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Losing your head - Discontinued

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-12 02:14:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >It was a cold and windy nightmare night
  2. >The air frost filled with a cold unnatural chill
  3. >Many ponies would dare not venture out into the Everfree on a night like this
  4. >The girls had challenged you to a dare knowing your janefilly attitude and overwhelming pride
  5. >The dare was to venture deep into the everfree forest while the moon was high on this cold unfortunate night
  6. >Nervousness and fear overtook you as a forboding feeling entered you
  7. >You looked around to see nothing but dancing shadows, your mind playing tricks on you
  8. >All it took to set you off was a snap of leaves, a feint whisper of wind at your back
  9. >You were scared shitless to put it bluntly
  10. >Not that you would ever admit that
  11. >Your pide forced you onward to find a small clearing to spend the night.
  12. >On your back were your camping supplies; a tent and some food packed hurriedly and without thought
  13. >Further and further you crept into the deep heart of the Everfree
  14. >A howl makes your blood freeze and you immediately drop to your stomach
  15. >Fear overtook you as you started to hyperventerlate
  16. >A powerful stentch filled the air and then it hit you
  17. >The tales that applejack told mentioned timberwolves from time to time
  18. >Horrible howls and horrendous odours
  19. >You hear a rattle of twigs and dare not look up
  20. >The sound approaches closer and closer untill it is no less then a meter away
  21. >The stentch is overpowering now and you can hear the rasps of the beast in front of you
  22. >However much you wish to move, you cannot, you're frozen in fear. Horrifying all paralyzing fear.
  23. >You look up to see the horrendous being that will surely be your end.
  24. >You see many pairs of glowing green eyes
  25. >Thats when you started to scream
  26. >One of the beasts jumped at you ready to tear your throat out, but as soon as it did a flash of light ripped the beast from the air.
  27. >You followed the trail of light and saw ... A headless pony.
  30. >If you were not frightened out of your wits you were now.
  31. >She moved so gracefully and deftly as beautiful as though she were a dancer
  32. >Striking at the beasts she drew them back with a silver axe
  33. >The beasts howled once again and retreated back into the shadows of the Everfree
  34. "Oh God, Oh God. Please don't hurt me."
  35. >The pony merely stood there unsure of its purpose now that the threat had been dispatched
  36. >"Hey, down here! Yeah you, big green guy."
  37. >You look down to see a small pony head and merely stare at it in disbelief
  38. >"Cmon big guy, pick me up will you? I just saved your flank."
  39. >In a blind haze you picked her head up
  40. >"Thanks big guy, names Hearty Stone, but people just call me the 'Headless Horsemare', yknow its starting to lose its charm but what the hey."
  41. >Still wide eyed in shock and panic you cannot help but stare
  42. >"Whats the matter big guy, never seen a headless pony before?" A chuckle escapes her lips "I s'pose thats fair, seeing as I haven't seen anything like you around here either."
  43. "W-What. What's going on? Am I going crazy? Ah thats it. I've lost it, im lying dead on the floor aren't I?"
  44. >"Cmon stop yer silly stallion hysterics. Stoney, get over here!" She says as she looks over to the headless mare.
  45. >The headless mare immediately complies and walks over
  46. >"Say you don't mind putting me into the strap on my back over there do you?"
  47. >Again to confused to think you merely act and put the head onto the strap attached to the headless pony
  48. >Right after you do so you feel the world going dark and you hit the ground.
  50. >A feint aroma of tea wafts through the room and reaches you
  51. >You slowly open your eyes a fierce pain racking your entire skull
  52. "Ah, my damn head."
  53. >You slowly start to dechiper your surroundings and realise this isn't your home
  54. >That must mean the memories that you have wasn't a dream.
  55. >A new wave of panic fills you and you sit up your chair.
  56. >"You finally awake big guy?" Says the head from the corner of the room. "You must of been dreaming of somethin' nice."
  58. "Where am I?" So many emotions paced through your mind once again. Fear, like air flowed freely through your veins.
  59. >"Well after you passed out, I had stoney here pick you up and take you back to my humble abode. 'Hope we weren't too presumtious taking you back to a strange mares home" A slight chuckle escapes her lips.
  60. >You tried to calm yourself down, breathing slower and slower untill you maintined your control
  61. >"Settle down there big guy, we ain't gonna hurt you." She says visible concern for your condition lined on her face.
  62. >You just now realise the headless pony sitting in the chair next to the head.
  63. >"There's some tea on the table, if you'd like 'course. Ain't poisoned neither." A good natured laugh comes from her as she lifts the teacup to her lips with her magic.
  64. >You slowly lift your own teacup to your lips and let the sweet taste envelop you. Calming down a bit you begin to think straight again.
  65. "So where are we?"
  66. >"Well like I said, we're in my home. But I 'sume you're looking for more specifics, we are in the dead center of the Everfree. Not too far away from where those damn dirty timber wolves almost tore you apart."
  67. >You nod as the memories come back less fragmented and your scratches start to twang with pain as though freshly realised.
  68. >"What're you even doing in a dangerous place like this? Specially with no mare to 'company you."
  69. You grimace as the pain stikes you again. "Well, a couple of friends of mine dared me to head out here for the night. They knew I was the brash sort but I don't think they realised I'd actually do it, like an idiot."
  70. >"Hmm, sounds like you got teats big guy. Anyway I assume that bump to your head on your way down knocked the name of your saviour out of your 'ead eh?" another chuckle laces the room
  71. >You merely look away at the wall in shame realising you don't remember her name
  73. >"Ah no hard feelings, its better we have a more formal introduction instead. "Name's Hearty Stone, and this one over 'ere is Stoney." An elegant bow is accompanied by her name. "We're the same pony but y'know 'ow it is."
  74. >She sighs a small contented sigh as both her counterparts settle into their respective steats
  75. >"Been a long while since we had company, much longer since it was a nice stallion like yourself."
  76. >You smile at the compliment
  77. >As you start to regain your bearing you begin to examine Hearty, her mane a deep navy blue that could easily be mistaken for a black in the dark and her coat a dark grey blending the two colors beautifully.
  78. "Thanks. For saving me I mean."
  79. >"Don't mention it, what kind of knight in shining armor would I be if I didn't save a stallion in need every now and then?" She gives you a small wink and laughs
  80. "Still, the way you moved- er, Stoney moved. You were so graceful and elegant."
  81. >A fient blush appears on Hearty's face and Stoney begins to fidget in her seat
  82. >"A'right now thats enough with the compliments big guy. I don't even know yer name yet, 'less me memory is going already."\
  83. "Ah right sorry about that. The names Anon. Or to put it into a title 'The only human in Equestria'."
  84. >A spark of suprise and curiosity crossed her face and she began "So i've gone and saved my own little relic of history 'ere eh? Lucky me. You'll have to tell me all about yourself sometime."
  85. >You let loose a small chuckle "I sure will, although I don't think there would be too much interesting about me."
  86. >"A stallion who don't like talking 'bout him self for hours 'eh? I think I could get used to your company Mr'Anon'."
  87. >She lets loose a small laugh and she refills her tea
  88. >"There are some biscuits there too if you'd like 'em. So, you live in Ponyville 'eh? I used to live there a long time ago. Back before I 'ad this curse here, but that's a story for another time isn't it?"
  90. >You mentally file that away to ask later and respond "Yeah, under the watchfull eye of Princess Celestia's price pupil. Twilight Sparkle's a good mare and her friends have been nothing but hospitable."
  91. >"So, ah, this Sparkle lass. She ain't nothing more then a friend to you is she?"
  92. >The question peaks your curiosity but you deny it simply replying with "No, no, shes a very good friend and she'll always be there for me but I don't see her like that at all."
  93. >Hearty seems content with this answer
  94. >"Seems odd that they'd send you out on a dare like this alone though don't it?"
  95. "I don't think Rainbow was ACTUALLY expecting me do go out there alone, shes more of a brash type and says what shes thinking at the time."
  96. >A laugh comes out from Hearty
  97. >"Well, whenever you're ready to head out, I'll escort you to the egde of town, 'course I can't be having the ponies see me lest they bring out their pitchforks like last time. Your stuff is in the corner over there." She nods towards a corner where your supplies are.
  99. >>36048783 SWT
  100. >>36049006 RGR
  102. >You nod and finish up your tea and biscuits
  103. >While you do you look for anything to check the time with
  104. >Hmm no clocks and the curtains are closed
  105. "Do you know what the time is?"
  106. >"Should still be night out, although its best if we head out before the day comes. 'Course if you don't mind that is?"
  107. "As long as I have a big strong mare like yourself watching over me I'm sure i'll be fine." You say jokingly
  108. >Stoney puffs her chest out in pride and you chuckle
  109. >Another blush fill Hearts face again
  110. >"'Swear you don't ever stop with the compliments do you?"
  111. "Only around beautiful mares like yourself of course." You poke
  112. >"Alright enough of that then, gonna make me burn down the house over here. Let me finish up these biscuits and i'll be waiting outside for you."
  113. >She quickly munches down the last of the biscuits and scoffs the tea then Stoney puts her into her strap and heads outside
  114. >You laugh to yourself about how fidgety she was and although your poking wasn't entirely untruthful you wanted to see her squirm a bit
  115. >Grabbing your supplies you head out the door and find Stoney waiting there a lantern on the alternate side of her
  116. >"Are you ready big guy? There'll only be a bit of walking to do 'till we get to Ponyville."
  117. >You nod to her and motion her to lead the way
  118. >After you start your trek a question formulates in your mind
  119. "Quick question, where do you hide that axe of yours, I mean if you do have it on you?"
  120. >"Hah I'm glad you asked, it's a neat little trick I learnt from my old mare, watch this."
  121. >A gleam of light appears and the axe is in Stoney's hooves
  122. >Damn that is pretty cool
  123. "Thats impressive work, I haven't seen a spell like that in my time here!"
  124. >Once again Stoney puffs up in pride
  125. >"Hah nothin' to it. Anyway i've got a whole lot of magical tricks to show you if you liked that one."
  126. "I'd love to see them, unfortunately us humans don't have much of a magical side. But I do have one trick that I might be willing to show you another time.
  128. >"That'd be fun to see, but for now lets get on with our walk. I'm sure you don't want anymore timber wolves to show up on account of our chatter."
  129. >You walk the rest of the way in relative silence only talking when necessary.
  130. >At some point you hear the shouts of ponies feint and far off but there non the less
  131. >"Anon? Are you out there?"
  132. >"That seems like my queue to leave big guy. The ponies out there are looking for you."
  133. >You nod and as she turns away you lean down to kiss Hearty on the cheek
  134. >A blush fires through her cheeks and she stammers, but you cut her off
  135. "Thanks for everything, now don't think I won't be seeing you again. Although i'll hope its on better terms next time."
  136. >"Y-you too!"
  137. >Stoney Scampers off down the track back to her home
  138. >Following the source of the voices you eventually reach the girls
  139. >"Oh Celestia, are you alright Anon? I'm so sorry." Twilight says audible regret in her voice
  140. >"We've be looking for you all night Anon! I wasn't serious when I dared you!" Rainbow Dash says
  141. "Can't say I don't have the biggest teats in all of Equestria now, can you Rainbow?"
  142. >She laughs a tension breaking laugh
  143. >"For a stallion? You sure do."
  144. >"You look a mess, what have you been up to in that forest? I hope nothing too dangerous. Oh I must get you out those clothes." Rarity speaks
  145. >After all saying their piece they run up to you and hug you tight
  146. >"I was so worried that we'd lose you Nonny." Pinkie Pie cries small tears in her eyes.
  147. "Don't worry girls I'm not going out in a place like that."
  148. >You spend the next few days under the watchful eye of Twilight
  149. >You also hear that Rainbow dash had quite the reprimanding from Princess Celestia herself
  150. "Do you have any books on Dullahans? Or any knowledge at all of them?"
  151. >Twilight's eyes light up
  153. >"I didn't realise you were interested in the dullahan fables Anon! I've only recently gotten into them as part of my studies."
  154. >"From what I know they're headless ponies that roam the country side and rarely ever appear. Though theres not much else known about them theyre said to be extremely dangerous."
  155. >She goes into a rant about how there are logical inconsistancies between ponies accounts and sighs deeply
  156. >"Sorry Anon, I've been trying to stop going into these rants of mine recently."
  157. "Don't be sorry Twi, you're just passionate is all. Thats a good thing to have."
  158. >Beaming with pride at the compliment, Twilight smiles. Although she becomes more serious as she continues.
  159. >"I've got a few errends to run, I trust you to not run off into some other trouble again. I'll just be gone for a few days for a ceremony that the Princess is holding and the girls will be coming with me."
  160. >"Please keep yourself out of trouble for my sake if not your own."
  161. >You fein offense and retort
  162. "I'm shocked that you would even believe that I would ever get myself in trouble. You shame my honour Ms Sparkle."
  163. >"I'm sorry Anon I-"
  164. >You break the tension with a good natured laugh and Twilight begins to laugh with you
  165. >"Ok, ok, you got me there."
  166. "In all seriousness I hope you have fun on your trip with the girls and stay safe yourself Twi."
  167. >"Of course we will. I'll see you later Anon."
  168. >She grabs her supplies and heads out the door to where the rest of the girls are waiting
  169. >You wave to them and they all wave back
  170. >Obviously you were going to meet Hearty again but you wanted to wait for night to fall before heading out
  171. >Lest some pony try to stop you from entering the Everfree again
  173. >The moment the sun goes down you grab your bag and head out towards Hearty's cottage
  174. >On your way you see nothing eventful and get there relitively unharmed aside from a few passing scratches from trees
  175. >You see a light on in the window and are glad that Hearty is home
  176. >Rapping at the door you eagerly await the Headless mare's presence
  177. >The door slides open slightly and you're greeted by Stoney
  178. >While she cannot see you she undoubtably must know its you and she rears up to hug you
  179. >You return the hug and call out to Hearty
  180. "Are you home Hearty? I've brought some goodies this time to thank you for real."
  181. >"Yeah im just in the main room. Come on in."
  182. >You close the door behind you and follow after Stoney
  183. >"It's good to see you Anon, I thought you wouldn't come back after last time to be honest."
  184. "And not see you again Hearty my dear? I wouldn't dream of it" you say with a smile
  185. >"Hah, and there he goes again with sweet talking."
  186. "Its hard not to talk highly of such a beautiful mare after all."
  187. >You take your bag off and pull out a few sweets that you bought from Sugercube Corner
  188. "A few local delicacies from ponyville. Including a 'tarte aux pommes', fancy people talk for apple pie." after saying that Hearty lets lose a hearty laugh
  189. >"Smells delicious, but you didn't have to do that for me. But considering you did, i'm not going to turn down a meal that smells as good as that.
  190. >You set the treats on the table and walk over to where Hearty is sitting and pick her up
  191. >"Hey what are you doing?" Nervousness and slight panic edging into her voice
  192. >You sit down and place her into your lap
  193. "Just getting comfortable my dear."
  194. >"Damn are all of the stallions in your world this forward?" A fierce blush masking her face
  195. >You laugh and grab a piece of apple pie
  196. "Cmon now open up"
  197. >"Hey I can feed myself!..." She sighs and says "Well my old mare did teach me to always listen to what a stallion had to say."
  199. >You continue like this for a while untill she eats the whole slice and you begin to absent mindedly stroke her mane
  200. >"D-damn your spider hoof thingies are like magic."
  201. "Well I did tell you I would show you that magic trick before didn't I?"
  202. >A soft chuckle comes from her lips and she sighs in relief as you scratch her ear
  203. >"A mare could get used to this y'know?"
  204. >Stoney walks over to get some of the action, and you use your other hand to stoke her back
  205. >You sit like this for hours occasionally eating some pie every now and then.
  206. >"Yer like a dream come true" Hearty slurrs as she begins to fade off into sleep
  207. >You merely smile and bask in the cozyness of the whole scene
  208. >Relaxing in your chair even deeper you begin to feel yourself doze off as well
  209. "Night Hearty."
  210. >"G'night Anon."
  211. >You're sent to a realm of beautiful dreams and a relaxing sleep.
  213. >>36050500 rgre
  214. >>36050475 swt
  217. >You wake up to find youself in the same position as you fell asleep in
  218. >Groggily you pick up Hearty and gently put her back down where you were sitting
  219. >She whimpers in her sleep but you brush her mane for a moment and she stops, smiling contentedly
  220. >Heading into the kitchen you look for some supplies to get cooking some breakfast
  221. >Some bread and some eggs huh?
  222. >You can make some mean scrambled eggs and toast
  223. >This mare'll never be able to live without your cooking again
  224. >After finishing cooking up your magnificent feast you place everything just so on the table
  225. >As you are just finishing up you see Hearty enter the room on Stoneys back
  226. >"And this stallion can cook, must still be dreamin'. The mare you marry'll be a lucky mare indeed 'Non."
  227. "I always aim to please, sit down Stoney, and i'll get a chair out for you Hearty." You say as you pull a comftable chair out.
  228. >"Quite the feast you've got set out for us 'ere, so whats the occasion 'Non?"
  229. "Can't a man just make a beautiful feast for his favourite mare?" you say with a bit of cheek in your voice.
  230. >"Hah, when my pa made something like this, it's cause he wanted something out of my old mare." She says as she smiles at a sweet memory
  231. >"So c'mon what're you plannin'?" She takes a bite out of her toast and hums with delight
  232. >"Seems like it aught to be somethin' important 'considering how heavenly this meal is."
  233. >You beam with pride at the compliment
  234. "Well... I've been thinking."
  235. >You hold your words trying to edge some theatrical tension into the situation
  236. >"Well go on, you've got me interested now."
  237. "So. What do you think about coming in to town with me?"
  238. >You almost spits her food out as she registers what you just said
  239. >"You what? You know I can't come into town 'Non, people don't like the things that go bump in the night, 'pecially not when they're knocking on their doors."
  240. "Ok, ok, just hear me out. I have a plan."
  241. >You open your bag to pull out a striped red scarf
  242. "Voila!"
  244. >She merely stares at you blankly
  245. >"'Non, thats a scarf. How's that supposed to help?"
  246. "Im glad you asked, I asked Rarity the best tailor in all of Equestria to make it for me. So i'm sure you'll look stunning in it."
  247. "Oh and of course its enchanted with a spell to attach your pretty little head to it, but I thought you'd be more interested in how it'd look on you." You say with a slight smirk.
  248. >"Oh 'Non, you beautiful stallion you." Stoney runs over to give you a tight hug.
  249. >"You sure it'll work though? I mean the enchantment."
  250. "Well why don't we try it right now?" you say as you end the hug with Stoney and walk over to where Hearty is sitting.
  251. >Picking her up ever so softly you gather the scarf aswell and place Hearty onto Stoney and wrap the scarf around her neck
  252. >Sure enough she fits perfectly and when you take your hands away Hearty is still attached to her body
  253. >"Hah! It works! It damn well works!"
  254. >You merely smile and reach down to give her a chaste kiss
  255. >Her face is alight with blush
  256. "Sorry dear, just taking my due reward for such a magnificent gift."
  257. >"Are you sure you aren't related to some damn incubus pony?" she says looking of at now seemingly very intersting wall.
  258. >A smile crosses your lips and you brush her hair out of her eyes
  259. "Its just something about you that sets my heart aflame dear."
  260. >"Ah here you go again 'Non, keep this up and I won't be able to help myself."
  261. "Maybe thats what im hoping for." You say with a wolfish grin
  262. >"Alright enough, enough. Let's get goin' into town shall we? Daylights burnin' after all."
  263. >You nod and pick up your backpack heading towards the door
  264. >Both of you walk side by side enjoying the silence between you two until you see ponyville in sight.
  265. >"Ok. Deep breaths now. This'll work im sure." Hearty mumbles through deep breaths.
  266. "Look Hearty, I wouldn't have done this if I didn't think it would work." You say whilst a reassuring smile crosses your lips.
  268. >She smiles back at you clearly reassured by your words and with newfound confidence strides alongside you on the path to Ponyville
  269. >"So where are we headed first?"
  270. >A small chuckle escapes your lips
  271. >Hearty looks confused for a moment but then quickly realises and laughs along with you.
  272. "Well how about we check out Sugarcube Corner, that's where I found all of those delicious treats we had last night. I'm sure we can get you something else you'll just love."
  273. >"Sounds like a good spot as any to me 'Non."
  274. >The two of you walk off in the direction of SCQ
  275. >"They really have spruced up the place since I was last here!" Hearty remarks while looking at all the buildings."
  276. "What'd it look like last time you were here?"
  277. >Hearty gives a good laugh
  278. >"Well it used to be just a few buildings here, and no townhall. Less ponies too, more sombre. Its changed in a good way."
  279. "Thats good to hear. Ah heres Sugercube Corner now, quite a place eh?"
  280. >She looks at the building in marvel.
  281. "If you like the way it looks on the outside, just you wait until you go on in."
  282. >You both head on in and head up to the counter.
  283. >Hearty hungrily looks down at all the magnificent pasteries and sweets.
  284. >"Oh hello there Anon, and who's this mare that's accompanying you?" Mrs cake asks from behind the counter.
  285. "Ah, that's Hearty Stone, she's from out of town but we've become fast friends."
  286. >"Nice to meet you Miss."
  287. >Mrs cake nods and asks "What can I get for you two loverbirds today?"
  288. >Shock and panic crosses Hearty's face
  289. "Hah, how'd you know? Did we give it away too easily?"
  290. >"Deary I've been in love before myself I can tell that you two are bound for each other."
  291. >Mrs cake looks over to Hearty and her tone suddenly becomes serious "A good stallion like Anon needs a good mare to take care of him. If I hear anything otherwise you'll regret it."
  292. >"Y-yes ma'am" Hearty audibly gulps
  294. >"Right then, what'll you two be having?"
  295. "I'll have a two brownies and a chocolate milkshake please, and Hearty 'll have..."
  296. >"Ummm...I'll have this. And that. Oooh and that. That looks good too." she says as she points to some particularly mouthwatering treats.
  297. >After she finally orders everything that's edible its time to pay
  298. >"I've got this one 'Non."
  299. >With a gleam of light a small bag appears and Hearty levitates some metal coins out
  300. >"My word I haven't seen currency this ancient since, well ever." Mrs Cake says with concern.
  301. >Hearty begins to panic
  302. >You merely chuckle and give her a reasuring pat on her back
  303. "Don't fret too much Hearty."
  304. >You pull out a small bag of bits and pay for your meal
  305. >"I'll have it all ready in a jiffy, why don't you two just go take a seat for now."
  306. >You both sit down at a table by the window side.
  307. >A momentary glance out the window and you see Twilight Sparkle with her friends walking towards SQC
  308. >Immediately you begin to panic
  309. >They weren't due back till tomorrow
  310. >Hearty soon notices your panicked state
  311. >"'Non you alright? You seem to be freaking out over there."
  312. "Uh, yeah, yeah. Just something unexpected showed up, don't worry we'll just play it cool."
  313. >She gives you a concerned look as the jingle to SQC's door rings.
  314. >"Oh hey Anon! Ooooooo and who's this! A new friend to be made?" Pinkie Pie quickly sets her sights on Hearty
  315. >"Hey there! We're going to be the best of friends, my names Pinkie Pie. What's your name?"
  316. >For a moment Hearty is sent reeling due to the amount of energy that Pinkie Pie is exuding
  317. >"Names Hearty Stone, its nice to meet you."
  318. >You wish Hearty luck as you turn to adress the rest of the girls
  319. "Hey girls, I thought you weren't due back 'till tomorrow."
  321. >"Yeah, turns out we weren't even needed there! What a bore that was." Rainbow dash says
  322. >"Rainbow!" Twilight exclaims " What she means to say is that Princess Celestia wanted us as a ceremonial group. More as a tradition then anything."
  323. >"Who's that other mare you're with?" She points over to Hearty
  324. >"And although i'm not much bothered by it, but why is she wearing the scarf I made for you?" Rarity questions.
  325. "Shes a good friend of mine, her name is Hearty Stone. I'm sure she'd tell you that herself if she weren't so occupied with Pinkie right now."
  326. >"Ah so that's how it is." Rarity says with certain conviction "Say no more Anon. Your secret is safe with us."
  327. "What're you talking about Rares? We're just friends."
  328. >Now it was your time to be embaressed as a blush crosses your face.
  329. >"No matter dear, your easier to read than a book when it comes to love." a grin appears on her face.
  330. >Fluttershy and Applejack finish ordering and come over
  331. >"Hey Anon." "Howdy Anon." the two say as they approach
  332. "How'd the trip go for you two?"
  333. >"Well ah reckon we spent too much time around those pompus aristocratic types too much. Good to be back home I say."
  334. "Hah, i'll drink to that. And you Fluttershy?"
  335. >She still wasn't out of her shell around you but you tried anyway
  336. >"It was ok." She says barely above a whisper
  337. "That's good to hear."
  338. >"Look Anon, we don't want to interrupt your meal with your friend, so we'll head out. Right girls?" Rarity says as she ushers the group out the door.
  339. >"But my pancakes-"
  340. >"You can have them later"
  341. >As they leave you breath a sigh of relief and you look back over to the now frazzled Hearty.
  342. "She's quite the talker isn't she?" You say with a slight laugh
  343. >"You could say that. Shes already planning five different parties in the next week for me."
  344. >That does sound like Pinkie
  345. >Mrs cake comes out of the kitchen with your order and puts in down on your plate
  346. >"Hope you two enjoy your meals."
  348. >Hearty eyes her food with conviction and then tears into it
  349. >You smile and begin to eat your own food
  350. >"Ish, Ish is the beft food i've ever had." Hearty says with a mouthful of food
  351. "Im glad you enjoy it, after we're finished here how about we take a walk in the park?"
  352. >She barely notices your words as she continues to scoff down sweet after sweet.
  353. >"Sure 'Non. Wherever is good for you is good for me."
  354. >When you've both finished you look over at Hearty and she has a small piece of chocolate cake on her muzzle.
  355. "Hey Hearty, you've got a little something on your face right about here. Let me get that for you." You say as you lean over the table and give her a kiss
  356. >"Hah you got me again you sneaky bugger you. Next time i'm going to be the one kissing YOU." A tender laugh escapes her lips.
  358. >>36059155 swt
  359. >>36059179 rgre
  361. "I'll hold you to it honey." A smirk appearing on both your faces.
  362. >You both get up from your seats and walk out the front door
  363. >On the way out you give a wave to Mrs.Cake as she's serving the next customer
  364. >When you pass through the doors and into the evening sun a newfound peace fills you
  365. >To be honest you were worrying the whole time how this would go and so far its been better then expected
  366. >"What's got you hold up 'Non?"
  367. "Nothin', I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to be here with you."
  368. >"Bah, I'm the one who should be thanking her lucky stars you came along, never would have ventured out of my lonely shack in the woods till I met you."
  369. "Maybe we're just both lucky?" You say with a slight laugh
  370. >A laugh comes from Hearty
  371. >"I 'spose so eh 'Non?"
  372. "C'mon over here, I know the best spot by the lake."
  373. >As you climb the hill you see the beautiful sunset reflected in a deep blue lake.
  374. >You also notice theres a picnic blanket and basket left out with no pony around to take claim for it
  375. >Hah, Rarity you beautiful mare you.
  376. "Oh and what a suprise, a picnic set up just for us!" You feign suprise.
  377. >"Oh 'Non, you really have thought of it all haven't you?"
  378. "Not really, I've just been thinking of you." you say as you lean down and give her a chaste kiss on the lips.
  379. >From the bush comes a small giggle and a harsh shushing.
  380. >You should have known she'd want to see the fruits of her labour.
  381. >If thats the price for a beautiful evening, then so be it.
  382. >Thankfully though Hearty didn't hear them
  383. >You both take your time walking over to the picnic blanket and simply enjoy the sights
  384. >The magnificent sunset caking the world in a deep red hum
  385. "It's beautiful isn't it?"
  386. >"Not as beautiful as you 'Non. Did I get that right?" She says with a cheeky grin
  387. "Hah, not quite but I plan on teaching you much much more."
  388. >Once you both reach the blanket and sit down you unpack the blanket
  390. >"It really is a wonderful spot, i'd never have imagined somewhere so magnificent."
  391. "I do aim to please my dear."
  392. >You look into the basket and see some beautiful sandwiches and haycakes
  393. "We have some sandwiches, made from the finest bread in all of equestria brought to you my dear, and some rich haycakes made with the finest ingredients."
  394. >Hearty lets loose a laugh
  395. >"I'll have some of the haycakes if you don't mind. Haven't had those in quite a while."
  396. >You pass her the haycakes with mock regality
  397. "Your Grace, your haycakes as ordered."
  398. >Another chuckle comes from Hearty as she takes them from you
  399. >Reaching into the basket once again you pick out the sandwiches
  400. >Hearty hums in delight as she chews on the Haycakes
  401. >"'Could kiss the person who made these right now, beautiful cooking."
  402. "Is that right?"
  403. >"Of course, do you happen to know who made 'em?" she says with a sly smile.
  404. "Do I know them?" you say as you lean in for a kiss
  405. >You lock lips in a tender kiss, passionate and loving.
  406. >Neither of you want the kiss to end, such a wonderful dreamlike love filled you both
  407. >When the kiss finally did end you stared deeply into each others eyes
  408. >And so the words came so naturally to you and was you both said in tandum
  409. "I love you Hearty."
  410. >"I love you 'Non"
  411. >So enraptured were the two of you that you didn't notice the small fireworks display and cheering coming from the shrubbery beside you
  413. -------
  414. >>36061974 RGRE
  415. >>
  417. >"This scarf is getting a might bit toasty though." She says as she begins to unravel it
  418. >You tense at those words and begin to reach out as she tries to take off the scarf
  419. >However you are too late and as she does she gently slides her head off of her neck
  420. >Screams and gasps come from the shubbery beside you and the girls jump out to confront Hearty
  421. >"Anon! Get back she's going to eat you!" her words a shill screach
  422. >Before you know it Rainbow has picked you up and carried you away from Hearty
  423. "Let go of me!"
  424. >"Im trying to protect you!"
  425. >Hearty looks on with a mixture of panic and confusion
  426. >"Don't you dare move, 'Hearty Stone' if that is your real name... Just what were you planning to do with Anon?"
  427. >"I wasn't planning to do anything! I promise!"
  428. "Girls! Let me go dammit!" you flail and thrash
  429. >"I don't believe you, did you cast a spell on him? Use some sort of magic potion?"
  430. >You finally manage to break Rainbows grasp and run over to Hearty's side
  431. "Twilight stop all this, I'm not under any spell or potion. Just settle down and we can talk about this!"
  432. >"Wait what?"
  433. "The reason why I was doing research on Dullahans and Headless Horsemares was to understand Hearty's curse better."
  434. >Hearty merely holds on to you while you explain how she saved your life.
  435. "I was looking for a spell that could make her a normal pony again, if she wanted course."
  436. >"'Non... You really?"
  439. >When you look down you see tears in Hearty's eyes and gently wipe them away
  440. "Course I wanted you to be happy after all."
  441. >The girls collectively dawww at that.
  442. >"Look, Hearty, Anon. I'm sorry that this happened, I honestly thought she was going to eat you or something."
  443. >"No need to 'pologize, after all i'd be afraid if a myth started hanging 'round me too." She says with a tension breaking laugh
  444. >Everyone begins to laugh alongside her and you all just enjoy the moment
  445. >You quietly pull Rarity aside and thank her for setting up the picnic
  446. >"No thanks nessesary Anon, after all the girls and I were spying on your date the whole time. I didn't realise you were such a charmer." Said Rarity with a chuckle
  447. "I've never felt about anyone - pony or otherwise this way."
  448. >Her smile widens at that
  449. >"Good, good, aside from the little spook she gave us there she seems to be a good mare."
  450. >You nod in response and begin to jog to catch up to Hearty who's talking to a seemingly very interested Twilight.
  451. >"So how did you end up this way? Was it a spell? Do you have any other effects from it? Ooo ooo, do you feel what your body feels?"
  452. "Alright Twi, you can ask all your questions later but I'm sure Hearty heres had a big day."
  453. >She silently thanks you
  454. >Twilight unwillingly nods and sighs
  455. >"I SUPPOSE I could keep my questions until tomorrow."
  456. >She quickly gallops off to join the rest of her friends in front of you two
  457. "She's quite the talker, isn't she?"
  458. >"Hah, that's an understatement. I swear she was about to yap my ear off."
  459. >You laugh and return "You're not the first one she's gone on about, and I fear you won't be the last."
  460. >"To be honest, I was dearly afraid back there. Not only for myself, but because they may have taken you away from me..."
  461. >"Listen to me, i'm speaking all colty like."
  462. >Pausing, you lean down to meet her face to face and brush her hair out of her eye.
  463. "I was afraid of losing you too, theres no wrong in admitting that."
  465. >You lean in for a hug and squeeze her tightly
  466. >"I s'pose you're right. Still though it's good to know you won't be leaving my hooves just yet."
  467. "I wouldn't dream on it, let's catch up to the girls, i'm sure they're dying to learn the details of our relationship."
  469. >On returning to the main part of Ponyville you bid the girls goodnight
  470. >"You're going back into the Everfree? At this time?"
  471. "Hearty'll be there with me, i'll be fine."
  472. >Twilight gives you a frown
  473. >"Trust me Twi if Hearty is half as good as Anon says she is in a fight, they won't have a problem out there." Rainbow retorts
  474. >"She lives out in the Everfree too Twilight, I'm sure the mare knows her way around."
  475. >Twilights frown deepens but she relents
  476. >"Fine, but Hearty, try to keep him out of trouble. I don't even want to start about the story with the Bugbear Queen."
  477. "Oh its getting awfully late." You emphasis it with a yawn
  478. >Hearty looks amused but is content to let it go
  479. >"You don't have nothing to worry about Miss Sparkle, I won't let nothin' bad happen to him."
  480. >You both wave and start along the trail leading to Hearty's home
  481. >Once out of the town she unravelled the scarf around her neck and magically levitated her head onto the strap once again
  482. "Hopefully this time no ones around to catch you." You say with a small laugh to accompany it.
  483. >"Hah, nothing but timberwolves and the trees to see us out here."
  484. "Oh, is that so?" A hint of cheek hidden in your voice
  485. >"Settle down loverboy, home ain't too far away. Least then we'll know we're safe."
  486. >You continue down the path untill you see the house in sight
  487. >Resting your hand on Hearty's barrel you walk alongside her and she hums in approval
  488. >"Theres still a bit of food left in the cuboards after our breakfast?"
  489. "Sure is, what're you planning?"
  490. >"Hmmm you'll have to wait and see how well I can cook."
  491. "I'll be looking forward to it sweetheart."
  494. >You meander your way into the lounge room as Hearty finds her way to the kitchen
  495. >A comfy looking red recliner invites you to sit on it and you oblidge
  496. >You'll just shut your eyes for a spell till Hearty cooks up dinner.
  498. >A loud bang and the thick scent of smoke fills the air and you jump awake
  499. >The smoke is coming from the kitchen and you run there to find out what happened
  500. "Hearty! Hearty! Are you alright?"
  501. >Loud coughing comes from the heavy smoke
  502. >"Yeah, yeah. I uh, I may have just overcooked it a bit." Nervousness filling her voice.
  503. >You laugh and open the nearest window
  504. "Nearly gave me a heart attack, although im glad you didn't give me food poisoning."
  505. >The once again visible Hearty is sitting on a tabletop while Stoney is attempting to put out the small fire that has started on the stovetop
  506. >Once Hearty realises there's still a flame she quickly grabs a cup of water and puts it out
  507. >"I guess i'm no good at this. I'll stick to the basics next time."
  508. >You smile and walk over to Hearty ruffling her hair
  509. "We still have some left overs from the picnic. It ain't no prench cuisine but i'm sure we can make it a romantic night none the less."
  510. "C'mon take a seat and i'll get all this set up for us." you say as you grab you backpack from the lounge room
  511. >"Hold on, I think I have some candles back here. Oooh maybe even some wine."
  512. >Both Hearty and Stoney disappear into the backroom as you set up the table.
  513. >After a few moments you are finished and they return
  514. >"Managed to find 'em eventually." she says as she pulls a full bottle of wine and candles into view.
  515. >"I know you colts love this romantic stuff."
  516. >You let loose a small chuckle
  517. "That we do deary, now get over here." you motion her over
  518. >Stoney walks over and sits in your lap and you put Hearty on her barrel.
  521. >"This is an old vintage, i've had it for a few centuries now savin' it for a special occation. Now seems 'bout right to open it."
  522. >You idly pat Hearty's mane stopping for a moment only to fill a glass of wine for the both of you.
  523. >Hearty takes the glass into her magical aura and chugs the whole glass without grace
  524. >"I'll show you how a real mare drinks 'Non."
  525. >You laugh and take megere sips of your wine wishing to enjoy and savour it
  526. >The both of you continue like this until Hearty has drunk her fifth glass and starts to look more then a little tipsy
  527. >"Ah'm glad I met yew 'Non, Pafst few daysh have been just par-hic-paradise."
  528. "I'm glad to have met you too Hearty. My days wouldn't have been nearly as bright without you."
  529. >"Ah, I mean it 'Non itsh crazy. I don't fhink I could let yew go now, now, you've got me under yer spshell."
  530. >"Yew, humies was it, must have shome short of magic considering."
  531. >You merely smile and begin to carry the two to bed.
  532. >"Ain't nothin' like yew 'Non. Nothing, nowhere, yer one of a kind yew."
  533. "And so are you my sweetheart. Now lets get you into bed."
  534. >"I ain't need to gho to bed. Less your in it." She giggles to herself as though she were a child
  535. >"I ever tell yew 'at yer beautiful 'Non? An-And Sexy too, thash what colts like to 'ear right?"
  536. >You merely nod your head and smile tucking her under the sheets and getting in beside her
  537. >Stoney holds onto you as you rest your head next to Hearty.
  538. "Good night sweetheart."
  539. >"Good nigsht to yew too 'Non." She says as she clings onto you and drifting off to sleep.
  541. >You open your eyes to a thick blankety darkness without ground.
  542. >Left floating around in this void with your own thoughts you realise you're strangely calm.
  543. >Suddenly a white flash of light appears and before you appears the Princess of the night
  544. >"Hello Anon, sorry to have disturbed your peaceful dreams but my sister has made me aware of you meeting Miss Hearty Stone.
  545. "How do you know about her?"
  546. >She remains silent for a moment nervously looking for the words.
  547. >"I will speak truthfully for I see no need to lie. Back when I was still tainted by the nightmare I did many a horrible thing, one of those such things was Hearty's punishment."
  548. >You cock your eyebrow as a motion for her to continue.
  549. >"I had her beheaded and cursed for the crime of treason."
  550. >Shock compounds through your entire being.
  551. "Wha-"
  552. >"I know there is no excusing my past behaviour but I am willing to make amends with Hearty, I did not wish to speak to her directly as she may still be resentful to me after all these years."
  553. "Of course she would be!"
  554. >"That is why I had hoped you could be the messenger between her and I."
  555. >You take a moment to think and take this all in.
  556. "I'll... I'll see what I can do. I can't make any promises but I'll at least talk to her."
  557. >"Thank you dear Anon." She says as she fades off and the dark void changes into a blazing white light of dawn
  558. >Opening your eyes you see that its now morning and both Hearty and Stoney are resting against your chest.
  559. >She's sleeping so delicately, peacefully her beautiful hair gleaming in the morning light.
  560. >Slowly she opens her charming golden eyes and looks up at you.
  561. "Morning sweet heart" You say as you give her a peck on the lips. "Sleep well?"
  562. >"I slept like a foal in a craddle with you next to me. Waking up like i'm in heaven too."
  563. >You reach out to boop her snoot and she does an adorable scrunch.
  564. >"Where are we heading out to today?"
  567. "Well, I'm sure Twi'll want to speak to you again. So why not head back into Ponyville, maybe pick up a book or two for us to read?"
  568. >She hums in approval as you scratch her ears.
  569. >"Sounds great 'Non."
  570. >You both lie in bed for another hour not wanting to leave the comfortable sanctuary of heat.
  571. "Alright sweet heart, time to get up. Daylights burning after all."
  572. >"Mmmmmmhhmhmmmmm" she mumbles as she shoves her face into the pillow.
  573. "Hey, I don't want to get up either but i've got to grab a few things in town."
  574. >She raises her head out of the pillow slightly and grumbles "Ok 'Non."
  575. >You both slowly get out of bed and ready yourself for the day ahead.
  576. "So you want to pick up breakfast in town?"
  577. >"Sounds good to me, although something less sweet wouldn't be too unwelcome."
  578. "Hah, I suppose a diet of cupcakes only would get boring after a while. Tell you what we'll find somewhere that sells some nice eggs and i'll try to get some new ingredients on our plates."
  579. >"I like the sound of that too. Maybe we'll pick up some Apples make something nice with that."
  580. >You merely laugh thinking of how happy Applejack would be to hear that
  581. "Alright lets get going then, shall we?"
  583. >>36108442 SWT
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  586. >Hearty grabs her scarf and puts it on strapping her head onto her body once more
  587. >As you both start to walk down the path towards Ponyville you begin to think about how you're going to broach the subject of Hearty's past
  588. >You're broken out of your spell by Hearty's voice
  589. >"Hey 'Non, you alright? Seems somethings troublin' you."
  590. "Its nothing Sweet Heart." You say with a reassuring smile
  591. >She doesn't seem fully convinced but she seems to not want to push it further
  592. >The walk continues in relative silence the songs of the birds and swaying of the trees filling the void of silence.
  593. >Eventually you reach Ponyville and you're greeted by ponies going about their day
  594. >When they see you they wave and you both wave back
  595. "Do you mind if we head by the library first? I'm sure Twi wouldn't mind us stopping in for breakfast."
  596. >"Hmm... Seems a tad bit rude to stop in unannounced for breakfast..."
  597. >Her stomach grumbles and she quickly changes her mood
  598. >"Although it seems my stomach disagrees." as she finishes the both of you laugh.
  599. "It's settled then we'll head over to Twi's and then we'll go for a walk in the park after."
  600. >You navigate your way around town quickly reaching Twilight's library
  601. >When you reach the door you knock and call out to Twilight
  602. "Hey Twi!"
  603. >You hear the clopping of hooves behind the door and it eventually opens to reveal the purple mare herself.
  604. >"Oh hey Anon, hey Hearty. What brings you to my door?"
  605. "I was hoping, maybe, possibly, if you were the best friend in the world, we could have breakfast with you and spike?" a small smile approaches your lips
  606. >"Of course Anon, cmon in Spike is just setting up the table and getting some food ready."
  607. >You head in first and Hearty follows close behind.
  608. "Just head on in for a sec Hearty, i've just gotta talk to Twi for a sec."
  609. >She gives you a small puzzled look but continues on in anyway.
  612. "So Twi. Big hypothetical, so what if your special somepony, I don't know... was cursed by Nightmare moon a hundred years ago and the now reformed Princess wants to make ammends with said special somepony."
  613. >She gives you a stern look as you continue
  614. "How'd you go about broaching that subject with them?"
  615. >"Anon, this is way too much way too quickly. Just give me a moment."
  616. >She starts to pace in cricles pondering about the information that you've given her.
  617. >"I suppose you could just talk to her about it?" she says nervously
  618. "I was thinking of doing that already, but I just don't know how to go about it."
  619. >"I can't say i've ever been in a situation like this... But I would say you just go for it. Bring it up when you feel the time is right."
  620. >Well that wasn't very helpful but at least you're reassured in your method
  621. "Appreciate it Twi, thanks for the advice." You say with a small smile
  622. >You reach over to her and give her mane a little tussle
  623. "Lets go get some breakfast shall we?"
  624. >The two of you head into the kitchen and you see Spike cooking up a storm and Hearty watching in awe.
  625. "Hey Spike, what're you cooking there?"
  626. >"Im making a double decker haycake supreme!"
  627. >You take a look at the ingredients that he has in the bowl and you nod in approval
  628. "Ata boy just like I taught you, although it seems like it could do with a few more strawberries and a few more blueberries."
  629. >Twilight rolls her eyes and takes a seat.
  630. >You and spike keep cooking for the two girls
  631. >Once you're both finished the kitchen looks like a warzone filled with beautiful meals.
  632. >The both of you serve the meals and take your own seats
  633. >"This is the best breakfast you've cooked up yet Anon." Twilight says after devouring a whole haycake.
  634. >"Damn straight 'Non, beautiful meal made by a beautiful stallion."
  635. "Getting better Hearty, getting better." You say with a small smile.
  636. >"What about me?" Spike says his pride is clearly hurt by the tone in his voice.
  637. "Course kid, I couldn't do it without you."
  640. >Spike's pride visibly rises with that comment.
  641. >You all eat the rest of your meal in peace with idle chatter filling the room
  642. "Open up Hearty." You say while holding a piece of pancake on a fork
  643. >"Cmon 'Non, I ain't no filly I can feed myself."
  644. "I know you can you big strong mare you."
  645. >She rolls her eyes and smiles at you.
  646. >"Alright just this once 'Non."
  647. >Spike visbly gags over this and you laugh
  648. "One day Spike you'll be doing the same with your wife."
  649. >You feed Hearty the some of her meal and continue to eat your own in between.
  650. >"So Hearty, Twilight told me about how you're a dola-dula-
  651. >"Dullahan." Twilight corrects Spike
  652. >"Yeah, whats that exactly?" He says with curious eyes
  653. >Out of the corner of your eye you see Hearty let out a big sigh
  654. >Twilight goes to reprimand the small dragon but Hearty cuts her off.
  655. >"Well truth be told, I don't know much 'bout it myself. Other than what i've gone through myself. But I'll show you a little trick that we can do." she says with a mischevious smile.
  656. >She raises her hooves to her head and takes off the scarf
  657. >The poor dragon is frightened and runs out of the room with a yelp
  658. >"Didn't think it'd scare 'im that much." Hearty says with slight nervousness to her voice."
  659. >You shoot Hearty a look and she immediately apologises.
  660. >"It's alright, i've already told him you can do things like that but he still got scared anyway. I suppose in the end he is a baby dragon after all."
  661. >"I'll go calm him down, in the meantime can you two clean up the dishes?"
  662. "Sure Twi, go see how spikes doing."
  663. >She nods and trots up the stairs and you two begin to clean the dishes
  664. >"Look 'Non i'm sorry, I didn't think he'd be that scared."
  665. >You look down at where Hearty is sitting now with her head reattached and you sigh.
  666. "I'm not mad, but I think you need to understand how scary somepony taking their head off would be."
  667. >She looks down her at the floor and her ears fold down
  668. >Shit now you've made the pone sad.
  671. "Look Hearty, I love you but people are going to have to get used to you before you do any party tricks for them."
  672. >"I've got you 'Non. I'll refrain from anymore of these tricks."
  673. >You ruffle her mane and give her a kiss on the cheek
  674. >So how are you going to bring up the whole Luna subject to her.
  675. "So... Do you happen to know Princess Luna?"
  676. >Unequivocal fear fills her features and she goes a ghostly pale
  677. >"L-Luna?"
  678. >You lean down and put your hands on her face
  679. "Hearty, are you alright?"
  680. >Several moments go by without her even responding.
  681. >Now you've really screwed it up.
  682. "Sweet Heart can you hear me?"
  683. >She seems to break herself out of her trance and looks at you.
  684. >"No. No... I don't know a Luna 'Non."
  685. >She goes back to washing the dishes without another word.
  686. "Do you want to go have a lie down honey?"
  687. >She merely shakes her head and continues to levitate the dishes in her magic
  688. >The two of you continue in silence the air thick with fear and nervousness.
  689. >"Sorry for running away from you like that." Spike says startling Hearty out of her trance.
  690. >You didn't even hear then coming back down.
  691. >"No worries Spike after all, I should be 'pologizing after all."
  692. >He shakes his head
  693. >"I should respect the differences between every pony, even when they scare you half to death."
  694. >Knowing Twilight she surely railroaded him into saying this and when you look over at her she shys away from your gaze nervously.
  695. "Lets just put all this behind us and start again. Oh Twi do you have any books you think would be an interesting read?"
  696. >You've just realised who you've asked this question to.
  697. >Twilights eyes light up and she starts jabbering
  698. >"Ooooh do I have a book for you! I just started reading about ponthagorus and the art of Vincent Van Hoofler, which I know are two very different types of mares but-"
  699. >She trails on for a few minutes and you have a handful of books in your bags already.
  702. "Sorry to interrupt you Twi but we've gotta get out of here real soon, so we'll take these and we'll see you round."
  703. >The disappointment in her eyes is visible and you begin to feel a bit guilty
  704. >"Thats alright there'll be another time to talk about Ahbramare Lincon and how she saved the United States of Equestria single hoofedly."
  705. >That does sound like an interesting story and you mentally file it away to ask about later.
  706. >"It was nice to meet you both and once 'gain sorry Spike."
  707. >Spike just shakes his head once again and waves goodbye.
  708. >The two of you walk out of the treebury and you decide to check once again if Hearty is alright.
  709. "Hey Sweety, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to but I just want to hear you say you're alright."
  710. >She looks at you and she just shakes her head.
  711. >"Just old demons coming in to ruin this party of ours. Don't worry too much 'bout it 'Non."
  712. >You're still unconvinced but you decide to let it go
  713. "How about we head home for the rest of the day? We do have a lot of books to get through."
  714. >"Aye, that does sound nice. Just a relaxing evening between you and I, and a whole lot of books." She ends the sentence with a chuckle.
  716. >>36155498 RGRE
  718. >The trail seemed even more long and winding than usual, the entire way you were focused on Hearty's earlier breakdown.
  719. >A total lack of conversation between the two of you made the feeling even worse and you knew you had to deal with it somehow.
  720. >Once you were both in the door you set your bag down and sit in the recliner.
  721. "Hearty, you mind coming here a moment. I think we need to talk."
  722. >She eyes you wearily and goes to join you.
  723. >"Why- What's up 'Non?" she says with nervousness lining her voice.
  724. >You pet her mane as to calm her down.
  725. "Its nothing you've done wrong Sweet heart. It's just I wanted to talk about Princess Luna."
  726. >Immediately her eyes go wide and fear coats her face.
  727. >She visibly struggles to stay still and you bring your hand up to her ears and scratch them as to reassure her.
  728. >"A-Ah've already told you I don't know nothing about her." her nervousness infecting her voice and leaving it quaking.
  729. "She spoke to me Hearty, she told me that she'd heard about you from Celestia and that she wanted to make things right, so she wanted me to talk to you about it." you say softly
  730. >Her eyes widen as you speak and her visage hardens into a furious rage.
  731. >"How dare she! Going through the pony I love to get to me! That daughter of a bastard!" she rants pacing around the room in a furious haze.
  732. >"After all she's done to me! After all shes done to my family! How dare she even beg for my forgiveness!"
  733. >You inturrupt Hearty's path and scoop her up into your arms, then return to the recliner.
  734. >"Wha- what're ye doin' put me down. I ought to go up to Canterlot and kick her flank myself"
  735. >You idly pat her mane as she continues.
  736. >"D'ya know what she did to me 'Non? To me FAMILY, way back when she was still calling 'erself 'Nightmare Moon'?"
  737. >Shaking your head softly she continues in a more sombre tone.
  738. >"She's the one who put this damn curse on me, back when I was in the Lunari rebellion." she pauses for a moment as though reliving a painful memory.
  739. >"I was on one of the front lines, in the battle of Lakeview when the rebellion was in full swing, was a fierce fight that."
  740. >"I can still smell it now, the gunpowder and 'ear the screams. We thought what we were doin' was right back then course, fighting for the good of the commonfolk."
  741. >"We lost too many good mares that day..." She pauses once more. "When the enemy was roundly beat and the white flag came up, I had thought we'd just take 'em in a prisoners." A grim chuckle escapes her lips.
  742. >You give her hoof a little squeeze as she breaths a heavy sigh.
  743. >"That never happened 'Non. The commander said that we had an order from Nightmare Moon herself to round 'em up and execute 'em." She says with an audiable shudder.
  744. >A long stretch of silence brews in the air.
  745. "So what'd you do..." you say quietly voice barely above a whisper.
  746. >"I went to Nightmare Moon herself. She just nodded and told me how it was for the greater good and I was to go against it, I was to join them."
  747. >"I told her I wouldn't do it, and that anger in her eyes. I can't even fathom it 'Non... She had me carted back to my hometown of Ponyville and alongside my family..." she trails off.
  748. >Bringing her closer to your chest you squeeze her tight.
  749. >"She wanted to make an example of me. So she brought me back, cursed me to roam forever, then exiled me into this damn Everfree." the venom in her voice was as palpable as the pain.
  750. "I-I'm so sorry I di-" you stutter out before Hearty interrupts you
  751. >"It's alright 'Non. You couldn't have known... but that's why I will can't forgive her."
  752. >The two of you just sit there for the next few hours in silence holding each other tightly.
  753. >Hearty was the first to break the silence, softly and barely above a whisper.
  754. >"I know that the princess is a different mare now 'Non." she pauses and breathes a deep sigh "I-I'll have a chat with her. Face to face. See if she's truly changed."
  755. "You don't hav-" you're immediately cut short by Hearty.
  756. >"But I want to 'Non, I hadn't realised how much I needed to hear her repent. Even if she is the same... I think ah'd still like to try."
  757. >Holding her extra tightly you notice tears running down her cheek and softly wipe them away.
  758. "If this'll help ease the pain Sweet Heart, i'll have a letter sent to Luna for an audience with her."
  759. "Did you want to come with me back to Twilight's?" you say softly.
  760. >She shakes her head and gets up from your arms walking into the bedroom.
  761. >"I think I need to be alone for now 'Non. I-I just have a lot to think about." she turns to speak to you before continuing further into the bedroom.
  762. >You go to say something but nothing can escape your lips and you're left with only the horrible silence.
  764. >Closing the door behind you, you set off onto the path that leads out of the Everfree.
  765. >You knew it was a bad idea to press it this far, but you had to know what was hurting her.
  766. >If for no other reason to ease her burden, but it seems you've just brought up horrible memories.
  767. >As you near closer to the end of the path, the birds chirp and the scurry of wildlife becomes more abundant along with the sweet harmony of song.
  768. >You follow the sweet singing to a small clearing at the edge of the forest and see Fluttershy singing to her animals.
  769. "Hey Flutters!" You call out to her as to not sneak up on her but she still jumps.
  770. >"Oh hey Anon, I didn't see you there." she laughs nervously
  771. >Walking closer you see the small devil himself Angel at her side and as he notices you, it was almost as though he scowled at you.
  772. "I heard your singing back there, it was beautiful!" as the words leave your lips you can see she visibly shrinks at that fear covering her features.
  773. >"I w-sn- si-in-" she mumbles barely audiable.
  774. >She clearly doesn't like people hearing her singing, as beautiful as it was you're inclined to respect her wishes.
  775. "I was just heading over to Twilight's to send a message to Princess Luna. I just thought I'd stop by and say hello once I saw you."
  776. "Oh... And one more thing, its about Hearty..." you leave a breath of silence looking for the words.
  777. >"Is something wrong with her? Oh no." Fluttershy says with panic laden in her voice.
  778. "Sort of, I think it requires someone with a more gentle touch than I." you say with a nervous chuckle.
  779. >She looks at you curiously for a moment and then realises what you're insinuating.
  780. >"Do you want me to go and check in on her?" she says softly.
  781. "I'm sure she'd like that, the letter can always wait till later after all."
  782. >Fluttershy nods and addresses her animal friends.
  783. >"Practise is over for now little ones, I've got to go see a friend of mine but I'll be back in no time!"
  784. >Various squeaks and roars come from the animals assumedly in protest but she merely shakes her head.
  785. >When she finishes with the animals the two of you walk back down the path you'd not too long ago taken yourself to get here.
  787. >Further and further in the animals grew more silent and the biting wind was left to keep you two company.
  788. >"How far in the forest do you two live exactly?" she says nervousness filling her voice.
  789. >You let loose a hearty laugh.
  790. "Far enough in to get attacked by Timberwolves, although I wouldn't worry about it too much, i'm sure they're terrified of Hearty by now."
  791. >Clearly not reassured by your comments she looks around still quite nervous but doesn't say anything.
  792. "We're close now anyway, just around here." you say as you pass a large rock with Hearty's home merging into sight.
  793. >You lightly rap at the door and open it.
  794. "Hearty, sweet heart? I know you said you wanted to be alone but..." you trail off as you enter the lounge room.
  795. >Hearing quiet sobbing coming from the bedroom you slowly walk over to the bedroom door and knock.
  796. >A sharp gasp comes from the other side of the door and the weeping stops.
  797. "Sorry sweet heart, do you mind if we come in?"
  798. >After a few moments of silence, you hear a feint affirmation from the other side of the door.
  799. >You slowly creak open the door to reveal a Hearty sitting in a chair next to the bed with a small photograph in her hooves.
  800. >"You're back sooner than I expected." She lets loose a small sniffle and continues "I'd not have wanted you to see me like this."
  801. >Walking over to her you embrace her in your arms softly wiping away the fresh tears.
  802. "I hope you don't mind honey, but I bought Fluttershy over to see if she could cheer you up. I just don't have the same tender touch as she does."
  803. >She gives a small chuckle and shakes her head wiping the tears remaining tears with the back of her hoof.
  804. >"Yer too worried about me 'Non. I'm fine as it is." she says with faux pride.
  805. >"But I do appreciate the company..." a small smile appears on her face.
  806. >"Anything for a friend in need, I'll go put the kettle on and we can all talk it out over tea how does that sound." Fluttershy speaks in her kind Motherly tone.
  807. "That'd be lovely, thanks Flutters."
  808. >You turn your attention back to Hearty and brush her hair out of her eyes.
  809. "I know you said you wanted to be alone honey, but I couldn't bear to know that you were feeling this pain without friends by your side."
  810. >She snuggles her head into your chest and breathes a deep sigh.
  811. >"I feel like such a colt right now, bloody 'ell. I thought I could deal with it all on me own, but I'm glad to have you here 'Non."
  812. >You gently brush her hair and while the two of you sit there you can hear the kettle boiling.
  813. "How about we get up and grab some tea, huh honey?" you say cupping her muzzle and raising it slightly so she can see you.
  814. >"I think- I think i'd like that."
  815. >She gently raised herself from your arms and the two of you walked out into the kitchen together.
  817. >>36298606
  819. >Fluttershy was already out in the kitchen preparing the tea.
  820. >You cough as to not sneak up on her but once again she jumps in fright.
  821. >"O-oh I didn't hear you two come in, the teas almost ready." she says as she takes the kettle off the hook.
  822. >The two of you sit down while Fluttershy gets the cups.
  823. >"So how has you're job with Applejack been going recently Anon, well before you took some time off I mean?" Fluttershy attempts to break the silence.
  824. "It's-" you're immeditly interrupted by Hearty
  825. >"What 'Non you've got a job? Geeze mares these days, making colts toil and labour when they should be at home with the foals. And I was here thinking that Applejack was a good traditional mare."
  826. "Well-"
  827. >"Next you'll tell me they've got you working on a farm or somethin'.
  828. >You chuckle and shake your head.
  829. "A man's gotta eat Sweet Heart, and before I met you." you emphasise this by booping her snoot to which she retaliates with a cute scrunch "I had to take any job I could get, plus it helps me keep in shape."
  830. >She mumbles something about foal chasing hips but you just laugh.
  831. "Either way, its going quite well, AJ treats me well enough, so no need to go off at her Hearty." You swap your attention back to Fluttershy.
  832. "Well, it's not cider season so they don't really need the extra hooves and she thought I ought to take a little break for a while."
  833. >She gently nods and pours out tea for everyone at the table and sits to the opposite of you two.
  834. >"That's good to hear Anon." Fluttershy replies.
  835. >Taking a sip from her teacup Hearty gasps in surprise.
  836. >"This is some really good tea, I didn't realise you were so good at this colty stuff Fluttershy. Uh- No offense."
  837. >She blushes and nods.
  838. >"I learnt the recipe from my father, just a few blue lotus' and some lemon fruit." she makes the hoof gestures as though she is adding them to a tea pot.
  839. "I'll have to get it from you sometime, I'm sure Hearty here would love to have more."
  840. >Hearty has already downed a full cup and is going for another round.
  841. >"I'm glad to see you like it so much Hearty." Fluttershy says with a hint of pride in her voice.
  842. >For the next few hours you all sat there and talked about your lives and shared stories until you had ran out of tea.
  843. "Well it's been quite a fun time girls, but I think we do need to head over to Twilight's to get this letter sent."
  844. >"It's about time I got back to my animal friends too they're probably worried sick about me now. But if you two don't mind waiting a bit, I do have to head over to Twilight's to return a book."
  845. >"Ah'm sure we could wait a bit, eh 'Non?" Hearty says to you.
  846. "Well, I don't see why not. We could always grab a few things at my house instead of heading to the shops anyway."
  847. >Fluttershy gathers the things that she bought to Hearty's house and joins the two of you outside.
  849. >On the long path Fluttershy breaks the silence first.
  850. >"So Hearty... If you don't mind me asking of course..." she stutters nervously.
  851. >"Out with it Fluttershy, I can't stand beatin' 'round the bush."
  852. >A small squeak comes from Fluttershy and you give Hearty a stern look.
  853. >"Ah, sorry Fluttershy I didn't mean to snap at you, go on."
  854. >Fluttershy looks around nervously but finally continues.
  855. >"So why DO you live all the way out here in the Everfree. I'm sure ponies would eventually come to accept you as you are."
  856. >Hearty just shakes her head and you put your hand on her withers.
  857. >"It's complicated, first off I don't think ponies would get over it that easily, considering i've tried to go back into town. Last time they thought I was there to steal their foals and I was chased out by a few mares with torches and pitchforks."
  858. >"And secondly it's a lot quieter out here. Its nice to be so amongst nature, I'm sure you understand what i'm talking about." Hearty says with a small smile.
  859. >Fluttershy nods and responds "I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories Hearty, I didn't mean to."
  860. >"Don't worry 'bout it... let's just keep movin' 'eh?"
  861. >The three of you pick up pace along the path back towards Ponyville.
  862. >Right before you reach the doors to the library your curiosity peaks.
  863. "So what book did you end up borrowing Flutters?"
  864. >She goes a beet red and chokes up.
  865. >"I-i uh- something on animals- yeah." she starts to sweat and look around nervously.
  866. "Ohhoho, something saucy I bet 'eh?" you tease eliciting more nervousness from the sweet mare.
  867. >"N-no it's nothing like that, uh-" her explanation is cut off by Spike opening the door.
  868. >"Oh hey guys, what's happening?"
  869. "Nothing much little bro, how's it been going on the home front?" you ask Spike while you pat him on the head.
  870. >He harrumphs and looks up at you.
  871. >"I'm not a baby dragon anymore Anon! I'm 6 now!"
  872. >You can't help but tease him a little bit.
  873. "Ah sorry Spike I couldn't help it, did you end up getting the newest edition of Power Ponies?"
  874. >His face immediately goes from a frown to a joyous smile. That always works on him.
  875. >"Yeah it was awesome! Here let me go show it to you!" He grabs your hand and drags you along with him up the stairs.
  876. "Girls, do you mind just telling Twilight i'm here, I'll just be a moment." you say back to the girls as you are already being dragged off.
  878. >Be head-attach-mentally-impaired
  879. >Also be Hearty Stone
  880. >"Twilight? Are you in here?" Fluttershy meekly calls through the basement door.
  881. "Twilight Are you in here." You repeat louder so that Twilight would actually be able to hear you.
  882. >"Oh yes, just a moment please." You hear a loud crash from downstairs.
  883. >A few moments later you see Twilight appear, with blackened mane and coat.
  884. >"Oh Twilight are you alright?"
  885. >"I'm quite alright, just another experiment gone wrong." She says with a timid smile. "Let's move into the kitchen and go have a seat."
  886. >The three of you amble off into the kitchen and you can still hear Spike and 'Non talking to each other excitedly.
  887. >"Where's Anonymous and Spike-" She's cut off by the sound of them giggling and laughing.
  888. "They're up to the usual colty business if thats anything to go by." A small smile finds its way onto your lips.
  889. >The two mares accompanying you just nod and smile along with you.
  890. >"So what're you two girls doing here."
  891. >"W-well I had to return that book you lent me. T-The..." She mumbled the rest so you couldn't hear her.
  892. >"Ah, of course I was wondering where that went, the book on Herbal remedies? Or the OTHER book."
  893. >"Ot-r b-ok." she says barely above a whisper.
  894. >Twilight clears her throat
  895. >"I see, uh- just place it on the shelf where you found it."
  896. >You look at the two mares in confusion and they both look extremely embarrassed.
  897. "You girls want to tell me what you're talkin' 'bout?"
  898. >"Well I uh-" She rubs her hoof against her mane nervously.
  900. >Fluttershy nervously reaches into her bag and brings out what seems to be a picture book called 'Super Magical School Colt'.
  901. >"So before you say anything-" Twilight starts but is cut off by you.
  902. "What is it exactly? I haven't been around normal ponies for sometime mind you."
  903. >Both Twilight and Fluttershy light up and are eager to explain.
  904. >"Its a Neighponese manga, so its like a comic book- er, you probably wouldn't have heard of those either."
  905. "No, I 'aven't, and why do they call 'em mangos?."
  906. >"Er- it's a manga." Fluttershy softly interjects.
  907. >"Anyway it's about a Colt that gains magical powers and uses love and friendship to save the universe!"
  908. "Sounds like an interesting read that's for sure." you say sarcastically however the Twilight seems to not pick up on it as she goes on.
  909. >"The first hundred chapters are AMAZING, but everything after that is just garbage, honestly who thought redeeming the main villain would be a good idea? I mean he was-" she cuts herself short.
  910. >"Ok, Idea, read the first few chapters and see if you like it. If not that's fine too."
  911. "You know what, why not? The cover looks a bit coltish but if you two think its a good read, I'll have at it."
  912. >Fluttershy hands you the Manga but then realises you have no where to put it.
  913. >"You can just borrow my bag, I don't really have anything else in there so you're free to use it for now."
  914. "Thanks Fluttershy, I 'ppreciate it."
  916. >Be large green man again.
  917. >After your little chit-chat with Spike you found yourself heading back downstairs to leave the little kid to his chores.

Gods amongst the mountains - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Losing your head - Discontinued

by Anonymouss

Crime in Manehatten - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Love and Justice - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

True love treasure hunter - RGRE - FINISHED

by Anonymouss