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Married to a Eldritch horror

Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-08 01:44:36
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, and you are standing on something.
  2. >Or are you under something?
  3. >Perhaps you are in something?
  4. >Bah who care where you are in a physical sense, all that matters is you are Anon.
  5. >Taking a look around to at least figure out where you were.
  6. >You see you are in space with nothing else around.
  7. >And don’t mean outer space.
  8. >You’re just in space.
  9. >The only thing of note is that said space constantly changes color, from red to yellow, orange to green, blue to white, then back again.
  10. >You suddenly feel a strong itch on your head.
  11. >Moving your arm to scratch it, you feel it still there, but now that itch is stronger.
  12. >No matter how long, or how hard you scratch your head.
  13. >The itch never goes away, and instead grows in intensity.
  14. >Until you feel that the itch is not on your head, but inside it.
  15. >Like there is a rash on your brain, and your earlier actions have irritated it causing it to spread.
  16. >Then there was a pull.
  17. >Gently at first, but then it was fierce tug that sent you fly towards an unknown location.
  18. >While you are soaring, your eyes could finally something in this empty space.
  19. >But maybe because you’ moving too fast that you couldn’t get a good look at anything.
  20. >Any attempts have end with you seeing white Shapeless things.
  21. >No they have shapes to them they just keep changing.
  22. >And are they always white?
  23. >Trying to make heads or tails of what your eyes are seeing only makes the itch worse.
  24. >Suddenly you are sharply pulled downward.
  25. >Your body jerking in response to the change of direction.
  27. >You now see that you are heading towards what looks like a venom green ocean.
  28. >But when you break its surface, there was no splash, no force of impacts, and there was no change in resistance.
  29. >As you continue on your journey, you start to see other shapes.
  30. >All of them in a never ending cycle of deconstruction and reconstruction.
  31. >Before you could linger on the oddities around you, you start hearing a song.
  32. >This song seem to come from everywhere possible.
  33. >It loved to change its decibel.
  34. >Sometimes being louder than a rocket taking off.
  35. >Sometimes there is total silence.
  36. >But even if there is silence, you can feel the song vibrate through with words you couldn’t possibly hope to understand.
  37. >Then all of that ceases, and the shape stop showing themselves.
  38. >But that doesn’t matter because all that you are is focusing something else.
  39. >A large black hole comes into view, but can feel that there is more to it than that.
  40. >You also realize this is where you being lead to this entire time.
  41. >As you get closer to the hole, your body is enveloped in a warmth you’re intimately familiar with.
  42. >A Shape which you perceive as a tendril emerges from the hole, colorless as the void.
  43. >Now you were no longer being lead, now you are actively moving towards the hole.
  44. >The warmth became an inferno, the blistering sensation you feel is overwhelming.
  45. >Which is a good thing too as your head hurts and the itch becomes unbearable.
  46. >But you don’t care you want to feel the tendril’s embrace, no you need to feel its embrace.
  47. >As you inch closer you hear a faint voice.
  48. >”Anon” it says your name a soft and loving tone.
  50. >*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
  51. >Your eyes flash open to be greeted by a blue ceiling fan, and you’re dry heave, and covered in cold sweat.
  52. >But worse of all you need to vomit.
  53. >Untangling yourself from the covers, you quickly stumble your way to the bathroom.
  54. >Thanking the gods above that the door is open, as you go through the doorway and collapse in front if the toilet.
  55. >Vomiting whatever in your stomach into the bowl.
  56. >Please be chucky and green, you wish to yourself, as you open your eyes.
  57. >Nope that white and has no chunks in it.
  58. >Shit Iggy’s influence must have spread again.
  59. >”Anon breakfast is ready”
  60. >Speaking of the devil
  61. >You hear the bedroom door open, and hear movement in the room.
  62. >”Anon?” Iggy’s said in confusion.
  63. “In here Iggy” you call out to her.
  64. >”No not again.” She says as she canters to the bathroom.
  65. “Hey Iggy” you with a weak smile and a little wave.
  66. >Her frown only deepens as she see you on your knees.
  67. >”Sorry I leaked again.”
  68. “Pfft, nah don’t worry about it nothing happened.” You tell her in a cheery tone, feeling your strength return to you.
  69. “I mean it could be worse with you know all the chanting and drawing on the walls.”
  70. >That got giggle out of her at least.
  71. >Standing up, you flush the toilet and move to the sink.
  72. >”You sure you’re okay Anon”? “We could take another break.”
  73. “What you just got back, no I’m okay besides it's going to take more than one dream to make me lose my sanity.
  74. >You turn on the faucet, cup your hands under the falling water, and splash your face a couple of times.
  76. >Grabbing a washcloth from the ring, you wipe your face, before turning to your wife.
  77. “See good as new.” You smile at your wife.
  78. >Oh she changed her appearance again
  79. >She used to be a brown pegasus.
  80. >Now she is a grey unicorn.
  81. >With a black mane styled into a ponytail.
  82. >Though no cutie mark.
  83. >She stop bothering because she kept changing forms so often.
  84. >Oh and Iggy isn’t her real name.
  85. >She probably told you her real name at some point.
  86. >But you don’t remember it, you also don’t remember the first five months of your marriage either.
  87. >But you do remember her name has the letters i and g
  88. >So you stuck to calling her Iggy, because Ig is a terrible name.
  89. >”Alright fine you win” she says with a small grin.
  90. >Haha the madmen said it couldn’t be done, but you prove them wrong!
  91. >You’ve have done the impossible!
  92. >You’ve defeated an Eldritch Horror!
  93. >You’re the Eldritch Slayer!
  94. > “No you didn’t “Eldritch Slayer” I just don’t want breakfast to get cold.”
  95. >She turns and leave the bathroom.
  96. “Hey we agreed my waking thoughts were off limits”. You call out to her, as you follow behind.
  97. >”I never agreed to that, all I agree to was eating you first”
  98. >Eh you thought with a shrug.
  99. >There are worse things that could happen than Iggy reading your mind.
  100. >And truth be told you would power through them all.
  101. >Because Iggy is a wonderful wife, and you couldn’t be happier without your inconceivable nightmare.

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