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The Caretaker

By Writefag_Roulette
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-20 19:13:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Dedicated to the /mlpol/ frens who welcomed /pone/ refugees during the 8chan Shoah, and their weird Anon Filly meme.
  4. Disclaimer: Apparently somebody copied this story and put it into the jewgle doc for some general on /mlp/. Just to clear things up on that front, I had nothing to do with that, don't post in that general, and haven't posted on /mlp/ since 2014.
  6. >you are known throughout Equestria as Anonymous the Man
  7. >in the years since you've arrived in this strange world, you've been:
  8. >a scholar
  9. >a hero
  10. >a cowboy
  11. >a scientist
  12. >a gunslinger
  13. >an archaeologist
  14. >a pirate
  15. >a craftsman
  16. >and much, much more
  17. >okay, all of those points are somewhat exaggerated
  18. >the point is, you've lived a little
  19. >the point is, you're a grown ass man
  20. >the point is
  21. "Twilight, I do not need a babysitter."
  22. >by a stupendous fuckup of magic, you've been transformed into a small filly
  23. >oddly enough, this isn't the first time something like this has happened in your journeys
  24. >but this time, it's Twilight's fault
  25. ^"Anon, we're already on the train for the Crystal Empire, and I really need to get started on this adventure. Just… try not to think of Flurry Heart as a babysitter. Think of her as… a caretaker. For your time of need."
  26. "I can take care of myself."
  27. ^"And how are you planning on eating? I think you've fairly well proven that you can't cook with those hooves."
  28. "There's takeout."
  29. ^"On whose bits?"
  30. >you snort
  31. >princess of a whole damn town
  32. >somehow can't spare the bits for a weekend's meals
  33. >for the guy she turned into a helpless filly
  34. ^"Everything's gonna be just fine, Anon. You'll see. Just one weekend with Flurry Heart, then in a year the potion to turn you back will be ready, and then-"
  35. "A year?! A whole damn fuckcuntering shitniggering fagtastic year?! When were you planning on telling me this?"
  36. ^"Anon, changing someone's species, sex, or age, even temporarily, it's pretty complex magic. To do all three at the same time, and have the effects be permanent? It takes a little time."
  37. >Twilight eyes you wearily
  38. ^"And because you didn't want to go quite back to your natural age, it's even more complicated."
  39. >you throw up your hands
  40. >hooves
  41. >fuck
  42. "I mean, shit, if we just so happen to be changing my age anyway, I wouldn't mind being 20 again. What's so wrong with that?"
  43. >Twilight rolls her eyes
  44. "Oh, what do you know? You're gonna stay 17 forever."
  45. >your purple riding companion's face does that scrunchy thing that ponies sometimes do
  46. ^"I was 19 when I ascended.
  47. >awkward silence reigns over the desolate train car
  48. >the other passengers moved to other cars some time ago
  49. >Twilight sniffs
  50. ^"You know, the spell I messed up was designed to find you and bring you to me. I knew I had this adventure coming up and I wanted to see you first."
  51. >your eyelid twitches involuntarily
  52. "And…?"
  53. ^"And…"
  54. >Twilight sticks her nose in the air
  55. ^"None of this would have happened if you hadn't been avoiding me."
  56. >you flop out of your seat
  57. >and rise to your hooves before your tormentor
  58. "Oh, so now it's my fault! Well, let me tell you where you fucked up, you purple fucking horse, was when you put me in the body of a pre-adolescent filly! I've got twice as much estrogen as you do right now, and I can play your female mind games just the same- WHOAH!"
  59. >a cloud of purple magic hoists you into the air by your tail
  60. >something hard and hoof-like smacks into your soft filly tush
  61. "FUCK"
  62. >slap
  63. "SHIT"
  64. >slap
  65. "STOP"
  67. >Princess Cadance is craning her neck down at you
  68. >there's something of genuine confusion on her face
  69. /"My, Anon, you've, um, shrunk a bit since I last saw you."
  70. >Shining Armor snorts
  71. ~"Smells nicer, too."
  72. >Cadance ignores the comment
  73. /"Well it certainly has been a while, hasn't it? I don't think we've seen each other since… was it Flurry Heart's crystalling?"
  74. "No. You didn't invite me to that."
  75. >Cadance cringes
  76. /"Is that right? How odd. I could have sworn we invited all of Twilight's friends."
  77. ~"We did."
  78. >the princess of the north chuckles awkwardly and tugs at the golden yoke around her neck
  79. /"Well. It's really too bad that Twilight couldn't stick around to chat longer. But… Shining and I have to get going now, too. Our train to Los Pegasus is taking off in an hour."
  80. >you blink
  81. "Your sister-parenthesis-in-law-parenthesis is saving the world from yet another eldritch horror and you guys are going on vacation?"
  82. >Twilight's brother waves his hoof
  83. ~"It's fine. Nothing she hasn't done a million times before."
  84. >you have to admit, he's probably right
  85. >even Twilight herself seemed awful casual about it
  86. >for Twilight standards, anyway
  87. >Cadance coughs
  88. /"Anyway, we'll be going now. Flurry Heart should be in her room upstairs. You can't miss it, it's the same room you stayed in that one time."
  89. >the pair of them head out to not save Equestria
  90. /"Take good care of our Flurry now."
  92. >Flurry Heart is in the same room you stayed in that one time
  93. >that one time like 17 fucking years ago
  94. >as though you'd fucking remember where to go
  95. >you'd leave well enough alone and just make some dinner
  96. >but it seems rude to not let your host know you're here first
  97. >also, you need her to cook it for you
  98. >what?
  99. >how can you be expected to get anything done right without fingers?
  100. >anyway, weren't there servants and guards and stuff in this castle the last time you were here?
  101. >where the hell did they all go?
  102. >wait a second
  103. >that door right there looks like it could be the entrance to a teenage girl's room
  104. >posters of boybands taped up on it
  105. >fluffy hearts glued around those
  106. >oh, and one of those fluffy hearts is embroidered with the name "Flurry Heart"
  107. >you rap three sharp knocks on it
  108. <"Mom?"
  109. "Nope, just the strange man you're all alone in the house with."
  110. >the door opens
  111. >a light pink princess pony pokes her head out
  112. >she looks a little bit shorter than Twilight
  113. >but, in your present state, that's still tall enough to fucking tower over you
  114. <"Oh. You're that kid I'm supposed to be babysitting."
  115. "Kid? The last time I was in this town you were a sperm cell in your daddy's ballsack-"
  116. <"Ew! That's fucking disgusting!"
  117. "Listen, how about making us some dinner? I'm starving down here."
  118. >Flurry scoffs
  119. <"It's, like, 6 at night. Don't you have a bed time or something?"
  120. "You mean 6 in the afternoon?"
  121. <"No. I mean 6 at night."
  122. >Flurry Heart becomes the second alicorn princess today to turn her nose up at you
  123. <"It's, like, bedtime for little fillies."
  124. >the princess's horn glows
  125. >you instinctively clench your butt cheeks
  126. >POOF
  127. >when you open your eyes, you're locked in what seems to be a guest bedroom in the castle
  128. "BITCH"
  130. >sunlight filters dimly in through the thick crystal walls
  131. >you roll over
  132. >your limbs stretch out into your sight
  133. >your limbs?
  134. >hooves?
  135. >thick crystal walls?
  136. >is this the work of some kind of mad scientist?
  137. >again?
  138. >wait
  139. >no
  140. >that was just Twilight
  141. "Fucking damnit."
  142. >and you're still under the power of Flurry fucking Heart
  143. >you hop down to the floor
  144. >you've gotta piss
  145. >after a determined march to the door, you begin pounding on it as hard as you can
  146. >which isn't very hard, under the circumstances
  147. >so you throw in a little screeching
  148. "McFlurry! Let me out of here!"
  149. >silence is your answer
  150. "I'm gonna piss on the fucking floor if I don't get out of here!"
  151. >you're rearing up now, pounding with both forehooves
  152. "Flurry fucking Heart! I'm gonna-"
  153. >the door flies open
  154. >you go sprawling across the floor
  155. >an angry teenage alicorn sticks her head in the room
  156. <"It is 10 in the morning what do you want?!"
  157. "10 in the-"
  158. >you shake your head
  159. "Bitch, I gotta piss."
  160. >you squirm your way through Flurry Heart's legs into the passageway
  161. >you begin storming off toward the bathroom
  162. >wait a second
  163. "Hey, where's the bathroom?"
  165. >now that that's done
  166. >you seem to be free to roam about the castle
  167. >you're still hungry, so you decide to look for the kitchen
  168. >given how utterly unhelpful Flurry Heart has been, you're willing to give cooking with hooves another go
  169. >you mean, what's the worst that could happen?
  170. >a grease fire?
  171. >it's not like crystal burns down
  172. >making your way through long passages and winding stairs proves to be no easy task on stubby filly legs
  173. >somewhere on the ground floor, you notice a double set of swinging doors
  174. >the small windows set in them show that the room beyond is gleaming white
  175. >with your oversized filly head, you nudge open the doors and tumble inside
  176. >oh yeah, it's a kitchen
  177. >appliances, counters, utensils
  178. >it's even got big white hats hanging up on hooks
  179. >there's a big walk-in fridge, but you have to use a stool to reach the handle
  180. >inside the fridge, you look for something that seems easy to cook
  181. >something you're not likely to fuck up, even with these big goofy hooves
  182. >how about those eggs?
  183. >reaching into a low shelf with both hooves, you carefully pull out a carton of eggs
  184. >but as soon as the carton comes free of the shelf
  185. "Shit!"
  186. >and the eggs are on the floor, leaking yellow egg-fluids all over the place
  187. <"Hey!"
  188. >oh, shit, busted
  189. >the princess of teenaged angst is glaring at you from the entrance of the fridge
  191. <"You're making a giant mess!"
  192. "You wanna make my damn breakfast for me? Shut the fuck up."
  193. >Flurry Heart scoffs
  194. <"I'm not cooking for you. The palace has cooks for that."
  195. >the princess scans the room uncertainly
  196. <"I just need to find them…"
  197. >then her eyes lock onto something out of sight
  198. >she trots over to it
  199. >you get out of the fridge and follow her
  200. >she's looking at something on a counter, but it's too high for you to see
  201. >then she magically levitates the object in front of her face
  202. >it's a note
  203. <"Dear Flurry. I gave the servants the weekend off. There's plenty of stuff in the fridge for you and…"
  204. >she squints
  205. <"How do you say that? Ah-non-er… Uh-nan-ny…?"
  206. "Just call me Anon."
  207. <"There's plenty of stuff in the fridge for you and Anon to make food with. Love, Dad."
  208. "Well that explains that then. I thought it seemed awful empty here."
  209. >your companion offers no reply
  210. <"Uh, princess? Are you all right? McFlurry? Are you breathing?"
  212. <"What are we gonna do? How are we gonna eat? I'm gonna starve to death!"
  213. >the princess of moodiness suddenly seems a lot less moody
  214. >and a lot more panicked
  215. "Geez, calm down. First of all, nobody ever starved to death in two days. Second of all, you can just cook for yourself."
  216. <"Me? Cook? I don't know how to cook!"
  217. "It's not that hard. Just open up the fridge, I'll-"
  218. <"You can cook? Oh, thank the Heart. Here-"
  219. >the princess magically drops one of those big chef hats on your head, and a pile of cooking utensils in front of you
  220. "Well, I can cook theoretically, but…"
  221. >you stick a hoof into the pile of utensils, attempting, somehow, to grab a big wooden spoon
  222. "I can't really grip things."
  223. <"What do you mean you can't grip things?! It's the easiest shit in the world! You just…"
  224. >with physics-defying ease, Flurry Heart takes the spoon with her hoof and waves it around
  225. "What even are you doing? I have no idea what I'm seeing here."
  226. >and moodiness makes its triumphant comeback on Flurry Heart's face
  227. <"Ugh! How can you be this stupid?"
  228. "Listen. I'm fucking hungry. I assume you're fucking hungry. Just grab some shit and I'll tell you what to do with it."
  229. <"But that's servant work!"
  230. >it's really taking a lot of effort not to have a stroke right now
  231. "No, it's functional adult work."
  232. >Flurry blinks
  233. <"Adult work?"
  234. "Yeah, yeah, you'll be real grown-up once you can make your own food."
  235. >the princess of insecurity averts her eyes from yours and scowls
  236. <"Okay, fine. Just tell me what to do."
  237. "Good."
  238. >you push the stool over to the counter and climb on top
  239. "We'll start with something simple. You'll need peanut butter, jelly, and sliced bread."
  240. >with what you're sure is a needless waste of energy, Flurry Heart teleports the listed ingredients onto the table before her
  241. "Get a knife, too."
  242. >a giant fucking meat cleaver levitates from the pile of utensils
  243. "Not that fucking knife! Grab a butter knife."
  244. <"A what?"
  245. "A little knife. One that's not so sharp."
  246. >a steak-knife appears on the counter before Flurry Heart
  247. >close enough
  248. >also, why do herbivores have steak knives?
  249. >or meat cleavers, for that matter
  250. "Okay. Stick the knife into the peanut butter… take a big scoop of it… Good, now spread it out onto a slice of bread."
  251. >this, too, requires a few minutes of coaching
  252. >but in the end, you see one slice of bread with a thick layer peanut butter spread across its surface
  253. "That's not too bad. Now, onto the jelly. Wipe that-"
  254. >that's when the peanut butter on the bread catches fire
  255. "…"
  256. >you end up having bare bread-slices for breakfast
  258. >McFlurry sent you to "time-out" after breakfast
  259. <"Because I'm the babysitter, and I say so."
  260. >it doesn't seem she quite believes that you're old enough to be her dad
  261. >no matter
  262. >if you're going to be treated like a child
  263. >you can act like a child
  264. >before getting telepoofed to your guest-room, you stepped on that giant meat cleaver
  265. >on the flat of it, don't worry
  266. >you didn't know if it would work
  267. >but since it seems like the same thing as hoof-grabbing the thing, you figured that it might
  268. >now you're a small filly alone in a room with a big, sharp blade
  269. >grabbing the thing with your hooves is out of the fucking question
  270. >so, reluctantly, you take it up in your mouth
  271. >hopefully it doesn't give you AIDS
  272. >you rear up on your hind hooves
  273. >rest on the door with your forehooves
  274. >and bring the corner of the blade close to the lock
  275. >oh, sure, the cleaver is too big to pick the lock properly with
  276. >but if you jam it in enough times you might break the lock
  277. >there's an obvious risk somewhere in this plan
  278. >but you don't feel like thinking about that right now
  279. >now the nice thing about being turned into an earth pony
  280. >there'd probably be a steep learning curve to magic or wings
  281. >but earth pony superstrength?
  282. >that's intuitive enough
  283. >you smash the knife into the lock
  284. >and then
  285. >you do it again
  286. >and because that wasn't unsafe enough
  287. >you keep doing it til your neck is too sore to swing the blade anymore
  288. >at that point, you toss it onto the floor behind you and examine the lock
  289. >yep, it's definitely ruined
  290. >now, either you can open it
  291. >or it'll never be unlocked again
  292. >you're not entirely sure how this works, but shooting the lock always works in movies, so...
  293. >with your teeth around the doorknob, you...
  294. >open the door
  295. >all right
  296. >time for some mischief
  298. >actually, after roaming about the castle for a while, there's no obvious mischief to cause
  299. >yeah, you could break some shit
  300. >yeah, you could kick food all over the place
  301. >yeah, you could take a big horseshit all over the floor
  302. >but none of that is really speaking to you, you know?
  303. >eventually, you settle on grabbing the steak knife from the kitchen
  304. >you head up to the door of McFlurry's room with the handle in your mouth
  305. >no, this hasn't turned into a slasher
  306. >you put the tip of the blade to the surface of the door
  307. >unfortunately, you can't be very precice doing this with your mouth
  308. >but perhaps the art of what you're about to do lies within its very crudeness
  309. >you scratch out a curve
  310. >another curve below that
  311. >a straight-ish line protruding from the curves
  312. >parallel to that, another line
  313. >and, connecting those, one more line
  314. >you step back and admire your handiwork
  315. >or is that mouthiwork?
  316. >Flurry Heart's bedroom door is now graced with a big, poorly-drawn horsecock
  317. >you squint
  318. >actually, it's kind of faint
  319. >you can't really see it unless you're looking straight at it
  320. >better trace over it a few times
  321. >you're about to put the knife to the door again
  322. >when it's flung open
  323. <"What are you doing?!"
  325. "Eh wehr jeh, ehr-"
  326. >you spit the knife out
  327. "I was just, uh, trying to see about getting some lunch."
  328. >Flurry groans
  329. <"Fine. This time it better be easy."
  330. "Yes, of course, peanut butter and jelly was clearly too advanced for you."
  331. >the gangly princess stalks out of her room
  332. >you follow behind
  333. >but not before glancing back at the door
  334. >holy kek she really didn't notice
  335. >down in the kitchen, you instruct your pupil to grab a box of instant macaroni
  336. <"The fuck is that?"
  337. >right
  338. >you go diving through cabinets til you find what you're looking for
  339. "This."
  340. <"Ew, poor-people food."
  341. >ignoring that
  342. "Use that alicorn magic of yours to fill up that pot with water, and set it down on the stovetop right there."
  343. >now, you know what the audience is thinking
  344. >"but, Anon, if McFlurry can burn PB&J, why would you trust her with a hot stove?"
  345. >simple answer:
  346. >you wouldn't
  347. >while she's getting the water, you grab the wooden spoon and push the stool over to the stove
  348. >you clamber up the stool to the gratifying sight of a potful of water
  349. >at the flick of a switch, the magic-based heating element activates
  350. "Can you tear open that box and set it over here?"
  351. >Flurry brings the box
  352. >and also a question
  353. <"What are you gonna do here? I thought you couldn't cook."
  354. "I can't figure out how to make these hooves work, but I think I can stir a spoon with my mouth just fine."
  355. <"Is that sanitary?"
  356. "Probably not, but I've seen them do that at the bakery in Ponyville, and they're not shut down yet."
  357. >whoah
  358. >the water came to a boil way faster than you thought it would
  359. >this magic stove apparently gets way hotter than your lonely campfires on the road ever did
  360. "All right, pour that shit in."
  361. >with the spoon in your mouth, you don't say anything for a while
  362. >Flurry Heart doesn't say anything either
  363. >she's watching you stir the macaroni curiously
  364. >ah, man
  365. >the hot steam blowing into your face isn't great
  366. >but it sure does feel nice to be successfully doing something for yourself again
  367. >after the five minutes specified on the box, you reckon that lunch is done
  368. >better have Flurry get the strainer ready
  369. >you turn to point at the sink
  370. >too bad you forgot to take the spoon out of your mouth first
  371. >now your macaroni is all over the floor
  372. <"..."
  373. >you have bare bread-slices for lunch too
  375. >at the very least, there was no bullshit "time-out" after lunch
  376. >not that you could be contained anymore with that broken lock
  377. >but still, it's the thought that counts
  378. >or, maybe the lack of thought
  379. >the princess seemed sulky about something when she stalked off into the castle
  380. >whatever
  381. >you're gonna wander now
  382. >the courtyard gets boring pretty quick
  383. >who makes a garden out of lifeless crystals in the middle of a fucking crystal empire?
  384. >you could stare at the walls all day and see the same damn thing
  385. >the palace library library has a few interesting titles
  386. >too bad most of them are out of your reach
  387. "I'm gonna go sit on Candyass's throne."
  388. >you find the throne room
  389. >it's a great hall with three fancy thrones at the end
  390. >you're guessing the big one with the blue heart on it is Cadance's
  391. >oh yeah, you plop your ass down on it
  392. >you start making airy-fairy gestures with your hooves
  393. "Hi, my name is Princess That's Amore Pizza Lasagna Candyass, and I love everyone til I'm behind your back!"
  394. >hey wait a second
  395. >is there supposed to be a giant hole in the middle of the throne room?
  396. >and if so, is it supposed to have a winding staircase that descends into an ominous black abbyss?
  397. >also, should you explore it?
  399. >down
  400. >down
  401. >down the steps you go
  402. >the further you go, the darker it gets
  403. >and the darker it gets, the louder the voices get
  404. >no, not the voices in your head
  405. >all around, you can hear what sounds like dozens of voices speaking in frantic whispers
  406. >actually, you hope those voices are just in your head
  407. >heh
  408. >this feels like something Sombra would have enjoyed
  409. >Sombra was a good bro sometimes
  410. >too bad about that whole "going insane again and kidnapping a baby" thing
  411. >actually, that baby was Flurry Heart, wasn't it?
  412. >your hoof nearly slips on a rock and gives you a heart attack
  413. "Man, it sure is fucking dark down here."
  414. >as if on command, an eerie swirl of green and purple light emanates from no apparent source
  415. "Th-thanks."
  416. >down
  417. >down
  418. >down into the heart of darkness
  419. >finally, you attempt to step down another stair, but find only level ground
  420. "Fucking finally."
  422. >the space on the bottom is a small room with a little red door
  423. >some sort of warning sign has been bolted to the door
  424. >in the dim light, it takes a little effort to read what it says
  425. >"Fear Door. Opening this door will result in visions of one's own worst fears. Proceed with caution. Entry prohibited except for personnel with H-class clearance or higher."
  426. >uh
  427. >well you used to be pretty good friends with Twilight
  428. >that's gotta be at least H clearance
  429. >whatever the fuck H clearance means
  430. >with a little effort, you reach the doorknob
  431. >the door creaks open to a pitch-black abyss
  432. >and as you peer into the abyss...
  433. >so too does the abyss peer into you
  434. >and visions from a nightmare world overwhelm your senses
  435. >your carefree life of wandering has been brought to an end!
  436. >you've been transformed into a helpless little filly!
  437. >your bidalism!
  438. >your opposable thumbs!
  439. >oh, shit, does this make you a tranny?!
  440. >Twilight Sparkle has taken complete control of your life!
  441. >even kids are infantilizing you!
  442. "Wait a second, I'm already living this."
  443. >you throw the door shut
  444. "Dumb door."
  445. >hang on
  446. >the doorknob seems to have slid to the other side of the door
  447. >you reach up to open it again
  448. >this time the door opens to a wide space
  449. >in the center of the space is an ivory tower
  450. >a spiral staircase wraps around the tower's exterior
  452. >up
  453. >up
  454. >up the damn tower you go
  455. >trying real hard not to think about the long walk back to that throne room
  456. >wondering just what you're going to find at the top
  457. >wondering, more importantly, why so many damn stairs?
  458. >times like this, you really miss being a six-foot biped
  459. >each step becomes a chore in itself
  460. >you have to place both forehooves on each new step
  461. >and pull your hindquarters up with your whole upper body
  462. >your heart is thumping like a jackhammer in your throat by the time you reach the top
  463. >hang on
  464. >just
  465. >just catch your breath real quick
  466. >aw man
  467. >Twilight's gonna have to send a rescue party when she gets back
  468. >there's no way you're doing all that climbing all over again
  469. >you shake your head, and get up
  470. >a pointed arch covers the entrance to a room
  471. >stepping inside, you find that it's lined with bookshelves
  472. >the tomes on the shelves are dark and leather-bound
  473. >which is pretty edgy when you consider that cows can talk in this world
  474. >in the middle of the room...
  475. >Flurry Heart lies still on a couch
  476. >huh
  477. >this feels like an awfully ominous place to be finding a teenaged pink princess horse
  478. >stepping closer, you can see the slow rising and falling of her breast
  479. >she's fast asleep
  480. >tucked under her foreleg is a book
  481. >"Darkstar's Practical Guide to Cooking With Black Magic"
  482. >your eyebrows fly right off the top of your head
  483. >holy shit
  484. >you had no idea that this cooking thing was getting under Flurry's skin so bad
  485. >m-maybe you should wake her up?
  486. >or, uh, maybe...
  487. >oh, look, there's another door
  488. >better go explore what's beyond it
  489. >away from the moody alicorn with the black magic cookbook
  490. >on the other side of the door is the regular palace library
  491. >oh thank fuck, you don't have to climb those stairs again
  492. >carefully, so as not to disturb the sleeping princess, you shut the door behind you
  493. >and when you blink, the door is gone
  494. >well, maybe McFlurry's got the right idea anyhow
  495. >about the napping, not the black magic
  496. >after that walk, you're pretty tired
  497. >you head out of the library and toward your guest room
  499. <"Anon, wake up. Dinner is ready."
  500. >the Flurry Heart that's nudging you with her snout seems like a whole new pony
  501. "Mh... what?"
  502. >you sit up and rub your eyes
  503. "What?!"
  504. >for the first time all weekend, the princess of teen angst is actually smiling
  505. >she seems so excited about something that she hasn't noticed the destroyed lock on the door
  506. >once she sees that you're awake, she stands tall and grins down at you, her chest puffed out in pride
  507. <"Come on downstairs, Anon. Let's eat."
  508. >remembering "Darkstar's Practical Guide to Cooking With Black Magic" makes you panic
  509. >did she really turn to forbidden arts just to make dinner?
  510. >dare you disobey this ominous dinner bell?
  511. >you probably should
  512. "Okay."
  513. >but you don't
  514. >you're following the lanky princess pony to the dining hall
  515. >which would be hard enough with those stubby legs of yours
  516. >but when she's practically prancing down the stairs?
  517. >you cough
  518. "I, uh, saw you asleep with that book. The black magic cookbook."
  519. >well, you get your wish
  520. >Flurry gasps, and stops so suddenly that you smack into her leg
  521. <"You saw that?! Oh, no, please don't tell my mom. I didn't use it or anything, I swear!"
  522. "I won't, I promise. But if you didn't use the book, what did you do?"
  523. >your question puts the grin back on Flurry Heart's face
  524. >you walk along together at a slower pace as she explains
  525. <"Well, I started thinking to myself, how can I rule the Crystal Empire some day if I make some little filly do my cooking for me? I've gotta take control of my own destiny, you know?"
  526. <"I looked through, like, a million cookbooks to try and find a recipe I could do. And, uh, yeah, one of them was the one you saw."
  527. <"But literally none of them made any sense! I decided there was only one thing to do."
  528. >you've come to the great crystal doors of the palace dining hall
  529. "And what was that?"
  530. >Flurry smiles, and flings open the doors with het magic
  531. >on the table is laid out...
  532. >a pair of large pizzas in cardboard boxes
  533. <"Give up and order takeout!"
  535. >Twilight got done saving the world a little early
  536. >so she came by to pick you up first thing Sunday morning
  537. >Flurry invited "Auntie Twilight" to stay for tea and a chat
  538. >Twilight was more than happy to stay and chat with her "favorite niece"
  539. >even though Twilight ended up having to make the tea herself
  540. ^"That's a wonderful story, Flurry Heart! Do you feel like you learned anything?"
  541. >Flurry grins and sits a little straighter
  542. <"I learned that being an adult, and a princess, means taking care of myself. Sometimes, being a princess is going to mean facing tough situations, and I won't always be able to rely on servants or my parents."
  543. >Twilight beams
  544. ^"That's a wonderful lesson, Flurry Heart. You're absolutely right."
  545. >oh, geez
  546. >it's so sugary sweet you think your teeth are gonna fall out
  547. >you blow on your tea again before dipping your tongue into it
  548. >still too hot
  549. ^"Truth be told, Flurry Heart, I was hoping Anon could help you learn that. I don't have many friends as naturally independent as he is."
  550. >Flurry's eyebrow cocks at that
  551. <"He?"
  552. >Twilight chuckles awkwardly
  553. ^"It's a, um, funny story."
  554. >the younger princess is staring at you and blinking now
  555. <"Wait, so are you actually, like, really old and stuff?"
  556. "I'm not even 40! That's not that old!"
  557. >Twilight giggles
  558. ^"That reminds me, Anon. I was hoping you would learn something too."
  559. >learn something?
  560. >you scratch your chin in thought
  561. >oh, there is something you learned!
  562. "I finally figured it out! Watch this shit."
  563. >you pull the spoon out of your teacup, and hold it in your hoof triumphantly
  564. "Look at that! I don't even know how that works! Isn't it great?"
  565. >Twilight sighs
  566. ^"I'm happy for you, Anon. But that wasn't quite the lesson I hoped you would learn."
  567. >you shrug
  568. "Twilight, I was cooking beans over an open fire in the middle of Pineywood Swamp when your spell abducted me. Like you said, I already know a thing or two about self-reliance."
  569. ^"Well, that's why I was hoping you'd learn about relying on others."
  570. "Huh?"
  571. ^"As we approach middle-age, we're going to find that sometimes there are challenges we can't overcome on our own. Relying on others to a certain degree will not only help you win the day, but it will also forge the bonds of friendship between yourself and those around you!"
  572. >you eyeball the spoon in your hoof
  573. "Twilight, I can sort of see where you're coming from, but..."
  574. >Twilight yelps as the spoon from your hoof bounces off of her forehead
  575. "Fuck off."

Horse Confessions

by Writefag_Roulette

Anon Tried to Kill Himself

by Writefag_Roulette

Rubehog Day: Ruby Destination (/pone/ CYOA)

by Writefag_Roulette

The Skintrotter

by Writefag_Roulette

Legend of the Wandering Autist

by Writefag_Roulette