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Tilelover Anon

Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-07 08:08:42
Expiry: Never

  1. >It’s 1:25AM, and instead of sleeping, you’re staring at your ceiling fan.
  2. >Your eyes follow the blades as the spin around.
  3. >You and your wife of two years, Rara, just had a 2 hour long fuck session, and wore each other out.
  4. >Or that’s what you keep telling yourself.
  5. >Rara passed out, her head rests on your chest, gently rising and falling with each breath you take.
  6. >”Why can’t I fall asleep afterwards like she does?” you murmur to yourself, but you know why.
  7. >You weren’t satisfied, and each night was always a struggle between your base desire, and your ineffable guilt when you gave in.
  8. >Glancing down at your wife you see that her mane is a mess, she going to give you hell in the morning about it too, you also see a contented smile fill out her sleeping features.
  9. >you bend your neck down just under her horn, and plant a gentle kiss atop her forehead before slowly removing her from atop your body.
  10. >As softly, and quietly as you can you move your side of the blanket, and get out of bed.
  11. >Tip toeing your way to the door, you feel, and hear your pulse increasing as you reach for the knob.
  12. >Opening the door was like trying to defusing a bomb without a defusing kit, and the know how to not blow your ass up
  13. >With the door half way open you slide yourself through the opening, and close the door behind you.
  16. >Making your way toward the stairs leading to the foyer of the Carousel Boutique.
  17. >The sense of dread that slowly engulfs your heart as you draw closer to the point of no return.
  18. >But you know you get no sleep until the deed was done
  19. >As your feet hit the white porcelain floor tile you get a perverse tingle flow through your body.
  20. >Of all the things that was left behind on earth, why couldn’t this damnable desire be one of those things?
  21. >It only got worse when you married Rara, and moved into the Boutique.
  22. >It’s not like you don’t love Rara, no nothing could possibly replace your love for her.
  23. >But as you turn towards the interior of the Boutique your land on the sight of your darkest desire.
  25. >In the center of the foyer is a massive purple diamond surrounded by smaller white and purple ones.
  26. >You hated the effect it had on your body just by staring at it for a few mere moments
  27. >Everyday Rara meticulously scrubbed, polished, and wax to make it shine just a brightly as her gem incrested dresses.
  28. >Even in the dim moonlight that was let into the Boutique by the upper windows.
  29. >The diamond shined as brightly as it could, as if to say the stars in the night sky were insignificant compare to it.
  30. >No matter how many times you see it, the sight still arouses your misplaced lust, and always makes you harder than anything Rara could do to you.
  32. >You were stalling; you need to get this over with so you can return to bed.
  33. >Walking with a brisk pace you reach the southern tip of the diamond
  34. >your body trembling and your breathing becomes labored
  35. >With constantly shaking hands reach for waistband of your boxer briefs.
  36. >Steeling your nerves for a moment.
  37. >You quickly pull them down, freeing your erection from its prison, and letting it bask in the cool night air
  38. >With a far more difficult gulp than it need to be, you sink down on weaken knees, placing your hands to steady yourself
  39. >Your dick is pointed at tip of the diamond, and with one more gulp, you thrust forward.
  40. >The feeling was always mind numbly blissful, but as much you wish you could savor this feeling you needed to be quick.
  41. >You start to gyrate your hips in semicircles, rubbing your penis glans against the smooth suffice.
  42. >Doing all you can to contain your moans you pick up the pace.
  43. >Feelings of shame and guilt is washed away by your rapidly approaching orgasm.
  44. >When your orgasm hit you like a brick wall, your vision went fuzzy, teeth fingers and toes clenched, as your body vibrates uncontrollably.
  45. >Desperately you tried to get your breathing under control bef-
  46. >”Anon what are you doing?”
  48. >Startled your oxygen deprived mind thought of the most brilliant plan.
  49. >Standing up, you turn around, and find the source of the voice.
  50. >Unsurprisingly you find Rara standing beside the stairs.
  51. >Her face went from a puzzled expression to a look of shock and disgust.
  52. >”Anon what are yo-, why is your box-, IS THAT SEMAN ON MY FLOOR?!
  53. >You wonder how many faces your wife can make before this is over, but once again your oxygen deprived mind thought of another brilliant plan.
  54. “Wait Rara I can explain.” her face has now changed to one of disbelief.
  55. >Taking her silence as a queue to go on, you take a deep breath, and say
  56. “Everyone has this fetish, I can prove it!”
  57. >That was not what you wanted to say!
  58. >Rara face is now filled with annoyance, strikes out with a quick response.
  59. >”Proof?” “I don’t want your proof!” “Do you know how long it take to clean porcelain?!"
  60. >She doesn’t reliant, “Now I have to steam the tiles, disinfect them, and sterilize, and ugh I can’t look at you right now."
  61. >Before a word could pass through your lips, the familiar smell of burning ozone filled your lungs, as you're teleported outside the Boutique
  62. >With a heavy sigh you pull up your boxers, and sit against the wall.
  63. >All you hope is that your fetish didn’t wreck your marriage.

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