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I Swear I Don't Have a DILF Fetish!

By anonkuru
Created: 2020-11-18 19:33:53
Updated: 2023-07-27 06:33:23
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be babysitter for Diamond Tiara
  2. >Pay is unbelievably high and the only job a stallion can get and more so for an alien stallion
  3. >Too good to quit
  4. >Go above and beyond what's expected of a foal sitter
  5. >Diamond Tiara warms up to you in a tsundere way
  6. >Really she's not that bad she just needed someone to love her
  7. >You don’t understand the ponies around you
  8. > “It must be hard foalsitting Diamond Tiara even a stallion like yourself.”
  9. >“You can foal sit my daughter if foalsitting Diamond Tiara is too hard for you Anon.”
  10. >That’s what you hear most when you speak to others
  11. >Diamond Tiara is a brat but not that bad
  12. >come to pick her up from school
  13. “Diamond Tiara!”
  14. >She turns to where you are and smiled widely. Ponies man, too cute
  15. >“Anon!”
  16. >She galloped over and launched herself into your arms
  17. >The school ponies are shocked by the complete 180 of Diamond Tiara’s behavior
  19. >Be with Silver Spoon just messing around
  20. >Be teenage Diamond Tiara
  21. >As you grew older, you noticed Anon with much more… details
  22. >His for-arm, chest, his deep sweet baritone voice.
  23. >Yes, you get the snickers behind for having a foalsitter even now, but those dykes didn’t know how good Anon was.
  24. “So what if he’s not like those prissy sensitive colts? He has so many good points about him, what kind of stupid mare won’t see that? Do me better, SP, what mares won’t marry him?”
  25. >You list all the good things about him
  26. >Cooking, foal wranging, foal chasing legs, and his rump.
  27. >Sweet Celestia, you could bounce a bit off of that plump rump.
  28. >Think for a moment on what kind of mare is worthy of him.
  29. >Nopony that’s who.
  30. >Somepony who has known him for a while that understands him and who will love him for who he is and not because of his ‘exotic’ stallion thing. Somepony that can provide for him and is rich enough to let him have a comfortable life that he deserves.
  31. >Silver Spoon chuckled. “Who would have him in the first place? He’s not exactly a colt a mare would look for.”
  32. “I would!”
  33. >Silver Spoon is too stupid to see anon’s good points.
  34. “Hypothetically.”
  35. >“DT, he’s old enough to be your dad.”
  36. “That just makes it better you stupid dyke!”
  37. >She stared at you with a questioning gaze.
  38. >“Sounds like you just likes DILFs. Or Anon.”
  39. >You scrunch your face.
  40. “Blegh! He’s like a dad to me! I'm gonna go home I'll see you later.”
  42. >At home
  43. >Be Anon cooking tiara’s favorite carrot casserole,
  44. >She comes up looking tired
  45. “Hey Diamond Tiara I made your favorite. Take a seat and dig in.”
  46. >Something is up with her
  47. >Not the usual cheerful self like she normally is
  48. >suspicious.scroll
  49. “Hey Diamond Tiara, are you doing alright?”
  50. >You see the blush beneath her coat, you place your hand on her forehead, no heat
  51. >“It’s nothing I swear!”
  52. >suspiciouspone.tapestry
  53. >For now you choose to leave it alone so she can enjoy her meal in peace
  54. >You forget that this smiling filly used to be a shitty brat
  55. >The days of dodging dolls, quills, inkwells and other items now seemed like a fond memory
  56. >After your meal was finished you rise from your seat, prepared to collect the dishes, but you pause at the sight of a full plate across from you
  57. >You frown at her, noting her food is nearly untouched, and she seems visibly tired
  58. >And a bit… flustered?
  59. “Ok DT, tell me what’s wrong. I’ve known you long enough to know when something’s wrong.”
  60. >You lay the plate back down and sit across from her again
  61. >She doesn’t speak for a moment, though she glances up at you timidly
  62. >“Anon, what do you think of dating someone with an age gap?”
  63. “Uh what?”
  64. >Oh no
  65. >some faggot stallion is trying to take advantage of her
  66. >Happened before, since her family is rich
  67. “Is some faggot trying to take advantage of you? Who was it?”
  68. >“N-No I was just curious that’s all!”
  69. >Hmm
  70. “DT, you’re not keeping any secrets from me right?”
  71. >“Uh… I’m gonna go to my room.”
  73. >Just another day doing your homework at the kitchen counter.
  74. >For a colt, Anon was smart. So while he washed the dishes you’d ask his help once in a while.
  75. >Not to mention you get an eyeful of his rump
  76. >Unf
  77. >“Hey Anon, would you date a younger mare?”
  78. >You look up hopeful at him
  79. >He rubs his chin thinking, dem forehooves- forearms.
  80. >“Sure why not. Though I doubt I’ll find a mare.”
  81. “What kind of mare?”
  82. >He shrugged, “I dunno, I guess I’ll have to meet the mare herself. Enough about that, you almost done yet?”
  83. >A small part of you wished you’d be that mare. You’d date Anon, who wouldn’t?
  84. “Uhm yeah, can you help me?”
  85. >“Sure thing.”
  86. >Anon left and you’re alone in this house and your parents are late
  87. >Again, you don’t see them often, even more than before.
  88. >Buck them, you have Anon.
  89. >You see anon’s jacket
  90. >Clumsy colt, forgetting his jacket again
  91. >But he’s your clumsy colt
  92. >Well will be anyways
  93. >You forget how big Anon is, his jacket is enough to cover two mares.
  94. >You give the jacket a sniff
  95. >Celestia, you got issues, smelling a stallion’s jacket like that
  96. >Meh, one more whiff wouldn’t hurt

I Swear I Don't Have a DILF Fetish!

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