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Happy and Full

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:17:49
Expiry: Never

  1. >Heat had come to ponyville.
  2. >A fun time for most, but less so for the more prudish.
  3. >Twilight in particular had been hit hard.
  4. >Most of her time had been spent inside the treebrary, avoiding the town altogether.
  5. >The books had done a decent job keeping Twilight’s mind off the emptiness in her loins, though she had caught herself occasionally paging through some of the more riské books Rarity tends to check out.
  6. >With a huffy sigh, Twilight reshelved On Granite Pillars, her eyes lingering a bit too long at the chiseled stallion on the cover. She softly lay her chin back down on her desk.
  7. “I guess it was too much to hope that there would be at least a little bit of geology mixed in.”
  8. >Now stuck once again in a more salacious state of mind, Twilight vaguely recalled a passage she had read a few months ago.
  9. >She stood and flew over to her bedroom, Where she took out a small but worn book from her bed-side shelf.
  10. >Setting it down on her upstairs lectern, the princess flipped open Starswirl’s Compendium Vol. III, penned by Starswirl himself.
  11. >A burst of magic sent the pages flipping, and it stopped on a page she had read once and then forgotten. Until a few minutes ago. Now she read it again.
  13. “Happy and Full - As one can imagine, work such as mine is delicate and can afford little distraction. I’ve grown tired of my progress grinding to a halt every summer, and to that end I’ve devised this spell to ‘take the edge off’ mares seeking my company while in heat. All the incessant nagging about emptiness and a need to be filled, well, I’d like to see a mare complain about that after this takes effect. Pictured at left is the primary spell matrix. Once triggered, the subjected pony will be linked to a small sub-plane I’ve discovered. I can only speculate on the plane’s origin but as far as its properties, the phrase ‘eternal pleasure’ comes to mind. Or ‘great sopping mess’. Wouldn’t want to go there in pony, that much is sure. Pictured below is a secondary spell matrix, which can be used to close the portal before the spell runs its full course. Given the intens-”
  14. >The ink on the bottom half of the page was blurred and twisted, ruined with contact from liquid of some type by some careless reader centuries ago.
  15. >But the spell was whole, and Twilight was now as curious as she was aroused.
  16. “It can’t be too dangerous,” she mumbled to herself, “None of the mean stuff made it into the Compendiums.”
  17. >Her horn lit, and a matching aura settled around her abdomen for a few moments.
  18. >It started with a soft warmth, deep inside her.
  19. >Slowly she felt it pulse and grow, her very womb filling with a liquid heat.
  20. >Twilight backed away from the lectern, and gasped at the feeling. It was just what she wanted, what she needed.
  21. >For the first time since the heat had started, Twilight felt full. Whole.
  23. >Taking a seat on the floor, Twilight looked down at where the wonderful sensation was coming from.
  24. >To her surprise the very bottom of her midriff had grown a small paunch, protruding no more than an inch.
  25. >She placed both hooves on top of it, and felt the most wonderful heat radiating from inside her.
  26. >She also felt it push against her hooves. Her eyes widened and she gasped again as she realized she was growing from whatever the spell was putting inside her.
  27. >Eyes wide, Twilight watched and caressed her growing belly as it steadily inched outward.
  28. >Half a minute after casting the spell, the swelling alicorn began to feel a new sensation.
  29. >Her belly had grown to be a small pot-belly, and now her body was starting to resist the filling.
  30. >Twilight’s womb stretched, and it was sensational. The feeling alone sent a jagged twinge up her spine, her wings spasming involuntarily.
  31. >Soon something new began. With pressure mounting inside, the warmth sought to escape the only way it could.
  32. >As she sat twisting her marehood against the wooden floor, Twilight felt a brief but euphoric pain when the pressure overcame her cervix.
  33. >Globs of the thick warmth started to leak down from her womb, delivering a fresh new sensation to Twilight’s channel.
  35. >Still her belly rose, the meager leak venting far less than the magic was creating.
  36. >Her left hoof slowly traversed her growing mound as it made its way to her passage.
  37. >The Princess’s eyes closed as her head tilted back, reveling in the feeling of being drawn out so tightly.
  38. >When her hoof finished its journey, it found a primal wetness and a small but growing pool of the warmth.
  39. >For a brief time she stroked herself with two eyes closed and one eye winking.
  40. >Soon the swell of her middle pushed away her hoof and she could reach herself no more.
  41. >With her right hoof she continued to rub her belly, part of her reveling in the tightness.
  42. >The other part was overcome by curiosity.
  43. >Her left hoof drew in front of her face, where she could look at the mysterious warmth that had stuck to it.
  44. >It was white and viscous. It emanated a musky smell.
  45. >She drew it even closer and gave a long lick down the covered hoof. It was salty.
  46. >Twilight felt herself spasm below as her primeval subconscious recognized it.
  47. >Semen. She was being filled with semen. Judging by the beach-ball sized swell her womb had become, she had to have gallons inside her.
  49. >Unable to reach her marehood, Twilight stood and let instinct take over.
  50. >The pressure mounted as she grew, her body fighting back against growing so large.
  51. >The drip and globs flowing down her channel multiplied, causing a steady stream of gurgling cum to leak from behind her.
  52. >Twilight moaned and raised her tail, imagining a great stallion that looked suspiciously like Starswirl was the one filling her like this.
  53. >Her wings splayed out above, and her head tilted back as she embraced her first complete orgasm from the spellwork.
  54. >It lingered on and intensified for what felt like ages as the pressure grew.
  55. >Knees trembling from the force of the climax, Twilight was no longer able to carry the weight of her sizable overstuffed womb.
  56. >She crashed to the ground, landing right on her bloated tummy.
  57. >The sudden spike in pressure caused a spurt of cum to gush out from behind her, tickling her walls in the most unusual way.
  58. >It also caused her to squish and stretch sharply for a moment, the newfound tightness bringing her right back into another round of moaning bliss.
  59. >She panted heavily, resting for a moment on her stomach as it slowly spread apart her hips.
  60. >Still she grew, and with every inch outward, the pressure inward increased.
  61. >Twilight felt it pulling at her sides, stretching her out bigger and bigger in ways and places she never thought imaginable.
  63. >It wasn’t long before the gasping and shuddering mare felt something new.
  64. >Her rear legs, splayed out around her swell, had been hanging limply on the ground until moments ago.
  65. >Slowly, the bottoms of her hooves had left the ground behind. Her rear legs hung loosely around the growing belly
  66. >Concern didn’t even begin to cross Twilight’s mind, she was too lost in the sensations brought on by the spell.
  67. >The unbelievable heat filling her was unlike anything she’d ever experienced.
  68. >Minutes ticked by as Twilight lay on her enormously distended belly, inching ever outward, convulsing from time to time as spontaneous orgasms took her.
  69. >The semen flow from behind her had increased with the pressure, moving from a continuous trickle to an outright stream.
  70. >It was still not enough. For every ounce expelled, a half dozen or more were created.
  71. >Slowly and gently, the trembling mare’s front hooves lifted off the ground, her only support becoming her mammoth belly.
  72. >Her eyes rolled back and tongue lolled out as she was lost in another shuddering climax.
  73. >Across Twilight’s sides, her hide was drawn taut. Squeezing as much as mortally possible against the unearthly load of fluids.
  74. >Twilight had become so large that her fur started to become shear, unable to fully cover her massive form.
  75. >Through the purple filter around her middle, a soft red tinge could be seen blooming by her belly button.
  76. >For the eleventh time since the ordeal started the Princess of friendship spasmed uncontrollably.
  77. >The only words she could still lucidly scream were “more,” “please,” and “yes,” all interspersed with ecstatic and inarticulate screams and throaty groans.
  78. >And screamed they were.
  80. >Still she grew.
  81. >Twilight writhed and wriggled on top of her massively swollen stomach.
  82. >Her belly had grown easily as wide around as she was tall.
  83. >From her rear the stream of cum had risen to match a garden hose, expelled with so much force that it arced out of her before hitting the ground with a continuous splatter.
  84. >Screaming and gurgling incoherently with ecstasy, Twilight’s growth started to slow. The spell however did not.
  85. >The internal compression intensified as the alicorn started to reach the end of her elasticity, the tightening sensation rocketing through her and escalating her ongoing pleasure.
  86. >Behind, the arc of semen rose in angle, gaining more and more distance in a testament to her internal forces.
  87. >Her middle creaked like an overfilled tire, it’s groaning voice joining the chorus of the cum-fountain and Twilight’s screams.
  88. >Still lost in the throes of ecstasy, Twilight had no means to pay it mind.
  89. >Through her thinned fur, the red tint deepened, spreading wide across her thinning skin.
  90. >All she could do was squirm, twitch her limbs and wings, and gurgle.
  91. >Dark red lines blossomed from her navel, reaching across her globular body. Groans and creaks sounded from them like tremors from a fault-line.
  92. >Twilight’s piercing scream rang out again, completely overcome with the sharp but carnal pain of being filled to the absolute limit.
  93. >Abruptly, the growth halted. The Happy and Full spell had run its full course.
  94. >Mounted above her behemoth of a belly, and under far too much pressure, the purple mare didn’t notice.
  95. >She twitched and spasmed, overwhelmed completely by feelings of complete fullness. The only sound coming from her mouth was from jagged unmeasured breaths.
  96. >Her wings flapped off-kilter, occasionally thudding dully against the drum-like skin of her expanse.
  97. >Exhausted and unable to function from the pleasure, Twilight finally passed out wearing a smile that can only be gained from pure satisfaction.
  99. >The unconscious form of Twilight Sparkle rested atop her belly, draped unmoving over it like it was nothing more than a massive balloon from one of Pinkie’s parties.
  100. >Behind her the cum continued to pour out, slowly shrinking and soothing her angrily red hide.
  101. >The groans faded and quieted, until they couldn’t be heard over the spattering of cum spilling from her.
  102. >Inch by inch she shrank, her body weight and elasticity expelling the summoned semen much slower than it had flowed into her.
  103. >For hours she slept blissfully on her shrinking belly, until her hooves finally clopped down to the floor.
  104. >The unpleasant wet and cold sensation on her hooves roused her from her sleep.
  105. “Gross, what is… Oh. Right. That.”
  106. >The memories vividly returned to Twilight as she looked around, amazed at the mess she had made.
  107. >Cum coated the floor nearly an inch deep, a light trickle feeding the pool from her marehood.
  108. >Near the stairs a cascade of spunk formed a slow sluiceway, spilling down into the library proper.
  109. >Twilight’s eyes drew down to her bloated womb, which still hung so heavy as to reach the ground.
  110. >Tinges of pressure remained but after being stretched so vigorously, it felt like nothing more than a faded echo of pleasure.
  111. >Her flanks, legs, and belly were absolutely covered in the mess surrounding her.
  112. “Okay. First thing’s first.”
  113. >Twilight’s horn lit, and so did her belly. She squeezed.
  114. >Her breath rapidly escaped her as she compressed herself, pushing hard enough to send the remaining cum flowing out from behind her.
  115. >The compression brought back the same feelings as before, and before she knew it Twilight had doubled down with her telekinesis.
  116. >Her belly shrank rapidly, geysering out the conjured semen in spurts and surges. Each push returning that feeling of fullness.
  117. >Minutes later she had removed most of it, leaving a only small paunch hanging below.
  119. >On unsteady legs she walked to her washroom. Right now a bath was all she desired in the world.
  120. >Slipping into the warm water Twilight had only one thought.
  121. “I have to show the girls.”
  122. >Spike mopishly walked through Ponyville.
  123. >He had planned all year for today, only to have it come tumbling down around him.
  124. >Surely with Rarity in the throes of heat he could finally claim her.
  125. >But no. A year of reading those poorly written novels and practicing their lines had been for nothing.
  126. >In the end all he had done was make a fool of himself in front of Rarity.
  127. >As the dragon walked back home he silently cursed whatever craven gods seemed to set the world against him.
  128. >He could accept a few misspoken one liners and the broken window as a coincidence, but the flaming goat… No one has luck like that.
  129. >Sighing and pulling open the door to the library, Spike stood stock still when he saw the wreck his home had become.
  130. “Twilight,” Spike called out evenly, “I’m not cleaning this.”
  131. >The door swung shut.
  132. >The crusader’s clubhouse sounds like a good place to stay tonight.

Happy and Full

by Splorch_bucket

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