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Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 2: Compounding the problem

By AceSorou
Created: 2020-12-28 17:12:54
Expiry: Never

  1. >Good morning, Canterlot city! This is Mix 106.7 WJVR! Coming to you at the top of the hour, here's the local weather! Skies are looking clear for Canterlot, as our weather team reports another beautiful, sunny Spring day! Chance of rain, 10%. And now, to local news! Police are baffled by the recent murder of county official, Diligent Quill! Inside sources report that the bullet recovered from the scene of the crime matches no serialed firearms found in the country! Police are looking into a possible black market for untraceable weapons found right here in Canterlot! And that's all for now, stay tuned as we bring you some hits from the top twenty! We'll be back after these messages."
  3. >You are Erich Rammstein.
  4. >And it's another day in Canterlot.
  5. >You walk into a public diner, and take a seat.
  6. >Your hat, jacket, and now boots get you a few cautious stares, but no one says anything.
  7. >Really, you're just showing off.
  8. >Your jackboots just arrived in the mail, and you're really proud of them.
  9. >Screw what everyone else thinks.
  10. >As a NatSoc, you dress snazzy.
  11. >You cast a glance around.
  12. >And that's all it takes for other people to turn their heads away.
  13. >Your server is prompt, but curt.
  14. >You'll excuse it, and leave a tip anyway.
  15. >She's working hard.
  16. >You're just getting some cookies and a bottled water anyway.
  17. >It's the only food you know they can't spit in.
  18. >You cast another look around, but this time, your eyes befall a blonde bombshell.
  19. >You find yourself straightening up in your seat.
  20. >She's glaring at you, but not out of anger.
  21. >Instead, it's more like she's studying you.
  22. >As if she's trying to figure something out.
  23. >Your snack comes, and you try to ignore her.
  24. >I mean, she's a beauty by any means, but you don't like the look she's giving you.
  25. >And she won't stop it.
  27. >As you finish your last cookie, you see the woman stand up out of her seat.
  28. >Mein gott, she is beautiful, but dat look she's giving you tho...
  29. >It makes you uncomfortable in all the wrong ways.
  30. >Whatever, you try to play it off.
  31. >Here she comes.
  32. >She's dressed in her own suit and tie, and if anything, is more blatantly NatSoc than you.
  33. >Really, where did she get those pants? And that shirt?
  34. >You're Uber jelly right now.
  35. >As you think this, she begins speaking.
  36. >"Tell me something. What do you think of Gottfried Feder?"
  37. >Gottfried?
  38. >The author behind the manifesto that made you who you are?
  39. "I think he was a brilliant man. His views on the economy, and his solutions to debt crisis are revolutionary, even by today's standards."
  40. >She narrows her eyes.
  41. >"Und...Otto Strossner?"
  42. "A scapegoat and a martyr. He was a banker, he didn't even do anything wrong when he worked for Hitler. He was killed because his economic ideas threatened the new world order."
  43. >You see a smirk forming on her lips.
  44. >She sits down across from you.
  45. >"Last question. Und this is the big one. Brown shirt, or black shirt?"
  46. >As much as you'd like to have faith in Democracy...
  47. "Brown shirt."
  48. >Her smirk turns into a full on smile.
  49. >She gives a heavenly giggle as she scrunches up in excitement.
  50. >"Oh, mein schwesters are going to love you! We have much to discuss."
  51. >She extends a hand.
  52. >"Aryanne Hoofler. It is a pleasure to meet you."
  53. >You take her hand, and kiss her knuckle.
  54. "Erich Rammstein. The pleasure is mine, fraulein."
  55. >You see her blushing.
  57. >You'd spend more time here, but it's quickly becoming apparent that you're wearing out your welcome.
  58. "Maybe we should relocate."
  59. >You see Aryanne look around.
  60. >"Ja. One of us is tolerable, but two of us is simply insufferable. Let us be off."
  61. >You stand, and offer your hand.
  62. >Aryanne seems charmed, and graciously accepts it.
  63. >As she stands, she takes her arm in yours.
  64. >You then proceed to the door.
  65. >Leaving a cash payment and a ten bit tip with your bill.
  66. >Let no one say you aren't a nice guy.
  68. >It turns out, her sister Franziska worked as the cook to that diner.
  69. >She was paying her way through college to become a genetic engineer.
  70. >Something you could respect.
  71. >Hours seemed like minutes as you discussed things with Aryanne.
  72. >History, politics, religion, you and her were compatible on so many levels.
  73. >When you think about it, it makes sense though.
  74. >There was just one thing wrong, though.
  75. >She didn't know anything about late life Hitler.
  76. >You kept it hidden, but you had no respect for the Führer.
  77. >In your mind, the "Holocaust" (and you use that term loosely) was all the idea of Hitler's second in command, Heinrich Himmler.
  78. >Hitler knew about the camps, but didn't know what was going on in them.
  79. >The Führer was simply too stupid to have organized both the (pitiful) defense of Germany while simultaneously shipping a godzillion amount of people to camps.
  80. >You won't call them death camps simply because the numbers don't add up.
  81. >But it was clear to you that Hitler was Himmler's puppet.
  82. >You don't like Himmler, either.
  83. >With his flagrant abuse of power, and his underhanded politics, he was far from the member of the Herrenrasse he wanted to become.
  84. >If you were alive back then, you would've been a black shirt, simply because you think Otto Strossner would've done a better job of leading the country.
  85. >Hell, if he were in charge, there might not've been a world war 2, and National Socialism would be much more respected around the world.
  86. >But you save these thoughts for another time.
  87. >Right now, you're excited just to meet another NatSoc.
  89. >Franziska gets off work soon enough, and walks out to Aryanne's car.
  90. >Aryanne has decided to play a little trick on her, however, and had you wait in the back.
  91. >When you caught sight of Franziska, you felt she was the spitting image of her sister.
  92. >Her hair was a little more orderly, however, and neatly trimmed shorter than Aryanne's.
  93. >The glasses also made her look more studious.
  94. >She had her nose in a chemistry book, and paid little attention to her surroundings.
  95. >If you didn't already know she was Aryanne's sister and a believer, you'd never guess that she, too, was a NatSoc.
  96. >She gets in the passenger seat of the car, still reading.
  97. >"Gehen wir nach Hause, Schwester."[spoiler]Let's go home, Sis.[/spoiler]
  98. >Aryanne starts the car.
  99. >"Ich lese nicht, während ich fahre. Sein schlechtes für Ihre Augen."[spoiler]Don't read while I'm driving. Its bad for your eyes.[/spoiler]
  100. >Franziska ignores her.
  101. >"Ich interessiere mich nicht. Es ist immer noch vorzuziehen, die intellektuellen Untergebenen der Welt zu sehen."[spoiler]I don't care. It's still preferable to seeing the intellectual inferiors of the world.[/spoiler]
  102. >Aryanne rolls her eyes.
  103. >"Du bist nicht wieder krank in meinem Auto, Franziska. Du solltest aufmerksam sein auf die Welt um dich herum."[spoiler]
  104. You're not getting sick in my car again, Franziska. You should pay attention to the world around you.[/spoiler]
  105. >You lean forward.
  106. "Sie hat recht, Sie wissen. Sie sollten aufmerksam sein."[spoiler]She's right, you know. You should be paying attention.[/spoiler]
  107. >Franziska freezes.
  108. >She whips around to face you, grabbing your throat.
  109. >You grab her wrist, lightly enough to not hurt you, but tight enough to keep her from throttling you fully.
  110. >You smirk, wheezing out a wiseass remark.
  111. "Was? Es ist Ihre Schuld, um mich nicht zu bemerken."[spoiler]What? It's your fault for not noticing me.[/spoiler]
  112. >Aryanne puts a hand on Franziska's arm to settle her down.
  113. >"Franziska, das ist Erich. Erich, Franziska."
  114. >You smile.
  115. "Guten tag, fraulein."
  116. >Noticeably calmer, Franziska releases you, and you sit back down.
  117. >"Und Sie, mein Herr."
  118. >You rub your neck.
  119. >"You know it's customary to grab hands when you meet someone, not throats."
  120. >She didn't look like she appreciated the ribbing, but Aryanne quickly spoke.
  121. >"Franny can be a little jumpy, und you have a sharp tongue. But give each other a chance, und I'm sure you two will get along just fine."
  122. "I feel welcome already."
  124. >The ride to the compound was short.
  125. >Yes, compound.
  126. >Aryanne and her family lived in what could easily pass for a military base just outside of town.
  127. >Apparently, it was built by their great grandfather after the fall of the third Reich, and they've been living there ever since.
  128. >Their family all lived with them, and you got along splendidly with pretty much everyone.
  129. >The house was certainly big enough to accommodate everyone. It reminded you of a manor that you'd find in one of those WWII fps games.
  130. >Aryanne smiled brightly as everyone warmed up to you.
  131. >Her other sister Luftkrieg, her parents, her aunts and uncles, her cousins, and even her Grandfather.
  132. >The last one was skeptical at first, but when you started quoting Feder, and showed you weren't merely a skinhead white supremacist, he started appreciating you.
  133. >And despite popular belief about your ideology, you weren't a white supremacist, either.
  134. >You knew very well about the blacks and Muslims who were part of the SS Afrika Corps.
  135. >If they could be members of the Herrenrasse, you reasoned, anyone could.
  136. >No matter how history painted them, they were honorary Aryans.
  137. >But you digress.
  138. >It was understandably rare for a new face to be welcomed in the compound.
  139. >Everyone decided they should celebrate the new kinship.
  140. >You were invited over to stay the night.
  141. >Gladly, you accepted.
  142. >What could possibly go wrong?
  144. >If you're being completely honest, your beliefs aren't like other NatSocs.
  145. >You've seen the same evidence, read the same texts, but came to a different conclusion.
  146. >In a way, you consider yourself living proof that one cannot be judged on his ideology alone.
  147. >In your mind, National Socialism isn't bad on it's own.
  148. >But now because it's been used by bad people, its image has been forever tainted by their evil.
  149. >Hell, the extermination? You'd have never agreed to it.
  150. >Killing your enemy doesn't mean defeating your enemy.
  151. >The fact that NatSocs exist is proof that.
  152. >You decide you could try and convince the compound members of this.
  153. >Hey, it's Aryanne's sister, Luftkrieg.
  154. >Time to test the waters.
  156. >She enters the study, and upon seeing you, nods at you with a smile.
  157. >"Erich."
  158. >You raise your glass to her.
  159. "Luftkrieg."
  160. >As you take a sip, you try and decide the best way to go about this.
  161. >Maybe start with the works of a philosopher?
  162. "Luftkrieg, are you familiar with the works of General Sun Tzu?"
  163. >She looks over with a curious expression.
  164. >"You speak of the art of war, ja? Nein, I'm not familiar with that book."
  165. "It's quite an interesting read. He details tactics, strategies, and even the mentality that a commander must have in order to win a war with as little bloodshed as possible. In a way, Sun Tzu was a pacifist. He hated violence, but considered it a necessary evil."
  166. >You turn to her, taking another sip.
  167. "Through his works, I've come to the conclusion that in order to defeat an ideology, you cannot attack it's believers. You can try to exterminate each and every one of them, but the remainder will hide like cockroaches, only coming out when they feel safe. But, if the followers of the ideology already feel safe, then they have no reason to hide. And what better way to feel safe than to profess peaceful intent?"
  168. >Luftkrieg nods.
  169. >"Ja. Der Führer tried the same thing. You're wise to be able to think like him."
  170. >She had to go and compare you to that moron.
  171. >Whatever, roll with it.
  172. "But there is a key difference where he and I separate. Hitler attacked the people of the ideology, and not the ideology itself. If you demonize an ideology, you scare the followers. And once scared, they'll do everything they can to defend and preserve their ideology, much like we do."
  173. >Luftkrieg thinks for a moment, before looking over at you suspiciously.
  174. >"Are you saying Der Führer should...not have tried to kill Jews?"
  175. >Here we go.
  177. "If Hitler had not done what he did, if Hitler instead attacked the apparently evil beliefs of Judaism, instead of sending it's worshippers off to camps, the truth of history would be known by the common man today. I believe that, because of his mistake in trying to exterminate Jews, and not instead calling for a Reformation of their religion, Hitler was a moron."
  178. >"You dare?!"
  179. >You continue, raising your voice over hers.
  180. "Before the Reformation, Christianity was a murder cult, and killed everyone they deemed Heretical. But after the Renaissance, Christians became that which they profess to be; a peaceful religion of kind and accepting people. With the exception of one country, Christianity has no majority nation which participates in any sort of extermination. Judaism cannot say that. Islam cannot say that. If people call for the Reformation of Judaism, we need not hate them."
  181. >She's glaring at you, now.
  182. "Luftkrieg, Adolf Hitler once said that National Socialism was a peaceful and loving movement. Why not make him honest, and turn it into one? Instead of hating Jews, why not hate Judaism, and love Jews?"
  183. >You see Luftkrieg close her eyes, pace over to a desk...
  184. >...and pull out a gun, aiming it at you.
  185. >"Aryanne was wrong about you, schwein."
  187. >Well, shit.
  188. >Your tongue was a little too loose this time.
  189. >And now you have a gun in your face.
  190. >Again.
  191. >How annoying.
  192. >You quickly concentrate on forming a shadow, and simultaneously keep talking.
  193. "Luftkrieg, be reasonable. Times have changed. If our ideology has any hope of gaining momentum, if we would have any chance of becoming great again, we have to change with the times."
  194. >"I've heard enough out of you, Verräter." [spoiler] Traitor.[/spoiler]
  195. >She pulls the trigger.
  196. >Click.
  197. >Bye bye, firing pin.
  198. >Frustrated, she tosses the gun away, and pulls out a knife.
  199. >You scoff.
  200. "Don't try it, Luftkrieg. It will only end badly for you."
  201. >She doesn't listen, and charges.
  202. "[BENZIN]!"
  203. >Your Stand throws a fist out from under your hat.
  204. >"Auf!"
  205. >She gets nailed in the head, and falls to the ground.
  206. >You didn't put much power behind that strike. She'll be fine.
  207. >She looks up at you, holding her head where you struck, and wearing an expression of shock.
  208. >"H...how...?"
  209. "Because I am an Ubermensch."
  210. >Her shock turns to slight annoyance.
  211. >You ignore it, striking a pose.
  212. "I'm like you, except better. Evolved, but untamed. I'm not stuck in the past, like your family is. I know what it takes not just to survive, but to win. And in this world, I will do what I can to ensure not just the survival of my ideology, but the survival of the Herrenrasse, as well! You can either adapt, or die off. You know my way is right."
  213. >She looks bored, and gets up to her feet.
  214. >"I meant how did you get a Stand."
  215. >Warte, was?
  216. >She throws her hand at the fireplace.
  217. >"[FEUER FREI]!"
  218. >The flames seem to lash out, responding to her will.
  219. >She throws a fireball at you.
  220. >A thought crosses your mind.
  221. >'Fich.'
  223. "[BENZIN]!"
  224. >"Auf!"
  225. >Your Stand reaches out from under your jacket, punching the fireball harmlessly out of the air.
  226. >Luftkrieg frowns.
  227. >"I was wondering why you always kept that unbuttoned."
  228. >She smirks.
  229. >"You can't summon your Stand in the light, can you?"
  230. >Crap, she's already figured it out.
  231. >Might as well counter it.
  232. "At least I don't need a fire source to summon mine."
  233. >And she's back to frowning.
  234. >"Don't be too proud of yourself, schwein. That weakness is easy to figure out."
  235. "The only true weakness here is that you cling to the old ways, refusing to embrace the new."
  236. >She starts toward you, as the fires follow her, forming a figure.
  237. >It looks like an atronauch from Skyrim.
  238. >If they were robots.
  239. >You take a step back, and lash out at the lights with shadowy tentacles.
  240. >They shatter, enveloping the room in darkness.
  241. >Luftkrieg stops.
  242. >The light is strong enough that she can see you.
  243. >But weak enough for you to summon your Stand.
  244. >[BENZIN] appears.
  245. "Let's compare raw power."
  246. >You send [BENZIN] forward.
  247. >[FEUER FREI] charges.
  248. >They clash, as fists slam into each other.
  250. >Wow, she can certainly keep up.
  251. >The clash breaks.
  252. >You've seen everything you need to.
  253. >Judging by the look on her face, she clearly thinks she impressed you.
  254. >She must believe that you're evenly matched.
  255. >Poor fool.
  256. "You have impressed me in one way, Fraulein."
  257. >You casually stick a hand in your pocket.
  258. "Though our power is about the same, my Stand is faster. To compensate, your Stand uses both it's fists and it's elbows to strike my strikes. A true testament to your precision."
  259. >She grins haughtily.
  260. "But, therein lies your weakness."
  261. >Her grin disappears.
  262. >"Fool! I have no weakness!"
  263. "But you do. Your Stand..."
  264. >You point at her.
  265. >Menacingly.
  266. "...is a glass cannon! You can certainly dish it out, but you can't take it!"
  267. >She growls, like a cornered mutt trying to threaten it's aggressor.
  268. >You move to the right of the room, and she follows your movement.
  269. >You speak confidently.
  270. "You didn't let any of my strikes go through! If you did, it would've spelt the end for you and your Stand!"
  271. >She gasps, taking an apprehensive step back.
  272. >"No matter! I just have to see your attacks, and I can deflect them easily!"
  273. >A tentacle lashes her back from behind, tearing into her and leaving a cut.
  274. >She turns to her aggressor.
  275. >Checkmate.
  276. >[BENZIN] slams his fist into her.
  277. >"Auf!"
  278. >She goes down, passed out.
  279. "...You never saw me coming."
  281. >Well, you just beat up Aryanne's sister.
  282. >And she knew about Stands.
  283. >Not just that, but she had one as well.
  284. >Which means she's not the only Stand user in the compound.
  285. >And because she's related to Aryanne, there's a chance the other Stand users are members of the Hoofler family.
  286. >...
  287. >Fich. How're you gonna get out of this?
  288. >Well first thing to do is obvious.
  289. >Don't let Aryanne find ou-
  290. >"Luftkrieg!"
  291. >Well, shit.
  293. >You are Aryanne.
  294. >You heard shouting coming from the study, so you came to check on things.
  295. >What you didn't expect to find was your sister laying on the ground, with your new friend, Erich, standing over her.
  296. >You rush over to check on Luftkrieg.
  297. >Oh, Danke Gott.
  298. >She's just unconscious.
  299. >You look up at Erich.
  300. "What happened?!"
  301. >Erich turns red, and looks away in embarrassment.
  302. >"Luftkrieg and I had a little..."
  303. >He clears his throat.
  304. >"Misunderstanding."
  305. >What does he mean by that?
  306. "Did you do this?!"
  307. >He speaks quickly.
  308. >"Hey, she attacked me, alright? She got a little emotional as we discussed politics. I had to defend myself."
  309. >Something seems off about his explanation.
  310. >Like he's not telling you something.
  311. >That does sound like Luftkrieg, though.
  312. >She tends to be hot blooded and overreact to things.
  313. "What did you say to her?"
  315. >You're Erich.
  316. >And...
  317. >Scheiße.
  319. >Honesty is always the best policy, but should you drop the bombshell?
  320. >Wait...
  321. >There's an even bigger elephant in the room.
  322. >If you play your cards right, you might be able to walk out of here.
  323. >It's risky, but it's better than being attacked for certain.
  324. "Did you know your sister is a Stand user?"
  325. >Aryanne falls back on her butt.
  326. >"H-how do you know of Stands?!"
  327. >Bingo.
  328. >Time to ruse hard.
  329. "I have one, too."
  330. >You bring out [BENZIN].
  331. "The topic of superiority came up, and I took a chance to reveal my power as proof of my superiority. She took it as a threat, and attacked me."
  332. >"That...does sound like her..."
  333. >Checkmate.
  334. >"But more importantly..."
  335. >She stands, and walks over to you.
  336. >"...I knew from the moment I saw you."
  337. >She's giving you that look from before.
  338. >The same one from the diner.
  339. >You feel uneasy.
  340. >She suddenly takes you by the collar, and you almost nail her there.
  341. >But then, her lips meet yours!
  342. >Warte, was?
  343. >She pulls away, with a crazed look in her eyes.
  344. >"You und I...we were destined to be together!"
  345. >Warte, was?!
  347. >Aryanne wraps her arms tightly around you.
  348. >"Ach! Mein libeling! We will have so many wunderbar, beautiful, Aryan children together!"
  349. >Children?!
  350. >Die Fich?!
  351. >Can't breathe...
  352. >Have to...get her talking...
  353. "Isn't this...a bit fast?! How do you know we're compatible?"
  354. >She mercifully lets up on squeezing the life out of you.
  355. >Her big blue eyes leer at you with intensity.
  356. >"Because, mein Bärchen, we are so very much alike! Like mein schwester, I too have a Stand."
  357. >She starts snuggling her face into your chest.
  358. >"When I saw you, I was amazed at your courage to display your colors. I've never seen a true believer act so bold, aside from me, of course. When we spoke, it was as if we were of the same mind. Und now, I learn that you have powers like mine! This cannot be mere coincidence, you und I, we must be destined to be with each other! Oh, Ich liebe dich, mein Bärchen!"
  359. >Well, it is true. The chances of two NatSoc Stand users bumping into each other on the street are practically one in seven billion.
  360. >But verdammt, you didn't realize she'd be so clingy about it.
  361. >You need to get out, and fast.
  362. >You try to push her off.
  363. "Y-yeah, you're right. It must be fate. In fact, I'm so convinced that I've decided to move in. I should go to my apartment, and get my things."
  364. >You manage to push her off, and start heading towards the door of the study.
  365. >You suddenly trip as Aryanne wraps her arms around your legs.
  366. >"It's fine, mein Bärchen. I'll have my cousins collect your things tomorrow."
  367. >You try to crawl away.
  368. "That's awfully kind of you, Aryanne, but I mustn't impose. It is only right that I get them myse-"
  369. >"NEIN!"
  370. >She pins down your chest, crawling up to you with her crazed look.
  371. >"I want to enjoy every moment mit you, mein Bärchen. You're staying at our compound forever."
  373. >Aryanne straddles you.
  374. >She looks down at you with a creepy grin.
  375. >"We mustn't waste any time, mein liebling."
  376. >She takes off your hat, and tosses it aside.
  377. >"We will have beautiful babies together."
  378. >Scheiße.
  379. >You reach up to throw her off.
  380. >"[GOTT MIT UNS]!"
  381. >Her Stand appears, and grabs your wrists, pinning them to the floor.
  382. >"Nein, mein Bärchen..."
  383. >She holds her head against your chest, running a finger along your side.
  384. >"Just relax. I will take care of your every need."
  385. "Wait, Aryanne! We're in the study! Anyone could come in and see us!"
  386. >"Let them! I will profess mein liebe for you in every way, heedless of who is looking! Let the whole world know our love!"
  387. >Nope.jpg.
  388. >If there's anything this world taught you, it's never stick it in crazy.
  389. >But what can you do?
  390. >She's fiddling with the belt on your pants.
  391. >Et tu, boner?
  392. >Normally you'd ride this out and leave when she was done, but Luftkrieg could wake up at any moment.
  393. >And once she tells the others, you're a dead man.
  394. >You have to think.
  395. >You need time, but...
  396. >Wait, that's it!
  397. >You have shadows!
  398. "Wait, Aryanne..."
  399. >"I've waited for you for nineteen years, mein liebling. I can hardly contain myself as is!"
  400. >She's been waiting for you since she was born?
  401. >Focus, Erich. Don't get distracted.
  402. "Just, give me a kiss."
  404. >She looks up at you, and smiles.
  405. >Leaning up to you, she takes you into a deep kiss.
  406. >As you exchange saliva, you focus on the shadow construct you created in her throat.
  407. >Fich, why is her hand grabbing you there, already?!
  408. >You concentrate, and wrap a very small shadow tentacle around her heart.
  409. >You give it a little pump, interrupting the regular rhythm of her circulatory system.
  410. >Her eyes open in shock, and she starts looking woozy.
  411. >This normally wouldn't work, but she's so hot and bothered, she needs a lot of blood going through her.
  412. >She wobbly sits up, breathing heavily.
  413. >"Oh, mein liebling...you make me feel...strange."
  414. >She collapses on top of you, and passes out.
  415. >Her Stand disappears.
  416. >Talk about a close call.
  418. >Before you leave the study, you put Luftkrieg and Aryanne on the chairs there.
  419. >As you put a blanket over Aryanne, you hear her giggle.
  420. >You look up at her apprehensively.
  421. >Her eyes are closed, and she's grinning.
  422. >"Nein, mein Bärchen...falsches Looooch..."[spoiler]No, my little bear...wrong hoooole...[/spoiler]
  423. >She's just dreaming. Good.
  424. >You stand, and go to leave.
  425. >"...Ich habe nicht Stopp sagen..."[spoiler]...I didn't say stop...[/spoiler]
  426. >Fffffffff-
  427. >You need to get out of here.
  429. >You take the opportunity to start leaving the compound.
  430. >As you pass by the various members of the Hoofler family, you let them know that it was a pleasure being in the compound, and you're saying your goodbyes for now.
  431. >If they insist on you staying, you merely tell then that you have other obligations outside the compound.
  432. >This seems to satisfy them.
  433. >You check your cellphone.
  434. >8:00 PM.
  435. >Makes sense, since the sun's gone down.
  436. >You should be free and clear once you get out from under these bright lights.
  437. >As you're about to reach the front gate, where two of Aryanne's cousins stand guard, a siren starts blaring.
  438. >You can hear Luftkrieg's voice over the intercom.
  439. >"Achtung! Achtung! Hohe Alarmstufe! Erich Rammstein ist ein Verräter! Lassen Sie ihn nicht um die Verbindung zu entkommen! Nehmen Sie ihn auf den ersten Blick!" [spoiler]Warning! Warning! High alert! Erich Rammstein is a traitor! Do not let him escape the compound! Apprehend him on sight![/spoiler]
  440. >...Well, shit.
  441. >The cousins look at each other, before reaching for their weapons.
  442. >You hold up a hand.
  443. "I can explain, if you'll give me a chance."
  444. >One of them adopts a quizzical expression, before looking over to his brother.
  445. >His brother looks over at him with a concerned expression, and shakes his head.
  446. >They level their pistols at you.
  447. >"Bitte, it'd be easier if you just surrendered."
  448. >>"Ja, we'd rather not mess mit Luftkrieg."
  449. >You give a small 'tch!'
  450. "...How annoying."
  451. > As one approaches, you sigh.
  452. "[BENZIN]!"
  453. >"Auf!"
  454. >[BENZIN]'s fist collides with the barrel, bending it out of shape.
  455. >The man stumbles back, as his brother opens fire in a panic.
  456. >To no avail, since you already took care of the firing pin.
  457. >You shouldn't be used to guns being pointed at you, but you are, now.
  458. >You stare down at Aryanne's cousin.
  459. >Menacingly.
  460. "Open the gate. Now."
  461. >For a moment, he looks unsure.
  462. >His brother charges you.
  463. >You give him a light tap with [BENZIN].
  464. >He goes flying.
  465. >The man you're looking at quickly goes for the gate controls.
  466. >As the gate finishes opening, you hear Aryanne's voice over the loudspeakers.
  467. >"Rufen Sie den Alarm aus! Erich, mein Bärchen, keine Angst! Bitte, komm zurück zu mir, Liebling!" [spoiler]Call off the alert! Erich, my little bear, do not be scared! Please, come back to me, darling![/spoiler]
  468. >Okay, this is now twenty pounds of nope in a five pound bag.
  469. >You start running.
  470. >And you're not stopping until you get home.
  472. >You are Franziska Hoofler.
  473. >And Father sent you to deal with your sisters.
  474. >Seriously, Luftkrieg comes on the intercom calling the new blood a traitor, but then Aryanne follows with a confession of love for him soon after?
  475. >What the hell are those two thinking?
  476. >As you approach the communication hub, you hear your sisters shouting.
  477. >"[FEUER FREI]!"
  478. >"[GOTT MIT UNS]!"
  479. >The sound of a blade rapidly clanging against armor is heard, as well as a pair of battlecries.
  482. >You lift your glasses, pinching the bridge of your nose.
  483. >You love them, but verdammt.
  484. >Why are you related to these two morons?
  485. >...
  486. >Taking a moment to collect yourself, you round the corner to the commhub.
  487. >Luftkrieg's fiery creature was fighting Aryanne's knight.
  488. >And neither showed signs of backing down.
  489. >You may need to end this yourself.
  490. >Immediately, you take a deep breath, and rush up to Aryanne.
  491. >She barely has time to register you.
  492. >You grab her collar.
  493. >"Overdrive!"
  494. >Golden energy crackles into her, stunning Aryanne.
  495. >She falls to the ground, passed out.
  496. >You turn to Luftkrieg.
  497. "I would prefer not to defeat you as well, schwester."
  498. >A look of anger covers her face.
  499. >"Franziska, we can't be calm at a time like this! That Verräter is still loose!"
  500. >You sigh.
  501. >Verdammt, Luftkrieg.
  503. >You pick up your sisters, one over each shoulder.
  504. >They'll come to, soon enough.
  505. >All this time, you were suspicious of the newcomer, thinking he'd cause trouble for the compound.
  506. >But from what you can tell, the ones causing trouble are your sisters.
  507. >Again.
  508. >You've already called off the alert, and asked the compound not to harm Erich.
  509. >You also gave Erich the chance to come to the Commons of his own volition, if he's still on the compound.
  510. >One way or another, you'll learn what happened.
  512. "[DU HAST]!"
  513. >Your blood begins flowing over the wounds of your cousin's body.
  514. >Erich really did a number on him.
  515. >You learned from your other cousin that he already left.
  516. >Apparently, he bolted out the gate as soon as he heard Aryanne's announcement.
  517. >Your cousin's wounds are healed, now.
  518. >Though useful for support, your Stand isn't suited well for combat.
  519. >To counter this weakness, you learned about an energy known as 'ripple.'
  520. >Through almost a decade of practice, you've mastered the usage, and often use it to augment your Stand's abilities.
  521. >But it's your primary means of defense.
  522. >Not that that's a bad thing.
  523. >After all, you're good enough to take down two Stand users with it.
  524. >Speaking of those morons, it's time to check on them.
  526. >You sit across from your sisters, glaring at them.
  527. >And you can't believe what you just heard.
  528. >You remove your glasses, pinching the bridge of your nose.
  529. "So let me get this straight."
  530. >You indicated Luftkrieg.
  531. "You attacked him, und called him a Verräter because you had a political disagreement mit him."
  532. >You indicated Aryanne.
  533. "Und you made heavy-handed advances toward him, und nearly raped him."
  534. >They both begin to protest at once.
  535. >"He is a Verräter! He insulted Der Führer, und-"
  536. >>"It wasn't rape! It was our ultimate expression of liebe-"
  537. "SCHWEIGEN!"[spoiler]SILENCE![/spoiler]
  538. >They both shut up.
  539. >You take a deep breath.
  540. >No wonder he ran off.
  541. >Father gave the job of dealing with them to you.
  542. >So you're going to deal with them.
  543. >You look over at Luftkrieg.
  544. "Just because he has a different view of the party und Der Führer, that doesn't mean he is any less of a believer. Even if he wasn't, you can't go around trying to kill our guests because they disagree mit you."
  545. >Your eyes then befall Aryanne.
  546. "Und you. Consent is always desireable amongst our ranks. If he feels at all uncomfortable mit your actions, you must cease immediately. Liebe is a two way street, und you have to respect his wishes."
  547. >You rest your glasses on the table.
  548. "The way I see it, you two have caused him a lot of trouble, und scared him off. Your actions reflect poorly upon not only yourselves, but our entire movement. IF he ever comes back, you two will express your deepest apologies, und not associate mit him unless he gives you permission. Are we clear?"
  549. >They both look down in shame.
  550. >"Jawohl, mein Frau."
  551. >>"Jawohl, mein Frau."
  552. "Sehr gut. You both have latrine duty for a week."
  553. >"A week!?"
  554. >>"A week!?"
  555. "TWO weeks! Dismissed."
  556. >Sadly, they both raise their arms in a salute, before leaving the Commons, downtrodden.
  557. >Honestly, why is it every time a guest is over, something happens to give them a bad impression of this compound?
  558. >You bet the Jews did this...
  560. >You're Erich.
  561. >You closed the door to your apartment, sighing in relief.
  562. >That was not what you expected from a NatSoc compound.
  563. >Of course, you don't know what you were expecting, to be quite honest.
  564. >You were the only NatSoc that you've ever known.
  565. >You still are, but maybe it's time to take a little break.
  566. >You need to lay low, and stop dressing up in your Jacket and hat.
  567. >Make it harder for the compound to find you.
  568. >Maybe a regular suit jacket will work for now.
  569. >You should also wear a fedora with it, so you can still use [BENZIN]'s hat trick.
  570. >...
  571. >Nah, you're not THAT desperate.
  573. >You are Aryanne.
  574. >And today definitely did not go as planned.
  575. >You lay in bed, lost in your thoughts.
  576. >Ever since you laid eyes upon Erich, you knew he was the one you've been waiting for your entire life.
  577. >You had planned to ease him into the idea of living at the compound, and then make sure he saw you in a romantic light.
  578. >You were going to seduce him, and get him to confess to you.
  579. >Then, you'd accept him, and marry, and have such a wonderful family and life.
  580. >But when you found out that he had a Stand, too, you lost control.
  581. >You became so excited by this fact.
  582. >It validated and solidified the fact that he and you were destined for each other.
  583. >You hug your pillow, sighing in contentment.
  584. >Erich...just his name alone makes your heart flutter.
  585. >You ball your hands into fists.
  586. >Stupid Luftkrieg. It's all her fault Erich ran off.
  587. >Her and her stupid delusions that Erich was a traitor.
  588. >You knew better. Erich could do no such thing as betray you.
  589. >Erich could do no wrong.
  590. >And because of Luftkrieg, you're being punished.
  591. >Maybe you did come on a bit strongly, but you knew for a fact that Erich was going to marry you.
  592. >You're not worried. It is destiny that brought you together.
  593. >It will bring you together again.
  594. >You've waited your whole life for Erich to come.
  595. >You can wait a little longer...

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure chapter 1: Heartbreakers are[...]

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 2: Compounding the problem

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 3: A Bizarre children's story

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 4: It's a Jungle out there

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 5: The Terror below

by AceSorou