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Crime in Manehatten - RGRE - WIP

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-11 09:31:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Dusty Winter
  2. >A long exhausting day trying to hold down multiple jobs is finally over as the sun sets and the moon is high in the sky.
  3. >Just trying to find your way through the streets is difficult when its this dark.
  4. >Plus its really late and you really aught to get in bed for work tomorrow.
  5. >Ah you know, you'll just go down some of these allyways and you'll be home in no time.
  6. >There seems to be a feint group of ponies further in the darkness and your blood runs cold.
  7. >You've heard of these ponies they're a ruthless band of theives and criminals.
  8. >They were even rumoured to be the ones who set a whoopie cushion under the mayors reserved seat on her birthday. The horror!
  9. >Quickly you turn around to walk away but it seems you've already been spotted.
  10. >"Well, Well, Well, what do we have here girls? A little straggler lost her way home?" A distinctly coltish voice calls from the shadows.
  11. >Suddenly you're surrounded by some mares wearing the same masks marked with the theives insignia.
  12. >A simple question mark on a green bandana.
  13. >And yet it symbolised how utterly bucked you were.
  14. >A towering figure emerged from the shadows.
  15. >"What're you doing round these parts missy?" the giant says with a slightly mocking tone.
  16. "I-I was just on my way out! I swear!" you say barely able to contain your fear.
  17. >"You know what we do to mares who stick their snoots into other ponies business?" One of the mares with a vibrant green mane says.
  18. "Please j-just let me go." you whimper.
  19. >"Wheres your wallet?" Another mare asks greed glimmering in her eyes even in the darkness.
  20. >You pull out your wallet from your saddle bag and place it on the ground.
  21. "There thats it! That's all I have! Please just let me go!"
  22. >You fall to the ground and hold your hooves above your head.
  23. >The mares take the wallet to the figure in the darkness.
  24. >"Boss, she's got nothing but a few bits." you hear one of the mares whisper.
  27. >"Hmmmm. You don't seem to have too much. Times must be tough." once again the voice of the figure says
  28. "Y-yes sir. I barely have enough to feed my foals." you begin to tear up as you say this bringing up horrible memories of the abject squallor you live in.
  29. >"Why are you getting home so late to them then?"
  30. "I've just finished up my last shift of the day. I'm working three jobs just to get by." your nervoness tears through your voice.
  31. >"I see. You must love them a lot then, how about I make you an offer then."
  32. >You look up to see the figure walking out of the shadows and towards you.
  33. >The stallion was in a tattered suit, broken and ripped from wear and with a green face he towered over you almost doubling your size.
  34. >"You want to help your family right?" He looks over to one of the mares beside him and grabs the wallet from her.
  35. >He offers you your wallet back and you trepedatiously take it from him.
  36. >"Then why don't you work with us? I assure you we'll pay more than any job you'll find around here."
  37. >You look up at him not understanding whether this was all a cruel joke to bring your hopes up and crush them again.
  38. >He extends his spider hoof as a gesture of agreement.
  39. >You could help you're whole family with this money.
  40. >If he's being truthful after all.
  41. >Before you even realise it you've reached out your own hoof towards his.
  42. >He helps you up to your hooves and pats the dust off your barrel.
  43. >"You're part of the family now."
  44. >"Saphire, Summer get this mare home." He pulls out a small bag of bits and you gawk at it
  45. >He hands the small bag to you and you can only stare at the stallion.
  46. >That is until you remember your manners that your papa taught you.
  49. "Thank you so much sir! Thank you! Thank you!" You say with tears streaming down your cheeks.
  50. >His only response is to nod and to fade back into the shadows.
  51. >The two mares acompany you at your sides.
  52. >"So where do you live Newbie?" the one with the soft green mane and silky blue coat asks.
  53. "Over in the south district." you point down the street to emphasis it.
  54. >She nods and continues walking in that direction with you at her side.
  55. "Who was that back there?" you ask nervously.
  56. >"You mean the boss? Hah he's always like that. He may act tough but once you get to know him he's a big softy. But I'm warning you if you manage to anger him there's no telling what he might do. One time he even-"
  57. >"That's enough saph, all you need to know greeny is that if you rat us out, you'll be finding alot more pies in your life capeesh?"
  58. >Wait hold up, pies?! What horrible things have you gotten into now.
  59. >Summer notices your hesitation and says
  60. >"Relax, thats only if you rat us out after all. Wouldn't want to do something like that to a new family member."
  62. >>36155631 rgre
  64. >Be Anon
  65. >Living it up in your slick digs in the worst part of town
  66. >Ok well you lied about it being slick but still you do what you can when you run a crime family in little ol' Manehatten
  67. >You're still thinking about that mare you picked up last night.
  68. >She seemed like a sweet mare, on rough times for sure. Although that was a pretty common story around here.
  69. >Everypony you gathered into this little family was once a straggler just trying to get by when you first met them.
  70. >Even in this paradise there are still ponies who fall through the cracks and are willing to do anything to survive.
  71. >Though the standards are pretty low for horrifyingly awful crimes here and ponies seem to think you're some kind of monster.
  72. >A quiet knock sounds out from your door and you look up from the papers you were shuffling.
  73. "Come on in."
  74. >Slowly a mare with a white coat and streaming green mane slips her head in through the gap
  75. >You instantly recognise the mare as Hefty Coffers and wave her in
  76. "I told you before Hefty, you don't need to creep around like that. I ain't gonna bite your head off."
  77. >"Uhm, yes, sorry boss. I've heard we've gained a new family member, Sapphire and Sunny just got back now and they've said they safely escorted her home."
  78. >You nod thankful that the sweet thing made it home safetly.
  79. >Although you don't want to shove her flank end into a job, she'll have to learn the ropes of it all eventually.
  80. "Tell Saphire she'll be taking the new girl on a checkup on that bakery down the road, you know the one?"
  81. >Hefty dilligently nods
  82. "I'll be coming along too, I want to see how this new girl goes first hand."
  83. >Slightly shocked Hefty takes only a moment more to nod once again.
  84. >"Anything else sir?"
  85. >You ponder a moment. You still need to plan that your expansion into the Red Wing's territory.
  87. "Nothing else for now..."
  88. >She turns away to leave but as she does you call her back.
  89. "Wait a moment Hefty. Come here a moment and just sit with me."
  90. >Her eyes become wide and a hint of nervousness fills her.
  91. >After a moment she gains her bearings she takes a seat oposite to you.
  92. >She sits there in complete silence not knowing what to say.
  93. >After briefly inspecting her you hum in contemplation.
  94. >"Sir?" she says nervousness filling her voice.
  95. >Ah of course that's whats different about her.
  96. "I like your new manecut, suits you Hefty."
  97. >"Thank you sir." a slight blush fills her features.
  98. "Did we get any reports from Rough Saddle?"
  99. >"Not yet sir but we are expecting Saddle to be back soon."
  100. "With good news i'd hope, nothings been turning out the way we want recently."
  101. >She nods and waits for you to ask her something else.
  102. >However you reach over and tussle her mane and give her a small smile and her snoot scrunches in retalliation.
  103. "Thats all I needed you for Hefty, although if you want to stay I wouldn't complain, Plenty of cider here."
  104. >"Thank you sir, but I aught to get back to my duties sir."
  105. >You merely nod and smile as she leaves.
  106. >You remember when you first met that mare.
  107. >Part of the mayors personal guard, watching over the mayors personal treasury when one day the Horned Hellions raided the place.
  108. >She was the only one left as she wasn't swayed by the sweet temptations that the gangs had set out to lure the guards.
  109. >However she was blindsided by a bannana pie to the back of the head.
  111. >It left her out of the job for days and when she was able to serve again, she was deemed not fit for duty.
  112. >Jobless and without much left to live for she spent her days in donut shops indulging her sweet tooth untill she was kicked out by the owners themselves.
  113. >One such time you managed to see her be kicked out of a donut shop right in front of you and so you asked a few questions about who she was.
  114. >And now we're here. She's a little bit strict with how she carries herself but shes makes up for that with how cute she is-
  115. >I mean how reliable and good she is at information collecting.
  116. >Gotta keep in the mindset of being a crime boss after all.
  117. >You look over at the clock in your delapidated hideout and you see that its well into the hours of the morn.
  118. >Rubbing your eyes, you get up from your chair and head over to the doors of your office.
  119. >Hoots and hollers come from inside one of the rooms, must just be the mares playing dice again.
  120. >Might as well check in on them, walking closer to the door your suddenly accosted by a mare with a purple coat and a lushious blue mane.
  121. >Midnight Blue.
  122. >"Sorry boss! I didn't see you there."
  123. >You realise you're now covered in punch its stickyness already beginning to seep into your clothes.
  124. >You sigh and resign yourself to this fate.
  125. "It's alright Nighty. Just watch where you're going next time."
  126. >"Will do boss! Sorry boss." She begins to sweat at the percieved pressure you're putting her under.
  127. >Laughing you just shake your head.
  129. >You really can't get mad at these ponies they're just too cute.
  130. >Specially this little devil.
  131. >Ever since you met her she's been eager to prove herself to the family and as clumsy as she may be, she is FAST.
  132. "Alright head on in and tell the girls I said 'hi', i've got to get myself cleaned up."
  133. >"Sorry again boss!" She says as she enters the room.
  134. >You've got to get yourself cleaned up.
  135. >Walking down these hallways brings back a sense of nostalgia, of better times.
  136. >Back when you still had your mentor around, Rough Copper was a mean old bitch but she always did have a soft spot for you.
  137. >She taught you all you could ever want to know about this business and when she passed on, well she had no one better than you.
  138. >When you finally reach the door to your bedroom you open it and slip inside.
  139. >You flick the switch and hope the light still works.
  140. >Fuck
  141. >Well this is why you always keep a firelamp nearby.
  142. >You reach towards where you last put it and sure enough its still there.
  143. >A few flicks and the firebugs are alight once more.
  144. >The light envelops the room as you walk deeper into it looking for the small closet that holds your few belongings.
  145. >Ah here it is.
  146. >A few tattered suits and a large bag of bits lies in one of the drawers and you take off your clothes and set up the next suit for tomorrow.
  147. >You throw yourself onto the bed barely bothering to raise the sheets above you and you drift off into sleep.
  149. >The morning Manehatten air is what greeted you first, the overpowering smell of smoke and the ever choking grime.
  150. >You got out of bed and put on another tattered suit, putting the other into a washing basket for later.
  151. >A rap at your door gathers your attention as you're getting dressed.
  152. "Come on in!"
  153. >The door slides open and Sapphire enters the room.
  154. >"Mornin' bos-"
  155. >She goes from a beautiful blue to a cherry red in an instant, her face filled with blush.
  156. >"Sorry boss, i'll come back in a bit."
  157. >These ponies are oddly afraid of seeing you partially nude.
  158. "It's quite alright Saph, just tell me what you need to."
  159. >She reappears from behind the door and is slightly less red.
  160. >"We've got the Newbie out front boss. I heard that you were tagging along with us on this run?"
  161. "Thats right, i've got to see how this new girl's going to fit in around here."
  162. >You look out the window to see her waiting in the yard.
  163. >"You got it boss, we'll be waiting outside for you, do you think we'll need anything for this?"
  164. "No probably not, just be on your guard when we're out there, the Horns have been pushing in on our territory recently."
  166. >>36155897 RGRE
  168. >After fitting on your shirt you go to meet the two mares outside.
  169. >"So when you see the boss, you treat him like the boss. Not just like any other stallion, you hear me Newbie?" you over hear Sapphire telling the Newbie.
  170. "Winter, Sapphire. Are you both ready to go?"
  171. >"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, how do you know my name?" Winter says as though shes shocked
  172. "It's my job to know about everypony in this family." you say strictly and with serious tone.
  173. "I assume Sapphire's already told you what we're going out to do?"
  174. >Sapphire nods and looks over at Winter
  175. >"We're just here to collect protection money from the bakery, sir."
  176. >At least she can keep her ears open.
  177. "Alright get your bandanas ready, Winters you get the choice of where you want to carry it. Obviously as long as its seen and we can identify you as one of the family it'll be fine."
  178. >She wraps it around her left hoof and the green stands out against her yellow coat quite nicely.
  179. "Good let's get moving then." You say as you walk off towards the nearby bakery.
  180. >When you reach the small bakery you are greeted by two mares with red sunglasses waiting outside of the bakery.
  181. >Oh shit.
  182. >"Look what we have her Tides, it appears the colt boss and his lapdogs are here."
  183. >"What do you think we should do to 'em Lotus? I've got a new marker i've been itching to use and their faces look like a great target."
  184. "What do you two think you're doing on OUR turf?" you say with aggravation in your voice.
  185. >"Do you think this stallions daft Tides?"
  186. >"Of course, he is a stallion after all, let me put it clearly for you this our turf colt, why don't you turn that fine flank around and go bring me a sandwich?"
  187. >Both the mares laugh at this.
  188. >Winter is getting visibly agitated at these insults.
  189. >"How dare you speak down to a stallion like that? I should to slap you for sayin' that." Winter barks.
  190. >"Oh no Lotus! What ever will we do! The big scary mare here is going to hurt us!"
  193. >More laughter rings out from the two.
  194. >You reach into your pocket and pull out a canister and spray it at them.
  195. >They both react immediately to the water being sprayed at them and scurry off.
  196. >Heh always seems to work that.
  197. "Lets head inside, there might be more horns."
  198. >As you enter the door the bell ontop rings and alerts the staff behind the counter.
  199. >They slowly realise who's come to their door and their eyes grow to the size of dinner plates.
  200. >"I'm sorry Anon. I just... I didn't know if you could protect us anymore... please Anon." The mare behind the counter grovels.
  201. "Stay here you two, im going to go show these ponies what happens when you disrespect the family."
  202. >You head into the backrooms and find all of the chocolate chip muffins and replace them with the rasin muffins.
  203. >A simple job but the staff probably wouldn't understand what you did until it was too late.
  204. >How devilish of you.
  205. >You also grabbed a whole tin of salt and poured it into the sugar tin to top it off.
  206. >After you had finished in the backrooms you went back to the counter and took all the bits out of the register.
  207. "If you ever go against my family again, the horns will be the least of your problems."
  208. >Hopefully it'l reduce their customers for some time without COMPLETELY destroying their business.
  209. >Still want protection money after all.
  210. >You motion the girls towards the door and you take your spoils back to your hideout.
  211. >You're still in disbelief that these cute ponies could be so rutheless when it came to taking territory.
  212. "Come on up to my office girls."
  213. >They follow you through the halls and into your musty old office.
  214. >"What'd you do to the bakery boss, we were too busy on the lookout to see."
  215. "Something I hope I never have to do again Saph."
  216. >She looks as though she wants to know more but hesitates and just nods instead.
  217. >You turn your attention to Winter.
  218. "You did good out there, I like your spark and I think theres plenty of room for your type to stay in our family."
  219. >She beams at this praise.
  220. >"Thank you sir, although I just have one question."
  221. >You peak your eyebrow in curiostity and motion her to go on.
  222. >"Why are we losing territory? I thought we're the strongest most feared gang out here."
  223. >You let loose a long and bitter laugh
  224. "You must have been reading the news headlines huh?"
  225. >Winter merely nods and waits for you to continue.
  226. "We've been getting hit hard from all sides, we've got the damn horns, the damn wings, and now we've got a new up and comer the Bug bites."
  227. >Winter looks more and more concerned as you continue.
  228. >You cup your head in your hands and when you raise them you speak again
  229. "It's looking like we're about to have an all out gang war. With us being in the middle of it all we're not likely to survive."
  230. >Sapphire comes over and puts her hoof on your back giving you much needed support.
  231. "Thanks Saph, anyway point is, we've got to make some big power plays and soon. That means we're going to need everypony to help us fight."
  232. >You've been getting oddly serious about this whole thing.
  233. >Perhaps you need a vacation once you sort this all out, like the Bahamares. Yeah that sounds like a good place for a holiday.
  234. "Alright girls, thats all I needed you two for. You've both got jobs to do, i'm counting on each and everyone of you girls."
  235. >They both walk out the door and just before the door closes Saphire peeks her head back in.
  236. >"Don't worry boss, we won't let you down." and then she disappeared once again, leaving you with this oh so empty room.
  238. >Be Dusty Winter
  239. >The day had grown long and you had been told to go home by the boss.
  240. >It'll be good to see the foals again.
  241. >You walk down these empty streets, the lights barely flickering on as the moon rises.
  242. >While you continue down these streets you see a homeless mare sitting on a taxi stop.
  243. >You look over at her dishevelled appearance, her eyes lost the flicker of life so long ago.
  244. >Getting closer she seems to notice you and a small spark is regained but then quickly turns to fear as she sees your gang symbol.
  245. "Hey, Hey, its alright." you coo.
  246. >She merely sits there stock still wrapping the tattered blankets closer to her.
  247. >Poor mare, its rough for us all out here.
  248. >Reaching into your saddlebags you pick out a sandwich that the boss made for the family.
  249. >You offer it to her and she recoils for a moment perhaps believing it is a trick of some sort.
  250. "It's alright, its no trick."
  251. >She quickly snatches it from your hands perhaps fearing it may disappear in front of her eyes.
  252. >It disappears into her mouth quickly and you can only smile.
  253. >A small squeak comes from the mare "Thank you."
  254. >You merely nod and continue on your way back towards your home.
  255. >It was rough not having a stallion around the house to raise the kids while you were gone.
  256. >But you had to make do, paying ponies to look after them while you were out.
  257. >Perhaps now you'd be able to feed everpony tonight, including yourself.
  258. >You shake these thoughts away as you walk through your door and up to your small cramped apartment.
  259. >When you head in you close the door as softly as possisble asthough not to disturb your foals.
  260. >You walk into their room and see them both sleeping soundly.
  261. >Placing the rest of the sandwiches on the table stand nearby you flop yourself into bed.
  262. >Awaiting the awful memories that come with sleep.
  263. >A fight, horrible screaming and a tragic loss.
  265. >You woke up with a start.
  266. >Too used to these dreams to scream you merely cup your head in your hooves.
  267. >It seems your sudden awakening woke little Thunder Strike and he comes over to comfort you.
  268. >Even though he's only a colt he's already so paternal.
  269. >Hah it makes you happy that he'll turn out to be a good husband one day.
  270. >You turn to him and hold him close to you not wanting to lose him.
  271. >"I wuv uuu mommy."
  272. >A tear rolls down your cheek and you hold him closer still.
  273. "I love you too my little Thunder."
  274. >The two of you hug until you fall asleep once again no longer accosted by those terrible nightmares.
  276. >The morning sun breaks through the uncurtained windows and covers the entire room.
  277. >Both of the foals seem to be awake and energized.
  278. >"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!" both the foals say in unison.
  279. >Your cute little Raindancer is bouncing at the end of your bed.
  280. "Ok, ok." you say with a smile "I'm getting up now."
  281. >Heaving yourself out of bed you walk out into the kitchen.
  282. "Have you two had some food already?"
  283. >"Yep, momma! It was really good!" says Raindancer.
  284. >You can't help but smile at the pair.
  285. "That's good you two, Mommas gotta go back out to work again, Dasher will be around soon to look after you two."
  286. >They both deflate at that.
  287. >"Do you weawy have to go to work, momma?"
  288. >You bend down and hug Thunder
  289. "Sorry Thunder, I really do. I'll be back home before you know it though!"
  290. >With that they both cheer and a smile grows on all of your faces.
  291. >You pick up your saddle bags and head towards the door.
  292. "Stay safe you two. And no parties until I get back yeah?" you say jokingly as you make your way through the door and down the stairs.
  294. --
  296. >Nothing too eventful happens as you trek your way through the streets on the way to the hideout.
  297. >You begin to ponder what happened at your old jobs, would they come looking for you?
  298. >Nah they'd probably just hire some pony else to do their dirty work now.
  299. >Not like any of your co-workers really seemed to care about you.
  300. >Shaking your head you disperse the memories and continue forward.
  301. >You see a couple of ponies hanging together near a barrel on fire in the street trying to get warm.
  302. >The weather has been getting colder lately and as though to preface this a pegasai flies over head dropping snow along the streets.
  303. >When you walk past the ponies sitting near the barrel they all seem to look at you with contempt and fear.
  304. >However you pay them no mind as you continue along the pathway.
  305. >Once you do finally get to the hideout you see that the weather ponies have already been here as the whole roof is covered in a thick layer of snow.
  306. >The mares who're standing guard seem to be wrapped up tightly and have scarfs on.
  307. >As you enter they give you a nod and you return it with a slight wave.
  308. >"Hefty wants to see you, shes inside." one of them grunts
  309. >What could Hefty want with you?
  310. >Probably another job you suppose.
  311. >You nod in response and continue on inside.
  312. >The feint crackle of fire popping greets you when you open the door and a heat surrounds you.
  313. >"Close the door behind you Newbie, you're letting the cold in." Sapphire says from across the room.
  314. >You close the door behind you and you see Sapphire approaching you.
  315. >"Looks like we've got a job to get done today. Heft just finished tellin' me about it, why don't you go in and see her." She says as she points a hoof towards a slightly ajar door.
  316. "Alright i'll be just a sec, hopefully it's nothing too bad." you let loose a nervous chuckle.
  317. >Sapphire nods and goes back to her chair in the corner of the room.
  318. >Alright you can do this. It'll be easy. You've already done a job before, what could they throw at you now?
  319. >You brace yourself and push the door open and head in to see the Hefty talking to another mare that you've not been introduced to.
  320. >She turns to face you and waves the other pony away.
  321. >"Miss Winter, I was told about your work on the last job. Now we have a sort of situation to deal with that requires a firm hoof and I belive that you'd be the best mare for the job."
  322. >You nod and she continues.
  323. >"We have a business some mares might find distasteful, but it keeps stallions clothed and fed. Do you understand what i'm eluding to?"
  324. >Slightly confused you shake your head.
  325. "No ma'am, i'm afraid I don't really understand."
  326. >She grimaces and continues "I don't like it much myself, but we have a group of stallions selling a booping and belly rubbing service."
  327. >You're slightly perturbed by that and she pauses a moment to judge your reaction.
  328. >"Don't worry too much about the stallions in the situation, I can assure you they're treated with the utmost care. And that is what I wanted to talk to you about, somepony has been messing with our stallions out on the streets."
  329. >She grabs a map out of one the drawers and some areas are circled in green marker.
  330. >"We've had problems with the Wings trying to get in on our booping rings but not like this. So you're going to be escorting the stallions while they go about their business."
  331. "If that's what the boss wants me to do." you say with a grim tone.
  332. >As much as you don't like stallions getting caught up in this booping rings you can help them by making it easier to work.
  333. >"Good that'll be all Winter. You'll be with Sapphire on this job if she hasn't already told you."
  334. >You walk out and close the door behind you.
  335. >Sapphire comes up to greet you once again. "How'd it go Newbie?"
  336. "Well i've just found out that we're running illegal booping rings." you say with a slightly angered tone.
  337. >Sapphire looks slightly ashamed and scratches her head.
  338. >"Yeah sorry 'bout that, could be worse though. It could always be worse for these stallions, they could be on the streets without protection like those damn Bugs do."
  339. >She shakes her head "Disgusting how they treat their stallions, downright disgusting. Anyways, we'd best get moving and quickly."
  340. >The two of you head outside into the freezing cold.
  342. >Be Green, Tall and in a suit.
  343. >Also be Anon
  344. >Hefty came into your office to let you know about the situation with the Bug Bites trying to etch into your territory and make a name for themselves.
  345. >"So what do you think Sir?" She says as she points down at the map that has been marked with all the gangs borders.
  346. >"If we get a few girls over here and here" she points to the Apple corner and the Big Jewel.
  347. >"We might just be able to weather the storm and be able to strike back."
  348. >You hum as you take in all of this information.
  349. "What about the shop owners? Are you sure they won't allow the Bugs to get an ambush prepared?"
  350. >You know about Sharp Jewel and his wife, they just want an end to all this gang fighting.
  351. >And that means you can't put your full trust in them.
  352. >Tall Cider though, she's a mare you could trust with your life.
  353. >She's had your back plenty of times and you've had hers.
  354. >"We should be fine in that department sir, Sharp Jewel will be bribed and Tall Cider is no question of loyalty."
  355. "I see, I see." you rub your eyes and look back up at Hefty again.
  356. "Thanks Hefty, I wouldn't be able to do this without you."
  357. >She nods and smiles sweetly
  358. >"Anything for you Sir. Just one more thing." She pauses for a moment looking for the words.
  359. >"I've heard reports of us losing a shipment of sugar last night." she dips her head slightly
  360. >Anger burns behind your eyes and you hold it back as to not blow up at Hefty.
  361. "How did we lose ANOTHER shipment. Whats the mares damn excuse this time."
  362. >She swallows the lump in her throat and continues.
  363. >"Well Sir, they said they had a stallion offer them some 'comfort' for the night and they took their offer."
  364. >"When they woke up the whole carriage was stolen, they can't even remember what the stallion looked like."
  365. >Concerning very VERY concerning.
  366. "Give me some good news Hefty, please. Just anything." you say with a sigh.
  367. >"Well Sir, i've sent more protection to watch over the stallions like you asked."
  368. >You kind of feel bad using the Stallions as booping whores but hopefully this added protection will both stop them from being harassed and assuage your consciousness.
  369. "Thats good Hefty. How did Winter take it?"
  370. >"She was distressed about it momentarily as most mares would be but I believe she will get over it Sir."
  371. "I see, enough about work Heft its all giving me a headache."
  372. >You pull out a small bottle of cider and two cups.
  373. "You want a glass Heft?" you say while offering one of the cups to her.
  374. >"Well my mother said to never refuse a stallion Sir." she says with a cheeky grin.
  375. "Thats my mare." you return her smile and fill up her glass full of cider.
  376. >This stuff is pretty weak so you add a little bit of griffonian delight.
  377. >Not quite as good as the real stuff but good enough for your purposes.
  378. >You raise your glass and Hefty does the same.
  379. >"To the Green bandits!" you both say in unison as you both chug down your first glasses.
  380. >After you and Hefty have gotten a few glasses in you can tell she's more then a little bit tipsy.
  381. >"Hah Sir, Sir git this. Whats green and walks on two legs?"
  382. >You smile knowing the answer but indulge her anyway.
  383. "What does Heft?"
  384. >"You Sir!" The room is filled with her boisterous laughter.
  385. >You shake your head and let loose a small chuckle.
  386. >Reaching over the desk you tussle her mane.
  387. >She pushes her head into your palm and you continue to stroke her mane.
  388. >A heavy knock comes from the door and Hefty immediately snaps out of her trance.
  390. >>36165977 rgre
  392. >"Hey boss." A muffled voice comes from outside the room.
  393. You click your tongue knowing that the moment it ruined.
  394. "Come on in, you know I like to talk face to face."
  395. >The door opens slowly and reveals a crimson maned mare with a vibrant coat of orange.
  396. "Its good to see you again Bootleg. What'd you need."
  397. >This mare was almost always seen with a mug of cider in her hand and to see her without, well that was just downright strange.
  398. >But she was loyal to a fault
  399. >However you begin to notice that deep within her unfocused amber eyes a sharp sense of panic.
  400. >She grimaces as you address her and you have a feeling the news will be worse then you expect.
  401. >"The two mares that we've sent out have been jumped, got ambushed in the street."
  402. >That's not good, not at all.
  403. >"Where are they? Are they alright?" Hefty asks her tone concerned.
  404. >"They've gone missing now but some pony saw two Bugs take them away."
  405. >Now it was your turn to be shocked, to be honest you had expected some type of retaliation, but kidnapping was almost unheard of around here.
  406. "Say that again? Did you just say they were kidnapped?"
  407. >"Yeah boss, ye heard me right."
  408. >At this you're livid, first they have the teats- maybe you HAVE been living in Equestria for too long, to kidnap one of your gang.
  409. "Hefty, get some of the girls ready we're going out to pay these Bugs a visit."
  410. >"Yes sir." she says as she slips out the door.
  411. >You turn your attention back to Bootleg
  412. "Bootleg you're coming with me. Where did they say she last was?"
  413. >"Round Hoofington Square boss."
  414. >You quickly down the rest of the alcohol and set out with Bootleg close behind.
  415. >"Boss, we ain't just gonna waltz in there without any-"
  418. "Then turn back now." you snap.
  419. >Bootleg visibly recoils and her ears press down against her head.
  420. >Despite the fact that you should feel bad, all you feel is more anger.
  421. "FUCK. This is all going to shit." you say as you throw the glass across the room.
  422. >You feel so incompetent, you've only managed to fail once Copper handed you the reigns of the operation.
  423. >Now it seems your anger is venting itself.
  424. >Setting off into the freezing streets lit only by the moon light you head towards the Square.
  425. >In your haze of rage you don't notice the freezing feeling in your veins.
  426. >Soon enough you make it to the square and there appears to be homeless pony sitting beside the monument.
  427. >Bootleg seems to have followed you even after your outburst.
  428. >She seems to notice you and looks over your way.
  429. >"Hey there big colt *hic*, how much for a night with you?" she slurs.
  430. "Have you seen anything strange around here? Maybe some black bugs or something of the sort."
  431. >As much as everything screams at you to shake this mare to get the information out of her you stop yourself before you do.
  432. >She seems to ponder a moment staring off into space.
  433. >"Nah haven't seen anything too interesting other then you. Maybe I'll 'member if you give me a bit or two."
  434. >Just. Answer. The. Question.
  435. >Bootleg looks over at you and she can tell that you aren't in the mood for this.
  436. >"Look we haven't got the time for this. Here a few bits, tell us everything you know and quickly now."
  437. >Her hazy eyes shine at the bits that Booty is holding out and she quickly snatches them.
  438. >"I did happen to see two strange mares get zapped by some sort'a magic from one of those. Ah. What d'ya call 'em. Those 'eh black ponies?"
  439. >Finally you were getting somewhere with this mare and you quickly press her for more info.
  442. "Where'd you see them go? This is important."
  443. >Her eyes seem to once again gloss over as she begins to think.
  444. >"I think... I think it was that ol' abandoned store over there."
  445. >You are already marching towards the store while Bootleg thanks the mare.
  446. >"Boss, this ain't safe, I don't want you gettin' yourself hurt."
  447. >A stern glare silences her quickly.
  448. "Wait here then if you don't want to follow me. I've had enough shit in this city. I'm going to fucking kill these bastards."
  449. >Booty hesitates for a moment and follows closely after you.
  450. >You see two ponies waiting out under the neon sign.
  451. >"Lookie here, told you tonight'd be special."
  452. "Move out of the way or else."
  453. >She looks bemused for a moment and they both begin to laugh.
  454. >"Hahaha, gettis, 'eres a stallion tryin' ta intimidate ya."
  455. >All you can feel is burning rage of all your failures compounded.
  456. >You whip out a small device and press it placing it on the ground.
  457. >The smell is almost unbearable even for you but it sends the two mares running.
  458. >Thankfully Booty is smashed enough to withstand the smell of it.
  459. >"Woooh, that's quite a stinker boss."
  460. >You trudge on not even bothering to acknowledge her.
  461. "Head back to the hideout and tell the mares where we are."
  462. >"But boss..."
  463. >Barely turning back you just grunt at her and continue forward into the store.
  464. >A small room full of dusty shelves greet you and you search for the light.
  465. >"Stop right there sugar lips." a voice from behind coos to you.
  466. >You grimace at the words and go to turn around.
  467. >"Don't even try to turn around sugar lips, I've got PLENTY of tricks that I can do with this horn and one of them is putting your lights out."
  468. >You feel a heavy weight on your arms and realise that they've been magically bound.
  469. "So. Where are the girls, are they safe?" you say with a grimace.
  470. >A harsh laughter rings out through the room.
  471. >"You stallions really ARE that stupid aren't you?"
  472. >What?
  473. >"Those two are still watching over those Stallions you ordered them to." a smug aura permeates the room.
  474. "Wha-"
  476. >"Don't tell me." Another barrage of laughter comes from behind you.
  477. >"You don't know why we're called the BUG bites, sugar lips? How about Changeling? No? Not ringing any bells?"
  478. >Honestly you don't know too much about the changelings other then the fact that they're chitinous little devils.
  479. >"Well, i'll let you in on a little secret." You hear the clopping of hooves advancing on you until they're right behind you.
  480. >An unnatural shiver of fear traces your spine.
  481. >"That mare that you've had your eye on? Hmmm... What did you call her again?"
  482. >No...
  483. >"Oh that's right, Hefty! Hefty Coffers. I did quite a performance didn't I? Well enough to fool you I suppose."
  484. "I don't believe you. Hefty would never betray me."
  485. >The clopping of hooves continues to circle you until the mare is in front of you.
  486. >A changeling enters your vision, eyes a fierce green and strange markings etched into her chitin.
  487. >"How naïve you stallions are. Almost makes me feel bad for you." a chuckle escapes her lips like a poison "Almost."
  488. >A green shimmer covers her and she before your eyes Hefty is standing there.
  489. "Hefty! Ho- How! No I can't believe it."
  490. >She changes back to her familiar form and a sinister grin fits her lips.
  491. >"I can see it in your eyes, are you starting to understand? How is that you managed to lose so much territory and supplies in such a little time?"
  492. >Another cruel laugh echoes through your mind.
  493. >Various emotions fill your entire being. Anger, betrayal, fear and much, much more anger.
  494. >"Stallions are just no good at running these sort of things anyway. I mean REALLY what did Copper expect when she got a stallion to do a mares job?"
  495. >She waits a moment to let the words settle in and continues.
  496. >"So how about letting a big strong mare like myself run your ragtag band of criminals?"
  497. >Confused you wait for her to continue but she doesn't and the silence hangs in the air.
  498. >"Hmmm, did I come on a little too strong? Well that's what Momma always said to do." She mutters under her breath.
  499. "I'm sorry... What?"
  501. >She looks back up at you and realises that you're still here.
  502. >"Ah. Maybe not forward enough perhaps? I suppose he is a stallion." She continues to mumble.
  503. >"I was thinking we could go on a date sometime?" She says with a hopeful smile.
  504. >You're just dumbstruck. Did this fucking bug just go through all this effort to ask you on a date, all that espionage and spying.
  505. >Just to ask for a date.
  506. >You start laughing, at first quietly but soon enough it becomes a full on hearty laugh.
  507. >She looks nervously around the room.
  508. >"Did I do something wrong?" Once again she mumbles to herself now pacing around in circles.
  509. >You continue your laughter just unable to grasp the situation in all its absurdity.
  511. >>36180218 RGRE
  513. >Once you eventually stop yourself from laughing you look up and see the bug nervously pacing the room once again.
  514. >Almost to the point of wearing a groove into the ground.
  515. "Deal..."
  516. >She looks up at you broken out of her trance once again.
  517. >"W-what?" her voice cracks with nervousness
  518. >You just want to snuggle this cute bug, but that would ruin your cool mafia boss look.
  519. "I said i'll take the deal. ONLY if you come to me for decisions before you make them."
  520. >She jumps up her wings flickering with an audible buzzing comes from her.
  521. >"Oh yes, yes, yes!" she quickly realises how she's acting and composes herself "W-Well of course you would accept, no stallion could resist my Marely charms."
  522. "Now, do you mind taking these shackles off, they're kind of burning into my skin. Y'know magic and all."
  523. >She looks confused for a moment and then realises her horn glowing.
  524. >Once the pressure is released from your arms you stretch them out to relieve the pain.
  525. "Come to think of it, you never told me your name did you?" you ask with genuine curiosity.
  526. >"Ah, a name you'll be longing for very soon, it's Princess Chitinous."
  527. >So you've got a Princess asking you out for a date now.
  528. >A cute Princess at that.
  529. "Quite a regal name, it fits you quite well."
  530. >"Y-you too" she mumbles causing you to laugh and lean down and pat her on the head.
  531. >"I mean- Of course it does! I am the first of my Mothers daughters and heir to the Eternal Hive."
  532. "I see." you say with a small smile on your lips.
  533. >"I have important business to attend to, although I'll be seeing you soon sugar lips." She says as she's engulfed with a green flame and disappears.
  534. >She didn't even tell you when you were to meet up or anything... you guess she'll-
  535. >In another sudden flash of flame she reappears with a blush on her black chitin.
  536. >"I'll pick you up from OUR hideout, at 9 sharp. Be ready by then, I know how you stallions love taking ages to get ready."
  537. >Once again she disappears and you're left alone under the dim light.
  538. >A loud crash comes from the door and the clopping of multiple hooves follows with it.
  539. >"Boss! You in here!" you hear Bootleg's voice from the other room.
  540. "Yeah, yeah. I'm in here just. Just give me a moment."
  541. >A few moments later you're jumped by a familiar mare.
  542. >"I knew I shouldn't have left you alone boss!" You hear bootleg whisper as she snuggles her face into your chest.
  543. "Hey Booty, i'm alright." you say reassuringly petting her mane.
  544. >"But, but you could have been hurt Boss! I k-know y-you're not just any old stallion. But!" she says between tears her sniffles becoming more frequent.
  545. >"Aw now you've got me crying like a little colt Boss."
  546. >You idly pet her mane and look up to see that a few other mares have followed Bootleg close behind.
  547. "What're you waiting for girls, c'mere." you say opening your free arm out to embrace them.
  548. >The rest of them quickly follow suit and jump onto you creating a small snuggle pile of ponies.
  549. >You could swear you heard some pony say 'No ho-mare'
  550. >All of you stayed like this for a few minutes just embracing each other.
  551. >But alas there was work to be done and the wicked get no rest.
  552. "C'mon girls, lets get back to work." you say as you try to rise to your feet.
  553. >Many grumbles and groans come from the crowd of mares as the amble to their hooves as well.
  554. >Once every pony is standing you go to address the crowd.
  555. "I have something to announce girls... I'm stepping down as your boss." as you say this you hear many sharp gasps.
  556. >"Boss... You can't really be..." you hear a small mare from the crowd say.
  557. "It's true, I'll still be watching over you, and I'm not leaving the game just yet but a certain Changeling princess has decided to force my hand."
  558. >Again the room is filled with gasps and you raise your hands as though to calm them.
  559. "I didn't think it would happen either but if we didn't we'd all be run out of town and obviously that's a lot worse then me just stepping down as boss don't you girls think?" you say and in reply a deep mumbling goes through the crowd.
  560. >"W-well if you're still with us boss... We'll follow you anywhere!" Bootleg hidden deep within the crowd says to a chorus of cheers.
  561. >You gotta get that mare another drink after all this. She's definitely earnt it.
  562. "Alright girls, lets get back home." you say heading towards the exit with your gang mares in tow.
  564. >On returning to your hideout you see a few new faces waiting for you when you get back.
  565. >Bootleg quickly stands between you and the new mares putting up a tough front.
  566. >"And who are you girls 'eh? I haven't seen your faces 'round here before." Bootleg says with a snarl.
  567. >Probably some more grunts from Princess Chitinous.
  568. "Settle down Bootleg, lets hear them out first."
  569. >As thought to put emphasis on your initial thoughts the two mares are engulfed in a green flame and reveal the chitin underneath their disguises.
  570. >"Sir, we've been sent by the Princess to guard you." the leftmost changeling says with a gravely voice.
  571. >Hmm maybe she's just using them as insurance to make sure you keep your end of the deal.
  572. >Oh well you weren't planning on denying the cute bug Princess her request anyway.
  573. >You nod and turn to Bootleg.
  574. "You've got some errands to do Bootleg, once you get back though you can have all the cider you can drink. Consider it a thank you for having my back out there." you say while ruffling her mane causing her to blush slightly.
  575. >"I ain't a little filly boss, but you've got it." she says with a little pout and you turn back to your new appointed guards.
  576. "Well, lets head up to my office, we'll figure things out from there. Plus I need a stiff drink."
  577. >You walk past the two undisguised changelings and head up the stairs.
  578. >Once you reach your office you creak open the door and settle into your chair.
  579. >One of the changelings close the doors behind them and you bring out your bottle once again.
  580. "So, what are your names girls?" you say and the two changelings respond with confused glances.
  581. >Don't tell me that these two don't have names. That's going to make things difficult.
  582. "Do you girls not have names? Like at all?"
  583. >"No sir, we have no need for names." The one on the right says with steely discipline.
  584. "Huh, alright. I guess I'll have to name you two myself... How about..." you slosh the cup of mixed cider and pause for a moment. "Ok, ok i've got an idea. How about you two disguise as the first pony you think of and we'll go off that."
  585. >The two changelings nod and the right one is basked in a green flame.
  586. >She transforms into a mare with a raging red mane and sunny yellow coat.
  587. "Your name will be Firelight." you say causing the changeling to nod in approval.
  588. >You probably could have called her anything and she would have accepted it but you think it's a fitting name.
  589. "Now for you." you say as you point at the other changeling.
  590. >She is also engulfed in a green flame and turns into a rather regal looking mare with a smoky grey coat and a frosty white mane.
  591. "And for you, you'll be named Bitter Wine."
  592. >Firelight seems to puff her chest out in pride while Bitter Wine looks disappointed with her new name but says nothing.
  593. >Ah well, you think its a good name and that she'll grow into it.
  594. "So. You two want a drink?"
  596. >The night had passed quickly and many joyous tunes were sung.
  597. >Firelight and Bitter Wine had a good time.
  598. >Well at least you think they did.
  599. >Slowly you open your eyes and despite them being shut closed with thick mucus you managed to clear it away.
  600. >Somewhere in the distance you can hear a feint knock and as the door opens you sit up in your bed.
  601. >"Hey bos- Oh you look like crap." Sapphire says from the open crack with a small smirk on her face.
  602. >You groan in response and the small mare takes it as an invitation and walks in with a small glass of water levitating in her magic.
  603. >"I saw a couple of those bug things, I've got to say I don't quite trust 'em as of yet boss man."
  604. >The glass levitates by your side and you quickly gulp it down hoping to alleviate the headache.
  605. >"Hell I think a couple of 'em were stallions and I don't want no prissy stallions trying to 'redecorate' the place- No offense boss." she says with a slight chuckle.
  606. >As you go to retort your skull throbs with another sharp pain and you quickly silence yourself.
  607. >"Take your time, ain't like the world's crumbling around us." she says as she places a hoof on your shoulder.
  608. >Just before she does you swear you can hear a feint hiss from your makeshift cupboard and the two of you look over at the noise.
  609. "What in the world."
  610. >"Don't worry boss, let this big strong mare take care of it." Sapphire says in a somewhat joking tone but has an underlying of tenseness lining her voice.
  611. >As she gains on the cupboard out flies a familiar changeling Princess entangling herself with the mare and hissing once more.
  612. >Oh.
  613. >You should probably stop them but you're more confused as to why she was sitting in your closet for Celestia knows how long.
  614. >Their tussle continues and you manage to break out of your daze.
  615. "Princess Chitinous. What in the world are you doing here?" you say stopping both the mares dead in their tracks.
  616. >"Sugar lips, I can explain." Chitinous says nervously and with a furious blush on her face.
  617. >"Sugar Lips? Boss you know this bug?" Sapphire says incredulously.
  618. >Princess Chitinous rises to her hooves once more and she clears her throat.
  619. >"Of course he knows me, I am the one taking over the Green Bandits, stallions shouldn't be running these things anyway. They're much too delicate and flower like to handle the rough world."
  620. >"What are you prattlin' on about missy, the boss ain't any regular stallion."
  621. >The princess smiles an almost predatory grin and looks over at you.
  622. >"Oh I'll have him in the kitchen and looking after our foals soon enough."
  623. >A sharp sting manifests itself inside your skull once more and you bring a hand to your head.
  624. "Are you two done bickering? If so, Sapphie you've got work to do and you missy." you say turning your gaze over to Chitinous. "Get in bed."
  625. >"Lucky bugger." Sapphire says as she slips out the door her tone mixed with a twinge of jealousy and amusement.
  626. >Chitinous' predatory doesn't leave her face as she slowly, purposefully trots her way towards your bed.
  627. >"I knew you'd be easy to break, especially for one of the Changeling Princesses!" she says with a tone of smugness while crawling into the sheets behind you and spooning you.
  628. >Now it was time for the reversal.
  629. >You quickly spun around and grabbed onto the mare's barrel, her shocked gasp not phasing you at all as you place her on the other side of the bed and you begin to spoon her.
  630. >"B-But I'm supposed to be the mare here!" her wings begin to buzz as she tries to escape from your lovin' arms.
  631. >Her thick Chitinous hide felt warm to the touch despite your initial thoughts and her long blue mane was almost silken against your skin.
  632. >She barely struggled at this point as you held her close to your chest and softly rubbed her belly eliciting a soft moan from the Princess.
  633. >L-lewd.
  634. >You'll have to use that on her again later.

Gods amongst the mountains - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Losing your head - Discontinued

by Anonymouss

Crime in Manehatten - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Love and Justice - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

True love treasure hunter - RGRE - FINISHED

by Anonymouss