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Anon Alone In Equestria Girls Prompts

By anonkuru
Created: 2020-12-23 06:40:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Underground boxer
  3. >Your face is riddled with scars and bruises as always
  4. >People think you're a thug when you're trying to make a living
  5. >Like usual you're eating your lunch as always
  6. >Alone
  7. >You're used to it but it still hurts. Then, a girl sits in front of you.
  8. >"Hi, I'm Sunset Shimmers, what's your name?"
  9. -
  10. (kamen rider anon)
  11. >Be Anon
  12. >You see that weirdly dressed squid man terrorizing the people. Your eyes leer at some of the female captives
  13. >While it's hot you needed to henshin
  14. >"I ain't squidding around y' see?"
  15. >You get your gear transform
  16. one long transformation scene later
  17. "Let's kick some ass!"
  18. >"Holy shit anon is that you?"
  19. >You turn around
  20. >It's Rainbow Dash
  21. -
  22. >You are Anonymous
  23. >And you love astrology
  24. >Ever since your dad taught you as a child you've been fascinated with them
  25. >You still do, the stars were beautiful the way they were. They glimmered and sparkled, never changing.
  26. >Unlike your father, who changed.
  27. >Since mom's death he's been more silent, dull, and runesponsive
  28. >It wasn't long after he committed suicide
  29. >You live alone with all the money transferred over to you
  30. >Watching the stars, alone. At least the stars never changed.
  31. -
  32. "Hey girls, you ever wonder why Anon is always alone?"
  33. >You are Sunset Shimmers, and you're curious about Anon.
  34. >The answers you got from the girls was that he liked to kept to himself.
  35. >He never spoke much... not at all really
  36. >You found out no students ever heard him speak
  37. >Though not many really bothered to speak with him
  38. >Well you were going to figure out why
  39. >You sit infront of him on the lunch table
  40. "I'm Sunset, what's your name?"
  41. >Instead of answering he writes his name down.
  42. >'I'm Anonymous, it's nice to meet you Sunset.'
  43. "Say why did you write that instead of speaking?"
  44. >There's a look of sadness in his eyes but a moment. He writes again.
  45. >'I'm mute.'
  46. -
  47. >Anon is alone because he works in the night to morning
  48. >So when he's in school he's just too tire to talk and do school work
  49. >He's seen as some lazy loner
  50. >RD and her friends gets some fake I.D. to get into some fancy bar
  51. >tfw they see Anon working in the bar, flirting with some older women while serving drinks
  52. >Anon's face when they see them
  53. >"Anon?"
  54. >Some older man is beside him
  55. >"Hey Anon you know them?"
  56. >Anon, barely knowing the students has no genuine idea of who they are. So he puts up the professional act.
  57. >After "failing" to get Anon to fess up something they leave
  58. >Thus begins their attempts to know Anon, and why he is a bartender
  59. >This can either end up how Anon has trouble at home or he just loves being a bartender
  60. -
  61. >Setting is in Canterlot University
  62. >Anon back in high school was seen as a loner
  63. >Many people just avoided him because of his loner reputation
  64. >Sunset (or anyone else) realizes he's a child development major
  65. >Also discovers that he helps run an orphanage and was raised there
  66. >Once the girls are involved they realized how fatherly Anon can be
  67. >This story sorta spreads once Rarity speaks about it with Coco Pommel
  68. >Then Coco somehow meets Anon in the mall area, with bunch of children since there's a book store. The said mall is a frequent haunt to many students in Canterlot University
  69. >Not only her but so do the other girls in the university that happened to be there
  70. >Cue a university wide competition to have Anon to be their future hubby
  71. >(optional idea)
  72. >The girls also hears how Anon is actually rich, due to being supported by some philanthropist or government (up to the author really)
  73. >How else did he buy shit ton of books and groceries?
  74. >He needs to have some kind of cash on him
  75. >Anon must now figure out who wants him to be their loving hubby or girls after his money
  76. -
  77. >Canterlot University edition.
  78. >Anon decides to open up an anime enthusiast club on club day.
  79. >As expected no one fucking joins and Anon doesn’t succeeds.
  80. >Another year another failure…
  81. >When you load up your stuff into your car someone taps your shoulder.
  82. >In comes 3.14 qt grill.
  83. >“You’re the club president for anime club, yes?”
  84. >Anon fucking sputters and fucking spills.
  85. >“Bwuh-ha uh yeah… I’m the president.” Anon said. “And the only member…”
  86. >“Well is it too late to join?”
  87. >“Y-yeah. I mean no!” Anon said, not being able to pry his eyes away from the cute grill. “No it’s not too late to join.”
  88. >She sticks her hand out, in which Anon nervously shakes.
  89. >“I’m Rarity. You are…?”
  90. >“Anon. It’s nice to meet you Rarity.”
  91. The source of drama or story can either be Rarity telling Anon that she’s trying to keep her hobby quiet to her friends, this can lead to some events and drama where Rarity abandons Anon to keep her image in which she feels extremely guilty after. Or just misadventure of two dorks. More toward romance, comedy, and an optional drama.
  92. -
  93. >Anon's family heritage comes from a minor demonic line
  94. >Nothing too crazy in terms of world ending but a god in resolving sexual problems
  95. >Because of this Anon gets hit on a lot by both genders
  96. >That's why he choose to be a loner and wear unflattering and plain clothes
  97. >Thick frame glasses, track suit, and long scraggly hair to cover his face
  98. >After school Anon walks by the humane7
  99. >It starts to rain somehow (maybe demon ancestors thought it was funny to 'make it rain')
  100. >Anon in annoyance takes off his jersey and swepts back his hair
  101. >His power level is revealed
  102. >Anon tries to avoid the girls since he's gotten so used to being alone
  103. >Gets raped by Gilda
  104. >Anon is now told by his father that since he has a taste for sex he needs to satisfy it once in a while or he'll die
  105. >Cranked: High Voltage but sex

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