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Green Eyes

By Writefag_Roulette
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-20 14:36:52
Expiry: Never

  2. Green Eyes
  4. >your name is Spike
  5. >you are a dragon
  6. >at thirteen years old, you are still considered a "baby" dragon
  7. >why precisely you've woken up in the woods just now is beyond your understanding
  8. >on the bright side, it looks like you didn't come alone
  9. >you tap her on the shoulder to wake her up
  10. "Applejack. Applejack, wake up."
  11. >Applejack groans
  12. >rolls over
  13. >and her eyes crack open
  14. >then she scrambles to her hooves
  15. <"Who-wha-wher-wh-!"
  16. >then she looks at you
  17. <"Spike? Why are we about three days deep in the Everfree Forest?"
  18. >you shrug
  19. "I dunno. I couldn't even tell it was the Everfree til you said so just now."
  20. <"Well I think it's the Everfree, at any rate. The trees don't get this thick in the Whitetail."
  21. >Applejack looks up
  22. <"Besides, I think I've been this way before."
  23. >then she looks down
  24. <"Eh, maybe."
  25. >and back up
  26. <"Probably?"
  27. >you kick the dirt
  28. "How can you tell? There's no trails here."
  29. >she shrugs
  30. <"Sometimes big ponies gotta head off the beaten path. You'll understand when you're older."
  31. "Uh huh."
  32. <"And anyway, I like to think I'm something of a woodsmare."
  33. "So which way back to Ponyville?"
  34. <"Eh, good question."
  35. >Applejack licks her hoof and sticks it up in the air
  36. >then she gestures in a seemingly random direction with her head
  37. <"That way, I reckon."
  38. "Pure woodsmare's instinct?"
  39. >she shrugs
  40. <"More or less."
  41. >then she starts walking
  42. <"Coming?"
  43. >three days alone in the woods with Applejack?
  44. >well
  45. >it could be worse
  46. >you could have gotten Fluttershy
  48. >night time
  49. >the first night
  50. >Applejack offered to stand watch the entire night
  51. >however, you've just been woken up by the sound of her snores
  52. >so you guess it's your turn to stand watch
  53. >she's a weirdly loud snorer
  54. >you sit up
  55. >it's dark
  56. >you've read that dragons have excellent night vision
  57. >you've also read that they don't develop this til their adolescence
  58. >so, you know, their thirties at the soonest
  59. >it's really dark
  60. >it's funny, almost
  61. >it's hard to imagine anything more frightening than a dragon in the dark
  62. >in a way, you're the scariest thing out here
  63. >you might be a little on the young side, but you're no creme puff
  64. >you've got a thick hide
  65. >sharp claws
  66. >relatively big teeth
  67. >in the distance, something rustles
  68. >you flinch violently
  69. >okay, so you're a little bit scared
  70. >because what you don't have is night vision
  71. >it's really, really dark
  72. >so dark
  73. >no matter how long you stare into it, your eyes just won't adjust
  74. >you're sweating a little
  75. >it wouldn't hurt to have a little light, would it?
  76. >you let out a small stream of fire from your mouth
  77. >for an instant, the clearing is bathed in emerald light
  78. >it's long enough for you to spot a decent stick nearby
  79. >you smile as you grab it
  80. >firey breath is one thing you've got that probably no other monster in the Everfree's got
  81. >no, wait, scratch that
  82. >there are dragons living here
  83. >big dragons
  84. >real dragons
  85. >didn't Twilight tell you that you're not a real dragon just the other day?
  86. >okay, no, not thinking about that now
  87. >in the distance, a pair of eyes opens
  88. >just as green as your flame, and just as bright
  89. >quickly, you light the end of your stick on fire
  90. >in the light of your makeshift torch, the eyes vanish
  91. >and Applejack goes on snoring
  92. >you sigh
  93. >it's gonna be a long night
  95. >day two
  96. >it was a long night
  97. <"Who-wha-wher-wh-!"
  98. >no sooner than she's awake, Applejack snaps to a mortified attention
  99. "Morning, sleepyhead."
  100. >she groans
  101. <"I take it I didn't stand the watch all night."
  102. "It's fine. I woke up."
  103. <"You stayed up?"
  104. "Yeah."
  105. >she looks down
  106. <"I don't like that?"
  107. "Hm?"
  108. <"Young folks oughtta get their rest."
  109. "I'm old enough."
  110. <"Besides, there's thing in these parts of the woods..."
  111. "Applejack?"
  112. <"Hm?"
  113. "It was fine. Really."
  114. >she blinks
  115. <"All right. I trust you, Spike."
  116. "I don't see why you wouldn't."
  117. <"You're right. Forget about it."
  118. >Applejack glances around the forest canopy, frowning
  119. <"All right, then. Right this way."
  120. >the day is surprisingly uneventful
  121. >no monsters
  122. >no gorges
  123. >no rivers
  124. >not even any big rocks, really
  125. >you wonder if Applejack might have been wrong
  126. >maybe this is just the Whitetail Woods
  127. >but if she was wrong about the forest, couldn't she have been wrong about how deep you are in it?
  128. >that's not something you want to believe right now
  129. >besides, what about those eyes from last night?
  130. >probably a timber wolf, right?
  131. >and timber wolves don't live in the Whitetail
  132. >right?
  133. <"Hold on now, Spike."
  134. "Hm?"
  135. <"We'll break here for lunch."
  136. "Uh, where's lunch at?"
  137. <"Right here."
  138. >Applejack plucks a hoofful of dandelions from the ground and munches on them
  139. "What do I eat?"
  140. <"Don't you eat rocks?"
  141. "I eat gems."
  142. <"Same thing."
  143. >is it?
  144. >you scour the ground for a rock of some kind
  145. >finally, you find one about the size of a bit
  146. >and proceed to nearly chip a tooth on it
  147. "No. It is not."
  148. >Applejack tosses you a clump from her growing pile of Everfree salad
  149. >not your favorite
  150. >but it should be edible
  151. "Thanks."
  152. >you eat your grass in silence for a while
  153. <"Say, Spike."
  154. "Hm?"
  155. <"Does it seem like..."
  156. "What?"
  157. <"Does it seem like we ain't going anywhere?"
  158. >you glance up
  159. >and shrug
  160. "I dunno. All these trees look the same to me."
  161. <"But doesn't this look sort of like the spot we woke up in?"
  162. "I don't... think so?"
  163. >Applejack smiles
  164. <"You're right, you're right. It's fine. Probably."
  165. "Okay?"
  166. >Applejack frowns
  167. <"But what were you doing before you woke up here?"
  168. "Uh..."
  169. >fighting with Twilight
  170. "Talking with Twilight?"
  171. <"Friendly-like talking?"
  172. "Uh... No?"
  173. <"Okay. Okay. Well, I reckon we've stayed long enough. Let's get a move on."
  174. "Applejack?"
  175. <"Hm?"
  176. "Do you know something?"
  177. <"No, no. I don't know anything. Not really, anyway."
  178. "Applejack."
  179. <"What?"
  180. "You're a terrible liar."
  181. <"So what? Let's go."
  183. >night two
  184. >true to her word, Applejack nudges you awake in the dark forest
  185. >her voice comes from somewhere nearby in the sea of pitch black
  186. <"All right, that was most of the night. You shouldn't have to be up too long now."
  187. "Thanks."
  188. <"Now if you see anything weird, you come let me know, you hear?"
  189. >you sit up
  190. "I thought I saw a timber wolf last night. Does that count?"
  191. <"A timber wolf?"
  192. "Yeah."
  193. <"You saw it? As in, you really saw it?"
  194. "I saw its eyes. You know, all shiny and green."
  195. >a pause
  196. <"I don't think there are timber wolves in this part of the woods."
  197. "Why not?"
  198. >another pause
  199. <"Never mind that. Let me know if you see any more... timber wolves, you hear?"
  200. "Applejack."
  201. <"Hm?"
  202. "What is it you're not telling me?"
  203. >a silence
  204. "You said you trusted me."
  205. >a sigh
  206. <"I know. I do. And you got a right to know. It's just... I don't know how to say it."
  207. "Say what?"
  208. <"I just need some time to get my thoughts together. We can talk about it tomorrow."
  209. >silence
  210. >absolute, utter silence
  211. >it's strange, when you think about it
  212. >a forest, even a weird forest like the Everfree, should be full of sound at night
  213. >bugs
  214. >birds
  215. >wind
  216. >but tonight, there's just nothing
  217. >a weird thought comes into your mind
  218. >no sound
  219. >no sight
  220. >maybe this is sort of what it's like to not exist
  221. >you told Twilight you wished that she didn't exist just the other day
  222. >you sigh
  223. "It's weird how a fight over chores can get so nasty."
  224. <"It's not too weird. Happens to me all the time on the farm."
  225. >you start
  226. "You're still awake?"
  227. <"Not for too much longer, I hope."
  228. "You should get some sleep."
  229. <"So you had a fight with Twilight?"
  230. "I don't wanna talk about it."
  231. >a pause
  232. <"You're right. I don't wanna talk about it either."
  233. >a yawn
  234. <"It's just... I think something like this has happened to me before..."
  235. "What?"
  236. >and in the dark, silent forest
  237. >the silence is broken by Applejack's snores
  238. >you sigh
  239. >and start looking for a stick to set on fire
  241. >day 3
  242. >when the lighting in the campsite is more gray than green, you put out the fire
  243. >Applejack rolls over and sits up not long after
  244. >for a while she doesn't say anything
  245. >just looks down and frowns
  246. >then she nods
  247. <"All right. I said this sort of thing had happened to me before already, right?
  248. "Yeah."
  249. <"You got into a fight the other day?"
  250. "Uh huh."
  251. <"Probably went to bed that night feeling real bad?"
  252. >you blink
  253. "Well, sure."
  254. <"Not like sorry, but just mad?"
  255. "What are you getting at?"
  256. <"You did, didn't you?"
  257. "Okay, sure, fine, I did. So what?"
  258. <"So did I. The other day, and when I was about your age."
  259. "And you woke up here?"
  260. >she nods
  261. <"I got out all right, but it was the scariest thing I'd ever done."
  262. "Pure woodsmare's instinct."
  263. >she smiles
  264. <"Ain't no such thing, sugarcube. But it is a... feeling of some sort."
  265. "What kind of feeling?"
  266. <"The kind of feeling where you're so scared and you miss your family so bad that you walk through a dark forest for three days and three nights without stopping."
  267. "That kind of feeling?"
  268. <"Well, I'm not so scared this time around, but it still feels like I'm moving toward what I want more than anything else in the whole world. It's that kind of feeling."
  269. "And you think that kind of feeling is enough to get us home?"
  270. <"I thought so, but there's one thing that's worrying me."
  271. "What?"
  272. <"This is the same clearing we woke up in yesterday. And the day before that."
  273. "You're sure?"
  274. <"I'm sure."
  275. "Maybe we're just going in circles?"
  276. <"I don't think so. I think it's some kind of magic."
  277. "Magic?"
  278. <"Spike, the thing I saw when I was little, the thing that scared me so bad I kept moving for three days straight... It had bright green eyes, but it wasn't a timber wolf."
  279. >something tenses in your chest
  280. "I don't think I want to know what it was."
  281. <"It was something that looked like my own big brother..."
  282. >you swallow
  283. <"... Who I'd fought with just the day before."
  284. >you try to chuckle
  285. "Oh, come on. You're just trying to scare me."
  286. <"I am trying to scare you. Because I think you're the reason we ain't going nowhere."
  287. >you cough
  288. "Well... what makes you say that?"
  289. <"Spike. Do you miss Twilight?"
  291. >night 3
  292. >for the umpteenth time, you roll over in the dark
  293. >do you miss Twilight?
  294. >should you?
  295. >so soon after the fight, it's easy to lie here and think about all the bad times you've had with her
  296. >but there were good times too
  297. >weren't there?
  298. >it's harder to think of those
  299. >how long have you been awake like this?
  300. >it's obvious you're not going to get any sleep
  301. >you sit up
  302. "Hey Applejack."
  303. >she doesn't respond
  304. >but you figure she's looking at you now
  305. "Why don't you go to sleep now? I'll get the rest of the night."
  306. >but in the darkness
  307. >there is silence
  308. "Applejack?"
  309. >you let loose a quick jet of flame
  310. >you didn't spot her, but you did notice a nice stick
  311. >you pick it up and light it
  312. "Applejack?"
  313. >but the clearing
  314. >is empty
  315. >dragons have an excellent sense of smell, don't they?
  316. >you take a deep breath
  317. >but if you ever knew Applejack's scent, you don't smell anything like it now
  318. >as you wander about the clearing, you spot something shining in the dirt
  319. >you poke it with a claw and sniff it
  320. >it's water
  321. >it's kind of salty, but it doesn't smell bad like sweat
  322. >a tear, maybe?
  323. >maybe that whole 'excellent sense of smell' thing is just for grown-up dragons
  324. >like the night vision
  325. >and Twilight's respect
  326. >you shake your head
  327. >and in the eerie glow of the green torch
  328. >you are alone
  330. >alone
  331. >alone in the woods
  332. >how long have you been alone here for?
  333. >your stick is almost burnt out, and the flames are licking your claws
  334. >it doesn't hurt
  335. >but this never happened on any of the other nights
  336. >shouldn't the Sun have come up by now?
  337. >why is it still dark out?
  338. >the flame begins to sputter
  339. >there's no more wood for it to burn beyond what's in your grasp
  340. >you drop the stick
  341. >it hits the dirt, burnt end first
  342. >the clearing goes dark
  343. >perfect
  344. >no nobody can see what happens next
  345. >nobody sees you when you take a seat on the ground
  346. >or when you flop down onto your back
  347. >or when, for some reason, your face gets wet
  348. >only baby dragons cry
  349. >a real dragon could have flown away by now
  350. >a real dragon could have burned down the whole forest on his way out
  351. >only a baby dragon would sit here like this
  352. >only a baby could feel so helpless
  353. /"Spike?"
  354. >you sit up
  355. >that was HER voice
  356. >and there in the woods
  357. >is a pair of bright green eyes
  358. >no, it's not a timber wolf
  359. >it never was
  360. >you can see that now
  361. >those eyes are too big
  362. >too close together
  363. >only a pony has eyes like that
  364. >only a pony's eyes don't glow
  365. >''"Spike?"''
  366. >you leap to your feet
  367. >turn around
  368. >and run in a straight line
  369. >you stumble over roots
  370. >smack into branches
  371. >get caught in thick brush
  372. >but it doesn't matter
  373. >because you know you're running straight toward the thing you want most right now
  374. >and you want, more than anything, to be home again
  376. >in the darkness, you stumble and fall
  377. >crashing through thick brush of some kind, you close your eyes
  378. >and when you open them, it is no longer dark
  379. >you're looking at a wood floor in a brightly-lit room
  380. /"Spike! You're home!"
  381. >you look up
  382. >the door to the library hangs open behind you
  383. >Twilight and Applejack stand smiling before you
  384. >was all that some kind of weird dream then?
  385. >Applejack winks at you
  386. >no, probably not a dream then
  387. "Yeah, I... guess I am."
  388. >you stand up
  389. /"I'm sorry, Spike. I should have gone after you when you stormed out an hour ago and tried to apologize, but I was too mad."
  390. "An hour ago?"
  391. >Applejack shrugs
  392. /"Spike, I'm sorry for saying those things to you."
  393. "I'm sorry too, Twilight."
  394. >you walk over to her
  395. >and wrap your claws around one of her legs
  396. "I'm just glad I got to see you again."

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