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A Slice of Blueberry Cake

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:21:36
Expiry: Never

  1. >The daily special had sold well, running out well before the lunch rush had ended.
  2. >Some even came back to the counter for seconds.
  3. >You were going to have to make those muffins again, maybe even make them a regular item.
  4. >Pinkie was definitely getting a bonus for this recipe.
  5. >Was. Probably not any more.
  6. >You'd never had a blueberry muffin come out of the oven and still be so juicy, the heat usually dried the berries halfway into raisins.
  7. >You couldn't help yourself from eating one fresh out of the oven, despite your old creed of never eating the sale-goods.
  8. >The berries had popped in your teeth, splashing warm syrupy flavor all over your tongue.
  9. >It seemed worth it at the time, but now you're starting to have your doubts.
  10. >You'd been walking home after close, when you're stomach started to grumble.
  11. >You've gotten a little rounder since then.
  12. >Or maybe a lot rounder.
  13. >All you know is you can't move, and half your vision is covered by your massive blue breasts.
  14. >Soon you see Rarity turn the corner and run past, just as blue as yourself, with a growing dark stain at her groin.
  15. >Judging by her new wobbling belly and ass, she's going do be doing a lot less running soon.
  16. >She bumps you, rolling you back and letting you get a look behind you for the first time.
  17. >It turns out you weren’t alone in the street after all.
  18. >That poor mute girl — Vinyl, you think — wasn’t too far away.
  19. >Or at least you think its her, it’s hard to tell. The only thing you recognize are the headphones and glasses.
  20. >You recall with no small shock that she had come back for thirds of the gooey treat, one of a handful to do so.
  21. >The hapless girl is absolutely massive.
  22. >Thick trails of juice run out of her nipples and from her nethers, pooling around the girl.
  23. >Even her belly button is seeping juice, painting a long and glistening trail down her middle.
  24. >Through the blue staining you can make out the faintest hint of a blush on her face.
  25. >Between her swollen cheeks you can see her lip rolling in her teeth, trails of juice leaking from the corners of her lustful smile.
  26. >You watch as she wobbles back and forth rhythmically, sloshing herself around from within.
  27. >At least the girl seems to be… enjoying the situation.
  28. >You’re worried for her, though. You stopped growing a while ago, but the more you watch her slosh the more you’re convinced she’s still swelling.
  29. >You know the trails of juice are thickening, that much is sure.
  30. >How much juice could she possibly hold before she…
  31. >Help had better arrive soon for the poor dearie.
  32. >You can’t help but think of the other girls who ate three; Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo, and Sunset Shimmer.
  33. >Hopefully they’re alright.
  34. >A sudden gasped shock leaves your juicy lips as you recall something dreadful.
  35. >Principal Celestia liked he muffin so much she bought a bakers dozen to split with Vice-Principal Luna.
  36. >With how tasty they were you have no doubt the whole box is long gone.
  37. >Your eyes drift back to the terribly bloated girl in front of you.
  38. >She’s still… rocking… on herself, but now each squish and slosh brings a gush of juice pulsing out of her from everywhere she’s leaking.
  39. >Help better get here soon.

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