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Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 5: The Terror below

By AceSorou
Created: 2020-12-28 18:55:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >Who are you?
  2. >Not important right now.
  3. >What's important is that there's something scraping your back.
  4. >You wake up to cool air, and see the roof moving above you.
  5. >That's not right…
  6. >You look down, and gasp.
  7. >Someone tied you up!
  8. >And it's probably those two robed midgets dragging you by your feet.
  9. >You struggle, try to get free.
  10. >No dice, it just alerts the manlets.
  11. >”Hey, he's awake!”
  12. >The voice is high pitched and raspy.”
  13. >”Should I conk 'em on the head?”
  14. >>”Nah, the master likes a little fight in 'em…”
  15. >They're taking you to their master?
  16. >What's going on?
  17. >Last thing you remember, you were walking home from work.
  18. >You turned down a back alley because you thought you heard a child crying.
  19. >When you got there, something attacked you from behind.
  20. >It must've been one of those midgets!
  21. >But where have they taken you?
  22. >”We're heeerrrree…”
  23. >The raspy voice is sing-songy.
  24. >Great.
  25. >The two midgets throw you in front of a strange wall.
  26. >It's collapsed, but there's a big, fleshy Boulder that's protruding from it.
  27. >As you look at it, more midgets appear, all dressed in brown robes with rope belts.
  28. >They all cackle and laugh.
  29. >”Ooh! That's a juicy one!”
  30. >>”The master will enjoy you…”
  31. >The master?
  32. >One of the midgets appears above the flesh Boulder.
  33. >He taps on it with his hand.
  34. >”Master! Wake up! See what we've brought to you!”
  35. >This thing is their master?
  36. >Wait, the flesh is peeling back.
  37. >OH GOOD GOD!
  39. >The flesh reveals a disfigured humanoid, its skin a sickly grey color.
  40. >Its eyes glow red, and it has long, stringy black hair.
  41. >It's covered in a vein like substance, and wheezes heavily with every breath.
  42. >Only one of its arms is visible, as the veins surrounding its body pulse like a heartbeat.
  43. >The thing turns to you, and grins.
  44. >Its teeth are sharp, like a Wolf's.
  45. >You panic, trying to worm your way from the thing.
  46. >The mad laughter of the midgets grow louder, like they're playing.
  47. >They begin chanting as they watch you squirm.
  48. >”Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up! Yum, yum, yum! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up! Yum, yum, yum!”
  49. >You look back at the thing.
  50. >It snarls loudly, reaching out to you.
  51. >The midgets continue their sadistic chant, growing louder and increasing the tempo.
  52. >”Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up! Yum, yum, yum! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up! Yum, yum, yum!”
  53. >It doesn't look like that thing can reach you-
  54. >Ack!
  55. >Did...did that thing just extend its finger?
  56. >It impaled its finger into your chest.
  57. >It's so painful.
  58. >And now it's starting to drain you!
  59. >You scream as your life is ripped away from you.
  61. >Two outs.
  62. >Bases are loaded.
  63. >One more out and it's your team up to bat.
  64. >You are Gioia.
  65. >And you joined Canterlot Middle's Baseball team.
  66. >It's out of season, but you like the game.
  67. >And no, you don't use your Stand to help you.
  68. >That wouldn't be fair.
  69. >The other team’s batter is coming up to the plate.
  70. >Is that Button Mash?
  71. >Poor guy must've gotten forced to join the Baseball team.
  72. >His mom is super strict like that.
  73. >Better go easy on him.
  74. >You make a very obvious throw.
  75. >It's a slow ball.
  76. >He hit it.
  77. >Whoa! He hit it good.
  78. >Wait, what?! Is that a home run?!
  80. >You are Joan Higashikata.
  81. >Your friends call you Jojo.
  82. >It's soccer practice at Canterlot Middle school.
  83. >And your breathing is perfect.
  84. >Despite all the running, jumping, and kicking you're doing, none of it is tiring you out.
  85. >Maybe it's because [EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE] is helping you out.
  86. >...
  87. >Is using a Stand to help play sports cheating?
  88. >Only if you get caught, you guess.
  89. >There's a lot of opposing players near you.
  90. >You pass the ball to another player on your team.
  91. >You keep on the offensive.
  92. >That's how you win.
  93. >Wow, Poindexter is playing?
  94. >You thought that nerd wasn't an athlete.
  95. >But he's keeping up pretty well with you.
  96. >Oh crud, here comes the ball.
  97. >You go to take it.
  98. >Poindexter intercepts it?!
  99. >...
  100. >Really?!
  102. >You are Angel Rammstein.
  103. >And you're stretching, warming up for your dance practice.
  104. >Ballet is an art with a rich culture.
  105. >At least, that's what Ricky says.
  106. >Ricky seemed to want you to be as “cultured” as you could.
  107. >Whatever that means.
  108. >Well, you like it anyway, so you guess you like being “cultured.”
  109. >Alright, stretches are finished, time to dance.
  110. >Whoa.
  111. >Someone else is dancing on the floor.
  112. >She's doing really good, too.
  113. >Your classmates are really liking her dancing, too.
  114. >Is that Dinky Hooves?
  115. >She just joined a week ago.
  116. >She's really talented, you're impressed.
  117. >Her movements are just as “cultured” as you wanna be.
  118. >Her dance ends, and the class applauds.
  119. >You go up to her.
  120. “That was really good, Dinky! Where did you learn to dance like that?”
  121. >Dinky just walks off.
  122. >...
  123. >That was mean.
  125. >The other kids are heckling you.
  126. >They're all dumb boys.
  127. >You're the only girl on the baseball team.
  128. >But you've been the one carrying the team since you joined.
  129. >You're Gioia Zeppeli.
  130. >And you think it's time to get serious, to regain your honor.
  131. >Because you're a Zeppeli, and a Zeppeli without honor is nothing.
  132. >That's what daddy says!
  133. >You went over what happened last time in your head.
  134. >There's no way Button Mash is that strong.
  135. >He might play a lot of sports games, though.
  136. >But something seems...weird about him.
  137. >It's in his eyes.
  138. >Is he using some sort of power?
  139. >As he comes up to bat again, you think hard.
  140. >Maybe you should test him first.
  141. >You charge up the ball with Spin energy, going for your unique Dipball.
  142. >It goes straight like a fastball, but then it slows and drops out of the air as it reaches the home plate.
  143. >No one's ever been able to hit it out of the air.
  144. >It's the pitch.
  145. >The ball spins in the air, going straight on.
  146. >Button swings.
  147. >And there's the dip.
  148. >You watch closely as Button's eyes follow the ball.
  149. >You see him adjust his swing slightly as it comes out.
  150. >”Ball!”
  151. >No way...
  152. >He…
  153. >He hit it.
  154. >That settles it.
  155. >You brush one of your blonde drill locks out of your face, and adjust your cap.
  156. >Forget the fact that he's getting some assistance from some kinda power.
  157. >No one swats your balls out of the air.
  159. >Button gets ready to hit again.
  160. >You're tossed another ball.
  161. >You regard Button Mash, shifting your jaw.
  162. >You're gonna do it.
  163. >You've never thrown this ball, because it's completely unfair.
  164. >But you have to know how powerful he is.
  165. >And you consider it payback for swatting your ball.
  166. >You call it the cheater's ball.
  167. >You wind up the pitch.
  168. >It goes out with Spin energy put into it.
  169. >It zooms straight at the catcher.
  170. >Button swings, and hits it.
  171. >The bat cracks, and the rest of the team look to see where the ball is.
  172. >At first no one can find it.
  173. >Some kids think he hit it out of the park again.
  174. >But instead of a home run, the ball stuck to the bat, rolled over it, and then continued its course to the catcher.
  175. >”Strike! I think…”
  176. >The other kids look back at the catcher.
  177. >They see him with the ball in his hand.
  178. >The team is amazed.
  179. >The coach and the catcher are confused.
  180. >But Button…
  181. >He glares at the ball.
  182. >He turns to you.
  183. >You smirk, flipping your hair back.
  184. >And you blow a raspberry at him.
  186. >That should teach him.
  187. >You're not to be truffled with.
  188. >That's what daddy called it, right? Truffled?
  189. >Wait, those are those snacks he gets for you sometimes.
  190. >What was that word…
  191. >It began with a T…
  192. >Well, he gets the idea.
  193. >The coach came over to congratulate you on a good job pitching.
  194. >But as expected, he didn't want you to use the cheater's ball again.
  195. >Fine by you.
  196. >You just wanted to show Meanie Mash up anyway.
  197. >You agreed with a smile, and got back to the pitcher's mound.
  198. >You get ready to pitch again.
  199. >But as you're about to wind up, you notice Button Mash has a weirdo aura around him.
  200. >He almost seems…
  201. >Menacing.
  202. >A dark aura surrounds him, and you wonder why the other kids haven't noticed yet.
  203. >Maybe because you're a Stand user?
  204. >Is Button a Stand user too?
  205. >No, a Stand can't do that…
  206. >Well if he hasn't learned his lesson…
  207. >Time for a Spin fastball!
  209. >This ball’ll send him packing.
  210. >You're gonna spin the ball so fast, it'll break through his bat.
  211. >And you know how to spin it so it lands in the catcher's mitt, too.
  212. >It won't go through his hand.
  213. >You wind up, imbuing your ball with Spin.
  214. >Aaaaand the pitch!
  215. >Your ball spins through the air!
  216. >Button swings his bat!
  217. >He notices the ball mid flight, as you thought!
  218. >Focusing, he's putting more dark energy into his bat!
  219. >He hits it!
  220. >There's a brief pushing match between your ball, and Button’s bat!
  221. >But then, his bat explodes into a shower of splinters!
  222. >At the same time, your ball is flying through the air!
  223. >Crunch time!
  224. >You start spinning your mitt, and just as the ball is about to fly over you, you toss it in the air!
  225. >You watch with your hand up in the air, as your mitt flies in the ball's path!
  226. >The ball lands in it!
  227. >But as you go to catch it, a sharp pain shoots through your inner arm!
  228. >You bring down your arm, clutching it with your opposite hand.
  229. >It felt like a splinter was stuck in it, but the pain was much worse than that.
  230. >You try not to cry out in pain, but your coach sees you gripping your arm.
  231. >The coach comes over to check on you.
  232. >You show him your arm, and he checks the wound.
  233. >”It looks like you got a splinter from that bat... exploding. It's in there pretty deep, too. If you're in that much pain, you should go to the nurse's office, get it looked at.”
  234. >You nod, and coach decides to end practice.
  235. >As you leave, you see Button Mash.
  236. >He smiles darkly, and you notice that he had a pair of splinters between his finger tips.
  237. >That...butt head.
  239. >You are Angel Rammstein.
  240. >You're dancing up on stage.
  241. >You try not to let Dinky’s attitude bother you.
  242. >You need to focus on something fun.
  243. >Dancing is fun.
  244. >So you dance.
  245. >The teacher seems to enjoy your practice.
  246. >She's clapping along with the music, calling out encouragingly.
  247. >”Very good, Angel! Perfect posture! 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3…”
  248. >You smile at the words, but focus on dancing.
  249. >You suddenly notice a thumb tack on the ground.
  250. >It's some distance away, but your dance takes your path right over the nail.
  251. >Your Stand is out of range, too.
  252. >Not important, for now.
  253. >You'll deal with it when you get there.
  254. >You continue the dance.
  255. >Here it is, the big leap.
  256. >You leap up into the air, spinning around.
  257. >Wait, did the thumb tack just move?
  258. >It did!
  259. >Something is moving it toward you!
  260. >As you complete a rotation, you call out [ROCK YOU, ACT 2]!
  261. >The tack shoots toward your foot, but [ACT 2] begins pounding it.
  262. >You see it turn to stone, and crumble into dust.
  263. >Landing, you continue the dance as if nothing happened.
  264. >”Excellent work, Angel! Splendid job!”
  265. >Your teacher's praise does little to quell your worries.
  266. >Someone is attacking you.
  268. >Your dance concludes, as your classmates and teacher applaud you.
  269. >You smile, and thank them as they give their praise.
  270. >But despite your happiness, something's bothering you.
  271. >You were attacked on stage.
  272. >And you know it had to be one of the people in this room.
  273. >You look around, and notice Dinky
  274. >She's got this really scary look on her face, despite smiling.
  275. >...Maybe she's happy for you, and she just looks scary?
  276. >No, she never looked scary before.
  277. >What did Ricky say?
  278. >”Trust your gut. It tells you things your mind sometimes can't.”
  279. >When you look at Dinky, your stomach goes flat.
  280. >There's something wrong with her.
  281. >But you need proof.
  282. >Did she attack you with the thumb tack?
  283. >If she did, then how?
  284. >Wait…
  285. >What if she's a Stand user?
  286. >Only one way to find out…
  288. >Ricky taught you this trick.
  289. >It works for you because nobody can normally see your Stand.
  290. >You walk over to Dinky with a smile on your face.
  291. >Before you get over to her, you send out [ROCK YOU].
  292. >[ROCK YOU] rushes up, draws back, and throws a punch.
  293. >Your fist stops right in front of her face.
  294. >Dinky just continues to smile.
  295. >”Your dancing is really good, Angel.”
  296. >...she didn't flinch.
  297. >She's either not a Stand user, or she has nerves of steel.
  298. >You recall [ROCK YOU], and nod, putting out a hand.
  299. “Thanks, Dinky. You're pretty good yourself. I would like it if we were friends.”
  300. >She looks at your hand for a moment, before taking it.
  301. >Her grip is cold, and firm.
  302. >And feels...evil.
  303. >”Okay, Angel. Let's be friends.”
  304. >You shake hands, and quickly pull yours away.
  305. >Something is definitely wrong with Dinky.
  306. >She turns and walks off.
  307. >You can't help but feel a sense of…
  308. >...doom.
  310. >”Okay, my little ballerinas. It's time to practice the group dance!”
  311. >You all form up for the recital.
  312. >You notice Dinky standing behind you.
  313. >You try to ignore the ominous feeling you get from that fact.
  314. >The dance begins, and everyone starts spinning and stepping in sync with one another.
  315. >As you dance, you notice a small tack has fallen from Dinky.
  316. >You decide to keep your eye on it.
  317. >It looked like the one that flew towards you earlier.
  318. >But now that you get a closer look, it looks more weird.
  319. >It almost looks like it is made from skin.
  320. >Suddenly, the tack shoots toward you.
  321. >You call out [ROCK YOU], and turn the “tack” into a fine powder.
  322. >Where did that thing come from?
  323. >Did Dinky drop it?
  324. >If so, does that mean Dinky is the one attacking you?
  325. >But, why?
  327. >You are Dinky Hooves.
  328. >And you just witnessed something impossible.
  329. >The flesh bud that shot towards Angel turned to stone and crumbled away.
  330. >This is the second time it's happened.
  331. >It's really weird.
  332. >”Indeed it is, Dinky. Once is luck, and twice is a coincidence, but there is no way your buds should do what they did.”
  333. >But master, what is happening?
  334. >”I'm not sure, Dinky. My blessing allows me to see through your eyes, nothing more. But it also enhances your abilities, and gives you the power to spread my blessings. Angel is no doubt suspicious, but you must keep attacking her. Be discreet, you don't want to draw attention to yourself.”
  336. >You're Angel again.
  337. >And you've got your eye on Dinky.
  338. >You dance as you're supposed to, and so does Dinky.
  339. >You don't notice anything wro-
  340. >Another tack just dropped from her tutu!
  341. >You knew she was attacking you!
  342. >[ROCK YOU] moves quickly, stoning the tack.
  343. >Your gut is telling you not to let yourself get stabbed by whatever those tacks are.
  344. >Dinky glares at you, before a few more tacks drop.
  345. >She's going to shoot more at you!
  346. >You need to move, but you might tip people off!
  347. >Ricky told you that Stands are supposed to stay secret!
  348. >You've got to disguise your movements!
  349. >She does a pirouette, shooting all three tacks at you at once!
  350. >With a slide, you have [ROCK YOU] intercept the tacks!
  351. >Dinky drops more tacks, and begin waving her hands in big, sweeping motions towards you!
  352. >You jump back, [ROCK YOU] rapidly punching to intercept the tacks.
  353. >Once you're certain the tacks are dust, you do a pirouette to help disguise your movements to look like a dance.
  354. >Dinky does her own pirouette, as she begins to orbit you.
  355. >As she does, a ring of tacks begin forming around her.
  356. >You move back, staying on your tippy toes in order to maintain the dance facade.
  357. >Dinky opens her arms wide, and the tacks in the ring point towards you.
  358. >[ROCK YOU] gets ready, as you stand on one foot.
  359. >Thrusting both hands toward you, you lean back instinctively as the tacks all shoot towards you at once.
  360. >[ROCK YOU] moves as fast as it possibly can, as you try to dodge by going to the ground in a split.
  361. >”Ayiyiyiyiyiyi!”
  362. >What [ROCK YOU] misses, you manage to dodge as you leap up to your feet, spinning around.
  363. >The two of you go at it for what seems like an eternity.
  364. >She throws her tacks, and you turn them to rubble.
  365. >It all ends as you both pose, you standing on one foot with your hands gracefully in front of you.
  366. >And her also on one foot, one arm in the air, and the other across her stomach.
  367. >You both breathe heavily, staring each other down.
  369. >That's when you notice that everyone is applauding, cheering for both of you.
  370. >You both look around, to see everyone staring in awe and envy.
  371. >”Absolutely incredible! That was amazing, girls! You completely stole the show!”
  372. >You smile at the praise, catching your breath.
  373. >Dinky’s face looks red from embarrassment.
  374. >”Now I normally don't approve of showing off, but you two are so wonderful together as dancers. I think you should both be leads in the upcoming dance.”
  375. >The dance is very important to you, but not as important as discovering the secret behind Dinky's powers.
  376. >She isn't a Stand user, but her powers dangerous.
  378. >You are Dinky Hooves.
  379. >And you are befuddled.
  380. >All of your attacks have been neutralized by something protecting Angel.
  381. >”There is indeed something protecting Angel, Dinky. Something unseen.”
  382. >What do we do, Master?
  383. >How do you fight what you can't see?
  384. >”I can help you see it. I will reform your eyes.”
  385. >As soon as he says this, your sight begins to blur.
  386. >You blink rapidly at the blurriness surrounding you, but it soon dies down.
  387. >When you can see again, you gasp in shock.
  388. >What is that thing?!
  389. >Your eyes befall a spirit, for lack of a better term, floating near Angel.
  390. >It looks like a pink girl knight from a Japanese cartoon, with the head of a rabbit.
  391. >Was that what was protecting Angel?
  392. >”This complicates things. I do not know what that is, but it seems to possess the power to turn things to stone.”
  393. >It's a threat to you, Master.
  394. >”Indeed, Dinky. Back away, for now. We mustn't alert her anymore than we already have.”
  395. >Your teacher's voice breaks through your concentration.
  396. >>”I think practice is done for today, ladies. You're all dismissed.”
  398. >You are Joan Higashikata
  399. >And you're wondering how the heck Poindexter of all people could have intercepted the ball.
  400. >Some of your teammates are telling you to get your head in the game.
  401. >That's what you've been trying to do.
  402. >You give your cheeks some smacks to get your blood flowing, and start looking for the ball.
  403. >The other team has it, and it's being well defended.
  404. >In particular by Poindexter.
  405. >He seems to have his eyes on you.
  406. >If you weren't trying to focus on the game, you would probably wonder how Poindexter got so athletic.
  407. >You run along, keeping your eye on the ball.
  408. >Poindexter is covering you really well.
  409. >Maybe you should use a little bit of Hamon.
  410. >With a deep breath, you use your Sendo to make Ripple.
  411. >The Hamon energy flows into your legs.
  412. >Your legs take off, making you much faster than before.
  413. >The one with the ball shoots.
  414. >You dive in the way, headbutting it to intercept.
  415. >It goes halfway across the field.
  416. >Everyone rushes for it, except Poindexter.
  417. >He leers at you with menace.
  418. >You smirk, reaching up to your black hair to scratch your head.
  420. >Poindexter rushes toward the ball.
  421. >You follow, grinning.
  422. >Your team has the ball.
  423. >Poindexter seems really intent on getting the ball away.
  424. >You try to cover against him as best you can.
  425. >But surprisingly, you have to use Hamon just to keep up with him.
  426. >Has he been training in secret or something?
  427. >You see your teammate make a shot towards the other goal.
  428. >He's blocked by another kid on the other team.
  429. >The ball goes up in the air.
  430. >But then, something impossible happened.
  431. >Poindexter jumped.
  432. >And you mean he JUMPED.
  433. >He went higher than is even possible, clearing most people's heads.
  434. >Then, he did a backflip in midair, kicking the ball back towards the center.
  435. >Half the team is in awe.
  436. >Alright, most of them.
  437. >But you're not.
  438. >You see that kinda stuff all the time in karate class.
  439. >You dash off, back towards the ball, but you also wonder.
  440. >Poindexter obviously isn't using Sendo.
  441. >So what's giving him that power?
  442. >You'll worry about that in a second.
  443. >You breathe steadily, and leap up as the ball comes down.
  444. >Filling your leg with Hamon, you spin, and kick it with the top of your foot.
  445. >You launch the ball back towards the goal, landing.
  446. >The goalie looks like he's in disbelief of what he saw.
  447. >He doesn't even think to stop it.
  448. >You score a goal, but everyone is either staring at you or Poindexter.
  449. >You smile.
  450. >Yeah, you're awesome.
  452. >The coach blows his whistle.
  453. >”Poindexter, Joan, come over and see me.”
  454. >Uh oh.
  455. >Does coach know you used Hamon?
  456. >Wait, how could he?
  457. >Knowledge of Hamon is a…
  458. >What did your instructor call it?
  459. >'Sensitive topic.’
  460. >Not really secret, but no one goes blabbing about it.
  461. >You and Poindexter come up to him.
  462. >He rubs his forehead.
  463. >”You two...are obviously in a league of your own.”
  464. >Well, of course! You're awesome.
  465. >”How are you two doing that?”
  466. >You respond first.
  467. “My karate instructor taught me.”
  468. >You puff your chest out proudly.
  469. >You also listen to what Poindexter says.
  470. >”I'm just naturally gifted.”
  471. >You blink.
  472. >You told coach about karate because it was the truth, but not the whole truth.
  473. >If Poindexter did the same…
  474. >Does he have someone gifting him?
  475. >Because there is no way someone can do that naturally without Hamon.
  476. >”Well, I want you two to tone it down. Not everyone has the same talent you guys do. Think you can do that for me?”
  477. >You and Poindexter nod.
  478. >”Alright, get back out there.”
  480. >You and Poindexter rush back out to the field.
  481. >You can't place it, but Poindexter seems to have some sort of energy flowing through him.
  482. >You can feel something unnatural.
  483. >The Ripple coming from him is different from the Ripple coming from the other players.
  484. >Like it had a battery made of evil hooked up to it.
  485. >You also get this Menacing sense coming from him.
  486. >Suddenly, he cries out in pain.
  487. >You see him crouch down, rubbing his foot.
  488. >Well, just because he's not on your team doesn't mean you should be rude.
  489. >You go up to him.
  490. “You okay, Poindexter?”
  491. >He suddenly turns toward you, and throws a few blades of grass in your face.
  492. >You jump back, feeling that the grass wasn't what it appeared to be.
  493. >Instinctively, you begin breathing, using Sendo.
  494. >The grass strikes your face, one being sharp enough to cut your cheek.
  495. >However, that blade of grass immediately burned up, and no cut was ever made on your skin.
  496. >That was really weird.
  497. >Wait, did Poindexter just attack you?!
  498. “Hey, Poindexter! What gives?!”
  499. >Poindexter looks shocked, then sighs.
  500. >”Sorry, you just surprised me, is all.”
  501. >He gets up, and gives you a smile.
  502. >You don't find the smile at all comforting.
  503. >”I'm fine, thanks for your concern.”
  504. >He begins running back over to his team.
  505. >There's something wrong, something going on.
  506. >You need to pay very close attention to Poindexter from now on.
  508. >It's game on.
  509. >You're back out on the field.
  510. >You decide to hang back, and let your teammates play.
  511. >You're very suspicious of Poindexter at this point.
  512. >Poindexter seems to be watching you just as much.
  513. >He's waiting for something.
  514. >But what?
  515. >If you knew what he was up to, perhaps you could better predict his movements.
  516. >”Jojo! Over to you!”
  517. >You turn just in time to notice the ball flying at you.
  518. >You lunge forward, letting the ball bounce off your chest.
  519. >It lands in front of you, and you get into the game.
  520. >You start moving towards the goal post, dodging a couple players who have tried to intercept you.
  521. >It's then that you see Poindexter running up to you, violent intent emanating from him.
  522. >He must be making his move.
  523. >Poindexter slides along the ground, seeking to kick not just the ball, but your own legs out from under you.
  524. >That's a good way to get you injured.
  525. >Wait, is he trying to injure you?
  526. >Thinking quick, you clamp the ball in between your feet, and jump.
  527. >Poindexter slides under you, as both you and the ball go up in the air.
  528. >You don't have a clear shot to the goal, but one of your teammates isn't covered.
  529. >You shoot the ball towards him while in midair.
  530. >You land to see Poindexter already back on his feet.
  531. >The way he got up...
  532. >There's no way his movements just now were natural.
  533. >What's giving him that power?
  535. >Furthermore, why is he trying to attack you?
  536. >One thing you can say is certain, Poindexter is looking for a fight.
  537. >And if it's a fight he wants, then darnit, you'll give him a good one.
  538. >You'll have to be very careful not to alert the coach, though, or else you'll get in trouble.
  539. >You start running with your team.
  540. >As you focus on the ball, you think about how Poindexter attacked you last time.
  541. >He was sliding toward you, trying to make it look like he was trying to take the ball.
  542. >He was trying to injure you, and make it seem like an accident.
  543. >You might've fallen and scuffed your knee.
  544. >Is he trying to make you bleed?
  545. >It would probably be worse than you think if he did.
  546. >The thump of the ball snaps you out of your thoughts.
  547. >You look, and see that the ball is being passed to you again!
  548. >Darnit, you're not the one that needs practice!
  549. >Now Poindexter has an excuse to attack you!
  550. >Here he comes!
  551. >You manage to see an opening to another teammate, and kick it to him.
  552. >Poindexter sees this, and backs off for now.
  553. >Just as you thought, Poindexter will only attack if you have the ball.
  554. >How can you use that against him?
  556. >You know he's going to come for you the second you have the ball.
  557. >He's going to try and hurt you.
  558. >...What if you hurt him instead?
  559. >You'd have to do something that might be drastic.
  560. >And you'd have to make it so that coach doesn't notice.
  561. >What if you kicked his legs?
  562. >No, everyone including coach knows you.
  563. >They know you'd only do that on purpose.
  564. >”Jojo! To you!”
  565. >Oh, no. Not again!
  566. >You take the ball, noticing that Poindexter is catching up.
  567. >Darnit, if only you didn't have to worry about the ball.
  568. >Wait, the ball!
  569. >You can hit Poindexter with the ball!
  570. >You hear him running up to you.
  571. >He's gonna try and sweep your feet!
  572. >You can't try for your plan this time around, but maybe…
  573. >You raise your foot up, knowing that only an amateur like Poindexter would “accidentally” kick another player's feet.
  574. >The foot misses yours, and hits the ball.
  575. >You break off as the ball goes to the other team's goal.
  576. >The goalie blocks, and a whistle is sounded by coach.
  577. >Coach called Poindexter over.
  578. >Probably to discuss his focusing too much on you.
  579. >Good, gives you time to formulate a plan…
  581. >You watch Poindexter come back out to the field.
  582. >You have a game plan, now.
  583. >You get ready to move.
  584. >Game on!
  585. >The ball is on the other team.
  586. >It's passed to Poindexter, but there's no way you can get him while he has the ball.
  587. >You're no amateur, they will know that you attacked Poindexter on purpose.
  588. >But he doesn't know that.
  589. >You signal to one of your teammates to get ready to intercept the ball.
  590. >They nod, and head over to where you're pointing.
  591. >You then rush over at Poindexter.
  592. >One of his team tries to cover against you.
  593. >You do a long jump, putting some distance in between you and the covering player.
  594. >Without missing a beat, you keep on running as you land.
  595. >Poindexter seems to panic as he sees you coming.
  596. >Immediately, he passes the ball left.
  597. >His team goes to retrieve it, only to be intercepted by your teammates.
  598. >Grinning, you swiftly turn around, and run the opposite direction.
  599. >Your team is passing the ball to each other.
  600. >For your plan to work, you need the ball.
  601. >...Except the one time you want it this match, no one is passing it to you!
  602. >This is bad!
  603. >At this rate, you'll score a point, and the ball will return to the other team!
  604. >If Poindexter thinks to use the ball to attack you…
  605. >...You'll be helpless against it!
  607. >You can only watch as your team shoots for the point!
  608. >Poindexter seems to smile at this!
  609. >He must have had the same idea you got!
  610. >You're not sure you can stand up to whatever is making him so powerful!
  611. >But as you watch, the goalie manages to catch the ball!
  612. >You mentally breathe a sigh of relief.
  613. >Immediately, you rush upfield towards your own goal.
  614. >Poindexter follows as the goalie drop kicks the ball.
  615. >It goes high, and you rush to get it.
  616. >You see Poindexter out of the corner of your eye doing the same.
  617. >Talk about playing for keeps!
  618. >You rush the ball as fast as you can, but Poindexter is keeping up really well.
  619. >You both know, whoever gets the ball, wins the fight.
  620. >You're neck and neck, neither of you backing down.
  621. >For a moment, it looks like you're about to reach the ball first.
  622. >Just then, Poindexter slides, kicking the ball away!
  623. >Darnit, you were so close!
  624. >And now one of his teammates has the ball!
  625. >You need to get the ball back before it's passed to Poindexter!
  627. >Poindexter takes off, staying a small distance away from his teammate with the ball.
  628. >He's at the perfect distance!
  629. >Your team is focused on the ball, not realizing that Poindexter has set himself up to be open for a shot at your goal!
  630. >If his team member is smart…
  631. >You run, and stay away from the crowd around the ball.
  632. >You need to time this just right.
  633. >But since you can't see the ball, you're just going to have to do some guess work.
  634. >Listen closely…
  635. >Watch Poindexter's expression…
  636. >There!
  637. >You dash forward as the ball is kicked, and slide to intercept it.
  638. >You guessed right!
  639. >Your kick hits the ball, redirecting it!
  640. >You push yourself up, facing the opposite direction.
  641. >Startled, Poindexter tries to run the opposite direction.
  642. “Gotcha.”
  643. >You kick the ball, charging it with Hamon.
  644. >It flies toward Poindexter, colliding with him, and sending your Hamon through his body.
  645. >He falls to the ground, his body smoking.
  646. >That's...new.
  647. >When he gets back up, the look on his face is changed.
  648. >As if he doesn't know what happened.
  650. >The coach blows his whistle, calling Poindexter over.
  651. >You go over to him as well, listening in on his conversation.
  652. >”...well, yeah, I did join the team, but it was like something was controlling me at the time.”
  653. >Coach looks confused.
  654. >>”Controlling you?”
  655. >Poindexter nods.
  656. >”Yes, sir. For the past week, I never felt in control of my own actions. Like something was making decisions for me.”
  657. >>”And how long have you felt this way?”
  658. >”Ever since I got stuck by a particularly painful splinter last week. It made me feel sick, then I started...I dunno, hearing a voice? But as soon as I got hit by the ball, it seemed to stop. I feel like myself again.”
  659. >>”And so you wanna quit the team, now?”
  660. >”Yes, sir. I don't even like sports.”
  661. >Coach sighs, then nods.
  662. >>”Alright. But get checked out by the school nurse before you go home. Something sounds wacky about your story.”
  663. >Poindexter nods, then runs for the locker room.
  664. >Well, looks like Poindexter quit the team.
  665. >You didn't mean to hit him that hard.
  666. >Hope he's okay.
  668. >You're Gioia Zeppeli.
  669. >And you're on your way to the nurse's office.
  670. >Ever since that stupid splinter stuck you, your arm’s been aching really bad.
  671. >And now you're starting to feel sick.
  672. >Stupid Button Mash.
  673. >You walk through the halls of Canterlot Middle School.
  674. >Ugh, you don't feel too good.
  675. >Your stomach hurts, you feel weak, and you got a headache.
  676. >On top of that, your arm hurts like someone hit it with a sledgehammer.
  677. >You were fine, earlier.
  678. >It was probably when you got that splinter.
  679. >That must be it.
  680. >Button Mash did something to those splinters.
  681. >His power, whatever it is, allowed him to throw those splinters like darts.
  682. >But there must be more to it than that.
  683. >Maybe it has something to do with that dark aura you saw.
  684. >He was really powerful because of it.
  685. >”Maybe you can be more powerful.”
  686. >Huh? Who said that?
  687. >”I did, young Gioia.”
  688. >And who're you?
  689. >”Oh, I'm just a friend…”
  691. >You lean against the wall, breathing heavily.
  692. >You don't know what's going on, but...
  693. >Friends don't usually talk in your head.
  694. >”True, but I'm...special. But I digress. I assure you, I only have the best intentions for you.”
  695. >Like you can trust that.
  696. >”Oh, but I speak the truth, Gioia. Button was quite a handful during that ball game, wasn't he?”
  697. >...Yeah. He was. Something was giving him power.
  698. >”Not necessarily. The dark force was only enhancing what was already there.”
  699. >Wait, how do you know that?
  700. >”Because I've seen it before. I was paying rapt attention to your game. It's not every day you see a talented young lady imbuing balls with incredible energy. Spin, you call it? Truly remarkable.”
  701. >Then, you know how to defeat that dark power?
  702. >”Of course I do. Your ability can be enhanced, just like Button’s was. But I can't fight directly, so I select talented young individuals like yourself to fight for me.”
  703. >And you still won't tell me your name. Daddy says not to talk with strangers speaking in your head.
  704. >”...I suppose that's fair. Very well, call me 'Carandini.’ There, now we aren't strangers.”
  705. >Carandini? Is that some sort of magician's name?
  706. >”If you wish. I can grant magic that can destroy the darkness infesting Button Mash, so in that way, I am a magician.”
  707. >And why would he give it to you?
  708. >”Because you are quite a talented and incredible young girl. Your talent for the Spin, coupled with my magical enhancement, would be unstoppable. There is a secret war between good and evil going on, Gioia. And you would be the one to destroy the evil of this world once and for all.”
  709. >A secret war between good and evil…
  710. >Daddy was telling you the same thing.
  711. >That's why the Speedwagon found nation exists.
  712. >”Gioia, I can help you, and you can help the Speedwagon foundation in turn. You could be a hero, and make your daddy proud. All you have to do is obey me.”
  714. “No.”
  715. >”...You can't be serious.”
  716. >You're super serious right now.
  717. >That's why you said it out loud.
  718. >”Gioia, do you know how many children your age would jump at the chance to be in your position? I'm offering you the chance to become a magical superhero, and fight the forces of evil.”
  719. >You already do that.
  720. >The Spin is your superpower, and you already helped defeat a whole lotta Timber Wolves.
  721. >You don't need a weird voice in your head telling you you're special.
  722. >You knew you were special from the day you were born.
  723. >No one else can claim to be Gioia Zeppeli.
  724. >Only you.
  725. >That means you already hit the jackpot.
  726. >”...Fine, then we'll do this the hard way.”
  727. >The hard way?
  728. >You suddenly feel funny.
  729. >Like, you have this urge to go somewhere.
  730. >”You must receive your gift, Gioia. Come to me.”
  731. >Where?
  732. >Wait, you already sorta know.
  733. >You turn to go to...somewhere.
  734. >You start going.
  735. >Jeez, your arm hurts.
  736. >You should go to the nurse's office.
  737. >No, you need to go to that other place.
  738. >But why?
  739. >The voice said so you can receive a gift.
  740. >But you can't trust the voice.
  741. >That's not the issue, here.
  742. >You're supposed to do what he says.
  744. >Why should you do anything it says?
  745. >Because he knows better.
  746. >Does he really?
  747. >Yes, now do it.
  748. >You shake your head.
  749. “This...is wrong.”
  750. >”What's wrong, Gioia? I am the adult, and you're to do as you're told.”
  751. >He…
  752. >Who does he think he is?
  753. >He's not the boss of you!
  754. >Yes, he is.
  755. >No he's not.
  756. >Yes, he is.
  757. >No he's not.
  758. >Yes, he is.
  759. >No he's not.
  760. >>”Gioia?”
  762. >You're Angel Rammstein.
  763. >And you just found Gioia wandering through the halls.
  764. >She's breathing heavily, and her arm looks bad.
  765. “Are you okay?”
  766. >She starts to nod, but then shakes her head.
  767. >”Ye...no, I need to go...somewhere…”
  768. “Like, the nurse's office?”
  769. >She starts to shake her head, but nods instead.
  770. >”Nuh...yeah, that's it.”
  771. >Gioia seems really confused.
  772. >Well it's obvious that she's unwell.
  773. “Here, I'll walk you over there, Gioia.”
  774. >You go to support her, only for her to push you away.
  775. >”N-no! I need to go...somewhere else first..”
  776. >As Jojo's daddy would say in this situation…
  777. >Nani?!
  778. “Gioia, something's wrong with you. Can't you see it?”
  779. >”I know what's wrong with her.”
  780. >You turn, and see Poindexter looking at you two.
  781. >”She doesn't feel like herself. It's like someone is trying to control her.”
  782. >He comes over, and faces Gioia.
  783. >”Am I right?”
  784. >Gioia slowly looks up, and nods, seemingly too weak to use words.
  785. >Poindexter faces you.
  786. >”I'll help you get her to the nurse's office. C’mon.”
  787. >You take one of Gioia's shoulders, letting Poindexter take the other.
  788. >Gioia struggles a little bit, but is unable to do anything in her current state.
  790. >You bring her to Dr. Time Turner.
  791. >Yes, the school has a real doctor.
  792. >He's only been here a few weeks, but people who have seen him say he's really cool.
  793. >He looks over with a smile as you enter the nurse's office.
  794. >”Oh, hello, there! What seems to be the trouble?”
  795. >You speak up.
  796. “Gioia's hurt real bad, and she's not making any sense.”
  797. >Gioia lifts her head up.
  798. >>”I need...to go.”
  799. >The doctor raises an eyebrow, and indicates the chair beside him.
  800. >”Set her down here, please.”
  801. >You and Poindexter nod, bringing Gioia over to the chair, and letting her sit.
  802. >She tries to get up, but you restrain her.
  803. >”You said you need to go. Go where?”
  804. >>”I... don't know…”
  805. >”Then why is it so important that you go there?”
  806. >>”I need to...receive my gift.”
  807. >The doctor leans forward.
  808. >”A gift from who?”
  809. >Gioia looks up, staring at the ceiling.
  810. >>”Carandini…”
  811. >”And who's Carandini?”
  812. >>”My…”
  813. >Gioia looks forward, before slumping back.
  814. >>”...masterrrrrrr…”
  815. >Gioia goes unconscious.
  817. >Immediately, the doctor takes a look at Gioia's arm.
  818. >”Hello, what's this? I haven't seen a parasitic infection like this since Andromeda. See, you can tell this is a parasite by the black marks stemming from the wound, probably an extension of a greater organism, grown inside a host body, then transferred through blood contact.”
  819. >You speak up, worried.
  820. “Can't you help her, Doctor?”
  821. >The doctor turns to you with a grin.
  822. >”Can I help her? Can I help her?”
  823. >He lifts a finger to his mouth, licks it, then feels the air.
  824. >”Yes, I can, but not with conventional medicine.”
  825. >He rubs his palms together, and takes a deep breath.
  826. >”See, the thing about these particular parasites is that they are susceptible to UV radiation. Now that doesn't help us here, since the parasite is underneath the skin, and sunlight can't reach there, unless you get a really good tan. But, if you're talented enough, you can simulate the effects of solar radiation by focusing bioelectrical impulses from blood moving along your veins building up something akin to static electricity, through your nerve endings, and tuning them to the vitamin C in your body. This replicates the wavelength of radiation found in sunlight, and then all you need to do is…”
  827. >The doctor touches Gioia's arm, and suddenly, the infection disappears as a gold light shoots into her arm.
  828. >”And presto! No more infection.”
  829. >You blink in surprise.
  830. >Did the doctor just use...Hamon?
  831. >The doctor gets up, and begins scrounging around his desk for something.
  832. >”Now, onto this Carandini character, I would really like to know more about this person, he sounds like a nasty customer, if I do say so.”
  834. “Excuse me, doctor. But just now, did you use Hamon?”
  835. >The doctor looks at you, surprised.
  836. >”How do you know that term?”
  837. >You start to explain.
  838. “My friend Jojo uses it. She learned it in karate class taught by the Speedwagon flounder nation.”
  839. >”You don't say? The Speedwagon foundation? I've not heard of them in a very long time.”
  840. >You nod.
  841. “My big brother knows two people from the Speedwagon thingy. One is Gioia's daddy, and the other is Jojo's daddy. But Jojo's daddy is also a cop.”
  842. >”The Speedwagon foundation is here in town? Well, this place got a right bit more interesting, didn't it?”
  843. >The doctor begins chuckling.
  844. >That's kinda rude.
  845. “What's so funny?”
  846. >He shakes his head.
  847. >”I’m not amused, I'm impressed. I just realized your friend said she learned how to use Hamon in karate class. I don't know what's better, you humans developing an entire martial art around Hamon, or the fact that you made it so simple, a child could learn it. That's brilliant, that is.”
  848. >Us humans?
  849. “Excuse me, doctor, but aren't you human?”
  850. >He seems to guffaw at you.
  851. >”Oh, no no no. I just look human to you because our species has very similar evolutionary lines to each other. You have learned about evolution by now, right?”
  852. >So, wait.
  853. “Does that mean you're an alien?”
  854. >The doctor nods.
  855. >“Mmm-hmm! I travel through time and space in a little blue box that's bigger on the inside.”
  856. >...
  857. >As your brother would say…
  858. “Horse hockey.”
  860. >”Wot? You don't believe me?”
  861. >You shake your head.
  862. “I won't believe you just because you're an adult and I'm a kid. I'm not gullible, doctor.”
  863. >The doctor looks befuddled.
  864. >”Goodness, You're frightfully skeptical for a child, aren't you?”
  865. >You look away, acting insulted.
  866. “My big brother Ricky taught me to think critically about everything I hear. He also taught me how to apply Occam's razor. And Occam's razor says you're full of it. You're just a Hamon master making up stories to entertain us because we're children.”
  867. >”... What's your name?”
  868. >You turn to him, still feigning insult.
  869. “Angel Rammstein.”
  870. >”And did your big brother teach you to be pessimistic too, Angel?”
  871. >He shakes his head.
  872. >”Never you mind, I'm getting off track. What's really important is that I learn about the location of this Carandini character. He seems like someone I need to talk to.”
  873. >Talk to?
  874. “I think you mean 'kick his hiney.’”
  875. >”Oh, no. I abhor violence and only really use it as a last resort."
  876. >Seriously?
  877. “Doctor, as Ricky would say, 'I’m all for finding peaceful ways to do things, but this problem doesn't sound like peace would be a good idea.’ Carandini tried to control my friend, and I think he's controlling other kids, too.”
  878. >>”He was controlling me, until very recently.”
  880. >Poindexter pipes up, and you both look over to him.
  881. >He takes it as a request to elaborate.
  882. >>”Last week, the same thing happened to me that was happening to Gioia. Except no one was around to use that Hamon stuff on me. I was only able to get out of the situation because of Jojo, I think. The coach sent me to the nurse's office because she hit me with a soccer ball. I think it was charged with that Hamon you were talking about.”
  883. >The doctor seems to take in what he said, and nod, before walking over to Poindexter, and kneeling down to put his hands on his shoulders.
  884. >”Poindexter, did you meet Carandini after you started hearing his voice?”
  885. >Poindexter nods.
  886. >>” Yes, I did. But I don't really remember the past week very well.”
  887. >”That doesn't matter. I need you to listen carefully. I need you to try and remember the past week, when you met with Carandini.”
  888. >>”But... it's like my memory got wiped.”
  889. >”That's normal. The parasite released a toxin into your blood as soon as it realized it was dying. It blocked certain neural pathways which stored knowledge of anything you did or experienced while under its influence. But it can't erase everything. Try thinking of smells you came across when you met Carandini.”
  890. >Poindexter closes his eyes to think, and the doctor puts his head against Poindexter’s.
  891. >The doctor closes his eyes, and after that, he takes a breath.
  892. >A short moment later, the doctor pulls his head away, standing.
  893. >”Right! I have the information I need, I can find the place Carandini is.”
  894. >Warte, was?
  895. “Just like that, doctor?”
  896. >The doctor looks down at you, and smiles.
  897. >”Oh, you better believe it. I know you're wondering how, I just connected my mind to his and saw what he was thinking of."
  898. >Wait.
  899. >Hamon can do that?
  901. >The doctor grabs a weird device off the desk.
  902. >”Well, now that I know where to find the source of the disturbance in these parts, I suppose I'm off to get rid of it.”
  903. >Is he going to kick the butt of the thing that hurt Gioia?
  904. >You stand up.
  905. “I'm coming with you.”
  906. >He passes you.
  907. >>”No, you're not.”
  908. >You huff.
  909. “I can help!”
  910. >He stops, sighs, and turns to you.
  911. >”Fine, but…”
  912. >He kneels down, and puts his hand on your shoulder.
  913. >”...only if Poindexter catches you.”
  914. >Warte, was?
  915. >A jolt suddenly goes through your body.
  916. >The world goes black.
  918. >You're Dr. Time Turner.
  919. >You just prefer 'the doctor.’
  920. >You watch as Poindexter catches Angel.
  921. >Good, now she won't be achy when she wakes up.
  922. >Poindexter looks up at you.
  923. >”What did you do to her?!”
  924. >You wave him off with a 'pfft.’
  925. >Is that even a word?
  926. >It is in your book.
  927. “Oh, relax. I just stimulated the neurons in her mind that shut down her body at night for sleep. She'll come around in a few minutes, well after I get to my vehicle.”
  928. >Poindexter looks between you and her.
  929. >“W-well, I caught her. Does that mean she can come?”
  930. >You smirk.
  931. “Only if you want to. After all, she's not going anywhere in that state.”
  932. >You would've been happy to bring her along, normally.
  933. >But with there being exploding gas stations and men in suits chasing cats through town with guns recently, you thought it'd be best to avoid putting children in harm's way.
  934. >You turn to leave.
  935. “In any case, if you're not in my vehicle before she comes to, I'm going without you.”
  936. >Looking back, you see Poindexter, deciding to drag her over to the bed instead.
  937. “Right, then. Look after them, will you? Allons-y!”
  938. >You're off.
  940. >You are Angel.
  941. >And you're waking up from a short slumber.
  942. >You take a moment to look around at your surroundings.
  943. >You seem to be in the nurse's office.
  944. >Poindexter is checking on Gioia who seems to be waking up, as well.
  945. >”Oh, good! You're awake!”
  946. >Gioia suddenly panics, pushing Poindexter away.
  947. >>”Ew! Get away from me!”
  948. >Poindexter catches himself, and frowns.
  949. >”That's no way to treat someone who's helping you!”
  950. >Gioia looks up at him.
  951. >>”Huh? What do you mean?”
  952. >Well, you suppose watching over you and her does count as helping.
  953. >He looks away in thought.
  954. >”You were stabbed by a splinter, right?”
  955. >Defensively, Gioia nods.
  956. >”Well, that splinter had a...Mind control substance on it. Someone was trying to take over your mind.”
  957. >Gioia's guard begins to lower a little, but she suddenly looks kinda angry.
  958. >>”Well, what does that have to do with anything?! It's not like you helped get it out of me!”
  959. >”Actually, I did.”
  960. >Yeah, you helped bring her to the-
  961. >”I used Hamon to help destroy the substance taking over your mind.”
  962. >...Nani?
  964. >Gioia's expression changes.
  965. >>”Y...You know Hamon?”
  966. >No, he doesn't.
  967. >Poindexter nods.
  968. >”I used it to help save you, then brought you to the nurse's office. If it weren't for me, you'd probably be enthralled by a creepy guy.”
  969. >Gioia's expression looks more like that of an admirer, now!
  970. >That liar!
  971. “Don't lie, Poindexter!”
  972. >Poindexter and Gioia look over at you, and you sit up.
  973. “That's not what happened, Gioia, don't listen to him.”
  974. >Poindexter gulps.
  975. “The Doctor is a Hamon master. He got rid of the thing in your arm, not Poindexter.”
  976. >Gioia turns to Poindexter, staring angrily.
  977. >Poindexter smiles nervously at Gioia.
  978. >Gioia smacks him.
  979. >Whoa jeez.
  980. >>”I have no time for liars like you! To think I thought you were being a prince!”
  981. >She turns away from Poindexter, sticking her nose up in the air.
  982. >Poindexter sighs dejected, holding his cheek.
  983. >Gioia stands up, and goes to help you out of the bed.
  984. >>”Where is the Doctor now?”
  985. “He…”
  986. >That's right…
  987. >The doctor shocked you, and left you here.
  988. “He went to find the thing trying to mind control children on his own!”
  989. >He left you here!
  990. “That dummy dumb-head!”
  991. >You kick the wall in frustration.
  992. >You said you could help!
  993. >He should have let you help!
  994. >”Poindexter, are you in here?”
  996. >You're Jojo.
  997. >And you felt bad for tagging Poindexter like you did.
  998. >You weren't trying to bully him.
  999. >He didn't have to quit the team.
  1000. >He was a really good player.
  1001. >But it was like his Ripple was different after you hit him.
  1002. >You hope you didn't hurt him really bad.
  1003. >You ran to the nurse's office as soon as practice was over.
  1004. >There he was.
  1005. “There you are! Hey look, Poindexter, I'm sorry I tagged you with the ball like that. You didn't have to quit the team because of that, though! You're a really good player!”
  1006. >”Uh, well, I…”
  1007. >>”Uh, Jojo?”
  1008. >You look over and see Gioia and Angel at the bed.
  1009. >...
  1010. “So that's what happened.”
  1011. >Gioia and Angel spent some time bringing you up to speed.
  1012. “Someone is trying to mind control children, and Hamon can stop that from happening.”
  1013. >Everyone nods.
  1014. “So what are we waiting for?! We should get to the place this guy's at, and kick his butt!”
  1015. >Angel looks away in thought.
  1016. >”But we don't even know where he is. How're we supposed to find him?”
  1017. >You and Gioia start thinking, along with Angel.
  1018. >>”Uhh…I might know a way.”
  1019. >You look over at Poindexter.
  1020. >He glances around, nervously.
  1022. >Gioia scoffs.
  1023. >G:”You already lied once, Poindexter! We can't trust that you're not gonna lie again!”
  1024. >A:“Let's hear him out, at least.”
  1025. >Angel puts a hand on her shoulder.
  1026. >A:”We don't really have any ideas on how to find Carandini.”
  1027. >You see Gioia give a small huff.
  1028. >G:”Fine, but I'm not gonna let him lead us on, if it sounds like another lie!”
  1029. >Everyone turns to Poindexter.
  1030. >He puts his hand behind his head.
  1031. >P:”Well, I can't remember the route, or what the place looked like, but I know the smells Carandini's house had.”
  1032. >Gioia looks at Poindexter sardonically.
  1033. >G:”Gee, I'm sure that's exactly what we can use to find Carandini.”
  1034. >A:”It might not be a bad idea. The Doctor told Poindexter to think about the smells, and apparently that gave him everything he needed to find Carandini's hideout.”
  1035. >Angel looks over to Poindexter.
  1036. >A:”What do you remember? What did you smell?”
  1037. >Poindexter looks down, thinking.
  1038. >P:”I smelled...Metal.”
  1039. “Metal?”
  1040. >P:”Yeah, rusty metal.”
  1041. >Angel gives a small gasp.
  1042. >A:”They were talking about rust in science! Iron rusts easily, maybe Carandini is near a place with a lot of Iron?”
  1043. >Gioia seemed convinced enough to pay attention.
  1044. >G:”What else could you smell?”
  1045. >Poindexter blinks.
  1046. >P:”Corn.”
  1047. >A:”Corn?”
  1048. >P:”Yeah, like corn on the cob.”
  1049. “...I can't think of where there's metal and corn. Can you guys?”
  1050. >The girls shake their heads.
  1051. >You turn to Poindexter again.
  1052. “What else?”
  1053. >P:”It was faint, but when I got to Carandini, I smelled...rotten eggs.”
  1055. >Gioia snaps her fingers.
  1056. >G:”Methane. Daddy taught me that miners would find a source of methane, and throw rotten eggs to make it scented. That way miners knew to get out when they smelled rotten eggs.”
  1057. >Of course! It makes sense!
  1058. “The old Iron mine outside of town!”
  1059. >Everyone turns to you.
  1060. >You start to explain.
  1061. “A long time ago, there was a mine near Canterlot. They mined a rich vein of iron, but then they had to close it down.”
  1062. >G:”I've heard of it. Daddy said they had to close it because a bunch of cave ins shook loose a pocket of methane, so it's too dangerous to mine there anymore.”
  1063. >A:”Ricky was talking to Mommy about it, once! The area around the mine became farmland, where they grow a bunch of corn! Maybe that's where Carandini is!”
  1064. >You stand up with your friends, smiling.
  1065. “We figured it out! We must be super geniuses!”
  1066. >G:”There's no such thing as a super genius, Jojo! There's just geniuses!”
  1067. “Yeah, but we're totally better than them!”
  1068. >A:”We can be genius all we want, but that won't help the Doctor! We have to get there before he gets hurt!”
  1069. >You and Gioia nod in agreement with Jojo.
  1070. >You go to leave, when Poindexter speaks up.
  1071. >P:”Uh, can I come with you?”
  1072. >Gioia glares at him, before giving him a cold shoulder.
  1073. >G:”Absolutely not!”
  1074. >Poindexter seems to plead.
  1075. >P:”But you need me! I've been to the mine before, I'll be able to remember how to get to Carandini.
  1076. >He makes a fair point.
  1077. “Gioia, maybe we should take him along.”
  1078. >Gioia looks at you incredulously.
  1079. >G:”You can't be serious! He's a liar! He's scum!”
  1080. >Wow, what happened to make her think so badly of him?
  1081. “We can get lost in those mines, but Poindexter has been there before! He can help us find our way without anything bad happening!”
  1082. >Gioia tries to argue, but sighs in defeat.
  1083. >G:”Fine. But if he gets himself hurt, all I'm gonna do is laugh!”
  1084. >You all rush out of the nurse's office as a group.
  1085. >As you leave the school, you can't help but feel like someone's watching you.
  1086. >You stop to look around.
  1087. >A:”Something wrong, Jojo?”
  1088. >You do see a couple kids looking your way.
  1089. >A girl from Angel's ballet club.
  1090. >And a kid on the Baseball team.
  1091. >But nothing too crazy.
  1092. “No, I was just imagining it.”
  1093. >A:”Well, come on! Let's get going!”
  1094. >You catch up to the group, and start heading towards the mine.
  1096. >Once again, you're Dr. Time Turner.
  1097. >You just like being called “the doctor.”
  1098. >You make your way through the old Iron mine, in search of Carandini.
  1099. >You haven't been discovered yet.
  1100. >But honestly, things would be a lot smoother if you were discovered.
  1101. >You have to be getting close to where Carandini is, though.
  1102. >There's not a lot of places in this mine to hide.
  1103. >Of course, you could always have the wrong place.
  1104. >You stumble into a chamber in the mine which seems lighted.
  1105. >You see a bunch of robed little people.
  1106. >They're all crowded around a fleshy boulder.
  1107. >Well, guess this must be Carandini's hideout, after all.
  1108. >You smile.
  1109. “Well, hello there!”
  1110. >The little people all turn to you.
  1111. “Fancy a visitor?”
  1112. >The robed figures start moving towards you.
  1113. >Gracious, they're getting close.
  1114. >You're aware that you've only just arrived, yet you've overstayed your welcome.
  1115. >As you're about to run, a voice sounds through the air.
  1116. >”Stop!”
  1117. >Instantly, the little robes stop in their tracks.
  1118. >You wonder for a moment who that is.
  1119. >And then you figure it out.
  1120. “So I assume you're Carandini? You can call me the Doctor.”
  1121. >The flesh boulder begins retracting, and a pale, gaunt humanoid beholds you.
  1122. >His body seems mangled, and trapped in the wall.
  1123. >He grins at you, menacingly.
  1124. >”Doctor, it is a pleasure. Perhaps you could make me whole again.”
  1126. >You smile at the humanoid before you.
  1127. “Maybe I can, but I can't figure out exactly what it is you're doing, or why…”
  1128. >Carandini frowns.
  1129. >”What and why doesn't matter, Doctor! I have my motivations, and you have yours.”
  1130. “Oh? Refusing to tell me, are you? Doesn't matter, I can figure it out.”
  1131. >”Then I'll leave you to that, shall I?”
  1132. >You blink at him curiously.
  1133. “Rather than finish me off, and kill me for my arrogance? After all, you have all these servants around who can inject parasites into peopleOh! No…”
  1134. >You smile.
  1135. “You called off your servants because you could sense the Hamon energy in my body. You knew that if they touched me, it would get rid of the parasitic infection that's taken them over! That's why you didn't kill me right away!”
  1136. >You frown, crinkling your brow curiously.
  1137. “But why don't you kill me yourself? You aren't human, judging by the smell. You smell of death, your skin is perfect where it isn't damaged, and you use fleshy parasites to control peopleNoooo…”
  1138. >Your expression brightens in recognition.
  1139. “Yes! Haha! You're a vampire! That explains it! Hamon will hurt you if you touch me! But you're stuck in a wall, HowOh...”
  1140. >You hiss inwardly, as if wincing in pain.
  1141. “You caused a cave-in, didn't you? And it must've been a while back, judging by how gaunt you are. You knew no one was coming for you, so you enthralled the first person that came by.”
  1142. >You look around.
  1143. “One of these children I take it? What a brilliant choice in servants. Children aren't expected to be anywhere but home and school, so they can move about the town easily, and look for victims.”
  1145. >You turn back to Carandini, putting the pieces together.
  1146. “And you haul larger victims, adults, here to feed upon. The more people you feed upon, the stronger, and more 'whole’ you become! But children, they're different. You have to enthrall them because if you turned them to zombies, they would be too uncontrollable, and would kill most of your prey before they got them back here. To say nothing of the unwanted attention all that death would draw.”
  1147. >You inhale as a look of realization hits you.
  1148. “So you put your all into making those flesh bud parasites! Which explains why even your servants can produce them! It would also explain why they're so dedicated to you, as well as really, really strong! Your parasites enhance their natural capabilities, while enslaving their minds completely! You have no other way of interacting with the world outside, so you have to make your servants as strong as possible! That's brilliant! Detestable, but brilliant!”
  1149. >Carandini sneers at you.
  1150. >”You perceive much, Doctor! Too much! You know too well of my plans, and your knowledge of what I am means that you know what I'll do once I'm free of this infernal wall! Undoubtedly, you will try to stop me, which means I must keep you here.”
  1151. >You just grin maliciously at him.
  1152. “Ohhh, I want you to try it, Carandini! I know what effect Hamon energy has on your kind! And your servants can't touch me either, because they wouldn't be your servants afterwards, now would they?”
  1153. >Carandini smiles.
  1154. >ゴゴゴゴ
  1155. >”My servants won't have to touch you, Doctor.”
  1156. >A pair of the robed children suddenly lift their hands.
  1157. >And a pair of boulders shoot out, dropping at the entrance to this chamber.
  1158. >”You see, Doctor, the people of this town are surprisingly gifted with psychic energy. But most are unable to access it without some form of interference. My flesh buds can enhance abilities that are already available, and that includes the psychic powers of these children. For now, there's only three psychic children in my thrall, but once I escape, they shall be the vanguard for my reign of terror! And you, doctor, shall be the first to be slaughtered!”
  1159. >Well now…
  1160. >This is a right rotten pickle, isn't it?
  1162. >You're Jojo.
  1163. >You've been following the girls for a bit.
  1164. >It's on purpose.
  1165. >No one's attacked you, yet.
  1166. >But you can't shake the feeling that someone is following you.
  1167. >You can feel the Hamon emanating from them.
  1168. >You're a bit outside of town, towards the farmland.
  1169. >Maybe now is a good time to confront them.
  1170. >You stop.
  1171. “Girls, we're being followed.”
  1172. >The girls stop, and you turn around with them.
  1173. >You see two kids, standing on top of a bus stop.
  1174. >They're posing like it's nobody's business.
  1175. >You recognize them.
  1176. >Dinky Hooves and Button Mash.
  1177. >They look, weird.
  1178. >Like something isn't right with them.
  1179. >Poindexter suddenly exclaims.
  1180. >P: “B-be careful! These guys serve Carandini!”
  1181. “You're sure?!”
  1182. >P: “I remember them! Their voices were inside my head sometimes, when Carandini spoke!”
  1183. >You see Dinky and Button frown.
  1184. >DH: “You're not one of us anymore, Poindexter.”
  1185. >BM: “The master won't be bothered trying to enthrall you again.”
  1186. >The two leap off from atop the bus stop.
  1187. >They come to a landing, rolling on the ground and up to their feet.
  1188. >You impose yourself between them and your friends.
  1189. “You guys find Carandini's hideout. I'll catch up.”
  1190. >You hear Gioia protest.
  1191. >G: “Absolutely not! Button Mash needs to pay for attacking me!”
  1192. >She steps up, taking out some balls from her pocket.
  1193. >They spin with golden energy in her hands.
  1194. >A: “And I'm not letting someone under mind control outdance me!”
  1195. >Angel steps forward, her Stand appearing next to her.
  1196. >Your friends are morons.
  1197. >Don't they understand?
  1198. “But I'm the one with Hamon! They're weak against me!”
  1199. >G&A: “Doesn't matter.”
  1200. >G: “We have our own grievances with them. We're going to see this through, like it or not.”
  1201. >Angel nods.
  1202. >A: “What she said! By the way, what's a grievance?”
  1204. “Don't you dare look at me!”, “Who's awesome? I'm awesome!”, and “I'm gonna rock this place!” Vs. “Dance through this attack!” and “I'm about to level up!”
  1206. Finished loading, Baybee!
  1208. OPEN THE GAME!
  1210. >You start towards your opponents.
  1211. >But you're somehow lagging.
  1212. >Because your friends already beat you to them.
  1213. >Gioia threw her balls at Button, who produced a large sword.
  1214. >Angel’s Stand threw a punch at Dinky, who jumped back.
  1215. >The balls were knocked away by Button’s sword.
  1216. >Gioia caught them, as Angel smashed a bunch of pebbles that were suddenly flying at her.
  1217. >...
  1218. >This must be what a fifth wheel feels like.
  1219. >Guess you'll just watch and wait for an opening.
  1221. >You're Gioia.
  1222. >And everything is making you mad today.
  1223. >First baseball practice, then Poindexter lying, now Button being a jerk in general!
  1224. >It's enough to make you scream!
  1225. >Where'd he get that sword, anyway?
  1226. >You can't see it, but you know it's imbued with the dark energy that was flowing through him.
  1227. >”Like my sword, huh?”
  1228. >He strides toward you, as you spin your balls around your hand.
  1229. “Not particularly.”
  1230. >”I got it off my dad's weapons wall. There were guns there, too. But swords grant you bonuses to attack.”
  1231. >Oh god. What a nerd.
  1232. >He swings it at you, and you throw up your hand.
  1233. >Your ball spins in it, deflecting it away from you.
  1234. >As he falls off balance, you kick him away, and throw a ball.
  1235. >Your Stand tells you it should hit him in the leg, making him fall.
  1236. >But instead, Button rolls forward, dodging the ball.
  1237. >He's back up to his feet, on guard with a sword.
  1238. >”I practiced swordsmanship when Dad wasn't looking, too. Now I'm just like Ichigo Kurosaki.”
  1239. >Literally who?
  1240. >You catch your ball.
  1241. >He's probably referencing something from one of those Chinese cartoons.
  1242. >He looks like a weeb.
  1243. >Suddenly, he leaps up in the air with the power Carandini gave him.
  1244. >He goes to bring the sword down on you.
  1245. >You just step out of the way, letting a ball drop right next to you.
  1246. >The spin creates a small whirlwind that sends him back upwards.
  1247. >He does a backflip, landing on top of the bus stop.
  1248. >”That's not a bad trick. But you won't stand a chance once I release my Shikai!”
  1249. >You visibly cringe.
  1250. >God, he IS a weeb.
  1252. >You're Angel.
  1253. >And Dinky is being a…
  1254. >What's the word Ricky uses?
  1255. >Witch?
  1256. >Yeah, Dinky is being a witch.
  1257. >She moves her hand, and stuff flies out from the ground.
  1258. >Mostly rocks and grass.
  1259. >Very sharp rocks and grass.
  1260. >But your [ROCK YOU] is more than enough to crush the things being thrown at you.
  1261. >You're finding that your ballet moves are really good at dodging.
  1262. >Between your ballet and your [ROCK YOU], none of Dinky’s attacks are touching you.
  1263. >You could end this now, but it's too much fun.
  1264. >You smile at Dinky, letting her know that.
  1265. >Dinky frowns.
  1266. >”You think you're so clever, don't you Angel?”
  1267. >Dinky raises her hand.
  1268. >A bunch of sticks lifts out of the ground, sharpening themselves to fine points like spears.
  1269. >There's so many…
  1270. >Can you really dodge them all?
  1271. >”You think your dancing is so good, you don't need to fight me!? I'm sick of you, and your little miss perfect attitude! Dance through this attack!”
  1272. >She throws her hand forward!
  1273. >The spears are coming!
  1274. >You can't dodge them!
  1275. >And there's no way you can fight them off!
  1276. >You cross your arms!
  1277. >The spears go into you!
  1278. >The force sends you flying back.
  1279. >There's spears sticking out of your body.
  1280. >You hear Dinky walking up.
  1281. >”So quickly down. Maybe you aren't as perfect as you thought…”
  1283. >Y-you’re Jojo.
  1284. >And you just watched…
  1285. >Angel…
  1286. >Get...hurt real bad.
  1287. >She's...she's not moving.
  1288. >Why is your face wet?
  1289. >C'mon Angel, get up.
  1290. >Dinky's coming up to you.
  1291. >Angel, you have to move.
  1292. >You sniffle.
  1293. >Get up.
  1294. >Please.
  1295. >You...weren't gonna let her be better.
  1296. >You just wanted to...give her a chance to fight Dinky.
  1297. >Dinky.
  1298. >She hurt Angel.
  1299. >She hurt your friend.
  1300. >...
  1301. >You're going to make her pay!
  1302. >You dash up, breath right.
  1303. “Hamoooon-gah!”
  1304. >Dinky spun around, and shot her hand toward you.
  1305. >You're lifted up off the ground, unable to move.
  1306. >”Aww, did you think you could hit me before I caught what you were doing?”
  1307. >She approaches you.
  1308. >Dammit! If only your Stand had some more power!
  1309. >Dinky seems confused.
  1310. >”Now hold on, I'm choking your neck. Why are you still able to breathe?”
  1311. >Thank goodness.
  1312. >[EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE] at least protects your breathing.
  1313. >She could crush your windpipe and your lungs, and you'd still be able to breathe.
  1314. “I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to Angel!”
  1315. >She laughs.
  1316. >”As if! With my powers, you can't even touch me!”
  1318. >Dinky smiles at you.
  1319. >”Jojo, I want you to know, I have nothing against you. I was jealous of Angel. She was always sooo perfect. Always liked by everyone, always acing her tests, and living such a happy and carefree life. I was adopted, but I have two sisters, you see. They're both older than I am. My eldest sister, Derpy, she's got a condition.”
  1320. >That's right, Derpy’s her sister.
  1321. >Dinky's expression turns grim.
  1322. >”She's wall eyed, and clumsy. Because of that, People make fun of me for it. They tease me, saying that I'm a retard by proxy, that I should be ashamed of my sister.”
  1323. >Wait, why is she telling you this?
  1324. >”But no one teases Angel for her big brother.”
  1325. >Why would they?
  1326. >You know Erich. He's not like Derpy.
  1327. >She sees the confusion in your eyes.
  1328. >”You must think good of him. But you don't know, do you? Erich’s been seen running around dressed as a Nazi. You know, those people who exterminated so many people in world war two?”
  1329. >What?!
  1330. >No way!
  1331. >Erich isn't a Nazi…
  1332. >Is he?
  1333. >”He must keep it a secret from his family. But the school is catching on. Despite this, people still love innocent Angel, and don't judge her because of her brother. But they still judge me because of my sister.”
  1334. >Dinky grits her teeth angrily, as tears form on her face.
  1335. >”Why?! What makes her so special?! Why don't people just dump all over her, like they do me?! It's not fair! That's why…when Carandini made his offer, for my service in exchange for power, I gladly accepted! He didn't need to control my mind! I wanted the power to utterly destroy Angel! I don't care what Carandini does to me, so long as I got my revenge on Angel! I hate her! I hate her!”
  1337. >Dinky seems to calm down a little.
  1338. >She exhales, and smiles again.
  1339. >”But I don't have the same grudge against you, Jojo. You don't have the same circumstances I do. So I want you to know, I won't kill you because I hate you.”
  1340. >She raises her opposite hand.
  1341. >A large stick rises up from the ground, and sharpens itself.
  1342. >Oh, jeez.
  1343. >It's pointing straight at you.
  1344. >”But I will kill you for trying to interfere with my master.”
  1345. >Oh, no!
  1346. >This is it!
  1347. >?: “So that's what's going on.”
  1348. >Wait, is that…
  1349. >You and Dinky look over.
  1350. >Angel?!
  1351. >She's...standing up!
  1352. >But there's spears all over her-
  1353. >They're falling off…
  1354. >Dinky looks at her apprehensively.
  1355. >D: ”The sticks are all...Blunted.”
  1356. >A: “Don't you remember? My Stand has the ability to turn anything it touches to stone. This includes my skin and clothes.”
  1357. >You feel the psychic hold on you tightening.
  1358. >A: “I wanted to wait until you got close, then paralyze you with my [ROCK YOU ACT I]. But after hearing your thoughts, and why you're attacking me, I couldn't play opossum anymore.”
  1359. >Angel points at Dinky.
  1360. >A: “Dinky, I'm sorry that you hate me so much. And it isn't right how you've been treated. But I never harbored such hatred for you! You shouldn't take your anger out on innocent people who have done you no wrong! For that, I'll make you pay!”
  1361. >Dinky moves you and the spear in between her and Angel.
  1362. >D: “S-stay back! Or I'll stick your friend!”
  1363. >Quicker than you can realize, you see [ROCK YOU ACT II] come out, and start punching the spear.
  1364. >It crumbles into dust beside you.
  1365. >Angel strides unerringly towards Dinky, passing you.
  1366. >You feel yourself drop to the ground, and look back.
  1367. >You see a panicking Dinky throwing things at Angel with her powers.
  1368. >Angel isn't even fazed, as everything bounces harmlessly off of her.
  1370. >A: “Dinky, you're a detestable human being!”
  1371. >Realizing it's hopeless, Dinky drops her [spoiler]faggot[/spoiler] bundle of sticks, and tries to run.
  1372. >[ROCK YOU] appears in front of her.
  1373. >Dinky turns around, only for [ROCK YOU] to stay directly in front of her the entire time.
  1374. >Dinky turns back to Angel, only to find her standing directly in front of her.
  1375. >Dinky falls back in fear.
  1376. >Angel leans down toward her.
  1377. >A: “As Ricky would say, ‘you're nothing more than a degenerate!’ but you know what?!”
  1378. >Dinky shields herself from Angel's gaze.
  1379. >Angel holds her hand out toward Dinky, and smiles.
  1380. >Peeking out from her arms, Dinky looks up at Angel.
  1381. >A: “I forgive you.”
  1382. >What?
  1383. >Nervously, Dinky takes Angel's hand.
  1384. >Angel helps Dinky up, and begins... laughing.
  1385. >Dinky smiles, and begins laughing with Angel.
  1386. >Angel's laugh begins to settle, before she speaks.
  1387. >A: “I know deep down, you're a good person, Dinky. You care a lot for your sisters, just like I care for my brother. I really do wanna be your friend.”
  1388. >She smiles at Dinky, who returns the smile.
  1389. >A: “But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna stop you. [ROCK YOU ACT I]!”
  1390. >”Ayiyiyiyiyiyi!”
  1391. >Angel's Stand punches Dinky all over her body, freezing her in place, and completely paralyzing her.
  1392. >Dinky falls to the ground, a look of surprise etched onto her.
  1393. >Angel turns to you.
  1394. >A: ”Jojo! Quick, use your Hamon on her!”
  1395. >You hear Dinky muttering.
  1396. >D: “N-no, my powers…”
  1397. >You run up, breathing like you were taught.
  1398. “Hamoooon…”
  1399. >You leap up, and land, slamming your fist into Dinky's chest.
  1400. “...Overdrive!”
  1401. >The shock goes through Dinky, who gasps, and passes out.
  1403. >You're Gioia.
  1404. >And you're currently dodging every one of Button Mash's swings with his sword.
  1405. >He fancies himself one of those Japanese swordsmen you might find in a cartoon.
  1406. >He certainly is eager to bring down that sword on you.
  1407. >Is he really that upset? Or is he just enjoying himself too much?
  1408. >Judging by his expression, it looks like the latter.
  1409. >However, he doesn't swing his sword like a professional swordsman.
  1410. >He swings like he's in one of those stage plays, where the actions are more based in drama than actually hitting your enemy.
  1411. >This makes him telegraph his attacks, meaning he's quite easy to dodge.
  1412. >”You're really good at dodging, but you won't win any fights unless you attack!”
  1413. >You suppose he's right about that.
  1414. >As you step back, dodging his next attack, you also drop a ball.
  1415. >The ball begins to spin, creating a small whirlwind.
  1416. >The wind pushes Button off balance, creating an opening for you to strike.
  1417. “Stay away from me, you nerd!”
  1418. >You thrust your other ball into his gut, spinning it in your palm, creating a corkscrew effect.
  1419. >The spinning ball in your opposite hand blasts him back.
  1420. >He goes flying, landing on his back.
  1421. >His body creates a small divot as he skids back.
  1422. >You brush a loose curl from your face.
  1423. “It's bad enough I have to deal with liars, I don't have time for your weeaboo nonsense, as well!”
  1424. >You raise your free hand up to catch the ball you dropped as it suddenly flies back to you.
  1426. >Button gets up, dusting himself off.
  1427. >He looks at you, annoyed.
  1428. >”You're really confident, huh? Let's see how good you are when I knock those balls out of your hands!”
  1429. >He suddenly switches the sword to a reverse grip.
  1430. >He really has no idea what he's doing, does he?
  1431. >You watch for the swing from below.
  1432. >He's swinging way too early.
  1433. >You don't even need to sidestep-
  1434. >Ahh!
  1435. >There's dirt in your eyes!
  1436. >You feel a foot collide with your stomach, and you're knocked to the ground.
  1437. >You managed to drop one of your balls, too.
  1438. >You manage to clear your vision just in time to feel a foot stomp your wrist.
  1439. >You look up, seeing Button raise the sword high above you.
  1440. >He's got this cocky grin on his face.
  1441. >He must expect you to show fear.
  1442. >You won't give him the pleasure.
  1443. “Throwing dirt in a lady's eyes? Not very noble for a swordsman, is it?”
  1444. >He laughs.
  1445. >”Hey, it worked, didn't it? Besides, a Ronin has already lost his honor by not having a lord.”
  1446. >God, is this weeb really gonna be the death of you?
  1447. >Of all the people who could kill you, did it really have to be this idiot?
  1448. >You try to get away, but his foot is too heavy on your wrist.
  1449. >But then, a ball suddenly hits him from the side.
  1450. >He lowers his blade, rubbing the side of his head with one hand.
  1451. >”Who the heck?!”
  1452. >He looks over, and you do, too.
  1453. >Whoa.
  1454. >You didn't expect that Poindexter would be brave enough to bean him.
  1455. >And yet, there he is.
  1456. >Guess you owe him an apology.
  1458. >You're Poindexter.
  1459. >And you're in waaaay over your head.
  1460. >Button Mash has some crazy power all of a sudden.
  1461. >What were you thinking, throwing that ball at him?
  1462. >He looks at you, anger etched into his face.
  1463. >You swallow your fear.
  1464. >You can't back down, now.
  1465. “Leave her alone! I'll fight you!”
  1466. >Oh, dear. That wasn't much of a threat.
  1467. >Why did you say that?
  1468. >You're so dead.
  1470. >You're Gioia.
  1471. >And you just heard Poindexter.
  1472. >You run through what he just said again in your head.
  1473. >'Leave the lady alone! I shall fight for her!’
  1474. >Your imagination may have flavored his words but that really is what he said!
  1475. >He’ll fight Button?
  1476. >In your name?!
  1477. >That's...surprisingly noble of him.
  1478. >Maybe…
  1479. >[spoiler]He really is a prince.[/spoiler]
  1480. >Button scowls at Poindexter.
  1481. >”I can't let such an insult to my honor go unanswered!”
  1482. >Oh, shut up, you weeb!
  1483. >He turns to face Poindexter, taking his foot off your wrist.
  1484. >Button doesn't have your attention, now.
  1485. >[spoiler]Prince[/spoiler] Poindexter does.
  1486. >He just rescued you.
  1487. >It wouldn't be very dignified for you to not repay his kindness, now would it?
  1489. >As soon as he is sure to be out of sight of your hand, you spin your ball, and slam it into the ground.
  1490. >You send the spin energy into the ball that Poindexter threw, making it roll towards you.
  1491. >Poindexter stumbles back, as Button gets on guard.
  1492. >As soon as the ball is in your hand, you stand up.
  1493. >”I'll teach you to throw things at a true warrior!”
  1494. >You cock your hand back as he raises his sword.
  1495. “A true warrior never takes his eyes off his opponent, nerd!”
  1496. >Button looks back at you, expecting to gloat.
  1497. >Instead, your ball lands smack dab in his forehead.
  1498. >The ball grinds into his head, moving up to the top.
  1499. “Oh no, you don't! Don't you dare look at me, you unworthy filth!”
  1500. >The spin energy starts twirling his head around, and he stumbles as he tries to find his balance.
  1501. >You throw your other ball.
  1502. >It lands in his gut, spinning hard.
  1503. “Show some respect for your betters!”
  1504. >The second ball blasts him back, causing both to start flying back towards you.
  1505. >You casually catch them without a thought.
  1506. >Poindexter rushes over to you, drawing your attention.
  1508. >Your name is Poindexter.
  1509. >And you noticed something on Gioia's wrist.
  1510. >Oh, dear, oh dear, oh dear.
  1511. >She's the only one who can fight Button right now.
  1512. >If something happens to her throwing arm…
  1513. >You grab her hand, and begin to inspect the damage.
  1514. >”W-what are you doing?! Touching me like that without permission!”
  1515. >Despite her protests, she doesn't struggle.
  1516. >You try to explain.
  1517. “There's some discoloration around your wrists. You might be hurt.”
  1519. >You're Gioia again.
  1520. >And did Poindexter really just say that?
  1521. >'You are hurt, my good lady. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you.’
  1522. >You feel your face growing hot as he inspects your wrist.
  1523. >Really, what's this moron doing, fretting over you like that?
  1524. >You rip your wrist from him, and turn away, folding your arms.
  1525. “I-I-I’m fine! I've had worse scrapes than this!”
  1526. >Oh, that came out a bit harsh.
  1527. >Maybe you should reassure him.
  1528. “B-but! Your concern has been noted. Thank you.”
  1529. >You turn to him angrily, pointing at his face.
  1530. “Don't expect me to say that often!”
  1531. >You hear a shuffling from Button Mash before another word can be uttered.
  1532. >You narrow your eyes in anger.
  1533. >Does this guy know when to quit?
  1534. >You pull Poindexter behind you, and ready your spin.
  1536. >Button starts toward you.
  1537. >His body is now giving off the dark energies that the parasite is imbuing him with.
  1538. >You don't need any special power in order to see it.
  1539. >He seems really angry, now.
  1540. >”Just because I don't have my attention on you, that doesn't give you the right to ambush me!”
  1541. >Despite his current state, you can't help but develop a teasing smile.
  1542. “Oh? I thought Ronin weren't afraid of such cowardly tactics.”
  1543. >This only appears to feed his anger.
  1544. >Wordlessly, he leans towards you, and dashes, his power allowing him to jump far, parallel to the ground.
  1545. >With an underhand, you toss one of your balls, trying to kick up a whirlwind to blow him away again.
  1546. >He's unable to alter his course if he's already traveling through the air. It's amazing he hasn't realized that by now. It won't matter if he sees your ball coming.
  1547. >Wait, did he just slam his foot down?
  1548. >Oh, no!
  1549. >He was jumping, but he was so close to the ground!
  1550. >You didn't notice that he was capable of putting his foot down!
  1551. >Now he's capable of dodging the whirlwind!
  1552. >As he brings his sword around to slash at you, you go to block it with your other ball!
  1553. >You're only just capable of intercepting it, but your wrist hurts!
  1554. >Maybe your wrist took more damage than you thought when he stood on you!
  1555. >While you can block the blade's cut, you're not capable of sustaining the strength to keep you rooted!
  1556. >You go flying back, skidding to a halt on the ground!
  1558. >Your body hurts.
  1559. >You cough.
  1560. >Looking down, you see there's tears in your baseball uniform.
  1561. >There's minor cuts on your arms and legs from skidding on the ground.
  1562. >And worst of all…
  1563. >Worst of all…
  1564. >...
  1565. >There's dirt in your hair!
  1566. >The mud you got in it will cause tangles!
  1567. >It'll take forever to get your hair looking prim and proper again!
  1568. >You're going to have a rat’s nest on your head if you don't go home and wash up tonight!
  1569. >You almost feel like lamenting for it.
  1570. >But then you remember that the one who put you in this situation still has functional legs.
  1571. >Forming a scowl on your face, you turn to Button Mash.
  1572. >He approaches as you try to stand.
  1573. >But you spent so much strength on blocking his attack, it's taking you time to recover.
  1574. >He's charging at you, his sword raised overhead.
  1575. >He's gonna try and bring it down on you.
  1576. >He probably expects you to throw your ball again, since he keeps glancing at your hand.
  1577. >Instead, you lunge at him at the last minute, trying to tackle him to the ground.
  1578. >You're just about to collide when you feel a knee enter your gut.
  1579. >It knocks the wind out of you, and you feel what must be the sword's pommel strike you.
  1580. >You unceremoniously fall to the ground.
  1581. >Button gets ready to gloat again, but stops.
  1582. >Instead of wasting words, he decides to get ready to finish you off.
  1583. >You grit your teeth. You're scared, but you're too proud to show it.
  1585. >Oh dear, oh dear!
  1586. >Button is about to kill Gioia!
  1587. >You have to do something!
  1588. >...Maybe you can tackle him?
  1589. >You vaguely remember playing soccer.
  1590. >Maybe it's an innate skill you didn't know you had.
  1591. >You start rushing at him, and-
  1592. >Oops!
  1593. >Who put that root there?
  1594. >You tripped, and now you're directly in front of Button Mash!
  1595. >Oh dear, oh dear!
  1597. >Darn it all!
  1598. >Did Poindexter really just step in front of you?!
  1599. >You have to save him!
  1600. >Your body seems to move on it's own, as you throw your ball at Poindexter, imbuing it with the Spin!
  1601. >It hits him in the shoulder a split second before Button’s blade cuts him!
  1602. >Suddenly, the sword bounces off of Poindexter, as if it ran into a plate of armor!
  1603. >Your ball spins on Poindexter's back, moving towards his chest, and shooting at Button!
  1604. >Your ball slams into Button's chin, sending him up in the air!
  1605. >With the time that got you, you get to your feet.
  1606. >You see out of the corner of your eye that Jojo just finished helping Angel.
  1607. >She stands over Dinky, who lies unconscious on the ground.
  1608. >It's distasteful, since you hate having to rely on others, but you call out to her.
  1609. “Jojo! I need your help!”
  1610. >She looks over, and rushes toward you.
  1611. >”Hamon…”
  1612. >Jojo slides over towards Button, kicking him with her foot.
  1613. >”...Overdrive!”
  1614. >There's a bright flash as a wave of energy goes over Button’s body.
  1615. >You breathe a sigh of relief, as you stumble over to your ball.
  1616. >You begin to fall, but Jojo catches you.
  1617. >The energy she was channeling finds its way into your body.
  1618. >You somehow feel... Revived.
  1619. >Not only that, but your body doesn't hurt anymore.
  1621. >Going over the events in your head, you remember that Poindexter did something very…
  1622. >Stupid.
  1623. >Brave, but stupid.
  1624. >You can't help but admire him for it.
  1625. >Speaking of which, where is he?
  1626. >You take a look at [spoiler]prince[/spoiler] Poindexter, and see him sitting on the ground.
  1627. >He looks shocked.
  1628. >Well, duh! Of course he's shocked.
  1629. >He probably thought he was gonna die!
  1630. >...He was really brave to throw himself in front of you, though.
  1632. >Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
  1633. >You are Poindexter.
  1634. >And you are trying hard not to wet yourself.
  1635. >Why did your clumsy feet make you trip?!
  1637. >You are Gioia again.
  1638. >And you're considering giving Poindexter a hug.
  1639. >But you're a little peeved off at him.
  1640. >Why did he try to interfere, knowing he doesn't have any powers?
  1641. >...Forget it, he needs a hug.
  1642. >You go up to him, and crouch down next to him.
  1643. >He doesn't notice your presence until you throw your arms around him.
  1644. >He seemed nervous at first, but as you hold him, he seems to settle.
  1645. “That was really brave of you, Poindexter.”
  1646. >You pull back, and smile at him.
  1647. >He looks at you, and smiles back.
  1648. >But then you form a scowl.
  1649. >You need to make what you say absolutely clear, so you stick your finger in his face.
  1650. “Don't do it again!”
  1651. >Message delivered.
  1652. >You stand, and walk back to your friends.
  1654. >You're Jojo.
  1655. >You approach Angel.
  1656. >She looks deep in thought.
  1657. >It feels awkward, how silent she is.
  1658. >It's only more awkward as you stand next to her.
  1659. >You decide to break the silence.
  1660. “Bit for your thoughts?”
  1661. >She looks over at you, and sighs.
  1662. >”Dinky lied.”
  1663. >She did?
  1664. “When?”
  1665. >Angel shakes​ her head.
  1666. >”Ricky isn’t a Nazi.”
  1667. >Oh.
  1668. >To be honest, you actually heard someone talking about this before.
  1669. >What did they say?
  1670. “Umm, Angel? I think someone said they saw your brother walking around town with a nazi hat and jacket on.”
  1671. >Angel snaps at you.
  1672. >”You didn't see it, though! It's just hearsay!”
  1673. >You throw your hands up defensively.
  1674. “But what if it's true, Angel? What then?”
  1675. >Angel stomps her foot.
  1676. >”Then he has a really good reason! He’s a good person and he always has a reason for everything he believes!”
  1677. >You see Angel turn away sadly, clutching her arm.
  1678. >”Ricky...He believes in God, and wants me to believe as well. He talks a lot about how loving and caring Jesus was, and how we should all be like that. And he also talks about our grampa, and how heroic he was. He's always trying to do what's right for everyone around him, especially for me and mommy. So even if he is a Nazi, then he's still not a bad guy.”
  1679. >You see her brow furrow with worry.
  1680. >You didn't mean to worry her.
  1681. >You grab her, pulling her into a hug.
  1682. ”Sorry, Angel. I didn't mean to make you upset.”
  1683. >She sighs, and returns the hug.
  1684. >”It's okay, Jojo.”
  1686. >You two don't stop hugging for a bit.
  1687. >You realize that this must be what “Sharing a moment” is.
  1688. >It seems to draw the attention of Gioia.
  1689. >G: “Hey, you two! This is no time for hugging!”
  1690. >Angel doesn't stop hugging.
  1691. >Instead, she reaches over and grabs Gioia, pulling her into the hug.
  1692. >Gioia yelps, struggling.
  1693. >A: “Shut up and be hugged.”
  1694. >Gioia relents, and sighs, joining in the hug for a second.
  1695. >But looking over and seeing Poindexter, she suddenly pushed away from the both of you.
  1696. >G:”Th-that's enough! We need to get moving!”
  1697. >She folds her arms, looking away from Poindexter with a blush.
  1698. >Whatever, she's right.
  1699. >You and Angel break, and begin dusting yourselves off.
  1700. >Something's bothering you, though.
  1701. “Wait, the Carandini guy. He was able to give Dinky and Button powers, right?”
  1702. >Angel looks over at you.
  1703. >A: “Do you think there's more kids who have powers like theirs?”
  1704. >You shake your head.
  1705. “Not sure.”
  1706. >You hear a harrumph from Gioia.
  1707. >G: “Poindexter!”
  1708. >You look over at him.
  1709. >He seemed to be staying away from you guys.
  1710. >His full attention was on Gioia when she called.
  1711. >Ducking down, he responds.
  1712. >P: “Y-yeah?”
  1713. >G: “Do you remember any other weird kids when you were at Carandini's hideout?”
  1714. >Poindexter shakes his head.
  1715. >P: “N-not really. There were a couple kids who never got sent out, though. But everyone kinda had to pitch in. Carandini was probably keeping them around for a reason.”
  1717. “Betcha those are his guards or something.”
  1718. >Call it a hunch, but if everyone was chipping in regularly, and those kids who never got sent out didn’t appear to help with anything, then they must be guards.
  1719. >Kinda like forager bees that stay near the hive.
  1720. >Gioia thinks for a second, before Angel pipes up.
  1721. >A: “Well, whatever they are, we aren’t gonna know until we find ‘em. Let’s go to the mines!”
  1722. >You nod in agreement, following after Angel as she starts going towards the mine.
  1723. >You hear Gioia calling after you.
  1724. >G: “Hey! Wait up!”
  1726. >The four of you make it to the mine.
  1727. >It looks...really old.
  1728. >None of you want to really go in.
  1729. >It’s dark, scary, and looks dangerous.
  1730. >G: “Is...is it even safe to go in?”
  1731. >A: “Of course it is! Carandini’s mind controlled servants have been coming in and out of it with no trouble.”
  1732. >G: “W...well, if you’re so confident, maybe you should go first.”
  1733. >Angel looks round apprehensively.
  1734. >A: “M...maybe I will, did you ever think of that?!”
  1735. >Angel starts nervously towards the mine, before a loud crash causes you all to jump with a start.
  1736. >Angel ducks down, covering her head with her hands.
  1737. >She quickly scuttles away.
  1738. >A: “On second thought, I-I don’t really have a way of saving the other kids from those mind control spores. M-maybe Jojo should go in, first.
  1739. >Nope. You aren’t having this stuff.
  1740. “Uh-uh. This place could collapse at any moment.”
  1741. >Gioia looks at you indignantly.
  1742. >G: “Are you really just gonna let the Doctor deal with Carandini on his own?”
  1743. “Are you?”
  1744. >Gioia gets flustered.
  1745. >G: “I...that is…”
  1747. >Suddenly, Poindexter puts his hand on Gioia’s shoulder.
  1748. >She panics with a start, and prepares to throw a ball.
  1749. >But she relaxes when she sees who it is.
  1750. >P: “It’s safe, don’t worry. My memories are coming back, I remember going through here all the time.”
  1751. >Gioia gets blushy, throwing Poindexter’s hand off, and facing away from him.
  1752. >G: “I-I was just concerned for the rest of you! I-It’s not like I was afraid, or anything!”
  1753. >Poindexter smiles.
  1754. >P: “Well gosh, that’s nice of you, Gioia. But this is why I came with you, to help you through the mines.”
  1755. >Gioia’s face gets even redder.
  1756. >G: “O-of course! I knew that! Lead the way!”
  1758. >You’re the Doctor.
  1759. >And it’s all you can do to run and hide.
  1760. >Gracious, maybe you’re in over your head.
  1761. >How do you counteract Class two psionic manifestations which are used to enact thrust on inanimate objects?
  1762. >If you had some sort of way to emit a Neural Disruption Pulse, you could probably make them falter long enough to use healing energies to kill off the parasites inside them.
  1763. >But then again, you dropped your screwdriver, so it’s not like you have many options.
  1764. >You’re just lucky the two telekinetics can’t find you right now.
  1765. >Good hiding place, you suppose.
  1766. >Still, this is real pickle you’ve gotten yourself in.
  1767. >You’re certain you’ll find a way out, though.
  1768. >You always do.
  1769. >The two telekinetics are just in the next chamber, scanning for any trace of you.
  1770. >They won’t find any, you at least made sure of that.
  1771. >But wait, what’s that?
  1772. >???: “Gioia, wait up!”
  1773. >Dear heavens, did the children follow you?!
  1774. >...You’re smarter than you give them credit for.
  1775. >You see two children round the corner, stopping as they catch sight of the two telekinetics.
  1776. >Who also catch sight of them.
  1777. >This can be bad.
  1778. >You need to squeeze out of your hiding space.
  1779. >The girl speaks.
  1780. >G: “Hey! Move, you blockheads! Either that, or take us to your leader!”
  1781. >Bollocks. You wanted to use that line.
  1782. >You don’t think you’re going to get out from in between these two walls in time.
  1783. >Two more children show up.
  1784. >Hang on, who’s the new one?
  1785. >You only recognize Poindexter, Gioia, and Angel.
  1786. >The telekinetics raise their hands, and rocks begin flying towards the children!
  1787. >This does not bode well.
  1789. >Angel suddenly steps out in front.
  1790. >A: “「ROCK YOU, ACT 2」!”
  1791. >You suddenly hear a psychic yell, as the rocks crumble away before they could ever impact the children.
  1792. >That’s...odd.
  1793. >The two telekinetics look at each other, before they both reach back, and grab one big rock.
  1794. >They both get ready to throw it.
  1795. >But Gioia is quicker on the draw, throwing a ball in a strange arc.
  1796. >It impacts the shoulder of one of the telekinetics, and all of a sudden, his arm starts spinning like a helicopter blade in the opposite direction.
  1797. >At the same time, the other Telekinetic waves his hand forward, causing the large rock to start spinning out of control.
  1798. >It flies over to an empty part of the chamber, harmlessly landing with an Earth shaking thud.
  1799. >The entire mine rumbles, and some stones fall from the ceiling.
  1800. >The new girl looks over at Gioia.
  1801. >?: “Careful, Gioia! Keep shaking the place like that, and you can cause a cave-in!”
  1802. >G: “It’s not my fault, Jojo! They’re the ones who took the big rock!”
  1803. >The spinning ball returns to her, and she catches it effortlessly as it lands, glowing slightly with a golden energy.
  1804. >The Telekinetic’s arm looks no worse for wear.
  1805. >They both seem to get an idea.
  1806. >They point their hands at the walls, and the mine begins rumbling.
  1807. >Oh dear. Are they trying to bring down the mine?
  1808. >Of course! Carandini can survive if the entire mine collapses. His pod can protect him from another cave-in. Even if he’s unable to escape, all he has to do is hibernate, and wait for another chance to awaken.
  1809. >But the children in these mines will never survive!
  1810. >And you’re not regenerating from that, either.
  1812. >Angel rushes toward one of them, but he holds out his arm.
  1813. >Angel starts floating, and struggling to move.
  1814. >Gioia tosses another ball at the other Telekinetic, who does the same.
  1815. >He catches the ball mid-flight, letting it spin in place.
  1816. >G: “Got you!”
  1817. >Gioia looses another ball, going right for the Telekinetic’s head.
  1818. >She must think he can’t focus on holding more than two items at once.
  1819. >But she’s soon proven wrong, as he simply moves his hand to point at the other ball.
  1820. >With both balls simply spinning in the air, it seems that Gioia has run out of options.
  1821. >J: “Hold on, girls! My instructor taught me this trick!”
  1822. >She kneels down on the ground, and breathes.
  1823. >Is she generating Hamon?
  1824. >She punches the ground.
  1825. >On the other side of the chamber, a large stone suddenly shoots toward the ceiling.
  1826. >Gracious, did Hamon do that?
  1827. >J: “Oh no, I missed!”
  1828. >You see what she’s doing.
  1829. >Now’s really the time to step out.
  1830. >You finally manage to wriggle free from your hiding space.
  1831. >G: “Doctor?!”
  1832. “Jojo, was it? Focus your breathing! Also, you might want to move two steps left, and do it again!“
  1833. >Jojo looks a little confused but does as you ask.
  1834. >She hits the ground again, and this time, a golden aura appears underneath the Telekinetic holding Angel.
  1835. >The shaking of the mine slows down as the Telekinetic crumbles to the ground, and Angel drops with him.
  1836. “Angel, go after the other one!”
  1837. >The Telekinetic can’t hold both Angel and the balls while still trying to bring down the mine on his own.
  1838. >As expected, the Telekinetic goes to hold Angel, only to be hit by both balls.
  1839. >He drops Angel, and the mine stops shaking.
  1840. >Angel rushes up to him as Gioia’s balls fly back.
  1841. >A: ”「ROCK YOU, ACT 1」!”
  1842. >The Telekinetic goes to get up, only to become paralyzed where he is.
  1843. >Angel calls out to Jojo, who rushes up.
  1844. >J: “Hamon overdrive!”
  1845. >With a golden energy being punched into him, the other telekinetic falls.
  1847. >Well, it looks like the children would have been useful after all.
  1848. >Still, how're they doing all of this, you wonder?
  1849. >You understand that JoJo knows how to use Hamon energy because of her karate class.
  1850. >But how did Angel inflict paralysis on that other child?
  1851. >And how did Gioia use a ball of all things to spin a person's arm like a helicopter without harming them?
  1852. >G: “Doctor, are you alright?”
  1853. >You look over at Gioia with a confused expression.
  1854. “Fine, thanks. How did you girls get here?”
  1855. >Angel shrugs.
  1856. >A: “We walked.”
  1857. >...
  1858. >Cheeky lil’ brat, you’ll give her that.
  1859. “Oh no, I meant, how did you find the mine?”
  1860. >Gioia speaks up.
  1861. >G: “Poindexter told us the smells he remembered, and we figured out that it was the mine near the cornfield.”​
  1862. >Well, that explains that. Angel must’ve been listening to you.
  1863. >Still, their powers are quite extraordinary.
  1864. “And what about your powers?”
  1865. >Gioia looks at the ball she’s holding, and holds it up with a superior air.
  1866. >G: “My daddy taught me the Spin game! He said to play it with someone who tries to hurt me!”
  1867. >You analyze the ball as it spins in her hand.
  1868. >Gracious, is that the same Spin as was used by ancient executioners?
  1869. >And did Gioia call it a game?
  1870. >These humans repurposed a style of execution into a game?
  1871. >You can't help but laugh.
  1872. “That's brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!”
  1874. >You look at Angel, curiously.
  1875. “And what about you? You somehow froze that other child.”
  1876. >Angel looks away, blushing in embarrassment as she put her hands behind her back.
  1877. >”... Ricky says I'm not supposed to talk about my power.”
  1878. >Huh. Must be a secret, then.
  1879. >But wait…
  1880. “Weren't you going to tell me earlier when you wanted to come with me?”
  1881. >She nods, dropping her hands to the side.
  1882. >”It's my Stand. It's called 「ROCK YOU」, and it has the ability to make things harder.”
  1883. >You tilt your head.
  1884. “A Stand? What's a Stand?”
  1885. >Angel looks up at you, holding her hands close to her chest.
  1886. >”Ricky says Stands are friendly ghosts that protect you when you need help, and that I'm very special to be born with one. But only Stand users can see it.”
  1887. >How curious.
  1888. >You pull out a pair of 3d glasses, putting them on your face.
  1889. >Oh wow. You imagine your face reflects awe.
  1890. >That's...Even more brilliant.
  1891. >You can't see the details, but you see the faint outline of psychic energy in the form of a humanoid.
  1892. “A class 4 controlled psychic manifestation with the ability to alter matter fueled by…”
  1893. >You take a moment to taste the air.
  1894. >You know that taste.
  1895. “Willpower! That's amazing, that is! I never thought I'd see willpower based psychic energy after Skara 4!”
  1896. >You let out a haughty laugh, as the girls look at you in confusion.
  1897. >A: “What are you talking about, Doctor?”
  1898. >You wave a hand dismissively.
  1899. “Oh, never you mind about that. The important thing is, I was wrong.”
  1900. >You kneel down in front of the little blonde haired girl.
  1901. “Angel, I'm going to need your help.”
  1904. >You are Carandini, the dark master hidden beneath Canterlot.
  1905. >Once a human, now no more.
  1906. >You were once an Italian stage magician.
  1907. >You cared about your image, and were one of the best.
  1908. >There were those who tried to debunk you, but the amazing Carandini couldn't be debunked.
  1909. >You even fooled the great Speedwagon at one point.
  1910. >Gregory Speedwagon, an entertainer in his own right.
  1911. >Said to have a girlfriend in every city from Baltimare to Stalliongrad.
  1912. >He made a living not just as a comedian, but also exposing frauds, such as fortune tellers and street magicians.
  1913. >He didn't take too kindly to you duping him.
  1914. >He swore he’d find out how you were doing your tricks.
  1915. >You didn't pay him mind at the time, but maybe you should have.
  1916. >During one of your biggest events, that bastard exposed you for a charlatan.
  1917. >You were laughed offstage, and in that moment, you swore revenge against the man for ruining your livelihood.
  1918. >It was then that a man approached you.
  1919. >He promised great power to you if you did what he asked.
  1920. >Enough power to put Speedwagon in his place, and make you a master magician again.
  1921. >That's when the stranger gave you a mask of stone.
  1922. >With newfound power, you stalked the streets of Rome, getting used to your power.
  1923. >And when you were ready, you tracked down Speedwagon.
  1924. >Your reputation as a magician didn't matter anymore.
  1925. >You just wanted revenge against the man who ruined you.
  1926. >When you confronted him in Canterlot, he realized instantly who and what you were.
  1927. >It was clever of him to lead you into this mine.
  1928. >Before he caused that cave-in, trapping you, you managed to get a good smack in his gut.
  1929. >You later learned that you caused an internal wound that wound up killing him.
  1930. >Though you didn't get to enjoy it, your revenge was complete.
  1932. >Looking back now, you still don't regret your choice to wear the mask.
  1933. >After you did, you became so much more than what you were.
  1934. >Fortune was worthless, now.
  1935. >No longer did you have to save for retirement, for retirement didn't apply to you anymore.
  1936. >Fame? If you wanted that, you could be known as the world's emperor.
  1937. >No, the only thing driving you now was power.
  1938. >Power was something that you could attain easily given enough time.
  1939. >And you had an entire civilization's worth of time.
  1940. >This cave-in was only a minor setback, and something you could easily recover from, given a few hundred years.
  1941. >The only real hindrance to your plans is the Doctor.
  1942. >He knows too much. He's far too clever for his own good.
  1943. >And the Hamon energy he uses is capable of ruining everything.
  1944. >Those accursed children from before, they've managed to link up with the Doctor.
  1945. >They've defeated the psychic children that you were controlling!
  1946. >But no matter.
  1947. >They'll arrive soon, and when they do…
  1948. >Your plans will spell out the death of them all.
  1950. >You are Gioia.
  1951. >Currently going with your five man group to confront Carandini.
  1952. >Well, three girl group, with two boys as backup.
  1953. >Do adult men count as boys?
  1954. >Not that it matters, anyway.
  1955. >You're super elite, and so are your friends.
  1956. >It'll be up to you to protect the Doctor and [spoiler]prince[/spoiler] Poindexter.
  1957. >Such is the duty of the elite, you suppose.
  1958. >As you get ready to round a corner, the Doctor stops the group.
  1959. >”Girls, get ready. Carandini is weak, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous. You'll need to be prepared for what's about to happen.”
  1960. >The Doctor is really serious.
  1961. >You and the girls exchange glances, and nod.
  1962. “We're ready, Doctor.”
  1963. >The Doctor smiles.
  1964. >”Right, then. Allons-y!”
  1965. >He turns, and you continue to follow him with your friends.
  1966. >You all round the corner, and are shocked by what you see. >It looks like a stack of rocks grew a big pimple.
  1967. >You scrunch your nose in disgust.
  1968. “Gross.”
  1969. >Then, the skin of the pimple starts sliding back.
  1970. >A man appears, looking really thin and sick-looking.
  1971. >He licks his lips with a black tongue, showing you his sharp fangs.
  1972. “Super gross.”
  1974. >”Doctor.”
  1975. >The sick guy speaks.
  1976. >”I see you survived my servant's assault.”
  1977. >The doctor casually strides forward.
  1978. >”Oh, I've been a survivor for a long time, Carandini. And I know there's no way you can stand up to both me and my little friends, here.”
  1979. >Carandini frowns.
  1980. >”You underestimate me, Doctor. I still have one last trick up my sleeve.”
  1981. >As the other kids under his control gather around him, hands start popping up out of the earth.
  1982. >People in old Miner's outfits pull themselves out of the ground, looking decayed and scary.
  1983. >Other people appear as well, business people, police, and people dressed in street clothes.
  1984. >Their bodies are all rotten, looking like they're ready to fall apart.
  1985. “Mega gross.”
  1986. >You get your balls ready.
  1987. >You see your friends also get ready to fight.
  1988. >They're probably gonna try to rush you, right?
  1989. >Using those kids as shields?
  1990. >Totally uncouth.
  1991. >You get ready to throw your ball, but then…
  1992. >...the zombies grab the kids!
  1993. >Every one of them allows themselves to be picked up by the zombies!
  1994. >The Doctor steps forward, shouting.
  1995. >”Carandini, what are you playing at?!”
  1996. >Carandini chuckles.
  1997. >”It's simple, Doctor! You and those girls have the ability to destroy my flesh buds. Therefore, you would not try and harm these children. Indeed, you would sooner try and rescue them. Which means they're the perfect leverage to use against​ you.”
  1998. >That's despicable!
  1999. >This vile, uncouth dummy!
  2001. >”What do you want, Carandini?”
  2002. >The Doctor seems peeved.
  2003. >Carandini sneers as he looks you and your friends over.
  2004. >”You took something that belongs to me. Hand over Poindexter, and I might let the rest of you go.”
  2005. >What?!
  2006. >Poindexter?!
  2007. “Not a chance!”
  2008. >You speak before everyone else, surprising even yourself.
  2009. >”Silence, child!”
  2010. >Carandini hisses inhumanly.
  2011. >”Doctor, Poindexter has information about a man whom I can use to help me achieve freedom from this accursed mine. Allow me to take him back, and I will let these other children go.”
  2012. >The Doctor turns to Poindexter.
  2013. >”Who can you know who can help you?”
  2014. >Poor Poindexter looks away shyly.
  2015. >”M-my dad's a scientist. He works with blood and DNA. Maybe Carandini wants his research to help him regenerate.”
  2016. >Carandini calls over to your group.
  2017. >”He's exactly right, Doctor. Your insight into my actions has forced me to step up my plans. I have to hurry and escape from here, because if not you, then your associates will come destroy me. So give me Poindexter, and I will spare the other children.”
  2018. >The Doctor inhales sharply.
  2019. >”I have no guarantee, Carandini, that you'll keep your word.”
  2020. >Carandini scoffs.
  2021. >”I guarantee this, Doctor. If you don't do as I say, I will have my zombies devour these children.”
  2022. >No…
  2023. >You can't let either of these things happen.
  2024. >Your balls start spinning in your hands.
  2025. >But then you feel a hand on your shoulder.
  2026. >You look over, and see the Doctor.
  2027. >He's holding you and Poindexter.
  2028. >”It's alright, I have a plan. Just play along for now.”
  2029. >Poindexter looks scared, but he nods.
  2030. >Well if he's alright with it, then so are you.
  2031. >The Doctor calls over to Carandini.
  2032. >”We're sending him over now, Carandini, but I want you to promise me that you won't harm him before we do.”
  2033. >You hear a sinister chuckle from Carandini.
  2034. >”I promise, Poindexter will come to no harm while under my thrall.”
  2036. >You don't trust him, but what choice do you have?
  2037. >You see the Doctor grip Poindexter lightly, before letting him​ go.
  2038. >Carandini watches Poindexter walk slowly towards him.
  2039. >As Poindexter draws near him, Carandini chuckles.
  2040. >”The funny thing about promises, Doctor.”
  2041. >Carandini extends a finger towards Poindexter.
  2042. >”Whether or not it's kept is completely up to the person making it.”
  2043. >Wait, what?!
  2044. >You can only watch as Carandini shoots his finger tip towards
  2045. “Poindexter!”
  2046. >”Eyyarrrgh!”
  2047. >The scream…
  2048. >...came from Carandini!
  2049. >His finger is melting!
  2050. >The Doctor gives a triumphant laugh!
  2051. >”Now, girls! He's lost control of his zombies! They're vulnerable!”
  2052. >You don't know what vulnerable means, but if the zombies aren't under control right now, that means you can attack them!
  2053. >You waste no time, pitching your balls at two of the zombies.
  2054. >You focus so much spin into them that you can feel a lot of power coming from them.
  2055. >Your balls strike the zombies, and begin to dissolve their bodies.
  2056. >You didn’t know the spin could do that!
  2057. >You look for other zombies, only to find your friends are taking them out.
  2058. >The dead people melt from Jojo’s punches.
  2059. >And Angel is turning the zombies to stone.
  2060. >It all happens within the span of seconds.
  2061. >Soon enough, it’s just you and the kids.
  2062. >Most of which have been punched by Jojo, or touched by the Doctor.
  2063. >The Doctor regards Carandini.
  2064. >”It’s over, Carandini! I infused Poindexter with Hamon energy. My very own version of a Trojan Horse. The second you touched him, you lost.”
  2065. >Carandini snarls, glancing at Poindexter.
  2066. >”And just how long does your Hamon remain infused with the boy, Doctor?”
  2067. >You see the Doctor frown.
  2068. >Quick as lightning, Carandini extends his entire hand to Poindexter!
  2070. >Suddenly, Jojo jumps in, punching the vampire’s arm!
  2072. >Carandini shrieks as Hamon melts his limb!
  2073. >Jojo rushes towards him, breathing in.
  2075. >Her fist collides with Carandini’s head, and the vampire finally disappears, for good.
  2077. >You’re the Doctor.
  2078. >Just, the Doctor.
  2079. >After Carandini was defeated, the mind control flesh buds were destroyed by the combined efforts of you and Jojo.
  2080. >Perhaps you should put more faith in children. It certainly paid off this time.
  2081. >And after a quick phone call to the Speedwagon foundation, they showed up to clear the kids.
  2082. >And then apparently, little Gioia’s father is the local Speedwagon foundation’s representative in this area.
  2083. >Geno Zeppeli approaches you with a smile, offering a hand.
  2084. >”My daughter tells me you were a big help in saving her and her friends. You have my thanks, Doctor.”
  2085. >Returning the smile, you grasp his hand.
  2086. “Oh, it’s quite alright, Mr. Zeppeli.”
  2087. >He then frowns as your hands part.
  2088. >”She also tells me you’re an alien from another world.”
  2089. “My goodness, she was paying attention.”
  2090. >”But my Stand tells me different.”
  2091. >His Stand?
  2092. >”「ALL SEEING EYE」 tells me everything about someone’s origins. You’re just a Hamon user who abhors violence. The Speedwagon foundation has a file on you, as well. You got the name ‘Doctor’ from a British TV show.”
  2093. >Well, bollocks.
  2094. “And here I thought I hid all records of this.”
  2095. >Zeppeli sighs.
  2096. >”Doctor, despite your eccentricities, you’re a good man, and a great asset. I wish you’d rejoin the Foundation, but 「ALL SEEING EYE」 already gave me the answer you’re going to say. So instead, I’ll just wish you luck in your endeavours. Take care, Doctor.”
  2097. >Huh, good fellow.
  2098. >Well, you suppose tomorrow is going to be just another school day, now.
  2100. >You’re Poindexter.
  2101. >It’s the next day of school.
  2102. >Most of the kids who had fallen under Carandini’s influence were back at school now, with no recollection of their time in the vampire’s thrall.
  2103. >That meant that everyone would be behaving as if nothing happened.
  2104. >That, unfortunately, also meant that the guys who stole your lunch money all the time in the morning were back at it.
  2105. >They cornered you this morning, and forced you to hand over the cash that your mother gave you.
  2106. >It depressed you, but the last thing you wanted was another pair of broken glasses for two weeks before a new prescription could be filled.
  2107. >You sigh, sitting in the lunchroom with your plastic cup of water and the bread that you mooched off of people.
  2108. >Suddenly, someone tossed a lunch box on the table, making a loud slam.
  2109. >You calmly look up in a threatening manner at those who dared interfere with your lunch.
  2110. >Just kidding, you scream like a little female pup, jumping back with a start.
  2111. >You look up at the person who you think wants trouble.
  2112. >But you find Gioia, looking crossly at you.
  2113. >”Good grief, Poindexter. Don’t you think someone who goes to lunch should bring an actual lunch?”
  2114. >You turn away in shame.
  2115. >No need for her to get involved.
  2116. “S-sorry, I lost my money.”
  2117. >You hear her growl, before she suddenly slams her palm on the table in front of you.
  2118. >Flinching, you look over.
  2119. >Wait, is that money?
  2120. >You try to look up at her, but her piercing gaze causes you to look away.
  2121. “G-Gioia, I can’t take this, it’s your money.”
  2122. >”What?!”
  2123. >Oh, dear. Did you just make her even madder?
  2124. >”Is my money not good enough for you, or something?!”
  2125. >You immediately wave your hands defensively, looking up at her angry face.
  2126. “N-no, that’s not it. I just think someone like you deserves to spend it how she wants to.”
  2127. >”Well, I want to spend it on you! Be grateful!”
  2129. >Suddenly, she blushes, and quickly looks away.
  2130. >”D-don’t get the wrong idea! I just can’t stand the sight of someone not getting the food they need to grow!”
  2131. >Wait, what?
  2132. >Is she...trying to be kind to you?
  2133. >It doesn’t feel right, but…
  2134. “W-well, if you insist…”
  2135. >You take the money, and stand up to get in line.
  2136. “Thank you, Gioia. That’s very sweet.”
  2137. >You hear her mutter ‘dummy’ as you go towards the lunch line.
  2138. >You admire the money Gioia gifted you.
  2139. >Strange, one of the bits you gave those bullies this morning had a tear in this exact spot.
  2140. >And a pen mark just like this.
  2141. >Is this the same money? How did Gioia get it?
  2142. >Wait, you haven’t seen the bullies at all since this morning.
  2143. >Ah, that’s right! Apparently, some of the other kids were discussing how those guys had to go to the nurse’s office before first period.
  2144. >Did something-
  2145. >Wait, did Gioia-
  2146. >”What’cha want, darlin’?”
  2147. >You look up at the lunch lady.
  2148. “O-oh, just a pizza, please.”
  2149. >You pay for your food, and return to your table.
  2151. >You sit down happily with a proper meal, and begin digging in.
  2152. >Just then, Gioia scoots a chair up next to you.
  2153. >This was weird in more ways than one. For the first time, you aren’t sitting at a table by yourself.
  2154. “Uh, Gioia? Why’re you sitting here?”
  2155. >Gioia makes a sound of annoyance.
  2156. >”Well, someone has to make sure you’re eating properly! And you should feel lucky I’m volunteering to do that! Every day from now on, if I have to!”
  2157. >That explains why she’s at your table, but…
  2158. “But why are you sitting next to me?”
  2159. >”Because it’s the only other place to sit! I invited my friends to sit with us, after all!”
  2160. >She pauses, and looks over at you, concerned.
  2161. >”I-I hope you don’t mind.”
  2162. >Before you can respond, Angel and Jojo turn up, greeting Gioia.
  2163. >The girls begin lively talking with each other, and do their best to make sure you’re comfortable with them, as well.
  2164. >They’re awfully friendly to you, and you can’t help but feel happy with them.
  2165. >Does...does that mean you have friends now?”
  2166. >It must be.
  2167. >Still, something’s bothering you.
  2168. >Gioia considered it a sacrifice to sit next to you.
  2169. >So why are there empty spaces where she could sit on either side of the table?

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure chapter 1: Heartbreakers are[...]

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 2: Compounding the problem

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 3: A Bizarre children's story

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 4: It's a Jungle out there

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 5: The Terror below

by AceSorou