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Gods amongst the mountains - RGRE - WIP

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-12 06:11:37
Expiry: Never

  1. >Lying face down in the snow you could already feel it burning into your skin when you opened your eyes.
  2. >Trying to stand up you stumble a bit but manage and start to look around.
  3. >Nothing but a barren wasteland of snow, ice, and more snow
  4. >Oh wait, some rock. Wow.
  5. "Is anyone here?!" You call out to the empty abyss of snow and mountain.
  6. >Nothing came back but the echo of your own voice.
  7. >Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
  8. >You weren't exactly dressed for the location, seeing as last night you were black out drunk at your best friends wedding.
  9. >The suit was better then nothing at all right? Count your blessings and all.
  10. >Trudging forwards you feel the snow shifting beneath your feet and the horrible chill encapsulating your entire being.
  11. >The further you went the more your head rang with pain and you started to understand the gravity of your situation.
  12. >Nothing in sight, still your feeble attempt to hold onto your life kept you going.
  13. "Oh god, please don't let me die like this. Please, please." you pray while you trudge forward hoping to see any form of civilization.
  14. >The snow has gotten into your shoes at this point and your clothes are soaked with both sweat and melted ice.
  15. >You can feel yourself being taken to your limit and you know you can't last much longer.
  16. >The cold slowly giving away to numbness and a unwavering sense of tiredness.
  17. >You can't die here not like this.
  18. "Please God. Don't let me die here."
  19. >However much you try you just can't continue, you fall to one knee and collapse entirely.
  20. >Just as your vision fades you can hear voices nearby, although you can't understand them, you simply smile and give yourself to the ever swirling darkness.
  22. >You're roused from your sleep by a group of voices, although the darkness welcomes you back, you shun it away.
  23. >"Sown dagner deth, ca wis hali?" you hear a female voice say
  24. >"Wis ca baj dagner sall luum." you another voice say, although you don't understand either of them.
  25. >You open your eyes and sit up and are greeted by an unexpected sight.
  26. >The two small ponies look on at you with shock and surprise.
  27. >Ok calm down, it's probably just some strange nigh death hallucination.
  28. "Can someone explain what im seeing right now, is there a doctor here?"
  29. >The two ponies scramble towards the door and you are left confused.
  30. >I guess there's nothing left but to follow them.
  31. >You try to stand up and immediately fall back down onto the bed.
  32. >As you do you realise this was no standard hospital room.
  33. >There was a small table with crude medical tools and a small torch to light the tent.
  34. >You hear the trudging of snow from outside and look up towards the entrance.
  35. >You see two ponies with sharp sticks pointed towards you and you immediately raise your hands and another adorned in an animal pelt, her coat a shining silver and mane a striking white.
  36. "Woah, woah, hold up!"
  37. >The pony with the animal pelt covering their head seems to recognise your words and motions to others to lower their weapons.
  38. >"You speak the ancient languge of our foremotherers beast? Are you a trial sent from Akomtesh?" she says in an authoritative tone.
  39. >If this really is real, you are fucked, with a captial F.
  40. "Who in the world is Akomtesh? I just want to go home, please."
  42. >"You know not of Akomtesh? Then you must be a blasphemer or a fool."
  43. >The tenseness of the room grows tenfold when she finishes her sentence.
  44. "Wait, wait, wait. I'm sure we can come to an understanding. Where are we exactly?"
  45. >She eyes you sternly and with a piercing glare.
  46. >"That is not for you to know just yet beast. First you must give me your name."
  47. >Ah where are your manners, oh right they went out the window when their were spears pointed at you.
  48. "I'm Anonymous, friends call me Anon, now if you're not going to tell me where we are, can you at least tell me your name?"
  49. >She contemplates it momentarily then answers
  50. >"I see no issue with giving my name to you beast, I am Long Hunt Chieftainess of the Mighty Moon Rock tribe."
  51. >Ok thats a good start- wait, you're talking to a pastel pony that's a chieftain. In the middle of nowhere.
  52. >"Why are you here beast? Why do you roam our mountains?" she asks in a considerably more curious tone.
  53. "I honestly have no clue where I am, at one point i'm drinking at my best friends wedding and now im here talking to the Chieftainess of the Moon Rock tribe.
  54. >She grows more alert at that.
  55. >"Is there more of your kind beast? If so tell us now and we will spare you from a painful death."
  56. >And you were starting to think these ponies were kind of cute.
  57. "I don't remember seeing anyone with me when I woke up. I hardly even remember how I even got here."
  58. >The Chieftainess listens to you and when you are finished she looks to her guard.
  59. >"Kal eis awn hilm." she says to one of the guards and returns her attention to you.
  61. >"My fellow tribes ponies do not remember the old language well but if you require me once more, all you need to do is show them this." she says as she pulls a small blackened crystal out of a small bag.
  62. >She walks towards you and places it on the bed cautious of you with every step she takes.
  63. >"We shall meet again beast, do not do something you will regret." and with that she exits the small tent that you're in and fades off into the snow.
  64. >You lay your head back down and contemplate what just happened.
  65. >You hear clopping hooves on stone and look up to see once again that the two ponies that had run out on you were back.
  66. >The fear was still on their faces but now there was an air of curiosity to them.
  67. >"Sizar asi hil dagneros?" she whispers to her partner.
  68. >In response she shakes her head
  69. >"Hil sahl naght ba dagneros, Long Hunt sid."
  70. >They must have realised you were looking on at them in confusion so the one on the right spoke up again.
  71. >"Sorry not good at speak of old words but will do if you are of liking."
  72. >You try your hardest to suppress a chuckle and just bearly manage to.
  73. "If you can speak to me in your old language I would appreciate it."
  74. >The pony on the right nods and continues.
  75. >"Name is Sleek Snow, and sister name is Thunder Shine." she says nervously obviously struggling to find the words in her limited vocabulary.
  76. >You nod and smile, the guard in the corner seems to step forward.
  77. >"I introduce self too. I am Sharp Point guardian of Chieftainess. Don't cause problem or else." She seems to put emphasis on the 'or else part'
  78. >You take a moment to get their names and color schemes into your head, if you really are going to be spending a long time here then you should at least get to know them.
  80. >Sleek is marked with a bone white mane and a deep blue coat, while Thunder Shine has a Yellow mane and a vibrant orange coat. The final mare is fit with tribal armour and her murky green coat can only be seen partly while her mane is a enveloping black darkness.
  81. "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Anonymous, and no before you ask, I am not a big scary monster here to eat you all."
  82. >The two mares breathe a sigh of relief but Sharp Point keeps her glare on you.
  83. >"You look very scare! Good hearing to know you are not monster."
  84. >You laugh softly and respond.
  85. "So, the question might sound a bit odd but... Are you all real?"
  86. >They tilt their heads in unison at this and look at you with a confused look on their faces.
  87. >"Of course we real. Why ask silly question?" Sleek says as she walks towards one of the small tables.
  88. "It's just that where i'm from the ponies that exist don't talk. Or uhh, aren't as vibrantly coloured."
  89. >"You from far away? How get here?" Thunder asks curiosity masking her features.
  90. "I suppose I am, I have no idea how I got here or where here even is though."
  91. >Sleek picks up a small bowl of herbs and brings it over to you.
  92. >"This help with hoof. Stop pain fast." she says while gesturing toward your hand.
  93. >And you've just noticed that its a horrendous gangrenous black.
  94. >All at once the pain wracking your hand and scream aloud.
  95. >All three of the mares jump at your screams and Thunder rushes over to the small table where Sleek got the herbs from.
  96. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Is all you manage to shout before Thunder reaches you and pops a few brightly colored berries into your mouth.
  97. >Your pain subsides rapidly and you seem to become more mellow.
  98. >The fear and pain slowly receiding you feel your head becoming heavier and heavier as darkness covers your vision.
  100. >You're once again awoken to the sound of voices and chanting.
  101. >Opening your eyes to gain some awareness of your situation, you see that you're still in the same room but only Thunder is still present.
  102. "Thunder." You say slightly groggily trying to get the mares attention.
  103. >She jumps and then turns around to face you.
  104. >"I not know that you were awake! How are feeling?"
  105. >You bring a hand to your face and rub the sleep out of your eyes.
  106. "Better then when I fell asleep that's for sure. What is all that chanting?"
  107. >She looks over at the opening of the room and then back at you.
  108. >"Sisters and brothers are pray to Hakrum, for good hunt and clear sky. We should join when we have chance."
  109. >You merely nod not wanting to cause bad blood between you and the cute little mare for denying her God.
  110. >She looks much more discomforted by what she has to say next and you know it isn't good news.
  111. "What's up Thunder? Don't tell me I've done something wrong."
  112. >She frantically shakes her head but seems to struggle with putting the words together.
  113. >"Hoof cannot be saved, is already too far gone. I sorry Anoon."
  114. >Shock racks your body as you begin to understand her words.
  115. >No.No.No.No.
  116. "Fuck!" you shout as your rage and fear begins to envelop you.
  117. >Thunder jumps back at your outburst and seems to cower away.
  118. >You immediately regret shouting and you try to calm youself down with deep breaths.
  120. "I'm sorry Thunder. I just, I didn't think i'd be losing a hand."
  121. >She slowly stands back up and walks closer to you.
  122. "Are you sure there's no way to save it? Any way! Please I can't lose my hand."
  123. >The look on her face is filled with sorrow and regret and you already understand that there is nothing to be done.
  124. >"Sorry Anoon. Nothing we can do."
  125. >Your head drops back onto the bed and you stare up at the top of the tent.
  126. >You're going to lose your hand.
  127. >And theres nothing you can do about it.
  128. >You slowly raise yourself back up and look at the small mare.
  129. >Reaching out to her you bring her in close to you and hug her, for a moment she is shocked and tenses up but soon realises whats happening and hugs you back.
  130. >Tears stream from your eyes and you stay like this for a while, the two of you holding each other while you cry for your lost hand.
  131. >Eventually after sometime you let go and Thunder looks at you.
  132. >"You still be able to take care of child with one hoof." She says with a hopeful smile
  133. >All you can do is look back at her with a bitter smile lined on your face.
  134. >She struggles for a moment as she tries to come up with an idea to make you happy again and then her face lights up.
  135. >"Come, we pray to Issal." the pony says with newfound hope in her eyes.
  136. >You allow yourself to be dragged out of the tent into the freezing cold and you get a good look of the camp.
  137. >Many ponies are going about their business, some stallions gathered around a fire with small foals and others cooking meals over a small campfire.
  138. >The mares however looked to be gathering their tools and preparing for a hunt of sorts.
  139. >This all passed your vision as a blur as you were being dragged along by Thunder into another one of the tents next door.
  140. >A small group of ponies had gathered in a circle around a small idol with an older looking mare sitting at the head.
  142. >Her mane was greying however it still had vibrant tints of pink flowing through making her yellow coat shine in the dim torchlight.
  143. >They were all chanting and singing together, the ponies had a serene joy on their faces.
  144. >The eldest pony seems to nod and stood up and walked towards you two.
  145. >"Mathar, tis un il sekke Issal." Thunder says to the elder and she merely nods and motions towards the circle.
  146. >Even with the underlying numbness you still had feint curiosity as to what you were doing.
  147. "What is this Thunder?" You whisper to Thunder.
  148. >"We pray to Issal, God of Life, maybe you find solace?"
  149. >You don't really understand but something is dragging you forward towards the group, a slight pull.
  150. >Thunder walks forward and joins the group and you follow after a slight delay, no longer able to resist the urge.
  151. >As soon as you sit down you feel an overwhelming power confront you and it seems to speak to you.
  152. >"My child, what are you?" A soft comforting male voice rings throughout your ears.
  153. >You sit there stunned and look around to see the other members of your group unaware of what you're seeing.
  154. "I-i am Human." you whisper back to the voice.
  155. >"I see, there is no other of your species in this land, even still you will always be a child of the land and thus your family is all around you." the soft voice continues.
  156. "What is going on, can you help me? I can't lose my hand please!" You plead with the voice.
  157. >A serene silence covers the air as you wait for a response.
  158. >"Would that I could my child, but I fear it is already lost to Luzza Goddess of Death."
  159. >With that all hope that you had shatters and tears begin to stream down your face once more.
  160. >"I am sorry my child, but fear not for I see many great things in your future."
  161. >When the voice finishes his words the world returns to normal and it appears that the ponies have finished praying.
  163. >Thunder walks over to you and as soon as she can see the look on your face she grimaces.
  164. >"Did you find what looking for?" She says softly with little hope in her voice.
  165. >You just shake your head.
  166. >"I sorry Anoon."
  167. >The two of you walk back outside into the freezing winds once more.
  169. >You felt numb towards the chill on the wind.
  170. >Thunder grabbed onto your good hand with her mouth and dragged you back towards the medical tent.
  171. >Once you were both back inside you just sat down on the bed and Thunder joined alongside you.
  172. "I-I think i'd like to be alone for the moment Thunder. I just need some time to think about all of this."
  173. >She gives you a small look of concern but nods and trots off towards the tent opening.
  174. >Lying your head down you can only feel emptiness inside you as though the events of the past few days had taken everything from you.
  175. >You knew eventually they'd have to amputate your hand, maybe even up to your elbow.
  176. >You didn't even know where the FUCK you were, or if there was any way back.
  177. >As these thoughts raced through your mind, a feint clopping of hooves could be heard.
  178. >And as you looked up you saw Long Hunt approaching you.
  179. >She stands next to your bed and judges your form, looking for something unknown to you.
  180. >All you can do is to look back at her with an empty gaze.
  181. >"While I was praying to Hakrum with my sisters before our hunt, I heard her call, she spoke of you beast. And of how you can aid our hunt."
  182. >You stare at her looking for any sign of jest.
  183. "Do you see my hand? I'm not able to wipe my ass let alone go hunting!" you say with a little more force then intended.
  184. >Hunt sharpens her stoney glare on you and replies.
  185. >"Do not question the wisdom of Hakrum beast, she is the Goddess of the hunt, unparalleled in her understanding of the things we hunt."
  186. >Letting loose a sigh you shake your head.
  187. "Look, im sorry. I'm just a bit worked up is all, how can I help you out with this hunt of yours?"
  188. >She softens her gaze a bit and sighs herself.
  189. >"Normally we do not employ stallions on our hunts, for it is the job of the mare, to hunt and feed their family, and the stallion to care for the foals. But this was a calling from Hakrum herself."
  190. >She lets the words hang in the air for a moment.
  191. >"Hakrum has said that you have an important place on this hunt of ours tonight, though she often is cryptic and sly at times and did not explain further."
  192. >Letting the information wash over you, you still have no clue how you would be able to help out on this hunt but if it would keep these little ponies from stringing you up and eating your insides then you'd do it.
  193. "Fine, fine. Just. Lead the way I guess." you finish with a deep sigh.
  194. >"Before we leave you should bandage your hoof, it would not be wise to keep it exposed to the elements." she says as she gestures over to the small table.
  195. >You nod and do as she asks
  196. >However while you are bandaging your hand you notice a small engraved totem on the table and decide to take it.
  197. >A feint pulsating heat comes from it and soothes you.
  198. >You quickly follow after Hunt out of the tent.
  200. >"Come then beast. You will be no use to us on this hunt if you are so slow."
  201. >You scowl but hold your tongue not wishing to start another confrontation.
  202. >The two of you walk towards a small tent filled with laughter and undesirable chatter.
  203. >When you enter the whole room quiets and all eyes are turned to the two of you.
  204. >It was always awkward when you were made to be the center of attention.
  205. "I am Anonymous, I assure you I mean you no harm. I am to join you on this hunt tonight."
  206. >Various mares turned to each other in confusion and one began to speak up
  207. >"Why need stallion beast to help hunt? Only slow down!" and with her words a jeer came from the crowd but was soon cut short by an icy glare from Chieftainess Long Hunt.
  208. >"You would do wise to hold your tongue White Bone. Hakrum herself called this beast to our hunt tonight."
  209. >The crowd went silent and every pony went back to their places and the Chieftainess just shook her head.
  210. >"Come, all you will need is here." Long Hunt said as she walked towards a small rack of weapons and leathers.
  211. >How are you even going to be able to hunt out there with an arm in this condition?
  212. >You suppose it is all left to Hakrum and her plan.
  213. >Looking over all the tools you pick up a small knife from one of the lower racks, it's a dark rock blade that seems to have been carved with care, almost to perfection.
  214. >You slip it into your belt and look over at the leathers.
  215. >Most of them were much too small for your size but one had been tossed to the side probably deemed as too large.
  216. "Do you mind if I take a look a that leather over there?" you turn your attention to Long Hunt.
  217. >"Do as you wish beast." she says curtly
  218. >Walking over you see that the coat is much too large for a pony figure, but seemingly perfect for you.
  219. >You reach down and put it on, although it is weighty it seems as though it fits perfectly.
  220. >Your arm still has a lingering pain but otherwise un-noticeable.
  221. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be hunt." you say looking around for anything else you might need.
  222. >"You will address me as Chieftainess beast. You forget your place, you are not of our tribe and have not proven your worth. Even if you have the favour of Hakrum, I will not be disrespected by a stallion of your like." she says with a heated scowl.
  223. >Oh shit you've gone and pissed off the Chieftainess... Again.
  224. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you Chieftainess." you speak quickly as to mend the fickle ties between you two.
  225. >You hear feint whispers from the various mares around you although inaudible.
  226. >She doesn't say a word but merely gets back to sharpening her tools.
  227. >"The hunt shall begin soon, go finish your preparations." she says without turning her gaze away from her tools.
  228. >Walking off you hear the faint whispers coming from the groups of mares that have overheard your conversation with the Chieftainess.
  229. >A slight pulling feeling fulls your being, a drive towards the small statue on one of the tables.
  230. >You amble over slowly unsure and once you reach the table you're greeted with a small statue of an eagle.
  231. >Its craftsmanship clearly slaved over and perfected, its visage almost realistic.
  232. >You pick it up and turn it over in your hands, feeling its grooves and bumps.
  233. >Suddenly a whisper comes from the small statue, a feint ominous thing.
  234. >The whisper grows louder and louder until it has almost become an audible chant.
  235. >"Hiy! Put down!" you hear some pony say from the corner of your conscience and you're brought back to reality.
  236. "I-Uh-" you stutter but are cut off by a furious mare approaching you.
  237. >"Put down! Not yours, is mine!" she says angrily.
  238. >You immediately drop the statue back down and she snatches it from you.
  239. >She stomps off angrily and you see an elder stallion approaching you.
  240. >"Dhak tauc." he says calmly
  241. "Ah, I'm sorry I don't speak your language." you say with a tinge of embarrassment.
  242. >He takes a moment to understand what you're saying until he realises.
  243. >"No touch, very important."
  244. "Oh, i'm sorry I didn't know."
  245. >"Statue made for wife, stallion make as good luck charm. Bad luck if any touch that is not." he explains.
  246. "Thanks i'll uh- I'll keep it in mind."
  247. >He reaches into a small pouch at his side and brings out a small leather stitching.
  248. >"This first hunt? Should bring tribute for Hakrum." he says as he hands you the stitching.
  249. >You turn it around in your hands and see that one side is marked with a small mare hunting a wolf like creature while the other is of a Stallion tending to his foals.
  250. "Thanks again."
  251. >"Should not bring stallion on hunt, should be home with foals." He sighs and shakes his head "But Hakrum order so must be done."
  252. >You go to ask him about the meaning of the pictures on the stitching but are interrupted by Long Hunt.
  253. >"Rehda fha tal hant, Hakrum whachos os." she addresses the crowd of mares.
  254. >She looks over to you and motions you over.
  255. >"The hunt is starting, stick by me beast, I will not have another hunt ruined."
  257. >You nod and follow closely as she heads to the opening of the tent.
  258. >"This will be a long and weary hunt beast, I hope you are ready for the trials of Harkum." she says turning back to you for a moment then continuing forward.
  260. >The chill of the wind reverberates through the air and seeps into your bones clawing at your unguarded body.
  261. >Your hunting party splits off into multiple groups scattering off to cover more ground.
  262. >You were left with Long Hunt herself and another mare who had barely offered to introduce themselves.
  263. >Her coat was a pale yellow and her mane a dark orange with what you presumed was a small horn poking out of her head, unlike you had seen on any of the ponies before her.
  264. >The strangest of the mares characteristics was that she wore a scarlet blindfold over her eyes as though to obscure her vision.
  265. >You would definitely need to ask about that later.
  266. >Among them though you found Sleek accompanying your party.
  267. >"Hello Ahynawn." She says while scrunching her snout clearly trying to pronounce your name correctly.
  268. >A small chuckle comes from you and you just shake your head.
  269. "It's Anon. Also, hello Sleek, what've you got on your back there?"
  270. >"Is bag of herb, is hoof still hurt? Can help." she asks with a sincere tone.
  271. >As though to emphasize its presence, waves of pain shudder through you.
  272. >This shit hurts but you don't want to be wasting all of their supplies, especially if someone- er somepony now? gets hurt.
  273. "I should be fine for now, thanks for asking-" you're interrupted by a sharp hush from the other mare in your party.
  274. >Your group descends into silence once again and you can hear the feint crunch of snow underfoot and hoof.
  275. "So, if you don't mind me asking... Why do stallions stay at home while the mares are out hunting? In my world the men would hunt and the women tend to the home." You say with genuine curiosity in your voice.
  277. >The unnamed mare accompanying your party just snorts in response however Long Hunt gives her a stern look and she quickly stops herself.
  278. >"It is not your place to question our ways beast, but if you must know, stallions are a rarity and are much too weak to be set out in the wilds to face Hakrum's trials." Long Hunt says sternly.
  279. >"They are given the charge of keeping the home warm and tribe together. However there are some that have a special gift within them, able to commune with Akomtesh herself and that role earns them a great honour."
  280. >A sharp snapping of a twig comes from the forest ahead and you turn to examine the thick treeline.
  281. >"Enough talking, the hunt has begun." She whispers just loud enough to hear.
  282. >Your group hides behind a small shrub and you wait for anything in the forest to move.
  283. >The blood in your veins is pumping and you can hear your heartbeat in your ear.
  284. >Another crunch closer now.
  285. >You hold your breath and continue searching the snow covered ground for any sign of the animal.
  286. >At first you had thought it was merely a tree blowing in the wind and yet...
  287. >There was no mistaking it once it had moved though, it was a a mossy green deer with large ornate antlers covered in a small assortment of leaves berries and sticks.
  288. >You were the last to strike as the others had moved with an unbelievable speed.
  289. >They jumped and tore at the deer with their small knives like a pack of wolves however they seemed unable to break the thick hide that surrounded the beast.
  290. >Its cries of anger tore you back to reality and you moved as swiftly as you could trying to use your size to over power the beast and bring it down.
  291. >You crashed your weight into its side and the beast stumbled almost falling over but quickly regained its composure.
  292. >As you were bringing yourself back up from the ground you saw it charging at you, antlers raised menacingly towards you.
  293. >So this is where you die huh?
  294. >Gored by a mossy green gay deer on a mountain filled with talking ponies and their Gods and Goddesses...
  296. >A bright spark came from beside you and the forest filled with a blazing heat.
  297. >The deer reeled back from the flame that had suddenly engulfed the area, the distraction was enough to slip closer and try once again to tackle it to the ground.
  298. >You pushed yourself against it again forcing it to topple over and you began to stab the small knife into its throat again and again, its thick amber blood coating your knife and hands.
  299. >Even after the beast had stopped flailing you couldn't stop yourself from shaking, fear and adrenaline coursed through your veins and your body threatened to faint.
  300. >A small hoof reached your back and you looked up to see Sleek attempting to comfort you.
  301. >"You do good Ahynnawn." she says as Long Hunt comes over to inspect your kill.
  302. >"Impressive work beast, Hakrum was wise to have us bring you on this hunt. Your bravery was impressive for a stallion."
  303. >Your starting to feel slightly numb to these near death experiences now, but the praise is nice so you take it in stride.
  304. >The large mare that accompanied your group busied herself with attaching the corpse to her withers with a primitive strap as the rest of your group sits in silence while you wait.
  306. >On your way back you begin to think back on the scuffle and about that curious flame that saved your life.
  307. >You see Long Hunt and the other mare off in the distance, not too far but enough that they wouldn't hear your conversation.
  308. >It seems like a bad idea to keep stepping on the Chieftainess' toes when it comes to this spiritual stuff...
  309. "So sleek... If you don't mind me asking, what was that fire that stopped the beast from putting me into an early grave?" you say lowering your voice.
  310. >She looks at you curiously for a moment but quickly realises.
  311. >"You not have blessing of Akomtesh like Solarum. She blessed with power of fire, she is one of chosen by Akomtesh." She says and she scrunches her snout.
  312. >Fuck that's cute.
  313. >Also where do you get your super powers.
  314. >"I not know how explain more... Long Hunt explain better?"
  315. >Well you did already take a chance asking Sleek but it seems its not taboo to ask about or else you would have already lost your head.
  316. >And you seemed to have gained at least a little bit of favour with her by proving your worth.
  317. "I'll do that sleek, thanks for that."
  318. >The pain in your arm is coming back worse now, the pain etching its way into your mind.
  319. >"You take herb now. Fix hoof. No hurt." sleek says reaching into her small saddle pouch.
  320. "No i'm qui-" you attempt to say despite the searing pain throbbing through your arm once again.
  321. >"I not take no for answer. Stallion need health, too weak." she says insisting.
  322. "Look i'm fine for n-"
  323. >"You take herb, or I force." she says more sternly now.
  324. >You attempt to protest more but you are pounced on and tumble to the ground.
  325. >Before you even know it you have Sleek on top of you and forcibly feeding you the multi-coloured berry.
  326. >Damn, she's strong huh.
  327. >Within moments the pain dulls, fading off into a minor sting.
  328. >Sleek smiles while still perched upon your chest.
  329. >"See better now. No hurt!"
  330. >The warm coat of the mare on top of you contrasts strictly with the icy cold ground beneath you.
  331. "Alright, alright. Now hop off me before the others see us like this." You say with a twinge of embarrassment.
  332. >She returns to her position beside you and you wipe the snow off of your coat.
  333. >Long Hunt seems to give you a small glance but otherwise ignores you choosing to focus more on Sleek giving her a sharp glare.
  334. >Odd, but whatever you suppose as you and your party continue walking back to camp.
  336. >When you finally arrived back at camp you couldn't hear anything, a thick sense of silence enveloped the camp.
  337. >Almost to the degree of being unsettling.
  338. >You look over to your companions to find them frozen still, as though time had paused around them.
  339. >What the fuck is going on?
  340. >You can hear a soft whisper throughout the camp, almost as though it were carried on the wind itself.
  341. >The shadows dance at the sides of your vision and the whispers grow louder until they are finally audible.
  342. >Glancing around you search for them but cannot find their maker until you see a fragile elder mare in the middle of the village, seemingly unaffected by the thing that has affected all of the other ponies nearby.
  343. >She slowly ambles towards you and begins speaking in a voice that is quiet and meek yet radiates intense power.
  344. >"Mortal. You have succeeded in the first of many trials I have for you."
  345. "Wh-Who are you?" you ask confusion lining your voice.
  346. >"I am as old as the trees and as weathered as the mountains. I am the Goddess of the Hunt. Hakrum."
  347. >She turns away from you slightly looking towards Solarum.
  348. >"My father always did make his gifts striking." She remarks "Your hunt went well mortal, your ponies will be fed and the cold hunger abated for the time being."
  349. >A long pause is left in the air and she turns her gaze back to you.
  350. >"Do you wonder why I picked a Stallion for this role mortal?"
  351. "I uh-" you stutter.
  352. >Think of something quick Anon. Quickly dammit.
  353. "I'm not sure, Miss Goddess ma'am"
  354. >The elder mare chuckles "I see. Perhaps you will understand soon." she says as she wanders off towards the edge of camp and disappears beyond the edge of the mountain.
  355. >Soft sounds of ponies talking and the crackle of fire resumes, bringing the world back to life.
  356. >"Are you alright Anon? It seemed as though Luzza herself had called to you..." Long Hunt calls to you in a concerned tone.
  358. >You shake your head and look up to see a rare emotion on the Chieftainess' face, concern. Specifically for you.
  359. "I-i'm alright. Yeah."
  360. >She doesn't look convinced and trots over to you giving you a closer inspection.
  361. "Hey, I'm alright Long Hunt, I just zoned out for a moment there." you say hands raised defensively.
  362. >She continues inspecting you circling you and gently patting her hooves on your body.
  363. >"I'm not convinced beast. Tonight you will sleep in my tent so I can keep an eye on you." as she says this the two mares accompanying you gasp but say nothing more.
  364. >You really don't have much place to argue, lest this mare takes your head for disobeying.
  365. >"Let us go, the moon has risen and Zalshar has her reign over the land."
  366. >"Lauv hus yos twa." she says looking towards the two mares that accompanied you and they nod and head off to their own duties.
  367. >Sleek gives you a small wave before she leaves which is met by another sharp glare from Long Hunt.
  368. >Long Hunt starts towards one of the more luxurious tents marked with grand feathers and large carvings on the entrance and you quickly catch up to her side.
  369. >The insides of the tent is paved with bone carved masks and small charms. A large comfortable looking bed lies in the middle of the room, lit only by a few candles.
  370. >"Go, lie down and dream beast." she says walking over to a small crude cabinet picking up a small pony like statue.
  371. >You do as she says and lie down on the bed, the sheets of wool were warm to the touch and had a feint heat radiating from it.
  372. >Closing your eyes you hear whispering coming from Long Hunt, a strange repeating mantra that sounds akin to prayer.
  373. >Slowly the comforting mantra wraps you into a calming slumber your dreams filled with a comforting radiant light.
  375. >You're woken up to a stinging pain in your arm and you let out a pained whisper.
  376. >When you sit up in the bed you see Long Hunt without her usual leather pelt completing her attire sitting at your bedside.
  377. >She looks at you her common unfeeling expression staring back at you.
  378. >"What has awoken you beast?" she says with concern despite her expression.
  379. "It's nothing, just a little bit of pain." you say while nodding towards your arm. "Were you watching me while I was sleeping?"
  380. >She nods and stands up, walking over to the same cabinet and picking out crushed herbs from one of the draws.
  381. >"You must be watched at all times beast, I will not have you hurting my tribe's ponies for my lack of vigilance." she says as she walks back over to the bed.
  382. >"Take off your dressing and show me your hoof beast."
  383. >You nod and do as she says carefully unwrapping the bandage to reveal the blackened flesh underneath that seems to turn your stomach.
  384. >"It has gotten worse. An Ill omen for your health beast." she says dabbling her hoof into the crushed herb. "This will only help for a small time, but it will alleviate the pain and reduce its spread."
  385. "I-Is there another way?" you say as she dabs her hoof onto the flesh causing a searing pain to shock through your arm.
  386. >"To cure it? Perhaps." she says "Keep still beast. I must perform the runes correctly or else it will not work."
  387. >Despite the pain you attempt to oblige her request and yet the pain causes you to flinch eliciting a harsh response from Long Hunt.
  388. >In the end, Long Hunt manages to complete her work, a small trail of symbols line your flesh even travelling above the damaged hand.
  389. >"May Akomtesh bless this work." she says looking over her work once again.
  390. >As she says these words the symbols glow brightly and dance upon your skin, causing you to become slack jawed in awe of what you are witnessing.
  391. >Long Hunt looks up to your awe filled face and a soft smile crosses her lips, as though she is a mother welling with pride for her child.
  392. >"So now you see, the power of our Gods give us the strength to survive in such a harsh land."
  393. >"As for a cure to this wound, perhaps there is a way, but the cure's location marred with countless monsters and hostile tribes." she says with a deep anger hidden in her voice and in her features.
  394. >There are other tribes on this mountain? You suppose it shouldn't come to as much of a shock to you but you're still surprised and impressed that so many of these ponies could live in such a harsh land.
  395. "Can you tell me of the other tribes?" you say cautious not to rise Long Hunts fury.
  396. >She breathes a deep sigh the fury that lined her features leaving slowly.
  397. >"They are ponies that were unhappy with my leadership, they left long ago to create their own tribes and in doing so fractured the bonds of family and friendship they had made." she says with sadness in her voice "They compete for our food, our lands and our stallions, making themselves enemies of our tribe."
  398. >Shit man. You didn't realize it such a saddening affair.
  399. >Before you even realize what you are doing, you reach down to give Long Hunt a one armed hug.
  400. >Once you realize what you're doing you attempt to pull yourself back, expecting a harsh punishment but are stopped by Long hunt returning the hug.
  401. >Her soft mane brushing against your face and her strong grip holding on to you comforts you and sets you at ease.
  402. >"Do not misunderstand the meaning behind my actions, this was only for your comfort and recovery. You are but a colt in the end and need more physical and emotional comfort then a recovering mare." she says as she breaks the hug a slight tinge of red on her white coat.
  403. >She places the bowl of crushed herbs back into the cabinet and rounds the other side of the bed, sliding into it.
  404. >"We must sleep now beast, wrap your wound and drift into slumber. There are many trials that we must face tomorrow." Long Hunt says while finding a comfortable spot on the bed for herself.
  405. >You can only nod, still feeling the lingering warmth on your skin as you rebandage your flesh.
  407. >The clopping of hooves on stone is heard as a whisper from outside and light shines into your eyes causing you to grumble.
  408. >You begrudgingly open your eyes to find the bed you've slept in empty, Long Hunt no where in sight.
  409. >A cool chill from the wide open tent doors stings your flesh with a terrible frost and you shudder.
  410. >When the sleep finally drips away from your consciousness you get up from the bed and head out towards the entrance of the tent.
  411. >Amongst the warmth of the blazing bonfire a few stallions sit with new born foals in their arms, chatting and feeding their young ones.
  412. >Maybe they know where Long Hunt went?
  413. >You take another look around to see only a few mares bustling about, not wanting to bother them you settle on the first choice.
  414. >The stallions seem to stop their conversation to look over at you with concern in their eyes.
  415. >"What want?" the one with a aqua green coat speaks up, holding the foal in his arms nearer to his chest.
  416. "Sorry to bother you, I was just looking for the Chieftainess. Do you know where she is?" at the mention of his Chieftainess his ears perk up.
  417. >He points towards the edge of the forest with a stern glare. "Long Hunt meet with Betrayer. Not business for stallions."
  418. >Is that the other tribe Long Hunt was talking about before? The ones who broke off from the Moon Rock tribe...
  419. "I see, thank you." once you finish your words he continues talking to the stallion next to him but his eyes do not stray from you.
  420. >You may have gained the trust of the Chieftainess but you can't have expected that to buy every ponies trust.
  421. >"Beast. Chieftainess calls, come. Now." you hear from a voice behind you.
  422. >When you go to turn around, you see Solarum walking towards you.
  423. "Wha-What does she nee-" you begin but are quickly cut off by Solarum once again.
  424. >"Do not question. Come." She says trotting off into the forest with the obvious expectation that you will follow her.
  425. >Quickly you chase after her not wanting to be reprimanded further, lest punishments follow.
  426. >The two of you walk in silence, other than the thick crunch of snow underfoot there is no sound in the forest, until you hear voices coming from a small clearing up ahead.
  427. >Once you enter the clearing you can see Long Hunt and her guards talking to another group of ponies.
  428. >The one who Long Hunt is talking to wears a magnificent vestment of ritual cloths, her shimmering tan coat mixing with her deep chocolate mane.
  429. >They seem to be arguing and Long Hunt has a composed look that hides her fury underneath, yet the other mare has no such want for deception and her anger marks her face like large scars.
  430. >The two of you can only wait until a pause in the conversation and the two mares finally notice you and a deeper scowl comes over the other mare.
  432. >"Ehy hakf baht hilm." Solarum says beside you with a slight bow.
  433. >Long Hunt gives a nod towards Solarum and looks over to you.
  434. >"Beast, come to my side." Long Hunt calls and after a moments hesitation you go to her side.
  435. >The other mare looks you over with disgust and her anger is now directed towards you.
  436. >"So this is the beast that you speak of, it is an affront to our Gods." she says spitting on the floor in front of you.
  437. >Well that's one way to introduce yourself...
  438. >"Yes, Hakrum herself told me to bring him on our hunt." she says with no emotion in her voice.
  439. >The other mare looks on at Long Hunt in shock.
  440. >"Surely Sister, that was not Hakrum, for it would be blasphemy for a beast such as this to have the favor of the Goddess of the hunt herself!" she says half shocked and half raging.
  441. >Long Hunt shakes her head and continues.
  442. >"It is true, I thought at first too that it was a fiendish spirit causing our hunt to go awry, but it seems the dream was no trick. As for what reason, I still do not know."
  443. >The other mare holds a hoof up to her head and furrows her brow.
  444. >"If it is the will of Hakrum..." she lets out a frustrated sigh and pauses for a moment. "Watch your back around the beast sister. For you know Hakrum plays her tricks on the unwitting."
  445. >If you didn't feel like you would have your head cut off and your heart sacrificed then you would probably speak up right about now.
  446. >Long Hunt merely nods and they both bring their hooves to their lips and utter a chant.
  447. >"Mathar partac hus phram deth, ind ghyde hus ta vhixtery." they say in unison and once finished they both part their separate ways.
  449. >The walk back to camp is filled with the crunch of snow and idle chatter between mares.
  450. "Long Hunt. Who was that mare you were speaking to?"
  451. >"It is my Sister beast, Rime Dust, you shall show her the same respect you show me." she says slight aggravation in her tone. "She is away hunting a most devious prey and that is the cause for her absence, but she is no less important than myself. Do you understand?"
  452. "Of course." you say with a nod.
  453. >"Her hunt has gone on for many days, and a hunt such as that can leave the mind restless and irritated." she says more softly, as though reassuring herself of the reasoning behind her sisters actions.
  454. >The more you learn about this cute little pony, the more you want to hold her close and tell her its going to be alright.
  456. >When your group arrives at camp once more the thick scent of cooking food fills the air and you realize that you're starving.
  457. >"It is time to eat Beast. Follow me." Long Hunt says walking off towards the large group surrounding the campfire.
  458. >You hurriedly follow along, unable to wait any longer for the surely delicious meal that you can smell on the wind.
  459. >Mares gather about as the food is cooked and given out by the stallions. Peering over the withers of one mare you see that the contents of the food is a thick brownish soup.
  460. >"Wait here beast, I will gather our food." she says and you oblige, observing the actions of the ponies around you.
  461. >It seems as though its not proper for a stallion to gather their food themselves, instead having a mare grant them it instead.
  462. >You even see Sleek and Thunder handing bowls of soup to the younger colts.
  463. >Soon enough Long Hunt returns with two bowls expertly balanced on her withers.
  464. >"Your food beast. Be sure to eat well, for there is another hunt tonight." she says solemnly
  465. "What's with the gloom Hunt?" she glares at you for not using her full title but says nothing against it.
  466. >"I thought I would never send a stallion on a hunt, and now I am to do it again. But your worth on our hunt last night was undeniable, even as a beast, you have earnt some of my respect." she says, causing you to smile genuinely.
  467. >"Do not misunderstand me, you are not one of us. You are merely a useful hunter, one that may turn against us at any time." she says with a steely voice.
  468. >Damn and you were starting to think you were getting in her good books.
  469. >You take a deep gulp of the soup and to your delight it tastes amazing, the flavor blending beautifully together and filling your belly with warmth.
  470. >"You seem to have enjoyed your meal." she says as she looks down into your empty bowl. "Perhaps you can learn something from the stallions who cooked the meal, as one day you too will have to cook for your mate."
  471. >That's not the worst idea, if only they weren't so anxious around you.
  472. "Perhaps another time, I fear I have even less trust with your tribes ponies then with yourself."
  473. >Well aside from a few...
  474. >Long Hunt lets a thin smile cross her lips and nods.
  475. >"It will take time to gain our trust. But one day, perhaps you will."
  476. >The two of you sit there long after your meals are finished just basking in the warm embrace of the flames.
  477. >"If you are to accompany the hunt once again Beast, you must pray with us." she says finally ending the silence.
  478. >Long Hunt looks towards the sky and after a moment shakes her head.
  479. >"Wailak is hungry. She is not one to be kept wanting."
  480. "Who is Wailak? Is she a God too?" you say drawing Long Hunts steely gaze from the sky to yourself.
  481. >With the mention of her name the wind seems to pick up and a deathly chill surrounds you causing you to shudder.
  482. >"I will not punish yourself for your ignorance this time Beast, but do not make the same mistake twice." she breathes a deep sigh and continues. "She is a God, however she is not one to be worshiped for she only seeks carnage and chaos."
  483. >Long Hunt's gaze softens and she stands up, motioning you to do so too.
  484. >"We shall pray now, so that the Hakrum may favour our hunt and for Akomtesh keep Wailak at bay." she says as she heads off in the direction of the ritual tent.
  486. >As soon as you enter the tent once more you can feel a deathly chill enter your bones and when you spin around you are faced with an icy cavern.
  487. "Wha-"
  488. >A sharp breeze comes from behind you chilling your bones and as you try to move you find yourself frozen to the spot.
  489. >"Well, what do we have here? This is a most interesting toy." the voice whispers from behind you.
  490. >The voice alone instils a frost into your blood even more so then the icy breeze itself.
  491. >"My brothers and sisters NEVER tell me about anything interesting anymore... Well at least not after the whole fracturing thing, but that was SOOOOOO long ago." the voice seems to gain on you until it directly behind you.
  492. >You try to speak once more but your entire body is cased in ice.
  493. >"Maybe I'll keep you here? Oooo that sounds like fun." She says as she circles around you to show herself.
  494. >Her coat is a icy blue seeming to reflect the light like crystals and her deep blue mane flowing in the chilling wind.
  495. >She continues to circle you again and again until she stops when she sees your blackened arm.
  496. >"And what is this? Your hoof is blackened and rotted. I see we have already met, good, good." she says with a cold tone.
  497. >She raises a hoof to your arm but before she touches you a radiant light breaks through the icy cavern, melting a hole in one of the icy walls.
  498. >"No! He's mine sister!" the mare hisses at the light yet she draws away from it.
  499. >The frost around you melts and you take deep breaths trying to suck in air.
  500. >"Back fiend, you are no sister of mine." a radiant voice comes from behind the blazing light.
  501. >The frost fades from around you and the mare is drawn into a corner of the cavern continuing to hiss at the light.
  502. >"I will have my toy sister! One way or another." she says as a hole opens up in the side of the cavern and she disappears within its gaping maw.
  503. >Was that Wailak? And who is this now? Another God come to claim your soul?
  504. >Fuck you just want to go back to when the most frightening thing was tiny ponies pointing spears at you.
  505. >"I have heard much of you, human was it?" the radiant voice steps from the light and reveals a tall mare clad in shining gold armour, her mane a blazing gold and her coat a sunny yellow.
  506. "Y-yes ma'am." you say falling to one knee instinctively.
  507. >"You may stand." Her voice booming and powerful yet comforting.
  508. >As you stand you can see that the mare is still taller then you, almost dwarfing you.
  509. >"I apologize for having to deal with that fiend, what was once my sister has given into lecherous corruption... But that is not a tale for a mortal, much less a stallion."
  510. >She seems to inspect you and just like Wailak her eyes are drawn to your arm.
  511. >"I see. The fiend has already taken her hold on your hoof, pity not even I can prevent such corruption. There is a way of course, but it is far across the lands. If you are to brave the valleys of which my sister Luzza holds in her grasp, then you may find what you seek. But be warned human, for my sister does not approve of intruders stamping on her lands."
  512. >You are unable to say anything more before the mare swiftly turns and heads back into the light, leaving you in a realm of darkness.
  513. >When you close your eyes you find yourself in the ritual tent once more, however this time looking at the ceiling.
  514. >"What happened Beast?" Long Hunt says looking down at you with visible fear in her eyes.
  515. >You slowly sit up and rub the back of your head, a resounding headache taking hold of your mind.
  516. "I-I don't know. I think I just had a vision of two Gods." you mumble under your breath and yet it was loud enough for the ponies around to hear it and grab their spears.
  517. >Well you did say you wanted to go back to having spears pointed at you by little ponies right?
  518. >They gathered around you with spears raised to your throat.
  519. >"Bolphama! Bolphama!" one mare says her spear terribly close to your heart.
  520. >You look off to Long Hunt and she too has anger in her eyes but still the concern lurks behind it.
  521. >"Beast, you speak lies and for that you will be punished. Come with me and do not put up a fight. I would hate to stain this tent with a stallions blood." she says a grim lining to her voice.
  523. >You follow closely behind Long Hunt, still dazed from your awful experience, your mind still unable to process the things that are happening around you.
  524. >Thick magical chains locked your hands together and even if you were to attempt to resist them it would be futile as they clasped like iron.
  525. "W-where are we going?" you manage to slowly stagger out your words but are left without answers as you are led from the tent.
  526. >As you are led past the unfortunate few mares who are left outside in the horrible winds some look off to you in confusion and others with a grim knowledge of your fate.
  527. >It had felt like hours crunching through the snow and the gale breathing ice into your face, the silence between your party being no good omen in your eyes.
  528. >Eventually you were led to a cliff, the wind roared fiercer here, as though it understood your presence and wanted you as tribute.
  529. "No... Please Long Hunt." you pleaded your fate becoming more apparent with every step.
  530. >Oh God help you.
  531. >Instead of answering she looks on towards her fellow tribal pony and speaks her words filled with regret.
  532. >"Lauv hus." Long Hunt says causing the mare to give a questioning look but a glare makes her quickly reconsider.
  533. >The crunching hoof steps quickly fade off into the distance and you look towards Long Hunt with tears in your eyes.
  534. >"It is our law to throw blasphemers from these heights, to see if our Gods truly favour them." She says not turning back to meet your gaze.
  535. >You attempt to struggle against the magical bonds but they are still as strong as when they were first set upon you.
  536. >"I am truly sorry Bea-. No. Anonymous, you have earnt that much in my eyes. Surely a stallion like you deserves a more honourable death than this too."
  537. >Long Hunt pauses for a moment and breathes a heavy sigh.
  538. >"If things had been different Anonymous, perhaps..." she shakes her head as though to shake away a bad dream.
  539. "Long Hunt, you don't have to do this! I-I could just-" you're cut off by the small mare shaking her head and you fall to your knees into the heavy snow.
  540. >For these last few moments you try to enjoy what very well may be the last few sensations on this planet.
  541. >The cool breeze tingles against your skin and the icy snow etches itself into your memory.
  542. >Perhaps there was a lot you hadn't finished in life, perhaps you could even be considered a fool. But damnit you can't die like this.
  543. >You look up at Long Hunt and her gaze shifts to a more curious stare.
  544. >You had a plan. Foolish as it may be it was your only way out.
  545. "Is there another trial that I could take? Perhaps... Perhaps I can show that I am favored by the Gods through a hunt." you say causing Long Hunts face to become plastered with shock and yet she doesn't respond for a moment.
  546. >The moments between her next words are wrought with a perilous tension, the harsh winds the only sound ringing out through the mountain top.
  547. >Her mouth turns upwards into a grin and she laughs.
  548. >"I had never thought I'd hear the tale of the brave stallion blasphemer who challenged the wilderness itself." she nods and continues. "I think it is a more fitting end for you Anonymous."
  549. >You release a breath you hadn't realized you were holding and slowly raise to your feet.
  550. >"Come then, you shall be given a weapon before your final hunt." Long Hunt says walking off in the direction of camp and you trail slowly behind her.
  552. >When the two of you finally do return to camp the mares that had seen you leave had a grim anger scarring their expressions.
  553. >One of the more bolder mares stormed towards you but was quickly cut short by Long Hunt and her angry gaze was replaced with one of frustration and confusion.
  554. >"Weh partac bolphoma Long Hunt?"
  555. >"He wishes to face a different trial, a more fitting end for a stallion of his ilk, he seeks to challenge the beasts of the valley." she says with a proud tone and the mare looks on at Long Hunt in shock.
  556. >The two of you pass by her and none halt your passage into the hunting tent.
  557. >As you entered the room you could feel the eyes of all the mares within the room snap onto you but you did your best to ignore them, simply following Long Hunt despite their angry glares.
  558. >"Pick your weapon carefully Anonymous, it is the only belonging that you may carry with you into your final hunt." Long Hunt says motioning to a small rack of weapons.
  559. >You feel your hands be let loose of the magical binding with a loud crack.
  560. >Leaning down to get a closer look you don't see much of a variety between the weapons.
  561. >Rough swords made of stone and sharp bits of rock line most of the rack but the sharp dagger you used on your first hunt catches your eye and you reach for it.
  562. >The soft leather hilt seems as though it was built solely for your hands alone and the dark blade seems to gleam against the light.
  563. >"So it is chosen then, Let us be off then."
  565. >When you reach the seemingly endless forest ahead of you, the endless darkness contained within causes a shiver to run through you.
  566. >"If you manage to slay one of the large beasts within this valley and return with it's skull then you will have proven yourself to be truly favored by our Gods." Long Hunt says with deadly seriousness her tone just as razor sharp as her expression.
  567. >But for a moment it seems to soften as she is about to turn.
  568. >"Good luck Anonymous. Would that it could be any other way." her voice seems to be lined with regret and sadness.
  569. >You grip the dagger's hilt tightly and take your first step into the woods.
  570. >The deeper and deeper you head into the valley the more you can feel the light being sapped away from your surroundings.
  571. >With every inch forward everything becomes more eerie and surreal sounds, the animals here seemingly created for the sole purpose of fear.
  572. >Soon enough though your eyes adjust to the darkness making it a little bit easier to see, however the inky blackness still claws at your vision and you trip over a large root.
  573. >Instead of landing on your face you were lifted into the treetops and you realized just how screwed you were.
  574. >You could hear crunching in the distance and quickly reached for your knife and attempted to cut open the makeshift prison that you had been placed in.
  575. >The crunching grew louder and louder and in response you attempted to cut quicker and quicker.
  576. >Finally the rope gave free and you dropped to the thick mud with a thump causing the soft crunching to stop.
  577. >You hadn't even heard their hoof steps until they were in your sight, the ponies moved cautiously around you and their spears were trained upon you.
  578. "Hey." you say simply too tired to even beg for your own life.
  579. >They seem to understand you strangely enough, albeit not entirely.
  580. >Communicating through grunts and signs you presume they are deciding your fate.
  581. >One of the ponies walks up to you unafraid, her eyes glazed over and clearly blinded.
  582. >As she approaches closer you can see her mane is an ocean like sapphire and coat a dark jade.
  583. >She seems to inspect you up and down until she sees the black gangrenous wound and lets loose a small gasp.
  584. >Skittering back she joins the others in distance and they continue to watch you.
  585. "Look I don't want to hurt you, do you guys have a camp or something?"
  586. >More grunts and signs are used to communicate between the group and as you were just about to give up they nodded in your direction.
  587. >The same mare that was brave enough to approach you does so again, although much more cautiously now and bites onto your good hand softly.
  588. >This is how you get eaten alive by cannibal ponies isn't it.
  589. >She tugs on your hand slightly as the rest of the group walks off deeper into the inky darkness and motions you to follow her.
  590. >You don't have much of a choice in the matter do you?
  591. >Ambling along behind her, you jump at every snapped twig and distorted caw until you finally reach the camp.
  592. >The small torches barely lit the large camp but most of the ponies that you could see seemed to not need their furtive light.
  593. >As you were drug along by the small mare further into the camp, you saw many mares seeking to hide their stallions and children away from you even with your friendly escort.
  594. >Perhaps they saw your hand?
  595. >The center of the camp held the largest tent, odd carvings and runes lining the doorway much like some of the tents in the Moon Rock camp.
  596. >You were pulled into the tent and as you passed through the flaps you entered a dimly lit room with a mare sitting in a wooden chair at the end.
  597. >Her coat a muddy brown and while most of her mane was adorned with feathers and a helm of bone, you managed to discern that it is a soft mint color underneath.
  598. >She was surrounded by mares in leather adorned with thick bones and holding large spears.
  599. >In your direction.
  600. >Of course.
  601. >The mare lets go of your hand and steps towards the tribal leader bowing slightly.
  602. >After the leader grunts harshly the mare rises once more and while to you it sounds only of grunts and strange movements, you're sure she's trying to plead your case.
  603. >Well you hope at least.
  604. >As the leader listens to the ponies story she occasionally looks up at you with great interest.
  605. >She raises her hoof as though for the mare to stop her story and she rises from her throne, trotting over to you.
  606. >Her eyes were coated with the same glassy layer as the other mare and you wondered if she could see you at all.
  607. >For a moment she inspected you as the other mare had, that is until she saw your hand, instead of skittering away she merely shook her head.
  608. >The mare comes even closer to look at your hand, so close in fact that you can feel her hot breath upon your body.
  609. "Ah, a little too close there." you say softly not trying to anger the mare.
  610. >She snaps back and looks into your eyes, her soft glassy eyes showing some level of recognition beneath the mist.
  611. >"You speak old language?" she says her words coming out rough and broken but even that cannot suppress the surprise hidden in her voice.
  612. >"Good. Good!" she says softly clopping her hooves together, the helmet of bone chittering as she does.
  613. >You stand there confused for a moment, just trying to piece everything together.
  614. >"Omen! Omen is stallion too, strange but good! Good Omen! Come Omen I show you where stay." she says while bouncing out of the tent, intending you to follow.

Gods amongst the mountains - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Losing your head - Discontinued

by Anonymouss

Crime in Manehatten - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Love and Justice - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

True love treasure hunter - RGRE - FINISHED

by Anonymouss