. “And while I could accept that to some extent.”
  3073. ”I can’t while you’re pregnant.”
  3074. “I’ll be taking up too much of your time.”
  3075. “Away from the family that needs it more.”
  3077. >Twilight silently takes in every word.
  3078. >Time might as well have slowed down for you two.
  3079. >Each passing second causes your veins to get colder.
  3080. >And you want to cry your eyes dry.
  3081. >But not in front of her.
  3082. >You need to look confident in your decision.
  3083. >Twilight breaks her stare and looks down at her stomach.
  3084. >You don’t see them, but you hear her starting to sniffle.
  3085. >Then after a few seconds, her tears rain down over her belly.
  3086. >An icy dagger splits your heart in two.
  3087. >You want to go over to her and hug her.
  3088. >You want to wipe away her tears and calm her down.
  3089. >But that is a job for Flash.
  3090. >Despite your hard ass demeanor.
  3091. >Twilight’s cries are infectious, you start to mist up and sniffle.
  3092. “Twilight, I’m so sorry for putting you through this.”
  3093. “But you need to forget about us and focus on what’s important.”
  3094. “Raising yours and Flash’s-“
  3095. >”It isn’t Flash’s!”
  3096. >Twilight’s sudden outburst shuts you up quickly.
  3097. >How could Flash not be the father?
  3098. >Twilight told you that she has only been intimate with you and Flash.
  3099. >Then that means.
  3100. “Twilight.”
  3101. >Your voice comes out softly, but it causes her to raise her head.
  3102. >Through tears and sniffles she speaks.
  3103. >”It isn’t Flash’s because it’s yours.”
  3105. >At first you think that’s impossible.
  3106. >But you’re currently in a different world.
  3107. >Filled with creatures from all sorts of fantasy lore.
  3108. >And you were brought here from a dried-up monkey’s hand.
  3109. >Yeah impossible is not the right word to use.
  3110. >The sound of Twilight crying brings you back to reality.
  3111. >Embracing hypocrisy to the fullest.
  3112. >You get up from your chair, and quickly move towards Twilight
  3113. >You manage to keep yourself in control, as you gently bring her into a hug.
  3114. >You’re surprised that she returned the hug.
  3115. >Although, you’re more surprised by the news.
  3116. >It’s yours.
  3117. >You never thought you’d become a father this way.
  3118. >But it’s yours.
  3119. >This simple fact explodes the complexity of the situation to an unimaginable degree.
  3120. >Twilight Sparkle is pregnant with your child.
  3121. >Your mind is starting to perverse that thought.
  3122. >As if being the catalyst for ruining any hope of Twilight’s and Flash’s marriage having a happy end just because Twilight is carrying your baby instead of his is a good thing.
  3123. >The mind is a scary place when it wants to be.
  3124. >Pulling yourself out of your head, you look down at Twilight.
  3125. >Her head is buried into your chest, but at least she isn’t crying as hard as she was before.
  3126. >She hugs you tighter, as if you might leave her.
  3127. >Not unreasonable considering what you were saying before.
  3128. >You gently rub one of your hands against her back, hoping that it’ll help to calm her down.
  3130. >The two of you sit without a word being spoken between you.
  3131. >And the sounds of Twilight’s crying eventually stop.
  3132. >letting deafening silence surround you.
  3133. >Twilight slowly pulls her head from your chest.
  3134. >”Ruined another shirt.”
  3135. >”Wish that was the only thing I ruined.”
  3136. >That hurts since you’re also to blame.
  3137. “When do you find out?”
  3138. >She looks into your eyes for a moment, then averts her gaze.
  3139. >”It was some time ago.”
  3140. >”After the excitement, congratulations, ceremonies, and the private time spent with Flash, I wanted to know if our…”
  3141. >Twilight sighs.
  3142. >”If our foal was growing healthy.”
  3143. >”So I started going to the hospital.”
  3144. >”At first it was just to see if I was healthy enough, get prenatal care advice and so on.”
  3145. >”Then I went to get an ultrasound.”
  3146. >”I Thought everything was going to be okay, seeing how nothing seemed out of the ordinary.”
  3147. >”But when the pictures started to appear.”
  3148. >”There are some very obvious… deformities.”
  3150. “Such as?”
  3151. >”Arms and hands instead of forelegs and hooves.”
  3152. >”A human shaped head with what looks like a horn growing out of it.”
  3153. >”And it’s too early to tell, but the doctors think there might be complete changes to the entire skeleton to accommodate the unusual changes.”
  3154. “So it’s a hybrid.”
  3155. >”Yes, somehow.”
  3156. “Well there is a running gag back on Earth that humans could have sex with any fantastical race and have hybrid children.”
  3157. “Guess that isn’t so much of a joke now.”
  3158. >A sad look appears on Twilight’s face.
  3159. “Does anyone else know?”
  3160. >”No, only the doctor and the nurse.”
  3161. >”They don’t know why the foal is growing the way it is.”
  3162. >”And under royal orders, they are not to mention this to anyone.”
  3163. >Well that’s one base covered for now.
  3164. “Okay, so what now?”
  3165. >Twilight goes silent.
  3166. >And each passing moment makes your heart beat faster.
  3167. “Twili-.”
  3168. >”I’m keeping it.”
  3170. >She’s what now?
  3171. “Twilight.”
  3172. >”I’ve had plenty of time to think about this.”
  3173. >”And yes I do understand the ramifications of doing so, but…”
  3174. >”I just can’t destroy an innocent life because of my mistakes.”
  3175. >”I should’ve paid more attention to when my cycle was starting.”
  3176. >”We shouldn’t have done the things we’ve done.”
  3177. >”I shouldn’t love you like I do.”
  3178. >”But there is no point in trying to change the past, nor my feelings.”
  3179. >She looks you in the eye.
  3180. >”I’ll give birth to our hybrid foal, and I’ll take care of it until I’m old and decrepit.”
  3181. >You sit there stunned.
  3182. >So many thoughts are swirling through your head right now, and none of them are plans for the future.
  3183. >But the worst of them are about Twilight.
  3184. >How will the media handle this?
  3185. >What will the other princesses, friends, and family think?
  3186. >Flash will most likely file for divorce.
  3187. >But how he’ll act when either the news, or when Twilight delivers is unknown to you.
  3188. >You’re startled back to reality when you feel Twilight’s hooves touch your arms.
  3189. >She moves them gently to her growing stomach.
  3190. >”It’s scary isn’t it.”
  3191. >”Not knowing what's going to happen in the future.”
  3192. >”I was a mess when I found out.”
  3193. >”When I got the perfect wedding, I thought everything would be perfect until the end.”
  3195. >”Anon, this isn’t what I wanted, and this isn’t what I planned.”
  3196. >”And I know this is way more than you bargained for.”
  3197. >”But I need you to help me get through this.”
  3198. >”Even if it’s for a little while.”
  3199. >And now you regret everything you said even more.
  3200. >You sigh.
  3201. “Look, Twilight, What I said before, I didn’t know.”
  3202. “I mean how could I’ve known, but.”
  3203. “I'll take it all back.”
  3204. >You move one of your hands, and rub her face.
  3205. “We’re in this too deep, and I’m not going to leave you alone to deal with this.”
  3206. >As you stare into her eyes, you slowly succumb to the desire to kiss her.
  3207. >You move your face towards hers.
  3208. >She doesn’t move.
  3209. >And soon, your lips touch hers.
  3210. >It’s been far too long since you two kissed.
  3211. >You put more effort into the kiss.
  3212. >Pressing your lips rather harshly against hers.
  3213. >The kiss lasts for some time, before Twilight pulls away giggling.
  3214. “What’s so funny?”
  3215. >”Starved much.”
  3216. >She wraps her forelegs around your neck.
  3217. >”Kiss me like you used to.”
  3218. >Given a second chance, you won't disappoint.
  3219. >You once again kiss her.
  3220. >Lessen the aggression but keep the passion.
  3221. >There is no sudden break, and you both pull away satisfied.
  3222. >”There’s the kiss I love to get from my Naughty Human.”
  3224. >After that night, you continue your affair with Twilight.
  3225. >You both spend time trying to catch up with each other, and smooth out where your relationship stands.
  3226. >There were some hitches at first, but you both got over them.
  3227. >Well, that was true in the beginning.
  3228. >Cadence spoke the truth about Twilight’s hormones.
  3229. >She could be loving and affectionate.
  3230. >Self-loathing and depressed.
  3231. >Spiteful and cruel.
  3232. >She would call you the love of her life.
  3233. >Blame you and Flash for putting her in this situation.
  3234. >Then do a 180 and apologize about the things she said about the both of you.
  3235. >Spend hours crying over how her lifelong dream is ruined.
  3236. >Sometimes all in the same night.
  3237. >And while you can handle most of her emotional switches.
  3238. >There are some nights where she stabs your guilty conscience hard enough.
  3239. >You still hate that you’re part of the reason Twilight cries into your shirts.
  3240. >And even though you weren’t trying to fix Twilight’s marriage.
  3241. >You also weren't trying to break it apart even further.
  3242. >It’s not all bad though.
  3243. >When she’s rather calm, Twilight sits in your lap.
  3244. >Reading books on what to expect, and how to raise a foal.
  3245. >She also allows for your hands to roam when she does.
  3246. >Letting you feel her growing belly as the months go by.
  3247. >And letting your mind wander with thoughts of the future.
  3248. >Thoughts where you, Twilight, and your child are a happy family.
  3250. >You rim your hoof around the top of your cup.
  3251. >It has been empty for…
  3252. >Maybe thirty minutes?
  3253. >So what, you’re not in the mood for anything else anyways.
  3254. >The harsh sound of billiards clashing against one another, and the sounds of hollers soon follow.
  3255. >The Watering Hole, a simple name for a simple pub, seemed more lively than usual.
  3256. >Or perhaps you’re lower than usual.
  3257. >Damnit, you know this could happen.
  3258. >But you never thought-.
  3259. >”Geez, Caged Bird, the hell is wrong with you tonight?”
  3260. >You hate when he calls you that.
  3261. >You look up from the mahogany bar to stare at the bartender.
  3262. >On the Rocks, or Rocks as he has everyone call him.
  3263. >Is rounder than any Pegasus has any right to be.
  3264. >His brown coat and black mane is clean, but unkempt.
  3265. >”Well, you're gonna speak, or not?”
  3266. >You tap a hoof against the bar.
  3267. “It’s private talk Rocks.”
  3268. >He snorts.
  3269. >”I swear by the stars.”
  3270. >He takes the cup from in front of you.
  3271. >”Hey Fruit!”
  3272. >He slides the cup across the counter.
  3273. >”Watch the front for me, will ya.”
  3274. >A white Unicorn nods his head and stops the cup from going too far.
  3275. >”C’mon Flash, let us have our annual talk.”
  3277. >It’s not annual.
  3278. >Nonetheless, you get up from your seat, and walk around to the side of the bar.
  3279. >Rocks waits for you, then walk down the hall.
  3280. >The sounds of the pub grow slightly quiet, until you both reach a door, which leads to his office.
  3281. >Rocks open the door, and steps inside.
  3282. >You follow behind and shut the door once you're inside.
  3283. >”Take a seat Flash, and tell ol’ Rocks what ails you.”
  3284. >He walks over to a red cushion chair and hoists himself on to it.
  3285. >You take a seat across from him in a similar yellow chair.
  3286. >He waits for you to settle in before speaking.
  3287. >”No no, wait, let me guess.”
  3288. >You probably shouldn’t.-
  3289. >”It’s about your wife?”
  3290. >Sonova.
  3291. >”Ah, I can tell by how annoyed you look right now that I’m right.”
  3292. >He leans back into his chair.
  3293. >”Alright, Caged Bird, open the flood gates.”
  3294. “Stop calling me that.”
  3295. >”I would’ve stopped calling you that years ago, if you would fly out of your cage.”
  3296. >”Damn thing isn’t even locked, but you won’t do it for some reason.”
  3297. “You know why.”
  3298. >”Yes, the smile of our dear Princess must be protected.”
  3299. >”Must be as wide as a dam while she sleeps alone in that castle of hers.”
  3300. “She’s in Canterlot actually.”
  3301. >”Mmh, guess spending the night with the other Princesses is better than nothing.”
  3302. >You hope she’s with the Princesses.
  3304. >Rocks shakes his head.
  3305. >”Seriously man, why do you keep doing this?”
  3306. >”It’s not good for either of you.”
  3307. “And it would be worse if I just picked up and left.”
  3308. >”Because you waited too long.”
  3309. >You wanted to retort.
  3310. >But instead you shake your head.
  3311. >Rock sighs.
  3312. >”Do you love her, Flash?”
  3313. “Of course I do.”
  3314. >”Okay let me rephrase the question then.”
  3315. >”Which do you love more, exploration or Twilight?”
  3316. “I can love both.”
  3317. >”Well recent years would disagree.”
  3318. >That remark snaps your mouth shut.
  3319. >”Flash look, you two were both young…er.”
  3320. >”And you both wanted to rush headlong into things that made you feel good.”
  3321. >”So of course, you both are going to stumble around in the dark.”
  3322. >”But what you’re doing to yourself and to her is not right.”
  3323. >”If you’re not ready to settle down then there is no harm in admitting it.”
  3324. >”Burn your remaining youth running around Equestria until you are ready.”
  3325. >”But you gotta end this charade of a marriage first.”
  3326. >You sigh inwardly.
  3327. >You know he’s right.
  3328. >He was the only one to figure out that your marriage with Twilight wasn’t as pretty as everyone thinks.
  3329. >But even with all the truths laid bare.
  3330. >You just can’t put Twilight through a divorce.
  3332. >You just wanted to make her happy.
  3333. >Like the way you used to.
  3334. >Back when you used to meet her so infrequently.
  3335. >When you were just a scout for the CE.
  3336. >You used to tell her how you explored the untamed winter wasteland and found all sorts of natural wonders hidden beneath the snow.
  3337. >You loved those days.
  3338. >You love the way she looked at you.
  3339. >How she would hang on each word you spoke.
  3340. >That was why you fell in love with her in the first place.
  3341. >Every time she visited the CE, you would tell her a new story.
  3342. >Even the mundane things would lead to hours of talking between the two of you.
  3343. >Then one day, you decided to kiss her.
  3344. >And when you did, she embraced you.
  3345. >The two of you started to date soon after.
  3346. >Well date is a strong word since neither of you could leave on a whim.
  3347. >But you both made every moment count when either of you could.
  3348. >You will always cherish those moments.
  3349. >Eventually, Twilight made it obvious that she wanted you to marry her.
  3350. >She was slightly pushy on the subject, but you can’t say that you didn’t entertain the thought.
  3351. >So you surprised her by asking to marry you.
  3352. >The smile she had on her face will forever be burned into your mind.
  3354. >You tap your hooves together.
  3355. >You don’t know why it happened
  3356. >Yet as time went on, you just couldn’t recapture the same feelings as before.
  3357. >Everything seemed to dwindle, and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
  3358. >So you started to look for anything to help you fall back in line.
  3359. >But anything failed.
  3360. >You started to get increasingly worried, and you didn’t want your worry to ruin Twilight’s happiness.
  3361. >Instead of speaking to Twilight about it, you buried yourself in your work.
  3362. >It worked for a time, but it was a poor band aid fix.
  3363. >You hate your position as Captain.
  3364. >But it was a promotion pushed forward by Shining Armor.
  3365. >And it was the best way to leave the CE and get closer to Twilight.
  3366. >So you took it.
  3367. >Your work centers around drilling recruits and paperwork.
  3368. >Never leaving to do any patrols.
  3369. >The only time that happened was when you ran drills.
  3370. >And that only went to the perimeter of Fluttershy's cottage.
  3371. >You hate looking into the forest shrouded in mystery.
  3372. >When you started to get more depressed, you started to look elsewhere.
  3373. >In your hapless wandering, you found the Watering Hole.
  3374. >The scenery, the sounds, all new to you.
  3375. >For some reason this new place was your fix.
  3377. >You returned to your wife with renewed passion.
  3378. >It was as if the pub was your new place to explore.
  3379. >Even if nothing grand happened there.
  3380. >You soon added visiting the pub to your list of things to do.
  3381. >Keeping the visits to a moderate amount to make it stay fresh.
  3382. >But you slowly started to fall back into your slump.
  3383. >So you took the extra time devoted to work and put it into your pub visits.
  3384. >It worked for a short while, and it faded just as quickly.
  3385. >Soon, you were staying later.
  3386. >Until one night, you stayed until it closed.
  3387. >You know you need to get home.
  3388. >But the barracks were closer.
  3389. >You stumble your way to them and passed out in your Captain quarters.
  3390. >You awoke with a raging headache, and you told yourself to never again do that.
  3391. >You thought it was best if you took a break from the Watering Hole.
  3392. >And since you didn’t purposely go into overtime at work, you ended up spending more time with Twilight.
  3393. >Which should’ve been a good thing.
  3394. >She obviously loves you, you both went on dates, or vacations whenever you could, and your sex life was as good as it could get.
  3395. >Yet no matter how much you tell yourself all of the positives, you never enjoyed them the way you used to.
  3396. >And soon you started to feel guilty about it.
  3397. >Every time you said I love you to Twilight, you felt like it was a lie.
  3398. >Every time you told yourself that you loved her, you felt like you weren’t telling the truth.
  3399. >It even spreads to your love life.
  3400. >You started to get rough with her to prove that you still love her.
  3401. >And that only you could bring the beautiful mare underneath you pleasure.
  3403. >It was utterly maddening.
  3404. >You felt obligated to both Twilight and yourself to be a husband.
  3405. >When it should be because you love her, and you want to spend the rest of your life with her.
  3406. >You should feel liberated because you wanted to marry her too.
  3407. >But you feel like you’re forced into a box with no way out.
  3408. >Yet those aren’t even the worst part.
  3409. >How would Twilight react to you telling her that you no longer love her?
  3410. >To tell her that being her husband was a chore instead of being a pleasantry.
  3411. >Wouldn’t take a genius to think it would shatter her.
  3412. >And you don’t want to be the one to break her heart into a million pieces.
  3413. >So you did an equally stupid thing.
  3414. >You started to distance yourself from her.
  3415. >When you got off from work, you went straight to the Watering Hole.
  3416. >When you had your fill, you went to the barracks, and slept in your quarters.
  3417. >Of course this amplified your guilt.
  3418. >You were hurting her in a different way by abandoning her.
  3419. >Arguably a worse way than just telling her how you feel.
  3420. >But you twist this into a sick justification.
  3421. >At least you won’t be able to see her cry.
  3422. >Eventually Rocks noticed that you weren’t the happiest patron.
  3423. >He tried getting you to talk over the bar, but you won’t budge.
  3424. >His solution to that was for you two to talk in his office.
  3425. >At first you didn’t want to.
  3426. >But you relented.
  3428. >”Self-reflection eh.”
  3429. >”Too late for that, don't you think.”
  3430. >You glare at him.
  3431. “Screw you, Rocks.”
  3432. “Don’t know why I bother talking to you anyways.”
  3433. >”Cause you got no one else.”
  3434. >”Since, you know, you’re afraid to talk to the problem.”
  3435. >You snort.
  3436. >”I’m serious about it being too late, Flash,”
  3437. >”Twilight got a foal on the way.”
  3438. >”And while I want you two to divorce, I don’t want you to leave Twilight as a single mother, and the foal fatherless.”
  3439. >You feel a sharp stab in your heart, and your veins grow cold.
  3440. “Right, about that.”
  3441. >”Yeah, that would keep you from divorcing her.”
  3442. >”Don’t want two instances of abandonment.”
  3443. “It isn’t mine.”
  3444. >The room goes silent.
  3445. >”Are you sure?”
  3446. >You nod your head.
  3447. “Had to guilt trip the doctor she was seeing.”
  3448. >”Geez man, I mean, we talked about the possibility, but still.”
  3449. >”Sorry.”
  3450. >You are too.
  3451. >Not because she cheated on you.
  3452. >But because you pushed her away and allowed her to do so.
  3454. >”Do you know who it might be?”
  3455. “Yeah.”
  3456. >You didn’t think about it when you found out.
  3457. >It hurts too much.
  3458. >But it makes sense she would go to him.
  3459. >The only other male she talked about was him.
  3460. >If there is some twisted silver lining, it’s that he won’t hurt her like you did.
  3461. >”Would it be too painful to ask who it is?”
  3462. >You shake your head.
  3463. “You remember Anonymous.”
  3464. >”Yea…”
  3465. >”Wait, what?”
  3466. >”The human bank owner?”
  3467. “The only one.”
  3468. >You can imagine the hamster in Rock’s head running at Mach 2 speed, and then tripping over itself.
  3469. >”How?”
  3470. “Well, they’ve always been close, ever since he got to Equestria.”
  3471. “Close enough to be considered one of her closest friends.”
  3472. “Guess they went further than friends at some point.”
  3473. >”Okay, that answers one how.”
  3474. >”How did he knock her up?”
  3475. >”You told me she rode you til exhaustion”
  3476. “She did, but on the same day, I bumped into her in the morning carrying her saddle bag full of stuff.”
  3477. “She told me that she and Anon were going to the museum in Canterlot that morning, and that she would be back.”
  3478. >You shrug
  3479. “I can only guess that her heat kicked in, and he got the same treatment.”
  3481. >Silence fills the room once more.
  3482. >”So what does it look like?”
  3483. “Human upper body, and a pony lower half.”
  3484. “Has a horn growing out of its head though.”
  3485. “It’s growing well from the looks of the ultrasounds.”
  3486. >”Are there a lot of them?”
  3487. “Yeah.”
  3488. “Guess Twilight was worried about its growth and wanted to make sure nothing bad would happen to it.”
  3489. >You sigh.
  3490. >You feel a little better now that you got that off your chest.
  3491. >”Hmm, and how do you feel about this?”
  3492. >You shrug.
  3493. “I’m not mad, considering the circumstances.”
  3494. “But a small part of me hoped that I didn’t push her away far enough that she would cheat, so I’m hurting from that.”
  3495. >”And the foal?”
  3496. >You sigh once more.
  3497. “I can’t pretend it’s mine if that’s what you’re asking.”
  3498. >’Hmm.”
  3499. >He gets out of his chair.
  3500. >”You know Flash.”
  3501. >He heads over to his desk and picks up a yellow folder.
  3502. >”I got this a long time ago.”
  3503. >”Just in case.”
  3504. >He walks over to you and puts the folder in your lap.
  3505. >You can guess what it is, but you open it anyway.
  3506. >You see a blank divorce file.
  3507. >”You can’t put this off anymore.”
  3508. >”You pushed Twilight away, and she went elsewhere looking for the love you wouldn’t give her.”
  3509. >”She found it, and that love produced an offspring that you won’t pretend is yours.”
  3510. >He puts his hoof on your shoulder.
  3511. >”Do the right thing, before it gets worse.”
  3512. >He removes his hoof from your shoulder and walks away.
  3513. >You soon hear the opening and closing of the door.
  3515. >You stare through the window.
  3516. >To anyone else, it looks like you’re enjoying the last moments of the night.
  3517. >But you weren’t
  3518. >Your eyes focused on one house in particular.
  3519. >A house where a green man and Equestria’s youngest Princess slept.
  3520. >Anon’s dreams were more or less pleasant.
  3521. >Even if his guilt created a few nightmares.
  3522. >They pale in comparison to Twilight’s.
  3523. >Her nightmares are a raging wildfire.
  3524. >Nightmares of Anon leaving her while shouting that she is the worst mare in existence.
  3525. >Of Flash Filing for divorce while screaming that she’s a cheating whore.
  3526. >Of her foal busting out of her stomach as a monstrous abomination gurgling in her blood.
  3527. >You shake your head to clear some of the images.
  3528. >The last moments of the night end, as the light from the sun starts to rise.
  3529. >You squint through the light, before your eyes adjust to it.
  3530. >You feel your heart beating against your chest.
  3531. >The event for today makes even a stalwart pony like yourself a little worried.
  3532. >Your ears flick back, as they hear a door open.
  3533. >The soft clicks of horseshoes against the tile floor.
  3534. >”Is she with him?”
  3535. >You turn to the source of the voice.
  3536. “She is, dear sister.”
  3537. >Celestia sighs.
  3538. >”Why does she do this to herself?”
  3539. “We’ll find out soon enough sister.”
  3541. >Celestia sighs.
  3542. >”I don’t get it.”
  3543. >”Twilight shouldn’t have let this go on for this long.”
  3544. “She shouldn’t have.”
  3545. >Celestia glares at you.
  3546. >”Thank you, Luna, for caring so much.”
  3547. >You roll your eyes.
  3548. “And what would you have us do?”
  3549. >”We should have done something, instead of sitting around and doing nothing.”
  3550. “Something huh.”
  3551. “Something like forcing Twilight to divorce Flash, so she can stop being guilty of being an adulterous mare?”
  3552. “Or something like aborting her foal, to keep whatever mess you could call their marriage going?”
  3553. “Perhaps separation from Flash and Anon would do her good.”
  3554. “Do any of these somethings sound like good ideas to you, Celestia?”
  3555. >Your sister stares at you abashedly.
  3556. >”Those are extremes, and you know it, Luna.”
  3557. “Indeed they are, but we can’t do anything else.”
  3558. “We found out too late to offer advice, or even try to help fix this.”
  3559. “And even if we did offer advice, I seem to remember ‘You’re going too fast, slow down’ falling on deaf ears.”
  3560. >Celestia could no longer look you in the eyes.
  3561. >You sigh, as you walk towards her.
  3562. >Once you closed the distance, you pull her into a hug, which she returns.
  3564. “I may not know Twilight like you do.”
  3565. “And I don’t know how much you’re hurting while you see her suffer like this.”
  3566. >You break away from the hug.
  3567. “But you must understand that she is a grown mare.”
  3568. “She’ll make her own life choices.”
  3569. “Sometimes those choices will result in mistakes.”
  3570. “Stars know we’re just as guilty of that.”
  3571. “But we’ve learned from those mistakes, and Twilight will too.”
  3572. >Celestia looks a little ashamed of herself.
  3573. >”I know that, but…”
  3574. >”It just hurts so much knowing that I can’t do anything to help her.”
  3575. “You’ve done all you could to help her before now.”
  3576. “And she still highly values your advice.”
  3577. “But she needs to stand on her own four hooves and make her own way through life.”
  3578. >She sighs but offers no other rebuttal.
  3579. “Come now sister, brighten up.”
  3580. “The nobles will be disappointed if they arrive at court with a dull sun to greet them.”
  3581. >Celestia snorts and pulls you into another hug.
  3582. >”Thank you, dear sister.”
  3583. “You’re very much welcome, dear sister.”
  3584. >You both pull apart.
  3585. >Celestia looks at you for a bit, before she leaves the room.
  3586. >You return to looking out the window.
  3587. >There is so much going through Twilight’s head, you don’t even know if she will give you a decent answer.
  3588. >You linger around for a few more moments, before you move to get ready for Twilight’s arrival.
  3589. >You just hope that she’ll give you an answer that will calm your sister down.
  3591. >You really do love this warmth.
  3592. >You stare at the slumbering human before you with a smile.
  3593. >His heat and scent fills you with euphoria.
  3594. >You feel his hand resting gently on your stomach.
  3595. >You wonder if you should tell him the gender.
  3596. >Or let it be a mystery until he holds it in his hands.
  3597. >You move slightly into a more comfortable position.
  3598. >You know you need to be going.
  3599. >But you want to enjoy this for a little while longer.
  3600. >Resting your head against the pillow, you breathe in his scent, and close your eyes.
  3601. >You lay against Anon for a while until he starts to stir.
  3602. >He stretches out, and yawns.
  3603. “Morning, Naughty Human.”
  3604. >”Morning, Little Princess.”
  3605. >You give him a quick kiss and hug him.
  3606. “I really am sorry about what I said last night.”
  3607. >He returns the hug.
  3608. >”Don’t worry about it, I know you didn’t mean it.”
  3609. >He kisses you this time.
  3610. >You love this man.
  3611. >So much so it hurts.
  3612. >While the male you’re supposed to love rots away in your heart.
  3613. >And it makes you sick that you can’t stop feeling that way.
  3615. >Anon breaks the kiss.
  3616. >”Breakfast in bed?”
  3617. >You think for a moment.
  3618. “A lovely idea, but as tempting as an offer, I can’t”
  3619. “I have other reasons for being here today.”
  3620. >”Oh, do you have court today?”
  3621. “No, but I was given an invite from Princess Luna to come see her.”
  3622. “We’ll probably talk about several things that you’ll find boring.”
  3623. >He moves one of his hands behind your head and starts to stroke your mane and neck.
  3624. >”You know I don’t find the things you talk about boring.”
  3625. >You giggle
  3626. “Stop it.”
  3627. >”Stop what?”
  3628. >He barrages you with a bunch of little kisses
  3629. >You put your hooves against his chest, and half heartedly push yourself away.
  3630. “Stop, I’m late enough as it is.”
  3631. >Anon kisses you one more time on the cheek.
  3632. >”Well since you’re so late, you can stay a little longer for breakfast.”
  3633. >”That way, you’ll leave with a full stomach.”
  3634. >…
  3635. “You and that silver tongue.”
  3636. >He smiles at you.
  3637. >”Part of the job, and the charm.”
  3638. “Alright Anon.”
  3639. “Could you help me up please.”
  3641. >Anon helps you off the bed.
  3642. >He lets you do your morning routine first.
  3643. >You have slowed down unfortunately from your pregnancy, but you try not to take forever in Anon’s shower.
  3644. >Once you’ve dried yourself, you exit the bathroom.
  3645. >You enter his room and see him get up from his bed.
  3646. >He passes you, and on the way out, he pinches you on your flank.
  3647. >You smirk and pinch his butt with your magic.
  3648. >Once you both are done drying, and in Anon’s case, clothing himself.
  3649. >You both walk to the kitchen and start making breakfast.
  3650. >Something that takes even longer than it should, because Anon is in a playful mood this morning.
  3651. >You know what he’s trying to do.
  3652. >He always does this after you have a particularly bad night.
  3653. >While you do appreciate the thought and concern behind his actions.
  3654. >It’s only a mild distraction from your guilt.
  3655. >Pancakes on the other hoof always make you feel better.
  3656. >As you both eat, you pass the time by talking about trivial things.
  3657. >Sometimes you get the urge to tease Anon a bit by bringing up that you notice how he looks at you when you eat.
  3658. >You have a hybrid foal growing inside of you.
  3659. >You’re allowed to eat a little more than you should.
  3660. >At least he’s smart enough never to mention it.
  3661. >With breakfast eaten, you help Anon with the clean up.
  3663. “Okay Anon, no more distraction.”
  3664. “I’m going now.”
  3665. >He raises his hands defensively.
  3666. >”Okay fine.”
  3667. >”Last thing I need is for the Little Princess to be mad at me for making her miss her playdate.”
  3668. >You stick your tongue out at him.
  3669. >He ignores your gesture and kneels.
  3670. >You both embrace each other.
  3671. >”Are you staying the night again?”
  3672. >Way to ruin a hug Anon.
  3673. >You pull yourself far enough to stare into his eyes.
  3674. “I don’t know… maybe.”
  3675. >If you did disappoint him, he doesn’t show it.
  3676. >”Well if you decide to, you know my door is always open.”
  3677. >He kisses you before you can say anything.
  3678. >You pull away completely, licking your lips as they still tingle.
  3679. “I know, Anon.”
  3680. “Have a good day.”
  3681. >You wave him goodbye, as you open the door and exit the house, closing the door behind you.
  3682. >You turn yourself around and see a carriage on the opposite side of the street, with a Bat Pony standing guard outside of it.
  3683. >A very particular carriage.
  3684. >Princess Luna’s carriage.
  3685. >Your blood runs cold, and you look around.
  3686. >Anon doesn’t live on the busiest street in Canterlot, but a royal carriage just sitting there for who knows how long, is going to raise some eyebrows.
  3687. >Why is it here?
  3688. >It couldn’t be here for you, could it?
  3689. >No, that couldn’t be, you made sure that no pony in Canterlot would know you’re here.
  3691. >Apparently you were taking too long, so the guard takes matters into his own hooves.
  3692. >He looks across the street before crossing it.
  3693. >The guard sits in front of you, and salutes.
  3694. >”Morning Princess, We’ve been sent to deliver you to Princess Luna.”
  3695. >You smile so awkwardly that you can feel your face contort trying to make it work.
  3696. “O..oh, really?”
  3697. “O..okay then, after you.”
  3698. >The Bat pony nods, before turning around.
  3699. >Once he makes sure the street is clear, he walks across, and you tail behind him.
  3700. >The guard opens the carriage door.
  3701. >Still smiling the world's most awkward smile, you climb into the carriage.
  3702. >The ride to the Princesses’ castle is easily the worst moment of your life.
  3703. >They shouldn’t know.
  3704. >They can’t know.
  3705. >You almost had a heart attack when Cadence found out.
  3706. >And these bumps aren’t helping!
  3707. >Isn’t Canterlot supposed to be the perfect city in Equestria?
  3708. >Then why is this road a bumpy mess!
  3709. >Your eyes flicker around the carriage.
  3710. >Good news, there is no one inside with you to witness your mental breakdown.
  3711. >It also means that you should be calming yourself.
  3712. >You shouldn’t assume that they know.
  3713. >A particular saying that you’ve heard Anon said comes to mind.
  3714. >You take a deep breath and rub your hooves.
  3715. >Calm down Twilight.
  3716. >You haven’t given the Princesses a reason to think you’re cheating.
  3717. >Cadence only found out because she read your emotions.
  3718. >And you haven’t been seen with Anon since the museum.
  3719. >The carriage slowly comes to a stop.
  3720. >You exhale a pent-up breath.
  3721. >Please just be a friendly Princess meeting.
  3723. >The walk through the castle is tense.
  3724. >Far too tense for someone who is supposed to be calm.
  3725. >But you can’t help yourself.
  3726. >You can’t ignore the fact that Princess Luna knew where you were.
  3727. >And if she knows that, then what else does she know?
  3728. >You’re too absorbed in thought to notice the guard ahead of you stop.
  3729. >You bump into him, and after realizing what you did, you take a few steps back.
  3730. >You apologize for bumping into him, but he doesn’t seem fazed.
  3731. >He turns to face you.
  3732. >”Princess Luna is in this room waiting for you.”
  3733. >You now noticed the obvious door that you overlooked.
  3734. >”Have a nice day, ma’am.”
  3735. >He salutes, before trotting off, leaving you alone.
  3736. >You’ve only slightly subdued your nervousness, but now it’s back in full force.
  3737. >You swallow hard, before gripping the knob with your magic.
  3738. >Stop wasting time Twilight, you’re only making things worse.
  3739. >Gathering what little resolve you had, you open the door.
  3740. >You see Princess Luna sitting at a table in the middle of the room.
  3741. >She was taking a sip of her drink, then she sees you.
  3742. >”Twilight, I’m so glad you could come!”
  3743. >She gets up from the table and starts to walk towards you.
  3744. >You meet her half way, wearing a smile that is a lot less forced than before.
  3745. ”Princess Luna, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
  3746. >You both meet in the middle and embrace each other.
  3747. >”Do not worry about it Twilight, come, sit, and have a cup of tea.”
  3749. >You both return to the table and take a seat.
  3750. >Princess Luna pours you a cup.
  3751. >With the cup in hoof, you both toast.
  3752. >This is very good tea.
  3753. >Almost rivals Rarity’s tea.
  3754. >It also has the extra benefit of soothing your nerves.
  3755. >Princess Luna finishes her drink and pours herself more tea.
  3756. >”So Twilight, how are things lately?”
  3757. “Good, stressful, but friends and family help to ease the burden.”
  3758. >”Is that so?”
  3759. >”There hasn’t been a Cadence moment yet?”
  3760. >You giggle at the memory of Cadence teleporting in front of you and demanding you to give her all sorts of sweet foods.
  3761. >Only for her to argue that you shouldn’t feed her cravings.
  3762. “No, no wild desire for sweets”
  3763. “Never had much of a sweet tooth.”
  3764. >”Oh, so does that mean you’re not running Flash into the ground, making him do all sorts of things trying to take care of you.”
  3765. >You shake your head, as you take another sip of your tea.
  3766. >It’s not a total lie
  3767. >Besides, your emotional outburst only happens when you’re with Anon.
  3768. >Since he’s there to hear them in the first place.
  3769. >You quickly banish the thought and drink more tea than what you intended to.
  3770. >”Is there something wrong,Twilight?”
  3771. “Nope, nothing at all.”
  3772. >Your fake smile returns, as you hold out your cup.
  3773. “More tea please.”
  3775. >She complies and fills your cup.
  3776. >You down the drink rather quickly this time in a failed attempt to calm your nerves.
  3777. >”Woah, slow down Twilight, I know it’s good tea, but it isn’t going to float away if you drink it slowly.”
  3778. >”Would you like some more?”
  3779. >You shake your head.
  3780. >You can feel yourself starting to sweat diamonds.
  3781. >Your anxiety threatens to tear you apart.
  3782. >You both sit there in silence.
  3783. >Until Princess Luna sighs.
  3784. >”Oh to Tartarus with this.”
  3785. >”If we wanted someone who can dance around the bush and get answers, Celestia would be sitting here instead.”
  3786. >You start to feel cold
  3787. >”Forgive me for being so blunt, but we know Twilight.”
  3788. >”And no, I’m not using the royal we either.”
  3789. >You sit there paralyzed.
  3790. >”I know this is a scenario that haunts your nightmares.”
  3791. >”But you should know that Celestia would never do the things she does to you in your dreams.”
  3792. >”She is, however, very upset with how you’re going about this.”
  3793. >”And I’m crossed with you because you’re making her worried about your wellbeing.”
  3794. >”We didn’t even know how bad it was until I started to see the nightmares that clouded over every dream you had.”
  3796. >”We don’t even know why the two of you are still married.”
  3797. >”I mean, let's count the things wrong here.”
  3798. >”Flash is almost never with you, and we know this because we have spies in your castle.”
  3799. >”The times he is with you is because he’s forced to do so, or the shortest greetings from either of you before you both move on.”
  3800. >”You sneak out in the middle of the night.”
  3801. >”At first no one knew where you went, then you had a nightmare where you got caught on your way to Anon’s home.”
  3802. >”That’s the only reason I even found out about your affair in the first place.”
  3803. >”And then there’s your pregnancy.”
  3804. >”Of course Flash doesn’t know it’s not his, but for some reason you think it’s a good idea to keep that from him”
  3805. >”Even though him finding out at your bedside is one of those nightmares, you’ve done nothing to stop that from happening.”
  3806. >”You dream of the kind of meltdown he could have.”
  3807. >”Why put him through that in real life?”
  3808. >”And I haven’t even touched the social side of things.”
  3809. >”Honestly I don’t want to have to repeat the things you’ve already dreamt of.”
  3810. >”But despite all of the above problems, you willingly drag yourself through the abyss.”
  3811. >”For no reason.”
  3812. >”Why?”
  3813. >”What could possibly keep you so ingrained in that marriage?”
  3814. >”So much so that you’re willing to accept public humiliation.”
  3815. >”Constantly be at war with yourself over the feelings you have.”
  3816. >”Deny yourself a much better relationship with the father of your foal.”
  3817. >”And worse yet, put such a negative spotlight on a foal who’ll be at the center of things if the public thinks that is the reason you both got divorced.”
  3818. >”What could possibly be going through your head to justify any of this Twilight?”
  3820. >You…
  3821. >You never justified it.
  3822. >You cheated on Flash after you vowed to only be his.
  3823. >You fell in love with another after you swore you would only love one.
  3824. >And it’s almost time for you to give birth to a foal that isn’t even your husband’s.
  3825. >Yet despite all that.
  3826. “Princess, I never thought any of this was a good idea.”
  3827. “And I know the backlash, both public and personal, will be huge.”
  3828. “But I can’t divorce Flash.”
  3829. >”And why in the world can’t you?”
  3830. “Because what right do I have to divorce him?”
  3831. “If I didn’t have an affair, you could probably convince me otherwise.”
  3832. “What Flash is doing to me is nothing compared to what I’ve been doing to him.”
  3833. “Even if he doesn’t know of my affair, or about the true father to the foal I’m carrying.”
  3834. “I know.”
  3835. “I know that by divorcing Flash everything could be better”
  3836. “But I also know that is the most selfish thing I could do.”
  3837. “Why should the adulterous wife be the one to finally break a broken marriage?”
  3838. “I have a way to lessen the pain through Anon.”
  3839. “I have no idea how Flash is doing it, other than ignoring our marriage.”
  3841. “And the guilt wouldn’t go away because I’m no longer married to Flash, and can have a public relation with Anon.”
  3842. “Since I started everything, I don’t even have the stomach to keep the dream I’ve had for so long alive.”
  3843. “How could I possibly just walk up to Flash, as if I’m not doing anything wrong in this marriage, and just divorce him?”
  3844. “And for what?”
  3845. “So I can spend more time looking at Anon’s face.”
  3846. “The face of a male that I shouldn’t love in the first place.”
  3847. “Birth his foal when it shouldn’t be growing in my womb to begin with.”
  3848. “I can barely look him in the face, because I know how much I’m dragging him down with me.”
  3849. “I won’t add divorce because of my selfish desires to that list of shouldn’t!”
  3850. “I won’t be the whore, who divorces her husband just because she found someone new to screw around with!”
  3851. “And I won’t be the one to end our marriage!”
  3852. >You finally got that off of your chest.
  3853. >You never wanted to tell anybody though.
  3854. >Just like how you never wanted anyone to know about Flash neglecting you.
  3855. >Like how you started your affair.
  3856. >And the truth to the father of the foal that will gasp fresh air for the first time in the near future.
  3857. >You just swallowed, grinned.
  3858. >Hoping that things got better.
  3859. >But they never did, and telling others made you feel better for a time.
  3860. >You were always left crying and cold afterwards.
  3861. >You blink cloudy eyes, and shiver from a cold that isn’t natural.
  3862. >As the heat of the moment leaves you, leaving only sadness.
  3863. “I can’t do it.”
  3864. “I won’t do it.”
  3866. >You sigh inwardly.
  3867. >You know she was going to give you an answer that you weren’t going to like.
  3868. >But you weren’t expecting all of that though.
  3869. >You thought she would try to put the blame on Flash, or maybe try to make Anon look like the bad guy for seducing her.
  3870. >Then you both have a back and forth, until one of you gives in.
  3871. >Well you still could do that.
  3872. >Banking so much hope that Flash might divorce her makes no sense.
  3873. >Even less so if that is what she has been waiting for years.
  3874. >Unfortunately poking holes in her logic does very little now.
  3875. >Twilight seems resigned to her fate no matter the outcome.
  3876. >This time you sigh aloud.
  3877. “Twilight, why didn’t you say anything?”
  3878. “Your sister in law is the Princess of Love.”
  3879. “Does she even know?”
  3880. >Twilight cringes away from the question.
  3881. “She knows, doesn't she?”
  3882. >Twilight nods her head.
  3883. >Trying to explain this to Celestia just got harder.
  3884. “Humor me.”
  3885. >”Cadence only found out after I was pregnant, and I thought I could fix things before they got bad.”
  3886. >”Well, worse than before, and I wasn’t going into details when she started to prod, so she begrudgingly gave me some pointers, and that was it.”
  3887. >Clearly they didn’t work.
  3888. “Twilight… I can’t understand why you chose the choices that you did.”
  3889. “And no amount of sugar coating is going to cover up how poorly those choices are.”
  3890. >Twilight’s ears flatten against her head.
  3891. “But it wouldn’t be life if we all went through it without some regrets, and poor choices.”
  3893. >Twilight looks surprised by what you said.
  3894. “Take it from someone who has lived longer than you, Twilight.”
  3895. “Life is never easy.”
  3896. >You rise from your chair.
  3897. “There isn’t a pony, living or passed, that doesn’t have something they wish they could redo, and do it differently.
  3898. >You walk over to where Twilight is sitting.
  3899. >She looks up at you when you are beside her.
  3900. >You offer her a soft smile, before you hug her.
  3901. “You shouldn’t let your mistakes rule you.”
  3902. “And you shouldn’t let them torture you endlessly because you made them.”
  3903. >You pull away slightly, and stare Twilight in the eyes.
  3904. “You taught me that.”
  3905. >Your smile widens.
  3906. “Both times almost ended the world, and everypony remembers that too.”
  3907. “But they also forgave me as well.”
  3908. >You stroke your hoof through her mane.
  3909. “There will be controversies and outcries, and the two of you will be deeply hurt by the divorce.”
  3910. “But that heartache is better than suffering something much worse and still suffering from the mistakes you’re making now.”
  3911. >Twilight looks at you silently.
  3912. >No doubt there is an untold amount of thoughts running through her head.
  3913. >She sniffles slightly, before she quickly hugs you again.
  3914. >Soon you feel Twilight’s tears fall on your coat.
  3915. >You return the hug, offering soft hushes and words to comfort the crying mare.
  3917. >All of the Princesses know of your dreadful secret.
  3918. >Soon, so will the rest of Equestria.
  3919. >Your hoof absentmindedly rubs your swollen stomach, as the train gently rocks you.
  3920. >You’re drained like usual.
  3921. >But it’s different this time.
  3922. >You weren’t drained because you were caught in your lies and had to scramble up some excuse to cover yourself.
  3923. >No, you’re drained because everything Luna said was right.
  3924. >This affair is single handedly the worst thing you've mismanaged in your entire life.
  3925. >Everything you’ve done so far has made things go from bad to horrendous.
  3926. >You lay your head back against the chair and close your eyes.
  3927. >All the pain, the sleepless nights, and all of the never-ending guilt.
  3928. >Just so that you could keep lying to a volcano that is about to erupt
  3929. >Attempting to hold on to any remaining happiness you can.
  3930. >In spite of how poor the situation is, and the looming disaster, you somehow managed to not only hold on to the old happiness, you’ve managed to find new ones.
  3931. >But, your new happiness comes at an unfair price.
  3932. >Flash doesn’t deserve to pay a price that you selfishly tossed at his hooves.
  3933. >You open your eyes and see Ponyville edging ever closer.
  3934. >He doesn’t deserve to be around when that volcano erupts.
  3935. >Nor does he deserve to get burned for sins that you committed.
  3936. >You blink as the train station comes into view.
  3937. >You’ve done so many things wrong in this marriage.
  3938. >You should do at least one thing right before the end.
  3940. >Although you don’t have any papers yet.
  3941. >You still think it’s better to tell before you get them.
  3942. >Maybe it’ll make him feel better if he demands the divorce.
  3943. >Ponyville is alive and loud during the afternoon.
  3944. >Ponies moving from one place to another, doing, or talking about their business with others.
  3945. >If you were some other pregnant mare, you would at best get congratulations, and wishes of a safe birthing.
  3946. >But royalty and pregnant can steal the attention from even the busiest pony.
  3947. >Once you are spotted by the public, you’re swamped by a sudden crowd.
  3948. >They all mean well of course, with their wishes and praise.
  3949. >And the foals that cutely asked if they can touch your bulging stomach will never be answered with a no.
  3950. >But you have dreadful things to do, and you aren’t exactly filled with positive energy at the moment.
  3951. >Luckily, a few older mares saved you by using your pregnancy as an effective weapon and dispersed the crowd.
  3952. >Thanking them with a weary smile, you leave them goodbyes as you continue on your way home.
  3953. >Thankfully, you aren’t interrupted too much by other ponies.
  3954. >Finally in the sanctity of your castle, you sigh.
  3955. >Your horseshoes click throughout the halls, as you mill over your thoughts.
  3956. >The hardest part is telling Flash everything.
  3957. >And after he’s done yelling at you, the papers will be signed, and he’ll walk out of your life forever.
  3958. >You reach your room and open the door.
  3959. >You expected to see the room empty, but then you saw his face.
  3960. >”Hey Twilight.”
  3963. >You are not ready for this right now.
  3964. “H-hello Flash.”
  3965. >A blind pony could see through the fake smile you have, and how obviously nervous you are.
  3966. “What are you doing home so early?”
  3967. >At least you manage to find your voice for that one.
  3968. >”I, ah, thought I could take a half day.”
  3969. >”Privates aren’t going to burn themselves to the ground if I’m not there for a whole day.”
  3970. “Oh, okay then.”
  3971. “I’m happy to see you home so soon.”
  3972. >It isn’t a lie.
  3973. >You just wish it happened on any other day before this one.
  3974. >He smiles and slides off the bed.
  3975. >”It's good to see you too, Twilight.”
  3976. >He comes over to you and embraces you.
  3977. >You enjoy the heat coming from his body
  3978. >You hug him tighter, greedily wanting more of his warmth.
  3979. >Through a force of habit, you lift your chin up, and close your eyes.
  3980. >You await the kiss that will soon happen.
  3981. >You aren’t kept waiting for it long, as you feel his lips press against yours.
  3982. >You still love his kisses.
  3983. >They don’t fry your brain like they used to, but they still give you a wonderful tingle.
  3984. >You thought about dragging the kiss out by slipping your tongue between his lips.
  3985. >But Flash disappointingly ended the kiss early.
  3986. >You hear him sigh kind of sadly.
  3987. >”I.. I shouldn’t have done that.”
  3989. >You open your eyes, very confused by what he said.
  3990. >And even more confused to see Flash’s sad face.
  3991. ”What?”
  3992. >He hugs you one more time before letting you go.
  3993. >”Twilight, we need to talk.”
  3994. >You’re starting to feel cold again.
  3995. >”Honestly we should have had this talk long before it got this bad.”
  3996. >”And I’m so sorry for taking this long to stallion up, and have this talk.”
  3997. >You just stare blankly at him.
  3998. >He looks ashamed, and after a brief pause, he continues.
  3999. >”I should start, it would be unfair if I didn’t.”
  4000. >”Twilight… I can’t be your husband anymore.”
  4001. >Everything goes numb.
  4002. “What?”
  4003. >You are having severe trouble accepting what Flash just said to you.
  4004. >And standing, as you feel your legs crumble underneath you.
  4005. >Good thing Flash is quick on his hooves or you would have fallen on your stomach.
  4006. >Catching you in his forelegs, he holds you until you are stable.
  4007. >”We probably shouldn’t risk that happening again.”
  4008. >With some effort, he slowly moves you over to the bed.
  4009. >You do little to help him, but at least you walk with him.
  4010. >Once you both reach the side of the bed, he slowly leads you to the floor.
  4011. >When you are fully sitting on the ground, he joins you.
  4013. >You both sit in a painful silence.
  4014. >Until Flash clears his throat.
  4015. >”Twilight, I’m so sorry you have to hear this.”
  4016. >”But it must be said, so that we can both move on with our lives with much brighter futures ahead of us.”
  4017. >He sighs, before he continues.
  4018. >”I can’t be your husband anymore because I don’t love you anymore.”
  4019. >He… he doesn’t love you anymore?
  4020. >But… how could he not love you?
  4021. >You gave him your everything for years.
  4022. >Even with your affair with Anon and an unexpected pregnancy, you still love him.
  4023. >You can’t stop the tears from falling from your eyes.
  4024. >You choke on words and sobs, before anything understandable comes out of your mouth.
  4025. “Why don’t you love me anymore?”
  4026. >Flash winces and gives you a forlorn look.
  4027. >”I miss the old days.”
  4028. >”When you came up to the Crystal Empire for one reason or another.”
  4029. >”And I would tell you of something new that I did, or something new I saw.”
  4030. >”I loved seeing you with wide eyes as I told you about those things.”
  4031. >He pauses.
  4032. >”I missed those sights.”
  4033. >”The wonder of the unknown as I trekked into the frozen wastes.”
  4034. >”I miss coming up with stories to tell you every time you visit.”
  4036. >”I thought I could put that aside, and focus on just you.”
  4037. >”But the longer I did that, the more empty I felt, like I was missing something.”
  4038. >”Until that empty feeling eroded everything good about our marriage.”
  4039. >He shakes his head.
  4040. >”I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t want to hurt you by telling the truth.”
  4041. >”So I did the stupid thing and ran away.”
  4042. >With a look of immense sadness, Flash continues.
  4043. >”No amount of apologizing will ever fix what I’ve done to you.”
  4044. >”Nor will it take back the pain I’ve caused you.”
  4045. >”But, I’m so sorry Twilight.”
  4046. >Flash falls silent now that his skeleton is out of the closet.
  4047. >You think he’s trying to let you cope with the news that shattered your heart.
  4048. >Or he’s waiting for you to stop crying and say something.
  4049. >But…
  4050. >He doesn’t love you anymore.
  4051. >Just repeating the words in your head hurts you anew.
  4052. >How could you cope with this?
  4053. >Hearing him say that hurts more than the years of abandonment.
  4054. >Or having him shout it with righteous fury while he calls you a cheating whore would sting less.
  4055. >He doesn’t love you anymore.
  4056. “The foal *sniff* i-isn’t yours.”
  4058. >You see Flash wince from your words.
  4059. >You should feel ashamed that the largest skeleton is out of its closet.
  4060. >In front of the stallion you’ve tried so hard to hide it from.
  4061. >You should feel vindictive.
  4062. >Because of the years of abandonment and the reason behind it.
  4063. >You should feel guilty.
  4064. >While you had your moments of bliss between Anon’s arms.
  4065. >Flash had nothing but his torment for all this time.
  4066. >But you’re so far gone into your sadness that you can’t even feel anything else.
  4067. >It is too much to see your lifelong dream fall apart in front of your eyes.
  4068. >You thought you were prepared for this.
  4069. >But that was before you walked through your door.
  4070. >Before reality slammed painfully on top of your very being.
  4071. >”I know.”
  4072. >Such a simple response pulls you out of the depth of despair.
  4073. >Your wide eyed, open mouthed stare makes Flash rub his foreleg uncomfortably.
  4074. >”You're not the only one who can use the royalty card, Twilight.”
  4075. >”You’ve never talked to me in depth about the foal before.”
  4076. >”It's just growing healthy and you can’t wait to bear our foal.”
  4077. >”I was getting curious and I went to see for myself.”
  4078. >”And… I know who the father is by proxy.”
  4080. >Can you not hold onto any of your secrets!”
  4081. >It wouldn’t surprise you if your best friends knew but didn’t want to talk about it.
  4082. >”It hurts finding out the truth.”
  4083. >”But it was that rude awakening that made me realize.”
  4084. >Flash reaches behind and puts in front of you a yellow folder.
  4085. >”We can’t keep hurting each other like this, Twilight.”
  4086. >You wanted to be the one to present it, not be the one receiving it.
  4087. >What does it matter at this point.
  4088. >Everything you wanted has been ignored and thrown into the abyss anyways.
  4089. >With teary eyes, you open the folder.
  4090. >You see a standard issue Equestria divorce file.
  4091. >You’ve seen some of these before when you handled some divorce cases.
  4092. >Not until today did you think you would ever be part of those cases.
  4093. >Skinning through the at the moment unimportant details, you reach the bottom.
  4094. >Flash had already signed his name at the bottom.
  4095. >Meaning that you’re all that is left hanging onto this marriage.
  4096. >Signing would mean losing the dream you had so longed for.
  4097. >Signing would mean freedom from the nightmare that consumes you.
  4098. >Both have their consequences.
  4099. >You wipe your eyes and sniffle one last time.
  4101. >You gather magic into your horn.
  4102. >And as you stare at the paper before you.
  4103. >So many thoughts enter your mind.
  4104. >How the years leading up to this moment.
  4105. >The isolation and sadness.
  4106. >The joy and happiness.
  4107. >Your spontaneous affair with Anon and your current pregnancy.
  4108. >How your dream degraded into a nightmare.
  4109. >Your thoughts even drifted to the idea of turning back time.
  4110. >Just undo everything and start over.
  4111. >To use what you know now and make different choices.
  4112. >But deep down, you know you wouldn’t.
  4113. >You’ve already resigned to your fate.
  4114. >This nightmare was going to be a reality anyways.
  4115. >It just happened sooner than you hoped.
  4116. >Using your magic gathered in your horn, you pick up the quill.
  4117. >You sign your name before your breaking heart stops you.
  4118. >When you finish, all of your energy vanishes, and you drop the quill onto the bed.
  4119. >You feel fresh tears collect at the bottom of your eyes.
  4120. >You hear Flash sigh, then shuffling across the bed.
  4121. >When you feel his forelegs wrap around you, your tears fall anew.
  4123. >”I’m so, so sorry for making you go through this for so long.”
  4124. >He hugs you closer to him.
  4125. >”But this nightmare is finally over.”
  4126. >You take no solace in this as your tears continue to fall.
  4127. >You wrap your forelegs around him
  4128. >Holding on desperately to your husband.
  4129. >Before he becomes your ex husband and walks out of your life forever.
  4130. >”Goodbye, Twilight.”
  4131. “Goodbye, Flash.”
  4132. >You wanted to hold him for a little while longer, but Flash had other ideas.
  4133. >And when you felt him pull away from you, you didn’t pull him back.
  4134. >With one last sorrowful look, he collects the form and folder.
  4135. >Once he has gathered everything, he slides off the bed and heads towards the door.
  4136. >You don’t dare turn around.
  4137. >And all you hear from Flash’s departure is the sounds of his horse shoes and the gentle sounds of an opening and closing door.
  4138. >After that, all you can hear is your own heartbeat as you’re left in the silence of your room.
  4139. >You slump to your side, physically and mentally exhausted after coming to terms with so many things.
  4140. >You rub your bulging stomach.
  4141. >Things will soon get worse and questions will have to be answered.
  4142. >But when all the hardship is taken care of.
  4143. >Things will get better.
  4145. >Today is a loud and busy day.
  4146. >”They what?”
  4147. >”But why?”
  4148. >”They had such a good marriage for years.”
  4149. >It was impossible to escape the latest news on every pony’s mind.
  4150. >Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry have been officially divorced.
  4151. >As you walk the streets of Canterlot, you can’t help but to feel sullen.
  4152. >The consequences of your affair with Twilight have finally come to bear.
  4153. >You’re not sure how it went down, but you know the result.
  4154. >”Maybe life wasn’t so good behind doors?”
  4155. >”If that was the case wouldn’t they have divorced sooner?”
  4156. >You picked a really bad day to take a stroll.
  4157. >”Wasn’t Flash away from home often?”
  4158. >”You think…”
  4159. >Your eyes nervously dart over to the two nobles' conversation.
  4160. >”Shut your mouth, before I shut it for you.”
  4161. >You start to head home as you’ve had enough for today.
  4162. >Once you’re in the sanctity of your house, you sigh loudly as you rub your temple.
  4163. >You need something to soothe your headache.
  4164. >You don’t get very far as you stop in your living room.
  4165. >Your eyes stare at Twilight’s favorite chair.
  4166. >A new pain stabs you in the chest.
  4168. >You just want to hold her.
  4169. >To comfort her in these chaotic times.
  4170. >But you can’t right now.
  4171. >There are too many eyes around Twilight for you to run wildly to her.
  4172. >You sigh again, and head for your kitchen.
  4173. >At least she isn’t alone this time with her friends, family and the Princess to shield her from the public.
  4174. >You rest for the day in uneventful solitude.
  4175. >Until sometime after sunset, you hear a knock at your door.
  4176. >Confused by the sudden noise, you answer the door.
  4177. >You’re surprised to see Celeistia, but you quickly recover.
  4178. “Good evening, Princess.”
  4179. >You bow, before you move aside to let her in.
  4180. >”Good evening, Anon.”
  4181. >She bows her head, both as a gesture and so she can get through your door.
  4182. >You’re surprised that Celestia isn’t being followed by a crowd of ponies.
  4183. >You don’t linger on that thought as Celestia enters your home, and you close the door.
  4184. >Now in the privacy of your home, you don’t know what to do.
  4185. >You can assume why Princess Celestia has visited you today.
  4186. >If Cadence can figure out your affair with Twilight, then it wouldn’t surprise you if Celestia also knows.
  4187. >”It has been several years hasn’t it.”
  4188. >Celestia is the first to break the silence.
  4189. >She moves into your loft, stopping before Twilight’s chair.
  4190. >”Since Twilight and Flash first married.”
  4191. >Celestia speaks softly, as she raises her hoof and starts to gently stroke the top of the chair.
  4192. >”But that all ends today doesn’t it?”
  4194. >With all that has happened thus far, and with how down you feel right now, you just don’t have it in you to play this charade.
  4195. “I’ve never wanted this.”
  4196. “I mean, not like this, I mean.”
  4197. >You struggle to put your emotions into words
  4198. “Twilight just looked so sad and lonely after she told what was going on with her life.”
  4199. “I just wanted to be there for her, to hold her until everything was all patched up.”
  4200. “I didn’t plan on breaking them up.”
  4201. “I never thought I could possibly get Twilight pregnant.”
  4202. “And I-.”
  4203. >You were too distracted to have noticed Celestia leaving Twilight’s chair behind.
  4204. >You are startled by the sudden hug, but you regain yourself and hug her back.
  4205. >Held in Celestia’s warm embrace you couldn’t hold back your flood of emotions.
  4206. >The floodgates burst open, and you sob uncontrollably on to Celestia’s coat.
  4207. >Celestia takes it all in stride.
  4208. >Letting you use her as an outlet for your repressed emotions.
  4209. >”I didn’t come here to judge you, Anon.”
  4210. >”I just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay.”
  4211. >Celestia gently rubs your back with her forelegs.
  4212. >Coaxing the last of your tears out of you.
  4213. >After some time you slowly release Celestia, wiping away lingering tears from your eyes.
  4214. “Thank you, I… appreciate that.”
  4215. >Celestia just smiles softly at you.
  4216. >”It is always my pleasure to be there.”
  4217. >”No matter who needs me to be.”

Trials and Errors (MP Story)

by TLA

Tilelover Anon

by TLA

Newlywed Nightmare

by TLA

Twilight's Addiction

by TLA

A Reward From the Queen

by TLA