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The Skintrotter

By Writefag_Roulette
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-20 14:24:52
Expiry: Never

  1. All right /ponex/, this is more or less the freakiest thing that's ever happened to me, and I'm not even really sure if it even happened. I don't mean that this coulda been a dream or anything like that, everything I'm about to tell you really did happen, in a manner of speaking. I just don't know if it happened in another manner of speaking. You catch my drift, partner? No? Well, you'll get it after I tell the story. All I know for sure is that if this stuff really did happen, we're all in some serious horseapples.
  3. Me and my friends are all - or were, I don't even rightly know anymore - famous ponies, so to speak. You can try to guess who we are in the thread, but I won't respond whether you're right or wrong. I'm gonna refer to everyone some simple fake names.
  5. <T
  6. T was sort of the "leader" of our group most of the time. She was really smart, liked to read a lot. She's a unicorn, and she's really good at magic.
  8. =D
  9. D was maybe my closest friend, even though we kinda hated each other sometimes. She was really athletic, did a lot of flying for show. She's a pegasus, and probably the fastest flyer in this area.
  11. _P
  12. Everybody loved P. She wasn't very smart, but she was a whole lotta fun. She mighta had some kinda learning disability, honestly, but we all forgave her for anything annoying she did because her parties were pretty much the best entertainment to be had in our little backwater town. She's an earth pony, likes to walk with a bounce in her step.
  14. ~R
  15. R was kind of a drama queen. She fought with me constantly. She also fought with D constantly. Actually, I fought with D constantly too. The three of us fought constantly, but we really were all good friends. I'm honestly still a little surprised that R even got caught up in all this with how much she hated dirt and bugs. She's a unicorn, owns a little clothing shop in town.
  17. We had another friend, F. Fortunately for her she didn't get caught up in any of this trouble though. F doesn't mind dirt, bugs, animals, or hard work like R did, but F really doesn't like scary things, so she didn't end up coming with us on the trip. I still haven't told her about any of this.
  19. And I, of course, will be Applenon. I don't know if you can tell by my writing, but I'm something of a country bumpkin. I'm an earth pony, and my family owns a lot of farmland just outside of town. Our farm is right on the edge of the Everfree Forest, where this story takes place, so I've seen my fair share of woods weirdness and I wouldn't say there's a whole lot in that forest that could really scare me. But this gives me the willies something fierce.
  21. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  23. All right, now that the introductions are out of the way, lemme get to the story:
  25. >be me
  26. >be working on the farm
  27. >carrying my apples to my barn
  28. >fillies don't know bout my apples
  29. ="Hey Applenon!"
  30. >all my apples are on the ground
  31. >it's D
  32. >sigh internally
  33. "What do you want, D?"
  34. >D throws a bundled mass of tarp and poles at my hooves
  35. ="We're going camping! Get your bags packed, let's go!"
  36. "What, now?"
  37. ="Yeah, now!"
  38. "D, I can't just drop everything to go camping with y-"
  39. ="Oh, come on!"
  40. "I have work to do, D. Let me finish my chores first and we can talk about it later."
  41. ="But that'll take forever!"
  42. "No it won't, I got maybe an hour's worth of work left for the day."
  43. ="But that's forever! How about we talk about it while you work?"
  44. >this horse
  45. "Fine. Just don't get in my way. Where are we taking the girls?"
  46. >now me, D, and R had a tradition
  47. >every year we'd take our little sisters camping
  48. >well D didn't have a little sister, but she did have this one random little filly who followed her around
  49. >trust me, it's not as creepy as it sounds
  50. >but that's not really relevant, that's just context
  51. ="Oh, no! We're not taking the girls. This is grown-up camping!"
  52. >I'm intrigued
  53. "Grown up camping?"
  54. ="Yep. In the Everfree Forest!"
  55. >she gestures at the huge, dark woods beyond my apple trees
  56. >and I'm not gonna lie
  57. >in fact, I hate telling lies
  58. >this is actually sounding like a darn good time
  59. "Sounds like fun. Who all's coming?"
  60. ="The whole gang! Me, you, P, T, R, F. Just as soon as I invite them!"
  61. "You haven't invited them yet?"
  62. ="Well, no."
  63. "But you said you wanted to go right now."
  64. >D is doing that nose scrunch thing that some ponies do
  65. ="Yeah, so?"
  66. "Tell ya what. You go and round everyone up, and I'll probably be just about ready by the time you get back. We can head into the forest on the trail my granddaddy built, right over there."
  67. ="Sounds good!"
  68. >and faster than you can say it, she's gone
  69. >some part of me wants to be vexed with D for lassoing me into this trip all of the sudden
  70. >but I start working faster just the same
  72. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  74. >D's actually been gone a mite longer than an hour
  75. >been waiting by the gate under a setting sun with my sack on my back for the better part of 20 minutes when she shows up
  76. >when she gets to the farm it's not hard to see what took her
  77. >incredibly, R has agreed to come on the trip
  78. >and she's pulling a cart stacked with bags and cases stacked twice as high as she stood behind her
  79. >packing all that must have taken a while
  80. >and of course T and P are coming too, like I said in the first post
  81. >honestly, I'm surprised they all agreed to come on such short notice
  82. >figured P might come since spontaneous fun was sort of her favorite thing
  83. >but T and R would have usually expected at least a day's notice
  84. >I guess they didn't have much going on, I never asked
  85. >and I guess I never will
  86. "Hey, y'all, where's F?"
  87. ="She didn't want to come. Like, she really really didn't want to come. Actually, she slammed the door in my face as soon as I said Everfree."
  88. >welp
  89. >it's starting to get dark out, so we don't waste too much time on greeting each other after we're done giggling about F
  90. >we make our way through the orchard to the edge of the forest
  91. >and we head in on my granddaddy's trail
  92. >we're all talking and laughing and joking and acting right cheerful
  93. >acting like we aren't heading into the most dangerous neck of woods in Equestria
  94. >it starts getting darker even faster once we get into the forest
  95. >pretty soon it gets real black-like dark
  96. >maybe it was just the trees overhead, or maybe it was something a little less savory at work
  97. >didn't think much of it at the time
  98. >either way, it's so dark that even with T and R's horn lights we can't see much more than ten feet out in any direction
  99. >so we start looking for a good-sized clearing to set up camp in
  100. >no
  101. >that's not right
  102. >just about as soon as we saw just how dark it was, we noticed we were already in a decent-sized clearing
  103. >I guess when you look at it like that, it was probably something unsavory all along
  104. >anyway, so this clearing we're in is where we set up camp
  105. >it seems like a nice enough spot for a gaggle of ponies looking for a place to sleep
  106. >D had packed 3 tents for the trip
  107. >it was supposed to be two to a tent, but F didn't come, so D takes a tent all to herself
  108. >the other two tents go to R and P, and me and T
  109. >T and I think it feels a little too late to do much of anything
  110. >so we just set up our tent and hit the hay
  111. >we can't get to sleep right away since D and P are loudly trying to scare each other with ghost stories outside
  112. >so we stay up for a bit and chat
  113. >we don't talk about anything important, I don't even remember most of it
  114. >but pretty soon the conversation dies down as T drifts off to sleep
  115. >and I get to sleep not long after her
  116. >nothing too weird happens this night
  117. >except for one thing
  118. >at some point during the night I wake up
  119. >it's just one of those things where you wake up for no reason and go back to sleep in about a minute
  120. >really, I'm not even all the way awake
  121. >but I think I smell something for a second
  122. >it's like
  123. >did you ever add too much baking soda to something you were trying to bake?
  124. >I did, the first time I ever tried to make apple crisps
  125. >the crisps smelled funny to begin with from all that baking soda in the dough
  126. >but since there was so much baking soda, the dough got spread out way too thin in the oven
  127. >and since the dough was spread out so thin, the apple crisps burnt up into, well, into crisps
  128. >I still remember how that stink filled up the whole house
  129. >and how my granny hollered at me for it
  130. >but that stink
  131. >like burning baking soda
  132. >I think I smell that for a second before rolling over and going back to sleep
  134. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  136. >morning goes pretty much normally
  137. >I'm up as soon as the Sun is
  138. >T is still snoozing on the other side of the tent
  139. >so I get myself outside as quiet-like as possible
  140. >it's a perfect woodland morning
  141. >the Sun making soft little rays shoot down through the trees
  142. >the smell of wet grass
  143. >and just the slightest nip of cold in the air
  144. >looks like I'm the only one up
  145. >well I can't stand just sitting around doing nothing right now
  146. >figure I'll whip up some breakfast
  147. >throw some wood in the fire pit, get the fire started
  148. >untie a rope fastened low on a tree and hold it in my teeth
  149. >the other end of this rope is holding our food and cooking supplies, hanging up in the trees to keep critters from getting at it
  150. >gently lower it, take out the basic tools and ingredients needed for pancakes
  151. >still feels like I'm missing something though
  152. >and then I spot it
  153. >a genuine
  154. >wild
  155. >all natural
  156. >Everfree zap apple tree
  157. >not to rag on my trade too hard now
  158. >but I think the wild zap apples from the forest are better than the ones from my farm
  159. >even though they are a bit smaller, they're just that much sweeter
  160. >not even thinking about it, I buck that tree
  161. >wham!
  162. >I freeze up right quick
  163. >that was way louder than I shoulda been
  164. >I mighta woken up my friends
  165. >listen for a minute
  166. >doesn't sound like anyone woke up
  167. >that's good
  168. >grab my harvest off the ground
  169. >head over to the fire
  170. >start making the best darn wild zap apple pancakes that ever a pony ate
  171. >they're looking pretty goo when I smell something weird and darn near panic
  172. >it's the smell of burning baking soda
  173. >sniff close at the pancakes, thinking I mighta burned them
  174. >thankfully, the smell ain't coming from my breakfast
  175. >but it is getting stronger
  176. >looking around trying to see where it's coming from
  177. >when a voice from behind startles me halfway to death
  178. <"Wow, that looks delicious, Applenon!"
  179. >the burnt baking soda smell goes away just about right away
  180. >just the smell of really good pancakes now
  181. >hide my sigh of relief
  182. "Mornin', T. Breakfast'll be ready in just a minute here. You mind wakin' everyone up for me? These pancakes oughta be eaten hot."
  183. >and so the five of us had breakfast together
  184. >I'm glad they turned out so good
  185. >because they were the last pancakes we ever ate together
  187. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  189. >nothing much happens for the rest of the day
  190. >except for the occasional whiff of that burnt smell
  191. >and come to think of it
  192. >that was pretty much the only thing I smelled the whole trip
  193. >now seeing as you're probably not an apple farmer who lives near the Everfree Forest
  194. >you probably don't know what's so weird about that
  195. >well
  196. >it was zap apple season
  197. >and during zap apple season, the timber wolves get real restless
  198. >and timber wolves stink
  199. >they stink something fierce
  200. >I did notice that I didn't smell any timber wolves
  201. >but I didn't think much of it except to be grateful
  202. >anyway, it's a day of some normal woodland fun
  203. >and a day that's missing normal woodland critters
  204. >well the Sun goes down
  205. >and P gets some marshmallows outta Celestia-knows-where
  206. >so we set ourselves down to a real proper Everfree campfire
  207. >and by proper, I mean D tries to tell us a scary story
  208. >she starts it off by flying in place over the fire, her face real low and close to the flames
  209. >that cocky little smile on her face that she had whenever she was about to try and impress somebody
  210. ="Somewhere… in this very forest… the deer-folk have a legend…"
  211. <"I don't think there are any deer-folk in the Everfree F-"
  212. ="Of a terrifying monster… that eats ponies… and wears the flesh of its victims…"
  213. /"Eeeeeeeuuuuuuughh! That's disgusting!"
  214. "To lure ponies into the woods… to be… eaten…"
  215. >P is nibbling furiously at her hoof-tips
  216. ="And this creature is called… the skin trotter…"
  217. <"That's a buffalo legend, and that's not how it goes at a-"
  218. ="It stalks its prey for days! Waiting for the perfect moment to lure you into the woods… all by yourself…"
  219. _"A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-and w-w-w-w-w-what happens then?"
  220. "And then…"
  221. >D is circling around P's head now
  222. ="It…"
  223. >and she strikes, she tackles P to the ground and shouts
  224. ="Gets you!"
  225. >P screams loud and long
  226. >like
  227. >really loud
  228. >and really long
  229. >actually it kinda hurts my ears
  230. >but when she's done screaming she's giggling and laughing
  231. >P was like that
  232. >most of the rest of the night goes on like this
  233. >P tells a story about a haunted cupcake
  234. >R regales us with the tale of her "worst hair day"
  235. >it's not til the fire is starting to die that…
  236. >something happens
  237. >a loud, long scream comes outta the woods
  238. >it sounds just like P
  239. >and P's not by the fire anymore
  240. >we all lose our heads for a minute, and then D flies into the woods as fast as she can, screaming out P's name
  241. >we're all staring into the woods
  242. >but before anyone can say we should go after her
  243. _"Hey guys, what's going on?"
  244. >it's P
  245. >look between P and the woods
  246. >look between the woods and P
  247. "P? Did- did you scream out there?"
  248. _"Huh? No, I was just getting more marshmallows."
  249. >sure enough, there at her hooves is a bag of marshmallows
  250. >everyone is real quiet for a minute
  251. <"I think we should go look for D."
  252. >but outta the woods comes a voice
  253. "No need! I'm good."
  254. >and D comes stumbling into the clearing on her hooves
  255. <"D? Are you okay? What was that scream?"
  256. ="Oh, that? I wouldn't worry about it."
  257. >she scratches at her ear with her hoof for a second
  258. ="Probably just a rabbit or something. Anyway, it's pretty late. Let's go to bed!"
  259. "You wanna go to bed already?"
  260. ="Oh yeah, definitely, I'm pretty tired."
  261. >this really wasn't like D
  262. >only just last night she was happy to stay up late
  263. >but after D went into her tent
  264. >after she asked us which one was hers
  265. >it really did feel like it was about time for bed
  266. >so we put out the fire
  267. >and said good night
  269. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  271. >at some point in the night
  272. >a noise wakes me up
  273. >it sounds like something is being torn
  274. >look around to make sure it's not the tent
  275. >the tent is intact, thank the Princess
  276. >the sounds of ripping stop
  277. >and then
  278. >silence
  279. >straining my ears trying to hear something
  280. >anything
  281. >but it's not just the ripping that's stopped
  282. >it's dead silent outside
  283. >like
  284. >not a bug, bird, or beast is making a single peep
  285. >and then I gag
  286. >the stench is so awful
  287. >and it sure ain't the smell of timber wolves
  288. >T starts to stir
  289. <"Applenon…? Applenon, do you smell something burning?"
  290. >wave my hoof downward, trying to tell her to be more quiet
  291. >respond in a whisper
  292. "Yeah, I been smelliin' it a lot lately."
  293. <"Me too. And did you notice something weird about Rainbow Dash tonight?"
  294. "What, like how she got tired so early?"
  295. <"That's not what I mean."
  296. "Well what do you mean?"
  297. <"I don't really know. When she came out of the woods I think I felt funny. I mean, I don't know. My horn didn't like it."
  298. "Your horn?"
  299. >there's a noise from the ground outside
  300. >our little talk is over right quickly
  301. >it's like
  302. >i'm not sure if it's more like claws scraping at the dirt
  303. >or like hooves pounding on it
  304. >the smell is somehow even worse now
  305. >I wannna vomit
  306. >it's completely dark out, we can't see what's outside even a little bit
  307. >and then
  308. >something taps on the tent
  309. >T lights up her horn
  310. >she lights it up bright
  311. >whatever was out there
  312. >it goes away
  313. >but needless to say
  314. >we didn't get any sleep that night
  315. >but I remember what T told me
  316. <"I don't know what this is, and I don't want to say what I think it might be until I'm completely sure."
  317. <"But, Applenon…"
  318. <"Whatever happens tomorrow…"
  319. <"Don't get separated from me."
  321. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  323. >in the morning, P and R's tent is all ripped up
  324. _"Oh, I wouldn't worry about it."
  325. /"Some timber wolves broke in last night."
  326. ="Well that's all right. R, you can sleep in my tent tonight. And P, you can sleep with T and Applenon."
  327. ="Well that sounds great."
  328. /"Indeed. It does sound great. T, Applenon, what do you think?"
  329. "Uh…"
  330. <"Yep, sounds perfect!"
  331. >huh?
  332. >between the no sleep and the scare we had last night
  333. >my brain is fried
  334. >but I do know
  335. >that was the weirdest conversation I ever saw
  336. >D, P, and R are all talking funny
  337. >and I can see what T was talking about last night
  338. >there's something else about them
  339. >I don't know what it is
  340. >but I don't like it
  341. >D gives me a big, toothy grin
  342. ="Hey, Applenon, wanna come into the woods with me? Let's look for firewood so we can cook breakfast."
  343. "Uh…"
  344. <"Ah! Sorry, D, you should take P out for that. I need Applenon to help me, uh, look for apples!"
  345. ="Aw, what does Applenon know about apples? Why don't you take and P and R for that?"
  346. >huh?!
  347. >what do I know about apples?!
  348. "Now, listen here-"
  349. <"Hey, there, don't kid around like that, D. You know nobody knows apples like Applenon!"
  350. >the three of them are just staring blankly at us
  351. ="Okay."
  352. >and with that
  353. >the three of them disappear into the woods
  354. >T goads me along in the opposite direction
  355. >when we're a good ways into the woods
  356. <"All right, Applenon, hold onto me."
  357. "Huh?"
  358. >there's a bright flash of light and a loud poofing noise
  359. >and we're right in front of my house
  360. <"Applenon, get inside and get some sleep. I'm going home to do some research. Don't leave your home until I come to get you, you should be safe here."
  361. >all I needed to hear was "sleep"
  362. >I don't really remember climbing into my bed
  363. >I just remember what happened after I woke up
  365. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  367. >wake up to the sound of my granny knocking at my bedroom door
  368. >tells me she knows I'm not feeling well, but one of my friends is at the door asking for me
  369. >actually, I'm feeling a lot better
  370. >until I get to the door
  371. >it's R
  372. >I remember everything
  373. >and it hits me hard
  374. >she seems to be behaving much more naturally than she was earlier
  375. >but somehow, that only makes her even freakier
  376. /"Hi there, Applenon!"
  377. >there's something different about her
  378. /"We got worried about you when we smelled you all the way out here."
  379. >something's just not right about her
  380. >wait
  381. >what did she say?
  382. "You smelled me?"
  383. /"Yes. You didn't seem to be trying to hide your scent. Have I said something rude?"
  384. >she's just smiling at me
  385. >like she hasn't said anything out of the ordinary at all
  386. "Uh… I'm sick. You should really head on home now before you catch my, uh, flu."
  387. /"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. Would you like to come back into the forest with me? We need to retrieve our camping gear."
  388. >there's something wrong with her
  389. >something wrong with me
  390. >something wrong with everything
  391. >slam the door right in her face
  392. >wheel around
  393. >my brother is staring at me looking confused
  394. >tell him I'm heading to T's place, and not to tell anybody that I'm going
  395. >I vaguely remember she told me not to leave home
  396. >but I need answers
  397. >I need answers now
  398. >high-tail it out the back door and gallop on into town
  399. >they're all waiting for me in town square
  400. ="Hi, Applenon!"
  401. _"Hi, Applenon!"
  402. /"Hi, Applenon!"
  403. >good thing is it's still about noon
  404. >there's way too many ponies around for them to do much more than act creepy
  405. >can't miss T's house
  406. >gallop right up to the door and pound on it
  407. >the door opens
  408. <"Hi, Applenon!"
  409. "T! I wanna talk to you about what happened in the forest!"
  410. <"The forest?"
  411. "Yeah! The smell, and the noises, and the screaming, and the creepy smiles, and all of that stuff!"
  412. <"Oh."
  413. >she gives me a big blank smile
  414. <"I wouldn't worry about that."
  416. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  418. I think it was right then and there that I realized what was so creepy about all of my friends. Ah, what's the easiest way for me to put it? Okay, so I got a grandpappy who's a pear farmer. This one time my little sister bugged him into baking some apple pies for us. Well, he did just that. And they were perfect pies, except for one thing. It's hard to put that one thing into words. He baked them perfectly, did it the exact same way I would have done it. And they tasted exactly like apple pies, except for, uh, I guess you could call it a sort of "master touch". Yeah, that's it. The way my friends were moving, it was like they didn't have that "master touch". It was like they'd been studying and practicing moving like normal ponies for years and years and years, and they were doing everything perfectly, except, well, if a pear farmer is never gonna bake an apple pie quite like an apple farmer, then I guess you could say that, whatever these things are, they're never gonna move and talk quite like ponies, though they've gotten a lot better at it.
  420. The thing is, I don't know what these "things" are, or even if there are any "things". And I know this doesn't make any sense, but, I keep thinking of that story D told, right before she changed. The "skin trotter". I got cousins who live down near buffalo country, so I know the legend of the skin trotter. As the buffalo tell it, it's a sorta evil buffalo wizard who can turn himself into critters. It ain't at all like the story D was telling, and it doesn't seem much like what happened to us. What does sound like what mighta happened to us is the story D was telling. Monsters who eat ya and wear your skin like a costume. But I'm positive that's all just something D made up. It doesn't make any sense, and I really really don't want it to be true. But it's the only thing I keep on thinking of.
  422. Well, after the scene at T's place, I high-tailed it back home and locked all the windows and doors. It's just a day short of two weeks since all this happened, and here's what I've seen and heard of so far:
  424. >every day some of my apple trees get knocked over
  425. >all of the pigs we keep on the farm are gone now
  426. >all four of them used to have pets, but those pets are gone now too
  427. >some of them have friends or family living in their houses, and those folks don't seem like they changed yet
  429. So here's what I think. They're not looking to replace everybody in town. My guess is there was only 5 of them, and that one of them is still waiting in the forest for me. I think they're waiting for a chance to get me instead of just getting somebody else because they know I know about them, and they figure if they can get me then that's the last disguise and the last witness all in one swoop. I haven't told anybody about this yet because I'm worried they'll try to get whoever I tell. But I'm also worried that if they don't get me soon, they'll just get someone else anyway. Probably R's little sister or T's assistant. Maybe F. R's sister and T's assistant are still just kids, and if they get F then half the animals in town will probably disappear. I don't want any of these things to happen.
  431. I don't want to take this up with the Princess. She was close to T, so whatever's gotten into T has probably gotten close to the Princess too. Famous ponies, remember. I don't think the Princess has been changed or that she will be, I just think that changed-T might be able to convince her that I'm the bad guy if I try to say anything to her.
  433. So here's what I'm thinking I'll do. It's crazy, but I gotta do it before something terrible happens. Even with T gone, there's still one pony who can probably tell me what's going on. Well, she's not a pony exactly, but her name is Z. The problem is, she lives in a little cottage inside the Everfree Forest. I really, really want her to tell me that there's no such thing as skin trotters, and that it's just some kinda whacky woods magic or something. That way there might be some kinda potion or medicine or something that can fix my friends. Or maybe my friends really are gone, and it's just monsters wearing their skin like clothes. If that's the case, then maybe there's a potion or something that I can use to kill them for what they did. Either way, I need to go to Z's place to find out.
  435. So, as soon as I hit "New Reply" here, I'm gonna head back out into the Everfree Forest. Somehow, I've gotta make it past not only the skin trotters, but also a million other pony-eating varmints. And I've gotta hope, seriously hope, that Z hasn't been changed already too, and that she does have some kinda answer for all this. If I make it outta this alive, I'll tell you how it goes. And if not, then I guess I won't.
  437. But if I come back saying stuff like, "I wouldn't worry about it," well…
  438. Just hide the thread and move on with your life. And stay away from Ponyville and the Everfree Forest.
  440. Signing off for maybe the last time,
  441. Applenon

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