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A Reward From the Queen

Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-07 08:04:49
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon
  2. >And you’re the husband of the newly anointed Queen of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle.
  3. >Or was it slave?
  4. >A slave husband?
  5. >You really wasn’t sure which one it was.
  6. >Depended on her mood for the most part.
  7. >You’re making up Twilight’s, and sometimes yours bed, when your thoughts are interrupted by a loud bang.
  8. >Turning around you see the lingering blackish violet aura that surrounds Twilight, before it vanishes.
  9. >Twilight stands tall, and beautiful in her obsidian armor.
  10. >You were surprised when Twilight first show you this armor.
  11. >You expected a brighter color or a mixture.
  12. >Not just pure black.
  13. >She had made the argument that it went better with her coat more than anything.
  14. >Which had darken over time as she studied black magic.
  15. >Though you can’t say that it doesn’t look good on her, in fact you told her countless times she looks alluring while wearing it.
  16. >You even had the pleasure of her taking you while wearing it.
  17. >You stop what you’re doing, and walk to where Twilight is.
  18. >Once in front of her, you kneel before her, waiting to be addressed.
  19. >”Eyes up Anonymous” she spoke in a calm and commanding voice.
  20. >As you look up, you can see Twilight has spread her wings.
  22. >A wordless order that you’ve had to follow countless time since the war started.
  23. >Your hands moves up toward her neck, unclasping the clamp that secured her helmet, before removing it.
  24. >Setting it aside, you move to remove her greaves, and set those aside as well.
  25. >You couldn’t resist a little distraction.
  26. >You gently grab Twilight’s left foreleg.
  27. >Her coat is still delicate despite the constant fighting.
  28. >Planting a kiss just above her hoof, tasting a bit of salt on your lips.
  29. >”Later, Anonymous, finish what you started.”
  30. >You keep from graining, as you look up.
  31. “As you command, my Queen.” You say in a playful tone.
  32. >Moving behind her, you begin removing the greaves on her hind legs.
  33. >As you were working, Twilight briefly flicks her tail, giving you a glimpse of her marehood.
  34. >This time you couldn’t resist a smirk.
  35. >It’s a good thing that Twilight still had a playful side.
  36. >Placing her greaves with the rest of her armor.
  37. >You start untying the restrains on her cuirass.
  38. >Once it comes loose, you can hear Twilight sigh.
  39. >Once all of Twilight’s armor is placed neatly together, you return to kneel before her.
  40. “Will you have a bath, or will you eat dinner first?”
  41. >”Warm my bath, I ate before I got here.”
  42. >With a nod, you stand up, and walk towards the bathroom.
  44. >Turing on the light, you move to the round pink colored tub.
  45. >Turning on the hot and cold water until the temperature is lukewarm.
  46. >A few moments later, Twilight enters the bathroom.
  47. >As you turn the facets off, Twilight ungracefully enter the tube.
  48. >A long drawn out sigh leaves her, as she settles in the center of the tub.
  49. >You stand by, waiting to see if she has any further need of you.
  50. >”Do you need something Anonymous?” She asks, as she looks in your direction.
  51. “I require nothing if my Queen is as happy as can be.”
  52. >She stares at you for a little while longer, before she turns the rest of her body to face you.
  53. >Moving to the side of the tub, Twilight put her forelegs on the side of the tub for leverage.
  54. >”Come.”
  55. >Needing no other words, you close the gap between the two of you.
  56. >Bending down you press your lips against Twilight’s.
  57. >The kiss lasts only a few seconds, before she pulls away.
  58. >”I’ve had a long day today.”
  59. >”You’ll wait in the room until I’m done, and when I get out, you’ll give me a massage.”
  60. >You Bow, and you leave Twilight to her own devices.
  62. >As you sit atop Twilight’s bed, you can’t help but to think to pass the time.
  63. >You’ve heard whispers among the servants and guards.
  64. >Whispers of how your marriage is nothing more than a lie.
  65. >That even if you’re her “husband”, you could be so easily replace.
  66. >How you are just a plaything for Twilight til she breaks you.
  67. >And your love and devotion is a byproduct of a spell, or a potion.
  68. >As much as you hate to admit it, some of those whisper had some merit to them.
  69. >Your relationship with Twilight varied as much as your title.
  70. >Some days she was static and cold.
  71. >Others she was static and affectionate.
  72. >It was confusing to say the least.
  73. >But if there is one thing the rumor aren’t right about.
  74. >Is that your love for Twilight was a lie created by some mystical means.
  75. >No, your love for her is just as strong as it was before her transition.
  76. >Your train of thoughts end when Twilight exits the bathroom.
  77. “Was the bath to your liking my Queen?” You say with a grin.
  78. >”Of course it was Anonymous.” She says matter of factly
  79. >”What, do you want a reward?”
  80. >Your grin only widens.
  81. “Oh my Queen, why would I be so greedy, and ask for another reward when you’ve have already given me so much.”
  82. >Twilight lightly shakes her head.
  83. >”There is nothing wrong with asking for more.”
  84. >Not giving you the chance to respond, she appears beside you.
  85. >She position herself in front of her pillow, before she lays down.
  86. >She lays face down, her foreleg crossed atop the pillow, while her head in between them.
  87. >Her wings are spread, and droop down lazily on the bed.
  89. >Turning your body inward, and crack your knuckles.
  90. >You gently press your hands just below Twilight’s shoulder.
  91. >Wow she’s tense!
  92. >You start rolling your finger tips and palms against her back.
  93. >Yet this seems to make her muscles tense up harder.
  94. >You know there was a time where your massages made Twilight melt into the bed.
  95. >Maybe something is bothering her?
  96. “So how was your day my Queen?”
  97. >Her response was an irritated snort.
  98. >Well that answers that question.
  99. “My Queen, this won’t be very enjoyable unless you relax.
  100. >”Hmph, if you must know, the Crystal Empire has dragged out this war for far too long.”
  101. “Ah I could see how that is problematic.”
  102. >”My brother and sister must have a fear that I’ll do something sinister to them once the war is over.”
  103. >You move your finger to where her wings connect to her body.
  104. >Rubbing in small semi-circles just below the bone.
  105. >Twilight tries to stifle a moan, but fail to cover up most of it.
  106. >As you learned rubbing ero zones is the best way to get a women, or mare to relax.
  107. “I honestly think they’ll be in for a shock to see that your intention are benign.
  108. >And she goes back to tensing up, way to go Anon.
  109. >”They shouldn’t be, because they should already know that I mean them no harm.”
  110. >”But they fight me anyways because they don’t understand.”
  111. >”And they will try to fight me, because of unfounded fears.”
  112. >” Or did you forget about how the others reacted?”
  113. “No, My Queen I-“
  114. >”Enough!”
  115. >“I did not ask you to bring up current events now did I.”
  116. “No you did not.”
  118. >The rest of the massage was mostly spent in silence.
  119. >You continued to massage Twilight’s upper body.
  120. >Though it seems like it takes forever.
  121. >Twilight finally starts to relax, as the tension leaves her body.
  122. >But for every positive, there is a negative.
  123. >You’re running out of room.
  124. >And while you usually give Twilight a full body massage.
  125. >She might not be in the mood now.
  126. >But at least you could get her lower back.
  127. >Moving your hands down her spine, you stop when they hit her waist.
  128. >Using your palms, you start rubbing circles just above her butt.
  129. >Which you can’t help but admire it.
  130. >It wasn’t a bubble butt like you’ve seen on some mares.
  131. >But Twilight never really exercise too much, so it allow her butt to get plump with a slight bounce when she walked, but she was active enough to keep it round and firm.
  132. >You’re also reminded about how it feels when it bounces on your thighs.
  133. >And you remember Twilight’s blissful face, as she rides your cock.
  134. >And now you’re starting to get a boner.
  135. >”You’ve seem to have forgotten what you’re supposed to be doing Anonymous.”
  136. >Carcrashes.MP3.
  137. >Being brought back to reality, you notice your hands are now groping Twilight ass.
  138. >And now you are at full mast.
  139. “Forgive me, my Queen, the mind tends to wonder when I admire your beautiful form.
  140. >”Mmm” was the only response she gives.
  141. >Well it looks like she isn’t too upset.
  142. >All of a sudden, Twilight pushes her butt up against your crotch, and starts grinding.
  143. >”Yes, a true statement Anonymous.”
  144. >”The mind does indeed like to wonder, which reminds me.”
  145. >She looks over her shoulder, and stares you in the eye.
  146. >”When was the last time we copulated?”
  147. >Um kinda hard to think when you’re rubbing on my dick Twilight.
  148. >Just as quickly as she started, Twilight gives one final grind, before pulling away, and turn her body around to face you.
  149. >”Strip.”
  151. >The Queen demands to see your naked form!
  152. >Who are you to deny her request!
  153. >Getting off the bed, you quickly remove your clothing.
  154. >”Hmm such a good servant ready and eager to please his Queen.”
  155. >”Come, Anonymous, lay down, so I may reward you for being so good to me.”
  156. “Yes Ma’am.”
  157. >You quickly move to the center of the bed, before laying down on your back.
  158. >Your erection standing tall, and proud.
  159. >A smile creeps across Twilight’s face, as she walks over you.
  160. >Twilight reaches your head, she leans her head, and presses her lips against yours.
  161. >Oooh yeah.
  162. >Twilight hasn’t kissed you like this in a long time.
  163. >A kiss filled with passion and intimacy, and it wasn’t a few seconds either.
  164. >Twilight pulls away from the kiss, and releases a contented sigh.
  165. >”Ah yes, seldomly does war allow for such moments to occur between husband and wife”
  166. >Twilight gives you one more quick kiss, before turning around, and sits on your midsection.
  167. >You sadly can’t see much, but you can feel Twilight’s hoof softly graze your prick.
  168. >”Tell me, Anonymous, who does this penis belong to?”
  169. “It is yours, my Queen.”
  170. >You feel Twilight put more pressure on your penis with her hoof.
  171. >”Mmm, and where will it release it seed?”
  172. “In your womb, my Queen.”
  173. >You feel Twilight remove her hoof.
  174. >Your erection bounces in anticipation.
  175. >”And whose name well you cry out, when you beg for your orgasm?”
  176. “Yours, Twilight Sparkle.”
  177. >Your body is trembling now.
  178. >”Mmm, good boy.” She says in a sultry tone
  179. >And then you feel the warm wetness of her mouth, as she swallows your dick whole.
  181. >Oooh man it’s been way too long since Twilight given you a BJ.
  182. >To feel her soft lips clamp tightly around your dick.
  183. >Her tongue wrapping itself on your shaft.
  184. >To hear her slurps, as her head bobs up and down.
  185. >Aaah yeah that’s the good stuff.
  186. >It’s hard to believe that Twilight used to be so different in bed.
  187. >She used to take her time when she gave you a blowjob.
  188. >Long drawn out licks, and a slower pace, as she savor you dick in her mouth.
  189. >Now she sucks you off in a much more aggressive manner.
  190. >A faster pace, and shorter licks, hell she uses her tongue more than before period.
  191. >You can’t say which you prefer, but you kinda wish Twilight would mix it up a little.
  192. >But right now you need to put that thought on the back burner.
  193. >You’re climbing way too fast, and you need to get thing under wraps
  194. >You guess Twilight felt your vain attempts to keep yourself under control.
  195. >She pulls off your dick with a loud pop.
  196. >”Hmm, that was a little fast Anonymous.”
  197. >”Have you been reliving yourself lately?”
  198. >Well now that was an unexpected question.
  199. >A question that right now is quite embarrassing to answer.
  200. “N-no, not really.”
  201. >Hmm was her response, before she wraps her lips around your penis head, and swirls her tongue.
  202. >Your penis throbs violently in her mouth, before she once again removes it.
  203. >”That is unhealthy Anonymous.” She says, as turns around to face you.
  204. >”It’s quite natural to masturbate from time to time, and it help you last longer.”
  206. “Thank you Twilight.” You say flatly.
  207. >You really couldn’t help snipping at her.
  208. >Although this get a giggle out of her.
  209. >”Forgive me for the health lesson.”
  210. >”But I’m just trying to sure you’re well.”
  211. >Twilight moves up until her marehood hovers above your face.
  212. >Droplets of her juices land on your face, before she lower herself down onto your face.
  213. >You greet her pussy with a welcoming mouth and tongue.
  214. >Suckling on her clit, and licking her outer lips.
  215. >”Oooh, well at least time hasn’t wasted away your skills with your tongue.”
  216. >Did she really think time could reduce your skill as a natural pussy licker?
  217. >Well have at you!
  218. >You redouble your efforts.
  219. >Your tongue making a world tour around her vagina.
  220. >Twilight moans loudly, and starts grinding her hips in tandem with your licks.
  221. >You wait until her gyrating hips picks up speed, before thrusting your tongue into her pussy.
  222. >She moans louder, as you flick your tongue every time her hips finishes a cycle.
  223. >Twilight leans back, putting her right hoof on your chest, and using her left hoof to pull your head in closer.
  224. >”AHHH yes, lick me, yeeesss that’s it, you’re soo good, keep going, YES.”
  225. >Yeah old Twilight was less of a talker than she is now.
  226. >But once again, you don’t know which one you preferred.
  227. >As you were doing your due diligence, Twilight hadn’t forgotten about you.
  228. >You feel her magic grabs your penis.
  229. >Stroking you up and down your shaft.
  230. >You also feel your balls been lightly tugged on.
  231. >You groan into her pussy, before quickly resuming your licking.
  232. >You didn’t want to lose the sexual tug of war.
  234. >Your game ends prematurely, as Twilight lifts her hips off your face.
  235. >Fresh air cools the juices left on your face, and fills your lungs with musk.
  236. >Twilight moves down your body.
  237. >She holds your penis at the entrance of her vagina.
  238. >But instead bring her hips down on your rod, she grinds herself it.
  239. >Feeling her outer lips rubbing against your penis.
  240. >Twilight gives a half smile.
  241. >You know what she wants.
  242. “Please, Twilight, would you allow this meager servant to have sex with you.”
  243. >Twilight seems to stiffen at your plea, but manages to keep her smile.
  244. >Moving her hooves to your chest.
  245. >She grabs your penis with her magic, and places it at the entrance pussy.
  246. >”I will allow it.” She says as she plunges herself down onto your rod.
  247. >”But.” She says in a stern voice.
  248. >”You’re anything but meager.”
  249. >Twilight starts rising her hips until she reaches an apex, before bring herself down.
  250. >”You’re the only one to not freak out, when told you what I was doing.
  251. >”You’re the only one to not question my decision, when I told you that would continue my studies into black magic.”
  252. >”You’re the only one to not fear for my safety, when you I would be careful.”
  253. >”You’re the only one to not betray me, when I said “No.” to them.”
  254. >”But more importantly, you’re my husband, and I love you with every fiber of my being.”
  256. >Twilight goes faster after each sentence.
  257. >The sounds of flesh slapping against each other get louder.
  258. >The bed creaks more and more with each passing moment.
  259. >You couldn’t keep your hands still, as you place them on Twilight’s hips.
  260. >Waiting for the right moment.
  261. >You push your pelvis upward, meeting her falling hips in the middle.
  262. >You both moan, as you both get into a rhythm.
  263. >You feel the end is nigh, as your toes curl in preparation for the coming climax.
  264. >Twilight isn’t fairing much better.
  265. >Her body is shuddering uncontrollably, and her vagina walls are doing their damnedest to get you to climax first.
  266. >Twilight lays onto your chest, and wraps her hooves around your neck.
  267. >She pulls you into a kiss, and this is what sets you off.
  268. >You wrap your arms around Twilight’s upper body, pulling her tightly against you.
  269. >With one final thrust, you explode.
  270. >Releasing who know how long pent up amount of cum.
  271. >Twilight’s orgasm wasn’t too far behind.
  272. >She shudders and moans into your mouth, as her vagina clamps tighter around you, trying its damnedest to milk you of everything your worth.
  273. >You hold Twilight in your embrace through both of your orgasms.
  274. >As soon as you both start having each other respectful afterglow.
  275. >Twilight breaks the kiss, and takes a deep inhale, which is followed by a sigh.
  276. >A blissful smile has spread across her face.
  277. >She lays her head down on your, and you see her horn glow.
  278. >You feel the blankets and sheets phase through you, as all sources of light in the room is snuffed out.
  279. >You close your eyes, feeling the warmth radiating from Twilight’s body.
  280. >”Goodnight, my King”
  281. “Goodnight, my Queen.”

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A Reward From the Queen

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