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Horse Confessions

By Writefag_Roulette
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-20 14:21:32
Expiry: Never

  3. "Hey, Anon, um, you know how we both love to read books, right? Well, it, uh, struck me as funny that, for as long as I've been reading, I've never tried writing before. So… I got to thinking, and… I tried my hoof at it."
  4. >her horn glows, and a stack of papers, pressed and bound by a purple ribbon into a sort of amateur book, levitates before her
  5. "This is the result of that. I'd like you to read it, Anon. It's… well, it's about you. About us. Well, it's not exactly about us; it's about characters based on us. You're written as a pony and I'm written as an ordinary unicorn and neither we nor our friends are given the same names or appearances, but-"
  6. >she sighs
  7. "Heh, there I go, off on another one of those tangents you mentioned."
  8. >she swipes her hoof through the air, makes a whooshing noise, and giggles
  9. "Anon, what I'm trying to say is… you're… you're my muse, Anon. This book: it's written for you, about you, to you. It wouldn't have been possible without you."
  10. >you're dismayed to see all traces of Twilight's smile disappear from her face, to be usurped by a look of deadly earnestness
  11. "There's a way you make me feel, Anonymous. It's like… it's like when I first came to Ponyville, before we met. I told you about this. It was like a whole new world I'd never seen before was opened up just for me! Friends! I'd never had friends; I couldn't even comprehend the concept of friendship right up until I realized that I'd five of my very own friends. It was new, it was amazing, it was astounding, it was the most wonderful discovery ever!"
  12. >she flicks her mane with her foreleg and shuffles slightly on her hooves
  13. "And now, now, that I feel that same way again, and for you… Well, I've already discovered friendship, so it can't be that. It has to be something new, something else I've never known before, maybe even… something deeper?"
  14. >Twilight smiles again, signalling yet another twist in her wildly-winding stream of consciousness
  15. "You know, it's funny, when I was a student in Canterlot, I didn't put much stock in the supernatural. My friend Pinkie Pie taught me about the value of not discounting the things you can't understand though, so I guess… I'd say… Anon, we're, we're one and the same. You and I. Like me, you didn't understand friendship. Like me, you had to be taught. And what a student you've been, Anon. You bring so much joy to Ponyville, with your cheerful demeanour, your intelligent conversation, your skilled hands. You've made a complete turnaround from the sad, lonely little human that washed up in the Everfree Forest two years ago, and I couldn't be prouder to say that I was a part of that."
  16. >Twilight's book, which has been absent-mindedly playing in the air this whole time, comes down with a tap onto the ground
  17. "What I'm trying to say, Anon, is that I'd like you to stay in the castle indefinitely with me. As my prince. The Prince of Friendship. I… I need you to be with me, Anonymous. Always. Forever. Do… do you understand? Just, just say 'yes'. Please."
  19. DASH
  21. "Anon, there you are! I've been looking all over for you. We need to talk."
  22. >Rainbow Dash swoops down, lands on a large, flat boulder, and motions for you to sit next to her
  23. >you hop up and look askance at her
  24. "All right. I'm not really sure how to put this. Uh, Anon, it's been really nice having you as a workout buddy. The only other pony in town who's as big into fitness as I am is Bulk Bicep, but he'd never be caught dead doing cardio, and I need to go fast. I love going fast. Speed. All my life I've been zooming around, one checkpoint to the next. Whoosh! Zoom! Bam!"
  25. >Dash pauses, and you notice that her hoof gestures have contorted her body awkwardly
  26. >so does she, and quickly re-assumes a sitting position
  27. "You know what I'm saying?"
  28. >she pokes your chest with her hoof
  29. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's been a blast, 'Non. Thanks."
  30. >she smiles at you, and she jumps into the air and hovers there
  31. "I'm the fastest pony in Ponyville, Anon. Maybe in all of Equestria. There aren't many folks who can keep up with me in a race, even on hoof, and… well, that includes you I guess."
  32. >Rainbow Dash scratches the back of her head
  33. "But you try. And you're even getting better! You were a skinny little monkey-thing with a fat belly when you first asked me for help, and… now you're…"
  34. >she flits over to your side and taps your arm
  35. "You're solid. I like that in a guy. I mean, uh… hold on a sec."
  36. >she lands back on the rock next to you and scratches at her chin
  37. "You're great. You really are. I'd like to hang out with you some more. We can get to know each other better. Maybe you could start staying over at my place. We could get Twilight to cast her cloud-walking spell on you; it works, I've seen her do it."
  38. >Rainbow Dash casts you a half-lidded grin, leans sideways toward you, and places a hoof on your shoulder
  39. "You ever sleep in a cloud bed, 'Non? It's way better than anything else; you'll never wanna go back."
  40. >you grab Dash's hoof from your shoulder and smirk at her as you hold it
  41. "Hey! You know I don't like it when ponies - or humans - touch my hooves!"
  42. >she says the words, but she doesn't pull away
  43. >instead she looks down, sighs, looks back up at you, and grins sheepishly
  44. "I guess you caught on then, huh? Good. I'm not very good at all this mushy feely stuff. Let's get down to business. Say yes, and I promise you, I can be a total freak in that cloud bed. Whattaya say? Deal?"
  46. RARITY
  48. "Anonymous, you look smashing, just like I knew you would. Red is so your color."
  49. >the dark burgundy suit Rarity made for you blazes like ruby fire in the dancing candle-light of the outdoor restaurant
  50. "I cannot begin to thank you enough for coming with me to this place. I heard about the grand opening of a new five-hoof restaurant in Canterlot, and I just had to go, but a girl can't eat at a fancy restaurant without a hot date, now can she?"
  51. >she gazes at you and giggles girlishly
  52. "Anonymous, you're much too easily embarrassed. It makes teasing you far too much fun."
  53. >Rarity looks down and turns her fork over in with an aura of bright blue magic
  54. "And I'd… I'd like to thank you for more than that as well. Why, ever since you dropped into my life - literally dropped, do you remember that? I was crafting a dress for a very wealthy client, when suddenly, poof, you appeared over my head and fell right on top of the dress and completely ruined it."
  55. >Rarity smirks
  56. "More than that, remember what you were wearing? Cargo shorts. Honestly, darling, what were you thinking? You're so lucky you appeared in my boutique first, where I could fix your outfit before anypony else saw you."
  57. >she presses an ivory hoof to her chin and smiles
  58. "Come to think of it, you were embarrassed when I asked you to change, too. But that's a part of what I like about you so much. Most of the ponies in Ponyville hardly wear clothes at all, but I don't think I've ever seen you without clothes.
  59. >she places her hooves on the table and leans forward
  60. "Honestly, Anonymous, you've been here how long now? Two years? We don't normally wear clothes in this world, you know, so it is all right to go naked sometimes. Why, except for this hat and scarf, I'm naked right now!"
  61. >Rarity falls into a minor fit of laughter while somehow maintaining her constant, ladylike composure
  62. "You're too easy, Anonymous. Regardless of your own ideas of public decency, I'm very glad for your affinity for clothing. It's made you one of my most constant companions. You must come into my boutique at least once a week, usually more. Why, I do believe you're my number one customer in all of Ponyville. And when you do come, you seem to be the only being in all of Equestria that understands why we stand still when Miss Rarity is measuring and or fitting us. But it's more than that; it really is."
  63. >Rarity reaches across the table to take your hand in her hoof
  64. "Your… your unusual form, and the unique problems it presents, makes me a better designer. You make me a better designer. Your presence has caused my mind to think in new ways it never could before you. In fact, I…"
  65. >Rarity touches her chin again, but frowns this time
  66. "Anonymous, I grew up reading romance novels. Don't tell Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash; I'm sure they'd each give me an earful explaining why romance novels aren't really novels at all and why I should be reading childrens' books or textbooks or something. What I like is what I like, and I've never apologized for it. They were what my mother had lying around, so I read them. Over the years, I developed my archetypal 'perfect stallion,' and I waited for him my whole life. Mother said I was being unrealistic, but I didn't settle. I never settle; that's simply not the Rarity way."
  67. >her eyes turn back to yours
  68. "But it's like I said, Anonymous. New ways of thinking. Maybe… I didn't have to settle. Maybe… let's suppose that perhaps the stallion of my dreams isn't a stallion at all, but rather… a man. Maybe it's possible that the intelligent, supportive, listening, and hard-working answer to my prayers has been waltzing into my boutique every week on two legs. Maybe, Anonymous… maybe it's you."
  69. >Rarity averts her eyes and bites her lip
  70. "Except… there's no 'maybe' about it, Anonymous. During the day you dominate my every waking thought, and during the night you conquer my dreams. Last week, when I asked you to come here with me, I woke up from a dream about you. About us, really. We simply… went about a daily routine, but… we did it together. When I woke up, I knew. I knew it had to be you. I knew that fate had to have dropped you - literally dropped you - into my lap for a reason. It's our destiny, Anonymous! A destiny that pulled you across vast, unfathomable leagues of time and space to be here with me today. Anonymous, we must be lovers! We must!"
  71. >Rarity's icy blue gaze releases its hold on you long enough for you to realize that she's propped all the way up on her forelegs on top of the table, and when she notices too, she sheepishly sinks back to her seat
  72. "There. You are now in full possession of my confession of love. Do with it what you will; I can only hope, now that it's out, that you can feel the same way about me."
  74. PINKIE
  76. "Hi Nonny!"
  77. >Pinkie Pie's face appears, upside down, a few inches before your own
  78. >you stumble backwards and fall down
  79. "Whoops! Sorry about that."
  80. >a pink hoof takes hold of your hand and yanks you to your feet
  81. "Nonny! Are you still free for baking those cupcakes at 8?"
  82. >you nod in the affirmative
  83. "And Cranky Doodle's birthday party this afternoon?"
  84. >again, you nod
  85. "And our romantic dinner date tonight?"
  86. >you almost not without thinking, and then you catch yourself
  87. "Oh, gosh! Did I not tell you about the romantic dinner date yet? All right, lemme see here…"
  88. >Pinkie Pie sits on her haunches and puts her hoof to her chin
  89. "Nonny, you make my heart happy. I mean, I think it's happy because it's always beating like crazy whenever you're around which reminds me of a totally down beat at a totally amazing party only the party is inside of me and it never ends!
  90. >Pinkie springs to her hooves and trots closer toward you
  91. "It all started when you first got here roughly two years, three months, twenty-seven days, four hours, five minutes, and thirty-eight seconds ago, give or take. My pinkie sense sent me on a total doozie that I'd never ever felt before, like, ever!"
  92. >Pinkie Pie proceeds to rub her hooves all over her face
  93. "My face got all tingly, my tummy got all light-weight, and my tail got all bouncy! And ever since then, it always happens whenever you're around. I'd never ever felt anything like it before, so I spent a long time trying to figure it out and I think I finally know what it means! It means that I like you, Nonny!"
  94. >Pinkie's face comes within an inch of yours for the second time during this conversation
  95. "That's like like, just so you know."
  96. >she rapidly twists around to the other side of your body and clutches onto your shoulders
  97. "So I figured the best way to celebrate my amazing discovery would be with a "Congratulations-on-Finding-a-New-Pinkie-Sense" party!"
  98. >Pinkie's soft muzzle presses itself into your neck
  99. "Only I'd invite just the two of us, instead of the whole town like I usually would."
  100. >Pinkie Pie is in front of you again in an instant, this time with a pair of glasses you've never seen before, and with a pen poised to write in a notepad you've also never seen before
  101. "So, about that romantic dinner date. You free tonight?"
  105. "Anon, it's starting now! Look!"
  106. >the little bird's egg emits clicking sounds as it shakes gently
  107. "C'mon, little guy, you can do it."
  108. >Fluttershy leans in excitedly to see a web of cracks appear on the end of the egg shell
  109. "Just a little bit more…"
  110. >the egg finally splits in half, introducing a brand new, happy, cheeping, little fuzball to the world
  111. "Oh, aren't you just the most precious little thing?"
  112. >Fluttershy sticks her hoof in the makeshift nest, and the baby bird excitedly climbs on board and nuzzles her soft coat
  113. "Poor little guy. You were just an egg on the ground, all alone. I guess I have to be your mom now, don't I?"
  114. >without warning, Fluttershy sticks the bird in your face
  115. "And Anon has to be your dad, doesn't he?"
  116. >the baby bird nuzzles your face with his own, and Fluttershy giggles
  117. >Fluttershy takes her hoof back to herself and croons over the bird some more
  118. "Anon, have you ever wondered about that? Being a dad, I mean. Starting a family."
  119. >Fluttershy gauges your face with her big, soft, teal eyes
  120. "I think about it a lot. Not being a dad, I mean. Being a mom. I guess it's a part of why I keep so many animals around."
  121. >Fluttershy sets the bird down and sets a small bowl of crushed birdseed before him
  122. "There you go, little guy. Hatching is hard work; you must be so hungry right now."
  123. >the bird happily humors Fluttershy's offer and pecks eagerly at his first meal
  124. >she looks back to you
  125. "I mean, I've always wanted to be one; it's just that… I've been so shy all my life. But… my friends have been helping me get over that, and… I know they've been doing the same for you, so… I was just wondering if you were… seeing anypony."
  126. >you shake your head, which Fluttershy attentively notes
  127. "Oh, m-me neither."
  128. >she hoofs at the simple wood floor
  129. "So, um, I was wondering if… maybe… you'd like to see me?"
  130. >Fluttershy's eyes go wide, and she makes as if to try to pull the words back into her mouth
  131. "I-I mean, i-it's just… you're always coming here t-to, um, help with the animals, and, um, maybe we could make it a more regular thing if you, um, stayed here with me?"
  132. >Fluttershy looks down and clasps her hoof tightly over her muzzle
  133. >the baby bird, finally full, cheeps happily in the towel that serves as his nest
  134. >but she puts the hoof back on the floor, takes a deep breath, and looks right at you
  135. "I mean… I-I really like you, Anon. Would you like to… be with me? And we could… maybe… start a family some day? I-I mean, i-if you… want to…"
  139. "Anon, put that thing down! C'mere an' take a load off, why don'tcha?"
  140. >you look up through the streams of sweat running off your forehead to see Applejack reclining in a lawn chair with a bottle of apple juice in her hoof
  141. "Come on, now. Day's over. Come an' watch the Sun set with me, Mr. 'Nonermous."
  142. >you set the heavy basket of apples on the ground and join her on the porch
  143. "That's it. You did good, Mr. 'Nonermous. With those hands o' yers I reckon we'll have all these apples harvested 'fore harvestin' season's even finished! Yer really earnin' yer pay out there."
  144. >Applejack reaches into a small, wooden icebox at her side and retrieves another bottle of apple juice
  145. "'Freshments, Mr. 'Nonermous?"
  146. >you take the bottle, crack it open, and take a sip
  147. "Anon, I was wonderin', d'you ever think about yer family? Shoot, if I were suddenly thrown into this whole 'nother world away from my family fer two whole years, I'd miss 'em like crazy!"
  148. >Applejack takes a sip from her amber bottle
  149. "An' it got me thinkin', why, Mr. 'Nonermous, yer practically part o' my family! I mean, ya eat dinner with us every night, ya live on the farm in yer little loft above the barn, an' ya've worked fer us both summers ya've been in Ponyville!"
  150. >she shifts slightly in her seat
  151. "But, uh, ya had to find work elsewhere last winter on account o' there weren't no apples to harvest, an' we didn't see too much o' ya then. Now winter's on the way again, an', uh, well gosh, I can't stand the thought o' losin' ya again. None of us can!"
  152. >Applejack takes a big swig of her apple juice
  153. "Shoot, Big Macintosh loves havin' another guy on the farm to talk to, Granny Smith loves the way you love her cookin', n' somehow yer the only grown-up in all o' Ponyville who finds Apple Bloom's antics funny enough to join in."
  154. >Applejack leans over gives you a big old stink eye
  155. "An' I don't find that last part endearin'…"
  156. >the dirty look gives way to a smile
  157. "… fer the most part."
  158. >she falls back into her chair and looks up
  159. "My point is: yer family to us, Anon. An' family don't send family out durin' the winter. Least, not the Apple family."
  160. >Applejack finishes off the rest of her apple juice and drops the bottle in the grass
  161. "So I was thinkin', since yer practically family, why don't we make you officially family?"
  162. >she pauses, then looks right at you
  163. "I mean, yer hard-workin', good-hearted, an' strong-backed."
  164. >Applejack inhales, just barely audibly
  165. "An' more than that, I like you, Anon. I could settle down with a feller like you."
  166. >she looks up again
  167. "I know, I know, most ponies these days think ya gotta court with each other fer years n' years before gettin' hitched. But darn it! Life's too short fer all o' that nonsense! Before ya know it yer an old spinster an' it's too late!"
  168. >Applejack sighs, and her sparkling emerald eyes stare directly into yours
  169. >her coat catches the light just right, and the setting Sun sets her ablaze with orange fire
  170. "So whattaya say, Mr. 'Nonermous? Join the family? We'd all love to have ya around."

Horse Confessions

by Writefag_Roulette

Anon Tried to Kill Himself

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Rubehog Day: Ruby Destination (/pone/ CYOA)

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The Skintrotter

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