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The Spotted Snake

By Writefag_Roulette
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-20 14:33:09
Expiry: Never

  1. >a glob of melted ice cream falls from the cone and splatters on your rear leg
  2. "Shit fucking damnit."
  3. >you hastily wolf down the rest of the ice cream, resulting in more globs splattering in more places
  4. >with the fuzzy hair on your now-free forelegs, you vigorously rub out the offending ice cream globs from your coat
  5. >now your forelegs feel all sticky
  6. >but at least you can't really see the ice cream anymore
  7. >you sigh
  8. >now you're just sitting on a hot park bench without any ice cream
  9. >and your legs are all sticky
  10. >you hop down to the ground and begin to walk home, hoping to get a bath in or something
  11. >force of habit compels you to try walking bipedally
  12. >force of gravity compels you to fall flat on your face
  13. >you groan
  14. "Shit. First time that's happened in a few weeks."
  15. >but that's not even the worst of it
  16. >based on the direction you're facing, you were trying to walk to your old house
  17. >the one you had to get rid of when you went from a six-foot biped to a two-foot baby horse
  18. "Fuck, man."
  19. >adjusting to life after the accident has been a very bumpy process
  20. >your tiny body is racked by a huge sigh
  21. >then you get up
  22. >and make your way to Twilight's house
  23. >great, brown spots of soft dirt have adhered themselves to the ice cream residue on your coat
  24. >but at least your legs don't feel quite so sticky now
  25. >wrapped up in melancholy and dirt as you are, it's no wonder she takes you by surprise
  26. >in a past life, you'd called her your marefriend
  27. >that life had ended when she told you, "Sorry, Anon, but you're just not the man I fell in love with!"
  28. >even though she was breaking up with you, that joke had been the first time you'd laughed since the accident
  29. >of course you're still friends with her
  30. >how could you not be friends with her?
  31. >how could anyone not be friends with her?
  32. >she rises, seemingly from the earth itself, in a flash of pink light
  33. <"Hi, Anon!"
  34. >once you're finished flinching at the sudden motion, you return the greeting as naturally as possible
  35. "Hey, Ponks."
  36. <"Doing anything right now, Nonny?"
  37. "Well I was about to-"
  38. <"Great! Come on, I wanna show you something!"
  39. "No, hang on, I'm all covered in-"
  40. >a pink tail lowers itself to entangle you in its intricate frizz
  41. >and Pinkie dashes off with you helplessly in tow
  42. >you're freed upon the wooden platform of Ponyville's train station
  43. "You wanted to show me the train station?"
  44. >Pinkie giggles
  45. <"No, silly. We've just gotta meet someone here before we can go see the thing we've gotta see."
  46. "All right, two questions. First of all, what even is this thing we've gotta see?"
  47. >Pinkie twists her neck unnervingly around til her face is suspended upside-down before yours
  48. <"It's a surprise!"
  49. >you lightly tap Pinkie's nose til her face has floated away to a more comfortable distance
  50. "All right, then who do we have to meet? Is that a surprise too?"
  51. <"Oh, just my dad."
  52. >the stern gaze of Pinkie's dad fills your brain and causes you to visibly cringe in fear
  53. "Wha- why would you want me to meet your dad again? You know… he knows that we're, you know, not a thing anymore, right?"
  54. <"Oh, sure, I told him all about that. Don't worry, Anon, I'm sure he'll act a lot less scary now that we're just friends. And, you know, now that the accident happened…"
  55. "Yeah, yeah, I guess."
  56. >Pinkie Pie squints at the sky and licks her lips
  57. <"Now, based on the position of the Sun, the strength of the wind-current, and the vibration of the tracks, my dad's train should be pulling in right… about…"
  58. >without warning, a big black steam locomotive screeches into the station and stops on a dime
  59. <"Now!"
  60. "Goodness fuck, how do you do that?"
  61. <"Language, Nonny! You know how my dad gets about that."
  62. "Boy, do I."
  64. >Igneous Rock Pie glides through the crowd of ponies like a folksy specter
  65. >the flight of the wraith comes to a halt before you and Pinkie Pie
  66. >Pinkie's frantically waving hoof is all but invisible now, save as a blurry, pink fan-shape
  67. <"Hi, Dad! I brought Anon along, hope you don't mind!"
  68. >Mr. Pie nods
  69. ^"Good day, Pinkamena. Is Anonymous, then, the friend you mean to take with you to the house?"
  70. "Huh? What house?"
  71. >Pinkie nods vigorously
  72. <"Uh-huh!"
  73. ^"Then no, I don't mind. I'm sure Anonymous still has the strength, where it counts, to keep you safe."
  74. "Whoah, safe? Hang on, Pinkie, Mr. Pie, I wasn't counting on anything dangerous. I'm not exactly the man I used to be, you know."
  75. >Pinkie guffaws
  76. >but if her father appreciated the wordplay, he doesn't show it
  77. ^"Oh, it's nothing so bad as that. Just an old, crumbling house. As long as you've still got your good sense about you I'm sure you'll be quite well. By the by, I was sorry to hear of your accident."
  78. "Yeah, it's fine. Look, I still don't really know just what it is I've been dragged into here."
  79. ^"Why, I wonder that Pinkamena didn't tell you."
  80. <"It was gonna be a surprise!"
  81. >Igneous Rock Pie allows himself to smile with genuine warmth at that
  82. ^"Ah. Of course it was. Well then, don't let's keep your friend in suspense any longer."
  83. >Mr. Pie retrieves a set of keys and a roll of paper from his bag
  84. ^"There we go. The keys to old Blanche's house, and a map that ought to tell you how to get there."
  85. >Pinkie takes the items and stores them within the depths of her poofy mane
  86. ^"The short of it, Anonymous, is this: A distant cousin of ours, one Blanche Pie, has recently passed away, and her house has passed into my possession."
  87. <"And Mom and Dad say I can have the house!"
  88. >Igneous nods
  89. ^"Yes. The house is just outside of Ponyville, in the Everfree Forest, and I'm afraid that it's a bit far from the rock farm to do me and the missus much good. Besides, it's about time Pinkamena owned some land."
  90. >Pinkie Pie's chest is so swollen with pride that you think it's about to burst
  91. >and Igneous is looking fondly upon her
  92. >but you're still confused
  93. "So, wait, you've had a cousin living just outside of Ponyville this whole time, and I've never heard of her?"
  94. >Pinkie shrugs
  95. <"I didn't know about her til today either. I hear she mostly kept to herself."
  96. ^"Cousin Blanche was, well… a long time ago, there was a Pie by the name of Flint. Flint Pie travelled for many years among the nomad herds of Zebrica, and returned to Equestria somewhat… queer. He took his family into the Everfree Forest, and after that he was said to have become rather disreputable. Respectable Pies haven't had much to do with Flint's line in many generations, but since old Blanche Pie was the last of that branch, I don't suppose there's any harm in letting slip the secret now."
  97. >Pinkie Pie is all but bouncing now
  98. >"Ready to go, you guys? Because I'm ready to go! I've never been more ready to go! I was born ready! Ready like-"
  99. ^"My apologies, Pinkamena, but I must return home now. There's still a great deal of chores to do before autumm really sets in, and my train should be arriving…"
  100. >another train screeches to a halt in front of the station
  101. ^"…Now."
  102. "So that just… runs in the family, huh?"
  103. >Pinkie pouts
  104. <"Aw, all right. See you at Hearthswarming?"
  105. >Igneous smiles in his usual, glum fashion
  106. ^"Of course, dearest. I'll see you at Hearthswarming."
  107. >the frizzy pink pony brightens up immediately
  108. <"Okay! Bye, Dad!"
  109. ^"Farewell, Pinkamena. And, Anonymous, I trust you'll do what it takes to keep my daughter safe."
  110. "Yeah, sure, totally."
  111. >Pinkie doesn't stop waving til Igneous' train is long out of sight
  112. >then she smiles ecstatically at you
  113. <"Ready to go Anon? Because I'm-"
  114. >you stuff your hoof in her mouth
  115. "No. I'm not ready. I've been all covered with sticky shit this whole time, and I really don't want to go waltzing through the woods like this."
  116. <"But you still wanna come, right?"
  117. >she giggles
  118. <"I'm gonna need those big, strong arms of yours to keep me safe from the monsters, you know."
  119. "I don't have big, strong arms anymore."
  120. <"Sure you do. On the inside, where it counts."
  121. "Look, if it'll make you happy, I'll come visit this old house with you. Just let me take a bath real quick. What do you say we meet up by the forest in, say, an hour?"
  122. <"A whole hour?!"
  123. "Oh, it's still early in the day, you'll be fine."
  124. <"Fine! An hour it is. Ooh! I can't wait, has it been an hour yet?!"
  126. >at long last, you break away from Pinkie Pie and make it to Twilight's house
  127. /"Hey, Anon- whoah! What happened to you?"
  128. "Lost a fight with an ice cream cone. I'm gonna take a bath real quick. Also, I'm heading out to the Everfree with Pinkie after that, apparently she's inherited an old house out there."
  129. >Twilight looks up from her paperwork
  130. /"You're heading to the Everfree with Pinkie?"
  131. "Yeah."
  132. >Twilight sets her quill down apprehensively
  133. /"I don't know if that's safe, maybe I should go with you guys."
  134. "Oh, would you quit worrying? I'm your fuck-up, not your foal, remember?"
  135. >Twilight's ears flatten even as she grins sheepishly
  136. /"Of course, but… you're my friend, too. I'd be worried about this even if the accident never happened. Really, you guys should take me along; there's all kinds of monsters in the Everfree, you know."
  137. "Pinkie and I are both adults… or, I'm as old as an adult, anyway. We'll be fine. Besides, don't you have that big presentation in Canterlot to prepare for?"
  138. >Twilight looks at her mountain of paperwork
  139. >then sighs
  140. /"Okay, if you say so. It's just… I'd feel terrible if something happened to you before I figured out how to fix the accident."
  141. "Hey, until you do figure it out, I've still gotta live, don't I? Anyways, I'm meeting Pinkie in an hour, so I've gotta start drawing that bath now."
  142. /"All right. Have fun, Anon."
  143. >Twilight returns to her furious note-taking
  144. >and you clip-clop up the stairs to the bathroom
  145. >force of habit compels you to lock the door behind you
  146. >even though you don't normally wear clothes anymore
  147. >it takes a bit of finaggling to turn the faucet with your hooves
  148. >but you're getting good at this sort of thing
  149. >and a torrent of steaming water - already hot from the spells Twilight has cast on the piping - bursts forth from the spiget
  150. >you're careful not to fill the tub all the way up
  151. >you did that once, out of habit
  152. >and your tiny filly body nearly drowned for it
  153. >these things are built to lap at a full-grown mare's chest while she's standing, after all
  154. >you used to think that was too short
  155. >but now, you cut off the stream while the tub still appears hardly full at all
  156. >and you clamber over the edge
  157. >only to make an ungraceful splashdown in the water
  158. >the hot water creeps through the layers of dirt and ice cream and hair for what feels like a minute before it finally contacts your skin
  159. >the weat heat makes you sigh
  160. >makes you crave for more
  161. >so you close your eyes and plunge your head beneath the waterline
  162. >water cascades noisily from your mane as you surface
  163. >the water on your head rapidly cools to a brisk contrast against the waters of the steaming tub
  164. >finally, you reach up for a bar of soap and begin scrubbing it against your forelegs
  165. >the white suds rapidly turn brown and fall into the water, turning it brown too
  166. >once your forelegs are rinsed clean, you move on to the somewhat trickier task of getting your hind legs clean
  167. >and so on and so forth, until there are no more sticky, brown spots in your coat
  168. >you'd like to wash your mane, too, as long as you're in here
  169. >don't tell Twilight, but you don't, strictly speaking, do this whole "bathing" thing every single day
  170. >so you reach up for Twilight's special, scented oils
  171. >and you pour what probably constitutes a little bit too much of these on top of your head
  172. >then you gather up some fresh soap-suds and mix them in with the oils
  173. >and because you're feeling extra wasteful today, you turn the faucet back on and rinse your head under that
  174. >it's better than dunking your head under that brown water, after all
  175. >satisfied of your cleanliness at last, you pull the plug and watch the bathwater spiral down the drain
  176. >then you climb out of the tub and spread your towel on the floor
  177. >you've found the easiest way for you to dry off nowadays is to roll in the towel, rather then rub it against yourself
  178. >once you're dry enough, you look up at the mirror
  179. >clean as a whistle
  180. >not for long, of course, if the Everfree Forest has anything to say about it
  181. >but you look good enough for a date with Pinkie
  182. >no, it's not a date
  183. >you can't go on dates anymore
  184. >it's…
  185. >you know what, shut up
  186. >about ten minutes later, you can be found approaching the Everfree Forest
  187. >you're about twenty minutes early
  188. >but you guess, correctly, that Pinkie Pie will be waiting there for you all the same
  189. <"Ugh, finally! Are you ready to go yet?"
  190. "Yep. Pull out that map, let's see where we're going."
  192. >some ten minutes into the walk, the bright noonday Sun is filtered to a dusky, dim glow by the dense foliage above
  193. "Are you sure you can read that thing?"
  194. <"Sure can. We are still on course! Why do you ask?"
  195. "Mostly due to those holes you poked in it."
  196. <"Oh that's fine, Nonny, I can still read it."
  197. "And the fact that you're using them as eyeholes and wearing the map like a Halloween mask."
  198. <"Pfffft, how else am I supposed to see where I'm going, you silly filly? Oh, left turn here."
  199. >Pinkie executes a smart left-face on the dirt path and continues her march into darkness
  200. "You know what? Okay."
  201. <"Okay!"
  202. "Okay."
  203. <"O~kay~!"
  204. "Okay."
  205. <"Okey dokey!"
  206. "Uh-huh."
  207. <"Yup!"
  208. "That's fine."
  209. <"Nonny?"
  210. "We're lost, aren't we?"
  211. <"Just a tiny bit."
  212. "Lemme see the map."
  213. <"No! Hang on, if I can just…"
  214. >Pinkie pulls the map from her face and scans it carefully
  215. >following that, she squints up at what's visible of the Sun through the forest roof
  216. >finally, she licks her hoof and holds it aloft
  217. >she smiles, apparently satisfied with something
  218. <"Come on, this way!"
  219. >and then
  220. >she bounds into the treeline
  221. "What? Not through the fucking brush!"
  222. >you scamper as far into the foliage as you can go
  223. >but ultimately your advance is halted by a big patch of brambles
  224. "Pinkie Pie! I'm not tall enough for this shit anymore!"
  225. <"Geez, you were always so needy."
  226. >a pair of pink hooves reaches down to hoist you out of the brush
  227. >and in the clearing you've reached stands a great, stone mansion
  228. >or, it's mostly stone, anyway
  229. >the center of the house is comprised of an intricate tetris-work of flagstone
  230. >the wings immediately adjacent to that seem to have walls of cobblestones, tastefully set within their mortar frame
  231. >beyond those lie a few brick walls, with here and there a brick bearing the seal of Ponyville brick-makers
  232. >then there's a couple wooden portions with peeling paint
  233. >finally, the outermost - and smallest - wings of the manstion appear to have been dried from mud
  234. >the mansion is clearly in a state of disrepair
  235. >broken windows
  236. >chipped walls
  237. >crumbling bricks
  238. >yet for all this, there's not a single vine or patch of moss clinging to those appealing stone walls
  239. "Pinkie Pie, are you sure about this?"
  240. <"Totally. This is where the X on the map is. See?"
  241. "No, I believe you. What I meant was, are you sure about living here?"
  242. >Pinkie Pie shrugs
  243. <"I dunno about living here, but it'd be a pretty good party spot."
  244. >Pinkie grins
  245. <"Think about it, Anon. There are. No. Noise laws. In the Everfree Forest. We can get as loud as we want!"
  246. >you hate to cut Pinkie's excited fantasies short
  247. >but at this moment, a dark-cloaked figure appears from around the corner of the house
  248. "Whoah, calm down. There's someone over there."
  250. >the dark figure scoops some sort of powder from a sack hung about its neck and scatters it along the walls
  251. <"Oh, I know her. That's Zecora!"
  252. "Is it?"
  253. >when the figure notices you, you make out her face and see that it is indeed Zecora
  254. _"Anonymous I see, free as a bird. I take it you've come to say the Z-word?"
  255. >Pinkie gasps
  256. <"Anon!"
  257. >geez
  258. >you let the Z-word slip one damn time
  259. >and then another time
  260. >and maybe like a dozen more times
  261. >and now all of the sudden it's the only thing the local zigger expects you to say
  262. "Wha- no! Not today, Zecora. I'm just here with her."
  263. >the zebra sees the pink pony at your side and relaxes
  264. >but why does she tense up again?
  265. _"Ah, and my friend of pink. Here to see old Blanche's house, I think?"
  266. <"Uh-huh! My family wanted me to have the house, and now I'm here to have a look-see."
  267. "Hey, zi- Zecora, what's that stuff you're throwing around?"
  268. >Zecora takes another scoop of the black dust and scatters it about
  269. _"Old Blanche Pie knew the magicless magic of the Zoodoo tribes. I'm here to clear out all the bad vibes."
  270. "Bad vibes?"
  271. <"Magicless magic? Is that kinda like my Pinkie Sense?"
  272. >Zecora, faced with both of your questions at once, gives the higher priority to Pinkie's
  273. >the old zebra's nostrils flair at the mention of Pinkie Pie's sixth sense
  274. _"Yes… then in Pie blood runs the magicless magic. I wish you'd turn back now; I fear an end somewhat tragic."
  275. <"Pffft, tragic? This isn't a play, you silly willy!"
  276. "Yeah, why are you acting so spooky, stripe horse?"
  277. >Zecora moves a little closer to you before spreading more of the black dust
  278. _"A maker of zombies and zuvembies was Flint Pie of old. He taught his family that blackest art: the Zoodoo practice bold."
  279. <"Okay, I've seen zombie movies, but what's a zuvembie?"
  280. >your hoof crash-lands on your forehead
  281. "Oh, geez, this is another one of those things where something in Equestria is just like something from back home on Earth but with a bad pun in the name. I know what this is."
  282. >Zecora silently spreads more dust
  283. >Pinkie Pie looks at you all askance
  284. "See, back on Earth there was this thing called Voodoo. And when they wanted to make a zombie they'd give a guy some stuff to paralyze him and then they'd bury him alive. They'd dig him up later and the guy would be brain damaged, see? He'd be servile but aggressive, and the damn Voodoos would pretend like the guy was the living dead. It's twisted, to be sure, but there's nothing magic about it. Let alone magicless magic, which doesn't make any fucking sense to begin with."
  285. <"But what's a zuvembie supposed to be?"
  286. "Oh, it was the same fucking thing but always a woman. I think they supposedly had some kind of magic powers that regular zombies didn't."
  287. >Zecora shakes her head
  288. _"The zuvembie is the steed of Yigballa, the spotted snake. Each one is a mare or filly he takes."
  289. "I'm kinda surprised the concept of steeds exists in this world."
  290. _"It is not wise to speak of such things to pony-folk. I only ask you to go home now; this is not a joke!"
  291. "Oh, calm down. We just wanna look around."
  292. <"Well… I was kinda hoping to spend the night."
  293. _"No!"
  294. "Shut up, zigger."
  295. <"Anon!"
  296. "Ah, sorry. Just slipped out. Anyway, why would you want to spend the night? It's probably all drafty in there."
  297. <"Well how else are we supposed to find out all what's wrong with the place? It's what my dad said to do, anyway."
  298. >old Zecora shakes her head
  299. _"My leave of you I now take. The place is clean now, I hope for your sake."
  300. >with that, the striped mystic disappears into the woods
  301. >Pinkie Pie grins at you
  302. <"Come on, Nonny, let's check it out."
  303. >and check it out you do
  304. >the two of you spend hours looking into every room of the mansion
  305. >by the time you're done, the sky is dark
  306. "Well, I guess we are spending the night. No way are we traipsing through these woods after dark."
  307. <"There's that good sense Dad was talking about it. You know what this means!"
  308. "Does it mean slumber party?"
  309. <"Slumber party!"
  310. >by the dim Moonlight filtering in through the old windows, the two of you make your way to the master bedroom in the center of the house
  311. >no sooner are you there than Pinkie Pie is bouncing up and down on the bed
  312. "All right, what are we doing first, Ponk pony? Scary stories, spin the bottle, truth or dare-?"
  313. <"Slumber!"
  314. "Huh?"
  315. >a pair of pink hooves siezes you and pulls you close to Pinkie for a tight hug
  316. "Please no."
  317. >but Pinkie is already snoring dramatically
  318. >and, nuzzled into that warm pink chest
  319. >so familiar to you
  320. >yet new too, this being the first time you two have cuddled like this since you became smaller than her
  321. >it's a safe, warm, cozy feeling
  322. >and soon you've drifted off to sleep too
  324. >that night, you relive your first day as a filly
  325. >you're flopped outside of your old home
  326. >moping
  327. >before you know it, a pair of local fillies is standing over you
  328. >an orange one
  329. >a teal one
  330. >both with glossy, black manes
  331. >just like yours
  332. >the orange one opens her mouth
  333. ~"Hi, are you new in town?"
  334. "Not really."
  335. >the teal one cocks her head
  336. ~"Really? I don't think I've seen you before."
  337. "Remember that big monster that lived in this house?"
  338. ~"Sure, we were here looking for him."
  339. "You're looking at him."
  340. >the two of them look at each other
  341. >the orange one's eyes widen
  342. ~"Oh…"
  343. >the teal one leans in a little closer
  344. ~"Are you sad because you're not big anymore?"
  345. "Yeah, kinda. Among other reasons. Anyways, why were you looking for me?"
  346. >the orange filly shuffles on her hooves a bit
  347. ~"Our cat got stuck in a tree. We were hoping you could get her out."
  348. >the teal filly inhales
  349. ~"I guess that's not gonna work now. Sorry to bother you."
  350. >the pair of them walk off
  351. >but you sit up
  352. "Wait, hang on. I used to be pretty good at climbing trees when I was your age. Let's see if I can't help you get that cat back."
  353. >the orange filly smiles
  354. ~"Really?"
  355. "Yeah, sure."
  356. ~"Thanks! I'm Orange Float."
  357. ~"And I'm Aqua Marine."
  358. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Anon."
  359. >in the end, you had to get Twilight to teleport the damn cat out of the tree
  360. >but Orange and Aqua were pretty good friends with you for a while after that
  361. >the dream changes scenes now
  362. >Orange Float and Aqua Marine stand before you again
  363. >their manes don't look quite so glossy
  364. >their eyes look tired
  365. >this was the day they moved out of town
  366. ~"Hello, Anon."
  367. "Hey guys, what's up?"
  368. ~"We are moving to Dodge Junction today."
  369. "Oh, shit. How long do we have?"
  370. ~"We are leaving now. Goodbye, Anon."
  371. >and the two of them walk away
  372. >they acted so strangely that day
  373. >but you always chalked it up to them being tired from packing, and upset about the sudden move
  374. >you haven't seen them since
  375. >the dream ends when a void of cold air appears between you and Pinkie Pie
  376. >your eyes flutter open to see your companion climbing out of bed
  377. "Pinkie? What's up?"
  378. >a long, low whistle blows through the house
  379. >Pinkie's ear twitches at the sound of it
  380. >and without a word
  381. >Pinkie Pie walks out of the room
  383. >Pinkie! What the fuck are you doing?
  384. >the words fail to get past your throat
  385. >you want to get up
  386. >to tell Pinkie that she's being a dumbass
  387. >to tell her that this whistler in the dark can mean her no good
  388. >but your legs are just as paralyzed as your lips
  389. >seconds drag on
  390. >minutes crawl by like glaciers
  391. >you are still
  392. >even your lungs refuse your order to panic
  393. >and your breathing is slow and even
  394. >the only part of you that's behaving as it should is your heart
  395. >in the absolute stillness of the night, its frantic pounding is a rhythm that vibrates in your every nerve
  396. >and with your eyes glued to the open door
  397. >you see Pinkie Pie reenter the room
  398. >but what's that in her mouth?
  399. >whatever it is, she lays it down upon your pillow, mere inches from your face
  400. >it's long and thin and flaccid and
  401. >spotted
  402. >Pinkie Pie shuffles off to the other side of the bed
  403. >snuggles back under the covers
  404. >and lies still
  405. >the spell is broken, and you bolt upright
  406. >the thing upon your pillow
  407. >it's a dead snake
  408. >in the silver glow of the dim Moonlight, its scales appear as the brightest ivory
  409. >but scattered across its length are dozens of pitch-black speckles
  410. >upon the serpent's head is a crescent-shaped gash
  411. >a bite mark, evidently the cause of its death
  412. >slowly, you turn around to get a look at Pinkie Pie
  413. >in the merciful white glow of the Moon above, it's hard to make out specific colors
  414. >but your companion's muzzle is definitely darker than the rest of her
  415. >her chest rises and falls peacefully
  416. >does she even know?
  417. >you imagine, for a moment, the smile of Pinkie Pie
  418. >stained with red
  420. >well, you're not going to leave her like this
  421. >Pinkie's father charged you with protecting her
  422. >and that includes protecting her smile
  423. >she shouldn't have to know that this even happened
  424. >but what to clean her up with?
  425. >the bedsheets are obviously out of the question
  426. >and Pinkie's hermit relative didn't exactly leave paper towels laying around
  427. >the fuzzy texture of your foreleg becomes sharply sillhouetted in the silver light
  428. >that could work
  429. >gently, you brush your foreleg across Pinkie's face
  430. >she inhales and twitches at the contact
  431. >but only a little bit of the sticky fluid gets picked up by your coat
  432. >this isn't going to work
  433. >maybe if you could just…
  434. >you lie down and eye Pinkie's face from up close
  435. >then, you stick your snout beneath hers
  436. >and nuzzle up from underneath
  437. >the sound of stretching limbs stampedes its way over the sheets
  438. >and Pinkie yawns
  439. <"Anon? What are you doing, you silly filly?"
  440. "It's cold."
  441. >a single giggle weakly bursts from the sleepy pony
  442. <"Auntie Pinkie will keep you nice and warm."
  443. >you hold still for a minute
  444. >two minutes
  445. >and then
  446. >deep, soft breaths of sleep tickle your ear
  447. >you hold your breath
  448. >and pull out from underneath Pinkie's head
  449. >you can't really see what's left of the dark stain on the underside of her head
  450. >but your own head now feels sticky where it touched her
  451. >cleaning up the rest of Pinkie Pie's face isn't quite as hard
  452. >in a perfect imitation of affectionate nuzzles, you wipe your face and mane over her snout til it's the same shade of pink as the rest of her
  453. >once or twice she giggles in her sleep at the tickly sensations
  454. >but she doesn't wake up again
  455. >satisfied as you can be with your work, you turn to the snake
  456. >you don't want to put that thing in your mouth
  457. >but you'll have to if you want to get it out of here
  458. >so you pick up the cold serpent and creep from the room
  459. >down the dark stairs
  460. >through the black hallways
  461. >in the back of your mind, you're afraid you might meet the whistler in the dark
  462. >but rationally, you know that it was must have been the wind, whistling through a broken window
  463. >Pinkie sleepwalking right after you heard it was probably a coincidence
  464. >as for her fucking murderizing a snake with her bare teeth?
  465. >well, people do weird shit when they're sleepwalking
  466. >right?
  467. >hell, Pinkie does weird shit when she's awake
  468. >but even as you rationalize, your imagination conjures monstrous images
  469. >gaunt, yellow equine figures resembling old mares
  470. >with crackling skin and patchy coats and moldy hooves
  471. >damn that Zecora
  472. >the thought of being surprised by a zombie in the dark has haunted your nighttime expeditions ever since the first time you were little
  473. >you sure didn't need to hear that old zigger rambling on about the living dead today
  474. >and you sure didn't need to catch Pinkie sleepwalking like that tonight
  475. >finally, you make it outside
  476. >the snake is tossed unceremoniously into the brush
  477. >and now you're cold and alone in the dark woods
  478. >and your face is sticky
  479. >wasn't there a stream around here somewhere?
  480. >yeah, you can hear it
  481. >it's right over there
  482. >you plunge your face into the freezing water and scrub at your coat with your hooves
  483. >it takes a long time for that sticky feeling to get out of your face
  484. >in fact, you're still washing up when a sickly Sun's rays filter through the forest canopy
  486. >Pinkie Pie comes walking out of the house, rubbing her eyes and yawning
  487. <"There you are, Anon! I couldn't sleep without my slumber-buddy you know!"
  488. >if Pinkie Pie is aware of what happened last night, she shows no signs of it
  489. >in the dull yellow light of the early morning, you can assess how well you cleaned her up
  490. >there's no discernable trace of the stain upon her face
  491. >her nose might be a slightly darker shade of pink than the rest of her
  492. >but that could just be from the nippy autumn morning
  493. >or maybe you're just imagining it
  494. >Pinkie giggles
  495. <"What are you doing, Nonny?"
  496. "Oh, me, I'm just, uh…"
  497. >you splash a hoof-full of stream-water into your face
  498. "I'm roughing it, you know? Taking a bath in the great outdoors and all that. Do I look dirty to you?"
  499. >your face still feels sticky
  500. >Pinkie splashes into the creek and leans close in to your face
  501. >you're sure she'll notice the matted, stained hairs on your face, body, and mane
  502. >Pinkie shakes her head
  503. <"You look fine to me."
  504. >Pinkie grins
  505. <"Actually… I dunno. You might need to RINSE OFF a little more!"
  506. >a pink foreleg splashes a tidal wave of creek-water directly into your face
  507. >you yelp and retreat for the shore
  508. >when Pinkie Pie is finished laughing at that, she notices that you don't seem so amused
  509. <"What's the matter? Don't wanna splash me back?"
  510. "Ah, I guess I'm just tired."
  511. <"That's what you get for getting up so early, you silly filly."
  512. "Yeah, I guess."
  513. >with the Sun shining overhead
  514. >and Pinkie Pie smiling in front of you
  515. >it's easy to believe that last night never happened
  516. >there's no trace of the stain on Pinkie
  517. >there's apparently no trace of it on you, either
  518. >and when you glance over at the spot where you tossed the snake…
  519. >you can't see any sign that it was ever there
  520. >of course, it could have just settled under the brush
  521. >or some animal might have taken it
  522. >or maybe…
  523. >maybe it slithered away
  524. >a violent shiver erupts from the back of your head
  525. >in an instant, Pinkie Pie is at your side, a pink foreleg draped comfortingly over your shoulders
  526. <"Nonny? Are you cold?"
  527. >you lean into Pinkie Pie's warm side and nod
  528. "Uh-huh. I guess fall is really starting now."
  529. <"Yeah! Isn't it great?"
  530. >Pinkie's bizzarely-prehensile mane wraps around your torso and drops you off on her back before she stands up and begins to prance around
  531. <"Soon all the leaves are gonna turn orange and then we'll get to dress up for Nightmare Night and then winter will come and Hearthswarming and…"
  532. >Pinkie's excited rambling about holidays quickly degenerates into an incoherent monologue about the various months of the year
  533. >yeah
  534. >clinging to her back like this
  535. >it's easy to say that last night never happened
  536. >it was all just some kind of bizarre dream
  537. >clearly you're the one who was sleepwalking, and that's how you ended up by the creek
  538. >you smile and bury your face in the fluffy pink mane
  539. >it smells like sugar and bubblegum
  540. >you could just close your eyes and…
  541. <"Whoah, you are sleepy, huh?"
  542. "What? No! I'm just-"
  543. >Pinkie cuts you off with a giggle
  544. <"Come on, let's get you home so you can go to bed. Granny Pie always told me that growing filles need eight hours a day!"
  545. >you know she's teasing you with the whole "growing filles" thing
  546. >but you can't seem to care right now…
  547. <"Wow. You're even too tired to pout."
  548. "Fuck off."
  549. <"That's more like it!"
  551. >you have a vague recollection of getting back to Twilight's house
  552. >somebody tucked you into your bed
  553. >and…
  554. >did somebody kiss you on the forehead?
  555. >it's hard to remember now
  556. >you're back at the creek in front of the Flint-Pie mansion
  557. >Orange Float and Aqua Marine are there too
  558. >they look even worse now
  559. >they're so skinny, you can see all their ribs
  560. >they're not acting normally at all
  561. >they speak of changes in form
  562. >and they speak in perfect unison
  563. ~"Once, you were a boy."
  564. "What?"
  565. ~"Once, you were a boy."
  566. "Well, okay. Sure."
  567. ~"Then, you were a man."
  568. "Of course. That's the way it goes."
  569. ~"But you came to another world, and there the accident happened."
  570. "Yeah."
  571. ~"And now you are a filly."
  572. "Are you getting at something here?"
  573. ~"Have you given any thought to what your next form will be?"
  574. >you suppose you have
  575. >though you've never thought about it in exactly those terms before
  576. "Well, I suppose that either a cure will be found and I'll be a man again, or not and I'll eventually grow into a mare."
  577. ~"And after that?"
  578. "What?"
  579. ~"What happens after that?"
  580. "Well hopefully there is no 'after that'. Getting to be two species in one lifetime is more than enough for me."
  581. ~"But there is an after that. You will die, Anon. Your body will return to dust, and your mind will return to the distant spheres which noone yet living may know."
  582. "I- yeah. Sure, I'll die some day. That's the way it goes."
  583. ~"What if it didn't have to go that way?"
  584. >you frown
  585. "But how else could it go?"
  586. ~"You could stick around for a while."
  587. "What do you mean by this?"
  588. ~"Stick around for a while."
  589. >expression returns to Orange and Aqua's faces
  590. >they are again the happy fillies who cheered you up, once upon a time
  591. ~"Stick around for a while."
  592. >Orange bounds playfully at you and chants it
  593. ~"Stick around for a while."
  594. >Aqua splashes and giggles and screams it
  595. ~"Stick around for a while!"
  596. >something is moving in the brush
  597. >when it realizes that you see it, it rises up to its full height
  598. >it's an old mare
  599. >she's tall and thin
  600. >her coat was white, once upon a time
  601. >but now it's dirty and dried and yellow-looking
  602. >she grins with long, flat teeth
  603. >and she mouths the words in unison with your friends:
  604. ~"Stick around for a while!"
  605. >a great, white snake with black spots rears up behind her and towers over the trees
  606. >it speaks with a voice you can feel rather than hear:
  607. ~"Stick around for a while, Anon!"
  608. >in averting your eyes from the snake's horrible gaze, you look down the stream
  609. >and the water is red with blood
  611. >a hoof gently prods your side
  612. >your eyelids flutter open to the sight of Twilight's troubled face
  613. >the fuzzy blankets draped over your body are soaked with sweat
  614. >your face is cold
  615. /"Anon? Are you all right?"
  616. >you blink
  617. /"Anon?"
  618. "Uh…"
  619. >she brushes a wet lock of mane out your face
  620. /"Bad dream?"
  621. "Twilight…"
  622. >Twilight withdraws her hoof as though she's pricked it on something
  623. /"I know, I know. You're not my foal. Sorry, I… should have just let you sleep. Pinkie made it sound like you'd been up all night."
  624. >your purple benefactor retreats to the door and opens it
  625. "Twilight, wait."
  626. >and she pauses in the doorframe
  627. "Thanks."
  628. >she smiles
  629. /"I'll be downstairs working on my presentation if you need me."
  630. >Twilight slips out of the room
  631. >and gently shuts the door behind her
  632. >your head begins to sink back into your pillow
  633. >your eyelids begin to close
  634. >but…
  635. >no
  636. >hell fucking no
  637. >with effort, you throw the covers off of you and roll out of bed
  638. >you've clearly been having some crazy fucking nightmares
  639. >the source of the dream-imagery is obvious enough
  640. >the spotted snake
  641. >the zombie in the bushes
  642. >it's from those damn zigger superstitions Zecora was spouting off yesterday
  643. >all that nonsense about
  644. >what did she call it?
  645. >Yigballa, the spotted snake
  646. >and the Zoodoo tribes
  647. >all you need is a way to view this shit rationally
  648. >once you understand the myths, the nightmares your brain has been making up from them should stop
  649. >fortunately, you live in a library
  650. >so you head downstairs to check out some books
  652. >Twilight looks up as you trudge into the library proper
  653. /"Anon? You need something?"
  654. "No, I'm just looking for a book."
  655. /"Can't get back to sleep?"
  656. "Yeah. Something like that."
  657. /"Oh. Sorry."
  658. >Twilight scribbles out a few more notes on her papers
  659. "Twilight, it's fine. It's not even noon yet, I can just sleep at night like everyone else."
  660. >the five worst things about living with the accident, ordered by severity:
  661. >1: being two feet tall
  662. >2: not having thumbs
  663. >3: existential crisis over whether or not you count as a tranny
  664. >4: the breakup with Pinkie
  665. >5: Twilight apologizing all the time
  666. >Pinkie's friends ended up becoming your friends
  667. >you liked all the girls, to be sure
  668. >but you never realized how close you'd grown with them
  669. >not until they started growing distant
  670. >Twilight in particular is especially hard to talk to now
  671. >the accident was, after all, her mishap
  672. >that's why she was the one who let you move in with her when you couldn't keep your house
  673. >but living with her only makes the gap between you that much more noticeable
  674. /"Right. Sorry."
  675. >you begin scanning the bookshelves for something that might help you
  676. /"What book are you looking for?"
  677. "I'm just looking for anything about Zoodoo."
  678. /"Zoodoo?"
  679. "Yeah."
  680. /"Oh, so you're the one who left out 'The Secrets of Zoodoo.'"
  681. >you blink
  682. "I didn't leave any books out."
  683. /"Well somebody left it out last night."
  684. >Twilight shrugs as she pretends to look over some notecards
  685. /"Maybe Spike got it out."
  686. "Yeah. Maybe. Is it still out?"
  687. /"Uh-huh. Right on that table over there."
  688. >you head over to the table
  689. >a thick volume is open to its last few pages, right at the very tail-end of the glossary
  690. >a few definitions catch your eye
  691. >"Zombie: Said to be the living-dead creations of certain Zoodoo shamans. The practice of zombification is highly persecuted in modern Zebrica, but explorer Flint Pie portrayed zombies as a fact of everyday Zoodoo life in his travels in the 700th Year of the Sun. Zombies were said to be creatures with no free will, who would serve and protect their creators with diligence and ferocity."
  692. >"Zoodoo Spots: On certain holidays of the Zoodoo herds, the zebras are known to adorn themselves with white paint in such a way that their stripes appear only as black spots. This is said to be in honor of Yigballa, the Spotted Snake (see: Yigballa)."
  693. >"Zuvembie: Though similar in some respects to the zombie, the zuvembie was not, as is comonly supposed, merely the female equivalent of the zombie. Like the zombie, the zuvembie was said to be a creature of the living-dead, created by secret Zoodoo rites. Unlike the zombie, however, the mare or filly selected for zuvembification had to participate in the secret rituals of her own free will. The zuvembie could be created by a Zoodoo shaman, or by another zuvembie, as these creatures were said to retain their free will unlike zombies. The zuvembie was said to be able to control dreamers, the recently dead, and zombies with audial cues. Though the zuvembie retained her will and intelligence, it must not be supposed that she could pass for a living zebra. The zuvembie was unable to speak through her own body, and she found satisfaction only in the corruption and harm of the living. Like zombification, zuvembification is highly persecuted in modern Zebrica."
  694. >well
  695. >it's easy to see why Zecora is so afraid of the old Flint-Pie home, if she really believes in this stuff
  696. >but where is the entry about Yigballa?
  697. >you flip back a page
  698. >you see the illustration of Yigballa before you read his definition
  699. >it's photo of a crude hoof-painting upon a stony cave-wall
  700. >but what it depicts is clear enough:
  701. >a great white serpent that towers above the trees
  702. >speckled with black spots along the length of its body
  703. >and with a bleeding, red crescent-moon upon its head
  704. >a sweep of your foreleg sends the volume flying across the library
  705. >Twilight all but leaps up out of her seat
  706. /"Anon?! What's wrong?"
  707. >you stumble backwards, away from the direction the book went sailing in
  708. "I'm… I'm going outside for a little bit."
  710. >the Sun manages to keep the back of your head somewhat warm
  711. >but the wind makes the rest of you pretty chilly
  712. >it's official then
  713. >fall has started
  714. >yesterday was probably the last warm day of the year
  715. >walking through town, you even pass by a home that's already putting up Nightmare Night decorations
  716. >a little prop gravestone
  717. >with a little green plastic hoof stuck in the ground in front of it
  718. >the mare who lives there pauses in the middle of hanging up a fake cobweb to wave at you
  719. >"Like my set-up, kid?"
  720. >it takes you a moment to realize that she's speaking to you
  721. "Y-yeah. It's pretty spooky, all right."
  722. >she laughs
  723. >"Last year I got six foals to run away from the house before they'd even asked me for candy. Let's see if you're not one of them this year."
  724. >eventually, your synapses fire to tell you that the mare is bantering with you
  725. "Pfft. As if."
  726. >"We'll see."
  727. >you toddle off without responding
  728. >funny how you can't seem to hold your head up, even though it feels so light
  729. >the dirt road beneath your hooves bears no trace of your aimless journey upon its cold, hard surface
  730. >you don't dare to think
  731. >"Look! Mom, look!"
  732. >a little yellow pegasus filly is pointing at a single red leaf upon an oak tree's lowest-hanging branch
  733. >but looking up it for more than a few seconds is too much effort for you
  734. >you don't dare to feel
  735. >your hoof contacts the ground in a strange way
  736. >your leg doesn't like that, and buckles under your weight
  737. >"Whoah, hey Non, you good?"
  738. >that sounded like Rainbow Dash
  739. >you open your mouth and nod and keep walking
  740. >"Anon! Anon, hey- Hey! Careful with that raincloud! No- here, let me do it."
  741. >the streets are alive with happy, colorful ponies
  742. >a hundred conversations swirl in the air around you, all careful to avoid your trudging form
  743. >clearly you're still pretty tired
  744. >maybe you should just go home and take another nap
  745. >no
  746. >never mind
  747. >you don't dare to dream
  748. >you especially don't dare to dream
  749. "Ugh."
  750. >you shake your head
  751. "I'm just being dramatic."
  752. >coincidences do happen, of course
  753. >hell, it doesn't even have to be a coincidence
  754. >maybe you happened to glance at that book, open to that page, before you left yesterday
  755. >after all, who knows how long it was sitting out?
  756. >but it wasn't open to the Y-page
  757. >it was open to the Z-page
  758. >of course, a light air current is more than capable of flipping a single page
  759. >from there, there's only one question left to bother you
  760. >who left the damn thing out in the first place?
  761. >before you can come up with an answer for this, you trot head-first into a pink leg
  763. <"Oh, who was that? Sorry!"
  764. >you rub your scalp and look up to see a pink pony with a solid sheet of paper taped to her face
  765. "Pinkie Pie?"
  766. <"Anon! Hey! I tried not cutting holes in the map like you said, but I keep bumping into things."
  767. "Wait, you're not going back to that house, are you?"
  768. <"I sure am! And this time, I'm ready-"
  769. "Holy shit Pinkie you can't go there alone!"
  770. <"Huh?"
  771. >Pinkie peels the map from her face and looks askance at you
  772. >then she smiles
  773. <"Oh, I see what's going on here."
  774. >oh no
  775. >what does she know?
  776. <"You wanna come with, huh?"
  777. "What?"
  778. <"Blanche asked me to come alone, but I'm sure if I put in a good word for you she'll let you come. Hang on."
  779. >you notice that Pinkie has brought a small wagon as she un-harnesses herself from it
  780. >it's filled with purple cloths and white candles, with a fold-up table peeking out from beneath and a shining crystal ball nestled on top
  781. "Blanche? As in your dead cousin?"
  782. <"She prefers the term differently-living. Don't worry though, I won't tell you used the D-word."
  783. >Pinkie Pie takes up the crystal ball and squints into it
  784. >and from somewhere
  785. >a long, low whistle sounds
  786. >even as you whip your head in the direction the whistle came from, you know full well what you're going to see
  787. >nothing
  788. >maybe there was a fleeting shadow
  789. >but maybe that was just your imagination
  790. >you look this way and that way in a frenzy of energy that you didn't have mere minutes ago
  791. >who knew that an ordinary Ponyville street had so many buildings?
  792. >so many places where weird, yellowed figures could be lurking, even in broad daylight?
  793. <"Anon?"
  794. >Pinkie has looked up from the crystal ball just in time to see your little panic attack
  795. <"Are you okay?"
  796. "I- yeah. Just imagining things, I guess."
  797. >the friendliest pony in Ponyville smiles brightly
  798. <"Blanche says you can come. She said she'd really prefer if I could come alone but then I told her all about how safe you make me feel but then-"
  799. "That's good, Ponk pony. Yeah, I should definitely go with you. Just let me let Twilight know I'll be out overnight-"
  800. >Pinkie shakes her head
  801. <"Sorry, Nonny, Blanche says we have to go right now. Or at least I do. You could maybe catch up with me after you're-"
  802. "Nah, that's fine. I can come now. Wouldn't want you to have to spend a second alone in those spooky old woods without me, you know?"
  803. <"Awww. See? You do have big, strong arms on the inside!"
  804. >this time, you take the map
  805. >and you get to the old Flint-Pie mansion without getting lost
  806. >without Zecora in the front lawn to regale you with zebra legends, you realize just how quiet the clearing around this house is
  807. >the front door is too small for Pinkie's gear to get in
  808. >but you find a pair of wide, stone double-doors in the back, set within the central flagstone portion of the building
  809. >they swing open with difficulty
  810. >but they let the wagon inside without any trouble
  811. >the room you've entered isn't one you found in yesterday's exploration
  812. >that's probably because the only apparent way in or out of the place is that big set of double-doors that leads outside
  813. >that and a few barred windows, set far too high for any pony to reach them
  814. >there doesn't seem to be any way to get directly into the rest of the house from here
  815. >with a few dramatic flourishes, Pinkie Pie has the table set up with a purple tablecloth and the the crystal ball
  816. >a few more and she's decked out with a royal cloak and a jewel-set turban
  817. "So, uh, I never asked, but what exactly are we doing out here?"
  818. <"Uh, a seance, duh!"
  819. "A seance?"
  820. <"You know, when you talk to ghosts."
  821. "I know what it is, but why?"
  822. <"Well last night, I had a crazy dream. My cousin Blanche was asking me to come back today to talk to her. Now I thought it was just a silly dream but today when I got back home I heard her talking to me through the crystal ball and I knew it was real and I got ready to go right away because I mean how many ponies get a chance to really bond with their long-lost differently-living distant cousin and then you showed up and-"
  823. "I think I remember what happened after that, thanks."
  824. <"Nonny, you've been acting kinda weird today. Are you all right?"
  825. "Me? I'm good."
  826. >Pinkie lies on the ground to be eye-level with you
  827. <"It's okay to be scared, you know. Ghosts are pretty spooky, after all."
  828. "No, I'm not- It's not that. It's just- uh, when are we starting this seance?"
  829. >Pinkie giggles
  830. <"Well we've gotta wait for it to get dark out, silly-head."
  831. "Oh. Right."
  832. >you frown
  833. "Wait, if we've gotta wait for it to get dark out, why did we have to get here right away?"
  834. <"I dunno. You can ask Blanche when we see her."
  835. >outside, a roll of thunder tumbles across the countryside
  836. >and inside
  837. >you wait
  839. <"I spy with my little eye… something… grey!"
  840. "Is it the walls?"
  841. >Pinkie gasps
  842. <"That's it! How did you know?"
  843. >you sigh
  844. <"Pinkie, don't you think it's dark enough by now?"
  845. >you can hardly make out your companion as she looks up at the barred windows
  846. >a flash of lightning reveals that she's rubbing her chin in thought at your question
  847. <"Yeah, I guess. Help me get the candles lit, it's time for a ghost party!"
  848. "Great. Where'd you leave the candles?"
  849. <"Right over… oh, I can't see anymore."
  850. "Here, lemme help you look."
  851. <"Were they over here? No. Over here? Nope. Hm…"
  852. >your hoof lands on a small, slick cardboard box
  853. >the rest you crashes onto the hard, unforgiving flagstone floor
  854. "Found them."
  855. <"Woo! Let's do this!"
  856. >there are three white candles on the purple-clothed table
  857. >one for Pinkie Pie
  858. >one for you
  859. >and one for anyone else who decides to drop by, as Pinkie put it
  860. >you light your candle with a match, and then light the other two candles with yours
  861. >Pinkie zips into the orange candle-light and grins ominously
  862. <"Tell me, Anon. Do you believe in ghosts?"
  863. "I dunno."
  864. >her hooves wave and undulate over the crystal ball
  865. <"Do you believe, little Nonny, that it's possible for the living to commune with the dearly differently-living?"
  866. "The what?"
  867. >Pinkie rolls her eyes
  868. <"You know, the D-word. The once Blanche doesn't like?"
  869. "Oh, the dead."
  870. <"Anon!"
  871. "Right, yeah, yeah, sorry."
  872. <"Do you believe, little Nonny, that it's possible for the living to commune with the dearly differently-living?!"
  873. >you're aware that a peal of thunder is currently rolling through the woods
  874. "I dunno. I hope not."
  875. <"So you want me to fail?!"
  876. "Well, no, it's just-"
  877. <"Then what if I told you, Anon, that I spy with my little eye something white?"
  878. "Something… what?"
  879. <"What would you say to that? What is it I'm spying with my little eyeing?"
  880. "Something… white?"
  881. >Pinkie's grin gleams yellow in the waxen light of the candles
  882. "So you see…"
  883. <"Yes?"
  884. "You see… your cousin…"
  885. <"My cousin who? Who do I see?"
  886. "You see… your cousin… your cousin Blanche Pie?"
  887. <"And what if I told you, Anon, that I see her standing right behind you this very minute?!"
  888. "You… y-you…"
  889. >Pinkie's smile becomes a slight smirk
  890. >your heart is in your throat
  891. >your neck feels rusted stiff as you crane it to look behind you
  892. >but you look behind you
  893. >and you see…
  894. >nothing
  895. >when you look back at Pinkie, she's somewhat deflated
  896. <"Aw, I thought for sure something would happen if you got scared enough."
  897. "Wha- you fucking assclown! Making shit up like that!"
  898. >Pinkie stifles a snicker
  899. <"You did get pretty scared though."
  900. "Can we just do this normally?"
  901. >Pinkie shrugs
  902. <"All right, all right. Here, gimme those hoovsies."
  903. >you reach as far across the table as your stubby filly legs will reach
  904. >Pinkie reaches the rest of the way, and places her hooves on top of yours
  905. <"Now, be very quiet, Anon, and gaze into my crystal ball. Any spirits of the differently-living around here! Feel free to give us a call!"
  906. >it's a rare moment when absolute silence falls over you in the presence of Pinkie Pie
  907. >even in her sleep, she tends to talk and giggle
  908. >but not now
  909. >now she gazes with a quiet intensity you've never seen before into the crystal ball
  910. >so you do the same
  911. >not sure what to expect
  912. >with your eyes focused in one spot, your vision begins to de-focus
  913. >you're aware of the small hot-spot where your skin comes closest to the candle
  914. >the warm, comforting pressure of Pinkie Pie's hooves upon yours
  915. >the tipping-tapping sound of the rain outside
  916. >and
  917. >though you're sure it's just a trick of the light
  918. >something odd happens in the crystal ball
  919. >the dim moonlight from the barred windows plays against the natural blue of the ball, producing a blur of teal
  920. >and next to that, the glow of the candles sets an indistinct, orange shape
  921. >the teal and the orange dance and lap at one another
  922. >and the sounds that surround you, both inside the room, and outside the room
  923. >they fade into static
  924. >like a dead radio station
  925. >but through the static…
  926. >is it a voice?
  927. >a stallion?
  928. >"My little Orange Pie and Aquamarine Pie are deathly ill."
  929. >holy shit
  930. "Did you hear that?"
  931. >Pinkie blinks
  932. <"Hear what?"
  933. "That voice."
  934. >your companion frowns and flicks her ear a few times
  935. <"I didn't hear anything."
  936. "Huh. Must've imagined it."
  937. >you shake your head and look back into the ball
  938. >and you look
  939. >and you look
  940. >but you can't seem to make out those same figures of orange and teal
  941. >you certainly don't hear another voice
  942. >you're not sure how long you've been looking when Pinkie yawns
  943. <"Anon?"
  944. "Yeah?"
  945. <"I'm bored."
  946. "You wanna be done?"
  947. <"Uh-huh."
  948. >Pinkie lets go of your hooves
  949. >you look up at the barred windows, which are still letting in occasional flashes of lightning
  950. "Man, getting home in this weather is gonna suck."
  951. <"Getting home? You wanna walk through the Everfree Forest on a dark and stormy night? Are you loco?!"
  952. "Well, I mean, I just don't know if it'll be safe here."
  953. <"Aw, are you still scared?"
  954. "What-no, I'm just-"
  955. <"Don't worry, Nonny."
  956. >Pinkie blows out the candles and scoops you up in a tight hug
  957. <"Auntie Pinkie Pie will keep you nice and safe!"
  958. "Wait, shit!"
  959. >all in one instant, Pinkie flops onto the floor and begins snoring
  960. >just like last night, Pinkie's warm and soft chest lulls you into a calm
  961. >and soon, you're asleep too
  963. >you're flopped out on the front porch of your old house
  964. >an orange filly and a teal filly
  965. >staring into your face
  966. ~"The earth is full of small particles of nutrients and moisture."
  967. "That's kind of a weird thing to say."
  968. ~"These particles are consumed by the grass."
  969. "Sure. Can you get out of my Sunlight now? I'm trying to mope."
  970. ~"The grass is then consumed by cattle."
  971. "That's real neat."
  972. ~"And cattle are consumed by men."
  973. "By… how did you know-? Oh, you're Orange and Aqua, aren't you?"
  974. >they stare and do not respond
  975. "Sorry I didn't recognize you. You just look kinda… haggard."
  976. >a patch of Aqua's scalp flops onto the porch inches away from your face
  977. "That's… gross. You two should really go see a doctor."
  978. ~"But what consumes a man?"
  979. >you scratch your head for a moment
  980. "Oh I know this. Circle of life shit, right? I die, and the earth breaks me down into those little particles of nutrients and moisture."
  981. >the fillies standing over you both smile
  982. ~"His seven thousand coils make up the land and the hills."
  983. >the scene changes
  984. >you don't seem to be anywhere anymore
  985. >but you can see into Pinkie's parents' home
  986. >Igneous Rock Pie is staring into a dark corner
  987. ^"No. I will not allow it."
  988. >the darkness makes no response that you can hear
  989. >but Mr. Pie carries on as though it's said something
  990. ^"You should have considered that before you stood at death's door."
  991. >Mr. Pie stamps his hoof
  992. ^"I am. When you pass, the Pie family can move on without all of your… queerness."
  993. >the darkness seems to grow… cold
  994. ^"I tell you I am glad of it! That I have lived to know that the curse of your ancestor will not plague my descendants is to be relieved of a great burden."
  995. >now Mr. Pie all but shouts
  996. ^"Then take one! Only be sure it's not one of my daughters!"
  997. >Mr. Pie looks down
  998. ^"I know that she has the gift. But it waxes so weak in her that I know she'll be the last."
  999. >Igneous looks up
  1000. ^"But… what if there were another? One who is even better suited?"
  1001. >the cold blast from the shadow in the corner eases up a bit
  1002. ^"There is one that I know of with absolutely nothing of the taint of magical magic about him."
  1003. >you're not sure where your stomach is
  1004. >but it feels kind of ill right now
  1005. ^"Of course not as he is now. But a simple change in forms is no great task for you, is it?"
  1006. >Mr. Pie's eyes squint shut
  1007. ^"I cannot force you to take him, but I must ask. If it is at all possible, spare my daughter!"
  1008. >Igneous Rock Pie nods his head
  1009. ^"Once he understands that it's either him or her, he will make the right choice. I am sure of it."
  1011. >all at once, everything goes dark
  1012. >something warm and fuzzy is draped over your body
  1013. >your eyes flutter open
  1014. >you're in your bed at Twilight's house
  1015. >she's standing by your side, brushing your mane out of your face with a tender hoof
  1016. "Twilight?"
  1017. /"Anon… I'm so glad."
  1018. "What happened? I don't remember…"
  1019. /"Pinkie Pie carried you home two days ago. You just wouldn't wake up. The doctor came by and said you'd caught brain fever."
  1020. "Brain fever? Is that real?"
  1021. /"It's the reason why you'd been acting so strange. Paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations are all common symptoms when your brain starts to swell up like that."
  1022. "My brain was swelling up? That's pretty gross."
  1023. >Twilight smiles
  1024. /"Yeah. It sort of is."
  1025. >you sigh
  1026. /"So none of this shit was real then."
  1027. "No. You were just sick."
  1028. /"Thank fucking goodness."
  1029. >Twilight leans down and nuzzles your cheek
  1030. "Twilight…"
  1031. >and she jumps back
  1032. /"I know, I know. Not my foal. Just a dear friend who I care for very much."
  1033. "I know. I'm sorry, Twilight, I shouldn't push you away like that."
  1034. /"Hm?"
  1035. "I said I shouldn't push you away like that. I'm sorry."
  1036. /"You're apologizing for something? You might still be sick after all."
  1037. "Eugh."
  1038. >Twilight smiles
  1039. /"You must be pretty hungry. I'll bring you some soup."
  1040. >Twilight is about to head out the door
  1041. >but she pauses
  1042. /"By the way, that book you were reading…"
  1043. "What about it?"
  1044. /"I've seen that snake before."
  1045. "What, in your studies or something?"
  1046. /"No. It was… during the accident."
  1047. >you try to say something
  1048. >but the words just don't come out
  1049. /"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up. I know you're still upset about the accident and you're probably still a little sick and-"
  1050. "Twilight, wait! What… what happened?"
  1051. >Twilight looks down and shuffles her hooves
  1052. /"It was… while I was casting the spell. I thought I saw a snake that looked just like that one. Smaller, of course, and only for a second. But it distracted me long enough for things to go wrong. Anon, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking about this. I'll just go get your soup."
  1053. "No, Twilight, stay. It's okay."
  1054. >your benefactor pauses in the doorway, obviously feeling vulnerable
  1055. >but you try your best to sound comforting as you choose your next words
  1056. /"Twilight, the accident wasn't your fault."
  1057. >Twilight gasps
  1058. >then smiles
  1059. /"Anon, that's sweet of you."
  1060. >then her smile grows wider
  1061. >and her face cracks like ceramic
  1062. /"But trust me."
  1063. >a shard of purple hide clatters to the floor, revealing the yellowed-white fuzz beneath
  1064. /"It was."
  1066. >you awaken, shrieking and flailing
  1067. >somehow, you manage to scramble to your hooves
  1068. >Pinkie Pie lies still and silent on the floor
  1069. >except for the subtle rising and falling of her chest, you can almost believe that she'll lie there forever
  1070. >still, it's troubling that she didn't wake up after all that racket you made
  1071. ~"She's fine, Anon. The mistress put her into deeper dreams so that we could talk."
  1072. >in the dim, grey light
  1073. >you see a pair of fillies
  1074. >you can't tell in this darkness
  1075. >but if you had to guess, you'd say that their colors are orange and teal, respectively
  1076. "But I'm not really talking to you, am I?"
  1077. >your old friends don't respond
  1078. "I was never really talking to you, was I?"
  1079. >they're so still, the both of them
  1080. >you begin to pace
  1081. >their heads turn to follow you as you go this way and that
  1082. "No… this is just another dream, right? None of this is real, it can't be."
  1083. ~"The distinction between dream and reality isn't as clear as you think. Reality leaks into your dreams, and you take your dreams with you into reality."
  1084. >you stop to glare at them
  1085. ~"However, you may be interested to know that you're not asleep right now."
  1086. >a small, luminous form slithers from a dark corner
  1087. >and as it passes by her, you catch a glimpse of her
  1088. >you ignore the fillies, and appeal directly to the yellowed-white mare in the corner
  1089. "So it's me or her, huh?"
  1090. >her mouth moves
  1091. >but the sound comes from the fillies behind you
  1092. ~"You could leave now. The mistress remembers her promise, but she would prefer her kinsmare."
  1093. >leave her?
  1094. >you glance at the sleeping pink form of the nicest, prettiest, most vibrantly alive creature you've ever known
  1095. >you imagine her smile marred with long, flat teeth, dripping with red life
  1096. >you imagine her laugh, stifled for good
  1097. "What does she know?"
  1098. ~"Nothing, for the mistress remembers her promise. However, if she knew it was between her and you, she would come willingly."
  1099. >you grit your teeth
  1100. "And what if I got help? What if I got Twilight Sparkle to blast you out of existence?"
  1101. ~"If you leave this room without the mistress' kinsmare, the mistress will take her. If you try to wake her and leave together, the mistress will rend your flesh from your bones, and then take her all the same."
  1102. >your mind is racing for a solution
  1103. >friendship lasers
  1104. >a cure
  1105. >something
  1106. ~"Once a mare is taken, there is no cure but destruction. And do not expect that she will resist long enough for you to return with help before the mistress has her."
  1107. >beads of cold sweat trickle down your face
  1108. "No possibilities, huh?"
  1109. ~"Not one."
  1110. >the serpent is coiled up next to Pinkie Pie now
  1111. >looking at her
  1112. >and looking at you
  1113. "Just… give me til morning. Please."
  1114. >the creature in the corner stares unblinking
  1115. "I'll go with you. Just give me til morning."
  1116. >the creature who once was Blanche Pie whistles
  1117. >a section of flagstone is lifted up from beneath, revealing a trapdoor
  1118. >the zombies, the zuvembie, and the spotted snake all descend through the stony floor
  1119. >the flagstone grinds back into place
  1120. >Pinkie relaxes, and begins sleeping in her usual fashion
  1121. >mumbling something about cupcakes and periodically licking her lips
  1122. >you lie down and worm your way inbetween her forelegs
  1123. >the pink pony sighs in her sleep and pulls you closer
  1124. >you never stopped loving this mare
  1125. >not even after the accident
  1126. >even now, she's still making your heart race
  1127. >even when she sleeps, she feels so warm
  1128. >so soft
  1129. >if you could just stay like this forever…
  1130. >outside, the rain gradually slows to a halt
  1131. >and
  1132. >too soon
  1133. >much too soon
  1134. >the pale light of the morning Sun filters in through the trees
  1135. >through the barred windows
  1136. >casting its awful light upon the walls and floor
  1137. >Pinkie Pie stretches and yawns
  1138. <"Morning, Nonny. Sleep good last night?"
  1139. >fuck
  1140. >you still fucking love this mare
  1141. >so fucking much
  1142. "Anon?"
  1143. "Y-yeah. Yeah, I slept all right."
  1144. >she smiles a warm, sugary smile and ruffles your mane with a velvet-coated hoof
  1145. <"That's good."
  1146. >she giggles
  1147. <"No need to worry Twilight again."
  1148. "Yeah. Wouldn't wanna do that."
  1149. >Pinkie stands up and stretches again
  1150. <"Welp, no ghosties here!"
  1151. "Nope. No ghosts."
  1152. >Pinkie's grin grows wide and bright
  1153. <"That means next time we come out here, Nonny, we're gonna be setting up for a PARTY!"
  1154. "Sounds like fun. When you wanna do it?"
  1155. <"Probably nightmare night. It's still pretty spooky here, after all."
  1156. >with a few flourishes, Pinkie gets the seance set-up re-packed inside the wagon
  1157. >you realize you've been spacing out when you see that the doors have already been pulled open
  1158. <"Anon? Hello? Equestria to Anon? You coming?"
  1159. >with the doors wide open
  1160. >and the morning light streaming in
  1161. >it's easy to suppose that last night was just another crazy dream
  1162. "Yeah. Yeah! I'm coming!"
  1163. >you all but gallop for the door
  1164. >but something happens that makes you skid to a halt
  1165. >a snake
  1166. >a single, white snake
  1167. >speckled with black spots
  1168. >slithers into the room
  1169. <"Oh hey there, little guy. That's not where you belong!"
  1170. "Hey Pinkie."
  1171. <"What's up?"
  1172. "Why don't you go on without me?"
  1173. <"Huh? Why? What's wrong?"
  1174. "Nothing's wrong. It's just…"
  1175. >the spotted snake stares into your eyes
  1176. "I'm just gonna stick around for a while."

Horse Confessions

by Writefag_Roulette

Anon Tried to Kill Himself

by Writefag_Roulette

Rubehog Day: Ruby Destination (/pone/ CYOA)

by Writefag_Roulette

The Skintrotter

by Writefag_Roulette

Legend of the Wandering Autist

by Writefag_Roulette