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The Ballad of Terrorist Lyra

By Writefag_Roulette
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-20 14:27:04
Expiry: Never

  2. >this world
  3. >is sick
  4. >you're holding the binoculars in your hooves
  5. >you can't let the glow of your magic get you caught
  6. >not now
  7. >not after you've come so far
  8. >from the bushes, you espy the tree-like Ponyville Castle
  9. >it won't be long now
  10. >at the base of the castle is a small device you nonchalantly dropped about 28 minutes ago
  11. >soon there will be one less princess in Equestria
  12. >and this is only the test run
  13. >if it works, you're going to carry out your full-scale attack against Canterlot Mountain itself
  14. >no more Canterlot
  15. >no more princesses
  16. >well, there is that one other princess who lives way up north
  17. >but you'll figure something out for her too
  18. >now...
  19. >it should be just about...
  20. >NOW!
  21. >a loud squeaking noise rips through the night
  22. >a puff of confetti hangs just above the ground
  23. >the castle is unharmed
  24. "Huh?"
  25. >quiet! there's something stirring in the castle!
  26. >a door on a high balcony slides open
  27. >and out steps Princess Twilight herself
  28. <"Hello? Who's there?"
  29. >sshhh, don't respond, it's a trap
  30. <"Pinkie Pie?"
  31. >actually, you did get the device from Pinkie Pie
  32. >she said it was the most powerful firework she had
  33. >isn't a firework the same thing as a bomb?
  34. <"Eh..."
  35. >the unelected tyrant of Ponyville disappears within her castle once more
  36. >looks like now is the time to make your retreat, Lyra
  37. >you creep out of the bushes and zip through the shadows til you arrive at home
  38. >damn! another mission failed
  39. >oh well, you'll figure out a new plan tomorrow
  41. >you like to think of your home as a reflection of Equestrian society
  42. >a total, unsalvageable mess
  43. >an innavigable maze of unwanted detritus
  44. >the ruins of a once-nice place buried under mountains of empty beer cans
  45. >you should really get all these cans out of your home
  46. >judging by the Sun hanging outside your window, you've awoken in the wee hours of the afternoon
  47. >judging by the rapping at your chamber door, you've been awoken by someone who wants to speak to you
  48. >is it the guard?
  49. >should you make a break for it?
  50. >no
  51. >they don't have any evidence
  52. >running will only look suspicious
  53. >better just ask what they want through the door
  54. >you wade through the cans and put your face near the heavy wooden door
  55. "Who is it?"
  56. /"It's Bon Bon."
  57. >Bon Bon
  58. >your best friend since college
  59. >you had some good times back in the day
  60. >but all that ended when she revealed her true identity to you as Special Agent Sweetie Drops
  61. >as a covert law enforcement agent, you just can't have her around
  62. >she'd ruin everything
  63. >you were forced to cut off contact with her almost entirely
  64. >unfortunately, that pony can't take a hint
  65. >or maybe she was assigned to monitor your activities
  66. >either way, you need to get her out of here
  67. >you have about a hundred more of Pinkie Pie's explosive devices sitting in your basement
  68. >you can't risk discovery
  69. "What do you want?"
  70. /"I wanted to see you. We haven't hung out in ages!"
  71. "Sorry, no time. I'm, uh, busy."
  72. /"But you haven't had a gig in months!"
  73. "I'm, uh, sick. Cough cough."
  74. >/"Lyra-"
  75. "Cough."
  76. /"I bought us two season passes to the spa."
  77. >sweet Sun!
  78. >it's social engineering!
  79. >don't fall for it, Lyra
  80. "J-just leave mine on the doorstep."
  81. /"Nope! You have to come with me."
  82. "R-right now?"
  83. /"Right now, or I'm giving yours to Lily."
  84. >don't fall for it, Lyra
  85. >don't fall for it, Lyra
  86. >don't fall-
  87. >you open the door and stare ashamedly at your hooves
  88. /"Lyra? Oh my goodness, you look terrible!"
  89. "I-I, uh..."
  90. /"I can see I didn't come a second too soon. You need to get spoiled, stat!"
  92. >the spa
  93. >Ponyville's own hotbed of decadence and degeneracy
  94. >literally
  95. >because the spa has literal hotbeds
  96. >you're on one right now
  97. >you'd be disgusted
  98. >but it feels so nice
  99. >your bed is opposite Bon Bon's, lengthwise
  100. >laying on your belly, you can see her gazing into the depths of your soul
  101. >with that little smirk on her face
  102. /"See? You really needed this. Isn't life so much better when you listen to old Bon Bon?"
  103. "Unhuhuhhhhhuhhhhhh..."
  104. >this is bad
  105. >your muscles have become too relaxed
  106. >you can't even control your jaw well enough to speak
  107. >you're completely vulnerable to attack right now
  108. >if the guard is planning to strike, they'll do it any second now...
  109. >Bon Bon giggles
  110. /"I know, right? It's not like you to get so stressed out. What's up? Is it the whole can't-find-work thing?"
  111. "Nhuh-huhnhhhunnnhhhhhh..."
  112. /"Well don't worry about that right now. We'll get you back on your hooves. Those pricks in the Ponyville Chamber Orchestra are gonna realize that losing you was the worst thing that ever happened to them."
  113. "Mmmnnnhhh..."
  114. <"Oh, hello Lyra!"
  115. >like a rubber band snapping back into place, your muscles are tensed and ready to spring into action
  116. >it's Twilight Sparkle
  117. >fortunately, it doesn't seem like an attack
  118. >it looks like she and that friend of hers, Rarity, were following one of the spa ponies to the nearby hot tub room
  119. "Uh... hello."
  120. <"Lyra, I was visiting with the girls up in Canterlot just the other day. They were all saying you never go up to visit them anymore."
  121. "The... girls?"
  122. <"You know, all our old school friends. Minuette, Twinklshine, Lemon Hearts, Moon Dancer."
  123. "Moon Dancer is going outside again?"
  124. /"Lyra! You never told me you were classmates with Princess Twilight!"
  125. "Well, I guess I kind of forgot. We grew pretty distant after she ran off to Ponyville and made new friends."
  126. /"But didn't you move to Ponyville right afterwards?"
  127. "Yeah, but I always kept in touch with my old friends. Until... recently."
  128. >you sigh
  129. "Anyways, even before that. You know, Bon Bon, you were always hanging out with me and the girls in college, but somehow you never even met Twilight. She was always too busy with her private studies or something."
  130. >Twilight is smiling sadly at you
  131. <"I know I wasn't a very good friend, Lyra. I guess you're the last one I haven't apologized to yet."
  132. >Twilight frowns
  133. <"Lotus, could we upgrade to a bath for four?"
  134. >the spa pony smiles and nods
  135. <"Would you two care to join us?"
  136. >Bon Bon springs to her hooves
  137. /"Yes!"
  138. "Uh..."
  139. >Bon Bon glares at you
  140. /"Yes!"
  141. "Okay."
  143. >"Oh, I know exactly what you went through, dear. I have to beg and plead every single time to get Twilight out to the spa."
  144. /"Yep. It's those gifted unicorn types, you know."
  145. >Rarity and Bon Bon share a giggle
  146. >Twilight is staring at you
  147. >you're staring back
  148. <"So, Lyra. What have you been up to? Still into music?"
  149. "Yeah, I was playing with the local orchestra. But then, uh…"
  150. /"The pricks kicked her out! Can you believe it?"
  151. <"What? That's horrible!"
  152. /"This is practically the first time she's gone outside since. I can't stand-"
  153. "Bon Bon."
  154. >Bon Bon shuts up
  155. "To answer your question, I haven't been up to very much lately, Princess. I've just been thinking. And doing a little light writing I guess."
  156. >Twilight cringes at "Princess"
  157. >and then lights up
  158. <"You've been doing some writing?"
  159. >oh, Tartarus
  160. >why'd you mention that?
  161. >if a princess got a hold of one of your manifestoes, you'd be on the moon before nightfall
  162. "Oh, it's nothing worth sharing. Just some random thoughts."
  163. <"Well, if you don't want to share it… I'm just interested because the Princess is holding a little fete this weekend."
  164. "Which one?"
  165. <"Which what?"
  166. "Which princess?"
  167. <"Oh, sorry, I mean Princess Celestia. There may be four… or… five of us now, but there's only one 'The Princess' to me."
  168. /"What's a fete?"
  169. >"It's a sort of high class ball for intellectuals."
  170. <"Right. All the princesses will be there, and I think most of the ponies from our class at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns will be there too. Actually, pretty much every scholar in Equestria will be there, and probably some nobles and other famous ponies too. I'm going to be reading an essay about my findings on friendship, and there's going to be other speakers presenting their writings as well. Stories, poems, studies."
  171. "Oh, well, like I said, I don't think anything I've written is really worth-"
  172. >Bon Bon gasps
  173. /"Lyra! You could play there!"
  174. "Play? What? Like, on my lyre?"
  175. /"Probably your harp. This sounds like a really fancy party."
  176. <"That's a great idea! I could definitely get you a slot on stage if you want it, Lyra. It would be good to get you and your talents back into society."
  177. "Uh… sure. That sounds like fun."
  178. <"Oh, Lyra! This is going to be great! Do you have a song you want to play?"
  179. "I think I'll write something special for the occasion. I'll tell you what it's called when it's ready."
  180. >you sit and chat cheerfully for about another hour
  181. >you get out of the bath
  182. >you dry off
  183. >you get home
  184. >you grin
  185. >looks like you worked something out after all
  187. >now
  188. >despite being an alumna of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns
  189. >you've never been an especially powerfull spellcaster
  190. >such things aren't terribly uncommon
  191. >there was a colt named Sunburst in another class
  192. >he had a talent for memorizing all kinds of spell and magical theories
  193. >but he lacked the raw power to actually do half of the things he knew how to do
  194. >at a glance, it might seem that you were consigned to a similarly tragic fate
  195. >until one considers just what your talent actually is
  196. >music
  197. >lyres, harps, guitars, banjos, lutes, mandolins, ukeleles
  198. >if it can be plucked or strummed, you're already a master with it
  199. >and the nice thing about being well-versed in both music and in magic
  200. >is that there's plenty of music-based magic
  201. >and as for magical instruments
  202. >the harp is surpassed only by the fife
  203. >you wade through the lake of empty beer cans to a long-forgotten closet
  204. >and with some struggle, you get the door open
  205. >but there it is
  206. >your prized pedal harp
  207. >it's nothing too fancy
  208. >just some basic instrument strings stretched across a frame of cheap polished brass
  209. >but you take good care of it
  210. >and you know how to use it
  211. >giddily, you stroke the brass with your hooves
  212. >and you think up a few basic magical notes to play
  213. >your hooves move from the frame to the strings
  214. >the sound is beyond beauty to your ears
  215. >you really can't believe that you've gone so long without doing this, even just for fun
  216. >but now it seems that your calling as Equestria's reckoning has led you back to your passion for music
  217. >it's destiny, it has to be
  218. >you weave a simple spell into the song
  219. >it's nothing complicated, just a light show
  220. >the closet is filled with the shimmering essence of a rainbow
  221. >this is really a rapturous moment for you
  222. >because you've got a plan now
  223. >and it's sure to work
  224. >all the princesses and most of Equestrian high society will be eagerly gathered to witness you destroy them
  225. >your horn won't glow during the whole show
  226. >your victims will never suspect anything til the end
  227. >your hooves pluck a little sleeping spell
  228. >your head starts to nod toward the floor
  229. >whoah! careful, Lyra!
  230. >don't want to put yourself to sleep now
  231. >you stop playing and you grin at your reflection in the harp's brass
  232. >yes, just a little sleeping spell
  233. >and with just a slight modification to it
  234. >you can put them all to sleep
  235. >forever
  236. >though, realistically, spells like that only last for about a thousand years
  237. >whatever
  238. >it's plenty of time
  239. >you'll need to work on modifying the spell a bit, both to lengthen its effects and you exclude you from them
  240. >you'll probably need to get some sort of test subject too
  241. >oh man
  242. >you're really gonna do it this time, aren't you?
  244. >crack of noon
  245. >Sun in your face
  246. >sheets on your body
  247. >you are awake
  248. >you'll probably have to worry about your appearance a bit on the day of the fete
  249. >but today
  250. >a wet hairbrush in your mane
  251. >and a wet toothbrush in your mouth
  252. >that will suffice
  253. >time to get to work
  254. >the safest way to prepare the spell would be to cast a little charm on your ears
  255. >this will render you immune to your own musical magic
  256. >problem
  257. >there's no way to know the spell works unless you use it to put something to sleep
  258. >you don't want this to end in a puff of confetti
  259. >like the bomb plot
  260. >solution
  261. >aquire an animal
  262. >an animal won't be able to tell you what your distracting lightshow looks like
  263. >but that can be tested separately from the sleeping spell portion of the song
  264. >if the animal goes to sleep, the spell works
  265. >preferred animal
  266. >songbird
  267. >small, won't eat much
  268. >believable pet for someone with your cutie mark
  269. >you're going out to get one right now
  270. >destination
  271. >the home of a pony named Fluttershy
  272. >you open your door to step out
  273. >on the other side is Twilight Sparkle
  274. >her hoof is raised
  275. >she was probably about to knock on the door
  276. >behind her are more ponies you recognize
  277. >Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, Minuette, Moon Dancer
  278. <"Lyra! Hi!"
  279. >this is less than ideal
  280. "Oh, uh, hi girls. What are you all doing here?"
  281. >somehow, the first one to answer you is Moon Dancer
  282. _"Twilight told us you were both performing at the fete. We thought we'd come pay you a visit."
  283. >Minuette thrusts forward to fling her hooves around your neck
  284. ~"We haven't seen you in forever!"
  285. "Ah, yeah, well..."
  286. >the others crowd around you to join in the hug
  287. >it's all very touching
  288. >there's just one thing at the back of your mind
  289. "Wait, so does this mean you're all coming to the fete?"
  290. ~"Uh huh!"
  291. >problem
  292. >all of your friends are going to be exposed to your sleeping spell
  293. >including the ones you weren't trying to assasinate
  294. >solution
  295. >unknown
  297. >Minuette decided to come with you to Fluttershy's home
  298. >the others went out to lunch
  299. >they made you promise to go to dinner with them tonight
  300. >annoying
  301. >you've just told Fluttershy that you're interested in adopting a bird
  302. >her eyes are widening and sparkling in slow motion, almost as if Minuette cast a spell on her
  303. >but before you know it, she's grabbing your hoof and dragging you off to a large tree
  304. >she drops you and Minuette off at the base of the tree and flies up to peer into its branches
  305. >"Oh little birdies, come out please. I've got some new friends I'd like you to meet."
  306. >and the tree makes you aware
  307. >that it is swarming
  308. >with birds
  309. >cardinals
  310. >robins
  311. >finches
  312. >woodpeckers
  313. >there's even a toucan
  314. >Fluttershy smiles at the birds
  315. >"My friend Lyra is interested in adopting one of you. Go and say hello."
  316. >the birds
  317. >they don't say hello
  318. >they just stare at you
  319. >one bird, a bluebird, hops down to the branch nearest you and stares from there
  320. >Minuette points at it
  321. ~"I think that one likes you."
  322. >the bird hops from the tree and onto Minuette's pointing hoof
  323. ~"Oh!"
  324. >Minuette giggles
  325. ~"You look like toothpaste!"
  326. >the bird chirps
  327. ~"You like that, huh?"
  328. >she holds the bird right up to your face
  329. ~"Look! He reminds me of when we were little fillies, and we both thought we'd be dentists."
  330. "Because we both looked like toothpaste..."
  331. >the bird chirps
  332. >hops down Minuette's hoof a little
  333. >and nuzzles its face on your snout
  334. ~"Hehe, He definitely likes you."
  335. "Yeah..."
  336. >it's staring into your eyes
  337. >something about it feels...
  338. >like something
  339. "I think I'll take this one home."
  341. >for the millionth time, you sit at your harp with the latest revision of the song before you
  342. >Toothpaste, music afficianado that he apparently is, sits perched at rapt attention nearby
  343. >you check your ear protection
  344. >and then go
  345. >there's really no adequate way to describe the music of a harp with mere words
  346. >the experience is much more significant
  347. >much more precise
  348. >much greater than language could ever be
  349. >here you play a little higher and quicker
  350. >Toothpaste's eyes follow a light show you cannot see with great enthusiasm
  351. >here you add a sort of trilling flourish, and the bird shivers
  352. >here the music slows
  353. >the bird's head droops
  354. >for only a moment, the song rises to fantastic heights, and the bird almost looks ready to take wing
  355. >but slowly it descends once more
  356. >lower
  357. >slower
  358. >the bird's eyelids look very heavy on it
  359. >and now...
  360. >holy hay is that Twilight outside the window?
  361. >no way! she's close enough to hear you!
  362. >the purple princess pony's eyes roll back into her head
  363. >then she collapses beneath the window
  364. >oh, no, no, no, no
  365. >the spell isn't perfected yet, she's going to wake up!
  366. >and when she does she'll know what you're planning!
  367. >you'll be on the moon before it sets!
  368. >whoah, when did the moon rise anyway?
  369. >you race outside and find her unconscious on the ground
  370. >oh, no, no, no, no
  371. >she's already beginning to stir
  372. >Twilight looks right at you!
  373. <"Lyra? What's wrong?"
  374. >you realize that you're trotting in place
  375. >stay still now, Lyra
  376. "Uh, I saw you... faint."
  377. <"Faint?"
  378. >she realizes that she's lying on your flowerbed
  379. <"Oh!"
  380. >she leaps up to her hooves and pats down her wings
  381. <"Sorry! I guess I really do stay up too late."
  382. >ohhhh
  383. >good
  384. >she has no idea
  385. <"Lyra?"
  386. >you're staring at her
  387. "Y-yeah?"
  388. <"You missed dinner."
  389. "Dinner?"
  390. <"You know, you said you'd meet me and the girls for dinner tonight."
  391. "Oh. Yeah, I did. I guess I just... lost track of the time. You know, working on the... song."
  392. <"Is is coming along well? Can I hear it?"
  393. "No! It's not ready yet!"
  394. <"Well, all right then. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put any stress on you. With the fete only two days away and all-"
  395. "Two days?"
  396. <"Well, yeah. I asked you if you wanted to perform yesterday, on Wednesday. Thursday, Friday... Saturday. Lyra... Lyra, you're sweating."
  397. "Don't worry about me. Trust me, you're better off saving your worry for yourself. Anyway, if you're all right then, I'll just go and work on my song some more. Good night!"
  398. >you begin to make your way to your door
  399. >Twilight doesn't follow
  400. <"Lyra! Everyone's worried about you! They say you're pushing everyone away!"
  401. "Is this coming from you, Twilight?"
  402. >you're not looking at her
  403. >but Twilight's silence tells you that she probably took that like a slap in the face
  404. >you're halfway through your door
  405. <"Lyra, can you at least meet us for breakfast at my place tomorrow? I'm making pancakes!"
  406. "Yeah, sure, whatever, bye!"
  407. >the door slams shut
  408. >no, wait!
  409. >you meant no!
  410. >well
  411. >it might be good to learn the floor plan of a castle
  412. >anyway
  413. >you've come up with your solution to the problem of all your friends being at the fete
  414. >you're just going to put them to sleep along with everyone else
  416. >there
  417. >Toothpaste has been asleep for over an hour now
  418. >obviously, there's no way to confirm that it really lasts forever
  419. >you'd have to wait forever, after all
  420. >but, as a master of musical magic
  421. >you're pretty sure this is it
  422. >and it only took you all night
  423. >the Sun is still low in the sky, though no longer red with the sunrise
  424. >you're probably just in time for breakfast at Twilight's
  425. >just need to freshen up a bit
  426. >a few minutes later and you're fresh as a splash of cold water and cheap perfume will get you
  427. >a few minutes after that and you're knocking on the door of a big crystal tree
  428. >wondering if you can really go through with your plan tomorrow
  429. >these ponies are your friends, aren't they?
  430. >the door opens
  431. >a purple princess pony sees you
  432. >and she smiles brightly
  433. <"Lyra, you came! Come on in, the girls are all here! I'm still cooking, but breakfast will be out in just a minute."
  434. >seated at a crystal table in crystal chairs are the mares you called friends as a foal
  435. >there are two seats open
  436. >you assume that the one with the purple star on it is for Twilight
  437. >so you take the one with butterflies stamped on it
  438. >Lemon Hearts waves vigorously and smiles cheerily
  439. >behaving exactly the way she won't after tomorrow
  440. >"Lyraaaaaaaa! Hiiiiiiiii! It's been for-eeeeeeever! How have you beeeeeeeen?"
  441. "I've been well."
  442. >"Mmmmm, we've got to catch up some time, just the two of us."
  443. "Sure."
  444. >Minuette gives a friendly greeting as well
  445. ~"Hey, Lyra. How's Toothpaste doing?"
  446. "He's... asleep right now."
  447. >the pony in the seat directly to your left is Moon Dancer
  448. >she nods shyly in your direction
  449. _"Hi, Lyra. Been a while."
  450. "Yeah. When did you decide to crawl out from under your rock?"
  451. >Moon Dancer flinches, and looks down at her hooves
  452. >Twinkleshine snorts
  453. >"You're one to talk."
  454. >Twilight walks in carrying plates stacked high with pancakes
  455. <"Okay! Who's ready to eat?"
  456. >Lemon Hearts is excited
  457. >"Oh! Me! I am!"
  458. >Twilight dishes out the food
  459. >you take a bite
  460. >ugh
  461. >it's bland
  462. >flavorless
  463. >squishy and moist
  464. >like chewing dank air
  465. >are you the only one who notices this?
  466. >the others are scarfing this garbage down so happily
  467. >are they faking it?
  468. >you've had enough of this
  469. >you stand up, clinking your fork against your glass
  470. "I'd like to propose a toast to the author of this meal."
  471. <"Oh?"
  472. "To Twilight Sparkle. The pony who abandoned all of her friends for four years and was made the Princess of Friendship for it."
  473. >Twinkleshine scoffs
  474. >"Lyra! Why are you being such a jerk toda-"
  475. "And to Twinkleshine. The bitch who always liked to put gum in my mane."
  476. >a plate flies past you and shatters against the wall
  477. ~"L-Lyra!"
  478. >you turn around and make your way toward the door without another word
  479. >"That pony is seriously messed up in the head!"
  480. <"N-now, girls, Lyra's under a lot of pressure. She's got a lot riding on the performance tomorrow, l-let's just try to be unders-"
  481. >the door shutting behind you silences all further conversation to your ear
  482. "I don't need your understanding."
  484. >outside of the castle, it's starting to rain
  485. >the pale surface of the dirt road before you is rapidly peppered with dark polka dots
  486. >the Sun-baked earth greedily drinks the rain and starts to become soggy
  487. >so does your mane
  488. >you bow down your head
  489. >and quickly walk toward home
  490. >the rain seeps through your coat and pricks your skin with cold
  491. >letting you know that you still feel
  492. >how unfortunate
  493. >if they had known that they had been pleading for their world, maybe they wouldn't have insulted you so monstrously
  494. >that Lemon Hearts
  495. >had she thought you wouldn't notice?
  496. >the biting smirk disguised as a friendly smile
  497. >the condescension in her voice, hidden behind a cheery lilt
  498. >how horrific
  499. >and Twilight
  500. >had she intentionally prepared fouled food just for you?
  501. >it seems like the only logical explanation
  502. >the food on your plate was intentionally bad, while everyone else was served a proper breakfast
  503. >some sort of prank?
  504. >what a bitch
  505. >and that's to say nothing about Twinkleshine's outright attempted assault on you
  506. >all these high society types
  507. >these intellectuals
  508. >these Canterlot socialites
  509. >all these sorcerers and scholars and musicians and princesses
  510. >they all look down on you
  511. >but you're glad they look down on you
  512. >yes, glad!
  513. >if the social elite of this land had accepted you among their ranks, you'd be one of them
  514. >perpetuating their sickness
  515. >and someone else would have taken up the necessary task of eradicating them, destroying you in the process
  516. >no
  517. >starting tomorrow, this land will belong to the good ponies
  518. >ponies who won't condescend to look down on you
  519. >ponies like Bon Bon
  520. >in mid-step, your hooves collide with one another
  521. >and your face is in the mud
  522. >you lay there for a minute, drinking deeply of the physical sensation
  523. >and a set of creme-colored hooves stop just before your eyes
  524. /"Lyra?"
  525. >looking down on you are the greenish eyes of Bon Bon
  526. /"Are... are you okay?"
  527. >you grunt, and clamber to your hooves
  528. "I just fell."
  529. >Bon Bon blinks
  530. /"Well, okay then. Anyway, I was looking for you. Great news!"
  531. >this
  532. >this friendship
  533. >on an equal basis
  534. >among equals
  535. >that's why folks like Bon Bon are going to inherit the earth tomorrow
  536. >you smile
  537. "What's up?"
  538. /"I bought a ticket to that party you're performing at tomorrow! I talked to Princess Twilight about it and she was able to get me one totally last minute! I'm gonna be there for your big break, how great is that?"
  539. >oh
  540. >is it getting hotter outside?
  541. >or is that just the slimy thing writhing in your gut?
  542. /"Lyra?"
  543. "Y... you shouldn't... I... don't..."
  544. /"You don't want me to come?"
  545. "I've... got to..."
  546. >you stumble off to the side and make your way around Bon Bon
  547. /"Lyra! Where are you going?"
  548. "I've... gotta go... See you... tomorrow!"
  549. >the scenery passes by in a haze
  550. >and somehow you arrive at home
  551. >flinging open the door, you're greeted by the last thing you wanted to see
  552. >Twilight and Moon Dancer are standing there, staring intently at you
  553. "How... did you... get here?!"
  554. <"We teleported in. Lyra, there's something bothering you. We need to talk!"
  555. "Get... out... of my house!"
  556. <"Lyr-"
  557. "Out!"
  558. >you storm behind them and start shoving them weakly with your body
  559. _"Eep!"
  560. <"Lyra, I don't understand! Why are you treating us like this? Didn't I do you a favor? Don't you want to perform tomorrow?"
  561. >a poorly aimed shove sends you ricocheting off of Twilight and sprawling on the floor
  562. "I... I do. You did... You have no idea..."
  563. <"Lyra! We can't help you if you don't talk to us!"
  564. >you sigh and settle into the floor
  565. >the panic that's been building in you finally starts to settle into freezing cold, yet manageable, unease
  566. "After tomorrow. After tomorrow, you'll understand."
  567. <"Understand what?"
  568. "You'll understand. I promise. After tomorrow. Now go."
  569. <"Lyr-"
  570. "Get! Out!"
  571. <"I... Okay, Lyra. I trust you. Moon Dancer, let's go."
  572. >Moon Dancer looks uneasily at you
  573. _"Are you sure?"
  574. <"Yes. Sometimes friends need to give each other space. Come on."
  575. >and then they're gone
  576. >and then
  577. >there on the floor
  578. >among the stacks of cans
  579. >you descend into a troubled unconsciousness
  581. >morning
  582. >in the cargo bay beneath you is the large luggage case which contains your harp
  583. >in the seat next to you is the briefcase which contains the sheet music that will end Equestria
  584. >it occurs to you now that you don't have any plans for what happens after today
  585. >it doesn't matter
  586. >whatever comes next
  587. >it'll be better than this
  588. >it might be possible to block up the doors to the castle before anyone notices
  589. >and maybe find some sort of artifact or spell in the archives that will enable you to protect ponies from external threats
  590. >it doesn't matter right now though
  591. >right now what matters is justice
  592. >the door to your lonely train car slides open
  593. >in walks a white unicorn, looking around nervously for something
  594. >she spots you
  595. >and freezes
  596. "Good morning, Moon Dancer."
  597. _"L-L-L-L-Lyra! H-hi! Um, I, um, I forgot some things, so the others went on ahead without me... a-a-and you, apparently."
  598. "I like to sleep in."
  599. _"R-right. I-I-I was actually just looking for a bathroom. Is there one in this car?"
  600. "Dunno. Haven't checked."
  601. _"Um... right... well... I don't see one in here so I guess I'll keep looking!"
  602. "Bye, Moon Dancer."
  603. _"Yep. See you later. Right... um..."
  604. "Yes?"
  605. _"S-since I found you there's actually something I wanted to say."
  606. "Oh?"
  607. _"I, um, Twilight and I, we, um, we read through some of your writings yesterday..."
  608. "That's nice."
  609. _"R-really? Twilight said you really didn't want anyone to, you know, read those."
  610. "It doesn't matter anymore."
  611. _"Um, well, I thought... it was... really... smart. And Twilight did too."
  612. "Did she really?"
  613. _"Uh huh. That stuff about introducing more democratic elements to the government... She said that even she hadn't gotten a say when she was made a princess!"
  614. "Well I'm glad you liked it."
  615. _"Yeah, m-me too. Um... yesterday you said... we'd understand after today and I just wanted to know what you meant by that!"
  616. >wow
  617. >you've never seen Moon Dancer act like this before
  618. >so agitated
  619. >of course, it's not without good cause
  620. >though she couldn't possibly know that
  621. "I meant you'll understand after today."
  622. _"Um... okay. I-I'll just go find that bathroom now."
  623. "Bye, Moon Dancer."
  624. _"Okay, sorry, sorry, I'll get going, I just... one more thing... I... I think you're really brilliant, Lyra... so, um... just... d-don't do anything rash, okay?"
  625. >you grin lazily at the flustered bookworm
  626. "I won't do anything stupid. I promise."
  628. >the bizarre calm you experienced on the train is gone
  629. >and now it's back
  630. >and now it's gone
  631. >your heart can't decide how hard it wants to pump right now
  632. >so it seems to be cycling through all available speeds
  633. >you're behind the curtain right now
  634. >your harp standing tall before you
  635. >your retribution, desguised as music, sitting on a stand beside it
  636. >Twilight is just finishing her presentation on the study of friendship
  637. <"And now, a presentation from yet another good friend, who... who I have a lot to learn from. Without further ado, an original piece by Lyra Heartstrings of Ponyville!"
  638. >the curtain rises slowly
  639. >ever so slowly
  640. >torturously slowly
  641. >and the anticipation you've felt climaxes
  642. >as you know
  643. >that this very instant
  644. >is your moment of truth
  645. >Twilight winks at you
  646. <"Show us all, Lyra."
  647. >and she steps down from the stage
  648. >and finds a table populated with familiar faces
  649. >Minuette
  650. >Moon Dancer
  651. >Lemon Hearts
  652. >Twinkleshine
  653. >if you didn't know about their secret condescension
  654. >you might even say that there's no evidence of yesterday's scene in their bright faces
  655. >somehow, Bon Bon is sitting among them too
  656. >she's waving at you
  657. >how unfortunate
  658. >nothing less than total detachment from personal feelings will help you do what needs to be done now
  659. >as far as you're aware, no spell in the world will be able to recussitate her
  660. >but maybe someday you'll find an artifact that will
  661. >until then though
  662. >she's an unfortunate casualty
  663. >your resolve is ironclad with the looming presence of yet another pony at that very table
  664. >Princess Celestia herself
  665. >whispering something in Twilight's ear
  666. >to Tartarus with them, then
  667. >stiffly
  668. >professionally
  669. >you step beside your instrument
  670. >and assume an upright sitting position
  671. >and pluck your first note
  672. >the magical visual effects are lost to you due to the enchantment on your ears
  673. >but the audience
  674. >shivers
  675. >soon you're playing them up mountains
  676. >through forests
  677. >across rivers
  678. >through scorching deserts and biting tundras
  679. >that's the easiest way to word it, of course
  680. >music is, as always, beyond the capability of language to describe adequately
  681. >oh, you can use the technical terms
  682. >but that only gives a vague concept of the music
  683. >and only to an expert
  684. >much easier to describe it poetically
  685. >now you're playing them down into a deep valley
  686. >slowly, you play the Sun below its horizon
  687. >somebody near the front stretches and yawns
  688. >this is it
  689. >at the bottom of the valley lies a fragrant lilac bush
  690. >and ponies begin to nod
  691. >poor Minuette can hardly keep her eyes open
  692. >Twilight is grinning stupidly
  693. >not suspecting a thing
  694. >in just a few seconds now
  695. >it'll be all over
  696. >but your hoof hits the strings again
  697. >and no sound comes forth
  698. >the music stops
  699. >you try to pluck a few more times
  700. >what's going on?
  701. >the ponies in the audience
  702. >they're stuck in a place between wakefulness and sleep
  703. >frozen
  704. >not even breathing
  705. >who could have...?
  706. >Minuette?
  707. >no, she's as still as everyone else
  708. >oh
  709. >well there's your problem
  710. >just a few seats from Minuette's
  711. >Princess Celestia sits erect
  712. >blinking
  714. >you stare at her
  715. >and she stares at you
  716. >maybe if you don't move, she won't either
  717. >nope
  718. >the Princess's body is moved by a deep breath
  719. >then she spreads her wings
  720. >and soars over the frozen audience
  721. >and lands in front of you
  722. >her wings still outstretched
  723. >the stage lights casting a deep shadow on her face
  724. >the wrath of a mighty monarch incarnate
  725. >well
  726. >you gambled it all
  727. >and lost
  728. >you knew something like this might happen
  729. >and you'll face it with dignity
  730. "N-not a lot of energy in this crowd, huh?"
  731. >no
  732. >more dignity than that
  733. ="Miss Heartstrings."
  734. >oh, hay
  735. >you'll be in Tartarus before five minutes pass
  736. >assuming time is passing, anyway
  737. >the least you can do is stand up straight
  738. >and look her in the eye
  739. >and keep your trembling down to a reasonable minimum
  740. "Yes, Princess?"
  741. ="I don't suppose you think your audience is falling asleep out of boredom, do you?"
  742. "No, Princess. I don't."
  743. ="Then why?"
  744. "I'm doing it. I wove a spell into my song that would have put them to sleep. Forever."
  745. ="Forever is a long time. I'm sure I taught you myself that those sorts of things usually don't last much more than a thousand years."
  746. "Yes, Princess. You did."
  747. ="I suppose I also taught you what happens to ponies who try to threaten my kingdom with spells that last forever."
  748. "Yes, Princess. You did."
  749. ="Good. I remember that your talent was never traditional spellcasting, and that your schooling was a bit different from most of the students at my Academy."
  750. >the Princess reaches a gold-shod hoof to her head
  751. >and pulls two glowing objects from her ears
  752. ="I have been a Princess for a long time. There is very little I'm not adequately prepared for."
  753. >she sighs
  754. ="I don't recall ever having to speak to you like this while you were a schoolfilly. Would you mind explaining to me why I'm doing so while you're a grown-up?"
  755. >you feel your face momentarily twitch into a scowl
  756. "Your society is sick. I wanted to destroy it."
  757. ="Destroy it? Good heavens! You'd certainly have achieved that had you put Twilight and her friends to sleep for a thousand years. Do you know how many times they've saved all of our lives? How ever did you plan to protect my ponies while I was away?"
  758. "Um... Without... Without your sneering intellectual elite, Equestria would... um... harness the true power of friendship: as a friendship among equals."
  759. ="Why, aren't you a part of Equestria's intellectual elite yourself? You're only the most talented musical mage to have graduated from a Canterlot academy."
  760. "A lot of good that's done me! Traditional spellcasters have always looked down on me!"
  761. ="Looked down on you?"
  762. >the Princess cranes her neck around
  763. >then turns around completely, standing exactly beside you
  764. >and she scans the crowd
  765. ="It looks to me like they're looking up to you. Especially..."
  766. >Celestia's hoof jabs at the table where your nominal friends sit in suspended animation
  767. ="...those ones. Aren't they your friends?"
  768. "They look down on me the same as anyone else. Mostly."
  769. ="Are you sure? Look closely. I see something different."
  770. "I..."
  771. >behind the frozen sleepiness, you see...
  772. ="I see pride, Lyra Heartstrings. Pride for you."
  773. "I... So what? Your society as a whole is still sick."
  774. ="Maybe. When did you first start to think like this?"
  775. "Only... about a month ago."
  776. ="A month, hm? Let me see... one month... ah yes, when you were asked to resign from the Ponyville Chamber Orchestra."
  777. "Yes. That's when it started. When I was thrown out onto the street by ponies I thought were my friends."
  778. ="That sounds horrible. Why did it happen?"
  779. "I was first chair of the strings section. Somebody 'important' wanted my position. I was thrown out to make room."
  780. ="Oh, my."
  781. "She was some prince's niece. A distant relative of yours, no doubt."
  782. ="Yes, I do believe she was. I suppose I deserve to be overthrown then, don't I?"
  783. "I..."
  784. ="Lyra, I'm going to go back to my seat and resume the flow of time. I'm not going to put my earplugs back in. You may do what you feel you must, if you will only promise to grant me one request."
  785. >you find yourself inhaling deeply
  786. "What do you need?"
  787. ="I need you to watch your friends. I need you to watch them very closely, as you put them to sleep. Forever."
  788. >you're blinking now
  789. "I'll do that."
  790. ="Thank you. And now..."
  791. >Princess Celestia soars back to her table
  792. >and settles into her seat
  793. >and the ponies begin to stir
  794. >you don't realize you've gone about ten seconds without playing, until a shout
  795. >half a shout, anyway
  796. >half a shout and half a yawn
  797. >makes its way across the auditorium
  798. <"You can do it, Lyra!"
  799. >you shake your head
  800. >get into your upright sitting position
  801. >and play
  803. >the brightness level in your room tells you that it's long past morning
  804. >actually, it's telling you that this isn't your room at all
  805. >or even your home
  806. >the dingy brown walls have been replaced with clean white ones
  807. >bright white lights overhead almost overpower the Sunlight pouring in through a window that's much too clean to be yours
  808. >and...
  809. >and...
  810. "Twilight?"
  811. <"Lyra! You're awake!"
  812. "I noticed. But where...?"
  813. <"You're still in Canterlot Castle. This is Princess Celestia's personal hospital."
  814. "What was I doing in... How long...?"
  815. <"Oh, not long. Just about a day or so."
  816. _"Not quite. The exact count was eighteen hours, twelve minutes, and twenty-one seconds."
  817. >Moon Dancer waves at you from the foot of the immaculate bed you're lying in
  818. "Huh..."
  819. >you're racking your brain now
  820. >trying to remember something
  821. >something rather important
  822. "H-hey... shouldn't you both be... asleep right now?"
  823. >Twilight laughs
  824. <"Well, we did stay up all night, but it's morning now, Lyra."
  825. "No... I played you to the top of the mountain..."
  826. <"Lyra, try to stay relaxe-"
  827. "And beyond the mountain! I played you to the sky... To the stars! We danced in the Sun together, you, me, everyone! And then..."
  828. _"And then you collapsed."
  829. <"And Twinkleshine galloped onstage to help."
  830. "Twinkleshine? But why...?"
  831. <"Well, there she is now, why don't you ask her?"
  832. >Twilight points to an open door
  833. >striding into the brightly lit room is Twinkleshine, clad in a shining white labcoat with a stethoscope around her neck
  834. >oh yeah
  835. >she did go to med school, didn't she?
  836. >lined up behind her like baby ducks are Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Bon Bon
  837. >"Is my patient awake? Are you two exciting her?"
  838. <"Wh- no!"
  839. >Twilight's face is scrunched into a shifty surprise
  840. _"Well, she is awake, anyhow."
  841. >"I see. Well, I think it's high time I gave you a piece of my mind, Miss Lyra Heartstrings!"
  842. "Uh, l-look, about the o-other d-"
  843. >"Why on Earth did you agree to perform on a stage being as sick as you were! You scared all of us half to death!"
  844. "I was... sick?"
  845. >"Only with the most acute case of brain fever I've ever heard of! Lyra! You... you!"
  846. >your stern friend throws her forelegs about your neck
  847. >"Why didn't you tell anyone you were going through so much?"
  848. "I, uh, guess I didn't know myself."
  849. >Lemon Hearts smugs into Twinkleshine's ear
  850. >"No exciting the patient now!"
  851. >"I, um, right!"
  852. >Twinkleshine gets up
  853. >and Bon Bon quickly fills the empty space she leaves behind
  854. /"Here, Lyra, I brought you some dinner. Twinkie here said you'd be good to eat as soon as you woke up."
  855. >a bag full of something that smells really good is dropped by your side
  856. "Wow, thanks."
  857. >Minuette almost shoves Bon Bon out of the way
  858. ~"And ''I'' went back to Ponyville and brought... this!"
  859. >Minuette displays a bird perched upon her hoof
  860. >he's small
  861. >blue
  862. >and named Toothpaste
  863. >and he's chirping and twittering away merrily
  864. >oh
  865. >naturally
  866. >the little bird hops up out of sight
  867. >and a small weight perches itself on your horn
  868. >the room is full of giggles
  869. >and somehow
  870. >you don't notice a massive, gold-shod hoof making its way toward your shoulder
  871. >it lands gently
  872. >Princess Celestia stands at the head of the bed
  873. >looking at you all upside-downedly
  874. >has she been in here the whole time?
  875. "I-I-I... uh..."
  876. >the Princess smiles
  877. ="Well done, Lyra."

Horse Confessions

by Writefag_Roulette

Anon Tried to Kill Himself

by Writefag_Roulette

Rubehog Day: Ruby Destination (/pone/ CYOA)

by Writefag_Roulette

The Skintrotter

by Writefag_Roulette

Legend of the Wandering Autist

by Writefag_Roulette