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Spitfire Story

By anonkuru
Created: 2020-11-18 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-26 03:16:20
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Stuck in reverse gender role candy colored horse land
  3. >Be at grand galloping gala cause being the only member of your race makes you a celebrity
  4. >Curious to see what party is like, maybe there would be bunch of hays and apples? Shit that sounded racist, or is it specist? Is that a thing?
  5. >Twilight looked miserable greeting each guests that came in, one eye contact was enough to see her desperate plea for help in her eyes.
  6. >Sorry Twilight.
  7. “What the-”
  8. >There was a brief but gentle push on your crotch. It was one of the ponies, the mare gives you that come hither eyes and giggles haughtily, like she knew what she was doing.
  9. “I apologize about that dear, I couldn’t see where I was going, it’s awfully crowded here.”
  10. >Your shrug, it happened before, only they were accidents. Most of the time… you think.
  11. >Then it happens again, then again, and you swore someone touched your butt.
  12. >The attention, admittedly, was flattering.
  13. >But it stopped being flattering after the thirteenth slap in the ass.
  14. >You leave the party area and into the gardens, where not many ponies or creatures were around. You can hear the muffled sound outside but that was about it.
  15. “Thank god it’s so quiet here.”
  16. >“Thank Celestia it’s so quiet here.”
  17. >It was then you noticed another pony sitting on the same bench, looking equally tired.
  18. >“Oh hey, you’re the hyoo-man. Anonymous right?”
  19. “It’s human, but yeah that’s me. You’re Spitfire right?”
  20. >You see her tuft spruce up as she adjusted her tie, kinda like how a man would do to show of his ring… something like that.
  21. >“Yeup. The one and only Captain Spitfire of the Wonderbolts. So what do you say, colt? I never had a hyoo-man before. You. me, and the most expensive salad in all of Canterlot in the window seat.”
  22. >She wiggles her eyebrow at you which you let out a chuckle. You honestly couldn’t help it.
  23. >Ponies weren’t for sexual.
  24. >Ponies were for petting.
  25. >So you did just that.
  26. “I’m flattered but I’m good. Besides I’m not a fan of salads.”
  27. >The sunglasses (which why was she wearing one it’s past nine at night) slightly slid across her snout.
  28. >“O-Ok then, some dessert buffet?
  29. “I’m not a fan of sweets actually.”
  30. >“But you’re a colt, every colt loves sweets!” Spitfire nearly shouted.
  31. >You just shrug.
  32. >“Anon there are some representative from Saddle Aarabia wanted to meet you!”
  33. >You nod at Rainbow.
  34. “Anyways, it was nice meeting you. I’ll see you later Spitfire.”
  36. >Be Spitfire
  37. >Alone on the garden bench, watching that hyoo-man walk away as if speaking with some representative was better than talking with you.
  38. >You
  39. >Captain of the Wonderbolts.
  40. >Oh it's on colt.

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