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Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 3: A Bizarre children's story

By AceSorou
Created: 2020-12-28 17:26:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >You're Angel Rammstein.
  2. >And you're having fun at Gioia's house.
  3. >Your big brother brought you here.
  4. >And he's in the kitchen with Jojo's and Gioia's daddies.
  5. >Jojo's daddy is a police officer, and Gioia's daddy is a businessman.
  6. >And Gioia lives in a rich person's house.
  7. >She's showing off this trick where she tosses a ball, and it spins so fast that it goes around the room, and comes right back to her!
  8. >It's so cool!
  9. "Hey, Gioia, how did you do that?"
  10. >She looks at you, and smiles.
  11. >>"Daddy taught me how to do it! He calls it 'the spin game!' And I'm really good at it because my Stand, [BIG BALLS], is helping me."
  12. >"What?! No fair, Gioia! My punchy ghost doesn't help me throw balls!"
  13. "Can you show us, Gioia?"
  14. >She looks unsure, before turning to the kitchen.
  15. >>"Daddy, can I teach my friends how to play the spin game?"
  16. >You see Gioia's daddy look over from the kitchen.
  17. >"Of course, sweetie. But do it outside, I don't want you breaking anything."
  18. >Yay!
  19. >You and JoJo follow Gioia!
  20. >This is gonna be fun!
  22. >You and your friends go to the backyard.
  23. >Gioia's backyard is a not steep hill leading down to a treeline.
  24. >She has a whole forest in her backyard!
  25. >It's Jojo's turn to learn the spin game right now.
  26. >She's trying so hard, but it's not working for her.
  27. >She doesn't look happy.
  28. >>"No, JoJo. You gotta use your whole arm to spin it."
  29. >Gioia gives Jojo a ball, and takes another one for herself.
  30. >>"Like me. Watch."
  31. >Gioia throws the ball, and it spins through the air!
  32. >It bounces off a tree, and comes right back to her hand.
  33. >>"Now you."
  34. >Jojo winds up, and throws the ball.
  35. >It...kinda spins, staying in the air, before falling to the ground.
  36. >Jojo looks angry, obviously upset she didn't hit anything.
  37. >"This is a stupid game! I don't wanna play anymore!"
  38. "But Jojo, you managed to spin it!"
  39. >"I don't care! I can do just fine with ripple!"
  40. >Ripple?
  41. "What's that, JoJo?"
  42. >She hmphs.
  43. >"Daddy wanted me to learn karate, so he hired someone from the Speedwagon flounder nation to teach me. I know karate called 'Ripple.' It kinda does what the Spin game does, except better."
  44. "Can you show us, Jojo?"
  45. >She huffs, and looks around.
  46. >Finding a pile of leaves, she walks toward it.
  47. >She places her hands in the pile, and starts breathing.
  48. >Suddenly, the leaves crackle with gold energy, and form into a huge plate!
  49. >That's really cool, too!
  51. >Gioia looks impressed for a moment, but then she shrugged.
  52. >>"That's cool, but Spin is still better."
  53. >Jojo looked over at Gioia with a mean look.
  54. >"Is not!"
  55. >>"Is too!"
  56. >The two girls glare at each other, and the game begins.
  57. >"Is not!"
  58. >>"Is too!"
  59. >"Is not!"
  60. >>"Is too!"
  61. >"Is not!"
  62. >>"Is too!"
  63. >You wonder what big brother is doing...
  65. >"...So that's when I decided that I'm definitely not going back to the Compound."
  66. >You're Erich Rammstein again.
  67. >And you're discussing your recent misadventure with your two new acquaintances.
  68. >You leave out you being a NatSoc.
  69. >No sense in them learning about that yet.
  70. >"So there's two confirmed Stand Users in that compound outside Canterlot?"
  71. >Josuke was an off duty police officer, and Jojo's dad.
  72. >He wanted to know about all the Stand users in town.
  73. >A precautionary measure, he said.
  74. >There was a lot of Stand users in his hometown back in Japan.
  75. >You nod, turning to him.
  76. "Given how Stands are acquired, and I didn't see any wounds on them, there's two more possible."
  77. >He mused to himself, digesting the information.
  78. >>"And why did you think it was a good idea to go there, anyway?"
  79. >Geno Zeppeli was Gioia's father, and he apparently ran a curio shop.
  80. >He apparently saw a way to use balls, in a way that he can fight on par with Stand users.
  81. >His Stand allowed him to see other timelines, or something like that.
  82. >You give him a shrug.
  83. "The girl was cute, I felt lonely, and we were getting along fine. How could I say no?"
  84. >He seemed like he bought that, and didn't use his Stand to find out the truth.
  85. >You continue your conversation, exchanging notes on who in town is a Stand user.
  86. >It's starting to look like there's more than you thought...
  88. >Angel Rammstein.
  89. >That's you.
  90. >And your friends are still arguing.
  91. >"Is not times infinity!"
  92. >>"Is too times infinity plus infinity!"
  93. >This is getting annoying.
  95. >You look down, and kick a pebble.
  96. >They're being awfully competitive.
  97. >You look around Gioia's backyard.
  98. >Wow, she has a swing set and a playhouse shaped like a boat.
  99. >You're kinda jealous of that.
  100. >Hey...
  101. >What was that in the wood line?
  102. >An animal?
  103. "Gioia?"
  104. >The argument stops, as Gioia looks over.
  105. "Are there any big animals in your woods?"
  106. >She looks up, thinking.
  107. >>"No, I don't think so. Daddy said the government forced all the big animals out of the neighborhood."
  108. "Then what's running around back there?"
  109. >Your friends look over to the wood line where you're pointing.
  110. "I saw a big shadow running in the trees."
  111. >>"There shouldn't be any big animals back there."
  112. >"What if it's a neighbor?"
  113. >Gioia suddenly stomps her foot.
  114. >>"Then they're trespassing! They're not allowed here without Daddy's permission!"
  115. >Gioia storms toward the wood line in a huff.
  116. >>"They should know better! They're not following the rules!"
  117. >You and JoJo look at each other, then back at Gioia.
  118. >Then you both take off after her.
  119. >"Wait, Gioia, we're coming, too!"
  121. >You can barely see Gioia as she charges ahead.
  122. >You and JoJo try to keep up.
  123. >She disappears behind a bush.
  124. >Jojo goes on ahead, and you follow.
  125. >When you get past the bush, you only find Jojo looking around, confused.
  126. >Gioia seems to have disappeared.
  127. "Gioia?"
  128. >You and Jojo start calling out to her.
  129. >"Gioia?"
  130. "Gioia?!"
  131. >"Gioia!?"
  132. >You can't find her anywhere.
  133. "This is bad, Jojo."
  134. >Jojo looks over to you.
  135. >"We've got to find her!"
  136. >You nod.
  137. "Stay close to me. We can't run off alone."
  139. >You are Gioia Zeppeli.
  140. >And you just realized you're lost.
  141. >You've never been this far back in the woods before.
  142. >You just got really upset when someone started breaking the rules.
  143. >But you can't find anyone back here.
  144. >Wait, weren't your friends following you?
  145. >You look back.
  146. >They aren't there.
  147. "Jojo? Angel?"
  148. >You don't hear a response.
  149. "Jojo?! Angel?!"
  150. >You call louder, but there's still no response.
  151. >Now you're scared.
  152. >You've never been on your own before.
  153. >Y-you've always had daddy or Jojo with you.
  154. >Y-you're not crying.
  155. >...
  156. >You hope someone finds you soon.
  158. >You lean back against a tree.
  159. >You hug your knees to your chest.
  160. >Why'd you have to be stupid?
  161. >Daddy told you not to go too deep in the woods, but you didn't listen.
  162. >Now you can only wait for your friends to find you.
  163. >You hear leaves rustling some distance away.
  164. >You look up, and smile.
  165. "Jojo? Angel?"
  166. >Out steps a large creature made of branches and leaves.
  167. >It looks at you, snarling.
  168. >That's not Angel or Jojo.
  169. >Being alone, that's something you're afraid of.
  170. >But this thing?
  171. >It doesn't scare you one bit.
  172. >Daddy said if you're in trouble, and someone wants to hurt you, play the spin game at them, and they'll think twice!
  173. >And you just happen to have some of the balls you were using earlier.
  174. "I'm not afraid of you!"
  175. >You put on your mean face, and get ready to throw a ball.
  176. >[BIG BALLS] is telling you where your throw will go.
  177. >The creature steps closer, and you line up the throw.
  178. "You aren't gonna scare me, so shut up!"
  179. >The creature leaps at you.
  180. >You toss a ball, and nail it in the chin.
  181. >It yelps like a hurt doggy, and falls to the ground.
  182. >The ball flies back at you, as the stick doggy gets up.
  183. "There's more where that came from, so just go away!"
  184. >The stick doggy narrows its eyes at you, before it tries advancing again.
  185. >You feel like you know what it's gonna try to do.
  186. >You line up another throw, and chuck the ball.
  187. >It spins in a way as to come at the doggy from the side.
  188. >The doggy jumps out of the way, and looks like it grins.
  189. >You grin back.
  190. >Stupid dog.
  191. >The ball returns, hitting the stick dog in it's hiney.
  192. >You immediately throw your next ball, putting more spin into it.
  193. >The ball hits the doggy on the forehead, and begins to spin it's head around like a drill.
  194. >Confused, the doggy stumbles around, until your balls begin to spin back to you.
  195. >It collapses, looking really dizzy after it's head stopped spinning.
  196. "I told you to go away! But you had to be a bad dog!"
  198. >The doggy gets its focus back, and looks at you.
  199. >It's still snarling, but it's acting like it's scared, now.
  200. >You start walking towards it.
  201. >With a yip, it gets up to it's feet, and starts running away.
  202. >You call after it.
  203. "You should've done that before, stupid!"
  204. >"GIOIA?!"
  205. >That sounded like Jojo!
  206. >You turn, and call after her.
  207. "Jojo?!"
  208. >"Gioia?!"
  209. >>"We're over here!"
  210. "Angel! Jojo! I'm over here! Come get me!"
  211. >After a short moment, Jojo and Angel appear.
  212. >Their faces light up as soon as they see you.
  213. >"Gioia!"
  214. >>"Gioia!"
  215. >They rush over, and you share a big group hug.
  216. "I wasn't scared at all while you were gone! I didn't miss you guys at all!"
  217. >You aren't tearing up.
  218. >"And we didn't miss you, either."
  220. >You're Jojo.
  221. >And you're so happy to be reunited with your friend.
  222. >You won't say that to her, though.
  223. >The hug soon breaks, and you look at each other.
  224. "We should get back to your house, Gioia."
  225. >She nods in agreement, along with Angel.
  226. >"Which way do we go?"
  227. >>"Huh? we thought you knew!"
  228. >"I've never been this far back in the woods before!"
  229. >Oh crud.
  230. "Are...are we all lost?"
  231. >There's the sound of a dog howling.
  232. >And there's footsteps getting closer.
  233. >Gioia turns to the sound, grabbing the balls in her pocket.
  234. >"Oh, you're back for more?! I'll whip your butt, doggy!"
  235. >You look over to see a dog made of sticks padding towards you.
  236. "There's just one. We can-"
  237. >Another one appears.
  238. >Then another.
  239. >Then another.
  240. >Then another, and another, and another.
  241. >"O-oh, it looks like the stick doggy has friends."
  242. >This is just GREAT.
  244. >You've heard of these.
  245. >Some boys were talking about them at recess the other day.
  246. >Apparently there's this old story of an evil wizard who lived in the forest near Canterlot.
  247. >He made magic plants that moved on their own.
  248. >Some of them turned into animals, and would attack people.
  249. >The wizard was long gone, but his creations remained.
  250. >Timber wolves lived in the forest, and would eat little children who got lost.
  251. >You thought it was just a tale the adults told to prevent children from running away.
  252. >But here they are.
  253. >...
  254. >>"[ROCK YOU]!"
  255. >"Ayiyiyiyiyiyi!"
  256. >Angel's Stand started beating on a timber wolf who got too close.
  257. >She looks determined not to get eaten.
  258. >Well, you're not getting eaten, either.
  259. >Another timber wolf charges in.
  260. >You take a deep breath.
  261. "Hamon overdrive!"
  262. >You nail the timber wolf on the nose, sending it flying back.
  263. >But as it falls, another one leaps at you.
  264. >Only to be struck by one of Gioia's balls.
  265. >You look back, and nod.
  266. "Thanks, Gioia!"
  267. >She chucks another ball, as Angel slams her Stand into another timber wolf.
  268. >"Keep fighting, stupid! You can thank me when we get home!"
  269. >You're not stupid.
  270. >You slam your fist into a group of leaves, making them into a shield.
  271. >You then charge forward, smashing into the wolves.
  272. >You thought of a way to use Hamon charged leaves as a weapon.
  273. >Wait, can you think of another way to use Hamon?
  275. >Hamon affects leaves.
  276. >Leaves are plants.
  277. >What else is a plant?
  278. >Grass?
  279. >You charge your fists up, and bring them down to the ground.
  280. "Overdrive!"
  281. >You slam your Hamon energy into the ground, creating a cool energy ring that spreads out.
  282. >It runs into several timber wolves, shocking them.
  283. >But then you notice that they're repairing themselves.
  284. >No one's attacks are doing anything!
  285. >What are you gonna do?
  287. >You're Angel Rammstein.
  288. >And your Stand, while effective at slowing them down, isn't doing much in the way of damage.
  289. >You look back at your friends.
  290. >They're fighting as hard as they can.
  291. >And though they aren't doing any better, you still feel more useless.
  292. >You can just freeze these monsters in place.
  293. >But they can actually be tear them apart.
  294. >Gioia shoves you out of the way to chuck another ball at a monster.
  295. >You manage to freeze another monster, but it's Jojo who finishes it off.
  296. >It's not fair.
  297. >They're working so hard to protect you.
  298. >You want to protect them too.
  299. >Your eyes befall another wolf, eyeing you hungrily.
  300. "[ROCK YOU]!"
  301. >But your Stand doesn't respond.
  302. >You look back, and see [ROCK YOU] on the ground.
  303. >It's huddled into a ball, and the pink hue of its armor is now brown.
  304. >Oh no...
  305. >Did you kill your Stand?
  307. >You look back at the wolf, starting to panic.
  308. >Jojo and Gioia are too busy fighting off other wolves!
  309. >And your Stand is dead...
  310. >What're you going to do?
  311. >The wolf charges you.
  312. >This is it.
  313. >The wolf lunges at you.
  314. >"Ayi!"
  315. >Suddenly, you feel a fist slam into your arm.
  316. >A second later, the wolf bites down on it, but it's teeth shatter.
  317. >Your arm has turned to stone!
  318. >You can still move it, but it's now a literal rock!
  319. >You look at what punches you.
  320. >It's...
  321. >[ROCK YOU]?!
  322. >But it's taller, and the shoulders look ridiculously huge.
  323. >And it's ears are swept back, too. And you can see "II" on its chest.
  324. >This is...
  325. >You turn, grinning.
  326. >Two more wolves come up.
  327. "[ROCK YOU, ACT 2]!"
  328. >"Ayiyiyiyiyiyi!"
  329. >[ROCK YOU]'s fists start slamming into the wolves.
  330. >They break apart in mere seconds!
  331. >Stones in the shape of sticks fall to the ground.
  332. >Not only is [ROCK YOU] more powerful now, but it seems to have gained a new power!
  333. >The other wolves look over, quite concerned with this turn of events.
  334. >They start regrouping, but Gioia threw her balls at them, causing them to panic.
  335. >And then Jojo keeps shocking them with her Ripple.
  336. >They're running now!
  337. >But that one's going for Jojo!
  338. >Not if you can help it!
  339. "[ROCK YOU]!"
  340. >Your Stand turns the wolf to stone, and breaks it apart.
  341. >Before you know it, you're standing alone with Jojo and Gioia.
  342. >You...won?
  344. >You won!
  345. >You're grinning so much right now.
  346. >Jojo and Gioia run up and hug you.
  347. >You laugh, hugging them back.
  348. >After a bit, you break the hug, smiling.
  349. >Gioia looks around, trying to find where you all came from.
  350. >>"We need to get back. I don't wanna worry daddy."
  351. >You nod.
  352. "I don't like those monsters, either. We should get away from them."
  353. >Everyone agrees.
  354. >Gioia steps out in front.
  355. >>"I'll lead the way. This is my forest."
  356. >Jojo steps up, grabbing her.
  357. >"You don't know where we are. I'll lead."
  358. >Gioia looks at her meanly.
  359. >>"Neither do you! You can't find our way back!"
  360. >"Yeah?! Well, I found you, didn't I?!"
  361. >>"How do you know I didn't get lost on purpose, huh?"
  362. >"Then that means you're too stupid to lead!"
  363. >>"Am not!"
  364. >"Are too!"
  365. >>"Am not!"
  366. >"Are too!"
  367. >Not this stuff again.
  368. >This is just...annoying.
  369. "Girls! Let's just stick together. Why don't we start heading uphill?"
  370. >Jojo and Gioia whine, bemoaned.
  371. >"But I don't wanna go uphill!"
  372. >>"But I don't wanna go uphill!"
  373. >You huff.
  374. "But Gioia's house is at the top of a hill, right? That means that's the way home."
  375. >Seriously, did they not think of that?
  376. >They both sigh in defeat.
  377. >"Okaaay."
  378. >>"Okaaay."
  379. >You all start moving uphill.
  381. >You are Gioia.
  382. >And Jojo is stupid.
  383. >You can lead everyone out of the forest just fine.
  384. >You don't need her to tell you what to do.
  385. >You get enough of that from Daddy.
  386. >Jeez, why did you have to live at the top of a hill?
  387. >It's so haaaard to walk uphill.
  389. >You're Jojo.
  390. >And it's so haaaard to walk uphill.
  391. >Stupid Gioia.
  392. >Stupid woods.
  393. >Stupid Timberwolves.
  394. >Why does everything have to be difficult sometimes?
  395. >Well, the ground is getting softer, so at least that's something.
  396. >It feels good in your feet, but didn't daddy say something about soft ground?
  397. >Yeah.
  398. >"If you're ever near trees, and you find ground that seems too soft, avoid it."
  399. >You stop.
  400. >Why did daddy want you to avoid soft ground?
  401. >"Because of sinkholes. The earth is hollow underneath the soft ground. It's easy to fall."
  402. >Oh, crud.
  403. "Everyone, stop!"
  404. >Angel stops, but Gioia keeps going.
  405. >You reach out to her.
  406. "Gioia, wait!"
  407. >She keeps going, sticking her nose up in the air.
  408. >"I'm not gonna wait for a stupid head like you!"
  409. >Darnit, Gioia!
  410. "You don't understand! There's sinkholes around-"
  411. >Before you can finish the sentence, Gioia suddenly falls into the ground with a shriek.
  412. "Gioia!"
  413. >>"Gioia!"
  415. >Crudcrudcrudcrudcrud!
  416. >You're Gioia!
  417. >And you're falling!
  418. >You think only for a second.
  419. >You need to go up.
  420. >You can play the spin game.
  421. >You once made leaves go up with the spin!
  422. >You chuck both your balls downward!
  423. >Even though it's dark, you can see exactly where they went!
  424. >The balls hit the ground, and keep spinning!
  425. >They spin so fast, they push the wind up!
  426. >It's enough to cushion your fall, and let you land safely.
  427. >You hold your dress to your legs, and land softly on your butt.
  428. >You sigh in relief, before taking your balls.
  429. >You look up, and call out.
  430. "I'm okay!"
  432. >You are Jojo.
  433. >And you and Angel are relieved to hear that.
  434. "Can you get back up?"
  435. >A moment later, you hear Gioia.
  436. >"No, it's too dark to see anything!"
  437. >Oh, darn.
  438. >Angel looks over at you.
  439. >>"We can't just leave her here."
  440. >You shrug.
  441. "Well, we could."
  442. >Angel Huff's at you
  443. >>"Jojo!"
  444. >You giggle.
  445. "I'm only kidding."
  446. >You look down the sinkhole.
  447. "Do you have any ideas?"
  448. >Angel shakes her head.
  449. >>"No, not really."
  450. >"Guys? Y-you didn't leave me here, did you?"
  451. "We're coming, Gioia! Just stay there!"
  452. >"Okay..."
  454. >You make a popping sound with your mouth.
  455. "Well, I don't have any ideas."
  456. >>"Well let's at least not leave her alone."
  457. >You watch Angel stand up, as her Stand appears.
  458. "What are you doing?"
  459. >>"I'm going down."
  460. >Her Stand begins punching her rapidly, turning her skin to stone.
  461. >>"Geronimo!"
  462. >Before you can protest, Angel jumps into the sinkhole.
  463. >She plummets down below.
  464. >A moment later, you hear both Gioia and Angel.
  465. >"You dummy! You almost squished me!"
  466. >>"Yeah, but I didn't. Jojo! Come down here!"
  467. >You don't know if this is a good idea.
  468. >But you don't wanna be up here on your own.
  469. >You use Ripple to get some leaves together, and make a sled.
  470. >Well, here goes.
  471. >You jump.
  473. >You're Angel.
  474. >And you hear Jojo scream.
  475. >"Yaaaaaaaaaah!"
  476. >You look up, and see her sliding down the side of the hole on a sled.
  477. >She slides to a stop near you.
  478. >Though she's stopped, she doesn't let go of the sides of her sled.
  479. >She's clinging desperately to the sides, huddled on top of it, and her eyes snapped shut.
  480. "Jojo?"
  481. >She looks up at you out of one eye, and straightens herself.
  482. >Her sled immediately turns into a pile of leaves.
  483. >She stands, and rolls her shoulders.
  484. >"That was fun."
  485. >Her words were short and intense.
  486. >You don't think she thought it was fun.
  487. >>"So now what do we do? We're all down here, what happens now?"
  488. "We need a way to make light."
  489. >"On it."
  490. >You watch Jojo take some of the leaves, and breathe.
  491. >Her Ripple runs through the leaves, and begins shining gold.
  492. >The light immediately brightens the area.
  493. >She displays the ball of leaves, looking proud of herself.
  494. >"Pretty cool, right? My instructor taught me this."
  495. >For a moment, Gioia looks impressed, before she shrugged.
  496. >>"It's alright."
  497. >Well, YOU'RE impressed.
  499. >You look at the now lit up area.
  500. >The sinkhole looks to be a huge cave.
  501. >>"Look! There's a path!"
  502. >She goes to take the path, but you grab her arm.
  503. "Not so fast! We gotta stick together."
  504. >She looks at you, and nods.
  505. >The three of you begin moving through the cave.
  506. >You begin to analyze the area around you.
  507. "This place isn't as big as a normal cave. It seems pretty straightforward."
  508. >Jojo nods.
  509. >"We must be near the surface. There's a lot of dead plants around here."
  510. >>"Yeah, there's air here, too. Daddy says that it's hard for air to get deep underground."
  511. "Maybe there's an exit up ahead?"
  512. >The group comes to a large chasm.
  513. "...Or a hole."
  515. >You are Jojo.
  516. >You check the chasm.
  517. "It's pretty deep. And it's a little way to the surface."
  518. >Gioia moans lightly in frustration.
  519. >"Well we can't go along the sides. The hole in this chasm is flush with the cliff side."
  520. >Angel looks down the chasm curiously.
  521. >>"There's another cave on the other side. Maybe we can make a bridge?"
  522. >That's not a bad idea.
  523. >"With what?"
  524. "With this."
  525. >You take a breath, and focus your Hamon.
  526. >Then you punch the ground.
  527. >The dead plants around begin flying toward you.
  528. >You start forming them together.
  529. >You have just enough plants to create a bridge across the chasm.
  530. >>"Awesome, Jojo!"
  532. >You watch Gioia and Angel go across the bridge.
  533. >You're about to go over yourself, but then you remember.
  534. >If you take your hands off, the plants will all fall to the ground.
  535. >Angel and Gioia are waving you over.
  536. >"Hurry up, Jojo!"
  537. "I can't come across! The bridge will fall if I move my hands!"
  538. >For a moment, they stand there.
  539. >Then, Angel calls out.
  540. >>"I have an idea! Hold on, Jojo!"
  541. >Angel brings out [ROCK YOU], and begins punching the bridge.
  542. >"Ayiyiyiyiyiyi!"
  543. >Oh, you get it!
  544. >The plants are all bound together, so if [ROCK YOU] turns them to stone, then they won't fall away when you move your hands.
  545. >Soon enough, Angel makes her way to you.
  546. >You release your Hamon, and the bridge stays where it's at.
  547. >That was really cool!
  548. >You and Angel rejoin Gioia, and then continue your adventure.
  550. >You've been walking for a whole now.
  551. >You're already sick of this cave.
  552. "Ugh! I don't wanna be in this place anymore! The walls stink, and it's waaaay too dark."
  553. >Gioia looks like she's about to say something, when angel shouts out to you.
  554. >>"Look! There's light up ahead!"
  555. >The both of you look over, and sure enough, there was sunlight coming out from around the corner!
  556. >Finally, you get to be out of this cave!
  557. >Laughing, you all start running toward the entrance.
  558. >As soon as you come out, you see more forest.
  559. >You're about to groan, when Gioia pipes up.
  560. >"I know where we are!"
  561. >She smiles.
  562. >"The park playground is just over this hill! C'mon!"
  563. >Gladly, the three of you start moving quickly to the hill.
  564. >Then you hear howling from behind you.
  565. >You all stop, and Gioia looks angry.
  566. >"Oh come on!"
  568. >Looking back, you see the pack of timber wolves.
  569. >They were waiting for you.
  570. >At the mouth of the cave.
  571. >These puppies are too smart for their own good.
  572. >But apparently not smart enough to leave you alone.
  573. "Let's wait for them to come to us. We don't wanna get tired running at them."
  574. >Angel and Gioia nod, and stand with you.
  575. >The wolves come in, charging almost all at once.
  576. >But you and your friends stick together.
  577. >Gioia throws her balls, smacking one or two at a time.
  578. >You hit the ground, sending waves of Ripple at the wolves and disorient them.
  579. >Angel uses her Stand on the rest, the ones who manage to get too close.
  580. >The fight is going very well, you don't seem to have a problem taking them on.
  581. >Your Hamon works, as you find out, if you use it properly.
  582. >The wolves get back up if you hit them anywhere except the neck.
  583. >You need to let them get in close to hit them there, though.
  584. >But with the help of your friends, it's no big deal to hit them where you need to.
  585. >Soon enough, there's only a few wolves, and a large pile of sticks.
  586. >You grin, stepping forward with your friends, and punching your fist into your hand.
  587. >"Let's get this over with already! I wanna go home!"
  588. >Gioia looks irritated, as she folds her arms, her balls spinning in her hands.
  589. >Angel just stares menacingly at the wolves, her Stand looking ready to fight behind her.
  590. >The last few wolves look at each other.
  591. >They suddenly howl in unison, causing them to start gravitating towards each other.
  592. >The sticks around you start shooting towards the wolves as well.
  593. >They start gathering into one mass.
  594. >The massive faggot reforms, until it becomes a giant timber wolf.
  595. >It snarls at you and your friends.
  596. >You look at Angel and Gioia apprehensively.
  597. >They have the same thing in their mind, judging by their expressions.
  598. >...This might actually be a threat.
  600. >The big timber wolf growls, snarling at you.
  601. >You're kinda not liking this.
  602. >Like, a lot.
  603. >You actually think you're a bit scared right now.
  604. >Before you can say anything, Angel steps forward.
  605. >She glares angrily at the timber wolf.
  606. >>"Like heck I'm gonna let some big monster hurt my friends! I don't care how big a doggy you are! I'm gonna [ROCK YOU]!"
  607. >She suddenly charges forward, her Stand at the ready.
  608. >The wolf reaches out, swiping at her with it's paw.
  609. >Angel turns to meet the attack, her Stand punching the paw with such strength that it stops in it's tracks.
  610. >"Ayiyiyiyiyiyi!"
  611. >This is crazy.
  612. >Angel's crazy.
  613. >A ball suddenly zips up, spinning right into the timber wolf's eye.
  614. >It howls in pain, stumbling back.
  615. >"You big meanie! You ruined my playdate! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten lost in the forest! You're gonna pay!"
  616. >She chucks her other ball, and it hits the wolf's other eye.
  617. >Crud, your friends are giving it their all.
  618. >And you're scared...
  619. >But that doesn't mean you can't fight too!
  620. >You start charging in, using your Ripple to gather plants together.
  621. >They form into a very long stick.
  622. >You use your stick to pole vault upwards.
  623. >The wolf opens its eyes just in time to see you coming at it's head, feet first.
  624. "Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!"
  625. >You slam into the wolf's head, knocking it back, and causing it to fall on it's side.
  626. >You see it stumbling up to it's feet, gathering branches and logs to repair itself.
  627. >"Crud. How're we gonna stop it?"
  628. "I noticed the ones I hit in the neck earlier didn't get back up."
  629. >Angel gives a small gasp of realization.
  630. >>"Jojo, you ever played baseball before?"
  631. >You look over at her.
  632. "Yeah, why?"
  633. >>"Just follow my lead."
  635. >>"Jojo, make a big bat! Gioia, I need you to launch me up in the air!"
  636. >"Okay, but why?"
  637. >Angel runs and stands over nearby.
  638. >>"Just get ready to do it! Jojo, are you ready?"
  639. >You look down, and quickly gather enough leaves to make a really large bat.
  640. >>"No, bigger than that!"
  641. >She looks back at the timber wolf, to see it's back up to its feet.
  642. >It shakes the cobwebs out of its head.
  643. >>"Hurry!"
  644. >You form a bigger bat with all the leaves and plants nearby.
  645. >It's as big as you can muster, about as big as the pole.
  646. >>"That's good! Gioia, bop its nose! Then launch me high as you can! Jojo, aim for its mouth!"
  647. >Wait, what?
  648. "But what am I hitting?"
  649. >>"You'll see!"
  650. >Gioia throws a spinning ball straight at the timber wolf's nose.
  651. >It strikes home, and flies back.
  652. >It glares angrily.
  653. >>"Now!"
  654. >Gioia throws both her balls at the ground right under Angel.
  655. >The wolf snarls.
  656. >The balls spin so fast, it causes Angel to be launched up in the air.
  657. >While in the air, she curls into a ball, and her Stand starts punching her body, turning it to stone.
  658. >The wolf roars.
  659. >Ah! You get it now!
  660. "And here's the pitch!"
  661. >You swing your giant bat as Angel falls to the ground.
  662. >It's a home run, straight at the wolf!
  663. >Angel lands dead center in the wolf's throat.
  664. >Oh no! He swallowed her!
  665. >Wait...
  666. >You hear something...
  667. >"...yiyiyiyiyiyi!"
  668. >The wolf's neck suddenly explodes, and Angel falls to the ground like a rock, along with a shower of sticks.
  670. >You're Gioia.
  671. >And you see Angel falling to the ground.
  672. >You and Jojo exchange looks, before you rush over to check on her.
  673. >She gets up, looking a little wobbly.
  674. >She shakes her head, and smiles at the two of you.
  675. >You and Jojo immediately catch her in a hug.
  676. >The hug breaks, and you all smile at each other.
  677. "We did it! Those timber wolves won't be bothering us again!"
  678. >>"GREAT! Now I wanna go home."
  679. >You and Angel nod in agreement.
  680. >As a group, you walk over to the park.
  681. >As you're passing through, you hear a familiar voice.
  682. >"Girls! Over here!"
  683. >You look over, and all see Angel's brother.
  684. >He's waving you over, and has his cellphone in his hand.
  685. >You all rush over to him, but he has a stern look on his face.
  686. >You wait silently as he calls someone on his phone.
  687. >"Zeppeli, it's Erich. You were right. They were at the park. Yeah, I'll bring 'em home, now."
  688. >He puts his phone away, and looks over at you.
  689. >"You girls should know better than to wander off like that! Your fathers and I were very worried about you! There's dangerous things in this town that could've hurt you, understand?!"
  690. "Yes, sir."
  691. >"Yes, Ricky."
  692. >>"Yes, sir."
  693. >More thank you know.
  694. >"Good. For what it's worth, I'm glad you girls are alright. Let's go home."
  695. >As Angel's brother turns away, you all nod silently at each other in an unspoken agreement.
  696. >It's better if the adults don't know what happened.

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure chapter 1: Heartbreakers are[...]

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 2: Compounding the problem

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 3: A Bizarre children's story

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 4: It's a Jungle out there

by AceSorou

Rammstein's Bizarre Adventure Chapter 5: The Terror below

by AceSorou