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Newlywed Nightmare

Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-08 02:22:16
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, and you’re running for your life from… something.
  2. >You never get a good look at what’s chasing you, because you can’t turn around.
  3. >In fact you can never stop running.
  4. >The only thing you know is that whatever is chasing you is big.
  5. >The hulking sounds of its footstep are louder than a commercial airline.
  6. >Its taunts and description of your unavoidable death rings deeply in your ear.
  7. >You ignore it all, sprinting with endless energy that you have no idea where it comes from.
  8. >You wish that you could slow down the thing that’s chasing you, but there is nothing.
  9. >Surrounded by an abyss that seems to stretch forever.
  10. >But that doesn’t matter so long as you keep running, but every second it sounds like the thing gets closer.
  11. >Its laughter filled with triumph as its prey draws near.
  12. >With one final earth shattering step it breaks the “solid” ground you’ve been running on.
  13. > You fall, but even if you tried to scream nothing could come out, no all you can is run.
  14. > You don’t know how long you free fall into the depthless abyss.
  15. >Until the darkness is separated by long lines of white.
  16. >Before you even asked what the lines are, they open
  17. > Revealing a humongous maw with a long whip like tongue and the lines were the fangs.
  18. >As you descend you hope upon hope that your death is swift, ending this nightmare that falling into.
  19. >But before the mouth closes around you.
  21. >You are Anon, and you just woken up screaming bloody murder as another nightmare ripped through your sleep.
  22. >Your hand painstakingly grips your chest, as your heart beats against your ribcage.
  23. >”Oh no not again, the doctor said those pill were supposed to help”
  24. >You slowly crane your neck and head to the sound of the voice.
  25. >Your newlywed wife Lilac Paradise sat next to you, her face filled with worry over the dilemma.
  26. >Despite her name, Lilac couldn’t be less purple if she tried.
  27. >Her coat was a light green with a solid white that trails down her back, sky blue mane usually made up in twin tails lays unkempt against her back, hazel that as of right now are shaking with fear, the only thing purple about her was her cutie mark with Lilacs aligned in a X.
  29. “Yeah another one.” your head cranes back looking down at your blanket covered legs.
  30. >Your breath is ragged and painful as if you’re inhaling diamond dust each time.
  31. >You’ve been getting these nightmares for two weeks, but they aren’t even the worst part
  32. >Every time you wake up you feel weaker, sicker, and even though you get the recommend hours of sleep, you might as well have stayed up and ran a marathon you’re so tried.
  33. >”Maybe we can go back to the hospital, see if they can find something different from last time.”
  34. “Yeah maybe” your voice didn’t hold much hope.
  35. >Probably should have said that with more emotion, but you just lack the strength to do so.
  36. >Lilac sighs before she turns to you and plants a kiss on your check.
  37. >”In any case sitting around in bed all day isn’t going to help, I’m going downstairs to make breakfast, you should clean you in the meantime.
  39. >Lilac swings out of bed, fixes her side of the blanket before she looks up and gives you a soft smile.
  40. >She turns and makes her way to the door
  41. >As she opens the door she turns her head and gives you one last smile, before she leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
  42. >You sit in bed for a few moments more, the desire to go anywhere almost none existence.
  43. >With a heavy sigh you swing the cinder blocks you call legs to the side of the bed.
  44. >Lifting yourself up you almost fall forward.
  45. >Catching yourself with your left arm against the wall.
  46. >Wish you can say it was a perfect catch, but it wasn’t
  47. >Your arm is tipping the lampshade that sits on nightstand, bending and deforming as it is forced against the wall.
  48. >The picture frame that holds yours and Lilac’s wedding day picture fall onto the nightstand, knocking the pill bottles off.
  49. >One of them lands on your foot but you are to numb to feel it, the other rolls under the bed.
  50. >Holy shit since when is getting out of bed a difficult task?
  51. >Your breathing accelerated and sweat collects at your forehead.
  52. >Shuffling toward the bathroom another task that should be effortless, instead feels like a dauntless challenge.
  53. >You open the door, shuffle inside, and turn on the lights.
  54. >Ignoring the mirror for the time being you turn on faucet and let the cold water flood into your palms.
  56. >You slap the water across your face a couple of times, hoping for some feel good feeling.
  57. >Your hope was misplaced.
  58. >Staring down into the sink, hearing the water swirl down the drain lets your mind wonder.
  59. >What is wrong with me? , Why does every day get worse? , What could possibly be causing this?
  60. >Turning off the faucet, your eyes finally wonders upward to the mirror.
  61. >Wow you look like shit.
  62. >Actuality that is an understatement and an insult to every piece of shit that exists.
  63. >Your eyes are so bloodshot that you fear if you cry blood would come out of your tear ducts.
  64. >The bags under your eyes are so deep you could put physical items in them and go on a world trip.
  65. >Your green complexion has turned to vomit green.
  66. >And in two week your healthy body weight of 155ib to 100ib.
  67. > Something physical can’t be doing this to you.
  68. >But it makes no sense if it’s magical either
  69. >When you first arrived in Equstria, Twilight poked and prodded you with every spell she could muster figuring out that your magic immunity was akin to dragon scales.
  70. >With your half assed clean up finished you pull yourself away from and reenter the bedroom.
  72. >As you enter the room your eyes fall onto the bed.
  73. >The thought to just lie down was almost temping enough to do it.
  74. >But you know if you did it would take any army to get you up.
  75. >No, instead you make your way to your closet.
  76. >Opening it you pull out a fresh suit and proceed to get dressed.
  77. >You needed to find out what’s wrong, even if it means annoying your wife about who you have to see.
  78. > Once dressed you make your way downstairs trying to put a little more energy into your walk.
  79. >Half way down the stairs you smelled Lilac’s cooking.
  80. >The smell used to make you rush as fast as you could to the table, but you’re trying not to face plant on the first step.
  81. >As you enter the dining room you can see Lilac has set up breakfast.
  82. >Covering the dining table is a white table cloth with purple polka dots.
  83. >On the table is plates, knives, forks, two cups of OJ, two sets of four pancakes, a pitcher of syrup, and your sunny side up eggs.
  84. >Lilac is next to the sink, drying her hooves.
  85. >When she see you enter a broad smile appears on her face.
  86. >”Hey Anon are you feeling any better?”
  87. >Ugh was the only answer you could give her.
  88. >”Well maybe you’ll feel better after a good meal.” Her enthusiasm remained as she trots toward the table, and takes a seat.
  89. >following her example you take your seat at the table and the two of you begin to eat.
  90. >You both ate in relative silence, which is unusual for Lilac as she would take the time to talk about anything.
  91. >You on the other hand didn’t have much mental energy to start let alone finish a conversation, you were also trying to think of a way to convince her to let you visit Twilight.
  92. >You see Lilac is a very jealous type of mare to the extreme.
  93. >Before you two started dating the only other ponies that bother to tolerate you was the Mane 6.
  94. >Lilac know of this beforehand, but made an ultimatum when you both started to get more intimate.
  95. >It was a simple her or them, and you pick her.
  96. >Of course Rainbow and AJ called bullshit (not their words), but in the end your friends respected your decision, so at least you didn’t leave on bad terms.
  97. >”Anon what’s wrong? You’ve barely eaten.”
  98. >You didn’t realize this while thinking, but she’s right.
  99. >You’ve only eaten half of your pancakes and the eggs remained untouched.
  100. “Oh um just thinking about stuff.”
  101. >”Oh, what stuff are you thinking about?”
  102. >You knew you have to drop this bombshell sooner rather than later.
  104. “I was thinking about going to see Twilight and ask if she can find anything wrong with me.”
  105. >It was good thing Lilac wasn’t eating anything when she dropped her fork, obviously hearing that ruined her morning.
  106. >”What, why? What could Twilight possibly find that any degree bound doctor couldn’t?
  107. >”And besides you’re magic immune, Twilight would be the worst pony to ask what’s wrong with you”
  108. >Your upset wife has some good points, but your half-awake half-unconscious mind thought of some counter arguments.
  109. “Yes Lilac you’re right I am magic immune, but let’s be real here whatever is affecting me these last two week isn’t normal, and any “degree bound doctor” will start bashing their heads in trying to figure why this is happening.”
  110. “And even if Twilight can’t help, she can ask Luna to peek into my nightmares and see what’s causing them.”
  111. >Note to self never talk that long again.
  112. >Your chest hurts, lungs are going into overtime trying to reclaim the precious oxygen you so foolishly released back in the atmosphere.
  113. >There is also a strange stinging pain that throbs at the front of your heart with each beat.
  114. >Just seeing how badly a toll you’ve paid to have this debate causes Lilac to relent with sigh
  115. >”Fine, go see her, but don’t you spend more than an hour over at her castle, or I’ll buck it over and drag you back here.
  116. >Yes Ma’am you though while slowly rising from your seat.
  117. >”Hold on let me help you.”
  118. >Your wife gets out of her and stands to the left of you.
  119. >Using her spine as leverage, praising the havens that earth ponies were the hardiest out of the bunch, you lift yourself out of your seat.
  120. >Slowly making your way to the front door, you begin to open.
  121. >”Do you need me to walk you there?” Lilac asks sincerely
  122. “No I can do this.” You say just above a whisper
  124. >Really the only reason you didn’t say yes was because of what happen the last time Twilight and Lilac was in the same room together, your still footing that bill.
  125. >”Alright just be careful and don’t pass out on the street okay” her concern apparent in both voice and body.
  126. >With a nod you bend down to kiss her forehead and open the door to start the long journey toward Friendship Castle.
  127. >You are Twilight Sparkle and today is wonderful day to be alive.
  128. >Celestia’s radiant sunlight fills your room with a comforting warmth comparable to when you stand next to her.
  129. >Stretching your limbs and forcing out one last yawn from your lungs, as the door to your room opens.
  130. >Spike peeks his head around the door, when he notices that you are awake, a smile appears on his face while he waves a claw.
  131. >”Good morning Twi, it’s about time you woke up.”
  132. “Good morning Spike.” ignoring his remark on how you slept in.
  133. >”Alright don’t give a reason on why you could sleep through an earthquake today”
  134. “Ha, ha very funny Spike lets ignore all the times you slept in through earthquakes over the years shall we.
  135. >”Ah she returning fire, duck for cover!” Spike says as he throws his arms in front of his face.
  136. >Smiling at his antics, you get out of bed, and use your magic to fix it.
  137. >”Alright now that our morning banter is over with, what do you want for lunch?”
  138. >Remembering that you promise Fluttershy and Rarity the three of you would met up for lunch, you opted for a light snack.
  139. “Hmm tell the caretakers that I’m eating out, but I’ll have a blue berry muffin, green tea, and the morning paper.
  140. >Spike raises his claw and forming an ok he slides behind the door and closes it.
  142. >As Spike leaves to tell the caretakers (you don’t like to call them servants) what you ordered, you make your way toward the bathroom.
  143. >Turning on the bathroom light, you use telekinesis to turn the shower knob to lukewarm temperature.
  144. >taking a moment to examine yourself in the mirror.
  145. >Your manes a mess, disheveled with split ends and small tangles.
  146. >In an attempt to fix it you whip your mane back and forth.
  147. >Obviously this fails and makes your mane more of a mess
  148. >Giggling at the manetrophe as Rarity would call it, you trot towards the shower.
  149. >Testing the waters with your left hoof, you feel that the temperature was acceptable, you get in the shower.
  150. >Letting the water cascade around you for a moment, before you grab your body wash.
  151. >Your mind stars to wander.
  153. >While little fantasies of what your friends might be doing right plays through your mind.
  154. >Your thoughts stop on the only human friend you have.
  155. >Anon absent was strongly felt when Lilac ripped him from your group of friends.
  156. >Dashie and AJ cause the most uproar while you screamed internally.
  157. >You never understood why Lilac got so abrasive when Anon spent time away from her.
  158. >You were surprised that wedding invitations was even sent to you and your friends.
  159. >No doubt because Anon wanted you all there for his big day, but even at the wedding you had limited interactions with him.
  160. >The best anyone could say hi and congratulations before he was pulled away by his newlywed wife.
  161. >With your shower complete, you turn off the water, and get out.
  162. >You dry yourself with magic, you grab a brush, and start straightening out your mane.
  163. >As you exit the bathroom, you can see that the caretakers brought what you requested.
  164. >On your table where you do your princess duties sat a tray with a freshly baked Blue berry muffin, green tea, and the morning paper.
  165. >Walking towards the table, you place your brush down on the table away from your food.
  166. >Multitasking with magic, you grab the muffin and tea.
  167. >You take a bit of the muffin followed by a light sip from your drink.
  168. >Using your hooves, you open up the paper, and read the headline
  169. >”Sixth stallion found deceased from unknown cause, and the sixth spouse to have disappeared”.
  170. >A savage chill lanced through your veins and body.
  171. >What, how could this even happen?
  172. >Doing a quick skim sadly yields no information.
  173. >The article had incredibly sparse details over each incident
  174. >Perhaps at first it was unexplained accident, but as more stallions kept dying in s similar way, it started to make a splash in the public eye.
  175. >Then who could’ve done this?
  176. >Changelings are probably responsible
  177. >But why kill their only source of food?
  178. >Not only that, but dead husbands and disappearing spouses is just going to bring the attention of all the ruling Princess.
  179. >This could be an act of revenge for what happen three years ago.
  180. >But why would Chrysalis start her revenge with stallions that had nothing to do with her defeat.
  181. “Ugh”
  182. >Finally unleashing your pent up frustration, you throw the newspaper behind you, papers scattering to the four winds.
  183. >Taking a quick glance, you can see your outlet was a poor choice, as your mess litters the floor.
  184. >You’ll clean that up when you get back, you thought with a sigh, as you turn back towards the table.
  185. >While the muffin was no doubt still edible, the tea was cold making a less than favorable drink.
  186. “I’m not hungry any more anyways” you say to no one in particular.
  187. >Maybe talking with Rarity and Fluttershy would help you get your mind off things
  188. >Or it could make them worse you never know.
  190. >Making your way through the castle, making various greeting to the staff and guards does little to stifle the negative questions that plague your mind.
  191. >What if a stallion you know ends up like the others? what if it happens in Ponyville?, could you and your friends stop it if it did?
  192. >Shaking your head to banish the thought, as you make way to the doors.
  193. >Thrusting the golden double doors open, you step in the sunlight.
  194. >As the sun’s rays hits your body, it thaws the harsh ice from your veins.
  195. >A most wondrous cure for a terrible aliment.
  196. >With a renewed smile on your face, you continue onward to your lunch date.
  197. >Or you would have if you hadn’t spotted Anon standing in front the stairs, though seeing him after so long only widen your smile.
  198. >You were about to shout his name until you noticed something was wrong.
  199. >Anon was swaying to and fro on his feet, looking more unstable with each sway, his head craned down, and he look so much skinnier since the last time.
  200. >Before another thought manage to get processed, Anon lost his balance, and fall to his left.
  201. >Quickly hitting your panic magic button, you form a magical aura around him.
  202. >A proud but fruitless effort, as he phases through it.
  203. >Right magic immunity.
  205. >Anon’s body hits the ground with a heavy thud.
  206. >A group of on looking pony gasped.
  207. >While the two guards station at the base of the stairs jumped a little at Anon’s sudden collapse.
  208. >Your mind still in a state of panic hardly has to process anything but your friend.
  209. “Don’t just stand there, help me get him to the hospital!” you shout to the less than useful guards, as you gallop pass them.
  210. >Still dumbstruck at what’s going on they barely manage a “Yes Ma’am”
  211. >You and one of the guards pick up Anon by his arms, while the second guard holds Anon on his back.
  212. >With combine effort the three drag Anon to the hospital.
  213. > Once you and your guards reached your destination, Anon was swiftly rushed to IC, and even though you hate to do so, you abused your royalty status and to get seat next to him.
  214. >Seeing Anon in such a state refroze your veins.
  215. >What could have possibly happen to him in such a short time?
  216. >Remembering the newspaper article and your previous thought makes you shudder uncontrollably.
  217. >Hopefully you won’t have to wait long to gets some answers.
  218. >No sooner had you cherished the thought, the Doctor walked in with a nurse in tow.
  219. >Doctor IV is a white unicorn stallion with ginger red mane stylized into a ponytail, bushy eyebrows, and a goatee.
  220. >His nurse is a Deep ocean blue pegasus with a shaggy short crop mane.
  222. >Dr. IV face widen with surprise upon seeing Anon.
  223. >”By Celestia’s rising sun what happen to him!”
  224. >That really isn’t the most reassuring thing a Doctor could say when his patient is in critical condition.
  225. “What do you mean what happen to him?!” “You’re the Doctor he saw last time aren’t you, how could you not know what’s wrong with him?!” panic filled your voice as you spoke.
  226. >Good job keeping your emotions in check Twilight.
  227. >Dr. IV regarded your question, while briskly moving towards Anon.
  228. >”The last time Anonymous came two weeks ago, it was because of sleep deprivation cause by a constant string of nightmare.”
  229. >”I assure you Princess this an unexpected development as none of the symptoms of sleep deprivation include body aches, and loss of body weight, and from the looks of it a very irregular heartbeat.”
  230. >Even though Dr. IV tried to hide it, you still the confusion in his voice.
  231. >As the Dr. IV studies the cardiac monitor, you mind begins to dissect what you just heard.
  232. >Nightmares? Odd he never mentioned nightmares before, and he looked fine at the wedding.
  233. >Then they must be new, but how long have they been going on?
  234. >Did they start immediately after the reception, or did they start midway through the week?
  235. >There is also the problem of Anon’s Physical condition.
  236. >No matter how severe, no nightmare could cause a body to degrade so much if at all, so it has to be something else.
  237. >While your mind was popping out a thousand questions a second.
  238. >You barley catch a snippet of the conversation between Dr. IV and his nurse.
  239. >He mentioned that he was going to get nurse Redheart so she can assist them in setting up a CAT scan, before exiting the room leaving just you and the nurse.
  240. >While your mind was shifting through question after question with no answers in sight.
  241. >You stop on one question that could be answered.
  242. “Was Anon’s wife with him when he came here before?”
  244. >You can see the pegasus put some thought into your question before shaking her head.
  245. >”No princess, Anonymous was alone when he came for his checkup.”
  246. >What? Really? What could be more important than her husband’s health?
  247. >In fact why didn’t she take him to get another checkup when he got worse?
  248. >If Anon was your-
  249. >You quickly put down that train of thought, but that not fast enough to stop your heart from hitting the pit of your stomach.
  250. >’He’s not yours Twilight.’
  251. > Thank you inner voice, feel like telling me something useful while you’re at it?
  252. >Of course you get no response back, typical.
  253. >With a sigh you look towards Anon.
  254. >He still looks so deathly ill, even with all the IVs filling his body with chemicals trying to keep him alive.
  255. >Connected to all sorts of medical equipment to monitor his vitals, none of which is showing anything in the green.
  256. >Shaking uncontrollably you rub your hooves uncomfortably together.
  257. >You pry to the sun and stars that he hangs on to the precious life he’s been given.
  259. >You are Lilac Paradise, and you’re bored and irritated.
  260. >Bored because there is nothing on T.V and the crossword you started was too easy.
  261. >Also what’s with all the help the animals’ commercials?
  262. >Did Fluttershy guilt trip the broadcasting station again?
  263. >The lack of entertainment was annoying enough, but that isn’t what’s got you irritated.
  264. >Firstly it was Anon going to see Twilight Sparkle.
  265. >Over something that she has no possibility to understand.
  266. >Secondly his hour is up and he still isn’t back yet!
  267. >They’re both making you miss your second favorite thing to do in the day
  268. >Taking a nice long nap snuggled up to your husband chest.
  269. >That activity is only beaten by the glorious eight hours sleep you both share together.
  270. >Thirdly you hate Anon being anywhere near Twilight.
  271. >You’ve seen the looks that desperate mare has given your husband.
  272. >She even has the gall to give them during your wedding reception.
  273. >That mare is utterly pathetic.
  274. >Ugh just thinking about her is making you blood boil.
  275. >Okay if nothing that catches your interest on the next channel flip, you’re going to get your husband, after you uproot Twilight’s castle.
  276. >Click
  277. >”Please help save-“
  278. “That’s it!”
  279. >Hopping off the sofa you make a mad march towards the front door.
  280. >Forcing the door open, it makes a loud bang on the side of your house.
  281. >That manages to draw more than a few curious stares from the bystanders.
  282. >Not that you care, you’re fueled by anger, and on a mission to rise some hell
  283. >Or is it Tartarus?
  284. >Well whatever these stupid ponies call their plane of eternal damnation you’re going to rise it!
  286. >Your stamped through Ponyville was largely uneventful.
  287. >Probably because the other ponies could tell you weren’t in a hospitable mood.
  288. >Good you didn’t feel like dealing with them right now anyways.
  289. >Approaching Twilight’s castle, you can see two guards stationed at the entrance.
  290. >Now that you think about it, you could use them to gain information on the whereabouts of your husband.
  291. >Bottling your anger, you greet them with the friendliest smile you could muster
  292. “Why hello there kind sirs, I was just wondering if it would be too much trouble if I asked a few questions?”
  293. >The right guard stood at attention.
  294. >”Not at all ma’am, as national guards, we’re honor bound to assist all in need.” He said in a commanding voice.
  295. >His companion on the other hand, had his worriedly eyes bounce back and forth between you and his friend.
  296. >Oh it seem that Equestria’s, soldiers in fact do have emotions and are not all stoic statues.
  297. >Interesting, but not what you were looking for.
  298. “Oh thank you, you see I was just wondering if my husband Anonymous came by earlier today, and if he did is he still here?”
  299. >You noticed the left guard slowly walk his way up the stairs.
  300. >”Yes ma’am, Citizen Anonymous was here earlier.”
  301. >Apparently the second guard thought subtly was not the way to handle his escape, and promtly started to gallop his way into the castle, leaving just the two of you left.
  302. >But that isn’t what’s bothering you, oh no what’s bothering is the word “was”.
  303. “Um excuse.” You say to pull the first guard attention back to you.
  304. “You said Anonymous “was” here, where is he now?”
  305. >It was after you asked that, the guard’s eyes widen in realized who you were.
  306. “And while you at it could tell where me Princess Twilight is?” “No doubt she with my husband.”
  307. >You were having a hard time to not just explode all over the unfortunate stallion.
  308. >The poor fellow was quivering in his armor.
  309. >Anon always said that you’re terrifying when you got angry.
  310. >Too bad it never seemed to work on Twilight.
  311. “Well, I’m waiting.”
  312. >The guard swallowed hard, before he open his mouth.
  313. >”AnonymouspassedoutinfrontofthecastleandPrincessTwilightaskedforassistancetobringtothehospital,thatsallIknowpleasedon’thurtme.”
  314. >Before you could even respond he galloped faster than his friend did into the castle slamming the door behind him.
  315. >It only took you a second to decipher what the guard had told you.
  316. >Oh shit your husband is in the hospital!
  317. >You turn 180 degrees, you rush to the hospital, hoping it’s not too late.
  319. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  320. >And you are currently following Dr. IV and nurse Redheart as they push Anon to the CAT scan room.
  321. >The other nurse was relieved from watching over Anon when Redheart appeared.
  322. >Even though you can’t follow Anon all the, you can follow half way.
  323. >The three of you walked in silence.
  324. >Not much to talk about when no one doesn’t even know what’s going on
  325. >The sound that mostly filled your ears was the clopping of your hooves, and the occasional beep from a machine that echoed through the halls.
  326. >You really wish someone would break this uneasy quiet.
  327. >”OH MY GOSH ANON!”
  328. >’Careful what you wish for.’
  329. >Shut up inner voice.
  330. >Lilac appeared for around the corner, and rushed to Anon’s side
  331. >Bowling over Dr. IV in the process.
  332. >”Oooh Anon what could have did this to you?”
  333. >Lilac puts her head atop Anon’s chest, and begins to sob loudly.
  334. >Ugh she is so fake!
  335. >You could fill a small heat starting to rise in your chest.
  336. >’You really shouldn’t say what you’re thinking Twilight’.
  337. >She didn’t care how he was doing before, why is she pretending to now.
  338. >’That’s a nice thought Twilight, and you have every right to think it, but you should really bite your tongue on this one.’
  339. >That small heat was being kindled into a bigger fire by the holier than thou attitude of your inner voice.
  340. >Well you know what inner voice? , I haven’t listened to before why should start now?
  341. “You’re right Lilac, it’s is a tragedy to see Anon in his current state.”
  342. “But that only begs the question of what his wife was doing while his health was deteriorating?”
  344. >Lilac whipped her head so fast you’re unsure how she didn’t manage to break her neck.
  345. >”Excuse me, what the hell do you mean by that!”
  346. >Oh no she giving you the “I want you dead” glare that every villain has given you.
  347. >Too bad for Lilac, as you rank her under pretty much every single one of those villains.
  348. “Ohh nothing, I’m just saying if any other mare who loved their husbands saw that he was slowly dying they might have done something about it.”
  349. >You couldn’t contain the smug for your voice even if you tried.
  350. “Buuut for some reason you’ve have completely ignored all signs of Anon’s declining health.”
  351. “Not very spouse like behavior now is it.”
  352. >Apparently you hit a nerve something fierce.
  353. >Lilac volts over Anon’s bed, and tackles you into a nearby wall.
  354. >Good thing you have a magic panic button, because hitting your head against the wall without a barrier might have hurt.
  355. >Lilac didn’t give you much time to think however.
  356. >Rising her hoof in an attempt to smash your face in.
  357. >Crossing your forelegs over your face, blocking the incoming blow, you deny her of the pleasure.
  358. >It hurts tremendously, nearly numbing them in one shot
  359. >Accursed earth ponies and their naturally high strength.
  360. >Thinking through the pain, you try to wrap Lilac in a levitation spell.
  361. >Unfortunately she manages to get two more hits in before it’s done.
  362. >But the look of shock on her face was amusing to say the least.
  363. >You pull Lilac off you, and slammed her a few feet away from Anon’s hospital bed.
  364. >Living up to your title of Element of Magic, you multitask a force spell while you pin her down.
  365. >When it finishes, you let up on the levitation spell, and you fire at will.
  366. >The result is Lilac rolling until she is stop a wall, her spine and head collide into it with a loud bang.
  368. >You slowly pick yourself up on shaking legs.
  369. >Much like your adversary, you wasn’t going to stop after a few quick hits.
  370. >Though you didn’t want to push it too far.
  371. >A magical shock bolt on a novice level should be enough.
  372. >As you were charging it up, you didn’t notice a white hoof rush towards your horn.
  373. >Otherwise you would have been mentally and physically prepared when it was grabbed.
  374. >The hoof yanks your horn quickly and violently backwards.
  375. >Such an action makes you lose concentration and yelps in pain.
  376. >”That’ll be enough outta you missy!” Nurse Redheart growls.
  377. >Lilac manages to get through her aftershock.
  378. >Opening her eyes, there was more than enough evidence to show that she wasn’t done.
  379. >But before she could get up, nurse Redheart turn to her.
  380. >”And you better sit your little ass down before I put it in a room myself!”
  381. >Well that halted Lilac’s movement, but it didn’t douse her fury any.
  382. >”Now that I got you children to sit, what is wrong with you?!”
  383. >Her head flicks back and forth between the two of you.
  384. >”This is a house of healing, not an underground fight club!”
  385. >Great now you feel bad.
  386. >”Well I wouldn’t have to be so aggressive if some pony would keep their hooves off my husband.
  387. >And now you no longer feel bad.
  388. “What is wrong with you?!” “How could I possibly think about having an affair with Anon when he isn’t even conscious?!”
  389. >For some untold reason Lilac has this deep rooted fear that you’ll ruin her marriage.
  390. >Yes you still have some lingering feelings for Anon.
  391. >But you aren’t so petty and jealous that ruining his happiness for a few fleeting selfish moments is worth it.
  392. >Apparently Nurse Redheart could see her words have fallen on deaf ears.
  393. >And instead of breaking up another quarrel she had a better idea.
  394. >That’s when you felt that familiar I’m not where I used to be feeling that only happens as a result from a teleport spell
  395. >Looking around your new surroundings, you realize that you’re outside the hospital.
  396. >More specifically the southwest side of the hospital.
  397. >You thought that maybe you should find Lilac and drop a boulder on her head.
  398. >But then you remember how sore your forelegs around, and would rather put an ice pack on them.
  399. >Seeing as ice packs are better than wanton destruction, you warp back to your castle.
  401. >Once you arrive back at your castle, your emotions star to cool, and you start analyzing over recent events.
  402. >And realize you messed up.
  403. >You had let your emotions control your actions.
  404. >To make matters worse this is the second time this happened.
  405. >You’re a Princess for crying out loud!
  406. >You should be a beacon for your ponies to follow.
  407. >Not getting into fight with the denizens of your kingdom, disrupting the peace, and causing property damage.
  408. >Princess Celestia always told you to keep your emotions in check during critical moments.
  409. >The mere thought at Princess Celestia’s name chilled you to the bone.
  410. >How would she react if she found out?
  411. >She could sentence anything she wanted on you, and she would be rightly justified.
  412. >But every punishment would pale in comparison to the look of disappointment she would give you.
  413. >And this downward spiral keeps on going.
  414. >You still don’t know what’s wrong with Anon, and the only who could tell you, you just so happened to throw against a wall.
  415. >Anon’s life is hanging on by a thread, and instead of asking vital questions that could have lead you to finding out what’s wrong.
  416. >You decided to pick a fight.
  417. >All because you don’t have any fondness towards Lilac.
  418. >Wonderful Twilight, you just killed Anon.
  420. >You are Lilac Paradise.
  421. >And today is just one of those days.
  422. >You surprise yourself with how much restraint you have right now.
  423. >By the hells below why did those two have to make things difficult?!
  424. >All the others at least followed the plan.
  425. >No fuss, no hassle.
  426. >And it was a quick get in get out.
  427. >But not Anon, nope.
  428. >”Waah Lilac I’m hurting.”
  429. >”Waah Lilac I need to go to the hospital”
  430. >”Waah Lilac I need to go see Twilight.”
  431. >And of course he just had to make a scene right in front of the most inquisitive little shit on the whole planet!
  432. >Fucking hell why couldn’t he just last long enough to ask for Luna, instead of passing out on purple shit’s door step?!
  433. >That would grant you a few more feeding before you ended everything.
  434. >Seeing as Luna’s dumb ass would only focus on one of Anon’s “symptoms”
  435. >His nightmares.
  436. >And the fucking cow would never figure out why she couldn’t see into his dreams.
  437. >All thanks to the wonderful magic you’ve been blessed with since birth.
  438. >And once the starving hamster finally gets around to asking about Anon’s physical being.
  439. >You’ll be long gone.
  440. >Maybe even off this multicolored shit stain of a world.
  441. >But that’s what could have been, not what’s happening now.
  442. >Releasing a pent up sigh.
  443. >You need to start making a plan on how to get into the hospital without being detected.
  444. >Tonight’s feeding is going to be a pain in the ass.
  446. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  447. >And for the last few hours, you’ve been sitting on your throne with ice packs laying across your forelegs.
  448. >The good news is that they no longer hurt.
  449. >The bad news is you still have no clue how to save Anon.
  450. >You thought of transfusions, to natural healing methods, to asking Zecora to a look at him.
  451. >Transfusions was shot down by obvious reasons.
  452. >You don’t know how much herbs would be need before they would take effect.
  453. >And you don’t know if Anon would last if you went and got Zecora, or if she could find anything wrong with him anyways.
  454. >Every single time you thought you had a solution, you found some reason on why it wouldn’t work.
  455. >There just too many unknown variables, and you have too little information.
  456. >But you can’t give up!
  457. >As Princess and Anon’s friend you must find a way to save him!
  458. >”You know you could just watch over him for tonight.”
  459. >Your head was pulled out of your thoughts at the sudden disturbance.
  460. >You notice Spike, sitting next to the map of Equestria, his back leaning against it, as he rotates a small ruby in between his claws.
  461. “Huh?”, “what?”, “watch over who?”
  462. >You weren’t prepared for anyone to interrupt you, so you still a little scatterbrain.
  463. >Spike just gives you a deadpan stare.
  464. >”Really Twilight we’re playing the Pronoun game right now, and you know who I’m talking about.”
  465. >TwilightOS Reboot at 97%, 98%, 99%, 100%.
  466. >TwilightOS successfully restarted.
  467. >You violently shake your head to clear it.
  468. “Huh, um yes I do know who you’re talking about, but how do you know what’s wrong with Anon, and what would watching over him do?”
  470. >Spike smirks at your question, and stands up.
  471. >He flicks the ruby into his mouth.
  472. >His chewing only takes a sec or two, before he swallows.
  473. >”Alright now I’m going to answer your questions, but I’m going to do so out of order.
  474. >”First off I’m small, adorable, and ponies see me as a toddler.”
  475. >”This means that I can see things without anyone noticing, eavesdrop in plain sight, and everyone, including you, will think I’m too young to understand, and lastly if I do get caught, ponies just go “aww he’s so cute”, and leave me alone.”
  476. >”For instance, earlier I saw Anon pass out at the castle’s stairs.”
  477. >”I saw Lilac come to see if Anon and you were still, I also saw the guard tell Lilac where you two were before he bailed.”
  478. >”Later today I heard the same guard complain to his friend about him leaving him with a monster dressed up as a mare.”
  479. >”And just now I heard you mumbling about how bad Anon is doing right now.”
  480. >You stare at Spike for a moment, as you take in what he just said, and you realize how right he is.
  481. >But you do not mumble!
  482. >”And to answer your second question.”
  483. >”If you watch over Anon tonight, you can see if he gets worse as the night goes on, or if anything happens to him during the night.”
  485. >TwilightOS is currently processing new information.
  486. >TwilightOS has finished processing.
  487. >You ecstatically jump from your throne, dropping the icepacks on the floor.
  488. >You quickly fly over to Spike, and scoop him into your arms, as you fly to the center of the throne room.
  489. “Yes!”
  490. “Thank you Spike, you’re the best dragon ever!”
  491. >His smile grows wide with your complement.
  492. >”Yeah yeah I Know, now what are you waiting for?”, “Go put my brilliant plan in action!”
  493. “Right!” you say with authority, as you float down, and put Spike back on the floor.
  494. >But as you turn to leave, you remember that you left the hospital on bad terms.
  495. >”Alright, what’s up?”
  496. >He sounded a little impatience.
  497. “Um yeah, you see I got into a fight with Lilac, so I might not be welcome there for a while.”
  498. >You can hear the facepalm that Spike made.
  499. “Not a problem my faithful assistant.” You say, as you turn back to face him.
  500. “I’ve snuck into the hospital after dark before, tonight shouldn’t be any harder.”
  501. “And beside what’s the worst that could happen?
  503. >You are Anon.
  504. >And once again you’re running.
  505. >But this time it feels different.
  506. >It feels like the first time you started to have these nightmares.
  507. >But strangely enough nothing else has changed.
  508. >The same old emptiness.
  509. >The same old sounds.
  510. >The same old whatever is chasing you, throwing the same threats at you like last time.
  511. >Quite frankly this is boring.
  512. >How was it that you were afraid of this?
  513. >There isn’t even anything here to fear.
  514. >Well not until you fall anyway.
  515. >But why keep running if you know it was going to happen?
  516. >In fact, stop!
  517. >For the first time ever, you start to slow down.
  518. >Your speed dropping, until a few more steps is all it take, before you’re completely at rest.
  519. >Wow was it always that easy?
  520. >Now that you defied the natural order already, why not do it again?
  521. >As you start to turn, you feel some kind of force pushing against you, as if it doesn’t want you to see what’s behind you.
  522. >But fuck whatever is trying to stop, for two week you’ve been running from!
  523. >Overpowering the unknown force, you turn around to see.
  524. >Nothing.
  525. >Literally fucking nothing.
  526. >For two weeks you have been running from nothing.
  527. >Are you fucking serious!
  528. >What kind of sick bastard would do that?!
  529. >What was once fear turned into boredom has now turned into an inextinguishable rage.
  530. >So much so, you decide to do something that makes no sense.
  531. >You run head first into the darkness that once chased you.
  532. >Your left fist is raised, and you giving your best war cry.
  533. >Even if there is nothing to hit, you just feel the need to punch something!
  534. >You run for an unknown amount of time, before you feel it just right to throw out you punch, and.
  536. >Your eyes flash open, as you feel your hand connect with something that feels like skin.
  537. >Wait, skin?
  538. >Apparently you had put more strength into that punch than you thought, because whatever you hit moved off your bed, and manage to go some distance before hitting the floor.
  539. >In the process something was forcibly removed from your chest.
  540. >And it was follow by an indescribably amount of pain.
  541. >You quickly rise up into a sitting position, you reach your right hand, and grasp at your chest.
  542. >Along with the pain, you’re also having coughing fits and inhaling deeply when you are not coughing.
  543. >”Oh come the fuck on, can nothing go my way today!”
  544. >Okay what the hell was that?
  545. >You turn your head to the sound of the voice.
  546. >what you see can be described, you just have no idea what you are staring at.
  547. >It is pretty tall from what you can see, as lays on the tile floor.
  548. >Skin looks like the color of blood.
  549. >Two long, lanky arms are attached to its body, the hands are tipped with three claw like fingers.
  550. >The legs are also long, but with a little more bulk on the thighs.
  551. >the feet, if you can call them that, have three talons each.
  552. >Two wings are folded against its back.
  553. >A tail lays curled on the floor, it’s tipped with an arrow head.
  554. >And lastly its face, staring you down with one large eye, the iris is just a long narrow slit, and atop its head is a horn that stands straight up.
  555. >Now that you’re done analyzing the monstrosity across from you.
  556. >What the fuck is that thing!
  557. >Whatever it is take notice of your confusion, and smiles.
  558. >It shows nothing, but a row of fangs.
  559. >Similarly like the ones at the end of your nightmares.
  560. >”Aw what’s the matter Anon don’t you recognize me?”
  561. “N-no.” (Cough) “Who, or what are you?”
  562. >”Hmm alright then.” It says, as stands up, proving you right that it was tall.
  563. >”It’s me your loving wife, Lilac Paradise
  565. “W-what?”
  566. >The laugh that erupts from Lilac’s lungs is filled with malicious glee.
  567. >”Ooh, I’m sorry baby, don’t like what you see?”
  568. >”Here let me fix that for you.”
  569. >A blackish red aura started to form around Lilac until it covered her entire body.
  570. >What happens next could never fit under “need to see it to believe it”
  571. >Lilac’s body started to shrink.
  572. >Hands and feet became hooves, while her arms and legs changed form to better suit their new appendages.
  573. >Her skeletal structure changed to accommodate for the loss of height, and to change her from a biped to a quadruped.
  574. >Lilac’s horn, wing, and tail was sucked into her body, and shortly after a pony’s tail emerged to fill the void.
  575. >Once everything had changed, the aura dissipate, leaving behind the Lilac you thought know.
  576. >”Now is better my love.” She says with a chuckle
  577. >This bitch is mocking you.
  578. >Well she doesn’t did for long, as she drops the disguise.
  579. >Not much point in keeping up now.
  580. >”Alright Anon I just know your pretty little head is drowning in questions, so ask away, I mean it’s not like you’ll be alive for much longer anyways.
  581. >Oh she’s not just a bitch, she’s a smug bitch.
  582. >And if you learn anything from good guys vs. bad guys.
  583. >It’s that smug villains love to hear themselves talk.
  584. >So let the monologue begin.
  586. “Okay “loving wife” what is that you want with me?”
  587. >You needed a way out.
  588. >You see your heart monitor to your right.
  589. >That Could come in handy.
  590. >”You see my dearest, like all living things I need to eat, and the life force of other living is just the best meal.
  591. >Lilac starts to walk towards your bed.
  592. >”And imagine my surprise when I found you, a human in a world were none have existed before.”
  593. >”You humans have one of the tastiest life force.”
  594. >She reaches your bed, and bends down, staring at you with her one eye.
  595. >You swing your legs off the bed, pulling out the sheet that were once tucked in.
  596. >”Too bad I couldn’t have found you sooner, then I would be in this mess.”
  597. >She doesn’t sound too happy.
  598. “Okay then, sweetheart mind telling me how you manage to get said life force with killing anyone.
  599. >Lilac moves her tail into view, dangling the arrowhead tip in front of your face.
  600. >”Life drain is such a helpful spell, and comes with the add benefit of distracting the target mind in some way so they don’t feel a thing, well until the spell finishes that is.
  601. “Wait magic how the-.”
  602. >Yes yes your immunity that was a tough nut to crack.” Lilac so rudely cuts you off.
  603. >”But as I found out not too long into our marriage, your magic immunity is only skin deep, so I had to wait for you to fall asleep and I had to get a little more physical then I used to.
  604. “Uh huh.”
  605. >Questions answered, time to act!
  606. >You quickly go for a halfcocked left straight, but Lilac catch it with her own left hand.
  607. >”Really Anon that’s the best you can do?”
  608. “No, but it’s a good thing you’re bending over.”
  609. >Before she could think about what you said, you kick you right leg out.
  610. >Your foot collides with her stomach.
  611. >Yeah she’s probably understands what you mean now.
  612. >You follow up with a right hook, slamming your fist into her cheek.
  613. >Lilac’s left hand loses its grip on yours.
  614. >You pull your left arm back, and strike out with another hook.
  615. >This time the blow send Lilac to the floor, she barley manages to catch herself.
  616. >You quickly get off the bed and reach for the heart monitor.
  617. >You pick it up, thankful for the long cord, and with all your might, you slam it across Lilac’s head.
  618. >Figuring it would take too much time to remove your I.V, you pick up the pole they’re attached to, and make a mad dash for the door.
  619. >You reach the door and turn the knob, but before you could open it, your left leg is pulled from underneath you.
  620. >In her attempt to pull you away from the door, actually get it open.
  621. >You hand loses grip on the knob however, your vision goes from the door to the celling, as you feel your back and head hit with a loud thud.
  622. >You start to black out, as you feel Lilac’s claw grab you throat.
  623. >”Where do you think you’re going I’m not-.”
  624. >It was this time Lilac was cut off.
  625. >But not by words, but by a large purple beam of magical energy.
  626. >The last thing you heard before losing consciousness was someone calling your name.
  628. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  629. >And with the way you’ve been trotting around your throne room, waiting for Celestia’s sun to go down, and for Luna to raise her moon.
  630. >Not only could you’ve made a rut through solid crystal, you could have also dug through it, and hit the ground below.
  631. >Click “Two hundred fifty one”
  632. >You stop, and turn to look at Spike, who is sitting in his throne.
  633. “Spike could you please stop counting.”
  634. >He shrugs his shoulders.
  635. >”Eh what else am I supposed to do while I watch you?”
  636. >”I mean if you are so worried why not get the others, and stake the place out.”
  637. “No they won’t be necessary.”
  638. “Besides I’ll be watching over an unconscious man all night, with nothing to do.”
  639. “And it’ll be easier to sneak into a guarded hospital if I’m by myself.”
  640. >”Alright if you’re so confident that nothing will happen, then why are you so worried?”
  641. >A feeling of shame washes over, as you wish he didn’t ask that.
  642. >Casting your head downward to avoid his gaze, your chest tightens around your heart and lungs, and tears started to form in your eyes.
  643. “I-I don’t want to lose him again.”
  644. >Those words, words you wish you could banish from your thoughts, words that conveyed your how you truly feel about Anon, words that told how hurt you were when you found out about his wedding.
  645. >It was a pain like no other.
  646. >At first it was nothing serious between Anon and Lilac, and so long as Anon could spend time with you, you could live happily in a fantasy you created.
  647. >But that fantasy was shattered when you caught them kissing at the park one day, and a dagger was stabbed into your heart.
  649. >Every day since then.
  650. >Any time you saw them cuddling, whispering sweet nothings to each other, and kissing.
  651. >That dagger went just a little bit deeper.
  652. >And then your day of reckoning came, when Anon announced he was going to marry Lilac.
  653. >The dagger that was so firmly lodge in your heart finally punched through, leaving a void behind in its wake.
  654. >You don’t remember much of that day after that.
  655. >And your suffering only continued when you received the wedding invitation.
  656. >You almost didn’t go, but you buried your petty feelings to be a part of your friend’s happiest day.
  657. >Oh how you wish you could’ve kept those feeling contained, but you couldn’t.
  658. >When Anon and Lilac was saying their vows, you wanted to scream, to put a hold on the whole affair.
  659. >And when they kissed to seal their vows, the void cracked further, threating to split your heart in two.
  660. >But when everything was said and done, when the corks from bottles started to pop, and when ponies went to congratulate the newlyweds.
  661. >You went up to them and gave them the biggest smile you could offer, while screaming in utter agony deep inside.
  662. >You gave them your congratulations and wished them a happy married life.
  663. >Your trip down memory lane brought tears to your eyes.
  664. >Tears that should have dried ages ago.
  665. >But no matter how much you try to heal.
  666. >The pain of falling in love with a man, when he has given his mind, body, and soul to another, will remain forever aching.
  668. >Spike pulls you from your thoughts by wrapping his scaly arms around your torso.
  669. >A hug, something so simple, but much more powerful than any word could be.
  670. >You return the hug, pulling him tightly against your body.
  671. >Spike was being really good to you today.
  672. >The two of you sat together for few moments.
  673. >Only your sniffles can be heard echoing around the room.
  674. >Eventually you pull yourself together.
  675. >You look down at Spike.
  676. “Thank you spike, you really are the best dragon ever.”
  677. >You raise your foreleg up to your face, and start rubbing away the tears.
  678. >Spike pulls away from you, and looks up.
  679. >”Why didn’t you say anything?”
  680. >”Why did you just bottled it up and tried to hide it?
  681. >You know Spike, I already have an inner voice that makes me bad, and I don’t need you to add to it.
  682. >”I always wanted to bring it up, especially when I was alone with the girls.”
  683. >You sigh, which is then followed by a sniffle.
  684. >”But I always chickened out”
  685. “And then I convinced myself that so long as I could be near him, I could be happy.”
  686. >”Huh, how could you possibly think that was okay for you?”
  687. “Because I was Afraid!”
  688. “Afraid that I Would lose a friend.”
  689. “Afraid that he would reject me.”
  690. “I didn’t want to lose a friend, nor did I want to lose a potential mate.”
  691. “And he never seemed attracted to ponies before.”
  692. >”Until Lilac showed up that is”
  693. >Another sigh, but this one shook you to the core.
  694. “Yes until she showed up.”
  696. “So I tried my hardest to lock away my feelings.”
  697. “But my love for him never stopped growing.”
  698. “And now we’re here, with Anon in the hospital because something is hurting him, I’m freaking out because I have no idea what’s wrong with him, and Lilac thinks I’m a homewrecker for some reason.”
  699. >Spike looks at before responding.
  700. >”Why would Lilac have any reason to think that?”
  701. >You shrug.
  702. “I don’t know, maybe she’s paranoid or something.”
  703. “But in all honesty, what she thinks of me is not important in the whole grand scheme.”
  704. “Speaking of schemes, what time is it, I zoned out for a while there.”
  705. >You see Spike scratching his head.
  706. >”Beats me there’s no clock in the throne room, or windows.”
  707. >”We should probably consider getting one, or the other.”
  708. “Hmm maybe, but right now isn’t the time to worry about that right now, c’mon let’s go see.
  709. >Turning around, you start walking towards the door.
  710. >Opening the door, you are greeted by a source of moonlight, as it shines in through the window in front of the door.
  711. >And your heart plummets to the bottom of a lake.
  712. >”Oh shoot its nig-.”
  713. >You didn’t catch the rest of what Spike was saying, as you teleported out of your castle.
  715. >You appear outside the hospital, and gallop to the nearest wall.
  716. “Alright just need an intangibility, and invisibility spell and I’m in”
  717. “And maybe a silence spell to keep ponies from hearing me talk to myself.
  718. >You close your eyes, and focus your thoughts.
  719. >Soon you feel a slight tingle, as you conjure up the spell.
  720. >When you are done you open your eyes, and look down.
  721. >Your body looks transparent, and has a slight blur around it.
  722. >If this was any other time you would feel pride about your spell craft, but now is not that time.
  723. >You look forward, lifting you left foreleg, and press your hoof against the wall.
  724. >Seeing it sink through, you move the rest of you through the wall.
  725. >Once inside the hospital, you take a quick look around you.
  726. >The hallway is mostly empty, expect for the one security guard on duty.
  727. >See how his back is facing you, you see no reason to draw his attention.
  728. >Going in the opposite direction, you rush to Anon’s room.
  729. >As you’re moving, you can’t help but feel creeped out by how eerie a hospital at night is.
  730. >The occasional beeping from the machines aren’t helping.
  731. >Don’t think about it Twilight.
  732. >Just get to Anon, then everything will be fine.
  733. >Finally you reach the wing where he is.
  734. >You slow down to a trot, as you move toward his door.
  735. >Alright so far so good remember Twilight noth-.
  736. >The door to Anon’s room is suddenly pulled open, and you hear a loud thud.
  737. >’well it look like-‘
  738. >Don’t need you right now!
  739. >Galloping into the doorway, you a red… thing on top of Anon.
  740. >You hit you magic panic button so hard, you think you broke it.
  741. >Charging up a large amount of magic.
  742. >You fire it at the thing.
  743. >It flies through a newly created hole in the wall.
  744. “Anon!” You shout, as you rush to his side.
  746. >You skid next to Anon’s body, and start franticly trotting on place.
  747. >Oh no oh no what to do, what to do?
  748. >Um does he still have a pulse?
  749. >You place your left ear over his chest, waiting for anything to happen.
  750. >Seconds feels like hours.
  751. >You monetarily stop breathing, hoping that your worse fear will be denied.
  752. > Suddenly you feel something tighten around your neck, cutting off chance to breathe.
  753. >You are then whipped through the hole, and slammed onto the ground.
  754. >You aren’t given much time to understand what happen, as you feel yourself lifted off the ground.
  755. >A searing hot pain lances through your body, as something slashes you diagonally.
  756. >Whatever harmed you had thankfully thought to toy with you, instead of finishing this quickly.
  757. >A mistake you plan to capitalize on.
  758. >You quickly wrap a magic bubble around you, and with a thought explode it
  759. >Creating a shockwave that forces everything away from you.
  760. >You are dropped to the ground.
  761. >Coughing and gasping for air.
  762. >You absentmindedly push a hoof against you fresh wound.
  763. >Wincing at the pain as it surges anew, you move your hoof away.
  764. >Staring down, you see your hoof cover in blood.
  765. >It seems you were cut deeper than you thought.
  766. >”You are the BIGGEST pain in my ass you know that Sparkle!”
  767. >looking up, you can see the monster standing up on shaking legs.
  768. >How it know who you are is unimportant.
  769. >What is important is this thing had the audacity to attack you and Anon.
  770. >And you are going to make it rue this day for making such an act.
  772. >You move you hooves apart, wings spread, and you lower your head towards the ground.
  773. >Your mind flashes spell after spell.
  774. >Settling on one, your horn glows with magical energy.
  775. >Three grapefruit sized balls appeared in front of you.
  776. >Shooting them at your enemy, they soar with blinding speed.
  777. >The monster responds by spreading it wings, and taking flight.
  778. >See as they weren’t going to hit anything, you detonate the balls, cause a magical explosion.
  779. >But if it thinks taking to the sky will save it from your wrath, it is laughably mistaken.
  780. >You start multitasking two spells.
  781. >One commands the magic in the ground to splitter the earth, creating medium sized shards of rock.
  782. >Your second spell is use to trap the monster with telekinesis.
  783. >You force the monster downward, while you send the shards upwards.
  784. >It screams on its way down.
  785. >It screams louder on impact.
  786. >One of the shards tear through its wing, leaving a hole in the leathery skin.
  787. >You continue to force the monster down.
  788. >Repaying it in kind by slamming it in the ground.
  789. >Your horn crackle with electricity, you fire at where the monster is.
  790. >But before the lightning could connected, the monster dodges to the side.
  791. >The lightning bolt strikes the ground, kicking up dust, and rocks.
  792. >While in midair, the monster flings its tail at you.
  793. >Forming a crystal barrier around you, the tail plinks off harmlessly in front of you.
  795. >Grabbing the tail with magic, you envision it engulfed in flames.
  796. >And by your will, the magic see it done.
  797. >Igniting the tip in a violet flames, that starts moving down the rest of the tail at a rapid pace.
  798. >In its desperation to avoid a fiery end, the monster starts hacking at the base of its tail, with its claws.
  799. >Stop, drop, and roll still works on fire created by magic.
  800. >Unfortunately it doesn’t know that.
  801. >Before the final slash with its left claw could fully sever the tail.
  802. >The fire reaches the base, catch the claw on fire, as the tail is lopped off.
  803. >The wail that follow is something so unnatural, you doubt you’ll be able to find anything else like it in Equestria.
  804. >You’re also being unusually brutal right now.
  805. >Yes it was trying to kill you and Anon.
  806. >The only time you used magic this offensive, was against Triek.
  807. >And this thing is nowhere near him in any way, shape, or form.
  808. >Pity rears its head, as you see the monster trying to put the fire on its hand out.
  809. >Yeah this has gone on long enough.
  810. >Charging a beam spell, you wait for an opportunity to cast it.
  811. >With the fire extinguish the monster turns its head.
  812. >You take the shot.
  813. >The spell flies through the air, before it lances through the monsters eye.
  814. >All movement cease, and the body begins to rapidly disintegrate before your eyes.
  815. >Yeah you won wo-.
  816. >You almost fall forward, barely catching yourself.
  817. >Right you’ve been wounded.
  818. >Look down, you see a whole lot of blood.
  819. >Yikes you’re hurt a lot more than you thought.
  820. >And now that adrenaline is starting to wear off, you feel light headed.
  821. >Yet Anon is in worse condition than you.
  822. >Managing to pull enough thoughts together, you teleport next to his body.
  823. >You lay across him, as your grip on the waking world starts to slip.
  825. >You are Anon
  826. >And you should be used to waking up in the worst possible feeling by now.
  827. >But you’re not.
  828. >And today sucks more than usual because of a massive migraine.
  829. >Great now that you’ve add another thing to complain about, you should try at least open your eyes to see if you’re dead, or not.
  830. >Slowly but surely, your eyelids pry themselves open.
  831. >Alright you see a white roof, so there is a good likelihood that you’re not dead, maybe.
  832. >For the next few moments you stare up at the celling while blinking every now and then.
  833. >The unfortunate news is now you get to add blinking to the list of things that should be effortless, but under your current condition, is the hardest fucking thing to do.
  834. >Now that you’ve conquered one obstacle today.
  835. >You can try to sit up.
  836. >The second you try to move your back muscles however, you feel an immediate pain that goes through your entire back.
  837. >Yeah no, that’s not happening anytime soon.
  838. >Instead you try to move your head around to get a better look at your surroundings.
  839. >You manage, with minimal pain to turn your head to the left.
  840. >You’re surprised to see two purple blobs sitting next to you.
  841. >And you’re even more surprised when you see one of them move.
  842. >Focusing your eyes, you try to make out minor details.
  843. >Green spines, purple scales, a short lizard with a big head and eyes.
  844. >Yep that’s Spike.
  845. >Then that means the other purple blob is Twilight.
  846. >Well duh of course it is.
  847. >She did kinda of saved you from…
  848. >Wait, holy shit what happen to Lilac!
  849. >While you was thinking, Spike slowly gets off of Twilight’s lap.
  850. >His claws making light scratching sounds, as he walks towards you.
  851. >When he reaches the side of the bed, he finishes rub his right eye with his right arm, before looking up at you.
  852. >”Hey Anon, too you long enough to wake up”.
  854. “Ugh”
  855. >Did he really expect you to say anything else?
  856. >”Woah there cowboy, don’t need you blacking out again just because you decide to over exert yourself.”
  857. >You have no idea where this kid gets his sense of humor from, because he sure as hell didn’t get it from Twilight.
  858. >Speaking of Twilight, what’s she doing?
  859. >Looking past Spike, you focus your eyes on the other purple blob.
  860. >You see Twilight is sleeping undisturbed despite the fact that Spike has moved from her lap.
  861. >Her right hoof lays lazily on her lap, probably where Spike was a moment ago.
  862. >Upon further inspection, you see that her coat is kinda dirty, and there are bandages around-.
  863. >Wait, What?
  864. >When the hell did that happen?
  865. >Seeing how there’s still red stains on them, it must have been recent.
  866. >Then that means that Lilac manage to hurt Twilight!
  867. >That odious Bitch!
  868. >You’re going to find every expensive piece of medical equipment that isn’t bolted down.
  869. >And slam them on her head!
  870. >How dare she harm one of the six ponies that you call friends!
  871. >”Hey man calm down, I was only joking.”
  872. >Apparently your body language is quite aggressive.
  873. >Too bad Spike thinks it directed at him.
  875. >It takes a moment, before Spike turns to see where your eyes are staring at.
  876. >”Oh yeah, Twilight’s wound.”
  877. >He then franticly turns back around.
  878. >”Wait, you know what did this to her?”
  879. >”Tell me, tell me right now!” He shouts.
  880. >You wince as Spike rises his voice.
  881. >Which wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t have a migraine.
  882. >Seeing the pain he caused you puts a damper on his anger.
  883. >”S-sorry I didn’t mean to shout.”
  884. >Spike grabs his left arm.
  885. >”It’s just when I heard that Twilight was found over your body covered in blood.”
  886. >His body starts to shake.
  887. >”I-I feared for the worse.”
  888. >”Not just for her, but for your sake as well.”
  889. >He had to choke that last sentence out.
  890. >Okay you’re going to need to another city because there is only some much medical equipment you can find here.
  891. >”Ugh… Spike why are you shouting.”
  892. >Spike regains his composure, before addressing Twilight.
  893. >”Oh, um because reasons.”
  894. >Twilight pushes herself off the wall, and she rubs her eyes with her right foreleg.
  895. >When she finishes, she starts blinking to get the remaining amount of sleep from her system.
  896. >While she’s doing that, she is staring at you and Spike.
  897. >It a minute before she realizes what’s going on.
  898. >*Gasp* “Anon You’re Awake!”
  899. >”Oh thank the Princess that you’re still alive!”
  900. >Ouch, Fucking migraines.
  902. >Taking note of your discomfort immediately puts a damper on Twilight’s spirit.
  903. >”Oh no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shout.” She says in an apologetic tone.
  904. >Ugh might as well be your new favorite word, because that’s is all you can say.
  905. >And now your neck is starting to hurt, so you turn your head back to staring at the celling.
  906. >”Okay now that Anon is awake.”
  907. >”Could you please tell me what the heck happened to you two?”
  908. >Spike pleading started to make you wonder.
  909. >Why hasn’t Twilight told Spike anything?
  910. >I mean yes Lilac was a horrific monster, but surly he has seen thing on par or worse than her before.
  911. >”Not now Spike, I promise to tell you everything later.”
  912. >You hear the sounds of flapping wings, as Twilight appears in your peripheral vision.
  913. >”How are you feeling Anon?” “Do you want any food, water?”
  914. >”Hmm you know what, I probably should tell someone that you’re awake now huh.”
  915. >”In fact, I think will, hey Spike can you watch over him for a bit.”
  916. >And before you know it Twilight has left the room.
  917. >There is way too much shit going on right now.
  918. >You hear Spike sigh, as he moves to sit in his chair.
  919. >”You don’t know what you do to her.”
  920. >… The hell does he mean by that.
  922. >Some time later, Twilight returns with Doctor IV.
  923. >Who spends some time droning on about how it’s a marvel that you’re alive and what not.
  924. >Sadly though, he couldn’t tell you how long you’ll be hospitalized.
  925. >After checking all the machines that are connected to you.
  926. >He ushers Twilight and Spike out of your room.
  927. >Saying that you need your rest and that Twilight needs her bandage changed.
  928. >For the next few weeks, you recuperate in the hospital.
  929. >Well at least the first week wasn’t boring.
  930. >The mane6 came to visit you, and Pinkie even throw a small get well party
  931. >She says she’ll throw you a bigger one once you get out.
  932. >Funnily enough no one brought up that Lilac never visited once.
  933. >I mean it makes since for Twilight, But you didn’t think the others would care so little about her.
  934. >As the weeks go by the daily events limited how often your friends could visit you.
  935. >The only one that made a constant effort to see you was Twilight.
  936. >And because of that you started to think about what Spike had said.
  937. >And then you put two and two together.
  938. >Oh, well shit.
  939. >A sudden wave of guilt washes over you, s you think about what you’ve put her through as of late.
  940. >Maybe you two should talk about it.
  941. >Fix a problem you didn’t even know existed.
  942. >And perhaps make amends once everything is said and done.
  944. >The promised day has arrived!
  945. >You can finally leave this small as shit hospital bed, and can sleep in a real bed.
  946. >You no longer have to crane your neck up to watch a poorly angle T.V.
  947. >And you can move freely without being weighed down by all the medical equipment.
  948. >Today is going to be a good day.
  949. >You were tying your shoes, when Doctor IV enters your room.
  950. >”Well, Anonymous, It sure was a wild ride, but we’re at the end of it.”
  951. >You stand up from your bed, and notice he levitating a gift wrapped box.
  952. >”Oh and one last thing.”
  953. >He moves the box towards you.
  954. >”Ms. Pie wanted you to have this”
  955. >You take the box, and the aura around it disappears.
  956. >He nods his head before making an exit.
  957. >Wasting no time, you place the gift on the bed.
  958. >Trying to be neat, you untie the ribbon, and peel off the tape.
  959. >When you’re done, you see a slice of cake and a card.
  960. >Picking up the card, you give it a once over.
  961. >It’s plain as shit.
  962. >Wow you expected more from Pinkie.
  963. >You open it, and is suddenly hit in the face by confetti.
  964. >Shaking your head to get some of it off, you start to hear Pinkie’s voice.
  965. >”Hiya Nonny, I hear today the day you get out of the hospital.”
  966. >”And I promised you a big ole party when you got out, and you I never break my promises.”
  967. >”But before that all of us is going to meet at Sugarcube Corner, and have one big happy reunion at 5:30.”
  968. >”And after that we’re going to party ALL NIGHT LONG!”
  969. >”So don’t be late!”
  970. >And with that the image of Pinkie exploded into confetti and streamers.
  971. >Now that’s more like it.
  973. >Although the cake was delicious.
  974. >You downed it pretty quickly.
  975. >You’ve had enough of hospitals for now.
  976. >You clean up the up the bed, and throw away the trash.
  977. >Pocketing the card, you exit the room.
  978. >You see patients getting escorted by nurses to their next destination, or returning them to their rooms.
  979. >And every now and then you hear various conversations coming from different poines, as you move through the halls.
  980. >The waiting room is just as busy.
  981. >Ponies are watching the T.V for the latest news, or reading one of the outdated magazines that lay spread out on the table in front of them, and some are even sleeping.
  982. >Walking out through the wide double doors.
  983. >For once you can take in the sights and not feel you’re going to keel over.
  984. >Fuck that walk to Twilight’s castle was painful.
  985. >Doesn’t help that you don’t remember it either.
  986. >But now all that is behind you.
  987. >And with a deep inhale, you starting heading back home.
  988. >Man it takes a near death experiences to make you realize what you could’ve missed out on.
  989. >The Colorful scenery.
  990. >The smiling faces of the populous.
  991. >The friends that you dumped just so you can marry your would be killer.
  992. >…
  993. >You’re going to fix that.
  994. >Starting today.
  995. >Think has made your trip back home end in no time.
  996. >Reaching for your keys, as you approach the door.
  997. >Out of habit, you try turning the door knob to see if it’s unlocked.
  998. >And it is.
  1000. >Didn’t you locked the door before you left?
  1001. >Maybe you forgot?
  1002. >But Lilac should’ve locked after you left.
  1003. >Unless she left it unlocked when she went to eat you.
  1004. >That’s probably what happened.
  1005. >Still unsettling to find the door unlocked even in magical horse land.
  1006. >Putting the thought on the afterburner, you open the door and go inside.
  1007. >Closing the door behind you, but instead of hearing utter silence, you can hear the sounds coming from the T.V.
  1008. >Really that thing has been left on for weeks.
  1009. >Going to the living room, you pick the remote from off the floor, and turn the T.V off.
  1010. >Now that the house is completely quite in the house, you realize how empty it is.
  1011. >You turn your head, and stare at the sofa.
  1012. >Memories of you and Lilac snuggling, kissing, and whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ear flood your mind.
  1013. >Fuck, what are you supposed to feel right now?
  1014. >Anger over the fact that Lilac tried to eat you?
  1015. >That she played you like a fiddle for so long?
  1016. >Or Bitter sadness over the fact that all those pleasant memories are shattered and broken by the truth.
  1017. >No, no all that’s over and done with.
  1018. >The only thing left is to move on.
  1019. >Not really thinking about where you were going.
  1020. >You let your legs take you wherever they roam.
  1021. >Surprisingly they take you upstairs.
  1022. >Well since you’re up here might as well go to your room.
  1024. >Opening the door, you take in the sights before you.
  1025. >You’ll need to buy a new lampshade.
  1026. >And you’re pretty sure that there is at least one pill bottle missing from the nightstand.
  1027. >And then there is the fallen picture frame.
  1028. >Containing a picture that makes your whirlwind of emotions even more questionable.
  1029. >You choose to ignore it for now, and take a seat on your side of the bed.
  1030. >Although in hindsight this made things worse.
  1031. >You can’t stop flicking your eyes back and forth from the picture frame.
  1032. >Each time the desire to pick it up grows in intensity.
  1033. >No, there isn’t any reason to see your wedding picture, to confirm the lie that was so well crafted to keep you in the dark.
  1034. >A lie that died on the same night as its seamstress.
  1035. >But knowing it was a lie doesn’t make it any less painful to bare.
  1036. >Every good moment the two of you shared, every “I love you.” And even your vows.
  1037. >All of it was meaningless.
  1038. >All of it just to give yourself to a life sucking monster on a silver platter.
  1039. >You start to feel hot tears run down your cheeks.
  1040. >You clench your hands and teeth.
  1041. >You feel your wedding band pressing deep into your hand.
  1042. >In your unstable mental state, you unclench your right hand, and pull it off with your left hand.
  1043. >You hold it for a moment, your hand trembling, and your vision begins to blur.
  1044. “Damn it” You shout, as you fling the ring across the room.
  1045. >You bury your head inbetween your hands.
  1046. >You wanted to forget everything about Lilac.
  1047. >Your love, your hate, the good times, and the bad.
  1048. >Your head was too much of a mess.
  1049. >And right now, you don’t think you could sort it out before the party.
  1050. >But you know of someone who can help you out.
  1052. >Wiping the tears from your eyes, you take a quick glance at the clock that hangs over your bed.
  1053. >It reads 4:30.
  1054. >Perfect, that gives you enough time to go to Twilight’s.
  1055. >And with the added benefit that the two of you can go to Sugar Cube after you ironed out the rough patches of your relationship.
  1056. >It’s a win/win for everybody.
  1057. >Rushing to the bathroom, you check yourself out in the mirror.
  1058. >Nothing too bad, just a little redness in your eyes.
  1059. >Nothing a Clear Eyes won’t fix.
  1060. >Dabbing a few drops in each eye, you wipe them clean with the sleeve of your suit.
  1061. >Rushing out of the bathroom, and down the stairs, you only slow down before reaching the door.
  1062. >Don’t want to freak out the ponies by running like a mad man towards Twilight’s.
  1063. >Opening the door, you walk at a steady pace.
  1064. >Once you arrive at Twilight’s castle, you ask a guard if he know where she is.
  1065. >He tell you she in the library, and askes if you would like an escort.
  1066. >Seeing how you just might get stuck on the roof for an entire day, you tell him to lead the way.
  1067. >Now that you’ve gotten this far, how the hell is this conversation going to go down?
  1068. >”Hey Twilight, I’m emotionally unstable right now, and I’ve recently found out you have a thing for me for awhile now, wanna hook up?”
  1069. >Yeah no, that shit isn’t going to fly.
  1070. >But you’re not give much time to think of anything better, as you and the guard reaches the library.
  1071. >He opens the door and steps aside.
  1072. >Well let’s see how well winging it will do.
  1074. >Walking into the library filled with bookcases, and books as far as the eye can see.
  1075. >You can see Twilight sitting at a table.
  1076. >And judging by the empty plate, teapot, and tea cup, and a saucer, she just got done eating a snack.
  1077. >Twilight was in mid sip when she see you enter.
  1078. >She puts her cup on the saucer, before waving you over.
  1079. >”Good Evening, how are you feeling today.”
  1080. “Oh… um, just dandy Twilight.” You say as you walk over to her.
  1081. >In a blink of an eye, Twilight materializes a chair for you to sit in.
  1082. >Sitting in the chair, you take a quick glance at Twilight.
  1083. >Her scar has healed nicely, even if it has left three streaks of exposed skin.
  1084. >”You know I’m surprised that you came to see me before the party.”
  1085. >Well that’s one way to start a conversation.
  1086. “Um, yeah… I just wanted to talk about what happen recently… you know.”
  1087. >It seem your topic of choice has darken her mood somewhat.
  1088. >”Okay, what is it you want to talk about?”
  1089. >Well for starters you killed my wife.
  1090. >No, how about the monster you fought was Lilac, and everything so far has been a massive lie.
  1091. >How about a sentence that isn’t so dark.
  1092. >Um.
  1093. >What the hell, was is it so difficult to talk to Twilight?
  1094. >Jesus it feels like when you asked Lilac to marry you.
  1095. >Great another wonderful memory tarnished.
  1096. >”Anon, are you alright?”
  1097. >Twilight’s question brings you out of your trance.
  1098. >You didn’t realize this, but now you can feel your body shaking.
  1099. >”Huh, um yeah, yeah totally fine.”
  1100. >You’ve had an easier time selling that lie to a rock.
  1101. >”It doesn’t look you’re okay.”
  1102. >”I mean getting attacked in the middle of the night by some weird thing must be a very traumatizing experience.
  1103. >And you can’t hold it anymore.
  1105. >That thing was your wife.
  1106. >That thing was the love of your life
  1107. >That thing has been apart of the best memories you’ve ever had.
  1108. >That thing wanted you dead.
  1109. >That thing saw you as nothing more than cattle.
  1110. >That thing probably didn’t even cherish those memories.
  1111. >How could everything so right be so wrong?
  1112. >Why did everything so right have to be so wrong?
  1113. >Your tears didn’t even have time to collect in the corner of your eyes, before they started to fall.
  1114. >Twilight is surprised by the sudden development.
  1115. >In an attempt to calm you down, she teleports into your lap.
  1116. >No the smartest thing to do.
  1117. >You wrap your arms around her, pulling her close to your body.
  1118. >She is startled by your actions, opening her mouth to gasp.
  1119. >Continuing to make a bad situation worse.
  1120. >You take Twilight’s open mouth as an invitation, and kiss her.
  1121. >You manage to draw out the kiss for a minute, before Twilight pulls back as far as she can.
  1122. >The look on her face is one of pure bewilderment.
  1123. >You try to apologize, but all that came out is incoherent babbling.
  1124. >It doesn’t take long, before you give up, and rest your head on her chest.
  1125. >Matting her fur with tears.
  1126. >Twilight wraps her forelegs around your head, as you feel hear wings wrap around your shoulders.
  1127. >”There, there Anon, everything is going to be alright.”
  1128. >Her gentle voice is a stark contrast to your raspy sobs.
  1130. >The two of you sit from some time.
  1131. >The only sounds that could be heard are your sobs.
  1132. >Eventually you calm down, and properly apologize.
  1133. >Moving your head from Twilight’s chest.
  1134. >You look her in the eye, before telling her everything you know.
  1135. >Her face changes through your story.
  1136. >From worry, to sadness, to blushing as you tell you know about her feeling for you.
  1137. >Once you’re finished, you give Twilight some time to go over the details.
  1138. >”Anon I… I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”
  1139. >You gently shake your head, as you raise your right hand, and caress her face.
  1140. “You shouldn’t be, you did save my life after all.”
  1141. “It’s just I have to cope with all the broken things she left behind.”
  1142. >Twilight hold your hand with her left hoof, and lightly squeezes it.
  1143. >She looks down at your chest, before taking a deep breath, and sighing.
  1144. >It takes a few second before she looks back up at your face.
  1145. >”Anon, you know I’ll do everything in my power to help get through this, but.”
  1146. >She pauses, as if trying to get herself under control.
  1147. >”As much as I would love for us to get together eventually, I can’t do that right now.”
  1148. >”Not when you’re grieving.”
  1149. >”Not when Lilac still holds your heart.”
  1150. >”I don’t want you to use my love to fill in holes left behind.”
  1151. >”To see Lilac instead of seeing me.”
  1152. >”I’ve already been through that, and I don’t want to go through it again.”
  1154. >You shouldn’t be surprised by her answer.
  1155. >But a rejection is still a rejection, even if it’s done as nicely as possible.
  1156. >But she does make a good point.
  1157. >You have friends that help you through this.
  1158. >Speaking of friends, isn’t Dash’s birthday next week?
  1159. >You’ll need to get her something.
  1160. >You can’t help but smile, as things finally stop look so bleak.
  1161. “Thank you, Twilight, I guess I just need someone to talk to.”
  1162. “And once again sorry about the kiss.”
  1163. >A broad smile appears on her face.
  1164. >”You’re welcome Anon.”
  1165. >Suddenly a blush creeps across her face.
  1166. >”And if you want to make your special mare, then I’ll do everything I can to make you the happiest man in Equestria.”
  1167. >Smooth Twilight.
  1168. “Alright then, when the time comes I’ll take you up on that offer.”
  1169. >Twilight’s smile, and blush grows wider.
  1170. >She rubs her face against your hand, before she removes herself from your lap.
  1171. >”Okay then with that settled, we better get a move on, or we’ll be late, and you know how mad Pinkie gets when anyone is late to her parties.”
  1172. >Nodding in agreement, you rise out of your chair.
  1173. >The two of you start walking towards the door.
  1174. >”Oh, and one more thing.”
  1175. >You look down at Twilight, as you walk.
  1176. >”Never kiss me again without my consent, or I’ll seal your mouth shut for a week.”
  1177. “Fair enough.”
  1178. >You open the door, and like a gentleman, you let Twilight go first.
  1179. >Following after her, closing the door behind you.
  1180. >Finally waking up from your Newlywed Nightmare.

Trials and Errors (MP Story)

by TLA

Tilelover Anon

by TLA

Newlywed Nightmare

by TLA

Twilight's Addiction

by TLA

A Reward From the Queen

by TLA