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Courting Nightmare

Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-07 08:08:04
Expiry: Never

  1. >At last, your latest masterpiece is finished!
  2. >Putting down your sewing needle and sighing pridefully.
  3. >Truly this would go down as one of the best gowns you’ve ever made.
  4. >Not only will you be praised for designing it.
  5. >But more importantly, your Queen will surely be the center of every ponies’ attention at the social gathering tomorrow, and she’ll be showered with love.
  6. >Although.
  7. >You take one last look at the gown.
  8. >You chose midnight blue for its color.
  9. >Small diamonds adore the gown in all the right places.
  10. >You know from a simple light test that it’ll shine more marvelously than the brightest star in the Queen’s night sky.
  11. >You gently lift the fabric with your hoof.
  12. >The softest silk from Saddle Arabia that money could buy.
  13. >Finishing your little inspection, you are once again filled with pride.
  14. >Well, you’re a little sadden by the fact that you weren’t allowed to add frills.
  15. >The Queen wanted a simple imperial gown.
  16. >Not a problem for a brilliant seamstress such as yourself.
  17. >But you really would like to add frills.
  18. >Absentmindedly, your eyes roam over the very pronounced curves of the mannikin.
  19. >This was intentional.
  20. >As was making the gown slightly transparent.
  22. >This social gathering was more than just a noble’s retreat.
  23. >No, this gathering was being held for a much more important matter.
  24. >Finding the Queen a stallion!
  25. >The halls will be filled with hopeful young suitors looking to become king.
  26. >And while the Queen is certainly the most beautiful thing under the stars.
  27. >A little help bringing attention to her body would give the lusty males even more reasons to chase after her.
  28. >Truthfully, this is the most risqué gown you’ve ever made.
  29. >But it’s worth it.
  30. >Filled with pride once more, you cover the manikin with a sheet, and put it on a cart.
  31. >While you very much approve of the gown, your Queen has the final say.
  32. >You push the cart through the darken halls, until you come up to a large door.
  33. >Two stoic bat ponies salute you, before one of knock on the door.
  34. >” Enter.”
  35. >The pony opens the door, and you push your cart inside.
  36. >The door closes behind you, leave just you and the Queen to talk in private
  37. >You see your Queen laying on her bed partially hidden by drapes.
  38. >Your Queen’s head lifts from her forelegs when she sees you.
  39. >” Ah, Ms. Belle, I’ve been expecting you.
  40. “Good evening, my Grace.”
  41. “I have finished the gown per your request.’
  43. >Nightmare gracefully, if a tad rough for your liking, gets off her bed.
  44. >” Well then Ms. Belle, let’s see it then.
  45. >With no hesitation, you unveil the gown to her, and step back
  46. >You watch, as your Queen examines it with a critical eye.
  47. >Occasionally touch the gown here and there, to feel the fabric.
  48. >When she is finished, she turns to you.
  49. >” Excellent work, Ms. Belle.”
  50. >” Its everything I wanted, and more.”
  51. >You smile your biggest smile at your Queen’s praise and show your appreciation with a bow.
  52. >” Even your... creative liberties.”
  53. >You lift your head from your bow.
  54. “My creative liberties?”
  55. >You see her eyeing you like prey.
  56. >” Yes, creative liberties, I don’t recall asking for a sheer gown.”
  57. >Your Queen starts to saunter over to you.
  58. >” Why it’s so see through, I might as well wear nothing at all.”
  59. >” And I’ve worn Imperial gowns before.”
  60. >She stop before you and cranes her head down until it is eye level.
  61. >” But never one this tight.”
  63. >You feel yourself starting to break down under her gaze.
  64. >” Just think, Ms. Belle, it’ll hug every inch on my body.”
  65. >” And the materials you used will feel splendid every time I move against it.”
  66. >You feel your cheeks redden, partially in shame, but also in arousal at the image she is painting in your mind’s eye.
  67. >She smiles her toothy grin.
  68. >” I’ll only have my tail to defend my privacy.”
  69. >” But what if I were to lift it.”
  70. >” All would see my marehood.”
  71. >” Puffy and inflamed by the blatant exhibition.”
  72. >” Even just swinging my tail side to side, would offer any pony behind me a glimpse at it.”
  73. >You feel yourself heating up, your heartrate increasing, and your body shaking.
  74. >More so in arousal now than shame.
  75. >Seeing the effects she has on you causes her to lick her lips.
  76. >” I bet it would throw all of my suitors into a frenzy.”
  77. >Your Queen raises her head to once again stare down at you.
  78. >” Surly these thoughts entered into your head as you made this gown, Ms. Belle.”
  79. >You find yourself unable to speak.
  80. >Staring into her eyes, as if they were spotlights catching you in the middle of a crime
  81. “I…”
  82. >” Hmm?”
  83. “I just want to create the perfect dress that highlights my Queen’s beautiful and.”
  84. >Why couldn’t you stop yourself before you said and?
  85. >” And, Ms. Belle?”
  87. >You trapped yourself, and Nightmare isn’t letting you go.
  88. >Her eyes burn into your very being.
  89. >Too bad they’re not burning the butterflies in your stomach.
  90. >Swallowing with a dry throat, you prepare yourself for the aftermath that is to come.
  91. “And sensual nature.”
  92. >There was a moment of silence, before Nightmare throw her head back, roaring in laughter.
  93. >You’ll take her burning gaze over this.
  94. >You could just die from embarrassment right now.
  95. >You tried to look down, but your head is frozen in place by your Queen’s magic.
  96. >” Do not despair, Ms. Belle, you’re not the only one that thinks that.”
  97. >In an instant, Nightmare pulls you into a kiss.
  98. >Your brain melts into a confused mush of emotions and thoughts
  99. >Not knowing what to do, you simply let your Queen kiss you.
  100. >Soon lust and pleasure pull themselves out of the puddle.
  101. >Your Queen is easily the best kisser you’ve had.
  102. >A refined technique.
  103. >Your lips pressed against her supple lips
  104. >The way her tongue curls around yours, sending shocks through your body.
  105. >Before you can think anymore, Nightmare breaks the kiss.
  106. >You’re left breathless and aching for more.
  107. >Your Queen licks her lips, and stares at you with hungry eyes.
  108. >You feel that this time however, you’re prey to a different hungry.
  109. >” You may go, Ms. Belle”
  110. >Hearing her command, you bow, and leave your Queen’s bed chamber.
  112. >If life was simple, you could just move from last night’s events.
  113. >Even as you work on your dress for tonight’s party.
  114. >Your mind replays that kiss, leaving you yearning for another.
  115. >You sigh in frustration.
  116. >To make things worse.
  117. >Your Queen takes full delight in the brand-new effect she has on you.
  118. >She sways her hips far more than she should now when she walks in front of you.
  119. >That, or she would stretch herself in the most uncouth fashion.
  120. >You wish you could properly reprimand her.
  121. >But you find your eyes looking over her body more than you mind thinking about what to say.
  122. >Then when she’s is finished with her display, she always acts innocent, and goes about her business as if nothing happened.
  123. >You turn off your sewing machine and collect your dress.
  124. >You put it on a manikin and look over all the stitching.
  125. >There is a silver lining though.
  126. >If she is this good at teasing you, then she should have no problem railing up any male she fancies tonight.
  127. >You gently tug on the dress, testing to see if the stitching holds.
  128. >Pleased to see it not fall apart, you’re ready to add the next thing
  129. >Frills!
  130. >Lots and lots of frills.
  132. >Your horseshoe click through the halls.
  133. >You’ve timed everything perfectly, so that you’ll arrive a few minutes late.
  134. >The moonlight shines through the windows, illuminating the way, as you walk down the hall.
  135. >It also shines on your simple frilly white dress.
  136. >You loathe being a plain Jane, since you rarely get to wear something other than your uniform.
  137. >But tonight isn’t your night, so you’ll put up with it.
  138. >As you draw closer to the gathering, you can faintly hear music.
  139. >Arriving fashionably late to a social gathering in full swing.
  140. >That’s how you make an entrance and get everyone’s attention.
  141. >You only hope when your Queen does it, everyone will stop and stare.
  142. >You finally reach the room where the gathering is being held.
  143. >Taking a deep breath, you hype yourself up, and enter the room.
  144. >A few ponies notice you enter, but most are focused with themselves, the music, or.
  145. >You frown, as you see your Queen surrounded by various ponies.
  146. >So much for her grand entrance.
  147. >At least she’s still the center of attention.
  148. >You put your Queen in the back of your mind and start to walk over to the refreshment table.
  149. >You’ve spent enough time doing nothing, and what better way to make up for lost time than over a glass of wine.
  151. >Throughout the night, wine, smiles, and gossip past your lips.
  152. >Unsurprisingly Nightmare’s gown was the main topic of the night.
  153. >Some mares are surprised that she would wear it in the first place.
  154. >Others wish they wear so bold and could wear something like that.
  155. >The few married mares you talk to were angry that their husbands were paying more attention to her than them.
  156. >All in all, everyone was having a good time.
  157. >Even your Queen looked like she was having fun with her male subjects.
  158. >You weren’t actively paying attention to Your Queen and her suitors.
  159. >But every now and then, you would glance and see her enjoying the company with some male.
  160. >And that male would be different every time.
  161. >Doesn’t take you long to find out why, when you see her and a stallion quietly leaving the room.
  162. >Only for her to come back smiling, and alone.
  163. >After some time the stallion came back.
  164. >He looked a little shaken, and his smile is obviously forced.
  165. >Another stallion approaches him, and the two of them have a small chat, before they both move off to the side.
  166. >You see them join a rather large gathering of other males.
  167. >Seems not everyone is having a good time tonight.
  169. >Hours fade into the night, and ponies are starting to go home.
  170. >You wave some of your new friend’s good night and leave yourself.
  171. >Tonight was fun, but you wish your Queen would entertain the idea of bringing some pony to her chamber.
  172. >You sigh.
  173. >She’ll find one pony she loves more than causing night terrors eventually.
  174. >Instead of going straight to your room, you veer off into an adjacent hallway.
  175. >With all the wine you’ve drank, you need to visit the closets ladies room.
  176. >You find one, and quickly take care of business.
  177. >Feeling much better now, you walk out of the bathroom, and peer into a void.
  178. >Now you want to make a dramatic entrance.
  179. >Nightmare walks from the shadows.
  180. >They vanish, as she appears.
  181. >” Fancy meeting you here, Ms. Belle.”
  182. >You bow before her.
  183. > “How was your night?”
  184. “It was very enjoyable, my Queen.”
  185. >Nightmare smirks, then wraps her mane wraps around you, and drags you close to her.
  186. >” Just enjoyable?”
  187. >She looks at you with those same hungry eyes.
  188. >You shudder slightly, and your heart start to beat a little faster.
  189. >You were about to respond, but she silences you with a kiss.
  191. >Just like she did the first time.
  192. >So sudden that you couldn’t resist it.
  193. >Not that you would try.
  194. >Earlier lust is reawaken now mixed with alcohol lowered inhibitions.
  195. >Meaning you weren’t going to be a passive standby this time.
  196. >You return the kiss.
  197. >Slithering your tongue around hers.
  198. >Your lips suckling and smacking on hers.
  199. >Stifled moans and saliva mix in each other’s mouths.
  200. >You don’t know how long you two were locked in your intimate kiss.
  201. >But when you two separated, you were left breathless.
  202. >” Tonight doesn’t have to end with just enjoyable, Ms. Belle.”
  203. >You feel a heat rising through your body.
  204. “My Queen, that… I mean.”
  205. >Words are failing you.
  206. >Nightmare’s never-ending gaze stares right through you.
  207. >” Speechless, Ms. Belle.”
  208. >She swiftly turns on her hooves and shows her flank to you.
  209. >” It’s a good things actions speak louder than words.”
  211. >Oh dear.
  212. >The heat in your body erupts into an inferno.
  213. >Your breathing is frantic, as is your heart beat.
  214. >You can’t resist.
  215. >Alcohol and lust drive your body into moving.
  216. >As you draw closer, you an obvious stain on her gown.
  217. >You stand behind her, trembling with excitement and desire.
  218. >You slide your hooves along Nightmare’s gown.
  219. >Slowly, you lift it up.
  220. >Occasionally touching your Queen’s calves on the way up.
  221. >Your Queen shudders at your touch.
  222. >You rest the gown on top of her flanks.
  223. >You hold your breath, as you see Nightmare’s mound in all its glory.
  224. >Dark blue outer lips, redden by arousal and shining from her juices.
  225. >When you breathe again, your nose fills with her intoxicating scent.
  226. >You clenched your thighs, feeling the wetness of your own mound against them.
  227. >You want to lick it.
  228. >A simple thought causes you to clench your thighs tighter, making you moan softly as you feel a small shock of pleasure.
  229. >Lick every inch of it.
  230. >Drink in every drop of her juices.
  231. >And suckle on her clit if it dares wink at you.
  232. >Your desires now fully driving you, you lean forward.
  233. >Ready to get the first taste of many right there in the hallway.
  235. >You are so committed to debauchery, that you are caught off guard when you’re engulfed by shadows.
  236. >The next thing you know, you’re no longer in the hallway, but now on your Queen’s bed in her chamber.
  237. >Nightmare shrieks with laughter.
  238. >” So eager to please.”
  239. >You focus returns to your Queen.
  240. >You notice that she is no longer wearing her gown.
  241. >Must have removed it while you both were in the darkness.
  242. >She lays herself on her back and spreads her hind legs open.
  243. >” Well, don’t let a change in scenery stop you now.”
  244. >Your lust taking over again, you hastily move towards her.
  245. >Once you’re close enough, you lay yourself between her legs.
  246. >You feel the sheet touch your coat.
  247. >Meaning that you too have been striped in the darkness.
  248. >But that’s just a minor footnote that is thrown at the back of your mind.
  249. >You get an eyeful of the glistening royal mound once again.
  250. >You lick your lips and lean in
  251. >With nothing stopping you this time, you extend your tongue out.
  252. >The first lick was a slow drag from the bottom of her vagina all the way up to her winking clit.
  253. >You wanted to savor the taste, before you start licking in earnest.
  255. >Your queen moans, as you work your tongue on her petals.
  256. >Simple sounds of encouragement that make you want to pleasure your Queen more.
  257. >You changed your technique from broad licks to short ones.
  258. >Focusing your efforts around the middle and upper parts of her vagina.
  259. >This causes Nightmare to mewl and writhe.
  260. >Your tongue pushes your Queens folds open and pushes back her clit hood.
  261. >With her clit fully exposed, you swirl your tongue around it, before you wrap your lips around it.
  262. >With loving suckles and licks, you lavish your attention all over her clit.
  263. >This strongly affects her, causing her to moan loudly, while pushing her hips into your face.
  264. >Not wanting to leave the rest of her mound unattended, you fill your horn with magic.
  265. >Surrounding her lips with your magic, you start rubbing them in semicircles.
  266. >You play with her like this for a while, listening to your Queens moans, before switching it up.
  267. >You let go of her clit with a pop, then pinch and rub it with your magic
  268. >With your mouth going towards Nightmare’s vagina, you push your tongue inside her.
  269. >Lapping all over her inner walls.
  270. >You feel every inch of your Queen tense, before she explodes.
  271. >Your mouth floods with her cum, and you swallow it down.
  272. >You feel a tightness around your neck, and you know your Queen has locked her legs around you.
  274. >Nightmare’s orgasm lasts for some time
  275. >Your neck starts to hurt, and you’re running a bit light on air.
  276. >Eventually, your Queen enters her afterglow, and her hind legs relax.
  277. >Slipping your head away your Queen’s mound, you rest your head on her pelvis.
  278. >You see the content smile spread across your Queens face.
  279. >It’s somewhat infectious, as you find yourself smiling too.
  280. >” Amazing.”
  281. “It was my pleasure, my Queen.”
  282. >You feel your Queen’s magic wrap around you.
  283. >You’re lifted while she stands up.
  284. >” You may call Nightmare while we’re alone.”
  285. >” And we will be alone a lot more from now on.”
  286. >” Would that please you more, Rarity?”
  287. >You both know that was a rhetorical question.
  288. “Nothing would please me more, Nightmare.”
  289. >She smirks and kisses you.
  290. >Her magic moves you towards the bed.
  291. >She doesn’t break the kiss until your back touches the bed.
  292. >” You have been such a good servant thus far.”
  293. >She nibbles on your neck, making you squirm.
  294. >” And good servants get a special reward from their Queen.”
  296. >Nightmare licks your neck and rubs her hoof in circles around your stomach.
  297. >Her touch makes you gasp.
  298. >” So sensitive.”
  299. >Nightmare suckles on your neck, while her hoof moves down your body.
  300. >You can’t keep yourself still.
  301. >Wiggling your body into the bed, failing to cool the fire spreading through your body.
  302. >Her hoof brushes against your vagina takes all your willpower not moan loud enough to wake the castle.
  303. >” And so wet.”
  304. >Your Queen gives you quick peck on the lips, then she folds your lower body over your head.
  305. >You can see the effects of you neglecting your mound, as a bead of your juices drips onto your face.
  306. >” Enjoy the show, and don’t cum too fast now.”
  307. >Not waiting for you to respond, Nightmare starts to lick your vagina.
  308. >You understand now what she meant by show, as you watch your Queen drags her tongue across your folds.
  309. >To make things better, you can also feel each lick as you watch.
  310. >This time you don’t repress your moans.
  311. >Letting your Queen know that you are enjoying the show and her reward.
  312. >Seemingly pleased with your moans, Nightmare puts more effort into her oral skills.
  313. >Her long tongue laps at part of your loins.
  314. >Even when she starts to mix in shorter and faster licks, her tongue still manages to drag across your entire vagina.
  315. >The broad base of her tongue feels divine every time it presses against your winking clit.
  316. >Pleasure starts to radiate through your body.
  317. >Small twitches in your hind legs, and heavier breathing announce that you’re starting to feel it.
  318. >Your Queen gives you one last tantalizing lick, before she smiles down at you, and thrust her tongue into your depths.
  320. >You are left breathless, as your inner walls wrap around every inch of her tongue.
  321. >Never before has a tongue filled you up like this.
  322. >Your mind and body struggling to understand this new feeling.
  323. >Nightmare starts to pull her tongue out, but your body isn’t willing to let go.
  324. >Your vagina clamps down trying to halt its movement and keep you full.
  325. >You fail however, as you feel her tongue slip past your grasp.
  326. >She pulls her tongue free from your marehood.
  327. >Leaving your body empty, twitching, and begging for more.
  328. >Nightmare didn’t indulge.
  329. >Instead, she traced the outlines of your petals with the tip of her tongue.
  330. >You grunt in frustration.
  331. >This isn’t what you want, and she knows it.
  332. >Once the tip of her tongue finishes its tour, it settles on your pulsating clit.
  333. >She swirls it around your nub, making you tense up and moan.
  334. >Your forehooves dig into the bed, and you try moving your hips to get Nightmare’s tongue where it matters.
  335. >She puts a stop to that by tightening her grasp around your waist.
  336. >You whimper, your eyes pleading for release.
  337. >Nightmare flicks her tongue on your clit one last time.
  338. >” Wait for it just a little while longer.”
  339. >Your Queen grins.
  340. >” I’ll have you drowning in ecstasy.”
  342. >Nightmare hovers her mouth over your mounds once more.
  343. >She swirls her tongue around your petals, then thrusts it inside.
  344. >Your vagina is happy to welcome her tongue back home.
  345. >Lovingly clenching around it with it’s warm wet walls.
  346. >You feel your Queen pulling her tongue out, but before any doubt could form in your mind, she slides it back in.
  347. >Your Queen moves her tongue in a steady rhythm.
  348. >Taking her tongue out far enough to leave you feeling empty, before she pushes it back in.
  349. >You start to fill the room with moans and gasps, as your body starts twitching again as you climb to your climax.
  350. >Your Queen allows you to enjoy yourself, humming softly into your vagina.
  351. >Soon you slip into a trance.
  352. >Zoning in on Nightmare’s tongue, and the pleasure its giving you.
  353. >You’re brought back to reality when your Queen removes her tongue.
  354. >Before you could protest, Nightmare rests your body on the bed, and kisses you.
  355. >She lifts you up with her forelegs without breaking the kiss.
  356. >When she does break the kiss, she quickly spins you around, and pushes you back on the bed.
  357. >Then you feel her hooves slap your flanks.
  358. >You moan with a mixture of surprise and pleasure.
  359. >Your Queen chuckles.
  360. >” Too hard?”
  361. “N-no, just wasn’t expecting it.”
  362. >” Good.”
  363. >She playful slaps your flanks again.
  364. >” Up.”
  366. >You rise your lower body on shaky legs.
  367. >The desperate need to cum after being denied twice before is overwhelming.
  368. “Please, Nightmare.”
  369. >That came out more like a whine than a plea.
  370. >” Hmmm, let’s see.”
  371. >You feel her huff right on your vagina.
  372. >Even something as small as a puff of air makes your over sensitive body spasm.
  373. >You feel movement behind you, but is confused when it stops, and you feel nothing.
  374. >Then Nightmare’s hoof in front of you.
  375. >It’s glistening, no doubt wet from your overflowing juices.
  376. >She moves her hoof from view, but curiosity makes you turn your head.
  377. >You’re rewarded with the sight of your Queen licking her hoof clean.
  378. >With an exaggerated slurp, she finishes her clean up job.
  379. >” Yes, I think you’ve had enough.”
  380. >Nightmare puts her hooves on your flanks again.
  381. >She softly caresses them, before she pushes her tongue into your vagina.
  382. >A lusty filled moan explodes from your mouth.
  383. >Her tongue feels even better than the last time.
  384. >Might have something to with the promised reward of the oncoming orgasm that has eluded you for so long.
  385. >Nightmare starts to swirl her tongue inside you.
  386. >Its length makes it feels like a never-ending spiral against your walls.
  387. >Your moans never cease, and your body spasms uncontrollably.
  389. >But you’re too far gone to care about the buildup.
  390. >You need to cum now!
  391. >Forcing your body to be still, you start swaying your hips around in a circle.
  392. >The added sensation of grinding against Nightmare’s tongue sends you rocketing to the peak.
  393. >You dig your hooves into the bed and start pushing your hips back while grinding away.
  394. >You’re so close!
  395. >If you can just get Nightmare’s tongue to rub your g spot the right way, or.
  396. >Out of the blue you feel a pinch on your clit.
  397. >That is enough to push you over into an explosive orgasm.
  398. >You yell out the loudest moan in your entire life.
  399. >Your orgasm hits like a tidal wave, sweeping over you like nothing you’ve ever experience before.
  400. >Your lower half is kept up by some unknown force through the whole ordeal.
  401. >Eventually, your mind-blowing climax ebbs away.
  402. >Leaving you with a lack of sense and feeling.
  403. >Finally, your hind legs give out.
  404. >Making you crash down to the bed below.
  406. >You barely hang on to your conscience, as you enter your aftershock.
  407. >Strong spasms still rock your body while you lay on the bed breathless.
  408. >For the moment the only sound in the room is your heavy breathing.
  409. >Until you get ahold of yourself, then the room is filled with silence.
  410. >Faintly you feel something turning you over.
  411. >Rolled onto your back, you stare up at a grinning Nightmare.
  412. >She lowers her face down and kisses you.
  413. >Her mouth tastes of your vagina and the juices that it gushed.
  414. >Nightmare cuts the kiss short, then lays down beside you.
  415. >She turn your limp to face her again.
  416. >” Well, Rarity, did you enjoy the first night of many?”
  417. “Words cannot hope to explain my enjoyment, darling.”
  418. >Nightmare pulls you into an embrace, and lightly nibbles on your neck.
  419. >” From now on, you are forbidden from calling any pony ‘darling’.”
  420. >You return the embrace, letting Nightmare’s warmth wash over you, and slowly lull you to sleep.
  421. “Of course, my darling Nightmare.”

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