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Anon the Guardsmare Therapist

By anonkuru
Created: 2020-11-18 19:39:34
Expiry: Never

  1. >When life throws a curveball at you, it fucking curves. You expected natural disasters and wars. But dying because someone coughed on you? Yeah, that wasn’t something you really expected. Maybe God wanted some entertainment or something, maybe that's why you're here.
  2. >After settling in Equestira, it began with having an honest heart to heart talk with Celestia, the que- the princess of the nation.
  3. > The Princess, seen basically as a demi-god has surprise, surprise, has stress just like any other person. Maybe it was the way you look, or how you really didn’t care. In your eyes she was just a tall cute pony. Regardless of the detail, the honest heart to heart talk allowed Celestia to let out a lot of baggage. Her worries, fears, and anxieties. Then Celestia asked you to help her sister, Luna. You were all too familiar with the experience of being a stranger in a strange land. In a way, they reminded of your students really.
  4. >You can only hope they're well
  5. “A therapist?”
  6. >Celestia nodded, eyes softened and body less tense. She always seemed like that when she’s in your room. She said something about how the room was arranged and something about the colors appealing to the instinct of ponies, even to a demigod liker herself. Ponies are ponies you guessed.
  7. >“I’m sure you’re aware I am not the only one burdened with such doubts and fears. Like you said, everyone needs somepony- somehuman to speak with.”
  8. >You didn't really bother correcting her
  9. “I’m not really qualified, Celestia. I'm a history teacher.”
  10. >“I think you give yourself too little credit my friend. Perhaps you would try as a favor for me?”
  11. >You shrug, putting down the origami you made. You never did like you hands being idle.
  12. “I live with free room and food. I can’t really deny a request when you’ve been kind to me so far.”
  13. >Celestia smiled, then sat on the couch you got meant for ponies that visit you sometimes. She picked up the spare paper and watch her magic fold the paper to a crane.
  14. >“Oh phooey, I can never get them right like you do.”
  15. >Again you shrug, putting a paper crane on her nose, snout, whichever one is correct.
  16. “Because it’s what I do. Just fold how you do it.”
  17. >Just another day in Pony land
  18. >Be Anon
  19. >You’re in your new office, strangely similar to your room
  20. >It’s been about a few days since the experimental therapist began. So far no ponies came to see you
  21. >Though that should be a good sign since no one was in need of your job
  22. >There were soft knocks on your door
  23. “Come in.”
  24. >It was a blue coated mare with the same color of her eyes. Wearing the armor of the royal guard, a unicorn at that.
  25. >You were still getting used to knowing the branches and the divisions, then the brigades, battalions… really what’s with so many names?
  26. >The guardsmare shuffles inside your room, eyes looking down on the floor, tail between her legs, and the general uneasy expression on her face
  27. >“Take a seat, what’s your name?”
  28. >“Guardsmarer first class, Sparse Edge… sir.”
  29. >“You don’t have to call me sir, that’ll just remind me how old I am. Call me Anon. I don’t hold any rank so just feel free to speak freely.”
  30. >That gets a chuckle out of the guardsmare
  31. >“So, do I just say what I feel… or?”
  32. >You finish heating up the carrot soup then pour into a small cup. Sparse Edge took the cup with a mumble of thank you.
  33. >“If you’d like, you can honestly talk to me about anything you want. I would greatly appreciate the conversation. But I want you to know that what goes on between you and I behind closed doors remains here. You have my word on that.”
  34. >“Really?”
  35. “Really.”
  36. >The mare hesitates, shame, doubt, curiosity, and hope swimming in the pony’s expressive eyes. She sighs.
  37. >“I’m afraid…”
  38. “Afraid of what?”
  39. > “You can’t say this to anyone Anon. Promise?”
  40. >You nod, “I promise.”
  41. >“My squad and I are going to patrol the Equestrian border soon, and with the hostility with Griffin Stone there might be a chance of combat. And I’m afraid… I trained tirelessly for this kind of thing but I don’t why I am.”
  42. >“Why do you say it like you're ashamed of it?”
  43. >She looked at you as if you said something so ludicrous.
  44. > “I’m a guardsmare! I shouldn’t be afraid!”
  45. “But you’re a pony right?”
  46. >“A pony that trained for years!”
  47. “Sparse Edge. It’s ok to feel afraid. It’s a human- I mean it’s an emotion that everyone goes through. From the smallest foal to the toughest guardspony.”
  48. >“What if my fears get the best of me?”
  49. “It won’t.”
  50. >“How do you know? We barely met!”
  51. “Well for one, you were chosen for the assignment. I assume they don’t let any mare to do what you’re doing.”
  52. >Sparse Edge nodded
  53. “What’s your role?”
  54. >“Aegis, I’m in the front to provide the shield with my magic or to convert it to heavy beam.”
  55. >“Alright then. I want you to close your eyes.”
  56. >Sparse Edge does so, quickly, mechanically like all soldiers had the capability to do so
  57. “I want to turn your head to your left, and imagine the pony that is in your squad.”
  58. >Sparse Edge turned around, an eased smile appeared
  59. “I want you to turn your head to the right, and do the same.”
  60. >This time, her face was a bit stiff, not scared but nervous
  61. “Tell me about your squad”
  62. >“Hook Pole is the heavy infantry, and the one to the left is Swift Winds the scout pony. Bonesaw is the medic, then there’s also the squad leader Sergeant.”
  63. “How are they like?”
  64. >Despite her eyes being closed you can see her body animating as she speaks about her squad.
  65. >“Hook always knows a way to make us laugh even in the worst situations. Swift Wind is aloof and silent, but she shows that she cares in her own way, like sneaking in fruits and snacks in the barracks when she thinks we aren’t looking.” There’s a cute chuckle out of her.
  66. “It sounds like you have a lovely squad to be in.”
  67. >“I know right?” Sparse Edge’s smile grew wider, answering with a proud squeak in her voice. “Though I think I annoy her sometimes when I try to talk to her. There's our medic, Bonesaw. She gets agitated easily when we get injured, she’s like Swift that’s her way of caring. And Sergeant Bunker is like the mom of the squad, she’s the most patient pony I’ve ever met!”
  68. “Can you really afford your fear to allow it to put harm in your squad?”
  69. >She finally opened her eyes, the cute button nose of hers scrunched. “OF COURSE NOT! I’D GIVE MY LIFE TO SAVE THEM!”
  70. “Then I can’t see a reason why you’ll be afraid.”
  71. >“I- uh… you have a point. I’m just afraid I might fail and-”
  72. “But you won’t, you can’t afford ro right?”
  73. >“Right… I can’t be afraid. I can’t afford to”
  74. >She looked down on her cup of soup finishing the last sip, you gently took the cup from her hoof then refilled it
  75. “Everyone can get afraid, that’s perfectly normal. What you do with it, now that’s where it counts. Are you going to let it control you or are you gonna persevere?”
  76. >“Persevere, always.”
  77. “Then I can’t see why this will be an issue.”
  78. >“Thank you Anon. I think I’m ready.”
  79. “I’m glad to hear that.”
  80. >“Is it possible to get some for my squadmates?”
  81. >You opened the cabinet, you knew it was a good idea to bring some containers with you.
  82. “Will this be enough?”
  83. >“It is Anon, thank you. Really.”
  84. >You wave your hand dismissively
  85. “Think nothing of it, tell your friends they’re also welcomed, anypony is really.”
  86. >“I will, thank you Anon!”
  87. >Before she left she turned to you. “Have you been afraid before?”
  88. >More than she could ever imagine, not that you’ll tell her “Of course I do. Come on now, the soup might get cold, you might want to hurry along if you don’t want it to cool.”
  89. > “Oh right, I’ll see you soon Anon!”
  90. >You wave the pony as she leaves your office, gaining the attention of other ponies. In your seat you fold a paper crane and put in the large jar
  91. >Hopefully, it’ll fill up soon

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