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By Writefag_Roulette
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-20 14:35:04
Expiry: Never

  1. ACT I
  3. Part 1:
  5. >your name is Anonymous
  6. >known to your friends as Anon
  7. >you are the first man in Equestria
  8. >how did you get here?
  9. >who cares? this is an abusefag story
  10. >you're obviously going to be a filly within a few posts here
  11. >not that you know that
  12. >what you do know is that you live in Canterlot
  13. >and that it's the 999th Year of the Sun
  14. >and that you're fucking late for work
  15. >that whole Summer Sun Celebration holiday thing is still a few months out
  16. >but already, orders are flooding Ruby's jewelry shop for the special occasion
  17. >she's gonna be pissed at you for leaving you to deal with this shit herself
  18. >so you haul ass
  19. >ah, but Anon
  20. >what a large ass a six-foot biped must have
  21. >and how small these little ponies must be
  22. >and you
  23. >poor you
  24. >you don't notice the little, lavender unicorn you're hurtling toward
  25. >not until it's too late
  26. <"Ah!"
  27. >the feeling of an impact, combined with the sound of a squeal, makes you skid to a halt
  28. >and there she is
  29. >sprawled out on the sidewalk
  30. >books scattered all around her
  31. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry."
  32. >that right there, more than anything else, is where your problems will begin
  33. >you remember that one internet video
  34. >sorry for what?
  35. "Heh."
  36. >and now she's glaring at you
  37. <"Is this funny to you?"
  38. "No! Holy shit, I'm sorry. I guess I've just got a fucked up sense of humor. Here, lemme help you with that."
  39. >even as you kneel to gather up the little unicorn's books for her
  40. >her magic flares to rip them out of your grasp
  41. <"Don't touch them."
  42. >she rises to her own four hooves, her books stacked neatly in her magical grasp
  43. >she's still scowling at you
  44. >you're about to offer another apology
  45. >but the Canterlot clock tower thunders out a 9
  46. >and you remember
  47. >you're fucking late for work
  48. "L-look, I don't know if it's customary to exchange insurance information or something, but I've really gotta go. If you need anything, I'll be at Ruby's, on Mare Street."
  49. >and with that
  50. >you haul ass
  52. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  53. >personal protege to Princess Celestia
  54. >you only just graduated from your final year at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns last week
  55. >you were so excited to find out where the Princess wanted to take your education next
  56. >but what did she tell you when you asked her?
  57. >she wants you to spend the next few months "independently studying"
  58. >whatever that means
  59. >you're pretty sure it means "here, move into this library tower thing and leave me alone"
  60. >well, you've obliged the Princess' wish at that
  61. >after all, you didn't bother to ask her permission to break into the restricted area of the Archives
  62. >hey, it's not like there's anything from the regular Archives you haven't already read
  63. >all you're doing is expanding your education
  64. >and it's been a lot of fun so far
  65. >the spells from the Restricted Archives...
  66. >spells that fools from the olden days would have called "dark magic"...
  67. >wait, did you just call Starswirl the Bearded a fool?
  68. >well, if the horseshoe fits...
  69. >no, no
  70. >you're sure it's probably best to excercise a little caution with these spells
  71. >but, oh!
  72. >they feel so..
  73. >very...
  74. >good
  75. >and you were feeling so very good on your way to the Archives today
  76. >until that thing ran into you
  77. >maybe you could have gotten over it if the thing had just apologized
  78. >but it laughed at you!
  79. >it laughed!
  80. >for a moment, the white marble of the Canterlot street turns red
  81. >you have to stop and breathe deeply for a couple minutes before you can see clearly again
  82. >and you continue on your way
  83. >but you're still seething
  84. >of course you recognized him as that creature from another world who showed up in Canterlot a while ago
  85. >you and every other intellectual in the city followed that news story for as long as it was relevant
  86. >to think that he would knock you over
  87. >and then laugh about it!
  88. >you of all ponies, the Princess' own apprentice!
  89. >"Uh, Twilight?"
  90. >most of the royal guards know you by name
  91. >this guard you're trying to walk past now is...
  92. >well, you don't know most of the royal guards by name
  93. >what you do know is that he's annoyingly in your way right now
  94. "What is it?"
  95. >"Your ID?"
  96. "Huh? What do I need an ID for?"
  97. >the guard cocks his head
  98. >"To... enter the castle?"
  99. >you pause
  100. >and you see your surroundings as though for the first time
  101. >you have indeed reached the palace doors
  102. "Oh. Right. I'll just get it."
  103. >you reach into the field of magic which holds your stack of books
  104. >the talisman, an unfailing form of identification that's been magically attuned to your ego, should be sitting right on top of the books
  105. >but it's not
  106. >it's not under the books
  107. >between them
  108. >inside them
  109. >where is it?!
  110. >"Take your time, Twilight."
  111. "Shut! Up!"
  113. >you are the guard
  114. >or at least, you think you are
  115. >in this moment, the most powerful mind known to ponydom is imposing itself upon you
  116. >so subtle are its weavings that you'll never know it was ever in your head
  117. >in reality, you are Princess Celestia, watching through the eyes of the guard
  118. >someone has been breaking into the Restricted Archives
  119. >much as you hate to spy on Twilight, she's one of the few unicorns in Canterlot powerful enough to do it
  120. >and power - as you've seen so, so many times in your life - corrupts
  121. >that testy attitude on your faithful student is certainly worrying
  122. >through the mouth of your guard, you ask Twilight the question that's on your mind
  123. "Twilight, are you all right?"
  124. >she seethes visibly for a moment
  125. <"I forgot my ID. Just let me through."
  126. "You know I can't do that."
  127. >Twilight's horn erupts into black, green, and violet flames
  128. <"I said let me through!"
  129. >the guard's natural fear-response kicks in, and you're almost kicked out of his mind for a moment
  130. >but you hang on, and compell him to regain his composure
  131. "All right. Just this once though."
  132. >Twilight doesn't respond as she brushes past and into the castle
  133. "Twilight!"
  134. >she stops and glares
  135. "Whatever's bothering you, you know you can talk to Princess Celestia about it, right?"
  136. >Twilight's glare turns into a scowl before she continues toward the corridor
  137. >you release your grip on the guard's mind, and your senses return to your study
  138. >there, you sit at your grand, oaken desk with a furrowed brow
  139. >much as you hate subverting ponies' wills like that, Twilight is important to you
  140. >you were hoping that granting Twilight a bit of freedom in her studies would help her grow
  141. >but it looks like she wasn't ready
  142. >the blind pursuit of knowledge has led many great ponies down dark paths
  143. >experience tells you that Twilight has already gone far enough on such a path that direct intervention will only cause her to flee farther down it
  144. >you'll need a more subtle approach if you want to save her before drastic actions become necessary
  145. >somewhere, beneath the horizon, a reminder of such an action lies painted on the Moon
  146. >what to do?
  148. >you are Anon
  149. >and, at last, you are at work
  150. >Ruby is leaning on the display counter, tracing circles on the glass with her hoof
  151. >"Well, there you are. I was starting to get lonely."
  152. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that."
  153. >"What in the world kept you so long?"
  154. >uh
  155. >should you tell her you were up late drinking?
  156. "Slept through my alarm."
  157. >it's technically true
  158. >Ruby hums and keeps hoof-doodling on the counter
  159. >as you make your way to join her, you realize that your frantic departure has left you somewhat disshevelled
  160. >you take a moment to tuck your shirt back in
  161. >and it looks like you forgot to tie your tie before leaving for work
  162. >once behind the counter, you try to fix this
  163. >taking one end of the tie in each hand, you tie it into the closest thing to a Windsor knot that it seems willing to go
  164. >why the hell isn't this working?
  165. >"Anon."
  166. "Hm?"
  167. >"That's a bow tie."
  168. "Oh. Right."
  169. >you take your poor bow tie out of its unnatural contortion
  170. >and...
  171. >shit, why can't you remember the bow tie knot right now?
  172. >Ruby's chiding laugh is like jewels tinkling together
  173. >"Anon, just let me do it."
  174. >the ruby-maned unicorn takes the tie into her magic and slips it into a neat bow knot
  175. >you sigh
  176. >"Anon? You seem dazed, somehow. What's the matter?"
  177. >the response you prepare in your mind is something about staying up late and rushing over here
  178. >the response that slips out of your mouth is somewhat different
  179. "I bumped into a mare on the way here."
  180. >"Ooooh! Tell me everything! Was it love at first sight?"
  181. "What? No. I mean, I guess she was cute for, you know, a pony, but-"
  182. >"I can see it now! A university student, late to her classes, galloping down the street, toast in her mouth-"
  183. "No. Stop that."
  184. >"Here I thought I would be the one to put a crack in your shell."
  185. >you jump backwards, hands in a defensive posture
  186. "Nope!"
  187. >howls of tinkling laughter
  188. "Look, meeting this chick was wierd."
  189. >"Meeting your true love usually is."
  190. "Trust me, this was not that. The whole thing was, I dunno, unnerving. I guess she seemed kind of creepy."
  191. >"Hmmmm..."
  192. >Ruby, perhaps realizing that the mood for tormenting you has passed, goes back to her hoof-circles on the glass
  193. "Anyway, you seemed kind of spaced-out too. What's going on?"
  194. >Ruby groans
  195. >"Nothing is going on; that's just the problem. After all the orders for the Summer Sun Celebration yesterday, I figured the shop would be busier today."
  196. "It hasn't been?"
  197. >"I haven't seen a pony in here all day."
  199. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  200. >the sight of the magical seal on the Restricted Archives only makes you smile now
  201. >the first time you'd done this, it had pushed you exactly to the limits of your power
  202. >almost as if it had been a test for you
  203. >and maybe it had been meant as a test
  204. >after all, you still don't know for sure what the Princess had expected when she charged you with independent study
  205. >in any case, with the power you've gained since studying the restricted tomes, the seal has only grown easier and easier
  206. >reaching into the sub-ether of the seal, you locate its two basic components
  207. >the seal itself
  208. >and a mental link leading to someone outside of the Archives
  209. >you assume that this link is designed to alert the Princess in the event that the seal is broken
  210. >it's made from very, very fine thread of magic
  211. >only an exceptional sorcerer would have been able to even notice it
  212. >fortunately, exceptional is just what you are
  213. >not only can you see the thread
  214. >you can also choke it tightly enough to keep it from transmitting any signals
  215. >once that's done, it's just a matter of breaking the seal itself
  216. >with a little so-called "dark" magic, that's foal's play now
  217. >once the seal is broken, you open the door and enter the Restricted Archives
  218. >now comes the delicate part
  219. >rebuilding the seal so you can let go of the mental link
  220. >this part is delicate because you have to try to rebuild the seal exactly as it was before you first broke it
  221. >that means no restricted magic
  222. >but you're an exceptional sorcerer, and the job gets done
  223. >you let go of the link
  224. >no alert
  225. >you take a moment to admire your hoofwork
  226. >it's such a near-approximation to the original seal, you doubt if anyone less than Princess Celestia herself could tell the difference
  227. >but of course, she'd have to come inspect it in person to see it
  229. >you are Anon
  230. >there was a time when you never imagined that you might use a jeweller's screwdriver for actual jeweling
  231. >but that was a long time ago
  232. >in a world without electronics, jeweling is about the only thing these tiny screwdrivers are good for
  233. >and here you are, in the back of a talking unicorn's jewelry shop
  234. >putting the amazing dexterity of your fingers - compared to hooves anyway - to profitable use
  235. >setting a fire ruby into a plain gold ring
  236. >but something in your jacket becomes very cold, very quickly
  237. >you gasp and drop everything
  238. >the ring and screwdriver clatter neatly onto the table
  239. >but the screw you were working on rolls onto the floor, never to be seen again
  240. >Ruby calls to you from the storefront
  241. >"Anon, what was that girlish yelp? Is everything all right?"
  242. "I do not yelp! Everything's fine."
  243. >"If you say so."
  244. >you reach into your jacket pocket and pull out a flat, black disk
  245. >you sure didn't put this there
  246. >it's not so cold to the touch right now, but you assume it's what caused your pocket to freeze a moment ago
  247. >some sort of magic thing, probably
  248. >maybe it fell into your pocket when you bumped into that mare
  249. >at that thought, you shudder worse than you did when your pocket froze
  250. >you really, really do not want to meet her again
  252. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  253. >you can't get that creature out of your head
  254. >no matter how much you try to focus on your pursuit of knowledge
  255. >he just won't leave you alone
  256. >he laughed at you!
  257. >and now he's distracting you from your studies
  258. >oh, and he made you lose your ID, too
  259. >deep breaths now, Twilight
  260. >the tome in front of you is actually quite fascinating
  261. >Anadolu Nokota's Esoteric Guide to Forms of Flesh
  262. >with normal forms of magic, spells designed to change a pony's race, age, or sex generally require so much power that they're effectively impossible
  263. >with restricted forms of magic, however, it seems like these spells are quite a bit more doable
  264. >boy, you'd like to turn that big alien monster into a helpless little foal and...
  265. >and...
  266. >you shake your head
  267. >you can't complete that thought
  268. >it's horrific
  269. >but still...
  270. >you bet he'd never knock anyone down again
  271. >or laugh at them while they're down
  272. >no, no, focus on your studies
  273. >ah, but Twilight
  274. >if you really want to explore these spells you're reading about...
  275. >then won't you need to test them on somebody?
  276. >your ears perk all the way up at this thought, as though by straining them you could hear more of it
  277. >yes, there might be a way to settle both of these interests then
  278. >Ah!
  279. >No!
  280. >you sigh
  281. >read over the principles of Nokota's form-changing magic until you think you've memorized it
  282. >and place the book back on its shelf
  283. >how about this?
  284. >you'll do a little research on the creatture
  285. >then you'll go meet him in person and give him a chance
  286. >where did it say he would be again?
  287. >some place on Mare Street
  288. >Rudy's or something
  289. >you'll probably remember when you see it
  290. >anyway, you'll figure out what to do once you've spoken to him
  291. >your plan seems acceptable to you
  292. >so you prepare to break through the seal once more to find what articles you can on the creature from another world in the regular Archives
  294. >you are Anon
  295. >it's been a slow workday
  296. >fortunately, it's nearly over now
  297. >a few weeks ago, it would have been dark out by now
  298. >but with spring at last breaking in earnest, that princess pony is finally starting to keep up the sun longer now
  299. >"Anon?"
  300. "Hm?"
  301. >"You've been wiping that same spot on the counter for ten minutes while staring out the window."
  302. >you blink
  303. >indeed, the glass display counter directly in front of you has been wiped clean of any and all conceivable specks and smudges
  304. >and your eyes are fixed on the vibrant, blue sky
  305. "I guess I have been. I'll move on."
  306. >you step sideways, away from Ruby, taking your dry rag of cleanliness with you
  307. >"Anon."
  308. "Hm?"
  309. >"It's clean enough."
  310. >you sigh, and shove the rag into your back pocket
  311. >Ruby sets her book down and leans onto the counter
  312. >"What's on your mind? Is it still that mare?"
  313. >you inhale
  314. >well, it's partly that
  315. >it's partly the potentially evil black disk you found in your pocket as well
  316. >though that's probably related to that mare
  317. "Yeah, I guess."
  318. >Ruby grins
  319. >"She couldn't have been that creepy, could she?"
  320. "Eh. I don't know if creepy's the right word. I don't know..."
  321. >the way she looked at you
  322. "I guess I've just got a bad feeling."
  323. >"Oh, I don't know what you're so worried about. You'll probably never see her again."
  324. >that's when the front door jingles open
  326. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  327. >so the place is called Ruby's
  328. >it's a jewelry shop of some sort
  329. >the eponymous Ruby, you presume, is a creme-colored unicorn with a looping red mane
  330. >standing next to her is...
  331. "Anonymous. I found you!"
  332. >yes, the creature's name is Anonymous
  333. >he refers to his race as "human"
  334. >and he has no idea how he ended up in Equestria
  335. >it's a shamefully boring story for an alien creature from an unknown world
  336. >currently, he's staring agape at you with wide eyes
  337. >is he afraid of you?
  338. >he should be
  339. >if he keeps this up he might just last the night unchanged
  340. <"Y-you sure did. And you found out my name too, I see."
  341. >the red-maned mare gasps
  342. >"Oh my. Anon, I didn't know you'd met Twilight Sparkle!"
  343. <"Oh, Ruby, you... know her."
  344. >"There aren't many unicorns in Canterlot who don't. I was still in the School for Gifted Unicorns when she was chosen as Princess Celestia's personal protege, so I used to see her all the time."
  345. >Ruby smiles toward you
  346. >"It's an honor to have you, Miss Sparkle. What brings you here today?"
  347. >you smile back, cordially
  348. "Oh, I just happened to bump into Anon this morning. He said he'd be here, so I figured I'd come visit."
  349. >Ruby's eyes widen
  350. >"Oh! Then you were- Well, he's been terribly bothered about it. I'll, erm, leave you two for a moment."
  351. >the jeweler shuffles away into some back room, leaving you alone with your quarry
  352. >you smile at Anon, trying your best to hide the utter loathing you feel right now
  353. "So, it's been bothering you."
  354. <"Uh, sort of. I, uh, I found something in my pocket, and I think it might be yours."
  355. >an appendage known as a "hand" is shoved into a suit jacket, and returns with...
  356. >no!
  357. >a round, black talisman
  358. >your ID!
  359. >that humiliation at the palace this morning...
  360. >it was all because this creature had stolen your ID!
  361. <"D-do you want it?"
  362. >you snatch the ID from his grasp with your magic
  363. >the talisman, magically attuned to your ID, lights up in your aura
  364. >it's odd, though
  365. >instead of the normal pink star, it's showing a sickly red fog
  366. >realization stabs you like a dagger
  367. >he broke it!
  368. >the stupid monster broke your ID!
  369. <"So, um, did you need anything? You weren't hurt, were you?"
  370. >your friendly smile doesn't falter, even with the wrath boiling beneath your skin
  371. >and you know
  372. >that you won't be sparing Anonymous today
  373. "Oh, no, Anon. I wasn't hurt. I just..."
  374. >steady now
  375. >this is the moment of truth, Twilight
  376. "I just needed a job done."
  377. >are you breathing heavily?
  378. >calm down
  379. >you reach into your bag
  380. >and procure a small amethyst
  381. "Can you set this into a ring for me?"
  382. >Anon plucks the gem from the air
  383. "Yeah. Yeah, that shouldn't be a tough job. Come back tomorrow and I'll have it done for you."
  384. "Great! I'll see you then!"
  385. <"Is there anything else?"
  386. "Nope!"
  387. >without another word, you trot out of the jewelry store
  388. >the amethyst is connected to you via a fine mental link
  389. >in about five minutes time, you'll send your judgement through it
  391. >you are Anon
  392. >the mare named Twilight Sparkle has left the building
  393. >Ruby pokes her head out of the back room
  394. >"How'd it go?"
  395. "Better than I expected. She just wanted this in a ring."
  396. >you hold up the amethyst for Ruby's inspection
  397. >"Hm..."
  398. "What is it?"
  399. >"I'm not sure. It doesn't look enchanted or charged, but... there's something magical about that amethyst."
  400. "Is that bad?"
  401. >Ruby shrugs
  402. >"Probably not. Twilight Sparkle is known for her studies on magic."
  403. "All right. I'll go set it then."
  404. >"Oh, come off it, Anon. Let's close up shop; you can do that tomorrow."
  405. "Aw, this won't take me more than five minutes, Ruby. Might as well do it now."
  406. >Ruby rolls her eyes
  407. >she procures a key and sets it on top of the display counter
  408. >"All right, Mr. Hard Worker. You lock up the shop then. I'm going home now."
  409. "Okay. I'll lock it up when I go."
  410. >Ruby is already halfway out the door
  411. >but she sends you one last quip before leaving
  412. >"And since you've got the key, do try not to show up an hour late tomorrow."
  413. "No promises."
  414. >the door tinkles shut
  415. >you head into the back room to set the amethyst
  416. >it's a pretty simple job
  417. >grab the tiny screwdriver
  418. >grab the tiny screws
  419. >grab a fitting ring to set the jewel in
  420. >since Twilight Sparkle didn't specify what she wanted, you go with a plain, silver horn ring
  421. >it should go better with her purple coat than anything gold or brass-colored would
  422. >goodness
  423. >the mere fact that such a thought has just crossed your mind seems pretty funny now
  424. >you never once imagined that you'd grow up to make fashion choices for purple unicorns
  425. >life can take some pretty bizarre twists and turns
  426. >for example, you're just about finished setting the amethyst when you drop it and scream
  427. >the incomprehensible sight of black light reaches in tendrils from the jewel you were so recently holding
  428. >the black light overtakes you
  429. >and then?
  430. >no black light
  431. >just regular old blackness
  433. Part 2:
  435. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  436. >as you roll over in bed, you realize that you don't remember going to bed
  437. >as your eyes flutter open, you realize that the bed you're in isn't even yours
  438. >the white walls of a hospital
  439. >the rustle of cheap blankets
  440. >the skritch skritch skritch of a nurse taking notes
  441. >you decide to focus on the nurse
  442. "Excuse me. What am I doing here?"
  443. >the nurse looks up from her clipboard
  444. >"Oh. You're awake now. You suffered an attack of brain fever the other day. Passed right out in the middle of some alley."
  445. "Brain fever?"
  446. >"Well, your little dragon friend said you'd been irritable for a while. That plus the collapse, well, it's consistent with the symptoms."
  447. >you collapsed?
  448. >in the middle of some alley?
  449. >why would you be in an alley?
  450. >your eyes fly open when you realize
  451. >you did it
  452. >you actually did it
  453. >the spell must have taken more out of you than you'd expected
  454. >but you know it was no attack of brain fever that knocked you out
  455. >the spell!
  456. >did it work?
  457. >you've got to find out-
  458. >"Hey now, don't go exciting yourself. You could still have another attack."
  460. >you are Anon
  461. >Ruby says you can't work for her anymore
  462. >but that's nonsense
  463. >you can work with these stubby hoof-things just as well as you can with fingers
  464. >you're in the process of climbing onto the display counter to show her you can still wipe it down
  465. >but you slip
  466. >and fall
  467. >and on the way down, your back hoof pierces the glass
  468. >and you land on your back
  469. >hard
  470. >"Anon."
  471. "Oh..."
  472. >"You know you'll always be my friend, Anon."
  473. "No..."
  474. >"But I can't afford to keep you around anymore."
  475. >the amethyst
  476. >the amethyst did something to you
  477. >you're smaller now
  478. >much smaller
  479. >with hooves
  480. >and your dick is gone
  481. >Ruby called you a filly
  482. >you're a filly now
  483. >you've become a filly
  484. "How am I gonna pay my rent?"
  485. >"I'm sorry."
  486. "You know what? Don't be. It's not your fault. It's hers."
  487. >"Anon..."
  488. "I think I'll go pay her a visit right now."
  489. >you roll over and jump to your hooves
  490. >the one that went through the glass was cut a little, and you wince when it hits the floor
  491. >"Try not to be too angry with her."
  492. "Why not? It was her fucking gemstone that ruined my life, wasn't it?"
  493. >"For your own sake, not hers."
  494. "Oh, whatever."
  495. >you proceed to limp out the door
  496. >"Do you want a bandage for that cut before you go out?"
  497. "Nope. I'm good."
  498. >"Well I'll... see you around some time, I hope."
  499. "Maybe. Have a nice life."
  500. >as you step outside, you realize
  501. >this is probably the last time you'll ever step through this door
  503. >you're still Anon
  504. >you've managed to limp all the way to the Canterlot General Hospital
  505. >you don't know what you're going to do when you see Twilight Sparkle
  506. >last you heard, she fell unconscious the same night you turned quadrupedal
  507. >probably not a coincidence
  508. >maybe you'll yell at her
  509. >threaten to sue
  510. >something
  511. >you don't know
  512. "Hey, desk lady, down here."
  513. >the mare at the desk clearly hadn't noticed you
  514. >going from six feet tall to two feet tall has some major complications for you
  515. >she peers over the edge of the desk to look at you
  516. >"Well hello there, sweetie. Where's your mom?"
  517. >you physically bite your tongue to keep from screaming at the white earth mare
  518. >how likely exactly is it that you could convince her of your story?
  519. >probably not very
  520. >you are not getting kicked out of here after limping all the way from Ruby's on a cut foot
  521. >on a cut hoof
  522. >fuck
  523. "She's uh... a patient here. Her name is Twilight Sparkle. Can I see her?"
  524. >the receptionist's eyes begin to sparkle with compassion
  525. >"Oh, of course, sweetie. I'll call up to see if she'll see you, but I'm sure she will."
  526. >oh?
  527. >the bitch is awake now, then
  528. >good
  529. >the sooner you can get this lawsuit underway the better
  530. >the receptionist reaches up for a literal can on a string and speaks into it
  531. >this world is bizarrely quaint sometimes
  532. >"Hello, Miss Sparkle? Your daughter is here to see you."
  533. >oh, fuck
  534. >the desk mare might not know that you're lying, but Twilight Sparkle sure will
  535. >after a pause, her voice echoes from the can
  536. <"My... daughter?"
  537. >"Yes, she's right here."
  538. >another pause
  539. >this one longer
  540. >but at last
  541. <"What's... her name?"
  542. >the deskmare puts her hoof over the can and smiles at you
  543. >"What's your name again, sweetie?"
  544. "Anonymous."
  545. >"Anonymous? Ooh, that must be one of those new-age names. I like it."
  546. >she uncovers the can and tells Twilight Sparkle your name
  547. >there's another pause
  548. >a really long one this time
  549. >when she responds at last, she sounds almost like...
  550. >like she's been laughing?
  551. <"Send her up."
  552. >"Will do, Miss Sparkle!"
  553. >the receptionist releases the can, and it retracts into the ceiling alongside dozens of others
  554. >"Room R-120, sweetie."
  555. "Thanks."
  557. >once again, you are Anon
  558. >after yet another long trudge on an injured hoof, you've finally located room R-120
  559. >looking on the door now, a certain chill can be felt running up your spine
  560. >but you can't account for that
  561. >besides, you've walked up too many stairs to turn back empty-handed now
  562. >you're gonna get some kind of compensation for this shit, and you're gonna get it now
  563. >with that thought, you push open the door and stride inside
  564. >and your plans are shattered within an instant
  565. >Twilight Sparkle is lying in a hospital bed
  566. >her cheeks are gaunt
  567. >her eyes are underlined with thick, black rings
  568. >she looks exhausted
  569. >she looks...
  570. >vulnerable
  571. >internally, you sigh
  572. >you can't sue a pony in this absolute state
  573. >you never were the sort to hold a grudge
  575. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  576. >this filly who's just walked into the room...
  577. >could it be?
  578. "Anonymous?"
  579. >the filly inhales
  580. <"Yep."
  581. >ha!
  582. >it worked!
  583. >the spell worked!
  584. >here he is, the creature from another world
  585. >the monster who assaulted you
  586. >the beast who laughed at you
  587. >here he is, laid low at last
  588. >he's so tiny
  589. >he's...
  590. >vulnerable
  591. >the thought of it intoxicates you like the finest wine
  592. >any lingering thoughts of mercy are struck from your brain right then and there
  593. >with your new magical knowledge, there are a million ways in which you could dispose of him right now
  594. >why, with Grimoire of Bospone's mental bolt spell, you could eradicate a little thing like that without leaving a single atom behind
  595. >and there are no witnesses in here to see it...
  596. >he's completely within your power
  597. >no...
  598. >she's completely within your power
  599. >the sheerly unnatural nature of what you've afflicted this monster with fills your head with a sensation of fizzy euphoria
  600. <"Well geez, don't have a heart attack on my account."
  601. >shoot! you're getting too excited
  602. >you'll scare her out at this rate
  603. >you still need to lure Anonymous into one final trap before you can grant her the fiendish fate you have in store for her
  604. "What... what happened to you?"
  605. <"Oh, I did something different with my hair. Can you tell?"
  606. >she's got a dry sense of humor now
  607. >it's sarcastic, bitter, and insulting
  608. >she won't be telling jokes for much longer
  609. "Yeah. And your limbs, body, age, sex, and species too, I see."
  610. <"Funny story, that. That amethyst you left with me sprouted black tentacles and did this."
  611. "Oh, my. It wasn't supposed to do that at all."
  612. <"I'd hope not. Anyway, all I want to know is, is there any way to undo it?"
  613. >of course, with your new magic, there are plenty of ways
  614. >not that you'll use any of them
  615. >better lead her on with a little false hope though
  616. "Maybe... Say, where is the amethyst now?"
  617. <"Sitting in a ring, waiting for you at Ruby's. Not that I work there anymore."
  618. >she's unemployed
  619. >uncertain
  620. >soon to be desperate, if nobody offers a helping hoof
  621. >perfect
  622. "Oh, dear. You lost your job?"
  623. >Anonymous holds up a filly hoof
  624. <"Can't really operate a jeweler's screwdriver with these things."
  625. "Oh, I feel terrible. Is there anything you're going to need? Do you have a place to stay?"
  627. >you are Princess Celestia
  628. >as you approach room R-120, you hear a pair of voices conversing
  629. <"Do you have a place to stay?"
  630. ^"I won't by the end of this month."
  631. <"Do you want... to stay with me?"
  632. >you choose this moment to make your serendipitous entrance
  633. "Why Twilight, that's a wonderful idea!"
  634. >Twilight and a little filly jump in surprise at your declaration
  635. >as you've just observed, you are Princess Celestia
  636. >very little happens here in Canterlot without your knowing about it
  637. >Twilight is teetering on the very precipice of madness
  638. >she went and transformed Anonymous, the creature from another world, into the small filly who's trembling here at your hooves
  639. >she used dark magic to do it
  640. >forcing her to live with the consequences of her actions
  641. >forcing her to care for the creature she's wronged
  642. >this could be the key to pulling your student back from the edge
  643. >but you'll have to be careful about it
  644. <"D-do you think so, Princess?"
  645. "I know so."
  646. >you bend your head to look at little Anonymous
  647. "Anon, my chariot is waiting outside of the hospital. Why don't you go there and ask the drivers to take you to your apartment so you can get ready to move? I've just sent them a message to wait for you."
  648. >Anon was always a bit unimpressive for an alien
  649. >but now that he's hardly taller than your horseshoes, he's almost heartbreaking
  650. ^"Th-th-thanks..."
  651. >with that, he shuffles out of the hospital room
  652. >leaving you alone with your student
  653. "Now Twilight, you know that I've taken many, many students over the years. Most of these turned out to be great ponies. Heroes, philosophers, scholars. Their works are given places of honor at every library in Equestria."
  654. <"Princess?"
  655. "A few of my students, however, went down darker paths. Obsession, hatred, and power got the better of them, and I was unfortunately forced to deal with them as criminals. Their works survive only in the Restricted Archives in my palace, where none but myself is permitted. The only reason these works still exist at all is because I cannot bear to wipe away the last traces of these fallen proteges, all of whom I cared for exactly as I care for you, Twilight."
  656. >Twilight is a bright young mare
  657. >you can see in her face that she's begining to see where you're going with this
  658. "Anadolu Nokota was of the latter type, Twilight. Which type do you want to be?"
  659. >tears are beginning to well up in Twilight's eyes
  660. <"P-P-P-Princess, I... I..."
  661. "Why'd you do it, Twilight? Why would you harm an innocent creature like that? Why would you hurt me like that?"
  662. <"I... I wanted to learn all that I could! Nokota's theories were fascinating; I just wanted see if it would work!"
  663. >you let a small sigh of relief escape your lips
  664. >a lust for knowledge is usually much easier to recover from than a lust for power or a lust for hate
  665. >this is a hopeful sign
  666. >you lower your head and wipe away Twilight's tears with your cheek
  667. <"Wh-what do you want me to do? Change him back?"
  668. "No, Twilight. It can't be done without more dark magic, and you've suffered quite enough from that already."
  669. >well, it could theoretically be done with light magic
  670. >but as far as you know there's noone in Equestria who can perform light magic right now
  671. >not even yourself, anymore
  672. >besides, light magic is too unpredictable for this sort of thing
  673. >it's terribly unfortunate for poor Anon
  674. >but there's just no helping him now
  675. >no
  676. >there's just no helping her now
  677. >if there's no way for Anon to go back, then she'll have to get used to life as a filly
  678. >Twilight's done a terrible thing
  679. >and now it's too late to save Anon
  680. >hopefully it's not too late to save Twilight too
  681. "What I want you to do, Twilight, is to take care of her like I've taken care of you. You can make up for your mistake by raising Anon with compassion and care."
  682. >Twilight spasms under your cheek
  683. <"I... I'll try."
  684. >you pull your head back and look upon your student
  685. >she's in a terrible way
  686. "Get some sleep now, Twilight. I'll come visit you again tomorrow."
  687. <"I will. Thank you, Princess."
  688. >with that, you leave your student to rest
  690. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  691. >that was a close call
  692. >looks like you managed to fool the Princess into thinking you were sorry
  693. >unfortunately, it looks like she's onto you
  694. >you'll have to make her understand your point of view one of these days
  695. >but for now, you'll have to proceed with caution
  696. >for one thing, no more visits to the Restricted Archives
  697. >somehow she figured out you were studying there
  698. >you'll have to make due with the spells and theories you've already learned from here on out
  699. >for another thing, you'll need some way of keeping the Princess unaware of what you're doing to Anonymous
  700. >how exactly?
  701. >you're not sure just yet
  702. >but you've got a few more days in the hospital to brainstorm some plans
  703. >and you really are feeling pretty tired
  704. >so you roll over and try to sleep
  705. >you've won an important victory today
  706. >not only is Anonymous coming to live under your power
  707. >but the Princess herself has approved of it!
  708. >just a few days now
  709. >in just a few days...
  710. >Anonymous' punishment can begin for real
  712. >you are Anon
  713. >you opted to get rid of most of the things from your apartment
  714. >in the first place, most of it was custom-made for a six-foot biped with opposable thumbs
  715. >in the second place, Twilight Sparkle's little tower-slash-library-slash-home doesn't really have room for your furniture
  716. >in the third place, it's always nice to have a few more bits to pad your bank account
  717. >for the past few days, you've been living in this tower with Spike
  718. >Spike is a baby dragon, and apparently he's Twilight's personal assistant
  719. >he's a pretty cool guy
  720. >but he looks pretty ridiculous in that apron
  721. >currently he's engaged in frantically tidying up the place for Twilight's return today
  722. >what exactly is he tidying up?
  723. >you can't tell
  724. >this place was spotless to begin with
  725. >at last, the door to the tower opens
  726. <"Spike? Spiiike? Is Anonymous here yet?"
  727. >"Yeah, she's right here."
  728. >you cringe
  729. >there's that "she" again
  730. >you suppose you'll have to get used to it for now
  731. >Twilight said "maybe" when you asked if she could turn you back though
  732. >so hopefully this won't last forever
  733. "Yeah, what he said."
  734. >Twilight ascends the stairs and comes into view
  735. <"Good, good. It's good to have you here, Anon."
  736. >the first thing she does is pick up Spike in her magic and inspect him closely
  737. >"H-hey! What gives?"
  738. <"The last time I left you alone for a week you had scale fleas when I got back."
  739. >"I was little then! I bathe three times a day now!"
  740. <"You shouldn't waste water like that, Spike. But you do look pretty clean."
  741. >with that, Twilight sets Spike down
  742. >then she walks up to you
  743. <"So... Anonymous..."
  744. "Uh, you can call me Anon if you want."
  745. <"Anon, huh? Just like your friends call you?"
  746. "Yeah. I guess."
  747. <"I want you to call me Mistress Sparkle."
  748. "Huh?"
  749. >you're not really sure what happens next
  750. >something hard and round impacts your face
  751. >you go flying through the air
  752. >when you've landed on the floor and painfully skidded a bit across it, you allow one eyelid to flutter open
  753. >there's something red on Twilight's hoof
  754. >she's staring at it
  755. >giggling
  757. Part 3:
  759. >you are Spike
  760. >or at least, you think you are
  761. >in reality you are, of course, Princess Celestia
  762. >it's not that you couldn't get into Twilight's mind if you wanted to
  763. >but she's so sensitive that she'd surely notice
  764. >Anon's mind, however, you really can't get into
  765. >despite her fairly normal personality, the structure of her mind itself is just too alien for you to get a good grasp on it
  766. >Spike is neither an alien nor a sensitive sorcerer
  767. >so you've decided to keep an eye on things by occasionally borrowing his senses
  768. >these past few days of watching have been a great relief
  769. >the relationship between Twilight and Anon is going better than you'd dared to hope
  770. >more importantly, Twilight is leaving dark magic alone
  771. >and you know she's not sneaking off to the Restricted Archives
  772. >the reinforcements you placed on the seal and the mental alarm system pushed you to your very limits
  773. >so they're certainly beyond Twilight's capability to break through without your immediate knowing it
  774. >currently, Twilight and Anon are engaged in some game where Anon rides on Twilight's back
  775. >it's all a bit more... childish than you'd expected
  776. >but it's sweet
  777. >and it looks like they're having a good time with it
  778. <"Oh no, you don't!"
  779. >with that, Twilight bucks up in the air, eliciting gasps of laughter from Anon
  780. >you allow a soft smile to grace your lips
  781. >it's wonderful to see your normally reserved student showing such uninhibited affection
  782. >you take your leave of Spike's mind and leave them to their game
  784. >you are Twilight
  785. >you've tested the "see no evil" charms you placed on Spike the other day in every conceivable way
  786. >while Spike thought you were checking him for scale fleas, you slipped the enchantments on over his eyes and ears
  787. >Spike is a good assistant, if a bit stupid and lazy
  788. >there's no need to scar his childhood with what you're doing here
  789. >more importantly, there's no need to give him anything to talk about
  790. >the nice thing about enchanting the eyes and ears specifically?
  791. >it leaves no trace of mental tampering
  792. >even a master of psychological magic can't find surgical scars in a mind that was never operated on in the first place
  793. >not that you think Spike is going to have his mind read any time soon
  794. >still, it's nice to have that little bit of extra assurance
  795. >he's on the other side of the room right now
  796. >reorganizing some books you left out last night
  797. >you catch him glancing over at you every so often
  798. >grinning and shaking his head
  799. >it looks like he's seeing something a lot more gentle than what's going on right now
  800. >yes, you're satisfied that the enchantments worked
  801. >so you turn your attention back to Anon
  802. >she'll be needing it soon
  804. >you are Anon
  805. >is this some sort of dream?
  806. >can you chafe in a dream?
  807. >can your shoulders groan in agony in a dream?
  808. >can you suffocate in a dream?
  809. >probably
  810. >after all
  811. >how can any of this be real?
  812. >you certainly can't be a small filly right now
  813. >you certainly can't be suspended by your forehooves from magenta chains in the ceiling
  814. >though, if you were, the shackles would have to be very tight
  815. >to keep your hooves from slipping through
  816. >they'd have to be tight enough to bite into your skin
  817. >tight enough to draw blood
  818. >dimly, it occurs to you to investigate
  819. >you turn your head to look at one of the shackles
  820. >sure enough, there's little drops of red dripping from it
  821. >the hooves themselves look kind of purple, too
  822. >just like the last umpteen times you checked
  823. >this dream sure is comprehensive
  824. >a hard, lavender object hits the crown of your head
  825. >and you're looking down at your body again
  826. >it's so small
  827. >covered with dozens of cuts and bruises
  828. >the air is rattling in your throat
  829. >once again, the sensation of pain begins to divorce itself from your consciousness
  830. >a little bit of black creeps in on the edge of your vision
  831. >it's getting hard to breathe
  832. >and you're drifting
  833. >a deeper state of sleep
  834. >hopefully the dream within the dream is nicer than the dream itself
  835. >the act of drawing in air has finally become too much effort
  836. >you give up on it
  837. >it's time to rest for a while
  838. <"Oh no, you don't!"
  839. >something warm rises from beneath you
  840. >you're lifted up
  841. >the tension on your shoulders is relieved
  842. >breathing hurts, but it's possible now, and instinct forces you to take great gasping breaths of life-giving air
  843. >now you're lying on a pony's back
  844. >a purple unicorn
  845. >something vague clicks in your memory
  846. "Hey... did you ever pick up that ring?"
  848. >you are Twilight
  849. >keeping Anon's forelegs tensed over her head is a quick and dirty way of inducing slow asphyxiation
  850. >history tells you that in a less enlightened time, before the Princess, this was a popular method of torture
  851. >and sometimes an enlightened mare must do unenlightened things
  852. >it's somehow... unsatisfying though
  853. >over these past few days, you've become aware of a strange new need
  854. >when you smacked Anon over the head just a minute ago, that relieved your need somewhat
  855. >but somehow, this method overall just doesn't do it for you
  856. >standing by and watching Anon wheeze
  857. >lifting her up on your back every so often to make sure she doesn't lose consciousness
  858. >it feels like you're conducting some kind of experiment
  859. >not that there's anything wrong with experiments
  860. >but this isn't research
  861. >this is justice
  862. >a soft, steady breathing from behind you tells you that Anon has fallen asleep on your back
  863. >aw
  864. >isn't that sweet?
  865. >you teleport out from under her
  866. >Anon falls
  867. >the chain snaps taut
  868. >something else snaps too
  869. >her shoulder is sticking out of her barrel at a strange angle
  870. >dislocated
  871. >she's screaming now
  872. >you take a deep, shuddering breath
  873. >now that
  874. >is satisfying
  875. >however, you should probably let her down before her foreleg is torn off
  876. >with a wave of your horn, the chains cease to exist
  877. >Anon falls to the floor with a squeak
  878. >save for a rapid, unsteady rising and falling of her ribs, she does not move
  879. "You've distracted me from my studies long enough, you little monster."
  880. >a swift kick of your foreleg sends her flying into a bookshelf
  881. >Spike sighs as books scatter everywhere
  882. >you smile
  883. "Don't worry about it, Spike. I'll clean this up later."
  884. >"You're the boss."
  885. >with that, you head up the stairs to your study
  886. >you haven't been back to the Restricted Archives since the Princess confronted you, it's true
  887. >but you already understood enough about restricted magic to make some notes of your own
  888. >you allow a soft giggle to escape your lips
  889. >soon, it won't matter if Anon's leg gets torn off
  891. >you are…
  892. >Anon?
  893. >you are Anonymous A. Faget the 2nd
  894. >you were born a man on a world called Earth
  895. >of that much you're certain
  896. >that much feels correct and in order in your mind
  897. >after that though…
  898. >you…
  899. >arrived, through an unknown means, in a land called Equestria, presumably not on Earth
  900. >did that much happen?
  901. >you think so
  902. >you remember a period of acclimation to your new home, wherein you were convinced of its reality
  903. >if you believed it was real then, you may as well believe it was real now
  904. >okay, moving on
  905. >the next major shakeup to your life was…
  906. >you became a small, talking horse?
  907. >how can that be real?
  908. >well, you already accepted the existence of such talking horses when you accepted the reality of Equestria
  909. >another staple of Equestria is a force known as magic, by which strange and unaccountable things often happen
  910. >wait, magic?
  911. >yes, magic is demonstrably real; you've seen it many times since arriving in this land and you were convinced of its reality during your acclimation to Equestria
  912. >if you were convinced of it then, you may as well be convinced of it now
  913. >okay, so it's theoretically possible that you could indeed be a filly right now
  914. >there was even a brief acclimation period of a few days, where you came to accept that this was at least temporarily the case
  915. >check, so you were indeed changed by magic into a small, talking pony of an age-and-sex group known as filly
  916. >so what the hell happened after that?
  917. >you're currently lying on the floor
  918. >one of your forelegs is in so much pain as to be completely unusable
  919. >or… it was in pain?
  920. >for some reason you're not feeling pain right now
  921. >though it is awfully cold
  922. >that's a symptom of shock, right?
  923. >or is it a symptom of hell?
  924. >somewhere, a door opens
  925. >somewhere, hoofsteps clack closer and closer
  926. >you know those hoofsteps
  927. >they're the hoofsteps of the devil
  928. >well if the devil is here
  929. >then it must be hell
  930. >the devil is standing over you know
  931. >somehow, you're vaguely aware that the devil resembles a lavender unicorn mare by the name of Twilight Sparkle
  932. >but his disguise is somewhat lacking
  933. >after all, unicorn mares don't spew green smoke from their eyes
  934. >the devil lowers his single horn to your injured shoulder
  935. >and it lights up with the indescribable sight of black light
  936. >the devil rises and stares at you with an appraising gaze
  937. >and…
  938. >pain
  939. >pain returns to your shoulder
  940. >pain returns to your whole body
  941. >dozens of small cuts and bruises heat up like brands
  942. >but worst of all is the shoulder
  943. >you can't hold back
  944. >you must scream
  946. >you are Twilight
  947. >you've decided to combine pleasure and work a bit
  948. >currently, you're testing the ability of restricted magic to heal wounds
  949. >this is critical to legitimizing your research
  950. >after all, if restricted magic can heal, then it can't be truly "dark" magic, now can it?
  951. >in any case, it looks like this first attempt is working
  952. >Anon's dislocated shoulder is slowly but surely returning to its normal shape, signifying that the joint is being reinserted into its socket
  953. >granted, it's slow
  954. >granted, it looks - and sounds - extremely painful
  955. >but that's why these sorts of things are tested on low-value subjects before being presented to respectable ponies
  956. >and what could be a lower-value test subject than the worm writhing on the floor at your hooves?
  957. >the urge to kick her again rises up in your throat like a bad heartburn
  958. >but you hold off for the moment, not wanting to interrupt the testing
  960. >you are Anon
  961. >the fire on your hide cools
  962. >the stretching in your shoulder bones ceases
  963. >in short, the pain subsides
  964. >you are exhausted
  965. >every breath in is a gasp
  966. >every breath out is a sob
  967. >the thought of all this being real is monstrously inconceivable
  968. >but you can't dream pain
  969. >much less agony
  970. >the last of the pain escapes through your skin, dragging drops of cold sweat with it
  971. >your muscles don't relax so much as they go limp
  972. >you can't even muster the effort to brace yourself when you see the devil's hoof swinging in for another kick
  973. >it's only a short ditance to the shelf behind you
  974. >a pair of dull thwacks
  975. >a pair of new bruises
  976. >the devil recedes
  977. <"Spike, I'm going out for a bit. Make sure Anon doesn't get into any trouble while I'm gone."
  978. >"Aw, Anon doesn't get into trouble."
  979. <"Just make sure."
  980. >"You're the boss."
  981. >the devil leaves the building
  982. >for a few minutes, you focus on breathing
  983. >in
  984. >and out
  985. >this is the least pain you've felt in days
  986. >so you hazard to put one hoof on the floor
  987. >and another
  988. >and soon you're heaved up to all fours
  989. >for the first time in days, you don't feel the need to retreat into your mind
  990. >your surroundings present no immediate threat of pain
  991. >hell, when did you get so…
  992. >analytical?
  993. >on the other side of the room, Spike is peacefully feather-dusting a book case
  994. >now, in the back of your mind, you still hold some amount of doubt that any of this is real
  995. >or rather, you still hold some amount of hope that it isn't real
  996. >there's still one element to this whole experience that's too strange for you to believe
  997. >Spike
  998. >before Twilight Sparkle came home, Spike was downright friendly with you
  999. >and after she came home, Spike has shown absolutely no interest in the ultra-violence his employer has inflicted upon you
  1000. >whether he's in favor of it or against it, you'd expect to see some kind of reaction from the little guy, wouldn't you?
  1001. >you hazard a step
  1002. >and another
  1003. >it feels like you won't have to limp
  1004. >so you trot across the room, naturally, to the small dragon
  1005. "Hey, Spike."
  1006. >"Hm. What's up?"
  1007. "This is all really bizarre to me, so I'm just gonna come out and ask you this. You know Twilight's been torturing me right over there for the past three days, right?"
  1008. >Spike throws up his claws
  1009. >"Hey, if you guys wanna play foals' games, I'm not judging. I-I'm, uh, totally not jealous either."
  1010. "Brutal beatings are a foals' game to you?"
  1011. >"Yeah, I was never able to beat Twilight at play-wrestling either. It's weird though, she hasn't wanted to romp around like that since she was little."
  1012. >there's definitely something strange about Spike
  1013. >it's like you're not even speaking the same language right now
  1014. >there's no way he's seeing what's happening and waving it off as play
  1015. >however, he's still shown no signs of hostility thus far
  1016. >so if you can't communicate information to him, maybe you can get a little information out of him
  1017. "Whatever. How do I get out of this place?"
  1018. >"Huh? The fridge is still right over there, Anon."
  1019. "No, not the fridge, the front door. Or better yet, the back door. I haven't seen the Sun since I got here."
  1020. >"Eh, Twilight said you might ask for meat. Sorry, all we've really got is hay. It's an acquired taste, but you'll get used to it, I promise."
  1021. >you shake your head
  1022. >it's like he's incapable of hearing what you're trying to say
  1023. >it's strange and unaccountable
  1024. >and in this world, magic is the means by which strange and unaccountable things occur
  1025. >so…
  1026. >check, there's probably some sort of magic at work preventing Spike from seeing what Twilight Sparkle is doing
  1027. >shit
  1028. >that accounts for every objection you had to this nightmare being real
  1029. >"Uh, Anon. Don't get upset, just get some hay. It'll be all right."
  1030. >your stomach lets out an unearthly noise at this prompting
  1031. >your knees nearly give out
  1032. >you don't think you've eaten in days
  1033. "You know what? Sure. I think I'll do that."
  1035. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  1036. >you are hungrily eyeing the selection of knives, blades, and other cutting instruments of Canterlot Cutlery
  1037. >the proprietor of the place strokes his mustache in thought
  1038. >"So, uh, what exactly do you need a knife for, Miss Sparkle?"
  1039. "Cooking. I'm trying to get into cooking."
  1040. >"Of course. But, uh, what kind of cooking?"
  1041. >Sun above, you don't know what to go with
  1042. >there's great, big knives like you might use to cut a potato in half
  1043. >little split blades like you might use to peel the skin off of that potato first
  1044. >broad graters of the sort you'd use to shred cheese
  1045. >thin, sharp knives that don't look so different from a scalpel, probably for softer produce like tomatoes
  1046. >decent selection of forks and spoons, too
  1047. "Well, all kinds of cooking, I guess."
  1048. >"All kinds?"
  1049. "Oh yes, Mr. Dicey."
  1050. >inhale
  1051. "I want to try everything."
  1053. >you are Anon
  1054. >you're not sure if you were supposed to prepare that hay somehow
  1055. >but it was actually quite palatable on your new palate
  1056. >with the exception of a couple bruises, you no longer have any major sources of physical discomfort
  1057. >at last, you can think straight
  1058. >it's silly to go on denying that this is happening
  1059. >everything that's happened these past three days
  1060. >it's all real
  1061. >it was a shock to your system at first
  1062. >it was all just… so out of nowhere
  1063. >you couldn't properly react to the new situation
  1064. >but your captor made a mistake
  1065. >she gave you time to think
  1066. >you have a decision to make
  1067. >a decision of the sort which you sometimes imagined being faced with in your old life
  1068. >a decision of the sort which you always feared you wouldn't be strong enough to make
  1069. >a decision you've already made
  1070. "I'm not gonna take this shit sitting down."
  1072. >>252364
  1073. >you're still Anon
  1074. >with a fuller stomach, and some more time to think
  1075. >something odd occurs to you
  1076. >why did you ask Spike where the front door was?
  1077. >you entered this tower through the front door, didn't you?
  1078. >you must have
  1079. >why can't you seem to remember?
  1080. >well
  1081. >Twilight usually comes up those stairs over there, right?
  1082. >that's probably a good place to start
  1083. >escaping this hell to report this bitch to the cops seems like a logical first thing to try
  1084. >so you head to the downward staircase
  1085. >and just walk right down it
  1086. >it almost feels easier than it should be
  1087. >there's nothing to block your journey or endanger you along the way
  1088. >not even one of those little fences you use to corral pets and kids
  1089. >eventually, you reach the bottom of the staircase
  1090. >and you're...
  1091. >back on the main library level?
  1092. >looking up the stairs you've just come down, you see that it's the stairwell leading up to the loft and Twilight's room
  1093. >the downward stair well is on the other side of the room still
  1094. >that's certainly strange
  1095. >you try again, with the feeling that it's not going to work this time either
  1096. >and once again, you end up back at the main library level
  1097. >you sigh
  1098. >you should have known there was a reason why Twilight Sparkle never bothered to restrain you in any way
  1099. >it's strange
  1100. >it's unaccountable
  1101. >it's magic
  1102. >if there are any backdoors, they probably have similar magic surrounding them
  1103. >you trot back over to the downward stairwell
  1104. >and you sigh
  1105. >waltzing right out the front door was probably a far-fetched hope to begin with
  1107. >you are Twilight
  1108. >trotting home with a shopping bag full of goodies from Canterlot Cutlery, you feel pretty good right now
  1109. >you're about to feel a whole lot better
  1110. >your horn buzzes
  1111. >you grin
  1112. >it buzzes again
  1113. >your grin grows into a big, bright smile
  1114. >looks like Anon found the door enchantments
  1115. >yet another trick you wouldn't be able to pull off with more mundane types of magic
  1116. >the precision offered by restricted magics allows you to place enchantments that can target just one pony
  1117. >it feels good to know that your spell worked
  1118. >it feels even better to know that Anon is misbehaving
  1119. >you glance at your bag of knives
  1120. >walking is suddenly too slow
  1121. >the once-difficult task of drawing restricted magical power into your horn comes now without a second thought
  1122. >and your horn lights up
  1123. >and you disappear from the Canterlot street
  1125. >you are Anon
  1126. >a flash of black light sends you sprawling backwards
  1127. >Twilight Sparkle grins at you, and drops a bag full of some sort of metal objects on the floor
  1128. <"Having fun with my enchantments, are we?"
  1129. >all thoughts of "not taking this shit sitting down" are banished from your consciousness as a wave of pure terror rises from the deepest part of your gut
  1130. >not that such thoughts were likely to do you much good
  1131. >you're enveloped in tingly, magenta light
  1132. >then your body goes flying
  1133. >and then you're pinned to the wall, completely immobilized by tight, magenta shackles
  1134. >it doesn't hurt as much as the chains
  1135. >but at least you could struggle in the chains
  1136. >Twilight draws something long, thin, and shiny from her bag
  1137. <"Bad filly..."
  1138. >should you protest?
  1139. >plead?
  1140. >lash out with a defiant one-liner?
  1141. >it doesn't matter
  1142. >even your mouth is bound tightly shut
  1143. >so when Twilight drags the blade of the knife across your belly
  1144. >you can't even scream
  1146. >you are Twilight
  1147. >you've only just made the barest scratch on her hide
  1148. >and already, muffled whines are escaping through her sealed lips
  1149. >you can see the muscles and tendons beneath her skin contracting and bulging uselessly as she strains against her bonds
  1150. >it's the tears though
  1151. >the tears welling up in Anon's eyes are what draw a deep sigh of delight from your lungs
  1152. "You big baby."
  1153. >you've made some revisions to your restricted healing spell
  1154. >you could say that there are two "branches" of the spell now
  1155. >one of these is, as you originally planned to develop it, somewhat faster and slightly less painful than the original
  1156. >the other is...
  1157. >the opposite of that
  1158. >no prizes for guessing which one you're trying on Anon right now
  1159. >judging by volume of Anon's throat noises, it hurts far worse than the cut itself did
  1160. >good
  1161. >you can test out the other branch later
  1162. >but for now
  1163. >you just intend to enjoy yourself
  1164. >unfortunately, you don't yet trust the spell to heal life-threatening injuries
  1165. >there's nothing you'd like more than to jab the biggest cleaver in your collection straight into her gut again and again and again
  1166. >you're sure you'll be able to do just that before the Summer Sun Celebration rolls around
  1167. >but today you'll have to settle for something a bit more precise
  1168. >so you carefully insert the thin blade into her left nostril
  1169. >the sharp metal breaks through the thin layer of skin and cartilage easily
  1170. >more noises, more high-pitched this time
  1171. >air is expelled in great quantities through Anon's expanded nostril in a desperate bid to keep the blood out of her windpipe
  1172. >blood and mucus and a small crumb of filly hide are carried into your face and you're screaming
  1173. "That! Is! Disgusting!"
  1174. >you lash out and leave a quick incision on her lips
  1175. "Bad filly!"
  1176. >another cut appears on her forehead
  1177. "Bad!"
  1178. >you jam the knife through both her cheeks and leave it there
  1179. "I think that's enough for today."
  1180. >with a wave of your horn, the shackles disappear, and Anon crumples gracelessly on the floor
  1181. >another wave of your horn, and the special healing spell begins its work on her
  1182. >ear-piercing shrieks permeate the air as her cheeks attempt to rebuild themselves around the sharp metal still embedded through them
  1183. >you wipe the filth from your face and resist the urge to yank that knife out of her mouth and impale her throat on it
  1184. >you wouldn't want to put an end to her punishment too soon, after all
  1185. "I'll take that out tomorrow if you behave yourself."
  1186. >grin
  1187. "In the meanwhile, I'd try not to talk too much if I were you."
  1189. Part 4:
  1191. >you are Anon
  1192. >for weeks now, every day has been the same
  1193. >when Twilight is around, you curl up in a corner
  1194. >and you try not to be noticed
  1195. >and more importantly
  1196. >you watch
  1197. >you spend your days observing Twilight's daily routine
  1198. >looking for some chink in her armor
  1199. >you've learned to meticulously monologue every detail of what you see
  1200. >most days, she doesn't go out
  1201. >when she doesn't go out, her day goes approximately as follows:
  1202. >step one: wake up late in the morning
  1203. >with each passing day she wakes up a bit later
  1204. >comes down from her room a bit groggier
  1205. >someday you might be able to take advantage of that
  1206. >but for now it's just a detail
  1207. >step two: grab some books and disappear back upstairs
  1208. >very, very rarely do you see her eat breakfast
  1209. >for the first few days she would generally eat whatever Spike cooked
  1210. >but as time went on, she started to skip this ritual more and more often
  1211. >now, Spike eats alone almost every morning
  1212. >it's far from uncommon to hear strange noises and hysterical laughter drifting down from Twilight's study while she's up there
  1213. >just what sort of ghoulish research she's engaged in, you can't guess
  1214. >step three: at some point between 10:00 and 13:00, she'll come downstairs and make herself a light lunch
  1215. >something simple, such as a thin hay sandwich
  1216. >she's usually in a good mood when she does this
  1217. >frequently humming or singing to herself
  1218. >her head lost somewhere in the clouds
  1219. >again, something you might be able to take advantage of in the future
  1220. >step four: back to her studies
  1221. >but this time, she tends to stay on the main library level
  1222. >whatever she's reading in the afternoon, she clearly doesn't feel as though she needs as much privacy as she does in the morning
  1223. >she just lies on the floor
  1224. >reading some book or other
  1225. >for all you know she could just be enjoying a novel
  1226. >Twilight is perfectly still as she reads, completely absorbed by the words on the page
  1227. >at first glance, this might seem like a moment you could take advantage of
  1228. >in reality, the stillness and silence would work against you
  1229. >any noise or movement within her perception instantly proves to be an intolerable distraction for her
  1230. >thus, she snaps from perfect oblivion to the world into rapt attention as quick as she can think
  1231. >step five: Twilight handles dinner preparations herself, starting at 16:00
  1232. >and she prepares some large dinners
  1233. >Twilight Sparkle eats ravenously at night, taking more servings than even her growing dragon companion
  1234. >after this, she chats with Spike a bit while he does the dishes
  1235. >step six: she retires upstairs promptly at 19:00
  1236. >for a while there are more of the strange noises and laughter which punctuated the morning
  1237. >with each passing night, the noises go on longer and longer
  1238. >last night, she didn't go quiet til 2 in the morning
  1239. >but eventually the sounds die down, and you presume she goes to sleep
  1240. >once you're certain Twilight won't be showing up again til morning, you risk leaving your corner
  1241. >this is when you raid food from the refrigerator
  1242. >take bathroom breaks
  1243. >of course, it's also when you sleep
  1244. >you used to use this time to hunt for exits
  1245. >windows, chimneys, something
  1246. >but there's nothing you're physically capable of reaching
  1247. >and many of these exits are magically tripwired to Twilight somehow
  1248. >so getting too close often brings down "extra play time"
  1249. >it's not possible for you to place "play time" at any definite time within Twilight's daily schedule
  1250. >at some point during the day, she glances in your direction
  1251. >and she scowls
  1252. >next thing you know, you're pinned to the wall
  1253. >the floor
  1254. >the table
  1255. >the ceiling
  1256. >immobilized, silenced, and helpless
  1257. >the only thing more horrifying than the knives themselves?
  1258. >the fact that it's not all that horrifying anymore
  1260. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  1261. >Anon is bound to the kitchen table
  1262. >you swish the knife along one leg of the gradually-deepening X on her abdomen
  1263. >gone are the muffled screams
  1264. >gone are the tears
  1265. >she barely even grunts as her flesh is scored by your blade
  1266. >with another flick of the knife, you even out the X
  1267. >then, you let the knife clatter to the table
  1268. >this isn't satisfying anymore
  1269. >the worst part about it?
  1270. >her eyes
  1271. >with each passing day, Anon's eyes grow harder
  1272. >colder
  1273. >glancing at them now, you feel an intolerable persecution radiating from their dull glare
  1274. "Quit looking at me like that."
  1275. >you puntuate your statement by picking up the knife and burying it in her flank
  1276. >would you believe the gall of this filly?
  1277. >her eyes actually grow narrower at that
  1278. >is that... contempt in her gaze?
  1279. >hypocrite!
  1280. >as though Anon of all ponies has the right to judge you!
  1281. "I said... quit looking at me like that."
  1282. >she doesn't
  1283. >this is a problem
  1284. >she's getting belligerent
  1285. >today she's glaring at you
  1286. >tomorrow, who knows what she might do?
  1287. >it's something you're going to nip in the bud right here and right now
  1288. "You're gonna regret this."
  1289. >you position the knife directly over Anon's eyeball
  1290. >for an instant you hesitate
  1291. >of course, you've made great progress on your healing spell these past few weeks
  1292. >but is it really ready to regenerate entire body parts?
  1293. >Anon glares unwaveringly at the blade hovering less than an inch away from her eye
  1294. >eh
  1295. >it'll probably be fine
  1296. >with surgical precision, you slit Anon's left eye open from top to bottom, being careful to pierce only the outer membrane
  1297. >in spite of herself, Anon lets out a high-pitched whine at that
  1298. >your heart is beating just a little bit faster and you're smiling now
  1299. >gingerly, you place your lips over Anon's ruined eye
  1300. >like a mother kissing her foal all better
  1301. >except you're going to kiss it worse
  1302. >you suck hard through your mouth
  1303. >in spite of her tightly shut eyelid, Anon's eye comes spilling out into you
  1304. >blood and puss and other fluids you can't be bothered to remember right now coat your teeth and your tongue
  1305. >the taste is vile
  1306. >but the noise Anon is making is so...
  1307. >very...
  1308. >sweet
  1309. >you swallow Anon's eye-fluids and stand up straight to examine your hoofwork
  1310. >the way her eyelid is flapping uselessly over its empty socket
  1311. >the way those sounds are erupting from her throat
  1312. >the way she's straining so hard that she actually manages to writhe a bit in spite of her bonds
  1313. >it gets you excited
  1314. >you position the knife over her good eye and she futilely clenches her good eyelid shut against your assault
  1315. >you meant to slit the outer membrane again
  1316. >but you can't control yourself
  1317. >and you jab the knife into her eye and now you're twisting it around like a fork in spaghetti and her lips peel back as far as the clamp on her mouth will allow just so she can finally let out something resembling a proper scream and something warm and fuzzy bubbles up from your stomach and you sigh in ecstasy
  1318. "You know what? I think I was getting bored with our play time, Anon. Worse, I think you were getting bored with it too."
  1319. >you pluck the eye out of its socket and savor it as you slurp it into your mouth
  1320. >once you've properly mashed it into a thick, smooth pulp, you lean over Anon's face
  1321. >Anon's eyeball is dripping from your tongue onto her nostrils and you can see her frantic exhalations spraying droplets of it into the air as she desperately tries not to drown in it
  1322. >once you're finished with that, you lick her cheek to wipe the excess eyeball residue from your tongue so you can finish what you were saying to her
  1323. "But that's all over now, I promise."
  1324. >you doubt she can hear you over her own pathetic whimpering so you make a point of bringing your lips close to her ears so she can relish every word as much as you do
  1325. "Starting tomorrow, we're taking play time to a whole new level."
  1327. >you are Princess Celestia
  1328. >there are two reasons why you take personal proteges
  1329. >one of these is to ensure that powerful unicorns don't stray down dangerous paths
  1330. >you haven't succeeded at this every single time
  1331. >but when you look back at the centuries, you're glad to say that failures have been few and far between
  1332. >the other reason why you take personal students under your wing is to produce heroes
  1333. >it's not that you couldn't do hero-work yourself, of course
  1334. >but in the end, that would do more harm for Equestria than good
  1335. >ordinary ponies shouldn't go through life with an inferiority complex for you
  1336. >mortal heroes are necessary so that Equestria can be inspired by imitatable role models
  1337. >the heroic spirit of Equestrian history is what keeps your little ponies from becoming totally tame
  1338. >after all, if they always relied on you and you alone in times of trouble, what would happen to them if something happened to you?
  1339. >furthermore, you're limited in your capacity as a hero these days
  1340. >ever since you lost her, you haven't been able to perform light magic
  1341. >and the night is fast approaching when light magic will be the only thing that can save Equestria
  1342. >you sigh into your tea
  1343. >you'd hoped to have molded Twilight into a hero by this point
  1344. >but with her recent setback, you're still not sure she won't become a villain
  1345. >of course, you've seen no traces of darkness - magical or otherwise - about her in your periodic observations through Spike's eyes
  1346. >but that won't make her a hero
  1347. >especially not the sort of hero that's going to be needed soon
  1348. >light magic is inherently collaborative
  1349. >it requires strong relationships with other ponies
  1350. >Twilight, much to your worry, has been drifting away from her old school friends
  1351. >that's normal enough, in and of itself
  1352. >but drifting away from foalhood friends is supposed to be followed by drifting toward new friends
  1353. >Twilight doesn't seem to be progressing in that direction
  1354. >she just sits around in that tower all day
  1355. >Twilight's recent near-fall is going to make molding her a very delicate task
  1356. >it's very important to give her space as she recovers from her experiments with dark magic
  1357. >if she thinks you're forcing recovery on her, she might have a relapse
  1358. >a sip from your tea reveals that it's grown cold as you've sat here worrying
  1359. >you don't particularly like taking over Spike's mind
  1360. >but you're going to have to do it more often in these coming weeks
  1361. >you need to start dropping suggestions to goad Twilight in the right direction
  1362. >and perhaps more importantly
  1363. >you need to watch her very...
  1364. >very...
  1365. >closely
  1367. >you are Anon
  1368. >you're not sure how long it took for your eyes to stop burning
  1369. >but once they did, you found that you could see again
  1370. >more importantly, you could think again
  1371. >darkness streams in through the windows and tells you that it's late at night
  1372. >taking "play time" to a whole new level, she said
  1373. >after she fucking ate your eyes or some shit
  1374. >you blink several times and shudder despite the warm spring night
  1375. >you don't want to find out what she meant by that
  1376. >a man is sitting on the floor beside you
  1377. >"They say it's better to be judged by twelve than carried by six."
  1378. "I could be carried by just one."
  1379. >"Judged by one too, considering that Miss Sparkle is close friends with the absolute monarch."
  1380. "Thanks. What's the penalty for mareslaughter in this country again?"
  1381. >he shrugs
  1382. >"Who cares?"
  1383. >with that, the man winks
  1384. >and disappears
  1385. "Good point."
  1386. >Twilight didn't bother to clean up after "play time"
  1387. >you're still lying on the table
  1388. >and the knife she mutilated you with is sitting right next to you
  1389. >you take the handle into your mouth
  1390. >she's always groggy in the morning...
  1392. >you're still Anon
  1393. >the handle of the knife is made of soft wood
  1394. >you can feel the groove your teeth have worn into it after hours of holding it there
  1395. >bits and crumbs of wood soften and fall away to coat your tongue
  1396. >apparently, you've been practically drooling on the thing this whole time
  1397. >orange sunrise shines in through the windows
  1398. >Spike shuffles by you, seeming to take no notice of the flashing metal sticking from your jaw
  1399. >orange sunlight fades to pale morning
  1400. >still you wait
  1401. >the sound of your own heartbeat roars dully in your ears
  1402. >drops of sweat crawl from your brow and slither into your brand new eyes
  1403. >despite the sting, you make no effort to wipe these away
  1404. >pale morning gives way to brilliant noon
  1405. >at last, the doorknob glows
  1406. >rattles
  1407. >and turns
  1408. >the door to Twilight's bedroom swings open
  1410. >you are Twilight
  1411. >still blinking sleep out of your eyes, you make out the monstrous thing writhing in your magical grasp
  1412. >Anonymous
  1413. >she's making motions as though she thinks she can swim through your aura
  1414. >swinging her head around wildly in some sort of vain attempt to scratch you with one of your own knives
  1415. >a part of you is amused at how pathetic it all is
  1416. >another part of you has taken intolerable offense to the fact that a vile little pest like this has dared to raise her hoof against you
  1417. >the offended part of you wins out
  1418. >so much the worse for her
  1419. >the first thing you do is yank the knife from her grasp
  1420. >then, you raise your hoof
  1421. >it is deeply, deeply satisfying to feel her jaw crunch under the weight of your blow
  1422. >but you groan as you remember your plans for play time today
  1423. >you're going to need her jaw intact for this
  1424. >so you slam her into the floor til her gaze fades from hateful to empty
  1425. >satisfied that she's too dazed to struggle anymore, you drop her
  1426. >and you hit her with the slowest, most excruciating variant of the healing spell you've devised to date
  1427. >her mouth is too deformed to hold a proper scream so instead she's just sort of gurgling loudly on the floor
  1428. "When you're done with that, meet me in the kitchen."
  1429. >you're not sure if she's paying attention so you give her a solid kick in the gut just to be sure
  1430. "I said meet me in the kitchen. We'll have breakfast together."
  1432. >you are still Twilight
  1433. >you've got everything set up in the kitchen
  1434. >now just where could that filly be?
  1435. >she should be ready to come down by now
  1436. >go figure, for some reason she hasn't come yet
  1437. >no matter
  1438. >you can just grab her
  1439. >with a flash of your horn, Anon poofs into existence on one of the kitchen chairs
  1440. >she's breathing heavily
  1441. >looking around rapidly
  1442. >probably admiring the layout of blades on the counter
  1443. >but her eyes settle on you
  1444. >and they narrow into tiny slits of hatred
  1445. >this irritates you, and ruins your good mood
  1446. >fortunately, you're going to need a bad mood for what's coming next
  1447. "You know, Anon, you've been living under my roof for over a month now, and I don't think we've ever really had a chance to talk."
  1448. >her nostrils flare, but otherwise she does not respond to your statement
  1449. "What's your favorite food, Anon?"
  1450. >her eyebrow cocks
  1451. >but otherwise she does not react to your question
  1452. >you whip the thin knife out in front of her eye
  1453. "I asked you a question, Anonymous."
  1454. >Anon's dull glare intensifies into a scowl
  1455. >but her face ultimately softens
  1456. >which is good
  1457. >you'd prefer for her to see every second of what you're about to do to her body
  1458. <"Bacon."
  1459. "Bacon, huh? I don't know what that is. Is it a meat dish?"
  1460. <"Yes."
  1461. >you withdraw the knife
  1462. "I thought so. You were a monster before I defeated you, after all. I don't even want to think about how many innocent animals died for your dinner plate."
  1463. >you telekinetically retrieve a broad tome from the library and float it over
  1464. "We have monsters here in Equestria, too. This right here is a griffon cookbook."
  1465. >you make a show of opening the book and flipping around as though you're looking for something
  1466. >but you already decided on your recipe
  1467. >and griffon recipes - even recipes that have been strictly forbidden in Griffonstone for centuries - are famously simple
  1468. "Tell me, Anon. How does... pony rump sound to you?"
  1469. >suddenly, her coat seems just a shade lighter
  1470. "Of course, we'll need a donor for the pony rump."
  1471. >you look around the library as if in search of a raised hoof
  1472. "Anyone? Anyone? Going once?"
  1473. >you give Anon the friendliest smile you can muster while looking at her
  1474. >which probably isn't very friendly
  1475. "Well... I guess there's just you."
  1477. >you are Anon
  1478. >something hoists you into the air by a rear leg
  1479. >and now something with teeth is biting into your ass
  1480. >a long knife with serrated edges
  1481. >she's sawing your fucking asscheek off
  1482. >try as you might to deny her the satisfaction, a long, loud groan erupts from your lungs
  1483. >she saws faster at that
  1484. >the sharp pain is obvious, and need hardly be mentioned
  1485. >the sensation of your flesh flapping against itself nauseates you and you're heaving but all that comes out are stinging, yellow drops of acid
  1486. >for a moment, it feels like it's going to be too much
  1487. >your mind begins to recede into itself like it did when you were on the chains
  1488. >no
  1489. >you won't turn away from this
  1490. >you won't be broken
  1491. >every score of the knife is an entry on your record of her crimes
  1492. >and you will be her accuser
  1493. >at last, your wretching elicits a mouthful of firey choler
  1494. >you spit it out in your tormentor's face but she doesn't react except to throw away the knife and she starts tearing at what's left of your asscheek with her magic
  1495. >the knife was good clean fun compared to this new sensation
  1496. >you feel every doomed muscle fiber screech as they're all torn apart one by one
  1497. >with a savage yank of her head, she succeeds in ripping your flank away from your body, and she casually drops you back into the chair
  1498. >your head is loling off the edge of the seat and you hear a plopping noise from the table and now she's saying something but you're too fucking COLD to pay her any attention
  1499. >her hooves reach down and rougly set you into am upright sitting position but you fall in the direction of your severed asscheek
  1500. <"What's the matter with you? Sit up when I make food for you!"
  1501. >can't sit up without your fucking glutes, you try to tell her
  1502. >but your mouth won't respond to the command to speak except to let out breathy, incoherent gibbering
  1503. >your body is in shock
  1504. >Twilight sets you upright again, this time securing you in place by impaling a foreleg to the table and your good rear leg to the chair with long spikes
  1505. >the sensation of being pierced is distant
  1506. >it's like you're watching someone else getting a flu shot
  1507. >you bite your own tongue to recall yourself to lucid thought
  1508. >you're not going to allow yourself to slip into your head this time
  1509. >that's when you catch sight of the plate in front you
  1510. >and you wonder if perhaps you should try to retreat into that merciful state of quasi-insanity
  1511. >a hunk of filly rump, coated on one side with your own hide, lies on the plate
  1512. <"Well? Arent you gonna eat?"
  1513. >for some reason, the first objection to enter your mind is that the dish is undercooked
  1514. "R... r... r..."
  1515. <"Hm?"
  1516. "It's... raw..."
  1517. <"What? Do they cook the murdered animals where you're from?"
  1518. >a salty strand of drool falls from your mouth as you nod in response
  1519. <"Well, the recipe says to serve it raw. If it's good enough for ancient griffon warriors, it's good enough for you. Now eat it!"
  1520. >and it's today
  1521. >today, as you stare at your own raw asscheek bleeding on a crystal plate
  1522. >a book called "Anonymous A. Faget" closes
  1523. >and a new book opens
  1524. >you're not sure what it's called yet
  1525. >but its opening paragraph is as follows:
  1526. >this, too, shall come to pass
  1527. >someday, you'll be big again
  1528. >someday, she'll be old
  1529. >then, you'll claim your revenge
  1530. >in the meanwhile, resistance of every kind has proven utterly futile
  1531. >so for now, you need to cope
  1532. >yes
  1533. >for now, just survive
  1534. >but someday...
  1535. >vengeance
  1536. >the words are written in the pages of your mind
  1537. >you lean forward
  1538. >and take a bite
  1540. Part 5:
  1542. >you are Twilight
  1543. >Anon ended up eating her own flank without complaint
  1544. >no protests
  1545. >no crying
  1546. >no squeamishness
  1547. >it's as though the instant she tasted flesh, she became a whole new pony
  1548. >she's a monster
  1549. >more than you ever knew, Anonymous is a monster
  1550. >you didn't bother casting the healing spell on her
  1551. >you haven't done so in weeks
  1552. >instead, you cauterized the wound with a hot frying pan
  1553. >infuriatingly, she didn't so much as squeak at the burning metal's touch
  1554. >she's been caged in your study ever since
  1555. >though, to be honest, she probably doesn't need the cage at this point
  1556. >after all, you did hack off her legs the other day
  1557. >by hack, by whack, by slice, by score, by saw
  1558. >each blow meticulously timed to make the procedure last about 12 hours
  1559. >it was the first time you'd drawn screams out of her since you sawed off her flank
  1560. >you'd think that a good day like that would have been almost satisfying enough to put you in a coma
  1561. >but it wasn't
  1562. >somehow, it just wasn't
  1563. >you need catharsis
  1564. >you need relief
  1565. >Anon hears you fumbling around with your desk, and turns her head to look at you
  1566. >of course, she can't actually look at you
  1567. >gouging out her eyes was one of the first things you did after putting her in the cage
  1568. >somehow, that's only served to make her gaze more hateful
  1569. >her blackened-reddish eye sockets are unnerving in the extreme
  1570. >and the sense of persecution you feel from them is ten times worse than it was when they held eyes
  1571. >still, you refuse to heal her
  1572. >she's going to suffer more before she gets her legs back
  1573. >she's going to give you your release before you give her back her eyes
  1574. >it's a perfectly fair trade
  1575. >since you haven't been testing out the healing spell, you've been faltering in your studies of restricted magic
  1576. >the sweetness its arts once offered you has grown harder and harder to reach every day
  1577. >the world is grey and sensationless
  1578. >even actual colors suddenly seem dull and muted to your eyes now
  1579. >Anon's gaze has grown to be too much
  1580. >you crack
  1581. "What? What do you want?"
  1582. >she doesn't respond
  1583. >she just breathes
  1584. "You want your legs? You want your eyes?"
  1585. >silence
  1586. "Well TAKE them then! Here!"
  1587. >you close your eyes
  1588. >and focus
  1589. >restricted magic flows into your horn
  1590. >no, dark magic flows into your horn
  1591. >it all seems so hateful now
  1592. >you channel that hate into even more dark magic
  1593. >forming it
  1594. >twisting it
  1595. >mutiliating it
  1596. >until it's become the slowest, most painful healing spell ever devised by mare
  1597. >by your estimate, it should be nothing less than 24 hours of unquenchable flame
  1598. >you cast it
  1599. >Anon's face tries to hold its stoic glare
  1600. >but in a few seconds
  1601. >a hairline crack appears in her composure
  1602. >the crack spiderwebs out into a grimace of agony
  1603. >and, finally, Anon shatters
  1604. >oh, how her screams now would have filled you with glee just two short months ago
  1605. >you try plastering a smile onto your face
  1606. >but it falls
  1607. >you feel nothing
  1608. "I'm going out."
  1609. >she doesn't hear you, obviously
  1610. >all the same, you head downstairs to the library
  1611. >grab your reading backlog, which has shrunk to a woefully short stack of just five or so books
  1612. >and you head outside without anything resembling a goal or destination anywhere in your mind
  1613. >about five minutes into your ramble, you realize that you forgot to lock the study behind you
  1614. >but the only one who could stumble into there is Spike
  1615. >and you trust the see no evil spell you cast on him completely by this point
  1616. >so
  1617. >on you ramble
  1619. >you are Princess Celestia
  1620. >tonight is the night
  1621. >you've hesitated too long with Twilight
  1622. >and now the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration is tomorrow at dawn!
  1623. >you just haven't been sure about her
  1624. >but today, you finally made your decision
  1625. >working through Spike, you slipped a book about Nightmare Moon into Twilight's reading backlog
  1626. >she's just left the tower with it
  1627. >even better, she left her study unlocked behind her
  1628. >it's the one part of the tower you haven't seen since the initial intervention
  1629. >once you get in there
  1630. >then surely
  1631. >the last of your doubts will be erased
  1632. >you extend your host's claw to push open the door
  1633. >Spike thinks he's entering Twilight's study to tidy it up
  1634. >in reality, of course, you're piloting his mind to examine the place
  1635. >the first thing you notice is laughter from the edge of the study
  1636. >there lies Anon, writhing with merriment
  1637. >come to think of it, you haven't seen Anon since that bizarre incident when Twilight appeared to tickle her with a frying pan
  1638. >but that was weeks ago…
  1640. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  1641. >you don't remember placing this volume in your backlog
  1642. >but it's affected you deeply
  1643. >on the surface, it appears to be a fairy story about an ancient sorceress named Nightmare Moon
  1644. >of course, you're aware of the tale
  1645. >you're even vaguely aware that there's a kernel of genuine history wrapped in it
  1646. >but never until this very day have you so much as considered that the legend might be nothing less than the absolute truth
  1647. >the tale ends with a prophecy that leaves you feeling uneasy
  1648. >"On the longest night of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape."
  1649. >the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration
  1650. >tonight
  1651. >at long last, catharsis washes over you in an awesome wave
  1652. >the feeling comes not, as you supposed, from hatred
  1653. >but from compassion
  1654. >if there's even a shred of truth to this prophecy, then Princess Celestia is in danger
  1655. >your beloved teacher, in danger
  1656. >some part of you insists that there's no way any of this could be true
  1657. >but the sensation of feeling something again
  1658. >feeling anything
  1659. >you can't resist it
  1660. >the text mentions ancient devices known as the "Elements of Harmony" which were used to seal Nightmare Moon away in the ancient days
  1661. >if you could just find some sort of information on them…
  1662. >you get up
  1663. >and you gallop home to the library
  1665. >you are Princess Celestia
  1666. >a drop of red fluid lies on Twilight's desk
  1667. >Spike's draconic nose picks up a strong scent from it
  1668. >the thought of, "that's not cranberry sauce" wells up naturally from his own mind
  1669. >there is a drop of blood on Twilight's desk
  1670. >what's more, you're beginning to notice that Spike's field of vision shines in a peculiar way every so often
  1671. >back in your own body, your breath becomes shuddery as the most awful suspicions creep into your mind
  1672. >there's no way you've been deceived this whole time
  1673. >is there?
  1674. >delicately, your mind extends its feelers beyond the boundaries of Spike's brain
  1675. >sure enough, there's magic in his eyes
  1676. >though your study in your palace is designed to stay cool into the summer months, a drop of sweat falls into your eye and nearly breaks your concentration
  1677. >but your feelers extend further
  1678. >there's just beyond Anon, you feel…
  1679. >iron bars?
  1680. >finally
  1681. >you feel Anon herself
  1682. >all at once, your mind recoils in horror all the way back to your own senses
  1683. >you scream
  1684. >Equestria is doomed
  1686. >you are still Princess Celestia
  1687. >for a long time, you just sit there at your desk
  1688. >you can't stand up to Luna's hate
  1689. >not without the Elements
  1690. >no…
  1691. >there is another way…
  1692. >the Restricted Archives hold many ways in which you could defeat Nightmare Moon
  1693. >but you won't do that
  1694. >will you?
  1695. >you can't stand up to Luna's hate
  1696. >apparently, neither can Twilight
  1697. >she can't even stand up to her own hate
  1698. >the things you perceived when you felt poor Anon…
  1699. >Twilight has the potential to be one of the worst monsters Equestria has ever seen
  1700. >your sister won't bother to deal with your fallen student til she rises up to challenge her power
  1701. >which she most certainly will
  1702. >Twilight will manage devestate Equestria before Nightmare Moon succeeds in destroying her
  1703. >you won't be there to stop it
  1704. >a drop of sweat splashes onto your desk
  1705. >in your agony, you scarcely even notice that the drop is pink
  1706. >you're going to have to seal away your cherished student
  1707. >and right after that you'll have to fight - and lose to - your beloved sister
  1708. >the only way out is dark magic
  1709. >but where will that leave you?
  1710. >you and your sister, a pair of titanic demons, ravaging the world with deadly hatred?
  1711. >the eternal night would be better for your little ponies than that
  1712. >your face is buried in your hooves
  1713. >a thousand years to prepare for this day
  1714. >and you're no closer to the answer for it than you were on day one
  1715. >maybe you deserve to drown in Luna's hatred
  1716. >but, by your own blazing Sun, why do all the little ponies have to be hurt by it, too?
  1717. >ah, but Princess
  1718. >you've seen it more times than anyone
  1719. >the way that hope comes to shine forth from the bleakest despair
  1720. >a burst of green flame
  1721. >a letter from Twilight
  1722. >you seize it
  1723. >read it hungrily
  1724. >yes…
  1725. >yes!
  1726. >Twilight has just written to you about her "discovery" of Nightmare Moon's imminent return
  1727. >there's concern in her words
  1728. >compassion
  1729. >love, even!
  1730. >it's hope! it's hope!
  1731. >it's all you can do to keep yourself from devouring the letter
  1732. >there is a chance
  1733. >just the barest chance
  1734. >that Twilight might be redeemable
  1735. >why, if she can manage to activate the Elements of Harmony…
  1736. >their powerful light magic will be able to wipe away every trace of her experiments with dark magic
  1737. >her hatred for Anon could be wiped out as well
  1738. >but only if she's willing to let go of it
  1739. >and, of course, she has to manage to forge some friendships if she wants to use the Elements at all
  1740. >it's the barest chance
  1741. >the feeblest hope
  1742. >but you'll take it!
  1743. >your sister
  1744. >your student
  1745. >you'll save them both!
  1746. >now, what to write in response to Twilight's letter?
  1747. >you grab some parchment and a quill
  1748. >and you don't waste much time thinking about it
  1749. "My most faithful student…"
  1751. >you are Nightmare Moon
  1752. >after a thousand years, your return has come to pass
  1753. >you descend from the Moon on ebony wings upon the so-called "Castle of the Two Sisters"
  1754. >but you're surprised to find that the place is only a ruin now
  1755. >the thought of Celestia going and perishing without your being involved in it enrages you
  1756. >but you stay your quivering heart for a moment
  1757. >outside the Everfree, there is now a small village
  1758. >with dark magic, it's simple to creep among its ponies as a hidden miasma
  1759. >your fears are soon to be relieved
  1760. >Celestia has moved the capital to the top of nearby Canterlot Mountain
  1761. >even here in the village, you can see the revoltingly huge palace in which your sister must reside
  1762. >still in the guise of the miasma, you flit up the mountain
  1763. >in the dark of your night, the solar magic of your sister is easy to track
  1764. >she's in what appears to be a hospital wing of her palace
  1765. >she's tucking a filly into bed
  1766. >whispering something to her
  1767. "-been hurting you. That's over now. I promise."
  1768. >it doesn't seem like the ideal moment to reveal yourself
  1769. >but the sight of your hated sister drives your hatred beyond all control
  1770. >Celestia doesn't look up from the child
  1771. <"Luna."
  1772. >you're irritated that your sister isn't begging for mercy
  1773. >or even looking at you
  1774. >you glance at the filly she's standing over
  1775. >the child is horribly wounded
  1776. >her eyes are bleeding and deformed
  1777. >her legs are grotesquely-pulsating stumps
  1778. >the words you'd planned to cry in this moment fall away
  1779. "Who is she?"
  1780. <"A victim of the deadly hatred of a dark sorceress."
  1781. >you start at that
  1782. >yes…
  1783. >the way her limbs are re-generating
  1784. >that could only be a healing spell constructed from dark magic
  1785. >why anyone would write such a spell is beyond you
  1786. <"Take a good look at her. It's what you're about to do to the innocent ponies of this land."
  1787. >oh
  1788. >so she's guilting you
  1789. >your big sister
  1790. >who you once looked up to
  1791. >has stooped to using a wounded child
  1792. >of all things
  1793. >to shame you into canceling her night of reckoning
  1794. >she likely mutilated the poor thing herself
  1795. >your hatred shines bright like your full Moon once more
  1796. "No."
  1797. >your horn glows from blue to black as you prepare Celestia's punishment
  1798. "It's only what I'm going to do to you."
  1800. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  1801. >the night you've just had was almost incomprehensible
  1802. >the depth of what you've felt
  1803. >it all came from a form of love you never really valued before
  1804. >it all came from friendship
  1805. >and the climax of it all
  1806. >the catharsis
  1807. >real, genuine emotional release
  1808. >the awesome power of the Elements of Harmony surrounds you like a rainbow
  1809. >in the light of the rainbow, you realize something
  1810. >you're not really sure why you were ever angry with Anon
  1811. >everything you've done
  1812. >it was just needless cruelty
  1813. >in the light of the rainbow, there is no room for your anger
  1814. >the rainbow wants to move on to its target
  1815. >but it needs your help to do so
  1816. >it's asking you a question
  1817. >are you willing to let go of your hatred for her?
  1818. >the answer is yes
  1819. >the answer is yes!
  1820. >the whole mental exchange with that force beyond your comprehension lasts less than a second
  1821. >the rainbow homes in on Nightmare Moon
  1822. >you see her struggle at first
  1823. >but strangely
  1824. >near the end
  1825. >you see her relax
  1826. >as though she's letting go of a hatred, too
  1827. >and then
  1828. >everything turns white
  1830. >you are Anon
  1831. >by the time you could see again, you were in a brightly-lit hospital room
  1832. >Twilight came by, and she…
  1833. >cried
  1834. >she cried over you
  1835. >begged your forgiveness
  1836. >you did not speak to her
  1837. >she went away, seemingly satisfied
  1838. >Princess Celestia came by as well
  1839. >she's speaking to you right now
  1840. >it's hard to grasp every word of what she's saying
  1841. >but the gist of it is this:
  1842. >Twilight Sparkle has "changed"
  1843. >the princess thanks you for your role in that
  1844. >the princess is going to ensure that you'll be taken care of from now on
  1845. >on the condition, of course, that you don't tell anyone about the horrific suffering you've endured
  1846. >Twilight Sparkle is to enjoy a new life in Ponyville, in the company of her new friends
  1847. >throughout the princess' explanation, it seems to be implied that Twilight Sparkle will face no punishment for what she's done to you
  1848. >or at least, that's what you get out of what she's saying
  1849. >the sound of rushing blood in your ears does drown out a lot of Princess Celestia's words
  1850. >at some point, she stops talking
  1851. >she goes away, seemingly satisfied
  1852. >and in the silence of that bright hospital room
  1853. >you feel cheated
  1855. ACT II
  1857. Part 1:
  1859. >you are Anonymous
  1860. >Ruby says you always seem down around this time of year
  1861. >the weeks leading up to the holiday formerly known as the Summer Sun Celebration
  1862. >you always forget what it's called nowadays
  1863. >today is the thirteenth anniversary of the...
  1864. >"accident"
  1865. >when the anniversary rolls around, Ruby always invites you out to eat with her
  1866. >Ruby is seated across from you at some new bistro, situated only a block away from the...
  1867. >castle
  1868. >on her plate lies a subtle arrangement of daisies and daffodils, lightly drizzled with honey and served with a side of lightly crisped hay
  1869. >she's eating daintily in between witty comments and tinkling laughter, in a manner befitting a full-fledged member of the Canterlot social elite
  1870. >which, you suppose, is a position she's earned by now
  1871. >despite the fact that she's pushing her mid-30s now, she still looks great and you can't help but compare her to a fine wine, perhaps because of her well-groomed red mane
  1872. >she's rocking a tight, black dress which would have positively bewitched your old self
  1873. >but the dress was designed by a pony named Rarity, who you've been given to understand is a close friend of...
  1874. >her
  1875. >the outing was originally going to be just you and Ruby
  1876. >but Ruby's little sister, Red, just so happened to be in the country
  1877. >same creme coat, same red mane, but an earth pony
  1878. >she's not as well-manicured as her sister, but she is noticeably more toned from what you presume is a more active lifestyle
  1879. >Red is a sailor of some sort, though she's vague when questioned on what sort exactly
  1880. >you can't quite remember what Red ordered, as she all but inhaled the tiny serving on her plate within a minute of its arrival
  1881. >wearing nothing but an old, ratty neckerchief, she alternates between telling sea stories and looking bored
  1882. >of course, when Silver Locket found out that Ruby was having a social outing, she just had to come and invite herself
  1883. >Silver Locket is the mare who replaced you after the...
  1884. >accident
  1885. >powder-blue coat, silver-grey mane, and a light, slightly-frilly, silk dress that goes with her mane
  1886. >an earth pony like you, you're not entirely sure what she can do with jewelry using her hooves that you can't
  1887. >she started off her career in the fashion industry as Ruby's assistant, and worked her way up to the position of partner as Ruby's little shop grew into a thriving franchise
  1888. >Silver Locket's dining habits mirror her mentor's exactly, from the dish on her plate to the way she alternates between delicately eating and politely chatting
  1889. >though her plate of flowers is drizzled with a sort of raspberry sauce instead of honey
  1890. >and then there's the mare who introduced herself as Sketchy
  1891. >shaved head, shaved tail, cutie mark dyed white to match her coat
  1892. >you're pretty sure she's one of Ruby and Locket's ARTISTE friends
  1893. >she's as naked as you are, and staring at the last bit of seaweed on her plate as though she expects it to move or something
  1894. >and then, of course, there's you
  1895. >though thirteen years have passed, you still wear the body of a small filly, and have to all but stand on your seat when you want to take something from your plate
  1896. >you've ordered a plate of lavenders, lightly fried til the petals had crisp, black edges, and drizzled - extra drizzled, you asked - with a thick, red cranberry puree
  1897. >you're engaged in stabbing the flowers with a butter knife when Ruby addresses you
  1898. >"Anon? Are you all right? You seem lost in thought."
  1899. >Red snickers
  1900. >"She's probably thinking about how the bird brain chef overcooked her lavenders."
  1901. >you groan
  1902. "Sun, Red."
  1903. >"Oh, what? You're such a big respecter of griffon culture? They're carnivores, of course they don't know how to cook flowers. You wanna eat some pony rump to show off how much you love griffon cuisine?"
  1904. >you make a show of gagging
  1905. "No. Just... cool it with the anti-griffish remarks."
  1906. >oh!
  1907. >that reminds you of that one line from American Psycho
  1908. >good movie, fantastic book
  1909. >you should adapt that one next
  1910. >maybe give the Bateman-equivalent a name like Midnight Purple...
  1911. >Red rolls her eyes
  1912. >"Oh, right. I keep forgetting you're Princess Twilight's butt buddy."
  1913. >Ruby shoots a glare at her sister
  1914. >though nobody knows what really happened between you and Twilight Sparkle
  1915. >Ruby, at least, has been given to understand that you had some sort of falling-out before moving out of her home
  1916. >your butter knife is embedded in the table
  1917. "I... was... NEVER... friends... with Twilight Sparkle!"
  1918. >and now the whole bistro is silent and Silver Locket is cringing and pointing at something behind you
  1919. >you turn around
  1920. >standing there in the doorway is Princess Twilight Sparkle, sole ruler of all Equestria, accompanied by some kind of griffon diplomat
  1921. >you stare into her eyes
  1922. >she stares into yours
  1923. >her horn lights up
  1924. >and she disappears from the bistro with a flash
  1925. >the restaurant erupts into a flurry of scandalous whispers and furtive glances in your direction
  1926. >your appetite, for both food and company, is ruined
  1927. >without a word, you slide out of your seat and head for the door
  1928. >Ruby calls out to you
  1929. >but it's too late
  1930. >you'd be outside already if not for the dumb fucking griffon blocking the doorway
  1931. "Move it, bird brain."
  1932. >though she obliges you quickly enough, you make a point of stomping on her claws as you walk past her
  1933. >and you disappear into the grey Canterlot evening
  1935. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  1936. >your teleportation spell drops you off in your bedchamber
  1937. >it was on this day 13 years ago that you…
  1938. >you…
  1939. >all at once, your legs grow weak
  1940. >and you collapse onto your bed
  1941. >13 years, and she still hates you
  1942. >and why shouldn't she?
  1943. >no matter how many bits you send her
  1944. >no matter how many times you promote her books
  1945. >there's nothing you can really do to make up for…
  1946. >for…
  1947. >one of the first things you did upon ascending to the throne was to destroy the Restricted Archives
  1948. >unlike your predecessor, you have no emotional attachment to the ponies who wrote those works
  1949. >and no matter how many times you channel the awesome healing power of light magic
  1950. >you don't think you could ever trust yourself with those books
  1951. >in all of Equestria, there's only one remaining trace, so far as you know, that dark magic ever existed
  1952. >her
  1953. >the poison in her heart and in her mind
  1954. >the poison you put there
  1955. >Anonymous, the victim of an unearned hate
  1956. >your hate
  1957. >Celestia always considered the matter wrapped up once you were saved
  1958. >but every time you see Anon
  1959. >in the crowd
  1960. >in the street
  1961. >in that bistro
  1962. >you know that nobody ever thought to save her
  1963. >as an earth pony, it's true that she's unlikely to get into dark magic
  1964. >but you know what it's like to feel an all-consuming hatred
  1965. >you've felt it in yourself
  1966. >you've seen it in others
  1967. >it's a miserable way to live
  1968. >your crimes will never truly be undone til Anon is healed on the inside
  1969. >but how, you wonder
  1970. >can you make that happen?
  1972. >you are Anon
  1973. >your rebirth, all those years ago, was founded on three basic assumptions
  1974. >one, you would be big one day
  1975. >two, she would be old one day
  1976. >three, when that day came you could claim your revenge
  1977. >ah, the rage you felt, then
  1978. >the sheer, mouth-frothing wrath
  1979. >when, less than a year later, she was promoted to the rank of alicorn princess
  1980. >and the grinding disappointment that came when you understood that you weren't growing older
  1981. >whatever vile spell she cast on you didn't account for the process of growing up again
  1982. >you're a fucking little filly, deep into your 30s
  1983. >that's two of your basic assumptions out the window right there
  1984. >she's the one who got big
  1985. >and you're the one who got old
  1986. >well, not old, in the strictest sense
  1987. >but you've grown tired
  1988. >less potent, so to speak
  1989. >you wouldn't be surprised if you were somehow still hurtling toward death by old age
  1990. >despite the fact that you can't age
  1991. >you have, however, gained a cutie mark by this point
  1992. >a simple, black question mark
  1993. >most ponies assume that this is because you're a novelist
  1994. >you know it's because you're a fraud
  1995. >you've wormed your way into Canterlot society by ripping off Earth stories to the best of your memory
  1996. >currently, you're adapting Dosoevsky's Demons for Equestrian readers
  1997. >the original is the tale of a son who destroys his home town to avenge himself on his neglectful father
  1998. >there were some other plot-lines in the story too, and you're honestly putting too much emphasis on that one in particular to have a faithful adaptation on your hooves
  1999. >but it can't be helped
  2000. >what you're writing is largely the tale of a daughter who returns to utterly destroy her violent-but-repentant mother
  2001. >does it need to be spelled out why this appeals to you?
  2002. >Twilight Sparkle is untouchable in real life
  2003. >but on the printed page, you've destroyed her dozens of times
  2004. >you've been Kriemhild and Hagen
  2005. >the monster and Frankenstein
  2006. >Smerdyakov and Fyodor Pavlovitch
  2007. >and much, much more
  2008. >the best part?
  2009. >you've managed to guilt her into promoting every single story you've stolen
  2010. >though, somehow, each time she obliges you in this only increases your hatred for her
  2011. >it's the same way with the large stipend of hush money you receive every month
  2012. >you'd give back every bit to just feel that giant horn crack under your little hoof
  2013. >a drop of rain falls from the sky to interrupt your train of thought
  2014. >breaking free from the spiral of your thoughts, you see that you've wandered off in exactly the wrong direction
  2015. >your home is clear on the other side of Canterlot
  2016. >and now it's raining
  2017. >a low, guttural growl erupts from your throat
  2018. >fucking Twilight Sparkle
  2020. >you are still Anon
  2021. >your rebirth, all those years ago, was founded on three basic assumptions
  2022. >one, you would be big one day
  2023. >two, she would be old one day
  2024. >three, when that day came you could claim your revenge
  2025. >ah, the rage you felt, then
  2026. >the sheer, mouth-frothing wrath
  2027. >when, less than a year later, she was promoted to the rank of alicorn princess
  2028. >and the grinding disappointment that came when you understood that you weren't growing older
  2029. >whatever vile spell she cast on you didn't account for the process of growing up again
  2030. >you're a fucking little filly, deep into your 30s
  2031. >that's two of your basic assumptions out the window right there
  2032. >she's the one who got big
  2033. >and you're the one who got old
  2034. >well, not old, in the strictest sense
  2035. >but you've grown tired
  2036. >less potent, so to speak
  2037. >you wouldn't be surprised if you were somehow still hurtling toward death by old age
  2038. >despite the fact that you can't age
  2039. >you have, however, gained a cutie mark by this point
  2040. >a simple, black question mark
  2041. >most ponies assume that this is because you're a novelist
  2042. >you know it's because you're a fraud
  2043. >you've wormed your way into Canterlot society by ripping off Earth stories to the best of your memory
  2044. >currently, you're adapting Dosoevsky's Demons for Equestrian readers
  2045. >the original is the tale of a son who destroys his home town to avenge himself on his neglectful father
  2046. >there were some other plot-lines in the story too, and you're honestly putting too much emphasis on that one in particular to have a faithful adaptation on your hooves
  2047. >but it can't be helped
  2048. >what you're writing is largely the tale of a daughter who returns to utterly destroy her violent-but-repentant mother
  2049. >does it need to be spelled out why this appeals to you?
  2050. >Twilight Sparkle is untouchable in real life
  2051. >but on the printed page, you've destroyed her dozens of times
  2052. >you've been Kriemhild and Hagen
  2053. >the monster and Frankenstein
  2054. >Smerdyakov and Fyodor Pavlovitch
  2055. >and much, much more
  2056. >the best part?
  2057. >you've managed to guilt her into promoting every single story you've stolen
  2058. >though, somehow, each time she obliges you in this only increases your hatred for her
  2059. >it's the same way with the large stipend of hush money you receive every month
  2060. >you'd give back every bit to just feel that giant horn crack under your little hoof
  2062. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  2063. >you've just woken up from the nightmare where you're sucking Anon's eye out of her head
  2064. >your eyes snap wide open as you feel violently ill
  2065. >in the darkness of the early morning, nobody sees you stick your head out the window
  2066. >nobody witnesses the cascade of black vomit that splatters into the palace garden
  2067. >you slump to your knees back in your chamber
  2068. >a quick glance at the ornate grandfather clock in the corner tells you that it's a few hours yet before you'll have to raise the Sun
  2069. >every single day since you teleported out of that bistro
  2070. >this has been your morning
  2071. >it's getting to be intolerable
  2072. >you don't think you can survive an eternity of this
  2073. >in the back of your mind
  2074. >an idea has been developing
  2075. >you know it's a bad idea
  2076. >"creating problems to solve problems is wrong" is a lesson you learned years and years ago
  2077. >and you voice this objection every time your mind presents this idea
  2078. >but the idea always comes back later
  2079. >more polished
  2080. >with better risk management
  2081. >and it's starting to have all the trappings of a…
  2082. >well, not a good idea
  2083. >but a reasonable one
  2084. >if you could just expose Anon to a little light magic
  2085. >just one little friendship-beam
  2086. >she'd be healed
  2087. >right?
  2089. >you are Anon
  2090. >you've just woken up from the dream where Twilight Sparkle is sucking your eye out of your skull
  2091. >the harsh glare of the Sun through your dirty window tells you that it must be past noon
  2092. >you groan and fall from your bed
  2093. >you hunkered down and finished your Demons rip-off in about 3 days
  2094. >you even went back and included the famous "deleted scene"
  2095. >your publishers called you a sick little pony, as usual
  2096. >but they'll publish it anyway
  2097. >they think you're sick now
  2098. >just wait til they get Equestrian Princess a few months from now
  2099. >as always, you skip breakfast and head straight for your typewriter
  2100. >but you pause when you sense something that's not part of your home's usual clutter
  2101. >someone's slipped an envelope through the letter-slot in your door
  2102. >without ceremony, you grasp the thing with your hooves and teeth and tear it open
  2103. >a letter flutters to the grease-stained floor, its ornate horn-writing facing up
  2104. >"Come see me when you're feeling better. ~ Ruby"
  2105. >the letter is promptly trod on til it's grey with dirty hoofprints
  2106. >she's your ex-boss
  2107. >not your fucking mother
  2108. >in spite of that, you'll probably visit her today anyway
  2110. Part 2:
  2112. >you are Chrysalis, immortal Queen of the changeling race
  2113. >for an eternity, you have languished in stone
  2114. >here in the garden, the sun shines
  2115. >the birds sing
  2116. >the ponies smile
  2117. >you hate it
  2118. >the monotony is broken, however, when a tall, purple creature cautiously steps into view
  2119. >she eyes you up and down grimly
  2120. >but cringes when her gaze lands on Cozy Glow at your shoulder
  2121. ^"You know, showing off a scared filly as a vanquished enemy isn't a great look."
  2122. >she tilts her head
  2123. ^"I'll, uh, get around to seeing about reforming you at some point. Soon. Probably."
  2124. >delicately, she brushes a leaf off of your companion's face
  2125. ^"I, uh, promise. Maybe I'll try to get a hold of Tirek's brother to see what he wants with him at some point too."
  2126. >that voice…
  2127. >could it be?
  2128. >it is!
  2129. >it's Twilight Sparkle!
  2130. >why, she's taller than you are!
  2131. >how long…
  2132. >how long has it been?
  2133. >is it too late to claim your revenge on Starlight Glimmer?!
  2134. >you could scream right now, if only you could breathe
  2135. >Twilight Sparkle's gaze grows stern again as it falls on you
  2136. ^"But right now, I'm just here for you, Chrysalis."
  2137. >her horn lights up as she attempts to pluck you from the pedestal
  2138. >failing that, she sighs
  2139. >picks up the whole statue
  2140. >and walks off with you and your companions
  2141. >you're angled up and staring at the sky
  2142. >so you can't see quite where you're going
  2143. >but sky turns to marble ceiling
  2144. >and marble ceiling turns to cobblestone ceiling
  2145. >the room you're set down in is dank and dark
  2146. >which is, frankly, much more to your tastes than the garden
  2147. >the first thing Twilight Sparkle does is produce a familiar, black bell
  2148. >the Bewitching Bell
  2149. >she taps it once with her metal-shod hoof
  2150. >and a little bit of green magic flows into you
  2151. >it's not enough to break you out of here
  2152. >but it feels good
  2153. ^"Now… they did this with ordinary magic, so I should just be able to…"
  2154. >a flash
  2155. >you're free!
  2156. >you're lunging for her throat
  2157. >but something knocks you backwards
  2158. >and now you're pinned to wall
  2159. ^"I gave you just a little bit more power than a strong unicorn would have, and by this point I have just a little bit more power than Celestia. That wasn't going to work."
  2160. >whatever words you had planned a few minutes ago slip away as you hiss furiously at her
  2161. ^"Besides, I'm not the one you really hate anyway."
  2162. >what is she, baiting you?
  2163. >if so, you bite
  2164. "I DO hate you."
  2165. ^"Yeah, I know. And you hate Thorax, and my brother, and my brother's wife, and I'm sure a dozen other ponies and non-ponies to boot. But none of them are quite the same as Starlight Glimmer, are they?"
  2166. >an involuntary snarl escapes you at that
  2167. "Is she even still alive?"
  2168. ^"Sure, it's only been 10 years."
  2169. >relief washes over you in an awesome wave
  2170. >Starlight Glimmer is alive
  2171. >which means you can put a stop to that yourself
  2172. >however, you don't want Twilight Sparkle to see just how relieved you are
  2173. >so you put up some snark
  2174. "So, what? Has she turned against you? You want me to destroy her for you because you're too squeamish do it yourself?"
  2175. ^"Sun, no! Starlight is still one of my closest friends!"
  2176. "Then what-"
  2177. ^"Look. You don't need to know what I'm doing. Let's just say I'm taking a long, hard look at my life and I want to set a few things right before it's too late. I have a deal for you. Are you interested?"
  2178. >you are
  2179. >but you can't be too obvious with it
  2180. "I'm listening."
  2181. ^"I'm going to allow you to capture Starlight Glimmer."
  2182. >what
  2183. "What."
  2184. ^"There's a few strings attached, obviously. First thing is, no hurting Starlight. You can make her uncomfortable, make her work, whatever, but you can't harm her in any way. Got it?"
  2185. >you obviously disagree with this
  2186. >but you're not going to ruin this chance by saying so
  2187. "Go on."
  2188. ^"Second thing is, no hurting anyone. Period. You can trap anyone in your way with that green stuff, but that's it."
  2189. "Anything else?"
  2190. ^"Third thing. No stealing love, or trying to gain power in any way. Remember, I'm the most powerful alicorn on the planet right now, and you're barely more than a unicorn. I can deal with you all by myself. You'll have to steal a lot of love to overpower me, and believe me when I tell you that I'll know if you're breaking our deal long before that happens."
  2191. >curses
  2192. >what is she, tracking you somehow?
  2193. >there's got to be some way to outwit her, if only you can get out of here
  2194. "And what do I get out of this?"
  2195. ^"Well, depending on how things go, I might let you leave Equestria. You could start a new hive if you wanted, cause a bunch of trouble, just so long as you do it somewhere else."
  2196. >you really, really cannot believe your ears
  2197. >she's a fool to trust you even this much
  2198. >you've lived for centuries
  2199. >she's barely a hatchling compared to you
  2200. >you'll find some way to make her regret this
  2201. >but in the meanwhile…
  2202. "I accept your offer."
  2203. ^"Excellent."
  2204. >she drops you, and you elegantly buzz down to the floor
  2205. ^"Now, if you have no further concerns, I believe you know the way out."
  2206. >you take on the form of an unassuming guardpony
  2207. "Better than you realize, princess."
  2208. >she smiles menacingly
  2209. ^"Remember, Chrysalis. I'm watching you."
  2211. >you are Twilight
  2212. >once the changeling queen is gone
  2213. >the mask slips
  2214. >this was a really, really bad idea
  2215. >it's not that you particularly mind taking advantage of Chrysalis
  2216. >she's been blasted with light magic no fewer than three times in her life
  2217. >if that couldn't dig up anything redeemable in her, there's probably nothing to dig up
  2218. >though you suppose this technically counts as a fourth chance for her
  2219. >and on the really, really off-chance that she actually comes out of this a better changeling, you'll keep your word and let her go free
  2220. >it's also not that you haven't taken every precaution
  2221. >you've already isolated the wavelength of Chrysalis' ego, and can latch onto her mind at any time
  2222. >you doubt if you could actually take over her mind without her noticing
  2223. >but you already tested hitching a ride on her senses before freeing her, and she doesn't seem to have noticed
  2224. >you should be able to step in if things get out of hoof
  2225. >but what if there's something you failed to account for?
  2226. >you can't come up with anything, no matter how hard you rack your brain
  2227. >but in the back of your mind, you know that there's always something to overlook
  2228. >in any case, you've already let her go
  2229. >you'll give her about an hour
  2230. >and then
  2231. >you've got a summons to give
  2233. >you are Anon
  2234. >you prepared a cup of coffee
  2235. >stuck a harsh rock record in the phonograph
  2236. >sat down at your typewriter
  2237. >and proceeded to not write anything at all as you fumed over Ruby's letter
  2238. >it didn't take long to realize that you weren't gonna be able to focus til you paid her a visit
  2239. >so, without so much as turning off the music or finishing your coffee
  2240. >off you went
  2241. >now a jingling bell announces your entry into Ruby's jewel shop
  2242. >a different location from the one 13 years ago
  2243. >bigger
  2244. >in a nicer part of town
  2245. >more customers
  2246. >customers who she happily abandons when she sees you walk in
  2247. >"Ah, Locket, can you take care of these lovely ponies for me?"
  2248. >Silver Locket clicks into place behind the display counter as Ruby comes out to meet you
  2249. >"Anon! Did you get my letter?"
  2250. >there's a brightness in this mare's smile that causes you to squint and turn away
  2251. "Y-yeah."
  2252. >"Well come on upstairs. I've got brownies and hot cocoa for you."
  2253. >she opens a door, and bounces up the stairs beyond with the vitality of a mare ten years her junior
  2254. >you sigh and trudge on up after her
  2255. >Ruby is already sprawled out on her couch by the time you make it upstairs
  2256. >you clamber up into the armchair (hoofchair?) on the other side of the coffee table, where the brownies and cocoa lie waiting
  2257. >"Try some, I'm very proud of this recipe."
  2258. >the sweets give off an overpowering odor of sugar that twists your stomach in knots
  2259. "Unh, no thanks."
  2260. >"Not hungry?"
  2261. "I'm not saying that I stayed up til 3 in the morning drinking again, but I'm also not saying I didn't."
  2262. >"Oh, drinking? A little fine champaigne? Some Cristal Empire, perhaps?"
  2263. "Well, no. More like a lot of cheap vodka. Sweetka."
  2264. >"Ah, with a little cranberry juice, I suppose?"
  2265. "No… more like, uh, straight out of the bottle."
  2266. >Ruby smiles sympathetically
  2267. >"Goodness. If you wanted to drink acid, I keep some big bottles of solvent right here in my shop."
  2268. "Oh, whatever. What did you want?"
  2269. >"I just wanted to see how you were doing. You know, a social call."
  2270. "Why?"
  2271. >"Because friends have a funny habit of cheering each other up when they're in a bad mood. Come on now, how have you been?"
  2272. "I'm starting a new book about a psychopathic serial killer inspired by Twilight Sparkle."
  2273. >"Ah… you're still, ah, shaken up, then."
  2274. "You could say that."
  2275. >Ruby levitates a cup of cocoa to her lips for a moment
  2276. >"You'll feel better come winter time. You always do."
  2277. "Sure, sure. Hearthswarming and all that. Good times, yeah."
  2278. >"You know I've always felt so bad about the accident. I just wish there was some way to cheer you up faster."
  2279. "Well don't feel bad. It's not your fault. It's hers."
  2280. >Ruby, of course, knows better than to push the issue any farther than that
  2281. >she sips on her cocoa some more
  2282. >and lets the smile fade from her lips
  2283. >and suddenly, she looks very, very tired
  2284. >you honestly don't know why Ruby still bothering herself over you
  2285. >even you can see that you've been nothing but a shitty friend to her these past 13 years
  2286. "So… is Red not staying with you right now?"
  2287. >"No, no, she is. For at least a few more weeks, anyway. She's probably just out…"
  2288. >she grimaces
  2289. >"Drinking right now."
  2290. "Oh. Well, she could probably use the time off."
  2291. >"Couldn't we all?"
  2292. >more sipping
  2293. >more silence
  2294. >no, not silence
  2295. >there are hooves trotting up the stairs
  2296. >the door opens
  2297. >Silver Locket pokes her head into the sitting room
  2298. >"Ah, Ruby. There are some ponies downstairs asking for you. They're from the Royal Guard."
  2300. >you are Chrysalis, mistress of the Hive
  2301. >disguised as an ordinary townspony, it didn't take you long to figure out that Starlight Glimmer was living in the hideous tree-castle at the center of Ponyville
  2302. >yes, you intend to stick to the deal Twilight Sparkle offered you
  2303. >for now, at least
  2304. >it's true that there are certainly strings attached that she didn't tell you about
  2305. >but you need to find out what those strings are before deviating from the deal
  2306. >you also need to find out how she's keeping tabs on you
  2307. >so far, you haven't detected any tracking enchantments on your person
  2308. >so she's most likely subverting minds - yours or otherwise - to watch you
  2309. >one of those horrific deeds so typical of creatures who think of themselves as "the good guys"
  2310. >if you could just gather up enough love, you could muster the mental strength to catch her in the act of - and eventually block her from - infiltrating your mind
  2311. >but the prospect of doing that unnoticed seems unlikely at best right now
  2312. >so for right now
  2313. >it's all you can do to take as much revenge on Starlight Glimmer as you can get away with
  2314. >wouldn't it be just delicious to tell her that her dear friend Princess Twilight went so far as to give you permission for this?
  2315. >after all, Twilight Sparkle never made you agree not to do that
  2316. >you cackle under your breath as you assume the form of a tiny fruit fly and slip inside through the cracks
  2318. >you are Anon
  2319. >waiting in the sitting room with the brownies and cocoa is getting awkward
  2320. >you decide to head downstairs to see what's going on with Ruby and the guards
  2321. >but as you reach the shop area, the guards are already on their way out
  2322. >Ruby stands stone-still, awe written on her face
  2323. >you reach up over your head to wave your hoof in front of her eyes
  2324. "Hello? What's going on?"
  2325. >Ruby blinks
  2326. >"Princess Twilight wants to see me in her palace right away over a matter of the gravest importance."
  2327. >immediately
  2328. >unstoppably
  2329. >you begin to tremble all over
  2330. >Ruby shakes herself from her dumbfounded state
  2331. >"Er, ah, apparently she said that if I happened to have any friends over I was encouraged to bring them. But, ah, I don't suppose you're interested in coming."
  2332. >hot talons wrap themselves around your heart
  2333. >your jaw moves all on its own
  2334. "Actually, I'd love to come."
  2336. >you are Chrysalis, Mother of the Swarm
  2337. >no doubt it must seem a little odd to see an unassuming earth pony lining the windows and doors of Ponyville Castle with changeling wax
  2338. >fortunately, the castle's lone occupant hasn't seen you at your work yet
  2339. >by the time she does, it'll be too late
  2340. >you'll have captured her without a single soul noticing
  2341. <"Um, excuse me. Who are you?"
  2342. >speak of the devil…
  2343. "Hi! You must be Starlight Glimmer. I'm Good Housekeeping, pleased to meetcha!"
  2344. <"Uh huh… and what are you doing here?"
  2345. "Oh, I'm just here to clean up some filth."
  2346. >and a great gob of green wax puts a stop to her questions
  2348. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  2349. >it's done
  2350. >you're glad that she at least managed to do it without raising any alarms in Ponyville
  2351. >one thing you now realize you failed to account for was the possibility of your friends reacting to Chrysalis on their own
  2352. >but that seems unlikely now
  2353. >and you're now aware of a possibility that this whole incident could blow over completely unnoticed
  2354. >that would be ideal, to say the least
  2355. >you doubt if most ponies would understand what you're doing here
  2356. >let alone why you have to do it
  2357. >Starlight, would have to be kept quiet, of course
  2358. >you wonder though, if you could confide your entrust your secret to her
  2359. >she of all ponies should be able to understand coping with an unpleasant past
  2360. >right?
  2361. >a twinge of discomfort strikes you as your thoughts feel eerily similar to the ones you had when you first found the Restricted Archives
  2362. >so analytical and detached, yet defensive at the same time
  2363. >not for the first time, you reflect that this was a really, really bad idea
  2364. >but it's too late to turn back
  2365. >even now, your guard is announcing the arrival of Ruby Ring and her friend
  2366. >after some brief surveilance on this mare's small network of friends, you expected to see her assistant
  2367. >or maybe her sister
  2368. >you certainly didn't expect to see…
  2369. >Anon
  2370. >obviously, this whole affair was designed for Anon's benefit
  2371. >but you didn't think she'd ever respond to a direct summons to your court
  2372. >that's why you reached out to Ruby instead
  2373. >but no, there she is
  2374. >glaring at you from the base of your throne
  2375. >does she know this is about her?
  2376. >you clear your throat
  2377. "You must be Ruby. It's an honor to meet you."
  2378. >the creme-coated unicorn, slightly older than your friends, kicks at the floor like a nervous schoolfilly
  2379. >"Oh, no, princess. The honor is all mine."
  2380. >and then, bashfully
  2381. >"Ah, you must not remember me, but actually, we've met a few times before."
  2382. >have you?
  2383. >you rack your brains for a moment
  2384. "Oh, of course. You must have owned that… jewelry shop… on… Mare Street."
  2385. >the realization of who this mare actually is sinks in slowly
  2386. >Anon is staring at the floor now, and trembling
  2387. >Ruby glances down at this and looks back up nervously
  2388. >"W-well, yes, but, um, I-I was also a few grades ahead of you at the School for Gifted Unicorns."
  2389. "Oh, that's interesting. How are you with magic?"
  2390. >"Well, I'm not so special when it comes to spellcasting, but I'm precise, and I can do wonderful things with gemstones."
  2391. "So I've heard. But you must be wondering why I've called you here."
  2392. >"Heavens, yes. I can't imagine why you would ask for me, of all ponies, for a matter of the gravest importance."
  2393. "Then I'll cut to the chase. Chrysalis, queen of the old changelings, has escaped to Ponyville-"
  2394. <"How?"
  2395. >Anon's interjection catches you off your guard
  2396. >that, apparently, is another thing you failed to account for:
  2397. >uncomfortable questions
  2398. "I… um… don't know yet. But… she's kidnapped my friend Starlight Glimmer, and Ruby, I think that your friends are the ideal candidates to stop her-"
  2399. <"Why? Don't you already have friends in Ponyville you use for this sort of thing?"
  2400. "Y-yes, but, um… I'd like to… use this as an opportunity to, um, train more groups of friends in the art of… um… stopping bad guys. It's a program called the… Friendship Rangers."
  2401. >"Friendship Rangers? Oh, my!"
  2402. <"So you're risking the safety of Equestria on the off-chance that an untrained clique of middle-aged mares can be made useful?"
  2403. >"I'm not middle aged!"
  2404. "Y-you should have more faith in your friends…"
  2405. >Anon's dull glare pierces your defenses and digs up feelings best left forgotten
  2406. "…little filly."
  2407. >no!
  2408. >why did you say that?!
  2409. >she looks like she could kill you now!
  2410. >even Ruby is cringing
  2411. "Anyway, um… if you'd like to get started, just pick out four or five of your closest friends and head on down to Ponyville. Chrysalis is waiting for you in the big, tree-shaped castle; you can't miss it."
  2412. >without waiting for a response, you teleport up to your bedchamber
  2413. >and proceed to throw up again
  2415. >outside the castle, Ruby keeps smiling shyly at you
  2416. "What? What is it?"
  2417. >"Well, I just, erm. Obviously, I'd like to ask you to come with me first?"
  2418. "What, to Ponyville?"
  2419. >"Well, yes."
  2420. "Come on, you can't actually trust her, can you?"
  2421. >"Why not? I realize she was involved in the accident, but-"
  2422. "There is so much more she-"
  2423. >the words clog in your throat
  2424. >"What? What else happened?"
  2425. >despite the large payments of hush money you receive every month
  2426. >this isn't the first time you've tried to blurt out your secret
  2427. >the sights
  2428. >sounds
  2429. >sensations
  2430. >all swarm in to overwhelm your consciousness
  2431. >the flash of metal
  2432. >the splurt of veins
  2433. >the taste of flesh
  2434. >"Anon? You're shaking again."
  2435. >the perfectly ordinary Canterlot street snaps back into your reality
  2436. >you fling your head to shake off the memories
  2437. "She's- she's clearly hiding something. Did you see the way she ran out on us?"
  2438. >"I'll grant it was a bit unprincess-like."
  2439. "You have no idea what she's capable of. I don't trust her, and neither should you."
  2440. >"I don't know about all that, but how often does a princess charge you with saving Equestria?"
  2441. "Exactly! Why you? Why us? It doesn't make any sense."
  2442. >your friend's smile falters
  2443. >"I don't know why, but… haven't you ever felt like life sort of… slipped past us, Anon?"
  2444. >once more, she looks very tired
  2445. >"My sister has been telling me about her adventures ever since she ran off to the sea, but me… I was always too busy with work to do anything exciting. Why, I never even started that family I always wanted."
  2446. >she sighs
  2447. >"I suppose you're going to stay young forever at this rate, but me… why, soon I'll be too old to do anything exciting like this. How could I just say no?"
  2448. >the realization, so obvious in hindsight, that you're not the only one with emotional needs smacks you in the face
  2449. >after all these years, don't you owe her a little support?
  2450. "I'll-"
  2451. >"Whoah, am I walking in on a mid-life crisis?"
  2452. >Ruby jumps
  2453. >"I'm not middle aged!"
  2454. >Red has sauntered up behind you with a grin on her face
  2455. >"Yeah, yeah, what's this about an adventure?"
  2456. >elegant again
  2457. >proud again
  2458. >Ruby touches her hoof to her breast and sticks her nose in the air
  2459. >"Oh, nothing much, my dear little sister. It's just that Princess Twilight has entrusted me with an adventure of the utmost importance."
  2460. >Red's eyebrows raise, genuinely impressed
  2461. >"Whoah, look at you."
  2462. >Ruby flashes her sister a 24-carat grin
  2463. >"I was trying to convince Anon here to come with me, but she doesn't seem interested. I'll extend the same invitation to you. That is, if you're not too drunk already."
  2464. >Red waves dismissively
  2465. >"Psh. Too drunk? Please, I've only had sixteen."
  2466. >"Eh, sixteen whats exactly? Shots?"
  2467. >"Shots, glasses, pints, bottles, kegs, who cares? I work better this way."
  2468. >Ruby blinks
  2469. >"Kegs? Well, in any case you seem remarkably lucid. We just need to find a few more ponies, and we-"
  2470. >eyes shut tight, you interject
  2471. "Wait. I'll go."
  2472. >Ruby's smile glows like the gems she trades in
  2473. >"Excellent. We'll only need two or three more ponies then."
  2475. >you are Chrysalis, conquerer of Glimmer
  2476. >you're starting to think you should have waited a bit to drop the news on her
  2477. >she's taking it surprisingly well
  2478. <"Well, if Twilight gave you permission, I'm sure she had a good reason."
  2479. >you can tell she'd be scratching her chin right now if her hooves weren't trapped in green wax
  2480. <"Maybe she's trying to get you to undergo metamorphoses."
  2481. "Meta-what?"
  2482. <"You know, the process by which changelings learn to give love, and thereby grow up to their full adult stage."
  2483. "Ugh! You mean become one of those pastel abominations?"
  2484. <"I'm pastel."
  2485. "Exactly."
  2486. >Starlight Glimmer shrugs
  2487. <"Look, I think it's worth considering. All the research on the matter shows that changelings aren't really mature until they change."
  2488. "I have terrorized this land for centuries, and I will not be told that I am 'immature' by a 40 year old pony!"
  2489. >Glimmer frowns
  2490. <"I'm still in my 30s."
  2491. "Exactly!"
  2492. >you groan
  2493. >the threat of reprisal from Twilight Sparkle has left you with no way to vent your hatred
  2494. >much to your chagrin, that hatred is now beginning to atrophy
  2495. >come to think of it, she did say something about "redeeming" Cozy Glow before she woke you up
  2496. >great Mother Below!
  2497. >she really does want to turn you into a rainbow deer!
  2498. >you scowl and set your resolve in stone
  2499. >if you can't find some way of dodging Sparkle's surveillance
  2500. >then you've at least got to excercise your hate
  2501. >and you've got to hurry, before it all wastes away
  2503. >you are Anon
  2504. >Ruby bursts into the shop before you and Red
  2505. >"Locket, close the shop! We're going on an adventure!"
  2506. >the younger mare, who had been chatting with Sketchy at the counter, jumps
  2507. >"An adventure?"
  2508. >Ruby flashes her assistant, somehow, a 25 carat smile
  2509. >"That's right. The Princess has entrusted me any my friends to stop the dreaded changeling queen!"
  2510. >Silver Locket immediately goes for the shop's keychain
  2511. >"How utterly horrifying. I'll close up right away."
  2512. >Ruby giggles like a little filly
  2513. >"Now we only need one more… Ah, Sketchy! We're friends, right?"
  2514. >the stunned ARTISTE taps herself on the chest
  2515. >"Uh, I guess so."
  2516. >"Perfect! Want to come on our adventure?"
  2517. >the weird little bald mare scratches her chin contemplatively
  2518. >then shrugs
  2519. >"Okay."
  2520. >seconds later, four giggling mares trot in place in a circle just outside the shop
  2521. >it's a surreal sight for you, given the context
  2522. "Uh, you guys know this isn't a social outing… right?"
  2524. >you are Chrysalis, terror of her foes
  2525. >a few minutes ago, you walked out of the room you've been keeping Glimmer in
  2526. >but you snuck back in as a spider
  2527. >and now you're hanging over her by a thread of silk
  2528. >she has no idea of the terror you're about to inflict upon her miserable soul
  2529. >in a flash, you've assumed your true form
  2530. >you're roaring in her face with all the ferocity of the rightful mistress of the changeling swarm
  2531. >you land on your hooves cackling
  2532. >but, much to your irritation, Starlight Glimmer doesn't seem very terrorized
  2533. >she's just sort of grimacing and shaking her head
  2534. >probably due to all the spittle you sprayed in her face
  2535. "Wha- why aren't you terrified?"
  2536. >she's only half-focused on you as she continues to grimace at the flecks on her face
  2537. <"Well, you did already tell me that Twilight had told you not to hurt me, so…"
  2538. >you hiss
  2539. <"Look, this is really gross. Could you, like, wipe my face off or something?"
  2540. "Really? You're asking me for a favor? Me, your mortal enemy?!"
  2541. <"You know, I never really felt that way about you."
  2542. >without moving a muscle, you magically rip a flowing, purple banner from the wall
  2543. >and roughly towel off your mortal enemy's face with it
  2544. >your NON-MUTUAL mortal enemy, apparently
  2545. <"Thanks."
  2546. "I'm so tired of this."
  2547. <"You wanna talk about it?"
  2548. >you flinch as though you've been slapped
  2549. "I- what?!"
  2550. <"Well, you know, I just… Has anyone ever really asked you about your feelings before? Your story?"
  2551. >you hesitate
  2552. "It just so happens I have an extremely tragic backstory."
  2553. >Starlight Glimmer smiles up at you encouragingly
  2554. >lights up her horn
  2555. >and teleports a tub of ice cream to you
  2556. >you eye the dairy treat suspiciously
  2557. >but you take it
  2558. >and you collapse to your knees on the verge of tears
  2559. "It all started when I was an egg…"
  2561. Part 3:
  2563. >you are Anon
  2564. >did you need another reason to not trust Twilight Sparkle's odd request?
  2565. >well, you got one
  2566. >nobody in Ponyville seems to know anything about any changeling queens running around
  2567. >they're happy to give you directions to the big, tree-shaped castle though
  2568. >even though you can see it from the train station
  2569. >getting there is only a short walk
  2570. >getting inside, however is…
  2571. >Ruby grunts as she pushes at the door with her magic
  2572. >"I think it's locked."
  2573. >Red rolls her eyes
  2574. >"What? Did you think the bad guys were just gonna leave the door open for us? Hang back a second, I'm what you might call an experienced adventurer."
  2575. >Red produces a pair of long, thick needles from behind her ear and proceeds to jam them into the lock
  2576. >Locket cocks her head
  2577. >"Did… you have those on you this whole time?"
  2578. >Red frowns as she focuses on her work
  2579. >"Yeah. They're good to have. You know, for lockpick emergencies."
  2580. >a second later, and the lockpicks disappear once more in the tangled rat's nest of the sea-farer's mane
  2581. >"I don't think it's locked."
  2582. >she rears on her hind legs and pushes into the door with all her might
  2583. >it gives
  2584. >just a little bit
  2585. >but it gives
  2586. >"It's stuck on something. Hang on, you guys come over here and push the door in as hard as you can."
  2587. >with three pairs of hooves and one teal aura on the door, Red shakes something out of her matted, dirty tail
  2588. >a long, thin knife
  2589. >you inhale sharply at the sight of it
  2590. >Red shrugs at you
  2591. >"You know. For knife emergencies."
  2592. >with both hooves, Red plunges the blade into something inside the door crack
  2593. >the wet splorching noises of the cutting make you nauseous
  2594. >but she finishes her work in just a few minutes
  2595. >and the door opens
  2596. >you can now see that the door had been sealed shut from the inside with a viscous, green fluid
  2597. >Red eyes the green gunk on her knife
  2598. >"Changeling wax. She's here, all right."
  2599. >above the Sun is beginning to turn a darker orange as it readies itself to be lowered beneath the horizon
  2600. >below, your companions are a bit more reserved than they were when they first set out
  2601. >and you enter the castle
  2603. >you are still Anon
  2604. >as you lag behind the taller ponies through the the wax-lined castle
  2605. >it occurs to you that you do not understand them in the slightest
  2606. >you have spent the past 13 years hopping between the searing cold of the tundra and the scorching hot of the desert
  2607. >the gentle warmth radiating from the mares who have decided to call you their friend - like a nice spring day in the park - lies beyond your ability to comprehend
  2608. >nor, in this moment, do you particularly care to understand
  2609. >you've also ceased to wonder about why Twilight Sparkle would ask them to undertake a task like this
  2610. >in fact, you've gone so far as to decide that if a fanged, black form were to lunge from the shadows and tear your throat out…
  2611. >you simply would not care
  2612. >you can't quite remember why you agreed to come to this
  2613. >and that's the question that's bothering you right now
  2614. >the mares ahead of you come to an abrupt halt for some reason
  2615. >once you've caught up with them, you can see that the tall, thick wall of green wax ahead of you is actually plugging up the entire passageway
  2616. >Red laughs
  2617. >"I told you we were going the right way."
  2618. >Ruby grimaces at the wax
  2619. >"It looks like the wrong way to me."
  2620. >Red shakes her knife out of her tail, along with a knotted curl of dirty, red hair
  2621. >"It wouldn't be blocked up like this if it were the wrong way."
  2622. >she plunges the rusted blade into the green substance
  2623. >but after a few wiggles
  2624. >it snaps
  2625. >Locket raises her hoof tentatively
  2626. >"Perhaps there's a way around?"
  2627. >Red looks mournfully at her broken knife
  2628. >"If there's another way up, it's blocked too."
  2629. >you're looking at the window, acutely aware that you could jump out of it at any time
  2630. >that's when Ruby's hoof lands heavily on your shoulder
  2631. >"That's it! What if we could climb past this on the outside of the castle? Red, do you have any rope in that rat's nest you call a mane?"
  2632. >Red touches her mane defensively
  2633. >"What? How would I fit a rope in there?"
  2634. >Sketchy is engaged in uselessly poking at the wall of changeling wax
  2635. >"Cool…"
  2636. >Locket makes a noise like a yelp, reaches up, and breaks a green stalactite from the ceiling
  2637. >experimentally, it seems, she bends it in her hooves, her eyes lighting up when it bends around to a full circle without breaking
  2638. >"Ruby, do you remember that silver ring mail we made for the duchess' Nightmare Night party last year?"
  2639. >"Ugh. How could I forget? But say, you aren't suggesting…"
  2640. >"Oh, I don't figure on a whole sheet of mail, but…"
  2641. >another stalactite is broken
  2642. >the two are then looped through each other and nimbly bent into circles
  2643. >but Locket seems at a loss for what to do next
  2644. >Red scoops a bit of wax, less hardened than the stuff from the ceiling, from the floor
  2645. >and she glues the wax-rings into position while Locket holds them
  2646. >Locket grins and holds up the rings
  2647. >"Look! We could make a chain!"
  2648. >Sketchy's contribution to this process is about as meaningful as yours:
  2649. >"Cool…"
  2650. >Red nods
  2651. >"But we've gotta hurry; this stuff is hardening fast. Sketchy, you're with me; first we'll force that window open before the wax on it hardens, then we'll break off as much wax from the ceiling as we can. Ruby, Locket, you two bend it into chainlinks. Anon-"
  2652. >she actually fucking smacks your ass here
  2653. >"-you look for wax that's still wet and use it to stick the links in place."
  2655. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  2656. >you've just now raised the Moon, but you're not quite sure how long you've been alone in your chamber when a gentle knock flows through your door
  2657. >all at once, you leap to your hooves
  2658. >who would presume to be knocking on your-
  2659. >the door clicks open, and softly swings inward
  2660. "P-Princess!"
  2661. >the intruder smiles and shakes her head
  2662. ^"You're the princess, Princess. I'm just Celestia these days."
  2663. "What… what are you doing here?"
  2664. ^"With the Feast of the Two Sisters coming up, I figured I'd stay in Canterlot for a while. At least until after the holiday. Naturally, I wanted to see my favorite princess while I was here, but I've heard you're feeling a bit under the weather."
  2665. "No, no, I'm…"
  2666. >you are now acutely aware of the crumpled tissues which lie scattered about the darkened room behind you
  2667. "Well, I've been better."
  2668. ^"If you're feeling unwell, I'll come see you when you're better. In the meanwhile, is my guest room still waiting for me?"
  2669. "N-no, no, I mean, yes, it's always ready, but… I'd love to talk."
  2670. >the merest hint of concern enters the wisened, violet eyes of your teacher
  2671. >she enters the room and shuts the door behind her
  2672. ^"If you'd love to talk, Twilight, then I'd love to listen."
  2674. >you are Anon
  2675. >you went about your task without feeling
  2676. >like a machine
  2677. >but the chain of changeling wax was made in fairly short order
  2678. >it's waiting on the stuff to finish hardening that's taking forever
  2679. >it's already dark out by the time Red taps on a green chainlink and nods
  2680. >"This should be good. One of us is gonna have to swing across the outside and look for a way in."
  2681. >it occurs to you that you would not care in the slightest if the makeshift chain broke while this was going on
  2682. >"Anon, you're the smallest. You're up."
  2683. >and suddenly
  2684. >you care a lot
  2685. "Huh? Me?!"
  2686. >Red loops one end of the chain around the ornate window frame and sticks the other end in your hooves
  2687. >"Yup. You should have the easiest time using of of these windows as a hoof-hold, and if you slip from that, you'll be the least likely to break the chain."
  2688. "Uh, just how likely is that? The chain breaking?"
  2689. >"Changelings use this stuff to hang ponies from ceilings all the time. You'll be fine. Probably."
  2690. >Ruby decides to offer some encouraging words of her own
  2691. >"We're only three stories up, you'll do great!"
  2692. "Oh fuck, just let me do this before I have a chance to think about it."
  2693. >refusing help, you clamber up onto the ledge and peer out
  2694. >why are you doing this again?
  2695. >you're not really sure
  2696. >though you think it might be peer pressure
  2697. >about ten feet forward and on the same story, in white light of the full moon, there is indeed a window you could grab
  2698. "Hey Ruby, I need some magic for this."
  2699. >"Anon, you know I can't teleport you there."
  2700. "No, no, just pick me up so I can swing over to that window."
  2701. >lifting you out of the way, the unicorn sticks her head outside to see the other window
  2702. >"Oh, I see. Okay, let me just…"
  2703. >the chain is stretched out to its fullest as you rise up to an angle where, you hope, you'll be able to reach the other window
  2704. >that's when something horrible occurs to you
  2705. >"Ready?"
  2706. "Hang on, I think we're forgetting someth-"
  2707. >but you guess she doesn't hear you
  2708. >as you fall, another horrible thought occurs to you:
  2709. >why didn't you just have her levitate you out to the other window?
  2710. >you're about to start meditating on the sheer futility of this whole endeavor when, by reflex, your free forehoof darts out and catches the ledge of the far window
  2711. >you stick the chain in your mouth and begin the struggle to open the window somehow
  2712. >but you remember the horrible thought that occured to you just before you were dropped:
  2713. >the changeling wax on the other side of the window must be hard by now
  2714. >your grip slips a little as you scramble to get your rear hooves onto the ledge
  2715. >but it's just too narrow
  2716. >and you're panicking now
  2717. >hyperventilating as you realize you're about to be hanging from the chains again
  2718. >and now SHE'S standing over you, an ordinary purple unicorn once more
  2719. >grimacing that awful that grimace at you
  2720. >and you hate her
  2721. >and even as you scramble from the fall, you raise one hoof
  2722. >glass and green stuff flies past you as her face shatters under a blow fueled by desperation and wrath
  2723. >some of it cuts you, but the cuts aren't bad, and you crawl inside the broken window and flop onto the floor anyway
  2724. >for some reason, you loop the chain around the ornate window frame
  2725. >and you go curl up in your corner
  2727. >you're still Anon
  2728. >by the time other ponies start clambering in through the window, you've returned to your senses
  2729. >but you're still curled up in the random corner you picked out as "yours"
  2730. >first comes Red
  2731. >she doesn't seem to notice you
  2732. >Sketchy and Silver Locket climb in after her, following her pattern of neither apparently seeing you nor apparently caring to
  2733. >then Ruby enters
  2734. >"Talk about a workout. Where's Anon?"
  2735. >Sketchy points directly at you
  2736. >"Over there in her corner.
  2737. >Red wheels around in your direction
  2738. >"Whoah, I thought you went on without us."
  2739. >Ruby trots right up to you
  2740. >"That was some good work, Anon. Though, it occured to me as I was climbing over, I could have just floated you over to the window."
  2741. "I thought of that while I was falling."
  2742. >while Ruby is scratching the back of her head, Red interjects
  2743. >"I didn't know if you were actually gonna be able to get through. I thought for sure the wax over here would have hardened by now."
  2744. "It did."
  2745. >"No way. You couldn't have busted hardened changeling wax like that."
  2746. "Sometimes I get… stronger… when I think of her."
  2747. >Red cocks her head
  2748. >"Huh?"
  2749. >and now Ruby is waving the others out of the room
  2750. >"Ah, why don't you girls move on for a bit? I want to, uh… look at Anon's cuts."
  2751. >three earth mares shrug and trot into the next room
  2752. >and Ruby lies down on the sticky floor, just in front of you
  2753. >"You thought of… the princess?"
  2754. "She wasn't a princess at the time."
  2755. >"Right. But… are you all right? Really all right?"
  2756. "I'm almost never not thinking of her, really."
  2757. >"That's not what I asked."
  2758. >it occurs to you that, in this moment, you are capable of unloading everything onto this mare
  2759. >that the words wouldn't clog if you tried to… spill your secret
  2760. >but you also remember why you agreed to come here in the first place
  2761. >it was for her
  2762. >she's got anxieties too
  2763. >and you wanted to be the one to support her, for once
  2764. >it was something to that effect, anyway
  2765. "Yeah, I'm good. Just a little tired."
  2766. >"Really?"
  2767. >instead of answering, you jerk your neck forward to catch her by surprise with a nuzzle to the face
  2768. >giggling, Ruby pulls her head back and playfully bats you away
  2769. >"What was that?"
  2770. "The, uh, magic of friendship or whatever."
  2771. >Ruby all but jumps to her hooves and begins to hum in that nonchalant way that always comes off as very, very chalant
  2772. "What?"
  2773. >"You're smiling."
  2775. >you are Chrysalis, vanquisher of her feelings
  2776. "And then… and then they all ran off with HIM!"
  2777. <"Aw…"
  2778. "A-and… and every single one of them… I was their MOTHER!"
  2779. <"I'm sorry. I never thought about it like that."
  2780. >and there's that noise again
  2781. >like careless hoofsteps
  2782. >and careless chatter
  2783. "Look, I'm sorry, but I definitely hear ponies in the castle besides you. Are you sure Twilight Sparkle didn't send a rescue your way?"
  2784. <"I didn't know about any of this until you told me. I have no idea."
  2785. "Starlight, I've enjoyed your company far more than I expected, but I've got to check that out."
  2786. <"Sure, sure. I think we've made some real progress here. Go ahead and check it out, I'm not going anywhere."
  2787. "Ah, I get it!"
  2788. <"Because you glued me to the floor…"
  2789. >a chuckle passes between captor and captive
  2790. >but you remember, for a moment, that this is your mortal enemy you're laughing with
  2791. >so you regain your composure
  2792. >and turn your nose up at her
  2793. "Right, well. I'll be back in a bit."
  2794. >you're acutely aware of the sheer elegance of your stride as you gracefully walk out into the passageway
  2795. >out here, you can smell the intruders
  2796. >they're over that way
  2797. >maintaining your proud stride, you head over in their direction
  2798. >and, just around that corner…
  2799. >stand five ponies you've never seen before
  2800. >a white earth pony without any mane sees you first
  2801. >"Cool…"
  2802. >a blue earth pony with a silver mane follows her gaze and shrieks
  2803. >"Oh! Oh! Is that her? I think that's her! Is she the changeling queen?"
  2804. >a creme earth pony with a red mane slaps herself in the forehead
  2805. >"Giant, evil changeling with a little crown on her head? Yeah, I think that's her."
  2806. "Ah, excuse me. Who are you?"
  2807. >a creme unicorn, also with a red mane, looks around excitedly
  2808. >"Oh! Anon! Anon! What was that thing Princess Twilight called us?"
  2809. >a nondescript, glum little earth filly cringes
  2810. >"Friendship Rangers?"
  2811. >the unicorn lights up like a candle
  2812. >"That's it! Changeling queen, we are the Friendship Rangers! We're here to stop you!"
  2813. >the glum filly interjects
  2814. >"Uh, weren't we supposed to rescue someone, too?"
  2815. >even in your weakened state, you could eradicate all five of these imbeciles easily
  2816. >but Twilight Sparkle's threat was probably made specifically with them in mind
  2817. >on the assumption that the pony princess has even the vaguest concept of honor, that probably means that these ponies can't do much to hurt you anyway
  2818. >in about five seconds, you've secured all of them to the floor with big gobs of changeling wax
  2819. >"Ew!"
  2820. >"Cool…"
  2821. >"Well, congratulations, you got us caught. What's the next step of your master plan?"
  2822. >"Ah, they usually start shooting friendship lasers at this point, according to the news."
  2823. >"The princess give you any instructions for shooting friendship lasers?"
  2824. >"Well…"
  2825. >you roll your eyes
  2826. >this might be interesting for about one more minute
  2827. >quite frankly, you'd like to get back to dumping the tragedy of your life onto Starlight Glimmer
  2828. >you haven't even started on the years of isolation in the wilderness before your ultimate betrayal by Discord
  2829. >"Just… everybody focus… um, thoughts of friendship, or something, on me."
  2830. >"Why you?"
  2831. >"I'm the unicorn, and also I'm standing in the middle."
  2832. >amazingly, thin beams of white light actually begin to flow from the four earth ponies into the unicorn
  2833. >though the beam from the glum filly seems somewhat tenuous
  2834. >"Oh! It's working! It's working!"
  2835. >and you're rooted to the ground
  2836. >as a massive rainbow begins to spew from the unicorn's horn
  2838. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  2839. >even though you're taller than Celestia now
  2840. >lying on your bed, curled up next to her, is just as comforting now as it was when you were a tiny little filly
  2841. ^"Well it certainly sounds like things are moving along very nicely. I think it was wise to send Luster Dawn to Ponyville."
  2842. "Thanks."
  2843. ^"But I sense that you still haven't told me just what it is you actually wanted to talk about."
  2844. "Well, I…"
  2845. >the words trail off
  2846. ^"Hm?"
  2847. >you sigh
  2848. "I sort of… sent Anonymous to Ponyville, too."
  2849. >Celestia squints in thought
  2850. ^"Anonymous? Anonymous… The, um…"
  2851. >and her eyes grow wide
  2852. ^"The creature from another world."
  2853. >you nod
  2854. ^"Who you transformed into a small filly."
  2855. "Yes."
  2856. ^"And who you…"
  2857. "Tortured. For no reason."
  2858. >Celestia cringes
  2859. ^"I see you can… confront your past now."
  2860. >you nod
  2861. >a pause
  2862. >and then
  2863. ^"But why did you send her to Ponyville?"
  2864. "Um, I… well…"
  2865. >you sigh
  2866. >and explain the whole plot to Celestia
  2867. >the freeing of Chrysalis
  2868. >the rules you placed on her
  2869. >the mental surveillance
  2870. >the way you reached out to Anon through her friend
  2871. >your hopes for healing the scars you left on her
  2872. "I mean, light magic has incredible healing powers for this sort of thing, right? Just one little friendship beam, and…"
  2873. ^"And?"
  2874. "And maybe she can be happy again."
  2875. ^"Is Anonymous' happiness the only thing you were thinking of?"
  2876. "Of course. Well… maybe. No."
  2877. >Celestia holds her tongue as she waits for you to continue
  2878. "I don't want to be hated. I don't want HER to hate me anymore."
  2879. >Celestia looks away from you
  2880. >and she thinks
  2881. ^"It could work, Twilight."
  2882. >and she sighs
  2883. ^"But there's a risk."
  2884. "A risk?"
  2885. ^"I think, perhaps, you might have sought a more mundane way of earning Anonymous' forgiveness. By talking to her about it."
  2886. "Wh… what's the risk?"
  2887. ^"In order for the 'friendship beam,' as you call it, to heal her, she must CHOOSE to let go of her hate."
  2888. "Well… of course. I remember making that choice, when it happened to me."
  2889. ^"Twilight."
  2890. >and now you're flinching like a frightened schoolfilly
  2891. >because your teacher is glaring into your eyes
  2892. ^"She might not make that choice."
  2894. Part 4:
  2896. >you are Chrysalis, the larval immortal
  2897. >it seems that you could easily dodge the great, searing rainbow
  2898. >but is it odd to say that you feel… calm, even as it races toward you?
  2899. >you're enveloped by the light
  2900. >the pain is…
  2901. >not there?
  2902. >this isn't like the last time this happened at all
  2903. >something deep within you is struggling…
  2904. >struggling to change
  2905. >you rear up on your twisted back hooves to shriek your terror
  2906. >but there's a voice from… somewhere
  2907. >it's telling you not to be afraid
  2908. >it's telling you that, in this moment, you have a choice
  2909. >it's asking a question
  2910. >could you forgive Starlight Glimmer?
  2911. >and not just her
  2912. >the pony princesses
  2913. >the changelings who left you
  2914. >your children…
  2915. >and you wonder
  2916. >could you?
  2918. >you are Anon
  2919. >a beam of light the color of blood is spewing from your heart
  2920. >it comes back with other colors
  2921. >to choke you
  2922. >to dislodge something from the very core of your being
  2923. >the light is forcing something out of you
  2924. >and it's excruciating
  2925. >in your mind's eye, you see it fly from your mouth as a blackish-purple… thing
  2926. >or do you see it with your real eyes?
  2927. >you're not sure
  2928. >but you recognize it immediately for what it is:
  2929. >the very essence of your personality
  2930. >the center of who you are
  2931. >your primary reason for living
  2932. >it's the dream that, one day, you'll have your revenge on Twilight Sparkle
  2933. >the lights want to take it away
  2934. >the lights tell you that it's not good for you
  2935. >so what do you do?
  2936. >there, in that swirling, burning vortex
  2937. >you lunge for your hatred
  2938. >you grab onto it with both hooves
  2939. >hug it close to your body
  2940. >and refuse to let go
  2941. >once your ball of vengeance is safe in your clutch, you realize something
  2942. >everything around you is now perfectly still
  2943. >the lights don't swirl and roar anymore
  2944. >curious, you examine your surroundings
  2945. >you're still in the tree-shaped castle in Ponyville, that much is certain
  2946. >the green wax that had restrained you and your companions is nowhere to be seen
  2947. >and all five of you are now, in fact, suspended several feet above the floor
  2948. >Red, Locket, and Sketchy are frozen in what looks like a sort of uncomprehending bliss
  2949. >and Ruby is in the center of you all
  2950. >she looks more alive than ever before
  2951. >her grin is wild and wide
  2952. >her eyes are focused and clear, without a single bag or wrinkle beneath them
  2953. >it's as though all the years that have passed since you first met her just never happened
  2954. >and she's still just a spry little pony with great, big dreams
  2955. >the flare of gold on her horn, from which the light proceeds, lights up her face like divine flame
  2956. >and she looks like some kind of goddess
  2957. >on the other end of the hall, the changeling queen stands
  2958. >she's rearing like a frightened horse
  2959. >but her eyes are closed in some sort of ecstasy
  2960. >and her face is turned up toward the heavens
  2961. >as though she's about to accept some kind of gift from above
  2962. >the only other occupant of the hall is the man
  2963. >he's been leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets, waiting for you to notice him
  2964. >now that you have noticed him, he's walking toward you with a soft smile on his face
  2965. >"Hey."
  2966. >you tighten your grasp on the little blob of hate
  2967. "Hey yourself."
  2968. >"Neat sight, huh?"
  2969. "Sure."
  2970. >"Wanna see how it ends?"
  2971. "I would. But I feel like there's a catch."
  2972. >"Not much of a catch. All you have to do is let go of that thing."
  2973. "It's a little bit more complicated than that, isn't it?"
  2974. >"Sure. To put it another way, all you have to do is forgive her."
  2975. >you scowl
  2976. "No way."
  2977. >"Why not?"
  2978. "I've… I've earned the right to hate her. This isn't some petty spite I'm holding here. What she did to me is literally unspeakable."
  2979. >"Well… sure."
  2980. "So why should I let go of it?"
  2981. >the man shrugs
  2982. >"You'd be happier that way."
  2983. >clutching your hatred tighter, you find that it's covered in small barbs
  2984. "Maybe I don't want to be happy."
  2985. >to prove your point, you pull the thorny blob closer
  2986. >and you pull it closer still, til you look down and see that you're bleeding
  2987. >the man, for some reason, doesn't seem disturbed by this in the slightest
  2988. >"Why not?"
  2989. "Because fuck yourself, that's why."
  2990. >the man throws up his hands mock-defensively
  2991. >"Whoah, rude."
  2992. >you merely scowl at him
  2993. >"All right, fine. So you won't do it for yourself, sure. There's probably not much hope in telling you to do it for Twilight Sparkle, is there?"
  2994. "Why the fuck-"
  2995. >"Because she stopped. Because she apologized. Because she's spent the past 13 years trying to make it up to you in every way she could."
  2996. >you lash out to strike the man
  2997. >but your hoof passes through his phantom image harmlessly
  2998. >so you scream at him instead
  2999. "Get out! Get out! Get away from me!"
  3000. >"All right you little shit. How about…"
  3001. >rough hands are grasping your head
  3002. >turning your gaze
  3003. >the man makes you look at Ruby
  3004. >"Her? How about your only friend in the whole world? How about the one sentient creature you know who puts up with your bullshit?"
  3005. "What the fuck does she have to do with this?"
  3006. >"She's worn down because of you! Because she cares about-"
  3007. "No! Her job-"
  3008. >"This magic can heal her, but it's only going to work if you-"
  3009. "You're so full of shit! This is between me and Twilight Sparkle, and nobody else. Ruby will be just fine."
  3010. >"Then what about me?!"
  3011. >stunned into silence at last, you stare into the man's eyes blankly
  3012. >"I'm the one she killed, aren't I?"
  3013. "You… you're…"
  3014. >you're stammering now
  3015. >desperate to say something
  3016. >but you're not sure what
  3017. >"We were never the type to hold a grudge."
  3018. >your hatred is heavy
  3019. >it's searing cold to the touch
  3020. >it's covered in hundreds of little barbs that eagerly dig into your flesh and make you hurt
  3021. >you can't deny that your life would be… happier without it
  3022. >nor can you deny, deep down in your heart, that letting it go now would make for a beautiful experience
  3023. >but you frown
  3024. >because, even so
  3025. >your hatred is yours
  3026. >and the blade of your gentle whisper slips through the man's ribs and pierces his heart before you
  3027. "No. That was you."
  3028. >a triumph at last
  3029. >the man's eyes grow wide
  3030. >he steps back, his arms raised as though to ward off your words
  3031. >you twist the knife
  3032. >and drive your victory home
  3033. "But I'm not you, am I?"
  3034. >finally, the man looks down
  3035. >"No."
  3036. >and he turns around
  3037. >"I guess you're not."
  3038. >and he walks away
  3039. >you watch him til he disappears through the wall
  3040. >time begins again
  3041. >things start to move almost faster than you can think
  3042. >your hate plunges into your chest like a dull blade
  3043. >and it spills back out of your heart
  3044. >tainting the red light
  3045. >tainting all of the lights
  3046. >the lights, which you've only just noticed formed a rainbow, are all rapidly darkening
  3047. >all around you swirls the incomprehensible sight of black light
  3048. >and on the other end of the hall
  3049. >a shriek
  3051. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  3052. >as soon as Celestia leaves your room, you dive back into Chrysalis' mind
  3053. >you need to know how things are progressing
  3054. >but when you find her senses
  3055. >something is wrong
  3056. >everything is loud and black
  3057. >and everything hurts
  3058. >within a few seconds, you're sent flying back into your own senses with a painful jolt
  3059. >frantically, you search for her ego in the aether
  3060. >but it's not there
  3061. >and cold drops of sweat roll down your face as you wonder…
  3062. >what just happened?
  3064. >you are Anon
  3065. >your companions are stumbling about the hall
  3066. >staggering and groaning as they try to make sense of what just happened
  3067. >Ruby, with grey streaks in her mane and thick, black rings under her eyes, rubs her head in pain
  3068. >"Is that… what friendship is supposed to do?"
  3069. >Red, cradling a fresh, deep cut over her eye, manages to growl out a reply
  3070. >"Yeah… I don't think so."
  3071. >Silver Locket points a cracked hoof at the object at the other end of the hall
  3072. >"I think we won, though."
  3073. >Sketchy has already trotted up to the object and begun poking it, with a manic grin plastered on her ghostly face
  3074. >"Cool…"
  3075. >the object at the other end of the hall is a smoking, charred husk of some hard, black material
  3076. >it's definitely not alive
  3078. Part 5:
  3080. >after the little adventure in Ponyville, everyone went their own way
  3081. >Ruby and Locket went back to their shops
  3082. >in unrelated news, the owners of a certain jewelry franchise are facing criticism after laughing off complaints about a new line of rings which leave green marks on their wearers
  3083. >Red went back to the sea
  3084. >in unrelated news, the clock tower in Trottingham was struck by a cannonball fired from a pirate vessel off its coast
  3085. >Sketchy went back to her art
  3086. >in unrelated news, a controversial pencil sketch depicting a mare with sharp teeth graphically eating a little filly has been banned from the Canterlot Art Gallery
  3087. >you are Anon
  3088. >since the moment you were reborn a second time
  3089. >it has been 18 days
  3090. >23 hours
  3091. >and 12 minutes
  3092. >the black rainbow did something to you
  3093. >you can do things now
  3094. >things you never dreamed were possible
  3095. >the creature which stalks Canterlot in your place is effectively not you
  3096. >though it looks as you've looked these past 13 years
  3097. >and though you can hear all of its thoughts
  3098. >it is not you
  3099. >it is better than you
  3100. >it has the power to avenge you upon your enemy
  3101. >and you submit to it gladly
  3102. >because tonight
  3103. >it will happen
  3104. >you ascend the steps to Canterlot Castle
  3106. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  3107. >Night Court has been a rare occurrence since Princess Luna stepped down
  3108. >after all, you're only one princess
  3109. >you barely have time for Day Court alone
  3110. >but you haven't been able to sleep for over two weeks now
  3111. >so you stay up late
  3112. >and you try to take your mind off of your own problems by helping others with theirs
  3113. >it's surprising just how many ponies are willing to stay up deep into the night just to levy their concerns onto you
  3114. >Equestria must be a place with a lot of problems
  3115. >you're only half focused on the pair of pegasi as they argue over...
  3116. >what? a cloud?
  3117. >"Ah, Princess?"
  3118. >oh
  3119. >they expect input from you now
  3120. "Hm..."
  3121. >you put on a thoughtful face
  3122. >and you take a long sip from a giant coffee mug befitting a giant alicorn
  3123. >Sun, do you need the caffeine
  3124. "I think you both have some valid concerns. Have you tried looking at this from each other's point of view?"
  3125. >you try to focus on the issues this time as they descend once more into a shouting match in your court
  3126. >but your mind keeps drifting to that night
  3127. >it's not that you're particularly upset over what happened to Chrysalis
  3128. >sure, it's shocking and it's definitely not what you wanted for her
  3129. >but she was, after all, a lost cause
  3130. >it's just that...
  3131. >friendship magic doesn't... do that
  3132. >no form of light magic does
  3133. >the question that's keeping you up at night is
  3134. >if that wasn't light magic
  3135. >what did it do to Anon?
  3136. >you haven't heard from her even once since it happened
  3137. >not even to request an endorsement for her latest novel, which hit bookstores about a week after it happened
  3138. >you did have a copy picked up, hoping to glean something about her mindset
  3139. >it was, as always, far too dark for your tastes
  3140. >but it seems like the book was actually written before it happened
  3141. >you shudder
  3142. >if that was how she thought before that day...
  3143. >then how does she think now?
  3144. >of course, there's no guarantee that the violent, black light you saw through Chrysalis' eyes was necessarily...
  3145. >dark magic
  3146. >right?
  3147. >but what if it was?
  3148. >if you were hoping that light magic would help Anon to forgive you...
  3149. >what would dark magic have done to her?
  3150. >around and around your thoughts go
  3151. >riding the same merry-go-round they've ridden for 18 nights in a row
  3152. >always arriving at the same, useless conclusion:
  3153. >if only you'd never experimented with dark magic
  3154. >if only you'd never been cruel to Anon
  3155. >your mistake cannot be erased
  3156. >cannot be ignored
  3157. >the prospect of living with it forever bears upon your shoulder like a lead weight
  3158. >at the far end of the court, a ruckus arises and shuts down the carousel in your mind
  3159. <"Trust me, she'll see me."
  3160. >that voice
  3161. >for some reason, it fills you with nameless dread
  3162. >there some scuffling noises as your guards apparently wrestle with someone who's cut the line
  3163. <"Hey Twilight! It's me, Anonymous! I wanna talk, let me in!"
  3164. >your response comes instantly and without thought
  3165. "Send her in!"
  3166. >the sound of scuffling stops
  3167. >and a small figure makes its way toward your throne
  3168. >you're not sure why she's wrapped in a dark brown cloak
  3169. >as far as you're aware, it's not scheduled to rain tonight
  3170. >the pegasi who came to petition you aren't very happy about the turn of events
  3171. >"Hey, princess, what about us?"
  3172. "Uh... yeah... so, just, uh, cut the cloud in half and whoever's not okay with that gets to keep it."
  3173. >you don't give them a chance to respond
  3174. "Uh, guards. Escort these two out of here, please. Actually, everyone out. Night Court is closed."
  3175. >you take wing and glide down to the floor below
  3176. "I need to speak with this filly. Alone."
  3178. >you are Anon
  3179. >you didn't need Twilight Sparkle to clear the court room
  3180. >her guards can't stop you now
  3181. >however, you're not opposed to being alone with her for this
  3182. >after all, there's no need for anyone else to get caught up in your judgment
  3183. >so you wait for the last of the guards to trickle out
  3184. >and for the great doors to slam shut behind them
  3185. >finally, you look up into her eyes
  3186. >carefully, so the hood of the cloak doesn't slip back to reveal your "gift" too soon
  3187. <"H...hey Anon."
  3188. >she's smiling now, a futile attempt to seem intimate
  3189. >you can't help noticing that her gaze is aimed more at your hooves than your face
  3190. "Hey, you."
  3191. >a single nervous chuckle convulses from her throat
  3192. <"You seem... more cheerful than usual tonight."
  3193. "I feel more cheerful than usual tonight."
  3194. <"That's... that's good. Did the, uh, adventure go well? I never got a chance to ask."
  3195. "Man, it went great."
  3196. <"Really?"
  3197. "You have no idea. I think I finally know who I'm supposed to be."
  3198. >at last, her gaze slides up, into your eyes
  3199. <"Anon, that's wonderful. Who... who do you want to be?"
  3200. >oh, FUCK yes
  3201. >her eyes
  3202. >they're wide as saucers
  3203. >shimmering with tears
  3204. >spiderwebbed with thin, red veins
  3205. >she's so...
  3206. >vulnerable
  3207. >it goes straight to your head in an almighty rush
  3208. >like the finest, strongest cocaine
  3209. >you can't contain yourself for an instant longer
  3210. "Your reckoning."
  3211. >you grasp your cloak with your teeth and tear it from your body
  3212. >your "gift" blazes with pitch black light
  3213. >she doesn't even have time to scream
  3215. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  3216. >you wake up sprawled on the floor of your court room
  3217. >why are you here?
  3218. >you're not sure
  3219. >but you pull yourself to your hooves with a groan
  3220. >looking around, everything seems...
  3221. >strange, somehow
  3222. >then you see her
  3223. >that's right
  3224. >Anon came to you tonight
  3225. >apart from her shuddering breaths as she stares at you with pinprick eyes, she is now sitting perfectly still some five feet away from you
  3226. >the fact that she's spewing green smoke from her eyes is worrying enough
  3227. >even worse, there's a smooth, black horn jutting from her forehead that was definitely not there before
  3228. >but the part that really scares you?
  3229. >she's taller than you
  3230. >she's still a filly
  3231. >but she's taller than you
  3232. "Anon? What... what... what did you do?"
  3233. >there is no response
  3234. "Anon? Did you make yourself bigger?"
  3235. >outside, the wind can be heard howling against the castle walls
  3236. >which is odd, because there wasn't a storm planned for tonight
  3237. "Or did you... make me shorter?"
  3238. >did her eye twitch?
  3239. >is that a yes?
  3240. "Anon... you're going down a dangerous path here. I've been there. You should... stop... before you do something you'll regret."
  3241. >why won't she answer you?
  3242. >ice cold talons wrap themselves around your heart
  3243. "I don't want to hurt you, Anon. I know this isn't your fault. But I'll defend myself if I have to!"
  3244. >she's... just...
  3245. >sitting there!
  3246. >you can't take it anymore
  3247. >you have to get out of here
  3248. >gather up your friends
  3249. >put a stop to this
  3250. >you'll have to spill your secret
  3251. >but you can't let your past mistakes threaten Equestria like this
  3252. >hopefully your friends can forgive you
  3253. >because Anon definitely can't
  3254. >you gather up your energy
  3255. >and focus it into a teleportation spell
  3256. >and...
  3257. >nothing happens?
  3258. >again and again the spell fails you
  3259. >your knees are shaking
  3260. >it's getting hard to breathe
  3261. >you're desperate
  3262. >so, in the back of your mind
  3263. >you tear down the wall
  3264. >and you reach for your old, hidden hatred
  3265. >you reach for dark magic
  3266. >hopefully you don't fall too hard if you only use it to escape
  3267. >but again
  3268. >even with dark magic
  3269. >the teleportation spell fails
  3270. "Why... why..."
  3271. >you touch a stubby hoof to your forehead
  3272. >and
  3273. >there
  3274. >is
  3275. >no
  3276. >horn
  3277. "You... you turned me into an earth filly?!"
  3278. >no
  3279. "No."
  3280. >no
  3281. "No..."
  3282. >in your heart, you have already failed
  3283. >when your moment of weakness came, you sought to repeat your greatest mistake
  3284. >you reached for dark magic
  3285. >and
  3286. >it
  3287. >was
  3288. >all
  3289. >for
  3290. >nothing
  3291. >but even without dark magic to accompany it...
  3292. >hate floods your heart
  3293. >and you can't hold your tongue any longer
  3294. "It wasn't my fault! You laughed at me! You're a monster!"
  3295. >you stamp your little hoof to emphasize your meaningless wrath
  3296. >finally, Anonymous stands
  3297. <"There she is."
  3298. "Y-you..."
  3299. <"The real you, at last."
  3300. >and, even as she immobilizes you
  3301. >procures a long, thin blade from nothing
  3302. >advances menacingly
  3303. >there is only one thought you can think:
  3304. "Y-you laughed at me..."
  3305. >a flash of magic, and your lips are sealed shut
  3306. >glossy, black wings like bones unfold from Anonymous' body til they fill the whole court room
  3307. >and there
  3308. >in the great, empty chamber
  3309. >she laughs at you
  3311. >you are Celestia
  3312. >these past couple weeks in your old palace have proved a relaxing break from your travels
  3313. >you woke up this morning before the Sunrise
  3314. >which you found odd, since it was past 9 o' clock
  3315. >poor Twilight must have overslept
  3316. >but at least that means she finally got some sleep last night
  3317. >the poor thing has been worried sick over that errand she sent Anonymous on a while back
  3318. >you admit, you giggled a little as you seized the opportunity to raise the Sun yourself
  3319. >but afterwards, you decided to check on your old student
  3320. >for some reason, she wasn't in her bed chamber
  3321. >and now you're wandering the castle a bit aimlessly, wondering where she might be
  3322. >finally, you pass by the great doors to the court room
  3323. >a pair of guards stand watch at the door, saluting you as you look at them
  3324. "At ease, gentlecolts. Have either of you seen Princess Twilight?"
  3325. >"Guys we relieved said she canceled Night Court and kicked everyone out. As far as anyone knows, she's been in the court room since last night."
  3326. "That's odd. Was it passed down to you why she did that?"
  3327. >the guard shakes his head
  3328. >"They said some filly barged in, and the princess just wanted to be alone with her."
  3329. >your heart skips a beat
  3330. >you can actually feel the soft smile slide off of your face
  3331. >there's only one filly they could be talking about here
  3332. "I need to get in there."
  3333. >without waiting for the guards to permit you, you grab both doors with your magic
  3334. >and fling them open
  3335. >and you scream
  3336. >the court room
  3337. >is red
  3338. >and there
  3339. >in the center of it all
  3340. >a filly stands atop an indistinct pile of red and yellow mush
  3341. >clenching a strip of something long and purple in her teeth
  3342. >shaking it like a dog
  3343. >snarling like one, too
  3344. >when, after several seconds, she notices you, she doesn't spit the object out
  3345. >but she smiles and waves
  3346. >and she speaks with her mouth full of crimson slush and purple hairs
  3347. ^"Oh, hey, princess. I didn't know you were in town."
  3348. >a happy little giggle
  3349. ^"I, uh, think there's an opening for your old job."
  3350. >and in the back of your mind
  3351. >a dam breaks
  3352. >so
  3353. >in the great hall of the palace
  3354. >you hate
  3355. >and you know
  3356. >there's going to be a reckoning

Horse Confessions

by Writefag_Roulette

Anon Tried to Kill Himself

by Writefag_Roulette

Rubehog Day: Ruby Destination (/pone/ CYOA)

by Writefag_Roulette

The Skintrotter

by Writefag_Roulette

Legend of the Wandering Autist

by Writefag_Roulette