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Love and Justice - RGRE - WIP

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-09-15 22:03:04
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be you
  2. >Also be Anonymous
  3. >Walking down the streets of Manehatten, another beautiful sunny day in Equestria.
  4. >You were going to meet up with a couple stallion buddies from work, nothing too special just grab some coffee and chat about...
  5. >Well you didn't have too much in common with the stallions of this world but you'd just go along with what they said.
  6. >Easy as pie.
  7. >Speaking of pie, Cherry Pie would give you an earful if you miss another one of the 'Team meetings'.
  8. >Letting loose a sigh you pick up the pace and round the corner.
  9. >You only got a little ways before you heard a clear voice shout from behind you.
  10. >"Stop right there!"
  11. >Freezing to the spot you immediately put your hands above your head hearing a clopping of hooves behind you.
  12. >"I'm going to have to ask that you turn around sir." the stern feminine voice commands
  13. >As you turn you are greeted by a small crème maned mare with a maroon coat and in a cute little police uniform.
  14. >She was seemingly smaller then the average pony, not by much, but enough to be noticeable.
  15. "What'd you need Ma'am." you say trepidatiously.
  16. >She eyes you up and down as though judging you.
  17. >"You're under arrest, what's your name?" she says while still maintaining her inquisitive glare.
  18. "Wha- I haven't done anything!"
  19. >"Sir, I asked for your name." she presses
  20. >You look around nervously.
  21. "My name is Anonymous Ma'am, now could you please explain why I'm being arrested?"
  22. >She lets a small smile cross her lips and one could almost be convinced it was laced with a deviousness unknown to pony kind.
  23. >"Well Anonymous, I hate to break it to you, but you're being arrested for disturbing the peace."
  24. >You go to retort but she continues.
  25. >"You're distracting ponies with how good-looking you are. But I'm feeling generous today, I'll let you off with a warning if we go on a date hmmmm... What about tonight at the Blueberry Button at 4 sharp?"
  26. >You merely stare at the small mare in disbelief her brown eyes shining with a nervousness that her body language doesn't reflect.
  27. "I-uh, sure I guess. Uh." You stutter unable to comprehend the situation that is unfolding before you.
  28. >"Great, you've just done this city a great service Anonymous, I'll see you there." and with that she trotted off down the street out of sight as you stood there dumbfounded.
  30. >Be Rough Cuff
  31. >Your plan went exactly how you expected it to.
  32. >Better even!
  33. >You've just asked asked the talk of the town Anonymous on a date!
  34. >Well more like coerced him into it, but in the end isn't it all the same?
  35. >Wait you didn't even tell him your name!
  36. >Should you go back and tell him? No no that would make you look silly, gotta play it off later tonight real cool like.
  37. >Haha yeah that's you, real cool.
  38. >You're totally going to screw this up aren't you.
  39. >Like you do everything else.
  40. >Cmon get yourself out of this headspace.
  41. >Take a few deep breaths.
  42. >You're broken out of your anxious spiral by a group of stallions passing you by and giggling amongst themselves.
  43. >Your coat is stained a red crimson from embarrassment and you scamper away.
  44. >Once the stallions are out of sight you realise you've found yourself at your favourite doughnut shop.
  45. >Fact you wouldn't mind a doughnut or two right now.
  46. >As you press on the door a familiar jingle greets you and the warm smile of Blueberry.
  47. >"What's got my favourite officer so stressed out huh?" says Blueberry more than a hint of curiosity lining his voice.
  48. >You walk over to the counter and sigh figuring out how to respond.
  49. "Where do I even start Berry?" You say with a weak smile.
  50. >A chuckle comes from his lips and he shakes his head.
  51. >"You can start by telling me what you want. The regular? Or something new? I hear those blackberry banana doughnuts are delicious."
  52. "I think I'll just take the regular, thanks Berry." you say as you rest your head against the table top.
  53. >Blueberry trots off to get your order while humming a tune to himself and soon returns with a plain doughnut and a hot chocolate.
  54. >"Now, I expect to hear all about what happened." he says with a smug smile.
  55. >Taking a bite out of your cinnamon doughnut you hum contentedly.
  56. "Well to start with I've just got a promotion."
  57. >His smile widens and he hugs you tightly.
  58. >"Wow that's great Hun! I say it's well earnt and about time. But surely that's not all there is?"
  59. >You rub your mane nervously and hesitate.
  60. "Well, I managed to get myself a date."
  61. >He looked at you in utter disbelief.
  62. "I'm serious! I'm going to be meeting them here at 4" you say with a little harrumph
  63. >"Its not that I don't believe you Hun. But it's just... I didn't expect you to ever muster up the courage to ask any stallion on a date if I'm honest."
  64. >Ouch.
  65. "Well I did, and his name is Anonymous!"
  66. >He can clearly sense he hit a vein and quickly his face is filled with regret.
  67. >"Sorry dear, I didn't mean to be so blunt about it. I'm glad to hear you got a date, and with that Anonymous fellow too. I've not seen anypony of his kind before, what do they call them? Minotaurs?"
  68. "He's a human Berry, he's from a far off planet named earth and-"
  69. >Berry's looks at you curiously and you realise you've said too much.
  70. >"How do you know so much about this Anonymous any who?"
  71. >You begin to sweat, looking for any excuse to change the topic or get out of this conversation when the doorbell rings and a group of stallions walk in.
  72. >And among them is Anonymous.
  74. >Be Anonymous once again.
  75. >You had long since tuned out the rest of the stallions chatter just nodding along.
  76. >"Oooh how about we get some doughnuts? I've had a craving for them as soon as I started this no-hay diet." Cherry says to the group and is roundly agreed to,
  77. >You merely go along with the suggestion. Doughnuts could be nice, maybe even a hot chocolate.
  78. >Damn that does sound good.
  79. >A soft jingle rings out as Cherry opens the door.
  80. >"What're you planning on getting Anon? I'm planning on getting the double chocolate supreme with extra whipped cream, ooooh and maybe a strawberry hay shake to go along with it?"
  81. >You look down at the small stallion.
  82. "Aren't you on a no hay diet Cherry?" you ask curiously
  83. >He laughs "Well as long as I don't order it I can always pretend I didn't know. So uh... Do you mind ordering for us?"
  84. >Rolling your eyes you give him a small chuckle and an affirmative nod.
  85. "Sure Cherry. Sure."
  86. >You take every pony's order and head towards the front counter.
  87. >The stallion behind the counter seems to holding his head in his hooves peaking your curiosity.
  88. "Hey there, are you alright there?"
  89. >He jumps to attention and looks up at you.
  90. >"Oh hey, I didn't hear you come in. What can I get for you?"
  91. >Looking over the various array of doughnuts your mouth waters eventually settling on a large cinnamon doughnut.
  92. "Uh I'll just have a Double Chocolate Supreme with Extra whipped cream, 3 chocolate sprinkles, a Blueberry Special, and hmmmm... Give me 4 cinnamon doughnuts. Oh and a Strawberry Hay shake, make that a small my friends on a diet." You finish with a wink and you both just laugh.
  93. >"I'll have your order in a moment." he nodded his head towards a small mare with a maroon coat in the corner with a knowing smile and trailed off back into the kitchen.
  94. >Wait. Is that?
  95. >Oh that's the mare that asked you on a date...
  96. >Well might as well get the date started early huh.
  97. >You walk over to the mare's table and see that she has taken to hiding her face in a newspaper.
  98. "Hello there, is this seat taken?"
  99. >The paper slowly lowers to show the mares face coated a bright crimson.
  100. >"H-Hey there! Bit too early for our date huh..." she lets out a nervous laugh and begins to play with her short mane
  101. >What a little cutie.
  102. "I was just here for a quick bite with the boys when who do I see in the corner of the shop other than this little cutie right here."
  103. >"Y-you too."
  104. >You have to stop yourself from laughing with every fibre of your being. Stop. Don't do it.
  105. >Barely able to stifle your laughter you let a chuckle loose.
  106. "I'll stop teasing you, though that's not to say you're not cute. Er. I suppose that's just making it worse huh."
  107. >At this point she has slunk down into her chair and only above her muzzle is visible to you.
  108. "So uh, nice weather we're having huh?" you say trying to change the topic and give her time to regain her confidence.
  109. >She just nods and continues sinking deeper into her seat.
  110. "Ah come to think of it you never told me your name."
  111. >"Ro- c-f" she mumbles barely audible reminding you of when you first met a certain butter coated mare.
  112. "Sorry I couldn't quite get that, you mind repeating yourself?" you say with as much care as you can muster.
  113. >"Rough Cuff" she mumbles a little louder this time.
  114. >Ah Rough Cuff, I suppose that makes sense, what with the fact that she's a ponice officer.
  115. >Though she doesn't seem all too Rough. More cute than rough.
  116. "That's an awesome name, I suppose you're a big deal in the ponice force huh?"
  117. >She merely mumbles a response that you can't hear.
  118. >"Hey there you two, here's a shake on the house. Oh and your doughnuts Anonymous." you look up to see Blueberry carrying what you ordered.
  119. "Than- Wait how do you know my name?"
  120. >"Just chalk it up to a lucky guess. Did you want the rest of the doughnuts dropped off at your friends table?"
  121. >You shrug it off and nod to him.
  122. "Oh wait just before you go here's a little tip." you say as you reach into your pocket pulling out a few bits and handing it to him.
  123. >He smiles and heads off down to your friends table.
  124. "What a nice guy huh Cuff?" you say as you return your attention to Cuff who has seemingly regained her composure.
  127. >"Y-yeah he's real nice."
  128. >She seems to have stopped having a nervous breakdown so that's a plus.
  129. "So what've you got there? Ah Cinnamon just like me, what a coincidence." you laugh wanting to break the tension.
  130. >You take a bite to emphasise your words and a bounty of sensations cross your taste buds and you hum in delight.
  131. "These are bloody good huh. You're free to have some if you want by the by, my treat."
  132. >"Y-yeah they're my favourite too and they go down well with a hay shake." she says nervously clearly unsure of herself.
  133. >You must have really caught this mare off guard for her to swap personalities like this.
  134. "I just wanted to say, I'm sorry if I caught you off guard, I'm probably interrupting your break and all." you say as you begin to stand up.
  135. >"N-no! You aren't bothering me at all! It's just I'm a bit nervous is all." as she says this she fiddles with her mane once more.
  136. >You sit back down in your chair and pick up another doughnut.
  137. "So what do you do for work?" quickly realising your mistake you correct yourself "I mean I already know you're part of the ponice force but y'know what I mean."
  138. >She shuffles in her seat slightly before she responds.
  139. >"Well I just got promoted to a senior officer today..." the pride that fitted her voice still audible through the nervousness.
  140. >Hah so that's where all the confidence came from huh?
  141. "Sounds like you're moving up in the world, say what's it like bein' an ponice officer. I'm sure you're always taking in bad guys and the like?"
  142. >She slowly seems to be breaking out of her shell and gives a more confident laugh.
  143. >"Yeah, you could say that. I've taken down some real nasty ponies, like this one time where a mare was robbing this poor old stallion and I swooped in to save him!" she says with pride.
  144. >Fuck this little mare is a real cutie when she's boasting.
  145. "Damn sounds like you really are a great officer, huh? I can see why you've been promoted."
  146. >"Hehe yeah, anyways, what about you? What do you do?" Cuffs eyes gleam with a sense of curiosity.
  147. "Nothing too interesting myself." you pause for a moment and take another bite of the delicious donut "I just work for some, honestly terrible, gossip magazine. Looking to get somewhere else though if I can." you say with a grimace as you recall your job.
  148. >"Well, how do you feel about working downtown at the desk? Its fitting work for a stallion, no danger, nice pay."
  149. >Huh that's actually not a bad idea.
  150. >You hear the shrill laughter from your co-workers and grimace.
  151. "Honestly anything would be better then working for Stallion Talk. Are you sure you can do that though, I mean, I don't want to cause you any trouble..."
  152. >"Of course, the chief still owes me a favour and it'll be nice to have a s-sexy young colt at the front desk to greet me every morning." she says with a slight blush.
  153. >You quickly stand up and round the table to hug Cuff and she lets loose a quiet squeal.
  154. "Thank you so much Cuff, here's my number." you say as you grab a napkin and write down your number. "Just give me a ring if you have any updates, and thanks again Cuff."
  155. >You leave her beet red and head off to go meet your co-workers outside.
  157. >Be Rough Cuff again.
  158. >Holy smokes that didn't go horribly wrong!
  159. >And that little thing you added in about the 'sexy young colt'
  160. >DAMN
  161. >That's right mom I'm not a dyke!
  162. >Next thing you know he'll be sucking on your teats like a new born foal.
  163. >Wait. Anyway.
  164. >You see Blueberry coming from around the serving desk and you see that another colt has taken his place behind the counter.
  165. >"Well who's this stallioniser that has replaced my friend over here?" Blueberry says with a slight chuckle.
  166. >You only scrunch up you nose in response and he puts up his hooves defensively
  167. >"Hey hey, just trying to congratulate my friend on a job well done with some light humour. I couldn't catch it all but it seems like it went well."
  168. "It went better then I could have hoped! I got his number Berry!" you say excitedly.
  169. >He laughs and shakes his head.
  170. >"So are you two planning to meet up again sometime?"
  171. "Well I was going to play it cool and have him make the first move you know."
  172. >That's what cool mares do right?
  173. >"How about, instead of 'playing it cool' Hun, you give him a ring tonight? Maybe plan another date?"
  174. "But Berry..." you whine jokingly.
  175. >All he can do is laugh and shake his head once again.
  176. >You take another bite of your doughnut and think about how you're going to get Anon this desk job.
  178. >"No."
  179. "What do you mean no chief?" you plead.
  180. >"I said no Cuff, I can't be hiring just any stallion off the street. And besides this is a serious job, it can't be trusted with a colt." Hard time says sternly.
  181. >You search your mind for reasons why he can be trusted.
  182. "But he's-"
  183. >"No."
  184. "Don't you owe me a favour Hard Time?" you say trying to haggle your way through causing her to breathe a deep sigh.
  185. >"I do... I do." she says reluctantly.
  186. >A wide grin crosses your lips knowing that you have her and you go in for the kill.
  187. "I'm cashing in that favour now then Chief. Plus wouldn't it be great having a cute human colt in our office."
  188. >"I'm getting too old to deal with you young fillies nowadays... Fine, but one mistake and he's out of here just like that other colt. What was his name?" she says scouring her memory.
  189. "You mean Shady Crook?"
  190. >I mean with a name like that he was bound to be a bad egg.
  191. >"Yeah, anyway tell him he starts 8'o clock sharp. And you owe me big time for this Cuff." she says as she goes back to reading through the stack of papers on her desk.
  192. >"Celestia help me." you can hear her mumble as you saunter out.
  194. >You've been pacing around your room for hours thinking about what to say when you call Anon.
  195. >You nervously enter the numbers into the keypad and wait.
  196. >The phone rings once.
  197. >Then twice.
  198. >Finally you hear a voice on the other end of the phone.
  199. >"Hey, who's this?" you hear Anon say with a yawn.
  200. "H-hey Anon, its Rough Cuff, from earlier today. I'm just calling to let you know you got the job!" you're sure your voice cracks towards the end but you hope he doesn't notice it.
  201. >You hear shuffling on the other end of the phone.
  202. >"Cuff... It's three in the morning."
  203. >Your eyes widen and you panic as you look over to the clock on the wall.
  204. >Had you really been pacing around for that long!
  205. "O-oh I'm sorry Anon I just... Just got back from a shift... yeah."
  206. >"Its alright Cuff I know you mares in blue do your best to keep the streets safe." as you hear him say those words you puff your chest in pride.
  207. >"Just don't make it a habit y'hear, anyways when does the boss want me to start?"
  208. >He probably won't like hearing what you have to say after you've woken him up so early in the morning.
  209. >Stallions never like waking up early...
  210. "Could you come in at 8'o clock?" you say trepidation lining your voice.
  211. >You hear a hum on the other side of the phone.
  212. >"I thought you'd have me getting up at 6, that's two hours of extra sleep. Thanks for letting me know Cuff, I'll see you there?"
  213. >He was fine with it.
  214. >In fact he actually thanked you for it...
  215. >"You still there Cuff?"
  216. "Oh sorry yeah, I just zoned out for a moment. I'll see you there Anon! Okgoodnightbye!" you say quickly ending the call and leaning up against the wall.
  217. >You were supposed to be the mare in this situation, why couldn't you act like it. Instead you were getting nervous about talking to a stallion like a school filly.
  218. >Breathing a deep sigh you get up and hop into bed hoping that you can still get enough sleep before tomorrows shift.
  220. >Be tall green and recently employed.
  221. >You were still debating on what was the best outfit for your first day.
  222. >Would they give you a uniform? Or would you just be in regular clothes?
  223. >Ah well you'll figure it out when you got there, until then, you'll just wear your classic suit.
  224. >You've got to look your best if you're going to impress Rough Cuff and the boss.
  225. >Everything was set and you even had a small lunchbox to take with you to work.
  226. >You hear the kettle finish boiling in the kitchen and rush over to finish your coffee, quickly downing it and ignoring the burns it leaves down your throat.
  227. >Looking over to the clock you see that its still 6...
  228. >Well it wouldn't hurt to head out early, maybe grab some breakfast for Cuff, you think to yourself as you head out the door.
  230. >You somehow managed to find yourself drawn to the same doughnut shop as yesterday and you hear the familiar jingle as you enter.
  231. >The stallion from yesterday is even working this shift. What was his name again? Blueberry?
  232. >"Oh hey Anon." He says giving you a small wave and a friendly smile "What can I get for you today?"
  233. >You look over at all the doughnuts on display and this time your eyes are drawn to a cherry creme doughnut that looks particularly delicious.
  234. "I'll take two of those if you don't mind." You say pointing at the creme doughnuts.
  235. >"Just a moment Anon." he says as he slips into the back room and disappears for a few minutes.
  236. >When he comes back he comes out with two still hot creme doughnuts that smell delicious.
  237. >"That all you needed for today?" he says with an odd smile, one that contained a hidden knowledge.
  238. "That's all I needed my good stallion, thank you." you say sliding the bits onto the counter and taking the doughnuts.
  239. >As your walking to the door you hear the jingle and step to the side not wanting to get hit by the opening door.
  240. >When a familiar mare comes waltzing through the doors seemingly on top of the world.
  241. "Cuff, I didn't think I'd see you here. Come take a seat with me, we still have..." you pause and check your watch. "Well we've got an hour still."
  242. >"W-why are you here Anon?" she stammers.
  243. >You lean down to scratch her ears.
  244. "I was just thinking of picking you up something to eat before work and I knew you loved these doughnuts."
  245. >She seems to not hear you as she's too busy enjoying the scratches until you suddenly stop causing her to frown slightly.
  246. >"That's sweet of you Anon, let's go have a seat." she says as she walks over to one of the window seats.
  247. "So I don't know what type of doughnut you liked the most, so I just got you a creme doughnut." you say putting the two doughnuts on the paper bag and setting it in the middle of the table.
  248. >"I'll pay you back for these Anon, don't you worry about it." she says as she takes a bite out of the doughnut creme and jelly coating her snout.
  249. >You shake your head slightly and pick up your own doughnut.
  250. "You don't owe me anything Cuff, like I said I wanted to buy it for you." she begins to respond but you shake your head once again.
  251. "Let's just enjoy the morning huh?"
  252. >"Sure, Anon." she says with a jam covered smile.
  253. >You try to suppress a laugh but you can't.
  254. >Cuff has a look of confusion on her face and you try to settle yourself down.
  255. >"W-what's so funny?" she asks cautiously
  256. "Let me get that for you Cuff." you say as you grab a napkin and reach over to clean her snout.
  257. >"Oh..." she says with a soft chuckle.
  258. "Must've been a really good doughnut?" you say with your laughter beginning to settle down.
  259. >She nods and takes another bite, albeit more cautiously.
  260. >Shit you didn't hurt the poor mares feelings, did you?
  261. >You reach over the table and grab her hoof giving it a gentle caress.
  262. >Her blush goes from slight to tomato red as she realises what you're doing.
  263. >"A-Anon..."
  264. "Look, I didn't mean to make you feel bad Cuff, I just thought it was cute is all." you say while squeezing her hoof.
  265. >When you let go she attempts to stammer out a sentence but can't.
  266. >"I-its alright A-Anon, t-thanks again for the d-doughnut."
  267. >You check your watch for the time once again and the time reads 7:50
  268. "Damn, Cuff we had best get moving quickly, its 7:50 already." you say urgently.
  269. >Her eyes go wide and she gets up out of her chair.
  270. >She comes over to where your sitting and picks you up and throws you onto her back.
  271. "What are yo- Woah!" you say as your thrown onto Cuff's back.
  272. >The two of you bolt out of the door and down the street with strange looks from stallions and mares alike.
  274. >As the two of you finally reach the station you gently lower yourself from Cuff's withers as she throws open the doors to the station.
  275. >"Cmon Anon! We're gonna be late for your first day!" Rough says briefly turning back to you before rushing through the open door.
  276. >Shaking off the embarrassment from your speed racing rodeo with Rough Cuff you follow along behind her.
  277. "So where do we get signed in?" You say while getting glances from the other officers as the two of you pass by.
  278. >"Well I've gotta take you to see the boss. D-don't worry she's sweet once you get to know her!" she says with a nervous tone.
  279. >That isn't the most inspiring thing to hear about your new boss.
  280. >"Hey Rough, who's the new colt?" You hear from one of desks and you turn your head to see a rather small, even for pony standards, mare.
  281. >"Oh hey Sleek Patrol, good to see you in today. This is Anonymous, he's with me." Rough Cuff says as she seems to forget entirely about being late to see the boss.
  282. >"Anonymous huh? I assume you'll be behind the desk instead of out on the field? Bah I don't understand why the boss thinks a colt should be out working a job anyway. A good colt is one who knows his place, in the kitchen my Pops always said." she says with a slight huff before turning back to her stacks of paperwork.
  283. >Hey! You can do as good as any of these ponice mares.
  284. "I'm sure I could do a patrol or two, how hard could it be anyways?" You say causing the mare to laugh heartily and give you a condescending look.
  285. >"I've not had a laugh like that in a while, Anonymous was it? Just stick to the desk work and you won't ruin your hooficure."
  286. >"W-Well it was good to see you Sleek, but we best get going. Talk to you later?" Cuff says as she bites onto your sleeve pulling you further down the hallway.
  287. >You look down towards Cuff and begrudgingly you allow her to lead you further towards the bosses office.
  288. >Once the two of you are outside the bosses office Cuff motions you to kneel down so that she can speak into your ear.
  289. >"Now the boss is a fair mare but if she doesn't have her coffee she's uh... Less then friendly. So we just have to hope that she does and if not just let me do the talking alright?"
  290. >You nod and Rough Cuff knocks on the heavy wooden door marked with 'Chief Of Ponice Hard Time'.
  291. >Hearing a gruff rumble from the room Rough Cuff slowly slides the door open and reveals a Rough looking mare with a short orange mane and burning yellow coat.
  292. >As she looks you up and down and for a moment you almost cannot sense a thing from her expression but after a tense moment a small grin crosses her lips.
  293. >"You must be Anonymous." She says with a gruff voice before taking a swig out of her coffee mug.
  294. "Yes ma'am."
  295. >"I've heard from Rough Cuff that you were looking into doing some ponice work here at the station. Now listen, we don't have time around here for any stallionish whimsey that you might bring, no slacking, no gossiping, none of that you hear me?" she says while staring at you with her deep blue eyes.
  296. >You can't remember the last time that a pony put you in such a tense state before but her eyes were steely and fixated on yours.
  297. "Of course ma'am." you say bluntly not wanting to risk fumble your words.
  298. >"Good, good. I like that, quick and simple, you know some stallions talk too much. I think you'll fit in very nicely here Anonymous. Now Anonymous, you'll be joining Cuff on her patrol today." Hard Time says causing Rough Cuff's jaw to drop.
  299. >"W-What did you say Hard Time?" she says stuttering in disbelief.
  300. >You must admit you were in some level of disbelief too.
  301. >But it was contrasted with a sense of pride that intertwined with it, a pride that came from being offered such a lofty role on your first shift.
  302. "A-Are you sure ma'am?" You say a sense of bewilderment still covering your senses.
  303. >"Of course I'm sure Anon. Think of it as a test, if you can get through the day without quitting or complaining you'll be on patrol duty." She pauses for a moment before continuing "I know that you're a stallion but if you aren't hard enough to survive a day of patrol you won't even be able to get through a single stack of paperwork."
  304. >As though to emphasise this she points to the large piles of paperwork beside her desk.
  305. >"I'm not so cruel as to throw an innocent stallion into the deep end so I've moved both your patrols to Sunny Glades. Yes that's right Cuff it's easy street for you today, and as for you Anonymous we'll see how you do." she says before returning her eyes to her paperwork. "Now get out of my office."
  307. >As the two of you slip out through the open door Rough Cuff looks to you with a look of pride.
  308. >"Ooo! I can't believe it Anon. You're going to be on patrol with me today!" she says before encasing your legs in a hug.
  309. "Hey Cuff, we're still at work." you say softly and she quickly backs off looking around to see if anypony saw her.
  310. >You smile and shake your head.
  311. >"We need to get you into uniform before patrol. Although come to think of it I don't think we have shirts your size..." she says pacing for a moment while thoughts ran through her head.
  312. >"Aha! We'll just get you a badge!" she says while quickly trotting off leaving you in the corridor by yourself.
  313. >You read a couple of the posters on the wall and chuckle to yourself as you read one that says 'Say no to sugar spiking!'.
  314. >As you scan the walls for more humorous posters you see a picture of a slightly younger Hard Time, her eyes still sparkling with the vibrancy of youth.
  315. >Underneath the photo reads Hard Time promoted to Chief of Ponice after bank heist bust.
  316. >You wonder what could have happened in the years that came to make her lose her shine.
  317. >As you're looking on at the photo you can hear the quick trotting of hooves around the corner and Rough Cuff trots into vision.
  318. >"I'm back Anon! Got this fancy new badge for you too!" she says her voice muffled by the badge in her mouth.
  319. >You gently take it from her mouth wiping it against your shirt before inspecting it further.
  320. >It looked like a regular ponice badge aside from the fact that it had your name engraved on it, alongside a small heart.
  321. "Ponice Officer Anonymous huh?" you say a smile widening on your lips as Rough Cuff turns away from you, a blush on her face.
  322. >"Y-Yeah I thought I'd get it engraved for you. F-for when you were allowed to go on patrol with me, but I didn't think it'd be today!"
  323. >You hear the door to the Chief's office open and a displeased look lines her face.
  324. >"Will you two lover birds get on with your patrol already?" she says before shutting the door.
  325. >"Hah- I g-guess we better get to patrolling huh?" Rough Cuff says as she heads towards the main entrance of the station.
  326. >You give a curt nod and follow closely beside her.
  327. >Patrol huh.
  328. >You wonder how that's going to be.
  330. >As the two of you pass by Sleek she gives you a quick once over before grumbling and going back to her paperwork.
  331. >"I got news from the Chief that you two are taking my patrol today." she says a hint of venom in her voice.
  332. >As Rough Cuff begins to speak you quickly cut her off.
  333. "Word travels fast huh? The Chief must think I'm more then just a desk jockey after all." You say a sly grin on your face but a grim lines her face.
  334. >"If you don't mind I need to talk to Anonymous for a moment Cuff."
  335. >Rough Cuff looks confused for a moment but gives a confused smile before heading outside.
  336. >"Try not to haze him too much alright Sleek?" she says with a joking laugh before she breaches the doors causing the mare to laugh as well.
  337. >"Look just don't try to be a hero out there, we've got enough paperwork to deal with as is and we don't need another Glass Lane situation." She whispers to you, the thick scent of coffee coming from the mare as she leans in.
  338. >For a moment you stood there confused but she shook her head and sighed.
  339. >"It's a story for another time Newbie. Look. I know I was rough on you when we first met but I just don't want to see a colt get hurt out there alright? It's best if you just keep your head out of the fire and let Cuff do the heavy lifting." She says giving you a quick nod before motioning you to the door.
  340. "I... I suppose I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Sleek."
  341. >A slight smile appears on her lips and she quickly attempts to hide it by concentrating on her paperwork.
  342. >Glass Lane...
  343. >You'll have to ask Cuff about that sometime.
  344. >You swing open the doors to the ponice station and see Rough Cuff talking to an elderly mare.
  345. >"-And that's why you need to arrest those damn fillies! They keep breaking my precious garden gnomes with their hoofballs. No manners foals these days I tell you!" she rants to a clearly tired Cuff.
  346. >"I've told you already Ma'am we can't just arrest fillies for accidents like that, perhaps you could talk to their parents instead?"
  347. "Are you ready to get going Partner?" You say while reaching Cuff's side and she looks at you with a relieved smile.
  348. >"Ah, I'm sorry miss we really must get going, crime never waits and all that." Cuff says while grabbing your sleeve with her mouth and dragging you away from the old mare.
  349. >The old mare just muttered something about a lack of manners with the youth and walked in the opposite direction.
  350. "She a regular?" you say with a cheeky smirk on your lips.
  351. >"You have no idea. Seriously she comes by everyday with a brand new problem, the neighbours cat crapped on her lawn, the neighbours are having a party too loud." She finishes with a sigh but quickly a tired smile reaches her lips.
  352. >"I really could use some coffee."
  353. "You definitely look like you could. Say are there any good coffee shops around Sunny Glades?"
  354. >She puts a hoof to her chin as though she were thinking and after a moment she nods.
  355. >"There are actually a few good places there. It'll just be a problem of picking which one to go to!" She says with a carefree laugh, her brown eyes glowing causing you to smile.
  356. >As the two of you continue to walk down the street occasionally taking corners before reaching Sunny Glades.
  357. >You were almost shocked by how decedent and impressive this place was.
  358. >The stores lining the streets were displaying precious jewels and fancy wears, with price tags that would eat up your annual wage in no time.
  359. >Even the ponies who walked the streets were of a higher class, wearing fancy attire and trotting about as though they were the most important pony in Equestria.
  360. >The two of you continued along your way and you decided to broach the topic of Glass Lane.
  361. >"So that's how Officer Hot Hoof ended up putting cider in the Chief's coffee." She says as the two of you share a laugh.
  362. "So. Uh." You say struggling on how to bring the story up naturally as possible.
  363. >"So. Uh. What?" Cuff says with a light-hearted chuckle causing your cheeks to turn a slight crimson.
  364. "Right, I suppose theirs no subtle way to broach it huh? When I was talking with Sleek she brought up something called Glass Lane." As soon as you said it Cuff's entire demeanour changed, almost as though you had flicked a switch.
  365. >"G-Glass L-Lane huh?" She said despite the fearful look in her brown eyes and giving a nervous chuckle that betrayed her words.
  366. >"C-Can't say I know anything about it."
  367. >You stopped and Cuff stopped beside you a clear fear rising in her eyes as she looked at you.
  368. "I guess it can't be helped if you don't know anything about it." You say trying to rid the air of such an ominous mood.
  369. >"Haha... Say that's the coffee shop over there!" She says as she extends a hoof towards a rather fancy looking coffee shop down the road.
  370. >She quickly rushed over towards the store and the door jingled as she passed through the now open door.
  371. >Glass Lane must have been one hell of a story then.
  372. >Filing it away in your mind you attempt to close the distance between you and Cuff.
  373. >As you pass open the door and pass through you hear a similar jingle and you can see Cuff speaking to one of the employees behind the counter.
  374. >"I'll take one long black and a-" She cuts off her words as she looks over to you for your answer.
  375. "I'll have the same, thanks Cuff."
  376. >As Cuff pays for the coffee you find yourself a table.
  377. >"Oh and who's the newbie with you? I haven't seen him around before." You hear the mare behind the counter say as you pretend not to hear.
  378. >"That's my Partner Anonymous, he's on his first patrol with the ponice. He's gotta have a strong mare like me show him the ropes and all." She says and you can see her puffing out her chest in pride from the corner of your eye.
  379. >A smile came to your face and you shook your head.
  380. >Cuff was such a sweet heart, after all she didn't need to get you this job and hell she could have just left you to the wolves once she did.
  381. >You really did have to pay her back someday.
  382. >A devious plan comes to mind and you have to stop it from forming into a smile as you formulate it.
  383. >You knew exactly how shy and self conscious the poor mare was when it came to anything even conceivably lewd.
  384. >As the mare came back to your table with a tray with two coffees on top you waited for her to set them down and you quickly struck.
  385. >You got up from the comfortable cushion and took a seat right next to Cuff, leaning close into her rubbing your skin against her soft fur.
  386. >"A-Anon!" She stuttered quickly as she realised how close the two of you were.
  387. "What's up Cuff?" You ask leaning into Cuff's coat feeling the warmth of it even through the ponice outfit.
  388. >"N-N-Not while we're at work!" She says stuttering her words a thick blush showing even through her coat.
  389. "I'm not quite sure I follow Cuff." You say pretending to be unaware of the mare's awkwardness as you wrap the mare in your arms.
  390. >She lets out a small whimper and you let go of her as quickly as you had started hugging her.
  391. >You took a small sip of your coffee and the wonderful rich blend melted on your tongue filled with a rich bitterness.
  392. "Damn this coffee really is beautiful, huh Cuff?" you say nonchalantly pretending to be oblivious.
  393. >"Y-Yeah." Her muffled words come from behind her hooves which hid her face as she attempted to hide the thick blush on her face.
  394. >You decided to tease this cute mare a little more.
  395. "I didn't think the Scary Officer Cuff would be so afraid of some physical affection from her special some pony..." You say a cheeky grin on your lips as you trail off.
  396. >She quickly shakes her head and removes her hooves from her face.
  397. >"H-Hey! I'm a strong mare and I'm not afraid! I'll show you!" She says before quickly closing the small distance and locking her lips with yours.
  398. >Her warm tender lips felt as though they would melt, their tender sweetness seemingly filling your mouth and removing all memory of bitterness.
  399. >After what had felt like a lifetime the kiss was broken, a tender longing was within you as it did.
  400. >"W-Who's scared now?" She says her blush not failing but a smile broached her tender lips.
  401. "Hah. You've got me there I suppose." You say rubbing the back of your head while you could feel your own cheeks turn crimson.
  402. >You could get used to this type of back and forth with such a devilishly beautiful mare.
  403. >Cuff takes a sip from her coffee and turns to you with an almost love drunk smile on her face.
  404. >"I-I think it's time we get back to patrolling... What do you think Partner?"
  405. >You nod, your heart still resounding with pleasure from that amazing kiss and you get to your wobbly feet with Cuff soon following suit.

Gods amongst the mountains - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Losing your head - Discontinued

by Anonymouss

Crime in Manehatten - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Love and Justice - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

True love treasure hunter - RGRE - FINISHED

by Anonymouss