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The Ticking

By Writefag_Roulette
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-20 14:34:44
Expiry: Never

  2. >you are Anonymous Shitposter, free agent of home improvement
  3. >looking back on the past 13 years or so, since you first woke up in Ponyville, you realize now that they've been the best of your life
  4. >even the 10 years since Twilight moved to Canterlot and stopped dragging you into whacky adventures
  5. >you have to admit, pony society is structured in such a way that it's all but impossible not to feel a purpose in your life
  6. >for example, the emphasis on finding a "special talent"
  7. >with your hands, you're almost a dextrous as a unicorn
  8. >and with your lower-middle class upbringing, you're almost as unafraid of hard work as an earth pony
  9. >hence, you ended up fitting very nicely into the niche of home improvement work
  10. >still, you've been thinking lately
  11. >things have seemed just a tad less nice around Ponyville
  12. >for example, now, as you're on your way to get a fresh coat of paint on Ruby Ring's jewelry shop
  13. >"Hey! Watch where you're going!"
  14. >you jump a bit and look down
  15. >a kirin is scowling up at you, her mane - quite literally - on fire with anger
  16. "Ah, sorry. Didn't see you there."
  17. >"Ever tried looking down, you big freak?"
  18. >the serpentine horse-creature stalks away
  19. >you sigh
  20. >yep
  21. >these new "creatures" seem to like you a whole lot less than the ponies generally have over the years
  22. >probably best not to pick a fight with a literal monster that could burn down the whole town if you pissed it off enough though
  23. >you pick up your paint can and keep on walking
  24. >only to jump again
  25. >a massive, purple explosion can be seen blossoming in the center of town
  26. "Holy shit!"
  27. >that's…
  28. >that's the friendship school that just blew up
  29. >Princesses Celestia and Luna, whom you've heard nothing whatsoever about in at least 7 years now, descend upon the scene and begin firing magic bolts at some unseen adversary
  30. "Holy shit!"
  31. >they subdue their opponent and fly away with their target in tow, immobilized and levitated by glowing chains of yellow and blue
  32. >and their prisoner is none other than Twilight herself!
  33. "Holy fuck!"
  34. >you stand motionless as you watch the trio disappear among the city atop Canterlot Mountain
  35. >and you stand motionless for a good while longer, too
  36. >finally, you're snapped out of it by a swirl of green flame
  37. >a scroll materializes before you
  38. >you catch it
  39. >unfurl it
  40. >and read it
  41. >"Meet me in Canterlot Castle ASAP. ~ Twilight"
  42. >you drop the paint bucket on the ground and break into a run for the train station
  43. >there's a train scheduled to leave for Canterlot soon
  44. >but it's not leaving for another 20 minutes
  45. >no matter, you can change that
  46. >dashing onto the train, you run forward through the cars til you reach the engine
  47. >the engineer - a dragon - looks up at you with a bored expression
  48. >you wave the scroll in his face
  49. "Hey, the princess needs me in Canterlot yesterday. Can we take off now?"
  50. >the dragon shrugs
  51. >"What's your namby-pamby pony princess to me?"
  52. >fuck you'd throttle this faggot if you didn't need him to drive the train
  53. >instead, you reach into the coin pouch of your toolbelt and start throwing bits at him
  54. "Go, scalenigger, go!"
  55. >the dragon eyes the gold coins on the floor and shrugs again
  56. >"Well, if it's that important to you."
  57. >the engineer wraps his claws around the controls and takes off hard
  58. >the sudden acceleration knocks you off your feet
  59. >the dragon chuckles
  60. >"Might wanna take a seat, sir. I'm going at top speed just for you."
  61. "Th-thanks."
  62. >you pick your way back to a passenger car
  63. >sit down
  64. >and wait
  65. >what the fuck was that explosion?
  66. >why did the old princesses take Twilight away in chains?
  67. >if Twilight is a prisoner, how did she send you that scroll?
  68. >and what in the world could she need you for?
  70. >finally, the train screeches to a halt in Canterlot
  71. >you dash off the train and sprint to the street
  72. >the street is a bit too crowded to move as fast as you'd like though
  73. >but you squirm and weave through the crowd as quickly as you're able
  74. >it'd be nice if there were less gigantic fucking yaks on this street
  75. >"Hey! Watch where you go, Kluge monster!"
  76. >hurried though you are, you take a moment to internally seethe
  77. >if there's one thing you hate more than the monster-folk from Kluge Town
  78. >it's the blind fucking niggers who mistake you for the monster-folk from Kluge Town
  79. >at last, you break through the crowd and jog up the steps to the castle
  80. >you call out to the guards on your way up
  81. "Hey! I need to get in there!"
  82. >a gryphon guard slowly blinks at your approach
  83. >"Got an appointment, buddy?"
  84. >you flash the scroll and point at the royal seal
  85. "Yeah."
  86. >the gryphon's eyes widen a bit
  87. >"Yeah all right, I'll let you in. Just a second."
  88. >the guard takes his badge in his talon and presses it against the door
  89. >you don't wait for the guard to finish speaking before you run inside as fast as you can
  90. >"All right, you're- whoah!"
  91. >Spike is waiting for you in the main foyer
  92. >"Anon, you're here! Follow me, I'll take you to the conference room."
  93. >Spike leads you to a room with a large, round table in the middle of it
  94. >seated at the table are all five of Twilight's closest friends
  95. >the four remaining Pillars of Equestria
  96. >Starswirl and Mistmane, of course, passed away a few years ago
  97. >the six creatures who came to be known as "the student six" 10 years ago
  98. >and Zecora is there too
  99. >at the front of the room, Twilight stands and stares blankly into her own deep thoughts
  100. >behind her stand Princesses Celestia and Luna
  101. >between them, imprisoned in magical chains, stands…
  102. >Twilight?
  103. >but this Twilight doesn't look quite right
  104. >she seems so skinny
  105. >you can see her ribs
  106. >the tip of her ethereal mane had faded to a dull grey
  107. >and there's a noticeable crack in her horn
  108. >you just stare at her
  109. >Spike flies over to the normal, healthy-looking Twilight, whispers in her ear, and points at you
  110. >normal Twilight looks up and addresses you
  111. /"Anon, you're here. It's good to see you. Please, have a seat. We'll get started in a moment."
  112. >you stop staring at Skinny Twilight and clear your throat
  113. "Y-yeah. Sure."
  114. >the only seat left is the one between Smoulder and Rockhoof
  115. >once you're seated, Twilight closes her eyes
  116. >and takes a deep breath
  117. /"Okay. To my friends, my fellow princesses, and the pillars, you all are here because, once again, I'm faced with a difficult decision and I need your advice."
  118. >Twilight hesitates before proceeding
  119. /"To the nine non-ponies in the room, you all are here because the decision I am faced with directly concerns all non-ponies, and you nine are the non-ponies I know best. And Sandbar, of course, is here because whatever concerns his friends concerns him as well."
  120. >Sandbar's hoof clutches Yona's on top of the table
  121. /"The mare you see behind me was apprehended today after destroying the School of Friendship. Nocreature was killed, but my dear friend Starlight Glimmer is in critical condition at Ponyville General Hospital."
  122. >Skinny Twilight bows her head
  123. <"She was my friend too."
  124. >Twilight glares at Skinny Twilight before proceeding
  125. /"The story this mare has to tell you all is somewhat fantastical in nature. Unfortunately, however, I have not yet found any reason to disbelieve it. When she's told you everything, we will make our decision."
  126. >Twilight moves behind Skinny Twilight
  127. >and Skinny Twilight clears her throat to speak
  129. <"In short, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle from about 200 years into the future. It hurt me, more than you know, to attack the School of Friendship, but…"
  130. >Skinny Twilight squeezes her eyes shut tight for a moment before continuing
  131. <"It had to be done. To save Equestria."
  132. >Smoulder raises her claw
  133. >"Uh, why?"
  134. <"Ah, to put it… delicately… the Equestria where I come from is a place where ponies only make up about 40% of the population."
  135. >Sandbar leaps out of his seat
  136. >"Well why should that matter? As long as everycreature believes in friendship, who cares where they come from?"
  137. >oh no…
  138. >13 years ago, you had breathed a sigh of relief
  139. >you thought you'd escaped the demographic crises of Earth once and for all
  140. >but now…
  141. >Skinny Twilight bows her head sadly
  142. <"That's just it, Sandbar. The thing is, most creatures, whether they're yaks or gryphons or changelings… or even ponies… most of them can never really understand the finer points of friendship. I've learned this the hard way."
  143. >Sandbar slowly sits down
  144. >"Wh… what's that supposed to mean?!"
  145. <"I mean… there are aspects of friendship that can't really be taught in a school. Finer points that you just can't outline in some lesson plan. You have to feel it for yourself. Everycreature in this room understands it pretty well, but most… well, let me put it to you this way. Cozy Glow was a student at the School of Magic."
  146. >regular Twilight begins to sputter
  147. /"How… how… how dare you-"
  148. <"It's true. And you know it. I'm the proof. The Equestria I've just come from has been completely torn apart by civil war."
  149. >Rockhoof slams the table
  150. >"How could tha' be?!"
  151. <"In short, the non-ponies want the ponies out of Equestria."
  152. >Yona gasps
  153. >"B-but why?! Yona no want ponies gone! Yona love ponies!"
  154. <"I don't know why. I used to think like Sandbar, that it didn't matter where a creature came from. But I wasn't listening. One day, a yak was trampling foals. The next, a mob of niriks was setting fire to Fillydelphia."
  155. >Ocellus interjects
  156. >"You mean kirins, right?"
  157. >Skinny Twilight's eyes grow hollow
  158. <"No. There haven't been any kirins in my Equestria for decades. They're all niriks, all the time. They just got so angry. Everycreature just got so angry. It started with brawls. Then there were riots. And then, there was a war."
  159. >nobody can think of anything to interrupt Skinny Twilight with at that
  160. <"I don't know how it started. I probably just wasn't paying attention. One day, there was just an army of non-ponies based out of the Everfree Forest, and they started taking land for themselves. Next, the Black Forest seceded from Equestria, and they started conquering land as well, kicking out all the non-ponies wherever they went. Most of those fled to the Everfree Forest."
  161. >Skinny Twilight shakes her head
  162. <"It's been 10 long, hard years. All that's left of Equestria is Canterlot and Ponyville. And Ponyville is constantly under siege from the Everfree Forest. And the Black Forest is slowly losing ground to the non-ponies. In short, Equestria is finished. In a few decades, ponies will be finished. I came here to change that."
  163. >utter
  164. >fucking
  165. >silence
  166. >but a thought creeps into your head
  167. "But you didn't change it. You're still here, so your future hasn't changed yet."
  168. >Skinny Twilight nods
  169. <"That's right. My best guess is, in the timeline as it is now, the School of Friendship will be rebuilt. That is a mistake. The School of Friendship is the number one gateway for non-ponies into Equestria, and will be so for decades to come. It needs to stay gone to prevent the civil war."
  170. >Spike's wings flare in shock
  171. >"And what, we just give up on friendship?!"
  172. >the room explodes into a cacophany
  173. >"M-maybe we should just go back to our homelands."
  174. >"Yona no want to go home! Yona want to stay with her friends!"
  175. >"Doesn't everycreature deserve a chance to come to Equestria?"
  176. >"Yeah, but ponies deserve to live in Equestria too, and they don't have anywhere else to go!"
  177. "Ahem! I have a question!"
  178. >the arguing creatures grow quiet
  179. "Why didn't you just go back to 10 years ago and convince yourself not to found the school in the first place? It seems like the best way to fix the future, with minimal tears in the present."
  180. >Gallus explodes
  181. >"And just make it so the past 10 years never even happened?!"
  182. >Skinny Twilight's eyes begin to shine with lurking tears
  183. <"I… I couldn't. I just couldn't erase it completely! The school did so much good at first. Those six creatures sitting next to you… Graduates from the School of Friendship really did succeed in teaching their homelands about friendship! The Dragonlands and Griffonstone especially benefitted from the school!"
  184. "But Equestria didn't."
  185. >Gallus tries to reach across Smoulder to get at you
  186. >"You're only saying that because you'd get to stay in Equestria whether the school got founded or not! You think you're a pony, Anon, but you're not!"
  187. >the room erupts into a verbal free-for-all once more
  188. >you bury your face into your hands
  189. >maybe you shouldn't have said anything
  190. >of course, the little feathernigger is right
  191. >you're not a pony
  192. >but fuck, everything feels so wrong!
  194. >the assembled ponies and creatures at the table continue to shout over each other
  195. >Zecora, to her credit, is silent
  196. >the princesses, too, with the exception of present-Twilight, gaze on in a sad silence
  197. >and you, of course, say nothing as you gather your thoughts and feelings
  198. >when you were younger, and living on Earth, you used to promote rather extreme solutions to its demographic crises to anyone who would listen
  199. >but there are reasons why there were so few who would listen
  200. >in the first place, the forcible removal, lethal or otherwise, of millions of people is impractically difficult
  201. >that's how you knew that historical claims like the so-called "holocaust" were exaggerations at most
  202. >but after more than a decade of living among these lovable ponies, you've begun to think somewhat less practically
  203. >and as a result, you eventually did realize the real reason why nobody wants to hear of violent solutions to population problems
  204. >no matter how many facts, stats, and well-cited arguments you can present
  205. >no matter how obviously necessary violence is
  206. >even the most hardened souls grow queasy at the thought of bringing harm to individuals who haven't personally harmed anyone themselves
  207. >hell, even going too hard on those who have caused harm can be an uncomfortable thought
  208. >and that's to say nothing of millions of people
  209. >of course, when things get bad enough, such qualms will inevitably dissolve
  210. >it's going to happen right here in Equestria about 200 years from now, apparently
  211. >but that's still a long way off
  212. >and by then, it will probably be too late
  213. >of course, there's one more obvious reason why you can't suggest anything too drastic
  214. >specifically, you'd have to be expelled from the country as well, if all non-ponies ended up having to leave
  215. >that's obviously not something you want
  216. >there's just one thing about all this that's frustrating you
  217. >this Twilight from the future holds in her brain a way to save her nation without any violence
  218. >she could literally go back in time and stop the floodgates from ever being opened in the first place
  219. >but instead of doing that, she chose to show up a decade after the gates were opened and blow up her friend in a failed attempt to re-shut them
  220. >it's nonsensical, no matter how much good she claims the school did in its early years
  221. >you've got to make the case for a time travel solution
  222. >and you've got to convince them this time
  223. >you take advantage of your height to stand up and get everyone's attention
  224. "Look. I know first-hand what future-Twilight is talking about. I came from a multi-racial society too."
  225. >all right, that's good
  226. >they actually shut up and started listening
  227. "And Twilight. Twilights. I've explained it to you before. Things weren't quite as bad as civil war yet, but they were sliding downhill fast. And I have a lot more in common with a non-White human than you do with a non-pony creature."
  228. >Smoulder crosses her claws
  229. >"You know, I really don't like the way you say 'creature.'"
  230. >you ignore her
  231. "I'm telling you, there's a crisis on the way, and you have an opportunity to stop it that my world never had. You have magic. You have time travel spells. You can go back in time and nip this problem before it has a chance to get started. You can go back and tell yourself to never found the school in the first place."
  232. >Gallus' claw tightens to a fist
  233. >"But that's not fair. We would never have come to Equestria and become the creatures we are today without the School of Friendship! How would you like it if I stood up here and started talking about how humans needed to be kicked out of Equestria?"
  234. <"Humans never really get to be an issue. Anon dies in about 50 years without ever reproducing, and that's the end of humans in this world."
  235. >the glares you're getting from the diversity squad tell you that Skinny Twilight's interjection was less than helpful
  236. "And, and, and that's a good example of how this crisis is gonna work. I'm just one guy, and I can't single-handedly change this place. But if there were millions of humans running around, that would be horrible for this place. Again, Twilights, I've told you about some of the philosophies that were popular in the world I grew up with. Nihilism, cynicism, hedonism. And you couldn't understand what the fuck I was talking about. But if there were millions of humans here, these ideas would start to effect ponies. And this whole high-trust friendship society that ponies have created would die."
  238. >you point at Skinny Twilight
  239. "I bet that's about what happened, isn't it? Nobody trusts anyone, and nobody believes in friendship anymore, right?"
  240. >Skinny Twilight nods
  241. <"That's about right. I won't necessarily claim to know why, though."
  242. "Well I'll take a guess. You've got all these different creatures, with their different cultures and beliefs that sprung up to suit their needs in their homelands, and they're all clashing here in Equestria. Take… take dragons, for example. Take that Hearth's Warming tale they've got."
  243. >Smoulder raises a claw
  244. >"Feast of Fire tale."
  245. "Okay, Feast of Fire tale. That one story about the dragon who overthrows the Dragon Lord for being nice to her. Does that story make any sense to anyone here who didn't grow up in the Dragonlands?"
  246. >sixteen heads shake "no"
  247. "Well, that's what dragons grow up with. That's what little dragon hatchlings are taught to believe while they're growing up."
  248. >Smoulder breathes smoke
  249. >"But that's not fair! I don't think like that anymore!"
  250. "Okay, well you're one dragon. Suppose there's another dragon who does still think like that. Suppose he's a fully-grown dragon. You know, one of those ancient fuckers who's older than Equestria and big enough to swallow a yak whole. Suppose he moves to Equestria and gets it into his head that Princess Twilight is just like the Dragon Lord from that story. He could cause some pretty big problems, yeah?"
  251. >Skinny Twilight shudders
  252. <"Inferno the Black. He did cause some big problems."
  253. "Here's what I'm getting at. The more foreigners you let into Equestria, the less they're going to respect pony culture. The less they're going to respect ponies in general. That's what kills trust. That's what kills friendship."
  254. >you send a brutal knife-hand in Skinny Twilight's direction
  255. "And that's what kills Twilight."
  256. >the ponies and creatures think about that for a second
  257. "Twilight. Present-Twilight. We're still friends, right? You still think of me as a friend, don't you?"
  258. /"Of course. Of course you're my friend, Anon."
  259. "That's good. I'm glad. I like to think of you as my friend too. And I don't want her-"
  260. >a nod at Skinny Twilight
  261. "To be you. You deserve better than that."
  262. >you look around the room, being careful to meet everyone's eye
  263. "We're all Twilight's friends, aren't we? Does anyone want our Twilight to turn into that future-Twilight? Look at her. She's only a little over 200 years old, and already she looks three times older than Celestia over there, clocking in at a little over 2000."
  264. >you sigh, feeling very tired
  265. >feeling very ready to wrap up what you're saying with one last point before sitting back down
  266. >so you take your last point from your heart
  267. "Look. I'm not gonna be alive in 200 years. I'm not gonna have any descendants in 200 years. My only stake in what happens 200 years from now is Twilight. I want her to be happy for a long, long time. We all want that, right?"
  268. >uncomfortable nods ripple over the table
  269. "All right. So let's have future-Twilight go back in time to stop the school from being built. It's the most peaceful way, and the most sure way, to keep Equestria a land of friendship for centuries to come."
  270. >with that
  271. >you slump back into your seat
  272. >Skinny Twilight is the first one to speak
  273. <"Well, I can't actually go back in time myself right now. My horn was cracked when I was… apprehended. I can't safely use that kind of magic right now."
  274. >Twilight frowns
  275. /"You… you said that in a few decades from your time, ponies would be finished, right?"
  276. >Skinny Twilight nods slowly
  277. >Twilight closes her eyes
  278. >inhales deeply
  279. >and looks at her future self with sad eyes
  280. /"Could you teach me the time travel spell you used?"
  281. >you can hear Smoulder's breathing growing shaky next to you
  282. >but the dragon holds her peace
  283. <"I'm afraid you're still a bit young for the particular spell that I used."
  284. >and after a brief silence
  285. >Celestia clears her throat
  286. >"But I am not."
  287. <"That's true. You could cast it."
  288. >"Of course, though you ruled Equestria in the future, and I in the past, the present ruler of Equestria is this Twilight here. It's her decision."
  289. <"Of course."
  290. >Twilight's gaze passes from her old heroes
  291. >to her old friends
  292. >and her old students
  293. >and she speaks
  294. /"Do it."
  295. >Yona gasps
  296. >"But… but Yona no want to lose her friends!"
  297. "You shouldn't have to. While they're discussing the spell… I'll… I'll think of something."
  298. >Twilight closes her eyes
  299. >and her horn starts to glow
  300. >for a while, the only sound in the room is the whispered discussion between Celestia and Skinny Twilight
  301. >but eventually, that dies down as well
  302. >everyone in the room waits with baited breath for Twilight to do or say something
  303. >finally, streams of purple magic trickle from her horn to the far corners of the room
  304. >there's a flash of blinding white light
  305. >but when it passes, Twilight's eyes are open
  306. /"With the spell I've just cast, everycreature in this room will retain their memories of the past 10 years."
  307. >with something wet sliding down her cheeks, she looks at her old students
  308. /"I want you six especially to remember everything you've learned, and to stay friends, okay? Don't give up on friendship. There's still so much we all need to learn from you."
  309. >Twilight nods her approval at Celestia
  310. >and Celestia's horn glows with a primal, white light
  311. >but she never finishes the spell
  312. >with a flash of purple, somebody new enters the room
  313. ^"Stop! Do not cast that spell!"
  315. >the mare who's just entered the room is Skinny Twilight's opposite in every respect
  316. >her rippling muscles bulge and twitch as she glares down at Celestia
  317. >her mane, with the exception her trademark pink and purple highlights, flows with the absolute blackness of midnight
  318. >and her eyes - alive with emotion - emanate an unsavory, green smoke
  319. >you're going to call her Buff Twilight
  320. ^"I'm Twilight Sparkle from 150 years into the future. The instant you committed to casting that spell, the timeline changed, and let me tell you right now, it isn't any better."
  321. >Skinny Twilight's eyes come to life for the first time since you've seen her as they fill with fear and shock
  322. <"But if the timeline changed, then... you should be me! I should be you!"
  323. >Buff Twilight smiles a wicked grin
  324. ^"Not with that cracked horn you got there. The time-travel spell finished without you, and the timeline changed without you. You never made it back to the future. Instead, you spent the next ten years slowly - and painfully - fading away into nothing... just like you deserve."
  325. >Skinny Twilight's eyes grow hollow again
  326. <"Oh... is that all?"
  327. >Buff Twilight grimaces
  328. ^"No will to live. You're pathetic."
  329. >the normal Twilight of the present time and current timeline interjects
  330. /"You look like you've been practicing dark magic."
  331. ^"You would too, in my horseshoes. Actually, you will, when you get around to wearing them."
  332. /"What future could possibly be so bad that I'd do such a thing?"
  333. ^"War. From the outside, not the inside."
  334. <"But Equestria can hold its own against a foreign power. That can't be nearly as bad as a civil war."
  335. ^"Can Equestria hold its own against Griffonstone, the Dragonlands, the New Changeling Hive, and the Buffalo Nation?"
  336. >Gallus, Spike, Ocellus, and Applejack all try to question Buff Twilight at once
  337. >"Griffonstone?"
  338. >"The Dragonlands? But Dragon Lord Ember would never invade Equestria!"
  339. >"N... New Changeling Hive?"
  340. >"Since when is there a Buffalo Nation?"
  341. >Buff Twilight rolls her eyes
  342. ^"Okay, so it started when a gryphon named Gizzard discovered the Lost Treasure of Griffonstone and became king. The first thing he wanted to do was restore the old 'glory' of Griffonstone, and he figured that Equestria had enough glory to share some, if you know what I mean. In the meanwhile, Ember was growing more and more unpopular with the dragons every year for being too 'pony-like.' When she ordered the Dragonlands to help Equestria, she was overthrown by a dragon named Inferno the Black, who proceeded to order the dragons to help the griffons instead. Around this time, some royal eggs that Chrysalis had hidden before her fall matured into queens and set about spawning a hive. The first thing they did was destroy Thorax's hive. Then they moved in on Equestria. Finally, one or more of these foreign powers managed to agitate the buffalo herds out west into seceding from Eqeustria and attacking the border settlements."
  343. <"That's funny. There was a Buffalo Nation in my timeline too."
  344. ^"Let me guess. You signed off on the secession yourself?"
  345. >Skinny Twilight bows her head
  346. ^"So you see why I needed the power-boost dark magic has to offer."
  347. >a flash of purple light leaps from Buff Twilight's eyes as her nostrils flare
  348. ^"I've had to take thousands of lives myself already."
  349. >Celestia's eyes waver
  350. >"Twilight... I didn't teach you to be a monster."
  351. ^"You didn't teach me to be a lot of things. But maybe that's why you were assasinated at a phony peace summit at Griffonstone, and I survived."
  352. /"But... I was going to enable everycreature here to keep their memories. My students... they should have been able to spread friendship in their homelands."
  353. >Buff Twilight snorts
  354. ^"Believe it or not, they tried. But let's be real here. After the way you kicked them out of Equestria, they only half-believed what they were saying themselves."
  355. /"We... won though, right?"
  356. ^"Would I have come here if we did? Even with dark magic, I'm only one alicorn. Equestria has fallen. Ponies are a slave race."
  357. >nobody knows how to respond to that
  358. >so Buff Twilight continues by asking Skinny Twilight a question
  359. ^"Remind me, in your timeline, did any foreign powers end up declaring war on you?"
  360. <"No. Like I said, the School of Friendship really did a lot of good. The Dragonlands, Griffonstone, even those queens Chrysalis spawned, they all came to officially embrace friendship in their own ways. They even offered assistance Equestria during our civil war. Or, they did at first, anyway."
  361. ^"Well, there you have it. Rebuild the school, and the war never happens."
  362. >Buff Twilight's eyes flit about the conference room eagerly, as though awaiting the inevitable reaction to a funny joke
  363. >you take the bait
  364. "But... if you rebuild the school, the civil war happens."
  365. >Buff Twilight's eyes lock onto you and flash black for a moment
  366. ^"Very astute of you, Anon. Especially after that time you created my timeline, by convincing me to prevent the school from being built. Yep, those are our options. Equestria can fall in a war, or it can fall in a civil war."
  367. /"Let Equestria be torn apart by hate from without or hate from within? Those aren't options at all!"
  368. >Buff Twilight's voice drops to a low, dangerous octave
  369. ^"Well, Anon knows of a third option. It's the first thing he would think of if this were happening on his world."
  370. "What? Third option? There really isn't one."
  371. >Buff Twilight's eyes narrow
  372. "Nothing... practical anyway."
  373. >and her lips crack into a sardonic smile
  374. "I mean... the other thing I can think of... and it's completely insane, mind you... it would be... um..."
  375. ^"Yes...?"
  376. "Well... you'd... kind of have to wipe out every non-pony on the planet, wouldn't you?"
  377. >Buff Twilight's horn flares up black
  378. ^"That's a wonderful idea, Anon! I'll get started on it right away!"
  379. >Buff Twilight's horn explodes into shadow
  380. >you cringe and shut your eyes tightly
  381. >and the smell of ozone permeates the air
  383. >you crack open one eyelid
  384. >Buff Twilight's eyes are crossed at the top of her head, trying to get a better look at her horn
  385. >her mane has brightened to the indigo color the other Twilights are wearing
  386. >and her eyes are free of that noxious green smoke
  387. >Buff Twilight's horn is cracked
  388. >Celestia's horn is smoking
  389. ^"Y… you cracked my horn!"
  390. >Buff Twilight begins to hyperventilate like little Twilight would have done 12 years ago over a friendship problem
  391. ^"I'm gonna be trapped in the past! I'm gonna fade! Why? Why? Celestia-"
  392. >"I'm sorry, Twilight. You've been through a terrible experience. But you cannot come back to the past to cause harm. That goes for both of you."
  393. >Skinny Twilight looks down at her old mentor's reproval
  394. >"But I'm sure we can find a way for you to live in the past. Once you've had some time to rehabilitate-"
  395. ^"I don't have time! I've got maybe 10 years to live now!"
  396. >"In case you've forgotten, your old friend Starlight Glimmer is a very skilled chronomancer. Once she's recovered from her injuries-"
  397. >if Skinny Twilight's gaze drops any further her eyes are going to bust through the floor
  398. >"-I'm sure she'd be happy to help you find a way to go on living. In any case, I will be happy to help you. My sister will be happy to help you."
  399. ^"Starlight… maybe…"
  400. >a set of glowing chains makes its way around Buff Twilight's legs
  401. >all traces of her former bad attitude have vanished
  402. >and without the dark magic pouring out of them, her eyes now look just as tired as Skinny Twilight's
  403. >Celestia smiles gently once Buff Twilight is secured
  404. >"I'd like the both of you to come with me and Luna now. Once you've recovered from your experiences, perhaps you could join us in our travels. If there are any two ponies who need time to rest now, it's you two."
  405. >the pair of future-Twilight's allow themselves to be meekly led out of the conference room
  406. >Celestia calls back to present-Twilight
  407. >"We'll be in my old study if you need us, Twilight. Make your decision, but take your time in doing so. You must be sure that you're making the right choice, after all."
  408. /"But… what is the right choice?"
  409. >Celestia's smile grows subtly sad
  410. >"I don't know."
  411. >with that, Twilight is the only alicorn left in the room
  412. >she stands in silent contemplation
  413. >and noone dares to interrupt that train of thought
  414. >but finally, she does reach a decision, of a sort
  415. /"Let's take a break, everycreature. This has all been a lot more to take in than any of us expected. We'll meet back in here in, say, twenty minutes."
  416. >Twilight shuffles out of the conference-room
  417. >immediately, Gallus takes the opportunity to scowl at you
  418. >"Was that the future you wanted for Twilight?"
  419. >the gryphon takes off his helmet and stalks out of the room
  420. >fuck it
  421. >you decide to clear out of the conference-room too
  422. >so you head out into the corridor
  423. >and you look for a door with a big, magenta star on it
  425. "I figured you weren't actually taking a break."
  426. >Twilight glances up from the piles of paper on her desk
  427. /"Well, you were right. I'm kind of busy right now, Anon."
  428. >you slip into Twilight's study and shut the door behind you
  429. "It's the least I can do to help you out here. You know, since that new timeline is kind of my fault."
  430. /"It wasn't your fault, Anon."
  431. "Maybe. But I bet you could use someone with my unique perspective anyway."
  432. /"What?"
  433. "You know, with the looming demographic crisis and all."
  434. >Twilight sighs
  435. /"I think I liked you better 13 years ago, when you were too shy to offer me any help."
  436. >you flop down into the chair next to Twilight's
  437. "Should have thought about that before showing me that whole 'friendship' thing."
  438. /"Apparently."
  439. "Come on. When's the last time we had a chance to talk, just the two of us?"
  440. /"I don't remember the last time I had a chance to talk with anyone all alone. That's just not how being the princess works."
  441. "Just show me what you're working on."
  442. >Twilight frowns at her papers
  443. /"I'm just compiling some statistics."
  444. "I love stats."
  445. /"You hate stats."
  446. "Twilight."
  447. /"Okay, fine. So, donkeys and mules are lumped into one demographic category, and they make up the largest non-pony population in Equestria. Donkeys and mules make up about 5% of Equestria's population, all spread out fairly evenly across the land."
  448. "All right."
  449. /"In second place comes buffalo, at about 3% of the population. They're mostly concentrated out west. Conflicts sometimes happen, but those could probably be minimized by putting a halt to westward expansion."
  450. "You're probably right."
  451. /"And in third place is cattle. They're about 2% of the population, mostly centered around Ponyville."
  452. "So thus far you've got a 10% foreign population."
  453. >Twilight shakes her head
  454. /"No, not quite. Donkeys, buffalo, and cattle were all native to these lands before ponies first settled Equestria. Really, there's a 1% foreign population, consisting of gryphons, dragons, yaks, etcetera, concentrated in Ponyville and Canterlot."
  455. "Which leaves you with an 89% pony population."
  456. /"A 99% Equestrian population."
  457. "Sure, but still an 89% pony population."
  458. >Twilight grimaces
  459. /"89% isn't so bad, is it? You saw statistics like that back on Earth, right? That's not really a crisis, is it?"
  460. "No, it's not quite a crisis yet. But you'll definitely start noticing problems around this point, if you're paying attention."
  461. /"Not so many problems. Cattle, donkeys, and mules are all perfectly integrated with Equestrian society. Like I said, buffalo are still involved in conflicts sometimes, but they're mostly concentrated in areas where ponies mostly aren't."
  462. "What about the other non-ponies?"
  463. /"At 1% of the population? How many problems could they be causing at this stage?"
  464. "Enough for things to snowball out of control in 150 to 200 years, apparently. You have any figures on how things are with them in Ponyville and Canterlot specifically?"
  465. >Twilight's eyes scan the pile of papers
  466. /"Eh… no. Not here, anyways."
  467. "Things probably aren't as good as they should be."
  468. /"Well, maybe not. What I need is a solution."
  469. "Okay. So, re-opening the school and leaving the gates wide open to foreigners will lead to a civil war in 200 years."
  470. /"But going back in time to prevent the school from being built will lead to a foreign war in 150 years. And at this point, outright closing our borders against our allies could very well sow tensions that could erupt into a war somewhere down the line as well."
  471. "Why do I get the feeling that you already figured out the solution before I walked in here?"
  472. /"I figured out a solution, not the solution. I don't like it."
  473. "Well what is it?"
  474. /"We leave the School of Friendship destroyed. That's it. Hopefully, the school has already instilled foreign powers with enough respect for friendship and ponies to avert a war in the future."
  475. "But at the same time, there's not much incentive for anyone to immigrate to Equestria without the school, right?"
  476. >Twilight nods
  477. /"I hate this. The School of Friendship represents my life's work to me."
  478. "Yeah, but think about it like this. We know that it's going to work."
  479. >Twilight cocks her head
  480. /"How can you know that?"
  481. "Well, if it doesn't work, then we would have gotten a third future-you by now, right?"
  482. >Twilight scratches her chin
  483. /"Maybe…"
  484. >and her pupils shrink
  485. /"Or maybe I just don't get a chance to cast the time-travel spell before something happens to me. Maybe things just fall apart before I'm strong enough to cast it!"
  486. "What? No. No, it's gotta work. How could the school shutting down possibly speed things up?"
  487. /"You're probably right, but… there's just no way to know for sure."
  488. "It's gotta work, Twilight. It's got to."
  490. >you follow Twilight back into the conference room exactly twenty minutes after she called away break time
  491. >she takes her place at the front of the room
  492. >you take yours in your seat
  493. >looking at Twilight from a distance, you can't help but feel a little relieved
  494. >she doesn't happy, exactly
  495. >but she looks as though a great weight has been taken off of her back
  496. /"Excuse me, everycreature. Excuse me. We're going to get started again."
  497. >Twilight scans the room, ensuring that everyone is in their seats
  498. >the problem?
  499. >everyone's not in their seats
  500. /"Ah, where are Gallus and Smoulder?"
  501. >Ocellus buzzes nervously
  502. >"Um… Gallus got really mad during the break. He, um, asked me to tell you that he was quitting the Royal Guard. And that he was going back to Griffonstone."
  503. >Sandbar speaks up as well on this point
  504. >"Said he always wanted to take up treasure-hunting anyway."
  505. >Twilight nods
  506. /"Oh dear. What about Smoulder?"
  507. >Silverstream raises her talon to offer what she knows
  508. >"Smoulder got mad too. She was super snappy and bitey with us, and she said she was going back to Ponyville right now to write to everydragon she knows to move in with her."
  509. >apparently there was also a courier while you and Twilight were out of the room
  510. >he reported that Starlight's condition was getting worse
  511. >but you sort of lose track of the discussion after that
  512. >on the far side of the conference room, a large, ornate grandfather clock stands proudly against the ivory wall
  513. >you see the pendulum swinging through the glass pane in its body
  514. >you see the hands slowly making their way around the face
  515. >and, although it's certainly too far away for you to actually hear it
  516. >you imagine you can hear the clockwork inside of that old clock
  517. >ticking

Horse Confessions

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Anon Tried to Kill Himself

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Rubehog Day: Ruby Destination (/pone/ CYOA)

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The Skintrotter

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Legend of the Wandering Autist

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