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True love treasure hunter - RGRE - FINISHED

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-23 08:23:17
Expiry: Never

  1. >The suns heat beared down on you as you trudged along the hot saddle arabian sand
  2. >You are anon newly apppointed head security and only security of this ragtag band of researchers
  3. >You're being paid a fair bit of bits, haha, to escort these researchers to the alkozian temple
  4. >There have been rumors of a curse that affects everypony that nears it
  5. >Good thing you're not a pony
  6. >Either way it seemed like an interesting job so you signed up for it and considering the lack of other applicants
  7. >"Stop, it's around here somewhere. I can feel it." the lead researcher said, Sweet Chief was her name.
  8. >She wasn't the most normal of unicorns but she was a good leader.
  9. >Numerous sighs of relief came from the ponies pulling the caravans as they set them down and sat in the shade.
  10. >Looking around you don't see much of anything
  11. "So Chief, what are we looking for around here?"
  12. >"From the runes that have led us to this location there SHOULD be some sort of switch around here that will open the enterance to the temple."
  13. >You click your tongue in annoyance
  14. "Damn, sounds like tough work for you and your mares. I'll just pick out my chair and take a rest-"
  15. >Sweet Chief started laughing
  16. >"'Course I believe in stallions rights, mainly the right to earning their paychecks. So you'll be working along side us."
  17. >Damn you thought you were going to be able to get some rest on this job
  18. >You merely nod and refill your flask of water
  19. >"Cmon girls lets get moving we're going to have to find this switch before nightfall, we all know how cold it gets around here at night and I dont need you girls cuddling up to me for warmth."
  20. >Various groans came from the crowd as they grabbed their tools and began to search.
  21. >After a few minutes you stumble over what you initially believe to be a rock, however on closer inspection you find that its the switch the boss was looking for.
  22. "Hey Chief, come here a sec I think I found your switch!"
  23. >She looks up from her papers and begins to trot over to you
  24. >"What'd you find anon, hopefully we don't have to spend much more time in this damn sun and sand."
  25. >When she reaches you her eyes light up and she pulls a small etched stone from out of her hat.
  26. >"This is it Anon! This temple could be the key to unlocking the secrets of the ancient alkozian tribes! Girls, Girls! Get over here!"
  27. >Feeling no small amount of self satisfaction you allow yourself a deep swig of water from your flask.
  28. >Once everypony is around the switch Chief presses it.
  29. >All at once the ground begins to shake and shiver in anticipation as a large pyramid emerges from the sand on the horizon.
  30. >You can hardly even hear Chief over the rumbling
  31. >"Stay calm everypony."
  32. >The rumbling continues on and you almost lose your footing
  33. >As suddenly as it started it stopped and as you look back towards the pyramid you see that it is enormous and towering.
  34. >Your entire group stands in awe.
  35. >Once chief gains her awareness she says "Well what are we waiting for lets get into that temple girls!"
  36. >Once everypony regains their composure they all run for the now gaping maw of the temple.
  37. >You however merely meander towards it, an uneasy feeling slicking all through your stomach.
  38. >Once inside you see a wide open room with the walls decorated in ancient ponish texts.
  39. >"Yo Chief, I can't understand half of the things im seeing 'ere." a particularly rough looking mare states
  40. >"Let me take a look. See that one there matches the marks on the runes that led us here." Sweet Chiefs voice trailed off as you walked further away from the group drawn by an unnatural pull that you couldn't resist.
  41. >No pony notices you as they are too busy trying to translate the symbols.
  42. >You wander through dark halls barely registering the darkness as you stumble forward
  43. >A few moments pass and you entire another wide open room filled with trinkets and baubles
  44. >In the middle lies an ornate sarcophagus untouched and seemingly lit by magic
  45. >Slowly you shamble forward without thinking
  46. >You immediately realise where you are and shake yourself awake
  47. "Get a grip on yourself man. These ponies aren't going to pay if they think you ran off."
  48. >You jogged back to where you left the girls and sure enough they were still there.
  49. >"Hey Anon, I don't think we're going to get much further over here yet so we're just going to check around further in." Said Sweet Chief
  50. >"Of course if you get scared you can always just cuddle close to me." Said one mare
  51. >A stern look crossed Chiefs face
  52. >"There ain't no time to be catcalling our guard here Silky."
  53. >A nervous laugh came from the mare followed by a few hearty laughs from the other mares
  54. >"Sorry Boss, just trying to lighten the mood."
  55. >A small smile crossed your face
  56. "It's all right Chief, no harm no foul."
  57. >"All right girls lets head on in. You have your Spark lantern don't you anon?"
  58. >You raise your lantern in response
  59. >"Alright stick close to me then, keep your eyes open."
  61. >Be Sweet Chief
  62. >Anon is one brave stallion thats for sure
  63. >For one hes not even scared of the dark in here
  64. >And the spiderwebs lining the walls of these corridors?
  65. >What if a big spider jumped on him!
  66. >Not that you're scared. No way. Nope. That's for stallions.
  67. >You shudder to imagine and shake away the thought as your group continues down the winding hallways
  68. >So far there seems to be nothing around, no traps, no symbols, no nothing.
  69. >Odd considering you're a veteran temple explorer-erer
  70. >Anyway this is quite abnormal especially considering the cultural riches that should be down here.
  71. >Down the corridor you can see the hallway opens into a large room with a magnificent sarcophagus lit by what seems to be a magical source.
  72. >Anon seems to be walking forwards shakily
  73. "Hey Anon, you feeling alright?"
  74. >He doesn't even notice you and continues forward slowly
  75. >Just before he reaches it an earpiercing screech of metal on metal resounds through the room
  76. >You scream.
  77. >A marely scream of course.
  78. >The sarcophagus lid shifts and creaks until it is nearly open
  79. >You are faintly aware of the rest of your group running away in fear
  80. >However you're stuck in horror, fear and awe of what you're seeing.
  81. >What should have been dead rose once again.
  82. >A mummified pony rose from the sarcophagus.
  83. >And thats when you ran.
  85. >Be Anon once again
  86. >You're locked into place watching a mummified pony rise from the sarcophagus
  87. >A mixture of pleasant and horrible feelings welled up inside of you
  88. >At once you knew you must stay but at the same time you knew you should run
  89. >A fient garble comes from the mummified pony her head visible through the bandages that covered most of her body.
  90. >Louder the garble came followed by a horrible hacking cough.
  91. >"Ah so sorry deary, I must look a mess right now?" the corpse utters in such a regally velvet voice
  92. >You can barely make a noise but a feint squeak emerges from you a wave comes over you in tides
  93. >"Where are my manners? My name is Iridescent Shine pleased to make your aquaintance my future husband. Although I must say you aren't what I expected i'm certainly not complaining."
  94. >You are finally able to utter words again
  95. "W-who? Husband? What do you mean?"
  96. >"Surely you felt it my love, the PULL, something drawing you to me no? I can feel it too dear."
  97. >Her words are like velvet and honey to your ears
  98. >She gracefully pulls herself out of the sarcophagus and into the light
  99. >Her blue coat that was visible beyond the banages shimmered in the light and her twin colored mane dazzled you
  100. >But what set your heart ablaze was her deep opal beautiful teal eyes
  101. "Yes- I mean no I can't."
  102. >"I know how cautious you silly stallions can be, although I haven't seen a stallion like you before"
  103. >She seems to be analysing you and judging you
  104. >Slowly she steps forward her jewelry and bangles clink as she does
  105. >"Come here dear, i'd like to have a closer inspection of my new husband."
  106. >You feel a compulsion to walk closer
  107. >Slowly trepedatiously you move closer and closer
  108. >You almost don't even hear Sweet Chief yell for you
  109. >You quickly turn to see sweet chief charging at Shine with a shovel
  111. >You quickly step to block Chief's charge and with your size advantage over her she just runs into your waist.
  112. >"Anon move! Im trying to protect you!"
  113. "Chief, settle down. I don't think shes going to hurt us."
  114. >"Is this a friend of yours dear?" Shine says with a hit of both bemusement and venom
  115. >You pick the shovel out of Chief's magical aura
  116. "Yeah, something like that, her names Sweet Chief and she's my boss for this research expidition."
  117. >Shine seems to visibly relax at that
  118. >"Wait you know who she is? Also wait she's not an evil zombie mummy?"
  119. >A slight chuckle comes from your lips
  120. "Apparently i'm to be her husband or something of the sort."
  121. >A shock appears on Chiefs face as she comprehends what you just said
  122. "Of course thats just what she says. I'm not about to get hitched to someone I just met after all."
  123. >Chief eyes Shine wearily however she acts as though she didn't notice
  124. >"I am Queen Iridescent Shine. It is a pleasure to make aquaintance with the one that brought my husband to me."
  125. "I'm not your husband."
  126. >"Yet my dear, yet."
  127. >You mearly shake your head
  128. >Although you couldnt understand why you were drawn to her, it felt as though you were a moth to a flame caught in the blazing glow of her beauty.
  129. "Where are the others?"
  130. >Chief furrows her brow
  131. >"They ran off as soon as they saw the sarcophagus lid start to move, I swear how unmarely. Not like me! Nope!"
  132. >She then begins to chuckle nervously and starts to sweat
  133. >You merely sigh and look over to Shine
  134. "Im going to leave this place as beautiful as it is I already have a home to go back to."
  135. >"I see. Wherever you go I shall follow until you love me dear. I can't just leave you alone to have another mare snatch you up can I?"
  136. "You really are commited to this whole gag huh? Oh well im sure I can make room at home. Did you need to pick up anything before we left?"
  137. >"There is not much left in this temple for myself nor any other grave robbers to take as all thats worth something has been taken already."
  138. >She glares at Chief as though that were a directed at her
  139. >"What about all the runes and symbols near the enterance! I need to find out what it all means!"
  140. >Shine begins to break into an all out laugh
  141. >"Oh that? Those are just doodles that I do when I get bored in here."
  142. >Visibly crushed chief slumps to the ground her ears down.
  143. "C'mon did you really have to say that? Look at how sad you've made her."
  144. >"Come now dear, I'm a living artifact preserved in the flesh. What could be better then that?"
  145. >Immidiately Chief peaks up at hearing that "Damn I don't have any paper, uh- I can just remember it all. Yeah. Yeah."
  146. "Chief we can just wait till we get back to town, no need to go crazy"
  148. >>36017891
  150. >After treking back through the temple towards the enterance you reach the caravan and set off back to the humble town that you live in.
  151. >"Quite a nice caravan you have. Technology really has advanced from when I last walked equestria."
  152. "How old are you anyway Shine?"
  153. >"Ah that is a question, I didn't have sundials or calenders in my humble abode but it would seem it has been ... Give or take a few hundred thousand years?"
  154. >You'd be lying if that didn't shock you, especially considering how good she looks.
  155. >"We're not too far off from alkane now, thankfully I think I can pull it just that bit further before my back gives out." Chief says from the front of the cart.
  156. >"Not too far and i'll be able to see our lavish new home dear"
  157. >Shine says with a bit of humour to her voice
  158. >"I do hope you cleaned up the place before you left."
  159. "Hah, I didn't realise i'd be meeting my 'future wife' before I went on this trip"
  160. >A hearty laugh comes from shine and she leans closer to snuggle onto your shoulder
  161. >You back off slightly although it pains you to leave her embrace
  162. "Hey we've just met lets slow this down please."
  163. >"I understand how uncomfortable stallions can be when they meet their soulmates dear, its just difficult not to want to be close to you."
  164. >Her beautiful eyes spark another flame in your heart and you feel as though you're going to melt just from looking at her
  165. "O-ok maybe just a little bit of cuddling."
  166. >A smile reappears on her face and the fire in your heart burns brighter still making you soar to new hights of elation.
  167. >She quickly retakes her spot leaning on your shoulder
  168. >"Ok you two loverbirds we're home now. Get out of the carriage and stop weighing it down."
  169. >It almost feels impossible to break the contact between you and shine but somehow you manage to rise to your feet
  170. "Let's get on out and see what Chief has for us, eh?"
  171. >You leave the caravan to see that you are just outside of Sweet Chief's Archeological Menagerie
  172. >At least thats what the sign says
  173. >"Right this way you two, just wait in the main room and i'll pick up your pay anon and then we can talk about that interview."
  174. >You and Shine both enter the main room and there are a few chairs circling a round table
  175. >You both sit down and Shine closely inspects the woodwork and decorations around the room
  176. >"These are simply marvelous, I couldn't even concieve of these decorations being made in my time. Dear, what's this called?" She points to a mug with '#1 Archeology major' emblazened on it.
  177. "I assume you didn't have ceramic back in your days? Its a ceramic mug made for drinking out of."
  178. >Her eyes are still alight with curiosity "Oooh, what's this over here dear! It seems to be some sort of alien machine! Perhaps it will shoot beams of light from this part here?" She points the keys of a typewriter.
  179. You chuckle and shake your head. "No, no, Shine it has a simpler purpose then that."
  180. >As Shine was about to point to something else Chief opens the door notebook in hand and a fire in her eyes.
  181. >"So Shine, about that interview! Lets get this done here and now your entire life story i've got tons of notes here just for this!"
  182. >"Oh dear..."
  183. "I'll be back later, I uh, I left the oven on at home!" You say as you walk swiftly towards the door
  184. >You quickly close the door behind you and set off for your home to relax for a while before picking shine up again.
  186. >After a few hours of lying down trying to figure out what mess you've gotten yourself into, you set off to Chiefs archeology shop.
  187. >When you get there and open the door you can see an exhausted Shine sitting at the table and Chief sitting opposite.
  188. >The table strewn with filled notes and the floor with scattered pages with even more scribbled notes.
  189. "You two must have had quite an evening, huh?" You chuckle
  190. >Even with her frazzled mane she still looks beautiful
  192. >"Hello Dear" She says with rejuvinated passion "You're a sight for sore eyes."
  193. >"So what happened to your Father the Second king?"
  194. "Sorry Sweet i'm going to have to swoop in and steal your interviewee, she looks like she could use some rest as well."
  195. >Chief frowns and then looks over to the clock on the wall. "I suppose it has been a fair while since we started. Oh and heres your money Anon. The others never showed back up so I guess you can take a portion of their share too."
  196. >You're pleasently suprised that you've come across an unexpected bonus but are worried about where the other ponies could have gone.
  197. "Not that i'm not appreicative chief, but where did everypony else go after they ran off?"
  198. >"Ah i'm sure they just don't want to show their scaredy flanks around here anymore after they ran off like that."
  199. >You look over to shine
  200. "Hey Shine, you good to walk back to my place its not too far from here."
  201. >A feint smile appears on her face
  202. >"I don't know dear, perhaps you will have to carry me to your home. Unmarely as it is."
  203. >Your heart leaps at the prospect of holding Shine so close.
  204. "Are you sure you can't walk?"
  205. >"Dear, you and I both know that you want to hold me and I have no energy left in me from all this interviewing."
  206. >A blush appears on your face and you try to act as though you don't want to carry her although your mind longs to hold her close.
  207. "Fine, only because you're exhausted though."
  208. >A wolfish grin appears on her face
  209. >"I love you dear."
  210. >You walk up to her and pick her up and hold her close to your chest
  211. >As you carry Shine through town you get stares from everypony although mixed between bewilderment and jealousy.
  212. >You feel her mane brushing against your face and it tingles your senses singing sweet symphonies of pleasure through you.
  213. >Even through your clothes you can feel the beat of her heart and it brings another sense of peace to you
  215. --
  217. >When you finally reach your home you open your door and look down to see Shine fast asleep in your arms.
  218. >Peacefull and serene she lies in your arms as you approach your bedroom.
  219. >Carefully you place her on the bed and pull up the sheets turning off the light as you leave.
  220. >She whimpers as your touch leaves her and you feel a sudden pang in your heart.
  221. >A longing that cannot be fixed without her touch
  222. >You try to resist although you know its inevitably in vain.
  223. >You slip into bed along side Shine holding her close to your chest
  224. >She sighs in relief and holds you closer to her, her hooves drawn around your back
  225. >Quickly you slip into a sweet dreams and a peaceful slumber
  227. >"Morning dear, I see you had a great sleep"
  228. >Groggily you open your eyes to Iris' beautiful blue eyes
  229. "Mornin' Iris."
  230. >Quickly you understand the position that your in.
  231. "I-its not what it looks like." you stutter as you get out of bed
  232. >"Ohoho, dear there's nothing wrong with sleeping with your loved one." A genuine smile comes across her face.
  233. "A-anyway, im going to go make some breakfast, would you like some?"
  234. >She seems to ponder for a moment
  235. >"I wouldn't know what 'modern ponies' have for breakfast dear, although im sure you'll find something to suprise and excite me dear."
  236. >You were thinking of making a few hay cakes and a few REAL pancakes for yourself.
  237. >Thankfully you still had those haycakes lying around.
  238. >You meander downstairs and begin to make your way to the kitchen.
  239. >After setting up all the plates at the table you start to cook.
  240. >Shine appears at the doorway seemingly aroused from her slumber by the heavenly aroma
  241. >"That smells divine dear, truely a feast for the senses."
  242. "Well their almost done, take a seat and I'll bring it to you. Would you like some cactus apple juice?"
  243. >"Dear you spoil me so, i'll have some if you don't mind."
  244. >You finish cooking the haycakes and pancakes and grab the juice
  245. >Setting it all up at the table you sit down next to Shine.
  247. --
  249. >"So dear, what did you want to do today?"
  250. "I've heard that theres a travelling magic show in town, so why don't we check that out?" you say between bites of your pancakes
  251. >"Mmmh." She swallows the bite of haycakes with a glass of juice. "That does sound wonderful dear. I would like to see what new levels of magic ponies have come to in these modern times."
  252. >You both eat your food in relative silence just enjoying one anothers company
  254. >>36048960
  256. >You check the clock and realise the magic show is about to start
  257. >Hurriedly you stuff the rest of the pancakes into your mouth
  258. "Mphf, Fhine whe goffa gwo." You say inbetween chews "Thew Sfhow if starfing foon."
  259. >She can barely contain her laughter at your comical actions
  260. >"Dear." Another chuckle "Didn't your mother ever teach you to not talk with your mouth full"
  261. >A wide smile crosses your face and your anxiety is lessened
  262. >You finish the food in your mouth and wash it down with some juice
  263. >"Let's get moving then shall we dear?"
  264. >You rush out the door and Shine follows with a regal pace
  265. >You turn back to see Shine still sauntering out at a leasurely pace
  266. >Quickly you sweep her off of her hooves and once again carry her close
  267. >"Oh dear, how bold of you."
  268. >Elation and joy fill you as you hold Shine close to your chest
  269. "We don't have much time before the show starts."
  270. >A smile appears on Shines face basking in your embrace and you almost entirely forget about the Magic show
  271. >You run as fast as you are able to while still holding Shine close to where the show is to take place
  272. >A crowd has gathered in the centre of town around a large stage.
  273. >Although it seems the performance has already started your enterance has gathered the crowds attention.
  274. >Ponies stare at you as they watch you hold Shine close to you and they begin to whisper
  275. >You gently set her down and ponies go back to watching the show
  277. >It seems even the entertainers got caught up in the hubub but now they've regained their composure and resumed their performance
  278. >"Gentlemares and Colts, welcome to our humble traveling magic show. I am Sunny Flower, and this is my assisstant, Quartz Bolt." The mare says while pointing towards the other mare on the stage
  279. >The assitant takes a small bow
  280. >"For our first trick, we'll need two volunteers from the crowd. And who better then the two lovers that got us all heated?"
  281. >"I can't find a better two volunteers Sunny. So what do you two say?"
  282. >You look to Shine for her take on the situation
  283. >"Sure why not dear? it could be fun after all." she says with a twinge of cheek
  284. >You both walk towards the stage with the crowd parting way as you do.
  285. >Once you reach the stage Quartz opens up a large chest and pulls out two decks of cards
  286. >"So for our first trick we will test how strong these two's bond is."
  287. >"Just take a seat right here you two, there'll be a curtain between you too so you can't cheat here."
  288. >"We're going to do two sets of this, one without the trick and one with it! The first time there will be no magic involved on our part, just the bond of these two."
  289. >"Then the second time we'll give them a magical link to each other so that they can connect on a deeper level."
  290. >Sunny walks over to Shine "Pick a card, any card'll do."
  291. >With the curtain in the way there's no way to know what card she picked.
  292. >Quartz walks over to you and does the same routine "What card do you think your partner picked, honey?"
  293. >You look over your options
  294. >As you do you feel a link to the Queen of Hearts, a pull, a subtle as it may be. It reminded you of the same feeling as when you think of Shine, a beautiful yearning.
  295. "Hmmm, what about... This one?"
  296. >You point to the queen of hearts
  298. >Both the cards are taken in Sunny's magical aura and she brings them close to read them.
  299. >"Well, Well, Well. It looks like these two have a bond thats already magical. They both picked the Queen of hearts, can you believe that? I do believe these two could give the princess of love a run for her money."
  300. >Shine peaks her head around the curtain and gives you a saccharine smile
  301. >You both stand up and meet each other in the middle
  302. >Her eyes sparkle in the light and her beautiful mane glimmers with such verocity.
  303. >She really is the most beautiful pony you've ever seen
  304. >Hell she's the most beautiful anything you've ever seen
  305. >You lean down and give her a chaste kiss on the lips
  306. >The crowd roars with applause and cheers
  307. >"Give it up for this beautiful couple, showing that there really is such thing as true love."
  308. >Stepping off the stage you both rejoin the crowd to watch the rest of the show
  309. >The rest of the show gave you both a few good laughs and a thorough appreciation for stage magic
  310. >As it finished the crowd dispersed and you two went back home the moon was rising and the stars high overhead
  311. >"I just wanted to thank you for today dear. I know that you're skeptical about this whole true love thing, but I really do love you, in a way I've never felt about a stallion before.
  312. >You look at Shine in this beautiful moonlight and it only enhances her beauty
  313. >Her eyes set your heart aflame with emotion
  314. "I think... I think I've been denying it ever since I met you Shine. I think I love you too."
  315. >Tears start welling in her eyes and she rears up to kiss you
  316. >A long passionate kiss that cemented the feelings that welled up inside you
  317. >One that you couldn't forget until the day you perished, and even still the thought would be so raw and powerful that you would be forever marked by the love between you two.
  318. "And that my little munchkins." You say with particular emphasis "Is how I met your beautiful mother. Ain't that right Smoopdy poo."
  319. >Your kids audiably gag at the term of endearment but you and Shine just laugh
  320. >"Of course my dear, snuggle bunny hug dispenser."

Gods amongst the mountains - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Losing your head - Discontinued

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Crime in Manehatten - RGRE - WIP

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Love and Justice - RGRE - WIP

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True love treasure hunter - RGRE - FINISHED

by Anonymouss